Training classes for educators in Dow. Trainings for teachers and educators. Trainings for teachers and educators - training session for teachers and specialists "Know yourself"

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  • Emotional burnout of teachers. Prevention, trainings

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Training with teachers for the prevention of emotional burnout syndrome and removal of psycho-emotional tension TARGET:. 1. Development of collective cohesion and positive emotional relations training to each other; 2. Removing psycho-emotional stress; 3. Prevention of emotional burnout pedagogues. Concept "Emotional burnout syndrome". At the beginning...

Psychological training for educators DOU "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" purpose: awareness teachers their emotions and feelings, accepting them; Learning effective ways Removal internal tension, self-regulation techniques. Equipment: Cards "phantom", Color pencils, sheets A4, handles. Move hold: The exercise "Stay hello to friends!" By...

Trainings for teachers and educators - training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers"

Publication "Training" Prevention of emotional burnout ... " Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" Objectives: Creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of psychological health of teachers; the formation of psycho-emotional state regulation skills; Prevention of emotional burnout in pedagogical activities ....

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

Training for teachers "Understanding" Training for teachers Tasks: · Promotion of positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers; · Increase group cohesion; · Remove muscle and emotional teaching tension; · Improve emotional state of teachers. Equipment: · ball; · Sheets ...

An abstract classes with training elements for teachers "Time Pie" Classes with training elements for teachers on the topic "Time Pie". Goals and objectives: increase the communication skills of teachers; Remove emotional and muscle tension; Develop emotional sustainability, self-confidence; Raise teachers' self-esteem; ...

Training to improve the self-assessment of pedagogues of kindergarten "I am the best that I have" Training improvement of self-esteem "I am the best that I have" goal: definition and analysis of self-assessment. Development of self-diagnosis, self-discharge. Travel course. Leading. Self-assessment - human assessment own qualities, advantages and disadvantages. The term "self-esteem" ...

Trainings for teachers and educators - training session for teachers and specialists "Know yourself"

"Know yourself" goal: Create a positive attitude to further work, the development of reflective skills in participants in psychological classes. Materials for work: (A4 format sheets, felt-tippers, cards with mood. Exercise "Self Preventation" to the lesson! We share ...

Training for teachers "Emotional burnout prevention" Tasks: - Acquaintance with the concept "Professional burnout" - Analysis of own experiences Training move: 1. The game "Change places" This game will allow you to move a little, raise the mood, and also learn about each other additional information. One chair is removed, and ...

Anastasia Krylova
Training for teachers Dow "Day of Psychological Unloading"

Training for teachers Dow« Day of psychological unloading» .


Formation of favorable psychological climate;

Cohesion of the team, creating trust relationships;

Prevention of professional burnout;

Development of communicative skills, emotional sphere;

Removing emotional tension.

The target audience: pedaggers DOU.

Form of: training.

Equipment: Audience with chairs placed in a circle (by number of participants, ball, radio, disc with slow dancing, disc with music for relaxation, fabric dressings on the eyes, sheets of paper, ballpoint handles by the number of participants and markers.


1. Greeting


To acquaint the participants of the group with the ritual of greetings, the inclusion of participants in the work.

Psychologist: Hello dear pedagogues! I am glad to see you all. Today we have gathered in our hall to relax a little, relax, to meet a little closer to each other. At the beginning of our event, I suggest all the participants to greet unusual fashion: Each member of the group, Misinians connect with a nearby neighbor, and on my team together, say "Hello".

2. "Acquaintance"


Configure each participant to work in the group;

Cause a feeling of trust and psychological Comfort in this group of people.

Psychologist: Before starting further work, I think we should meet again. IN training We are provided with an excellent opportunity, usually inaccessible in real life - Choose your name. After all, often it happens: Someone does not really like the name given to him; Someone does not suit the form of appeal, familiar to others, "say, all around the name of the girl Lenka, but she wants to appeal to her" Lenochka "or" Lenoil "or especially unusual and affectionately, as his mother appealed in childhood. Some of the soul, if they are called, no understanding, no name - Petrovich, Mikhalych. And someone secretly dreams of a beautiful name that his idol is wearing. There are people who have had funny nickname as a child and would not be opposed to them now in an informal setting. You have thirty seconds in order to think and choose for yourself a game name. Write it on a paper card and attach to clothes. All other members of the group throughout trading Will contact you only on this name. "

And now, let's arrange more comfortable, I will introduce, passing the ball and calling your name, as well as the word reflecting the mood or our state (Katya - Friendly).

