How to prepare for the delivery of the USE. (prepared by specialists of the Ministry of Education and Science) - Presentation. How to help the child to prepare for the exam

How to prepare for the social science exam?

then S.
What to start?
If with a tutor, then how to understand that
he is good?
What courses are better?

Where to go? How to choose an item?


Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item? Let's sum up:

1. Prooforientator - choose
profession - what subjects
hand over
3.Mone education - what is taught
4. Map of universities - We are looking for where to learn
5. Site of the university - how many points it is necessary
6.New cycle

If you prepare yourself, then where to start?

If you prepare yourself,
What start?
how much
of time
Item P.

If you prepare yourself,
What start?

If you prepare yourself,
What start?

If you prepare yourself,
What start?
Social science
First test
First test
- October 26-27
- October 28-30
First Seminar First Seminar
- December 4.
- December 2-3.

If you prepare yourself, then where to start? COME TO US!

If you prepare yourself,
What start?

If you prepare with a tutor
To the exam, then how to understand that he
Ask us!

If you prepare with a tutor to the exam, then how to understand that he is good? Ask us!

Does the tutor with the exam?
Is he familiar with the new demo demo? FROM
codifier? With specification?
How practiced in preparation for the exam?
Is the tutor by an expert on

If you prepare on courses, then how to understand what courses are better? Contact experts!

Who are the experts of the exam? (see booklet)
You pay money for
become better.
This is a great value for the same
Pay for the chance to reveal and
Excele yourself

If you prepare for the exam on
Courses, what are better?

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Only experts

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Not experts:

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Only experts
Only personality
Only in the best universities

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Only experts
Only personality
Only in the best universities

If you prepare for the exam on
Courses, what are better?
How it works?
Free initial testing
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And your studies!

