Nuclear power plant control panel. Peace and atom. Block control panel of the Novovoronezh NPP. Control room lighting requirements

Last time we visited the engine room of the Novovoronezh NPP. Walking between the intricate interweaving of pipes, one involuntarily marvels at the complexity of this huge mechanical organism of a nuclear power plant. But what is hidden behind this multicolored jumble of mechanisms? And how is the station controlled?

1. This question will be answered in the next room.

2. Patiently waiting for the whole group, we find ourselves in a real MCC! Main control point or Block control room (MCR). The brain of the 5th power unit of the Novovoronezh NPP. It is here that all information about each element of the large organism of the station flows down.

3. The open space in front of the operator's workstations is specially set aside for such familiarization meetings. Without interfering with the work of the staff, we can calmly inspect the entire hall. Control panels extend from the central panel with wings. One half is responsible for managing the work nuclear reactor, the second for the operation of the turbines.

4. Looking at the control panel, at last it comes to the consciousness of what kind of monster the man has tamed and holds it tightly in his hands! The incredible number of buttons and lights that densely cover the block shield are mesmerizing. There are no superfluous details - everything is consistently subordinated to the logical structure of the nuclear power plant operation process. Monitors of constantly humming computers stand in orderly rows. Eyes run up from the richness and fullness of the information received, which is understandable and meaningful only for highly qualified professionals - only such people find themselves in the chairs of leading engineers.

5. Although the control is fully automated, and the operators carry out mainly visual control, in an emergency situation it is the person who makes this or that decision. Needless to say, what a huge responsibility lies on their shoulders.

6. Weighty magazine and many phones. Everyone wants to sit in this place - in the chair of the shift supervisor of the 5th power unit. Bloggers could not resist, with the permission of the station workers, to try on the responsibility entailing the possession of this position.


8. In each side of the "wings" of the control unit hall, there are long rooms in which relay protection cabinets are arranged in orderly rows. As a kind of logical continuation of the panels, they are responsible for the reactor and turbines.

9. This is a perfectionist's dream behind a glass cabinet door.

11. This time we are led by secret paths to the reserve shield.

12. A reduced copy of the main control panel, it performs the same basic functions.

13. Of course, there is no full functionality here, it is designed, for example, to safely shutdown all systems in the event of a failure of the main control unit.

14. ... And it has never been used in its existence.

15. Since our blog tour to Novovoronezh NPP was made with an emphasis on safety, it was impossible not to tell about the most interesting simulator. A full-fledged toy and the most accurate copy of the control panel.

16. A long way to the position of a leading engineer-operator in the control room is not possible without full-fledged training at the training center (USP). In the process of training and examination, various possible emergency situations at a nuclear power plant are simulated, and the adept must find a competent and safe solution in the shortest possible time

17. A detailed story about the work of the USP gradually came down to a topic of particular interest to all bloggers. The Big Red Button, which we noticed in the main control unit. The emergency protection button (AZ) - sealed with a red ribbon of paper, looked intimidating.

18. Here, with a sinking heart, we were allowed to press it! Sirens sounded, lights ran across the panels. This triggered the emergency protection, which gradually leads to a safe shutdown of the reactor.

19. In contrast to the control room, the simulator can be approached and examined more closely. By the way, the control unit of the 5th power unit is unique, like any nuclear power plant. That is, an operator trained on this simulator can only work on this unit!

20. And learning never stops. Each operator is required to undergo scheduled drills of 90 hours per year.

21. Constantly returning in our conversations with engineers to accidents at different nuclear power plants, we try to understand what were their causes and the existing possibilities for their occurrence. After all, it is here that the scenarios of extreme or extreme accidents are scrolled.

22. ... The howl of a siren and blackouts make us stop talking. And pay attention to the control panels dotted with winking lights. Nice ... How nice? It's scary, of course, if it wasn't for our simulator. It was this error that was issued by the control unit at Fukushima during the 2011 accident.

23. In order to prevent such accidents from happening again, specialists of the highest level are constantly working. Continuous checks are underway. Now the atom and the world are inseparable from each other. And someday the time will come for thermonuclear energy.

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The APCS function is a set of system actions aimed at achieving a particular control goal. The functions of the APCS are subdivided into information, control and auxiliary.
The content of the information functions of the APCS is the collection, processing and presentation of information about the state of the TOU to the operating personnel, as well as its registration and transfer to other APCS
Consider the information functions of the APCS.

