Is it possible to work nanny. How I worked for a nanny in a difficult family and what came of it. We conclude an employment contract

I invigims the nanny to your house, you need to understand exactly what you are waiting for it. After all, someone else's woman, conducting a lot of time with the baby, has a great influence on him. And although each family has their own educational traditions, we picked up a few general rules for home personnel. They will help to avoid conflicts with a nurse, if you discuss them at the very beginning of dating.

Memo for nanny

To achieve from the assistant to fulfill the recommendations, specify your wishes in writing. Take the landscape sheet and divide it into two columns. In the first to write its immediate duties, and in the second - which is unacceptable in communicating with the child and parents. In advance, introduce the future employee with the powers and restrictions. But remember: the conversation should be a dialogue, not a boring lecture. Discuss all questions, even the most, at first glance, minor. Listen to possible objections and try to come to a common denominator.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

What do we have to do?

  1. Children need fresh air, so walking with the child every day, even in winter. Walk in strictly agreed places, go according to pre-agreed routes. When moving across the road, take it by the hand.
  2. If the baby sleeps while walking, just sit on the bench, by placing a stroller next to me. When he wakes up, tell about the world around the world - dogs, birds, cars. Older kids need to move, climb the ladders, roll from the slide.
  3. Take a free minute for developing exercises and toys, excluding the viewing of television gears from the educational process and, moreover, computer games.
  4. Refuse to eat cigarettes. If it does not work, put it on a meeting with children that clothes that does not smell tobacco.
  5. Try hot food before feeding the child. Specifying the parents permitted and prohibited products, clearly observe the children's diet. Avoid buying sweets and ice cream.
  6. In a personal example, instill in pupils love for good maneres, order and accuracy. Track your hand cleaning (your and children), shoes, clothes, strollers, bicycle.
  7. Criticize exclusively actions, not the child himself. In communicating with him, be patient, sequence and confidence. Limit only the actions that are dangerous to his health, simply explaining the cause of the danger.
  8. Remember where the first-aid kit is to be able to provide emergency to the child. If he fell ill, then call the doctor and contact your parents.
  9. Open the doors to familiar people, and best - only mom, dad, grandparents. You are in touch: Answer phone calls, call themselves in case of an emergency.
  10. Talk on the usual, understandable language, avoiding Sysyukanya, invented, rough and slang words. Call it by name, not a homemade nickname.

What can not be done?

  1. Do not shout on children, even if they are capricious. Want to be heard? Come to the child, go down to the level of his eye, smile and pay attention.
  2. Never punish physically - slaps, poduters and fellows are excluded. Specify which disciplinary measures are applied in the family.
  3. Do not share the details of the personal life of employers, do not discuss the level of their well-being, do not give advice or assess their behavior. Do not invite your friends and relatives to the apartment.
  4. Do not solve your problems during working hours: do not go shopping while walking, do not speak long on the cell phone. Or honestly talk to the "bosses" if you need a little time for some reason.
  5. Do not use negative epithets in relation to households. Even veiled: "Granny does not feed, transparent from hunger became. I'll feed you myself ", "Again my sister offended, let me like you", "It was so wonderful having fun, and mommy came and spoiled".
  6. Do not let kiss in the kitchen to the stove and electrical instruments. Be sure to place a frying pan and pan on the far burner. Do not cook food, holding a baby in hand.
  7. Do not promote your political or religious views (about God and God's kara) - do not forget the saying about a stranger monastery. Do not talk with preschoolers about death and sex. Do not speak the girl that men prefer beauties.
  8. Do not show initiatives to use the Early Development Methods and the latest hardening systems or massage. Perform stipulated procedures, approved games and classes.
  9. Do not make the ward sharing toys in the sandbox. He can dispose of his own things on his own, just offer him to play with other kids together.

So, the nanny is largely affected by what your child will grow. Encourage it to follow the rules described above by adding those that concern your households. Once a month spend the "brainstorming" to discuss any questions on child care, educational moments. If necessary, make changes and, accordingly, establish new principles.

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  • Girlfriend in the role of Nanny: "For" and "against" -

It is important to understand that in a psychological plan this activity is significantly different from the work of the educator in the preschool institution, the teacher at school and other work with children in a public or private organization.

What is the psychological features of the family work? Are you ready for them? Whatever your previous experience in raising children, becoming a nanny teacher, you may encounter unknown experiences.

