Graphic courses. Graphic design courses training in graphic design. Graphic designer: colleges

You don't have to pay for expensive graphic design courses or spend precious years studying in educational institutions. Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, we are able to save our time and money and learn everything on our own, all you need is desire.

In this article, we have collected for you useful tips and resources to help you advance in the art of graphic design. Many of the materials mentioned below are in English, but we do not see any problem in this, because the real cause for excitement is the lack of knowledge of English in the modern world.

1. Take your time

You shouldn't make the most common mistake of all beginners - rush. You will have to take the time to thoroughly study Photoshop and Illustrator, learn drawing techniques, and learn the basics in general.

First, learn to draw if you do not already have this skill.

1. For this it is not at all necessary to sit in the same classroom with the same newcomers and try to draw another cube or vase. Actually, you don't need to be a super artist. It is enough to know the basics of drawing and be able to sketch.
2. The well-known and incredibly useful book “You Can Draw In 30 Days” will help you with this. Just practice it for at least thirty minutes a day for a month, and you can master more than mediocre drawing skills.

Learn the basics of graphic design

2. The book "Picture This", based on the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, will help to cope with this, it teaches the basics of both graphic design and drawing.
3. Study fonts, colors. If you have the opportunity and desire to take courses - good, otherwise you have the whole Internet in your hands, which is teeming with free lessons and videos on the topic.
4. Practice these lessons daily, they will help you in your learning.

Also you should know at least the basics of UX.

Without UX knowledge, you cannot be a full-fledged graphic designer, because your product must first of all be user-friendly. To do this, you should read at least these two books:

1. "Design of familiar things"
2. "Don't make me think"

You must be able to write

1. A good designer must excel at communication and think through every moment in his design, including the text. Write in such a way that your text is not dry and unattractive. Here again, you need user experience knowledge.
2. It is worth reading the book "Made To Stick", it will help you learn how to write catchy texts.
3. Also bookmark your Voice and Tone site. There are tons of examples of great texts here, you will need them for further work.

2. Learn Photoshop and Illustrator thoroughly

Now that the theory and foundations have already been studied, it's time to start practice. It's worth starting with Illustrator and then moving on to Photoshop.

Illustrator is used to create icons and there are tons of tutorials and books that you can use to learn how to work in this program, and here are a couple for you:

1. “Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book” is a very tedious but useful book. And if you can master at least half of this textbook, then you can already quite confidently navigate the program.
2. On this channel you can find four fairly detailed video tutorials that can easily replace the aforementioned boring book.
3. “Vector Basic Training” - a book with which you will learn how to create images using curves. By the way, in addition to the book, the link also provides videos and exercises.

Photoshop is considered more complex than Illustrator, but the internet is full of tutorials on this program:

1. Tuts + - There are tons of tutorials here (including Illustrator, by the way) to help you learn the tools and get your drawing skills.
2. This channel contains a fairly large number of Photoshop tutorials, and they will definitely come in handy.
3. Photoshop Tutorials - quite a useful resource, which, in addition to tutorials, has various plugins, brushes, gradients and much more
4. Study these materials for at least an hour a day, and you will quickly achieve a fairly high level of knowledge of Photoshop.
3. Decide on your specialty

Like any field of activity, graphic design is divided into several narrow specialties: mobile applications, logos, web design. Decide what you like best and use all your energy to study the desired specialization.

Logo design:

1. “Logo and form style”- in this book you will read about how to make a really cool and beautiful logo.
2. Logo Design Love - site from the author of the above book. Also dedicated to logos, so it's worth getting hung up on. Collected here are inspiring examples and interesting information on logo creation.
3. If you do not want to stop only at creating a logo, then the book "Designing Brand Identity" will help you learn how to build the entire brand structure completely - from the website to personal business cards.

Mobile Application Design:

1. Here's a great guide to creating a mobile app interface. With its help, you can at least superficially understand what you will have to deal with.
2. “Tapworthy” is a great little book by Josh Clarke in which he talks about how to create an attractive and most importantly user-friendly application.
3. Go through the applications in your smartphone and try to understand which of them is done well, which is not very good, and which is in general very bad. And pay attention to the little things that, in your opinion, were not thought out to the end, come up with a way to correct existing errors.

Web design:

1. Here again, the above-mentioned book "Don't make me think" will be useful to you, be sure to read it, especially since we have found a Russian translation for you.
2. On this resource you will find 20 free books on web design, and we encourage you to read at least a couple of them.
3. As with mobile app design, collect the sites you like and see what is done and how. Write down the main advantages of these sites and try to comply with your ideals in your future work.
Those wishing to become a graphic designer often wonder whether they need to know HTML and CSS. Let's just say that knowledge of the basics of development will not hinder you in any way, and even give you an advantage. But everything, of course, depends on the specific job or project.