  1. Control and measurement technological parameters, consisting in converting the values ​​of the object's parameters (pressures, flow rates, temperatures, neutron fluxes, etc.) into signals suitable for perception by operational personnel or for their subsequent automated processing... A distinction is made between the function of individual control, when the secondary indicating devices operate directly from the primary converter or (with switching from a group of primary converters, and the function of centralized control carried out by means of a computer.
  2. The calculation of indirect quantities is performed using a computer and provides the determination of the values ​​of the parameters, the direct measurement of which is either difficult for design reasons (temperature of the cladding of fuel elements), or is impossible due to the absence of appropriate primary converters (thermal power of the reactor, technical and economic indicators).
  3. The registration of values ​​is carried out for the subsequent analysis of the operation of the ATC. Registration is carried out on paper tapes of secondary recording devices (recorders), in the computer memory, as well as on the computer output media (paper tapes of typewriters).
  4. Signaling of the state of shut-off devices (valves) and mechanisms of auxiliary needs (pumps) is carried out using color signals corresponding to certain states of valves and pumps. group, in which the signal notifies about the state of a group of organs and mechanisms; centralized, carried out by the computer and its output devices.
  5. Technological (warning) signaling is carried out by supplying light and sound signals and draws the attention of personnel to violations of the technological process, expressed in deviations of parameters beyond the permissible limits. Distinguish between individual signaling, in which each signaling parameter corresponds to its own signaling device, equipped with an inscription indicating the nature of the violation, group, in which a light signal appears when one of a predetermined group of parameters is deviated, centralized, carried out by a computer and its output devices
  6. Diagnostics of the state of technological equipment serves to determine the root cause of its abnormal operation, predict the likely occurrence of malfunctions, as well as the degree of their danger for the further operation of the equipment
  7. Preparation and transmission of information to adjacent ACS and reception of information from these systems. The purposes of this exchange of information are discussed in § 1 1.

The content of the control functions of the APCS is the development and implementation of control actions on the TOU. Here, “production” means the determination of the required values ​​of control actions on the basis of the available information, and “implementation” means actions that ensure the compliance of the actual value of the control action with the required one. The development of control actions can be carried out both by technical means and by the operator; implementation is carried out with the obligatory use of technical means.
Consider the control functions of the APCS.

  1. Function remote control consists in the transfer of control actions from the operator to the electric drives * of the actuators (open-close) and auxiliary electric motors (on-off).

Nuclear power plants also have a small number of non-electrified shut-off and regulators that are manually operated locally; this is done not by operators, but by special walkers at the command of the operators.

  1. The automatic control function consists in automatically maintaining the output values ​​of the object at a given value.
  2. The automatic protection function is used to save the equipment in case of emergency disturbances in the operation of the units. The simplest examples of such a function can be the opening of a safety valve when the pressure rises above the maximum permissible or automatic shutdown of the reactor in the event of an emergency shutdown of several MCPs.An important variation of this function is the emergency switching on of the reserve (ATS), designed to automatically turn on a backup unit (for example, a pump) in the event of an emergency shutdown. working. This function includes notification of the fact of protection operation and their root cause.
  3. The automatic blocking function is used to prevent emergency situations that may arise due to improper management. It implements a technology-based relationship between individual operations. An example of interlocks is an automatic prohibition on starting a pump in the absence of lubrication or cooling, as well as automatic closing of valves at the head and suction of the pump when its engine is turned off.
  4. Logic control function is to generate discrete ones. control signals (of the "yes-no" type) based on the logical analysis of discrete signals describing the state of the object. Logic control is widely used in control systems for reactor regulators, turbines, etc. Strictly speaking, the functions of emergency protection and automatic interlocks can also be considered logical control, however, logical control usually includes operations performed according to more complex laws. Logic control results in changes in the technological scheme (switching on, off pipelines, pumps, heat exchangers) or switching in the circuits of automatic regulators.
  5. The optimization function ensures that the extreme value of the accepted control criterion is maintained. In contrast to the functions of automatic control, blocking, logical control, which are designed to stabilize the output parameters of an object or change them according to a previously known law, optimization consists in searching for previously unknown values ​​of these parameters, at which the criterion will take an extreme value. The practical implementation of the results of determining the optimal parameters can be carried out by changing the setting for automatic regulators, switching in the technological scheme, etc. turbines by optimizing the performance of the condenser circulation pumps).

Fig. 1 3. The structure of the power unit's automated process control system.
1-14 - subsystems, 1 - control of especially critical parameters, 2 - technological signaling; 3 - remote control, 4 - automatic protection, 5 automatic control, 6 - FGU, 7 -SUZ, 8 - ACS T, 9 - VRK, 10 - SRK U-KTO and KTsTK, 12 - SU RCP, 13 - auxiliary control subsystems technological systems, 14 - UVS; 15 - block operators, 16 - operators of auxiliary technological systems, 17 - computer operators

Optimization can also concern the parameters of the automated process control system itself, an example of which is the determination of the optimal settings of the regulators according to the criterion of the accuracy of maintaining the controlled values.

* Drives with other types of auxiliary energy (hydraulic, pneumatic) are not widely used at nuclear power plants (except for the turbine speed control system and some types of high-speed reduction units).

