Laboratory assistant for chemical analysis of the basics of work. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant: responsibilities and job description. Reviews about the profession

There are many professions, the result of which is practically invisible to the layman. Scientists also belong to people of such labor. Moreover, it is they who largely contribute to technological progress, which, in turn, is changing the world in the most radical way. Whole groups of specialists are involved in this work, dealing with various aspects of the study of the surrounding world, properties and characteristics of objects. A significant contribution to the common cause of the development of human knowledge is also made by a laboratory assistant whose duties include carrying out research on various metals, ores, petroleum products, as well as other materials and substances. The data obtained is required to ensure control of the characteristics of products for their admission to further technological and production processes.

General information about the position

The main task of a laboratory assistant in this area is to obtain information of a chemical nature. In this case, the objects under study can be any. In addition to the already mentioned metals and petroleum products, a chemical analysis laboratory assistant can work with gases and vaporous components. The further use of the results may be different. The simplest example when a certain production needs to achieve specific properties of the product. For this, technologists use chemical laboratories, with the help of which the compliance of a substance with the requirements of the prescribed standard is determined.

Recently, the issues of protection environment, which is reflected in the tightening of regulations for the automotive industry and fertilizer manufacturers. In the first case, a chemical analysis laboratory assistant can work on studying the characteristics of the properties of materials used in the construction of a car, and in the second, he can identify the properties of a fertilizer that are dangerous to the soil layer.

Requirements for candidates for the position

Despite the seemingly high share of responsibility that falls on laboratory assistants, in this case the requirements for applicants for such vacancies are rather light. For example, the presence higher education is optional. It will be enough to present a diploma from a technical school or college. Nevertheless, job description a chemical analysis laboratory assistant requires very specific knowledge, without which it is impossible to fulfill the duties of this profession. In particular, the laboratory technician should know the following:

  • Fundamentals of chemistry, at least its general course, as well as physical and analytical directions.
  • Chemical-physical methods.
  • The device and rules of operation of devices and devices used in the process of operation.
  • Characteristics of radioactive substances and the nuances of handling them.
  • Basics of choosing methods for performing analysis.
  • Methods for the determination of precious metals.
  • Standards fire safety, labor protection and sanitary rules.


Representatives of this profession are still auxiliary personnel. Nevertheless, the job description of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant provides for a fairly wide range of responsibilities, including:

  • Analyzes of rare metals, including rare earth and noble ones.
  • Performing complex analyzes of alloys according to established methods. For example, it can be nickel, cobalt, titanium and other alloys.
  • Arbitration analysis.
  • Perform analyzes of explosives using chromatographs using methods based on complex chromatogram calculation schemes.
  • Analysis by atomic absorption method.
  • Performing analyzes requiring the use of radioactive substances.
  • Participation in the development of new methods of analysis.
  • Approbation of the recommended methods
    to staying.
  • Setting up the serviced equipment.
  • Acceptance of material that comes for examination.

Laboratory technicians' rights

Again, it is worth noting that the profession is quite modest in terms of leadership, and in most cases its representatives perform auxiliary tasks. Therefore, the rights are very narrowed. First of all, a laboratory assistant can submit to his immediate supervisor proposals that relate to his activities or the work of the laboratory. Also, the profession "Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis" provides for the possibility of obtaining data and methodological information from specialists for the performance of their duties. In order to achieve the highest quality analysis results, the laboratory assistant may require additional assistance in organizing research and experiments.

A responsibility

In case of non-fulfillment or unfair fulfillment of his direct functions, the laboratory assistant is responsible in accordance with the standards established by labor code RF. Such cases may include the following:

  • Non-compliance with safety measures, which, by the way, is especially important in chemical analyzes.
  • Fire safety violation.
  • Failure to comply with the labor regulations in force at the enterprise.

It is also assumed responsibility for other violations caused by a chemical analysis laboratory assistant during the performance of his work duties.

Grades in the profession

There are 7 categories of this profession, each of which assumes its own level of complexity of operations that a laboratory assistant can perform. The first two digits, for example, allow him to undertake the simplest homogeneous analyzes without first separating the components used. The third and fourth categories of laboratory assistants in chemical analysis increase the complexity of procedures by expanding the spectrum of substances and characteristics under investigation. For example, those with these qualifications can determine properties such as solubility, viscosity, and specific gravity. The next step allows laboratory technicians to perform sophisticated analyzes that use the very same metal alloys based on nickel, cobalt and titanium. The difference between laboratory assistants of the 7th category is an increase in the technological level of the methods used, as well as the use of specialized equipment.

