Program of training sessions for educators at dhow. Trainings for teachers and educators. Trainings for teachers and educators - Training lesson for teachers and specialists "Know yourself"

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  • Emotional burnout of teachers. Prevention, trainings

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Training with teachers on the prevention of the "emotional burnout" syndrome and the removal of psycho-emotional stress GOAL:. 1. Development of collective cohesion and positive emotional attitudes of the participants training to each other; 2. Removal of psycho-emotional stress; 3. Prevention of emotional burnout educators... Concept "Burnout syndrome"... At the beginning...

Psychological training for teachers of preschool educational institution "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" Target: awareness educators their emotions and feelings, their acceptance; mastering effective ways withdrawing internal stress, self-regulation techniques. Equipment: cards "phantom", colored pencils, A4 sheets, pens. Stroke holding: The exercise "Say hello to your friends!" By...

Trainings for teachers and educators - Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers"

Publication "Training" Prevention of emotional burnout ... " Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" Objectives: creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of teachers; the formation of skills in the regulation of the psychoemotional state; prevention of emotional burnout in teaching ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Training for teachers "Mutual Understanding" TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Objectives: · to promote positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers; · To increase group cohesion; · Relieve muscle and emotional stress of teachers; · Improve the emotional state of teachers. Equipment: · ball; Sheets ...

Summary of the lesson with elements of training for teachers "Time Pie" A lesson with elements of training for teachers on the topic "Time Pie". Goals and objectives: To improve the communication skills of teachers; Relieve emotional and muscle tension; Develop emotional stability, self-confidence; Improve the self-esteem of teachers; ...

Self-esteem improvement training for kindergarten teachers "I am the best that I have" Self-esteem improvement training "I am the best that I have" Purpose: to determine and analyze the level of self-esteem. Mastering the techniques of self-diagnosis, self-disclosure. The course of the lesson. Leading. Self-assessment - human assessment own qualities, advantages and disadvantages. The term "self-esteem" ...

Trainings for teachers and educators - Training lesson for teachers and specialists "Know yourself"

"Know thyself" Purpose: to create a positive attitude towards further work, the development of reflexive skills among the participants of the psychological lesson. Materials for work: (A4 sheets, felt-tip pens, mood cards. Exercise "Self-presentation"

Training for teachers "Prevention of emotional burnout" Tasks: - acquaintance with the concept of "professional burnout" - analysis of your own experiences Course of the training: 1. Game "Swap places" This game will allow you to move a little, cheer up, and also learn about each other Additional information... One chair is removed, and ...

Anastasia Krylova
Training for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Day of psychological relief"

Training for preschool teachers« Day of psychological relief» .


Formation of favorable psychological climate;

Team building, building trusting relationships;

Prevention of professional burnout;

Development of communication skills, emotional sphere;

Removal of emotional stress.

The target audience: preschool teachers.

Form of conducting: training.

Equipment: an audience with chairs arranged in a circle (according to the number of participants, a ball, a radio tape recorder, a disc with slow dances, a disc with music for relaxation, cloth blindfolds, sheets of paper, ballpoint pens according to the number of participants and felt-tip pens.


1. Greetings


To acquaint the group members with the greeting ritual, the inclusion of participants in the work.

Psychologist: Hello dear educators! I'm glad to see you all. Today we have gathered in our hall to rest a little, relax, get to know each other a little better. At the beginning of our event, I invite all participants to say hello to an unusual way: each member of the group, with his little fingers, connects with a neighbor sitting next to him, and at my command amicably, say "Hello".

2. "Acquaintance"


Set up each participant to work in a group;

Create a sense of trust and psychological comfort in this group of people.

Psychologist: Before starting further work, I think we should get to know each other again. V training we are presented with a great opportunity, usually not available in real life- choose a name for yourself. After all, often it happens: someone does not really like the name given to him by his parents; someone is not satisfied with the form of address that is familiar to those around them - for example, everyone around her is calling the girl Lenka, but she wants to be addressed as “Lena” or “Lenulya” or especially in an unusual and affectionate way, as her mother used to address in childhood. Some people like it, if they are called by their patronymic, without a name - Petrovich, Mikhalych. And someone secretly dreams of a beautiful name that his idol bears. There are people who had a funny nickname in childhood and would not mind being treated like this in an informal setting even now. You have thirty seconds to think and choose a play name for yourself. Write it on a paper card and attach it to your clothing. All other members of the group during the whole training will only address you by that name. "

Now, let's make ourselves comfortable, introduce ourselves, passing the ball and saying our name, as well as a word that reflects our mood or our state. (Katya is friendly).

