The poster is grounded belongs to the group. Safety posters in electrical installations: their types and sizes. Standard character sizes

IN modern world a poster is something familiar that a person encounters several times a day and therefore has already learned not to react to it. However, just 100 years ago, this thing was a curiosity and made everyone who sees it freeze in admiration and believe everything that was written on it. How did the poster come about? What is it? What types of posters are there? Let's find out about this.

The meaning of the word "poster"

First of all, it is worth understanding the definition of the noun in question.

Sometimes they are called posters or posters.

Typically, such images are mounted on the walls and doors of buildings or on specially designated places. Some poster lovers paste over their homes with them.

In a narrower sense, this word means a specific type of graphics.

Also, this noun was named one of the most famous propaganda publishing houses of the USSR, which existed from the mid-70s to 2006. Throughout this time, "Plakat" specialized not only in the production of products of the same name, but also in the printing of postcards, portraits, photographs, etc. . P.

Etymology of the term in question

Having learned the answer to the question: "What is this - a poster?", It is worth considering the origin of this noun.

For the first time in Russian, this word was recorded in 1704. However, it began to be actively used only at the end of the 19th century.

It came to Russian from Latin, from French and German. At the end of the Roman Empire, citizens often used the term placatum to refer to advertisements.

Several centuries later french the verb plaquer ("to stick something") was formed from placatum. And he, in turn, contributed to the emergence of placard.

From the French, the term was borrowed by the Germans and slightly changed - das Plakat. It was in this form that this noun appeared in the Russian language and has survived to this day.

It is worth noting interesting fact: in France today the term placard is used extremely rarely, the word affich is relevant instead. And in English-speaking countries it is called a poster.

Features of posters

An image of this kind has a number of special features that distinguish it from another

First of all, this is the purpose for which it is created: to attract the attention of others and to inform them about something. As a result, posters and inscriptions on them are usually made large and bright. In addition, they use a minimum of text so as not to tire observers with long reading and give them the opportunity to quickly understand the meaning.

Typically, the inscription on the poster is some kind of catchy slogan (often with an element of humor or a play on words) and the name of the product or service for which the image was made to communicate.

The history of the poster

Informative campaign posters were first used by mankind in Ancient Egypt. True, at that time, posters were used to capture escaped slaves.

The Greeks and Romans turned out to be more practical and cultured. They used flyers with pictures and text to inform trade offersand also as posters for the theater.

The first poster (in its modern sense) was painted by order of the British book dealer Batdold in 1482. The businessman tried to advertise the new edition of Euclidean Geometry with his help.

After that, posters appeared quite rarely for several centuries. However, in the middle of the XIX century. French lithographer Jules Cheret decided to develop Batdold's idea. In 1866 he opened his own workshop in Paris, specializing in the Cheret enterprise was a huge success. For a couple of years, he created more than a thousand bright posters inviting to visit performances or exhibitions. Each of his posters was a real work of art, and all of them were made by hand. By the way, it was Shere who laid the basic principles of the art of poster design, which have not lost their relevance today.

By the end of the XIX century. posters have become an integral part of any important event... Moreover, more and more often they began to be used not as posters, but to advertise some goods or services.

The inhabitants of the Russian Empire in these years knew quite well what a poster was. This was due to the fact that in the last decades of the XIX century. the creation of advertising images became very popular in the empire. This is evidenced by the fact that during this period it was in Russia that the World Exhibition of Posters and Posters was held.

The use of political posters especially increased after the outbreak of the First World War. Thousands of posters were printed and drawn in all European countries to encourage young men to volunteer to the front, as well as to agitate citizens to help the state financially.

After the revolution of 1917 on the territory of the former empire, for several years, only one type of propaganda images was created - a political poster. Its significance was well understood by all heads of state, therefore, such products were often produced with the last money, instead of giving them to the starving citizens.

When working with electricity, there is always a risk of electric shock for production personnel or DIYers. So that during repair and other work with electrical equipment, voltage is not mistakenly applied to it, special posters and electrical safety signs are used. There are not so many of them, but their importance can hardly be overestimated (photo below).

A set of plates for working with electricity

Classification of posters

According to the GOST rules, posters are divided into several groups:

  1. Prohibiting actions with switching devices (switching) in order to prevent voltage from entering conductive devices near the workplace. Plates are placed on the control elements of the switches. The purpose is to prevent voltage from electrically conductive elements in the work area.
  2. Warning about the close location of current-carrying electrical equipment that is dangerous to others.
  3. Prescribing actions in compliance with electrical safety requirements.
  4. Pointing to grounding a place on an electrical installation (location of a portable grounding).

