Own sample quality management system. The main stages of creating a QMS at the enterprise. Putting products into production

Federal agency on education of the Russian Federation

Vologda State Technical University

Department of Management

Discipline "Quality Management"

Signed for defense ______________ Accepted ____________

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Defense will take place on ______________ Assessment _____________

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Code: 0607302610

Executor: Kruglova E.A.

Group: ZEGU - 51

D / address: Vologda region,

Vytegra, st. Volodarsky, 42 a, apt. 7

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 3
1. The essence of quality management ………………………………………… .. 5
1.1 Basic concepts in the field of quality ……………………………………. 5
1.2 Principles and functions of quality management …………………………… .. 7
1.3 Development of quality systems ………………………………………………… .. 10
1.4 The essence of the process approach to quality management ……………… .. 13

Product quality and safety management at enterprises

Food Industry………………………………………………...

2. Analysis of the organization of work on quality management in OOO Novus L ... 18
2.1 General characteristics of Novus L LLC ………………………………… .. 18
2.2 Analysis of the existing organization of work on quality management in Novus L LLC ……………………………………………………………

The main activities for the development of a quality management system

at Novus L LLC based on ISO 9000 ………………. …………………

3.1 Main stages establishment of the QMS at the enterprise ………………………… 27
3.2 Implementation of the quality management system at Novus L LLC ………… .. 31

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of a quality management system

at Novus L LLC ……………………………………………………… ..

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………… 41
List of used literature ……………………………………………… 43
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………… ... 45


The XXI century is intended to be a century of high quality in all its manifestations - the quality of labor, products and services, quality environment, i.e. implement the modern paradigm of civilized development. this work dedicated to quality, since it is precisely this that is the main condition for strengthening the national economy. The experience of the advanced countries of the world is convincing of this. Quality is a political, moral and economic category.

A tool for successfully solving quality problems at the level of enterprises and organizations is the introduction of quality systems that meet the ISO 9000 series standards. The certificate confirming this compliance is extremely necessary condition competitiveness of manufactured products.

Today in the country there is already a common interest of the leaders of the country and regions, manufacturers and suppliers of products, the population in improving the quality of products and services, as well as the quality of life. More and more Russian enterprises are striving to obtain a certificate for the quality system, since without this, long-term business success is impossible. The concept of "quality" applies to all types of activities: the conquest of sales markets on the basis of mutually beneficial partnership with regular customers; development of new sales markets by supplying competitive products.

Relevance of the topic term paper determines that product quality is one of the most important criteria for the functioning of an enterprise in a saturated market and prevailing non-price competition... An increase in the technical level and quality of products determines the pace of scientific and technological progress and the growth of production efficiency in general, has a significant impact on the intensification of the economy, the competitiveness of domestic goods and the living standard of the country's population.

The purpose of the course work- study of the process of product quality management and development of a quality management system in OOO Novus L.

Object research is the Society with limited liability"Novus L." Subject research is the process of product quality management in OOO Novus L.

To achieve this goal, the following are determined tasks :

-introduce general characteristics OOO Novus L;

-analyze the main indicators of the enterprise, characterizing the effectiveness of its activities;

-analyze the existing organization of quality control at Novus L LLC

-consider the stages of creating a quality management system;

-consider in detail the stages of creating a QMS at Novus L LLC

-make a conclusion about expediency / inexpediency QMS implementation in OOO Novus L.

When performing the work, the following were used methods : description; material analysis; synthesis of information; comparison.

The course work consists of an introduction, a main part consisting of three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

In the first chapter the theoretical foundations of quality are considered: basic concepts, history of development of quality systems, etc .;

In the second chapter an analysis of the organization of work on quality management in OOO Novus L was carried out;

In the third chapter the main measures for the development and implementation of a quality management system at Novus L LLC based on the ISO 9000 standard are considered, and the effectiveness of these measures is calculated.

The methodological and theoretical basis of this work is the materials of textbooks, guidelines, legislative sources and periodicals, documentation of the company "Novus L."


1.1 Basic concepts in the field of quality

In a market economy, the quality problem is the most important factor improving the standard of living, economic, social and environmental security. In modern literature, there are various interpretations of the concept of quality. The International Organization for Standardization defines quality as the totality of properties and characteristics of a product or service that make it capable of satisfying a conditional or implied need. This standard introduced concepts such as "quality assurance", "quality management", "quality spiral". International quality requirements are defined by the ISO 9000 series of standards that emerged in the late 1980s. These standards have invaded manufacturing processes, management and have established clear requirements for quality assurance systems. They laid the foundation for the certification of quality systems. An independent direction of management emerged - quality management. Currently, scientists and practitioners abroad link modern methods quality management with the TQM methodology (total quality management) - general (all-encompassing, total) quality management.

Quality can be thought of as a pyramid (Figure 1.1).

Rice. 1.1 Quality pyramid

At the top of the pyramid is TQM - total quality management, which assumes high quality of all work to achieve the required product quality. Of particular importance is the quality of work directly related to the release of products (timely detection of defects, etc.). Product quality is directly related to the quality of work. Here the quality of suitable products is assessed, the opinion of the consumer is taken into account, complaints are analyzed.

With the development of scientific and technological progress, automatic control devices appeared. sophisticated equipment... The concept of reliability arose. Methods for collecting, processing and analyzing quality information have been developed. Firms operating in conditions market economy, strove to organize quality observations. The emphasis was placed on the prevention of defects. In a command-and-control economy, quality is interpreted from the position of the manufacturer. From the standpoint of product compliance with consumer requirements, the concept of quality has developed in a market economy.

The idea of ​​such an approach to determining the quality of products is contained in a special science - qualimetry. “Kvali” in Latin means “what quality”, and “metreo” in ancient Greek means “to measure”. Qualimetry is the science of how to measure and quantify the quality of products and services. Qualimetry allows you to give quantitative assessments quality characteristics of the goods. The main purpose of qualimetry is the development and methods that allow expressing the quality of a particular object in one number, which characterizes the degree of satisfaction of the object of social needs.

