Research project "reward in our house". Instructions: how to acquire healthy habits without super efforts

UPDATE (01/15/2018): Mysterious skins have been awarded to all Summoners who managed to invite 5 friends with the status of "allowed" before the end of 2017. _____________________________ UPDATE (01/09/2018): If you encounter any problems with the Refer a Friend program, please contact support. The forum will not be able to help you quickly and your appeal may go unnoticed. ____________________________ UPDATE (12/19/2017): Hurry before the New Year to get **additional reward - Mysterious Image**. An additional reward will be credited until January 12 to all players who have managed to invite 5 newcomers to League of Legends with the status "allowed". ____________________________ UPDATE (16/11/2017): Chests and keys have been awarded for newbies invited as part of Early Access. ____________________________ UPDATE (10/11/2017): The program is available for all RU server players! All conditions for additional rewards within Early Access remain. We will be happy to answer your questions in this thread. _________________________________ Hello, summoners of the forum! During the broadcast of the World Championship Finals (starting at 09:30 UTC on November 4), we will be giving away an early access boost to the “Invite a Friend” program. If you were lucky enough to receive it, the information below will be up to date. If you missed the broadcast or didn't have time to activate the boost, don't be discouraged - soon the "Invite a Friend" program will become available for the entire server. **In this thread, we will answer your questions related to the program. Tips and tricks are welcome!** _**What is the Refer a Friend program for?**_ The goal of the program is to unite and grow the Russian-speaking community of League of Legends. At the invitation of a friend, a newbie can get comfortable conditions to quickly get used to the game: XP boost (issued after level 10), 50 champions for a month and, most importantly, advice and support from a veteran. The inviting player, in turn, can receive up to 10 chests for each newcomer - as a reward for contributing to the development of the community. _**What rewards will I get for inviting friends?**_ For each friend you invite, you can get up to 10 Hextech Chests (up to 11 if you're a lucky Early Access owner). * 1 chest - after you win a co-op game with a friend. * 2 chests - after a friend reaches level 11. * 7 chests - after a friend reaches level 30. _**How ​​to invite friends? **_ Sign up for the Refer a Friend program using your account social network(VKontakte, Facebook). After that, copy your personal referral link and send it to your friends. When your friends follow the link, create a League of Legends account, and sign up for the Refer a Friend program, you'll see their names in your friends list on your page. _**Who can I invite to play?**_ Any newbie friend who hasn't played League of Legends yet. His experience in other games of the MOBA genre does not matter, the main thing is that “League of Legends” should be new to him. _**What happens if I invite an experienced player?**_ First of all, you will spoil the experience of the game for real beginners. Imagine that you are getting acquainted with League of Legends for the first time. It’s hard for you, you don’t understand what to do on the lane, how to play as a champion, what items to buy. And then a real veteran plays against you, destroying the entire team in any fight. Do you think you'll want to continue to play in the "League"? Hardly. Please be attentive to the experience of other players in our community and invite only real newbies. _** How does checking invited friends work? **_ Each invited player goes through an automatic check, which reveals whether he is a real newcomer or not. We do not disclose the verification algorithm so as not to make the system vulnerable to intruders. The process usually takes no more than 5 minutes, and the test results are very accurate. _** Invited a friend, but he was not allowed to participate in the program. What should I do?**_ If you are sure that our verification system is wrong and your friend is a real beginner who has never played League of Legends, then please contact support. We will investigate and change the status to “cleared” if we find that automatic system verification was wrong. If your friend has already played League of Legends, then nothing can be done - he will not be able to participate in the program. But you can remove him from your invited friends list and invite a real newbie instead. _**How ​​many friends can I invite?**_ Only 3 friends can be invited by default. If all of them successfully pass the test and turn out to be beginners, 2 more slots will open for you to invite friends. _** I don't see my friend in the list of invitees on the program page. What to do?**_ Most likely, he did not complete the registration process using your referral link. Please note that signing up for the referred friend program consists of several steps, each of which is required: * Step 1: Create account League of Legends and log in using it on the site. * Step 2: Register in the program using a social network account (VKontakte, Facebook). * Step 3: Choose a starter pack of 50 champions. _**What are the beginner starter packs?**_ A beginner is offered 4 starter packs with 50 champions to choose from: * Supports and shooters * Tanks and fighters * Assassins and mages * Universal In each set, 20 champions belong to the selected class, another 30 are representatives of other classes. All sets consist of the simplest champions in terms of mechanics and understanding of the game for them. The packs are missing champions available in the newcomer rotation (Aatrox, Varus, Ash, Garen, etc.) and those that were released in 2017. Full list of champions included in the starter kits: * **Support and Arrows** (Jin, Ezreal, Vayne, Caitlin, Twitch, Sivir, Lucian, Corky, Miss Fortune, Kog "Mao, Braum, Soraka, Bard, Leona, Zhanna , Sona, Lulu, Tarik, Thrash, Karma, Malphite, Amumu, Maokai, Zak, Nautilus, Rammus, Poppy, Warwick, Jax, Hecarim, Olaf, Renekton, Trundle, Irelia, Vai, Fizz, Nocturne, Talon, Eliza, Ka 'Zix, Akali, Kassadin, Pantheon, Syndra, Ziggs, Morgana, Lux, Malzahar, Annie, Zerat). , Volibear, Warwick, Jax, Hecarim, Olaf, Renekton, Trundle, Irelia, Shyvana, Skarner, Vi, Jean, Caitlin, Twitch, Sivir, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Braum, Soraka, Leona, Zhanna, Sona, Lulu, Taric, Karma, Fizz, Nocturne, Talon, Eliza, Kha'Zix, Akali, Kassadin, Pantheon, Syndra, Ziggs, Morgana, Lux, Malzahar, Annie, Zerat) * **Assassins and Mages** (Fizz, Nocturne, Talon, Eliza, Ka'Zix, Akali, Kassadin, Evelynn, Pantheon, Zed, Zyra, Sindra, Ziggs, Morgan a, Lux, Malzahar, Annie, Zerat, Brand, Twisted Faith, Jean, Caitlin, Twitch, Sivir, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Braum, Soraka, Leona, Jeanne, Sona, Lulu, Tarik, Karma, Malphite, Amumu, Maokai, Zak, Nautilus, Rammus, Poppy, Warwick, Jax, Hecarim, Olaf, Renekton, Trundle, Irelia, Vi). * **Universal** (Gene, Caitlin, Twitch, Sivir, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Braum, Soraka, Bard, Leona, Jeanne, Sona, Lulu, Tarik, Karma, Malphite, Amumu, Maokai, Zack, Nautilus, Rammus, Poppy, Volibear, Warwick, Jax, Hecarim, Olaf, Renekton, Trundle, Irelia, Shivana, Vi, Fizz, Nocturne, Talon, Eliza, Ka'Zix, Akali, Kassadin, Pantheon, Zyra, Sindra, Ziggs, Morgana, Lux, Malzahar, Annie, Brand, Zerat). _** When will my friends and I receive rewards? **_ In most cases, rewards are credited within an hour from the moment the conditions for receiving them are met. If you are sure that you should have received an award, but it never came, please contact support. _** Can I participate in the program if I'm not playing on a Russian-speaking server? **_ The "Invite a Friend" program is for RU players only. _**Where to write if you have any questions?**_ Questions, wishes and recommendations can be either sent to the support service or left in this thread.