Parents about the preparation of the child to the exam

  • The exam as a form of graduation school and at the same time with this entrance examinations in the university is for our country relative to the new and causes a lot of disputes. The debate is conducted on the pages of newspapers and magazines, the topic of the exam is devoted to television programs.
The task of preparing the child to the exam
  • creating conditions for the physical and mental health of the child during the preparation and examination period;
  • attracting tutors for training that will take part of the responsibility for the level of readiness of the child;
  • Responsibility for own emotional and physical condition.
  • It is necessary to provide a child the day of the day, and at the same time be as flexible as possible, because, making up a child mode, it is necessary to be guided by his interests, habits and wishes and at the same time the expediency of time distribution, reasonable alternation of study and recreation.
  • It is necessary to maintain a child constantly, especially at the moments when he loses faith in his strength, and in the stressful period of preparation for surchase EGE And during the commissioned, such moments may occur quite often. It is very important here as often as possible to tell the child about how you love it and how much he can, about what he gets well, in which he is successful, how successful condition can be transferred from one context to other.
  • They begin to be late for tutoring, confrontated, forget to do homework, Perform public orders exactly at the time when you need to be a teacher. This is a signal that the child gets a load, much higher than the familiar one for him, and that you have any task to support the child, create it for resting conditions, and at the same time increase control over its preparation.
CAUTION- Exercise !!!
  • Your family has an important and responsible period - the period of passing by your child exams. Remember that you are together, trust your child, and at the same time be close to maintain it at the right time and give him exactly what he really needs now.
Thanks for attention!!! Sources
  • Shustanova T. A. What is needed to know Applicant about EGE: Manual for exam preparation: regulatory framework of the exam, the exam in matters and answers, psychological preparation for the USE, features of preparation for the exam in different subjects. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2004 (FGUIPP Kursk). - 347 p.
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Mikhailova Elena Viktorovna Mou Sosh No. 1 P. Selizharovo Tver region "Why are our children cheating?" purpose parental Assembly: To introduce the causes and ways to eliminate such behavior * * Why are our children cheating and lgut? Probably not in the world of a man who did not have a question: why children are cheating. Honesty is the quality that breeding centuries thoughtful parents seek to instill their children. Today, we gathered to think together, analyze their educational methods. 1. Did you hear a lie from your child? a) yes b) no c) repeatedly d) often e) systematically2. Did your son (daughter) confessed in lies? a) yes b) no c) in different ways 3. How did you come by climbing the child in a lie. Have you been able to chat, deceive your child's trifles? a) yes b) no c) it makes it difficult to answer the ability to determine when a child is lying, and when not, it is necessary to find out whether the child did not violate the norm of decency, promise, prohibitions will not do something risky and to take timely measures .Shologists say that up to 7 years old kids are often confused, which is actually happening, and what is the first. The imagination is one of the valuable qualities of the person, it must not be destroyed, but to send it to the right direction. However, by 10-12 years old, the views of the child, the truth and lies are changed to the strongest way. For example, during one study, children 7-11 years old were asked: "Is it well to lie?" "Pupils primary classes They answered that "it is impossible, it is ugly" But when the same question was asked eleven-year-old, 90% answered: "Yes, sometimes you can lie" the difference, of course, in the fact that by 11 years the child knows: the lies are different. For example, you can dodge, water and hide the truth, but it happens and innocent lie, and such a lie "is not considered" - for example, if you say a friend that you like her new hairstyle, even if in fact it is not so. So how do you know, deceive us a child or not? A classic sign of lies - if the child avoids visual contact, that is, or does not look into the eyes at all, or tries to take a glance. However, if he, on the contrary, too diligently supports visual contact and looks into your eyes without taking off, this also means: something Not so. The manner who lies, as a rule, makes less movements and gesticulates less than usual. It is more commonly conventional to face and mouth. It seems fiddled and unnatural. The child is satisfied so as to pull away from you, if possible, trying to turn around To the window or doors. It holds the palm of the palm treated down or even puts them under it, if sits. -And how do you think about our children lie? Causes of children's lies Psychologists argue that the causes of children's lies can be as follows: - an attempt to avoid punishment; - the desire to attract attention; the presence of a child who requires a solution; protection against stressful situations; A bad example of others - both children and adults. Several tips that will help us cope with the children's lie 1. If the child lied, should not be exposed, it's better to explain it to him that it is not good, disassemble the situation and find a way to get out of it without a lie.2. Do not call the child in hand and Deceiver, especially with witnesses. It often happens that the children are easier to follow adult labels with adult labels than to do as they require them surrounding.3.mand adults very often deceive our children in order to avoid the scandal. Therefore, try with a child not to resort to deception, even if it seems to you innocent.4. Do not arrange interrogations, "knocking out" from the child. Do not scold him for a harmless lie. The aggressive reaction on his lies only aggravates his desire to continue to speak in a lie and feather. 5. Then not join a conspiracy with the child with the aim of deceiving someone. For example: "Nothing terrible will not happen if you miss the week at school. If you accidentally heard that your child lies to put himself in the best light in front of friends - do not throw him immediately expose it. Wait for the right moment and explain why his lies look ridiculous. Your child has many advantages that deserve admiration. 6. When booking a child for a lie, do not hurt his personality. The decline in self-esteem, the feeling of a worthlessness does not cure from the lies, but forms a loser complex. If you noticed that your child lied, just tell him: "Do you not trust me at all? Are you afraid of me?" Explain the current situation to the child, tell me that you are now feeling. What you disappoints because of his distrust. After all, the baby is always and in everything can trust you and hope for your help, the ability is always fair to figure out the situation. For a deception in most cases there is a child's desire to look better, imagine himself in good light. So it's about his self-esteem. 7. Do not "familize" a lie. Remember the story about the boy who constantly shouted: "Fire! Fire!" All neighbors are so accustomed to his "joke" that when a real fire happened, no one believed him and the house burned down. This story impresses all children without exception. Work with adolescent- Rise love to truth in it. And the more you know about your child, the greater the chance to fulfill this task. The sooner you share trusting relationships with the child, you will understand the reasons for his lies, explain that in many cases a lie is absolutely not needed and will encourage him for the truth. It is much easier to solve the problem while it is still small. Let the child get used to the thought that honesty is the most decent way behavior. Then at the older age he will be proud of his upbringing and will give love to his children. I hope that we will make joint efforts of our children kinder, more honest and decent. Some useful Soviets We are not the owners of our children, we can not know their fate. We do not fully know what is good, but what is bad for their future, so we will be careful in all decisions that can affect the path of the child. When we speak with children, we are always confident that this is the truth. But we do not notice that sometimes "ugly look" in the eyes of their children. Do not be afraid of children's doubts about your rightness. You will manage to manage your intonation when the child comes out of the house, be sure to spend it to the door and tell me on the road: "Do not hurry, be careful." It is necessary to repeat as many times how many times the child comes out of the house sometimes children take all school troubles close to the heart. Teach them to distinguish them, which is important, and what is not very protecting or not to protect your child from offenders, one of the most difficult issues of education, but do not leave it alone if you feel that he is offended never to try a child without age: "You're already big ! "Nor floor:" And a boy! " Try to not criticize anyone for children the most difficult thing in education - to teach children to humanity. There is a shortness of the child, but more often praise people in his presence. When you marry the child, do not use words: "You are always", "you are generally", "you are always" ... Your child is always good at all, he only made something wrong today, about it and tell him. Usually, when the child returns from school, he is asked: "Did you cause you? And what evaluation got? ". Better ask him: "What was interesting today?".