Labor protection rules

In addition to general requirements, which are aimed at ensuring the safety of the chemical analysis laboratory assistant, presupposes compliance with a number of special rules.

Primarily focused on Special attention work with harmful elements and substances. Such analyzes can only be performed in rooms where a ventilation system with a forced draft hood is provided. In this case, a specific speed of suction of air flows is also established: not less than 0.5 m / s. Also, a chemical analysis laboratory assistant who works at an enterprise should receive free personal protective equipment. For example, a robe and boots are issued for a year, an apron is calculated for six months, and gloves for a month.

What is the salary?

Lab technicians cannot boast of generous wages. By the way, novice employees receive 10-15 thousand rubles. As work experience increases and, accordingly, the category, they can already claim 20-30 thousand rubles. However, higher salary levels are rare and only occur in large cities. The most promising direction for this profession can be considered the petrochemical industry. In such industries, there is a fairly intensive improvement in the qualifications of laboratory assistants in chemical analysis from the 1st-2nd to the 4th grade. In this case, the position of the head of the laboratory can be considered as the high point of a career.


In recent years, the profession of a laboratory assistant has been gaining a once-lost relevance and prestige. Of course, this place itself is not so attractive when compared with the work of specialists in different fields. However, a laboratory assistant in chemical analysis, whose duties in the early stages are within the capabilities of a wide range of graduates, has good opportunities for gaining experience. It is precisely as the initial stage of career formation that this profession is considered not only by scientists, but also by technologists, teachers and specialists in related fields. Of course, such work also has serious disadvantages due to close contact with chemicals. Suffice it to mention the risk of burns, allergic reactions and poisoning.


The purpose of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is to obtain information on the chemical composition or chemical properties certain samples of liquids, gases, vapors and solids... This kind of information is extremely valuable. Thanks to this data, quality control of raw materials and finished products in various industries, conduct all kinds of scientific experiments, find out the degree of environmental pollution, determine the amount and composition of fertilizers necessary for feeding the soil, etc. Any product and product in the production process, to one degree or another, collides with the procedure of chemical analysis.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession are in high demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified ones.

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Description of activities

Chemical analysis laboratory assistants carry out chemical and physicochemical analysis of various substances: ores, oil and oil products, steels of various grades, metal alloys, acids, salts, etc. These data are necessary to control the conformity of products technological process and finished products to the specified standards.

The uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

Most of the respondents believe that the profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, there has been a demand for representatives of the profession in the labor market Chemical analysis laboratory assistant despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

In order to work by profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a high school diploma vocational education, received in college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Labor responsibilities

The professional duties of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant depend on his qualifications. Consider general work responsibilities. Prepares reagents and equipment for work. Performs analyzes of varying complexity, determines the content of substances in the analyzed materials, determines the quality of materials (viscosity, solubility, specific gravity) and vapors (elasticity). All received data are recorded in the journal. In laboratory conditions, it carries out the synthesis of substances. Assembling, setting up laboratory equipment and monitoring their work, observing safety precautions when using chemicals, safety of reagents and equipment used is also the responsibility of a laboratory assistant.

Labor type

Predominantly mental work

Profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant is a profession predominantly mental labor, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information. In work Chemical analysis laboratory assistant the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

Chemical analysis laboratory assistants are especially in demand in chemical and petrochemical industry... This industry has always been distinguished by its prestige, relevance, high income of its employees and the possibility of career growth. Career vertically assumes an increase in qualifications from 2 to 4. If desired, there is a chance to get the position of head of the laboratory.

Career opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

Based on the results of the survey, Chemical analysis laboratory technicians have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend at all on the person himself, just a profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant does not have a career path.

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Working in a chemical analysis laboratory always takes high-quality production of products in a particular branch of human life as a basis. The analysis of raw materials allows you to control the technological process of the production of products, the final product and its compliance with certain standards. A laboratory assistant in St. Petersburg, in essence, provides full control of the entire industrial process, the manufacture of products with specific specified characteristics.

The specifics of the profession itself.