Secondary functions.

APCS are functions that ensure the solution of intra-system problems, that is, they are designed to ensure the system's own functioning. These include checking the operability of the APCS devices and the correctness of the initial information, automatic input of backup APCS devices in case of failures of the working ones, reporting to the personnel about failures in the APCS, etc. the normal functioning of the systems is impossible.
For the convenience of development, design, delivery, installation and commissioning of APCS, they are conventionally divided into subsystems. Each subsystem provides control of a part of the object or combines technical means that perform any one specific function; in the first case, they speak of a multifunctional subsystem, in the second, of a single-functional subsystem are relatively independent from each other and can be developed and manufactured by various organizations with their subsequent docking directly at the facility. Let's consider the main subsystems of the APCS of power units (Fig. 1.3).

  1. The subsystem for monitoring especially critical parameters performs the function of monitoring and measuring. It is realized on individual measuring instruments and contains sensors, transducers, indicating and recording devices. The recorders also perform the recording function. The presence of this subsystem is associated with the need to maintain a minimum amount of control in the event of a computer failure. The information received by this subsystem can be used in other subsystems of the APCS.
  2. The technological signaling subsystem performs the functions of individual and group signaling. It contains primary converters, devices that compare analog signals with set values ​​and devices for sound and light signals. In some cases, this subsystem does not have its own primary converters, but uses information from the subsystem for monitoring critical parameters.
  3. The remote control subsystem provides remote control of regulating, shut-off elements and mechanisms, performs the functions of signaling the state of controlled mechanisms, automatic interlocks and entering information about the state of organs into a computer.
  4. The automatic protection subsystem performs the specified function, as well as some functions of automatic interlocks. It consists of primary converters, alarm generation circuits, executive bodies emergency protection and devices for light and sound notification of the operator about the facts of protection activation and the root causes of accidents. In some cases, the initial information about the parameter values ​​comes from other subsystems. Devices of other subsystems (for example, contactors of electric motors of pumps) can be used as executive bodies.
  5. The automatic control subsystem regulates the parameters using individual regulators. In addition, this subsystem provides control over the position of the regulating bodies and their remote control when the regulators are disabled. The capabilities of modern means of regulation make it possible to transfer some functions of logical control to this subsystem.

In addition to the main devices, all subsystems contain connecting cables, panels on which devices are located, power supplies, etc.
In addition to these subsystems, intended mainly to perform any one function for the block as a whole, there are a number of multifunctional subsystems designed to perform a set of functions for controlling any unit or technological system.
Aggregates are controlled using devices that form a functional group control subsystem (FGU). To start or stop the unit controlled by the FGU, it is enough to give one command, after which all operations are performed automatically.
Multifunctional subsystems of the APCS of the block that control individual technological systems are usually called a "control system". This is due to the fact that such subsystems were developed and formalized before the advent of automated process control systems as independent systems. They can have their own computers in their composition, and then all the functions for managing the corresponding technological equipment... In the absence of its own computer, part of the functions is transferred to the computer of the APCS of the unit (centralized control, calculation of indirect values, registration of some parameters, diagnostics of the state of technological equipment, information exchange with the APCS, optimization). These multifunctional subsystems include:

  1. control, protection, automatic regulation and control system of the reactor (CPS) for controlling the power of the reactor in all modes of its operation and their auxiliary equipment;
  2. automated system turbine control (ACS T), designed to control turbines and their auxiliary equipment;
  3. a control system for refueling and fuel transport, which controls all mechanisms that move fuel from its arrival at the NPP to sending it for reprocessing of spent fuel.

If this is dictated by the requirements of the technology, then the APCS may include other subsystems.For example, units with fast neutron reactors have a subsystem for controlling the electric heating of the circuits and a subsystem for controlling the speed of the main circulation pumps (CS RCP).
Some of the multifunctional subsystems are operated by their own operators, supervised by the unit operators.
Modern NPPs also have multifunctional subsystems that perform a full set of information functions for monitoring homogeneous mass parameters. These include:

  1. in-reactor control system (IRC), designed to control the values ​​of heat release, temperatures and other parameters inside the reactor core;
  2. a radiation monitoring system (RMS) designed to monitor the radiation environment of technological equipment, NPP premises and the surrounding area;
  3. systems for monitoring the tightness of fuel element cladding (CGO) and monitoring the integrity of technological channels (CCTC), which monitor the state (integrity) of the cladding of fuel elements and technological channels based on the analysis of data on the activity of the coolant and other parameters of the reactor.

The most important subsystem of the APCS, which performs the most complex information and control functions, is the control computer system (CCS) [or the control computer complex (CCS)]. In the automated process control system, UVS units can perform almost all information and control functions.

