Autumn fairy tale Geese Swans in kindergarten. Scenario of the autumn matinee based on the Gus-Swan's fairy tales Methodical development (senior group) on the topic. Stove, my silent, you tell me not tai

Ksenia Belousov
Scenario autumn holiday "Osinins-Names" based on the fairy tales "Gus-Swan"

Goals and objectives:

Promote development in children of musically - aesthetic taste and feelings.

Enrich artistic ideas about autumn, acquaint with folk traditions.

Continue to develop a sense of collectivism in children and a friendly relationship to each other.

Create festive atmosphere.

Materials and equipment: The hall is decorated in autumn topics; Scenery autumn forest , Baba-Yaga's house, where the portrait of a wicked portrait hanging on the wall, hanging a table with samovar and cups, 2 chairs; House Masha (can be a facade of the house, near him a shop; attributes - pies, apples, a diet, mushroom mushroom, margins for beads with beads, a mirror, etc.; finish.


The screamer is a guideline-presenter.

Children: Scoop, Swan geese, Baba Yaga, Mother, Batyushka, Masha, Vanya, Kozlik, stove, river, apple tree.

Holiday move

Sounds r. n. P. Music in the hall runs the chomoricals.


1st screamer:

Hello, respectable guests!

We arrived at the fair here.

2nd buckle:

To look at your goods - show yourself!

3rd crumor:

Sorry us in the fact that in the hard way!

4th scrookh:

We are funny fun, sneakers-mockers!

1st screamer:

For the copper income, we will show everything and so!

2nd buckle:

Satisfied wake up healthy, pleasure - three boxes!

Everything: The people are going, the fair opens!

(People come from different sides (all children) latosniki: "Fresh pies, ruddy apples, bright beads ...". Children remain in the semicircle)

Fair Thugs:

1. I start the gyrus,

The first, initial one.

I want to cheer

Public sad!

2. The wolf is terribly furious -

Eat hedge cannot he.

Yozh, although he is edible,

For edible is not comfortable.

3. Goose bought himself a harmonic

But leaning a little.

Good harmonica sang,

By- goose Siniela.

4. TV tiger bought,

The best asked.

I like, - he said strictly,

So that there were a lot of strips!

5. Hedgehog in the bath washed the ears,

Neck, skin on the trouser.

AND said Racoon Yozh:

Don't you take a back back?

6. The pigs were amazed:

Oh, how long I did not wash!

Be dirty reluctant! -

And went to the swamp.

7. Pike swallowed the brush,

Brush She tickles her throat.

Amazing business!

What did I eat for the fish?

8. Turtle! Turtle!

The first time she is a poor thing,

I found himself in the rain.

Mum! Who knocks on the house?

9. I went to dance

Grandma Luchery.

There is no hair on top -

Slotted feathers!

Everything (sing):

Make fun, dear viewers.

We are waiting for the Fair of Children, waiting for their parents.

Girls (sing):

We walk all day, choose the goods are not too lazy.

Beads and lipstick - the girls of the Otild.

Boys (sing):

We are on the fair we go and drink chastochchechki.

Shirts new, heads disconnect.

1st Lights:

To whom the pies? Hot cakes!

With heat, with heat, grivenk for a couple!

Hurry and rushing,

Do not be afraid, do not get together.

2nd Lights:

To whom apples sell, to whom I will give cheap.

Pear! A pineapple! Buy about the stock!

3rd Lights:

Pins, needles, steel attaches,

For one bundle of pay Piglet. (Shows the mirror)

Beautiful maidens, in the mirror take a look,

Which of you is Mile, ask him.

1st girl:

Light my mirror, tell me

Yes all the truth report:

I am in the light of all Mile,

All rosy and whiter?

2nd and 3rd girls:

You have a beautiful dispute!


Buy a ram for lunch!

(Girls laugh and scatter)

1st screamer:

Now autumn Names.

Now celebrate the autumn.

2nd buckle:

And we have guests, guests!

Arrived from all volosts!

3rd crumor:

Our autumn we glorify,

FROM with the fall of all congratulations.

Song « Outnaire-nameda» , MUZ. and cl. E. Gomonova.

1. It is what disorder,

What is the rain?

On the trees all outfits

Witched through!


Fall, fallYou don't cry

Bake you Kalach!


We will meet fun!

2. Rain autumn no interference

Holiday guys.

How much noise how much laughter

Everyone is very happy!

3. Wait to visit we do not ask

Let him wait

After all, today with us fall

Drives dance!


Here is the idea, so the undertaking!

We now have Saturday!

Admire on us

Yes, on our cheerful dance!

Polka "You look, not shawl!" I. Straus

(Merry music sounds, acknowledged)


Hello, honorable public!

Do you want a bagel?

Maybe you want fairy tale?.

Lived was Baba Yaga,

Good-predominant, fashionable, premium, but so lonely ...

(Baba Yaga appears, she moves worm beetles, sweeping the hut, dancing, rubs the portrait of the wrap.)

Baba Yaga:

Worms Yes Bukashchki My favorite ...

Wow! How do you bother me. Eh! I would have a granddaughter-completely different life began. Gusi-I.!

(Appear Geese)

Baba Yaga:

Go here!

Bring me a boy,

That was not fat, not thin.

Introduced in moderation and moderately educated.


And where, ha, fly?

Baba Yaga:

Need to see the book!

Where is my navigator there? (Gets out of the fireplace book, opens and blows dust).

Fly in the village and without a boy do not come back! (Geese fly away) .


And at this time in the village, the people at the fair was going to the Fair.

(Mother, Batyushka, Masha, leave the house from the house. Vanya stays in a house.)


Masha, daughter,

We will go to the fair,

You will bring hotels.

You watch the brother

From the yard do not come out.


We'll go!


Good luck!


You do not forget about Vanya. (Parents go. Masha puts a Vanya in front of a house.)


Father and mother left, and his daughter forgot that she was punished, put the brother under the window, he spoiled to the street.

(All children run away.)

The game "PERSONY"

(Children stand (Sit) In a circle, connecting the palm. During singing, the leading goes in a circle, as if putting the players in the palm of his ring.)

I'm at the father in the house,

Native in Terem.


Zlato I bury

Silver I bury.

I am put to go,

Zlato-silver bear.


Zlato I bury

Silver I bury.

Fell, fell a finger,

Fell, fell a finger.


Zlato I bury

Silver I bury.

(After the end of the song Children speak: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch". The child who has a ring, takes a pitch. Two children standing on the right and left, run in a circle in different directions. Who will first take their place, he gets the finish, becoming driving.)


One game ends, the other begins.

The game "Cabbage"


How much in the city of Ovs?