Even if you are not going to become a web developer, the basics of HTML and CSS are worth knowing, especially since there are a huge number of free lessons, which you can find in our articles:

1. Useful resources for programmers
2.9 most useful sites for learning programming

And also on these resources:

1. One of the best free Tuts +
2. And one of the best paid, but inexpensive ($ 25 / month) - Treehouse. It is suitable for beginners looking for a clear and simple explanation.

4. Take care of your portfolio

Today, a diploma doesn't matter at all, but a portfolio means a lot. Nor do you need to be working on real projects to have your own work. Just do something of your own, for example, make sketches of application interfaces, websites, draw logos for those local companies that either do not have them, or the logo that does exist is useless. By the way, in the latter case, sometimes it is worth contacting the very same company with your work, and it is quite possible that your logo will be bought from you, even for little money.

Also do some cool stuff on 99 designs, and do the exercises from the Creative Workshop book. The main thing is to fight against your desire to cram all your work into your portfolio, choose only the best ones. Keep your portfolio small but worthwhile. And do not be afraid to “steal” work, borrow ideas, because you are a beginner specialist and you need to learn from something. Of course, we are not talking about you passing off other people's work as yours. Just take ideas and modify them.

5. Get a job

Here everyone has their own path - either go to work in the office, or be a freelancer. Let's say right away that starting with office work is much easier, since, most likely, you will not be the only specialist in the state and they will be able to take you under the wing to complete their studies. But getting into the office is more difficult than finding a freelance project, your ability to understand and complete the task will already matter.

We talked above about the knowledge of the basics of development, and here they will be useful to you more than ever, because in the IT field, graphic designers are in great demand and have the greatest income.

How to find a job? Build your website that focuses on your portfolio. Sign up on LinkedIn and try to connect with the company you want to join or the people working there. Make connections, because they are the key to good place work.

Above all, don't stop learning if you've already got a job. Improve your knowledge and skills all the time, and before you have time to look back, you will become a real pro.

Take a look around: over the past decade, the world has changed beyond recognition. The age of space technologies brought us inventions, which were written by great science fiction writers: cell phones, automatic translators, computers, the Internet and more.

Today computers are not only a thought embodied in reality, they are an assistant, friend, means, method, EVERYTHING for modern man... Computers perform many functions, helping a person in almost all spheres of life. Agree, no office, no enterprise can do without a computer. Today it is almost impossible to get a job without knowledge computer programs, and in our resume, when applying for a job, we must fill in the column “knowledge of graphic editors”. This knowledge is especially relevant for people who have devoted themselves to construction and architectural professions and landscape design... Often, it is not knowledge of these programs that stands in the way of obtaining a prestigious position.

We offer you computer design courses, where you, in an atmosphere of benevolence, among the best graphics specialists, can not only master the programs, but also master the basic techniques of working with the most popular graphic editors AutoCAD and ArchiCAD.

AutoCAD is the most famous and one of the most popular programs for automatic design in mechanical engineering, construction, architectural, geodetic and engineering fields. Computer design in this program will give you the opportunity to create competent and clear drawings, using the unique ability to depict a two-dimensional object in three-dimensional space.

ArchiCAD is a graphic editor created for architects and builders, which allows, in the full sense of the word, to build buildings, furniture, landscape elements in a computer. In this case, analog walls, stairs, roofs, balconies, etc. are used, at the end of the work you can get a visual result of your "construction" - visualization of the project.

What awaits you while studying graphic design? In modern computer labs under the strict guidance of teachers, you will master AutoCAD and ArchiCAD programs. At the same time, graphic design courses are held on real examples, all classes in the class are practical. During the lesson, you will be able to ask questions of interest, to which you will receive adequate and complete answers. Once again, we repeat: a graphic design school is a school whose teaching staff consists of professionals who have spent a lot of time and effort to thoroughly study the programs, many of them are practitioners who use the programs in their work. This is how our school compares favorably with other similar ones. educational institutionswhere university students who have just graduated from universities act as teachers.

Computer design courses are highly specialized classes. What does it give you? Teaching professionalism and the opportunity to get practical advice on the application of programs. Upon completion of training computer design students are awarded a Diploma.

    Composition basics

    Composition is one of the most challenging and fundamentally important disciplines in vocational training designer. In the process of teaching the basics of composition, the basic rules of working with compositional space are studied. The techniques and means of conveying various concepts are studied, such as: symmetry, asymmetry, rhythm, space, etc. The course of composition is of paramount importance in developing an understanding of the structure of images, figurative thinking, creative self-expression and helps to find the necessary resources to create and visualize ideas in the creative process design.

