Mom dad I'm a sports family in the dhow. Sports festival in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Scenario "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family

The hall includes presenters and participating teams . The teams walk in a circle and stand in the center of the hall.

1 presenter:

The garden welcomes cheerful guests,
Warm smiles make our hall brighter.

2 presenter:

Dads left work today.
And mothers forgot big worries,
They put on sneakers, and took the kids,
We came to the sports festival today as soon as possible.

1 presenter:

And with pride everyone can say
That there is no one closer to the family !!!
Hurray for sports fans!

2 presenter: Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to the family holiday "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"! Our holiday will be held under the slogan: "Sport is life! We are for a healthy future!"

1 presenter: This holiday is dedicated to sports and health,

Are the guests ready?

Host 2: Then we'll start! Team "Meteor"

Captain: Our motto is

Not one step back!
Not a step on the spot!
But only forward!
And just all together!

1 host: Team "Rocket"

The team chants their motto.

Captain: Our motto is

Our victory is important to everyone,
Peace and friendship - forever!

1 presenter: Physical education teams:

Teams (in chorus): Hello!

2 presenter:

Olympus - Gods are a great creation!
The sports world is one family!
Olympus received a blessing,
I am opening the sports festival!
I declare the meeting between the teams open!

1 host: Competitions will be held in several Olympic sports. And this is no coincidence, because the next Winter Olympic Games will be held in Russia, in the city of Sochi. And our Olympic Games are unusual, and you will see for yourself today. For a victory in each event, the winning team receives 2 points, the losing team does not receive points, in case of a draw, if there is such a result, the teams receive 1 point.

Moderator 2: Are the teams ready for challenges?

Host 2: Let's start then. And immediately a question for the fans.

Suddenly with a sharpened movement
Grab the rifle - shoot!
They hit sighting targets, -
One, two, four, five.
And rushed down the slope.
What is this? ( Biathlon)

The fans answer.

1 presenter: Now we will see how our athletes know how to shoot accurately and quickly run on skis. The first participant starts from the starting line and skis to the firing line. Shoots at the target. In the event that he hits the target, he quickly returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant. If the biathlete misses the target, he runs the penalty loop, and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next participant.

Inventory: skis, baskets 2 pcs., Balls 12 pcs., Target 2 pcs.

The winner of this competition is the team: (team name). She is awarded 2 points.

2 presenter: Again, a question for the fans:

Shines a bright white slope
The champion is racing in a sled
And the turn is not terrible.
What is this?: ( Luge)

E.V .: Right! The second competition is "Luge Sport". On the opposite side of the slope, the participating mothers stand. Dad rushes the sleigh with the child and passes the baton to mom. She quickly rushes to the finish line and passes the baton to the next team members. Is the task clear?

Lead 1: Take your seats.

Inventory: sleigh 2 pcs., Cones 2 pcs.

2 presenter: While our teams are resting, and the jury is calculating the points, our young dancers will perform for you.

1 presenter: And now, dear jury, I ask you to announce the results for two competitions.

The jury will announce the results.

2 host: And we continue our sports. And again a riddle for the fans: In the courtyard in the morning there was a game, the kids were playing.

Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" -

So there is a game: ( Hockey)

Leading 2: Right. The next competition is "Hockey". A hockey player with a stick leads the puck (I remind you that our Olympic Games are unusual, and the puck will also be unusual), between the signal cones to the goal, circling obstacles. And he tries to score a goal from the foul line. Then he returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster. But, the team that scores the most goals gets a bonus of 1 point. Are the teams ready?

Inventory: cones 4 pcs., Hockey sticks 2 pcs., Gates 2 pcs., Balloons 12 pcs.

1 presenter: Attention, fans!

Metal two brothers
How they grew together with boots:
We wanted to ride
Top on the ice and rush!
Oh, yes brothers, oh easy!
What are the brothers' names? ( Skates)

2 leader: That's right, the following type of competition: "Speed \u200b\u200bskating". Young skaters start the race. With the help of their parents, they rush on skates, overcoming obstacles, come back and pass the baton to the next family. The team that came to the finish line first wins.

Inventory: roller skates 4 pcs., Racks 2 pcs., Cones 2 pcs., Cubes 2 pcs.

1 host: Are the teams ready?