3. The rules of our group.


Outline the rules of conduct in the group throughout training.

We start our training session... Any training has rules... I believe that it is advisable to discuss and decide what rules we will adhere to throughout training.

Law "zero zero" providing a timely start training, its ending and an equally timely return to the audience after the break.

Turning to each other on "you"(for working with children, this norm can be slightly changed, but contacting the presenter by name, without patronymic is highly desirable).

Work "From and to": the person who made the decision to participate in training, seeks the opportunity to attend all classes from the beginning to the very end.

Confidentiality of information discussed in the group, its closedness for discussion outside training situation... The work of the group unfolds only in the space of actual experiences and needs of the participants. The subject of discussion can be past events and past relationships between participants, but only in the context of their current attitude to those situations and relationships. Of the greatest value are states, experiences of experiences and relationships that are born directly in group interaction. You cannot change the past, but you can deeply and vividly live the present, taking the best into the future.

All statements must come from their own name: "I find.", "I think.", but not "Everyone is thinking now.", "most of us." etc.

Non-judgmental statements about other group members. Feedback in the form of a description of behavior, expression of one's own feelings about this behavior is allowed and encouraged, but not an assessment of the personality.

Active participation in work: if there is a desire to say, it must be done, even if it is awkward, scary, you don’t want to drag out the discussion. But at the same time, the participants have the right to be silent, not to take part in the exercise, if it is dictated internal state.

The right to speak and the duty to listen. Nobody has the right to monopolize the discussion, deprive others of the opportunity to take part in it. Everyone can speak and should give the opportunity to others to be heard and understood.

4. Exercise "Interview"



Building an environment of trust

Psychologist: Friends, imagine that you are participants in a press conference. Everyone writes three questions on a piece of paper. We ask questions that relate to life, professional views, interests. Then the leaflet is given to another participant. (for example, to the 3rd sitting on the right side of the author of the questions)... Further pass "Press conferences"... Everyone takes turns reading the questions and answering them.

5. Passing objects in a circle


Exchange of moods, feelings in a circle

Psychologist: Now I propose to pass in a circle from hand to hands:



After which we "Mine" hands in a clear mountain stream and "Spray" on top of each other with crystal clear water. This releases group energy, allowing the participants to relax. Psycho-gymnastics ends with another circle with a description of his current state, sensations, mood.

6. Musical exercise "Dance together"


Establish non-verbal contact, feel trust in your partner and yourself.

Psychologist: And now pleasant music will sound. All participants with closed eyes (you can wear a cloth eye patch) begin to perform dance moves, after which you must find yourself a couple and continue the dance together. As soon as the music stops playing, open your eyes and thank your partner.

After the exercise, the participants share their feelings. It is important to find out whether their expectations from their partner were met, what feelings they experienced when they took off their sunglasses.

7. Relaxation session. "Hands"


Removing fatigue, establishing mental balance.

Psychologist gives an attitude to relaxation, achievement inner peace, positive attitude. A calm melody plays.

Sit comfortably. Stretch your legs, dangle your arms. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue flows from your hands to land: here it flows from the head to the shoulders, flows over the forearms, rushes to the hands and seeps down through the fingertips into the ground. You clearly physically feel a heavy weight sliding down your arms. Sit like this for 1-2 minutes, and then lightly shake your hands.

8. Formulas psychological stability

Psychologist: I want to introduce you to formulas psychological stability and I recommend that you say this text to yourself from time to time. Remember to say encouraging words to yourself. Think about happiness, strength, and peace. I wish you success. I propose to pronounce these formulas at will. (participants receive printed formulas) Annex 1.

9. "Reflection"


Get feedback from group members.

Providing opportunities to express your feelings that have arisen during the course.

