How to make good advertising goods. How to create advertising on the Internet: Step-by-step instructions. How to advertise an online store - for those who have serious goals

Can free advertisement provide an effective result? Where better to post free advertising ads? What is the difference between good free advertising online, and why is it beneficial for business? How to correctly create an advertisement for free and increase the company's profit? What are the advantages of Flashmob to inform about the brand for the whole country? Answers to these questions - in our article.

What are the advantages of free advertising

The obvious advantage of posting free advertising is that it does not require costs. For business, such a reduction in costs will be very by the way. Today, many buyers begins to annoy too obsessive (and besides very expensive) advertising. Therefore, for the search for the necessary information, the websites of free ads are increasingly visited.

An interesting and proven fact - users perceive free advertising as more objective. At the same time, by its effectiveness, free advertising competes confidently with paid. Over time, when the company will grow, it is not always solid to use free advertising. But at first, or even in the work of medium-sized businesses, free advertising becomes a reliable tool for powerful promotion and justified savings.

Stickers and shields with an inverted alphabet in the subway

Elena Kolmanovskaya,

chief Editor Companies in Yandex, Moscow

We make a decision on startup advertising campaign When appearance great ideawhich corresponds to 2 conditions - we like and useful people. So, to the examples, we decided to post the stickers in the metro station "The certificate certificate does not give all questions to Yandex." Or street advertising - the placement of the shields, on which the first in the name of the company was an inverted "I", so managed to attract attention and cause discussions.

What should be free advertising

It should be carefully taken to the issues of professional and competent compilation of free advertising. A promotional message can be performed in different ways - graphically or using text, and can combine both options.

The underlying condition is a concise, catchy and capacious announcement. Modern users have no desire and time to get acquainted with the huge proposal. Therefore, the optimal option is graphic Images With a minimum of text, which must accurately displays the meaning and the essence of its promise. Learn to create effective advertising to your company in the course. "

Partisan Marketing as a way to advertise yourself for free

Companies spend 5 million rubles. Every year, in order to attract new customers, and consumers no longer pay attention to advertising goods, as they see 2 thousand advertisements per day. One of the solutions of the problem is partisan marketing that distinguishes brands against the background of competitors at a minimum of costs. Editorial Board " Commercial Director"Prepared a review of two examples when partisan marketing perfectly worked.

40 options for free advertising

1. Newspapers announcements. On the market of printed publications, only newspapers with commercial and private ads remain among free. If you manage to trigger your commercial ad for a private message, you can get a free advertising tool. Nothing terrible will not happen if the editors reveal your attempts to such tricks - the maximum will block the admission of ads from the current number.

2. Social stands. They are located on the territory of the practical every courtyard. They are not forbidden to glue the charges - however, this method is unlikely to bring special efficiency. After all, such stands are being studied mainly only people of the older generation.

3. Stamp printing With a memorable and distinct logo, information about the company. Special aesthetics will not please such an option. Although we use such free advertising over 7 years, it confirms quite high efficiency, especially in the spheres of repair, household services etc.

6. Competent and understandable form of signature in the working e-mail. You should specify not only contacts, your name, direction of activity. You can add information to a brief advertising message.

7. Mailing . The newsletter can be organized on your website, or use specialized services or programs. It should be quite careful, because often such an advertisement is regarded by recipients as a post-spam. Therefore, it is important for adequate efficiency to competently compile an ad by contacting a professional copyier.

9. Business card, as free advertising. It should be briefly outlined offer from back side His business card. There is no need to specify contact details on foreign language - For foreigners it is better to prepare a separate business card.

10. Online auctions. Effective tool for organizing sales and attracting new buyers.

11. Conferences and Forums on the Internet For free advertising. There must be a message, relevant to this conference or forum, otherwise will soon be deleted.

Start a blog secretary

Inna Alekseeva,


Temporable users usually immediately notice hidden advertising. In particular, if the company's brand is too correct (ECCO, and not Ecco - after all, the second option is easier to write), obsessive advertising.

An excellent alternative to hidden advertising is to directly indicate the interest of the user for which the product is moving. For example, a blog secretary will officially lead discussions on behalf of the company, defending the reputation of the brand and denuncable information about new products.

12. Joint marketing. Several companies are engaged in mutual advertising - 8-9 organizations, for more. Joint promotional efforts make it possible to more effectively distribute advertising, with the distribution of the brochure of your company and partners, the placement of emblems and signs from each other, cooperating in the organization of sales. As a result, advertising efficiency increases at less costs.

13. Aggregators of goods and services. Specialized catalogs to accommodate their products with price and photographs - like an online store. Usually it is allowed to publish news and other possibilities. Such examples are the resources of,, etc.

14. Forums for advertising. Moderators and administrators of such resources are not very complaining of free advertising - removing information almost immediately. Here you need a more flexible approach. Choose all the thematic forums and the largest forums in your area. We read themes on them and meaningfully answering. Only after understanding, who will have to communicate with, you can unobtrusively convey information about your product. Sometimes with moderators, you can agree on creating your separate topic, in which you will act as an expert. For example, "All you wanted to know about the purchase of laptops" if you sell computer equipment.

