Energy efficient lighting for industrial plants. Reconstruction of industrial lighting. T8 LED lamp

In the field of industrial lighting, the company works with the largest industrial enterprises of the Ural region, energy service contracts have been signed, the following works have been completed:

Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant - reconstruction of lighting in 2 production workshops with a total area of ​​40 thousand square meters. m. with a complete replacement of lighting equipment, reconstruction of the outdoor mast lighting system (37 lighting towers in total);

OJSC "Uralmashzavod" in Yekaterinburg - reconstruction of lighting assembly production (workshop with a total area of ​​10.5 thousand sq. M.);

JSC "Sverdlovsk plant of current transformers" - 90% of all industrial premises, high requirements for the quality of lighting due to the peculiarities production process and etc,

JSC "Ural Plant of Railway Machines" - a complex of workshops with an area of ​​more than 80 thousand square meters;

OJSC "KUMZ", K-Uralsky - reconstruction of the lighting of the forging and foundry workshops;

Mining and processing enterprises UMMC holding - lighting of industrial areas and quarries. Including OJSC Gaysky GOK, OJSC Uchalinsky GOK, LLC Bashkirskaya Med

JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" - railway lighting. Art. "Granite", "Sulfide", two rolling mills LPTs No. 7, workshop of AGNTs, hammering workshop, supply of lighting equipment for foundry yards;

JSC "Silvinit" - lighting industrial area SKRU No. 1, Railway station SKRU No. 4

OJSC Uralkali - participation in the implementation of a comprehensive program for the reconstruction and energy saving in the OS of the above-ground complex of the enterprise.

JSC "Chusovoy Metallurgical Plant" - implementation design work for lighting the complex Blast furnace No. 2.

OJSC KGOK-EVRAZ - reconstruction of the lighting of the Severny open pit.

A large number of objects in the given time is at the stage of work and design: Lighting of workshop No. 3 of OJSC Uralkhimmash (27 thousand sq. m.), lighting of the open pit Main "EVRAZ KGOK".


One of the main indicators of an op-amp is the luminous efficiency of the light sources used in them. An example of this is the replacement of KNU-10000 (20000) lamps with DKsT-10000 (20000) lamps with SBP floodlights (Italy) with high-pressure sodium lamps, 1000W SON-T Pro 1000 (PHILIPS)

The light output of these lamps is 4.3 times higher than that of DKst lamps.

Lighting of the open pit "Maly Kuibas" of OJSC "MMK"

An example of this is the lighting project for the Maly Kuibas open pit of OJSC MMK. The approximate size of the quarry is 1600x800 meters, the depth of the quarry is 170 meters.

There are two options for a pit lighting project:

Option 1 of GIPROMEZ OJSC, Magnitogorsk;

Option 2 "MT ELECTRO".

P mouth (installed power) of the OS is reduced from 304 to 77 kW, that is, it is reduced by 3.9 times.

Annual expense electrical energy will decrease from 1 199 888 to 333 564 kWh per year.

With the cost of electric energy 1,156 rubles. per kWh the difference in the cost of electricity costs will be 1,001,470 rubles 55 kopecks.

An important indicator for a light source is the lamp life and, as a consequence, the cost of replacing lamps per year.

The service life of DKsT-10000 (20,000) lamps is only 1350 hours, and the service life of SON-T Pro 1000 lamps is 18,000 hours, as a result of which the difference between the costs of replacing lamps per year will be 74,528 rubles. 57 kopecks in favor of the option with NLVD.

The total savings in annual operating costs when implementing the MT ELECTRO option will amount to 1,068,599 rubles. 11 kopecks With the cost of equipment in option 1 619,000 rubles. and 1,553,378 rubles. 16 kopecks. in option 2, their difference will be 934,278 rubles 76 kopecks. and the recoupment of the project will be 0.87 years.

Conclusion. Thus, the proposed by us version of the open pit mine is highly efficient and economically profitable, its payback will be 10.5 months. In the first year of operation, the savings from the implementation of this option will amount to 134,320 rubles. 35 kopecks, and subsequently 1,068,599 rubles. 11 kopecks in year.

Lighting of the batching warehouse of JSC "Sevuralboksitruda"

The previous option was related to new construction, during the reconstruction of the OS of the central batching warehouse at JSC "Sevuralboksitruda" floodlights of SBP company with NLVD of PHILIPS with a power of 1 kW were used. The following results were obtained.

The batching warehouse has the following dimensions 800 * 300 meters and the height of six lighting towers is 16 meters.

P mouth is reduced from 80 kW to 21 kW, that is, by 3.7 times.