The essence of quality measurement in qualimetry is as follows:

1. For each type of product, its specific quality levels are taken into account, fixed in the standards and technical conditions.

2. The quality standard is selected.

3. The achieved quality is compared with the standard.

At the same time, quality cannot be considered in isolation from the standpoint of the manufacturer and the consumer. Product certification cannot be carried out without ensuring the technical, operational and other quality parameters recorded in the technical conditions (TU). Important properties for assessing quality are:

The technical level, which reflects the materialization of scientific and technological achievements in products;

The aesthetic level, which is characterized by a complex of properties associated with aesthetic sensations and views;

An operational level associated with the technical side of product use;

Technical quality, assuming a harmonious link between the expected and actual consumer properties in the operation of the product.

Thus, quality is one of the fundamental categories that determines social and economic basis successful development society.

1.2. Principles and functions of quality management

Quality management should be carried out on the basis of scientifically sound principles. They can be subdivided into are common, system-wide and special... TO common The principles of quality management include the following:

Use of integrated search and decision making in the field of quality;

Orientation of the activities of all personnel to solving quality problems;

Using a wide range of techniques and methods of work to achieve high quality products.

As well as general principles it is advisable to be guided system-wide management principles, which should include:

Purposefulness, creation of subsystems to achieve goals;

Divisibility achieved by decomposition of the system into subsystems and elements;

Hierarchy, formation of a multi-level system with delegation of authority to the appropriate level of management;

Complexity achieved by mutual coordination of all formed subsystems, elements used in quality management;

Interconnection, through the implementation of interconnections of the formed quality management systems with all other control systems of the enterprise;

The closed nature of the management process, realized by the implementation in the system of a full general functional cycle;

Systematicity, which determines the continuous implementation of all quality management work, and the duration of their action;

Continuity, expressed in the use of advanced domestic and foreign experience systemic quality management;

Simplicity and clarity, for everyone who works to understand everything related to quality management and ensuring the competitiveness of products

Along with general and system-wide principles, consideration should be given to special quality management principles mastered by advanced international companies... These principles form the basis of the ISO 9000 series of international quality management standards.

1. Consumer orientation... Organizations depend on their customers and therefore must understand their current and future needs, meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.

2. Leadership of the leader... Leaders ensure the unity of purpose and direction of the organization.

3. Involvement of workers... Full employee involvement enables the organization to benefit from their capabilities.

4. Process approach... The desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and associated resources are managed as a process.

5... Systematic approach to management... Representation of management in the form of a system of interrelated processes, which provides a greater contribution to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization in achieving its goals.

6. Unchanging purpose- continuous improvement of the company's activities based on quality.

7. Making decisions based on facts... Effective decisions are based on the analysis of objective evidence and information.

8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships... A relationship of mutual benefit between an organization and its suppliers enhances their ability to effectively achieve objectives.

For effective implementation principles the main and special functions management. The main management functions (OFU) include:

- planning, which is the process of preparing decisions by managers to ensure the efforts of the team to achieve the goals of the enterprise in the field of quality and competitiveness;

- organization aimed at structuring all organizational work and their distribution vertically and horizontally;

- motivation ensuring the revitalization of the work of those working to perform all types of work with high quality;

- control representing; 1) tracking what is planned for improvement and quality assurance 2) determining what has been done in a certain period of time, 3) comparing planned with achieved 4) taking corrective actions when deviations are detected.

TO special features include:

Market research and consumer quality requirements;

Determination of the company's position on the market and goals;

Forecasting consumer needs, demand;

Design and development of technical and economic requirements;

Development and launch of products for production;

Provision of material and technical supplies;

Metrological support;

Organization of training for personnel on product quality assurance;

Organization and manufacture of defect-free products of stable quality;

Quality control, testing and certification of products;

Provision of packaging, loading and storage of products;

Providing installation, after-sales technical assistance and product service;

Ensuring the disposal of products after use;

Information and documentation support;

Keeping records and analysis of costs for improving product quality;

Organization and conduct of inspections, analysis and elimination of deficiencies;

Providing feedback to consumers.

It is necessary to assign certain quality management functions to each department and employee. It is also important that all stages of quality are covered in the implementation of quality management principles and performance of functions.

1.3. Development of quality systems

Until the end of the 1980s, in the study of the concept of "quality management" it was mainly about the term "product quality management". Back in 1979 A.V. Glichev, M.I. Kruglov defined product quality management as "a constant, systematic, purposeful process of influencing factors and conditions at all levels, ensuring the creation of products of optimal quality and their full use." The same definition is given by T.V. Korneeva. The economic dictionary "Product quality" interprets this term as follows: "Product quality management is the process of managing the activities of enterprises and organizations to achieve a balance of product properties with the need for them in the interests of its complete satisfaction."

In 1998 A.V. Glichev in his work "Fundamentals of product quality management" gives a different definition: "Product quality management is the preparation and introduction of quality indicators of newly developed or modernized products into the quality plan, as well as the implementation of the necessary work to achieve and maintain these values ​​of indicators." In accordance with the above definitions, a diagram of the quality management process has been drawn up (Fig. 1.2).

Thus, product quality management is a process that includes identifying the nature and volume of needs for products, assessing the actual level of its quality, developing, selecting and implementing measures to ensure the planned level of product quality.