NPP control panels

Control panel(SCB) is a specially designated room intended for permanent or periodic stay of operators, with panels, consoles and other equipment located in it, on which the technical means of the APCS are installed and with the help of which the technological process is controlled. NPP control is organized from several SCBs.
The central control panel (CCC) refers to the NPP APCS. From it, the overall coordination of the operation of power units, control of electrical switchgear and general plant systems is carried out. The central control room is the place of residence of the station engineer on duty (DIS) or the shift supervisor of the NPP. A room is allocated near the central control room for the location of the UVS of the NPP ACS. If necessary, to control some general station equipment - special water treatment plants, boilers, ventilation systems - a shield of general station devices (SCHOU) (or several SCHOU) is organized.
The main control of the technological process of the unit is carried out from the block control panel (MCR). According to the nuclear safety requirements, for each NPP unit, a reserve control panel (RCR) is organized, which is designed to carry out operations to shutdown the unit in situations in which it is not possible to carry out these operations from the MCR (for example, in the event of a fire at the MCR).
To control some auxiliary systems, both plant-wide and block, local control panels (LCC) are organized. Depending on the technological requirements, these shields are intended for permanent or periodic stay of operating personnel (for example, during refueling). Often, no special rooms are allocated for the MCR, but they are located directly at the controlled equipment (for example, the MCR of the turbine generators are located directly in the engine room).
Let's consider in more detail the organization of the control room. A modern power unit is a complex control object with a large number of measured (up to 5-10 thousand) and controlled (up to 4 thousand) quantities. Each unit is operated by two to three operators. An increase in the number of operating personnel is not possible due to the difficulties in coordinating the work of a larger number of operators. In addition, the increase in personnel reduces the efficiency of the NPP. Naturally, even with the use of modern control facilities (including computers), the operators are subject to a great mental and physical load.
When designing the APCS, the units strive to reduce the number of controlled parameters and controlled objects. However, due to the peculiarities of the technology, as mentioned above, the number of controlled and controlled parameters is measured in thousands, and the placement of such a number of indicating instruments and controls on the operational fields directly in front of the operators is simply impossible. In modern process control systems, the following methods are used to reduce operational fields.

  1. location of all devices that do not require control by operators (regulators, FGU devices, relay circuits of interlocks and protections, etc.), on special non-operational panels, taken out to separate rooms of the control room. Maintenance of these devices is carried out by personnel who ensure the correctness of their operation, but do not participate directly in the control of the unit;
  2. the use of centralized control by means of a computer and a decrease in the number of parameters controlled by individual secondary devices; in modern automated process control systems, the number of such parameters is no more than 10% of the total;
  3. the use of calling, group and functional group controls, in which one body controls several executive mechanisms;
  4. the removal of secondary instruments and controls, necessary only for relatively rare operations (preparation for starting the unit), to auxiliary panels located in the operating room of the main control room, but outside the main control loop (on the side or behind the operators). With a large number of auxiliary systems, the control of which is not directly related to the control of the main technological process, a special board of auxiliary systems (SHS) can be organized for them, located in the immediate vicinity of the operational circuit of the control room.

Another way to reduce the burden on operators is to make it easier to decipher incoming information and find the right controls. For this, in particular, mnemonic diagrams are used in modern APCS. They represent a simplified image of the technological scheme of equipment with conventional images of the main units (heat exchangers, pumps). In the locations of the images of the corresponding units, as well as the shut-off devices, there are state signaling devices (light bulbs with light filters), and in the locations of the images of the regulatory bodies - position indicators.

Fig 1.4. An example of an image of a technological line on a mnemonic diagram
1 - pump mnemonic with status indicator, 2 - gate valve mnemonic with status indicator, 3 - regulator position indicator; 4 - tank mnemonic, 5 - pump control key; 6 - valve control key, 7 - control key for the regulating body, 8 - pressure deviation signaling device, 9 - level deviation signaling device, 10 - red light filter, 11 - green light filter

In some cases, the mnemonic diagram contains devices showing the values ​​of technological parameters, as well as devices signaling the deviation of these parameters from the norm. If the mnemonic diagram is located within the reach of operators, controls are also installed on it (Fig. 1-4).

a - with a free-standing remote control; b - with an attached remote control, 1 - vertical panels, 2 - remote control; 3 - table top; 4 - vertical attachment, 5 - inclined panel

Fig 15. Variants of the layout of the operating circuit of the control unit (section):
Structurally, the operational contour of the control room is usually performed in the form of vertical instrument panels and a free-standing console (Fig. 1.5, a). The vertical panels contain large-sized instruments, as well as mimic diagrams and rarely used controls. When the mnemonic diagram is located at the top of the console, it is usually oblique to improve visibility. The operational part of the control panel consists of an inclined (or horizontal) tabletop, on which controls, position indicators of shut-off and regulating bodies and indicators of the state of auxiliary electric motors are located.

