Cool business card educator of the year in rhythm. Business card for the competition "educator of the year" material on the topic. Retraining program "Psychology"

Nomination "Poetic pages"

By the Day of the Preschool Worker In our city of Belgorod, the traditional contest "Miss Educator - 2015" was held. I took part in it and became a winner. The first test was the "Business Card". You can imagine yourself in any form. I write poetry a little, so I decided to present my life in the form of a poem. Here's what happened.

"Business card of a kindergarten teacher"

A business card is a tricky thing

Imagine yourself, science is not tricky.

But thoughts stray into friendly flocks

And they shout to the smart brain, catch up.

Well, here I am, I guess I'll introduce myself,

There is little time left.

Marina is called by all friends and girlfriends,

The name is common in our area.

Everyone hides their age, but I'm not hiding

I report 16 passed, but the soul is young.

I can sew, I can knit,

I sing songs, I can dance.

I cook well, I compose poems,

And at home in the apartment I manage everything.

But it's all the little things, I think,

I will tell you about my favorite friends.

I love to dig in the sand in the summer ...

Deeper, elbow-deep in the sand,

Sand castles, machine tracks,

For dolls at home and for hares, mattresses ...

And pens in the sand, that's a joy!

And I don't need another in the summer.

And in the fall I'm waiting for leaf fall

From acceleration and into the leaves - this is a delight!

From the leaves - a bow, a bouquet and salute,

Leaflets circle and fly around.

Look around - the winter cold has come,

But I'm not tired of riding even in winter.

I climb into the ice and jump from the hill,

Boo - I'm in a snowdrift, but I'm just learning.

Spring has come - all around beauty,

Children will run through puddles of streams.

I jump with them through the puddles here and there

We play tag in spite of all enemies.

You ask: “Girl, is everything all right?

It’s not the time to jump like a goat through the beds.”

I answer you: "It's simple, it's necessary

After all, I'm a kindergarten teacher!

Novikova Svetlana Alekseevna

Pedagogical work experience – 25 years

Higher education

Qualification - higher


Secondary vocational:

- Leningrad Regional Pedagogical College, 1991.

Specialty: "Educator in preschool institutions."

Qualification: "Educator of a preschool institution."


- Leningrad State Regional University. A.S. Pushkin, 2000

Specialty: "Pedagogy and methods of primary education."

Qualification: "Teacher primary school, teacher preschool education».

- Leningradsky State University them. A.S. Pushkin, 2008

Retraining program "Psychology"


Somewhere in the world our family lives, He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly. We read books together, we go to the movies together, On a holiday we sing and dance, on weekdays we will find things!

Mom is washing clothes, daughter is sweeping the floor, Dad cooks dinner while listening to football. Work argues instantly, everyone is used to work. And we know how to relax, fry barbecue in the garden!

As all living things are drawn to the good, the bright, so our children love those who show maternal care for them, whose hands warm them with their warmth. I try to create an atmosphere of love and joy for my children, to make their life interesting and meaningful.

The world of childhood is sweet and thin,

Like a flute floating sound.

While the child laughs at me

I know that I don't live in vain

I enter the hushed Kindergarten:

I'm not going here for a career -

Here every child is happy for me.

To be in the midst of childhood experiences ...

And so for years -

My destiny - I am an educator!

There is no better lot on earth.

Important role in gaining professionalism play own attitude to the profession, understanding their personal limitations, problem situations, goals and methods professional activity and other conditions. One of the conditions for the growth of my skills, in addition to planning self-education, is the ability to analyze my own activity, predict and correct its results.

  • Taking into account the age characteristics of children;
  • Differentiated approach to

the personality of each child, excluding fatigue, harm to health;

  • Selection of tasks on non-verbal and verbal material;
  • Give children more independence and the right to choose;
  • Help the child to be socially significant and successful;
  • When communicating with a child, I treat him with respect and trust;
  • Reliance on active position the child, his independence and initiative;
  • I take into account the gender of the child;
  • Everything new is fun!

Forms and methods of organizing work with children

  • joint play activity educator with a child;
  • Conducting integrated classes in a playful way;
  • Creation of a favorable subject-developing environment in the group;
  • Independent activity of children according to their interests;
  • Organization and holding of holidays, entertainment, competitions;

I consider the main goal of my pedagogical activity to be the creation of a single space "family - kindergarten", in which all participants in the pedagogical process will be comfortable, interesting, safe, useful, and safe.