3. Rules of our group.


Identify the rules of behavior in the group throughout trading.

We begin our training lesson. Any training has rules. I believe that it is advisable to discuss and solve which rules we will adhere to you throughout trading.

Law "zero zero"providing for a timely beginning tradingHis ending and equally timely return to the audience after a break.

Appeal to each other on "you" (To work with children, this rule can be somewhat changed, but appeal to the lead by name, without the middle name is very desirable).

Work "From and to": A person who has decided to participate in training, seeks the opportunity to attend all classes from the beginning to the very end.

The confidentiality of the information discussed in the group, its closeness for discussion outside training situation. The group's work unfolds only in the space of relevant experiences and the needs of the participants. The subject of discussion may be past events and past relations between participants, but only in the context of their today's attitude towards those situations and relationships. The greatest value is the state, experience of experiences and relationships, which are born directly in group cooperation. The past is not changed, but you can live deeply and brightly, taking the best to the future.

All statements should go from their name: "I find.", "I think.", but not "Everyone is now thinking.", "most of us." etc.

Accountability of statements in relation to other members of the group. Feedback is allowed and encouraged in the form of a description of the behavior, expressing their own feelings about this behavior, but not an evaluation of the person.

Active Participation B. work: If there is a desire to say, it needs to be done, even if awkward, scary, I do not want to delay the discussion. But at the same time, the participants have the right to silend, do not participate in the exercise, if it is dictated internal condition.

The right to speak and listen to the right. No one has the right to monopolize the discussion, deprive others to take part in it. Everyone can express and should enable others to be heard and understood.

4. Exercise "Interview"



Creating confidence setting

Psychologist: Friends, imagine that you are members of the press conference. Everyone writes three questions on the leaves. We ask questions that concern vital, professional views, interests. Then the leafle is given to another participant. (for example, 3-Him sitting on the right side of the author questions). Next pass "Press conference". Everyone takes turns read questions and respond to them.

5. Transfer of objects in a circle


Elimination of moods, feelings in a circle

Psychologist: Now I propose to transfer in a circle from hand to hands:

1. Flower,

2. Bead

After that we "My" hands in a pure mountain stream and "Splashing" on each other crystally clean water. It releases group energy, allows participants to relax. Psychohymics Ends one more circle with a description of its current state, sensations, mood.

6. Music exercise "Dance together"


Install contact at a non-verbal level, feel confidence in the partner and yourself.

Psychologist: And now a pleasant music will sound. All participants with closed eyes (You can wear fabric eye bandages) Begin to perform dance movements, after which you have to find yourself a couple and continue the dance together. Once the music ceases to sound - open your eyes and thank your partner.

After exercising, participants share their feelings. It is important to find out if their expectations from their partner were justified, what feelings they experienced when they removed the dark glasses.

7. Relaxation session. "Hands"


Removing fatigue, establishment mental equilibrium.

Psychologist gives installation on relaxation, achievement inner peace, positive setting. Playing a calm melody.

Sit comfortably. Pull your legs, saint hands. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue flows out of the brushes of your hands on earth: Here it flows from the head to the shoulders, flows through the forearms, rushes towards the brushes and through the tips of the fingers is seeping down, to the ground. You clearly physically feel heavy gravity, moving along your hands. Sit so 1-2 minutes, and then slightly shake hands.

8. Formulas psychological sustainability

Psychologist: I want to introduce you to formulas psychological Sustainability and recommended time from time to time to prove this text. Do not forget to speak yourself encouraging words. Think of happiness, strength and rest. I wish you success. I propose if you want to pronounce these formulas. (Participants receive printed formulas) Attachment 1.

9. "Reflection"


Get feedback from group members.

Ensuring opportunities to express your feelings that have arisen during classes.

