How to prepare for the delivery of the USE. (prepared by specialists of the Ministry of Education and Science) - Presentation. Exam preparation

Parents about the preparation of the child to the exam

  • The exam as a form of graduation school and at the same time with this entrance examinations in the university is for our country relative to the new and causes a lot of disputes. The debate is conducted on the pages of newspapers and magazines, the topic of the exam is devoted to television programs.
The task of preparing the child to the exam
  • creating conditions for the physical and mental health of the child during the preparation and examination period;
  • attracting tutors for training that will take part of the responsibility for the level of readiness of the child;
  • Responsibility for own emotional and physical condition.
  • It is necessary to provide a child the day of the day, and at the same time be as flexible as possible, because, making up a child mode, it is necessary to be guided by his interests, habits and wishes and at the same time the expediency of time distribution, reasonable alternation of study and recreation.
  • It is necessary to maintain a child constantly, especially at the moments when he loses faith in his strength, and in the stressful period of preparation for surchase EGE And during the commissioned, such moments may occur quite often. It is very important here as often as possible to tell the child about how you love it and how much he can, about what he gets well, in which he is successful, how successful condition can be transferred from one context to other.
  • They begin to be late for tutoring, confrontated, forget to do homework, Perform public orders exactly at the time when you need to be a teacher. This is a signal that the child gets a load, much higher than the familiar one for him, and that you have any task to support the child, create it for resting conditions, and at the same time increase control over its preparation.
CAUTION- Exercise !!!
  • Your family has an important and responsible period - the period of passing by your child exams. Remember that you are together, trust your child, and at the same time be close to maintain it at the right time and give him exactly what he really needs now.
Thanks for attention!!! Sources
  • Shustanova T. A. What is needed to know Applicant about EGE: Manual for exam preparation: regulatory framework of the exam, the exam in matters and answers, psychological preparation for the USE, features of preparation for the exam in different subjects. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2004 (FGUIPP Kursk). - 347 p.
  • Images:
  • 5 Slide
  • 6 Slide
  • 7 Slide
  • 8 Slide

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How to prepare for the exam. The unified State Exam is not just a final exam, but also introductory. That is why it is necessary to approach the preparation very seriously and responsibly. Each student must realize that a successful unified state exam is the key to a successful and interesting future.

Admission to the university largely depends on the skill of the student correctly answer the questions asked in special tests. The EGE allows each school student to enter the university, but for this it is necessary to earn a high score.

Does our country have methods for training schoolchildren for exams that are surreated in the form of test? Until recently, in mass order, such exams were not conducted in Russia. For our students, the test system is an innovation to which it is necessary to be seriously and responsible. In addition to acquiring skills and skills, each student must be ready and psychologically. EGE is the most present test.

Who will help students become students and fully pass the exam?

Many students and their parents believe that you can independently successfully prepare for the exam. There are certain disadvantages of this type of preparation: it is very difficult to independently draw up the right structure of the preparation for the exam; Preparation reduces not to understanding the material, but to memorization, and this does not contribute to the in-depth awareness of the subject; Many students are difficult to force themselves to start learning the subject.

The above is excluded if the child will prepare a professional tutor to pass exams. Only a specialist will be able to convey to a child required Material And explain its meaning. A private tutor, as well as a teacher on courses, is a well-structured program, thanks to which the learning process proceeds easier and more efficiently. The coach who takes responsibility for the preparation of students to the exam in addition to the high level of knowledge, qualifications and professionalism should have sufficiently necessary literature, based on the tests on a single exam. He must understand not only in pedagogy, but also in psychology. It is not enough just to acquaint students with the exam format. In order for the preparation to be effective, it is necessary to develop a whole system that would include stages of preparation for the USE for a long period.

The program for preparing for a single exam should include the following components: Specialized benefits and textbooks that are aimed at preparing students to pass the exams Certain preparation methods that would characterize the exam preparation methods that would acquaint students with a test system for leaving the training exams should introduced new programs, improved, which would increase the effectiveness of the educational process

What can every parent can do for her child to help him increase the level of his knowledge and hand out perfectly? First of all, it is necessary to find a good tutor, which has an experience of at least 10 years. This may be a well-deserved teacher of the Russian Federation or associate professor, so it is necessary to prepare a child to the fact that it will have to go to the exercise for the rehearser, if preference is given to specialized courses for preparing for the exam, it is important to learn as much information about this organization as possible not to get caught scammers. It is necessary to visit have a good psychologist. The child should be ready for stress who expects him.

The training team should consist of no more than five people. If people are much more, then you should not waste time and money. Thanks to such classes, the child will not only receive knowledge, but also communicate with peers and, perhaps, learn a lot of new things about the exam and the rules of its holding. Constantly view various portals about the preparation for a single exam, it will always help to be aware of the latest events. Do not forget to constantly support your child and in no case place unattainable goals in front of it.