Psychologist: Let's go in a circle, passing the ball into our hands, and express our opinion about the meeting and its significance for you. You can express your thoughts, feelings and sensations; what you liked more, what you didn’t like; what was the hardest to accomplish, what was the easiest; what surprised; your wishes, etc.

10. The final stage.


Get feedback from group members

Get information on what issues they want to discuss teachers on further trainings what forms of work they like.

Psychologist: now I want to distribute the questionnaires to you (Appendix 2)... You will take them with you, in a couple of days I ask you to return the completed forms. Processing of survey results (Appendix 3).

11."Parting" It was very interesting and pleasant for me to work with you. I invite everyone to stand in a circle, join hands together and say loudly "Thank you all, everyone, everyone for your work.".

Annex 1.

Formulas psychological stability

I stand firmly on the ground

I stand firmly on the ground. Like this!

I'll give it up to my misfortunes. Like this!

I will hug my friends. Like this!

I will laugh out loud. Like this!

Only laugh

Just laugh and smile, but don't give up, don't bloom!

And rise, and straighten, hold on tight and laugh again!

Formulas for accepting unhappiness

Whatever happens to me

Whatever happens to me, I'm completely calm

Because I relax, and then, like a child, I smile.

What is inevitable in fate

That which is inevitable in fate, I easily accept.

It is impossible to live without misfortune, I understand that very well.

Formulas for positive thoughts

My new begins day

My new begins day,

My new life begins!

A new light shines in me

And a miracle life is born in me!

Hello my new lovely day!

Hello, my new miracle life!

Hello, new wondrous light in the heart!

Hello, my new miracle is a thought!

Self-esteem formula

and positive perception of others

I'm good

I am, I am, I am good. I am, I am, I am calm. I am, I am, I am healthy. I am, I am, I am funny.

I am, I am, I am very smart. I, I, I am very kind. I am, I am, I am very strong.

I love you.

Appendix 2.


Please mark with a sign «+» the most significant points for you regarding the work of our training and add your personal request within the framework of this topic (if he is):

Themes training

Basic rules of communication



How to deal with emotions

Forms of work with parents

Stress management (stress management)

Confident communication behavior

My individual request in the framework of this topic (if there is)

Forms of work on training

Mini lectures


Interaction Skills Exercises

Exchange of experience with participants training

Joint discussion of problems

Work organization

On one's own

In subgroups

Appendix 3.



occurrence «+» Result

Themes training ___

Basic rules of communication

Features of communication with parents



How to deal with emotions

Forms of work with parents

Stress management

(stress management)