Fig. 1 6. Variants of the control room operational contour layout (plan)
a - arched, b - linear, 1 - operational panels, 2 - control panel, 3 - control table, 4 - auxiliary panels; I - III - control zones, respectively, of the reactor, steam generators and turbine generators

In some cases, mnemonic diagrams are located both on the tabletop and on the vertical console attachment. The consoles, serviced by one operator, have a considerable length (up to 5 m), and when carrying out transient modes, the operator works standing. In stationary modes, when the volume of control operations is small, the operator can work in a seated position. For this, a special workplace, near which the most important control and management bodies are located. The tabletop of this workplace should be free of devices so that the operator can use instructions, keep records, etc. modern systems- and computer communication devices
Auxiliary panels (as well as MCU panels) usually do not have stand-alone consoles, but are performed in an attached version (Fig. 1.5, b), work behind such consoles, as a rule, while standing.
Basically, there are two variants of the layout of the control room operational contour: arcuate and linear (Fig. 1.6). Usually the unit is controlled by two or three operators from one, two or three consoles. For ease of passage to the vertical panels, gaps are made between the consoles.
Operational panels are located directly in front of the consoles, auxiliary panels are located on the side and behind. Usually, in the center of the control room, there is a desk-console for the unit shift supervisor (or senior operator). At the same table, operators' workplaces for sitting can be allocated.
The placement of instruments and devices on the control room panels and consoles is subject to a sequential-technological principle, i.e., from left to right, in accordance with the technological process (reactor - MCP - steam generators - turbine generators). Accordingly, the left auxiliary panels are assigned to control the reactor and steam generators, the right ones - to the turbine generators.
In the room of the operational circuit of the control room, the specified illumination of panels and consoles (200 lux), temperature (18-25 ° C) and humidity (30-60%) of the air are provided; the noise level should not exceed 60 dB. The control room is carried out according to a special architectural project, which takes into account the aesthetic and engineering requirements. The access of cable streams to all panel devices must be ensured. The MCR room must comply with safety standards, fire safety and electrical installation rules.
The operational contour of the control room occupies only a part of all the rooms of the control room. A significant area is occupied by non-operational panels. Typically, the operational circuit is located in the central part of the control room, and the non-operational panels are located in rooms on the sides of the operational hall. There are layouts in which non-operational panels are placed under the operational hall. Taking into account the significant number of cable connections between the operational circuit of the control room and the computer, the computer room is also sought to be brought closer to the operating room.
The reserve control panel (RC) is located in a special room, separated from the control room by a fire-resistant fence or at some distance from it, but so that access to it can be provided without hindrance and in a minimum time. The volume of monitoring and control equipment installed at the control room must be sufficient for the normal shutdown of the unit, even in the presence of accidents in the process equipment, while all safety requirements are met.

Get on the current nuclear power plant- the unattainable dream of many.
Multilevel security system, radiation and seething mouth of a nuclear reactor.

1. Smolensk NPP. Desnogorsk.
One of 10 operating nuclear power plants in Russia,.
A nuclear power plant, which provides 8% of electricity in Central region and 80% - in the Smolensk region.
And just a huge structure, the scale of which cannot but impress.

2. The start of construction of the nuclear power plant was announced in 1973.
And already at the end of 1982, power unit No. 1 was commissioned.
I will not talk much about the access control, because it is impossible, I will only say that it is multi-level.
At each stage of the passage to the nuclear power plant, its own type of security. And of course, a lot of special equipment.

3. The first thing to do when visiting a nuclear power plant is to undress.
And then put on all white, clean ...
Down to socks and bonnets.

4. A wonderful souvenir from the nuclear power plant. And this is not gum.
You twist the hurdy-gurdy, and earplugs fall into your hand.

5. In principle, there is no special need for them, because helmets, which also need to be worn, come with noise-absorbing headphones.

6. Yes, shoes are also individual.

7. Ta-daaam!
The warrior of light is ready for the passage!

8. An obligatory item of clothing is an individual cumulative dosimeter.
Each is given his own, which at the end of the day surrenders and shows the accumulated dose of radiation.

9. Everything. We are inside.
This is a controlled access area. Ahead is the reactor ...

10. By passages, galleries, through security systems we go inside ...

11. And we get into the control panel of the nuclear power plant.
This is the brain of the station.
Everything is controlled from here ...

12. The number of buttons, circuits, lights and monitors dazzles in the eyes ...

13. I will not bore you with complex technological terms and processes.
But here, for example, the reactor rods are controlled.

14. Change of control unit - 4 people. They work here for 8 hours.
It is clear that shifts are around the clock.

15. The reactor and the unit itself and the NPP turbines are controlled from here.

16. And it's also cool, quiet and calm here.

17. Serious key - AZ - "emergency protection".
NPP safety comes first. The whole system is so perfect that it excludes external influence on the control.
Automation, in the event of an emergency, can do everything without the participation of people, but professionals are on duty here for a reason.
By the way, the shutdown of the reactor, in which case, is not an accident, but a controlled technological procedure.
For preventive work the reactor is also shut down.

