Public defense as a way of self-presentation. How to make a self-presentation. How to behave in a self-presentation


"Modern methods of self-presentation"

Event Form: workshop
Target: acquaintance with the technologies for developing the skills of self-presentation of a modern teacher

The teaching profession is a public profession and in this sense it is akin to acting. The appearance of the teacher, his movements and behavior are always the object of close attention of others. It is important to remember that the effect of the first impression is fixed in the minds of others and determines the nature of the relationship for a long time. Therefore, it is extremely important for a teacher to be able to form a favorable impression of himself in others, that is, to “present himself” in a favorable light.

To varying degrees, we are constantly in control of the experiences we create. We always play in front of an audience: if we want to make a favorable impression, or intimidate the interlocutor, or appear helpless. In familiar situations, this occurs without conscious effort. In strangers - we are exactly aware of the impression we make. Self-presentation refers to our desire to present a desired image, both to other people and to ourselves.

So what is "self-presentation" and why is it needed?

Self-presentation is a means of forming the image of I. It, as it were, comes from social standards that are formed in society. This is a distinction between a real and an ideal image, the creation of a behavior model that currently corresponds to the role being played, the image, and the socially acceptable model.

The test "The ability to manage your I-image" was conducted with the teaching staff, which allowed us to determine the degree of stability and controllability of your I-image. Each of you has a result on the questionnaire, please read the key to the test task.

Thus, 30% of the teaching staff have an average level and 70% have a low level of stability and controllability of your self-image.

We face the phenomenon of self-presentation every day. Often, without even suspecting that we have a project of our own presentation in our subconscious, we, communicating with different people, participating in various relationships, choosing our style of dress and behavior, implement this project in life. This strategy is called "natural self-presentation". There is, you guessed it, an "artificial presentation" as well.

"Self-presentation" is the management of the impression that the speaker makes on the audience in order to influence it; verbal and non-verbal demonstration of one's own personality in the system of external communications; self-feeding, impression management. Simply put, this is how you look and what you are in the eyes of your entire environment, whether it be the professional sphere of communications, or communication with relatives.

Types of "self-presentation".
As noted above, there are two main forms of "self-presentation": "natural" and "artificial".

"Natural self-presentation" is characteristic of all people without exception, and it is acquired by a person from birth. Already from infancy, a person has a certain, so to speak, “coloring” in the eyes of others: “what a calm child!”, “What a temperamental girl”, “the baby, apparently, has seven spans in his forehead.” Without even suspecting it, a person from an early age begins to assemble the “puzzle” of his image. All this happens naturally, without thinking and forecasting, as they say, "without masks and overtures." I think that it is not worth talking about heredity and genes here, it is rather a natural distribution, a natural process of defining a person in the structure of social consciousness.

The main “anti-dignity” of “natural self-presentation” is that a person cannot control and correct the process within the framework of this particular presentation. That is, the individual does not choose whether his "natural self-presentation" will be positive, or whether it will be negative. This process can be described as a thoughtless, uncontrolled presentation of oneself by a person. And there is nothing to be done about it, however, until a person becomes capable of implementing “artificial self-presentation”. In order to succeed, you need the skills of a well-established or artificial presentation. Artificial presentation is the ability to purposefully attract and hold the attention of the audience.

The main goal of "artificial self-presentation" is to gain loyalty to one's person from a group of people that is referentially significant for the "presented" group of people. In a different way - in order to win the favor of people who are important to us, and it doesn’t matter if they are important in this specific situation, or always have significance for us, we build an algorithm for the communication process, so to speak, with a “potential audience”. (Under the "potential audience" in the future we will understand those people to whom we direct the "self-presentation")
Modern methods of teacher self-presentation :

  • project protection

  • resume writing

  • portfolio presentation

  • Master Class

  • public presentation of experience

  • public lesson

  • analytical report, etc.

Traditionally, there are several components in the ability to present oneself correctly.

  • Make each paragraph three to five sentences. If the paragraphs are longer, you may lose where you left off.

    When writing, use active verbs more often than passive ones. The active form of verbs is more powerful and decisive than the passive form.

    When speaking, use the first and second person pronouns more often than the third. Most of your statements should begin with: "I", "you", "we", "us".

  • "He," "she," "they," and "their" are impersonal pronouns, and they can give your speech the tone of a lecture.

    1. Non-verbal communication

      • The most important aspect of self-presentation is non-verbal communication, that is, what we say without words, the use of facial expressions, gestures, postures.

      • The most important thing here is to avoid closed postures, that is, crossed arms and legs. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to control not only yourself, but also the interlocutor, since the posture not only tells how a person perceives your words, but also affects his perception

      • If you see that your interlocutor has closed, for example, crossed his arms over his chest, you need to discreetly help him change his position: hand him something, shake his hand, or use a method known as "leading" the interlocutor. The method of dribbling is that first you "mirror" the opponent's posture, adjusting to his breathing and manner of speech. Then slowly change your posture to an open one, the interlocutor should unconsciously repeat your actions, if this did not happen, repeat these actions again.