Kozlik: Two kopecks with heel

And sac with silver.

Children: Goat, goat, long tail,

How much in the city of Ovs?

Kozlik: Sold in the city of oats,

Bought a horse without a tail.

Children: Goat, goat, long tail,

How much in the city of Ovs?

Kozlik: I sat as a back

And went to the garden.

Children: In the garden is empty,

Cabbage has grown (children raise hands)


In the garden I will look

What is there tasty find?

Here is the cabbage, so cabbage

No tastier for me!

Entry Kochanchik for lunch!

Children: Kozlik, goat hurry

And collect cappist!

(Children scatter on the chairs, the goat catching up. To the music appear swan geese. They take Vanya and fly out of the door.)


Masha returned, look - and the brother is not. Round there and here ... No. (Masha is looking for brothers.) Only I. seeed: Dotted geese-Beed and disappeared behind the dark forest. (Masha sits down and crying).


Flew away geese away

I do not help with tears.

What to sit yes dute

We must take to help out.

(Masha goes down.)


Masha was walking, she walked, sees - the furnace stands, the fire is burning, he squeezes ...

Song "Stoves", MUZ. and cl. S. Nomova

1. Baked all day I

With heat from the heat of smoke.

Remove from the furnace

Pies and Kalachi!

2. I was trying to try them,

To eat each

Big pie!

I can't wait!

3. Children, do not run past,

Help good stove!

Be squash,

And I'm not soon ... Lopna!


Stove, stove, tell me where gus-swans flew?


Eat my puppet - I will say.

(Masha tries a pate)


Along the path you will go,

In the forest, the dense will be flooded.

Far to you go

Do not turn off the way.


Thank you, stove!

Song "Apple", MUZ. and cl. S. Nomova

Golden apples honey pour.

Apple Apple Tabs for you, tries!

If you do not break up long apple

Jablocks are shortened, apple trees breaks.


Hello, apple tree! Tell me, where gus-swans flew?

Apple tree:

Eat my bulk apple, I will say.

(Apple tree stretches to Masha's apple, Masha tries him and puts it in a handbag).

Apple tree:

Along the path you will go,

In the forest, the dense will be flooded.

Far to you go

Do not turn off the way.


Thank you, Jablodka!


How long was Masha shortly sees: flows-overflow, a wave with a wave plays a dairy river - fermented coast.

Horticulture "River"

(Baba-Yaga House, Vanya plays with apples)


River-river, ferrous shores,

You run, murmur,

There is no place on site. Have you seen my brother?


In more often, on the edge

Standing old hut,

Who are you looking for, you will find there

Kohl from the road will not roll!


Thank you, ran ...


Skiele in the sophistication first.


Thank you, river ...

(Girls in the role of rivers pass the bowl of each other and hand to Masha. Masha "Drinks" And runs away, the river leaves. Baba appears - Yaga and Vanya).


Let me go home

Very scary to me with you.

Baba Yaga:

Don't talk any nonsense,

Bearing better amansor.

(Vanya turns away, Yaga sniffs).

Someone smells something like that!

The lunch itself came here!

Will be utter Yaga!

I will have Masha today under the prostaches!

Masha: Yaga, let go of the brother!

B. I.: No!


Madame, you are a woman aged, and make such meanness.

You are so smart!

Baba Yaga: Oh!

Skomorokh: Beauty!

Baba Yaga: Oh!

Skomorokh: Not to face you are angry - sad! (Baba Yaga bloomed)

B. I.: Well, okay, okay ... let go of Vanya!


Well, guys, get up,

Yes, the song is rather sent!

Babul we will have fun ....

And then you will eat it!

Baba Yaga: What are you, what are you! (Comes to him).

Skomorokh: Jold!

r. n. P. "On the grief of Kalina", arr. Yu. Chichkova

Baba Yaga:

Wow, distribute people,

My dance takes me.

I'll go!

Himself people show.

Scombulo: Krakowak!

Dance "Priokskaya Kadril"

Scombulo: Baba Yaga fun with us?

Baba Yaga: Oh, I can't stop, one hundred years did not dance so much!

Skomorokh: And let's go with our guests again!

Baba Yaga: With joy!


Well, it's time to say goodbye,

Waiting the kids house native.

We will meet with you in fairy tale,

But now another.

Children under Kadril "Snake" Go out from the hall.

"Trucks of Baba Yaga"

(for senior preschool children)

Goals and objectives :

  • According to the means of theatrical activity, develop the interests and abilities of the child, creativity and fantasy, feel thinner and learn the world around.
  • Adapt the child to the social relationship between people.
  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bpositive and negative actions, behavior.
  • Correctly evaluate yourself and others; See good and bad in characters of familiar fairy tales.
  • Develop aesthetic and musical taste
  • Create conditions for the development of integrative personal qualities Each child.


  • Decoration of autumn forest
  • Costumes for characters.
  • A hut on chicken legs
  • Fabulous oven

Attributes: Autumn leaves 2 for each child; Dmi-shirts, ratchets; basket with mushrooms; basket with apples; White and blue scarves; Rope 2m; Boutaphoric pies




Baba Yaga (can perform a child)




Yabl Balka

Swan geese

Curtain is closed. Before the curtain comes to the educator

Leading teacher:

You are better artists

In the light you will not find

Although they are not uncle

Although they are not aunt ...

Who is talented all in the world?

Well, of course, these are our children!


The curtain opens. On the central wall, the decoration of the autumn forest.

Entry of children with dance "on the field" (composition L. Kushova)


You can not live in the world without miracles

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fabulous forest

We are visiting us.

The wind will be spinned under the song of the rain,

Lesson will throw under your feet.

So beautiful this time

It came to us again miracle autumn.

Performed song "Miracle Autumn"sl. and music. M.V. Sidorovo

In sunny, bright autumn day

Spinned by the wind leaf.

Fall, fall leaves around,

Earth covering a golden carpet.

Performed song-dance " Autumn leaves"Sl. and music. M.V. Sidorovo

Curtain closes, decoration changes


We hit the wonderland

Many different miracles in it.

On holiday autumn guest we are waiting.

Let's fall to us in the garden Call!

Children: Come to visit us, autumn, we ask you very much.

In the hall is autumn. Dancing, spinning in front of the curtain.


Are you called? Here I am!

Hi autumn you, friends.

Above the field I flew today,

And bird flocks in the sky accompanied.

Won birds flashed there

And on the farewell a fairy tale told me ...

Quietly, quietly sit down

Again the fairy tale is included in the house

In an amazing dress,

Multicolored, painted,

Here the heroes come to life, wonders around the circle.