In February, I received the relay Liebster Blog Award. Receiving such an award is a sign of appreciation, a symbol that the blog is loved and read.

The award was presented to me by Nina Ganina, author of the Jesperryn blog. I am very pleased that Nina noted in my blog the moments that are so important to me. This means that I can convey my thoughts correctly to the reader.

The recipient of the Liebster Blog Award must:

  1. Write a post about receiving an award. Leave a public link to the blog whose author gave you the award and answer 11 questions from that author.
  2. Create a list of 5-11 winning blogs worthy of an award and ask the winners to answer 11 questions.


What is beauty for you?

Beauty for me is in the details that support general theme or concept. Beauty is a very broad concept, but it applies to literally everything. This is a beautiful house and beautiful girl how to behave nicely in any situation. In what we do, there must always be a single goal, an understanding of what we want to achieve.

What is your favorite character from a book or movie and why?

“Those who believe that orange will replace pink are deeply mistaken!” said Elle Woods, a blonde in law. If no one believes in you and everyone thinks you're stupid, then you just need to go to the store, buy a pink laptop and kick everyone's asses. Well, manicure, of course, no one canceled

Tell me about one thing you would like to correct in this life.

When I was little and dreamed of a magic wand, I wanted to make peace in the world. Now I would like people to listen to each other and hear that two people value relationships, do not swear and do not quarrel over trifles, would be able to hear and understand what their partner says to them. For people to be considerate of each other and careful with the relationships they have.

Imagine that you have briefly returned to the past, five years ago, and you can give yourself one important piece of advice. What would you say?

Be brave! In general, I have an approach that I do not regret anything. Everything that happens, I think, should happen, because we must learn some lessons and some experience from this. It sounds, of course, terribly boring and philosophical, but it's true. Of all my life, I would like to change, perhaps, only the case when, in childhood, my sister and I accidentally broke my mother's crystal vase, but otherwise, I would leave everything as it is.

Why did you decide to start a blog?

In 2002, when I started my first blog, it was just fun. I learned about LiveJournal, I liked reading other people's blogs, as if you were reading other people's diaries, but kind of with their permission, and I wanted something like that. My return to Brazil prompted me to re-read my notes from 10 years ago - oh, how different I wrote back then. “The house you want to come to” is a completely different blog. Behind him was an idea, but most importantly, my desire to create and share. Well, I was also to death jealous of some successful bloggers and wanted “like them”.

What should your dream blog look like?

The blog of my dreams is an Internet platform thanks to which I develop myself and develop my business projects. And then, probably, everything is like everyone else. The usual desires of a simple blogger. A clear focused concept that my audience understands, beautiful and clear design, nice photos, which I make myself, high-quality texts that are pleasant to read, regular updates, many positive comments, regular readers.

What goals do you want to achieve with blogging?

Through the blog, I hope to find people who share my ideas and interests and hopefully support commercial projects that I would like to organize in the future. This is the main goal, of course, on the way to this, but besides this, I like that blogging disciplines me, makes me write, take pictures, come up with new ideas and projects.

What is more important - learning from mistakes or successes?

But who knows, it seems to me that the main thing is to learn, not to stand still and develop. I often think so much about something, I try to weigh everything, think it over and make it perfect, that in the end time goes by and nothing happens - this is wrong. No need to bother, you need to make mistakes, achieve success.

What do you do if you are sad?

I usually turn on Norah Jones, drink wine, eat cheese, call my sister or best friend, and Noah.

Which one unusual work did you have to do?

At the beginning of 2002 I studied in Finland. Of course, there wasn't much money. And although the college provided me with a hostel, meals, and even dry rations for the weekend, I still wanted to go to the store and buy myself ice cream. Although, to be honest, I hung out more in stationery stores, where I was fascinated by colored folders. Then I was offered a job folding booklets. Pages were laid out in stacks in the room, it was necessary to right order collect brochures. Not difficult at all, though not very intellectual, but since it was civilized Finland, they paid me minimum wage per hour set by the state (something like 5 euros). I remember thinking it was a very good deal.

If you were to write a book about yourself, what would its title be?