Annual electricity costs, at a cost of 1 kW / hour 0.91 rubles. will decrease by 195642 rubles. 72 kopecks

The annual cost of replacing lamps will decrease from 26,666 rubles. up to RUB 7350 34 kopecks. and the savings will amount to 19315 rubles. 06 kopecks

The savings in annual operating costs during the implementation of our option amounted to 222,063 rubles, and the payback of the OS at the cost of equipment is 452,084 rubles. will be 2 years.

Lighting of the territory of JSC "PNTZ"

Another example of replacement of KNU-10000 floodlights with DKsT-10000 lamps on 37 towers of the OS of the industrial territory of PNTZ OJSC led to a decrease in P mouth from 660 kW to 102 kW, for a year and a half of operation of this OS, not a single lamp burned out, it was not recorded not a single equipment failure. As a result, the reorganization of the service serving this OS was carried out.

The equipment offered by us has not only high lighting characteristics, high quality workmanship and compliance with those degrees of protection that are indicated in the device's passport. All these indicators are important when using this equipment in outdoor OS at metallurgical and mining enterprises.

Its degree of protection is IP 65, 66.

Lighting for the Severny open pit JSC "EVRAZ KGOK"

Option 1 of the PO JSC EVRAZ KGOK, Kachkanar;

Option 2 "STK MT ELECTRO".

Implemented in 2011

Consider a comparative table of the main technical and economic indicators.

P mouth (installed power) of the OS is reduced from 328 to 53.6 kW, that is, reduced by 6.1 times.

The annual consumption of electrical energy will decrease from 1,315,296 to 225,264 kWh per year.

At the cost of electric energy 1,026 rubles. per kWh, the difference in the cost of electricity costs will be 1,126,822

An important indicator for a light source is the lamp life and, as a consequence, the cost of replacing lamps per year. The service life of DKsT-50000 (20000) lamps is only 1350 hours, and the service life of SON-T Pro 1000W lamps is 18000 hours. As a result, the difference between the cost of replacing lamps per year will be 117,680 rubles. in favor of the option with NLVD.

The total savings in annual operating costs when implementing the MT ELECTRO option will amount to RUB 1,237,863. 21 kopecks.

Conclusion. Thus, the proposed by us version of the open pit mine is highly efficient and economically profitable.


The use of modern light sources in internal OS - that is, in workshops, warehouses, etc., is due to the replacement of DRL-type lamps traditionally used at enterprises with MGL. The luminous efficiency ratio of these lamps - 54 lm / W and 90-100 lm / W leads to a decrease in energy consumption by 1.67-1.85 times. However, computer selection of equipment and high lighting performance of the equipment we have proposed allows us to increase the reduction in energy consumption in in-house OS by 2.5 - 2.8 times.

This can be seen in the example of technical and commercial proposals for the reconstruction of OU shop No. 14 of OJSC PNTZ and LPC No. 8 of OJSC MMK. Let's consider these proposals.

Lighting of OU LPTs No. 8 of OJSC MMK

Main technical and economic indicators of OU LPTs No. 8.

Number of devices:

Existing OS - 1436 pcs.

Estimated OS - 1292 pcs.

Sources of light:

The existing op-amp is DRL 700 and 1000 W avar lamps. LON - 1000 W

Supposed op-amp - 400 W MGL lamps (Philips)

P mouth decreased from 1412.8 to 516.8 by 2.73 times. The cost of electricity consumed per year of work at a cost of 1 kW / hour is 1.156 rubles. will decrease from 8856433.7 rubles. up to RUB 3,299,839.73 The savings will amount to 5556593.97 rubles.

The cost of replacing lamps per year in the version with MHL can be higher than that of DRL lamps, since the cost of MLG is about 4.5 times higher than that of DRL lamps, and the service life of DRL lamps is about 1.8-2 times less than that of DRL lamps. MGL (Philips).

Domestic MGLs have a service life of only 2000 hours. Whereas their price is about 1.5-1.8 times less than that of Philips lamps. Therefore, the use of domestic MGL is not advisable. The costs of replacing them are high, with a short service life and a fairly high cost.

Annual operating costs, in the proposed version, are reduced from 9,181,824.17 rubles. up to RUB 3,784,685.92 The annual savings from the introduction of the new OS will be 5397178.25 rubles. With the cost of equipment RUB 8,499,968.84, the payback period for the new OS will be 1 year 7 months. OJSC MMK made a decision on the stage-by-stage implementation of this proposal.

Lighting of workshop No. 14 of OJSC "PNTZ"

At OJSC "PNTZ" 1.5 years ago, a similar proposal was introduced in workshop No. 14. Its indicators are as follows.

P mouth reduced from 137.2 kW to 91.6 kW.

Annual electricity costs have been reduced from RUB 1,245,671.20. up to RUB 501,382.98 - 2.5 times. The savings amounted to 744,288.22 rubles. With the cost of equipment 1 420 582.80 rubles. its payback will be 2 years. Simultaneously with the SBP equipment offered by us.