18. For 32 years of operation of the NPP, not a single emergency or increase in the radiation background was recorded here.
Incl. and classified above the zero (minimum) level on the international INES scale.
The level of protection of nuclear power plants in Russia is the best in the world.

19. And again - long rows of toggle switches, monitors and sensors.
I don't understand ...

20. Professionals discuss possible contingencies.

21. And someone is sawing a selfie in a place unattainable for ordinary citizens ..
Have you noticed that everyone is without helmets? This is so that they do not accidentally fall on anything ...

22. We go upstairs.
You can take the elevator, or you can walk to the 8th floor level by steps with special anti-radiation protection.
Like varnished ..

23. High ..

24. Again - several cordons of protection.
And here is the central hall of the 1st power unit.
There are three of them at the Smolensk NPP.

25. The main thing here is the reactor.
He himself is huge - below, and here you can see only his safety plateau. These are metal squares - assemblies.
They are a kind of plug with bioprotection, blocking the technological channels of the reactor, in which fuel assemblies are located - fuel assemblies with uranium dioxide. There are 1661 such canals in total.
It is they that contain fuel cells that release the most powerful thermal energy due to a nuclear reaction.
Controlled rods of protection are installed between them, which absorb neutrons. With their help, the nuclear reaction is controlled.

26. There is such a loading and unloading machine.

27. Its task is to replace fuel cells. Moreover, she can do this both on a shutdown reactor and on an operating one.
Huge, of course ..

28. While no one sees ...

29. AAA! I'm standing!
There is hum and vibration underfoot. Feelings are unreal!
The power of a boiling reactor that instantly turns water into steam is beyond words ...

30. Generally, NPP workers do not really like it when they walk on the plateau.
"No one steps on your desk ..."

31. In fact, positive people.
See how they glow. And not from radiation, but from love for your work.

32. The hall has a swimming pool. No, not for bathing.
Spent nuclear fuel is stored here under the water column for up to 1.5 years.
And also stands with finished fuel assemblies - see how long they are? Soon their place will be in the reactor.

33. Inside each tube (TVEL) there are small cylindrical tablets of uranium dioxide.
"With fresh fuel, you can sleep in an embrace" - say the workers of the nuclear power plant ...

34. Fuel ready for loading into the reactor.

35. The place is without a doubt impressive.
But the question of radiation is constantly spinning in my head.

36. We called a specialist - dosimetrist.
The real-time dosimeter in the center of the reactor showed a value slightly higher than on the streets of Moscow.

38. Powerful circulation pumps supplying the coolant - water - to the reactor.

39. Here the rumble is already the strongest
Headphones are indispensable.

40. Let's rest our ears a bit during the transition.

41. And again into a loud noise - the turbine hall of the nuclear power plant.

42. Just a huge hall with an incredible amount of pipes, engines and units.

43. The steam released from the water that cools the reactor goes here - to the turbine generators.

44. The turbine is a whole house!
The steam rotates its blades at exactly 3000 rpm.
This is how heat energy is converted into electrical energy.

45. Pipes, pumps, manometers ...

46. ​​The spent steam is condensed and fed back to the reactor in liquid form.

47. By the way, the heat from the waste steam is also used for the city.
The prime cost of such heat energy is very low.

48. Radiation control is a separate topic altogether.
Multistage water filtration system, sensors throughout the NPP, city and region, constant collection of analyzes and samples from environment and its own laboratory.
Everything is transparent - the reports can be viewed on the Rosenergoatom website in real time.

49. Leaving the controlled access zone is also not easy to do.
Three times a full check for radiation is carried out here, until you find yourself in your underpants again.

50. Well, after responsible work and imaginary experiences, you can have a hearty lunch.

51. The food here is delicious.
By the way, about 4,000 employees work at the NPP, and average salary about 60 thousand rubles.

52. Well, what can I say - I'm not afraid anymore.
There is a lot of control. Everywhere there is order, cleanliness, labor protection and safety.
Still, the Man is great - to come up with and use this ...

Visit the NPP - DONE!
Thank you Rosenergoatom for this incredible opportunity.

The operator does not interact directly with the control object, but with its information model, displayed in the form of a set of devices, mnemonic diagrams, scoreboards and other means of displaying information. The correctness of the operator's actions ultimately depends on how and in what form this information will be presented to the operating personnel, how it is placed, how convenient it is to use and how reliable it is. To solve this problem, control panels for technological equipment and technological processes are being created.

At a nuclear power plant, which consists of several power units, there are from 9 to 13 main control panels and a significant number of local control panels. The main, most significant shields are considered here.