Posters are divided into portable and stationary. They are produced as plates from a dielectric material ( different types plastic).

On electrical installations with open live parts, it is unacceptable to use portable temporary metal plates. At a distance from current-carrying elements, metal plates can be used on electrical installations.

Signs can be applied with paints through a stencil. The image must be resistant to industrial conditions or weathering. On electrical installations, on the supports of overhead lines (overhead power lines) made of concrete or metal and other similar places, signs are applied with paints or glued from a film.

When visibility is poor, the signs must be illuminated. At the same time, colors need to maintain a natural look without distortion.

Types of signs (dimensions, shape, inscriptions) are developed in accordance with GOST and TU, according to which they are manufactured.


  1. “Live work. Do not re-enable " - to prohibit the connection of the overhead line manually when the protection is automatically triggered until the action is agreed with the line repair managers. The posters should be hung directly from the control elements of the switching devices when repairing. Dimensions 50x100 mm, edging with a red stripe 5 mm wide.
  2. "Do not turn on. People work " - means the prohibition of connecting voltage to the object where the repair is being carried out. The plate is hung on the control elements of the switching devices. Sizes 100x200 and 50x100; the border is the same, but can be 10 mm wide.
  3. "Do not turn on. Work on the line " - the prohibition inscription is posted on the control elements of the switching devices that provide connection to the line. The dimensions of the poster do not differ from the previous one, and also comply with GOST.

Prohibition posters on electrical safety

Graphically, the plates are designed as follows:

  • the background is white;
  • red letters and border;
  • with white piping.

The image indicated in the last paragraph of the above list is distinguished by a red background without borders and white letters.


The plates inform about the presence of conductors in electrical installations that are nearby and pose a danger (Fig. Below):

  1. “Stop! Voltage" (Fig. a) - posters used for substations (SS) and power plants (ES), on fences to conductive elements of closed switchgear (closed distribution installations). During work from the bottom of the ground on the outdoor switchgear, the plates are suspended or fixed on structures near the working area, placed in the direction of the passage to the current-carrying elements. The background with edging is white, the edging with the arrow is red, the letters are black. Dimensions - 300x150. The image of the boom is made in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026.
  2. “Don't get in! Will kill "(fig. b) - warning about the location of live electrical equipment at the top. The design of the plate is the same as in item 1. Dimensions - 300x150.
  3. "Test! Life threatening" (Fig. c) - the poster is made portable and warns that tests are being carried out, as well as that there is a danger of electric shock when inside a fenced place. Dimensions - 300x150. The design is the same as for the previous ones.
  4. "Dangerously! Electric field! Passage prohibited without protective equipment " (fig.d). The electric field created by a very high voltage (more than 330 kV) can also have a dangerous effect on a person when the voltage reaches 15 kV / m. The plate is permanent, located at a height of 180 cm on the fence of the site. Its dimensions are 200x100.
  5. "Caution! Electric voltage " (Fig. e) - a sign made in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026 - a warning about the danger of getting under voltage in electrical installations of substations and ES, on the doors of transformer chambers, assemblies and shields, on fences of current-carrying elements. The image is a triangle with an arrow and a black border on a yellow background. Sizes for doors - from 80 to 360 mm, and for containers with equipment - from 25 to 50 mm. On the overhead line supports and switchgear fences, a border with an arrow is applied with paint, which should not be washed off. The background material here is the base material.

Electrical Safety Warning Posters


Plates are used to designate approaches and places for repairs on electrical installations where it is safe:

  1. “Work Here” is a sign to indicate a safe area.
  2. "Climb here" - the path of ascent to the height is indicated.

The poster is made as a white square with black letters and blue edging (picture below).

Mandatory posters are used to indicate safe approaches and locations


"Grounded" (Fig. Below) - designation of the earthing point, shows that voltage supply is inadmissible to it. Suspended on elements of switching devices switching. The plate is made as a blue rectangle with a white inscription (GOST R 12.4.026).

Label indicating grounding location

Electrical safety video

You can learn in detail about the rules and regulations of electrical safety by watching this video.

Portable posters or plaques are used most often. They are used when carrying out various works on electrical installations. Permanent posters are used less frequently. Electrical safety signs are installed only permanent.