Psychologist: Let's go in a circle by passing the ball in the hands, I will express your opinion about the meeting and its significance for you. You can express your thoughts, feelings and sensations; What more liked that I did not like it; that it was more difficult to fulfill, which is easier; What surprised; Your wishes, etc.

10. Final stage.


Get feedback from group members

Get information about what questions want to discuss teachers in further trainingsWhat forms of work like them.

Psychologist: Now I want to distribute you questionnaires (Appendix 2). You will take them with you, in a couple of days I ask you to return the filled blanks. Processing the results of the questionnaire (Appendix 3).

11."Parting"I was very interested and nice to work with you. I suggest everyone to get into the circle, take the hands together and loudly pronounce "All-all thanks to all for the work".

Attachment 1.

Formulas psychological sustainability

I am steadily standing on Earth

I am steadily standing on Earth. Like this!

In misfortunes I will give under the ass. Like this!

My friends I will hug. Like this!

I will laugh loudly. Like this!

Only laughing

Only laugh and smile, but do not give up, do not bloom!

And climb, and straighten, tightly hold on and laugh again!

Formulas adoption of misfortune

What would happen to me

What would happen to me, I'm completely calm,

Because I relax, and then, like a child, smile.

The fact that in fate is inevitable

The fact that in fate is inevitable, I easily accept.

It is impossible to live without misfortune, I understand it well.

Formulas of positive thoughts

My new starts day

My new starts day,

My new life begins!

Light lights up in me,

And a miracle life is born!

Hello, my new beautiful day!

Hello, my new miracle life!

Hello, new in the heart of marvelous light!

Hello, a new miracle - thought!

Formula for improving self-esteem

and positive perception of others

I'm good

I, I am good. I, I am calm. I, I am healthy. I, I, I am cheerful.

I, I am very smart. I, I am very kind. I, I, I am very strong.

I love you.

Appendix 2.

Profile "My request for Training»

Please note «+» most significant items for you regarding our work trading and add your personal request within this topic (if he is):

Topics trading

Basic rules of communication



How to cope with emotions

Forms of work with parents

Stress management (stress management)

Confident behavior in communication

My individual request within this topic (if there)

Forms of work on training

Mini lecture


Exercises on the development of interaction skills

Exchange of experience with participants trading

Joint discussion of problems

Work organization


In subgroups

Appendix 3.

Form for processing

Results of survey

meeting «+» Result

Topics training ___

Basic rules of communication

Features of communication with parents



How to cope with emotions

Forms of work with parents

Stress management

(stress management)