I love a fairy tale, and I give you her.

And we have in Russia

Tales are very good!

Presentation begins

Title to visit us!

About geese swans,

and about different people.

this fairy tale is old

Listen every's happy

We offer fairy tale

You have a new way!

In some kingdom

In some state

Lived - there were Masha with Wan

Here were their parents to the bazaar,

And Masha punished:

"You are for Vanya look,

They took Vanya Gus-Swans and brought to the hut on the couch legs in which Baba Yaga lived.

Baba Yaga comes out.

Starts the song Baba Yagi "Lonely Old Man"

Baba Yaga: (refers to the audience)

Well, what are you sitting,

Do not tremble, do not squeak?

Or fairy tales did not read

What did you hear about me?

You know me, I'm glad!

You need to tell more

What is today for babosy

Brought vanyushu geese.

Before reinforced,

I want to have fun!

Lie! AU! Go here

His delets show!

With dance leaving

Comic lever dance with spoons and strsts. nar. a piece of chalk.

Leached: grandmother! On the legs barely stand

Do you want to dinner for a long time!

B.Ya. : And you flooded the stove?

And the water did you apply?

Lesson : Not hunting work, granny.

B.I.: And where is my swans geese?

With the song Going Gus

Performed by the song geese.

B.,: you follow here for Vanya.

(turning to the leishers) And we go beyond the wood.

Baba Yaga with leather leaves. Geese sit next to Vanya.

1st Goose: Sorry him, while I look for a worm

Or tasty snail key immediately behind the wicket! (goes out)

2nd Goose:

Spinned appetite!

From the hostess, after all will fly!

And she will praise me

Delicious porridge treats! (thinking)

Five minutes away

Fresh grass pinch!

Masha comes out with the song

Performed "Song Masha"

Masha: Here is the hut, I see my brother

Vanya is cute as I am glad.

Vania : Rather rather, Masha,

In the house of the native, in the village of our.

Masha with Vanya run away

Autumn: Masha and Wanney ran

Hedgehog suddenly saw.

With mushrooms on his back and in the basket is hedgehog

Performed "Autumn Song of Hedgehog"

Hedgehog scared children


Hedgehog, nice, wait!

How would we get home?


On the path of that run

Apple forest Narvita,

Milk in the river take,

And at the stove -pirogov.

Apple tree, river and stove

Protect you from enemies!


We will fulfill all the settings,

Ran. Goodbye!

Children run away


Masha ran along the edge.

And Baba Yaga returned to the hut.


Where is my delicious Vanya?

It can be seen in the hut.

Looks into the hut.

B.Ya. :

Where is the boy?

Where is the geese?

(Looking, finds, leadsGeese)

Will fall from Yagui!

What did you decide to laugh? Darmota!


Your jokes are too!

Where did the boys hide?

1st Goose:

He was here, wing swear,

Or I'm not a white goose!

2nd Goose:

He was here, I swear,

Or I'm not a gray goose!


Rough! Delivered! From under the nose washed!

I just don't find words

And with anger all shaking!

Go fast on the road

And I will return the boy!

MUZ. "Flight of geese"

Fall :

Tired of the children in the forest go,

Here I met an apple tree on the way.

Starts song-dance apple trees.

Apple tree:

Masha, Vanya, help,

My apples will conport

Breaks free ... ( children disappear)

Music is heard. "Flight of geese"

Spicy, Children, Harvest

Among the apple branches.

Geese fly by

Masha: did not notice us geese

Vanya: Let them fly to his bazus!

Apple tree:

Take apples on the road

You will also help you.

Masha with Vanya go


Hard on the woods guys go

Suddenly the river was met on the way.

Performed dance "Tell us, Ratchy" with blue and white scarves


Splashing milk

Found far away.

Masha, Vanya, help,

Return streams to me.

Children return scarves river. Heard music. "Flight of geese"

Hide you here now

Do not notice geese you!

The river covers children with scarves, geese fly past.

Masha: did not notice us geese.

Vanya: Let them fly to his bazus!


Milk give you a little

On a happy walkway.

Children go

And geese returned to the hut home.

B.Yu: Really did not catch up?

Did you really lose?

Geese: We circled, we flew,

We looked at all eyes.

Someone kids helps

And they are covered by us.


I, geese, punish,

All ropes are tie


Yes, right to the stove I will put!

Only fireprias will stand

(goes for firewood)


1st Les: Today's dinner at grandmother geese

And tomorrow we will get granny granny.

2nd Les: I do not want to get into the stove to her.

Let's look for a new friends!

1st Lady: Come on!

Lessel leave. Soroki flies

1st forty: what scandal!

What scandal!

Our forest did not see this.

2nd forty:

Baba Yaga knitted geese.

Save them need to quickly!

Soroki together:

We will not dare you

We will free you now!

Soroki unleash Gusey


Tired of being evil

We do not want Yaga to serve.

We go to the village to live

There - grain and warm house.


Yes, yes, yes, fly from here.

Here you feel bad, here you are bad.

fly away

Baba Yaga comes out, looking for geese.


My servants repelled.

There is no friend nor a girlfriend.

I'm hungry at all.

Well, who now I eat?

I'm lying to

Maybe I will find a boy.


Everything from women Yagi was ran away.

"Goodbye" she did not say.

Look, the stove stands on the green edge.

Sherself pies and cook bakes.

Performed "Song Stove".

Fly geese


Hide us, stove, quick

From the pursuit of evil geese

Children hide behind the stove


You forgive us guys

We had evil once.

Tired of being evil

We do not want Yaga to serve.

With you we want to be friends.


Pass, invite

Having treated patties.

Patties turned out magic.

Filling them - healing

Bite them soon

Immediately will become kinder.

Baba Yaga comes.


Here again I forgot me

The cake was not treated.

Therefore I was evil

What I live in the forest one I.

Just post me, old.

I will not be harmful.

And I will not be angry anymore.

Can I make friends with you?


We are you, Yaga, forgive.

Go to us, invite.


Louder, music, play,

All on the dance are collecting.

Performed dance "Grandma Egypt" Comp. Novikova and Sukhanova


Well, it's time to say goodbye,

We spend all the native house.

I promise to meet

With you in a fairy tale, but in another.

Artists are bowing

Since then, for many years they lived all without trouble.

I feel sorry to disappear, I would have a fairy tale

And for what you tried, listened and smiled,

Thank you very much and give gifts -

Jablodka brought their gifts for the defeats.

(Apples are delivered.)

The wonder stove surprised, sweet buns gave

(From the stove get buns.)

Well, and the river is sweet tea, drink, yes autumn remember!

Sounds Russian folk melody.