In another section of the workshop, the equipment of the Vatra company, type GSP-7V-700, was installed with DRI-700 and ZhSP-04V-400 lamps with DNaT-400 lamps. Comparative analyzes the operation of the equipment showed the following. SBP equipment reliably operates in conditions of frequent landings and voltage surges. Its advantage is that the ballast, and specifically the IZU, has protection against repeated supply of high-voltage pulses that ignite the lamps to the lamp.

Thus, the IZU and the lamp work in a more gentle mode, and since the ignition mode for high-pressure gas-discharge lamps is the most difficult, the service life of the lamp and equipment increases.

For 1.5 years of operation on the site there was not a single case of equipment failure and not a single lamp burned out. Whereas in the equipment of the company "Vatra" IZU constantly failed and there was a frequent replacement of lamps.

As a result, PNTZ OJSC abandoned further use of Vatra equipment. That is, SBP equipment has proven to be reliable and cost-effective to use.

Lighting of compressor station No. 14 of OJSC "SUBR"

I would also like to give a small example of replacing equipment with fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts. The use of electronic ballasts in equipment with fluorescent lamps, in addition to saving energy, gives the following advantages. The pulsation of lamps is eliminated. The lamps are ignited almost instantly. The lamp life is increased by 50%, and the ballast losses are reduced by 25%. Losses when using fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts are the same as for incandescent lamps - that is, 3%. An example of replacing LON with fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts on compressor station№14 of JSC "SUBR" show that P mouth will decrease from 13.5 kW to 7.42 kW. At the same time, the illumination at the workplace will increase by 3-4 times and will correspond to the standard. To save electricity, a scheme with two lamp operating modes is proposed:

Operating mode - illumination 300 lx

Standby mode - illumination 75 lux

This allows you to significantly save electricity and reduce the cost of electricity for a year of operation from 120,132.45 rubles. to 38,444.67 rubles, and the annual operating costs will decrease from 136,756.35 rubles. up to 43,267.95.

The savings in annual operating costs will amount to 93,488.40 rubles. At the cost of equipment 92,249.60 rubles. the recoupment of this proposal will be 1 year.

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Yu.B. Eisenberg, professor, doctor of technical sciences, chief
Researcher LLC "VNISI" general manager CJSC "Moscow House of Light", Moscow
O.V. Malakhova, managing editor of the ENERGOSOVET magazine, Moscow

The current state of lighting technology in Russia

Contemporary problems energy efficient lighting is multifaceted and has a wide range. A large number of firms and organizations working in the field of lighting technology are now engaged in their solution. And this is really topical, since the energy shortage is becoming a problem for an increasing number of Russian cities. In the context of energy and global economic crisis the words of the famous science fiction writer Arthur Clarke are relevant: “The kilowatt-hour will be the single world currency”. Russia is approaching this very rapidly.

In 2006, the demand for electricity in the country increased 2.5 times. The plans for the introduction of new generating capacities were revised, and instead of 23 GW in the five-year period, it was decided to introduce 41 GW of new energy capacities. For comparison, in 2007, 104 GW of electricity was commissioned in China. And here a very essential question arises: which way to go - to increase generating capacities or reduce electricity consumption without deteriorating the quality of lighting. As with many other issues, the most correct is the golden mean.

Note that the cost of creating a kilowatt of generating capacity at power plants different types costs about $ 1-3 thousand. And the reduction in installed capacity per kilowatt of lighting costs USD 150-200. This is a huge difference and, in addition, it is associated with solving the most important problem of reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Table one some characteristics of the main groups of light sources are presented, the main of which is the indicator of the specific light energy generated during the service life. If the amount of light energy from an incandescent lamp is taken as a unit, then you can see that all other types of lamps repeatedly (several times or even an order of magnitude) generate more light energy.

It should be noted that incandescent lamps, which played a huge role in the development of mankind and which in the next year, 2011, will mark the 130th anniversary of their invention, are today an unacceptably outdated light source. They can be compared with such outdated technology as locomotive or horse traction, and with many others, which mankind has already abandoned.

In many countries of the world this is very clearly realized, and recently extremely effective measures have been taken there to displace incandescent lamps. For example, in November 2008, a Resolution of the Government of Ukraine was issued stating that, starting in 2009, incandescent lamps in all government buildings should be replaced with other more energy efficient light sources.

Since the beginning of 2009, 75W, 100W and 150W incandescent bulbs have disappeared from the market in the UK. It was decided that special commissioners will inspect shops and even individual apartments, checking which bulbs are sold and which are used by the population. The plenipotentiaries have the right to confiscate "illegal" incandescent lamps. According to British analysts, the savings from such measures could amount to US $ 8 billion. The European Union has decided to completely switch to energy saving by 2012.