Probably, it would have been called the same as my LiveJournal and Butusov's song. "A girl walks around the city barefoot."


Here are five great blogs to which I would like to pass on the Liebster Blog Award. I congratulate the winners, and I urge everyone else to follow the links, it will be interesting.

Such a simple life. The blonde Julia writes about lipsticks, scarves, shoes and manicures, and also about things as far away for me as a husband and two boys, one of whom cuts his bangs, and the second chews kitchen towels with interest. This is incredibly funny, and I sincerely believe that some editor should urgently find Yulia and publish a book with her notes.

Uxevent. Anya Dvornikova shares her observations, tricks and thoughts about event management. There are many on her blog. interesting finds, as well as practical materials that can be applied when organizing an event - from a round table to a large conference.

Think Pink. Date Pink. A positive blog by an anonymous author about women, men, the intricacies of their relationships and the search for Mr. Big. If you, like me, miss the series “Sex in big city”, then you read. Get ready to laugh a lot.

Like in the movies . The site of my sister Sophia about her life, which is like a movie, about beautiful places, smart books, adventures in search of lighthouses, gatherings in the kitchen and in cozy cafes, and of course, about films. The blog is full of doodling-style illustrations and bright photographs - only from them the mood is already uplifting.

Niklenburg. Lena and Nikita's blog about their year-long round-the-world trip. In addition to the history of their journey (and, believe me, it is worth reading), the guys share tips on how to travel independently and inexpensively, and most importantly, how to find simple joys in travel.


  1. If there was a time machine, where would you like to go in it?
  2. What can't you get past?
  3. Do you love order?
  4. What's on your bedside table?
  5. Which country would you like to travel to?
  6. What do you bring back for memories and travel?
  7. What are you dreaming about?
  8. Tell us about your first concert you went to.
  9. Tell us about the most unusual birthday you've ever had.
  10. What surprises you?
  11. What makes you happy?

MKOU Zavodouspenskaya secondary school No. 23 T of the Ugulym urban district of the Sverdlovsk region.

research project on the topic:

"Reward in our house"

Kurskiev Yusup Alikhanovich,

1st grade student.

Scientific adviser:

Kurskieva Nadezhda Sagitovna

PDO teacher

1 slide Introduction

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The events of those terrible years go further and further away from us, fewer and fewer participants in this great battle remain alive. But the memory of this holy war, of the feat of our soldiers and home front workers, of the prisoners of the fascist camps, of the greatest suffering and selfless courage of the Soviet people must live in the heart of every citizen of Russia.

2 slide Project idea:

The Great Patriotic War is the only thing that continues to unite all of us, regardless of age, nationality, religion, material wealth.

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Target:Exploring the history of the family award


1. Get to know the life story of my great-grandfather.

2. Study the family photo archive, get acquainted with the award.

3. To study the history of the award "For the Defense of Leningrad"

An object:the life of my great-grandfather Kurskiev Hadris Ibragimovich.

Hypothesis:My great-grandfather lived an interesting and worthy life and became an example for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Project stages

1 Select a topic and object.

2 Collection of information (conversation, photographs, interviews).

3 Conducting a survey.

4 Registration of work (project)

5 Protection of the project.

5 slide

Main part

I did research work on the award in our house. I learned a lot from the stories of my grandfather Magamed, from the documents that, together with my father's aunt Khava, we took from the archive in the city of Nazran, from newspaper clippings. And this is what I managed to find out.

My great-grandfather Kurskiev Khadris Ibragimovich was born in 1912 in the village of Lyazhgi in the Dzhairakh region of the Chechen ASSR.

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In 1940 he married and in May 1941 he was called up for active military service and enlisted in the construction battalion of military unit No. 554.

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But the warrior was not allowed to build. Having completed the course of a young fighter, my great-grandfather took the military oath on July 15, 1941 and was appointed a shooter.

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For a year and a half, until the end of 1942, he defended the city on the Neva as part of the troops of the Leningrad Front. It was the most difficult time in the history of World War II. For his military work, the Red Army soldier Khadris Kurskiev was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad."

9 slide

From the Internet I learned thatThe medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" is awarded to all participants in the defense of Leningrad.

My great-grandfather still had an order Patriotic War IIdegree. Order of the Patriotic WarIandIIdegree was established on May 20, 1942. This was the first award that appeared during the war years. This order was awarded to soldiers who distinguished themselves in the fight against the Nazis.

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In December 1942 he was hospitalized with a concussion and a moderate wound. Cured and back in the fight.

At the next offensive, my great-grandfather was wounded again. Moreover, the interval between wounds was two months. If in the first case the wound was through, then the wound received on March 28, 1943 turned out to be much more serious - a blind shrapnel wound to the right wrist joint with damage to the bones and extensor tendons. After this injury, he was transferred to the reserve and recognized by the military commission as unfit for service in wartime.

11 slide

1944 was "Stalin's repression" - a link to Kazakhstan. The Ingush people had to go through hunger, cold, hardship and deprivation, and with them my great-grandfather with his family, his wife and five small children who were born in exile.

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My great-grandfather returned with his family (he had four daughters and two sons) to his homeland in his native village of Lyazhgi in 1960

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and immediately began to fulfill his dream - to grow a garden.

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In this he was helped by fellow villagers, friends from different republics of the USSR, who sent seedlings, sons and daughters.

And his work was rewarded.

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Today, not only my great-grandfather's fellow villagers are harvesting a rich harvest from the garden he planted, but also residents of neighboring villages.

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My great-grandfather died at the age of 75 in 1986 on June 12th.

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His death was a consequence not so much of severe battle wounds, but in many ways the loss of his beloved son Mahmud. This death crushed him.