      • Get rid of unnecessary and annoying gestures that can only intensify in public speaking: do not sit back and cross your legs; do not constantly fiddle with a pen, handkerchief, glasses; do not tap rhythmically with your feet, do not swing your leg; don't fidget in your chair; do not itch during the performance, do not pull your hair, do not rub your forehead; do not yawn, especially in the whole mouth; do not snap your nails and knuckles, do not drum your fingers on the table

    1. Business Etiquette

    • business etiquette is a tool for self-presentation, building relationships with the audience. Good business manners of the speaker will be manifested in the following:

    • time management: start and end a speech on time

    • a clear definition of the topic, plan and regulations of the speech at the beginning, as well as its strict observance

    • dedicated time for answering questions

    • the ability to answer questions, respond to comments, disagreements of the audience - an indicator of the skill and general culture of the speaker

    • audience compliments are part of etiquette culture. For example, at the beginning of a speech, you can say: “I am glad that I had the opportunity to speak to experts like you,” or “It is a great honor for me to speak to you.”

    • The speaker's speech: the style of speech, the choice of expressions, the choice of examples and other things depend on the characteristics of the audience. Competent speech testifies to the level of education and general culture of the speaker and literally betrays the origin of the speaker and the history of his life.
    One of the main modern professional requirements for a teacher is the ability to speak at conferences, meetings, business meetings, pedagogical councils, etc., so it is very important to be able to present yourself correctly

    According to statistics, for most people, the fear of public speaking is in 2nd place after the fear of death. It turns out that the public perceives 60% how we look, 30% how we say, and only 10% what we say.

    Conditions for a good self-presentation:

    1. Failure in preparation is preparation for failure. It is important to prepare not only the text of the speech, but also to give Special attention(no less than you give to the content) the form of your presentation - business manners, appearance, personal charm.

    2. There are no mistakes - there is practice. Only regular practice, joy in your successes and a calm attitude to any results of your speeches will help you find your own unique style of public speaking.
    Preparing for the performance:

    Preparing for a speech is one of the main and integral parts of the components of success in a speech. Sometimes the whole performance can depend on the preparation. When preparing, you must:

    1. "Skip" the material through itself.

    2. Do not turn speech into a dry statement of facts, cite concrete examples"layer cake effect".

    3. Collect more information than you can use (reserve knowledge).

    4. It is necessary to come up with a speech plan and the main theses, especially to build its beginning and end.

    5. Record your speech and listen to it on tape

    6. Use associations, do not read from a piece of paper.

    7. Rehearse the finished speech.

    8. Use in everyday conversations those moments that you want to talk about in public speaking, because. the information that you use will be fixed in memory.

    9. Try to remember your speech not in one sitting, but for several days.
    During the performance:

    1. Tune in to the audience, find out if the content of your speech meets their interests. If not, then on the go bring your interests and the interests of the audience to a common denominator.

    2. Before you start speaking, get your attention.

    3. Start talking only when silence is established.

    4. Briefly and clearly address the entire audience, and then pause.

    5. Watch the reaction of the audience and try to win their favor.

    6. Watch for when your words will find support among the audience and immediately develop the topic and try to expand it more widely.

    7. Only when you have fully achieved the location of the listeners do you go to main topic speeches

    8. Don't lose your temper with provocative remarks.

    9. Don't get into a discussion while you're speaking or you'll be "led aside" and the presentation will be "failed". Say that you will answer all questions after the presentation.

    10. If there are places in the speech that are unpleasant for the audience, be sure to back them up with obvious examples and facts, emphasize that only necessity makes you talk about them. And, of course, to reduce the severity of a few compliments.

    11. Do not make unjustified conclusions and generalizations.

    12. Do not show that you are tired or doubt something.

    13. At the end of the speech, compliment the audience and thank them for their attention.
    Beginning of the performance:

    The beginning of the performance is the most important part of the whole performance. The purpose of the opening speech is to attract attention and spark the interest of the audience. Do not start your speech with an anecdote or an apology.

    It's best to start your presentation with:

    1. From the history of an amazing fact.

    2. From a question to listeners (Do you know that...?).

    3. With a note directly related to the audience.

    4. Quoted from a famous person.

    5. From the display of any subject. End of speech: As they say: "First tell what you were going to tell, then tell what you remember and end where you started."
    You should end your speech by adhering to the following rules:

    1. Summarize the main points of the speech.

    2. Call to action if appropriate.

    3. Make an appropriate compliment.

    4. Cause laughter.

    5. Use an appropriate quotation.

    6. Create a climax.

    7. Try to finish the performances before the audience wants it.
    Now I invite you to put the acquired knowledge into practice. .

    Exercise "Public Speaking"

    The goal is to develop teachers' skills of self-presentation; the formation of the experience of conscious choice of one's actions in a situation of social interaction; development of the ability to adequately choose effective behavior depending on the tasks of communication.

    Instruction - to prepare a public speech on any topic, self-presentation is possible; the time frame of the performance is no more than 2-3 minutes (time is strictly regulated).