In the United States, a decree was issued, signed by the president, stating that from 2011, incandescent lamps with a power of 100 W are excluded from the production and use, in 2012 - 75 W and so on until 2014, when incandescent lamps should be completely eliminated. In Australia, a government decree was issued on the complete transition to compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) by 2012. This is understandable and obvious, because if all countries of the world switched to CFLs, then it would be possible to free up the same amount of electricity as it consumes in 4 years all of Australia.

In Russia new law on Energy Saving (No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009, Art. 10, Clause 8), from January 1, 2011, it introduces a ban on the use of LV with a capacity of 100 W or more. And from January 1, 2013, a ban may be imposed on LNs with a power of 75 W or more, from January 1, 2014 - on LNs with a power of 25 W or more.

Energy saving potential in lighting

On the rice. one The energy saving potential in Germany through lighting is clearly shown. For the initial base (0%), the usual linear (straight) tubular T12 fluorescent lamps with a tube diameter of 38 mm are taken. Then there are T8 lamps (tube diameter 26 mm) - energy efficient lamps, straight lines, which save 7% of electricity. Then thin T5 lamps appear, and you can see that these lamps with a diameter of 16 mm, in comparison with T12 lamps, give an energy saving of 42%.

If you introduce modern technology with regulation of the luminous flux of lamps and use natural light sensors, then you can save 58% in the first case, and 71% in the other. If you apply a full arsenal of energy-saving measures, including motion sensors, then when using T5 lamps (16 mm), you can get an energy saving of 82%.

It should be noted that this is only one line of luminaires and compact lamps are not considered here. It should also be recalled that with the advent of T5 lamps, all ballasts became electronic. From fig. 1, it becomes clear what a huge potential lies in saving energy in lighting installations only when using only one line of fluorescent lamps.

A promising direction in lighting technology - LED lighting

Today, the most promising and interesting area in which a huge number of companies operate, where achievements are changing literally before our eyes, are LEDs. The forecast for improving the parameters of LEDs is given in rice. 2.

The right curve is the growth curve of the luminous efficacy of ultrabright LEDs over the past 8 years. According to the book on LEDs by the German Society of Lighting Technicians, published in 2003, LEDs achieved tremendous success, since their luminous efficacy was already 2 times higher than the luminous efficacy of incandescent lamps, i.e. 20-25 lm / W. On February 15, 2010, the press service of the European department of CREE announced the creation of a laboratory sample of a white LED with a luminous efficiency of 208 lm / W. This is, of course, a colossal achievement. And today there are already a number of installations where LEDs are used even for general lighting. But this is very expensive. For example, the Turning Torso building in Malmö (Sweden), made in the form of a 190-meter spiral tower, is a real example of using LEDs for lighting rooms, where even all corridors in the cornices are lit with LEDs. But this is the case when no one considered the cost, because LEDs cost almost a dollar apiece.

Let's list the properties of LEDs that in the near future will make them the most economical in comparison with other light sources:

  • high luminous efficiency (100-150 lm / W);
  • low power consumption (units of watt);
  • high values ​​of the efficiency of lighting devices and the coefficients of the use of the luminous flux in lighting installations;
  • small dimensions (point or flat devices);
  • high durability (more than 10 years of continuous operation);
  • lack of pulsation of the luminous flux;
  • the possibility of obtaining radiation of various spectral composition;
  • the possibility of reducing the safety factor of lighting installations due to the stability of characteristics and a high service life;
  • the possibility of using for illumination of fading objects (works of art, printing products, textile production);
  • high resistance to external influences (temperature, vibration, shock, humidity);
  • electrical safety and explosion safety;
  • the possibility of a sharp decrease in the size, material consumption and labor intensity of the production of lighting devices;
  • the possibility of creating maintenance-free lamps;
  • a high degree of controllability (the ability to build multi-level lighting control systems);
  • high manufacturability in mass production;
  • low costs for packaging and transportation.

According to the American magazine, LEDs in 2005 in America were used mainly in the transport sector - 52%, separately for automobile lighting accounted for 14%, and household lighting - only 6%. It also predicts that in 2010 household lighting will occupy 13% of the total number of LEDs produced (they will be produced for this purpose at a cost of 1 billion US dollars).

To prepare for mass use LEDs in Russia it is necessary:

  • to carry out a complex of psychophysiological studies of different purpose lighting installations with LEDs and to develop regulatory materials for their use (revise SNiP and SanPiN);
  • develop and standardize LED photometry methods;
  • to train specialists in this area;
  • to carry out a lot of explanatory work among specialists and the population;
  • design and equip demonstration installations for various purposes;
  • to develop a series of various lighting devices with LEDs;
  • drastically reduce the cost of LEDs.

Presumably, all these works will take 4-5 years, after which these new light sources will be able to find wider application. Before that, especially in housing, the prospect of the mass use of LEDs is very illusory.