Central control board (CCU). This shield belongs to the NPP APCS, from which the overall coordination of the operation of power units and general plant systems is carried out. The central control room distributes the load between the power units, controls the electrical devices, and monitors the radiation safety of the NPP. The shield is located in the administrative building. This is the location of the shift supervisor of the nuclear power plant. He has an information board that creates a comprehensive picture of all events taking place at the station.

Block control panel (MCR) ... This shield is the main place from which the power unit is controlled in all design modes, including emergency. Designed to control the operation of the reactor and turbine plant and main equipment, control the main technological processes in normal and emergency operating conditions. He is the central office of the operator's activities. Through this shield, the connection between man and machine is carried out. For this reason, it is this shield that will be further given Special attention... The shield is located in the outbuilding of the reactor room from the engine room side at an elevation of + 6.6 m (for a VVER reactor). The shift supervisor of the power unit, senior (leading) engineers of reactor control and turbine control are constantly present at it.

Reserve control board (RCB). With the help of this shield, the power unit is stopped and transferred to a safe damped state, as well as long-term heat removal from the core, when this cannot be done from the control room, for example, due to fire, explosion and even death of personnel, etc. The shield is located separately from the control room, but in the zone of the reactor compartment at an elevation of 4.2 m (for a VVER reactor), so that the same reason does not disable both of these shields. The shield is not intended to control normal operation systems not related to nuclear and radiation safety. Information display facilities and controls on the control room panels and consoles must correspond to their location on the control room. The permanent presence of personnel is not envisaged.

Local control panel (LSC). Designed to control some technological installations and general station systems, as well as during commissioning or repair and maintenance work. Their number reaches eight or more. These include MCR for CPS, RK, chemical control (CC), ventilation system (VS), etc. The constant presence of personnel is not provided for.

Shield of general station devices (SCHOU). Designed to control general station installations - special water treatment system, ventilation systems, etc.

Dosimetric control board (SDK) or a radiation control shield. It collects information about the radiation situation at each power unit and nuclear power plant as a whole, as well as in the special building. Located in the transition from clean to dirty area.

In addition to these shields, the NPP has shields for control and protection system, secondary instrumentation, power supply, switchgear, etc.

The control panel (SCHU) is a technical means of displaying information about technological process operation of power units at power plants and containing the necessary technical means to control the operation of an electrical installation (devices, control devices and keys, alarm and control devices). The control panel (SCHU) serves to control the operation of all equipment of the blocks and to coordinate the operation. Senior operators and block operators located in the premises of the control room ensure the normal operation of the station blocks.

The control panel is used to start up turbines, start up a generator, bring it to power, synchronize generators, remotely control safety systems, and turn on auxiliary systems.

The control panel is located in the main building of the power plant. Shields used to be equipped with vertical panels and inclined consoles, on which control and monitoring devices are located. These remotes and panels are arranged in an arc for better visibility. To the right and to the left of the consoles, there could be panels of an inoperative circuit with devices for protecting the boiler, turbine, generator.

The block control panel of a nuclear power plant has its own characteristics. Since the operating personnel at a nuclear power plant cannot familiarize themselves with the state of the radioactive circuit equipment on site, the volume of technological information at a nuclear power plant is more extensive than at a thermal power plant.

The block control panel of the NPP consists of operational and non-operational parts. In the operational part there are consoles, panels with controls, remote control and regulation. In the non-operational part, there are periodic control panels, electronic regulation, logical control, technological protection.

The main, central and block control panels are installed in special premises that must meet the requirements for convenient placement and maintenance. Block control panels, which contain control and monitoring devices of not only electrical, but also technological equipment, are usually placed in the main building of the station. To ensure normal working conditions for the personnel on duty at the control room, air conditioning installations are provided.

As a rule, the main, central and block control rooms occupy a special room, which must satisfy versatile requirements both in terms of providing the duty personnel with comfortable working conditions and in terms of the rational arrangement of panels.

Light signals of the equipment status are displayed on the control room (MCR). The appearance of light signals is accompanied by sound technological signaling.

The rooms of the block control panels are made soundproof and provided with a supply of conditioned air.

On block control panels, they also provide emergency technological signaling that notifies the person on duty.

At power plants such as CHP, auxiliary electric motors are controlled from local (aggregate, shop) panels: in the boiler room - from the boiler shield, in the turbine room - from the turbine shield, etc. The main elements of the main circuit are generators, transformers, HV lines, auxiliary power supply elements are controlled from the main control panel of the main control panel.

At block power plants, IES provide block control panels (MCR) and a central control panel (CCR). The control room controls electrical installations of one or two adjacent power units, including their own needs, as well as control and monitoring of the operating mode of boiler units and turbines.

The central switchboard controls overvoltage breakers, standby transformers for auxiliaries, standby mains, and coordinates the work of power units of the power plant.

The hydroelectric power plant is controlled mainly from the central control room. Many hydroelectric power plants are controlled by the power system dispatcher with the help of telemechanics.

