Presentation “Little friends of nature. Synopsis of the environmental event “We are friends of nature Presentation we are friends of nature for children

Denisenko Zhanna NikolaevnaMBOU secondary school No. 21, ShakhtyTeacher primary school

Environmental event

"We are friends of nature"

Target: the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature.


    to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inextricable connection between man and nature, to form knowledge about the norms of correct behavior in nature;

2. development of environmental education of students;

3. to cultivate love for wildlife, respect for all living beings and a sense of responsibility for one's behavior in nature.

Registration: multimedia projector, presentation, video, pictures

Event progress

Teacher:- Guys, look at each other, smile, give each other smiles. - Look back, greet our guests with a smile.
Now guess the riddles and then I think you will understand what will be discussed today. 1) They often ask me, they wait, but as soon as I appear, they start hiding. What is it? (rain) 2) Well, which of you will answer: not fire, but it burns painfully, and not a baker, but bakes? (sun) (Slide) 3) There are miracles on the planet:
Oceans and forests
There is oxygen in the atmosphere
People and animals breathe it. (planet Earth) Teacher: Guys, what's all this? Students:- Nature. Teacher: Yes, it's nature
Teacher: Today we have gathered for an environmental lesson called "We are friends of nature." We will try to find out and answer the question: "Why should a woman love and protect nature." 2013 has been declared the Year of the Environment. What is ecology? The All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature operates in Russia. Every child who is not indifferent to the fate of his native land can take part in its work. Adults have completely forgotten that nature is their mother. You children must remind them to think about her. Everyone naturally needs something. Only nature itself, it turns out, is of no use to anyone. And she, where slowly, where a little faster, dies Student: I look at the globe - the globe of the earth. And suddenly he sighed, as if alive. And the continents whisper to me: “You take care of us, take care.” Groves and forests are in alarm. Dew on the grasses, like a tear. take care of us." The deer stopped his run: "Be a Man, man." We believe in you, don't lie, "You take care of us, take care."
Teacher: The planet Earth on which we live is huge and beautiful!

But she is in danger. It has many sore spots. This happened because people built many enterprises that pollute the air with their smoke, gas; waste is poured into rivers, seas and pollutes them; oil from tankers during accidents spills into the waters of the seas and oceans. This is how our Earth is polluted. This pollution kills animals, plants, people get sick. Nature is dying. To help her, one must learn to love nature, love it from childhood, learn to understand how all living beings live. Each person can help nature, help with his actions, his slaughter, his kindness.

We live on Earth. She is our big home. But we must not forget that we are not alone on Earth: plants and animals live here with us. Astronauts say the Earth is blue from space. And it directly depends on each of us that it remains as beautiful as the astronauts see it: that it has blue lakes, not dirty puddles; green forests and beautiful meadows, not mountains of rubbish. So that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we can say: “Good afternoon!” It is very important to take care of our common home - the Earth and everyone who lives on it.

Watching the video for the motive "In the world of animals"

1st reader Let's be friends with each other, Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow, Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rain, How the sun is friends with all of us. 2nd reader Let's strive to be loved by both the beast and the bird And trust us everywhere. As our most faithful friends 3rd reader Let's take care of the planet. There is nothing like it in the entire Universe, There is only one in the entire Universe. What will she do without us?

Teacher Today we will travel along the path of nature. We will visit such stations as: "Forest", "Flower", "Feathers", "Mushroom", "Ears, paws and tails",

The first station is "Forest".

We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear rivers slow speech ...

All this is called nature.

Let's always take care of it!

Teacher A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature, Mikhail Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Competition "Name a proverb about nature protection."
Who knows how to be kind - he will not destroy nature. The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect it. Walk through the forest - look under your feet. A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, but if there is no forest - plant. Love the forest, love nature, you will forever sweet to the people. Protect birds, animals - never offend. Forest - wealth and beauty, take care of your forests. Trees - decorations of the earth. The price of a tree is according to its fruits, and to a person - according to labor.