By the end of the 1980s, it became clear that talking only about product quality management means keeping in mind one tenth of the whole variety of objects, the quality management of which should be discussed in modern conditions. In this regard, the concept of "quality management" has been standardized. International Standard ISO 8402 defines quality management as “methods and activities of an operational nature used to satisfy quality requirements”. However, in our opinion, this definition does not reflect the real essence of quality management. After reading it, a natural question arises: why quality management includes only operational measures and does not affect strategic aspects? Pointing to the operational nature of the measures, the authors of the standard emphasize that these are the methods and actions that are implemented in the current period of time, while the permissible duration of this period is not determined. It turns out that actions that go beyond its limits cannot be attributed to quality management. And this, in our opinion, is not true.

Of course, there are actions in quality management activities that can and should be performed in an expeditious manner (elimination of inconsistencies identified in the course of a specific technological operation, etc.). But quality management must necessarily include strategic aspects, without the development of which operational activities are impossible.

The further history of the development of documented quality systems can be distinguished in five stages.

1. First stage is an initial stages systematic approach when the Taylor system appeared (1905). It established the requirements for the quality of products in the form of templates configured for the upper and lower tolerance limits - through and non-through gauges. Relations with suppliers and consumers were built on the basis of the requirements established in the technical conditions, the fulfillment of which was checked during acceptance control (input and output). To ensure the successful functioning of the Taylor system, the first quality professionals - inspectors (in Russia - technical controllers) were introduced.

2. Second phase... In 1924, Dr. Jones' group was formed at Bell Telephone Laboratories, which laid the foundation for statistical quality management. These were the development of control charts, the first sampling tables of quality control. These works were widely disseminated in Japan and influenced the economic revolution in this country.

3. Stage three. In the 1950s, the concept of Total Quality Management, TQC, was introduced. Its author was the American scientist A. Feigenbaum. TQC systems have evolved in Japan with the involvement of staff in quality circles. At this stage, documented quality systems appeared, establishing responsibility and authority, as well as interaction in the field of quality of the entire management of the enterprise. The main motives for high-quality work were the recognition of achievements by colleagues and management, the firm's concern for the future of the employee, his insurance and support for his family.

The stage of development of systemic quality management also took place in the USSR. Here the CANARSPI system was born (quality, reliability, resource from the first products). The author of the system was the chief engineer of the Gorky Aviation Plant T.F. Safe. He was the first to shift the emphasis on quality assurance from production to design, placing great emphasis on testing.

4. In 1970-1980. the transition from total quality management to total quality management (TQM) began. A series of international standards appeared - ISO 9000 standards (1987), which had a significant impact on quality assurance. The main philosophy of TQM is that there is no limit to improvement. The role of personnel training is growing. It becomes total and accompanies workers throughout their entire labor activity... The main focus of quality systems, built on the basis of the ISO 9000 series, is to ensure the quality of products required by the customer and provide him with proof of quality.

5. Fifth stage. In the 1990s, enterprises began to take into account the interests of society more and more. This led to the emergence of ISO 14000 standards, which establish requirements for management systems in terms of environmental protection and product safety. Compliance of quality systems with ISO 14000 standards is becoming no less popular than compliance with ISO 9000 standards.

In modern conditions, in our opinion, quality management is a certain strategy and not only survival, but also the further prosperity of society as a whole, organizations and each person.

1.4. The essence of the process approach to quality management

Process approach is considering management activities as a continuous implementation of a complex of interrelated activities and general management functions (forecasting, organization, etc.). Moreover, the execution of each work is also considered as a process, i.e. as a set of interconnected continuously performed actions that transform some inputs of resources, information, etc. to the appropriate outputs, results. Figure 1.3 shows a model of a quality management system based on process approach.

Rice. 1.3 Model of a process-based quality management system

The functioning of the quality management system according to ISO 9000: 2000 standards is based on the Deming principle (PDCA):

Plan (Plan) - the activity must be planned;

Do (Do) - the activity must be performed;

Check - the performed activity should be checked for compliance with the planned results;

Correct (Act) - the results of the control should be analyzed in terms of achieving the planned results.

To implement a process approach to quality management, an enterprise must go through at least ten main stages (guided by GOST R ISO 9001-2001):

1. Determine the types of processes... The organization shall define the processes needed for the quality management system; the sequence and interaction of these processes; criteria and methods of their provision.

2. Formulate the objectives of the processes... It is necessary to locate customer expectations in process goals that are consistent with the goals of the organization.

3. Reveal process boundaries... It is necessary to determine where one process ends and another begins in order to delineate the powers and responsibilities of employees within the company, as well as their "exit" to suppliers and consumers.

4.Distribute responsibility officials for the area of ​​activity in order to achieve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

5.Determine the structure of the process... A visual description of a process is useful for understanding the flow and sequence of actions.

6.Define process inputs and outputs... Where the process begins and where it ends are the inputs and outputs of the process. It is important to focus on assignable inputs and outputs and keep track of them from process to process.

7.Implementation and management... Process management should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and implies the planning of processes, providing them with resources and maintenance.

8.Determine measurable quantities and indicators... The ISO 9000 series contains requirements related to the measurement of the effectiveness and efficiency of each process. Therefore, it is important to articulate what to measure and how to evaluate staff performance.

9. Monitoring and evaluation... It is necessary to define a number of indicators to be recorded to confirm their compliance with the planned data.

10.Improvements... The logical conclusion of the work on the creation of a process model is its improvement, since everything cannot be absolutely perfect.

The process approach in the quality management system can be carried out sequentially, in parallel and sequentially-in parallel (Figure 1.4).

Consistent process approach to quality management

Parallel process approach to quality management

Sequential-parallel process approach to quality management

Rice. 1.4 Sequential, parallel and sequential-parallel process approaches to quality management

The advantage of the process approach consists in the continuity of interconnected management work. This provides:

Obtaining a synergistic effect of the result in the field of quality;

More complete fulfillment of quality requirements;

Continuous improvement of quality management processes.

1.5 Quality and safety management of products in food industry enterprises

In the context of intensive market globalization food products, increasing competition, increasing the number of hazard factors, ensuring the quality, safety and competitiveness of manufactured products is of particular importance for the food industry in the Russian Federation.

