The performance of the eleventh graders on the line on September 1 is new. Scenario of the line "September 1" - Collection of scenarios - Regional educational portal of the Pskov region. Knowledge Day is a special holiday. Holiday opening



credentials 10 pieces

teachers' oath

hand out poems to grades 1 and 11

oath magazines

(school music playing)

fanfare sounds under the exit of the presenter)

All classes line up in a line, music sounds.


Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers! This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and bright sun, and above all, thanks to the good that it brings to us. After all, today - September 1 - the beginning of a new academic year, new meetings with wonderful world knowledge that your teachers will reveal to you. Let this year be kind for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time, and for those who come here not for the first time. Good luck to all participants of our holiday and our guests!


September is here and that means goodbye summer!
And hello, the holiday of school, knowledge and marks!

Today the doors of the school will open again,
Tomorrow morning the lessons will start -
Teachings will begin to give light to teachers ...

Happy Knowledge Day, friends!

Fanfare sounds.

leading. Today we are accepting a new group of first-graders into our school family. The school is ready to accept new residents of the school country????

Welcome first graders.

1 "a" class class teacher ______________________________

1 "b" class, class teacher ______________________________

1 "in" class, class teacher _______________________________

1 "g" class, class teacher _______________________________

They are accompanied by graduates of 2015 along with their class teachers

leading. Allow solemn event in honor of Knowledge Day open. The right to raise the flag of the Russian Federation is granted by __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Voenruk. School! Attention! Under the State Flag Russian Federation quietly!


leading. There are guests at our party

Leading I invite you to the microphone for greetings and congratulations from the headmaster

leading. We congratulate you, dear children, on this memorable day in your life and wish you that our wonderful school will become your second home. Congratulations to our guests...

leading. Our first-graders were also preparing for school, and now they will tell you about it.

Students of the 1st grade come out to the microphone.

1 boy:

Kindergarten doors open
He is happy with the kids today!
But we are no longer babies
We are here to go to school!

1 girl:

I said goodbye to the doll at home -
I went to school!
There is no time to play at school -
Here I will read books!

2 boy:

Mom was surprised in the morning -
When did I grow up?
Today I am an adult student,
And yesterday there was a baby-shooter!

2 girl:

Mom, dad, grandfather and brother -
They stand in a row on the line!
As if they are pulling a turnip,
They don't take the kids to school!

3 boy:

Daddy cleaned my shoes
And the grandfather stroked the suit.
I have to as a first grader
Be smartly dressed!

3 girl:

Toys given to sister
Barbie has a new owner.
I'm learning the alphabet of the page,
To become an excellent student-know-it-all!

4 boy:

Dad sighs: “Not ready!”
Mom drinks valocordin -
Like they have school today
Go by yourself for the first time!

4 girl:

Big bag for the whole family
Collected all day.
And then I dreamed of books -
They themselves went, lay down in it!

We promise not to be lazy
Come without delay
Diligently learn everything
And love the school family!

leading. Thank you dear first graders!

In any family there is a mother, and in the school family she is also there. From this day on, our first-graders will also have school "mothers" - their first teachers.


It seems like yesterday is ours school moms joyfully met their new children, but four years flew by unnoticed - and already other teachers accept matured pets into their families.

5 a class

5 b class

5 per class

5 g class

5 d class

I ask all teachers of grades 1 and 5 to come to us to take the oath.

Please get all the magazines, put your hand on it and repeat after me

We, the teachers of MBOU "Kamyzyak secondary school No. 4", swear and promise:

    Children to teach everything!

    Be an example in everything!

    Serve the school right!

    Love your work! (We swear)

And we present you with credentials

(delivery of certificates)

leading. And I'm talking to 5th graders

Came four years ago
To your first teacher!
Learned letters, numbers, languages, nature,
And they wanted to get older as soon as possible!
Over the years you have grown up
Others will now lead you to knowledge.
Don't forget the first teacher moms
When will you be praised for your efforts!


Daisies in the sun

Across the forget-me-not sky

Our childhood is passing

Simple, like a miracle.

hot air balloon

And the globe of the Earth is similar.

So let the one who is older

The younger one will help.

leading. Among you, dear children, quite adult faces are visible - these are those who come to the walls of their native school for the last time on September 1, who will hear the trill of the school bell announcing the beginning of the school year for the last time. The beauty and pride of our school are our 9th and 11th graders!

leading :

For you, both sad and cheerful
Universal holiday - knowledge day,
After all, with him today comes
And your last year of school.

From us and all teachers
Wishes for you: be bold
Go difficult dear,
Find your calling!

As full owners of our school, the oldest students are given the right to give instructions to first graders and hand over the "key" to the school doors to our new residents.

The seniors are leaving.

1st graduate.

Here comes the desired hour

You are enrolled in first grade.

Tell everyone about school

Cherish the honor of the school

Keep always in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks.

2nd graduate.

Everyone needs to know perfectly:

Fighting at school is indecent!

Always be kind and cheerful

Sing more good songs.

3rd graduate.

School today for the first time

You will be guided by the road of knowledge.

Accept congratulations from us

And many good wishes.

Here you will learn a lot of tricks:

Solve problems, write correctly.

4th graduate.

Learn not to be afraid of difficulties

And everyone will learn to take care of themselves:

Collect a portfolio, braid pigtails.

We really believe that everything will work out for you!

So good luck!

Bon Voyage!


And so that your heart beats

And I didn't miss my mom

You are 11th grade

Give sweets now.


Graduates present gifts and a symbolic key to knowledge .


The leaves swirl over the school

And again the call is cheerful

Invite the kids to class.

The summer flew by.

Today again for the lesson

Let solemnly and loudly

The first bell will ring!

leading . The honorable right to give the first bell in this academic year is given to a student of 11-… grade

And a student of 1-… grade____________________________________________

leading . According to tradition, first-grade students will be the first to enter their cozy classes, and our graduates will lead them.

leading. On this our ceremonial line finished. We invite students to class for a lesson and wish them success in their studies.