Teacher When we talk about our Motherland, we cannot imagine it without shady oak forests, light birch groves, majestic forests of Siberia. What is the meaning of the forest?
Students The forest is our wealth! The forest is the green dress of our Earth! Where there is a forest, there is always clean air! The forest is a home for animals and birds! The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps a person to grow a good harvest. The forest is pantry, generously giving its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms. Presentation "LES"
Scene "Savage in the forest"(Crying ants appear) Leading: What happened, ants? 1st ant: An evil boy offended us. 2nd ant: He crushed our paws. 3rd ant: The anthill was ruined. A crying butterfly appears. Leading: Butterfly is beautiful, What happened in the forest? Tell me, what grief happened to you? Butterfly: An evil boy caught me, broke my wing. I can’t fly now. How can I not grieve. Leading: What is the name of the evil boy who offended you? Ants: Egor! Leading: Where can I find it? 1st ant: He is lying under a bush, listening to music. There is a boy under the bush, next to him is a tape recorder, plucked flowers and garbage are around. Leading: Come here Yegor, It will be a serious conversation. You have done a lot of trouble: You ruined the anthill. You picked flowers in the clearing, You broke the bushes in the forest, You broke the wing of the butterfly. Ants, butterflies(together): Get out of our forest! Egor: Don't chase me! I don't know how to behave properly in the forest. Leading: Guys, let's teach Yegor the rules of behavior in the forest.
Children line up in a semicircle. In their hands they have drawings with a graphic designation of the rules of conduct in the forest. The children take turns calling the rules and explaining them. Rules of conduct in the forest:

    Do not shout, do not turn on loud music - do not scare wild animals. Do not tear, do not trample the flowers, hundreds of people will follow you, they will also be pleased to see the flowers. If they are destroyed, they can disappear forever. Flowers are food for insects and animals. Do not break trees, do not cut them, because of this they dry and die. Do not catch butterflies, ants and other animals for fun. Don't litter in the forest. Clean up your trash and glassware. A fire in the forest can start from a thrown piece of glass. Do not build a fire in the forest near the trees. It is better to make a fire on the bank of a river, stream, where there was already a fire. Remove the sod, overlay the place with stones. Do not leave smoldering coals. Coals need to be poured or covered with earth, then put in place, previously removed sod. When collecting fruits and seeds, a part should be left in the forest, for the reproduction of plants, food for birds, animals. Do not destroy bird nests, anthills.
Egor: Dear butterfly, I'll take pity on you And warm your wing with my breath. And for you, hardworking ants, I'll collect the house again. in the forest, as if visiting, I will go to the animals.
Let's say goodbye to the forest: "Goodbye, You grow up for the joy of people, We will love you, after all, Dark forest, wonderful forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles!"
Station Ecological ditties You listen now, And the guys and I will sing. Environmental problems We will analyze with you.
There was a time: the nightingale sang all evening under the window, And now only MOTO Disperses the dust with a column.
They say that in our river there were a dime a dozen fish, and now even frogs can not be found in our river.
Where the forest was green, Today the factory smokes, A black stream slowly runs into the river.
If the problem is not solved, the river may turn black, and from the clouds the black rain will begin to drip down.
What a wonderful miracle? What a wonderful miracle? I saw in the distance an emerald field.
But if you take a better look, you will see pieces of glass, fragments of broken jars, bottles, and necks from bottles.
We sang ditties to you. This is not without reason. We want the planet to be beautiful and clean.
Feather station.
Teacher Birds are dear to us not only for the benefits they bring, but also as an adornment of our vast, wonderful Motherland. To create good conditions our feathered friends, each of us needs to take an active part in the landscaping of our village. We must do everything so that our feathered friends constantly feel our care.

Birds live in all corners of the globe. Amazing creatures, both in their habits and in their structure.

He sings beautifully in the spring, Loudly, cheerfully, playfully! Guess as soon as possible, What kind of bird? ...