To date, experience has been accumulated in the use of various systemic approaches to product quality and safety management in the domestic food industry. In RF legal framework ensuring the quality and safety of products, goods, services, works are: the Constitution and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Federal laws"On technical regulation", "On quality and safety food products"," On Sanitary and Epidemiological Services to the Population "and other laws, as well as the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them.

Together, these documents contain norms aimed at ensuring many consumer rights, including the purchase of high-quality and guaranteed safe goods. The implementation of these rights, directly or indirectly, can be carried out only on the basis of systemic approaches to product quality and safety management, which ensure the satisfaction of the requirements of consumers, society (state), and other interested parties.

State control of product safety in the form of mandatory confirmation of conformity is aimed at preventing the entry of hazardous products into the market, but is not associated with the most important characteristics of the consumer's quality and competitiveness. Therefore, products that have successfully passed the conformity confirmation procedures may be of poor quality.

A radical solution to the problems of quality, safety, products by food industry enterprises is possible only with the use of systemic management methods. Their use is associated with significant costs, so the choice of a particular system for implementation should be determined by the strategic development goals and financial capacity enterprises.

In the Russian Federation, the following systems can be developed and implemented to manage the quality and safety of manufactured products on a voluntary basis:

Quality management system (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 series (GOST R ISO 9001-2001, GOST R ISO 9004-2001);

Food safety system based on the principles of HACCP (in Russian transcription - HACCP) (GOST R 51705.1);

Environmental management system according to ISO 14000 (GOST R ISO 14001);

GMP systems (Good ManufacturingPractice) - Proper Internship set out in EU Directive 93/43;

Food safety management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22000: 2005 (GOST R ISO 22000-2007).

The implementation of the QMS at the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 series of standards contributes in many respects to ensuring the stable quality and competitiveness of food products. The great importance of these standards lies in the fact that they make it possible to introduce system and process approaches into the management of an organization, to ensure that management is focused on consumers and takes into account the interests of all parties interested in the organization's activities.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the implementation of a quality management system based on the ISO 9001 standard is extremely important and necessary in the real conditions of market relations and the difficult environmental situation in the country and the world. Therefore, in our course work we will develop a quality management system based on the above standard, using the example of Novus L LLC.

Previously, we will characterize this company, describe the existing organization of work on quality management of manufactured products, identify existing gaps and shortcomings in the existing system and try to develop a quality management system for this enterprise.


2.1 General characteristics of LLC "Novus L"

LLC "Novus L" is located in the North-West region of the country in Vologda region, the regional center of Vytegra. The company was founded in 1993 as a private company that provided cargo transportation services. In 1995, the head of the company decided to open a mini-bakery for the production of hot bread. In 1997, the company acquired a bakery in the village of Ponizovye, Vytegorsky District. Later, bakeries began to function in the village of Mirny, the village of Mezhozerie, the village of Oktyabrsky, and the village of Ozero. Since June 2006, the bakery has been separated into a new enterprise on the basis of the leased property of OOO Novus L.

In 2002 begins new stage in development production activities LLC "Novus L", namely - the building of the workshop for bottling environmentally friendly natural drinking water"Aqua-Lux". The unique location of the well (on the shore of Lake Onega) and the construction of the plant associated with this allows water to be extracted and transported through an underground pipeline directly to production, where they pass through the finest filters, the smallest grains of sand are removed, leaving its chemical composition intact.

Limited Liability Company "Novus L" (LLC "Novus L") operates on the basis of the charter. LLC "Novus L" is located at: 162900, Vytegra, st. Lenin, d. 15. The trading enterprise has a seal with its name, brand name(symbolism). Authorized capital Society is 48349 (Forty eight thousand three hundred forty nine) rubles.

The main goal of the Company is to make a profit from the proceeds. Main activities commercial enterprise is an:

Mineral water production;

Catering services.

The organizational structure of the company "OOO Novus L" includes four main divisions: Administrative and economic department, Main production workshop, Auxiliary service departments, Accounts department. The detailed structure of enterprise management is presented in Appendix 1.

The enterprise produces the following range of products: drinking water, drinking water with iodine, drinking water with silver.

The most significant buyers of Aqua-Lux drinking water are wholesalers from Moscow, Cherepovets, Vologda, Murmansk, St. Petersburg and others. Water is also delivered to shops in Vytegra and Vytegorsky district. The products are produced in bottles of 5 and 19 liters.

The main criteria for the development of Novus L LLC are:

Improving the quality of customer service of the firm;

Increase in the range of products;

Reducing the cost of production.

The competitors of Aqua-Lux drinking water are:

Þ LLC "Korolevskaya Voda" (Moscow) its market share is 8.5%

Þ LLC "Start Plus" (Vologda) market share 0.5%

Þ Serebryanaya Rosa LLC (Vologda) with a market share of 0.5%

Þ LLC "Vita" (Karachayevo - Cherkessia) with a market share of 11%.

The dynamics of manufactured products over three years is presented in Table 2.1 (initial data are presented in Appendix 2).

Table 2.1

Dynamics of the volume of products

According to table 2.1, it can be seen that the volume of products produced is increasing, this is most clearly seen in figure 2.3.

Rice. 2.3 Dynamics of the volume of products

Let us analyze the average growth rate of the volume of output over the past three years (see table 2.2).

Table 2.2.

Analysis of the growth rate of sales

Years Production volume, thousand rubles Growth rate of sales to the previous period,% Average growth rate over 3 years,%
2007 14766 -
2008 29920 203
2009 32467 109 156

Forecast of the volume of manufactured products for 2010 = Sales volume for 2009 * Average growth rate / 100 = 32467 (156/100) = 50 648.52 thousand rubles.

If the growth rate increases at the same rate, then the sales volume in 2010 will amount to 50 648.52 thousand rubles.

The indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise characterize the structure of the capital used by the enterprise in terms of its solvency and financial stability. These indicators allow us to assess the degree of protection of investors and creditors, as they reflect the company's ability to repay long-term liabilities. Financial stability analysis is carried out using special coefficients (see Table 2.3):

Autonomy coefficient;

Financial dependence ratio;

Cartoonist equity capital;

Investment coverage ratio;

Property immobilization coefficient.

Table 2.3

Values ​​of financial stability indicators of LLC Novus L for two years

Autonomy ratio characterizes the extent to which assets are formed at the expense of own funds... The autonomy ratio is more than the recommended value in 2008. It is 0.85, and in 2009 it increased by 0.05 and is equal to 0.9. This indicates an increase in the financial strength of the enterprise, its stability and independence from external loans. The assets of the company are formed at the expense of its own funds (more than 85% of the assets of the company are formed at the expense of its own capital). The company has sufficient independence and capabilities to conduct an independent financial policy.

Dependency ratio, characterizes the extent to which the company depends on external sources of financing, that is, how much borrowed funds the company attracts for 1 ruble. invested in assets of own funds. In 2009, the indicator decreased by 0.06 and amounted to 0.11, which indicates a decrease in the company's dependence on borrowed funds. This means that for 1 ruble of equity capital, the enterprise attracted from 11 to 17 kopecks of borrowed capital, that is, creditors practically do not participate in financing the enterprise.

Equity multiplier reflects the ratio of all funds advanced by the enterprise, and its equity capital (assets). The indicator in 2009 decreased by 0.06 and amounted to 1.11.

Investment coverage ratio characterizes the share of the property of the enterprise associated with long-term sources of financing. The value of the investment coverage ratio at the end of the period is 0.9, which is equal to the admissible value, which means that the share of equity capital and long-term liabilities in the total capital amount is 90%.

Property immobilization rate shows what is the share of non-current assets in the value of all funds of the enterprise. The value of this coefficient in 2009 is 0.60, which is 0.18 higher than in 2008 and indicates that the share of current assets in property has decreased.

The company's plans include increasing the competitiveness of its products by improving its quality and reducing costs. In the plans for the future activities of the enterprise, the main place is occupied by the development and development of the production of water in new packaging of various volumes. The research plan includes an analysis of the compliance of the produced drinking water with the requirements of European standards. In addition, the company's plans include the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production workshops for the extraction and bottling of drinking water.

2.2 Analysis of the existing organization of work on quality management in LLC "Novus L"

Drinking water "Aqua - Lux" due to its mineral composition and high oxygen content (up to 16 mg / l.) Is recommended for nutrition of all age groups. It not only satisfies the body's needs for trace elements, but also helps to remove accumulated excess salts and toxins.

The water undergoes multi-stage purification using modern equipment, where it is freed from organic, inorganic and biological impurities while preserving natural minerals and taste.

LLC "Novus-L" together with the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A.N. Sysina for the first time in Russia introduced the method of saturation of water with iodine at the ionic level for 19-liter bottles.

Each batch of water undergoes an examination for the suitability of its consumption for food purposes (see Appendix 3), which guarantees the safety of Aqua-Lux water, but the company does not have an internal water quality management system. At JSC Novus L there is a position of a technologist (and assistant technologist), who control the quality of water.

The shop technologist is engaged in maintaining a list of processes, distributing processes by production stages, registering information on processes. The main responsibility the technologist is to prevent the release of products that do not comply with technical specifications, documentation, contractual conditions.

The products of the enterprise can be sold only after their acceptance, examination and the issuance of a certificate attesting the quality of the products.

Quality control includes:

Incoming control of the quality of auxiliary materials (containers), since the raw materials for water production are mined in the own workshops of OOO Novus L, components supplied to the warehouses of the enterprise;

Production operational control over compliance with the established technological regime, interoperational acceptance of products;

Systematic control over the condition of equipment, conditions of production and transportation of products and other checks;

Control finished products.

To determine the level of organization of work on quality management in OOO Novus L, we will consider the cost structure for ensuring the quality of products (table 2.4)

Table 2.4

Cost structure for product quality assurance of OOO Novus L

Indicator 2007 2008 2009
The volume of manufactured products in value terms, thousand rubles 14766 29920 32467
Volume of manufactured products in value terms with discrepancies, thousand rubles 310 356 404
Total amount of claims and returns 706 795 984
The volume of total costs to ensure the achieved level of quality, thousand rubles 1759,6 1944,1 2002,56
internal costs for services with identified inconsistencies 369,5 447,1 480,6
external costs for services with identified inconsistencies 1090,95 1147 1241,6
control costs 158,4 194,4 120,2
prevention costs 140,75 155,6 160,16

As follows from the above table, the cost of manufacturing products with nonconformities (internal and external) can reach 80%. Moreover, this complex of costs includes not only the cost of the inappropriate product itself, but also excessive production time, redistribution of work, compensation for damages on claims, consideration of complaints, etc. allocate the above additional costs and do not take them into account, writing them off to various cost items, as a result of which there is an unreasonable rise in the cost of processes, which falls out of control and becomes a working standard.

The quality of the discharged water in 2009 is characterized by the following data:

Analysis of the nature of inconsistencies and the reasons for their occurrence in most cases boils down to the incrimination and material punishment of the perpetrators, which not only does not stimulate the prevention of inconsistencies, but also pushes personnel to conceal the very fact of producing poor quality products. The patterns of distribution of costs for products with inconsistencies due to the reasons for their occurrence were identified (see table 2.6).

Table 2.6

The structure of the reasons for inconsistencies in the quality of products manufactured by OOO Novus L

The first most significant cause of product nonconformities is substandard materials (36%). The second significant reason for the occurrence of product inconsistencies is insufficient technical equipment and equipment wear (28%). The third most significant reason (up to 26%) lies in the lack of knowledge of the personnel or their dishonesty.