Solemn line "Hello, school!". Scenario

Venue: school courtyard
Target: creation of conditions for organizing the beginning of the festive learning activities for schoolchildren.
Educational: create the necessary emotional mood and holiday atmosphere, arouse interest in the school.
Developing: to develop a sense of cohesion of the school team, the skills and abilities of a culture of behavior in accordance with moral standards for public events and at school, to develop initial knowledge in first graders.
Nurturing: educate students about respect for school supplies; education of tolerance, feelings of patriotism.
On the school yard songs about childhood, about school. On the pavement, markings by class, according to the scheme. Students gather and line up according to the markings. The first graders are going to school.
Leaders come out.
1st host:
Good afternoon, students!
2nd leader:
Good afternoon parents!
1st host:
Good afternoon teachers,
Guests, you did not come in vain,
After all, today is a holiday at school -
Feast of the First of September.
Lead 1.
The heart beats more joyfully
If in the morning soaring to the zenith,
The flag of Russia proudly curls,
The anthem of my country sounds!
Head teacher: School, attention! ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day knowledge, open
the anthem of the Russian Federation
The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.
Lead 1.
Let the kids play
Lead 2.
Enough, satiety, not in short.
Lead 1.
Let the rain wash
Lead 2.
Let the flower open...
Dance group performance in the center of the courtyard
To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" children do several dance steps and freeze, forming the shape of a flower.
Head teacher: So he blossomed a beautiful flower of knowledge, which will help to see the beautiful, to feel the fullness of life. We invite you, friends, to go to an amazing children's country of Knowledge, where all dreams come true and miracles happen!!!
Today we accept 40 first-graders into our friendly family. Now an exciting moment is coming, for the first line of our first graders in their lives will be taken out by their teachers. Let's greet them with applause and warm smiles.
The music is playing "Hello School"
The first in front of the column are teachers, in whose hands are emoticons with a class letter, each student has a ball with a bell attached to it. Deputy director of VR introduces those present to the teachers of the first grades.
Head teacher: Welcome 1 "A" class. Your first teacher will open the door to the land of knowledge for you _________________ It is she who will lead you along the school roads, teach you to distinguish between good and evil, and give you her love.
We meet young schoolchildren of the 1st "B" class and their creative, tireless teacher _______________. She will teach you to see the world in all its glory, it is her maternal heart that will warm you during the first difficulties in life. school life.
Presenter 1:
Our school opened its doors
Come in, we are happy students!
Golden autumn meets you again
And opens the way to knowledge for you.
Host 2:
Education, hello!
School hello!
Let's go for knowledge in a campaign!
It is a holiday today,
School holiday -
We welcome the school year!
Presenter 1:
2015 is a special year for our school! Exactly 30 years ago, the Quartet opened its doors to students for the first time. Over the years, the school has given hundreds of girls and boys a start in life.
Host 2:
30 years is just the beginning
30 is not a term for school,
But after all, how much has already been made
In the life of successful, happy roads.

school anthem
to the motive of the song "Team of our youth" by A. Pakhmutova
1. We are a school family, which means
That the school is like a home to us, like a talisman
All together we are a team, not otherwise
Let's remember this truth forever.
We go to school every day
We know every step
We leave our mark at school
And we hold before her the answer
She decides our fate
Has the right to judge us
Our youth team
And the school, without which we cannot live.
2. We comprehend school science
And get a life lesson
We meet friends and see off,
When the booming bell rings
3. We are proud of our school family
We have something to be thankful for
We are dedicated to a single team
"Four", without which we can not live.
Presenter 1:
Today the doors are wide open in schools
Opened in the morning.
Summer is over, back to school
The kid is walking.
Host 2:
The one who cares about the school
Caring for night and day
Our school director
We gladly give our word.
Presenter 1:
Today, on this wonderful holiday, before a long journey to a beautiful country of knowledge, the director of the school Provornova Olga Grigoryevna addresses you with the words of a parting speech.
Host 2:
We have many guests today.
The road is open to all.
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy Holidays to all of you
The word is given by _______________________________________________________
Presenter 1:
Friends, can you imagine, we have a miracle today,
After all, we gathered for a school holiday.
Surprises await you everywhere
The magic lights are on!
Host 2:
Magic land will open the doors
It's time, friends, we start the holiday,
Perhaps someone will be surprised, will not believe -
The queen of the school will congratulate you.
school queen:
Dear our first-graders, I congratulate you on the first day of school life! Know that our school is the best in the world, it is a bright and joyful island of childhood, and teachers have a permanent residence permit on this island, and therefore, for all 11 years, respected, revered, kind wizards and sorceresses will be with you, who will carefully lead you up the difficult steps. school kingdom - the kingdom of goodness, beauty, the search for truth. And now I will give you the magic key to the land of Knowledge.
The queen of the school gives the key of knowledge to first graders
Presenter 1:
To know how big the earth is
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.
Host 2:
The floor is given to primary school teachers ______________________
Dear first graders!
We will open for you
Knowledge of the bright path.
And you won't go by yourself
Together we will go

On unknown paths
Into the world of unknown wonders.
It will be difficult for us a little,
But we have the Key of Knowledge.

He will open any door
Invite to the world of knowledge.
Just before, just before
The bell will ring!

Dear babies,
We know you are ready!
Tell your poems
Are you already set up?