2 presenter: While the jury sums up the results of the last two competitions, for you, dear guests, our pupils are performing with a gymnastic sketch.

Gymnastic number

1 presenter: Our distinguished jury is ready to announce the results of the past competitions.

2 leader: The fifth type of competition - "Unusual biathlon". The first participant starts from the starting line, and overcomes obstacles on the way, dives into the ice tunnel. Then he runs back to his team and passes the baton to the next participant. Are the teams ready?

Inventory: racks 4 pcs., Tunnel 2 pcs.

1 presenter: And finally the new kind sport, which, we hope, after our holiday, will be included in the program of the Olympic Games in Sochi - "Familyabory"! The whole family gets on skis and moves on the ski track to the turn and back. Then, he passes the miracle - skis at the finish line to the next family. Are the teams ready?

Inventory: cubes 2 pcs., Skis 2 pcs.

2 presenter: While the jury members are summing up the results of the competition, there is one more musical number for you.

1 presenter: Attention is a crucial moment! Who became the winner of our today's competition:

The floor is given to a member of the jury.

2 presenter: Attention, the most pleasant moment is the rewarding of the teams!

1 host: Congratulations to our athletes. Applause!

2 presenter:

So our holiday has come to an end.
Let it all be just a game
But we wanted to say with it:
Family is a great miracle!
Keep her, take care of her!
There is no more important goal in life !!!

1 presenter: And our goal is to bring up a healthy, dignified generation that will represent our Great Russia.

The song "The Anthem of the Olympics in Sochi" is performed by parents and children.

Host 2: Thank you, teams! Thank you, guests! Until next time!

To the music, the teams leave the hall.

Scenario of the competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!"

The purpose of the sports competition:

    To promote healthy image life, to promote family involvement in physical education and sports.

    To develop the physical qualities of preschoolers: strength, endurance, agility, self-confidence.

    To consolidate previously acquired skills: running at speed, jumping, the ability to handle the ball, coordination of movements.

    Consolidation of knowledge about the Olympic movement.

    Foster mutual assistance, a sense of camaraderie.

Preparation for the event: Hall decoration, invitations for families, certificates, gifts.

Implementation means: Audio CD with charging "Sun", 2 wheel hoops, 2 sticks, 3 balls, 2 rackets, 2 balloons.

Leading - physical culture educator Serdechnaya G.G.

"Sportik" - a child of the preparatory group. Jury, guests of the holiday

Guests - children of middle, senior, preparatory groups.

Event progress:

To the music, family teams enter the hall and are lined up near the benches in parallel to each other.

Leading: Hello dear children, parents and guests!

We are glad to welcome you to our holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!"

To the sports ground

We invite everyone now.

Sports and health holiday

It starts with us!

I would especially like to welcome our friendly sports families:

A family (...)

A family (…)

A family (…)

Leading: Please note - these are your fans, we welcome them! Fans, how can you clap? How can you stomp?

Our success will be assessed by a jury consisting of:

Parting words are given to the chairman of the jury: (criteria of marks from 3 to 5 points for the task are read out).

Leading: I will lead our competitions, and a young sportsman will help me. I ask you to love and favor (a sportik runs out to the merry march).

"Tell sportik, how does your morning start?"

Sportik: "Of course, with exercise!"

Leading: Well done sportik, you start your day right, and now I invite our children to start our holiday with their favorite exercise! Will you help me?

(Sportik stands in front of the children and performs a show for the rest of the children).

Rhythmic exercise "radiant sun"

Leading: Well done, our warm-up went well, now we are ready for the competition!

Sportik, do you like to drive a car?

Sportik: No, I love walking and running more!

Leading: And now we will check what our parents like more in teams, to drive a car or run ... after a bus!

Competition 1 "Merry taxi"

Rules of the game:

1. The game starts on signal

2. Stepping behind the starting line is prohibited

3. The winner is the team that, when passing the distance, will complete the task faster and

will not disengage during travel

At a signal, dad with a hoop in the form of a steering wheel, runs to the pyramid, runs around it and returns for mom; mom takes dad by the waist and they run together to the pyramid and back after the child, mom takes the child by the hand, they all run together again and return to the team.

Leading: Well done, your dads are real schumachers!

The next task for our teams.

Competition 2 "Long jump" (Help from educators!)