Children overlook the hall.

Autumnal music fairy tale "Geese Swans" (for the preparatory group).

Leading: You can not live in the world without miracles
They meet us everywhere
Autumn, magical fabulous forest
We are visiting us.

To music, children run into the hall and stop the semicircle to the audience. Sing the song "Come to visit us ..." (from K-F "there on unknown tracks…»).
Child: Geese Swans fly
And to earth look down
How beautiful and light
Their Rim Land!
Song "Russian side", music. E. Filippova.
After the song Masha, Vanya, Mom and Dad go to the house.
R.N.M. Sounds, run two scrolls with balalaikas and sing:
1) Thin and Brot,
Yes Thin, yes Bryng!
Tale we start not too lazy
Sporit in her good with evil,
In the fairy tale of all with you call!
2) somehow the autumn day
Dad with Momuya together
Decided to go to the fair
Hotels children bring.
Hotels for children will bring
And food products.
So when the winter comes
There were full covers!
Scromorships go.

Scene 1.
Sounds R.N.P. "Shines a month," Masha and Vanya come out of the house and sit on the shop, mom and dad are going to the Fair:
Dad: We will go to the Fair to buy gifts,
Ledges, Runs ...
Vanya: And with pictures of books?
Dad: Okay, bring and books ...
Mom: You take care of each other,
Do not go anywhere!
Masha: With Vanya I will play,
We will wait for you at home.
Mom: Well, kids, stay,
We went. (they are headed and go.)
Dad: (for the house) but oh-oh! Go!
Masha with Vanya makes hand.

Scene 2. "Fair"
Merry music sounds, froms run away:
1) Fair! Fair!
Pokrovskaya today Fair!
How autumn has come
All the harvest treated!
2) Come to us for fun
Show your decrease!
Tell me
All summer, after all, they worked not in vain!
1) that your soul wishes
All on the fair will find!
2) I choose any gifts.
Without buying, you will not leave!
Together: the people are going to
Fair opens!
The entry to the song "Fair", children sellers go around the hall, showing their goods, stop the face to the audience, call buyers:
1) Well, honest people,
Come two
Buying goods, not Roby!
Should not Morgai
Mouth do not spoil!
Raven do not consider
Buy goods!
2) Gingerbreads, lollipops, bagels,
For the waters of our public!
Sweet on honey!
Come on the hat to the hike!
3) children's gifts,
Beautiful and bright!
With pictures of books
For girls and boys!
4) Sold onions, cabbage,
Zucchini, everything is very tasty!
Come, look,
And put in the basket!
5) But the boots are not simple,
Gold fasteners in them!
All: Tara-Bara Rastabara,
All products are ruining!
Children walk in the fair, look at the goods, make purchases.
Sounds R.N.P. "Corobeinists", coming out the merchant, walks around the hall, shows the scarves and shouts:
Here are beautiful scarves,
So beautiful, so bright!
Come, choose
What do you want, buy!
Girls run away:
1st: Fair to walk,
How do not buy goods?
For such hemishers
And the virgin is not sorry!
2nd: Eyes scatter
From such a diva
Look at the scarves,
How beautiful they are!
3rd: Multicolored scarves,
Printed shawls
How many women in Russia
On holiday decorated.
4th: And how the girls go - the street blooms,
And shoulders will behave - I want to climb himself!
"Dance with scarves" (under the phonogram of the song "Romashkaya Rus").
Surgicals run away:
1st: In the market, a cow old man sold,
2nd: no one for the cow prices did not give ...
R.N.M. sounds, there is a "old man" and leads a cow. Boy and girl under the hand take place around the hall and stop:
Boy: Host, will you sell your cow your own?
Old man: sell, I stand in the morning with her in the morning!
Girl: Do you ask for a lot of old man for her?
Old man: But where to stay! Return your!
Boy: Does your cowweight hudd?
Old man: sick, damned! Right trouble!

Old man: Yes, we did not see milk yet ...
Buyers leave.
Skomori: 1st) all day at the bazaar old man traded,
2nd) no one for the cow prices did not give
One boy regretted the old man ...
It turns out a parenchy (on the head cap with a flower, in the hands of Balalaika).
Parenka: Dad! Your hand is not easy!
I'm staying in your cow
Maybe we will sell your cow!
Plays on balalaica and sings:
Come on honest people
Grandfather Cow sells
That cow purely treasure
Buy, if rich!
Buyers go, ask:
Boy: Cow sell?
Parent: Buy, Kohl is rich!
Cow, looked, not a cow, and treasure!
Boy: Is it so? It looks hurt too much!
Parenka: Not very fat, but good fishing!
Girl: And a lot of cow gives milk?
Parenka: Do not go out the day, the hand gets up!
Scrometers: the old man looked at his cow ...
Old man: Why am I, Burenka, sell you?
Cow not selling anyone -
Such a cow is needed!
R.N.M. sounds Cow dancing.
Skomori: 1) jokes, boosters, fun!
2) We invite you to ride a carousel!
Children sing and drag the song "Carousel", music. B. Savelyev.
Mom: Oh, yes rolled and played on the fair,
The product bought all sorts of goods.
Dad: It's time to go home.

Scene 3.
Masha and Vanya are sitting on a bench.
Masha: dad with mom at the bazaar
I was told you
And I want to walk,
Yes, play with girlfriends!
Girls: Masha, Masha, come out,
What to sit then locked!
Boys: Dance-ka better with us,
Well done-deals
Masha: Oh, how I want to go,
You, Vanyusha, Sights,
Do not go anywhere.
Vanya: And I am with you!
Boys go with balalaikas and say:
1) the sun in the sky gets up
The sky is lit up
With balalaica on a walk
Good well done goes!
2) Three strings, but as sings!
Skinned sky
Oh, and miracle balalaika!
Pleash all honest people!
"Dance with balalaika" (the phonogram of the song T.Mozozova "Balalaika").
Boy: And let's play!
Children play the Gus-Gus game.
At the end of the game, anxious music sounds, the geese-swans are flying and grabbed Vanya, children scatter frightened.
Masha: Geese-Gus, you do not take brother
Guys, where are you? Help?
(crying) ah, the geese flew still ...
Well, who will help me in Mount?
(sits on a shop)
I have to look for me geese
After all, you need a brother to help.
Masha runs to the river.
"River dance" (phonogram of the song "River-Ratchy", folk group "White Waters").
Masha: You tell me, Ratchy,
Brother how to find.
River: You sing my kiel,
Your road is far away.
Side, rest, I will say ...
I'll show you the road.
Gus-Swans Baba-Yagi
Bratz Vanechka in the forest were carried away.
Masha: once Kissel drink me!
We must tear the brother!
In the forest to Yaga should run,
I need to save vanya.
Masha runs to the apple tree.
The girl is coming out - "Apple Tabs", in her hands she has an apple.
Masha: ah, apple trees, you help,
I am brother cute to find!
Apple Tabs: You sing my apples,
Such ruddy, bulk!
Apple Tabs together with children sings R.N.P. "Jablock".
Masha: Well, no, the father in the garden
Much better I will find.
They and sweeter and larger
And in general, they are tastier.
Masha waved his hand and ran further, runs to the stove.
Masha: stove-stove, help,
I am a cute brother.
Stove: you first eat the pupmy
Try buns piece.
"Song stove", music. and cl. O. Chekhanova.
Masha: Well, I went in the morning,
And not such a piddle.
In the forest to Yaga should run,
I need to save Vanya!
Masha runs away.

