Business card for Miss Mom. Scenario of a business card for the competition "Her Majesty Mom!". dance “My Marusechka”

Attached to the concert and game program are: 2 songs, competitions, poems about mothers, a diploma, a table for the jury

Presenter 1: Dear children, dear parents! It's great that we all got together today!

Do you know what else is in Ancient Rome there was a custom to celebrate the family holiday of Matronalia. This holiday got its name from the word “matrona”. The Romans respectfully called them respectable women, mothers of families. On such a day, men gave gifts to their spouses and, undoubtedly, were more kind to them than usual. Women dressed in festive clothes, put on their most beautiful jewelry. Sacrifices were made and prayers were offered in honor of Juno, the goddess of marriage and motherhood. We dedicate our family holiday to the Mother - the basis of human earthly existence.

Presenter 2: And my mother’s holiday is a holiday for her family: husband, children, all relatives and friends. He gathered all of us here, in this hall, so different and so united in our love for the Mother.

Presenter 1: Family teams are taking part in our celebration today

Bondar Venera Vasilievna with her daughter Alina and niece Diana.

Rekaikina Oksana with her sons Igor and Yaroslav.

Kochetova Tatyana Mikhailovna with children Lena and Alyosha

Kazieva Venera Evgenievna with children Sasha and Zarina

Bagasheva Tsatsita Ramzanovna with her daughter Hedi and niece Diana

Omarova Gulnisa ​​Nigamadyanovna with her sons Arthur and Albert and nephew Vladik

Presenter 2: Today we have a competition. And every competition cannot be without a jury, and today our jury consists of:

Kusyapova Saida Muratovna, cook of Novosamarskaya high school;

Ivushkina Valentina Maksimovna, head. HR Department of Usadba LLC

Elizaveta Nikolaevna Romanova, public representative

Shabelnik Ramzilya Yakhievna, deputy. Head of the Krasnosakmarsky rural administration

Shiyanova Lyubov Sergeevna, public representative

Before we start our competitive program, we would like to give the floor to a member of the jury, deputy. Head of the rural administration Shabelnik R. Ya.

And we give this song to all mothers

Music greeting to the participants - song “Thank you”, Vakil Bikmukhametov.

Presenter 1: We see how many family teams we have gathered here, and each one is in a hurry

Introduce yourself. But first, let's give the floor to the class teachers who prepared a presentation for each family participating in the competition.

(Speech by class teachers introducing family teams)

Presenter 2: And now a word to our competitors.

(Performance of family teams)


Presenter 1: Yes, the poet S. Ostrovoy is right when he said: “The most beautiful in the world is a woman with

a child in my arms."

Presenter 2:

I grew up curious as a child,

This passion is not hidden,

I asked once:

“Mom, where did you get me?”

Mom answered: “Anyone,

My beloved shooter,

Where did you get it? Plucked from the oak tree

You were hanging there like an acorn.”

Without hiding surprise,

I thought: “Wow!

It's good that it's not a stranger

My aunt found me there.

So that it would happen to me then:

Without regret, without loving,

Maybe she didn’t lose her stomach

Would you like me as a person?

Well, I was found, happy,

Well, since I was an acorn.

Brother, I heard, from nettles

The stork brought it to my mother.

Such an interesting case

But I just can't understand

How could he in stinging nettle

Sit down and not yell?

I marveled at his strength

I was never rude to him.

Sit on the nettles

This, brother, is not an oak tree for you...

Well, I’ll say it straight away,

No matter how things go:

When mothers find us -

This is very good!

Presenter 1: And as soon as the baby is born, the mother wages a selfless fight for the life of her child, forgetting about many things, but always remembering him: night and day, every hour, every minute, every second! She worries about the children, so that they are healthy, so that they do not end up in a difficult situation when they become adults.

Presenter 2: We invite participants to choose a situation that needs to be resolved.

Competition “Pedagogical situation


Situation 1

The whole class went out into nature. They were accompanied classroom teacher and one of the parents. The children played, sang songs, discussed class matters, and made plans for the next year. Finally it was time to eat. All the guys settled down in the clearing and laid out their supplies. The two girls got up and walked away from the class, took refuge in the shade of the trees and began to eat together. The invitation to adults and children to take part in a common meal was refused...………..

Situation 2

During the test, the boy conscientiously looked over his shoulder at his neighbor’s notebook. The teacher saw this, but did not correct the cheating student.

