Buryat fairy tales legends. Buryat folk tales. Snow and hare

At the same time, Buryat folklore contains magnificent common nouns, sparkling humor and truly magical plots. And the most important thing is the spirit of the people and their character.

Theater Burdrama nevertheless from the beginning of next year just drew attention to this. In January, for example, the theater will stage two Buryat fairy tales - "The Magic Land of Ancestors" and "The Tale of Fat Zamai and Mangathai."

Who is Muu Hara?

When asked why the Buryat fairy tale material is not used as often as we would like, the theater critic Tuyana Nikolaeva says: “A fairy tale is the most important genre of literature, narrative art. And theater is not literature. For us, the main thing is action and efficiency. Therefore, not every fairy tale can be put on stage "legs". Since a fairy tale is the quintessence of the national mentality, our fairy tales are ineffective, and more contemplative. "

It is difficult to say why the material with the "quintessence of the national mentality" cannot be contemplated. Probably, people of art know better, but it is precisely the task of theatrical and other masters of art - to put it on its feet. After all, the value of folk tales is enduring.

They retell the experience, views, values ​​of people - what constitutes the mentality of the nation. At the same time, sadly, in a blitz poll, which was conducted in one of the social networks, few people living in Buryatia could immediately name at least a couple - three names of Buryat fairy-tale heroes.

No one remembered such wonderful fairy-tale characters as Foundling - Olzo Hubuun, Poor Borolzoy, Snotty - Nuhata Nuushai, Black-haired Fool - Muu Hara, Fool Monto - Muu Monto, Orphan Boro - Unshen Boro. They are somewhat reminiscent of the Russian Ivanushka the Fool and the same notorious Cinderella, but endowed with purely national character traits. Often in Buryat fairy tales, under the guise of plain and pitiful characters, true heroes are hidden, the true essence of which is revealed only as the plot develops.

At the same time, many agree that in fairy tales the national spirit and typical features and the very essence of the character of the Buryats are presented in all their glory, witty and lively.

And it is absolutely indisputable that now, at a critical moment in the study of the Buryat language in the republic, reading and demonstrating fairy tales in the original language is an excellent help for studying it.

Naturalism - a hint and a lesson

Someone in Buryat fairy tales is confused by a certain harsh truth of life, although, competing with the cynicism of modern cartoons, our fairy tales just win, because they clearly, honestly show the vices of people.

And for all the chilling details, Buryat tales are inherently very kind, certainly wise and optimistic. Fairy tales, everyday tales and tales about animals sometimes capture the reader more abruptly than any other thriller. Moreover, modern people they will not even be able to decipher the unattainable motivation of the heroes: “Help me to tear off my ears,” says the bear. It is possible, - said the fox and, despite the roar and groan of the bear, gnawed at the ears and put them in his mouth. And she herself, pretending to stop his blood, licked her fill of bear's blood. " (Tale "The Fox Who Deceived Death").

In Buryat tales, there is a huge number of different unseen creatures. These are dragons, and giant snakes, and outlandish birds. There are many wonderful and mythical creatures in abundance, including the "masters of the area" - water, forest or sky. Or monsters, such as the many-headed mangathais and evil Sholmos.

Once upon a time, Buryat hunters, going to the taiga to hunt, specially took ontokhoshin-storytellers with them, just to tell fairy tales. It was believed that this brings good luck in the hunt. And for the performance of fairy tales and uligers, they received a share of the prey on an equal basis with the hunters. Onthoshin was a very respected person in society.

Though miserable, but sly

Often in life you can hear such definitions as "cunning Buryat", "lazy Buryat". The Buryats themselves do not emphasize this, of course, but they do not deny it either. On the other hand, typical traits of a national character are ingeniously noted in fairy tales. “There was a poor man with his mother. He was lazy, he didn't know how to do anything. “Wait, how can I feed myself and my mother? I don’t know how to work, I have to deceive one rich man, ”he thought” (“How a cunning guy became a khan”).

The positive hero is often poor and persecuted, a poor fool, a kind orphan, though sometimes lazy. And if he is already rich, then this is either a "good khan" or a successful hunter. However, all of them are not averse to competing in wit and wisdom even with the Sholmos himself.

Brat (Nuhata Nuushai), Black-haired Fool (Muu Hara), Poor Borolzoy or simply Poor Man - beloved fairy tale characters... And the fun-lover Budamshuu is a real star of Buryat humor.