Club "Child-Parent-Teacher"

Purpose: To promote the formation of harmonious parent-child relationships in a variety of joint activities, increase the literacy of parents in the field of comprehensive development and education of children in the preschool period.

My achievements

Since 2015, I have been leading the District Methodological Association of Preschool Group Educators

Participated in regional fair innovation in education

I take part in the work of district, regional seminars, forums

Sharing my teaching experience at Teaching Excellence Week

I have developed and tested a program for the pre-mathematical development of children "WORLD - playing mathematics, we develop"

I love my kindergarten

It's full of guys.

One, two, three, four, five

Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.

It's good when we are together!

Holiday, holiday celebrated! Children perform together Everyone dance and sing Joy is called.

Kindergarten starts at seven And by seven, our yard is filled with a swarm. Human offspring, lover of fuss, Silent and gloomy in the morning. So it's time for me to work, I'm running, The yard greets me with a chirping burr, And the offspring is already piling up in the snow Their towers, their labor quarters.

Mannanova Rimma Shamilevna
Business card for the competition "Educator of the Year 2018" with a presentation

Mannanova Rimma Shamilevna “Years of my work in kindergarten”.

I, Rimma Shamilevna Mannanova, tutor of the first category. Work experience 34 of the year. Born January 25, 1964 of the year.

Went to kindergarten. In 1971, she went to study at the Ural High School.

In 1981 she graduated from high school and entered the Beloretsk Pedagogical College at the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy.

In 1983 she completed her studies. Received a diploma educator preschool education. And she returned to her village Uralsk, to her native kindergarten to work educator. Passed 34 of the year and I have never regretted that I chose a profession educator.

I know that I chose the right path! More than a hundred children have passed through my heart, and all of them are mine, all of them I love, I gave each of them a piece of my soul. Someone is finishing school now, and someone has already brought their son or daughter to me, someone has recently started going to kindergarten - they are all equally loved and dear to me.

I love my job very much, I love small children, I go to work with great pleasure. Work is my life! And if I had to start all over again, without hesitation, I would also choose a profession educator.

look presentation"Years of my work in kindergarten".

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Essay on the topic of "I am a teacher"

My profession brings joy to children,

My work is the best of all!

Working with children is not at all a burden for me,

After all, every day - smiles, games, laughter!

There are thousands of professions in the world, all of them are necessary and interesting. But each person must choose the one that best suits his natural abilities and inclinations, that is, find his calling.

Why did I choose a profession educator? An important role in my choice of profession was played by my mother, who worked for more than 40 years in the education system as a teacher of mathematics. Students still come to my mother for advice and help, and now their children and grandchildren, whom she helped and continues to help in different life situations.

Her wisdom, kindness, responsiveness, love for children have always been an example to me. I have always been proud of my mother, her merits, life experience. It so happened that I tried myself in different fields of activity, but it always turned out to be closely connected with children, and when it came time to finally choose a profession, I chose the profession of a teacher, educator...

I will work in the forge

But not where iron and hammer,

I will take myself as an ally

Gentle, bright youth.

Subjects of my romance

In the sun they squint affectionately,

They wear bows on the crown,

Couples walk down the street.

Them, defenseless, small,

I will lead to a bright life

And many will envy

Kindergarten teacher!

My work is my life and life is my work.

Profession educator it's not an eight to five job, it's almost around the clock... Educator you are always and everywhere: and in kindergarten, and on the street, and in the store, and of course, at home. You are an example and a role model.

If I were offered to start my life anew, I would choose this profession again. Because the main reward for my work is pure, like a spring, children's eyes turned to me, full of love and trust.

I direct all my energy to creating an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding around each child, as I am convinced that only this contributes to the disclosure of individuality. I understand that I am entrusted with a large a responsibility: lay the foundation for the personality of each child, help them to know the world around them, teach them to live in society.

To be educator means to have patience, compassion, desire see children which have already become "by their children".

Educators are people who always remain children in their hearts. Otherwise, children will not accept, will not let them into their world.

The most important thing in our profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them your heart. This requires a cheerful and cheerful character, the ability not to be angry with the child, to avoid monotony, boredom, dullness of everyday days. Children are optimistic by nature and greatly appreciate these qualities in their mentor, whom they try to imitate. The life of children in kindergarten should be a holiday.