15. Answer Questions. Here you need to be deployed, relevant and just answer the user's questions. In this case, information in the message will allow you to solve someone's problem and convey information about your product. Examples of such services become and

16. Advertising with the help of video. Including you can think about creating training rollers, or prepare unusual advertising that attracts attention. Any recordings are postponed on video hosts - for example, YouTube. The main rule is the most detailed description of the roller so that users of video hosting and search engines can find it.

17. Article in the journal. Free magazines and Internet publications. If you consider yourself an expert in a particular field, you have useful information for readers, you can agree on the free writing of the article. But such free advertising pays off - get an additional way to report your company.

Useful content is more effective direct advertising

Natalia Radchenkova,

alfa-Content Service Marketing Director

Publications in sectoral magazines, media, blogs, social networks about what worries consumers is always celebrating a positive reaction target audience. If you give useful information and solving the problem, you will get much more loyal customers than when you just declare yourself with the help of advertising slogan. However, self-searches really good siteswhich will make free accommodation, often lead to nowhere.

Today, for very little money, the content marketing can be ordered from specialists, and every spent ruble will be taken with interest. We recently, we were accommodated for a spare parts store on a popular auto-portal and YouTube auto-channels. Materials saw more than half a million people, the store sales grew by half, and the transitions continue until now without any financial costs. Bonus from useful articles and for business development is obvious.

19. Barter Banner. Providers are distributed on the Internet, ready to provide on your server a place for your site, but the banner will be scented. Communicate free hosting to accommodate the site of the novice business.

20. Start the blog. Recently, the popularity of blogging is significantly increasing. A promotional offer can also be published here, but only if you can conduct an online diary yourself.

21. Free advertising in a pair with another company. Contract with an interested company about making advertising leaflets at its expense - advertising and partner will be placed on them, and yours on different sides. You will do the propagation of such leaflets.

Can do without costs for advertising using partners

Andrei Chromov,

general Director of Aristos, Moscow

For example, the company in the supply market of automotive components is negotiating advertising on taxi cars (or on the head restraints of the seats). And the supplier will recommend this taxi for its customers. Costs in this case are limited only by the price of the printing of leaflets.

Such symbiosis are most common in the field ecommerce. Most often we come to the agreement that the online store in each order is investing our advertising leaflets with a promotional code to obtain an additional bonus or discounts. Similarly, we do and when delivering our orders.

It is important to choose a suitable partner for cooperation. You can effectively work even with conventional competitors that other online shopping. Although it is better to look for more appropriate options - for example, for the seller of shoes, it will be a footwear care company, for the tour operator - the shop of beach facilities, etc.

22. Advertising in publics due to articles. On social networks, you can find thematic groups - study the content of some of the publics, write new articlesuitable for this community. It follows in the text to mention the group. Then I publish an article in my public and inform about it a moderator of the selected community. He, at least, will post a link to your community, and maximum will publish an article in his group completely by specifying authorship and reference.

23. Become an advertisement yourself. If money for advertising is not enough, get it yourself. Report a company to everyone - including relatives, friends, acquaintances, random interlocutors, etc. Cut the sticker with an indication of the company on the car, wear a T-shirt with a logo and pr.

Carry information about the company on Otzoviki sites

Alexey Truris,

executive Director SEOPULT SYSTEM

Excellent and completely free way to advertise itself - it is to talk to people who write reviews. If you write well about you - thank and promise "buns", if bad - show participation and help to figure out the situation. It will cost you only time, but the effectiveness of such work is difficult to overestimate. To search for feedback there are many services, in our system - it is free serm modulewho enjoy many businesses.

24. Communicate and tell about your product /companies / service Do not forget about participation in all public events, which will be able to convey advertising information - including holding press conferences, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, forums, etc.

25. Participation in different conteststo receive grants, subsidies, or the status of the best company in its field. Here there is always a chance to win, especially about the participants of the event usually write media, providing free advertising for you.

26. Sarafan Radio - It is considered the most efficient option for advertising. After all, people trust the advice of friends and acquaintances. Let you have rare customers, but you should inspire them at the expense of small incentives. You can even promise the percentage of profits for your friends.

27. Offer potential buyers discount on products.. You can sell at cost or dumping - we need to attract the attention of the target audience, luring it with competitors. However, you need to know the measure to not make your business unprofitable.

28. Search engine optimization. Inner work - Optimization of the content and structure of the site. External factor - Work with reference mass on the site. Here you receive an advantage in comparison with commercial sites - after all, publish unique, author information. Therefore, users refer to non-commercial sites.

29. Exchange articles with other sites. Advertising in the form of links to your site posted in the articles of different resources. Special articles should be prepared, which can be provided to other resources. That is, you will prepare the articles for advertising in the form of links or banner to your site. But articles should be high-quality for the owner of the site wanted to publish them.

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31. SMS-mailing. Effective tool for advertising available and new customers on news and promotions. Today, different free mailing services are available on the Internet, although usually at the end of the test period become paid.

32. Creating memes - in the form of pictures with a funny signature. This advertising on viral distribution is based, effectively stating itself on the Internet.

