How to become a straight A student in school. How to be an excellent student without much effort. So is there any point in becoming an excellent student?

Of course, everyone wants to study well and get A's, but many people think that studying well takes a lot of effort. Of course, this is the surest way to success, but there are also tricks that will help you get good grades with minimal effort.


Study strategy

    Develop a strategy. Take care of your studies now so you don't have to get out of trouble later. Try to show yourself well in all classes in the first week and do not devote too much time to one subject (fours in all will be enough). Then start working on those subjects in which you have the lowest grades, trying to bring your grades to 95%.

    • Participate in extracurricular activities whenever possible. This will add points to you at the end of the quarter.
  1. Find out what your school's grading system is. Find out if they give extra points for extracurricular activities and mugs. In a way, grading is a game, and the better you know the rules, the more likely you will be to succeed.

    Shine the first week. The first impression is very important, so try to make sure that teachers have a favorable opinion of you.

    • If at the beginning of the year the teacher decides that you are a polite, decent and hardworking person, he will be more supportive of you, and it will be easier for you to get good grades. Much easier to create good impression than fix the bad.
  2. Ask questions and try to answer the teacher's questions. You may need to master the art of being a smart and prepared student. It's always easier to appear smart and prepared than it is to be. Try to remember any information related to the topic of the lesson. Most likely, the teacher will praise you for knowing something, and then give you hints about the question that he wants to get an answer to.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek clarification. Ask teachers, parents, and classmates to explain to you what you do not understand. It is easier to ask a question than to find the answer on your own.

    • Approach the teacher before or after class. If the teacher offers counseling outside of class, go for it. Even if you find it difficult to cope with the material, the teacher will appreciate your efforts and will be inclined to give you good grades.
  3. Learn to recognize flow proofing jobs. To understand how things work, you need to think like a teacher. Teachers are people too, and they're just as busy outside of school as you are, if not more so. Remember that each test needs to be evaluated, and since each teacher can have a hundred students, this is quite laborious process. It is impossible to check all such works thoroughly. If you follow the guidelines above, your teacher will most likely not read your work. Stream check work can be recognized by two signs:

    • This is a multiple choice test.
    • The teacher distributes the same options to everyone and spends less than a minute checking each work.
  4. Put things in order and start managing your time wisely. Get organized in your head and in your diary. Do not miss the deadlines for the submission of works, as this is fraught with a decrease in grade. It will be a shame to lose points due to the fact that you did not follow the deadlines.

    • Change your approach to streaming verification work. It should take the same amount of time to complete the test as it takes the teacher to check! If you have an article with questions about the text, the answers can most often be found in the text in the same order in which the questions are located. Read the question and review the text. If you need to express your opinion, don't spend too much time on it. Write something that sounds smart. Many students are able to cope with such tasks, but for some it is new. By learning how to do this kind of work quickly, you can save a lot of time.
  5. Take notes actively. Think about what the teacher says and write down your thoughts in your own words. If possible, use mnemonic techniques for memorization.

    Do your homework. You will likely find it easiest to get good grades for this job. This does not mean that you need to sit over notebooks until night. Try to make use of the time at the end of the lessons.

    Prioritize according to how your teacher grades. First, work on what he will read carefully and try to do everything well to build the teacher's confidence. Then complete the assignments that the teacher will check less carefully, and don't worry about the quality of the work. It is important that the answer is on topic, seems long and detailed. If the performance is not very important tasks you will have little time, run through them and try to do everything. Teachers love it when students try hard and doing homework is the easiest way to get A's and good relations with a teacher.

    Know how to do writing assignments and write essays. Highlight the main tasks. Read the text of the task. Explore all necessary information. Sketch out a plan. Write a draft essay. Correct the mistakes, and then rewrite to the finish. If we are talking about an abstract that needs to be handed over in a printed version, everything is simpler here - just edit the text.

    • Don't spend too much time thinking about what you want to write. Just start writing. If you also need to answer some questions on the topic, do it after writing the work (essay or abstract) to save time. If the paper is long, the teacher will likely only read halfway through, so you have two options. You can write a short and very good written work, or a long one, but not of very high quality (the longer the work, the more errors are allowed). Having tried both options in practice, you will understand how it is more convenient for you to write certain works, and at the same time you will spend much less time.
    • Please note that it is not always possible to reduce the volume written work especially when it comes to essay or essay. Abstracts and essays, as a rule, are subject to certain requirements for the volume of pages. If you missed something when the teacher gave a written assignment, it's best to ask again.
    • In order not to repeat yourself, use a dictionary of synonyms and use various constructions in sentences.