As a general trend, it was revealed that OOO Novus L does not carry out systematic work to improve and stabilize the quality of its products; preventive actions taken, including to ensure the stability of technological indicators, are rather episodic. Information about manufactured products with inadequate quality in most cases is not taken into account and not analyzed, which leads to a distortion of the nature and distribution of costs for quality assurance. In some cases, such products identified prior to completion technological process, is not recorded in any reports.

Thus, in conditions when the share of costs for preventive actions at the enterprise is extremely small and relatively little attention is paid to the system of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of inconsistencies at the enterprise, the costs of producing products of inadequate quality appear and grow.


The studies carried out in the second chapter of the course work revealed the urgent need to create and implement a product quality management system in OOO Novus L.

The analysis of quality indicators revealed serious problems in the field of quality:

Þ lack of a systematic approach to solving problems of improving product quality;

Þ high cost of the applied quality compliance model;

Þ decrease in the level of quality of manufactured products;

Þ increase in marriage; nonconforming products;

Identified problems can jeopardize the entire production process. Therefore, further development of the enterprise is impossible without the creation and implementation of an effective quality management system.

In general, all work performed at the enterprise to create and implement a product quality management system is subdivided into 4 stages:

1. preparation for system development;

2. analysis;

3. documentation;

4. implementation.

Qualified specialists in the field of quality management systems can provide an enterprise with very significant assistance in the development and implementation of this system. Involvement of consultants will reduce the time frame for creating a quality management system, avoid mistakes in the development and implementation of documentation from the very beginning, and reduce risks when setting up a quality system. However, it should be noted that the work of consultants will not replace the internal activities of the enterprise to create and implement a quality management system: only joint work external specialists and employees of the enterprise will ensure the success of the consulting project.

3.1. The main stages of creating a QMS at the enterprise

So, in order to create and implement an effective quality management system, an enterprise must go through the following stages:

Stage 1. Management decision

The management of the company must decide to start the project, notify the employees of the company, and also create the prerequisites for the rapid implementation of the remaining stages. You should also formulate the goals of building the QMS, highlight the QMS processes that need to be monitored, and the criteria for assessing their quality. Subsequently, the objectives of the QMS must be recorded in a document called "Quality Policy". This document is fundamental in the company's QMS regulatory documentation system.

The director of the company, by order, appoints a representative of the management responsible for quality, forms a team to develop a quality management system and appoints its head. The director of the enterprise carries out general management of the work and makes strategic decisions on the development and implementation of ISO standards and is personally responsible for the final results of this work.

The operational management of the implementation is entrusted to the quality management representative, who may also be appointed as the team leader. The management representative regularly informs management about the process of developing the quality management system and, if necessary, intervenes in this process for adjustment or assistance.

Stage 2. Personnel training

For further successful work QMS personnel of the company must study the ISO 9000 series standards, master the theory of the process approach, as well as the basic requirements for the implementation of the QMS. Training in using the system can be carried out both with the help of consultants and independently, if the organization has an employee who has experience in setting up the QMS.

Stage 3: Comprehensive analysis of quality management

At the third stage, a comprehensive analysis of product quality management at the enterprise is carried out. The implementation of this stage begins with an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company's activities in the field of quality, as well as the organizational structure and the methods of product quality control used.

The assessment of compliance of the actual state of quality management at the enterprise with the Quality Policy and the requirements of ISO 9000 is carried out in the following areas:

Organization of quality control in the production process and final quality control of finished products.

All departments and services of the enterprise are involved in the analysis. The main objects of analysis are:

Enterprise documents that can be used in the created quality management system;

Quality assurance divisions' activities;

Organizational structure of the enterprise;

Regulations on divisions, job descriptions that determine the distribution of responsibility and authority at the enterprise;

Information about the quality of manufactured products;

Route technology, operational maps, methodological, operational, control instructions;

Enterprise standards, product specifications, sales catalogs.

The analysis should show how the enterprise documentation meets the minimum requirements and can be used in the quality management system. As part of the analysis of the actual state of quality management, the team should find out the following:

How the processes in the workplace are actually carried out;

What are the conscious or unconscious deviations in the processes;

Which of these deviations are accidental, and which must be accounted for in the design of the quality management system to be successful.

These tasks should cover all departments. Assistance from an experienced consultant can greatly simplify the analysis of the actual state of quality management, since the assessment of a third-party specialist is more objective.

Stage 4. Description and optimization of business processes

Wasps new system quality management is a process approach. First of all, it is necessary to describe those business processes, the management of which the management considers the most important for the QMS. The description is carried out using specialized computer tools based on information obtained during interviews with performers, etc.

The described business processes need to be optimized, that is, to eliminate all inconsistencies with the requirements of the standard and duplicate processes, as well as to develop new processes in accordance with the rules of the standard. Most often, companies do not have a “Customer Satisfaction Assessment” process, which is required by the standard. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system of indicators, as well as the procedures necessary for the implementation and monitoring of this process.

Stage 5. Development of regulatory documents for the QMS

At this stage, regulations, regulations and procedures that ensure the operation of the quality management system. The basis for them is the set of documents already existing at the enterprise, which is modified and supplemented in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

First, on the basis of the Quality Policy, a document is prepared called the Quality Manual. It contains the main provisions governing activities within the QMS: delineation of areas of responsibility, requirements for the quality service, a description of quality assurance procedures, the procedure for maintaining the QMS document flow, etc.

The next level of documents is called "System-wide documented procedures". There are six procedures to be followed in accordance with ISO 9001: document management; records management; QMS audit management; management of products that do not meet standards (the process of identifying defects and the procedure for their disposal); management of corrective actions; management of measures to prevent the occurrence of nonconformities .