Presentation by first graders.
1.Accepted frequently by the school
Kids in first grade
But today is a special day
We came! Meet US!
2. Hello dear school!
Open wide the door!
We came! The people are cheerful
And talented, believe me!
3. It is hard to see behind the bouquet,
As long as I'm shorter.
I'm a little embarrassed -
You cannot take the doll with you.
4. I skip to school!
Mom, be late.
Read a book for me
And play with cars.
5. I am the most businesslike in the family,
I'm big now
You read my primer, mom,
And then tell me.
6. You guys accept us,
To your friendly family
You all teach us together
7. I was also going to school,
Picked out all the outfits!
It just looks like it was a waste of time:
In fashion form they say!
8. I won’t sleep in the lessons,
I will be diligent.
And a big boss
I will definitely.
9. We will be diligent,
Diligent and diligent
And then study will begin
Just wonderful!
Presenter 1:
Your parents will bless you guys for school work.
The mother of one of the first-graders takes out bread and salt on a towel. Kids, a girl and a boy, come up, kiss the loaf, parents of first-graders sprinkle wheat grains on their children.
My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home as a grown-up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big,
And dad and I will be proud of you.
And now it has come, this joyful moment,
Before blinking, he overtook us.
Do you hear the birds singing outside the windows,
The surf rustles and the trees bloom?
All this is for you, my dear, everything around,
The whole world and smiles of friends and girlfriends!
Our beloved children! Today you are entering the path that will lead you to the Land of Knowledge. According to the good folk custom, we bless you, children, with bread and salt, may he protect you all school years. And we also fill you with wheat so that you grow up at school not with empty flowers, but full of grains of knowledge.
Presenter 1:
Children are accompanied by teachers throughout their school life. Greetings to all teachers of the school.
Host 2:
We wish you
Become all children best friend
And be able to do everything:
Teach, teach, force.
Presenter 1:
For fortune to smile
So that at least by a miracle, but lucky,
To protect from troubles
School walls comfort, warmth.
Host 2:
If suddenly the usual thing
Start giving out grades
Let's make this job easier
This makes them easier to draw.
the hosts hand the headmaster a stencil with the "five"
Presenter 1:
To all teachers and school staff, our sincere congratulations,
All recognition and honor.
Be with us, be with childhood
More than one academic year!
Host 2:
Today, no less, an exciting day for our fifth graders, they have become middle school students. And now they will travel around the country of Knowledge with their class teachers, a teacher of Russian language and literature ______________ and a teacher of history and social studies _________________
Fifth grade performance
1. Why are you looking at us like that?
We are your new fifth grade!
2. I have a holiday today.
There has never been a better day
Because the fifth grader
Everyone calls me.
3. Yes! We are big now
We are in 5th grade
And now no one will say
You guys are babies.
4. And our parents
So excited
As if instead of us
Gathered in 5th grade!
5. Don't worry dad, mom,
We know where we are going!
This school is the best
Trust us, we won't let you down!
6. In a large and bright school
The door is open for us.
We all came to learn
We are 5th graders now!
Presenter 1:
We are glad to welcome you, highly experienced 11th graders. And fortunately, and unfortunately, your school youth will last only one more year. But there is no reason to be sad, because the whole life is ahead.
Host 2:
The floor is given to our eleventh graders.
Eleventh graders:
1. It is banal to say that the years flew by quickly,
And yet it is so, whatever one may say,
We grew up here, grew up, joy and adversity
Overcome on your way!
2. We still have a whole year to study!
Just a year in school for us!
We will try, as before, not to be lazy,
And all the exams will be tough for us!
3. Teachers, administration, employees,
We say thank you and we will.
They surrounded us with all the worries,
So that we can learn and create better!
4. Parents, do not worry in vain,
There was a year rich in events,
After all, everything will work out in our school:
And in our life from here we will begin sailing!
Head teacher: The most exciting moment is coming. Now the first graders will hear the school bell for the first time. The right to give the first call in the new year 2014-2015 is provided by _________________________________________________.
And to all of you, dear first graders!
Presenter 1:
Let it be at school every hour
Ringing like a bell
We give each of you
We are our school greetings.
Host 2:
So that learning is joyful, like a ringing,
To open, friendship was waiting for you.
Learn, want to know
Call first graders now.
Presenter 1:
Do you want dream balls
Let go to distant stars
And quietly whisper after them,
What do you want to study for "five"!
First-graders in the field raise the bells. At the end - first graders release balloons with bells into the sky, fifth graders - bubble.
Head teacher:
Guys, now you will go to classes, and your path along the roads of knowledge will begin. May good luck always accompany you, and only fives and fours will be in your diaries. Learn, keep it up! Go ahead and everything will turn out great for you.
May this school year be easy for our entire school family, like those balloons and soap bubbles that fifth-graders and first-graders have now released into the sky.
The right to take a lap of honor and be the first to enter the School Country is granted to first graders and eleventh graders.
Host 2:
How fast the summer went by
Autumn is coming again.
Knowledge Day! This means
What is waiting for us to work with you,
Head teacher:
School, match up! Attention! On this solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is considered closed!
Anthem sounds
Presenter 1:
Well, well, it's a start...
And on time according to the plan from the pier
Let's sail for the whole year!
Let him bring discoveries!
Host 2:
And we do not say goodbye, but only say goodbye.
Together: Happy school year!
(Everyone goes to class)

School themed music.
Host 1: Good afternoon, students!
Host 2: Good afternoon, parents!
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, teachers and guests.
Presenter 2: You did not come here in vain,
After all, today is a holiday at school -
Feast of the First of September!
Host 1: Many summer days funny
We passed without worries.
Hello, autumn!
Hello school!
School year ahead!
Presenter 2: Hello, school year, school!
Everywhere you, students,
Bell chimes
Praise the school bells.
Presenter 1: The first bell will ring today for our first graders and children from the preschool educational group.
We invite them to our line!
(Music sounds).
Presenter 2: First-graders are invited to the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge along with their teachers:
Presenter 1: Their teachers are energetic,
Children are always warm, kind,
In a moment they will teach everyone "excellently",
And patient and wise.
Presenter 2: They are warm-hearted
To yourself Children: they will arrange necks
And they will always help from the bottom of their hearts.
Presenter 1: We invite you to the line of our preschool children! And the educators Grigoryeva Nadezhda Yuryevna and Mikhailova Irina Viktorovna will introduce them to school today.
Presenter 2: Preschool children are lucky!
Next to them on the school road
The most caring teachers are walking!
(Preschoolers lined up).
Presenter 1: Here, now the whole school is assembled!
Let's start the holiday!
And of course, it's time to give the director the first word.
Presenter 2: The floor is given to the director of the Krasnogorodsk high school Alekseeva Ludmila Alexandrovna.
(The director opens the ruler.
Greetings from the director.
presentation of certificates).
Presenter 1: On the first day of autumn,
clear, golden,
School, we are so happy
Meet you!
Presenter 2: Dear preschool children! Today you are the smallest inhabitants of our school state. We want you to feel good and comfortable in our school, to fall in love with it.
Presenter 1: Graduates elementary school, who finished the 4th grade in the spring and moved to the 5th, will say a parting word to you and give you gifts.
(5th graders come out to the music).
Fifth grade performance.
1. We have been at school for 4 years,
Let's go to 5th grade!
For preschool children
We pass on our orders.

2. Get busy, don't be lazy,
Strive for knowledge with might and main,
Try to be good
And look up to us in everything!

3. We also tried in everything,
We were not afraid of difficulties
We looked at big
And they tried to catch up with them.

4. We wish you success -
You will achieve them, we know!
(5th graders give gifts to preschool children).
Presenter 1: And now, dear kids, you and your teachers will go to school, where a festive matinee will be held for you.
(To the music, preschool children leave).
It turns out "Laziness:".
Sloth: Oh, how hard it is for me to go!
I got tired along the way.
(referring to students)
Children:! I am a friend to all of you
I don't need science!
We do not want to study.
We love to be lazy!
The "Academic Year:" is out.
Academic year: What a glorious day today!
All smart and dressy.
That's where the joy is
¬ There are no words!
Sloth: You, buddy, who is that?
And what do you need here?
Academic year: I came to visit the guys!
The holiday of knowledge brought them!
Laziness: Are you not Santa Claus for an hour?
(with a sneer) But where is your bag,
Tell us, friend?
Academic year: Santa Claus comes in winter
Anyone will tell you!
And it's a shame not to know about it,
Interlocutor dear!
My time is coming!
Me, friends, School year:!
Lena: Oh, oh, oh! What a disgrace!
My broad vision
You questioned
And got me excited.
You annoy me greatly!
Or don't you understand?
On my way you got up!
Leave quickly!

Academic year: I, lazy, did not go to you!
Went to school with my friends!
You don't belong here!
Here the guys are waiting for knowledge!

Sloth: Your knowledge is nonsense!
And I'm smart without them, right?

Academic year: Well, answer us then
What is twice two!

Laziness: Well, boss, you offend!
You do not respect me!
How can you not know this?
Two by two? Of course, five!

School year: Well, lazybones, well, shame!
Your horizons are narrow.
Everyone in the whole world knows
Twice two is always (four).

Now I want riddles
Ask first graders...

Laziness: And I will help!

(Suitable for first graders).