The result test work became a "two". The student from whom the boy copied received a “five.” The teenager who cheated compared his work with the work of his classmate and told his parents that the teacher was giving him unfair grades...

Situation 3

A family is standing at the bus stop. The bus arrives, parents rush to get closer to the transport. At this time, an old woman comes up and asks how she can get onto some street. The son begins to explain. His parents call him impatiently, and he continues to explain. At this time the bus leaves.……………

Situation 4

The child brings his friends to the house, but the parents are waiting for guests whose arrival the child does not expect……….

Situation 5

Your child brought home an unfamiliar, expensive item. To your demand to explain the appearance of this thing, he replied that he was given......

Situation 6

On the street, you and your child saw a homeless kitten meowing pitifully. Your child asks to take him home…….


Presenter 2: Yes, as long as there is a Mother on earth, nothing is scary for a person: she will help, protect from trouble, drive away illness, light a light in the darkness of the night, prevent you from getting lost and lost, and warm your soul.

Musical performance - “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, Kanchurin Alik

Presenter 1: Weary hands of mothers...

What could be more dear and dear?

In lime, clay, specks of ink,

In the aching splash of swan wings...

Presenter 2: The role of the mother in our destiny is enormous and incomparable, for the mother not only gives birth, but also gives birth. It gives birth to our being, spiritually creates a living bundle of life with the spirit of its people, native word, thought, love and independence, devotion and intransigence. A sublime dream of an ideal, a noble impulse to express oneself in creativity, faith in one’s own inflexibility and invincibility in the most difficult moments of life, the joy of overcoming difficulties and the consciousness of one’s own courage - all this from the mother.

Yes, parents want more than anything to see their children happy. And each of us knows: “As long as mothers are alive in the world, we are not afraid of any troubles.” And everyone knows that no matter what we ask, mom will always listen and give good advice.

Presenter 1: And our next competition is called “Advice to a Good Person”

1. A neighbor came to you and complained about the neighbor’s child who broke her window with a ball......

2. Your friend complained that her son constantly pesters her with homework during the series.....

3. A friend shared that her daughter does not want to clean her room......


Musical number - vocal group with dance composition “One, two...”

Presenter 2: There is nothing more sacred and selfless than the love of a mother, a love that is based on care. And how happy our mothers are when they see understanding and tenderness in our eyes, and meet reciprocal care and affection.

Presenter 1: With what joy parents greet the baby’s first word, the first poem told to him, are proud of the school successes of their grown-up children, and do everything possible to develop their talents. How nice it is when a son pleases with a drawing, or a daughter with a song or dance.

Presenter 2: We invite our family teams to take part in the competition “And we do this...”


Musical number - song “Clouds”, Tyuzhova Natasha

Presenter 1:

For passers-by, you are just a passerby,

Just a middle aged woman

Looks like a glimpsed landscape,

No special signs.

In a mass-produced dress (tailored just like you!),

With a bag (a bag is called a string bag,

All stores are full of them).

Turn... sidewalk side...

Central square... bazaar rows...

You're walking around looking preoccupied as always.

Work, husband, children.

Someone (doesn't require much skill)

Maybe he'll push you with his elbow

Someone may in his conceit

Look at you from top to bottom.

Or someone not too polite

Can offend with a word, rude,

At least hang posters everywhere:

“People, this is my mother!”

Presenter 2: And we invite our family teams to take part in the final competition, which we called

"Fun Relay Races":

1. "Driving"(one representative from a family team of the same age receives a car on a rope, which must be brought towards them without turning them over)

2. "Jack of all trades..."(participating mothers receive a wooden block, a hammer and a nail; they need to hammer in a nail for time and quality)

3. "Guests on the Doorstep"(the whole team participates, move a cup, plate, spoon, fork, glasses, napkins from a pile of items, take one item at a time, serve on a chair)

4. "I am looking for you…"(all mothers are blindfolded, all children are “mixed in the center of the hall”, the task of each mother is to find her children blindfolded, points are deducted from teams for giving hints to mothers)

5. "Lullaby"(mothers are given lyrics to sing along to the soundtrack)


Presenter 1:

I will compare the family to a single body:

The father is the head, and the hands are the sons.

And in this body there is a mother, she is like a heart,

And the whole family depends on her...

Are your hands strong or are your hands weak?

In the eyes of gloominess or happiness light,

The heart feels everything - joy and pain,

He'll be the first to know everything. There are no secrets.