The next level documents describe the rules for the effective planning, implementation and management of processes. Such documents include working methods, job descriptions of employees, technological maps processes.

The basis of the "pyramid" of documents is the data confirming that the requirements of the QMS are being implemented in practice. These are reports on the work done, entries in the logs of operations, etc., that is, the documentary basis for the daily work of employees.

When drawing up regulatory documents, it is necessary to take into account the requirement of the ISO 9001 standard on the competence of personnel performing work within the framework of the QMS. This means that regulatory documents should describe the process of employees' access to regulatory documents, as well as requirements for the competence of personnel (level of knowledge, work experience), a program for raising the level of employees, if necessary, a system of employee motivation, etc.

Stage 6. Testing of the QMS and internal audit

After the development of all regulatory documents, the trial operation of the quality management system begins. It is possible to launch processes within the framework of the new system gradually, for example, first to introduce control over the process of water production, then its purification, bottling, etc. The trial operation is accompanied by an internal audit, special procedures for checking the work of the QMS. At the beginning of operation, they are carried out often (perhaps once a week), then less often (once a month or even a quarter).

For internal audit purposes, it is necessary to record quantitative indicators of quality, for example, the percentage of low-quality products, the indicator of customer satisfaction, the percentage of return, etc., to which you need to strive. To determine the value of such indicators, similar indicators of industry leaders are usually used. Internal audit should identify inconsistencies between current work and the requirements of the standard. These deviations must be recorded. Then, based on the results of the audit, the work of the employees, as well as the regulatory documentation, is adjusted in order to avoid deviations in the future. All this work should also be documented in the appropriate QMS procedures.

Stage 7. Obtaining a certificate

In order to certify the QMS, it is necessary to submit an application to the certification body, submit a number of documents to the certification body: application for certification; all documents on the QMS ("Quality Policy", "Quality Manual", a diagram of the company's organizational structure, documented procedures, etc.); a list of the main consumers and suppliers of the enterprise.

The experts of the certification body carry out an examination of the submitted documents within a month. The examination may include a visit of representatives of the certification body to the enterprise to check the quality system in operation. Based on the results of the check, a protocol is drawn up, in which all non-conformities of the QMS are recorded ISO requirements 9001. Usually, according to the results of the first stage of verification, more than one hundred inconsistencies are found, and the task of the enterprise is to eliminate them as soon as possible. As a rule, these operations take 1-4 months.

After that, certification is carried out. If all inconsistencies are eliminated, the company is issued a certificate. The certification body conducts supervisory audits of the QMS at regular intervals. They confirm that the company has not only implemented a quality management system, but is also constantly improving it.

3.2 Implementation of the quality management system at Novus L LLC

So, now let's try to consider the implementation of the previously listed stages of creation and implementation of the QMS at Novus L LLC (the cost of each stage will be calculated based on the cost of the services of a consulting organization).

First stage. Management decision

Director of Novus L LLC VM Lomov decides on the implementation of an effective quality management system at the LLC Novus L enterprise, about which he must notify all employees by an internal order for the organization. This order must contain:

The goal of introducing this system is clearly formulated (effective quality control of manufactured products, and, as a result, further development of the enterprise);

The processes that are prerequisites for the implementation of QMS are indicated (decrease in product quality, a large volume of claims and returns, high cost and at the same time failure of product quality control measures, etc.);

Highlighted the QMS processes that need to be monitored (organization of work in the field of quality by the director of Novus L LLC; internal audit; search and control of inconsistencies, corrective and preventive actions; assessment of customer satisfaction; management of regulatory documents, etc.);

An employee responsible for quality has been appointed. He is also the leader working group on the development and implementation of the QMS;

A group (team) for the development and implementation of the QMS has been identified. The team must consist of representatives from all structural units firms (administrative and economic department, workshop of the main production, accounting, auxiliary and service division);

A representative (representatives) of a third-party organization, qualified specialists in the field of quality, hired specifically for the development and implementation of an effective QMS at Novus L LLC are indicated;

Second phase. Training

For further successful work of the QMS, the personnel of Novus L LLC must study the ISO 9000 series standards:

1. Training of the director of Novus L LLC and heads of structural divisions in the requirements of IS ISO 9001: 2000.

2. Training the members of the QMS development team in the requirements of IS ISO 9001: 2000 and the methodology for creating the QMS.

The training is provided by quality consultants from a third party. The cost of these training seminars is about 8 thousand rubles.

Stage three. Comprehensive analysis of quality management

The stage begins with an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Novus L in the field of quality. TO strengths this organization includes:

To achieve a high level of quality of the produced drinking water, it undergoes multi-stage purification using modern equipment;

LLC Novus L for the first time in Russia, together with the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A.N.Sysina introduced the method of saturation of water with iodine and silver at the ionic level;

Each batch of water undergoes an examination for the suitability of its consumption for food purposes, which guarantees its quality and safety.

Weaknesses of Novus L LLC in the field of quality are:

Lack of QMS products at the enterprise;

High cost of the applied quality compliance model;

Decrease in the level of quality of manufactured products;

Increased marriage; nonconforming products;

Further, in the third stage, an analysis of the organizational structure and the used methods of product quality control is carried out, as well as an assessment of the compliance of the actual state of quality management at the enterprise with the Quality Policy and the requirements of the ISO 9000 standard is carried out in the following areas:

Clarification of methods for checking the quality of supplied materials;

Organization of quality control in the production process and final quality control of finished products (the structure of OOO Novus L and the methods of quality control of their products were discussed in the previous chapters of the course work).

A working group led by a team leader and representatives of a third-party consulting organization are involved in the analysis. For the analysis, the management of OOO Novus L must provide the following documents: the charter of the enterprise; the approved organizational structure of the enterprise; regulations on divisions, job descriptions that determine the distribution of responsibility and authority at the enterprise; operational charts, methodological, work, control instructions, etc.