33. Arrange Flashming. Pre-planned mass action. The planned script will be more creative and original, the more potential customers will be able to attract. Moreover, such events actively illuminate different media, and people tell their familiar.

34. Live advertising - cheap, but very effective advertising tool. With a competent organization, such advertising can be very successful. The basis of such an advertisement - a person wears suits, accessories, clothes, signs with advertising on themselves, sometimes even appropriate tattoos, etc.

35. Souvenir products - Company advertising is applied to stationery. Such products are distributed free of charge. Very effective tool when everyday life The client uses your souvenir products - handles, notebooks, notebooks, etc.

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36. Unidentified urban object. Strange items that may not be associated with your products are exhibited for everyone's review. For example, in different parts of the capital for advertising the film "Dura" cars were placed by commercial leaflets.

37. Street view.The company UMMK-Agro accompanied the conclusion of a new brand to the street market market in the city. Green elves participated in pagan dances, calling for the summer and mentioning Mr. Green (brand name).

38. Graffiti, With the image of the company's logo or the goods. Suitable for applying walls and sidewalks.

39. Inributing newswho are able to interest people, motivate them to send their familiar. For example, on large banners of the pharmacy network there was a message "Cut off this coupon and get a discount." In different media, there was a news that he cut out a 2-meter banner for which he received a discount in the pharmacy.

40. Go for a trick.The director of the store for the sale of costumes hardened a thousand coins, while each covered with a layer of gold and silver. The seller when buying imperceptibly put such a coin in the pocket of the jacket. The buyer rejoiced such a find and necessarily told about it all familiar with each other case.

Free seminars for customers

Vladimir Sizoy

marketing Director of Reasonable Business Technologies, Moscow

The number of participants in one seminar is 15-30 people, half comes to the office, half prefers online classes. Among the costs for the company - payment of the time of employees, and about 5-10 thousand rubles go for tea-coffee, catering. With the help of seminars, 2 serious tasks are solved:

  • informing buyers about services;
  • establishing feedback with customers.

It is unlikely to be effectively selling services at seminars. After all, people are usually involved at the event who do not have sufficient powers to make a final purchase decision. But they can suggest what their companies need, and the information obtained can be an important means of successful marketing work. Another aspect - seminars become successful option For work with clients, but only if you have a reputation of an expert. Otherwise, such an event will be too small.

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3D drawings - an inexpensive way of advertising

Maria Zborovskaya,

business Analyst of the Company "Prison", Ekaterinburg

The resulting return is usually significantly superior to the investment - about 3-4 times. For example, street artists depicted in front of the Loft Cafe cafe in Donetsk several cups of coffee with a company logo. Costs amounted to 10 thousand rubles - paid off in the form of revenue in a few days. Even at the stage of creating such an advertisement, the number of visitors increased by 30%. Moreover, many photographed and published snapshots on the Internet, placed information and city newspapers, thereby increasing the awareness of the cafe and the number of visitors by 40%.

What needs to be done before launching a free advertising campaign

Step 1. To decide on the target audience of your product. If possible, you need to get the most detailed and detailed portrait of the client. With what emotions, where and under what circumstances make a purchase. It is necessary to assess the compliance of your products to the expectations and needs of the target audience.

Step 4. Calculate Event Development options. We need a minimum of two scenarios possible development Events - optimistic and pessimistic.

Information about the author and company

Elena Kolmanovskaya, editor-in-chief of Yandex, Moscow. Yandex - Russian portal offering users key Internet services, including online search, site catalogs, payment system, maps, encyclopedias, email, spam filtering system, free hosting, catalog commodity offers shops and MN. Dr. The company earns on the sale of advertising, 80% of the turnover falls on contextual advertising. According to TNS Gallup Media research companies, "Fom" and Kombon, Yandex is the largest resource in RuNet in terms of the audience.

Inna Alekseeva, General Director of PR Partner, Moscow. He graduated from the faculty of journalism and the philosophical faculty of Novosibirsk state University. Intected in the field of sociology, PR and journalism in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany. Since 1999, he worked at different positions in PR agencies, then the PR-Director at the Doki Real Estate Agency, headed the PR service at Deltacredit Bank. She ranked first among the heads of PR-agencies in the Profile magazine rating (2012). Entered the top 10 most influential women in russian businesspublished by The Moscow Times (2012); Won in the nomination "Impeccable reputation" of the International Prize "Business Women - 2014". The author of trainings and seminars "Learning first persons to work with the media", "Marketing of the first persons", "Secrets of an effective PR", "PR 100%: reboot", etc.

Vladimir Sizoy, Marketing Director of Reasonable Business Technologies, Moscow. CJSC "RDTEK - reasonable business technologies." Field of activity: Management and Technological Consulting, Development and Implementation information systems. Personnel number: 286. Annual turnover: 2,029 billion rubles.

Andrei Chromov, General Director of Aristos, Moscow. LLC "Aristos". Field of activity: Management of the Philips company's branded online store ( Personnel number: 80

Maria Zborovskaya, Business analyst of the company "Prison", Ekaterinburg. LLC "Prison". Field of activity: Information and consulting support for commercial and financial activities Organizations. Main Customers: Production and trading companies Uralsky federal Districtworking on B2B and B2C markets (projects for sales automation, calculation of investment efficiency, etc.)

