Fairy tale tournament visiting fairy tale scenario. Scenario of a mass event "visiting a fairy tale". KSU "Suvorov secondary school"




Prepared by the teacher education

Makaryan Anna Nikolaevna

G. Mozdok

Hello dear children and dear adults! Today we will go on an interesting, fascinating journey - to visit fairy tales. We will be helped by a carpet plane, which flew here specially for us. Get on the carpet, close your eyes. We're on our way (music). We fly over mountains, over seas, over dense forests. Fairyland is getting closer. The flying carpet slowly descends to the ground. We have arrived. Open your eyes, we are met by fairy tales.

Now fairy-tale heroes they will show us their cheerful dance (dance "Visiting a fairy tale").

Guys, did you guess the fairy tale characters who showed us their dance? (answers)

And now we will check how well you know other fairy-tale characters.

    He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He's famous, he's famous

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit).

    Long unknown to many

He became everyone's friend.

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The boy is an onion sign.

Very simple and short

He is called ... (Cipollino).

    Doll with blue curls

Well guess for yourself

Not Irina, not Karina,

Her name is ... (Malvina).

    He went to the emerald city

Along the long, difficult road.

From iron he is forever,

That is iron ... (Lumberjack).

    I deceived the evil wolf

I brought pies to grandma,

Such an obedient sweetheart

And her name is ... (Little Red Riding Hood).

    Enemy of people and enemy of beasts,

Evil robber ... (Barmaley).

    He loves everyone forever

Who would not come to him.

Guessed? This is Gena

This is Gena ... (Crocodile).

    He is a friend to animals and children,

He Living being,

But such in the whole world

There isn't one more.

Because he is not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a tit,

Not a kitten, not a puppy

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot,

But filmed for film

And known to all for a long time

This cute face

And it's called ... (Cheburashka).

Well done! I see that you know fairy tale characters very well.

Pinocchio and Malvina. Good afternoon guys! Welcome to Fairyland! Fairy tales have long been waiting for you to visit. They have prepared fabulous games and contests for you, but there are also many difficulties that you have to overcome along the way to fairy tales. And if you hurry, you will get to the palace for a ball. It's time for us to say goodbye, and for you to get ready for the road.

Pinocchio. Guys, let me see you (To the music, the children hold hands for Pinocchio and move like a snake around the hall).

Thank you Pinocchio. Goodbye.

And here is the first test for us "FAIRY TALE AUCTION".

You must guess the name of the fairy tale from which these objects are taken:

3 beds - (fairy tale "Three Bears"); a jug and a plate on the table - ("The Fox and the Crane"); apple tree, stove, river with kissel banks - (“Geese - swans”); bow, arrow, crown - ("Princess Frog"); ax, pike, stove - (“At the command of the pike”).

The next competition is “WHO MORE KNOWS FAIRY TALES” (two teams, players take turns calling fairy tales).

So, on our way the fairy tale "Turnip". Let's remember together the heroes of the fairy tale - (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse, turnip).


Two "turnips" (children in yellow caps) are sitting on two chairs. At a certain distance from each chair, two teams of children of six people line up: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. First, the grandfather runs to Repka, runs around her and returns. The grandmother clings to him, takes him by the belt, and the two of them already run around the turnip and return. At the end of the game, when all the characters run around the turnip in a chain, it must cling to the mouse, and they all return to the start together.

Guys, the next fairy tale is waiting for us, this is "Teremok". Who - who lives in the tower, who - who lives in a low one? The mouse is a norushka, the frog is a frog, the bunny is a runaway, the fox is a sister, the wolf is a gray tail, a bear is a clubfoot (choose children in two teams).


The “mouse-norushka” starts the relay race: it runs to the finish line, where the hoop lies - “teremok”. Having reached, he picks up the hoop, climbs through it, then puts it in place and returns back for the next participant. Now they run to the “teremka” together, always holding hands, while the two of them climb through the hoop without separating their hands. Returning, they take the next participant with them - and so on until the sixth. When at the last stage all players approach the hoop, five of them put it on themselves and thus find themselves inside the hoop, keeping it at waist level. The sixth participant - the bear - takes the hoop and pulls it along with all the participants to the start. The team that completes the task first wins.

And now the contest "GUESS".

The teams will take it in turns to show dramatizations of the fairy tale, without naming the fairy tales they presented. This must be guessed by the rivals (“Gingerbread Man”, “Little Red Riding Hood”).

Oh, guys, while we were playing, we did not notice how we ended up in a dense, impenetrable forest.

Baba Yaga. What dear guests have come to me today! How glad I am for you, otherwise they completely forgot the old me - they abandoned it. What it came to - they bypass, they are afraid, they consider them evil! And I'm not like that at all. I'm pretty good too! I read fairy tales at my leisure ... Do you want to tell me? No, I’d rather guess riddles for you, but not simple ones, but about fabulous evil spirits! Who can guess faster?

Fairy tale heroine, owner of the first aircraft(Baba Yaga).

A fairy-tale creature, an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called Spirit of the Forest (Leshy).