A man sleeps, closing his tired eyelids,

And my hands are asleep. The whole body is in sleepy bliss,

Only the heart is not allowed to fall asleep in it,

A person's heart beats sleeplessly,

To get up vigorous again in the morning.

How sensitively the heart beats in a person -

So the mother does not know rest and sleep.

Presenter 2: Dear friends! Our holiday has come to an end, and now the word comes to our jury and counting commission.

Presenter 1: And now the floor for the award is given to the director of the Novosamara secondary school, Natalya Pavlovna Romanova.

Presenter 2: And goodbye - good song performed by Tlyumbetova Nailya “In the Upper Room”.

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Business card

To the tune of the song "Our Neighbor"

(How can you not have fun now?

Don’t be sad from various troubles...)

We have gathered in this hall

To tell about yourself,

We thought and wondered for a long time,

How can I charm you?

Finally realized -

We put on ears and a tail

And they came onto this stage

We are beauties, look!

Mur-murr-murr-murr-purr-purr-purr purr purr purr purr purr

Team "Cats"



Our class 4 "D" are friendly!

Come cheer for us - look!!!

My friends! We won't let you down!

We will only set a course for victory!!!

And who doesn’t know us yet,

So we are a great team!!

If we are unlucky,

You won't hear loud crying,

Just purring a simple smile,

We are a team as good as any other!

We are one of many family

What can I say here?

Mother cat, daughter cat

As friends, you can’t separate them!


Mother cat is a craftswoman, no matter where.

Tender, beautiful and modest.

She cooks deliciously and sews beautifully.

And he gives gifts to everyone.


My daughter-

My kitten is simply a miracle - not a child!

He wears a bow in his hair!

And when she laughs

The eyes glow with the sun!

Loves all animals very much

Likes to watch cartoons

If we do something, do it together

Clean or wash the house.

Making pies from dough

Or plant a garden.

Well, if hobbies-

There are no words to say here


He also loves to draw!

Glue, sew, make toys,

Maybe he can compose a song!

What else are we interested in?

It's hard for us to say yet

Something new will be found...

After all, the cat will grow up!

Song to the tune "If you leave the house frowning...":

If you leave the house frowning,

Remember that today is a holiday!

That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you

Or even a stranger you meet!

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes,

And good mood

Will not leave you again!


Little Red Riding Hood's song is playing. A girl appears and pretends to collect a bouquet. A wolf appears.

Girl, where are you going?

I go to my grandmother, bring some pies and a pot of butter.

Does your grandmother live over that hill?


Then you better follow this path. Have a nice trip, girl!

And I thought to myself: “Nice girl, this would be a tasty morsel for me; tastier, perhaps, than the old woman; but in order to capture both, you need to do the job more cunningly.”

(The wolf dresses up as a grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood approaches her grandmother’s house and sings a song)

(song "Musi-Pusi")

I was in a hurry, I was flying to you

I knew you were alone

I drew and imagined

How hungry are you?

Open up, open up to me quickly

Try it now

I baked some pies for you

And just this time


Musi-Musi, Pusi-Pusi


I came to my grandmother

your granddaughter

Let grandma have big eyes

And the nose is big

Well, this is the image

Mushi-mushi, Pusi-pusi

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Come to your granny and sit here

Doesn't look like my grandmother...

And everything is no problem

I'll just eat you..... (the wolf covers Little Red Riding Hood with a blanket and licks his lips)

A hunter who was walking by heard the noise and saved both the grandmother and the girl.

The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds. The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood make a couple of movements to the song and sit down!

    Section: ...I find it difficult to choose a section (poems for grade 3). Poem by Pushkin for 3rd grade. Tell me which verse to take. They told us to choose and learn it ourselves. Volume 20 lines.

    My poem You will hardly surpass the gray-haired sages, You will not understand the secret of your life, you will not understand. What and how to tell children about spring, poems about spring for children, spring coloring pages on our website: [link-1]. Homework for 2nd grade.

    Tell me poems about war. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. I recited this poem in first grade at the celebration of Victory Day. A poem written by one of the military poets to my grandmother.

    Please help me find a good poem for my daughter (4th grade) about the Motherland or Moscow. *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings".

    Poems for 4-5 year olds. One two three four! Let's count the holes in the cheese. If there are many holes in the cheese, then the cheese will be tasty, if there is one hole in it, then it was tasty yesterday.