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AT given time for all the merits of my great-grandfather and the petitions of his fellow villagers, children, relatives, they want to name one of the streets on Victory Day in the name of my great-grandfather.

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My research work I continued with a survey of the students of our school.

Analysis of the survey results

21 slide

I interviewed students in grades 1-4 and compiled diagrams 1, 2 and 3.

To the question: “What do you know about the history of the family award”

(Diagram 1).

Diagram 1.

22 slide

Question #2

“What do you know about how your grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers lived after the Great Patriotic War?”

Caused embarrassment among students (Diagram 2).

The answers were not common, general - such as: "poorly and hard", "worked a lot."

Diagram 2.

And, of course, all the guys interviewed would like to know more about the life of their ancestors.From the answers to the last question of the survey:

23 slide

1"Do you know who can help you learn more about the lives of your loved ones?"

Diagram 3

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We, their descendants, are obliged to keep this memory of them and pass it on from generation to generation.

25 slideConclusion

In conclusion, I concluded that my great-grandfather Kurskiev Hadris Ibragimovich lived a decent life. He was and will remain for everyone a model of a Man with a capital letter.I am proud of my great-grandfather!

I want to become like my great-grandfather - patient, persistent and self-possessed.

26 slide

In memory of my great-grandfather, I made an album with my own hands and called it “Award in our house”

During my work, I learned:

    • the history of the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and what it was awarded for;

      traced the life path of his great-grandfather.

And also in the process of solving research problems, my classmates became interested in the fate of their ancestors.

The interest shown by schoolchildren is a confirmation of the relevancemy work.

Thank you for your attention.

List of sources and literature

1. All awards of Russia and the USSR. Orders, medals and badges / M.A.

Izotova, T.B. Tsareva. - Rostov n / a: Vladis, 2009. - 432 p.

2. New children's encyclopedia / Per. from English. S.V. Morozova, S.V. Lyapkova, V.V.

Plesheva and others - M .: CJSC "ROSSMEN-PRESS", 2012-320 p.

3. I know the world. Children's Encyclopedia: Awards / Ed. - comp. A.A. Yakovlev; - M: AST Publishing House LLC; LLC Astrel Publishing House; CJSC NPP "Ermak",

2004. - 473 p.

4.Internet resources.

5 Documents from the archives of Nazran

We at Zozhnik love what Steve Camb, the owner of the project, writes. And this motivating article of his was included in the top according to the community of American trainers The PTDC. All in all, we spent a couple of days translating it for our beloved readers. Because the article is fire!

If suddenly you have not started yet, then when you finally decide to join a healthy lifestyle, then perhaps you will set yourself some such resolutions to change your life:

  • From now on, I'm going to practice every day!
  • I will start using dental floss!
  • From now on, I'll start eating healthy!
  • I quit smoking!
  • I'm signing up for fencing (well, or crossfit)!

Great, happy for you.

Yes, seriously, I wonder how you can pull it off.

Oh, maybe you have already said something to your friends, posted it on your Telegram channel, shared it on Instagram, or even organized a sports club at work.

Although I have always raised my voice against high-profile resolutions and hefty bombastic fitness promises, this year I changed my mind.

When you set goals for this year and you're in the mood " New Year, new me!" or some kind of big event and you decide, "This is the year I'm going to get in shape" - I'm here to help you.

We all have goals - they give us a sense of where to strive. You just have to get them right.

I want you to look back 6 months in six months and not recognize the “old you” instead of thinking “What the hell! Why am I still where I started!”

Why we fail to switch to a healthy lifestyle

“I know what I need to do, I just can’t bring myself to do it!” Welcome to the club - we all know what we need to do, but we all can't bring ourselves to start making important changes to ourselves.

We know how to get in shape : move more, eat less.

We know how to train : raise your heart rate, do push-ups, get stronger.

We know how to eat right : more vegetables and protein and less sugar.

But still, most of us can't stick to any of these principles tightly for even a few weeks in a row.


It's simple: building a new healthy habit is difficult, the brain is constantly plotting to counter this, we do not fully understand the mechanism for forming new habits. Life gets harder, and by default, we're frugal taking the path of least resistance because it's the easiest.

As a result, we do not go down the path of reinforcing habits.

We rely so heavily on own strength will and motivation (and in vain! - the opinion of Zozhnik)

We recklessly open our mouths at too big a loaf, start moving too fast and too much, burn out very quickly and end up with it.

Resonates with you?

  • I'm going to eat a kilo of vegetables a day and
  • I will run 5 km every morning
  • I will go strength training 3 times a week.

If the cucumber is not your friend, you have never run and do not know the phrase “free weights”, then changing all these habits in the first (and last) sitting is it's a sure way not to succeed in any of the promises.

We are accustomed to expecting and easily getting everything we need. Now you don't always even have to get out of the car to get a burger, you can easily reheat frozen food in the microwave or go to a 24-hour restaurant. If we need a game, we can download it to a smartphone in a couple of taps, any movie is available via the Internet.

But with healthy habits, everything is not so simple at all..

We say to ourselves “Damn, I’ve been sweating here for 2 weeks, why don’t I still look like Ryan Reynolds ?!” It is not superfluous to recall here that we spend years on entering an unhealthy form, it is very optimistic to hope to reverse the trend in just 2 weeks.

And then we miss one of the workouts, because there was a force majeure or paws, and now it’s working, we understand that everything is not as simple with healthy lifestyle as with TV shows andM&M's.

For these reasons, the vast majority give up:

  • Trying to change too many things at once
  • Impatient in anticipation of the result, want to get everything much faster,
  • As soon as the schedule of life becomes tight, first of all, a healthy lifestyle is thrown out of it.

These are the main reasons why fat people are doomed to stay fat and why they fail to build healthy habits. It turns out like in a video game, where too many enemies attack you at once and inevitably - game over!