According to GOST requirements, portable posters are installed from dielectric materials. Permanent posters and signs can be metal only if they are located away from live elements.

We are surrounded by posters everywhere - we see them on the streets or in print every day. This is mainly advertising and, less often, announcements of any events. A political poster appears in our field of vision just before the elections, when campaigning begins and therefore is quite rare. What should be a good poster? Above all, the poster must be informative. People need to read the message instantly - and the designer's job is to present the poster idea as clearly as possible. And it doesn't matter by what means it will be done - the main thing is that people immediately understand what they want to tell them.

Typically, poster design starts with choosing its size. In this regard, there are no restrictions - the poster can be small, for example, A4 format, or vice versa, gigantic, the size of the wall of a house. Of course, there are certain size standards, but this is not a design issue, but a matter of the possibilities of typographic technique. The orientation of the poster can be either vertical or horizontal, but the most common orientation is vertical.

How to tell a good poster from a bad one? This is, of course, a matter of taste, but a properly designed poster has some hallmarks. FreelanceToday offers 10 signs of a good poster.


Let's say we have a poster that announces an upcoming event, for example, a concert by a popular artist. The key information on the poster must be readable from afar and grab people's attention. Accordingly, the text of the poster should have a visual hierarchy. If there is a lot of text, then there should be at least three hierarchical layers.

Title... It is the most important and largest text design element. It should be in contrast to the background and typed in such a font that would be clearly visible even from a distance.

Details... What? Where? When? All such information is located at the second level of the hierarchy. The person who is interested in the poster will definitely want to get acquainted with the detailed information, so it must be presented in an understandable, but at the same time concise form. The second level uses a smaller font than the heading, since there is no need for this information to be read from afar.

Small font... The third level houses additional Information... Very often, small print is found on movie posters and advertising posters.


Designers only have one opportunity to grab the viewer's attention. Therefore, the poster must "catch". This can be achieved with contrasting elements. On the web, you can make a pale illustration with a smooth gradient and trendy thin fonts - for a regular poster, this method is not suitable. The sharper the text or illustration contrasts with the background, the more visible the poster. When starting to design, you first need to decide on the contrast of the elements and constantly check it during work. If a designer is working on a color poster, you need to periodically check how it looks in grayscale - the contrast of the main elements should be clearly visible in this mode.


Very often the designer knows in advance where his poster will be placed. Based on this information, he should choose the right size for the poster. It is important that the message of the poster is not interfered with by various visual obstacles - it must occupy a dominant position. As for the color scheme, here you also need to proceed from reality - if you know that the poster will hang on a wall painted green, then it is better not to use shades close to green in the poster.


Very often, novice designers refuse tasks in which they need to create a large poster, say, 10 by 6 meters. For some reason, it seems to them that creating such a poster is much more difficult than some A4 size poster. This is a big misconception. If a poster is composed correctly, it will look equally good regardless of size and will not be affected by scaling. If a designer has received an order to create a poster that will then be used in advertising and will be released in a variety of sizes and formats (including digital), he must think first of all about the composition and the main idea and not worry about where it will be placed. his creation.


If an image is used in the poster, then it should occupy a dominant position, just as in the case of text. The image must be clearly distinguishable from afar, and it is very important to take care of the image recognition. It's not worth making the visuals too complex - you need to use as many elements as required to convey the main idea. This principle applies to all types of posters, including movie posters, which are sometimes overloaded with details.


The poster is not a picture, so the designer just needs to work with free space. Do not try to fill the entire poster - you need to "leave the air". There are several powerful ways to improve the readability of your poster. For example, you can increase the space between letters. Tight kerning may look good on a postcard, but for a poster, readability is still more important. If the letters are too close, the text becomes difficult to distinguish from afar, which is highly discouraged. You can also increase the distance between the lines - this will also benefit the poster.


The purpose of any poster is to get people to do something, for example, attend a show, an exhibition, buy a product, or come to an election. The call to action is the most important, central element of the poster and the designer should give it the main focus. Unlike web design, graphics do not work interactively, so you cannot use its principles in a regular poster. Have graphic designer other means of getting the message across to people, and he should make every effort to make the call to action clear at a glance.