The loneliest representative of evil spirits (Water).

Unclean power of an unknown gender: “either a man, or a woman” (Likho one-eyed).

What is the name of the sister, the mistress of the swamp (Kikimora)?

Baba Yaga. From my sister - Kikimora - hello to you. In order for her to let you through her swamp, you need to appease her. I know one game that Kikimore likes very much, it's called Frog Outrunning.


Children are divided into two teams. One player from each team squats down and frog jumps to the other end of the hall and back. Returning, each player passes the baton to another member of his team (in the form of frog legs in which to jump). The team that finishes the game first wins.

Baba Yaga. And now let's play my favorite game "Baba Yaga".


A mortar can be a basket, and a broom can be a gymnastic stick. The player has one foot in the basket and the other on the ground. In his hand he holds a stick. In this position, it is necessary to go all the way to the chair, go around it, return to the starting place and pass the broom to the next player.

Baba Yaga. Okay, so be it, I'll let you go if you pass my last test.


Before you are bumps (circles drawn on the floor). You can step on a bump and not fall into the swamp.

So we left the forest, ran away from Baba Yaga, and continue on our way to the next fairy tales.

Ole Lukoye. Hello guys! Do you recognize me? Right. You are in the fairy tale of Hans - Christian Andersen "Ole Lukoye". And who knows the properties of my magic umbrellas (answers). And now I'll show you a fairy tale, sit down comfortably. Dance "Magic dream".

Ole Lukoye. Guys. I heard that you are on your way to the palace, to the ball. I think fairy tale humor questions will get you there! Quickly remember:

    Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making an outlandish, unique in its taste dish from carpentry tool(Porridge from an ax)?

    What fairy tale tells about a unique, in its kind, high jump competition among males, the winner of which was expected to receive a valuable prize - a kiss from a princess and marriage to her (Sivka - Burka)?

    What fairy tale tells about how the hare became a homeless person, and the red-haired cheat took possession of all the hare's property, and only the intervention of a third party helped restore justice (Hare hut)?

    Name the fairy-tale character climbing out of his skin (Frog).

    What is the name of the Russian folk tale, which tells the story of the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)?

    What is the most reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations (Tangle)?

    What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress, in which rivers, lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment(Sleeves)?

    name the name fairy tale character bursting with laughter at the sight of a poorly built bridge (Bubble).

    What is the name of the sewing accessory in which there is a mortal danger for fabulous centenarians (Needle)?

    What is the highest achievement of magical public catering (Tablecloth - self-assembly)?

    What is the name of a high-ranking person whose smile was fabulously expensive (Nesmeyana).

Ole Lukoye. Ahead of you is the royal palace, and I say goodbye to you, goodbye! Yes, I almost forgot. Cinderella really wants to get to the ball, but apparently she won't make it without your help. The evil stepmother gave Cinderella an overwhelming task. Sort the beans and peas, and put them in different bags!

Leading. Guys, help Cinderella?

Ole Lukoye. Thanks!


The leader scatters beans and peas on the floor. One team of guys collects beans, the other - peas. Whoever picks it up first is the winner.

Guys, I came up with the game "WHOSE PALACE IS BETTER". You must build a palace using the guys from your team.

So we got to the fairytale palace. Let's look into the palace, who lives here? King, Queen, Prince, Princess (choose guys). And we also need: Magpie, Robber, Oak, Carriage. We will now act out the fairy tale "Magpie - the rescuer."


The performers perform the tasks of the presenter impromptu on the go, inventing the details of the design, the manner of behavior of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Action 1. The curtain opens.

Palace, throne room. A magpie sits on the casement of a gilded window, carrying the news on its tail. Enter King and Queen. Embracing, they talk about the future of their daughter, the Princess. The king brings his wife to the window to admire the beauties of nature. The frightened Magpie flies away.

Action 2. The curtain opens.

Royal garden. A young Princess is walking along the garden paths between exotic trees. A magpie on a tree coquettishly cleans its feathers, not paying attention to the Princess. Flies away. The princess on the royal carriage goes for a walk.

Under a spreading oak sits a hungry robber. Magpie sleeps on one branch, she opened one eye, hearing how her brains crackle from the thoughts of a robber in search of a livelihood. Noticing the royal Carriage passing through the forest, the robber rushed to intercept her. Having stopped the carriage, the robber grabs the Princess, who has fainted, and runs away into the forest. Magpie, who saw the kidnapping of the Princess, flies away towards the royal palace.

End of action. The curtain closes.

Action3. The curtain opens.

There is panic in the palace: the Princess has disappeared. The king is tearing his hair out. The queen is inconsolable. Magpie flies through the window and chirps anxiously, bringing disturbing news. At this tragic moment, the Prince enters the throne room. He agrees to save the princess.

End of action. The curtain closes.

Action 4. The curtain opens.

Again in the clearing stands the Oak, to which the Princess is tied. A robber on a stump writes a letter to the king demanding a ransom. Imperceptibly, the Prince appears in the clearing. He conducts a combat technique, and the defeated robber lies on the ground. The Prince frees the Princess. The overjoyed Princess kisses the liberator. Magpie - a witness to their meeting, with a sly wink of an eye, flies away to the palace with noise.