And, as a rule, due to his ingenuity and dexterity, with jokes, a resourceful wit overnight improves his financial situation... At the same time, he makes fun of the stupid and greedy rich-noyons, arrogant taishas, ​​and often immediately becomes a khan himself.

Search a woman…

But girls and women are a different story. We can safely say that this is a kind of Buryat "domostroy", on the contrary, an educational program for family relations. Unlike men, women appear in fairy tales to be wise rather than cunning. A clever daughter-in-law is sometimes the only salvation for the unlucky and stupid khan's son, the future of the family depends on her. And the poor man gets richer and rises for such a wife.

However, sometimes a representative of the fair sex can also appear as an angry divine maiden, punishing narrow-minded applicants for her condescension, like the harsh Ukhin-tengeri, or the evil, quarrelsome Khansha.

But the main motive of a woman is to be a "gray cardinal", a neck on which a man's head sits. For example, in the epic "Geser" one of the central figures is Manzan-gourme, the heavenly grandmother who rules the western tengeri, while her husband, Esege Malaan, is completely inactive.

The Buryat woman in fairy tales is a beauty and artisan, whom the world has never seen, and she unobtrusively leads her husband, and his pride flatters him, because "the word of a husband is sacred for his wife."

Such a friend of life has always been valued worth its weight in gold, and in fairy tales they went to the farthest lands after her, overcoming unimaginable dangers, participating in the most difficult heroic competitions. In Buryat tales, it is revered for great happiness if, as a reward for all the trials, the hero, at last, “healed to glory under the supervision of a wise and gentle wife”.

Why does a hare have forked lips

More mundane animal tales. But they clearly explain the origin of any natural phenomenon. ("Why does the swallow have a forked tail", "Why does a hare have forked lips", "Why do wolves howl" and others.)

Among the authors-storytellers, Yegor Sorokovikov-Magai, Apollo are popular. Shadaev, Sergei Baldaev. Apollon Andreevich Toroev, one of the famous uligershins of Buryatia, wrote the tale "Why does a hare have forked lips?" “There was only one hare in the world and was afraid of everything, even his own shadow. And one day he decided to commit suicide: either drown himself or burn in the fire. And when the leaves rustled behind him, he saw that a frightened ram was running away from him. The hare laughed: “It means that I am not the only one who is afraid of everyone, but others are afraid of me too. And he laughed so hard that his lips burst. This is why the hare has forked lips. "

"Tyas - nyas, iishe - tiishe, gezhe - baizha"

Urban children do not know their native language, and they do not particularly want to learn it. Think national culture something distant and incomprehensible. They are closer to Japanese anime heroes or American Shrek than the hero of a Buryat fairy tale. But it is a fairy tale with its wonderful properties that can awaken in a child a craving for his native origins with the help of living language and vivid illustrations.

It is in fairy tales that the living language of the people is contained in all its wealth. Each storyteller has his own vocabulary, his own local dialect. The tale of a well-known plot in his mouth sounds in a new way every time.

There are publications that strive in Russian to convey the originality of the storyteller's style as close as possible to the original, from whose words this or that fairy tale is recorded. With expressive onomatopoeia, paired words ("hard", "nyald-nyald", "bor-bor"), in a certain rhythm - with all the features of lively spoken language.

And in the amazing Buryat tales, children, and adults as well, can see plots and denunciations of modern life. Of course, children cannot understand the twists and turns of dishonest politicians, various undercover intrigues, but a fairy tale sometimes explains everything.

Sly cat and noble horse

“There lived a formidable bear. He was the king of beasts in the great forest. But now he has grown old, he cannot move his paw. And the mice began to annoy him. They have deprived of sleep and peace, there is no sweetness with them. The bear gathered strength and issued a decree: "Destroy all mice!" The animals found a good cat and assigned them to the bear in the guards. The cat turned out to be very cunning: in his service he is not very zealous, he will catch one mouse for an ostratus - the rest do not even show their nose from their holes. But as soon as the cat is absent, the mice annoy the old bear again. To prevent this from happening, the bear brought the cat closer to him, began to consult with him in everything, began to keep near him day and night. But one day the cat fell ill and left his son near the bear. The kitten began to guard the bear's peace: as soon as the mouse sees it, it will immediately catch it.

In one night, he overfished all the mice. The next day the cat-father came, saw the trapped mice, was very angry, but even more saddened.