Ways to improve the energy efficiency of lighting systems

LLC "VNISI" calculated the potential for energy savings in lighting installations. Energy savings can be achieved by improving the following lighting means:

  • by expanding the production of efficient light sources and their field of application, it is possible to obtain an energy saving of at least 14%;
  • an increase in the luminous efficiency of light sources - 6%;
  • increasing the stability of the characteristics of light sources - 3%;
  • increasing the efficiency of lighting devices - 6%;
  • improving the operational properties of lighting devices - 3.5%;
  • a decrease in the energy consumption of lighting devices, in particular due to the use of electronic ballasts (electronic ballasts) - 1.5-2%.

Improving lighting methods can also save energy:

  • expansion of the area of ​​application of the general localized lighting system - 6.5%;
  • when using general lighting control systems, depending on the level of natural illumination - 4.5-7.5%;
  • the expansion of the use of the combined lighting system - 4%.

These data are based on a real account of the current situation in the country, real luminous efficiencies, production volumes and the possibility of replacement different sources Sveta. The total possible saving is 45-50% of the amount of electricity that is currently consumed in the country for lighting, and this is quite achievable. But in Russia, about 108-110 billion kWh is spent on lighting, which means half is more than 50 billion kWh. Therefore, the prospects for saving energy are tempting, but it is necessary to work intensively in this direction and change the attitude towards this issue on the state level.

Measures to improve the energy efficiency of lighting systems

All over the world, in particular in the countries that are members of the International Energy Agency (IEA), the main energy saving actions in the field of lighting include:

  • use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL);
  • installation of electronic ballasts (electronic ballasts);
  • the use of direct thin fluorescent lamps of the T5 type (16 mm);
  • widespread use of automatic lighting control systems depending on external factors;
  • use of combined lighting devices that use solar energy for power supply.

Compact fluorescent lamps and their use in residential buildings

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are today the main type of light sources (ICs), with which hopes and energy saving plans are associated in lighting installations (OA), since these lamps have 8-10 times longer term service life and 5 times greater luminous efficacy, that is, generate 40-50 times more light energy during the service life.

In addition, CFLs in many cases, due to their small size and the presence of a threaded base (integrated lamps), can directly replace the incandescent lamp (FL) in existing luminaires. Thus, the use of CFLs can be most effective precisely in those types of op amps, where LN is the most widespread IC today.

Such an area of ​​application is undoubtedly the residential sector (OS of residential buildings). In most countries of the world, it is in housing that LNs remain the main IC, while in industry, commercial and public buildings, rectilinear LL and high pressure discharge lamps (HPDL) already occupy a dominant position.

In Germany, Sweden, Great Britain, LH in housing is 86-87%, in Brazil and Mexico - 92-95%, in the USA and China the current park of household lamps with LH is 2.9 and 3.2 billion pcs. respectively.

Along with this, it is also important to note the environmental value of CFLs, since one 18 W CFL during its service life allows not only to reduce power consumption by 5 times compared to 60 W FL, but also to halve the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and 7.5 kg - sulfur dioxide. In addition, the intrinsic mercury content in CFLs is scanty (less than 3 mg in modern high-quality lamps) and practically does not pose a threat to environment... It is also important that CFLs need to be changed not every 8-10 months, like LN, but once every 9-10 years.

Even a partial transfer of the OS of the residential sector to CFLs is a huge reserve for saving energy resources and preserving the environment.

The main obstacle to the widespread introduction of CFLs at the present stage is their relatively high price. At the same time, as shown by multivariate calculations performed in many countries, the payback period for CFLs is, depending on the cost of electricity, the number of hours of lamp use and their price, from 0.5 to 1 year.

As the study shows, in Europe, no more than 42-46% of the existing household lamps park allows direct replacement of LN with CFL. It is absolutely impossible to use CFLs in lamps with small-sized halogen lamps (HLN), which are very popular in everyday life. A separate problem is the need to replace the park of floor (partly table and wall) lamps of reflected light with GLN. Replacing such reflected light fixtures with CFL devices of appropriate light distribution and design seems to be extremely important.

For the introduction of CFLs in all countries of the world, it is important to explain to the population the advantages and economic benefits of a new generation of lamps. But the most important, undoubtedly, is the purposeful organizational work of the state, power plants, utility power grid enterprises to introduce CFLs in the residential sector and government agencies based on the creation of various economic benefits and incentives.

Application of direct fluorescent lamps, type T5 with electronic ballasts

The use of a new generation of fluorescent lamps with a tube diameter of 16 mm (the so-called T5 lamps) with electronic ballasts is an important and promising area of ​​modern lighting technology. Unfortunately, at present in Russia the serial production of such lamps has not been mastered; the production of lamps with imported T5 lamps is carried out in scanty quantities.