    Section: Lessons (what poems are taught in 4th grade in Russian schools). what difference does it make how old you are? The main thing is the class program, not the age of the children. in the 4th here is an excerpt from Borodino we just taught 01/23/2012 15:05:42, Sherlock.

    In this program (school 2100), we have all the poems from the textbook “Reading” by heart from grades 1 to 4. From September to early February we learned about 15 poems: some very short, some medium.

Shishkina Irina Yurievna

Polazna village, Perm region, Dobryansky district

Holiday script, dedicated to the Day mother "Miss Mom"

(preparatory group)

Target: to form in children a feeling of love and respect for the mother, as the closest, dearest person in the child’s life.


1. Contribute to the shared experience of children and mothers, help children feel that they are loved and interested in them. Create a joyful mood.

2. To develop in children a sense of rhythm, the ability to expressively perform songs, and convey an emotional state in dramatizations.

3. Invite mothers to participate in all competitions, competitions, and games.

4. Cultivate a caring, respectful attitude towards mother.

Presenter 1: Good evening! Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear women!
Today is a special, unusual day,
He is holy, great, the most gentle,
He is so warm, affectionate, sincere,
He is dedicated to the MOTHER today!

Leading 2:

From the heart, in simple words
Let's friends talk about mom.
We love her like good friend,
Because she and I have everything together.
Because when things get tough for us,
we can cry at our own shoulder.
We love her because sometimes
Eye wrinkles become more severe.
But it’s worth confessing your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will pass.
For always, without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And simply because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and tenderly.

Reb. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This one good holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.

Reb. This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

Reb. Who warms with love,
Everything in the world succeeds,
Even play a little?
Who will always console you,
And he washes and combs his hair,
Kisses on the cheek - smack?
That's what she's always like -
Your dear mother!

Song “Rocking us in the cradle”

Presenter: Our mothers are the most beautiful, the most hardworking, the most charming and attractive, unusually diligent, kind and resourceful. To make sure of this once again, we decided to hold a “Miss Mom” competition.

I would like to introduce you to our distinguished jury. (Represents the jury.)

Of course, we want to get to know the competition participants better, so we will ask the mothers to tell us about themselves.

1st task. Business card.

Mothers take turns (in any form) talk about themselves, their profession, hobbies, etc.

Reb. Our dear mothers,

How can we thank you...

Mothers, dear mothers,

We will love you dearly!

Reb. You are constantly in care,

You are trying to make it on time...

Stay young

We wish you not to grow old!

Reb. Sometimes we'll play around

All children are like that...

But believe me, we love you

More than anyone else in the world!

2nd task. Warm up. Questions for ingenuity.

Presenter: When completing the following task, mothers need to show ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity and quickly give answers to unusual questions:

1.Name a female name that consists of two letters repeated twice.


2.It takes 1 hour to cook 1 kg of meat. How many hours will it take to cook 2 kg of meat?

(Also in 1 hour)

3.What's one thing mathematicians, drummers and hunters can't do without?

(No fraction.)

4.Think: what belongs to you, but others use it more often than you?

5.5 knots were tied on the rope. How many parts did the knots divide the rope into?

(Into 6 parts.)

6.Under what bush did the hare sit during the rain?

(Under the wet.)

7.How can you carry water in a sieve?

(To freeze.)

8.Where can't you find a dry stone?

9.When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?

(When the door is open.)

10. There were three glasses with cherries on the table. Kostya ate berries from one glass. How many glasses are left?

(3 glasses.)

Reb. You can give your mother a medal without shame - “Hero of Labor”.

She can’t even count all her things, she doesn’t even have time to sit down...

And cooks and washes, reads a fairy tale at night.

And in the morning, with great eagerness, my mother goes to work,

And then shopping...

No, we can’t live without mom!

We need to help mom and not upset her in any way!

Reb. I will tell you, friends, directly, simply and without further ado...

I’ve been ready to change places with my mother for a long time...

Well, just think about the worries - washing, ironing, shopping,

Holes in pants, compotes... it doesn't take much effort...

Is life easy for me? After all, there are too many worries -

Learn a poem, song, dance, round dance...

How tired I am... I wish I could become a mother!

3rd task. "We're going to the ball."

Presenter: Dear children, dear mothers! Do you remember the fairy tale “Cinderella” well? The heroine of this fairy tale often had to dress up her sisters and stepmother when they were going to visit or go to a ball. Cinderella did it so quickly, beautifully and patiently. I wonder how our mothers will cope with a similar task?