Sleeps during the day, flies at night
Passers-by are scared.
Hide, chickens! In the clear sky, a black shadow is circling ... (hawk).
Who is guessing in our forest And knows everything about your life? Crows, count, How long you will live! Bird, gray girlfriend, And her name is ... (cuckoo)
Knocking all the time, hollowing trees.
But they are not crippled, but only healed. (woodpecker)
Catches every rustle sensitively,
And how it will scream will be creepy
Sleepy grass trembles.
It hoots ... (owl)

Teacher What would we do without birds? With their singing, their beauty, they warm our souls. The invaluable benefits that birds bring agriculture, destroying pests and rodents. I think it will be fair if we take care of them at least a little: feed them in a harsh, hungry winter.

A game " The birds have arrived»

Now I will only name birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake and you hear something else, then you need to clap.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

flies and shear...

/Children clapping/

Vedas. What's wrong?

Children. Flies.

Vedas. And who are the flies?

Children. Insects.

Vedas. You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta!/clap/

Vedas. Let's start again!

The birds have arrived:

pigeons, martens!/clap/

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

ostriches, siskins ... / clap /

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Sparrows, swifts,

storks, cuckoos,

Even scops-scops. /clap/

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

mosquitoes, cuckoo. /clap/

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

storks, cuckoos,

Even spy owls

Swans, starlings...

All of you are great!

Now guess the riddle:
It looks like an umbrella
Only a hundred times less.
If there is a storm on the horizon,
He is very happy.
If it's raining and warm
He considers himself lucky! (Mushrooms.)
We are at the Mushroom station.
Teacher The fact that mushrooms grow in the forest, of course, you remember. And how well you understand mushrooms, we will now check. You need to arrange the mushrooms in 2 baskets. Just remember, different mushrooms grow in the forest. View clip "Mushrooms"
And now we are at the station, which is called "Ears, paws and tails."Student report Majority modern people live far from the world of wild animals, and rare meetings with them do not give us the opportunity to seriously think about the complexity and diversity of their lives. Today, when wild animals on Earth are becoming less and less, and some species have either disappeared or become rare, we should know more about them.
The number of species of wild animals vital to humans is increasing. Animals are used in medicine to test drugs. It is a source of protein for us. More and more development is taking science - bionics, exploring the possibility of applying biological principles in technology.
With each extinct species of animal, a whole series of remarkable inclinations, codes and mechanisms disappear irrevocably, which a person will never know.
The problem of animal welfare is becoming more and more urgent. At the same time, a significant number of wild animals are being hunted.

Competition "Guess the riddle"

/ A drawing depicting a magpie is attached to the board, riddles are attached to the tail /

white-sided magpie

Came from afar

Didn't say where she was

But she, guys,

Very tricky riddles

Brought to us on the tail.

Animal Riddles Presentation

Scene Two hedgehogs

- We will show a small scene "Two hedgehogs".Leading Once, two boys caught two hedgehogs in the forest. Several days have passed. Friends met and argued who loves his hedgehog more.
1 boy- I love my hedgehog very much, I feed him with milk, I made him a bed of different leaves in the barn. Even the needles are ready for him to clean. What have you done for your hedgehog?
2 boy I took him to the forest and set him free.
Leading. Which boy did the right thing?
Flower station.
Teacher Flowers give us joy, decorate and color the world with many colors. They have learned to speak for us and understand all the thoughts of people. Flowers are creations that cause a storm of positive emotions in people. In the East, since ancient times, special methods of flower therapy based on the contemplation of flowering plants have been used. Let's look at our world through the eyes of flowers!

Flowers and herbs help us breathe, treat various diseases - in a word, plants are life. From early spring to late autumn, many flowers bloom in the forests and glades; the snow has just melted, and flowers are already blooming in the forest. What flowers do you know?

(Children's answers.)

