Success stories of billionaires who started a business from scratch (20 photos). What to do in a crisis situation

What does the term "businessman" mean? The meaning of this word implies a person who exercises economic activity and enters into market relations with other subjects only of their own free will. With regards to the very concept of business, this is an activity that is aimed at making a profit by creating and selling products or services.

Who really is a businessman? The definition of the word is simple - this is a person who is engaged in business, that is, an entrepreneur, a merchant. He is the owner of his capital, who invests in various projects to achieve the goal. An entrepreneur can run his own business, or he can resort to the help of employees, managers, providing resources and conditions for work and setting certain tasks.

Who is a businessman?

This profession is definitely associated with the risk of losing money, time, energy and resources. After all, a person can always make a mistake in calculations and lose their investments. The financial condition of a businessman may depend on the economic situation in the country, sudden changes, for example, economic crisis, high competition and other sales difficulties or other factors that affect performance and income.

Who is a businessman, you ask? This is absolutely any entrepreneur, business person, a person who does his personal business and has a clearly defined goal - making a profit or some other benefit.

In fact, this is not a profession, but a way of life, the goal of which is to obtain a stable income with further increase. The businessman does not have a specific work schedule. The beauty of employment is that a person works for himself, and the level of his income and business development depends on him.

About activity

Who is a businessman and what is his purpose in life? Over the past two decades, this profession has become very popular and in demand against the background of other working areas. Even those who own a small grocery store can be considered merchants. Anyone would agree that one does not want to work for an uncle and receive pennies, living from paycheck to paycheck. Today, many people dream of opening their own small or big business and gradually develop it.

Pros in the profession

The main thing will be the development of your personal business. This area requires confidence, endurance, because sometimes you have to make very important, difficult and even risky decisions. But only thanks to this it is possible to develop qualities in oneself in order to understand who a businessman is and decide for oneself the importance of this area. Purposeful businessmen improve their knowledge, experience and, thanks to this, achieve great results.


Of course, this profession involves certain risks. Several years ago, they were associated exclusively with material losses and high competition. Now the risks are reaching the point that because of business they can take their lives.

In general, the work of an entrepreneur is very dangerous, but if your occupation is legal, then there is definitely nothing to worry about. Where there is a lot of money and tax deviations, there are always problems and the threat of losing everything. If you work honestly and conscientiously, then you will not be afraid of either bandits or public services, nor any other complications.

Myths around entrepreneurs

  • His business brings a lot of money. We know only about those businessmen who were able to rise, but meanwhile there are much more people who have invested nerves, money and strength in their business.
  • Money as an end in itself is not true. For a businessman, money is just a tool for achieving a goal (implementing ideas).
  • A businessman has a lot of free time, and main job perform wage-earners... With regard to subordinates, they are responsible only for their duties, while their boss worries about everything. Therefore, he works all the time, even on vacation, and his thoughts are always in his enterprise.

What does it take to become a successful merchant?

The profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, so you should be aware of who a businessman is and what he is good at. He should know:

  • the economy;
  • psychology;
  • accounting;
  • legislation;
  • marketing system;
  • employee management.

Whichever market area you are considering starting commercial activities, you need to be able to organize work. Even if you have one employee, and you yourself will be, a well-thought-out work organization will be the key to a successful enterprise.

Learning to be a businessman is easy

Today, the winner is the one who has more knowledge, information, who does not need to learn from their mistakes and what others already know. The meaning of the word "businessman" in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language is a businessman, an entrepreneur, a person who does business on something. Businessmen are constantly learning, developing and learning something new. But are there universities or special institutions that teach this skill? There are, and a very broad profile. This is an enterprise, business, and educational institutions of a narrow focus (restaurant, hotel business).

The profession includes endurance, self-confidence, keeps you in suspense, makes you constantly develop and grow. But this area, of course, makes it possible to express oneself and learn new and interesting things. As said famous millionaire and writer Harvey McKay: "The more fortunate people are distinguished from others by an extraordinary need for recognition and approval."

In our society, there is a strong opinion that the entrepreneur is the top of the social chain. That there is a tall spire on Maslow's pyramid, and his name is business. One's business is good, but it is wrong to think that everyone needs it and everyone is capable of it.