Present your document

Employment to a serious organization or a decent family begins with the verification of documents and the information provided:

  • Employers will ask for your passport, They will rewrite all its data or make photocopies of pages. The reason for this is primarily in care of the safety of children, and not in distrust to you personally. In order to avoid psychological discomfort at both parties, we advise you at the very first meeting to offer your passport. Such a goodwill gesture will increase the confidence of the future employer to you.
  • Documents on education, labor book and recommendationscan be subject to careful checking from the employer. Sometimes, in the labor market there are nanny with fake recommendations. It is not necessary to think that you are initially considered a cheater, just such "rules of the game". If earlier than six months have passed since the end of the work of the nanny, be sure to warn your former lifetime about a possible call, and at the same time check its accessibility on the phone and the desire to recommend you.
  • The health status provided by you ( help from the therapist, analyzing results, medical book) It may be subject to careful checking from the employer. You may be prompted to re-examine the examination in the medical institution, which is trusted by your employer. The family pays for your expenses for medical procedures and analyzes.

Psychological aspects

Working in the family, you will have to face the fact that when there are disagreements related to the performance of official duties, will complain to no one. You will have one boss - the employer. For the same reason, it is often useless to complain to an unfair or incorrect attitude from family members. To be able to provide a normal dialogue with employers, we recommend to register rights and obligations when concluding a contract with the employer.

  • Sometimes families are installed in the house of video surveillance cameras. The employers can inform you about the fact of the installation of the cameras or about the intention to do this, and may not be reported. Sometimes such a statement serves as a kind of test - the employer has enough of your consent to work under the camcorder, and in reality, the equipment does not put.
  • In some families, you can encounter a rather dismissive attitude from the employer. If you used to work in educational institutions, where a respectful attitude towards employees was adopted, the fact of the top-down relationship could be a serious psychological problem. There are often cases when it is the high professionalism that becomes a key to the fact that the attitude "as a servant" disappears.
  • Even nanny is a professional in raising children, proud of the profile pedagogical university, sometimes forced to listen to the teachings and respond to novice mom's comments. If psychological frictions go too far, the best way out will be the search for another family, in which your child care experience will be appreciated.
  • An unpleasant may be a possible unfair suspicion or accusation. A decent person is difficult to accept the fact that it can be suspected in a disappearance of any thing (which is soon located!). Therefore, such conflicts are often the reason for the failure of the nanny to continue working in the family, despite the subsequent apologies to the employer. It should be understood that you are someone else's person for employers, and the distrust on their part is inevitable, in any case, at the initial stage of work.
  • A child with whom you have to work may be too spoiled or will behave like a small "barin", copying the ratio of parents to you, as a servant. A lot of excerpt will be required to change such a state of affairs. To complain to the parents of the child in most such cases meaningless.
  • During work, you may encounter contradictory requirements and instructions received from different family members, for example, a young mother and grandmother or mother and father's father. For example, one of them will insist that the child is "not to run" the child, the other, on the contrary, will blame you in the fact that the child is too easily dressed.

Council from the

Agreeing to work in the family, pay attention to the coincidence of your own views on the upbringing of children and the point of view of the employers. It will be much easier to work if the key aspects of education do not arise fundamental disagreements. The unity of views is critical in the sphere of moral and moral education and attitudes towards religion. Be sure to discuss these questions on a personal interview.

The work of nanny in the family involves interaction not only with the child, but also with his family. Communication may not always be pleasant, so you need to be ready for any stressful situations. However, suffering, experiencing psychological pressure, should not be. In the nanny services need a huge number of families, among which you will definitely find the one where you will be comfortable to work in all respects.

Tatyana Nikitin

To make a nurse without experience - the task is not easy. After all, modern parents are very demanding of the person who they trust the most expensive - their baby. They want nanny to just care for the child during the day, but also taught it the basics of etiquette, competent speech and foreign languages, and also knew the features of baby food and the main symptoms of colds. How to get a nanny without experience? What helps to increase the chances of finding a job Nyan-novice? Where to look for and what nuances consider?

Ideal nanny - what kind of parents see it

Knows how to interest and arrange the baby at the first meeting. This is a good signal for parents - a child, at least, will not be bored.

Has a secondary special or higher pedagogical education. So, he knows how to behave with children. Additional arguments in favor of nanny without experience - knowledge of one or more foreign languages, as well as developing techniques, the ability to play musical instruments.

Has medical education. So, it will be able to provide first help to the child in the critical situation.