In the world in recent years, the production and use of a T5 lamp with electronic ballasts has progressed rapidly, gaining new positions, rapidly replacing T8 lamps in a 26 mm bulb, not to mention T12 lamps in a 38 mm diameter bulb, which have not been produced for a long time. leading electric lamp companies in the world. Expansion scale new technology so large that T5 lamps in Germany and Great Britain now account for at least 30%, in the USA - 40%, and in Sweden - 70% of the volume of all manufactured LL. Moreover, new technology in all these countries is being developed only for T5 lamps.

However, the domestic industry, losing momentum, is lagging more and more behind its competitors, continuing the mass production of outdated technology - T12 and T8 lamps, mainly with electromagnetic ballasts with standard losses. These devices have been banned for production in Europe since May 2002 due to their energy inefficiency and, therefore, are mainly exported to Russia and the CIS countries.

The main advantages of the new technology:

  • increased luminous efficiency (up to 105 lm / W);
  • reduced decay of luminous flux due to the use between the phosphor and the glass of the bulb protective film, excluding the negative effect of mercury on them (after 10 thousand hours of operation, the luminous flux decreases by no more than 5% and remains further at this level, compared with a 20-30% decrease in the luminous flux for conventional LL;
  • The optimal luminous efficiency of T5 lamps takes place at an ambient temperature not of 22-25 °, as for conventional LL, but at 35 ° C, i.e. practically does not decrease in many luminaires;
  • when working only with special electronic ballasts, the power loss of the lamp-ballast set is reduced by 30-35%; at the same time, electronic ballasts have a "cut off" scheme, which excludes constant heating of the electrodes after turning on the lamps;
  • sharply reduced mercury content in these lamps (from 30 to 3 mg);
  • reduction of the tube diameter by 40% (compared to LL type T8), reduction of the length of the T5 lamps by approximately 50 mm in comparison with similar power T8 lamps;
  • an increase in the average value of the lamp life up to 16 thousand hours;
  • high color rendering index (80-90).

Comparison of the characteristics of T8 and T5 lamps with Tn = 4000 K is given in table. 2.

The consequences of these advantages are:

  • reduction of the installed power of lighting installations by 20-30% and the consumption of electricity in them due to the possibility of a significant reduction in the safety factor of the OS and power losses in power systems;
  • reducing the consumption of materials for the production of LL and lamps, which can have significantly smaller dimensions;
  • elimination of the harmful effects on human health of the pulsation of the luminous flux of lamps;
  • increasing the efficiency of lighting devices, due to a higher efficiency and the ability to provide the required curves of luminous intensity using mirror and prismatic optics, which work much better with lamps of a smaller luminous body;
  • increasing the comfort of lighting in administrative premises due to the elimination of glare in any direction with the help of special mirror screening "three-dimensional" grids;
  • improving the ecology of new technology (a sharp decrease in the potential for mercury poisoning);
  • a significant improvement in the environmental situation (a lamp with two 35 W lamps with electronic ballasts emits 1350 kg less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year compared to lamps with electromagnetic ballasts);
  • the possibility of producing recessed luminaires with a length not exceeding the dimensions of standard building modules (due to the reduced length of the T5 lamp);
  • improvement of the aesthetic characteristics of luminaires with new lamps (smaller transverse dimensions and height), matching the suspended ceiling building module.

Comparative parameters of the OS of the administrative premises with lamps with LL T8 and T5 are given in table. 3.

It can be expected that the most important brake for the accelerated introduction of new technology will initially be its high price, which can be 4-5 times higher than that of existing lamps with LL type T8. These devices, such as ceiling lights with 4 lamps of 18-20 W each, electromagnetic ballasts and mirror shielding grilles, produced in millions of pieces per year, have dropped in price over the past 5-6 years from 90-100 to 15-20 dollars. . USA. Naturally, a certain period must pass from the start of mass production, during which a new expensive product can significantly fall in price.

Requirements for energy efficient lighting equipment

The supply of energy efficient lighting equipment is currently small in Russia. While all this equipment is in principle available, the most efficient equipment is Russian production is practically absent, and the volume of external supplies of this equipment will be insufficient in the event of a significant increase in demand for it.

At the moment, the total volume of the lighting market, including imported goods, is approximately US $ 2 billion per year and is likely to continue to grow.

Domestic products satisfy approximately 50% of the total demand for lighting products (light sources, lamps, power supplies, components, etc.). Most of Russian products are ineffective obsolete products such as incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps of the first and second generations (T12, T8), electromagnetic ballasts, etc.

The quality and efficiency of many imported products also do not meet the best international standards. High-quality equipment for lighting systems is too expensive for the Russian market and specifically for end users.