This article will be useful for those who want to go about their business or are worried that they are not an entrepreneur.

Who is a businessman

Within the framework of this article, let us agree to call businessmen (entrepreneurs) people who create some value - material or not - and sell it on free market... They themselves look for buyers, solve administrative issues themselves, pay their own salaries, and taxes to the state.

Salaried workers - at the level of ordinary executives or top managers who are paid with company shares and options - are not businessmen. Yes, to some extent they own a part of the company and they can take part in operational management it, however, the business is still someone else's, they have less responsibility and headaches.

A simple farmer who grows and sells cucumbers is much more of a businessman than a fashionable programmer at a startup who is partially paid with options.

The first builds greenhouses, plants seeds, monitors growth, rescues lost crops, looks for wholesale buyers, concludes contracts, decides storage and logistics issues, reinvests profits in business - and so on in a circle. The second comes to the office, writes the code and receives a fixed salary.

We do not in any way belittle the work of the programmer or praise the farmer - we just say that their work is fundamentally different.

If everyone were entrepreneurs

Imagine a society in which absolutely all businessmen are of a larger or smaller caliber. Everyone would have to try hard to earn a living with their skills.

One person is unable to build big company, plant, enterprise. This means that those things and processes, the creation of which requires machine labor, hundreds of hands and the accompanying chain of research, logistics and marketing, disappear. But niche and craft industries, handicrafts and retail trade are developing.

Competition is fierce in a thriving small business society.

The number of offers of the same type in the markets is off the charts. Citizens of the society of self-employed lucky people are forced to search and dig blue oceans in the desert - otherwise the business will not survive.

Entrepreneurs are forced to form pools to do things together that cannot be done alone. For example, to establish a network of goods supply from / to another continent, to build a plant.

Make cars anyway household appliances, medical equipment, weapons are beyond the power of one, even the most savvy and skilful lone businessman. This requires a simple (and preferably cheap) labor force, the existence of which does not fit with the idea of \u200b\u200bindiscriminate entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs are not born

They, of course, become. Important role education plays a role in the formation of a future entrepreneur. A different mindset is formed in a child observing the efforts and results of a self-employed parent. He sees an example, and self-employment becomes for him the same natural model as "school - technical school - factory" for some of his peers.

Such a child is no better or worse, he just looks at things differently. But even he can find it useful in the future to work in hiring in order to understand how everything works, how to work in a team, how to bear responsibility not only to himself, but also to someone else.

As a rule, all successful businessmen:

1. Try.

If seen potentially profitable ideawhere you can earn. They take action - that's why they are called entrepreneurs. Many people's thinking is simply not geared towards seeking opportunities.

2. Are not afraid to make mistakes.

Entrepreneurs understand that failure is an integral part of business. They are as natural as the changing seasons. Only those who do nothing do not fail. In our society, failures are shy and prefer to remain silent about them. And in vain - they say that a person tries, searches and does not give up. Many Western recruiters note that they are more willing to hire a person with experience in their own business / project than without it.

3. Taking risks.

Business has general principlesbut there is no guarantee of success. Almost everyone would be businessmen if business was not accompanied by risk. But the risk is always there, and many are more comfortable avoiding it, preferring stability. Alas, stability is the same today and tomorrow. And taking the risk, you can earn more salary.

4. Plow.

This word reflects well the volume of work and the lifestyle of businessmen. They have no concept of "working day" and even less "end of the working day". But there is a business that needs to be developed constantly. Not all of us are ready to work 12-16 hours a day, even if in the long term it will give more freedom and money.

5. Rely on themselves.

All successful businessmen are guided by an internal locus of control. That is, they take responsibility for their business and life. Do not pass it on to the employer, the state, relatives, colleagues and difficult times. Making excuses for yourself is a national sport. Many find it easier to "find" the external cause of their failures than to admit their mistakes.

6. See opportunities in problems.

It sounds like the rule of life from a glossy magazine, but it is. Competition, conquest, struggle - this is how ideological entrepreneurs see their life and work. This fighting approach helps, especially in our realities with devaluations, surges in income, bribes and kickbacks. Against this background, the greenhouse conditions of employees look like a fairy tale. In it, the good employer himself defeats the villains - the Crisis and the Competitor.