End of action. The curtain closes.

Action5. The curtain opens.

Throne room of the royal palace. Magpie brings news on its tail. Everyone is cheerful and happy. Drunk with joy, the magpie chirps merrily. King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Magpie from an excess of feelings kiss.

King, Queen, Prince, Princess invite all the guys to the ball. Everybody is dancing! (waltz, polka, stage)

With this our journey came to an end. It's time for us to fly back. Stand on the flying carpet, close your eyes. We're coming back (music). Carpet - the plane rises higher and higher. Below was a magical land. Here we are at home. Landing. Open your eyes.

Goodbye guys. See you again.

The stage can be decorated with fabulous decorations. In all competitions, the Fairy gives the winners a book with fairy tales.

Fairy. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a trip to the world of fairy tales. You will remember your favorite fairy-tale characters, take part in fun contests.

Storyteller. Good afternoon and good evening!
I am a funny storyteller.
I came to you from fairy tales
I found my own way!
And about what will happen next
I don't even know myself.
I only know every forest
Full of fabulous wonders.

Quiz "Who is the boss"

Fairy. And what do you have in the hands of the Storyteller?
Storyteller. This is a magic box, but I forgot the magic words.
Fairy. Can the guys help?
Storyteller. To open the casket, one must remember the magic words from the fairy tale that open any door. Help guys.
The children answer. Sim, Sim, open up.
Storyteller. Oh, it's true. The casket is open. Let's see what I have here. I will show you objects, and you will name who is the owner of this thing.
Golden key - Pinocchio.
Thermometer - Aibolit
Slipper - Cinderella
Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood
Boot with a spur - Puss in Boots
Lamp - Aladdin
Needle - Koschei the Immortal

Quiz "Remember the fairy tale"

Fairy. You know the owners, do you remember the fairy tales?

1. In what fairy tale did the future king want to marry that girl who did not sleep all night, but the pea was to blame? ("Princess on the Pea")
2. In which Russian folk tale talking about difficulties farming? ("Turnip")
3. Which fairy tale tells about the dangers of excessive meat consumption? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
4. Which fairy tale speaks of the increased demand of its characters for baked goods? ("Kolobok")
5. Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making an outlandish, unique in its taste dish from a carpentry tool? ("Porridge from an ax")
6. What fairy tale says that the hare became a homeless person, and the red-haired cheat took possession of all the property, and only the intervention of a third party helped restore justice? ("Hare hut")
7. In what Russian folk tale did they use an unusual mode of transport to get to the king's palace? ("By magic")

Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

Quiz "Fabulous beauties"

Red Riding Hood. Hello, I came here
To you on a holiday I, friends!
But tell me first
Am I too late?
Red Cap me
Names the child.
I didn't go to you alone. My friends were with me, but yesterday there was a ball and they had not yet woken up. Try to find out who they are.

The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs. (Swan Princess)

I washed for my stepmother
I sorted peas and buckwheat
And at night, with a thin candle.
And slept by the warm stove. (Cinderella)

I can work beautifully and deftly,
I show skill in any business.
I know how to bake bread and weave,
Sew shirts, embroider carpets
Swim like a white swan on the lake.
Who am I? (Vasilisa the Wise)

I was a toad in a swamp
I caught the arrow and that hour
Ivan the Fool saved me. (Princess Frog)

She was a stage performer
Although she lived in a box
But from the evil Karabas
Run away forever (Malvina)

Malvina exits.

Quiz "Through the pages of the Golden Key"

Malvina. I hear you're having fun here. Participate in various quizzes. Let's go through the pages of my fairy tale.
1. What fairy tale did I come from? Who is its author? (A. K. Tolstoy "The Golden Key")
2. Who made the wooden boy? (Papa Carlo)
3. Who gave dad a log? (Joseppe)
4. How many years did Tortila the turtle live? (300 years)
5. What is the name of the person who caught the leeches. (Duremar)
6. What was the name of the director of the puppet theater? (Karabas-Barabas)
7. Name my friends. (Pierrot, Artemon)

The princess comes out.

Competition "The Princess and the Pea"

A princess. (referring to Little Red Riding Hood)

Oh hello my friend
How is your old lady?

Red Riding Hood. Hello princess. My grandmother is on the mend. And here we are doing fabulous quizzes.

A princess. Let's better contest let's do it. Let's check if there are real princesses among the beauties present.

Any number of girls can participate in the competition. There are three chairs on the stage. All chairs have small cushions. And only under one pillow is a pea. The girls take turns sitting on chairs. And they stop near those chairs on which, in their opinion, lies a pea. The real princesses are those who correctly identified the location of the pea.

Cinderella comes out.