Most the best way Preparation includes three components: self-preparation visits to occupation courses with a private tutor. Only this approach to training will allow to achieve high results and enroll in the desired higher Educational institution. Each child has a chance to pass a single state exam and successfully entered the educational institution.

Results of work in the Russian language

The results of work on mathematics

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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How to prepare psychologically - start preparing for exams in advance, gradually, in parts, while maintaining calm. - If it is very difficult to get together with the forces and with thoughts, try to remember first the easiest, and then go to the study of hard material. - Daily perform exercises that contribute to the removal of internal stress, fatigue, achieving relaxation. - Get ready for the exam, mentally draw a picture of the triumph. Never think about not referring to the task. In order to crisis situation Do not lose your head, you must not put in front of them to achieve supermodes. Do not wait to wait until the situation becomes catastrophic.

2 Slide

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What if you are tired of your eyes. Read two any exercises: - Look in alternately up-down (25 seconds), left - right (15 seconds); - Write your name, patronymic, surname; - alternately fix a look at the remote subject (20 seconds), then on a sheet of paper in front of you (20 seconds); - Draw a square, triangle - first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. During the preparation for the exams, the eye load is increasing. If the eyes are tired, it means, tired and organism: he may not have enough strength to perform an examination task. It is necessary to make the eyes rest.

3 Slide

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Place for classes - Organize correctly your workspace. Remove extra things from the table, conveniently position the desired textbooks, benefits, test material, paper, pencils. - Put objects or pictures in yellow and purple tonality on the table, since these colors increase intelligent activity.

6 Slide

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The menu from products that will help concentrate the attention of shrimps - will not let your attention to loosen. Onions - helps with overwork or mental fatigue. Nuts - strengthen the nervous system, stimulate the activity of the brain. The menu from products that will help successfully nibble granite science of cabbage - removes nervousness lemon - refreshes thoughts and facilitates the perception of information. Blueberry - contributes to the blood circulation of the brain. The effect of food on the emotions of the paprika - contributes to the allocation of "Harmony of Happiness" - endorphine. Strawberry - quickly neutralizes negative emotions. Bananas contain serotonin-anchival, the necessary brain so that he reigns: "You are happy."

7 Slide

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On the eve of the exam, do not repeat the material in order, repeat the difficult questions. Imagine the situation of the exam in all colors, with all the feelings and experiences. Preparing for the exam, do not think about failure, it destroys you! Before the exam, sleep off. You need to stand rested, healthy, full strength and energy.

8 Slide

Principal feature preparations for the USE

Joint, collective work of school and teacher, graduate and his parents for the preparation for the exam:

  • participation of all three stakeholders in each stage of preparation;
  • combining resources;
  • consistency of actions;
  • clear role distribution

Stages of graduate preparation for the exam

  • Formulate the necessary for each participant EGE Purpose:
  • i participate in the exam in order to just get a certificate;
  • i rent objects to enroll in university;
  • i want to get a score ( only 100; maximum for me ).

Specify personal target

and understanding of common paths and

ways to achieve it

Specify tasks

1. Determine the set of selection exams.

2 . Get acquainted with the general format of the exam and kimami for each subject.

3. Specify the criterion of successful delivery (how many points you need to dial, how many and what tasks to perform) for each subject.

4. Callate the initial level of preparation and the level of claims.

5. Select your own deficits: gaps in preparation, inability to work with blanks, other problems

Mastering the technology of ege

  • Standing the skills of work on the proposed test technology:
  • generalical skills, task execution skills of different types, including - with the choice of an answer; time distribution skills; Solution skills, write responses in the form, response corrections; The ability to pre-assess the result (in primary points).
  • generally educational skills, skills to perform various types of tasks, including - with a choice of response;
  • time distribution skills;
  • solution skills, write responses in the form, response corrections;
  • the ability to pre-assess the result (in primary points).
  • Replenishment of gaps in preparation.
  • Self-monitoring and self-diagnosis.
  • Developing individual strategy Perform tasks.
  • The rules of behavior on the exam.

Help teacher

1. Explanation of the features of the Procedure of the USE and the content of Kimov 2012

2. Performing a series of "samples" by a graduate.

3. Joint discussion of the results of "samples".

Joint activities of the teacher and the participant of the exam

  • Preparation for the exam in lessons.
  • Participation in the fulfillment of regional diagnostic works.
  • Participation in the performance of work in preliminary final certification.
  • Analysis of the results of work and satisfaction results.
  • Planning work to improve the results of preparation for the USE.

  • In the process of preparing for the EE, bring to absolute perfection skills to work with forms:
  • accurately accurately, in full compliance with the sample samples of characters, fill in all fields of registration form;
  • correctly fill out the response fields and make corrections;
  • strictly follow the instructions of KIM when making answers to tasks IN .