(Addresses the competition participants.) let's imagine that your child is going to the New Year's carnival. Your task is to quickly come up with and make a carnival costume for your child.

While the mothers are completing the task, I invite you guys to guess the riddles:

  • 1.These balls are on a string
    Would you like to try it on?
    For all your tastes
    In my mother's box...
  • 2. Mom’s ears sparkle,
    They play with the colors of the rainbow.
    Drops and crumbs turn silver

    3. Its edge is called fields,
    The top is decorated all over with flowers.
    Mystery headdress -
    Our mother has...

    4. Name the dishes:
    The handle stuck to the circle.
    Damn bake her - nonsense
    5. He has water in his belly
    Seething from the heat.
    Like an angry boss
    Boils quickly...

    6. This food is for everyone
    Mom will cook for lunch.
    And the ladle is right there -
    He will pour it into plates...

  • (soup)
  • 7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
    It brings cleanliness for us.
    A long hose, like a trunk-nose,
    The rug is being cleaned...
    (vacuum cleaner)

    8. Irons dresses and shirts,
    He will iron our pockets.
    He is a faithful friend on the farm -
    His name is...

    9. Here is the cap on the light bulb
    Separates light and darkness.
    Along the edges of its openwork -
    This is wonderful...

    10. Mom's striped animal
    The saucer will beg for sour cream.
    And after eating it a little,
    Ours will purr...

Reb. Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,
Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.
Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.
There is nothing more important to her than me – blue eyes.

Reb. Mom's smile brings happiness to the house!

I need my mother's smile in everything!

I will give my mother’s smile to everyone...

Mommy, dear, I love you!!!

Song “My Dear Mommy”

4th task "Guess by touch"

Mothers are the best housewives, they know everything in their kitchen, everything, almost by touch... And today, blindfolded, they will guess what kind of cereal is on the saucer...

(Buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, semolina, rolled oats, millet).

Reb. There are many mothers in this world,
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:
“This is my mommy!”

Reb. I will kiss my mother deeply,

I will hug her dear one.
I love her very much

Mom, my sunshine.

Song “Dear Mommy, My Mommy”

5th task “Breakfast for my beloved daughter and son”

Assignment: quickly prepare breakfast and give it a name.

Make delicious sandwiches

(on trays there is bread, eggs, cucumbers, herbs, butter, cheese, sausage, knives)

Reb. Our mother and I are great friends,

My mother is kind and caring.

Wherever you go, wherever you go,

We can’t find a better friend than our mother anywhere...

Reb. Mom always teaches us good things

It will console you when trouble happens.

She will sing us a song, tell us a story,

He will get books and toys for us.

Song « Mom is the best friend"

Leading : Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word... ("Thank you").
Even the stump will turn green,
When the good one hears... ("day").
If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mommy... ("Thank you").
When they scold you for pranks,

Say sorry... ("Please").

6th task "Venicobol"

Participants need to circle a balloon between the pins with a broom.

Reb. Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,

We know that she is often tired...

And we give our word to our beloved mother -

That we will help her, always and in everything! - in chorus


In chorus. Our dear mothers

We'll sing ditties for you.

Congratulations to you warmly

And hello huge helmet.

1 They say I'm a fighter,

Combat, so what.

My mom is a fighter

Well, then who am I?

2. To get mom to work

the evil alarm clock didn't wake me up,

I'll tell him tonight

I unscrewed three parts!

3. My sister and I did the laundry

Towel and scarf

Mom and Dad were wiping

After washing the ceiling.

4. . I washed my mother's dishes

I tried really hard

Broke five plates

And there was only one left.

5. I walk with my mother by the hand,

I hold my mother tightly,

So that mom won't be afraid,

so she doesn't get lost!

6. I have a miracle sister!

Dashingly washes all the dishes.

I help her too

I'm picking up the pieces!

7. So that mom is surprised,

we cooked her lunch

For some reason, even a cat

ran away from the cutlets.

8. Clean it once a year

I decided to frying pan.

And then 4 days no

could wash me off.

9.I found a broom in the kitchen

and swept the whole apartment.

But what's left of him

3 straws in total.

10. This is what our mothers are like,

we are always proud of you

Smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you.

All in unison

We tried everything for the guests,

For our beloved mothers

Glad you smiled

So give us a clap!

7th task "Homework"

Ved. All mothers were invited to become cooks for a while.