Scene 4. Baba Yaga and Geese.
Scenery: Hut on Courish Legs, Hemp, Amanora.
Children sing the song "About Babu Yagu", at the end of the song Baba Yaga appears, there is a beautiful, bright jacket, a magnificent skirt in the plexuses, on the shoulders of the shawl, on the head a bright handkerchief, tied up the knot, and sings.
After the song looks in the distance: where is the geese? Where is the geese?
How boring me, babius!
Music sounds, geese appear with Vanya.
Baba Yaga: Where is Vanya? Brought?
Well, gooshad, well done!
Well, Vanya, show!
Well, Vanya, twice!
Here now you will live,
Me, Yaga, you will serve!
Geese: Ga-ga-ha! G-GE-GE!
Build my grandmother Yag!
And live, not tusk,
Happy music!
Baba Yaga: Hey Gusat, all here! Sat!
Geese: Ga-ga-ha!
"Chastushki Baba Yagi and Gusen."
Baba Yaga: Ai Yes Gei-Well done!
Musicians and singers!
(yawns) Oh, tired, go to sleep!
Mode can not be broken!
It goes into the hut, geese too.
The phonogram of wind noise, thunder, is scary, it will run away.
Vanya: Masha! Masha!
You find me!
Masha, Masha!
You save me!
I do not want to live in the forest,
I do not want Yaga to serve!
Music sounds, Masha runs away.
Masha: I save you, Vanyusha,
Just listen to me!
We must quickly run,
Maybe Yaga can catch up!
Masha and Vanya run.
Music robes sounds.
Children: Hiding us, Bangkey River!
River: You're under the bush, hide, kids
Geese you will not notice.
Music sounds, geese swans fly.
Geese: Ga-ga-ha!
Hey, river, answer soon
Did you see children?
River: No, no one on the shores,
Only swan on my waves.
Gus-swans fly by.
Music sounds, children run up to an apple tree.
Children: Ah, Apple Tabs, you help,
And you save us from geese.
Jablock: you eat my apples,
Such ruddy, bulk.
Children: let us apple here,
We are glad to eat them!
Masha and Vanya take on the apple and hide among the branches.
Jablodka: Hey, geese geese, do not rush
You are on the gland to relax,
Save my apples.
Gus-swans take apples and rest.
Children run further, run up to the stove.
Children: stove, stove, help,
And you save us from geese.
Stove: Well, eat a cake
And hide under my sides!
Music sounds, geese-swans fly.
Gus: There are no them anywhere, neither there, nor here,
It's time to go home.
Gus-swans fly away. Children run home.

The final.
Music sounds, children run to the house.
There is a ringing of puments, parents come.
Masha and Vanya: Dad and Mom came!
Mom: And here we are!
Children: Mom! Dad! How good that you home come back!
Dad: all the benefit?
Wasn't you, babies, bored?
Masha: (uncertain) not-e-t, did not bored.
Vanya: did not bother.
Dad: Well, well done! Here you are lollipops!
Mom: And here is ginkers, rumbups!
Dad: with pictures of books,
Read, see,
Just take care!
Children: Dad, Mom, thank you!
Parents and children hugging.
Music sounds, grinds run away.
Skomori: 1) together we went around the fairy tale,
Together we found happiness
Who is friends with a fairy tale
He lives not fissure!
2) Out, small and old,
Fairy tale like a wonderful gift.
Live in the world
Will become more fun!
Children sing the song "Tale not ends", sl. and music. O.romanova.
Leading: Introducing our unique group,
True theatrical troupe!
Educators in turn declare children performing their roles.
To the music, children say goodbye to the audience and go.

Scenery: House, bench, apple tree, stove, hut on curiped legs, pencil, Christmas tree, carousel.
. 2 baskets for dad and mom;
. doll - Masha, toy - Vana;
. Skomorokham - balalaika;
. sellers - baskets, lollipops, beams, gingerbread, books (2), wooden spoons (1), waters, boots (2), box with colored scarves (4);
. Frame with flower and balalaika for a guy;
. Hat for old man, cow;
. 4 scroll and 4 balalaikas for the dance "Balalaika";
. Blue piece of cloth for river;
. 2 apples for the stove;
. tray with patties for the stove; Broom for women Yaga;
. MUZ. Tools for geese.

Scenario of the autumn matinee for senior children preschool age "Swan geese"

Migunov Lyudmila Vasilyevna
Description of the material: The material will be interesting music leaders, educators of kindergartens, primary school teachers.
Purpose: Creating a joyful atmosphere of the holiday by means of music and poetry.
- develop an emotional response to music (folk, classical, modern);
- create conditions for the development of creative capable children;

Holiday move
To the music in the hall includes a tale and presenter. They hold the shawls, children pass in the "Boots" from the handles and get up semicircle at the central wall.
1 Required
Distribute, people, again autumn at the gate
These are songs, it is dances,
It's a ringing baby laugh
Games, jokes and fun
Enough joy at all.
2 baby
If on the trees leaves wishes,
If a distant bird flew to the edge
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring
This time of year is called autumn.
3 baby
Forest paths walk in autumn,
How many fresh cones from green pines
And leaf with birch golden bey
Goes and flies over barbed Christmas tree.
4 baby
Trees all autumn day beautiful such
Now we sing about the leaves are gold

The song "Leaf Frals" Music Baza.

5 baby
And who of you, friends, see
How did everything in the forest changed?
Autumn ball was given in the forest
Trees are all embarrassed
6 baby
Who is in the Pierce Silk, and who is atlas
Only pine strict yes ate
Your coniferous velvet - the joy of eye
I did not want to remove again.
7 baby
Heading his yellow takes
Came of beauty birch
And suddenly she shook the first sheet,
How delicate hair at hairstyles.
8 baby.
And old oak, swinging in the tact
Not able to stop
And you wanted b so
In the autumn waltz sprinkle?

