Grant projects for the development of domestic tourism. Subsidies for domestic tourism: why did experts reject the Rostourism project? "Grant support in the field of tourism"

The competition commission summed up the results of consideration of the works of participants in the competition for the best projects for the development of internal and inbound tourism in 2017, which is held by Rostourism together with the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation in order to enhance public participation in the formation and implementation of relevant, socially oriented, economically attractive initiatives in the field of inbound tourism.

In total, 485 applications from 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were received for the competitive selection within the established time limits. Among the most active regions were the city of Moscow (28 registered applications), the Moscow region (21 applications), the Voronezh region (20 applications), the Republic of Udmurtia (20 applications) and the Kaluga region (19 applications).

The total amount of requested funding exceeded 7.1 billion rubles. 3 applications were rejected due to non-compliance with the requirements established by the Regulations on the Competitive Selection.

The participants of the competition presented projects in the field of autotourism, active, arctic, water, military, gastronomic, children's, cultural, educational, medical, religious, rural, event, eco- and ethno-tourism. A number of projects were aimed at the development of accessible and social tourism, museum activities, the creation of digital content, the formation of tourist routes, the construction and modernization of tourist clusters.

Based on the results of the commission's work, 10 projects were selected aimed at promoting the tourist product of the Russian Federation. The selected projects came from the Astrakhan, Kaluga, Moscow, Tula, Tyumen and Tambov regions, the Trans-Baikal and Primorsky territories, the Komi Republic and St. Petersburg.

The projects for the creation of a new tourist route (Astrakhan Region), an ethnocultural tourist complex (Zabaikalsky Krai), a tourist camping site (Kaluga Region), a tourist complex with an interactive museum exposition (Moscow Region), a tourist and educational complex for children with disabilities ( Primorsky Krai), the Finno-Ugric ethnocultural tourist complex (Komi Republic), an interactive map for tourists (St. Petersburg), the accordion museum (Tula region) and a memorable historical exposition (Tyumen region). In addition, a tourist cultural and educational project on historical and musical topics (Tambov Region) was among the winners.

“The competitive selection once again showed the enthusiasm, indifference and creativity of the participants in the Russian tourism industry, their desire to contribute to the realization of the country's tourism potential. Almost 500 projects were submitted for consideration by the commission, aimed at expanding the opportunities for recreation and travel in Russia, at improving the quality of tourist services and the availability of tourism, and at promoting domestic tourism products. A huge number of promising ideas and interesting solutions have been accumulated. Unfortunately, it is not possible to mark all worthy projects. However, they will form a kind of “creative reserve” of the industry and will be taken into account in further work as candidates for state support,” says the Head federal agency tourism Oleg Safonov.

Legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form, registered in the territory of the Russian Federation and implementing projects aimed at the development of domestic and inbound tourism, could take part in the competitive selection. Applications were accepted from May 2 to July 15, 2017.

Tour operators operating in the domestic and inbound markets can receive support from the state in the amount of 1 billion rubles a year. This was announced a month ago by Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko at a meeting with tour operators, and the other day, a corresponding proposal within the framework of the concept of a federal program for the development of tourism was prepared by Rostourism. Presumably, the allocated funds will be received by tour operators in the form of additional payments for each tourist traveling in Russia in excess of the figures for the previous year. The department expects that such a measure will annually increase the number of tourists in Russia by 10%. However, experts are sure that the real application of such a scheme is almost impossible. According to representatives of the tourism industry, interviewed by the correspondent of the TURPROM infogroup, a powerful advertising campaign may turn out to be the most effective way to invest these funds for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation.

Thus, according to the draft concept of the document published on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts, subsidizing tour operators delivering tourists to domestic resorts can become part of the federal target program (FTP) for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in 2019-2025. According to Nikolai Korolyov, deputy head of Rostourism, the department expects that part of the funds will be directed to support the TO - they plan to allocate 7 billion rubles in total. At the same time, the payment mechanism is still being worked out, but it is assumed that companies will receive 1-1.5 thousand rubles for each foreigner or Russian sent on a trip to Russia in excess of last year's volumes, Kommersant writes.

However, representatives of the tourism sector doubt the effectiveness of the proposed method - it is too straightforward. “The tourist flow in excess of last year's volumes is almost impossible to take into account, since tour operators are a rather vague substance,” explained the general director of the tour operator "". According to him, each tour operator uses several legal entities, through which a different number of tourists recovers. “This is the wrong approach, which will bring confusion and confusion. In this case, various kinds of fraud are possible. Here, it seems more likely to allocate the same amount, only without reference to last year's volumes, but rather, to reference to the number of tourists in certain regions requiring a certain load. And, perhaps, during the low season,” notes Mr. Umansky.