The profession of a laboratory assistant in a chemical laboratory implies the performance of certain functions, namely:

  • conducting analyzes, sampling measurements and determining the chemical composition, its qualitative indicators, the ratio of substances, elements and compounds;
  • synthesis of chemicals in a laboratory and consolidation of analysis results in reports.

Modern laboratories are equipped not only with the usual flasks and test tubes, reagents and chemicals, but also with the appropriate computer equipment, programs for processing the results obtained, plus automatic and mechanical measuring instruments. The entire volume of job descriptions, functions and tasks is prescribed in the job description, taking into account the category and class of the laboratory assistant.

Pros and cons of the profession.

A laboratory assistant is urgently needed! Such ads can often be found in the heading of work, but what are the advantages this profession? Among all, the most important are worth highlighting:

  • work in a white coat indoors;
  • standardized work schedule;
  • stable salary and additional payments for hazardousness and work with chemicals and reagents.

Among negative points it is worth highlighting the following:

  • the work itself is associated with an increased risk and danger to one's own health and personal responsibility for the life and health of others;
  • Negative influence chemicals and reagents;
  • work can be in shifts, when you have to go out on weekends and on holidays, and in some laboratories you will have to work in protective equipment - a mask, gloves.

Personal qualities of a laboratory assistant.

If we are talking about the personal qualities of an employee, then in this case it is worth highlighting the following features:

  • high concentration of attention over a long period of time and excellent memory;
  • high coordination of movements and psychological endurance, nervous stability;
  • increased sensitivity at the level of smell and touch, as well as pedantry and accuracy, attentiveness and responsibility, personal discipline.


With regard to a career, in this regard, a laboratory assistant will gradually increase the grade - from 2 to 7, but it is worth noting that you can get 5-7 grades only with a secondary specialized education. The next step is the position of a laboratory manager and you can improve your own qualifications both at the workplace and after completing a training course in specialized, industry-specific educational institutions... Salary payments directly depend on the class, as well as the region, place of work and industry.

The issue was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and social issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30
(as amended by:
Resolutions of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 10/12/1987 N 618 / 28-99, of 12/18/1989 N 416 / 25-35, of 05/15/1990 N 195 / 7-72, of 06/22/1990 N 248 / 10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 18.12.1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24.12.1992 N 60, of 11.02.1993 N 23, of 19.07.1993 N 140, of 29.06.1995 N 36, of 01.06.1998 N 20, of 17.05.2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2007 N 497, of October 20, 2008 N 577, of April 17, 2009 N 199)

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant

§ 155. Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis (2nd category)

Description of works... Carrying out simple homogeneous analyzes according to the accepted methodology without preliminary separation of the components. Drip analysis of electrolyte and other substances using reagents, filter paper, porcelain plate. Dean and Stark water content determination, specific gravity liquids with Mohr and Westfel scales, flash points in an open crucible and according to Martens-Pensky, viscosity according to Engler, gas composition on the Ors apparatus. Engler distillation of petroleum products and other liquid substances. Testing of simple paints and varnishes on special devices. Determination of the amount of carbon by burning shavings in the Wurtitz apparatus (in a stream of oxygen). Chemical analysis of carbon and low-alloy steels. Determination of the density of liquid substances by a hydrometer, the alkalinity of the medium and the dropping point. Determination of the melting and solidification temperature of combustible materials. Participation in the preparation of titrated solutions and soldering fluxes. Determination of the percentage of moisture in the analyzed materials using chemical-technical scales. Definition of analyzes chemical composition copper-based alloys. Preparation of medium samples of liquid and solid materials for analysis. Determination of the concentration of latexes and impregnating solutions, draining by dry residue. Determination of the sieve residue when sieving ingredients. Preparation of a plasticizer, mixing it with hard alloy powder. Monitoring the work of a laboratory installation, recording its readings under the guidance of a laboratory assistant of higher qualifications.

Must know: methodology for conducting simple analyzes; elementary foundations of general and analytical chemistry; rules for the maintenance of laboratory equipment, apparatus and instrumentation; colors inherent in one or another element found in the analyte; properties of acids, alkalis, indicators and other reagents used; rules for preparing medium samples.