The first participant stands on the start line, performs a long jump (a jump with a stick on the heels of the bounder is marked). The next participant approaches the stick and jumps in length, the jump is again marked, and so on. Thus, the collective leap is taking place!

Leading: While the jury sums up the results of 2 contests, we will play a game with you

"What happens?" (play with spectators)

The ball is thrown with questions (presenter)

For example: "What is cold?", "What is high?", "What is sweet?"

Leading: The floor is given by the jury - the results of 2 competitions.

We continue our competition.

Competition 3 "Triathlon" (with ball)

The child runs, beating the ball on the floor with both hands.

Mom runs, bouncing the ball on the floor with one hand.

Dad is hitting a ball tied with an elastic band.

Bring a tennis ball on a racket to the landmark and back.

Leading: The jury continues its work and evaluates the teams' performance in 2 more competitions.

In the meantime, we will have a little rest, everyone who wants to join the fun dance "exercise"

Leading: The jury will give the floor.

Sportik, do you know what sporting event will take place in our country soon?

Sportik: “Of course I know - these are the Olympic Games.

Leading : Well done, now we will find out and check what the team members know about the Olympiad.

Competition 5. "Intellectual"

Leading: The jury will give 2 points for each correct answer.

So let's get started!

1. Symbols of any Olympic Games and the motto (five woven rings, the Olympic torch, the Olympic flag, the motto - "Faster, higher, stronger!")

2. Where is the Olympic flame lit and what is the Olympic torch relay? (in Greece, the Olympic torch relay is a holiday preceding the Olympics, and the torch with the Olympic flame comes to the country where the Olympics will be held)

3. Where and when did the Winter Olympics take place? (Sochi city, February 7)

4. What emblems were at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi? (Bunny, White Bear, leopard BARSIK)

5. List the winter sports (figure skating, cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, ice hockey, etc.)

6. Difficult question - How often do the Olympic Games take place? (Once every four years).

Leading: The jury sums up the final results, the teams have a rest.

In the meantime, our fans will guess our riddles with Sportik - first, children will guess, if they cannot, adults will help.

Green meadow, a hundred benches around

From gate to gate, people are running briskly,

And on these gates there are nets! (stadium)

Here are the athletes skating, practicing jumping,

And the ice sparkles sparklingly, those athletes ... (skaters)

We have only one skates, only summer ones,

We rode on the asphalt and were satisfied. (Videos)

You throw it into the river - it doesn't sink, you hit the wall, it doesn't sink,

If you throw it on the ground, it will fly upward (ball)

Whoever twists that sports shell will soon be very slender (Hoop)

The flame is blazing, the five rings are shining

A holiday for the people, every four years

The holiday is that sporty, ancient, bright, wondrous (Olympics)

It's not easy to get it, you have to be brave in the fight,

Only to those it is given, to the last who fights! (Victory).

Leading: So our competition has come to an end, now the jury will announce the results! This is where our holiday ends, I wish dads to be always so strong, courageous, mothers - charming, and everyone, everyone - to be healthy and love physical education!

May your family starts be remembered

Let all adversity pass by

May all your wishes come true

And physical education will become native.

Let it all be just a game

But we wanted to say with it: “a great miracle of the family!

Keep it, take care of it, there is no more important goal in life!

Leading: Sportik, thank you for your help.

(Rewarding teams with gifts and diplomas).

  • Attract children and their parents to physical education and sports. To give children and parents pleasure from joint physical education, to promote the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual help.
  • Promote the importance of physical education as a means of achieving physical beauty, strength, agility and endurance.


The competition is attended by 2 family teams of senior groups.

(Each family must have a uniform team uniform with an emblem.)

Holiday progress

Dear guests and fans! Today we gathered for a sports family holiday “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”. It is a celebration of agility, strength and friendship. Let's meet our teams.

The hymn "Ladushki" is played.

Guests and fans clap their hands, family teams enter.

Sport, guys, is very necessary.
We are close friends with sports.
Sports assistant! Sport is health!
Sport is a game! Physical Education!

The competition is attended by 2 teams "Zadorinka" and "Veselinka".

So, the Zadorinka team the team includes our friendly sports families (Kuznetsovs and Gornikovs). Is the Zadorinka team ready for the competition?


Team captain?

Olesya Gornikova

What's your motto?

We are a perky family
Dad, mom and me.
We came to compete
We are ready to compete.

Veselinka team.