The poster is exactly the genre where you can safely experiment with typography. Some of the most famous posters are made without the use of illustrations or graphic elements, and yet they perfectly convey the idea. Using quality typography will give your poster a personality - as long as the designer doesn't overdo it. You shouldn't use 10 fonts in one poster - the design won't get any better. It is best to focus on visual hierarchy and the use of negative space. The letters themselves carry a certain message and the correct understanding of the principles of typography will allow designers to create emotional and memorable posters.


Emergence computer graphics clearly did not benefit the art of the poster. Previously, the designer worked with living materials and posters looked completely different from what they do today. Today the hallmark of a good poster is its execution technique. It doesn't matter that the designer created it on the computer - if the poster has a soul and it seems that the designer has drawn it by hand, it is a good poster. Well, if the poster went to print as before, from a physical medium, this is generally wonderful.


Any good poster is inherent in some shocking - this greatly enhances the emotional message. So don't be afraid to go outside the box and use unusual elements in your poster. By breaking some established rules, the designer draws attention to the poster, which is exactly what you need.

OUTPUT: Poster is a very interesting kind of graphics that allows designers to let their imaginations run wild. It's also a great way to learn new technique or improve your skills. Sometimes creating a poster is very difficult - after all, you need to convey the idea using a minimum of funds. But in any case it is interesting - especially when the poster is successful and attracts people's attention.

And we continue to get acquainted in more detail with those that are used when working in existing electrical installations.

And again I will remind you that there are 13 posters and safety signs in total. Among them, one is a signpost "EARTHED". Here is the speech in this article about him and will go.

Its name speaks for itself. The information poster is intended to indicate that part of the electrical installation that is grounded.

The EARTHED signpost looks like this:

This poster has certain requirements in terms of size and color design.

Instead of a frame, it uses a white edging about 1 (cm) thick. The inscription "EARTHED" is executed in black letters. The background of the poster is blue.

This poster has 2 standard sizes: 20x10 (cm) and 10x5 (cm).

The “EARTHED” signpost is used in all substations of any voltage class.

Example of using a signpost

Let's say that we want to produce a ball mill electric motor for various reasons, by the way, an electric motor with a voltage of 3 (kV). To do this, we need where this electric motor is powered from. See below for a single line power diagram of a ball mill:

Who cares ... I'll make a small digression.

This is what an asynchronous ball mill looks like. Its power is 380 (kW).

A drum is installed on the shaft of this engine. The stage of grinding the solution takes place in it.

The balls loaded into the drum look like this:

This was a small digression from the topic.

In our case, you need to turn off the high-voltage switch, line and busbar disconnectors of our connection (see the diagram above). After turning off these switching devices, we hang it on the handle of the disconnectors, the circuit breaker for the solenoids (switching on) and the key for prohibiting the switching on of the switch.

Next, using we check the absence of voltage on the live parts of the electrical installation where we want to install. After installing the portable grounding, we hang on the handles of the busbar and line disconnectors, and on the switch prohibition key, the sign “EARTHED”.

And that's all ... there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to carry out all actions when operating switching devices strictly according to the switching form, because above all else.

P.S. Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about the EARTHED signpost. If you have any questions while reading this article, then ask - do not hesitate.

An electrical installation is the collective name of all electrical devices, together with the structures in which they are located. They serve to produce electrical energy, its transmission and distribution, transformation into other types of energy.

An electrical installation is considered to be operational when it is energized or current appears after switching on the switches, if there is a power line that is close to or intersects with it. Electrical installations have direct or alternating current, the voltage sometimes exceeds 1000 volts.

Used on such installations, they represent a color and graphic image of a certain form, on which inscriptions are made warning workers about the danger, carrying some useful information on the safety of people.

The need to warn workers

Safety posters in electrical installations are needed to ensure the safety of personnel working in the enterprise. They warn people in advance about the dangers of working with electrical current, in order to avoid injury and death in the workplace. Saving human life is always a priority task for any production manager, especially when it comes to electrical installations.

Posters and safety signs in electrical installations are used in order to prohibit or permit the performance of some actions when the voltage is on, to notify employees about the connected devices, the distance at which one can approach the switch, to indicate the direction and location of structures and units.

Types of designations of dangerous places

There are several safety features in electrical installations:

  1. Prohibition signs notify that you cannot perform any action or turn on electricity when work is being carried out, do not move around the area without special protective equipment, in order to prevent an error when supplying current to the workplace.
  2. Warning posters indicate the danger of finding or approaching live parts, connected wires, and devices that are under high voltage.
  3. Prescribing plates give permission to carry out the operation using a given place or apparatus, approach the elements that are already de-energized, recommend to fulfill some requirements.
  4. Pointing posters show employees the placement of various devices in the production, the direction of movement to the objects of interest.