    IN speech must show three content parts:

    1. gaining the trust of listeners (praise, joy of meeting, unity of views);

    2. key provisions and arguments in favor (indication of dignity);

    3. setting any task before the audience, stimulating it to action ...
    Each performance is listened to in turn. Leading- asks questions and sums up: how did the group cope with the task - was it easy or difficult? How did you feel while doing the tasks? How did the players feel during the performance?

    I would like to end my speech with the words - Ron Hoff's advice from the book “I See You Naked”: “Even if the lights in the hall went out, the slide projector exploded, and even your funniest stories do not cause the slightest smile from the public - feel free to push through forward. Don't get lost. Do not give up. Don't loosen up. Those who survive often receive a standing ovation.”

    The formation and presentation of one's own desired image to others is studied within the framework of various scientific areas. Understanding of self-presentation in them has pronounced features. Self-presentation by various authors is considered as:

    • - a means of organizing interaction with other people to achieve their goals (I. Hoffman);
    • - the form social behavior(J. Tedeschi and M. Ries);
    • - a means of maintaining self-esteem (B. Schlenker and M. Weigold, M. Leary and R. Kowalski; D. Myers);
    • - a means of forming the image of "I" and self-esteem (J. G. Mead and C. Cooley);
    • - a means of self-expression (R. Baumeister and A. Steihilber);
    • - a technique for eliminating cognitive dissonance (F. Haider and L. Festinger);
    • - implementation of the motivation to achieve or avoid failures (R. Arkin and A. Schutz);
    • - creation of a state of objective self-consciousness as a result of the perception of other people's assessments (R. Wikland);
    • - a consequence of increased motivation as a result of focusing attention on oneself (G. Gleitman);
    • - manifestation of the desire for power in interpersonal relationships (I. Jones and T. Pittman);
    • - personality trait (A. Festinger, M. Sherier and A. Bass, M. Snyder);
    • - presenting their personal qualities in connection with the need for a trusting relationship (L. B. Filonov) or to establish interaction (R. Parfenov);
    • - influence on the attitude of others (A. A. Bodalev), the direction of the perception of a partner along a certain path (Yu. S. Krizhanskaya and V. P. Tretyakov, G. V. Borozdina);
    • - creating a certain impression and regulating one's own behavior (Yu. M. Zhukov);
    • Advertising activity(A.N. Lebedev-Lubimov).

    One of the most cited researchers in the field of self-presentation is the American sociologist I. Hoffman. His work "Presenting oneself to others in Everyday life", published in 1959, has been highly significant for many researchers of the phenomenon of self-presentation for a number of decades, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

    I. Hoffmann's theory is devoted to social interaction and management of the impression produced in this interaction. Introducing the concept of "social dramaturgy", I. Hoffman described interpersonal behavior as a performance in which actors are involved. In this performance we get to know each other in these roles; in them we recognize ourselves. The mask-image that we create about ourselves, the roles we play, are also masks of our true self - the self that we desire to have. Eventually, playing a role becomes second nature and an integral part of who we are. We don't choose our own mask by chance, but prefer the one that best portrays who we want to be. Hoffmann was the first to raise the question of the existence within the same person of two "I": "I" - for myself and "I" - for others, subordinate to the goals pursued in interaction. Subsequently, he came to the conclusion that there is also a third "I" - "pure", or "unprocessed", which manifests itself in extreme situations, for example, in prison or a lunatic asylum.

    In the work of I. Hoffman entitled "Face-work" (1955), we are talking about strategies for preserving and maintaining one's "face". They include techniques for creating a favorable impression of yourself among others and correcting an unfavorable one. In social interaction, these efforts are directed towards cooperation with other people. At the same time, the "face" ( Jace) is only partly an image of one's own "I". It ( face) is also the image that, according to the individual, is formed about him by others.

    In translations of Hoffmann's works into Russian, this "second image" is referred to by the term "image". The image of oneself and the image of others may contradict each other, so the individual must strive to disguise what is contrary to the desired image.

    In the context of the study of the socio-psychological factors of self-presentation, we are interested in the term "zone", which is defined by I. Hoffman as any part of the space, protected to some extent by barriers to perception. In his opinion, it is convenient to use the term "zonal facade", denoting the place where the action takes place.

    Thus, the self-presentation of a person in the "zonal facade" is an attempt to create the impression that his behavior meets certain standards. When an activity takes place in front of others, some aspects of that activity are emphasized while others are downplayed. There is also a "backyard", "behind the scenes" - a hidden area where you can not hide what is unacceptable on stage. Here the actor can relax, drop the mask and get out of the role. For example, some women can only truly feel free in the presence of their girlfriends: in front of men, they always have to pretend. High-ranking persons should have a hidden zone for privacy in order to maintain an aura of mystery that informal displays in public can destroy. In every social stratum, one can notice a tendency to separate the facade and the hidden zone. The facade is usually, unlike the backyard, well decorated, kept clean and tidy.

    There are zones that can be used both as a facade and as a hidden zone, depending on the time and occasion. For example, if there are no visitors in the office, employees can take off their jackets, loosen their ties, exchange jokes. Sometimes for internal use in offices, cheap colored paper to emphasize that this is for my own use only.