This team includes the Velichko and Verbets families.

The Veselinka team is ready for the competition!


Team captain?

Anya Verbets.


What's your motto?

We are funny guys
We are preschool children
We love to do sports
We love to laugh fun.

And now I present to you our jury, which will closely follow the success of our teams.

Main judge: Kitsan Natalya Viktorovna - the winner of the family sports competition "Norilsk Nickel".

Jury members:Kostenko Natalia Prokofievna - preschool teacher... Novoselova Tatyana Ivanovna - member of the parent committee of the preschool educational institution.

On a sports track, friends! We'll start with a fun warm-up .

Warm-up - rhythmic dance "Radiant Sun"

Leading . We start the competition.

1st competition - "Family Relay"

1st stage (child): jumping on Hip-Hop balls to the landmark, then pick up the ball and return to the team.
2nd stage (mother): jumping rope in an arbitrary way to the landmark and back.
3rd stage (dad): dribbling the basketball to the landmark and back (there - right hand, back - left).

(After the competition, the jury sums up the results, the teams rest)

2nd competition for captains - "Get into the basket"

The captains take turns throwing 5 balls into the basket.

3rd competition for moms - "Keep your head cold and your feet warm"

Moms are involved - running in bags to the landmark and back.

4th competition - "The most agile dad"

The game "Traps" is held with all the children present at the party. Ribbons - "tails" are distributed. The dad with the most "ponytails" wins

In the meantime, the jury sums up the interim results, we invite you to watch the performance of the gymnasts of the sports section of the preschool educational institution “Harmony of Movement”. Artistic director: L.P. Kuznetsova.

5th competition - "Merry Penguin"

Walking with the ball clamped between the knees.

1st stage: the child performs the task.
2nd stage: mother performs the task.
3rd stage: dad does the task.

Cheerleader number: "Hafanana" rhythmic dance

6th competition - the final relay race "Kangaroo"

Jumps forward to the landmark and back. The end of the jump of the first participant is the beginning of the jump of the next participant.

In the meantime, the jury sums up the results of the last competition and our competition, I announce a musical pause

Rhythmic dance “One, two, three”.

The jury announces the results of the competition. Rewarding teams. Presentation of prizes.

Under the solemn march, the teams make a circle of honor and leave the hall.

Tea drinking in the group.


2 bags for jumping, 2 balls with handles “Hip-hop”, 4 skipping ropes, 10 volleyball balls, 2 basketballs, colored ribbons according to the number of players, phonograms “Khafanan”, “One, two, three”, “Radiant sun”.


  • create conditions for physical development;
  • teach to establish partnerships with parents, other adults and children


1. Provide an optimal motor regime for children and adults during the holiday

2. Provide children with the opportunity to apply motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education.

3. To instill a love for physical education and sports.

Characters: presenter (physical instructor), Kolobok (educator), families (dad, mom, child).

Parents with children enter the hall and take from the chest on the table, tickets: red and blue, with which they are divided into teams.

Leading: Good evening mom and dad, grandparents! Good evening guys! I am glad to welcome you to the family entertainment "Our friendly family!"

Today our holiday is dedicated to all of you: old and young, adults and children! We are gathered here to once again tell everyone what kind of friendly families our guys have. And to check this, we will hold several contests. We have two teams, I suggest you come up with names for them.

There are no uninteresting families in the world.

Their fates as the history of the planets:

Each has a special, its own,

And there are no others like her.

What do our children think about their families?

1st child

Family is mom

Family is me

Daddy granny

My brother and sister.

Grandfathers, aunts.

All this, friends,

Repeats seven times

In the word "family"!

2nd child

There are many dads and moms in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

Only there are some among them -

They are dearer to me than all.

Who are they? I will answer:

My beloved family!

3rd child

Today the competition is not easy:

We will reveal our talents.

My family is always with me

And everything will be all right with us!

Leading:Let's start our competition.

The relay race is held.

1. Relay "Kangaroo"

At the signal of the leading mother from each team, they run with the ball between their legs to the cubes on which their children are standing, run to the cube, come back and pass the ball to dad, who in turn runs to the cube, gives the ball to the child, picks it up and returns to the team.

Equipment: 3 medicine balls, 3 cubes.

The jury sums up the results.

2. Relay "Stages"

Stage 1 - "Skier". Children participate. The skis in this competition are two candy boxes.