In a clearing by the river, they proudly hold stems, Like porcelain cups, Snow-white ... (daisies)
When you walk along the path, Wherever you look, a miracle turns white in the fields - balls On thin stems. (dandelion)
Rye is earing in the field, There, in the rye, you will find a flower, Bright blue, fluffy, Only a pity that it is not fragrant. (Cornflower)
Here is a rough stalk, In the middle there is a coal, Petals shine like varnish, Red has blossomed ... (poppy)
White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley)
People call me the queen of flowers
For the color and for the smell, Although my bush is ready to hurt you, But who will not forgive me for prickly flowers?
(The Rose)
Work in a creative workshop. « Let's decorate the planet with flowers." Students cut out flowers from colored paper and glue them onto a poster that depicts the globe. The song sounds magic flower”,“ Color the planet ” Game "Ecological traffic light"
Teacher: The signals of this traffic light mean the same as on the carriageway. Red light - harm to nature! Yellow - be careful! Green light - how beautiful! The forest will say “thank you!”
So, the red light is lit when a person's actions harm nature. The yellow light is for us to follow certain rules of behavior. The green light is when we do good deeds for nature.
Teacher: Such a situation.
    The boy went to the forest and told what he had taken with him in his backpack. Let's help him figure out what to leave in his backpack and what he needs together.
be sure to lay out, as these things will harm nature. I will talk about things, and you “light” the desired traffic light. The boy took:
    Rubber boots for walking along the lake. (yellow light) A knife to strip birch bark from a birch tree to start a fire. (Red
light) 3. A lighter so that when he gets tired, sit by the fire. (red light) 4 Tape recorder to listen to new recordings. (red light)5 A small plastic bucket to water the trees he planted last time along the edge of the ravine. (green light) 6 A bag of bread, grits for ducks living on the lake. (green light) 7 Butterfly net. (red light)8 A camera to take pictures of forest dwellers. (yellow light) Teacher: Well done guys, you know what to take into the forest so as not to harm the nature!
Talk about the Red Book.

Why is it called Red? Red is a danger signal. It seems to be calling on all people: plants and animals are in trouble, help them.

The red color of the book is a forbidding color: stop, stop! You can't go on like this. Red is a danger signal.

Teacher Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a lot to a person, but also calls for our help, protection. What makes us happy in nature? Of course, its beauty, clean air, the silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream. In order for other people to see this beauty, one must learn to communicate with nature.

Let us listen to nature, listen, think and rejoice.

Clip "What a beautiful world"

(Students go on stage one at a time and read one line of the poem, at the same time raise a card with the letter

S O H R A N I M P R I R O D U Z E M L I!)

FROM morning until late evening,

ABOUT own fields of pages,

X handles the book trustingly

R sweet music of birds..

BUT maybe from now on

H another time will come -

AND will become for the bird tribe

M or more kids!

P the birds will delight again

R fix the heart and ear,

AND make better friends with birds

R echushka, and a grove, and a meadow.

ABOUT from the sky to the underwater world

D come on, how is the Motherland speech,

At mom and noble soul

W protect the health of the planet!

E single diversity

M we will appreciate for a reason,

L I love both Europe and Asia,

AND our hometown! I think that now you are ready to make a solemn promise to the Earth - to protect its nature?!

Let's say together the words of the oath of young defenders of nature,
The oath …
The treasures of nature are entrusted to our conscience, justice, intelligence and nobility, therefore
- I swear to protect nature, to be her friend and protector!
- I swear!
- I swear to be an example of the right attitude to the world around us!
- I swear!
- I swear to seek knowledge of the laws of nature, its mysteries and peculiarities!
- I swear!
- I swear to behave quietly and modestly in nature, I will not destroy plants without reason, I will be a friend of all animals.
- I swear!
- I swear to protect springs, rivers and ponds, I will take care of cleanliness environment, I will promote the idea of ​​​​conservation of nature!
- I swear! I swear! I swear!
- I congratulate you on your decision to become young defenders of nature!
(Song "Don't tease the dogs")

Natalia Kostyria
Presentation "We are friends of nature"


Systematize children's ideas about diversity nature.