Confident communication behavior

Number of individual requests

Forms of work

Mini lectures


Practice exercises

interaction skills

Exchange of experience with participants training

Joint discussion of problems in a circle

Work organization

On one's own

How to learn to use emotions and feelings in your work

Aim of the meeting: get rid of negative emotions at work.
Remember the words from V. Shainsky's song "Smile".
"A gloomy day is brighter from a smile,
From a smile in the sky, the rainbow will light up.
Share your smile
And she will come back to you more than once "
"Smile" greeting.
At the beginning of our meeting, I propose to greet each other with an open, kind smile. After all, it is a smile that contributes positive mood, developing self-confidence. When addressing your partner with a smile, say a few nice words. And you are already on the way to harmony, determined by the three main forces of life: mind, spirit and love. Smiled? It means that you are ready to communicate.
One a wise man said: "Someone else can be neither friend nor enemy for us, he can only be a teacher for us."
Exercise "If not for you ..."
Participants are divided into pairs. Then they are invited to take turns to tell about the qualities of another participant, beginning their story with the words "If it were not for you ..."
I want to tell you a fairy tale, and so that you don't get bored, I suggest you "get used to" the plot of this fairy tale, and it is desirable to portray the heroes of the fairy tale after you hear the words "like this."
Far, far away, there is one wonderful meadow, which is called the Dolphin kindergarten. The meadow is large and round. Above this glade, the sky is different, it is clear, but sometimes clouds hang over this wonderful glade, like this. And the sun warms this glade with its warm rays, like this. On this wonderful glade, in the Dolphin kindergarten, there were wizards who were similar to you. And on you ... and on you ... The wizards were very friendly and kind. They worked and were able to do a lot, like this (teachers list what they can do). And if something didn't work out for them, they knew that they would definitely succeed, even if not immediately. Wizards loved to have fun, communicate with each other, and they did it like this. Every now and then they heard their ringing, cheerful laughter. And they laughed like that.
But wizards used to be sad, and then they were sad like that. Sometimes they wanted to cry, and they allowed themselves to. They cried like this. Huge tears rolled down their cheeks, and when they fell to the ground, they turned into crystal beads. The ringing from them was melodic and soothing.
Wizards loved to invent various miracles with transformations. When someone turned into someone, they were surprised like this.
And this miracle happened to you with the transformation. Now you have all turned into huge elephants. The elephant has four powerful legs. He walks importantly, slowly, like this. He puts his foot on the whole foot, as if pushing the ground. Try walking like this.
The elephant approached the construction site where the little wizards were building a house. Probably for you and me. The elephant is a strong animal, and he began to help the wizards, lift heavy stones, this is how it was not easy for him, and he did not hide it. Breathing hard, like that.
But then the elephant failed: a heavy stone fell on his leg. The elephant lifted his bruised leg and groaned, like this
The elephant got very angry. He started swinging his trunk like that.
And then the elephant went through the city, shaking the air with a roar, like this.
Then the elephant saw a newspaper. He grabbed it and began to crush it. He trampled her underfoot, tore her apart, like that.
Gradually, the feeling of anger began to leave the elephant, he closed his eyes, relaxed, like this.
Soon the elephant completely calmed down, he looked around, like this.
How good: the sun is warming, the sky is blue, the grass is green, water flows in the river. And he felt calm and comfortable. And only scraps of paper scattered on the ground reminded of anger. Let's remove these remnants of "anger" so that it doesn't bother us anymore, like that.
So our "transformation" is over. Please tell me, did you enjoy being elephants?
How did the elephant feel when a stone fell on his leg?
How did he express his feelings?
You noticed that the elephant, despite the fact that he was very angry, did not offend anyone. The elephant is a peaceful animal. If suddenly you are ever visited by a feeling of anger, anger, remember the elephant.
Anger, anger is a vivid manifestation of displeasure. We get angry with those who hurt us, hurt us, or let us down. Sometimes we get angry with ourselves. Sometimes anger is used as a mask to hide fear or resentment. Anger is inherent in man, everyone is angry without exception. Anger, anger eats up from the inside.
Discussion of techniques for releasing negative emotions.
Don't let your anger run so far;
try not to spray and calm down, breathe in calmness and breathe out anger;
it is important to understand, to realize the cause of anger, asking oneself the question: “Why do I need anger, anger? What will be the outcome after I show anger towards someone or towards myself? ”;
you can describe your condition in writing, and then ritually exhale, cut off, tear, throw away;
you can express your anger to your offender, but only if you are confident that you will be heard and treated with understanding and respect.
Exercise "This state is alien to me"
I invite you now to recall the last time when anger and anger overwhelmed you. You can describe it on a piece of paper, you can draw some kind of sketches.
And now I ask you to get rid of this state using the previously discussed and suggested techniques.
Perhaps some of you want to share your condition after "getting rid of the negative"? (discussion is optional).
In such a delicate area as human emotions, only the person himself is ultimately a "tuner" for himself. It also happens that the wounds are too severe. Reason, advice, and time are unable to cure them. In such cases, when asked what to do if you cannot forget about something, smart and experienced people also have an answer: if you cannot forget, remember.

Communication training "Weather in the preschool educational institution"

Purpose of the game: psychological unity of the team, disclosure of some of the secrets of communication.

Relationship greeting

Purpose: development of the participants' imagination, expanding the possibilities of bodily expression, mood on the topic of the training.

Leading : Start walking around the room. Now I will offer you to say hello in different ways, and you, passing from one training participant to another, will have to do it.

First, greet colleagues with a smile or a friendly nod.

Now you need to stop, shake the other person's hand, or put yours on the shoulder.

Now imagine that all the people who are here have recently offended you greatly. As you walk past them, express all your feelings to them.

Now imagine that you are all here "take for fools." Express it.

Now imagine that each participant is leading a large dog on a rope.

Finally, when welcoming others, express your real mood.

Creation of a team mandala

Purpose: creating a sense of team unity, revealing the individual beauty of each.