Academic year: 1. He writes, strokes,
Draws and draws.
And tonight
He colored the album for me.
What's this? (pencil).

2. Black, curves,
Silent from birth.
Stand in a row
Now they will speak.
What's this?

3. I carry it with me,
Anything I need, I write to her.
Wonderful little thing
(a pen).
Well done! Now let's play the yes-no game. I will ask questions, and you will answer: "Yes" or "No", but just be careful!
Sloth: Oh, I will play this game too!
Academic year: Will we always help a friend?
Children: Yes!
Academic year: Will we never lie?
Children: Yes!
Academic year: Shall we write off the answer?
Lena: Yes, yes! The answer must always be written off from a neighbor, otherwise, if you yourself think all the time, your head will swell!
School year: Children: will you write off?
Children: No!
School year: Shall we throw a stone after the cat?
Children: No!
School year: Shall we wash our hands when we have lunch?
Leo: No, no! Don't wash your hands before eating! You will get so tired while washing your hands (shouts) that you won’t be able to hold a spoon!
School year: Don't interfere!
Children: will you wash your hands?
Children: Yes!
Academic year: Do we say hello to lazy people?
Lena: Yes, yes! Hello to all lazy people! (Waving hand)
School year: Do you guys send greetings to lazy people?
Children: No!
Academic year: And those who always work?
Children: Yes!
Academic year: Well done! I see that I did not come to you in vain, you deserve to be schoolchildren!
Leo: No! You came here in vain!
Academic year: Today is September 1st!
Sloth: Don't give me a headache!
I have my own calendar!
(Pulls out a calendar)
Guys, what was the date yesterday? (August 31)
Academic year: And today, September 1, is the first day of school!
Lena: Oh no! Today is August 32! (Shows his calendar.)
Tomorrow is August 33rd. Holidays continue!

Academic year: So what, our Children: will they remain ignoramuses?
No, Len:, goodbye, sorry
You and I are not on the same path!
(Pushing Laziness: to the exit).

(Laziness: waving his hand, leaves).

Academic year: Guys, time is running out for us!
The academic year has arrived!
I will step aside
I'll wait for you at school!
Host 1: And we continue.
Presenter 2: We give the word to the oldest students at our holiday - eleventh graders!
Presenter 1: Eleventh graders are solid people.
Parting words are given to first-graders every year!
(11th graders enter)
(Speech by 11th graders)
Alumni speech

1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:

2. Tell everyone about the school;
Treasure the honor of the school!
Keep always in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!

4. You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful
Sing more good songs!

5. To be always healthy,
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too...

6. You learn the program,
If anything we will help!
If you follow orders
Get ready for class two!

7. There is a tradition in our school. On September 1, we, graduates, give gifts to first graders. We want to give you the Tree of Knowledge. It is not simple. Instead of leaves, it has sweets on it. Whoever tastes the fruits of our tree will become very smart and kind. And we hope that you will be smart and kind during all eleven years of study. Accept from us as a gift the "Tree of Knowledge" and small gifts.
(Give gifts).
Presenter 1: The holiday is not easy for us-
It only happens once!
We are accepting today
Recruits in 1st grade!
Presenter 2: We invite first-graders to the microphone.

(Performance of 1st graders)
Performance of first graders
on line September 1, 2009.
1. Leave the honest people!
First grader in front of you!
I have a big bouquet
New backpack on the back!
2. Who got up early today,
Did you run fast to school?
Well of course it's me
And my family is with me!
3. We were all going to school,
Didn't sleep almost all night.
Smiled, dressed up
Even the cat wanted to help!

4. Only we said to the cat:
“Cat, don’t bother adults!
This is what we used to play
And now I'm a schoolboy, you know!”

5. For the first time I go to school
I'm carrying a briefcase for the first time.
I boldly open the book
Now I am a student!

6. I have a holiday today,
There has never been a better day
Because "first grader"
Everyone calls me.

7. We must now study,
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
On "4" and on "5"
Answer in class!

8. Bright flowers everywhere,
Today is a special day.
Finally dreams come true!
All: Study ahead!
Presenter 1: The doors of the classes will swing open noisily,
An awakened bell will ring,
Faces smile with the summer sun
And our first lesson will begin.
Presenter 2: Every day the school meets us,
As home, we go to a familiar class,
My friends are waiting for me at school
And, of course, teachers!
Presenter 1: Dear teachers
We appreciate your experience
For being faithful to the school
For the fact that your soul is young,
Because you are always with us.
Presenter 2: Dear teachers!
Accept flowers from your students as a token of gratitude.
Presenter 1: Red autumn came down to earth,
Called the children to study again.
And the school opened the door to them!
Be sure to believe in your strength!
Presenter 2: We will study, we will be friends,
To make life more interesting for us.
Ah, it's autumn! Thin networks.
Children met again at school:.
Host 1: School bell again
We are called to the lesson -
So the busy summer is over.
Host 2: On the first day of September
Giving joy to children
This is repeated every time.
Presenter 1: The bell rings, scattering a cheerful ringing,
He longed for us in the summer hour.
Good day, school, dear school!
Good afternoon, our cozy, bright class!
Presenter 2: The right to give the first call is granted
The first bell rings.
11th graders take the hands of 1st graders and lead them to school.
Host 1: Our line is over. We invite everyone to the school for a lesson.

Come up with good script ceremonial lineup on September 1 at school today is very difficult. This is due to the fact that stereotypes and the usual course of this event have already been put into our heads. Agree, probably, each of you had a line at school in the same way. All classes gather, the national anthem plays, then the director reads a congratulatory speech, first-graders read poetry, then comes the numbers prepared by the guys, and, in the end, the first bell rings, marking the beginning of the school year.

But after all, everything can go not so familiar and not as boring as usual. And all it takes is to find unusual scenario. And you can find it right on our website. We will offer you a new, fresh look at the holiday of September 1st. We will invite you to throw aside all the usual views and try something original. We will be able to bring something bright and interesting to the solemn line!


Soundtrack of the song "Stork on the Roof"

Sunbeam illuminating the planet
Gives birth to a new light of dawn.
And again the world is warmed by love
Creates a melody of hearts.

So, in the clear sky of a peaceful life
In a gentle touch - two wings
Two birds fly in harmony
The folk tale goes:

Where is the proud white stork of happiness
Touches the roofs with his wing
There the light will disperse all bad weather
Joy comes to this house

From the mystery of the first cause
The magic flower will bloom
And into the eternal peace of the sacred land
The wise child will come again...

Seeing the light, exclaim loudly:
"I was born, meet the earth"
And take care of the child
Family in your arms.

Seven years old, good parent
He raised his child in love
Leads to the gates of the world of knowledge
There will meet the "school family"

"Oh, our baby, a miracle will happen -
You have grown up in your destiny
New road opened
Happy journey to you!

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1:

Early September morning
Festive and cheerful
We act wisely
The door opening the school.