Silly head! - he said to his son. - For many years I have not killed a single extra mouse, so that there was someone to protect the king of beasts from, and you in one night
dealt with them: For faithful service, the bear brought me closer to him, and you, your own son, deprived me of this service.

After a short time, a rumor reached the royal ears: "To the great happiness, not a single mouse remained in our forest!"
there should be not a single cat, not a single cat. "
One way or another, the fairy tale is designed to bring positive and beauty. No sly cats and fat bears.

On the eve of the Year of the Horse, it is not a sin to remember that it is in the fairy tale that the reverent attitude towards the sacred animal of the Buryats is manifested. An irreplaceable partner in the heroic business as an equal hero appears in fairy tales. He will save you from trouble, and will unravel the intrigues of the enemy, and will even enlighten you with a wise word.

“The horse ran on with its two remaining legs. But the old woman caught up with the fugitives for the fourth time, waved her knife for the fourth time and cut off the horse's last legs. Then the horse turned into a tall thick tree, and the guy climbed on top of it "(" The Water Old Woman ").

After reading such a fairy tale, the child will understand that there are so many “horse” names in Buryatia, and “Sagaan Morin” and “Tumar Morin” are not just the names of markets, but also a symbol of luck and wealth.

Let's fast forward to the times of the past, to the old Buryat yurt, lost in the steppe space. In it, the evening warmth blows from the hearth and from the breath of people who came to the yurt to listen to the famous storyteller in this area - ontokhoshin. He sits on the khoymor - the northern side of the yurt, traditionally intended for distinguished guests. From time immemorial, in the steppe, the artistic word, performing skills were highly valued. No wonder there is a popular proverb, which in translation sounds something like this: "The storyteller is sitting on an honorable bed, and the singer is on a hill." And, slowly sipping a sip of hot green tea, the storyteller just as leisurely begins the story: “A long time ago it was. When the ocean-sea was splashing in a puddle, and the raven bird fluttered like a sparrow. There lived a husband and wife, and in their old age a son was born. Having slept one night, a newborn cannot fit on the skin of a one-year-old ram, cannot get enough milk from one cow. And after living for two days, he cannot fit on the skin of a two-year-old ram, cannot get enough milk from two cows - it grows so quickly ... ”Everyone sitting in the yurt listens to the fairy tale with bated breath and is mentally transported into an extraordinary reality created by the rich imagination of the ontohoshin. It seems that everything: smoldering coals in the hearth, and cooling tea in a bowl, and horses sighing noisily at the hitching post, and the starry sky flowing to the ground along the slopes of gentle hills - everything is listening to the quiet, measured speech of the storyteller-ontohoshin. And especially the kids, squatting closer to the guest, do not take their eyes off him, remember every word and gesture of the extraordinary storyteller with a tenacious child's memory. Years will pass, and one of them, having already become an adult, himself will begin to tell fairy tales and compose new ones, and his son and grandson will continue the family tradition so that the thread of time does not break, so that the wonderful world captured in wise word, helped people to live better, to believe in good and bright. The Buryat poet Boris Syrenov said well about this, whose poem I would like to cite in full, because it poetically accurately expresses the charm of a folk tale and reverent attitude towards its creator - an unnamed storyteller:

And above the eight-walled yurt

the ray is gilded along the slope.

Unhurried old man hunched over

tells us a fairy tale.

Like a simple and poor family

a brave warrior grows up

and enemies of the land of dawn

he fearlessly wins.

We sit, rejoicing in our souls,

we take everything for the truth.

For all my earthly life

we remember that fairy tale,

as if she opened to us

faith in the essence of goodness and light.

How long has it all been

how wonderful it was.

What is the secret of the charm of the fairy tale genre, its attractiveness for previous and new generations, where does this inexhaustible spiritual phenomenon come from? The world of the Buryat fairy tale is rooted in the depths of the people's life, the luminosity of the fairytale world is one of the manifestations of the national spirit, national attitude. This is an eternal striving, on the verge of fiction and reality, to bring harmony into relations with nature and the surrounding reality, to resolve the initial confrontation between Good and Evil under the sign of humanity. As Lope de Vega thoughtfully remarked in his Philomena: "In times less enlightened than ours, but when people knew more than us, novels were called fairy tales." That is why, if we talk about Buryat tales, they are also one of the genres of oral literature, along with heroic tales, legends and songs that capture the spiritual and historical experience of the people in a peculiar artistic form.