Stage 2 - " On the ice ”. Dads are involved. "Ice floes" are wooden circles. Standing on one "piece of ice" substituting another, stepping forward, passes between the pins and back.

Stage 3 - " Riding the core. " Mothers participate. The player sits on a soft big ball and jumps between the pins and back(phonogram).

Equipment: 9 pins, 6 wooden circles, 3 soft bouncy balls with holder, 6 candy boxes.

The jury sums up the results.

The music sounds "We're going, we're going, we're going"

Leading. Music invites all of us to travel ... forward.

3. Relay "Jumping in bags"

The team is given a jumping bag. Each team member takes turns completing tasks. Whose team gets to the finish line faster will get the ball (phonogram).

Equipment: 3 bags.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, and the teams are resting, I invite everyone to watch the performance. (Children of the preparatory group perform a sports dance)

4. Relay "Tunnel"

Each team member must overcome the tunnel to pick up one pins and return to the finish line.

Equipment: 3 tunnels, 23 pins.

The jury sums it up.

Leading:I suggest a little warm-up for children. Guys, I will name different types household chores, and you answer in unison who is doing this work: dad or mom (washes, drives a car, cooks lunch, repairs a TV, washes the floor, digs a garden, collects children in kindergarten, watering flowers, choles firewood, knits, builds a house )

Well done! See, guys, how many different things your parents know how to do! Today we'll see if your parents can play, have fun and compete as well!

I suggest a little workout for adults. You have to solve a difficult task! Be very careful.

Now I will set the task.

Listen, here's my family:

Grandpa, grandmother and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And cleanliness. And why?

We have two mothers in our house.

Two dads, two sons,

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have?

(answer: 6 people)

Leading. Now let's fly in balloons.

5. Relay "Elusive ball"

Dads are involved. Each participant is tied to the leg balloonhic. You need to crush someone else's ball, but at the same time keep your whole one. Whole balls are counted and the winners of this competition are announced.(phonogram)

Equipment: 6 balloons.

The jury sums up the results.

6. Relay "Cinderella"

Teams are given gymnastic shelves and a wicket; on command, more balls must be rolled into the wicket. The team that has more balls and receives a point for winning... (phonogram).

Equipment: a lot of balls, 3 - hoops, 9 - gymnastic sticks.

The jury sums up the results.

7. Relay "Carry each other"

Mom carries her child to the cube, leaves him back, then dad carries mom to the cube, pick up the child and come back.

Equipment: 3-cubes.

The jury sums up the results.

8. Relay "Jumping rope"

Mothers are involved. Each participant is given a rope. The one who skips the longest and gets the ball.

Equipment: 3 skipping ropes.

The jury sums up the results.

Horseman game

Dads put their children on their shoulders. Children have two ribbons attached to their collars. At the signal, the children try to rip each other's ribbons.


Let's roll the hoop

He is from us, and we follow him.

We chase, we chase

Only we won't let you fall.

9. Relay "Roll the hoop"

Each team is given a hoop. In turn, who will quickly roll the hoop back and forth, giving to the next.

Hardware: 3 hoops

Gingerbread man runs in (fabulous music)

Kolobok: - Good afternoon girls and boys! (welcomes children)

- Let me introduce:

I - Kolobok - ruddy side! come to look at you and show yourself!

- And most importantly, with you guys to play. See how nimble, nimble, fast you are!

- I have prepared interesting, funny competitions and attractions for you.

But do you agree to take part in the competition?


- Yes!


- I suggest doing a warm-up first. Do you agree?

Then get up in the circle with me,

Repeat everything after me!

To the music of "Buratino" on the lyrics. Yu. Entina children together with Kolobok perform a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.


- Well guys, workout

You played very well!


- Everyone tried, well done! You are great daredevils! But attention! I have prepared an equally interesting competition for you! Competition "Kolobok"

Kolobok explains the rules of the competition:

At the signal, each participant of the competition very quickly rolls the ball - "kolobok" with both hands to the cube, takes it in his hands and runs along the left side of the hall to his team. Having come running, he gives the ball to the next participant, and he himself stands behind the team.


- What athletes are agile

I saw it now. This is training!

Well, just the highest class!

Leading: While the jury sums up the results, let's arrange a quiz, which of you knows fairy tales better (8 riddles)

It's time for us to end the holiday.

