Responsibilities of the school methodologist. Job description of the methodologist of the educational department. On the rights of a methodologist add. education


Director of the MAOU "Average

secondary school number 12 "



1. General Provisions.

1.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the order of August 26, 2010 No. 000n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation"On the approval of the United qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of educators "

1.2 The methodologist is appointed and dismissed by the order of the director.

1.3 In his activities, the methodologist is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local legal acts of the school, and the employment contract.


The main activities of the school methodologist are:

2.1. Ensuring optimal and effective scientific and methodological support of the educational process, methodological guidance of teachers working with disabled children.

2.2. Ensuring the implementation of support measures distance learning children with special educational needs.

3. Job responsibilities.

Methodist implements methodical work at school. Analyzes the state of educational-methodical (educational) and educational work at school, develops proposals to improve its effectiveness. Takes part in the development of methodological and informational materials, diagnostics, forecasting and planning of training, retraining and professional development of teachers. Organizes the development, reviewing and preparation for approval of educational and methodological documentation and manuals for academic disciplines, standard lists of equipment, didactic materials, etc. Participates in the organization of advanced training and retraining of employees in the relevant areas of their activities, teaching aids, teaching materials. Summarizes and disseminates information about advanced teaching and education technologies (including information technologies), advanced domestic and world experience in the field of education. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for competitions, exhibitions, Olympiads, rallies, competitions, etc. Submits proposals for improving the educational process at school. Participates in the activities of the pedagogical and other councils of the school, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Carries out the rules on labor protection and fire safety .. Participates in the development of perspective plans for the publication of 'textbooks, methodological materials.

The school methodologist has the right, within the limits of his competence:

4.1. Be present at any classes conducted with students of the school,

4.2. To make proposals for the organization of the educational process.

5. Responsibility

5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reason of the Charter and the Rules of the internal work schedule school, legal orders of the school director and other local regulations, job responsibilities, established by this Instruction, including for not using the granted rights, the deputy headmaster of the school for methodological work bears disciplinary responsibility in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment. For the use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, the deputy director of the school for educational work may be relieved of his post in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation " About education ". Dismissal for this misconduct is not a disciplinary measure.

5.2. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the deputy headmaster for educational work is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.3. For the culpable infliction of damage on the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their duties, the deputy headmaster for educational work shall be financially liable in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

1.1. The methodologist belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person is accepted for the position of a methodologist:

1) meeting one of the specified requirements:

a) having higher education(bachelor's degree) and additional professional education in the field of methodological activities in additional education for children and adults, as well as work experience as a teacher of additional education for at least 2 years;

b) having a higher education (specialty or master's degree) and additional professional pedagogical education in the field of methodological activities in the additional education of children and adults, without presenting requirements for work experience;

c) having a higher pedagogical education (magistracy) in the field of methodological activities in the additional education of children and adults, without presenting requirements for work experience;

2) not having restrictions on engaging in pedagogical activity, established by law Russian Federation;

3) past mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) passed certification for compliance with the position held in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. A methodologist should know:

1) the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on education and on personal data;

2) the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the part regulating the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts or physical culture and sports (for work in organizations that implement the relevant programs);

3) theory and practice marketing research in education;

4) methodological foundations of marketing research in education;

5) trends in the development of additional education for children and adults;

6) normative legal acts, psychological, pedagogical and organizational and methodological foundations of the organization of the educational process according to programs of additional education for children and (or) adults;

7) modern educational technologies additional education for children and adults;

8) local regulations educational organization regulating issues of software and methodological support of the educational process, maintenance and procedure for access to educational and other documentation, including documentation containing personal data;

9) methodological and theoretical foundations of modern additional education for children and adults;

10) directions and prospects for the development of the system of additional education in the Russian Federation and the world;

11) directions and prospects for the development of education in the field of arts or physical culture and sports (for the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the relevant field);

12) sources of reliable and reliable information, reflecting the state and regional policy in the field of education in general and the implementation of additional general education programs of the corresponding focus in particular;

13) modern concepts and models, educational technologies of additional education for children and adults in the chosen field;

14) features of building a competence-based educational process;

15) age characteristics of students, features of the implementation of additional general education programs for gifted students, students with disabilities, issues of individualization of education;

16) the stage of professional development of teachers;

17) rules of listening, conducting a conversation, persuasion;

18) techniques for attracting attention, structuring information, overcoming communication barriers, logic and rules for constructing an oral and written monologue message, conducting a professional dialogue;

19) labor protection requirements when conducting training sessions and leisure activities in an organization carrying out educational activities and outside the organization (at field events);

20) measures of responsibility of teaching staff for the life and health of students under their leadership;

21) the fundamentals of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

22) Internal labor regulations;

23) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

24) ……… (other documents, materials, etc.)