Confident behavior in communication

Number of individual queries

Work forms

Mini lecture


Exercises for practice

skills of interaction

Exchange of experience with participants trading

Joint discussion of problems in a circle

Work organization


How to learn to use emotions and feelings in your work

Aim of the meeting: Get rid of negative emotions at work.
Remember the words from the song V. Shainsky "Smile".
"From a smile gloomy day of light,
From a smile in the sky, the rainbow will hesitate.
Share your smile
And she will not come back to you.
Greeting "Smile."
At the beginning of our meeting, I propose to greet each other open, good smile. After all, it is a smile that contributes to a positive mood, the development of self-confidence. Turning to your partner with a smile, tell him a few nice words. And you are already on the way to harmony, determined by three main forces of life: mind, spirit and love. Smiled? So you are ready to communicate.
One a wise man Said, "Someone else for us can not be any other nor the enemy, he can only be a teacher for us."
Exercise "If not ..."
Participants are divided into pairs. Next, they are proposed in turn to tell about the qualities of another participant, starting their story with the words "if not ..."
I want to tell you a fairy tale, and you so that it's not bored, I suggest "bother" into the plot of this fairy tale, and it is advisable to portray the heroes of the fairy tale after you hear the words "so".
Far is far away there is one wonderful glade, which is called the kindergarten "Dolphin". Polyana big and round. There can be different over this meadow sky, it can be clear, but sometimes clouds hang over this wonderful meal, like this. And the sun heats this glade with its warm rays, like this. On this wonderful glade, wizards, similar to you lived in the Dolphin kindergarten. And on you ... and on you ... The wizards were very friendly and kind. They worked and knew how much, like this (teachers list what they can do). And if something did not work, they knew that they would definitely succeed, albeit not immediately. They loved the wizards to have fun, communicate with each other, and they did it like this. Now and then they were heard of their ringing, cheerful laughter. And they laughed like this.
But there was wizards and sad, and then they were bent like that. Sometimes they wanted to cry, and they allowed themselves. They cried like this. Huge tears rolled down their cheeks, and when they fell to the ground, they turned into crystal beads. The ringing from them was melodic and soothing.
Wizards loved to invent different miracles with transformation. When someone turned into someone, they were surprised like this.
And so it happened this miracle with the transformation. Now you have all turned into a lot of elephants. Elephant has four powerful legs. He goes important, slowly, like that. Puts his leg to the whole foot, as if to carry out the land. Try to walk like this.
Elephant approached the construction site, where small wizards built a house. Probably for us with you. Elephant is a strong animal, and he began to help wizards, lift heavy stones, so it was not easy for him, and he did not hide it. He breathed heavily, like this.
But here the elephant has been confused: the heavy stone fell to his leg. Elephant raised his bruised leg and groaned, like this
The elephant was very angry. He began to wave a trunk, like this.
And then the elephant went around the city, shaking the air roar, like this.
Then the elephant saw the newspaper. He grabbed her and began to mive. He fatched her legs, ripped into parts, like this.
Gradually, the feeling of anger began to leave the elephant, he closed his eyes, relaxed, like this.
Soon the elephant calmed down completely, he looked around, like this.
As good: the sun is hesitating, the sky is blue, green grass, in the river water flows. And he became calm and cozy. And about anger reminded only scraps scattered on the ground. Let's remove these remnants of "anger" so that it does not bother us anymore, like this.
That ended our "transformation". Tell me, please, did you like being elephants?
What feeling was worried about the elephant when the stone fell on his leg?
How did he express his feeling?
You noticed that the elephant, despite the fact that he was very angry, no one offended. Elephant is a peace-loving animal. If suddenly you will ever visit the feeling of anger, anger, remember the elephant.
Anger, anger is a bright manifestation of displeasure. We are angry with those who hurt us, offended or led us. Sometimes we are angry with ourselves. Sometimes anger is used as a mask under which the fear or insult is hiding. Anger is peculiar to man, everything is angry without exception. Anger, anger eats from the inside.
Discussion of receptions of liberation from negative emotions.
Do not allow anger to enter so far;
Try not to spray and calm down, inhale calm and exhale anger;
It is important to understand, realize the cause of anger, asking himself a question: "Why should I anger, anger? What will be the outcome after I show anger in relation to someone or myself? ";
You can write in writing your condition, and then ritually exhale, cut off, break, throw away;
You can express your anger to your offender, but only if you are sure that you will hear and treat you with understanding and respect.
Exercise "This state is alien to me"
I suggest you now remember the last case when anger and anger overwhelmed you. You can describe it on a sheet of paper, you can make some sketches.
And now I will ask you to get rid of this state using the previously discussed receptions.
Perhaps one of you wants to share your condition after the "getting rid of the negative"? (The discussion is carried out at will).
In such a delicate sphere, like human emotions, only the person himself, ultimately, is for himself a "adjoint". It also happens that wounds are too heavy. And the mind, and tips, and time turn out to be unable to cure them. In such cases, to the question of what to do if you can't forget about something, smart and many people who survived people also have the answer: if you can't forget - remember.

Communicative training "Weather in Dow"

The goal of the game: the psychological unity of the team, the disclosure of some secrets of communication.

Greeting "Relationship"

Purpose: Development of fantasies of participants, expanding the possibility of bodily expression, attitude to the topic of training.

Leading : Start walking around the room. Now I will offer you in different ways to say hello, and you, moving from one participant in the training to another, will have to do it.

First welcome your colleagues with a smile or friendly nod.

Now you need to stay, shake your hand or put your own man on your shoulder.

And now imagine that all the people who are here are recently offended. Passing by them, express them all their feelings.

Now imagine that you are all here "Keep for fools." Express it.

And now imagine that each participant leads a big dog on the rope.

And finally, welcoming others, express your real mood.