Host 2:

The holiday is wisely conceived
Get a little more fun
Early September morning
You have become older.

Presenter 1:

The long awaited day has come
For you to know more
The school should open the door
She was waiting for you.

Host 2:

If you wake up in the morning
And I saw outside the window:
All dressed up and with flowers,
And the house is full of fun.

Presenter 1:

If you see along the way
Many schoolchildren go
So autumn has come
The school year has arrived!

Host 2:

Good morning, guys!

Presenter 1:

Good morning, our dear guests!

Host 2:

Good morning, dear dads, moms, grandparents!

Presenter 1:

Good morning our lovely teachers!

Host 2:

Our holiday is also special because it is 30 years old!
This is the age of our school building.
30 generations of cheerful and noisy grew up here,
Smart and smart, beautiful and brave, dexterous and skillful.
Today, for the 30th time, the bell will ring at our school.

Presenter 1:

The heart stops with excitement.
A little dawn will shine outside the windows:
The guys are waiting with eager impatience
Festive September morning.

Host 2:

Let already pencils and books
In a brand new briefcase,
All the same girls and boys
Don't get into bed late.

Presenter 1:

They can not sleep, contrary to the advice,
And they can't sit still
Ask grandparents
Look at the clock often.

Host 2:

The minutes are too long.
Come on, the desired time!
I see: on holiday routes
Reached out to the schools of the kids!

Presenter 1:

And now it's time to invite to our line of those
who will remember this year more than the rest.
Some take their first steps here
others approach the turn of school life.

Host 2:

I ask you to get ready for the solemn meeting of the children who are going to school today for the first time, and Natalya Antonovna Vashchenko will lead them along the road of Knowledge.

Presenter 1:

First graders, welcome to the World of Knowledge!

Host 2:

We invite you to a joyful holiday
In honor of the first call in life
You, the little ones,
happy and different
Excited, maybe a little!
Say hello to our little first graders!

Music "First Grader"

Presenter 1:

When September is at the school threshold
Scatter delicate phlox petals,
Our hard road will begin
As they say, from an untouched board.

Host 2:

And the first ray in the blue sky
He sends his regards to us today.
Over the boundless Russia
A solemn dawn rises.

Presenter 1: Dear guests are present at our celebration today




Host 2:

Here proudly threw up two wings
Your coat of arms is a double-headed eagle.
And the sounds of the anthem majestically
Float over the eternal power,
Flying freely in the blue sky
Tricolor flag of my Russia.

Presenter 1:

School, attention! The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the school year is considered open!

Anthem sounds.

Presenter 1:

Flying, spinning yellow leaf,
Rowan in the glow of the monist.
And a bunch of school kids
Leaving all your games
In a hurry for the holiday of September.

Host 2:

And he has his rights
He is in every life forever
Sounds like a ringtone
And suddenly the soul freezes
Graduate and first-timer
For the last time, for the first time.

Presenter 1:

To start our holiday now,
Let me give the floor to the director.

Host 2: The word for greeting is given to the director of the school…………

Presenter 1: On this September morning, the honored guests of our holiday address their congratulations:

Host 2: The word is given….




A word to the guests.

Presenter 1:

Dear kids, today a new page of life is opening for you. Today you will meet your first teacher, who, believe me, will become a ray of sunshine for you, illuminating the path to knowledge, the wisdom of life.

Host 2:

Look closely at the person standing next to you.
It is this girl or boy, perhaps
will be your best friend, buddy, comrade.
And we want to wish you unforgettable years in our school,
only good impressions, diligence and diligence.

Presenter 1:

Fluffy first grader bow
Plays along with the breeze,
And the eyes of little Natasha
Scared of this day.

Host 2:

The boy in the white shirt
He should be her friend...
Here everyone and everything is covered with warmth
"Kids, everyone from Knowledge in the afternoon!
With Knowledge in the afternoon!"

Presenter 1:

pencil kids,
We know you are ready!
Read your poems
Are you already set up?
Music "Teach at school"

Words of first graders

Hello school! School hello!
Finally we grew up
We assure you it's not wrong
We have come to study with you.

I leave the doll at home
I'm leaving for school
And with you in a briefcase green
I'll put down the book.

I got bored at home
I don't want to play.
I want to learn soon
And become a first grader.

More recently
We went to kindergarten.
We slept and ate a lot.
Grew up for new desks.

I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand
Because of the lush bouquet
I can't find the door.

I have books in my portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hands.
All the familiar boys
They stare in surprise.

Everything is taught in school:
Account, literacy, writing,
We learn a lot here
School is just the beginning!

We will all have books.
Thick - thick
Read, we will know
Everything adults know!

We will be diligent
Diligent and diligent
And we will study
Just wonderful!

How many joyful, cheerful
Faces everywhere, look!
Personally, the principal of the school
Smiled three times!

I'm a first grader today
This is the best holiday
I will study at school
Mom will be proud of me!

We're not just kids anymore
We are students now!
And we lie on the desks
Books, pens, diaries!

For some reason mom and dad
So excited
As if instead of me to school
Gathered for the first time!

Daddy shined my shoes
He shook off the dust from me,
Mom is my big bag
Collected all day!

On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Host 2:
Dear kids, put your ears on top!
Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Presenter 1:
Masters of control and essays.

Host 2:
Professors for passing tests and exams.

Presenter 1:

The school is proud of them!
They serve as an example for us.
Let's give them the floor.
To our graduates.


1st graduate:

Last school autumn
How sad to realize.
And that's why I especially want
Good luck to you all!

2nd graduate:

The day will come - we will say goodbye to the school,
Our graduation will end the year.
And from here along an unfamiliar path
Forever our childhood will be gone!

3rd graduate:

Today let us turn
For those who are just starting to learn.
We congratulate you, first graders,
We wish you great success in your studies!

4 student:

We are at the finish line, and you are still at the start,
And before you is a fabulous flight.
Take off without doubt and confidently,
There is a teacher that will correct and understand.

5 student:

Trust him, he won't say bad things.
Correct mistakes, teach everything.
Shows the right path to success
You just trust, relatives, him.

6 student:

The teacher is a magician, the teacher is a scientist,
Teacher and doctor, and mother, and friend.
If your class is cohesive,
Troubles are not terrible for you, illness is not terrible.

7 student:

Be friends with each other, dream together
And be prepared for those who are weak to defend.
And in difficult times, do not leave your friends,
Learn to be heroes from childhood.

8 student:

We wish to find new friends at school,
Make friends with the school and teachers.
You will spend many happy days here
And soon you will be graduates!

Presentation of gifts

Host 2:

A leaf fell off the calendar
The family will sigh, he is no longer a baby
September autumn morning
You stand with a briefcase.

Presenter 1:

Hurry, rush all relatives:
I want to know everything, soon
The teacher has been waiting for me for a long time,
The school door is open.

Host 2:

And accept with a good hand
From mother's hand
Your first teacher
Bon Voyage!