1.4. A methodologist should be able to:

1) formulate and discuss with the management of the organization and specialists the tasks, concept and methods of researching the market for additional education for children and adults (hereinafter - research), the resources necessary for its implementation, and the sources of their attraction;

2) form a sampling plan, develop research tools independently or with the participation of specialists;

3) ensure the optimization of research costs;

4) organize the testing of the developed tools;

5) distribute responsibilities between specialists, teach the use of research tools, ensure the coordination of their activities and the implementation of the research program;

6) use research tools, various forms and means of interaction with respondents;

7) analyze and evaluate innovative approaches to the construction of additional education in the chosen field (updating the content, forms, methods, techniques, teaching aids), find in various sources information necessary for a teacher of additional education (teacher, trainer-teacher) to solve professional problems and self-education;

8) conduct group and individual consultations on the development of programs, assessment tools, training cycles, leisure activities and other teaching materials, taking into account the stage of professional development, age and individual characteristics of the teacher;

9) evaluate the quality of the developed materials for compliance with:

The order of organization and implementation educational activities for additional general education programs;

Modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the development and implementation of additional education programs;

The educational needs of students, the requirement for the program to provide the opportunity for its development based on the individualization of the content;

Labor protection requirements;

10) analyze the state of methodological work and plan methodical work in an organization carrying out educational activities;

11) advise the heads of methodological associations (departments) or other structures involved in the organization of methodological activities on issues related to their competence;

12) organize discussion and discuss methodological issues with teachers;

13) provide professional support for the design and presentation of their experience by teachers;

14) use various means and methods of disseminating positive experience in organizing the educational process, including with the use of ICT and the capabilities of the information and telecommunications network Internet;

15) prepare software and methodological documentation for the examination (review) and analyze its results;

16) plan monitoring and evaluation of the quality of implementation by teachers of additional general education programs;

17) analyze classes and leisure activities, discuss them in dialogue with teachers;

18) develop, on the basis of the results of monitoring the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs, recommendations for improving the educational process for teachers of additional education for children and adults in the chosen field;

19) carry out primary processing of research results and consult specialists on its implementation;

20) process, analyze and interpret the results of studying the market of additional education services for children and adults, involve experts in the work, organize a discussion of the analysis results;

21) develop and submit to the management of the organization and the teaching staff proposals for determining the list, content of additional general education programs, promoting additional education services of an organization carrying out educational activities;

22) process personal data in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

23) conduct a discussion with the leadership of the educational organization and teachers of the results of monitoring the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs;

24) assess the qualifications (competence) of teachers, plan their training, retraining and advanced training;

25) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.5. The methodologist is trained in additional professional programs on the profile of pedagogical activity at least once every 3 years.

1.6. The methodologist in his activity is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.7. The methodologist reports directly to ……… (name of the position of the head)

1.8. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional general education programs:

1) organizing and conducting research on the market for additional education services for children and adults;

2) organizational and pedagogical support of the methodological activities of teachers of additional education;

3) monitoring and assessing the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs by teachers.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The methodologist performs the following duties:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function, organizing and conducting research on the market for additional education services for children and adults:

1) organizes the development and (or) develops programs and tools for studying the market of additional education services for children and adults;

2) organizes and (or) studies the market for additional education services for children and adults;

3) carries out the formation of proposals for determining the list, content of programs of additional education for children and adults, the conditions for their implementation, promotion of additional education services, organization based on the study of the market for additional education for children and adults.