We'll run through this article on specific healthy habits to learn, but first it's important to ask yourself "WHY?"

Be honest with the answer to the question: WHY DO YOU HAVE A HLS?

Before you start building healthy habits, it's important to have good reasons for doing so - and why it's important for you to put healthy habits in the first place - otherwise no movement will occur.

Without a good reason to engage in healthy lifestyles, you are doomed. If you decide to take care of yourself simply because you "have to get in shape," then quit the second you have more important things to do.

If you forcibly drag yourself to the gym because you "have to" and run on the treadmill 5 days a week because you have to, but you hate it, you're screwed.

But if you want to turn healthy lifestyle into a habit that is part of something important to you, then such a struggle is worth the effort.

What is the most important thing for you? Perhaps you want to get in shape to feel more confident and, finally, start dating and find HER?

You do not just eat vegetables, you reduce the percentage of fat in order to fit into your dream dress at your wedding?

You get up early and drag yourself out for a run to work on your personal project and make money for college kids before they grow up.

I call it "BIG WHY" - without them, you just force yourself to do what you don't want and therefore it doesn't last long.

Dig inside yourself and find your big WHY - this is important for you personally.

Now let's dive into the science of habit training.

What is a habit

A habit has 3 components:

  1. Trigger– which triggers a habitual action. It can be a feeling: I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm bored, I'm sad. Or it could be a specific time and day of the week: I go to movie premieres on Thursday mornings. Or circumstances: the project is finally delivered.
  1. Routine is the action itself. It could be something negative that you want to get rid of: you drink soda, overeat sweets, drink alcohol, smoke a cigarette. Or something positive: go to the gym, go for a run, read a book.
  1. Reward (positive reinforcement - as a result of a habitual action) A: I temporarily feel happy. I successfully distracted myself. I forgot about bad day etc.

Depending on the composition of the routine, habits can be empowering and inspiring or slowly lead you to hell.

Your body is not smart enough to know exactly what it needs to do: it just wants to get rid of pain or to enjoy. And as soon as you do the same actions that are successful for the body a certain number of times, it becomes a habit, a habitual pattern of behavior in specific circumstances.

Genius marketing, a psychological trap, bad genetics or the influence of others - and bad habits take over your behavior. We start avoiding a particular food, constantly checking our smartphone, and can't stop ourselves from watching the next episode when it's time for bed.

We are not born with the desire to immediately eat the sweetness at the sight of a closed box of donuts. But once our brain learns and realizes that such a box is usually full delicious sweets, he begins to want to open and eat. Our brain will push us towards the box. And if we force ourselves to stop, then there will be a feeling of disappointment.

We trained the brain with a trigger (a donut box) and the anticipation of delicious food. A similar example: you see your running shoes, anticipate the reward (the thrill of running) and act - go for a run. All this can be brought to automatism.

“We are what we do, not what we think of ourselves,” said The Dark Knight.

Now let's learn how to build healthy habits by understanding the 3 main components of it!

1. Learn your triggers

Whether you want to get rid of bad habits or start good ones, it starts with the first step: “what triggers me?”

If you want to stop drinking energy drinks, but you need them when you don't feel energized enough. Your brain thinks "I'll drink an energy drink!" after trigger:

  • Trigger: I feel tired, lethargic, work falls out of my hands.
  • Routine: I drink an energy drink around 15:00.
  • Reward: wow! Caffeine, taurine, sugar! I'm satisfied! My life has meaning!

Other trigger examples:

  • When I'm bored (trigger), I eat chips (routine) and I am very tasty and satisfying (reward),
  • When I get home from work (trigger), I plop down on the couch and play xbox (routine), it helps me forget about the job I hate (reward),
  • When I'm nervous (trigger) I start biting my nails (routine) and it distracts my brain and helps me to endure suffering more easily (reward),

If you want to get rid of this habit, you need to start with a trigger that starts an action. Just being aware and staying away from the trigger already helps to get out of this cycle.

You can also start training yourself like Pavlov's dog: train yourself to do certain actions, linking them to triggers convenient for you.

- When I wake up (trigger), I am going for a walk (routine) and reward myself by listening to a cool audiobook while walking (reward),

– When I feel tired and work falls out of my hands (trigger) I'll drink black coffee instead of an energy drink (routine) and the caffeine reward will stay with me (reward). I will also buy myself a gift after 30 days without energy drinks (another reward!) and lose some weight by reducing the calorie content in the usual diet (another reward!)

When I get home from work (trigger), the first thing I do is sit down to work on my book for 30 minutes (routine) and reward myself with an xbox game after writing 500 words (reward).

Whether you're kicking an old habit or starting a new one, start by recognizing your triggers. Once you become aware of your triggers, this will give you the opportunity to work on the composition of the routine and the reward.

2. Make your routine easier: use the system

Welcome to the most difficult part of the habit - itself routine.

Negative habits – routines you want to get rid of and positive ones – require different strategies.

But for starters stop relying on these 2 overpriced things:

  • Strength of will. You can force yourself to go to the gym 1, 2 or even 10-20 times with willpower, but you can’t do it all the time and give up as soon as your willpower is needed for other important things.
  • Motivation. If you need motivation, you will give up as soon as it weakens and after that you will beat yourself up for the lack of motivation.

Both willpower and motivation are windy and unreliable and will easily leave you at the most important moments. And even more so, they will not be with you all the time.

The world is full of people lying on the couch waiting for motivation.

To succeed, we will eliminate these slippery concepts from equality and use the system (and external forces) to make the routine even easier to implement (or vice versa - harder - if it's a "bad" routine that you want to get rid of).