Advertising is a way to promote, allowing to sell more goods faster. Her distinctive feature is that advertising is not addressed to someone personally, but is designed simultaneously by millions of people. It allows you to inform the target audience about the quality of the goods, convincefully give preference to one or another manufacturer and make the act instantly. This method of promotion is effective using the media. And since recently the Internet has become the most influential and common media, then good advertising in the World Wide Web will surely ensure success. So how to create it to be justified? There are many nuances here.

Specificity of Internet advertising

Before creating advertising in the World Wide Web, you need to understand the distinctive features of publications of this type. The Internet as a media has completely different specifics. IN modern world can not imagine successful project Without its promotion using electronic resources. The advantage of this direction is that it allows you to cover as much as possible an audience. And this is a very difficult task.

A successful impact on buyers is already an achievement, but no one will refuse to attract customers with various psychotypes. After all, it allows you to popularize your business among absolutely opposite circles, that is, to get big profits. It is quite difficult to achieve such a result, but, applying various means of mass belief, you can choose the most successful option.

Any allowance for how to create advertising properly, begins with the choice of a way to achieve the goal. In Internet Marketing, this list is quite wide:

  • Media. It is presented in the form of a militant bright banners that are so mounted to acquire anything. Goods are represented as a rule, in the form of images. If the idea is well thought out, then it is perfectly remembered by users, because there has a greater impact on them.
  • Contextual. This type of advertising is more highly specialized, it is directed to a specific buyer. Such advertising fully complies with the interests of a person and is placed in the appropriate places: and ads that are issued by search engines depending on the user request.
  • Virus. This is the advertisements whose distributors are the users themselves. That is, the investment from the supplier, the manufacturer or the CEO specialist is minimal, since the distribution of information is provided by the customers themselves. These are interesting and unusual ideas that I want to show the other.
  • Accommodation in online games. Most often, the product that is moving, somehow connected with the game itself. It is possible, it is created specifically for a specific script. Such advertising is also aimed at its target audience.

The effectiveness of online advertising is assessed by how clinging the eye and stimulates the purchase of goods. The advantages of this method of promotion is its address send (personalization), relatively small cost, instant access to information, interactivity. The popularity of advertising in the World Wide Web is due to the sufficiently high purchasing power of the audience.

Classification AKAR.

How to create advertising on the Internet, many organizations are conceived. Some of them even highlighted their classification signs for which they divide various methods. For example, the IAB Bureau divides Internet advertising for two subspecies - branding and performances.

But more widely recognized and common is the separation of methods of promotion on the network by the method of association communication agencies Russia. According to AKAR, Internet marketing techniques can be divided into search advertising and display. Their place in the share of the market is approximately the same. Slightly more advantage It has the latter.

The first reception segment for the last year increased by sixteen percent. In total, it brought the creators of about sixty billion rubles. However, it is worth noting that there has been a reduction in traffic from paid advertisements. This situation is characteristic not only for Russian, but also for the overseas market. The difference between the domestic in the fact that in fact monopolists in the field of search advertising are two the largest companies - Yandex and Google.

Display advertising represents all that the user sees in applications. The exceptions are ads in the results of search and classifides, which are placed on a fee basis. The Association allocated three main subgroups of display advertising. This is video, banners and textual graphics blocks.

Free advertising option

How to create advertising? There are two main methods that differ from each other not only by the method of execution, but also the material basis. The advantage of a paid way is that for money there is a high probability of getting a really good result. Free base is justified only when advertising is competently done. After all, even what is done with your own hands (albeit unprofessional), can bring good income.

In order to popularize the product, the advertisement is primarily used. It is quite realistic to organize an advertising campaign by placing certain content on your own electronic resource, various blogs and social networking pages. Of course, the finances spent will be zero. But efficiency depends only on successful semantic filling.

Other techniques of such a marketing stroke are forums, videos, bulletin boards, response issues and data on social networks.

The main rule is that it is necessary to pay due time and well think over the advertising campaign plan. It is impossible to write low-quality text and hope for a positive result.

If there is an opportunity to work on the basis of affiliate programs, then it is not worth neglected. Advertising other people's links to their electronic resources, you can help others. Especially since partners will be happy to respond to a similar request.

Also, when registering on forums, through which the project would like to promote, it is better to specify the real location of the company or the seller. Since if the IP address finds out false data, the profile can and block.

For harmonious and appropriate description of their products, it is better to use discussions and contacts.

Paid Advertising Accommodation

This method is more efficient, but only if the financial costs were justified. Of course, if the company has enough money, then why not take advantage of the services of professionals who can competently and correctly fulfill all the wishes.

As a rule, "free artists" very competently perform the Internet promotion of goods. The main implementation tools are the fitting of keywords describing properties into useful and interesting content for potential buyers. The main goal is to attract potential buyers. Describe the goods or service to a person with a fantasy will not be difficult, but only professionals of their business can competently arrange his thoughts in contextual advertising.