At substations according to simplified schemes (without HV circuit breakers), special control panels are not provided. Switching at such substations is partially or completely carried out from dispatching points using telemechanics. Complex operations are carried out by an operational field brigade (OVB).

At powerful substations of 110 kV and higher, general substation control points (OCP) are constructed according to schemes with HV circuit breakers, from the central panel of which transformers, 35 kV lines and above, a battery are controlled and the operation of the main elements of the substation is controlled. 6-10 kV lines are controlled from 6-10 kV switchgear. Local control panels are installed near the controlled object. For them, closed-type panels or 0.5 kV switchgear are used.

Main and central control boards on modern power plants are located in a special room in the main building from the side of the permanent end or in a special building adjacent to the GRU (at the CHP), or near open switchgears (at the IES).

The location of the consoles and panels, lighting, painting, the temperature of the switchboard room, the location and shape of devices, control keys are selected based on the creation of the best working conditions for the operating personnel.

At the NPP, block (MCR), reserve (RC) and central (CCR) control panels are provided.

For each reactor block, a control room is required, designed for centralized control of the main technological installations and. main technological equipment during start-up, normal operation, planned shutdown and emergency situations. The control room controls the switches of generators, transformers with. n., backup power inputs with. n. 6 and 0.4 kV, electric motor switches s.n. power units, generator excitation systems, diesel generator sets and other emergency sources, fire extinguishing devices for cable rooms and power unit transformers.

The control room of each NPP power unit is located in a separate room (the main building or a separate building).

For each reactor unit of the NPP, a backup control panel (RCB) is provided, from which it is possible to emergency stop the reactor installation and emergency cool it down to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, if for some reason this cannot be done from the control room. The control room must be isolated from the control room so that for the same reason both shields are not affected. The control room controls the diesel generator sets and other emergency sources, as well as section switches in the 6 kV switchgear for auxiliary needs.

For the elements of the security system, a duplicated independent remote control from the main control room and the control room is provided.

From the central control room of the NPP, the switches of overvoltage lines, communication autotransformers, generator-transformer blocks, as well as switches of standby transformers are controlled. n., including sectional switches of reserve lines. The central control room controls the fire extinguishing devices of the general station cable rooms and transformers controlled from the central control room.

Initially, the central control room was located in the main building of the first unit of the NPP. At present, the central control room is located in an independent building, separate from the main buildings of the power units.

At a nuclear power plant, the control room consists of operational and non-operational parts. In the operational part there are consoles, panels with controls, remote control and regulation. In the non-operational part, there are panels for periodic control, electronic regulation, and logical control of technological protections.

Control room lighting requirements

The control panel (SCHU) controls and controls the operation of the power plant (substation). The work of the personnel on duty in the control room is to monitor the readings of devices and signals, perform operations for switching and commissioning of units, maintaining permanent records, etc. The readings of almost all devices must differ at a significant distance. While on duty, the control room personnel must be constantly ready to eliminate accidents.

Lighting must be uniform throughout the room; there should be no glare or shadows on devices. Luminous surfaces of high brightness, glare, as well as sharp contrasts of brightness of different surfaces should not fall into the field of view of the personnel on duty. The surrounding background and architectural design of the premises should be measured, not distracting the attention of the personnel on duty. The brightness of the luminous surfaces of lighting devices should be low. In the control room, it is necessary to provide the required illumination rates on the horizontal, especially on the vertical working surfaces of the panel boards.

Depending on the plan of the designer and lighting technician, the room of the control room can be illuminated by luminous surfaces (skylight, strip, etc.), reflected light, and also by a system that combines these devices.

When lighting is provided by luminous surfaces or by a reflected light device, appropriate structures must be provided for the hidden placement of lighting fixtures and lighting wiring. It is very important to provide comfortable and non-hazardous maintenance of the lighting device, because in the rooms of the control panel, which are quite often of considerable height, there is a huge number of panel panels, critical devices and devices.

The most suitable conditions for operation are created when servicing lighting devices from a walk-through technical floor. But the implementation of lighting installations with large luminous surfaces, serviced from the technical passageway, is associated with the complication of structures, increased costs and an overestimated power consumption for lighting. For these reasons, at substations and power plants of small power, the lighting of the ShchU room is carried out by hanging, ceiling or built-in fluorescent lamps with screening grids or diffusers built into the ceiling. Such a control panel lighting system is also adopted in those versions when it is structurally impossible to arrange complex lighting devices in the room.

As mentioned above, in order to create normal working conditions in the control room, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of reflected glare on the glass and the appearance of shadows on the switchboard devices, as well as reflections and glare on objects and parts of the control panel equipment. To create Better conditions observing different readings of devices and not to tire the eyes, you should not create a sharp difference between the brightness of different elements of the room.


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