Creating a team mandala

Purpose: Creating a sense of unity of the collective, disclosure of the individual beauty of each.

Leading . I suggest a little rest and play. Now you will get different figures of different colors. (Four boxes are launched around the rows). Choose anyone - the one you like most. Now take a pencil, feltaster or a handle of any color and draw on this figure what you like, what would you get pleasure. It can be any pattern: maybe some geometric shape or their combination, there may be a corner of nature, trees, birds, fish, flowers, maybe it will be the sky or some reservoir, or something close to you … (Painting.)

Take a look at your drawings. Do you agree that the particle of your soul is reflected in them? Try to understand and mentally answer: what is part of the soul, what does she express? ..

And now I suggest you all together lay out on a sheet of Watman, the composition in the form of a flower, stars or a circle, alternating different colors and figures.

Watman is glued onto the board.

Look at how beautiful you got! For a long time, in deep antiquity, people discovered that the ornament in the form of a flower, stars, a circle - they called her Mandala - reflects the center of the human soul himself. Therefore, the mandala is often found: on clothes, dishes, in the stained glass churches, in the architecture of buildings. In Russia - in the decoration of the strawblers, the borders, ornament of embroidery.

conclusions : Mandala, which turned out today - this is the expression of the soul of our team, in which there is a reflection of the soul of each of us. Everyone has its meaning and place in this colorful harmonious composition.

And now let's pay attention to the forms of those figures that we chose.

A description of all figures is given in accordance with the psychogeometric test (S. Dellgshger, 1989).

If desired, the characteristic of the selected colors is given (by the test of the ladle).

Exercise "Waxed Wand"

Purpose: Development of confidence and support each other.

Everyone gets into a circle tight to each other. One participant goes into the center of the circle, the rest put hands in front of them and shake him from side to side, holding, not giving falling. Through this procedure all the rest are passing.

Then a discussion is held:

  • Who was really able to relax, remove the clamps, was not afraid to fall; Who tried to participants?

It is proposed to evaluate your trust in the 5-point system.

Conclusions are made about how much team members are willing to trust each other and support each other.

Exercise "Suit from the newspaper"

Purpose: participants cooperation.

The group is divided into teams of 3 people. Each team distributes who will be "first", who is "second", who is "third." Each player has specific restrictions:

  • The "first" sees, talks, but can not touch anything.
  • "The second" does not see, does not speak, can not touch anything.
  • "The third" does not see, but he says and can act with his hands.

Performance time - 15 minutes. During this time, for the "second" player, you need to build an original costume, quite reliable to demonstrate it on the podium. At the command of the leading "second" and "third" players close their eyes (or put on the dressings), and the "first" removes his hands behind his back. After 15 minutes, each team demonstrates its suit.

After that, a discussion is held:

  1. Is it difficult or easy to perform a task?
  2. Did you achieve the desired result? If so, what helped in this? If not, then what prevented?

conclusions : To achieve the desired result in a joint venture, listening to the words and action of each other.

The goal is to remove aggression, fatigue, voltage. Transition to the topic of relationships.

The group is divided into two teams. The coach gives each group by its sheet and explains the rules of the game. Then reads your text and teams begin to scream.

Host: Each team has some poem. First, in a whisper, practice his choir to pronounce with the right strokes. I approach and show the correct intonation in each group.

Then I will read a short poem, and as soon as I ask the gnome to call my name, each group must read your poem as louder as possible and try to shift another team.

Introductory echok coach:

On a little glance

Worth a green house

And in the house that green

Lives cheerful gnome.

Gnome-dwarf, what is your name?

Verse for group number 1:

Vasya! I have a shirt in a cage!

I came to you from the forest,

To get a candy!

Verse for group number 2:

Peter! I have pants to polka dot!

I came to you from a fairy tale!

Share that I am good!

Questions for discussing the game:

  • Have you heard the name of the gnome-neighbor?
  • What did you hear?
  • Why was it difficult to listen to?


As we strive to speak out, we do not hear our interlocutor and do not perceive information from him. When emotions are overwhelmed, we also do not hear anyone. To hear the other, you need to silence yourself.