    A third zone can also be distinguished, designated as the far zone. It's not a facade or a backyard. The façade and the backstage serve the success of one performance, and when the far zone is mentioned, it is about another performance. For example, the "tyrant" of the office can be soft on the home. The bottom line is that the individual plays performances in front of different audiences. And he must control the strict separation of members of one and the other audience. The hospitable hostess greets each guest in the hall and demonstrates her special attitude in no case in front of other guests.

    Thus, I. Hoffman distinguishes two limited zones: the zone of the facade, where the performance takes place or can take place, and the zone hidden from the audience. As a rule, if a casual observer bursts into a hidden zone unexpectedly, the "actors" feel that they are forced to be torn between two realities. The result of this is embarrassment.

    I. Hoffman's approach focuses on important aspects of interpersonal interaction in the context of impression management - the presence specific purpose presentation of the corresponding image and the person's awareness of his own inauthenticity in self-presentation.

    An important aspect in self-presentation, according to I. Hoffmann, is dramatization. Appearing in front of others, a person, as a rule, includes in his game some components designed to shed light and make clear facts that were not fully understood before. He must mobilize his activity in such a way that in the process of presentation he expresses what he wants to convey to the public. At every moment he needs to be sure that the audience believes in his sincerity.

    Appearing in front of other people in whom a person is interested (spectators), he must mobilize his activity in order to make the right impression. This is done:

    • – to elicit the desired response;
    • - to appear "by that person";
    • - because this is what the audience expects from a representative of this group;
    • - because it requires a social role;
    • - because otherwise he risks being misunderstood, which will change the situation as a whole;
    • - to come to "understanding" and thus achieve their goals.

    It is worth noting that I. Hoffmann's social and dramatic constructions were criticized for hypertrophy of influence social roles, as well as for exaggerating the manipulative nature of interactions. Despite this, they served as the foundation of many works. Modern researchers identify several theoretical directions in the study of self-presentation, self-expression and other phenomena associated with self-presentation of the individual.

    According to I. Hoffman, self-presentation consists of three components:

    • - one who presents himself (awareness of the goals of self-presentation, the adequacy of self-esteem, confidence);
    • - Goth, to whom they present themselves (his mood, mood);
    • - something that presents itself.

    At the same time, the author highlights self-presentation errors: 1) loss of muscle control over one's body (coughing, sneezing, etc.); 2) demonstration of insincerity, "overacting"; 3) incorrect development of the entire process of self-presentation (inadequacy of the situation).

    In the works of A. A. Bodalev, devoted to the study of the features of perception and understanding of a person by a person, during the formation of the first impression, a person representing himself acts as an object of knowledge for other people. As a subject, a person has a gnostic ability when he shows some kind of attitude (for example, interest) to other participants in communication, the desire to know partners in communication. But at the same time, for his partners in communication, a person turns out to be an object of knowledge. A person in the role of an object of knowledge evokes a certain attitude among people who know him. Emphasizing the "dual", passive-active position of a person in the process of communication, one can notice that by his behavior he influences the attitude of those around him, since he himself is able to "create the world" and actively influence the course of communication. In turn, the evaluative standards, stereotypes and attitudes that others have, being updated when interacting with the person being evaluated, to a large extent determine the originality of the impression that this person causes in them. A person who is not only a subject, but also an object of knowledge, appears before the people who perceive him as an individual, as a person, as an individuality.

    In turn, Yu. M. Zhukov in the book "Efficiency business communication"considers the process of self-presentation in the context of business communication and, along with the rules of communicative etiquette and coordination of interaction, highlights the rules of self-presentation. Self-feed - an important communication skill, manifested in business communications, the rules of which must be learned.

    According to Zhukov's views, self-presentation performs at least two functions: creating a certain impression among others and regulating one's own behavior in critical situations. The author also highlighted self-serve rules– communication techniques used to achieve the desired effects in the process of social communication:

    • – rules for compiling the text of messages;
    • - rhetorical devices;
    • – rules of spatio-temporal organization of communication;
    • - techniques for using facial expressions and pantomime, non-verbal means in communication, etc.

    As a technique of self-presentation, but to Zhukov, one can designate the choice in the process of self-presentation of a certain image in the space of four dichotomies:

    • 1) dominance - subdominance (positions "Child", "Parent", "Adult");
    • 2) contact - distance (openness for social contact);
    • 3) friendliness - hostility (positive or negative perception of the interlocutor);
    • 4) activity - passivity (the role of the leader or follower in a communication situation).

    A review of foreign and domestic strategies, techniques, techniques and methods of self-presentation allows us to conclude that, in general, the proposed recommendations for forming an impression can be divided into two groups. The division criterion is the proposed way of organizing the communicator's behavior.

    This group includes the strategies of self-presentation by I. Jones and T. Pittman. In this case, the communicator is asked to first choose the type of person who seems charming, or competent, or dangerous, or in need of support. Then, using your life experience, you should try to recreate this image (play a role) with the help of special techniques-techniques: flattery, boasting, threats, prayers, etc. It turns out that the image of self-presentation is chosen in a social context, and communicative techniques from everyday experience become the source of its embodiment.