3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function, organizational and pedagogical support of the methodological activities of teachers of additional education:

1) conducts group and individual consultations for teachers of additional education on the development of programs, assessment tools, training cycles, leisure activities and other teaching materials;

2) monitors and evaluates the quality of software and methodological documentation;

3) carries out the organization of the examination (review) and preparation for the approval of the program and methodological documentation;

4) carries out the organization, under the leadership of the authorized head of the educational organization, methodological work, including the activities of methodological associations (departments) or other similar structures, the exchange and dissemination of positive experience professional activity teachers of additional education.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function, monitoring and assessing the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs by teachers:

1) carries out attending and analyzing classes and leisure activities conducted by teachers;

3) carries out the organization under the leadership of the authorized head of the educational organization of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

3.1.4. As part of their labor functions carries out the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

The methodologist has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft documents on the organization of the educational process, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4.3. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management concerning the function performed by him, with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.4. Submit proposals for the organization of labor within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.5. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.6. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The methodologist is held accountable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties stipulated by this job description - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation on educational activities;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their labor activity, - in the manner established by the current administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "" approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Of the Russian Federation dated 09/08/2015 N 613n, taking into account ......... (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out when hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this manual (in the job description familiarization log); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Educational Institutional Methodist

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the methodologist of the educational institution [Organization name in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Educational institution).

1.2. The methodologist of an educational institution is appointed and dismissed from office in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the educational institution.

1.3. The methodologist of the educational institution belongs to the category of specialists and has subordinate to [the names of the positions of subordinates in the dative case].

1.4. The methodologist of the educational institution reports directly to the [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the educational institution.

1.5. A person who has a higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a methodologist of an educational institution.

1.6. The methodologist of the educational institution is responsible for:

  • effective execution of the work entrusted to him;
  • compliance with the requirements of performing, labor and technological discipline;
  • the safety of the documents (information) containing (components) in his custody (which became known to him) trade secret Educational institution.

1.7. The methodologist of an educational institution should know:

  • priority directions of development educational system Russian Federation;
  • laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities;
  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • principles of didactics;
  • foundations of pedagogy and developmental psychology;
  • general and private teaching technologies;
  • principles of methodological support of a subject or direction of activity;
  • the system of organizing the educational process in an educational institution;
  • principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, curricula for specialties, educational programs, standard lists of educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation;
  • a methodology for identifying, generalizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical work;
  • principles of organization and content of work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of institutions;
  • the basics of working with publishers;
  • principles of systematization of methodological and informational materials;
  • basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching aids, the organization of their rental;
  • the content of the fund of teaching aids;
  • theory and methods of management of educational systems;
  • modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing education, implementation of a competence-based approach;
  • methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff;
  • technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;
  • fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology;
  • labor legislation;
  • basics of working with text editor, spreadsheets, by e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;
  • internal labor regulations of an educational institution;
  • rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1.8. The methodologist of an educational institution in his activities is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Educational institution;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the methodologist of the educational institution, his duties are assigned to the [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Job responsibilities

The methodologist of an educational institution is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

2.1. Carries out methodical work in educational institutions of all types and types.

2.2. Analyzes the state of educational-methodical (educational-training) and educational work in institutions and develops proposals to improve its efficiency.

2.3. Takes part in the development of methodological and informational materials, diagnostics, forecasting and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of institutions.

2.4. Provides assistance educators institutions in determining the content of curricula, forms, methods and teaching aids, in organizing work on scientific and methodological support of educational activities of institutions, in developing working educational (subject) programs (modules) for disciplines and training courses.

2.5. Organizes the development, reviewing and preparation for the approval of educational and methodological documentation and manuals for academic disciplines, standard lists of equipment, didactic materials, etc.

2.6. Analyzes and summarizes the results of experimental work of institutions.

2.7. Summarizes and takes measures to disseminate the most effective experience of teaching staff.

2.8. Organizes and coordinates the work of methodological associations of teaching staff, provides them with advice and practical assistance in the relevant areas of activity.

2.9. Participates in the work of organizing advanced training and retraining of employees in the relevant areas of their activities, in scientific and methodological support of the content of education, in the development of long-term plans for ordering textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials.

2.10. Summarizes and disseminates information about advanced teaching and education technologies (including information technologies), advanced domestic and world experience in the field of education.

2.11. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for competitions, exhibitions, Olympiads, rallies, competitions, etc.

2.12. In institutions of additional education participates in the recruitment study groups, circles and associations of students.

2.13. Makes proposals for improving the educational process in an educational institution.

2.14. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

2.15. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process.

2.16. Complies with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

2.17. When performing the duties of a senior methodologist of an educational institution, along with fulfilling the duties provided for by the position of a methodologist of an educational institution, he supervises the performers subordinate to him.