Preparation for tests

  1. Go to the preparation for the test only after you do your homework. Even if you are very worried about the test, think about what is more important.

    • Prepare for the test with homework. As a rule, the key questions that will be tested on the test are included in homework.
    • After checking the homework, the teacher puts the mark. If you do it, you will get a good score, if not, you will lose it. For the fact that you prepared, you will not be graded - only the result on the test is evaluated. If the test is difficult, you can get a bad grade, even if you study hard. In this case, the grades obtained from homework will help smooth out the poor result.
  2. Practice regularly. Do not try to memorize a huge amount at once! The brain absorbs information better if it appears gradually. Cramming gives a short-term effect. If you want to keep information in your head for the whole quarter, it is better to practice regularly.

    Before control work relax. Sleep, exercise, listen to music. Take it easy. Do not shake from fear of the control - so you will not be able to concentrate. Even if you did not learn anything at all, did not listen to the teacher in the classroom, you will most likely be fine. If you're nervous, you may forget everything you knew and get a bad grade.

The curriculum is difficult not only at school, but also at the university, so getting high marks is not easy. There are some effective tips on how to become an excellent student that will help you achieve good results and increase your knowledge base.

Do you need to study well?

Many people ask this question both in high school and in higher education. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of examples of how people, even without education, reached heights. This is the main argument why you do not need to study perfectly. It should be borne in mind that such examples are more the exception than the rule. Such people still have some kind of talent or innate, which has become an impetus in life.

When figuring out whether it is worth studying perfectly, it is important to note that a person who strives for high marks, thereby showing important qualities: perseverance, dedication, diligence, the desire to be the first and get only the best. All this indicates that in other situations in life, such as building a career or developing a business, a person will have a desire to receive only the maximum.

What do you need to do to become an excellent student?

  1. In order to keep up with everything, but still have time to rest, it is recommended to draw up a clear schedule for every day.
  2. Be sure to alternate different types activity, which is considered a form of relaxation for the brain. For example, first set aside time to solve problems, and then read a work of literature.
  3. When figuring out how to become an excellent student, it is worth pointing out that you need to study not for the sake of grades, but for the sake of gaining knowledge and skills.
  4. You should study on your own, delving into the topic. If something is not clear, you do not need to leave spaces, but it is better to figure it out and contact the teacher.
  5. Get a separate notebook for yourself, where you write down the rules, make diagrams that help in the assimilation of materials.
  6. Be sure to give yourself some encouragement.

After analyzing the advice of psychologists and teachers, we can identify a number of effective recommendations that will be useful to all people.

  1. Always do your homework, but not for show, but in order to master the material.
  2. Understanding how to start studying perfectly, it is worth saying about the need to be an active participant in the educational process. During the lesson, take part in the discussion, ask questions and clarify if something is not clear.
  3. To become an excellent student, it is necessary to develop punctuality, attentiveness and responsibility. It is recommended to work on speech and improve other qualities.

Motivation - how to become an excellent student?

To perform tasks as successfully as possible, it is important to have good motivation. In this case, it is necessary to understand why “five” is needed in a certificate or diploma. Each person may have his own motive, so for one to be the best is life rule, and for others - the need to enter a university or. When figuring out how to force yourself to study perfectly, you should know that the skills, knowledge and skills acquired in an educational institution will be useful in everyday life in different situations.

How to become an excellent student with the help of magic?

There are many rituals that help to better understand the material, attract good luck and contribute to the disclosure of talents. The rite to become an excellent student gives the best results if carried out on oneself, but his parents can still use it. It is desirable that it be performed by female representatives. The first results can be obtained in about a month and a half.

  1. It is better to read conspiracies during the period of the full moon or the growing moon, so that the results grow along with the Earth's satellite. Take three church thick candles.
  2. In the evening, light candles and place them on the table in front of you. Without taking your eyes off the flame, read the plot to become an excellent student, seven times.
  3. Extinguish the flame, and hide the candles in a secret place. It is necessary to carry out the ritual once a week.

Prayers for excellence

Students and their parents can turn to the Higher Forces for help using different prayers. One of the best helpers for Orthodox believers is. According to legend, the saint did not study well in childhood, but he met an amazing old man who instilled in him the power of knowledge and since then the boy began to study only for five. For those who are interested in how to study perfectly, there is a special prayer that should be read every day before the image of the saint.

In this article, we will show you how to make an excellent student out of a child.