1. Consolidate children's knowledge about nature about respect and concern for nature

2. Reveal knowledge about birds, insects, animals, trees

3. Fix the rules of conduct in nature

4. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, a sense of responsibility to your team

Leading: Guys, you know how rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse wonderful world nature.

What is: nature?

Children: It's surrounding us peace: air, water, plants, animals.

Leading: Do you think people could live without nature? (Answers)

It is true that a person cannot live without air and water, but air and water are part of nature. Man cannot live without food, and plants and animals give us food. People cannot live without clothes, housing, furniture, utensils. The material for their manufacture is obtained from nature. IN nature everything is interesting and interconnected: from a small bug to the sun.

Related publications:

"We are friends of nature" Synopsis of directly educational activities on ecology in senior group"We are friends of nature" Purpose: Creation of conditions for systematization.

Love for nature, a conscious, careful and interested attitude towards it of each person should be brought up from early childhood. Nature.

Synopsis of KVN "We are friends of nature" Type of OOD: generalization and systematization of children's knowledge. Form of conduct: entertainment KVN Theme: "We are friends of nature" Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children.

Thanks to your site for the templates (download here, I added fantasy and that's what I got) Cover page 2 "Red Animals.


Project activity "We are friends of nature" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 80" of the city of Cheboksary Chuvash Republic Project "We.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of my page. I present to your attention the wall newspaper "Friends of Nature", made in collaboration with.

Scenario of the quiz "We are friends of nature" Game leisure "We are friends of nature." Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge of nature. Develop the ability to quickly find the right answer. Bring up.

1. There is just a temple,

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With forests stretching their arms

Against the sun and winds.

2. He is holy at any time of the day,

Open for us in the heat and chill,

Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

Don't desecrate his shrines.

Love to native nature - a precious quality of a person's character, which is cultivated in him from an early age. And it is not nurtured by calls. You can fall in love with nature only gradually, communicating with it, thinking about its secrets and unraveling them, protecting nature, putting your work into decorating it.

And in order to bring these words to life in 1990 in Utynskaya high school the children's organization "Young Friends of Nature" was born. ( slide)

Who are you guys?

We are youth guys!

Why did you come here?

We're on business, as always.

And what are your affairs?

Very important, big.

Help animals and birds.

Bring water to the old.

Relax and play.

This is our army.

We, members of the natural society,

And at least a few of our years

We want to understand nature

Follow her laws.

There are exactly five of these laws.

We want to name them now.

1. Nature has three treasures: water, earth and air.

And we are given a great honor to keep its foundations.

2. A lot of forest - do not cut,

little forest, take care, no forest, plant.

3. Give the heart to the animals - the glorious inhabitants of the earth.

4. Always take care of the birds - they are true friends.

5. If you are a real earthling, then get used to being responsible for the earth.

Like an apple on a platter, we have one land.

Do not rush people to scrape everything to the bottom.

The children of our school everywhere heed the motto:

"Protect and take care of the blue pearl Earth."


In November 1991, we developed the UDP Charter ( slide).

According to this statute, the main objective our organization is to develop children's love for nature, great and small motherland contributing to their moral development.

Tasks children's organization is:

1) Expand the children's understanding of the animal and plant world.

2) To contribute to the development of the children's desire to help all living things, using "reconnaissance of affairs and friends" as an organizing activity.

3) Maintain the children's interest in the game, developing their cognitive interest, creative abilities, organizational skills, improving group and individual relationships.

4) To educate the children's desire to be healthy, hardened and hardy.

The program of the children's organization "Young Friends of Nature" is based on 4 main interests of the children.

I - First interest.

Children- Interest in nature.

I- Direction of activity.

Children- Window to nature.

Target: Grow in love and harmony with nature, knowing and protecting it.

These are: UDP fees, competitions, environmental information, registration of works .(slides)

Children: We have created the Red Book of Utov.

I: Young friends of nature bring animals and plants of our village into it, which need protection.

Children: Created the mournful book of Nature.

I: All the actions, operations, landings, carried out on the signals of environmental intelligence, are entered into it.

Children: Created the alphabet of a young ecologist.