This can be done in several ways:

  • Khaki environment : make the routine easier by removing obstacles in its path (and, accordingly, vice versa - create obstacles for a “bad” routine).
  • Gamma hacks: add a healthy habit to your diary, track progress, make a healthy routine part of the important work tasks for today.

We are products of our environment. And we can change the environment to help us change ourselves. Look at the space where you spend most of your time. Decrease the number of steps between you and the good habit (and increase with the "bad" one).

Here are 5 examples of simple environment changes we can use:

  1. run every morning: To do this, put your favorite running shoes next to the bed before going to bed and carefully fold your running uniform. Hell, you can even sleep in your running clothes.

Put your smartphone with an alarm clock at the far end so that in the morning you had to get up to turn it off. Set an alarm for the whole week ahead so you don't have to do it every night.

  1. Go to the gym after work: Pack your bag to the gym the day before. Therefore, every morning you will have an ALREADY ASSEMBLED gym bag that you can easily take with you to the car. After the end of the working day, you are already going to the gym and the lack of a bag with a sports uniform does not bother you.
  1. Eat properly: Just don't give yourself a chance to eat wrong - toss the junk food out of the fridge and kitchen cabinet and start preparing food ahead of time. Don't make your way past your favorite fast food. If you find it difficult to cook every day, you can do it once a whole week (here's an example). And then it's even easier for you to eat healthy - healthy dinners for the whole week are ALREADY in your refrigerator, and the junk food has already been taken away by the garbage collector's car.
  1. Watch less TV and play games: use your laziness to your advantage. Increase the number of activities between you and TV viewing. Set a "parental control" with a time limit on the amount of viewing and ask your friends to set a timer, a password and not tell you.

I know a friend who took the TV to the basement of his house, which reduced the viewing time by about 100%.

(We in Zozhnik acted a little more radically: during the repair in our apartment, we asked to cut off the TV cable and plaster the hole).

In general: rely less on willpower!

  1. Check your smartphone less often: turn off notifications, remove applications that you waste your time on. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb while you're at work, and generally put it in your nightstand.

Rely less on willpower not to check your phone when it vibrates - just turn off the vibration.

3. Reward yourself

Let's now deal with the third part of the habit - the reward.

Analyze what rewards you get from your bad habits?

For example, Coca-Cola gives you a caffeinated kick and energy after dinner when you are tired and feeling sluggish. Replace Coke with and Walk and you'll get the same reward, but without the negative effect.

Do you like to be distracted from reality by going to TV shows or playing games? But what if you switch to something even cooler - your own fantasy with audiobooks and a walk?

If you want to reduce your alcohol use (or stop it altogether), you can listen to the reward you get from it and get something like "escaping the reality of a job you hate" or "removing social anxiety when socializing in a bar or restaurant."

Dig into the true rewards - what you have from bad habits and "reverse engineer" - come up with a healthy alternative with the same reward.

Inertia will play against you in building a new habit - until the moment when it begins to bring you a reward, and then a healthy habit will enter the automatic clip.

We can tweak our behavior with instant rewards or "bribes" for ourselves to reinforce healthy actions. With each routine, with each reward for it, we reinforce it a little more as a healthy habit.

Create rewards that will reward you in return!

DO NOT REWARD themselves for the right routine of unhealthy food (for example, delicious pastries with trans fats).

REWARD yourself for a proper routine with something that will help you keep moving forward. For example, buy yourself the best running shoes in the world.

5 life hacks for building habits as painlessly as possible

Of course, there will be days when sticking to new habits is very difficult, when you will want to return to old "bad" habits. By and large, this will happen to you every day.

And don't leave yourself alone (even with the support of your willpower) against it. Stop relying only on your strengths and attract external ones.

Here are some tips on how to get the world around you to help you.

  1. Attract people just like you: build habits together with a group of your friends, it will be easier for everyone.

There is a study that among those who lose weight alone, only 24% more or less stick to the lost weight after 4-10 months. Among those who lose weight with a group of people and with accompanying psychotherapy and social support – 95 % achieve results and 66% save the results.

Gather a group of like-minded friends yourself or join an existing one.

  1. Cultivate discipline with consequences: When you fail to build the habit you are building, make skipping a routine cause you more heartache and discomfort than enjoying that skip.

Here are some examples of brutal consequences that you can come up with for yourself: every time I miss _______ this month, I will:

  • …give $50 to your wife, friend, or relative—something I don’t like very much.
  • around the house naked,
  • …letting my 3-year-old daughter do her makeup before heading to work.

You can customize this list for yourself. The main idea is to make skipping more painful, with consequences.

  1. One pass is not a problem, but do not skip 2 times in a row

What happens if you miss a day? One pass won't destroy you or turn you away from your direction - but 2 passes in a row... easily turn into 30.

According to the study, a one-time skipping of a routine does not greatly affect the process of habit formation. But it is important not to skip several in a row.

  1. Don't Cultivate Habits You Hate

If you hate running, don't force yourself to get in the habit of running in the morning. Stop! You can achieve much better results if you choose what you really like. If you hate running, maybe strength training (or climbing, or swimming, etc.) will be to your liking.

  1. Associate pleasure with routine

For example, if you don't like cleaning your apartment, start a tradition - listen to your favorite podcasts only when you are cleaning or washing the dishes.

Do you want to go to the gym more often and regularly? Allow yourself to watch your favorite series on your smartphone, but only while exercising on the ellipse.

Ready to build healthy habits?! Excellent! Now try to do less

Now that you have learned or remembered how it all works, do not rush into battle. Do it gradually.

Do less.

Remember Kunu's words from the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall: "The less you do, the more you do."

Take ONE, just one habit. Make it easy for yourself. Binary. So that at the end of the day you can say to yourself, “Yes, I did it” or “No, I didn’t.”