About how to create advertising of goods and get a crazy revenue for it, for sure, known to specialized advertising agencies. Recently, in connection with the active implementation of Internet technologies in such organizations, whole units have emerged, specializing in marketing techniques in the World Wide Web.

Such companies will help the most rational and productive to use the budget allocated for product promotion. A whole team of relevant specialists will explore the business features, the prospects of the industry, to apply the most effective marketing techniques.

Increasingly, the company with a request to create advertising the product began to contact such agencies. Many understand the feasibility and justification of professional promotion. In this regard, many Internet organizations providing such an opportunity appeared.

Specialized Services

Increasingly, people want to learn how to create an advertisement in Yandex.Direct or Google AWords. This is not surprising, because these services are the most popular to solve the problem of this nature. They belong to K. paid serviceBut in the future the finance efforts pay off.

In the event that there is no desire yourself, you can contact a person who specializes in contextual advertising. Directologist will help make productivity as much as possible with minimal investments.

Another way is automated system Promotions. As an example, you can bring the Click service. This platform helps to save money and work independently with contextual advertising and Yandex.Direct, and Google AWords. Plus the system is also the protection of beginners from errors, thereby improving the result of the work.

Social network advertising

How to create an advertisement "in contact" or any other social network? Why promotion through these electronic resources Is such great popularity? The main reason for this is the prevalence of social networks in society. Now there is practically no person who has no account at least in one social network. This is confirmed by the fact that near the ninety percent of the Internet audience have personal pages in Facebook, Odnoklassniki, "in contact" or "instagram". Similar conditions for the advertising campaign, of course, are attractive. Besides no need special Knowledge For promotion, because to create a group and an account will not be difficult.

Advertising in social networks is called targeted. Its advantages over the rest of the promotion are a familiar interface for users who contribute to creating a comfortable environment and more efficient advertising perception. Plus, it is also possible to communicate with potential buyers. This makes it possible to understand the flaws of the goods and learn new ideas.

In order to demonstrate the product, you just need to upload a photo or video. Easy to use such an option is undoubtedly important.

To get information and access to the user, you do not need to force it to undergo its additional registration procedure. A person is enough just to join the community.

Advertising in "VK"

How to create advertising in "VK"? Since "in contact" is one of the most popular networks, the question is quite logical. For legal promotion of products using this social network, you can use two methods. The first is the network "in contact", and the second is the Sociate service. The principle of operation of both methods is very similar.

Promotion with the help of groups guarantees a constant and extensive audience. Advertising, to create yourself is not difficult, can recommend to users another community, website or firm. It is posted only for a certain period during which there will be different positions in the ribbon. You can agree that the advertisement will be performed in the first place for several hours, after which the group administrator can complement the wall by other posts. The user only chooses hours and days in which advertising will be placed. Personally, to maintain communication with community administrators is not necessarily, as the system works automatically. Exchange also provides a report on how many views, reposts and likes scored a specific entry.

Experts recommend placing advertising in thematic groups. It is also worth checking subscribers, because the community can be large, but real people are very small. Therefore, it is better to be initially placed in low-cost groups and analyze the result. The most effective will be advertising where fewer bots.

Targeting ads are a more expensive option, however more efficient. It is more suitable for instant customer search. Such an advertisement is displayed to people only a specific category. A social network will help to sort the necessary users.

Advertising in the news feed appeared in 2016. However, it is still quite raw development. This type of advertising campaign allows you to promote only a record, but no group or other electronic resource.

A similar service is already implemented and service SOSIATE. By the way, its advantage over "in contact" is that a separate platform has more informative statistics, presents convenient reports. Also, in some cases, the network takes a smaller commission collecting from groups, so the promotion through it can do cheaper. For long and productive work it is better to choose this service. In addition, it is well integrated with other social networks, such as Instagram and Odnoklassniki.

Advertising in "Odnoklassniki"

How to create an advertisement in "Odnoklassniki"? This can be done in two ways - free and with certain financial costs. The essence of the latter is to choose a service with which an ad is drawn up. After you need to come up with a semantic content, select Targeting settings and send a campaign to moderation. After you should pay the invoice and run the campaign.

The main services for such promotion include:

To do on your own and not to spend a penny, you need a certain time. First you need to register and add as many people as possible as possible. Next, you need to establish contact with everyone and request an announcement of the site, product or services, indicating the link. So you can create an advertisement for the store. Of course, it is better to motivate people. Over time, it is worth highlighting buyers and form a subscription list. This will make it possible to simplify in order to periodically offer products. If this social network is to popularize the whole community, then the permanent audience will be provided.

Advertising in Facebook

How to create enough follow the following items:

  1. Being in your account, go to "advertising manager". There you can see a special window to create an advertising campaign. In response, "Manager" will ask to choose the goal of promotion.
  2. Next, it is necessary to segment the market in geographical, demographic and psychological features. If you do not know how to create an advertisement better, pay special attention to this point.
  3. Select plays advertising. This means that you need to decide on the placement of advertising. There are two setup modes - automatic and manual.
  4. In this place it is worth deciding on the financial part. From her will depend on the display schedule, that is, how much and when advertising will be shown.
  5. Optimization and selection of rates.
  6. The choice of design, from which directly and will be refinered.
  7. Appendix images or video.
  8. Attaching the title, text and links.