Appearance and age. From the point of view of many parents, an ideal even without a nanny experience this is a woman of 35-50 years old, calm, gently dressed, without causing makeup and a bright manicure. It is desirable that she had their own children. Also, many employers do not take women with overweight. After all, children of any age for full-fledged physical development you need a lot to walk in the fresh air and play moving games. Full nanny will run hard and jump and jump along with the child.

9 unwritten rules that nanny nanny should remember

  1. Interview.During the interview, the potential nanny-novice should behave naturally, not to replay, provide only the information that corresponds to reality.
  2. Contact with a child. If the nanny could not find an approach to the kid at the first meeting and arrange it to himself, then the likelihood that she could not do it later, close to 100%. In such a situation, it is better to look for another family.
  3. Injointness. All nuances concerning work and payment should be discussed immediately. This will help to avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Nanny - no parents girlfriend. Even if warm relationships have developed between the nanny and parents, you should not climb into their lives with advice. Good it does not end.
  5. Too strong desire to help. You do not need to rush to the mother of the baby, one of the sofa, with a cup of tea. The duty of nanny is to look at the child.
  6. Nanny - "Second Mom" \u200b\u200bfor a child, only when parents are not at home. Nanny can not scold or sorry the baby, if there is a number of his dad and mom.
  7. The desire to take over additional duties. Often, nanny without work experience, in addition to the care of a child, trying to additionally wash, stroke, wash the floors. Such initiatives employer pays extremely rarely. Moreover, parents might think that so nanny hints at raising the salary.
  8. "2 in 1". Before you take over the duties of nanny and, for example, a cook, you need to soberly assess your strength. For poor quality work dismissed.
  9. "Black List" Nyan. There are special Internet resources with "black lists" nanny. You can get into them for various reasons - for an untidy appearance, for the negligent fulfillment of your duties, ignoring the wishes of the parents. If the nanny falls into such a list, it means the end of the career.

Work of nanny without experience and education - where to look

Familiar, friends, relatives. If the nurse needs work, you can contact your friends or acquaintances. Many parents prefer the person who knows well in their absence near the child.

Recruitment agencies. If a potential nanny has no experience, then in the agency it will be offered to undergo special courses (at its own expense) to increase the chances of employment. At the end of such courses, a certificate is issued.

Also, solid agencies, before rendering a nanny to their database, spend special testing for readiness to work with it: how it will behave in various non-standard situations that can offer a child, etc. - Total about 100 questions.

When looking for a job of a nanny without work experience, almost all serious agencies advise to conclude an employment contract with parents. This will help you to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, since the contract is clearly prescribed by the schedule and working conditions, the presence / lack of sick leave, the list of responsibilities, the size of the salary.

Some agencies take the nanny for promoting employment up to 50% of the first salary amount. Also before starting work in the family, the nanny will be asked to take a medical examination at his own expense and pass tests.

the Internet. In the section "Services" on anywebsite ads You can place the appropriate offer. The application should indicate true information about yourself, as well as the desired age of the child, the salary and mode of operation. If there is no experience at all, it is better to try first