The main difficulty

It lies in the fact that you need to be able to sell any product or service. And with this, many of us have very big problems. We are either being modest and extinguished, or we go too far with persistence. In the second case, the person gets the feeling that they are trying to "push" him. This means that it is not even worth evaluating - immediately into refusal.

Selling is not easy, but it’s sales that help a business survive and grow. No wonder the American proverb divides profit so categorically: “A dollar - to the one who invented, 10 - to the one who made, 100 - to the one who sold”.

Are you familiar with the idea that Apple was able to achieve success through the powerful tandem of engineer and entrepreneur? Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak complemented each other perfectly, and each of them alone could not build a successful corporation. Admittedly, there are more Wozniaks in the world. There are far fewer people with a strong entrepreneurial acumen, "sense" and charisma of a leader than there are talented engineers or just hardworking performers.

You can do your job very well. Bake delicious cakes. Putting "eternal" stoves. Develop a beautiful design. But if you cannot sell yourself as a specialist (you are shy, suffer from the "impostor syndrome", be lazy), your fate is a hired job. And there, on it, you, most likely, will one day become cramped and bored, and you will think: "But I could ..."

Perhaps they could. But here the employer will take care of everything. He will share with you a piece of the pie, and will take most of it for himself and put it in a plate with the words "entrepreneur". Just do not think that this plate fell into his hands by accident and he is the lucky one to whom the bird of happiness of tomorrow smiled. He earned his plate and pie on it.

but on the other hand

Many try to start a business, fail one or more times, and return to work for someone else. More often than not, this happens because a person brings their old employee thinking into their business. He wants to get business results in the form of independence and money, but he does not want to work as a businessman and does not know how.

The level of motivation is what distinguishes hired workers from entrepreneurs in the first place. A vigorous start to your business without strong motivation and passion will gradually die out under difficulties and laziness, turn into survival and a test. And your unloved work is something even worse than your unloved work for hire: the latter can often be left without any special consequences.

Your business is a fundamentally new level of responsibility for your life, courage and striving for freedom. Do you want to start your own business? Fine! What drives you in this desire? The crunch of fresh bills alone without love of freedom will not be able to motivate you for a long time and lead you through the deserts of crises.

Does everyone need to be businessmen?

Of course not. Most people are simply not able to run their business due to their thinking, character, personality traits. But that doesn't make them losers. They can be great professionals, hard workers, and talented people.

Entrepreneurship is not a profession that can be learned through correspondence courses. This is a way of thinking, a system of values \u200b\u200band a view of life. This can only be learned in practice, ideally with a good mentor in the form of a business partner. In the second case, parenting as an entrepreneur can be a powerful help for a future businessman.

Are you having trouble selling yourself as a specialist? Are you trying, but a wave of uncertainty, fear and desire to sit behind the safe wall of the "contract" immediately rolls over? Business is not yours. At least for now.

Text: Alexander Litvin, Illustrations: Konstantin Amelin, Photo:

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Anyone can have negative emotions. Everyone has problems, stressful situations, difficult days ... All this pumps out a ton of vital energy from a person, makes him sluggish and tired, doomed and sick. Because of the negativity, quarrels with loved ones, rude communication with others, cursing between people and hatred of the whole world arise.

A crisis situation is characterized by internal or external events that make the usual pattern of life impossible. As a rule, such changes are accompanied by negative feelings and thoughts, the emergence of a new life status. The crisis period makes it necessary to revise life, change priorities and values. This is the time for change.

How to attract love into your life, what should be done for this and should it be? First, there are no universal recipes, tips, or manuals to follow. Secondly, if in this case, in principle, the word "work" turns out to be appropriate, then the work should start with oneself, the changes should be primarily internal.