Competition "Cinderella"

Cinderella. Oh, how many children -
Both girls and boys.
Did you come here to play?
Well then, hurry up.
When I lost my shoe at the ball, everyone knew that I had a special foot. A lot of time has passed since then. Let's find out if new Cinderellas have appeared, and the Storyteller will help me with this.
Any number of children can participate in the competition, regardless of gender. Everyone takes the stage; they take turns sitting on a chair, and the Storyteller tries on Cinderella's shoe for them. To whom the shoe will be just right, that can be considered Cinderella.

Competition "Eat a pie"

Red Riding Hood. I'll also run my own competition. I have a few pies left in my basket.
The number of players depends on the number of pies. Whoever eats the pie first wins. Pies should be big.

Dance of evil spirits

Baba Yaga flies on a broom
Baba Yaga. Watch out! Disperse!
Hey broom, stop!
What collection do you have?
Are you having fun again?
Enough, cover you, friends,
Hey, unclean, come here!

Evil spirits enter the stage and dance.

Quiz "According to Pushkin's fairy tales"

Fairy. Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday?
Baba Yaga. What about me? What I want, then I turn back! You didn't invite me?
Fairy. We didn't invite you because you don't know how to do good deeds.
Baba Yaga. And that's not true. It is in fairy tales that I am not good, in life I am kindness itself. And I also like to play and I know fairy tales. Try to answer my questions here.

Answers to questions are written on cards. 10 guys are called onto the stage and they are given cards. Baba Yaga asks the audience a question. They answer. Only after that the answer from the card is read out. The guys who have the cards themselves (without conferring among themselves) must determine which of them has the correct answer to the question asked.

1. How long has no one disturbed the kingdom of Dadon?
Answer: “A year, another passes peacefully;
The cockerel is sitting quietly ... "
2. How many sons did King Dadon have?
Answer: “What a strange picture!
Before him are his two sons…”
3. How long did King Dadon feast in the queen's tent?
Answer: “And then exactly a week,
Obeying her, of course,
bewitched, enthralled,
Dadon feasted with her ... "
4. For what salary did Balda agree to work for the priest?
Answer: “Three clicks on your forehead a year ...”
5. How many years was the Ballad of Obrok with Church to collect?
Answer: “The best would be unnecessary income,
Yes, they have a arrears for three years ... "
6. How many years did the old man fish?
Answer: “He fished for thirty years and three years…”
7. How many times did the old man throw a net before he caught a goldfish?
Answer: “For the third time he threw a net, -
A seine came with one fish ... "(2 times)
8. How long was the old woman queen?
Answer: “Here is a week, another one passes ...”
9. What size was the child born to the queen?
Answer: “God gave them a son with a arshin ...”
10. What dowry did the king prepare for his daughter?
Answer: Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers ... "

Storyteller. There are many fairy tales in the world, funny and sad, fairy tales are liked by children and adults. Each of us knows one or more fairy tales.

Baba Yaga. While I walk around the world, fairy tales will not end.

Cinderella. There are many different stories, very different ones.

Malvina. And the prince will love Snow White,
And vanity will destroy the sorceress.

Red Riding Hood. An evil wolf will be killed on a hunt so that children can walk through the forests without fear.

A princess. And the moon will shine bright
Under the scythe of Vasilisa the Beautiful ...

Fairy. We take with us on the road
Your favorite fairy tale friends.
They will help you in difficult times.
Find your dream and make life brighter.

Together. Now is the moment to say goodbye
Our speech will be short;
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until happy new meetings!”

Game scenario

"Journey with Fairytale Heroes"

Fairy: Hello dear friends! My name is _________________.
Today we are invited to visit the Fairy Tale. Yes Yes! It is she, the Fairy Tale, who will be the hospitable hostess of our game "Journey with Fairytale Heroes". Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children answer)
And I love. Funny and sad, scary and funny, fairy tales are familiar to us from childhood. Our ideas about good and evil, about peace and justice are connected with them.
Fairy tales are loved by both children and adults. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world.
The most incredible miracles happen in fairy tales.
And today we will take a trip to this mysterious world fairy tales. Why do you think I came to you in such an unusual outfit? (Children answer)
Today I am not just _____________, I am a Storyteller. And I will help you remember your favorite fairy tales, meet your favorite characters. I will help you on this journey to be fun, inquisitive and witty.
I suggest you go on a road trip: to see the white light, to look at people, to show yourself.
We have a long path ahead of us, through a dense forest. On the way we will meet obstacles, and we will have to overcome them.
I know that you guys are very friendly and brave. During the journey, you will help and rescue each other. Right, I say? (Children answer)
Before we find ourselves in a fairy forest, let's all hold hands and close our eyes. As soon as you hear magical sounds, immediately open your eyes. Ready? Did everyone close their eyes? Then - go! To the world of Wonders and Magic!

(music plays)

Here we are in the fairy forest. And here is lamb mouse! She will be our guide on the journey. She prepared the first test for us - the game "What fairy tale are we from?". Now she will tell you riddles about heroes from fairy tales that many children love. I think you love them too and can easily recognize the characters and determine what fairy tale they are from.

First task "What fairy tale are we from?"