In general, according to the interlocutor, there are two traditional and effective ways support for travel companies, the first of which is subsidizing air travel. “But there are also variations here - either this is subsidizing passengers, or subsidizing, for example, unloaded seats taken by tour operators under obligations from airlines,” explained the general director of Alean.

The second way is to allocate funds for marketing. “This is a fairly common story when foreign countries subsidize advertising that tour operators spend on attracting tourists to their country. This practice can also be applied to the inbound tourist flow,” explained Ilya Umansky.

“There are two main ways. Which of them will be involved, it is difficult to guess. For now, these are just wishes. But a relatively probable scenario, which has been discussed for years, is subsidizing the transportation of tourists to our resorts during the off-season,” he concluded.

The fact that the method of distributing funds voiced by Nikolai Korolev will be ineffective is also said by the general director of the tour operator "". “I don’t want to sound banal, but the sales engine is advertising. In my opinion, despite the fact that the authorities talk a lot about the need to relax in Russia, we still do not see any federal comprehensive program to promote our resorts. All this is organized at best at the regional level, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, the activity of individual hotels is sometimes higher than the activity federal bodies authorities. Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to develop a separate advertising strategy, which will be quite expensive,” the expert is sure.

At the same time, Mr. Romashkin emphasizes that if we talk about attracting domestic and inbound tourist traffic, then these should be completely different programs. “In my opinion, we need some smart, complex and expensive advertising of the country. Or it will be divided into different regions and seasons - one in summer, another in winter. And most importantly, it must be balanced with real tourist flows. For example, 0.1% of all travelers travel to Kamchatka, and, accordingly, the region should receive 0.1% of this large advertising budget. 25% go to the Krasnodar Territory, and on this basis, he should receive more money. Not because we love him, but because we want to get a return,” explained the head of Dolphin.

In conclusion, the expert emphasized that if the money allocated for subsidies to tour operators is spent on a large-scale advertising campaign, the tourist industry will still get its own, even without direct subsidies. “There is no contradiction here. Of course, if Vladimir Putin conditionally says - have a rest in Russia, this will be good advertising. But in order to realize the trip, tourists will turn to tour operators. Therefore, we are not here trying to get this money for ourselves. We are trying to activate the flows that will reach us anyway,” he explained.

“In fact, tourists can also be subsidized. But in the end, the money has to work. We can make a tax deduction, give money to airlines, or tour operators. You can not give anything to anyone, but run a video on TV. But you need to calculate the effectiveness of these spending in different channels subsidies. Ultimately, all this will work for one goal, and everyone will be able to earn if the tourist flow grows,” Mr. Romashkin concluded.

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Head of Tourism Services Development Department

Office of Tourism Department natural resources

and non-primary sector of the economy

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra

"Grant support in the field of tourism"

In order to stimulate the development of domestic tourism and tourism industry Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra since 2003, measures have been implemented state support in the form of grants from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to support projects in the field of domestic tourism and related infrastructure.

Grants of the Autonomous Okrug are intended to support projects and programs, their implementation, to achieve practical results in the formation, development and improvement of the industry of inbound tourism, recreation, services and related infrastructure in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and are awarded based on the results of the annual competition.

During the competition for the award of grants in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to support projects in the field of domestic tourism and related infrastructure, starting from d, the winners of the Governor's grant were determined in three nominations, in 2005, in connection with the integrated development various directions tourism on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, by decision of the Council for Grants, it was decided to supplement the competition for awarding a grant with 5 more nominations. Total amount of grants 2003 - 2005 amounted to 6,000.0 thousand rubles.

The holding of the competition in 2006 showed the need to increase the total amount of the grant. This initiative was taken by major travel companies, individual entrepreneurs and other legal entities associated with their activities with the tourism industry. It was decided to increase the total amount of the grant to 10,000.0 thousand rubles.

With the increase in the number of individual nominations of the competition, such a direction as ethnographic tourism is successfully developing. A variety of projects, their marketing and management allows developing folk crafts and souvenirs. To date, about 80 types of products of traditional crafts and souvenirs have been created, at the moment, the actually lost manufacturing technology of more than 10 types of toys has been restored. Employment of the local population is increasing, there is an increase in the standard of living of indigenous people. Thus, in 2010 there is an increase in the total amount of grant support to 12,000.0 thousand rubles.