Absence technical control and quality control imported goods led to an influx of lighting products of dubious quality into the Russian market, entering both the legal market and the vast black market. However, there are some positive changes in the lighting products market. For example, on Russian market, the world leaders in the development and production of electric lamps (Osram, Philips, General Electric and some others) are increasingly represented.

When choosing light sources, it is important to understand that energy-efficient luminaires should use lamps with increased luminous efficacy, as a rule, more than 50 lm / W, with a slight drop in the luminous flux to provide the possibility of a sharp decrease in the standardized safety factor to reduce the installed power of lighting installations, a color rendering index of more 80, with a service life of more than 4 thousand hours and cos fi> 0.9.

1. Aizenberg Yu.B., Demirchan Kh.S. On increasing the use of electricity in lighting installations, Lighting engineering. 1989. No. 12. S. 1-6.
2. Aisenberg Yu.B. Modern problems of energy efficient lighting. Energy saving. 2009. No. 1. S. 42-47.
3. Aisenberg Yu.B. The task of stimulating the production and use of energy-efficient lighting products. Lighting engineering. 2009 No. 2.
4. Aisenberg Yu.B. Formation of the lighting engineering market in Russia to improve lighting efficiency. Lighting engineering. 2009 No. 6.

To reduce energy consumption in the house, it is necessary first of all to optimize the operating mode of devices and devices for the functioning of which electricity is used.

In the house, kilowatts of energy are wasted irrationally on the operation of air conditioners, heaters - all this is a technique that provides a comfortable microclimate in our home. When it comes to lighting, it statistically accounts for about 30 percent of electricity consumption.

Economical lighting devices

Classic incandescent lamps are gradually giving way to energy-saving fluorescent lamps and LED lighting fixtures.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of replacing outdated light bulbs, as new generation products have a number of advantages. You can clearly demonstrate these advantages by comparing several main indicators of different.

Comparative characteristics of different types of lamps

Even if used, when creating a lighting plan for a home, you need to consider the following important indicators, as the orientation of rooms to the cardinal points, the number and density of green spaces in the local area.

An analysis of the various factors affecting the degree of shade in rooms will help to optimally position the lighting fixtures.

Elegant engineering solutions such as full glass roofs or glazing of a part of the roof over a certain room allow not only to add a zest to the appearance of the building, but also to save energy.

If the full or partial glazing of the upper structure of the building does not fit into the style or is undesirable for some other reason, there are local solutions: for example, skylights are installed in the roof plane.

Uniformity, optimal spectral composition for vision - far from all the advantages of natural light. In this context, the main advantage of light that can enter a living space through transparent roof elements is that it is completely and completely free.

Exotic ones include optical fibers, a well-known variety of which are fiber-optic communication lines, including for information transmission.

Their optical scheme is rather complicated, and they have not yet received large-scale use for lighting housing.

We use "smart" lighting control systems

Such systems continuously monitor the consumption of electricity in automatic mode... The resource of each light device is spent sparingly: it has been proven in practice that a set of measures to reduce energy consumption can save significant amounts on electricity bills. At the same time, life becomes an order of magnitude more comfortable.

If it is impossible to fully install engineering communications, the solution may be to use separate modules and equipment, such as a motion sensor for a corridor lamp. If this is a "smart" house, then you can take advantage of all the advantages and capabilities of modern technology, while economically using electricity.

System components:

  • light sensors;
  • motion sensors;
  • dimmers;
  • twilight switches;
  • stair switches and other appliances.

Depending on the plan, certain components of the system can be connected into one network.

  • by means of push-button switches;
  • through the radio channel.

One panel provides the ability to control lighting from one room in any part of the house: be it a garage or. Modernity dictates its own conditions, and relatively recently it became possible to control the lighting load using the Internet page of the "smart" home or using a mobile phone.

Excellent results

What to expect from home lighting control systems? A peculiar side effect is an increase in lamp life. But the main thing is that energy consumption is reduced by 60 percent.

According to experts, at current electricity tariffs, the installation of such "smart" systems will pay off within a few years.

Such a long payback period is due to the high cost of not only the devices themselves, but also the engineering networks necessary for the operation of the system.

Smart system capabilities:

  • dimming - smooth control of the illumination level;
  • automatic switching on and off the light - thanks;
  • regulation of light depending on the time of day and weather conditions;
  • execution of specified scripts;
  • remote control of a large number of different lighting devices or groups of such devices located in one zone;
  • imitation of the presence of the owners in the house - in fact, this is a security function;
  • integration into the existing information network;
  • message to the owner of the house about emergency situations and power supply faults in a specific area.

The perfect atmosphere for any occasion

The list of possibilities can be supplemented in accordance with personal needs. The concept of "smart" home is just based on the automation of all processes. That is, all mechanisms, devices and devices, including lighting, are combined and configured, and control should be simple and accessible.