Non-specific habits like “I want to exercise more” or “I want to eat healthier” are much more difficult to implement because they are not understood. Concrete, simplify, reduce, move in small steps, but move.

Start simple and SMALL.

Here are some examples:

  • Do you want to start exercising more? Be precise and simple. In the first week, add yourself 5 minutes of walking every day. 5 minutes.
  • Do you want to start cooking healthy food? Start with 1 meal per week.
  • Want to stop consuming 2 liters of soda during the day? Go to 1.5 liters to start.
  • Want to get out of debt and start saving money? Start saving and hoarding $5 a day.

Let your tasks be small and simple! The simpler and smaller your tasks, the more likely you are to complete them. And only then, after mastering a new habit, you can climb to the next step.

Think small steps! Take your time! Move as slowly as you can.

And please: BUILD ONLY ONE HABITS AT A TIME, do not try to create several at the same time.

If you've tried before and failed, you may have been asking too much of yourself. If you try to build all healthy habits at once, it won't work.

Therefore, move at a pace - one habit in 30 days, not more often.

Start today

Here is a quote from The Power of Habit: “If you believe you can change—if you make that change a habit—change will become a reality. This is the power of habit: once you make your choice, through habit, it becomes inevitable.”

Now let's just summarize all of the above in order to instill in yourself that very one habit that you have chosen:

  • Identify triggers: Is it time of day? Boredom? Hunger? Daily circumstances? Stress?
  • Identify and define rewards: Happiness? Energy? Satisfaction?
  • Define your new routine, which in about 30 days will become your new habit. And don't worry about one pass.

And may the force be with you!

"I must be perfect"
Reward Systems

"I must be perfect"

Earlier we explored the subconscious goblin named Fear of Mediocrity. Now we've flown into the belief system behind this: "I have to be perfect."

As we have established over the course of our Fear of Mediocrity research, Perfectionism is one of the greatest anxiety triggers. Its effects include: procrastination, insecurity, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken relationships, and more. We all suffer bouts of perfectionism from time to time, and then we are horrified by a mistake. But some of us are in constant combat with these self-defeating beliefs.

"I have to win this competition"
"I have to do this job flawlessly"
"I have to be the best"

Please note that every such perfectionist internal conversation is preceded by the word "should". Even if the word should not be pronounced, it is certainly implied. Every time you feel like you "should", you hit the frying pan. You have fallen victim to an attitude that says "any imperfect wish fulfillment is unacceptable." But the perfect does not exist among people.

Some of you, of course, understand that the concept of perfection is possible only in the ideal and motivates you to search for the best in yourself. Indeed, this part of you wants to develop ideas, plans, goals and then turn them into reality. However, the other part of you that is shackled by perfectionism refuses to let the ball roll (change and evolve).

Your logic tells you that no matter what you do, chances are it won't be perfect. For some, the perfectionist obsession, psychological pain, humiliation, and self-loathing that result from this impossible standard is already difficult to bear.

Effects? Whenever the part of you that wants achievement starts moving towards the door of self-discipline, your perfectionist part greases the handle. This behavior is Hyde's attempt to avoid the impending worry that you've touched imperfection.

Advice: You will create more self-discipline and achievement by accepting that the belief "I must be perfect" is a hindrance, not a help, no matter how hard you try. The statement “you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all” usually means that it will not be done. But if you challenge this irrational belief, as soon as it arises, you will soon realize that the reality of achieving the result is more pleasant than the dream of its perfection.

Attention: Hyde will try to associate you with perfectionism and move you away from self-discipline, saying:

"You don't want to write a bad report, do you?"

"You don't want to do the job sloppily, do you?"

"You don't want to be called incompetent, do you?"

Don't let yourself be fooled. Of course, different projects require different amounts of attention, time and effort. Trust your sense of the right and necessary level of effort you want to put into the project.

Perfectionism weakens persistence. And perseverance brings more achievement than talent, intelligence, or luck. In fact, the way to achieve the goal lies through perseverance.

“Nothing in the world can replace perseverance.
Only talent cannot: there is nothing more common,
than untapped talent.
Only education can't: the world is full of educated losers.
One perseverance is omnipotent"
Calvin Cooledge

Here are simple, enjoyable, and effective exercises that you can use to train your subconscious mind so that it really understands that nothing bad will happen if you don't do a particular project perfectly.

Try it: over the next few weeks, write a few mediocre letters to various friends. You should not pretend to be smart, genius or perfection, but do not say that these are just replies. In other words, don't apologize for not being perfect in the letter. You are not writing the Great American Novel. Don't tie your self-worth to an event. Don't waste a lot of time being methodical, the point is to quickly write a mediocre letter and get on with your normal life. All considerations regarding the content are in your control. As for length, keep it short. Once again, under no circumstances admit that mediocrity in writing is your goal.

By doing this exercise, you are really reprogramming your attitude towards perfectionism, both conscious and unconscious.

Power Tool: Reward Systems

Have you ever used an elaborate, structured reward system to help you get started and finish your projects? If not, you should develop it. Are you going to explore simple system that will motivate you to take action. The system will also reduce the conflict between you and Hyde when it's time to take action and you're faced with real steps leading you to your goal. But first, a few words about rewards.

In human relationships, rewards have historically been used to maintain desired behavior. Tons of research highlights the benefits of using rewards. Systematic rewards are the golden key that will painlessly open the door to your self-discipline. With that said, let's quickly get to grips with Hyde's tricks before they start. One of Hyde's favorite tricks is to say things like "I don't deserve a reward for what I should be doing anyway", "I don't think it's right to give myself a reward, it's like a bribe", "feeling a job well done". reward enough for me."