Exercise "Autumn Waltz" music. Dogs

Children sit down to the seats.
Fairy tale
Quietly, quietly sit down, again the fairy tale is included in the house
In an amazing dress, multicolored, painted
Here the heroes come to life, wonders with a circle
Fairy tale How not to love, I want to give a fairy tale.
Fairy tale
Slamming, Topne, turn, immediately in the fairy tale
Yes, and you do not lave together with us repeat.

To music, children perform movements.
Fairy tale
Housingly watched, the still did not know
Batyushka, yes Mother
Worked from morning to night, tried that it was urine.
And they had a daughter Alyonushka and a small son Ivashka.
Once your father and mother got the goods
And went to the bazaar, and Alyonushka punished
Behind the brother to watch and do not leave home.
The curtain opens. It is a house, bench, well.
Alyonushka at this time swept up, brought the vest with water, fed the chickens
Here I brought the water, purely removed in the house
I booked a cow, brother Vanya fed
It's better to sit down, I'll sit on my girlfriends
They would only have fun, and I have to work.

Horticulture "walked infant" R.N.M.

1 girlfriend
Hey, Alyonushka, Ida, I'm time kadril!
2 girlfriend
And in the Middle Forest of Borovikov, they say without a score
Throw a job!
3 girlfriend
We run away in the fishing line on an hour!
4 girlfriend
And the mushrooms have been scored there, we dug and sing together!
IS, call me and make me, without me they do not dance
Feet themselves in the dance go to the clearing in the forest lead
Appeals to the brother
Listen, Vanechka, Friendly, on, attempt the Pattoo!
Want an apple and pears? I'm not sorry for Vanya
You're sitting at home, do not go anywhere
Soon I will return home, do not miss, my dove is.
Fairy tale
And Alyonushka in the fishing rod ran from all his feet
And there is fun there, just once bored
5. Girlfriend
Hey guys. Get out with us to dance.

Dance "Kadril" R.N.M.

Near the house all day I am waiting for sister
Worried, trapped, sit down, will rise. (falling asleep)
Gus flies, circling around Vanya, stop.
Hello, Vanya, friend!
Want to ride?
2 goose
Go to us on the meadow,
We will be fun
3 goose
Hey, what are you sitting there?
Come out more
4 goose
Well, go to us kid
Together more fun.
Dance "Gusey and Vanya" R.N.M. Smolensky Husac
(Gus fly away, Vanya lies and falls asleep, belongs to Baba Yaga.)

Baba Yag.
Gus swans said that the boy was seen here
As if he is alone at all, here I am
(sniffing air)
True, tasty such, take it with you
Hey, the tavern, wake up, are going to kill
Goose swans, fly and take me home,
Hey, flying!
Runs with Vanya ..
Fairy tale
Here the trouble to us came to our house, Vanya witch took
How do parents say? How to find Vanya?
Music includes Alyonushka.
Ah ,. How fun me was
And I forgot about Vanya
Brother, cute, come to
Quickly come back to me!
How I melted
How did you not save you?
In the forest one go for him
All the same I will find it!

Fairy Tale
No sooner said than done.
In the forest I went completely alone
She cried bitterly.
Even autumn labored
Sad folded.
Song "Sad rain"
Fairy tale
Long so Alenka walked
On the clearing looked
I see an apple tree to the beauty
I'll ask her!
Hello, Jablock Sisters
Help my trouble
Tell me more native
How to find Vanya to me?
Apple tree.
Hello, Red Maiden
Sing dance you master
Sit down with me talk
Miracle apple taste
Yes, take with you on the road
See, a lot of apples
Rushes to the ground
Help me. Gather
I'll tell you all
And I'll show the road.
What are you that you whatever i
Ate apples gap?
I do not like acid apples
I will cook compote from them!
And there is no benefit from apples
Yes, the apples are only harm!
Only vegetables are useful and tasty
Only vegetables we all need it
A zucchini will run away to the music.
All day lying on the garden
She sewed a barrel
I am useful, I am green
Collationswoman - zucchini
Runs away carrot.
I - the Red Maiden - Green Masper
I am proud of everything and go coming for everything:
And for juice, and for the seed, for salads and boors
In pies and in Vinaigrette, and bunny on lunch.
It is important cabbage.
I am Bela and juicy
I am helpful and tasty
I stand on a thick leg, my dressing will fasten.
Runs away onion.
They say I'm bitter, speaking, unsweetened
The arrow of the green I'm racing on the garden
I am useful, in that I give you a word,
Green onions Eat - you will be healthy.
Song "Merry Garden"
Apple tree.
Well, goodbye, go alone
I see help not needed.
Alenka goes on
Fairy tale
And went to Alenka's long-sided side
I see the river on the way, you need to approach the river.
Hello, river-sister
Help my trouble
Tell me more native
How to find Vanya to me?
I am a dairy river and ferrous shores
All day rumbles water
I know what your trouble
Sit ashore, rest, drink to drink
Well, ducks mischievous - my native daughters ...
Quickly hurry for Alenka
Dance "Capel"
Very droplets are good, having fun from the soul
But I will not drink kissel, I love sour cream anymore
I'm time to say goodbye
Going to the road to go.
Well, go, yes await
And watch without getting lost.
Fairy tale
For a long time, Alenka went yes tired, faced
Heavyly sighed and fell asleep on herbushka
Music sounds, the stove drives down with the song.
Oh, I do not believe my eyes
Miracle stove goes there!
Hello, hello, miracle stove
Help my trouble
Tell me more native
How to find Vanya to me?
Pohn. pyh, chuh. Chuh. Chuch
The stove rushed in the whole spirit
On the clearing stood, got up and tired.
Me, Alenka, helping firewood for the stove of violaby
It is hot, hot fever, pies
And with raspberries, and my delicious cake patty
And then I will tell you Vanya where to find and where
Furious! Heshe! Run!
Maybe I will help tomorrow?
Your delicious pies, but the cruel to me pancakes!
Well run, hurry
Yes look without getting lost
The stove did not help
Get yourself.
Music sounds. Alenka looks back.
I seem to go into the school
Terribly scary to me alone
Steps are heard, noise ..
Who is noise here? I stop!
For that Christmas tree scream!
Includes Baba Yaga with Vanya.
Baba Yag.
Enough, my dear to fool, pour into tears
Babushi Yagusi, you will, sweet my live
Let me go home
Would you like sister
I love very mother,
I want a very bad thing!
Baba Yaga
Do not chat here every nonsense
Eat a better amansor.
Amaniari I love, I sing, dance Vel
Amanira, exit
For Yagui, dry.
Dance of "Mushrooms" under Chardash Muses. Monty
Amaniari. For lunch, collect us, but first catch up.
Baba Yaga
Now you will feed you and Vanyusha.
Game "Catching"
Baba Yaga (sits on Perenok).
You worryed the old woman, you need to lie on me on the pillow.
I'll go, I will sleep for an hour. You. Stay here, friend
Gus-Swans, do not sleep and take the money for Vanya.
Sleep, will be on guard!
2 goose
If that, wake up!
Baba Yaga goes to the house.
Included Alyonushka.
Hello, brother my native
I will take you home
Soon Mother will come
You will not find us with you
We must run away from here
To live with a nague with I will not.
On the socks sampled Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga
Ah got my kids
I will make you cutlets
Bone at least a leg
Will not let you go Yaga.
Baba Yaga - You are a woman aged
And on your mind you have some meanness
Let you go good
All the same go home!
Baba Yaga
Maybe I forgive you
I will go to my mother with dad
If, cute guys
Guess the riddles
Fairy tale
You guys do not yaw
Aylenka and Wanney help!
Baba Yaga
Our piglets rose in bed
To the sun barrel, crochet tails (cucumbers)
Burgundy, panoramic, like barrels
Sit in the ground Anyonear (swallow)
Fairy tale
Now listen to you,
How much we are smart.
1 child.
Wants - straight
Wants - steer in the air
Stone falls from heights
And sings, sings, sings (bird)
2. Baby.
Kruglitz, Svetlolitsa
In all mirrors look (Moon)
3. Baby.
Summer runs, sleeps in winter,
Spring has come, again ran (River)
4. Baby.
He does not see and hears
Walks, wandering, smys, risen
Who comes to meet
Hugs and fights (wind)
5 baby boy.
Red apple on a plate rides
Nobody guess (Sun)
Baba Yag.
Oh, and poor. I,
And Unhappy Ya
And no one on the white light
Oh, does not love Lenya
Everyone is stitching Yaga, Yaga -
Bone you are leg
And I was young
And beautiful, and smart!
Do not cry, grandmother Yaga
Here, take the fungi, on!
Baba Yaga catches children
Ahh, a bird. Stone
Do not leave the network
I do not let me go home
No way.
And in geese will turn you!
Fairy tale
All guys get up in the circle
And Yagu do not release
Sing louder, fun
To be terrible to her.
Game "Grandma Egypt"
During the game, Alyonushka and Vanya run away.
Children sit down to the seats.
Baba Yaga
Gus-swans fly
Fuggles back return. (Bab Yaga runs away)
Alyonushka appears with brother and apple tree.
Jablock, cute, you spare us
Close geese swans, we are covered soon.
Apple tree.
Apple you at me,
Then hide you with Vanyusha.
Children are hiding, geese fly by.