The creative range of Buryat folk tales is surprisingly wide. It resembles a spacious and abounding river, which on its way now and then breaks up into sleeves, conventionally referred to as fairy-tale fairy-tale and heroic, everyday and satirical and fairy tales about the animal world. But since this is still one and the same stream, which has a common channel and source, the border between these arms is sometimes difficult to draw, and therefore, it would seem in the most prosaic tale, a spark of magic will suddenly sparkle, like a semi-precious ring on the hand of a beautiful dangin.

As you know, the Buryats are one of the Mongol-speaking peoples. The history of the Buryat ethnos and its culture are closely related to Central Asia. This is convincingly evidenced by the summit folk-poetic creation - the epic "Geser". The name of this epic hero - a champion of goodness and justice - sounds like a symbol of the common cultural and moral values ​​of the peoples inhabiting the vast territory from the Himalayas to Lake Baikal. No wonder the epic "Geser" is called the Iliad of Central Asia.

This can be fully attributed to the fabulous tradition. In it, on the basis of ethnic and linguistic community, the kinship of Mongolian, Buryat and Kalmyk tales is clearly traced. Undoubted typological similarity is also found with the fabulous epic of neighboring Turkic-speaking peoples - Altai, Tuvans, Khakass and Yakuts. These similarities come from the initial adequacy of the natural environment, forms of economic management and the mentality of the historical ancestors of these peoples.

Since ancient times, the life of an inhabitant of the Central Asian steppes and Siberian taiga took place in the bosom of nature. His economic activity obeyed the rhythm of the successive seasons. Natural and climatic conditions gave rise to a special type of civilization - nomadic. The steppe with its pastures and watering holes determined a person to be a cattle breeder, and the taiga and mountains adjacent to the steppe developed in a person the qualities of a hunter-trapper. It is no coincidence that there is still a cult of five types of livestock in the folk tradition, and the 12-year animal cycle according to the lunar calendar, starting with the year of the Mouse and ending with the year of the Boar, according to a number of researchers, appeared before among the peoples of Central Asia and adjacent to it regions - representatives of classical nomadism. And this organic relationship and closeness of man to the natural world determined a special "natural" philosophy of the worldview, which blossomed in a magnificent color in the fairy to mythology. They have magical attributes: a magic stone that causes bad weather, living water that revives the dead, an arrow obedient to a spell, a book of fate with the gift of clairvoyance. The negative characters are diverse: multi-headed monsters - mangadhai, terrible beasts and evil khans. But no matter what guise evil may have and no matter what tricks it resorts to, victory always remains on the side of good, ingenuity and intelligence triumph over dark forces, justice and generosity over greed and cunning. These bright beginnings are confirmed by a young hero endowed with mighty strength, a brave heart and a noble destiny.

A characteristic element of the tale is the motive of the road, the path in which the hero's qualities are revealed. Therefore, he goes on a journey, whether it be a hero's departure for a hunt or a hike for his betrothed - a bride, which is found in the most archaic stories. Or the thirst to know the world and to prove oneself, to overcome the trials that may fall on the lot of a person. So, in the fairy tale "Seven Elders" the main character - an orphan boy, thanks to the knowledge of seventy languages ​​of animals and birds, learns from the crow how to cure the khan's son, and he successfully copes with this. It would seem that the fairy tale is over: the hero has achieved the desired goal, the khan wants to adopt him as a token of gratitude. But the restless nomadic spirit of the orphan boy and the desire to bring goodness lead him away from the khan's palace, and on the way he finds friends who were united by one desire - to bypass the whole mother earth. And friendship helps them overcome all obstacles.

Securing the loan with collateral is considered beneficial for both parties to the transaction.

For the lender

The bank receives a significant guarantee upon the occurrence of the client's insolvency. To return his funds, the creditor has the right to sell the provided collateral. From the proceeds, he takes the money put to him, and returns the remainder to the client.

For the borrower

For the borrower, there are both positive and negative aspects of a property pledge transaction. The pluses include:

  • obtaining the maximum possible loan amount;
  • obtaining a loan for a long time period;
  • providing money at a reduced interest rate.

At the same time, the client should remember that if it is impossible to repay borrowed money he will lose his car. Sovcombank usually provides a loan secured by a car for a long term. During this time, various unforeseen circumstances may occur. Therefore, before pledging a vehicle, you should weigh your financial capabilities.