2.18. Participates in the development of promising plans for the publication of textbooks, teaching materials.

In case of official necessity, the methodologist of an educational institution may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The methodologist of an educational institution has the right:

3.1. For all stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation social guarantees, including:

  • for a shorter working time;
  • for additional professional education in the profile of pedagogical activity at least once every three years;
  • for the main annual extended paid leave, the duration of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • for a long vacation for a period of up to one year at least every ten years of continuous pedagogical work;
  • for the early appointment of an old-age labor pension;
  • to provide out of turn residential premises under a social tenancy agreement (if the employee is registered as needing residential premises);
  • for the provision of residential premises for specialized housing stock;
  • to provide compensation for the cost of housing, heating and lighting [for those living and working in rural settlements, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements)];
  • to pay additional costs for medical, social and vocational rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an industrial accident and an occupational disease.

3.2. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management concerning its activities.

3.3. On issues within his competence, submit proposals for improving the organization's activities and improving working methods for consideration by the management, as well as options for eliminating the shortcomings in the organization's activities.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of management from structural units and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.5. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the management).

3.6. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of necessary equipment, inventory, workplace, corresponding to sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations.

3.7. Other rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The methodologist of an educational institution bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of his labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of the methodologist of an educational institution is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of a methodologist of an educational institution is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the methodologist of the educational institution is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the Educational institution.

6. Authority to sign

6.1. To ensure its activities, the methodologist of an educational institution is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues attributed to his competence by this job description.

Acquainted with the instructions ______ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

I. General Provisions

1. The methodologist belongs to the category of specialists; appointed and

is released from it by order of the director of the institution on the proposal

2. A person with a higher professional education and experience of teaching work (from 2 to 5 years; from 5 to 8 years; from 8 to 12 years; over 12 years) or work experience as a methodologist (instructor-methodologist) is appointed to the position of a methodologist. at least (1 year; 3 years) or qualification category(II, I, highest)

3. Appointment to the position of a methodologist (instructor-methodologist) and release from it is made by order of the director of the institution on the proposal

4. The methodologist should know:

4.1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues.

4.3. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4.4. Principles of didactics.

4.5. Foundations of pedagogy and developmental psychology.

4.6. General and private teaching technologies.

4.7. Ownership techniques and principles of methodological support of a subject or area of ​​activity.

4.8. The system of organizing the educational process in the institution.

4.9. Principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, curricula for specialties, educational programs, standard lists of educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation.

4.10. Methodology for identifying, generalizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical work in institutions.

4.11. The principles of organization and the content of the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of institutions.

4.12. Basics of working with publishers.

4.13. Principles of systematization of methodological and informational materials.

4.14. Basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching aids, the organization of their rental.

4.16. Fundamentals of Labor Law; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

5. The methodologist reports directly (to the director of the institution, another official)

6. During the absence of the methodologist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the institution. This person acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities


1. Organizes the methodological work of educational institutions, film libraries, methodological, educational and methodical rooms (centers).

2. Analyzes the state of educational-methodical (educational-training) and educational work in institutions and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness.

3. In institutions of additional education, participates in the recruitment of study groups, circles and associations of students.

4. Provides assistance to teaching staff in determining the content, forms, methods and means of teaching.

5. Takes part in the development of methodological and informational materials, diagnostics, forecasting and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of institutions.

6. Draws up educational, educational-thematic plans and programs for disciplines and training courses.

7. Organizes the development, reviewing and preparation for the approval of educational and methodological documentation, manuals ( academic disciplines, standard lists of equipment, didactic materials, etc.).

8. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the experimental work of institutions.

9. Summarizes and takes measures to disseminate the most effective experience of managers and specialists of institutions.

10. Organizes and coordinates the work of methodological associations of teaching staff.

11. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for competitions, exhibitions, Olympiads, rallies, competitions, etc.

12. Provides advisory and practical assistance to teachers of educational institutions in the relevant areas of activity.

13. Participates in the organization of advanced training and retraining of employees in relevant areas.

14. Organizes work on scientific and methodological support of the content of education.

15. Participates in the development of long-term plans for the publication of textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials, the selection of their authors.

17. Informs educational and methodological rooms and educational institutions about published textbooks, teaching aids, video, audiovisual and other teaching aids and analyzes the needs of institutions.

18. Receives and retransmits information on advanced technologies of training and education of domestic and world experience.

19. Organizes service for the subscribers of the film library and the study of the content of the manuals.

III. Rights

Methodist has the right:

1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the institution concerning its activities.