    The same group includes strategies of self-complexity (Tice, Jones and Berglas) and praise of the opponent's performance (Sheppard and Arkin), as well as R. Cialdini's impression management techniques, since they involve the creation of a new image of oneself or an opponent, different from the one that is in the reality.

    This group also includes dichotomies developed by Yu. M. Zhukov. Choosing a point in a four-dimensional communicative space, the subject, in fact, must choose an image of self-presentation, for example, "dominant, distant, hostile, active" or "dominant, contact, friendly, active", and build his behavior based on the requirements of the image.

    This group includes the techniques of self-presentation by G. V. Borozdina, who focuses on the goals of self-presentation in communication and interaction. G. V. Borozdina speaks of self-presentation as a control of the recipient's attention in order to focus it on certain features of appearance, behavior in situations that "trigger" the mechanisms of social perception.

    Each of the techniques involves highlighting certain features and introducing them into your appearance or behavior in order to draw the recipient's attention to them. Signs (superiority, attractiveness, attitude, state and causes of behavior) are worked out and introduced into behavior separately and, summed up, create the actual technique, which is a way to control the impression of oneself.

    Touching upon the issue of classification of self-presentations, it is worth mentioning its various types. So, R. Arkin and A. Schutz, considering self-presentation as a behavioral realization of the motivation to achieve or avoid failures, distinguish "acquiring" and "protective" self-presentations on this basis. An "acquisitive" self-presentation expresses achievement motivation. It is characterized by the choice of adequate roles and tasks (corresponding social position, education, etc.), the choice of a social environment corresponding to the level of identification of the subject (a person communicates with his peers). "Defensive" self-presentation is a behavioral manifestation of the motivation to avoid failures. She is mostly unconscious. A person chooses an environment that is inadequate for solving problems: either with low requirements, or with exorbitantly high ones (adventurous self-presentation).

    There are also oral and written (for example, summary) self-presentations.

    Example 3.21

    Resume structure.

    • - socio-demographic block;
    • - education;
    • – work experience (knowledge, skills);
    • – possession English language and specialized computer programs.

    The resume should be informative, but concise, not turn into a summary of the autobiography. It is better to omit the enumeration of personal qualities.

    In their work, I. Jones and T. Pittman suggested that self-presentations are based on the desire to expand and maintain influence in interpersonal relationships, i.e. desire for power. They identify five strategies for achieving power (Table 3.3).

    The first strategy of self-presentation is called trying to please (ingratiating). Trying to please is an attempt to present yourself attractive in the eyes of others. According to the authors, the one who tries to please must hide the real purpose of his activity, or he achieves the opposite effect. There are several main ways in which a person can try to achieve the goal of looking desirable to others.

    The first way is to simply agree with what the object thinks and asserts. The second way is to praise the dignity and personality of the subject. The third way is to show favor to the person who needs to please.

    But, as the authors note, these strategies require subtlety. If used carelessly, they betray the subject's intentions. In addition, they can cause additional problems. An object that needs to be liked is easier to deceive than observers, since people tend to be positive about themselves and their judgments. People believe that their opinions are correct, they are not very suspicious of those who agree with them. But this does not apply to outside observers who have their own sets of judgments. Therefore, a person seeking to please increases his position in the eyes of the object and at the same time reduces his position in the eyes of observers. The following situations can serve as an example: a) a young man wants to please a girl, and her mother sees the situation in a black light; b) the girl decides at all costs to get the location of the young man she has chosen, and his friends do not approve of this alignment of things.

    self-promotion (self promotion) is another self-presentation strategy somewhat similar to the previous one. But if trying to please is an attempt to look attractive, then a person promoting himself is trying to look competent. For example, an applicant for a vacant position may choose to demonstrate his attractiveness, or he may show his competence. Trying to please is a strategy whose goal is to gain liking, while self-promotion is aimed at gaining respect from other people. Most effective method self-promotion - demonstration of their knowledge and skills.

    The third strategy for gaining power is intimidation (intimidation). The bully must try to convince the target that he is potentially dangerous, i.e. can and will cause trouble if the subject refuses to do what is asked of him. It is also a dangerous strategy. First, the bully may appear rude. And secondly, people do not like those who bully them, and they associate with them for good reasons.

    The fourth strategy for achieving interpersonal influence is exemplification (exemplification). The one who chooses this strategy must convince the object that he can serve as an example of, say, honesty or moral virtue. Thus, the one who exemplifies is in some sense self-promotion. However, the one who promotes himself demonstrates competence, while the one who explains by example demonstrates the importance of his personality. This strategy is also dangerous. The exemplary person runs the risk of being revealed to the object: in fact, he does not represent what he is trying to demonstrate.

    Fifth strategy - supplication (supplication), a demonstration of weakness and dependence. Prayer works because it is a common norm in Western culture to take care of someone in need. But prayer also does not always guarantee success, moreover, weakness is not always attractive.