Yes, I'm crying. But these are tears of happiness.
I see in the form of my child.
And hundreds of mothers agree with me
There is no prettier dress than this.
Yes, I cry, but I'm not sad.
I rejoice, I expect miracles.
'Cause my baby will master all the arts
Study all scientific material.

(The teacher comes out, stands next to mom.)

They are no longer babies
They carry their own portfolios.
Now our garden is a little empty,
And we came to visit a colorful holiday.
(for first graders)
We accompany you on your school journey.
With love, care, a little sadness.

And we trust your teacher
Soon you will pass into your light class.

The first teacher leaves balloons in hand.

Finally the meeting took place
Which I was looking forward to.
I want to hear your words
See your kind eyes.

Congratulations words

But before our lesson,
Let's fly the balls
Let's let go. Let's say to this world
That we are always moving forward!

Poems of first graders.

My ball, my pot-bellied friend,
Fly higher than everyone else.
After school, if not soon,
Banks will be all mine.

Sharik, be my astronaut,
So don't let me down!

I want to sing beautifully
Little ball, come on!

Take off the balloons to the white clouds.
Let all colorful dreams come true.

Presenter 1:

How good are the balloons...
Look, a blue ball soars up,
so that the dreams of graduates come true,
successfully pass any exam,
fly, ball, fly up.

Host 2:

And the yellow ball, like a ray of sunshine,
First graders' hopes skyrocketed.
Look, the green ball sparkles above your head,
a magical bird hovering over the earth,
you make your dreams come true!

Presenter 1:

Fly around the world, a red ball,
fly bolder without touching the roofs.
Carry with you the hopes of our teachers
on all his students.

Music "Teach at school"

Care of first graders

Host 2:
Children's dreams must come true
And the work of the teacher is not forgotten.
Dear teachers, please accept gratitude from your children,
love and autumn flowers.

Music (giving flowers to teachers.)

Presenter 1:

School 30 is great
So September 30th
The bell rang - there is no better reason:
Well, than, say, not an anniversary!

Host 2:

Opening the anniversary year
Let our school bell ring.
Meeting with a bell ringing
Everyone who came to the first lesson.

Presenter 1:

Let the balloons fly into the sky
Let the cranes fly high.
We congratulate you, school!
Bell, call, call!

Host 2:

The sonorous trill of a nightingale
Fly across the country
And the beginning of a new life
Fully marked.

Presenter 1:

For a lesson, for a change,
Good luck, to the heights of knowledge -
Everyone is led by a diligent call,
Let the country know about it!

Host 2:

And yesterday's children
Those who were babies
After this signal
They will be called students.

First grader:

Can't wait to open the Primer.
Drink, call, be bold, come on!
It's time for us to join the team,
And develop all around.

Presenter 1:

The right to give the first call is granted to a student of grade 11 and a student of grade 1.

The school bell rings

Host 2:

The cheerful bell rang
Here comes the holiday.
We say: "Hello, school!"
School year ahead!

Presenter 1:

Let him be the best
A hundred times better than the last.
Let us learn a lot
And, of course, ask us!

Host 2:

Let the tasks be solved
The exam will be easy.
And health and good luck
Everyone for the whole school year!

Presenter 1:

By tradition, the youngest students, our first-graders, are the first to leave our holiday. Good luck!

Host 2:

The right to make a circle of honor and be the first to enter our native school, to your first lesson. Provided to our first graders accompanied by our esteemed high school students…

Presenter 1:

Take these little warm hands in your strong hands and lead the children to our native school.

Music "The Way of Kindness"

Host 2:

Well, it's a start.
And on time according to the plan from the pier
Let's sail for the whole year!

Presenter 1:

May he bring pleasant discoveries!
Dictation on "5", solved problems,
May everything be successful for everyone.

Together: Happy school year everyone!

Decor:· Balls. Banner "Happy New School Year".

· Markup for building classes.

· Gel balls for classes with a sticker "1A", "1B" and 1 "C".

2 large "bouquets" of gel balloons on the flowerbeds (for launching into the sky).

School songs are playing.

Grades 2-8 are built on the ruler. 1st, 9th,10,11 grades are waiting for an invitation.

Actors - 3 leading. Shapoklyak with an assistant.

Fanfare 1(To the beginning. (attract attention!

Leading adult (T.B.)- School, attention!

We ask you to line up on the line dedicated to the holiday of knowledge!

Fanfare main (call)!

Presenter 1 (Sergey)- Hello, dear parents, teachers, students and guests of our holiday!

Presenter 2 (Nastya)- Good morning dear friends!

Good afternoon, school!

Leading adult (T.B.)- That's the end of a great summer vacation. We are together again!

The new school year is starting!

Across the country, September is red-headed

It's in student uniform!

Presenter 1

And it starts all over again

At school from start to finish.

Again from the September pier

The school river will carry us.

Lead 2

Education, hello!

School hello!

Let's go for knowledge in a campaign!

Today is a school holiday!

We welcome the school year!

Leading adult (T.B.)- Every year our friendly school family is replenished. So today we have newcomers. Today they have an important day, because today they will become real students, first graders!

Leading adult (T. B.):

Meet (if we WELCOME in the hall)

1 "A" class.

Classroom teacher….

Musical accompaniment. The song "First Grader".

Toddlers on their first school line are accompanied by students of the final 9 "A" class.

Classroom teacher ….

Enter first-graders and 9 "A" class.

The music is reduced to the words of the presenter.

Leading adult (T. B.):- Welcome students

1 "B" class. They will study their first, most important, book, "ABC", with their teacher ....

T. B.- 1 "B" class is accompanied by graduate students

9 "B" class.

Classroom teacher.

We greet them with applause!

M the tongue is added. Enter first-graders and 9 "B" class.

A pause in the words of the presenter until grades 1.9 passed the round flower bed.

The music is reduced to the words of the presenter.

Leading adult (T.B.): - And here are the students

1 "B" class.

Sticks - hooks, zeros - circles with them will be written by their class teacher ....

Students of 1 "B" class are accompanied by students

10 "A" class.

Classroom teacher ….

Applause for them, please!

Music is added. Includes first graders and 10 "A" class.

A pause in the words of the presenter while 1.10 classes go and line up at the round flower bed from two sides.

The music is turned off.

Leading adult (T. B.):

And now we welcome those who will study at our school for the last year - our 11TH GRADE STUDENTS!

Meet! Graduation 11 "A" class.

Classroom teacher …

Music is changing (song for / about graduates).

The 11th grade enters (each has a gel balloon in their hands (tricolor - white, red, blue).

Grade 11 lines up in the space allotted to them.

M The music is turned off when the last eleventh grader catches up with the leaders.

Leading adult (T.B.)- Well, now everything is assembled and we can begin our solemn line!

Shapoklyak appears in a white school apron.

She is dragging Polina Rodina by the hand (3 "A").