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Be simultaneously hard and kind, but do not act as a judge, - support your child, demonstrate that you understand his experiences. - Be at the same time hard and kind, but do not act as a judge, - support your child, demonstrate that you understand his experiences. * Do not worry about the number of points that the child will receive on the exam, and do not criticize the child after the exam. Inscribe the child the idea that the number of points is not a perfect measurement of its capabilities. * Do not increase the alarm of the child on the eve of the exams - it may adversely affect the testing result. The child is always transmitted to the excitement of parents, and if adults in a responsible moment can cope with their emotions, then the child due to age features can emotionally "break." * Enjoy children, praise them for what they do well. * Increase their self-confidence, as the more the child is afraid of failures, the more likely the probability of error assumptions. * Watch the child's well-being, no one, besides you, will not be able to notice and prevent the deterioration of the child related to overwork. * Control the mode of preparing the child, do not overload, explain to him that it must alternate classes with rest.

Advise the children during the exam to pay attention to the following: advise children during the exam to pay attention to the following: • Touch the whole test to see what type of task is contained, it will help tune in to work; • Read the question to the end and understand its meaning ( characteristic error During testing - without reading to the end, according to the first words, the answer already implies and hurry to enter it); • If you do not know the answer to the question or not sure, miss it and note to return to him later; • If they could not answer the question for the allotted time, it makes sense to rely on my intuition and indicate the most likely option.

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How to help prepare for the exam.

The word "exam" is translated from Latin as a "test". And it is the tests that are complex, sometimes dramatic and unknowns become an exam for eleventh graders. On the exam, a graduate or an applicant is one for one with the Commission. And parents remain just worried about their child, scold him according to the Russian tradition or try to maintain at a distance. Adults have already done everything that was in their power. It is you who are parents can help their eleventh grader, to most effectively dispose of time and forces when preparing for the exam. Adult assistance is very important, since a person, among other things, is also needed by psychological readiness for the situation of serious examinations.

Long before exams discuss with the child, what exactly will he have to pass, what disciplines seem to him most difficult, why? This information will help to jointly create a preparation plan - on which items will have to spend more time, and what only repetitions require. Determine with the child of his "Golden Watch" ("Lark" he or "Owl"). Sophisticated topics are better to study at lift hours, well acquaintances - in the discharge hours. Let the graduate enlighten you on any other topics, and you ask as more questions as possible. The more he wants to tell you, the better. Agree with the child that in the evening before the exam, he will stop preparing, walking, it takes over and fall to sleep on time. The last twelve hours should go to the preparation of the body, not knowledge. Discuss a question about the dangers and unnecessaryness of the use of cribs on the exams. The child will be interested to know your opinion on this score (perhaps it will even be surprised that you also used cribs and generally know what it is). Practical recommendations for parents

At the weekend, when you are not in a hurry, arrange a child with a written exam. For example, take one of the options for test tasks in mathematics on the Internet from the Federal Bank test tasks (open segment) ( Make sure that the task is given a certain time, suck for a computer free of extra subjects, check out the time and announce the start of the "exam". Make sure that the phone or relatives are not distracted. Stop the test when the time is over, let the student relax and check with it the correctness of the tasks. Try to correct the errors and discuss why they arose. Talk about the feelings that have arisen during the home exam: Was it funny or uncomfortable, did it be focused on the task and not distracting that he distracted him? And then tell in detail what the atmosphere will be with the surrender of this EGE: unfamiliar graduates, organizers and lack of parents.

Make sure that during the preparation of the child regularly made short breaks. Explain to him that rest, without waiting for fatigue, is the best remedy for overwork. It is important that the eleventh grader do without stimulants (coffee, strong tea and valerian tinctures), the nervous system before the exam and so on the platoon. A lot of harm can also be an attempt to focus on textbooks in one room with a working TV or radio. If the schoolboy wants to work to the music, you do not need to impede this, just agree that it was music without words. If your child got a score lower than I would like, or failed the exam, help him cope with this trouble. Do not condemn and do not mock it, instead, take advantage of the opportunity to understand what is the reason for failure, discuss which conclusions can be done and what means in this case the notorious "is not lucky".