    Sketching and graphic drawing

    Drawing is the basis of all types fine arts and design. He opens up the possibility of realizing his ideas and pans, develops spatial and decorative thinking.

    In the classroom, students can get acquainted with such concepts as aerial perspective, horizon line, volume, rhythm, proportions of objects, organization of paper space. Practical exercises and drawing from life lay the foundation for professional thinking and are a key tool in future work designer.

    Color science

    Coloristics as a science in graphic art. Color basics. Fundamentals of color harmony. Methods and tools for building color harmony. The role of color in design. The psychology of color. Color culture. Color and space. Working with color. Creation of color compositions. Domestic and overseas experience color science.

    Web design as a branch of graphic design. The main types of sites. Stages of website development. Creative brief (defining the goals of the site, target audience, concept). The main elements of a web page and the logic of their arrangement. Website design. Usability.

    An overview of the programs used to develop the site. Modern web design styles. Basic principles of website design. Color schemes. Designing text material and choosing a typeface. Ways to design page elements. Modular grid. Setting parameters in adobe program Photoshop.

    Working out the details of the site design. Icons, pictograms, favicon. Development of static and gif-animated banners. Using vector programs for website design development using Adobe Illustrator as an example.

    Preparing layouts for layout: format of source files, organization of layers. Dynamic and interactive page elements. The behavior of sites on monitors of different sizes. Slicing the layout. Requirements for illustrations on the Internet. Non-standard fonts, effects, patterns.

Designer is a TOP-10 specialty. Especially in the IT industry. Therefore, the one who chose the profession, will definitely provide itself with sales and income.

Graphic designer: training

Advertising, branding, printing, websites, magazines, architecture, technology, interior design - it can take a long time to list the niches in which a designer can find himself. Of course, online training programs are also suitable for novice graphic designers: all kinds of channels on Youtube, Yandex design school, blogs of eminent geeks. But the wisest thing is to go for a graphic designer, in every way. So you can get: a diploma, initial experience and a profitable line in the resume. The latter is especially true for those who want to get into large company and gain valuable experience as a graphic designer. The specialty also allows you to earn extra money while studying remotely.

Graphic Designer - Where To Study

To get an education graphic Designer can both on courses and in specialized higher educational institutions. To begin with, you should assess your abilities and answer such key questions

  • can I educate myself effectively;
  • will they take a self-taught person to work where I dream;
  • i choose freelance or I want to go to the office.

Based on the thoughtful answers to these questions, it is necessary to decide where to study to become a graphic designer: independently via the Internet; on short-term courses; in a higher educational institution. Self-education is enough for freelancing, experience and portfolio can be gained on remote work exchanges. To meet career ambitions and a good position - a university. It is also important to consider that most educational institutions provide practice, give directions. Bachelor's and specialty programs differ significantly in directions.

Graphic designer: universities

A lot of universities have a specialty of designer, graphic design. You need to choose by industry, location, education prices, admission conditions. Just a few of the hundreds possible:

  • Universities them. Bauman, them. Plekhanov;
  • information technology in Moscow;
  • Institute of Business and Design;
  • Institute of Humanities Education and information technologies;
  • State University of Design and Technology in Moscow;
  • Technology and design in St. Petersburg;
  • British high school design;
  • International Academy of Business and Management;
  • Moscow Academy of Humanities and Technology;
  • University "Synergy.

To begin with, you should compile a selection of suitable universities, and then visit them on open days and familiarize yourself in detail with the work of students, teachers, assess the level of training, places of internship.

Graphic designer: colleges

Usually, the artistic inclinations of a teenager by the 9th grade of school become obvious. With the goal of studying to be a graphic designer, it is quite logical to get poisoned to get a college education after grade 9, on average for 4 years. After grade 11, colleges offer programs for an average of 3 years. There are quite a few of them, given the demand for the specialty 54.01 20 graphic designer. Some options:

  • publishing and Printing College. Fedorov;
  • art school in memory of 1905 in Moscow;
  • college them. Faberge;
  • College of Design at IGUMO Institute and IT.

When it comes to the profession of a graphic designer, what subjects to take, you need to clarify for a specific university. The main ones are: mathematics, Russian language, physics and informatics for IT and technical specialties, literature. You almost always have to go creative competition... History or social studies can also be included.

Distance learning for a designer is profitable and convenient. You can combine education with work and graduate from the capital's university without moving to Moscow. We offer you distance learning at the Faculty of Design.

Faculty students and alumni can excel in:

    mobile applications

    interface design


    packaging design


    books and printed materials


    and much more

We train designers who, upon completion of their training, are ready to solve a wide range of tasks. Our task is to train interdisciplinary specialists who can find application of their knowledge and skills in various fields. A minimum of meaningless theory, a benchmark primarily for practice. Each topic is backed up by a practical assignment and a wide variety of materials.