I ask you, dear hostesses, to show off your culinary masterpieces (Moms take their culinary products from pre-prepared tables and, accompanied by music, solemnly walk around the guests and the jury, leaving their culinary products on trays for the jury to evaluate)

Ved. While the jury is deliberating, we invite you to play. We invite mothers from among the spectators. We distribute roles.

Leading: So, morning came. The cuckoo crowed 7 times in the clock. Mom can’t wake up after a sleepless night. But at this time the alarm clock rings and mom jumps out of bed. He runs to the kitchen and turns on the stove. He puts a pan of porridge on it. The clock is ticking steadily, it's already half past seven. The mother begins to wake up the child. The child resists as best he can. The mother is fussing, the child is twitching his arms and legs. And at this time the porridge runs out of the pan, the stove hisses.

Moreover, the cuckoo clock is broken, and the cuckoo is cuckooing like crazy. Finally, she manages to get the child dressed for kindergarten, she takes him out of the house, removing the pan and wiping the stove along the way. Mom runs to work.


We invite all mothers to come to the center of the group for congratulations. (Children put festive ribbons on their mothers)

Reb. We are finishing our holiday,
We wish dear mothers,
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, prettier.

Reb. We wish our mothers
Never be discouraged
Be more and more beautiful every year
And scold us less.

Reb. We want, for no reason,
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.

Presenter 1 : There are many kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
Two syllables, a simple word “mother”
And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

Many nights have passed without sleep
There are countless worries and worries.
Big bow to all of you, dear mothers,
But that you exist in the world.

For kindness, for golden hands,
For your maternal advice,
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long life.

Presenter 2 : Our holiday has come to an end! But we want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ends in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers.

May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

We thank the mothers for participating in the competition and invite all guests to tea and taste the most delicious and sweet dishes of our craftswomen.

Alevtina Maksimova
Festive competition for mothers “Miss Mom” for Mother’s Day in the preparatory group

Festive competition for mothers “Miss Mom”,

dedicated to Mother's Day

Presenter 1: There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt,

It's beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient,

It is sincere, beloved,

Incomparable to anything in the world -

Presenter 2: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to meet you at the holiday dedicated to Mother's Day. Today our holiday is unusual - we are holding the Miss Mom competition. Mothers with their children will take part in the competition.

Let me introduce the competition participants. Meet!

(To the music and applause of the audience, mothers and children enter the hall in pairs, line up in front of the audience, the presenter introduces the participants, calling the surname, first name, patronymic of the mother and the name of the child).

Presenter 1: Dear participants of the competition, entertaining questions, mischievous competitions and musical breaks await you. Please take the seats prepared for you.

(Moms sit down. Children line up in a semicircle.)

Presenter 2: From the bottom of my heart, in simple words

Today, friends, we will talk about mom.

Children: 1. Mom is the first word!

2. Mom is the main word!

3. Mom is the sun and the sky!

4. Mom is the taste of fragrant bread!

5. Mom is the rustle of a leaf!

6. Mom is a son or daughter!

7. Mom is a fairy tale!

8. Mom is laughter!

9. Mom is a caress!

In chorus: Mothers love everyone!

10. Mom, we sing a song for you, dear!

Mom is both beloved and dear!

Song “Dear Mommy, My Mommy”

(After the song, each child sits next to his mother)

Presenter 1: Mother’s Day is a holiday while it’s still young,

But everyone is happy about him, of course.

We wish you not to get sick, not to be sad,

And we love you endlessly!

Presenter 2: Our mothers are the most beautiful,

The most hardworking

The most charming

And unusually diligent.

Presenter 1: And now you will see for yourself.

Our competition is a competition, so we cannot do without a strict and competent jury. The performance will be judged by: (Introduce).

Presenter 2: Competition 1 - “Business Card” - was homework for the competition participants. Mothers had to come up with an idea about themselves, their child, and their family. So, let's start the first competition.

(Mom and child must come up with a representation of each other in the form of a poem, song, story, dramatization. The originality of the idea and artistry are assessed from 1 to 5 points.)

Presenter 1: So we met. The first competition has ended. While the jury sums up the results of the competition, I will ask our children riddles.

Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers.

The headdress is a mystery

Our mother has (hat)

Mom's ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Drops and crumbs turn silver

Jewelry (earrings)

These balls on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box (beads).