AT modern world a huge selection educational institutions. In order to receive prestigious higher education First you need to finish school. It is there that we get the first knowledge and skills that help in the future to decide on the choice of profession. Before sending the child to study, each parent seeks to choose an institution that meets his requirements.

A good school should interest the child in the learning process. Help the child realize their abilities and opportunities. Motivate students to achieve the best result. Parents are also an integral part of the child's education process. By taking an active part in the life of the child, they are able to influence his performance in school.

Methods for achieving good academic results

In every school there are children who have a hard time learning. With the advent of any motivation, the child begins to strive to improve his academic performance. Consider methods for achieving good academic results.

  1. Daily regime. During the academic year school duties make up the majority of every child's day. Learn how to manage your time so that you can handle the academic load and take an active part in the life of the school. A well-designed daily routine increases the productivity of learning and helps to cope with important tasks. You can easily allocate time for classes, for entertainment and sleep. If you follow the regimen, your body is not threatened with overwork. Basic moments:
  • Dream. Adequate sleep will increase your efficiency and make it easier to perceive information in the classroom. To do this, it is desirable to go to bed at the same time. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours.
  • Proper nutrition. Eat on time. A complete healthy diet will favorably affect the development of the body and improve mental abilities.
  • Time for homework. Do not leave lessons for the evening, try to complete them in the same period. Optimal time- right after school. This will help you remember important details.
  • Walks. Find time for daily walks. Disconnect from negative information and relieve the accumulated tension.
  • Leisure. Don't spend a lot of time watching TV. Give preference to visiting circles and sections. Play games to develop attention and memory.
  1. Striving for results. If you have no desire to learn, set a goal for yourself. To get closer to it, motivate yourself. With the advent of a specific task, you will have a need for information.

Types of motivations for achieving good academic results

  • cognitive motivation. Find useful and interesting information. Your new knowledge will draw attention to you.
  • Success motivation. Strive to complete all tasks. Always end ongoing processes. You will get satisfaction from what you could and did.
  • Leadership motivation. Boost your self-esteem. Improve your abilities. Strive to stand out from the rest of the students.
  • motivation for encouragement. Try to get the best grades to be praised. Live up to the expectations of the teacher, realize the expectations of the parents. Praise or reward will give you confidence and make you want to learn.

What rules are important to follow in order to become an excellent student?

Priority of studied subjects

Spend more time studying important subjects. If there is a lot of homework, prioritize it. Do creative work in the company of friends or parents. If for one of the subjects it is enough for you to skim through a few pages, do not focus your attention on it.

What is important for all subjects:

  • Learn to write fast and read well
  • Fulfill the teacher's requirements
  • Schedule time to complete tasks

  1. Analysis of the received information. Getting new knowledge and having your own point of view on this matter, do not hesitate to enter into discussions. Ask questions and actively participate in the learning process. The information you receive will be better remembered. Showed interest will be noted by the teacher.
  2. Use of Internet resources. Simplify the learning process with the help of the Internet. Find and download the necessary information for abstracts and creative works. enjoy e-books, solvers, translators.
  3. Participation in school activities. Always take part in social life. You will become more sociable and friendly. Participation in school activities will expand your circle of acquaintances. More friends, more opportunities. By establishing closer contact with peers, you will be aware of all important events.
  4. We do everything on time. “ Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Pack your briefcase in the evening - this will help you avoid the morning rush and unpleasant surprises at school. In your free time, prepare clothes - this will save time in the morning and eliminate being late. Keep the room tidy - clean the desk, do not scatter things.
  5. A responsibility. Don't miss school without a good reason. Always do your homework. Keep your promises and assignments. Take care of your health so that you do not miss important classes due to illness.

Approximate daily schedule for a student

Time Action
7.00 Climb. Charger. Morning toilet. dressing up
7.30 Breakfast
7.50-8.20 Road to school
8.30-13.00 School lessons
13.00-13.30 Way home
13.30-14.00 Dinner
14.00-15.00 Relaxation
15.00-17.00 Doing homework
17.00-19.00 Club visits, walks
19.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-20.00 Hygiene procedures
20.00-22.00 Rest, games
22.00-7.00 Dream

How can parents help their child become an excellent student?

Parents should make an effort to keep their child motivated to succeed. Re-learn with your child. The interest shown by you will cause in the child a desire for knowledge. In case of failures of the child, avoid condemning his assessments and actions. Establish a good relationship with the teacher, let him become an authority for the student.