    A technique related to pleading, aimed at attracting attention, is called self-complexity (self-handicapping). It is believed that a person tries to avoid interference and embarrassment. But there are circumstances when he can look for them. For example, if he is to be evaluated while solving a certain task and he is not sure that he is able to do it well. Self-complexity has two advantages: 1) if a person fails, it will provide him with an excuse; 2) if a person wins, it will increase his success. Some people interfere with themselves for various reasons. People with high self-esteem can increase their achievements, and people with low self-esteem can use this strategy to protect themselves from defeat (for example, this is the reason that a person often drinks).

    Table 3.3

    Strategies and techniques of self-presentation by I. Jones and T. Pittman


    Trying to please ingratiating)

    Express consent. Flatter.

    Show favor

    Appear attractive the power of charm)


    Demonstrate knowledge. Demonstrate skills

    Appear competent ( expert power)



    Make demands. threaten trouble

    Seem dangerous power of fear)





    Demonstrate your virtues

    Seem worthy of emulation ( mentor power)


    Demonstrate weakness and dependence (self-complexity - self-handicapping)

    to appear weak the power of compassion)

    In the work of S. R. Panteleev and E. M. Zimacheva, certain ways of presenting information about oneself by the subject are described: "smug", "reflexive", "self-flagellation", "self-justifying rejection" . The corresponding forms of presentation of the image of "I" and self-relationships, which differ in psychological content and the degree of effectiveness of "I"-giving to others, are singled out. E. M. Zimacheva describes five main forms of verbal self-presentation: 1) "social self-promotion", aimed at strengthening the social desirability of the image of "I" in the eyes of others; 2) "non-reflexive self-approval" - the subject's efforts are aimed at self-praise and discrediting others with the prevalence of the evaluative approach, at the content of information about oneself; 3) "loving self-flagellation" - emphasizing difficulties, problems and appealing for help; 4) "self-defense" is associated with hidden dissatisfaction with oneself when irritated against others; 5) "consistency of the image of I".

    There are other typologies of self-presentation. For example, V. V. Horoshikh identifies the following paired types of verbal self-presentation.

    • 1. According to the desire to obtain social approval or avoid significant losses in social approval, a natural - defensive style of self-presentation is distinguished (natural is characterized by fuller participation in social interactions, defensive - by behavior aimed at avoiding attention, it is associated with actions that limit or reduce participation in social interactions)
    • 2. According to the awareness of the subject's actions: conscious (controlled) - unconscious ("automatic") self-presentation (depending on the significance of the representation for the subject or the obstacle to the desired self-identification).
    • 3. Depending on the conditions of self-presentation: direct - mediated self-presentation (direct is characterized by subject-object interaction, mediated is characterized by subject-object-subject interaction).
    • 4. According to the method of presenting information: direct - indirect self-presentation (direct - presentation of information about oneself, indirect - about subjects and objects with which it is indirectly connected).

    Successful - unsuccessful self-feeding is also distinguished. The main factors for the success of self-presentation are determined by characteristics that reflect the characteristics of the socio-psychological interaction of a person with the world of people: social activity, the need for identification with a group and sociability.

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    The main types of self-presentation

    Definition 1

    Self-presentation is a means of forming one's own image, demonstrating one's personality in front of the environment. It is also about managing the impression that the speaker makes on the audience.

    The main task of such a personal presentation is to attract the interest of the public and encourage them to take certain actions.

    There are two types of self-presentation: natural and artificial. The first type is characteristic of all people and is laid down from birth. A child born into the world is already a person with his own temperament, needs and desires. Some traits and traits of character are inherited genetically, others appear as a result of training and development.

    The disadvantage of natural self-presentation is the impossibility of control. The process is not amenable to regulation and correction. A person does not choose whether self-presentation will be positive or negative.

    Artificial self-presentation can be controlled. It is designed to win loyalty target audience. This type of representation of the personality is prepared in advance, can be carried out separately or in addition to the natural self-presentation. Elements of artificial self-presentation make it possible to veil the negative aspects of the natural appearance, and turn them into the advantages of the speaker.

    There are other types of self-presentation:

    • Adjusting to the surrounding people. This is a complex but doable technique. When getting to know the audience, you need to find out its interests, topics for conversation, behavior and mannerisms. This allows you to feel future listeners, find common ground with them, and then join the company.
    • Leadership, dominance and authority. This technique is much more difficult than the previous one and requires special knowledge and skills from the speaker. A person must be in control of the situation, has the professional skills of a speaker and a follower. He must be able to "sell" his ideas and beliefs, intrigue the audience and encourage them to take action.

    Forms of self-presentation

    A favorable impression on the audience in the process of self-presentation can occur within the framework of a business and personal communication. In the first case, it is important to reveal your professional skills and abilities, to show yourself as a worthy specialist, capable of further development and growth. Personal presentation is the presentation of a person as an individual. This is a demonstration of personal qualities that contribute to professional development: responsibility, sociability, creativity, diligence, etc.

    Self-presentation has two forms:

    1. direct - face to face to the interlocutor;
    2. mediated - with the help of certain means.

    The first form of self-presentation is considered traditional. This performance is within business conversation interviews, press conferences and other events.

    In the second case, the speaker uses certain means: Business Cards, autobiography, portfolio, resume.