§ 156. Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis (3rd category)

Description of works... Analyzes of average complexity according to the accepted methodology without preliminary separation of components. Determination of the percentage of a substance in the analyzed materials by various methods. Determination of viscosity, solubility, specific gravity of materials and substances with a pycnometer, Reid vapor pressure, induction period, acidity and coking of analyzed products, flash point in a closed crucible and solidification of oil and oil products. Establishment and verification of simple titles. Carrying out various analyzes of the chemical composition of various ore samples, chromium, nickel, chromium-nickel steels, cast irons and aluminum alloys, products metallurgical processes, fluxes, fuels and mineral oils. Determination of the content of sulfur and chlorides in oil and oil products. Conducting complex analyzes and determining the physicochemical properties of paint and varnish products and cement using special equipment. Selection of solvents for paints and varnishes. Weighing of the analyzed materials on an analytical balance. Adjustment of laboratory equipment. Assembly of laboratory installations according to the existing schemes under the guidance of a laboratory assistant of a higher qualification. Monitoring the operation of the laboratory unit and recording its readings.

Must know: fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry; ways to install and check titles; the properties of the reagents used and the requirements for them; methodology for conducting analyzes of medium complexity and properties of the reagents used; state standards for the analyzes performed and commercial products for the serviced area; rules for the use of analytical balances, electrolysis installation, photocalorimeter, refractometer and other similar devices; requirements for the quality of samples and analyzes; dissolution, filtration, extraction and crystallization processes; rules for setting up laboratory equipment.

§ 157. Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis (4th category)

Description of works... Performing complex analyzes of the compositions of pulp, solutions, reagents, concentrates, surface and drilling waters, oil and oil products, finished products, auxiliary materials, waste, fertilizers, acids, salts according to the established method. Carrying out various analyzes of the chemical composition of various non-ferrous alloys, ferroalloys, high-alloy steels. Determination of the quantitative content of the main alloying elements in alloys based on titanium, nickel, tungsten, cobalt, molybdenum and niobium according to the established methods. Establishment and verification of complex titles. Determination of nitrous content and acid strength. Analysis by sieve and electric weighing method according to the degree of concentration of solutions. Analysis of potent poisons, explosives. Full gas analysis on VTI devices, gas fractionation devices and chromatographs. Compilation of complex reagents and verification of their suitability. Carrying out synthesis in laboratory conditions according to a given method. Determination of the degree of conversion of ammonia or oxidation of nitrous gases. Determination of the calorific value of the fuel. Registration and calculation of analysis results. Assembly of laboratory installations according to the available schemes. Carrying out tests of coatings of products on special devices - a weatherometer, a camera of a tropical climate, Meger's device, etc. Carrying out arbitration analyzes of simple and medium complexity. Processing the results of chemical analysis using modern means computing technology.

Must know: general foundations of analytical and physical chemistry; purpose and properties of the reagents used; rules for assembling laboratory installations; methods for determining the mass and volume of chemicals; methods for preparing complex titrated solutions; rules for weighing precipitation on an analytical balance and making the necessary calculations based on the results of the analysis; rules for using control and measuring devices and scales of various types; technical conditions and state standards for the analyzes carried out; rules for maintaining technical documentation for the work performed. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 20.10.2008 N 577)

§ 158. Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis (5th category)

Description of works... Conducting especially complex analyzes of alloys on nickel, cobalt, titanium and niobium bases using instruments and apparatus according to established procedures. Analyzes of rare, rare earth and noble metals. Analyzes using radioactive elements. Analysis of explosive mixtures organic matter using various types and designs of chromatographs by a method based on the use of electronic circuits and using a complex calculation of chromatograms. Participation in the development of new methods for chemical analyzes. Atomic absorption analysis. Conducting complex arbitration analyzes. Metrological assessment of the results of non-standard analyzes. Approbation of the techniques recommended for staying. Adjustment of the serviced equipment. Processing the results of chemical analysis using modern computer technology.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 20.10.2008 N 577)

Must know: the design and procedure for using the instruments and apparatus used; fundamentals of general, analytical and physical chemistry; physicochemical methods of analysis; fundamentals for the development and selection of methods for conducting analyzes; methods of separation and determination of noble metals; properties of radioactive elements and rules for working with them. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 20.10.2008 N 577)

Secondary specialized education is required.