Advertising in "Instagram"

Initially, it is necessary to create an account in Facebook. The second step will be the creation of your own public page and binding a bank card. There is still a promotion option through a regular account, but it is used only to promote local services. At the moment it is possible to create three types of promotional posts:

  • square and rectangular photos with text;
  • square and rectangular videos with text;
  • a series of photos in the form of a gallery.

The difference of advertising through the Facebook service from bloggers is that the first takes his percentage only from the result. And Promotion with celebrities is equal to a fixed amount that you need to pay regardless of the success of advertising.

How to create advertising, determines the method of implementation. The first way to create an advertising campaign is "Direct". It is not included in Facebook's official services, but with the help of it you can send only a targeted audience.

The second way is the most popular - this video. That is, the user cannot view the content you need without advertising. There is a chance that a person will be interested and even goes on the indicated link.

How to create advertisements to your customers so that it works effectively? There are several elements that highlight advertising from other proposals of competitors. The secret here is that these items need to be performed in the complex, only then advertising will bring the maximum result. So how to interest the client to a specific product and call him a desire to purchase it?

The first feature of advertising is to stop the client's attention on the proposal of the advertiser. If it was done, the client will read the advertising text, which you need to achieve at the first stage. Next, it all depends on the professional proposal of the advertiser.

Effective elements of advertising

  • Header. Selling, competently compiled header works very well. The first thing that customers pay attention is the title, so it must be compiled perfectly.
  • Design. A pleasant design has a client to read and examine the sentence. A hard to perceive design, on the contrary, repels and beat off the client's desire to continue to read something.
  • Uniqueness. If the offer is unique and has no analogues among competitors, it will definitely find a response among customers. Such advertising will quickly interest the client for the purchase of goods.
  • Availability. If products are designed for mass consumption, its value must correspond to the average level of the population. In this case, the product will be available for wide masses.


The task of advertising announcement Show the customer benefits of a product. It is the benefits that must be the main component of the entire supply. The client always selects benefits, not advantages, so engage in this principle when drawing up an advertising offer.

Competently compose all elements of advertising. The title must be combined with the main text on the background branded logo Companies. The client must feel positive emotions when studying advertising offer. It is necessary to create a product advertisement so that the buyer's attention was riveted to the advertised product.

Do not save on advertising. Buyer will immediately feel the advertisement of poor quality, so it will not take the goods as worthy of attention. It is better to reduce the territorial coverage of advertising, but increase its quality. Trust design development only by professional professionals.

The maximum advertising coverage should have to go to the target audience. No sense to pay money for advertising expensive cars near school institutions. Think over what kind of bony has an audience of a particular product? Make a bet on the quality of the target audience, then you can get a good return.

Use slogans with elements of humor in advertising proposals. As shown experience in the field marketing research, Customers are warmer relate to products that are executed in a positive key. The main thing is to use all the components in the measure to get a full-fledged advertising offer.

Question: How to find good specialists to create an advertisement to the product?
Answer: Usually, such professionals are looking for recommendations. In any case, before the conclusion of the contract you need to see the portfolio of several specialists.

Question: How to make sure the effectiveness of the advertising company?
Answer: Only in practice. If the advertising company was successfully carried out, it will certainly affect sales. Otherwise, it is necessary to analyze and make the appropriate conclusions.

Question: If the product has a big competition, how to highlight it in an advertising company?
Answer: Show the customer benefits that he will receive if you buy the product.

Go through the streets of the city: you will see that at best one of the ten advertising really performs your function - attracts attention. How to invest in advertising so that these investments are beneficial for your business, and did not touch it?

1. Do not copy competitors

The main thing, remember: the top of the recklessness - the advertisement of the type "we opened" (and it does not matter that it is this announcement on three neighboring houses). No matter how regrettable it is to state, but the share of such advertising does not decrease from year to year, and its effectiveness is reduced to zero.

2. Remember your target audience

An example of an unsuccessful selection of a channel for promotion - advertising products intended for pensioners, on the Internet. As well as placing advertising new highly efficient microprocessor controllers on the forum for housewives. I think it is unnecessary to clarify that the positive result from such an advertisement is negligible, and there is no one at all.

3. Spend a preliminary effectiveness of efficiency.

In most cases, entrepreneurs are looking for any way to advertise their goods and services, invest a significant amount (and then all) the amount, and after a couple of weeks or months, all the money fly safely to the wind. To prevent such outfit events, follow several simple rules.

If you have only one phone number, then you can specify different contacts in the advertisement: for example, in one case, you specify that Svetlana needs to be asked, in the other - Julia

Never make a bet only on one type of advertising. Channels to promote today mass, from contextual advertising in search engines and target advertising on social networks to outdoor advertising and advertising in mailboxes, from distribution of leaflets and flyers on the street to direct advertising in the media or in transport.