    Both forms of self-presentation require careful preparation. This is the choice and arrangement of the premises (in the case of organizing a business meeting or holding a press conference) and a mandatory speech rehearsal.

    Studies show that the greatest influence on the audience is not information on the subject of the speech, but personal contact. There will be no second chance to make a positive impression on the audience.

    Remark 1

    The best form of self-presentation is public speaking. Successful performance significantly increases the authority of a person. Professional speakers are not born, it is the result of many years of training, successful and unsuccessful speeches. At the same time, experts recommend creating eye contact with the public, i.e. do not use text written on paper. It should be a live dialogue.

    Ways of self-presentation

    Each person from birth strives to manage the impression of other people. By nature, people have a need for approval, avoid conflicts and try to show themselves with better side. What the first impression will be depends on the goals of the communication process. In any case, appearance and such human qualities as competence, modesty and honesty are highly valued and enhance a favorable impression.

    There will never be an ideal self-presentation, but there are ways to present your image in communication:

    • "social self-promotion";
    • "non-reflexive self-approval";
    • "bask in the rays of someone else's glory";
    • “creating obstacles;
    • "self-flagellation";
    • "praise of an adversary or opponent";
    • "false modesty";
    • "self-defense".

    The first method is aimed at strengthening the social desirability of one's own image in the eyes of the audience. This is characteristic of people with high self-esteem and self-respect, who are well aware of their own characteristics. Such individuals like to emphasize their success, demonstrate a positive attitude towards themselves, enhance their merits and simply enjoy their own appearance.

    "Non-reflexive self-approval" is a self-presentation in which a person, on a subconscious level, praises himself and discredits others. Thus, people show the predominance of emotional judgments about their personality, embellish their own "I", do not notice shortcomings.

    Often people like to brag about their acquaintance with famous and high-ranking people. This isn't always true, but it works great when communicating and connecting with people.

    To avoid negative impressions and judgments, people come up with obstacles for themselves. The meaning of this method is to protect your image, raise self-esteem and social image.

    Self-flagellation or self-destruction is used in order to predispose people in favor of their "I". Many people tend to sympathize and empathize.

    Praise opponents or opponents, even in public - this is the most winning way to attract attention. But for a positive assessment, it is necessary to prepare the ground.

    The use of false modesty is acceptable in the presence of a more modest person. The main thing is not to overdo it, modesty can still be the result of self-doubt and self-doubt.

    Self-defense is used when there is dissatisfaction with oneself when irritated against others. A person is in a state of tension and is waiting for the negative in his direction. Unlike other methods, in this case the subject of self-presentation does not seek to embellish his "I", turn shortcomings into virtues. He just proves that he is good without any emotional embellishments.

    Presentation #1


    Zodiac sign - Taurus (which I am very proud of!).By profession and by vocation, she is a psychologist.I have two diplomas, plus a never-ending process of self-education and self-improvement (this process, by the way, I do not plan to stop and interrupt). I am active and healthy lifestyle life, I love sports (not associated with extreme sports and risk to life). Bad habits missing. I was not involved in discrediting me connections. I didn’t go through “places not so remote”. The reputation is impeccable. The past is transparent. She did not run for president. She did not serve in foreign intelligence. There are no enemies.

    The character is balanced and flexible, the temperament is a thick mixture of "sanguine" with "phlegmatic". The perception of the world is figurative, visualistic. The mind is inquisitive, insightful. Endurance is strong, reaction is fast. The person is responsible, punctual. The woman is sociable and sociable, but legible in communications. Personal space is remote. Psychotype - "listener". Self-esteem is high. The level of ambition inspires respect, but does not go off scale. Views on life are realistic and pragmatic. The style of thinking and perception of everything that happens is optimistic. I love life and people. A sense of humor is always with me. Life credo: "Everything that is done, everything is for the better"! Philosophical worldview: "We form the events of our life with our thought forms." Purposeful nature. I am a person of the "golden mean". I don't rush to make important decisions. The principle - "who does not risk, he does not drink champagne" is uncomfortable for me, but I will not "measure the stool 77 times" either. I am able to look at the task from the “third side”, I easily treat the adoption and application of non-standard solutions. The nature is creative, thinking of the right hemisphere prevails. Decent, honest, inclined to seek a compromise in everything. I try to get close to people who have the same characteristics. I keep a great distance with hysterical, impulsive and hyper-lazy personalities, and if such communication is inevitable, then I carefully and correctly build my psychological defense. I love close friendly company, I feel bad in a large crowd. Ask me my “favorite” question: “WHAT ARE YOUR FAULTS?” I answer: “With the shortcomings that appear, which bring with them a bunch of problems, prevent communication with people, I immediately begin to fight, eradicate them (or reduce them to a comfortable minimum). At the same time, I treat criticism from others evenly - I listen, analyze, but I don’t store complexes in myself and I won’t give offense to my vanity. Those qualities for which one person can love and respect me can simultaneously irritate someone else, so I don’t consider it necessary to devote much time to this item and leave the topic “me and my shortcomings” for discussion by others. This is such an easy self-presentation, not overloaded with self-criticism. Please love and respect me for who I am. No problems in communication with me guarantee. Presentation #2 I'm so cool. This is what I would like to end with. I complained to a friend here that last time in class I wrote a speech to sell a magazineCosmo, and by this Saturday I will have to write a speech in order to sell myself, she told me that she was ready to buy me, and so, without any speech, so that the goal was achieved, they already bought me. But I'll still tell you more about myself. I always want to move forward, I can never stand still, do the same thing, it depresses me. Therefore, if we are in this, a little similar, then we will become good friends. On this path - "constantly forward" there will be rather sad events, but with me you will not be afraid, I can always show you that not everything is so bad, it could be worse. And you will understand how lucky you are with the situation and with your friend. Despite my carefree nature, I can easily cope with all problems, thanks to communication with the most different people, I can look at the situation from a variety of angles, maybe this is not a problem at all. I will help you look at the world with different eyes. The ability to empathize makes me a great friend, I can always share joys and sorrows with you, in any weather. By the way, I really like to walk in the rain or on the sea at night, so call me, I'm ready. If you can surround me with comfort, get a person with a sparkling and original sense of humor, it will be fun with me. The desire to do and do something significant prompted me, 6 years ago, to choose future profession- political science. So, stay close to me and you will see something unusual and majestic. Thanks to my wide range of interests and horizons, we can always find a topic for conversation with you, as I already said that I am always interested in everything new. so if you, for example, are afraid to jump with a parachute, then call me, we will be afraid together. I am also terribly smart, although I carefully hide it, it was not in vain that I was attracted several times as an analyst by the Ministry of Education of Kaliningrad. I can’t help but say, I’m very lazy, so when you once again want to do nothing, shout, I will share this pleasant feeling with you.