Classes are held in a distance format. You take tests and exams online in the form of creative assignments, tests, essays, abstracts or in other forms. Even the defense of the diploma can take place remotely if the student does not have the opportunity to come to Moscow.

In addition to practical design subjects at the Faculty of Design, we teach our students to effectively promote and sell their work - to properly design a portfolio, negotiate with clients.

Creative director
Ingoma fab

Senior Tutor
Won D&AD New Blood 2015 in a brief from i-D magazine

Creative designer at BBDO Moscow

Head of the design department of the Euroopt chain

Showcase designer of the children's clothing company "Gulliver"

Psychologist, psychotherapist, creator of the project "The Magic of Being Oneself"

Leader of the Digital Design direction
art director at Redmadrobot


Tutor, Designer
illustrator at the publishing house of the Moscow Kremlin Museum

Communications and Content Manager at OZON

Creative Director MAL1EN

Product designer,

Leading designer
in e-Legion

Leading illustrator of TASS infographic studio

Owner and Art Director of DesignFamilyGroup Studio

Associate Professor of the Department of Design, Institute of Humanities Education and Information Technologies

(direction "Digital design"):

(direction "Illustration"):

You choose the time, duration and intensity of classes

Design training is conducted by the best specialists successfully working in the industry You can study even if you are busy most of the time at work Webinars with feedback, master classes by guest design stars

Our university is a pioneer of distance education in the field of digital and graphic design in Russia. Even being thousands of kilometers from Moscow, you can be a student of our institute. So, design training is carried out without prejudice to personal life and work. By choosing design, distance learning and distance learning, you are taking a step towards a secure future!

Classes at the department distance learning conducted using a special technology - as if you are in a real class. You can see fellow students, chat, watch videos, participate in joint projects, but no one limits your creative freedom. While studying at the Faculty of Design, master classes are held from leading designers in Russia and the world, practical courses in the form of trainings via the Internet. All this makes studying with us an exciting experience.

How to choose the right university

Many institutes in Moscow offer design training. Before choosing a university, pay attention to a few points:

    Study the information about the university where you are going to study: make sure that it has state accreditation.

    Go to the official website of the university, see if the university has certificates and awards.

    Make sure you get a government diploma after graduation.

    Ask who lectures at the university. Ideal if the instructors are practicing designers.

    Find out if the university helps you get an internship in your specialty. It's good when a university collaborates with design studios and advertising agencies - you will have a chance to add to your portfolio while studying and even get a job.

  • Read reviews of students of institutes with the Faculty of Design in Moscow on forums and social networks

Our graphic design department is for you if you:

    Strive to turn your skills into a real, demanded product;

    Want to get a quality education in design;

    Do you want not only to make beautiful graphics, but also to be able to fully conduct a serious project - at the department at MPEI they teach all this via the Internet;

Here you get a higher education that will allow you to successfully run a design business or work in a prestigious company or studio. The graduate will have a diploma from a capital university, which will be a good start successful career... If your time is precious to you, choose design, distance learning, distance learning format, so you can study without interrupting your usual activities.

In addition, pay attention to the direction of online training at the Faculty of Interior Design.

At the distance learning department, not only design training is carried out, but also an excellent opportunity to find a job in a prestigious company is given. Right after the end of the course, we provide it to the best students. Those who receive a second higher education here also have such a chance. Your experience comes from your studies - you complete over 200 practical assignments. For each assignment, you receive a detailed review - what you did perfectly and what needs to be improved. This is how you refine your skills and build a portfolio for yourself, which some specialists cannot collect even in 5-7 years of continuous work.

What diploma will you receive

After completing your studies at the Faculty of Design and Defense of the Diploma Project, you will receive a state bachelor's degree of the Russian Federation in the direction of "Design". Check out all the white papers.

Where to apply for applicants

moscow, Teterinsky lane, 18, bldg. 2
m. Taganskaya

8 495 280-11-32
8 800 500-40-19

Free calls within Russia

mon-Fri: from 10-00 to 19-00
Sat-Sun: day off

Documents for admission:

  • For residents of the Russian Federation with a secondary complete general (school) education, it is necessary to provide the results of the USE and the original certificate.
  • If you Foreign citizen, then you provide the original of the certificate (if necessary, with a notarized translation of the certificate and insert).
  • If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or a Foreign citizen, you have a diploma of higher education or secondary vocational education, then you provide a diploma with an attachment (you can also provide a notarized copy of the diploma with an attachment, if necessary, provide notarized translations of documents).
  • Passport / identity card (if necessary - certificate of change of name);
  • 6 photos of 3x4 cm format;
  • Original academic transcript (for transfers for new applicants in case of transfer from another university).

Fill out the application to get advice on training conditions.


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