Leading ... I suggest you relax and play a little. Now you will get different shapes in different colors. (Four boxes are launched along the rows). Choose whichever one you like best. Now take a pencil, felt-tip pen or pen of any color and draw on this shape what you like, what would give you pleasure. It can be any pattern: maybe some kind of geometric figure or their combination, maybe a corner of nature, trees, birds, fish, flowers, maybe it will be the sky or some body of water, or something else close to you … (Painting.)

Take a look at your drawings. Do you agree that they reflect a particle of your soul? Try to understand and mentally answer: what part of the soul is this, what does it express? ..

And now I suggest that you all put out together on a sheet of Whatman paper a composition in the form of a flower, a star or a circle, alternating different colors and figures.

Whatman paper is glued to the board.

See how beautiful you did it! Long ago, in ancient times, people discovered that the ornament in the form of a flower, a star, a circle - they called it a mandala - reflects the very center of the human soul. Therefore, the mandala is often found: on clothes, dishes, in stained glass windows of churches, in the architecture of buildings. In Russia - in the decoration of spinning wheels, huts, embroidery ornament.

conclusions : The mandala that we got today is an expression of the soul of our team, in which there is a reflection of the soul of each of us. Each has its own meaning and place in this colorful harmonious composition.

Now let's pay attention to the shapes of those shapes that we have chosen.

A description of all the figures is given in accordance with the psychogeometric test (S. Dellgschger, 1989).

If desired, a characteristic of the selected colors is given (according to the Luscher test).

Exercise "Wax stick"

Purpose: developing trust and support for each other.

All stand in a circle tightly to each other. One participant goes to the center of the circle, the rest put their hands in front of them and swing it from side to side, holding it, preventing it from falling. All others go through this procedure in turn.

This is followed by a discussion:

  • Who was really able to relax, remove the clamps, were not afraid to fall; who trusted the participants in the game?

It is proposed to assess your confidence on a 5-point scale.

Conclusions are made about the extent to which the team members are willing to trust each other and support each other.

Exercise "Suit from the newspaper"

Purpose: cooperation of participants.

The group is divided into teams of 3 people. Each team assigns who will be “first”, who will be “second”, who will be “third”. Each player has specific restrictions:

  • The "first" sees, talks, but cannot touch anything.
  • The "second" does not see, does not speak, cannot touch anything.
  • The “third” does not see, but speaks and can act with his hands.

Execution time - 15 minutes. During this time, for the "second" player, you need to build an original costume, reliable enough to demonstrate it on the podium. At the command of the leader, the “second” and “third” players close their eyes (or put on blindfolds), and the “first” removes his hands behind his back. After 15 minutes, each team demonstrates their costume.

This is followed by a discussion:

  1. Was it difficult or easy to complete the task?
  2. Have you achieved the desired result? If so, what helped in this? If not, then what prevented?

conclusions : you can achieve the desired result in a joint business by listening to each other's words and actions.

The goal is to remove aggression, fatigue, stress. Moving on to the topic of relationships.

The group is divided into two teams. The coach gives each group a piece of paper and explains the rules of the game. Then he reads his own text and the commands begin to shout.

Host: Each of the teams has a rhyme. First, practice pronouncing it in a chorus with the correct accents in a whisper. I will go over and show the correct intonation in each group.

Then I will read a short rhyme, and as soon as I ask the gnome to give his name, each group should read their rhyme in chorus as loud as possible and try to shout down the other team.

Introductory rhyme from the trainer:

In a small clearing

There is a green house

And in that green house

A cheerful gnome lives.

Dwarf-dwarf, what is your name?

Verse for group # 1:

Vasya! I have a plaid shirt!

I came to you from the forest

To get some candy!

Verse for group # 2:

Peter! I have polka dot pants!

I came to you from a fairy tale!

Tell me that I'm good!

Questions for discussion of the game:

  • Did you hear the name of the gnome neighbor?
  • What have you heard?
  • Why was it difficult to listen?


As we strive to express ourselves, we do not hear our interlocutor and do not receive information from him. When we are overwhelmed with emotions, we also do not hear anyone. To hear another, you have to shut up yourself.