Section 158a. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant (6th grade)

Description of works... Conducting ongoing analyzes for analytical control of the technological process of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel in fume hoods using specialized instrumentation. Working with remote manipulators in fume cupboards. Weighing on specialized electronic scales of the 1st accuracy class. Titrimetric analysis on automatic titrators. Diagnostics of malfunctions of chromatographs, titrators, spectrophotometers and other devices. Carrying out laser-luminescent analysis of uranium. Preparation of certified mixtures. Mastering and implementation of new instruments and methods of analysis.

Must know: fundamentals of radiochemistry and physics; the principle of operation of the instruments and devices used, the rules for using them; properties of ionizing radiation; the rules for the mathematical processing of the results of the analyzes.

Section 158b. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant (7th grade)

(introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 20.10.2008 N 577)

Description of works... Analyzing commercial products in accordance with regulatory documents. Analyzes of highly active products to be vitrified. Purification of uranium and plutonium from fission products by extraction, ion exchange and other methods. Determination of the content of carbon and sulfur in uranium and plutonium oxides by the coulometric method and fluorine and chlorine by the pyrohydrolysis method. Analyzes to determine traces of organic substances in solutions containing uranium, plutonium and fission products on an automated chromatographic complex. Participation in research work. Calibration of devices. Measurements for accounting and control of nuclear materials (uranium, plutonium, strontium, etc.). Work in local network automated system laboratory automatic control.

Must know: device, principle of operation of analyzers of carbon and sulfur, blocks of an automated chromatographic complex; calculation of maximum permissible radiation doses; fundamentals of development and the principle of choosing a methodology for conducting analyzes; methods of calibration of the instruments and equipment used; rules for mathematical processing of analysis results; principles of using various databases within the local network.

Secondary vocational education is required.

The requirements for professions that determine professional standards and the development of technologies are constantly changing, in this regard, the process of changing, adjusting and updating curricula, in particular for the railway professions, is constantly underway. Last week, we received training programs that were agreed upon and approved by the Ministry of Transport and Federal agency railway transport by profession:

Learning to operate a railway crane

The theoretical training of a railway crane operator was completed last week. It was the train crane drivers who studied, taking into account all the specifics: shunting, signaling and safety rules on railroad... The course focused on the KDE-251 and KZhDE-25 cranes, as well as the EDK-1000/2 with increased lifting capacity up to 125 tons.

Next week, the trainees will go to our training ground, where they will put their theoretical knowledge into practice under the guidance of experienced instructors.

An introduction to oil and gas production

Where does the oil come from? How is it mined and into what is it processed? How are drilling rigs built, drilled and completed?

All this was discussed at the course "Introduction to oil and gas production", which was held by specialists of the oil and gas division "PromResurs" last week.

Although the course is over, we will be happy to repeat it for you.

The course will be useful for you if:

We studied: Training for electroplating

There are a little more people who have mastered a qualified specialty, Hurray!

Our specialists conducted another training for the employees of the galvanic shop with the organization of theoretical and practical training... In the course of practical exercises, work was carried out to cover parts of complex shapes.

Now galvanizing will be able to independently perform the declared work, and the company will not waste invaluable time on their training in the process of working on productive parts and will reduce the level of rejects in its production.

We are waiting for everyone who has not yet completed the training!

Recruitment of a group of train crane driver in July

Friends, at the end of July training for the profession "Railway crane operator" will begin.

The training will consist of 2 parts: Theoretical and Practical.

The theoretical part is held from July 31 to August 18, 2017. The training will cover topics such as crane construction, operation, handling, railroad signaling and the basics of maneuvering.

Signalist on the tracks of Russian Railways

Railway specialists training center"PromResurs" has adjusted the training program for the profession "Signalist" in accordance with the requirements of JSC "Russian Railways". In particular, the requirements of the instruction on labor protection and job requirements signalman approved regulations RUSSIAN RAILWAYS. Also, within the framework of the training, the mastering of the profession "Pathfinder" is carried out - a mandatory requirement when working as a signalman on public roads.

Buy a license - what's behind it?

Very often you can see ads with a flashy heading "Buy a certificate", "Buy a crust", "Buy a certificate". And we are not talking about buying the forms themselves, but about selling a ready-made certificate in your name, which confirms your declared qualifications. They offer to buy everything, from a certificate of labor protection, fire safety, and ending with working professions such as a slinger, turner, etc.


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