A few tips for parents who want to help their child become an excellent student:

  • In dialogue with the child, warm up his interest in the world around him. Explain the benefits of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Reinforce your child's interests with action. Help to reveal the child's abilities, develop his talent.
  • Participate in homework. Do not leave your child alone with their studies.
  • Be patient and don't express your dissatisfaction. The child has the right to make mistakes. Help him get better and avoid new ones.
  • Notice and praise all the efforts your child makes. Always stay by his side and, in case of failure, praise him for his desire to win.
  • Encourage him to take the initiative. Help bring ideas to life.
  • Stay up to date with what's happening in the classroom. Check your child's grades daily. At dinner, talk about how his day went.

Ingenuity is an essential quality of a teacher. To organize studying proccess and rally classmates, he uses a large number of professional skills. Each teacher has his own point of view on how to make a purposeful person out of a student.

Let's analyze the most interesting tips teachers for children who want to become excellent students:

Real A student tips to become an A student

If you want to become an example for the whole class and gain authority, start by studying well. The first change has to happen in your head. Put all doubts aside.

Apply the advice of real excellent students:

Throughout your life you will encounter new information. Do not be lazy to get new knowledge. Learn new skills, and they will definitely find their application. All your efforts will be rewarded.

Video: How to become an excellent student?

School years are considered the most wonderful and almost carefree. Few would argue with this statement. From students, parents require only good grades as confirmation of their knowledge. However, not all students study well. Many children skip classes and get unsatisfactory grades. Almost all schoolgirls have a question about what to do to become an excellent student. There are many practical advice in this matter. Let's try to deal with each separately.

The first tip on how to become an excellent student: change your thoughts and mood

First of all, you need to tune yourself to the right wave. Getting fives and studying well will only work if you have own desire. No teacher, tutor or strict parent will force you to study well.

Imagine that you are already a good student and constantly receive praise from teachers and parents. Classmates and friends in the yard envy your ability to do everything and get fives. Do you like this outcome? If yes, then find out from the following tips how you can become an excellent student.

Before changing your inner world, you must also change your outer appearance. If you like bright colors, dress pretty flashy, and dye your hair acid, then it's time to give it all up. Give preference to classic office attire and a neat hairstyle. Have you ever seen a successful lady with bright green nails and pink hair? Of course not! So you don't let yourself look like that. Show some respect for yourself.

When you start wearing classic dresses, trousers and shirts, you will start to make a completely different impression on others. Teachers will respect you, and peers will admire you. You will notice that even the boys in the class have begun to pay attention to you, because these are the kind of girls who take care of themselves that guys like. Try to match your future image of an excellent student.

Step Three: Build Relationships with Teachers

Before you become an excellent student, you will have to change not only yourself, but also your attitude towards others, in particular, towards teachers. If you skipped school a lot or studied poorly, then the teachers probably formed a negative opinion about you. It's time to break this stereotype.

Begin to be interested in the subject being studied. Ask questions in class, but at the same time, don't be too nosy so you don't sound stupid. Listen carefully to the teacher during the class and do not receive comments related to bad behavior.

If after that the teacher does not want to change his attitude towards you, then it may be worth talking to him. Remember that teachers are the most ordinary people. They will always make contact. Ask the teacher to explain a topic that you do not understand or to conduct several individual lessons.

This method is suitable for subjects such as algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry. These exact sciences require consistent and continuous study. After skipping a few topics, you will no longer be able to understand how to solve problems and examples. That is why it is so important not to miss anything.

Get yourself a separate notebook or notebook in which you will enter all the definitions, examples of complex problems and options for their solutions. You can also write down the formulas you need and stable numerical values.

If there are already gaps in knowledge, then try to study the missing material on your own. Ask your parents to help you, they will surely appreciate your efforts, and you will receive well-deserved praise. You may need to take a few lessons with a tutor in order to replenish your knowledge.

Step Five: Proper Homework Preparation

Before you become an excellent student in the class, you will have to completely revise your daily routine. If you used to put off the preparation of lessons until the very last moment, then you will have to give it up. Long sitting at the computer, games and walks can wait. Everything has its time. After completing the required task, you can do what you love. Let this be your inspiration.

Try to complete your homework on the day it was received. After a while, you will like this option because the work assigned a few days ago for tomorrow's lesson has already been done. Also, the topic heard in the lesson will be fixed by solving homework assignments or reading the necessary literature. In this case, the information will be deposited in your head in the maximum amount.