The lighting control system allows you to apply special scenarios - to get rid of the need to adjust the brightness of several in one room using switches and dimmers, and also solves many other tasks.

You can set a program so that when the owner comes home, the porch light will automatically turn on. Moreover, its brightness will be optimal - the "smart" control system takes into account the level of natural illumination at the moment in this particular place.

For watching a movie in a recreation area, dim lights are more suitable; during a birthday celebration, bright lighting is required throughout the house. And in Everyday life it will be convenient to gradually decrease the brightness - at a time when it is time for the child to sleep. It is also possible not to turn off the luminaire completely, but only to put it into a low power consumption mode. It is very easy to reflect all these possible options for different life situations in light scenarios, and then apply with one click of a button - or by programming the system to automatically turn on one or another light scenario for a certain time.

In the passage areas - corridors, staircases - the light turns on and off automatically, thanks to the functioning of motion sensors. The sensors will also make sure that only the room where people are located is illuminated. And even more - you can illuminate exactly that part of the room where the person is. In addition, sensors can "tell" what the level of natural light is, and in such a way as to ensure the optimal balance.

Residents of the house do not need to control all the processes at all - the automation will take care of this.

Once you have asked the script, you do not have to be puzzled every day by questions about whether the lights in the children's room are turned off.

But if there is a desire, it is possible to manually set the illumination level for the room. And the control panel, located next to the bed, will easily answer questions about all the fixtures in the whole house. And they can be turned off without getting out of bed.

Life support systems, including those controlling electrical lighting equipment, bring comfort to our lives. At the same time, they successfully solve the problem of rational energy consumption, and these tasks are becoming dominant in our time.

Lighting renovation: energy-saving solutions for industrial enterprises.

One of the largest consumers of electricity in Russian Federation are industrial plants. With the development of the economy, the consumption of electricity increases, the planet's energy resources are depleted, the costs of obtaining them increase, and, as a result, the tariffs for paying for electricity and the introduction of new capacities increase. services of the power engineer of the enterprise, but also a global problem solved by the state apparatus - in the second half of the 2000s, appropriate decrees were introduced, including Presidential Decree No. 889 and the federal law №261.

At present, the volume of electricity consumed in the Russian Federation for lighting purposes is about 18% of the total amount of electricity generated, while the share of industrial enterprises in the total volume is about 30% (56 billion kWh)

According to the All-Russian Scientific Research Lighting Institute (VNISI), currently the volume of electricity consumed in the Russian Federation for lighting purposes is approximately 18% of the total amount of generated electricity, while the share of industrial enterprises in the total volume is about 30% (56 billion . kWh). Due to the use of outdated types of light sources (LON, DRV, DRL, DKst, LB, etc.) and ineffective lighting devices (RSP, RKU, RO, LPO, etc.), as well as initially inaccurately designed lighting installations, at most industrial facilities and lack of attention to issues of their regulation and operation, a significant share of the cost of paying for electricity falls on the purpose of lighting.

Thus, there is a high potential for reducing the overall energy consumption of the enterprise due to the reconstruction of the lighting system.

Reconstruction of industrial lighting

The lighting engineering company has developed and successfully applied energy-saving solutions for the reconstruction of lighting at industrial enterprises, as a result of which the quantitative and qualitative indicators of lighting installations are also improved: the average level of illumination, uniformity of illumination distribution, an increase in the visual comfort of working personnel and a decrease.

As part of the industrial program, the reconstruction of lighting was carried out by GELISOITI at largest enterprises Russia: Metallurgical Plant Severstal, Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant, Tver Carriage Works, Uralmash Engineering Corporation, workshops and quarries of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the territory of Nizhnekamsk Oil Refinery, etc. On average, the payback period of investments is no more than 2 years.

Lighting reconstruction: the necessary initial data for the lighting calculation

To carry out an accurate lighting calculation and prepare a feasibility study for the proposed solution, the following initial data are required:

1. The name and purpose of the object, the types of work carried out.
2. Plans or sketches of objects indicating the sizes and heights of the shading equipment.
3. Required light levels.
4. Environmental conditions (temperature, presence of chemically aggressive compounds, requirements for fire and explosion safety).
5. Possible locations for new fixtures.
6. Type, power and number of installed luminaires.
7. Operating mode of the lighting installation, tariff for payment of electricity.

If necessary, representatives of the company HELIOCITY or directly from the manufacturer of lighting equipment are sent to the object.

Based on the provided initial data, the Customer will be offered a solution that includes:

1. Analysis of the existing lighting installation.
2. Proposal for the reconstruction of the lighting installation.
3. Technical description the proposed lighting equipment.
4. Results of lighting calculations.
5. Layout and targeting of lighting devices.
6. Feasibility study of the proposed solution, indicating the payback period of capital costs.
7. Price specification of the offered equipment.

We look forward to mutually beneficial cooperation!


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