Exercise "Hedgehog and Elephant"

The goal of the game is indirectly demonstrate to the participants of their familiar way of interaction with other people, to discuss the rules of interaction, its deduction, position features when interacting.

The group is divided in half. Both groups get hidden instructions from the coach. The participants choose a couple of the opposite group, take one on two sheets of paper and the marker and begin to perform the task.


For group number 1: "Your task is silently, holding a partner one marker for two, for 2 minutes draw on a general sheet of hedgehog paper. Once again - it is impossible to talk! "

For group number 2: "Your task is silently, holding a partner one marker for two, for 2 minutes draw on the overall sheet of the elephant paper. Once again - it is impossible to talk! "

Questions for discussing the game:

  1. What did you feel when working in a pair?
  2. What is your result? Is it suitable for you personally? Have you achieved your goal? Who did you need to draw?
  3. What do you think, why did you get exactly the result?
  4. What helped you? What prevented?
  5. What would be the next time you would do differently?
  6. How can conclusions from this game? How is it connected with people with people?


There are many ways to achieve your goal, using and strength (the ability to lead along, to achieve their goals), and heat (the ability to follow the partner, to implement its needs).

If someone uses only heat, he is deprived own result And sacrifices his partner to the detriment of his goals and interests.

If someone uses only force, it receives its own result, but deprives the partner of his own goals, the expected results, risks losing relations.

If both parties use only force, the result may be unsatisfactory for both sides.

The most productive in communicating both partners to take into account their, and other people's needs and interests, and be able to compromise.


Used Books:

  1. K. Faper "Energy Pause", - M., Genesis, 2011
  2. Training for teachers "Psychological climate in the collective", V.V. Pascal
  3. O. Wece "Collection of Games", - Samara, 2004
  4. K. Kononovich "Games in training for mind and body" - SPb, speech, 2010

Name: Methodical development for a teacher psychologist. Communicative training "Weather in Dow".
Nomination: Methodical development For specialists of the Dow / Pedagogue-Psychologist

Position: Pedagogian psychologist
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten № 106
Location: Izhevsk

Training pedagogical communication for teachers and educators of preschool institutions

Akhankova Svetlana Vasilyevna, teacher-psychologist I / Garden "Bolashak" Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk
This material is part of the training work with the pedagogical team. Aims to reduce psycho-emotional stress, cohesion of the collective. Helps in resolving conflict situations.

"Training Pedagogical Communication"

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our work communication is the most beautiful feature.
Communication is the highest joy given to people. Partnership communication is communication, taking into account the state, interests, the relationship of the interlocutor. Communication is the interaction of two or more partners.
Psychological setting to work. Group cohesion
Exercise "Spark". Teachers in a circle transmit each other "Sponge of Good" with words compliments (lit candle).
The interaction between people begins with the establishment of contact. Contact depends on how we keep yourself what we say.
In order for teachers to feel the importance of contacting the contact exercise "You are now ..."
Instructions: Watch out for external manifestations of the emotional state of others. I throw a ball to any participant and say: "Zhenya, I think you are now sad." Zhenya throws the ball to the next participant and says: "Louise, it seems to me that you are irritated now," and so on. Everyone participates in the game.
Mini - Lecture: "The concept of" conflict ". Types of behavior in conflict situations.
The word "conflict" in Latin means "collision".
The following types of conflicts are distinguished: personal, interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup conflicts.
The negative consequences and positive functions of conflicts are distinguished:
What do you think relates to negative consequences? To positive?
Negative consequences:
deterioration of the health of subjects,
Reduced performance
Large emotional costs, etc.
Positive conflict functions:
It serves the discharge of tension,
obtaining new information
stimulates development and positive changes