Each had problems associated with a depression of mood, a stressful state, a breakdown on loved ones on trifles. This must be dealt with, as it can cause discomfort to the human body. After all, physical and psychological health is interconnected.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just a few of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not out-of-necessity purchases, but panic purchases. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects a person's actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, "life prizes" go to others. If your self-esteem is getting lower and lower, then there are 20 tips given in this article to help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be eliminated. They are so strong that even doing an interesting job does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add excruciating sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you look at the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

Human life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is different. If you want to make the most of your life after 30 years, the following 9 tips will help you.

In this article, we will talk about the rules of life for great businessmen.

Somewhat concise and seemingly simple principles helped them change themselves, their attitude to the world, and then the whole world. They created huge businesses and led millions of people. Their names have become symbols of success, and their words have become a guide to action for thousands of aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs. What's their secret? Experience shows that before changing the world, you need to change your attitude towards yourself and others. Let's figure it out.

Tip 1. Be selective in your communication

Brian Tracy - an internationally recognized human development specialist advises: “Avoid contact with negative people at all costs. They are the main destroyers of self-confidence and self-esteem. "

Communicate more with those who can learn something from, who give you energy and are optimistic about the future. Let go of failed relationships and old acquaintances that pull you back into the past. Focus on today and on what you want to achieve tomorrow.

Tip 2. Dream

As the famous song of the rapper and successful Russian businessman Vladi says, "there are millions of chances that soon everything will come true." Dreams make it clear exactly what you want. Only by dreaming, you will correctly prioritize and be able to set goals for the long term.

There is another useful side of the dream - the process itself. It brings pleasure, and you turn off your inner critic, leave all problems and worries behind board and get carried away as far as your imagination allows. The main thing is not to put a spoke in the wheels of dreams and not limit the flight of imagination. After all, as the founder of Starbucks said Howard Schultz, “By dreaming of something small, you will never succeed in big. Who needs a dream that you can reach with your hand? "

Tip 3. Plan

Yes, of course, not all points from the original plan will be implemented. Especially at first. But planning is important. So you do not lose sight of your goal and do not forget about important, even small matters. Plans can also help you allocate time between tasks so you don't get wasted and waste time.

In planning, as in dreaming, process is important. Even if the plan changes beyond recognition in a matter of seconds, the planning process itself will allow you to delve deeper into the situation and imagine the complete picture. This is why the General of the Army and 34th President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower he liked to say: “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything. "

Tip 4. Disconnect

John Rockefeller once said: "He who works all day has no time to earn money." If you work daily without raising your head, then there will simply not be an opportunity to look ahead and see the world as it is. And without a fresh and sober look, there can be no success either in work or in business.

Another businessman, whose name has long become a household name, Bill Gates believes that "business is a game in which maximum excitement is combined with a minimum of rules." And don't make the game a routine. Know how to disconnect to constantly enter the ring with new ideas. Moreover, let us continue with the quote, "... the account in this game is in money."

Tip 5. Focus

Swedish entrepreneur Bertil Hult - founder of EF English First, which has helped millions of people around the world learn english language, when asked about the secret of his success, answered exactly like this: "Stay focused". Whatever happens around, whatever new projects loom on the horizon, be attentive and collected on the way from the goal to the result. Concentrate on the main thing and remember what it was all about.

Bonus tip! Learn English

This is a bonus tip that we give without reference to the greats. And yet it is important. Because knowledge of the language, although it will not change your life at the wave of a magic wand, will allow you to expand your social circle, gain self-confidence and get rid of sticky stereotypes that something is not given to you.

And, of course, English will become an indispensable tool for those who want to succeed in business or career. After all, sooner or later each of us is faced with a dilemma: either to receive dividends from knowledge of the language, or to blush on the sidelines and continue to miss our chance.

A selection of tips and quotes lovingly compiled by EF English First. If you want to quickly switch from English to you, come to us on April 11 at 13:00 and 15:00 on the Open Day at the address: st. Bauman, 44/8, language center EF English First. Get tested for free and trial lesson, get a personalized discount and discover what Unlimited English is.

We conclude with a quote from a famous entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group. Richard Branson... He put these words into the title of his most famous book. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it! "


The path of an entrepreneur is thorny and full of problems. Blow to self-esteem, distrust, inability to spend money from the account own company is a natural part of business life.