Based on the results of competitions in 2 and 2010-2011, 75 projects are currently being implemented in the Autonomous Okrug to improve the infrastructure of the tourism industry, new tourist routes have been organized (including for socially privileged categories of tourists), and the range of services in the hotel and restaurant business has been expanded.

Grants of the Autonomous Okrug are a form of state support for projects and programs that promote the development of ethnographic tourism.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated October 19, 2010 "On the target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra "Socio-economic development of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2011 - 2013" state support is provided in the nomination "Development of ethnographic tourism" and sub-nominations:

Development of infrastructure for ethnographic tourism - 3,500,000 rubles;

Development of ethnographic tourism in the municipality - 3,000,000 rubles;

Ethnographic tours with elements of traditional crafts - 2,500,000 rubles;

Ethnographic programs for family vacation- 750,000 rubles;

Ethnographic programs for children's recreation - 750,000 rubles;

Promotion of ethnographic tourism 000 rub.

In accordance with target program The Department of Natural Resources and the Non-Resource Sector of the Economy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is responsible for organizing and holding competitions for obtaining grants.

Order of the Department of Natural Resources and the Non-Resource Sector of the Economy of the Autonomous Okrug -p "On Grants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra for the Implementation of Projects and Programs Contributing to the Preservation, Development, Popularization of the Traditional economic activity Indigenous Peoples of the North, as well as the development of ethnographic tourism, the composition of the Council and the amount of grants were approved.

After analyzing the results of the work of the Council in 2011 and in connection with personnel changes, this year a draft order of the Department of Natural Resources and the Non-Resource Sector of the Economy of the Autonomous Okrug was prepared to approve the new composition of the Council, which was expanded by representatives of the media and public organizations.

In 2011, 38 applications were received for the competition of projects for grants from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in the field of ethnographic tourism, municipalities Autonomous Okrug are presented as follows: 4 projects - Surgut; 1 - Kondinsky district; 1 - Nyagan; 1 - city of Sovetsky; 1 - Megion; 6 - Nizhnevartovsk region; 1 - Nizhnevartovsk; 10 - Khanty-Mansiysk; 5 - Berezovsky district; 3 - city of Uray; 3 - Khanty-Mansiysk region; 1 - Beloyarsky district; 1 - Beloyarsky, 8 of which became grant recipients.

According to the reports provided by the grant recipients, according to the results of the 1st half of the current year, from 40% to 60% of the allocated funds were disbursed. The implementation of projects is carried out in accordance with the approved schedules.

This year, the competition for grant support will be held on November 8-10 during the annual regional exhibition-fair "Yugratur 2012". On September 28, 2012, a notice about the grant competition will be published in the surrounded newspaper "News of Yugra". Applications for participation in the competition from the participants will be accepted during October 2012 by specialists from the Tourism Department of the Department. After the end of acceptance, all applications will be sent for an independent examination.

Such examination of projects is carried out by experts who are recommended by the members of the Council. This year, in addition to representatives of the Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development, autonomous institution Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Regional Center for Investments", the Fund for Entrepreneurship Support of Yugra, it is planned to involve employees of the Russian Ethnographic Museum (St. Petersburg) as experts.

After being admitted by the experts, projects are admitted to the second stage, which will take place in the form public defense. Members of the Council evaluate projects according to the point system. The main criteria for all subnominations are: the amount of own funds raised, the degree of development of the project, the content of all the necessary calculations for a comprehensive assessment of the prospects for its implementation, the payback of the project based on the materials presented, as well as those related to ethnography, depending on the subnomination: the creation of permanent and temporary jobs, including from among the indigenous peoples of the North, involvement in the tourism industry related business areas ( motor transport enterprises, collective and individual accommodation facilities, enterprises Catering, museums, entertainment industry enterprises, etc.).

So, in 2010, 2 national communities and enterprises were engaged in tourism activities - "Var" (Khanty-Mansiysk district), "IP Kazymkiny" (Nizhnevartovsk district), in 2011 their number increased: "Ort-Iki" ( Surgutsky district), "Ely Hotal" (Kondinsky district), "Osetnye" (Beloyarsky district), Elal "(Berezovsky district), according to the results of the 2011 competition, the winners were national communities and indigenous peoples of the North" Kama "(Kondinsky district), IP ( Nizhnevartovsk district), community of small peoples “Lake Tymgyntor” (Khanty-Mansiysk district), IP (Beloyarsky district), IP (Nizhnevartovsk district).

Thus, as a result of the analysis, we can conclude that the competition for grants in the field of tourism is an effective measure of state support for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out tourism activities in the Autonomous Okrug.


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