It is because of this that the mortgage of an apartment does not always look tempting, but providing your vehicle as additional security for a bank loan is a more thoughtful and less risky business.

Sovcombank carries out its financial activities more than 25 years on the territory of Russia and is a large banking institution, which increases its reliability in the eyes potential clients... It offers individuals a wide variety of loan products, including among consumer loans there is a loan secured by personal transport. This loan has its own characteristics.

Maximum amount

Sovcombank draws up a maximum amount of 1 million rubles for a client on the security of his car. Money is provided only in Russian currency.

Loan terms

Sovcombank gives a loan secured by a car for no more than 5 years. In this case, the client has the right to use early repayment of the loan without applying any penalties to it.

Interest rate

If the borrowed funds for the purposes specified in the contract exceed 80%, then the rate is offered at 16.9%. If the amount of the loan received is a specific goal is less than 80%, then the rate increases and is 21.9%.

If a citizen has a salary card in the bank, then the loan rate can be reduced by 5 points.

Upon concluding the proposed insolvency insurance contract, the borrower can obtain a loan with an interest rate of 4.86%. With the smallest loan amount taken by the client and the minimum term for concluding an agreement, the bank will offer a lower annual interest rate.

This insurance amount is paid once a year and is a salvation in case of financial difficulties for the client.

Borrower requirements

A loan is provided for individuals on the following loyal conditions.

  1. Age. The client of the bank applying for the loan must be over 20 years of age and under 85 at the time of the last installment of the loan.
  2. Citizenship. A potential borrower must be a citizen of Russia.
  3. Employment. At the time of the conclusion of the loan agreement, the client must be employed. Moreover, the length of service in the last job must be more than 4 months.
  4. Registration. Apply for a loan individual can only be registered at the location of the bank's office branch. The distance from the place of residence to the nearest office should not exceed 70 km.
  5. Telephone. An important requirement is the availability of a landline telephone number. He can be both home and work.

Auto vehicle pledged to a bank must meet certain conditions.

  1. More than 19 years must have elapsed from the date of the car's release on the date of the contract.
  2. The machine must be on the move, in good working order.
  3. The pledged vehicle must be free of other collateral obligations. The car cannot have double bail.
  4. At the time of signing the contract, the car must not be a participant in the car loan program.

Required documents

Before concluding an agreement with the bank, the client collects the documents required for this transaction. Moreover, you will need both papers related directly to the borrower and documentation for the vehicle being pledged.

For an individual

The borrower must provide a list of the following papers regarding himself:

  • Russian passport and its copy;
  • SNILS or driver's license (at the client's choice);
  • a certificate of income filled out in the form of a banking institution. It indicates the amount of earnings for at least the last 4 months, taking into account all deductions, that is, income in "pure" form. The document must be endorsed by the head of the enterprise, and the seal of the organization is affixed to it.
  • notarized consent of the spouse. If he is drawn up as a surety, then in addition, it is necessary to conclude an agreement, which spells out all the obligations of the person giving the surety regarding the loan received.

For a legal entity

To provide a loan to a legal entity, a significantly larger number of documents will be required. They can be conditionally divided into 3 groups.

  1. Constituent. These include the Charter, documents of appointment general director, chief accountant.
  2. Financial. This package of documents includes papers on registration with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of the current account status.
  3. General. Activity documents legal entity, its partners, the main types of contracts.

Property documents

The following documents will be required regarding the car:

  • vehicle passport;
  • certificate of its registration;
  • OSAGO insurance policy.

You can get a loan secured by a vehicle in several stages.

  1. Before concluding an agreement, you should determine the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds and weigh your financial capabilities.
  2. Applying for the issuance of credit funds. This can be done at the Sovcombank office or on the official online website (https://sovcombank.ru/apply/auto/).
  3. Collection of documents for the client and the car.
  4. After receiving the consent of the bank to arrange a loan, it is necessary with all the papers to appear at the nearest branch.
  5. Concluding a loan agreement and signing a mortgage on a car. Registration of these documents in Rosreestr.
  6. Transfer of money by the bank to the account specified by the client.

Debt repayment methods

After receiving a loan, its timely repayment is considered an equally important issue, so it is important to clarify the possible ways.