Presenter 2: I want to tell you a big secret that our girls really love to dress up and try on their mother’s jewelry, which they will now show us in the game “Who will get ready for the holiday faster?” - (all girls play at once).

(Girls put on jewelry and stand in a semicircle)

1 boy: There is no sweetness with these girls!

Before they have time to grow up, they demand outfits.

I'm worried all day long,

The whole day is full of worries...

Oh, these young ladies!

Oh these mods!

Song "Girls are in a hurry"

(After the song they sit down)

(Give the boys canes and hats)

Boy 2: Well, we’re not far behind -

Let's go to the dance together!

"Dance of the Gentlemen"

Presenter 1: Our guys tried their best,

And they were practically not mistaken,

I will give them a well-deserved rest,

Now is a test for our mothers.

Presenter 2: We called the second competition “Become a Child.”

Let's see how well our mothers know their children, their habits, gait, and whether they can imitate them. (addresses mothers one by one):

Please picture your child:

1. Wakes up

2. Brushes his teeth in the morning, washes his face

3. Looking in the mirror

4. Getting dressed

5. Sits on a chair

6. Eats your favorite dish

7. Goes to kindergarten

8. Plays with his toy.

Presenter 1: While the jury is summing up the results of the second competition, the children will show

"A story for mommy."

Presenter 1: Guys, whose holiday is it today?

Children: Grandmothers' Day.

Right! And our mothers have mothers - these are your grandmothers, let's congratulate them on Mother's Day too.

The girls come out: Who darns and knits everything?

Who will help and advise?

Always gets up before everyone else?

Who bakes pancakes?

These are our grandmothers!

Song “Grandma, bake pancakes”

Presenter 2: We are starting the third competition,

We invite everyone to listen!

Russian ditty here

It will sound for you now!

Presenter 1: We invite mothers

for the competition "Ditties"

(Texts of ditties are distributed to mothers. After the ditties, mothers sit down.)

Presenter 2: Without a cheerful dance, the holiday is not bright.

We have prepared a dance for you as a gift.

Presenter 1: For everyone present in this room, teachers kindergarten give

dance "My Marusechka"

Presenter 2: And now we want to know

Do you like to dance?

You can’t count all the dances:

Polka, waltz, lambada are available.

Dance is like a light wind

It will spin you around and carry you away

Have a fantastic flight!

Presenter 1: We invite our mothers to a dance competition!

The 4th competition is called “Let's Dance”.

Now musical fragments from several dances will be played. Your task is to show the movements characteristic of a particular dance. So, I invite mothers to go to the middle of the hall.

(The competition participants dance all at the same time.

1. Letka-enka;

3. Dance of the little ducklings;

4. Russian dance;

5. Disco dancer;

6. Gypsy

7. Lambada.

Presenter 2: Thank you for the competition, please take your seats. While the jury sums up the results of the dance competition, Seryozha will recite a poem about his mother.

Seryozha: Mom worked for a long time,

All things to do, things to do, things to do...

Mom was so tired during the day,

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand next to you,

Let her sleep a little

I'll sing her a song.

I'll stand closer to my mother,

I love her very much.

It's just a pity that he doesn't hear

Mom my song.

There is no more wonderful song!

Maybe I should sing louder

To give this song to mom

Did you hear it in your sleep?

Song "Oh, what a mother"

Seryozha sings.

Presenter 1: What is the most important thing for a child? This, of course, is a home and a mother who will always take pity and call you with the kindest and most tender words - sunshine, kitten, and bunny. That's what you call your children, right? And everyone has their own pet, affectionate name. And which one exactly, the game will help us find out.

Game "Recognize by voice"

- (Mothers and children line up in two circles. They run in the opposite direction to the music. When the music ends, the mother, at the signal from the leader, calls the child by an affectionate name.

Children stand facing the guests.)

Presenter 1: Our children love to sing and dance,

Our children love to represent adults.

Theater actors are not great yet,

To their performance, please

Don't be strict!

Scene “Mom and Daughter”

(Set up a table with a mirror, a hat, a telephone. A chair for my daughter)

Second presenter: Early in the morning to work

Mom was getting ready.

And a notation for my daughter

That's how it started.

Mom: Sonya, daughter, are you up?

Well done, I didn't know.

So go and wash yourself now,

Brush your teeth, comb your hair.

After breakfast, sit down.

Sandwiches on the table

Tea with omelette on the stove,

Get an apple from the buffet.

Chew calmly, slowly.