    Who flies on a mortar in the forest? And he lives in a hut there? Who always scolds children, does not let them listen to fairy tales? - Who is it? Guessed?

    It is scraped in the bottom of the barrel, It is mixed on sour cream, It is cold on the window, Round side, ruddy side Rolled ...... (kolobok)

    Grandmother loved the girl very much, She gave her a red cap, The girl forgot her name, Well, tell me her name.

    Spoke a word -
    The stove rolled
    straight from the village
    To the king and princess.
    And for what, I don't know
    Lucky lazy?
    « By magic »

    Heals young children
    Heals birds and animals
    Looking through his glasses
    Good Doctor...

    She is beautiful and sweet
    Her name comes from the word "ash".

    The nose is round, patchy,
    It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
    Small crochet tail
    Instead of shoes - hooves.
    Three of them - and to what
    The brothers are friendly.
    Guess without a clue
    Who are the heroes of this tale?
    Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf

    Near the forest, on the edge,
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a clue
    Who are the heroes of this tale?
    Three Bears

    The fat man lives on the roof
    He flies above all.

    The man is middle-aged
    Here with such a beard.
    Offends Pinocchio,
    Artemon and Malvina,
    And in general for all people
    He is a notorious villain.
    Does any of you know
    Who is this?
    Karabas Barabas

    Wooden mischief
    From a fairy tale into our lives penetrated.
    Favorite of adults and children,
    Daredevil and inventor of inventions,
    A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.
    Tell me, what's his name?


    And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself,
    Just call her guys...

Fairy: And I prepared the second task for you. It's called "Collect a fairy tale"
I will give you magic envelopes, you need to collect an illustration for a fairy tale and determine its name.

Second task "Collect a fairy tale"

Fairy: And here is the first guest.

(Pinocchio enters to the music)


Hello guys!

Did you recognize me? What is my name?

What fairy tale am I from?

Oh, yes, you have here the door I'm looking for. My golden key fits this door. Let's try to open it.


Wait, wait Pinocchio. You are in a hurry to open the wonderful door.

Remember how many trials you had to endure before you found the door in Papa Carlo's lodge.

Let the guys try to go through some obstacles, because the door to a fairy tale does not open so easily.


And what are the obstacles?


Let's first check whether they know fairy tales well.

Third task "Magic bag"

Pinocchio: You need to choose a fabulous item from a magic bag, and answer from which fairy tale it is

In the bag: a golden egg, a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller ones, an arrow, a key

(Children choose fairy-tale objects and explain in which fairy tale they are found)

Fairy tales:

"Ryaba Hen" - a golden egg;
"Three Bears" - a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller ones;
"The Frog Princess" - the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich. Pinocchio - golden key

Fairy: Well done! And again we continue the journey. Our mouse-norushka is completely bored and invites us to play with you.

Norushka mouse: I want to see how attentive and friendly you are. Now I will name various objects for you. If this item is edible, then you need to clap your hands loudly, and if it is inedible, then stomp loudly. All clear? Well then, I'll start.

Fourth task "Edible - inedible"

Apple, snow, spoon, pie, plate, porridge, candy, pancakes, cup, sour cream, snowman, hat, brush, sausage, cookie, tablecloth, doll, ball, telephone, soup, chocolate, marmalade, orange.

Fairy: Well done boys! You and I have the last task "Fairytale Relay Race". We need to find out which of the teams is the fastest.

Fifth task "Fairy tale relay"

Fairy: So our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic ended. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales, your friendship, we were able to go this way. Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? (Children answer)
Fairy tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and courageous. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love their homeland and protect the weak.
Saying goodbye to you, I want to say that you are wonderful and very talented guys. I love you all. Goodbye. And see you again.

Children's holidays at home. fairy tale scenarios and quizzes Kogan Marina Solomonovna

Tournament of cheerful and resourceful "Visiting a fairy tale"

Registration: players - in costumes of fairy-tale heroes; exhibition of children's drawings; illustrations for fairy tales; posters “Visiting a fairy tale”, “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”; music.

The tournament is held between teams. After each round, you can announce the results. The total is made up of points earned in all rounds.

1st round

Each team is given a sheet with question numbers and empty columns opposite. The facilitator reads the question, the team discusses it and writes the answer in the appropriate column. The results are summed up by the number of correct answers.

Guess the Hero

1. Seller of medicinal leeches.

2. Heir to three fat men.

3. The owner of the yacht "Victory".

4. Girl with blue hair.

5. The good sorceress in Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Donkey Skin".

6. The one who goes to visit in the morning.

Answers. 1. Duremar. 2. Tutti. 3. Captain Vrungel. 4. Malvina. 5. Lilac. 6. Winnie the Pooh.

2nd round

Guess the fairy tale girl's name

A set of letters is written on a board or poster, from which in a certain time (30–60 seconds) it is necessary to compose the name of a girl from a fairy tale. The teams write their answer on a piece of paper.


(Answer: Snow White)

3rd round

Teams write their answers on paper. If three teams are playing, one question can be asked orally to each team.

Answer no questions

Which hero of Ch. Perrault's fairy tale belongs to all these objects?