Exercise "Hedgehog and elephant"

The goal of the game is to indirectly demonstrate to the participants their usual way of interacting with other people, to bring up the rules of interaction, its retention, and the peculiarities of the position during interaction for discussion.

The group is divided in half. Both groups receive hidden instructions from the trainer. Then the participants choose a pair for themselves from the opposite group, take one sheet of paper and a marker for two, and begin to complete the task.


For group number 1: “Your task is to silently, holding one marker for two with your partner, in 2 minutes draw a hedgehog on a common sheet of paper. Once again - you can't talk! "

For group No. 2: “Your task is to silently, holding one marker for two with your partner, in 2 minutes draw an elephant on a common sheet of paper. Once again - you can't talk! "

Questions for discussion of the game:

  1. How did you feel when working as a couple?
  2. What's your result? Does he personally suit you? Have you reached your goal? Whom did you have to draw?
  3. Why do you think you got exactly this result?
  4. What helped you? What was in the way?
  5. What would you do differently next time?
  6. How can you draw conclusions from this game? How does this relate to communicating with people?


There are many ways to achieve your goal, using both strength (the ability to lead, achieve your goals) and warmth (the ability to follow a partner, to fulfill his needs).

If someone only uses heat, he loses own result and sacrifices it to a partner to the detriment of his goals and interests.

If someone uses only force, he gets his result, but deprives the partner of his own goals, expected results, risks losing the relationship.

If both sides use only force, the result may not be satisfactory for both sides.

It is most productive in communication for both partners to take into account both their own and other people's needs and interests, and be able to compromise.


Used Books:

  1. K. Fopel "The Energy of Pause", - M., Genesis, 2011
  2. Training for teachers "Psychological climate in the team", V.V. Pascal
  3. O. Weiss "Collection of games", - Samara, 2004
  4. K. Kononovich "Games in training for the mind and body", - St. Petersburg, Speech, 2010

Title: Methodological development for a teacher-psychologist. Communication training "Weather in the preschool educational institution".
Nominated: Methodical developments for preschool educational institutions / teacher-psychologist

Position: teacher-psychologist
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 106
Location: Izhevsk

Training of pedagogical communication for teachers and educators of preschool institutions

Akhankova Svetlana Vasilievna, Educator-psychologist I / kindergarten "Bolashak" Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk
This material is part of the training work with the teaching staff. Aimed at reducing psycho-emotional stress, team building. Helps in resolving conflict situations.

"Training of pedagogical communication"

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that communication is the most important feature in our work.
Communication is the highest joy bestowed on people. Partner communication is communication that takes into account the state, interests, and relationships of the interlocutor. Communication is the interaction of two or more partners.
Psychological attunement to work. Group cohesion
Exercise "Fire". Teachers in a circle pass each other a "light of kindness" with words of compliments (a lit candle).
Interaction between people begins with establishing contact. Contact depends on how we hold ourselves, what we say.
In order for teachers to feel the importance of establishing contact, we conduct exercise "You now ..."
Instructions: Observe the external manifestations of the emotional state of others. I throw the ball to any participant and say: “Zhenya, it seems to me that you are sad now”. Zhenya throws the ball to the next participant and says: “Louise, it seems to me that you are annoyed right now,” and so on. Everyone is involved in the game.
Mini - lecture: "The concept of" Conflict ". Types of behavior in conflict situations.
The word "conflict" in translation from Latin means "collision".
Identifies the following types of conflicts: personal, interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup conflicts.
There are negative consequences and positive functions of conflicts:
What do you think belongs to negative consequences? Positive?
Negative consequences:
deterioration in the health of subjects,
decreased performance,
high emotional costs, etc.
Positive Conflict Features:
it serves to defuse tension,
receiving new information,
stimulates development and positive changes,