We are glad to all guests

What time did you choose

And they dropped in to us.

Do sports,

Smile often

Family is sacred

Family is happiness!

If friendship and health in the family -

Everyone can envy you!

(Final callsigns are played. Teams are invited to the middle of the hall to summarize)

Leading: Words for praise are given to our distinguished jury.

Summing up, awarding prizes.

Leading: Thanks everyone! If today it was interesting and fun for you, we are very glad. Let this holiday become a tradition in your families.


  1. Create a cheerful and joyful mood for children and their parents.
  2. Develop physical qualities: endurance, quickness, reaction strength.
  3. To carry out the relationship on the physical education of children between kindergarten and family.

Holiday progress.

Host: We are starting our family sports festival "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family", in which our nimble children and their beloved parents take part. We meet the participants of our holiday.

A sports march sounds, teams - participants enter to the applause, they pass a circle of honor around the hall and sit on benches.

Host: Welcome, dear guests!

We wish you fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting,

We will not start the holiday without you.

Exercise is useful, fun exercise is doubly useful. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour, and fun - by two. Today we have come together to get a boost of vivacity, show off erudition and cheer for those friendly families who came to take part in our competitions.

Your success will be assessed by a jury consisting of:

For the will to win, honesty in the fight, the jury can add 1 point to the team or, on the contrary, remove 1 point for breaking the rules. And now the guys will read poetry.

Children read poetry:

1st child:

We invite everyone now.

Sports and health holiday

It starts with us!

Our moms, our dads

Start with us!

2nd child:

Who is faster than everyone

Who hunts everyone

We are very interested!

Let there be cheerful laughter

And the song does not stop!

3rd child:

Sport straightens our shoulders

Strength, dexterity gives us.

He develops our muscles,

4th child:

And came today

Everyone, of course, win!

All teams, all heroes

They can be convinced of this!

5th child:

Let the celebration of the stars light up

Let everyone in our garden know

What stellar teams

We are performing today!

6th child:

Even the gloomiest morning

Physical education amuses us.

And, of course, it is very important

So that everyone does the exercises!

Calls us for records!

Host: Now we will all sing a song together and do some exercises.

To the music, the children sing a song and perform the “Exercise Song” warm-up.

Host: And now we invite our teams "Solnyshko", "Success" and "Druzhba" to take their places on the start line. May joy and laughter help in difficult times, but the main hope, the fans, are on you! Let's welcome our teams with thunderous applause.

Teams line up at the start line to greet.

Team greetings:

The Sun command:

Team "Success" - physical education - hello!

And such a word-

Love sports from an early age,

You will be healthy.

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports!

You live a hundred years -

That's the whole secret.

Team "Success":

Team "Sun" - physical education - hello.

Accustom yourself to order -

Exercise every day

Laugh more merrily

You will be healthier.

We really need sports, guys!

We are close friends with sports!

Sports - helper, sports - health,

Sport is a game, physical education - hurray!

Friendship team:

Teams "Solnyshko" and "Friendship" - physical education - hello!

It's hard to become a champion

But you can try!

Our advice to all the guys and the following word:

Love sports from an early age,

You will be healthy!

Host: Attention, attention!

We start the competition.

The competition is unusual,

Excellent from others!

And so, you can start the competition -

Fun competitions.

There are teams, the jury is in place.

Fans, are you here?

All in chorus YES!

The first relay race "Fast legs" (Run with a snake with two medicine balls in hand between four hoops on the floor, go around the rack and return in the same way. The balls are passed to the next participant.)

Jury word

The second relay race "Fast legs, dexterous hands" (In four hoops lying on the floor, one pin is placed. The first participant runs, puts the pins on the floor with his hand, goes around the rack and returns in a straight line. The second participant runs and puts the pins in the hoops, goes around the cube and returns running in a straight line.)

Jury word

Third relay "Who is faster?" (Each participant follows the footsteps to the rack with a hoop, crawls into it, reaches the rack, runs around it, jogging back, passes the baton to the next participant.)

Jury word

Host: Our athletes need to rest. In the meantime, they are gaining strength, we will hold a competition for fans (spectators). Teams sit on benches.

Contest for fans "Guess the fairy tale"

Host: I am reading an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you must tell me what it is called.