1. Hat with a feather. 2. Sword. 3. Boots. (Puss in Boots)

Which of these words did Kai put out?

1. Snowflake. 2. Warmth. 3. Eternity. 4. Youth. (Eternity)

Which of these flowers did the stepdaughter from the fairy tale "Twelve Months" collect?

1. Lilies of the valley 2. Snowdrops 3. Cornflowers 4. Daisies. (Snowdrops)

4th round

Using the letters of the word SNOW MAIDEN, make up as many words as possible from them in 5 minutes. (You can increase or decrease the time to complete the task.) Each letter can only be used once in a word.

(Snow, horn, litter, dew, nose, dream, con, ar, bough, scythe, wasp, river, pen, cancer, rock, rank, garlic, sulfur, mountain, stew, circle, juice, lesson, black man, etc. d.)

5th round

How many stories have been told?

This is a fairy tale. Listen to her and say what fairy tales are mentioned here.

Option 1. The facilitator reads the text slowly. Each team writes down on separate sheets the names of fairy tales, fragments of which were heard in the text.

Option 2. Each team has its own text. The execution time is determined - 5–7 minutes. Each team writes their answers on separate sheets of paper.

Points are awarded according to the number of guessed fairy tales.

But should we start over? Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, they had a hut not of ice, but of bast. They lived there for thirty years and three years. They lived, did not grieve, and everything was fine, but God did not give them children. So the old woman says to the old man: “Go, old man, to the goldfish. Bow to the fish, obey her, and ask her for an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one. And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman at the window sat down to wait for him alone. Waiting, waiting from morning till night. Looks at the sea, even his eyes hurt.

And the old man is not joking at this time: he twists his arms and legs with ropes. Sharp teeth plunge into the very heart and beg for a testicle from her. And the old woman in the hut smiles and waits for Ivan the Fool. Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

Winter has passed, spring has come. The sun began to bake, and the old woman wanted to drink spring water. She went to the well, scooped up water, but the trouble is - she stumbled. The bucket fell to the very bottom of the well. The old woman is crying, washing herself with bitter tears. Look - a puddle. Let me, the old woman thinks, get drunk from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and says in a human voice: “Don’t drink, old one, you will become a kid.” The old woman did not listen to the mouse and got drunk from the puddle. Suddenly thunder boomed, lightning flashed, and the old woman turned into a frog. He sits and croaks to himself. And at that time, Ivan the Fool was returning from hunting. Look - the frog is sitting. He pulled the arrow, took aim ... Then the frog pleaded: "Do not destroy me, Ivanushka, I will come in handy for you." And so it happened, like a frog.

Ivanushka brought the frog to the palace to the king-father. And the sovereign immediately ordered to prepare three cauldrons: with ice water, with boiled water and with fresh milk. The frog bathed in three cauldrons and became such a beauty that it cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. Here they played a wedding. And the kids were not long in coming. A great many children were born to them: in scales, like the heat of grief, thirty-three heroes. And the old man by the blue sea still walks to this day: he goes to the right - he starts the song, to the left - he tells a fairy tale - the one that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows and old people.

(“The Fox and the Hare”, “The Tale of the Goldfish”, “Snow Maiden”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Baba Yaga”, “The Tale of the Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Moroz Ivanovich", "The Frog Princess", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

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Do not litter at a party Guests fruits and sweets Eat together, have fun, But all the bits at the same time On the floor they fly merrily! And in the end, the whole hole of the Fox is full. Even nowhere to play - And the Fox is angry! On the floor of candy wrappers and bones Do not ever throw! Rude guests for the host

Organizing time.

The hall where the holiday is held is conditionally divided into two parts. One - the performers of the performance - is used as a stage, and chairs are installed on the second, where the spectators participating in the quiz will be placed.

Christmas trees are placed on the stage, a tower is installed. The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.

Mushroom and Shut froze under the trees. The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: My path is not far, not close,

I walked, walked, bow low to you.

The stories come here.

Invite them kids?

Children: Yes!

The storyteller touches the Jester and the Mushroom with a magic wand. Heroes come to life.

Mushroom: We kindly ask you to come

To our spacious book house!

We kindly ask you to look

How we have fun.

Jester: Good school today

The hall is on fire.

We are on our cheerful holiday

We invite all friends!

Teacher: The fairy tale has a pure soul,

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

The native people are its creator,

The cunning people, the wise people,

I put my dream into it

Like gold in a chest.

The fairy tale was born long ago, before people learned to read and write. Fairy tales were composed by folk dreamers and told to their relatives and friends. So the story went from mouth to mouth.

Storyteller: Let's open the curtain-veil

And in front of us for a moment

Spread the branches of a wonderful forest

And, holding back a little excitement,

Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.

Today we will take you on an exciting journey to the land of fairy tales.

Happy journey!

Mushroom: Miracles await us in this hall today.

Do you hear? Come alive here good fairy tales vote.

Main part.

Storyteller: To invite a fairy tale

We must repeat out loud:

Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me!

Children: Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me!

Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick and screams loudly.

Baba Yaga: Watch out! Disperse!

ATV, stop!

What kind of congregation do you have

In the unseasonable winter hour?

Where is it seen that I

Did you have fun here?

Enough, cover you, friends,

Hey, unclean, come here!

An evil spirit runs into the hall and runs around the hall.

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our kids want to have fun!

Baba Yaga: What about me? What I want, then I turn back!

Storyteller: The guys and I called a fairy tale. Where are you doing her?

Baba Yaga: I saw your fairy tale

At Koshchei's palace.

I can replace it for you

I'm changing my face now.

Takes out powder and powders.

Fairy tale element,

I have a document

I fly on my broomstick

And I scare the kids.

Storyteller: What are you, Grandma Yaga,

Children can't be scared

We need to rescue the story.

Can we send you?

Baba Yaga: I don't even think.

Give me my broom.

Seeing the plaintive eyes of the guys, Baba Yaga agrees.

Well! Let be heroes of fairy tales give us warmth. May good forever triumph over evil.

Sounds like "Song of a Fairy Tale" performed by two girls.

Baba Yaga: I'm glad to help you in trouble

But I expect a reward from you.

Mushroom: Grandma, don't waste time

And for a fairy tale you fly.

Baba Yaga: That's shameless, that's impudent!

Where did you see grandma?

I am younger than all of you together.

I'll be two hundred by lunchtime.

Gore you deprive

Get out and don't interfere.

He sits on a broomstick and flies away.

Storyteller: You can't kill evil, but you have to fight it,

Evil is laziness of the soul.

Let everyone in the morning

As soon as it wakes up

Hurry to do good.

Teacher: While Baba Yaga is doing a good deed and looking for a fairy tale, I suggest you remember the fairy tales you have read.

Teacher: The old woman plucked a flower from the garden,

I gave it to the girl Zhenya.

And in the petals of those magic power.

Their girl Zhenya asked for something.

What should I say cutting off the petals,

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Children: Semi-flower.

Light, calm music sounds. The girl Zhenya comes out from behind the screen with a seven-flower in her hands, breaks off the petals.

Zhenya: Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Returning, making a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground

To be, in my opinion, led!

Teacher: Before the wolf did not tremble,

He ran away from the bear.

And the fox on the tooth

Still got it...

Children: Gingerbread man!

Kolobok appears and sings a song.

Kolobok: I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Kolobok - ruddy side!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather...

Teacher: Someone is walking through the forest

Carries a box on the back.

Smells delicious like pies

What is the story before you?

Children: Masha and the Bear.

A bear appears with a box. Calm music sounds.

Bear: I will sit, I will sit on a stump,

Eat, eat a pie.

The bear leaves.

Teacher: A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl does not know that danger awaits.

Behind the bushes glows a pair of angry eyes,

Someone strange will meet

Girl now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive the grandmother,

To enter the house?

Children: Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood sings a song under karaoke.

Teacher: Unfortunately, not all fairy-tale heroes were able to come to

us for the holiday. But they sent telegrams, however, they forgot to sign them. Let's guess together who sent us the telegrams.

The teacher reads telegrams.

“I ran to your holiday and broke an egg ...”

Teacher: Who was in such a hurry to come to us?

Children: Mouse. Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

“I can’t come to your holiday, my trousers ran away from me ...”

Children: Dirty from "Moydodyr"

Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf!”

Children: The wolf and the seven Young goats.

“When you hear thunder and knocking, do not be afraid. It’s me in my little box hurrying to you!”

Children: "Princess Frog"

Teacher: In the land of fairy tales, trouble has occurred. All stories are mixed up. Let's help fairy tales take their place.

There is a poster on the board. The poster depicts the heroes of fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Bubble, straw and bast shoes”, “By the will of the pike”, “Tsokotuha fly”, “Pinocchio”, “Zayushkina hut”. The missing heroes of fairy tales are glued to the poster: grandfather, bast shoes, pike, money, golden key, rooster.

Baba Yaga arrives.

Baba Yaga: For the heat, for the blizzard,

Everyone scolds me, hag,

And there's no more harm in me

Than daisies in the meadow.

What are you waiting for, kids?

Take away. Here she is.

Baba Yaga opens the bundle, which contains sparkles and confetti. Throws them up.

The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: All a moment's attention

I want to start a story.

This fairy tale's name

Hurry to guess!

Is everyone ready to listen?

There will be a fairy tale, give it time

The old man says to the old woman:

Bake me...

Children: Gingerbread man!

A melody sounds, a grandfather and a woman come out of the house.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Grandfather: Oh, I wanted a kolobok

We have butter and flour

Here you knead the dough

And treated everyone with a kolobok!

grandmother: I'll gladly get down to business

Though the task is not easy

To make the dough fluffy white,

We need more than just flour!

Attention and skill are needed

Don't forget about salt and sugar

For a better meal

I'll start kneading the dough!

To the music, the grandmother kneads the dough, with the end of the music she covers the tub with a towel.

grandmother: I kneaded the dough, added oil,

Out of strength, oh, how tired I am!