I: the alphabet contains words from A to Z related to the affairs of young friends of nature. It is in this work that the direction “Window to Nature” lies.

I: The second interest.

Children: Interest in useful things.

I: Line of business.

Children. School of environmental rescuers. ( slide)

Purpose: To grow in good work, developing independence and humanity.

I: Based on the results of reconnaissance, ecological landings were carried out ( slide), stock ( slide), operations( slide).

I: Interest third.

Children: interest in the game.

I: line of business,

Children: The game is serious business. (slide)

Target: Grow in the game by trying own forces, coordinating their actions with teammates in the game.

I: These are military sports games( slide),Health Clock.(

slide), competitions, exercises, fun starts.

I: fourth interest.

Children: Interest in oneself, one's health, communication with comrades.

I: Line of business.

Children: It's fun to walk across the open spaces together. ( slide)

Goal: Grow healthy, cheerful, hardy. Preparing yourself for the next life.

I: these are excursions, expeditions, hikes, and of course, local history research activities. In our village there is a wonderful lake of unprecedented beauty. .(slide) And this year we are all working together on environmental project, which was named “What factors influence the reproduction of fish in the lake of the village of Uty)

Questions guiding the project.

Fundamental question.

What kinds of fish live in the lake? (slide)

Study questions.

When did the fish appear in our lake?

What parts does the body of a fish consist of? What are their functions?

What are the benefits of fish?

What is cooked from fish in the family?

Young friends of nature distributed all the questions between the classes.

The classes started working on the project. The product of activities during the project will be: presentations, exhibitions of drawings, crafts. The defense of the project is planned for October this year.

You will probably be surprised that we are so small and give tasks to high school students.

The point is that in 2008 Our organization "Young Friends of Nature" has become a part of the "Patriot" children's school association, which unites all students of the school. This is how we communicate with nature, think about it, protect and study it. By helping her, we instill in our children love for the native nature and our land.

November 1994 The song "Forest March" was performed at the gathering of the UDP. She became the anthem of YUDEPYAT. We sing it to this day and end our performance with this anthem.( slide)

The formation of a subjective attitude to nature is one of the main and important tasks of the formation of the principles of ecological culture among the younger generation. Preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of a subjective attitude to nature. In children preschool age the attitude to nature is only laid down and manifests itself in his actions, in directed activity, in emotions and feelings. In the formation of a subjective attitude towards nature in children, the role of the mechanisms of emotional identification and empathy is very important. This is due to the fact that a person goes through a difficult path from the primary perception of a natural object to establishing any relationship with it. It is very important that acquaintance with a natural object evokes positive emotions, since a positive emotional state is the basis of a benevolent attitude and readiness for communication.

Purpose of the presentation:

Formation of a subjective attitude to nature in children of senior preschool age.

Presentation Tasks correspond to the tasks of the lesson "Little friends of nature".

Conduct form: group, subgroup.

Slides 2 - 6. Images will take spring.

Slide 7. Riddle about ants.

Slides 8 - 13. Pictures depicting ants.

Slides 14. Riddle about bees.

Slides 15 - 19. Pictures depicting bees.

Slide 20. Butterfly riddle.

Slides 21 - 24. Pictures depicting bees.

Slide 25. The mystery of the ladybug.

Slides 26 - 32. Pictures depicting ladybugs.

Slide 33. The riddle of the earthworm.

Slides 34 - 38. Pictures depicting earthworms.

Slides 39 - 41. A variety of insects - friends of nature.

Slides 42 - 47. Signs warning situations of potentially dangerous behavior for the natural world.

Slide 48. Acquaintance with prohibition signs.

Slide 49. Reading a poem.

Slide 50. References.

Efficiency and practical significance:

The presentation was created to help teachers to implement educational areas"Knowledge", "Safety". Using the presentation in the classroom allows you to enrich the emotional and sensual sphere of children in the process of expanding knowledge about wildlife. The brightness, harmony of the presentation develops aesthetic perception in children, teaches them to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.


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