I can call myself happy man. Because all the good, kind, bright that is in me, I give and just give to them, my preschoolers. In return I get more: their trust, revelations, joy, little secrets and tricks, and most importantly love.

Children are the greatest value on earth, this is what we live for. As L.N. Tolstoy: “To love is to live the life of the one you love”. These words contain the meaning of why and why I come to kindergarten every day.

Children are our future, and it depends on us what it will be! Maybe that's the calling. "Be an educator!" I want to believe that everything I have planned will come true.

"I educator and proud of it,

That I am learning to live in the world with my children,

Yes, I am an actress of many roles.

But the main role is to replace mothers!”

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Business card.

I want to give you today

a piece of your heart,

The warmth of the soul, your smile,

I was destined to be born

In Iskitim, on the Ob River,

In the heart of a sweet, dear province,

In a small Siberian town.

But the fast train of life is moving fast.

Here on the way - the ancient city of Tomsk,

The village of Light. Stopped here

And he took me to school.

Here is the school where I successfully studied,

My friends, my teachers,

Here life was rushing, rapidly spinning,

Here I spent my carefree childhood.

And the train of life is in a hurry somewhere,

He does not stand at the stations for a long time, -

And somewhere in the distance the wheels are knocking:

"Go ahead, don't be afraid, the way is open!"

I boldly took a big step into the world:

I went to study at TSPU.

And now I'm standing with a diploma,

Now I am a teacher, my friends.

I understood from childhood: the work of a teacher

Undoubtedly the most important, the most necessary,

After all, it is so necessary for a child

Grow in love, care, peace, friendship.

And here I am - the educator, which means

I get happiness every day

To be in the unique world of childhood,

The door to the world of wonder is open to me.

I came to the 51st kindergarten in 2008. And to this day I work in this team. It is able-bodied, cohesive, responsible modern requirements team.

At all times, the work of an educator was not easy. But our profession, like no other, is surrounded by love, and it's great when it's mutual love. I love children as if they were my own, I am sympathetic to the words and actions of each child.

In modern conditions, the parents of the child are most often busy with the material problems of the family, and, consequently, the role of the educator in the life and development of the child is increasing.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Childhood depends on what kind of adult is next to the child, who introduces him to life.”

I believe that it is very important to develop the ability and understanding of the inner world of the pupil, the ability to enter the world of the child. To understand the child, you need to become his partner.

I want the children in the play called "Life" to play the role of worthy heroes, so that they are open, kind and sincere, so that they grow up to be strong, creative people. I adhere to the rule: "Every business is creative - otherwise why?"

I try to develop the creative abilities of children in a variety of activities.

In the process of the game, I form positive relationships with children, I bring up organization, perseverance, endurance.

A healthy lifestyle is at the head of all activities: disease prevention, the use of health-saving technologies, strengthening the physical and moral health of each child - this is the key to the effectiveness and success of any undertaking. “Lifestyle is only healthy!”

Love for literature and the Russian language was the determining factor in choosing a priority direction. It occupies a special place in my work. speech development child. The richer and more correct the child's speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his ability to know reality, the more complete future relationships with children and adults.

I try to listen and hear the child, feel with him, lead him into the wonderful world of fantasy and beauty, be near and a little ahead, and never stop there, because there are so many interesting things ahead!

I try to live by the principle: treat children the way you would like them to treat you:

I'm not a know-it-all. Therefore, I constantly study myself in order to teach others.

I parted with my childhood a long time ago, but I allow children to teach me what they know and can do.

I strive to accept children as they are, I try to be patient with children's mistakes and forgive them.

Why did I choose this profession? What qualities do I have for this job? I…

B - polite

O is an optimist

S - bold

P - decent

And sincere

T - creative

A is active

T - patient

E - very friendly

L - I love children

b - soft

The most important of all these qualities, I would call love. Why love? I once read in a book that without love, "children can die."

Love knows how to forgive everything

She is boundless, omnipotent.

Love can warm

When you have a cold in your heart.

Love is mutual and wise

She will give strength and patience,

Love will always find words

For child comfort.

I am surrounded by love

There is no more happiness when you know

That children love, they are waiting for you,

You dream of meeting them.

Over the years of working with children, I was convinced that greater happiness as

time is to give love.

The job of a teacher is very difficult.

Games, activities, creative growth!

But I do not regret anything, friends,

I gave my heart to my children!


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