Shapoklyak (she has a microphone with her)- Wait, wait!

Shapoklyak and Polina walk quickly to the microphone.

The song Shapoklyak from the m / film turns on quietly.

Shapoklyak approaches the leaders. Polinka climbs onto a pedestal (so that she can be seen)

Shapoklyak- Let the first-graders speak!

Leading adult (T.B.)- You again, citizen Shapoklyak!

Shapoklyak- Chegoy, again! And at all, not again! I have not been with you for 4 years! Look how your school has changed during this time!

The windows are new big and beautiful set!

New young teachers have been hired!

And the children, how many came to study!

I want to go to school too!

Polinka (points to Polina) I've been praising your school all summer!

He says: “Our school is the best!”

And your teachers are the best in the world!

And the director is the smartest and most beautiful!

“And, in general,” he says, “before opening your school for you, you, grandmother Shapoklyak, would first learn in our school! Here even you will be taught the mind!”

Pauline: Exactly, exactly! She spoke!

Shapoklyak- Well, I decided to sign up for you in the 1st grade! Isn't it possible?

Leading adult. (T.B.)- Well, what are you, grandmother Shapoklyak, a first grader?

Shapoklyak (outraged)- What a grandmother I am!

In general, smart people say that learning in any

age is not too late!

Shapoklyak - So let's start the line. In vain did we come here with Polinka! I really want to learn!

Leading adult. (T. B.) - School, attention!

Shapoklyak- Oh, wait, wait!

Leading adult. (T.B.)- What else?

Shapoklyak- I was just thinking - you didn’t even check whether everyone came to the line!

What if someone overslept? Suddenly someone is still resting?

Leading adult (T.B.)- Okay, let's check it out!

Presenter 1 All first graders are here! We just greeted them.

Shapoklyak- Well, I do not! Everything, so everything! Let me wave my hand!

1 "A", 1 "B", 1 "C". Where are your pens? Aha, I see!

Where are your parents?

Where are our second classes? (2 "A", 2 "B" and 2 "C")

Checking 3rd and 4th grades! Wave to your aunt! (3rd and 4th grades)

I don't see 5th grade! Where are our 5th graders? Probably their new class teachers not found!

And now let's check the 6th, 7th and 8th grades! All here? Good!

9 "A" class here?

Where is 9 "B"? She said that not everyone came!

Lead 2- We do not have 9 "B" class.

Shapoklyak- How not? Where do you share?

Lead 2- Simply no. We have 2 ninth grades, 9 "A" and 9 "B"!

Shapoklyak- OK! No, it's not!

10 "A" welcomes the old lady!

Well, graduates! 11 "A" class! (graduates shout that they are here and release balloons)

Sh. - Very nice!

But we still forgot someone!

Presenter 1: Teachers have not been tested!

W. - Are the teachers there?

Sh.- Are the guests late?

Sh. Are parents present?

Shapoklyak- Well, now everything is assembled, which means you can start!

Leading adult. (T.B.) School, attention!

The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the school year, the Day of Knowledge, begins!

Under the anthem of the Russian Federation, stand still!

Anthem R. F. (1 verse)

LEAD adult (T.B.) So the new school year has begun.

School is a special world. The school is a unique state.

Our school is a temple of science,

House of comfort, bright light,

Good teacher's hands

Your first and last call.

LEADING (T.B.)- The floor for greetings is given to the director of our school, the deputy of the Assembly of representatives of the city of Kuznetsk - KALMYKOVA Marina Vladimirovna.

Fanfare. (Appeal of the principal of the school). Flowers.


Leading adult (T. B.) - We have a holiday today, and what a holiday without guests.

HOST 1- I think that the guests who came to us today remember their school years with pleasure.

HOST 2- They remember how they were worried when they first crossed the threshold of the school, how they got deuces and fives, how they were friends, how they fell in love for the first time, they remember their teachers and classmates.

HOST (Adult T. B.)- Attention! A word for congratulations and parting words is provided .... ...

Guest performance. Fanfare. Flowers.

HOST (Adult T. B.)- The word for congratulations is given ...

Fanfare. Guest performance. Flowers.

HOST (Adult T. B.)- Thanks for the kind words!

And now we meet the chairman of the city and school Parents' Committee, the mother of three students of our school at once - Baranova Marina Alekseevna!

Fanfare. Presentation by parents. Flowers.

Shapoklyak and Polina Rodina come out.

Shapoklyak“Now we have the Word!”

Come on, Polina, sing! A musical gift for you, dear guests, teachers and students, from the winner of city, regional and All-Russian competitions, students 2 "A" ... No, now it's 3 "A" class Rodina Polina.



Today there is no such corner in Russia where the first school bell would not ring for the first lesson.

Presenter 1: The bell is ringing louder and louder

What a trill is spreading over the world!

Do you think the nightingale sang?

But no - the lessons begin!

Host 2: The first word burns on the blackboard, The first primer and problem book in hand...

In the center of vast beautiful Russia,

In the city that we call Kuznetsk,

Meet us with a holiday

Light, beautiful

Our school, beloved, our cozy home!

Presenter 1:

We have a lot to learn

Life does not seek backwards, but forward!

There is not a single road past the school,

Not a single path will pass!

(Shapoklyak and 1st grades go to the microphone)

Shapoklyak (took the microphone from the Vedas)- Make way, honest people,

First grader in front of you!

Shapoklyak builds kids on a pedestal.

First-graders read poetry, passing the microphone to each other.

Shapoklyak (addressing the baby)- Today is the day of knowledge. Do you want to go to school?

First Grader 1- I don't really want to, but my mother said that I need to!

First grader 2- And my dad tells me that knowledge is power. By the end of school, I will be a real hero!

First grader 1- But I don’t want to go to school, because my mother told me that my grandmother would walk with me by the hand. What am I small?

First grader (Baranova) - And my grandmother said that my whole family would study with me! And mom, and dad, and grandma, and grandpa too. And also… my two sisters are already studying at this school!

Really, great?

Shapoklyak- Well I do not know!

First grader (Baranova):

All girls and boys

By September, the books were folded,

Prepared briefcases -

So you want to go to school!

It's a miracle - the first day of school!

This is a miracle - books and a briefcase!

It's a miracle - everyone welcomes us!

It's a miracle - the first class is waiting for us!

First grader 1:

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -

Everything has been fine for a long time!

Today is my first time

I'm off to first grade!


First graders portfolios

They barely lift.

Know, Petit, know, Oli -

It's hard to study at school.

First grader 2:

Alphabet from "A" to "Z"

I learned before school:

Was going to school

That's what I tried!

First grader 1: I go to school for the first time.

First time carrying a briefcase.

I boldly open the book

I am a student now.

First grader 2:

Our first very best

Ring, ring, call!

Go home, moms!

It's time for our lesson!

First grader 1:

We must now learn

Don't yawn and don't be lazy

On "four" and on "five"

Answer in class.