Overcomes stagnation of life,
reveals a "chronic disease", a contradiction,
helps to clarify relationships, etc.
Thus, the conflict is the opposition of the subjects about the contradiction that has arisen, real or imaginary.
The reason for the conflict may be a difference in goals (parents expect only a positive assessment about the child, and the teacher - the assimilation of knowledge and skills by the child) insufficient awareness of the parties about the event (the parent received information from the child, the teacher himself witnessed the incident); incompetence of one of the parties, low culture of behavior, etc.
Experts identify 4 stages of conflict passage:
1. The emergence of a conflict (the emergence of a contradiction).
2. Awareness of this situation as a conflict of at least one of the parties.
3. Conflicting behavior.
4. Outcome of the conflict (constructive, destructive, freezing of the conflict).
And if earlier this situation suited both sides of the interaction, now parents, having certain knowledge and experience in the field of psychology, try to prevent pressure on themselves from the workers kindergarten... In addition, such behavior of a teacher can cause an aggressive outbreak even in a peaceful parent. Therefore, in order to avoid the deepening and expansion of the conflict situation, it is desirable to realize and implement in practice the line of partnership interaction "on an equal footing".
Conflict resolution methods:
Compromise is the achievement of a "half" benefit for each party.
Adjustment involves an increased attention to the interests of another person, while their own interests recede into the background.
Cooperation is a strategy that takes into account the interests of both parties.
Avoidance, competition.
V teaching practice There is an opinion that the most effective ways of getting out of the conflict are cooperation and compromise.
However, any of the strategies presented can be effective in different situations, since it has both positive and negative sides.
No matter how much we would like this, it is hardly possible to imagine and even more so to carry out completely conflict-free interaction between people. Sometimes it is even more important not to avoid a conflict, but to correctly choose a strategy of behavior in a conflict situation and bring the parties to a constructive agreement. However, teachers often face difficult situations when communicating with parents. However, avoiding a conflict situation did not solve the problem, and only negotiations with the child's mother, which helped to find out the true reasons for her behavior, contributed to the settlement of relations and the establishment of cooperation of both parties).
Exercise "Impression".
List what impression your parents might have of you if you are impatient, speak in a raised or irritated tone.
Answer options:
- you are tired of everything,
- you are not interested in your work,
- you are not friendly,
- you do not respect others.
- You are scared
Exercise "Say the text:" The hostess threw the bunny ... "
1. In a whisper.
2. With the maximum volume.
3. Wave-like.
4. As if you are terribly cold.
5. As if you have hot potatoes in your mouth.
6. Like a little girl.
Exercise "Old English game".
For this game, you will need a small prize for the winner (it can be a candy, a small toy, a souvenir, etc.). There is only one requirement for the prize: it should not be fragile, since during the game there is a possibility that it will fall to the floor. The psychologist-teacher prepares the prize (wraps it in paper, puts it in a box, ties it with ribbons, seals it with tape, etc.). Before the start of the game, the group sits in a circle, the chairs are moved as close to each other as possible. The teacher-psychologist turns on cheerful music and passes a large package with a prize to one of the participants sitting next to him. The one, having received the package, immediately passes it in a circle to the next player, the one to the next, etc.
Suddenly, the music stops, and the participant, with the bundle in their hands, quickly begins to unwrap the prize. He can do this until the music starts playing again. From the moment the music sounds, the prize "travels" in a circle again until the next musical break. As soon as the music stops, the participant with the prize in his hands continues to unpack it and, when the sound of music appears, passes it on in a circle. The prize goes to the one who is able to finally unfold it and pick it up.
After the participants shared their impressions of the game, educational psychologist asks the following questions: “If you and I were asked to make a film about people in conflict using the example of this game, then where and at what moments could we play the conflicts?
What could cause conflicts? Who could become their potential participants and why?
For example, a conflict might arise at the moment the music stops between the participant who unfolds the prize and the participants sitting next to it.
One could accuse the educational psychologist of having a prejudiced attitude towards some of the participants and using it at the moments of turning the music on and off. Further, the educational psychologist invites the participants to answer the questions: “How could the instructions for the game be changed in order to reduce the likelihood of conflicts? "(Make the instructions clearer, introduce some restrictions, etc.) In which case would it be more interesting to play: in the first (how we played) or in the second (simulated version?)
Final exercise. "Circle of Light"
Psychologist: Passing through the "circle of light", we carry out a ritual of purification, mobilize our internal energy, activate our resources and thereby strengthen our health. And now you and I will pass in a circle a vessel with lighted floating candles, with words of gratitude to each other.
Let's all make a wish together, but we will not extinguish these candles. Let this light burn in each of us and never go out.


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