Kitty, do you understand everything?

Daughter: Yes, yes! I'm not stupid!

Well, mommy, bye,

It's time for me to have breakfast!

Mom: Wait, that’s not all.

What else have I forgotten?

Yes, be careful not to be naughty!

To TV and phone

Don't come any closer!

Better sweep the kitchen

Yes, wipe the dust off the furniture,

How do you read the alphabet?

You can play with dolls

Well, then go to bed.

Repeat, did you understand everything?

Daughter: Well, of course, mom, yes!

My daughter will be smart

No worries for you:

I eat breakfast and lunch,

I am an obedient child

You know, mommy, herself.

That's it, happy and bye!

Presenter 2: Only mom is at the threshold,

The daughter forgot about the vow.

I instantly ran to the mirror,

And I took out some cosmetics,

I put on my mother's hat -

Immediately the daughter grew up,

Here I touched it up a little...

(My daughter spins in front of the mirror, admiring herself).

Daughter: I’ll call you in the meantime. (Goes to the phone, picks up, dials the number):

Katya, Misha, come, call Yulka and Dimka,

I'm bored at home alone,

You can take your friends with you.

I have a music center

Let's organize a dance evening,

The music on the discs is decent -

The disco will be great!

There will be dancing until you drop -

That's all we need today!

Presenter 2: We invite all the guys to the disco -

They want to dance Bananamama!

Dance "Bananamama"

Presenter 1: The fifth competition is called “Carnival Costumes”.

Dear mothers, dear children! Do you remember the fairy tale “Cinderella” well? The heroine of this fairy tale often had to dress up her sisters and stepmother when they were going to visit or go to a ball. Cinderella did it quickly, beautifully and patiently. I wonder how our mothers will cope with a similar task? Let's imagine that your child is going to the New Year's carnival. Your task is to quickly come up with and make a carnival costume for your child from the materials provided. To do this, go with your children to the foyer. (Mothers with children leave the hall.)

The first presenter plays various games with the audience while mothers dress their children.

Mothers and children in carnival costumes enter the hall to the music. Mothers show carnival costumes on children, commenting on the choice and remaining standing in the center of the hall.

Presenter 2: These are the carnival costumes our children will wear to the ball, which Cinderella once attended.

Presenter 1: You play for us, maestro,

There are no empty seats in the hall.

To everyone from our orchestra

Hot, fiery hello!

Presenter 2: And now our children and their mothers will play in the orchestra.

Orchestra "Gavotte"

music State Secretary

Presenter 2: Not a single holiday is complete without tea. Everyone loves to sit, talk, drink aromatic tea, and with sweets! And what sweets are on our table?

Presenter 1: Our last competition is “Signature dish for tea”.

Our dear mothers prepared their confectionery for tea. I will ask each mother to name her wonderful product, and our jury to visually evaluate each dish.

(Mother’s baked goods are shown to the jury and guests and placed on the table by the window).

Presenter 2: It’s so nice for us to dance,

You fly like a bird

Invite moms soon

Let's keep having fun! (Children and mothers start a circle to the music of the dance.)

Dance "Dance with me, my friend"

(Children accompany their mothers to their seats.)

Presenter 1: Our Miss Mom competition is coming to an end. Wonderful

Both mothers and children completed the tasks.

We thank all participants for the pleasure and festive mood. Let's applaud our participants. You will probably agree with me that it is very difficult to choose the most the best mother, because they were all artistic, charming, attractive, resourceful, smart, fast and skillful.

The jury is given the floor to sum up the final results.

(Each mother is awarded in one of the categories):

Miss "Smile"

Miss "Crazy Hands"

Miss "Vasilisa the Wise"

Miss "Lady Artistic"

Miss "Lady Grace"

Miss "Marya the Artisan"

Miss "Lady Reincarnation"

(The awards ceremony will be accompanied by a recording of songs about mothers. Mothers receive prizes and medals).

Presenter 2: Children, you are very wonderful, and we are also rewarding you for participating in the competition. (The presenters approach the children and treat them to chocolate).

Presenter 1: Once again, we congratulate you on the holiday, dear mothers! Great gratitude to you for your tireless care for the home, for raising children, for wisdom, for calmness, for kindness and mercy, for patience and the ability to forgive, for warmth and cordiality.

Presenter 2: Let me finish our “Miss Mom” competition with this.

We invite all mothers and your children to a tea party with confectionery products prepared by your own hands.


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