Graduate Day Mode How to make time enough for everything to do a lot and do not get tired to get enough sleep not only at the weekend? Recipe one - you need to learn to intelligently plan your time. And for this you need the right day of the day. The correct is when it is enough for all the necessary components of life: work, study, rest, communicating with friends, home affairs, food, sleep, etc. But, which is equally important, the correct mode of the day allows person throughout the entire wake period to maintain high performance. As a result, he has time to do in the same time much more than in the absence of a regime, and at the same time it is much less tired. The fact is that subject to the regime of the day, sustainable conditional reflexes are produced during the time. Thanks to this, the body at any time "prepared" to the type of activity that he will have to make it particularly productive.

In the day mode, time must be provided for self-service, hygiene procedures and leisure. So, optimal time For homework - 3-4 hours. At the same time, as in school, after 30-40 minutes, a short break is needed when it is useful to move vigorously. It is proved that performance is much rising if the classes precedes the rest in the air (it can just walk). This is the optimal (scientific) planning of the day, taking into account the peculiarities of adolescence. After analyzing your day and comparing your regime with this sample, you can even try to improve the distribution of your affairs. For example, do not forget about regular breaks in classes. Even a small rest is better to spend not lying on the couch and looking at the TV, and not be lazy to go outside and at least stroll. It will reasonably come up with a complex of pleasant energetic movements and perform it in breaks between classes. The result will be a tangible decrease in fatigue.

Little recommendations for sleep. Watch for yourself, and you will notice that at about 21.30 you begin to be clone to sleep. But after 22.00, the further, the less you want to sleep. So "work" biorhythms from most people, and it is necessary to adapt to this natural need if possible. Well, if you lie down later and you feel bad? Tip First: Do not watch TV. Tip Second: Do not eat before bedtime. Council Third: How to spend the room. Council fourth: drink a glass of warm milk. Council Fifth: Read a small story (for example, one of the stories of A.P. Chekhov a). And - be healthy!

Approximate day of the day for high school students looks like this: 7.00 Awakening 7.00 - 7.30 Morning gymnastics, hardening procedures (shower, wiping), cleaning bed, wash 7.30 - 7.40 Breakfast 7.40 - 8.00 Walk before school and road 8.00 - 14.30 Classes at school 14.30 - 15.00 Road home (Walk) 15.00 - 15.30 Lunch 15.30 - 17.00 Stay in the air (walk, sport games, skates, skiing, Sanki, etc.) 17.00 - 20.00 Cooking lessons 20.00 - 21.30 Dinner and free classes (helping family, reading, music, creativity) 21.30 - 22.00 Cooking to sleep 22.00 - 7.00 Sleep

Dear parents. To show faith in a child, the parent must have courage and the desire to do the following: - Forget about the past kids failures, - to help the child to gain confidence that he will cope with this task - to remember the past luck and return to them, and not to Errors. There are words that support children, for example: "knowing you, I'm sure you will do everything well," "You know it is very good." You can maintain through touches, joint actions, physical complicity, facial expression. So, to support the child, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b- Rely on strengths Child, - Avoid underscouncing the misses of the child, - to show faith in a child, sympathize with him, confidence in his power, - to create a house of a friendliness and respect, to be able to demonstrate love and respect for the child,

Be simultaneously hard and kind, but do not act as a judge, - support your child, demonstrate that you understand his experiences. * Do not worry about the number of points that the child will receive on the exam, and do not criticize the child after the exam. Inscribe the child the idea that the number of points is not a perfect measurement of its capabilities. * Do not increase the alarm of the child on the eve of the exams - it may adversely affect the testing result. The child is always transmitted to the excitement of parents, and if adults in a responsible moment can cope with their emotions, then the child due to age features can emotionally "break." * Enjoy children, praise them for what they do well. * Increase their self-confidence, as the more the child is afraid of failures, the more likely the probability of error assumptions. * Watch the child's well-being, no one, besides you, will not be able to notice and prevent the deterioration of the child related to overwork. * Control the mode of preparing the child, do not overload, explain to him that it must alternate classes with rest.

Advise the children during the exam to pay attention to the following: · Having run the whole test to see what type of task is contained, it will help tune in to work; · Carefully read the question to the end and understand its meaning (a characteristic error during testing - without reading to the end, according to the first words, they already assume the answer and hurry to enter it); · If you do not know the answer to the question or not sure, miss it and note to return to him later; · If you could not answer the question for the allotted time, it makes sense to rely on my intuition and specify the most likely option.

And remember: the most important thing is to reduce the tension and anxiety of the child and provide suitable conditions for classes.


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