  1. You can deposit the amount of debt on a loan at any office of Sovcombank through an operator or through a terminal or ATM of this banking institution.
  2. If the client has personal account"Sovcombank" he with the convenience, without leaving home, will be able to repay their loan obligations.
  3. At any branch of the Russian Post, the client can make a money transfer by specifying the bank account details.
  4. You can also deposit the amount of debt through ATMs of other banks. Please note that a commission will be charged in this case.

All his long life, Mael-bator competed in the fight with many daring and strong bators, but his back never touched the ground - no one could overcome him. The native people of Bator were proud of his strength, intelligence and ingenuity. In the neighborhood lived another young but boastful and envious bator, Eelen. Attacking foreign lands, fighting off other people's livestock was the first occupation of this bator.

Hearing about Mael's power and glory, the boastful bator decided to fight his neighbor. To do this, he gathered three hundred warriors and marched with them to the homeland of bator Mael. Arriving with an army at the border, Eelen-bator, through a messenger, notified the old bator:

Once upon a time there was a poor dishware. From morning to night he made wooden utensils, and this was what he fed.

So he once went to the seashore to cut down a soft and flexible branch for a hoop on the sidewalk. I saw a red birch and already raised an ax over it, as the birch says in a human voice:

Sixteen-year-old Budamshu Daa argued that he would be able to force the bogdo himself (Bogdo, bogdohan - the holiest - khan's title) to rise and greet him in front of all the people.

He prepared a mattress and went to the bogdo. Many friends introduce themselves to the Holy One. Bogdo sits in his seat and receives the people. Sixteen-year-old Budamshu Daa took the mattress and goes to the bogdo.

That was a long time ago. Once the narrow-eyed Khan Olzoy, out of nothing to do, issued a decree: "Whoever can deceive me so that I believe, I will give him a full cup of gold."

The shepherd Malasgai learned about this decree, came to the narrow-eyed Khan Olzoy and said:

Once upon a time there lived a cruel khan. Somehow the khan got tired of everything: amusements, games, dances, and even hunting. The khan was not interested in the fate of his subjects. He wants to know and see nothing and no one. And then a decree was issued, which was known in every village and in every valley. It said:

“Whoever manages to tell the khan seventy fables without stopping, without saying a truthful word, that person will receive as much gold as can be loaded onto one camel. Whoever does not know how to tell the right way, hesitates during the story, or the story is true, that person will die. They will bury him alive in the ground and execute him the next day, and the body will become the prey of stray dogs. "

That was a long time ago! The rainbow sang then, and the animals talked to the children. A girl lived with an angry and greedy shaman. Nobody knew her name, everyone called - The Girl with Buckets. The girl had little strength, but a lot to do. Just sit down to rest, the shaman is already shouting:

Why are you sitting? Take the buckets, go into the taiga, carry the berries, carry the mushrooms! Huck! Huck! Faster!

The strong Khushtei did everything thanks only to his strength. And the sharp-witted Bashtai was very skillful and smart. Khushtei, with the help of force, made one cart in a month. And Bashtai, showing ingenuity, resorted to different means, although he did not study anywhere, he made ten sledges in a month and something else. I sold all this and always got money. Khushtei envied Bashtay. Once he burned all the sledges and carts of Bashtai when he was visiting. Bashtai returned and saw that only black coals remained from his sledges and carts. Bashtai's wife says:

- Khushtei came and burned everything. I wanted to go out and say so, but I was afraid.

Once upon a time, in very ancient times, an orphan, the boy Badma, lived with an old man. Nobody knew who Badma's parents were, and the old man didn't care. Badma lived for himself, lived and called the old man uncle.

One day Badma was playing with other guys on the road. They built a city and set it up from sticks and stones that neither pass nor pass. Meanwhile, an cart was driving along the road, and a lama was sitting on the cart. The lama saw that the guys blocked the road with their buildings, got angry and began to shout:

A long time ago, a poor man lived in the free steppe. Once he conspired with a rich man to cultivate his land for a quarter of a tithe of bread. He began to work for this rich man, worked until late autumn. When the time of the harvest came, a large frost fell and froze the poor man's portion of the bread. It turned out that the poor man had worked for nothing all year.