Nanny - teacher for the girl 3 years with accommodation. Watch: 30 days after 30 days (by agreement). Contract at least 1.5 / 2 years. Nanny is required - the teacher towards the girl (3 years) - loving children, educated, intelligent (in priority - pedagogical education, but is not determining) round-the-clock accommodation with the child (girl) in the same room in Moskwe. Watch from 30 days after 30 days (by agreement on terms between babysitters and parents), for a period of at least 1.5-20 years (it is possible to sign a contract (after the first watch) with guarantees for both parties (conditions are negotiated)). In the case of successful working with the child (after the end of the specified period (up to 2 years), Nanny has the prospect of further prolongation of the contract for another 2-3 years, the watch suggests around the clock work without days off. In agreement with the rest. Wages from 55,000 rubles in Month. Money is paid at the end of the watch. The 1st Watch (work with the girl) is a test. At the end of the watch (depending on the results shown in relation to the child and to work) when signing the contract as a nanny teacher: the applicant may receive an offer to work as a nanny with a girl for up to 2 years (knowledge of the English language and the availability of driver's license - are welcome, but are not determining) the amount of money remuneration for each watch from 55.000 rubles per month with a possible increase in the amount of monetary content after 1 year continuous Works as a nanny teacher) The first watch for 30 days: from November 10, 2019. In the future, the continued Wacht 30 days (or more per mutual agreement between babysitters and parents). In October - November 2019, 1-2 test part-time days with accommodation are possible. We hope to raise and educate children together with a nanny with the following qualities: a decent, responsible, neat, clean (in all respects), cheerful, educated, educated (with competently Ratchd in Russian, preferably with knowledge of English). Good, loving children, ready to deal with the child on the proposed Early Development Methods (not a burdeless child), ready to offer his skills, knowledge and skills in the education of the child. Not lazy, not mercantile, not stubborn, non-conflict, carrying responsibility for his words, actions and actions and aware of the role in the process of raising a child. Tactical, honest, educated, who knows the basics of medical care, who follows his health, is not negligent suitable for issues of hygiene, recovery and care for the child. Loving his work, ready to spend a day in harmonious relationships with a small child. Immersed in the process of comprehensive development of a child by calling (with soul), able to structure and systematize their work with a child, able to learn and improve in their work and listen to the opinion of the parents of the child. Ready to work under observation cameras (discussed separately). It is desirable with pedagogical (psychological) education, with experience with the kids and preschoolers. The duties of nanny (except for the organization of the education process) include: the fulfillment of parental functions in their absence - ensuring the full security of the child, both indoors and on the street (road transitions in strictly defined places, controlled games in playgrounds, behavior in public areas use, etc.). Nanny is obliged to continually be near the child (not distracted by personal affairs) in the period of interaction with the child, cooking food. Child feeding and compliance with the power of the child's nutrition (including proper cooking) washing children's dishes Washing, ironing baby swimming a child walk, accompaniment, control and participation in the actions of the child development by age (including on the proposed agreed development techniques ) Games and entertainment (including across the agreed areas of development, upbringing and learning) Preparing for the kindergarten (to school) Controls for educational assignments / lessons Educational classes on a special (proposed and coordinated) system of education and education observance of the day of the day Cleaning a children's room , cleaning the apartment (dr. Rooms for the life of the child), household premises (discussed) - ensuring confidentiality in matters related to the life of the family of residence, parents and directly the child one-time assignments (stipulate and coordinate separately) continuous monitoring of the health of the child and its safety (in visit E Polyclinics, reception of drugs, etc. ... + constant presence next to the child) - Other (stipulated additionally). Nanny nutrition 3-time (or more) due to the employer. The nanny is responsible for cooking and for the order of reception of food by a child. Products for baby food are purchased at the expense of parents since September 2019. The child is studying English in a game form. Knowledge of English Nsenia is welcome (from the school program and above), but is not determining. It is possible to consider the candidacy of the applicant who having a school program and a tendency (desire) to study, improving their knowledge with the child. From June to September (annually) it is planned to leave abroad (at sea) with a total duration of up to 4 months and watch: 45/45 or 60/60 days (by agreement) in the absence of a Schengen (or other) visa in nanny conditions, The order of its design and receipt is negotiated between the parties in addition. The candidates consider the decent citizens of the Russian Federation (CIS countries), which correspond to the above described criteria and competently speaking Russian, aged 22-55 years. Preference is given to applicants not burdened family problems and ready to work around the clock a long time for a long time, without days off. The intercession on the watch provides for medical analyzes (their list will be stipulated with their parents additionally, orally). The same conditions concern the tests 1 or 2 days before the invitation on the watch). Applicants considering the work of nanny by the Watch method less than 1.5-2 years (for one reason or another), please do not disturb (see the text above). We guarantee attitude to Nyan, not only as an employee, but as a close person, a friend and family member. You will be psychologically comfortable with us and with a child (healthy, not capricious, trained, educated, developed, managed, accustomed to the routine of the day, cheerful girl). We are looking for a like-minded person - our nanny for a child and a reliable transportation for our actual nanny. Good luck to you!

Working with children is always complex and responsible. It can bring both joy and pleasure and tears. Therefore, the first thing to decide - really you want to work a nanny or you need temporary work. And if you are hard in your decision - forward, you can even become a nanny, without experience and special skills.

How to prepare

A woman trusts Nyan the most valuable thing that she has - children. Therefore, the requirements for representatives of the profession are incredibly high. But you should not be upset in advance, because you have the opportunity to prepare.

Do not rush to carry a summary or advertise. First examine the requirements of employers. Make it easy - read the ads "Nanny Required", try to put yourself in a family room inviting the educator. You can call any recruitment agency and directly ask questions about requirements. Then begin to prepare.

Commitable to getting. It is not even discussed, this document is the most important and important. In the future, you must regularly pass commissions and take tests. And here you should not be sick and contact the Deltsy, offering for a small fee ready and completed medical book. An experienced recruiter at the Agency immediately recognizes the trick, and you can get into the unpleasant situation.