If the result from advertising exceeds the cost of it, this channel promotion has the right to life for you and your business. For such ways to advertise, it is advisable to increase the budget, but not much - by about twice. If it works and the second time - another twice, etc. In any case, it should not be well to increase the budget of that advertising that works well right now, since it is impossible to be sure that it will be effectively and tomorrow.

4. Do your own measurements on the efficiency of advertising channels

Each type of advertising you use should be measured and calibrated. This means that, giving an ad in a particular source, you need to know exactly how much potential customers you get exactly from there. It is easy to do.

Use various phone number for each ad or if you promote goods and services on the Internet, specify links to pages with different address (while the content of pages, of course, should be the same).

If you have only one phone number, then you can specify different contact persons in the advertisement: for example, in one case, you specify that Svetlana needs to be asked, in another - Julia.

5. Remember: any advertising media must have three components: offer, restriction on any parameter and appeal to action

The offer should be interesting in itself. It should force your potential customer Wanted your product or service right now. As a suggestion, a significant discount, a gift for purchasing your product, as well as other bonuses or certificates for interesting services.

For example: "When buying two products" A "you get the third as a gift", "40% discount on the entire spectrum of goods" or "buy a product" B "and get a certificate for visiting the water park for the whole family."

Do not forget about the presence of a limit - it may be by time, by the number of clients or by the number of orders. For example: "Only until the end of the week when buying a laptop, you get a 50% discount coupon for any product in our store", "First three customers per day when buying a washing machine we give microwave", "When buying a table delivery for free. Every day 20 tables participate in stock. "

A call to action means that it is necessary to clearly indicate the client its next step to purchase a product or service (otherwise, with a large share of probability, the consumer will not do anything).

For example, for offline advertising: "Call 123-456 right now", for Internet promotion: "Fill out the form on the site, and our manager will contact you" or "Click" Order ", placed below." Only the presence of all three items will make your advertisement Effective and will stand out on the background of competitors.

There are no budgets, and somehow it is necessary to sell - a typical situation for beginner Internet entrepreneurs. I once lived at my time without money, so I was forced to master all the wisdom of free advertising. And here I will show you 5 options, how can you make advertising on the Internet for free yourself. Good news is actually real.

# 1 - the main option of free advertising on the Internet

From my own experience, I can tell you that there is nothing completely free in this world. In any case, we will pay for everything we want to get. The only question is exactly what we will pay - money or something else?

I already somehow led my "alchemical formula" to create resources. And here I will repeat it again.

We have only 3 main resources with you:

  1. Time
  2. Money

And absolutely each of us these resources are limited (even among the granddaughters of Rockefeller, and even from Apple). To get some of the resources listed above, we will have to fold together the two remaining and insert them.

That is, if you have no money (and you want them to be with you), then you will have to pay for it in time and forces. And with advertising on the Internet is all the same.

A terrible word on the letter with ....

On the Internet there are several basic ways to advertise something free of charge. Option first and basic is a simple spam.

If we talk about spam, then he also happens different species. You can mailing through the databases of Emelov, or spam by references to your resources in the comments of the promoted blogs, or do the same in numerous VKontakte groups.

One of the definitions of spam - you are giving your advertising to where you are not asked. That is, data moderators will make a maximum effort to delete all your links, and you are fun.

Personally, I do not condemn you, because, what kind of sin is, we all engaged in spam at least once in their life. I even described in detail here (opens in a new tab). But here are people who will even see your advertising links and go through them to your sites, will be very badly converted.

That is, you will need a minimum of 10-20 times more traffic to earn the same money than if you work, say, through ordinary legal sources of advertising. And this respectively leads to the fact that you will have to go even more on sites and groups of VKontakte, posting your links.

Or create another hundred fake pages VKontakte and send invitations and suggestions from them.

Semi-faceted spam method via VKontakte

By the way, at the expense of the distribution of VKontakte. Now there is still such a free advertising option as "FRANDING". This is when you make up your VKontakte page for sale of some product or service, and then just start adding to everyone in a row to friends.

Your new "friends" will go to your page to find out who sent them the application and (what the hell is not joking), maybe someone of them will ever buy your product. This occupation is also very laborious, given all restrictions and mechanisms of protection that introduced VKontakte.

I remember, I was engaged in such a black expecting in 2009, when I just started making money on the Internet. It was easier to live then it was easier, Vkontakte was younger and kinder, but still, forces it took a lot.

I must say that such methods of free self-advertising ... really work. Bad, crooked, difficult, long, but work. Therefore, if you have with budgets yet, it is not very good - spam is a good option (we will not be such moralists).

And now let me open you a terrible secret - like today young businesses and entrepreneurs without money become super mega popular literally overnight.

# 2 - how "shoot" business without money today

There is one interesting way to quickly and free to vote on the Internet so that you learned about you (and love you) absolutely everything. This method will also require some time investing from you. And talk again in essence goes about the Exchange.

Only this is already a completely different expecting. It is about this way - you start friendly relations with someone who is already known and popular in your market, and then after a while he pianite you in its resources.