Try to listen carefully to the teacher in class, as you will need much of what has been said for homework. Do not try to write off the completed assignment from classmates, this will not bring you any success in deciding how to become an excellent student.

Do not cram the subject. Try to read the information several times and understand the topic as much as possible. If you begin to understand rather than memorize the material, then it will be much easier for you to become a good student.

Sixth step to success: participation in school life

In order to gain the respect and praise of teachers, you need to be interested. Be interested in school life and activities. Participate in circles, olympiads and attend free lessons. A teacher who sees your craving for knowledge will never give a bad grade.

Possibly due to participation in school life you will have to skip some lessons, but no teacher will give you a minus for this. On the contrary, the teacher will support and praise your desire to be a leader.

Seventh Step to the Top: Tell the Truth

How to become an excellent student in school? Stop lying to teachers and classmates.

A lie is revealed sooner or later, and this does not paint a good student in any way. Try to always tell the truth to people, or don't say anything. A teacher who has caught a student in a lie, already at the subconscious level, begins to form a negative opinion about him, which, in turn, is quite difficult to change and gain former trust.

Also, don't lie to your parents. Of course, they won't give you a D for this, but if you want to be the perfect student, then be perfect in everything.


Some schoolchildren believe that magic amulets and various rituals will help them become excellent students. Undoubtedly, there are coincidences when, before becoming an excellent student, a girl conducts a so-called rite at school.

The most popular witchcraft is the following method.

Need to take Blank sheet paper and write on it the desire to become a diligent student and get fives. After that, you need to burn this sheet and divide the resulting ashes into four parts. Next, you need to decompose the remnants of desire into the corners of the class in which the lesson will be held.

Another option on how to become an excellent student is to use methods of influencing the teacher.

During the lesson, look carefully at the teacher and mentally send him information about the desired grade. Perhaps you have the gift of hypnosis, and this method will be successful. In this case, you can consider yourself very lucky.

There are also so-called conspiracies or spells, after reading which you will become an excellent student.

It is worth recalling that all magical actions do not have proven power and in most cases are just pampering. It takes a lot of effort to study well, get good grades, and have the respect of teachers.


Learn all the tips on how to become an excellent student. Analyze your behavior, find out the pros and cons. Write out a plan of action for yourself to achieve your goal.

Know that even an excellent student who is not prepared for a lesson, the teacher will never give a bad mark, but will give one more chance to prepare. A student who gets A's always inspires confidence school workers. Being excellent is great!

Remember that in one day you will not be able to become a diligent student at all. To achieve the desired result, you will need to work on yourself for more than one day and, possibly, more than one month. Do not despair if at first your behavior will cause distrust of classmates and teachers. Over time, everything will fall into place, and you will achieve a good result. Go to the goal no matter what! Be an excellent student and please your parents!

Many girls ask how become an excellent student at school, in the classroom, in life, at work, but no one understands why they need it. Yes, there are guys and men who value a girl’s education more than her appearance, but a girl’s intelligence and wisdom lies not in what education she has, but in how highly her soul is developed.

In the article you will learn how to become an excellent student what needs to be done for this, what knowledge, experience, actions are needed to achieve a long goal. Every girl can become an excellent student and be her if she really wants to. Therefore, apply our advice from psychologists in practice and you will see for yourself the result. Because nothing is impossible.

Be careful in class

To become an excellent student, you first of all need to try to be more attentive in the classroom, maybe you have an innate, good memory and you can easily learn to memorize and, accordingly, become an excellent student. If the memory is not particularly good, it can be developed using a variety of books, techniques and tips indicated in our previous articles.

Chat with top performers

Communicate with teachers

To become an excellent student, you need to learn how to communicate with teachers before and after classes, on serious and not very topics. First of all, try to make teachers like you, be interested in their subject, take additional tasks. Remember, teachers dream of having students come to them and ask them to teach something, which is why they took this low-paying job for the pleasure and desire to teach.

Also to become an excellent student, you need to communicate about life and just like that with teachers, become friends, then it will become easier to study well, as it really is. Without a good memory, it can be developed in the same way as a loser can become an excellent student, so strive and achieve the desired result and do not be afraid of teachers, they only wish you well.

Raise your hand in class

Study after class

To become an excellent student in school or class, try to learn not only in the classroom, but also after them. Hire tutors for subjects you are not good at. This will allow you to significantly improve the results of your knowledge. Also remember about courage, courageous people are more likely to become excellent students than those who sit quietly in class and do not raise their hands and are not interested in the subject after lessons with teachers.


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