Individual work Participant EGE

  • on the exam's exam foreign languages take into account the sequence of tasks;
  • do not forget to carry out the answers from kimov in the answer form;
  • when performing a task FROM Fill out the response form neatly, laying handwriting;

Individual work of the participant of the exam

When performing the work, it is necessary to very carefully read not only the condition of the task, but also the wording of the task (What exactly needs to be done), and instructions for performing the task (how to write a response).

Individual work of the participant of the exam

  • in advance to familiarize yourself with the rules of the behavior of the participant of the exam during the exam; comply with correct behavior; Perform instructions instructions.

Individual work of the participant of the exam

  • Independent execution of tasks of demulsions (website of the FII).
  • Visit to elective classes.
  • Participation in the urban, regional and federal olympiads.

Intermediate control

  • comparing the results of a trial exam with previously planned;
  • adjusting the individual training program

  • Site of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements - here is the recommended literature on individual subjects

Information support for the participant of the exam

  • support portal, where all major information about the exam is posted

Member has the right to

interrupt the exam for a good reason (health condition);

  • contact duty medical officer in PPE I. take a certificate ;
  • contact that day In your clinic to the doctor and get a certificate with printing to provide a conflict commission together with the appeal, on the basis of which the results of an interrupted exam may be canceled.

EME participant has the right

including remote from the exam for violation of the instruction, after delivery before exiting the examination submit an appeal against the violation of the exam procedure

EME participant has the right

For the appeal of the violation of the exam procedure, the participant of the EEH must contact responsible organizer in the audience or exam reception manager who should issue an appeal form participant.

EME participant has the right

The appeal by the procedure is not accepted :

  • on the content and structure of KIM;
  • on issues related to a violation by the participant of the exam instruction for filling the answer forms (incorrectly and fumbled answers in the forms, did not have time to postpone the answers, spoiled the name form);
  • chernovikov as an appeal materials NOT are considered ;

A graduate with disabilities has the right to choose the form of the final certification: EGE or HBE (public graduation)

At the same time, a combination of both forms of state final certification are allowed: in the form of an exe and in the form of a final exam.

In the form of a state final exam you can only hand over mandatory exams ( russian language and mathematics).

Objects for choosing rent only in the form of ege .

Measuring materials (Kim.) -Eximal type of unified verificationUsed when conducting a single state exam.

Specification - The main document for the development of Kim. It indicates all the main characteristics of Kim: structure, type of tasks used, execution time, evaluation system, etc.

The terminological dictionary of the EGE

Task open form - The task of the test in which there is no answer options, and the examusable must formulate its answer itself. The exam uses two types of open tasks: "IN" with a brief answer and "FROM"

with an expanded answer.

The terminological dictionary of the EGE

Primary points - an assessment for examination work, which is determined by the number of fully or partially solved tasks.

PPE - Exam item.

The terminological dictionary of the EGE

Test points - an assessment for examination work on a 100-point scale. It is determined by recalculation primary ball Based on complex procedures providing for "alignment" of various work options.

How to prepare for the social science exam?

then S.
What to start?
If with a tutor, then how to understand that
he is good?
What courses are better?

Where to go? How to choose an item?


Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item? Let's sum up:

1. Prooforientator - choose
profession - what subjects
hand over
3.Mone education - what is taught
4. Map of universities - We are looking for where to learn
5. Site of the university - how many points it is necessary
6.New cycle

If you prepare yourself, then where to start?

If you prepare yourself,
What start?
how much
of time
Item P.

If you prepare yourself,
What start?

If you prepare yourself,
What start?

If you prepare yourself,
What start?
Social science
First test
First test
- October 26-27
- October 28-30
First Seminar First Seminar
- December 4.
- December 2-3.

If you prepare yourself, then where to start? COME TO US!

If you prepare yourself,
What start?

If you prepare with a tutor
To the exam, then how to understand that he
Ask us!

If you prepare with a tutor to the exam, then how to understand that he is good? Ask us!

Does the tutor with the exam?
Is he familiar with the new demo demo? FROM
codifier? With specification?
How practiced in preparation for the exam?
Is the tutor by an expert on

If you prepare on courses, then how to understand what courses are better? Contact experts!

Who are the experts of the exam? (see booklet)
You pay money for
become better.
This is a great value for the same
Pay for the chance to reveal and
Excele yourself

If you prepare for the exam on
Courses, what are better?

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Only experts

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Not experts:

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Only experts
Only personality
Only in the best universities

If you prepare for the exam on courses, what are better? COME TO US!

Only experts
Only personality
Only in the best universities

If you prepare for the exam on
Courses, what are better?
How it works?
Free initial testing
Tracking the success of each at every occupation
Classes adapted to your requests
Effective teaching technologies
And your studies!


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