He is his own boss, a free schedule, enough money and pride in his creation - this is how many imagine the life of an entrepreneur. Larry Kim, general director Mobile Monkey and founder of WordStream refutes this myth. It turns out that on the way you will have to experience a sense of humiliation and shame, constantly prove something to everyone around and tightly control your own daily routine and spending.

The American Dream has changed beyond recognition. For several decades, it was a good house in the suburbs, an SUV, and money to educate children in college. Today, many young people are happy to donate even the inherited home in order to become an entrepreneur, to develop own business and be your own master.

Launching WordStream and it successful work were a great experience for me, everything went great. But I faced aspects of entrepreneurial life that no one had warned me about. Today I believe that before plunging into the world of business, you should definitely know that it is not always warm and sunny.

Leaving college won't make you Steve Job

Many young people are sure that if they could throw off their "suffocating shackles" higher education, then we would immediately create the next one. Alas, an abandoned college does not guarantee this.

The truth is, they never dropped out of school to eat chips and play computer games all day. Steve Jobs went to lectures for another year after the official expulsion. Gates had been preparing to open his own company for a year before leaving Harvard.

These people are rare exceptions. You will most likely be better off getting a good education before starting a business. Just remember that Einstein was an excellent student and already at the age of 15 was fluent in higher mathematics. He also didn't wear socks, but nobody stops wearing them, hoping to become a great scientist.

You must be insanely self-motivated

Simply saying that you need to be motivated to be successful in business is to say nothing. You must be a person who asks yourself 4, 6 times more than those around you.

In addition, you need to be very curious, looking for solutions to a variety of problems. Be prepared to be alone when you start. Yes, later a team of talented people may appear who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, but the first stage must be passed alone. This means that you and only you will be a marketer, financier, head of customer service, etc. It is important to be prepared for this.

You won't be as rich as you imagine

When a business develops and reaches a certain level, it's a great feeling. You see how the flow of money to accounts increases, and at this moment there is a great desire to start spending all this. The purchase, of course, makes you a superhero in your own eyes, but it is important to maintain balance. You need to be rewarded for your efforts, but at the same time do not forget that you need to continue to “feed” the business. You need to develop your business at the expense of the money it brings. Business is not yours. In order for a startup to become a reliable profitable business, pay yourself a minimum, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Delay is a death sentence

Procrastination for later becomes a habit for many even at school or university. And although the person sees that this leads to sleepless nights and constant anxiety, procrastination continues to bloom.

Once you become your own boss, there is no one else to kick your neck (teacher, professor, director). Now you yourself decide what you need to do in a day and what time you need to get up, where to work - at home, at a table in a coffee shop or rent an office. The lack of a clear structure, a clear understanding of the daily routine at the first stage of a business life is very dangerous for a procrastinator (after all, you can watch another episode of the series, and only then return to work). There is a risk of being in a situation when the clock is already 1 pm, and you order pizza for breakfast and go to brush your teeth in your pajamas.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to immediately consider it as serious, which requires preserving working hours, only this will allow you to move forward.

Finding a dream team is hard

Your startup can be very interesting and promising, but it is often very difficult to explain and prove it to others. Don't be surprised if your friends, colleagues, and family members aren't overly interested in an offer to join your cause.

You need to understand that you are offering people to significantly change their lives, simply by believing you. Everyone has families and commitments, so few are willing to risk a stable income. In order for people to more confidently go to you, you need to demonstrate the value of the company and its stability. As soon as you can prove to people that you are able to constantly pay them decent, there will be no problems with the team.

Pride can be seriously hurt

The harsh reality is that roughly 80% of startups fail. Worst of all, by the time of the crash, all friends, acquaintances, and family members already know what you are doing and regularly ask how things are going. Imagine how much fun it will be to meet everyone after the crash. New Year or birthday?

It is important to accept the fact that failure is possible. It is just important not to lose the mood, but to learn from mistakes. Many business people go through several failed startups before they succeed. It takes a certain amount of humility to accept the fact that you were wrong, so you have to hide your ego deeper.

Success has never been so great

The entrepreneurial journey can be tough, but the rewards are enormous. You can read a lot about what business people experienced when they were successful, but you really don't understand it without first experiencing it.


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