The difference between posters and signs by the nature of their use

Safety posters in electrical installations can be of two types. Permanent, which are in the same places, and portable, changing their location according to production needs, based on work assignments and intentions. Safety signs are only permanent.

The material from which these products are made is also different. It is recommended to use only non-conductive products. These are such special electrical insulating materials as fiberglass, polystyrene, PVC, textolite, getinax. If signs are made of metal, then they can be installed only far from live parts or materials.

Signal colors

Safety posters and signs used in electrical installations have different signal colors. They are of the same type with all safety signs in production facilities in all countries of the world.

Prohibitory signs are red, with white added for contrast. Such bright colors are taken for better perception visual information by people at the enterprise. Red against a gray wall is clearly visible from afar. For example, the sign “DO NOT INCLUDE! PEOPLE WORK! " prohibits supplying voltage to the line where the repair team is currently located, so as not to expose them to the danger of electric shock.

Yellow is given for warning signs that alert you to an immediate or imminent hazard. A black bezel serves as a contrasting color.

Blue and white are the colors of prescriptive signs that introduce useful information regarding safety when working on electrical installations, designate elements of technical information.

Green signs allow you to perform safe actions, show the exit, the direction of movement to the first aid stations, the location of first aid kits and warning lamps.

Where are signs and posters used?

Safety posters and signs used in electrical installations are installed in places of greatest possible danger to employees of the enterprise or on devices that pose a threat to human life. Contrasting signal colors make them stand out clearly from the surrounding objects and equipment. They should be clearly visible to workers, but should not distract their attention. Also, the signs themselves cannot pose a danger to others.

It is recommended to install safety posters in electrical installations above the area of \u200b\u200bthe fence of hazardous equipment or live transmission lines. Signs prohibiting entering the premises are placed at a height of 0.5 m above the entrance to the structure or the upper element of the fence. Distance is measured to the bottom of the sign.

Signs are also posted on the drives of disconnectors, load break switches, switching equipment, on keys and buttons remote control, in the machines, over the switches. Portable signs are hung with a rope.

IN settlements signs, which are mounted on the supports of overhead transmission lines, are placed at a height of 2.5-3 meters from the ground level. If the spans of the supports are frequent, less than 100 meters, then the signs are hung through one support, if the spans are large, then on each. The same is done if the power line is crossed by road overpasses.

Quality of paints and varnishes

It is recommended to paint posters and safety signs using stencils on concrete or metal surfaces of equipment, supports of overhead transmission lines, doors of switch rooms or cameras. There are also easy-to-use products on self-adhesive film.

Paints and varnishes must be of signal colors and be resistant to changes in climate and to various production conditions in the premises of which such graphic images... Over time, such safety equipment should not change color and should be clearly visible to the eye both during daylight hours and in the dark. It is recommended to illuminate posters and safety signs with additional lamps at night and in conditions.

Self-adhesive signs

Materials used for safety precautions in electrical installations must not conduct electric current. The basis for such products is mainly taken from PVC or polystyrene 3 mm. Several types of self-adhesive films are applied to these materials. These are conventional, reflective or light accumulating series of products.

Sometimes a protective lamination of signs is applied from above. Such products are fastened with scotch tape or hardware.

Standard character sizes

According to the standard requirements of the instruction, the dimensions of the images depend on the types of safety posters in electrical installations. They can be large - 240x130 mm - or small - 80x50 mm.

Prohibitory signs such as “TEST. DANGEROUS TO LIFE "or" DO NOT INTERFERE. KILL ", are created with a size of 280x210 mm.

Warning signs are yellow, according to the standard, the sizes of the sides are different, depending on their location on the territory of electrical installations. If the sign is placed on a building, then the side of the triangle is 360 mm. On the doors of working rooms - 160 mm, 100 mm or 80 mm. To place signs on small parts of equipment or containers, the dimensions are also reduced: 50 mm, 40 mm or 25 mm.

The use of posters and safety signs in electrical installations is of tremendous importance to ensure that human lives are saved in production. The head of a hazardous enterprise must constantly monitor compliance with all safety standards and rules, conduct introductory and training sessions for all employees, monitor the work process on a daily basis and be personally responsible for the safety of employees.


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