2 goose
Camely ran into the forest, it means they were frightened (fly away)
We thank you and thanks say.
Apple tree.
Apples Whole harvest,
Want, eat and collect,
My apples take
And the guys treat.
Fairy tale
Walk out who is the most brave, take a job.
Game "Collect Apples" (from a tree in baskets)
Thank you, Jablondka
For fun and for treat
Apple tree.
Goodbye friends.
We will not forget you! (bow, run on)
River appears.
Ratchy, honey, you praise us,
Close geese swans, we are covered soon
I will help you, friends
From geese you hide me
And for it you get

Children drink, hide, flies geese swans
Just beat here and where did you go?
Camely fled to the forest, poorly we burst! (Fly)
We thank you
And thanks say
To get away from trouble
Need to hide all traces
Let the autumn rain pass
And no one will find you
Rain passed, ran, looked
Immediately everything from him home
Rain sang, piled up, spinning
He began to narrow on the windows.
Song "Rain offended"
Cloud, cloud, fly
Sun give us more
Let him shy all around-
River, field, forest and meadow
Dance "Fly away, Cloud"
Goodbye friends!
We will not forget you.
Vanya with Alyonushka leave, go whips
Won them, grab them to take a yagus
2 goose
Where, where, I do not see!
3 goose
Baby is not lucky (fly away).
Enter Vanya and A-ka, suitable for the stove.
Vanya, Vanya, here!
Stove, cute, trouble
You caught us soon
From geese swans.
Flew geese away, night soon night
Sit, relax, take my pies
We thank you
And thanks say
Bye. Friends
We will not forget you
To the music go around the hall, suitable for the house.
Here is our birthday house
Run with you running
Like, Alyonushka, I'm glad
That I returned back
In the future, I will listen to mom
And take care of you. Vanyusha!
Go to the house.
Since then, for many years
They lived all without trouble
I feel sorry for me to upset
Fairy tale would have to end.
Fairy tale
And for that. What did you try
Listened and smiled
Thank you very much
And give gifts
Apple Tabs your gifts
Brought for defensions
Miracle-Petersburg surprised
Sweet buns gave
Well, and the river is sweet tea
Pey, yes autumn remember!
Under the Russian People's Melody, children go out of the hall.

Prepared Varenzova Elena Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the senior group "Modeka"

Leads come to the hall:

1 Presenter:

Here again came in spring, again the holiday she brought,

Holiday joyful, bright and gentle, holiday of all expensive our women!

2 Host:

So that everyone smiled today, we tried for you.

Congratulations Our accept, speeches children look!

Children to music run in the dance hall "That's the spring!"

Poeses read:

1. What about the skills lost to us outside the window in the morning?

What comes mom's day, it's time to get up!

2. What does the Merlyca of the Door sings about the doors?

That Mother's holiday comes, it's time to meet guests!

3. What is the icicles outside the window ring, ring, ring?

That the female holiday came, remind us want!

Under the music "Alice in Wonderland" Children come out and read poems

1. When spring comes to us, carrying heat and affection,

We invite guests to us and give them a fairy tale.

2. Everyone is known: only in fairy tales there is a wonderful country.

There, the magical muddy paint is painted at home.

3. Adults know the children: to be happy to be,

It is necessary for all people, all people in the world with good fairy tale be friends.

4. Fairy Tale open the doors, we always wait for it.

Good, good, cute fairies know the way here.

5. Fairy tales live everywhere, faithful names of friends. If you believe

Believe us in a miracle, the whole world of light will become. (sit on chairs)


In one village, in the same house there was a friendly family: Mom, Dad, Alyonushka and her brother her Ivanushka.

Artists are published: father, mother, Alyonushka, Ivanushka.


Happy female holiday, early spring, with the first spring protaly!

Be healthy and happy you. The success of big you and small!


Happy holiday, guests are expensive!