    Presentation #3


    I am a psychologist. Thanks to my natural abilities, such as quick learner, good memory, working capacity, I graduated from the 8th grade of the school with excellent marks and entered the Medical School. I really liked the specialty I chose, because by nature I am a kind, sympathetic person who is not indifferent to someone else's grief. I liked to study, and I actively participated in public life, enjoyed the well-deserved authority of classmates and, thanks to my good organizational skills, was elected head of the group. I graduated with a red diploma.

    Went to work in Kindergarten where my little son went, head nurse. I have good team members. warm relationship with employees, as I am contact, friendly, ready to help.

    Then I was called up for active military service, which I still do. I successfully meet the requirements of my new profession, thanks to such qualities as endurance, the ability to maintain self-control, the ability to concentrate, the ability to quickly and competently solve tasks, the willingness to take responsibility.

    I am married and happily married. I am a wonderful wife and mother. I am very proud of my family, believing that the trusting and close relationship between us is the result of my love, patience, flexibility, female wisdom. I consider myself attractive, charming, feminine. I listen to my desires and trust my intuition.

    Since I have always been interested in questions about the inner world of a person and the relationship between people, I decided to enter the Moscow Open social academy. Thanks to such qualities of mine as curiosity, hard work, diligence, perseverance, I graduated from the academy with honors and received the specialty "psychologist".

    I look to the future with confidence. Today I want to dedicate myself to something that I really like and really find interesting. I came to the Baltic Institute of Psychology in order to get closer to my dream, to gain practical skills, gain experience, and meet competent people. In the future, I plan to engage in psychological counseling, and I clearly understand what I need to do for this. I know what I am doing and why, I know how to plan and organize my time, I am responsible, punctual, well trained, I correctly reflect my thoughts orally and in writing, I adequately respond to criticism. I consider my most important quality to be the fact that I always finish what I start.

    About presentations

    Friends! Let me tell you a fairy tale Or maybe not a fairy tale Or maybe not simple But also good. Now I will read a fable, About how rainy day Or maybe dangerous Or maybe in paradise. Like in Africa, like in Africa And in the heart of Africa. Animals met there Reptile and bird: And an ostrich, a turtle, Chameleon and hedgehog. Since the house im in place Doesn't sit Then they began to argue about: Who is Of these, and the most attractive? And the most respectable? And maybe abusive Or maybe sucking? But also good. Here comes the bird And sat on the sand. Or maybe not a bird Or maybe an elephant. Chirped, jumped And raised her tail. And she was so beautiful and sweet that she sang a song, Or maybe she roared Or maybe a trunk She shook her ears. And an ostrich, a turtle, Chameleon and hedgehog Trembling with fear We hid, well. Here is an ostrich head Buried in the sand. And the hedgehog wrapped himself in a prickly ball. The tortoise has gone into its shell, As in a house, in a strong shirt. 00, Chameleon changed color. You can't tell right away if he is or isn't. Or maybe they had fun Or maybe they sang For joy, for joy They laughed and giggled. The happy danced Or maybe not in the dance, Or maybe they didn’t grieve Or maybe they were friends. And an ostrich, a turtle, Chameleon and hedgehog. Maybe in training With a psychologist at the training Communicated, understood On psychological training. And they were all in a learning situation By training, by training Titled "Presentation". Don't cry, don't be sad And don't even be embarrassed. That's how you achieve in life All results are important.


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