First grader (Baranova):

In a big and bright school

The door is open for us.

We all came to learn

We are students now!

We promise today

Be an example in everything.

School, we all know for sure

Together: We won't let you down!

TO MUSIC Shapoklyak takes away first-graders

Leading adult (T.B.) Thank you, dear first graders! Thank you, dear parents, for entrusting the education and upbringing of your children to our school.


Daisies in the sun

Across the forget-me-not sky

Our childhood is passing

Simple, like a miracle.

hot air balloon

And the globe of the earth

So let the one who is older

The younger one will help!

Leading adult (T. B.): Word to our graduates!

To the music, 5 people come out to the microphone. from 11th grade with flowers.

Graduate 11 (Olga Volkova):

It all starts with a school bell:

Dreams, science, friendship - whatever you want!

Road to the stars! Secrets of the Ocean!

All this will come sooner or later

Everything is ahead, but for now ...

It all starts with a school bell...

Graduate 2:

This year is our last year of study at our dear, dearly beloved school.

We think about it with sadness because we love our school! We love our teachers, our classrooms, our evenings and competitions. We sacredly honor, believe in school friendship.

And we welcome the kindest, most understanding, the best in the world, professionals with a capital letter - our teachers!

Graduate 3:- We welcome the smallest children who will cross the threshold of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades of our school.

Today you are embarking on an annual exciting, interesting, though sometimes difficult journey through the SEA of knowledge. Favorable wind to you!

Graduate (ca) 4: - Today, no less exciting day for our fifth-graders! After all, they first came from elementary school to middle school! We wish them diligence, endurance, perseverance in achieving the goal!

Graduate (ca) 5: Greetings to our dear ninth graders! For them, a responsible year is coming, they are faced with a choice whether they will go to college or technical school next year, or continue their studies at school. I wish you success!

Graduate (ca) 1:- Welcome 10th graders!

Remember, you are called "high school students"! And this means that you have ten times more responsibility for your school than others!

Graduate (ca) 2: - 10 times, and we have as much as 11 times more responsibility to those who taught and educated us! Thank you teachers! Thank you so much for everything to the team of our beloved school!

3. We are a little sad, looking at first-graders ...

Ah, if only childhood could be returned even for a moment!

But we know that we need to move forward.

And we know that the path will be beautiful!

4. Our doors are wide open

Our school welcomes us.

And we climbed the stairs

Let's go to a cozy quiet classroom.

We enjoy the moment

We are in our last year at school.

This is a little sad

Time has its turn.

5. Today we have a change

Everything starts over.

The school taught us everything.

And it's time to teach the kids!

4. Let there be a holiday at school, noise and din,

And in the soul of the teacher - peace!

Let work give you joy

And it brings a lot of pleasure!

3. Accept our festive lines,

and our bouquets as a sign of high recognition,

For your interesting lessons,

For kindness, patience and knowledge!

Leading adult (T.B.)- Dear parents! Dear children! Congratulate holiday bouquets their teachers!

And for you, a student of class 6 “B”, a repeated winner of city and regional competitions Denis Sinyukov, sings.

Flowers for all teachers. To a song about a teacher.

Sings Sinyukov Denis (6a)

Presenter 1

Favorite school, and the first call

Five more minutes and class will begin.

We've been waiting all summer for this.

In adulthood, we bought tickets.

Lead 2

Congratulations to all on the day of knowledge!

New school luck to you!

Fulfillment of all desires

And solving difficult problems!

Presenter 1- And our students, together with their teachers, are able to solve difficult problems very well! Now you will be convinced of it!

Host (adult) T. B. - The word for congratulations and awards is given to the deputy. director of the school Ilyushkina Yu. E.


Carcass to each awarded.

Host (adult) T. B.- Once again, applause to our winners, who once again glorified our school!

Presenter 1

School is a special world

The school is a unique state.

School is joys and sorrows.

School is miracles and traditions.

Host (adult) T. B.- And, according to our school tradition, before the first bell rings this school year, we must definitely launch balloons into the sky with our wishes for the new 2017-2018 school year!

Presenter 1- Everyone ready?

Shapoklyak- Wait! Wait! Can I launch balloons into the sky? So I want my wish to come true!

Presenter 1- Just don't be mean!

Shapoklyak - Agreed! Polina, where are you! Get your helpers! Let's make wishes soon!

Shapoklyak goes to one "bouquet" of balloons. A tenth grader comes to her aid.

Polina goes to another "bouquet" of balloons. Two eleventh-graders come to her aid.

Shapoklyak - We close all, all, all eyes, make a wish for the new school year. Did your parents close their eyes? Right?

All together we count 5-4-3-2-1 in chorus, open our eyes and launch balloons into the sky so that all our wishes will certainly come true this academic year by 5 plus!

Shapoklyak- We count 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1! We open our eyes! Let's launch!


We launch balloons into the sky.

Host (adult T. B.)- Well, here are all the most important words said, made up cherished desires. The door of a large and bright school is really wide open. But, before you enter it, you must definitely hear the booming voice of the FIRST RING of the new academic year.

1st leader:

Opening the academic year

Let our school bell ring.

Meeting with a bell ringing

Everyone who came to the first lesson.

2nd leader:

Hello school year!

Good luck, students

Bell chimes

The bells are ringing again!

1st leader:

Everyone envy involuntarily,

grown up child,

And the school bell rings

Noisy festive courtyard.

Host (adult): - The honorable right to give the first bell is given to a student of 11 "A" class ... and a student of 1 "B" class ...


Give the first call.

T. B. gives a call to the students. They call to the account 1-2-3-4-5. Make a "Circle of Honor".

After the "lap of honor", the students ring the bell, standing at the microphone.

They called to the account 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

Phonogram of the school bell.

Presenter 1:

Well, it's a start.

And on time according to the plan from the pier

Let's sail for the whole year!

Host 2:

May he bring pleasant discoveries!

Dictation on "5", solved problems,

May everything be successful for everyone!

1st and 2nd hosts (together): Happy school year everyone!

Sounds School Music (quietly).

Against her background, the presenters read poetry:

Leading adult (T. B.):

May this year be kind for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time,

Presenter 1: …and for those who come here not for the first time.

Lead 2- Good and peace to all participants of our holiday and our guests!

Host (adult T. B.): We invite you all to the lessons of knowledge!

Leading adult (T. B.) - According to our tradition, the youngest students enter the school first - the 1st grade.

Our graduates guide you to the beginning of the school path.

1 "B" accompanies - 11 "A",

1 "B" - 9 "B",

1 "A" - 9 "A".

Shapoklyak monitors discipline and the order of classes.

(Or leads 1 "B" to the conference room at key hour.)

Leading vzr. (T.B.)- On this solemn ruler, dedicated to the holiday"First call" is considered closed.

On the Classroom hour"…" heading off

To the music, students go to their classes.


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