The main requirement for the nurse in all cities and regions is the presence of a diploma about the profile, pedagogical education. Do not worry if you do not have it. It is better to look for courses or think about admission. In major cities where there is a large labor market for home personnel, such courses are carried out by the agencies themselves.

Sign up for first aid courses in emergency situations. They are inexpensive, no more than a few weeks continue, and the skills give valuable. Together with the diploma, you will get another strong argument for the employer and will be ready for the most difficult situations.

Summary or Profile

Make a literate, exquisite. Be sure to write about knowledge of languages, hobbies, education and experience. Closer to the beginning of the text, specify why you decided to become a nanny. Customers want to know about their staff all, so do not skimp on information. Specify your zodiac sign, the type of temperament, character and everything else, which can characterize you as a person and a teacher. The more information will be, the better. The only thing you need to be careful are account data on social networks. It is better not to indicate them.

Be sure to attach a photo to a resume. It is almost impossible to find a nanny job. Although thousands of questionnaires are placed on profile sites without photos or with fuzzy pictures, they do not have success. First of all, the customer wants to see the candidate, and only then begins to study his questionnaire. In no case do not use the first one's photo. Be sure to take a picture in the photoabeel. It is better to be photographed in full growth, but so that you can look at the face well.

The presence of a recommendation letter, which indicates the coordinates of the recommending, this is a prerequisite. It does not matter if before you did not have to work nanny. Remember, maybe you helped relatives or acquaintances with children? Let them write to you, but only from ourselves, and not under your dictation.

In a letter, a telephone must be specified in which you can call and talk to the recommender. If the letter was made, and not he, it immediately turns out.

Remember, the main task of the recommendation letter is not to praise you as a specialist. It is necessary in order to dispel the worst concerns of the customer. To show that other people have already left their child with you and nothing bad happened.

In extreme cases, let your mom write a recommendation letter. Only the truth, everything is as is - that you are normal, an adequate child who can be trusted. Even with a letter from his own mother easier to find a job than at all without recommendations.

When choosing a nanny, people show the extreme degree of conservatism. Even the most emancipated woman, say, the soloist of the metal cruise group, leading a very active lifestyle, wants a nanny for his child, similar to Mary Poppins.

The perfect nanny portrait looks like this:

  1. Age - not under 35, but not older than 50
  2. Hair Color - Dark, Hair Length Middle, Hairstyle Not Cause
  3. Figure - average. Preferably no excess weight, but too sporting do not complain
  4. Glasses - necessarily, but in no case are not dark
  5. Clothing is modest, but not too strictly. Better trousers than skirt but not tight

Try to at least get closer to this abstract portrait, thereby you will increase your chances to get a job of a nanny.

Where to turn

Well, you have passed the preparation, made everything you need and now feel confident. We start searching for work.

Relatives and acquaintances

Yes, first of all you need to go through relatives, friends and acquaintances. There is nothing crazy about it. Even if you do not earn big money or work a little for free, you will have two major things - experience and recommendations.


It is easier and faster to find nannies vacancies through a profile agency. Such firms are in every major city. Contact your profile, leave your photos and personal data. If your city has no recruitment agencies, contact a recruiting company.

the Internet

In our age of information technology, the largest agencies have already passed on the Internet. You can easily find huge sites with thousands of vacancies and resumes. Let you do not confuse a large number of applicants. Customers, in most cases, are looking for a nanny only in those places where they have a huge selection. One of the most important factors is the place of residence.

Nanny per hour

If you are novice - in no case, do not refuse the provisions of temporary work. You need to get experience and recommendations. Therefore, agree to replace the bastard constant or sit with the child once, on weekends.

What not to do

In no case are not looking for work on social networks or on sites that publish ads of various topics. There is too high the risk to induce the fraudster or get into the unpleasant situation. No normal family will trust your child to a person found on an unknown site.

Do not be able to work that you are not under power. For example, if you need to sit with the baby, and you have no experience with the smallest. The worst for nanny is to get to the "black list".

Do not confuse the profession of nanny and maid or chef. Such work, as a rule, is offered extremely miser people. They want to get a universal domestic servant for little money. It is unlikely that you are looking for.

Be persistent

In no case do not despair if you refuse you at first interviews. Show patience and perseverance. There is a very large deficit of educators on the labor market. You will definitely get a job and find a family with which you have good, business relationships.


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