  1. “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother ...” (Kolobok);
  2. “Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie ...” (Masha and the Bear);
  3. "Don't drink, brother, this water - you will become a kid ..." (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka);
  4. "Apple tree, Apple tree, hide us ..." (Geese-swans);
  5. "Sleep, peephole, sleep, in an arc ..." (Khavroshechka);
  6. "Frog, frog, give me my arrow ..." (The frog princess);
  7. "Little kids, little kids, open up, open up ..." (The wolf and the seven kids);
  8. "What do you want, elder?" (The Tale of the Goldfish);
  9. "According to the pike's command, according to my desire ..." (According to the pike's command);
  10. "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of the grass ..." (Sivka-burka).

Host: And now the fans need to split into two teams. The teams take the starting line.

Relay for fans "Walking with bags on the head" (Each team is given a bag of sand. The first participant walks with a bag on his head to the rack, goes around it and goes back, passes the bag to the next participant. The team that completes the task faster is the winner).

Relay for fans "Solnyshko" (Each participant has a gymnastic stick. You have to run to the hoop, put the stick like a ray of the sun, run around the rack, pass the baton to the next participant).

Host: Our teams had a rest, gained strength. And we invite the athletes to take their places at the start line. The teams take their places at the start line.

Host: We continue our competition. Teams ready for the start?

The fourth relay race "Jumping on fitballs (hops)" (Each participant jumps on hops to the rack, bends around it and jumps back, passes the baton to the next participant).

Jury word

Fifth relay race "Rolling the ball between the legs" (Two teams stand in columns one after the other in a stance with their feet apart, the ball is in the hands of the director (captain). At the signal, the first participant leans forward and sends the ball back between the legs with a push of two hands. The last one catches a rolling ball, runs to the beginning of the column and repeats all the movements of the direction player. The relay ends when the director returns with the ball to the first place.)

Jury word

Sixth relay race "Don't drop" (Move the balloon back and forth with the racket, throwing it up, pass the baton to the next participant.)

Jury word

Host: The teams will have a little rest, but we have a musical break. Now the guys will dance a rhythmic dance. Guys, go to the rhythm.

Children perform the rhythm "Dad, Mom" \u200b\u200b(to the song of L. Agutin "Dad, Mom")

Moderator: Teams are invited to the start line to continue our competition.

Seventh relay race "Classics" (In front of each team there are hoops in a checkerboard pattern. Each participant jumps into the hoops, as in the game of "classics", runs around the rack, runs back, passes the baton to the next participant.)

Jury word

The eighth relay race "Salute" (Balls of three colors are scattered throughout the hall. Each team, upon a signal, collects balls of its own color in a box. Having collected all the balls, the team builds on the start line. Who is faster)

Jury word

Host: Leave the rattles toys for the little ones

Take your hockey sticks, go play hockey!

The ninth relay race "Hockey" (Use the stick to lead the ball to the rack, run around the rack, go back, leading the ball with the stick).

Jury word

Host: And now relay races for adults. The guys sit on the benches, and the adults are divided into two teams.

Relay for adults "Turnip" (Two teams of 6 participants participate. These are grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs at the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child in a hat with a turnip image. At the signal, he runs to the turnip, running around the "bumps" with a snake, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them and etc. At the end of the game, the turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulled the turnip faster wins)

Relay for dads "Tug of War"

Host: The participants showed themselves excellently. This was our final relay. Teams take seats on the benches, and the guys read poetry.

Children read poetry:

1st child:

Love physical education,

Dads, mothers, children.

Air, sports and vitamins

Everyone needs it in the world.

2nd child:

Do volleyball

Rowing, swimming, football.

Fire the motley snakes,

Skate in winter

Ride your bike

And always strive to win!

3rd child:

If you want to be skillful

Dexterous, fast,

Strong, brave

Learn to love skipping ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks!

4th child:

Never be discouraged!

Hit the target with snowballs.

Ride quickly down the hill in a sled

And get on your skis!

Here's the secret to health:

Be healthy! Physical education - hello!

Host: Our competition is coming to an end. And while the jury sums up the results of our competition, we will all dance a fun dance. We get up in two circles for the dance of little ducklings.

Everyone is dancing the dance of little ducklings.

Jury word: Overall result


To the music, all participants of the holiday pass the honorable circle around the hall and go to the group.


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