That is, we are talking about the so-called non-massaging. Personally, I never loved and did not know how to engage in such things, but you may well get. For such a non-Maging, it is necessary to have a certain set of qualities - sociability, readiness to please and admire, the ability to remind you constantly gently, and others.

How to get acquainted with Vips

Of course, all famous and promoted people are under constant pressure in the form of requests to give money to some brilliant product, or become a partner in a certain project that will fool him in the future. If you write to someone known with the request "Do not learn me to live, better help financially," you just ignore you.

You need to first get acquainted with the selected object, then make friends with him, and only after some time it comes to partnerships. BUT big man It is worth saying only one word, at least a glimpse to mention you somewhere in the article or in an interview - and you already take off the dirt in the prince.

I would recommend you first to praise the services or the goods of some famous man. It may seem strange to you, but they really like it, when they are praised and when they thank to them (if you knew how much mud and criticism was poured on them). Therefore, your video message or thank you are already sure to reprint them.

And then - develop success. Find what you might be useful to a person named, nothing and he never ask him, let him talk to you about what he is interested. Well, I do not teach you how to conquer friends and influence people.

And after a while, your new big friend will offer you some partnership options. And then you are on horseback. The only minus of this method of free advertising is the instability of your position. A well-known partner is enough to say one word to raise you, and one word will also be enough to "damn".

Therefore, you will always have to be very careful, so that it is not offended by anything, and so that no one more smartly come to your place. All this will greatly limit your freedom. Therefore, I never used in such ways.

Moreover, there is another option - completely free, absolutely legal, and 100% reliable.

# 3 - the most efficient free advertising method online

If you continue the conversation about the recommendations, that is, there are two authorities in RuNet, which can give you a lot of constant and hot traffic on your sales pages. The names of these guys Yasha and Gosha (that is, Yandex and Google). They are advantageous from other authorities by recommending you for specific merits, and not for the ability to "get acquainted."

To get their recommendations to you enough to make the site and fill it with a useful content on the subject of your product. Then search engines Let us withdraw your articles in the top, and you will begin to receive a flow of visitors every day, which then become your customers.

Of course, in words it sounds easier than in practice. But in fact, there is nothing complicated. All the trick is to constantly give people useful and interesting content. The promotion of the young site takes from 6 months of pure time. A good promotion can take 2-3 years.

Yes, as you can see, here too, it is necessary to invest in time and forces (all according to our "alchemical formula"). But unlike other free ways, this version of advertising will probably work. And it is also nice that it is a permanent source of traffic (in contrast to the same spam, for example, which you need to do every day).

Personally, this option is sympathetic to me most. But suddenly you do not like to write articles, or from nature so lazy, what do you want and for free, and to do nothing yourself? Congratulations, there is such a way.

# 4 - Free advertising in other people's hands

Imagine how it would be great if hundreds of people in all corners of the Internet were engaged in the promotion of your goods and services every day, and at this time you would calmly lying on the couch and drank cocktails.

No matter how surprisingly, it is really possible to organize work. This is just a "affiliate program". Of course, no one will promote you for free, but you will pay your partners only on the fact of sales made.

No sales - no money. Someone brought you a client - you pay him an honest percentage of the purchase amount. This option promotion is very shown by all novice Internet entrepreneurs (and not beginner too).

There are many half-brand specialists in RuNet in different areas of marketing - contextual advertising, Target VKontakte, SEO, YouTube and others. Halform they are because they have no products for sale. And they are constantly in finding some really good affiliate program, where they could direct their traffic.

And if you grant them affiliate program, then they will love you, and make a lot of effort so that you are happy.

Difficulties of U. this method Also, of course, there is. The first difficulty lies in what you need to build. Partners, of course, are ready to drive you traffic, but only if sales are made from it (and they earn money). If there is no sales - they will quickly forget about you and switch to others.

The second complexity is the need to motivate partners all the time. People they know and able, but a little lazy. They need to constantly give any incentives. For example, to hold contests, hand out prizes to the best partners, put increased commissions for those who sell more.

And the partner itself also needs to somehow promote that all new and new people with new traffic come to you. As an option - you can make a two-level affiliate. This is when partners advertise your own affiliate, and then receive commissions not only from their sales, but also from sales of those partners who they attracted "for themselves."

We can technically organize a partner program through various services. I, for example, I use the service, because it is best suited for electronic products.

And finally, let's talk about how to make advertising on the Internet for free for a million dollars.

# 5 - How to advertise online for free for a million dollars

In the end, I want to open the most terrible "secret secret" about advertising on the Internet. If you want to earn online, then the main thing is not to make an advertisement for free. The main thing is to make your advertising to be profitable.

Tell me, spend a million dollars for advertising - is it expensive or not? Just never say. The question is whether this advertisement will be favorable or not. Spend a hundred rubles and earn zero - it is unprofitable, which means too expensive. And to spend a million and earn ten - it is profitable, which means completely inexpensive.

And you too can spend any money you wish, only if you are configured (this requirement, by the way, also applies to the previous point of affiliate programs).

I hope that this article was useful for you. Add it to bookmarks Share with friends. Do not forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from scratch to the first million on the Internet (squeeze from personal experience for 10 years \u003d)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov


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