Don't buy into this. Hyde uses this cunning line of behavior to prevent you from using the power of the reward system to fuel your self-discipline. Do you feel like you're taking a bribe by picking up a paycheck at work? Of course not. Unfortunately, "job well done" won't reinforce your positive actions enough to make sure you repeat them. To do this, you need the psychological motivation that only tangible rewards can provide. Successful self-discipline requires learning and regularly using the benefits of a reward system. Trust me, rewards are the easiest, most effective and affordable way to provide psychological motivation to start and finish your projects.
People who have attended my workshops, seminars and trainings note the great benefits of a personal reward system that includes Praise, Contracts and Steps.

1) Praise Yourself: Every time you take even the smallest steps towards a big goal, immediately accompany your action with praise. That's right, immediately mark each positive thought, feeling or action, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to you, supporting internal dialogue.
For example:

For example:
"I feel great because I did it"
"Congratulations! You did it"
"Well done!"

The beauty of this method is that you can use it anytime, anywhere. After a while, these small phrases will begin to weaken your resistance to doing what you need, but do not want to. Try it! Soon you will begin to feel more and more comfortable as you take the next step towards your goal. And by immediately patting yourself on the shoulder after completing each step, you build self-esteem, which is a key ingredient in the recipe for self-discipline.

Advice: Try to use the words of someone from your past who once gave you support. Try to hear the sound of the person's voice. This will give you additional subconscious power to interact with Hyde, the part of you that doesn't want self-discipline. But remember, this technique is only one-third of the reward system you will use. Repeat them often, but keep the phrases short and simple. Short phrases like " good job”, “don’t give up”, “you will succeed”, said in a firm and confident voice, work psychological miracles. This technique is too simple not to use it all the time.

Important: if you stumble in self-discipline, don't scold yourself. Don't call yourself stupid, lazy, or stubborn. This kind of self-talk is ineffective, it is a hidden form of punishment and works to lower your self-esteem. Rewards change behavior better than punishments. So when you stumble, and you will stumble because you are human, say to yourself, “I stumbled. It's OK. I'll do better next time." That's right, loosen your grip. And even if you feel like you should be heavily criticized for a mistake, the truth is that your performance over the long run will be better if you don't punish yourself at all. Therefore, as soon as you hear Hyde's attacks, turn them into a couple of soothing and understanding messages for yourself. And make sure that you smile at the same time - so your subconscious mind will finally make sure that you are not angry with yourself.

2) Contracts: Self contracts are a powerful psychological tool that can be used to reward every step taken towards a goal. You make a pact with yourself just like you make one with another person. When entering into a contract with yourself, be precise in your description of actions and rewards. Sometimes it helps to translate the agreement into numbers.

For example: Every time I work thirty minutes on a task on my to-do list, I reward myself with thirty minutes of watching TV because I honestly deserve it.

“For every box I fill and carry out of the garage, I will put five dollars into a fund that will be used to purchase with impunity that new ____________________ that I wanted to buy.”

For every kilo of weight I lose, I will contribute $10 towards a weekend trip to ________________ that I wanted to take.

Advice: Simple written contracts with yourself will give you more self-discipline energy than verbal ones. The act of writing engages you physiologically and psychologically in an agreement, thus adding even more energy to your efforts.

3) Gradual Steps: Perhaps this is the most powerful tool in any reward system. Remember that all your self-discipline projects should be based on a step-by-step method and each step should be rewarded. This is true no matter how small the step, or how small the reward. Because the first few steps in a project may seem too small to merit a reward, many people make the mistake of postponing rewards until they have completed the larger, visible, or difficult steps of their project. This approach is counterproductive because it ignores the psychological benefits of a solid reward system that works throughout the project.

In other words, by using rewards at the beginning, middle, and end of a project, you'll get the mental boost of knowing that the whole project was rewarded, not just the results. It can also help you when you get to those parts of your project that are out of your comfort zone. Plus, it will help you get started on your next project.

Rewards give you extra power to negotiate with Hyde. You know you love Hyde better than anyone on this planet. Use this knowledge to make Hyde work for you rather than against you.

Exercise: Create a list of rewards.

And now, it's time to create together a simple reward system based on your own preferences. Do this exercise in writing instead of just thinking about it. You will need this later. All you need to do is take a piece of paper and a pen. Then you need to write down all the things that you like to do for fun, I repeat, just for fun. Think about movies, travel, courses, television, concerts, adult toys, clothing, and so on and so forth. The longer the list, the better.

When you run out of first ideas, the list is not yet complete. Expand it as soon as you can think of additional treats. Always add to the list as soon as you think of additional pleasures. Make sure each item on your list is numbered. Don't worry about the order in which the rewards appear on the list. It is important that each item be described briefly. A word like "movie" fits well.

Do not complicate this exercise, do not turn it into a routine. You describe the rewards, fill out the list with joy Write down a lot of wonderful pleasures! Each reward on your list will be a powerful tool in your negotiations with Hyde. So don't take it lightly! Your reward list is just as important to self-discipline as your to-do list. What's more, it's important to write out rewards, not just think about them. We will use your list in combination with the Action Plan that will appear later. I repeat: the reward system is a key ingredient in your recipe for self-discipline. So, use rewards generously and your self-discipline will taste much better.

Example: List of Awards

My rewards.

  1. Go to the cinema
  2. Rent a movie
  3. Dine in a good restaurant
  4. Buy a pair of overpriced shoes
  5. Fifteen minutes to chat on the phone
  6. Goofy watching TV with popcorn, one hour
  7. Relax on the beach, one hour
  8. Weekend vacation
  9. week vacation
  10. Go feed the ducks
  11. Full day of videos
  12. Watch the play
  13. Read a book chapter
  14. Read full book
  15. Buy magazine
  16. Read magazine
  17. Hour of listening to music
  18. Go to a music concert


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