2. On issues within its competence, submit proposals for improving the institution's activities and improving working methods for consideration by the management of the institution; comments on the activities of employees of the institution; options for eliminating shortcomings in the institution's activities.

3. To request, personally or on behalf of the institution's management, from structural divisions and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.

4. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head of the institution).

5. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

The methodologist is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Organization name APPROVED OFFICIAL Position name INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Signature decoding Place of preparation Date TO THE METHODIST


1. The methodologist belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of ____________________________.

2. A person who has a higher education in the profiles of "Pedagogy", "Pedagogy" is appointed to the position of a methodologist. Professional education"or higher education and retraining in the profiles" Pedagogy "," Pedagogy. Professional education "and work experience in the positions of teaching staff for at least 2 years.

3. In his activity, the methodologist is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the work performed;

Methodological materials related to relevant issues;

The charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct manager);

This job description.

4. The methodologist should know:

Education Code of the Republic of Belarus;

Other regulatory legal acts, instructional and methodological documents and information and analytical materials that determine the directions and prospects for the development of the education system;

Principles, content, organization, forms and methods of methodical work;

The procedure and technology for the development of educational standards, educational-program and educational-methodical documentation of the relevant educational programs;

Program-planning documentation of upbringing, educational and methodological documentation, educational and methodological literature on educational problems, the procedure and technology for the development, publication of these documents;

The latest methodological developments;

Modern educational technologies;

Principles of systematization of teaching materials in the field of education;

Forms and methods of using information and communication technologies in the educational process;

Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology, Economics, Labor Law;

Office work;

Labor protection and fire safety rules and regulations.

5. During the absence of the methodologist, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the methodologist must:

6.1. To carry out scientific and methodological support of education in the implementation of educational programs of basic education, additional education and special education, upbringing programs in an educational institution, an organization that implements educational programs postgraduate education, another organization, which, in accordance with the legislation, is granted the right to carry out educational activities, government organization education, ensuring the functioning of the education system (hereinafter - the organization of education).

6.2. Analyze the state of educational, methodological, educational, educational work, develop proposals and recommendations to improve its effectiveness.

6.3. Participate in the organization of the educational process, scientific, methodological and organizational support for the certification of teaching staff.

6.4. Collect, accumulate and systematize methodological, reference, information and analytical materials.

6.5. Organize the development of methodological, educational and methodological and other documents, information and analytical (information) materials that ensure the implementation of educational activities of the educational organization.

6.6. Participate in the development of drafts of regulatory legal acts in the field of education, their examination and regulation, adjustment of existing and development of new educational standards, educational and program documentation.

6.7. Carry out work on the introduction of new educational-program and educational-methodical documentation into the educational process.

6.8. Conduct an examination (scientific and pedagogical examination) of the originals of the author's (manuscripts) of educational publications.

6.9. Participate in forecasting, planning and organizing training, retraining and advanced training of students in the educational organization.

6.10. Identify, study, generalize and disseminate effective teaching experience.

6.11. Analyze the provision of educational organization with educational and program documentation of the relevant educational programs, software planning documentation of education, educational and methodological documentation, educational publications, teaching aids.

6.12. Organize, coordinate the work of methodological associations in the field of education to improve the scientific and methodological support of the content, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing.

6.13. Participate in the organization, analysis and generalization of the results of the experimental and innovation activities in the field of education, aimed at updating the content of educational programs, improving the quality of education through the implementation of experimental, innovative projects.

6.14. Provide the necessary advisory assistance to pedagogical workers in the implementation of their activities, the practical use of forms and methods of teaching and upbringing.

6.15. To ensure interaction with organizations that carry out scientific and methodological support of education, educational institutions that implement appropriate educational programs and upbringing programs, and other interested parties.

6.16. Participate in the organization and conduct of competitions professional excellence, exhibitions, shows, rallies, competitions, olympiads, conferences, seminars and other educational events.

6.17. Maintain established planning and accounting records.


7. A methodologist has the right:

7.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.

7.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

7.4. To involve specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to solve the responsibilities assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head of the organization).

7.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

7.6. Participate in the discussion of labor protection issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The methodologist submits to ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. 9. The methodologist interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the institution: - with _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; presents: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; presents: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of the methodologist is assessed by the immediate supervisor (another official).

11. The methodologist is responsible for:

11.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For non-compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of the signature of the Visa Read the instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of the signature _______________________ Date


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