We will go, a nice zhenka, to the city for gifts for the holiday.


We, Alyonushka, in the morning, go to the bazaar.

We leave Vanya at home and remind you ...


At home with brothers, sitting, for Vanya.

And come in the evening, you will bring hotels!


And the horse on a stick for you, my son.

And you, loose, silk handkerchief.


Zhenushka your buy new servants, and red boots

Well, and small kids, delicious candy.

Father and mother make a circle and sit on chairs


My mother and dad went to the bazaar, and Alyonushka laid the brother on the bench and began to sing him a lullaby song.


Sleep, Vanyusha, fall asleep, close your eyes, Bai, Bai ...


Svealled Vanya. I looked at Alyonushka, and on the courtyard the sun shines, the children are going to walk.

Girls come to visit Alyonushka and his name is to walk her

1. What are you sitting at home, what, Alyonushka, sad?


Mom in the morning I told me that I looked at Vanya.

2. Come out, Alena, from the gate, come out, Alena, in the dance.


No, girlfriends, I can not, brother Vanya shore.

3. We are wearing, we go to the basket, we will go to the forest along raspberry.

4. We will not find rasps, we are not rains,

And the Narrem for mom color. Can you get out? Ali not?


Brother Vanya sleeps tightly, sweet spit spit.

In the forest, perhaps, I will go, colors for mom gain.

Horror girls (Dance)


While Alyonushka collected flowers with girls, to the courtyard where Ivanushka sleep sweetly, goose-swarms flew.

Dance "Swan geese"

(Take a Vanya and fly away. Alyonushka comes


Oh, and where is my brother? Picked up the geese of Bratz, how do I get angry with them?

Where will I find a Vanechka? Oh, we got into trouble!


Ah, grief, what! But you do not need to sadness, Alyonushka, because the sun was even high, he could not go far.


I will go Bratz, I'm looking for, but the troubles will not be unloved.

Alyonushka goes to seek Bratter Ivanushka.


I am a bake, bake, every moment on the pobe!

My patty is very tasty: here is the mushroom, but the cabbage!


The stove, my sweet, you say I do not melt:


If they throw a firewood into me, I will fulfill what you ask.


Of course I will help you brought login!


You run along the path, there you will see two osinkles.

Jumping a stream, climb on the tubercle.

Apple tree here stands there and the foliage of Slastit.

All of you are Jablodka tell me about Ivanushka ask.


Thank you, stove.

Apple tree:

Gold Apples, Forest Apples

Fun playing, holled honey.

Dance boys with spoons "Apple"


Jablock, my dear, you tell me not toast:

Geese here did not fly? Do you not blame you?

Apple tree:

My apples take, very ripe they!

Now I am very old! To the stream of run first.

Alyonushka: Thank you, Jablondka.


River, my river, you tell me, not taya:

Geese here did not fly? Do you not blame you?


You will move the grave stone, I will help you, the poor thing.

Alyonushka moves a stone

Dance of children "Rouh"


Thank you, Alyonushka!

On the track you go, yes in the dashboard

There, Alenka, your brother, lives with grandmother Yaga.


Thank you, river. I'm rather running, I will help my brother!

Outgoing Baba Yaga to music sings the song

Baba Yaga:

I will go through the forest, mushrooms and berries gain, I will naval.

Who's here? Russian spirit smells. (Sees Alyonushka)

Who is she? Look here? I'm squealing you.


Baba Yaga, do not fry me.

Baba Yaga:

Why not? And in general, what are you doing here?


Where is Vanyusha, my brother? I will take it home!

Baba Yaga:

You wanted what you wanted! Vanka needs me for business.

I will feed it, I will raise him.

And how will he become big, the Vanka will be a servant to me:

There will be a stove he trample, I will cook porridge,

There will be songs to hum, the grandfather entertain.


Well, what are you harmful?! Aren `t you ashamed?! After all, we have a holiday!

Baba Yaga:

He needs it myself. What is your holiday?


Holiday of all moms and grandmothers.

Baba Yaga:

Holiday of all moms and grandmothers? So I'm granny Yagulenka, and no one congratulated me!


Do not be offended, Grandma Yaga, we will now congratulate all grandmothers in the world!

Children read poems

1. I granny I congratulate you on the female Spring holiday!

I adore grandmother. Ludses grandmothers are needed!

2. A fairy tale will tell you, the lullaby will sing,

Warm winter scarf will connect and walk to walk with me.

3. Does not punish the chalube and the candy will give with you.

And the girl and the boy love the grandmother any.

4. Closer grandmother wonderful no girlfriend I have!

I am interested in granny, not to live apart or the day!

Always play with me. And if she suddenly get bored, then I will understand it,

To her approach and smile and firmly hug!

Baba Yaga:

I look, the poems tell you the masters!

1 Watching: Yes, we still know how!

Baba Yaga:

Do you know how to dance too?

2Weer: Of course! And we invite you to the dance!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, thanks, I do not know directly .. (shy). I can not. I do not dance with anyone here in the forest.


Nothing, we will teach you!

Common dance "Babel" (Father and mother go for the curtain)

Baba Yaga:

Eh! Right youth remembered!


Baba Yaga, soon parents will come from the bazaar. Give me, please Ivanushka!

Baba Yaga:

So be, I will give. Ivanushka, fake here!

Ivanushka comes to the sister, hugging with Alyonushka.

Baba Yaga:

Why am I so evil? Because alone in the forest I live, miss, I do not get gifts for holidays.


And here too a gift - new broom. (Gives the broom)

Baba Yaga:

Here thanks, dear! Turn the old woman.

Come visit, you, in my hut. (Flies on a broom home)

(Father and mother give a horse, silk handkerchiefs and candy).

Alyonushka: Brantz Ivanushka, it's time for us home!

Ivanushka and Alyonushka return home. Father and mother come.

Father: How did the guys behaved? Speak one for everyone.

Alyonushka: Do not worry, everything is in order.

Mother: This is a horse on a stick - for you my son. And you promised flush handkerchiefs.


Zhenchka beloved, new servants, and red boots.

And for you sweets, treat the Baby.

Everyone goes to bow.

They are suitable leading


The fairy tale ran out, friends, and say goodbye to us

We wish you all the life rich: health, happiness, long years!


Who opened me this world, do not regret your strength?

And always faithful? Best in the world Mom!

Who in the light of all the Mile and warmth will warm up

Loves more than yourself? This is my mom!

Books in the evening reads and always understands everything

Even if I'm stubborn, I know my mother loves me!

Never shoves that I need to know exactly.

If a drama suddenly happens, who will support? My mum!

All children go to the song "Mum"


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