Buryats are one of the Russian peoples; they also live in Mongolia and China. Buryats speak the Buryat language, which belongs to the Mongolian group of the Altaian language family. Also, it is worth noting that the Buryat language consists of fifteen dialects, many of which are quite different. Buryat traditional folklore consists of various myths, shamanic spells, legends, fairy tales, proverbs, stories and mysteries. Three-part fairy tales - three sons, three riddles, etc. The plot of Buryat fairy tales with a gradation: practically every opponent is always stronger than the previous one, each riddle is more difficult than the previous one.

A wise khan lived a long time ago. This khan had one and only heir-son. Watching how his son was growing up, the khan often thought: “My only son has a good heart, but his mind did not come out. What will happen to him when I grow old and die? We need to find him an intelligent, sensible wife, such that she could instruct him on the right path, give him good advice on time. But where to find such ...

One man sent his son to military service. Years have passed. A son returned from service, but not one. Before the father stood two guys alike as two drops of water. Both shouted to the old man in eager rivalry - I am your son! - No, I'm your son! And no matter how the old man looked at them, he could not admit who the real son was and who was posing as him. Took ...

Long time ago, there was a poor old man. This old man had The only son... Before his death, the old man told his son not to cross to the other side of the southwestern mountain. Many years have passed since then. Once a guy was hunting, he crossed that mountain and ended up on the other side. Looks - there is a small hut there. A guy entered it, and there on the table ...

In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara. She was not more beautiful on earth. During the day it is light - lighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And whoever drove past the Angara, everyone admired her, everyone praised her. Even migratory birds geese, swans, cranes descended low, but rarely sat on the water. They...

There was a guy named Budamshu. Once he argued with the priests. Once he stuck a stick into the ground in front of the rich man's house and sits for himself. The rich man came out of the house and asked him: - What are you doing here? - My name is Nourish to the dump. A red fox ran into this hole. So I closed it. You patrol here. I'll come to you, drink some water, and let this fox be ...

Sixteen-year-old Budamshu Daa argued that he would be able to force the bogdo (holy) himself to rise and greet him in front of all the people. He prepared a mattress and went to the bogdo. Many friends introduce themselves to the Holy One. Bogdo sits in his seat and receives the people. Sixteen-year-old Budamshu Daa took the mattress and goes to the bogdo. - I ask you to...

Once Budamshu Daa was walking through the village and heard that the authorities had issued a decree. Budamshu Daa asked: - What kind of decree came out? - When the Buryat died, we buried him with the Buryat lamas, the belongings and wealth of the dead remained with the Buryats. Now, after we have accepted Russian citizenship, we must bury the dead with Russian lamas - priests. Looked at Budamsha Daa ...

Once a hungry wolf was walking along the road in search of food and, seeing a horse grazing in the meadow, said to her: - Horse, I will eat you. “Well, eat,” said the horse. - Just first read what is written on my hoof. The wolf began to consider what was written on the horse's hoof. And as a horse kicks him on the head with a hoof - so our wolf on the grass and ...

In ancient times, there were two brothers. They were young and did not know life. One was a meek, quiet man, he wanted to live by the advice of people and gradually become rich. He was the eldest and his name was Galdan. The younger was determined, but inaudible. He wanted to live with his own mind, and, if he had to, live richly, if he didn't have to, live so that everyone would respect him. His name was ...

A long time ago, a poor family owned a bull. Once in the forest seven wolves attacked him. The bull, defending himself, backed away, backed up and thus reached the barn that was not far away. And then it happened that he opened the door with his hind legs and found himself in the barn. Greedy wolves follow him. During the terrible struggle of the bull against seven wolves, one of them pushed the door ...

Once two rams quarreled and started butting. The fox saw them running past and stopped. “If these two do not calm down, they will kill each other. So, I will have meat for lunch. " - thought the fox and sat down on the side of the road. Sits, waits. I waited a long time, finally could not bear it. "I'm running away," he thinks, "I'll see what they didn't share there."

A long time ago, a poor man lived in the free steppe. Once he conspired with a rich man to cultivate his land for a quarter of a tithe of bread. He began to work for this rich man, worked until late autumn. When the time of the harvest came, a large frost fell and froze the poor man's portion of the bread. It turned out that the poor man worked for nothing ...

In a deep valley, pitted with hummocks, on the shores of the Golden Lake, the girl Honhinur lived in ancient times. And she had twenty-seven favorite rattles. Once a cunning fox came to the girl and said: - They called me to the wedding to Khartagan-khan, but I, unhappy, don't even have rattles. Won't you give me twenty-seven of yours, kind ...


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