Grandmother sits on a stump, begins to doze off. The dough child picks up the towel and throws it back.

Dough: I'll run away from the tub

I don't want to be a bun.

I feel bad here

I feel stuffy here.

Over the edge

Let's run!

Very sweet dough

I can't sit here.

I don't have enough space in the tub...

Cramped, cramped, run away!

Grandfather: Baba, the dough has run away!

Woman: Hey, hey, hey, where, where?

How did I sleep?

Here is the misfortune, here is the trouble!

Baba, together with grandfather, catch the dough, carry it into the house.

Grandfather and woman come out, take out round bread.

Grandfather: The bread was removed and it became quieter,

The bins breathe hot

The field is sleeping, it is tired,

Winter is coming.

Smoke floats over the village

Pies are baked in houses.

Come in don't be shy

Eat good bread!

They treat the audience with bread and leave.

Teacher: Let's play a game with you. Your task is to portray the hero so that other guys can guess what kind of hero it is and from which fairy tale.

The guys are playing a game.

Teacher: Thanks guys, you are good artists.

What do you think this fairy tale is depicted on the poster?

Children: Lukomorye has a green oak.

Teacher: Let's close our eyes together, and we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Children listen to the fairy tale "Lukomorye has a green oak"

Teacher: What fairy tale characters are not on the poster?

Children: 30 knights and their uncle of the sea, the prince and the king, the sorcerer and hero, the princess and the wolf, king Koschey.

The teacher glues the missing characters.


Zhenya girl: We will grow up, we will become different,

And maybe among worries

We stop believing in fairy tales

But the fairy tale will come to us again!

And we will meet her with a smile:

Let it live with us again!

And this fairy tale to our children,

We will tell you again in a good hour.

Storyteller: My young friend!

Take with you on the road

Your favorite fairy tale friends.

At the cherished hour, they will help you.

Find a dream and make life brighter.

Now is the moment to say goodbye

We say to you: "Goodbye"

Teacher: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's all sing the song "Little Country" together

Children sing a song, and fairy-tale characters dance to this melody.

Teacher: Our holiday has come to an end. See you!


There are mountains, forests

Little country.

There are animals with kind eyes,

There life is full of love.

There is a miracle lake sparkling,

There is no evil or grief.

The Firebird lives in the palace

And gives people light.

Little country,

Little country.

Who will tell me

Who will tell

Where is she, where is she.

Where the soul is light and clear

Where it's always spring.

This country I only dream of

But a bright moment will come.

And on a winged chariot,

I will take flight.

The hour of goodbye is destined for me,

In my star country.

There's a handsome boy waiting for me

On a golden horse

Spring rain is pouring outside the window,

I am alone in the house.

I believe in you my salvation

Little country.


There are many fairy tales in the world

There are many fairy tales in the world.

Sad and funny

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

And live in the world.

We can't live without them

we can't do without them.

Aladdin Lamp,

Take us to the fairy tale.

crystal slipper,

Help along the way.

Chippolino boy,

Chippolino boy

Bear Winnie the Pooh,

Bear Winnie the Pooh.

Everyone is on our way

A true friend,

A true friend.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May good forever

Evil wins.


1 couplet.

Children, holding hands, calmly walk in a circle. The fairy tale, performing free improvisational movements, walks along the outer side of the circle in one direction.


Children stop and turn around to face. Performing light half-squats, children raise both arms up and swing them over their heads. The fairy tale “snake” moves between them, performing free movements with its hands.

Children put their hands down, turn to the right and join hands in a "chain". The story goes to the center of the circle.

2 couplet.

The fairy tale rises on its toes and spins to the right side, performing improvisational movements with its hands. Children turn in a circle with their faces and narrow it in a calm step.

The fairy tale is spinning in reverse side performing improvisational hand movements. Children expand the circle at a calm pace.

3 verse.

The children turn to the right. right hand the children put it on their left shoulder, and they raise their left hand up in front of them and put it on the left shoulder of the child in front. The fairy tale stands as a leader in front of any child and leads all the children in a “snake” throughout the hall.

The tale puts all the children in a line in front of the audience and. at the end of the song. They do a deep bow.


If long, long, long, long,

If long on the path

If long on the track

Stomp, ride and run.

That, perhaps, then of course,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

Can you come to Africa?

Ah, rivers in Africa

this is the width.

Ah, mountains in Africa

Here is such a height.

Ah, crocodiles, hippos

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales

Ah, and the green parrot.

And as soon as, only, only

And once on the track

And once on the path

I will meet someone.

To the one I meet

I believe even the beast, I believe

I won't forget, I will, I will

I will say hello.

But of course, but of course

If you're so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't play.

Nothing is dear to you

Hillsides, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish,

Take care of your hands and feet


    O. V. Kalashnikova "Holidays in kindergartens and elementary school"

    O. V. Perekatiev "Theatrical holidays"

    Magazine "Merry Note" No. 7 2006

    L. N. Yarovaya " extracurricular activities» Grade 3.


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