Overcomes stagnation of vital activity
reveals "chronic disease", contradiction,
Helps clarify the relationship and so on.
Thus, the conflict is opposition to subjects about the contradiction, valid or imaginary.
The cause of the conflict can be a difference in order (parents are waiting only for a positive assessment of the child, and the teacher - the learning of knowledge and skills by the child) the lack of awareness of the parties about the event (the parent received information from the child, the teacher himself witnessed an incident); incompetence of one of the parties, low culture of behavior, etc.
Experts allocate 4 stages of conflict:
1. The emergence of the conflict (the appearance of contradiction).
2. Awareness of this situation as conflict at least one of the parties.
3. Conflict behavior.
4. Conflict (constructive, destructive, freezing conflict).
And if earlier such a situation was organized by both sides of the interaction, currently parents, possessing certain knowledge and experience in the field of psychology, seek to prevent pressure on behalf of employees kindergarten. In addition, such behavior of the teacher can cause an aggressive outbreak even with a peace-loving parent. Therefore, in order to avoid deepening and expanding a conflict situation, it is advisable to realize and implement the line of partnership interaction "on equal".
Conflict resolution methods:
The compromise is the achievements of the "half-one" benefits of each side.
The device involves increased attention to the interests of another person, while his own interests are departed to the background.
Collaboration is a strategy that takes into account the interests of both parties.
Avoiding, competition.
IN pedagogical practice There is an opinion that such ways to exit conflict are the most effective as collaboration and compromise.
However, any of the strategies presented may be in different situations effective, since, it has both positive and negative sides.
No matter how much it wanted this, it is hardly possible to submit and even more so fulfill a completely conflict interaction between people. Sometimes it is even more important not to avoid conflict, but to competently choose a behavior strategy in a conflict situation and lead to a part of a constructive agreement. However, often teachers, communicating with parents, are faced with difficult situations. However, the avoidance of the conflict situation did not solve the problems, and only negotiations with the mother of the child who helped to find out the true causes of its behavior, contributed to the settlement of the relationship and establish cooperation of both parties).
Exercise "Impression".
List what the impression of you may be for the parents if you show impatience, speak an increased or irritated tone.
Replies options:
- You are all tired,
- You are not interested in your work,
- You are not friendly,
- You do not respect others.
- You are scared
Exercise "Say the text:" The hostess threw a bunny ... "
1. Whisper.
2. With maximum volume.
3. Wavely like.
4. As if you were scary frozen.
5. As if you have hot potatoes in your mouth.
6. Like a little girl.
Exercise "Ancient English game".
For this game, it will take a small prize to the winner (it may be candy, a small toy, a souvenir, etc.). The requirement for the arrival is one thing: it should not be fragile, as in the process of the game there is a possibility that it will fall on the floor. A pedagogical psychologist packages a prize in advance (wraps into paper, puts into the box, bandages ribbons, sticks with scotch tape, etc.). Before starting the game, the group sits in a circle, the chairs are moved as close as possible to each other. A pedagogical psychologist includes cheerful music and transmits a large bundle with a prize one of the participants sitting next to him. He, having received a convolution, immediately transmits it in a circle to the next player, the next one, etc.
Suddenly, the music stops, and the participant with a convolution in his hands quickly begins to deploy the prize. It can do it until the music sounds again. Since the sound of music, the prize "travels" again in a circle until the next musical pause. As soon as the music ships, the participant with the prize in his hands continues to unpack it and when the sounds of music appears in a circle further. The prize goes to the one who will be able to finally deploy it and take into hand.
After the participants shared their impressions about the game, pedagogical psychologist Specifies the following questions: "If we were asked to withdraw a film about conflict people on the example of this game, then where and what moments could we play conflicts?
What could conflicts arise? Who could be their potential participants and why?
For example, the conflict could arise at the time of stopping the music between the participant who unfolds the prize, and participants sitting nearby.
It would be possible to blame the teacher of the psychologist in the fact that he has a biased attitude towards some participants and used it in moments of including music on and off. Next, the teacher is a psychologist to answer the questions: "How could I change the instructions for the game to reduce the likelihood of conflicts? "(Make an instruction with a clearer, introduce some restrictions, etc.) in which case it would be more interesting to play: in the first (as we played) or in the second (modified version?)
Finishing exercise. "Circle of Light"
PSYCHOLOGIST: Passing through the "Circle of Light", we carry out the ritual of purification, mobilize our inner energy, intensify their resources and thus strengthen our health. And now we will pass the vessel in a circle with burning floating candles, with the words of gratitude to each other.
Let's all make a desire together together, but we will not stew these candles. Let this light burn in each of us and never swears.


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