A comprehensive analysis of the existing organization of work on quality management will cost OOO Novus L 15 thousand rubles.

Stage four. Description and optimization of business processes

This stage is based on a process approach to quality: it is necessary to describe those business processes that management considers most important for the QMS. Description of business processes of Novus L LLC is presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1

QMS processes at Novus L LLC

Process group Processes
1 Key process Release of competitive products and their sale with the maximum possible profit
2 Main processes

Interaction with consumers; assessment of their satisfaction;

Design, development and approval of projects;

Procurement management;

Monitoring the composition and quality of products

3 Supporting processes

Management by human resourses, the qualifications of personnel;

Infrastructure management;

Working environment management, keeping the working environment in working order;

Monitoring and measuring system management;

Legal support of the enterprise;

Documentation support of management.

After defining business processes, it is necessary to develop their organizational and technological schemes. Their development is accompanied by an analysis of the existing management system and the introduction, if necessary, of changes in the production process and in the organizational structure in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000. An example of the organizational and technological scheme of a business process is shown in diagram 3.1. (it is compiled on the basis of the key business process of OOO Novus L).

Scheme 3.1 Organizational and technological scheme of the key business process of Novus L LLC

Description of business processes and drawing up organizational and technological schemes will cost the organization 10 thousand rubles.

Fifth stage. Development of regulatory documents for the QMS

Based on the "Quality Policy" (see Appendix 4), it is necessary to develop a document "Quality Manual". This document should contain the delimitation of areas of responsibility within the QMS.

The responsibility, authority and awareness of the personnel should be detailed in the Regulations on the divisions, job descriptions, enterprise standards and QMS instructions.

The quality manual itself sets out the responsibilities and authorities of the management team performing key functions in the development, ensuring the effective functioning and continuous improvement of the QMS (see table 3.2).

Table 3.2

Responsibility distribution matrix in the quality management system

LLC "Novus L"

Stage name Responsible persons

Director of LLC

"Novus L"

Working group leader Working group


by quality

External environment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Issuance of an order on the development and implementation of QMS at the enterprise O AND AND AND
2 Conclusion of a contract for consulting services, hiring a team of quality coordinators Oh oh AND AND
3 Formation of a working group to plan and implement a quality management system based on ISO 9000. O Have AND Have
4 Rationale for the implementation and scope of the quality management system O Have AND Have
5 Creation of the necessary level of awareness of employees of the organization on quality issues Have O Have
6 Development of established documentation AND O Have Have
7 Quality manual development AND O Have Have
8 Ensuring staff participation AND O Have Have
9 System implementation O Have Have Have
10 Quality management system audit and review Have Have AND O
11 Quality Management System Certification Have Have AND AND O

Note: O - responsible; U - participant; And - informed

The general structure of the "Quality Manual" of LLC Novus L is presented in Appendix 5.

In addition, it is necessary to develop a Quality Plan defining which procedures and corresponding resources, by whom and when should be applied to a specific project, product or process (according to GOST R ISO 9000-2001). The quality plan for the development and implementation of the QMS at Novus L LLC is presented in Appendix 6.

The cost of the development of regulatory documents for the QMS "Novus L" will be about 25 thousand rubles.

Sixth stage. QMS testing and internal audit

The launch of processes within the framework of the new QMS must be gradual: first, to introduce control over the process of water production, then its purification, bottling, etc. The trial operation is accompanied by an internal audit, special procedures for checking the work of the QMS. At the beginning of operation, they are carried out daily, then once a week, then less often (once a month or even a quarter).

In the process of internal audit, it is imperative that Accounts... Essentially, the records contain information about the activities performed and the results in the quality area. They should be clearly maintained, easily identifiable and recoverable to ensure that stakeholders receive reliable information on the quality of the results and the effectiveness of the quality management system. Those responsible for the process are responsible for maintaining records.

Testing the QMS and conducting an internal audit will cost the company about 20 thousand rubles.

Seventh stage. Obtaining a certificate

To obtain a certificate, LLC "Novus L", you must go through the following procedures (see table 3.3).

Table 3.3

Composition and sequence of stages and works on certification of quality management systems of LLC "Novus L"

Stage Procedure Executor
Pre-certification stage 1.1 Preparation of the QMS and its documentation for certification. LLC "Novus L"
1.2 Drawing up a letter of appeal (application) on the intention to certify the QMS. LLC "Novus L"
1.3 Analysis of the letter of appeal. Making a decision on the letter of appeal and notifying the applicant of the decision taken. Certification body
1.4 Conclusion of an agreement for the preliminary QMS assessments
1.5 Payment for the contract for the certification work LLC "Novus L"
1.6 Sending the completed application, documents and initial data to the certification body. LLC "Novus L"


solid stage

analysis of pre-



2.1 Examination of QMS documents. Preparation and drawing up of an opinion based on the results of the examination. Certification body
2.2 Conclusion of an agreement for the next stages of certification (with a positive conclusion). LLC "Novus L", certification body
2.3 Payment for the contract for the next stage of certification. LLC "Novus L"
Certification QMS 3.1 Development of the audit plan and its coordination with the management of the customer enterprise. Certification body
3.2 Verification and assessment of the QMS directly at the enterprise Certification body
3.3 Corrective action taken by the customer (usually no more than 12 weeks). LLC "Novus L"
3.4 Verification of the implementation of corrective actions by the customer. Preparation of the final act based on the results of the audit. Distribution of the act. Certification body
3.5 Registration of the certificate of conformity, registration of the certificate in the Register of the certification body. Certification body
3.6 Transfer to the customer of the certificate of conformity and all the necessary documentation. Certification body

Execution and conclusion of an agreement for

inspection control.

LLC "Novus L", certification body
3.8 Providing the company with a written permission for the right to use the conformity mark. Certification body

Inspection control by a certified QMS,

including control over the use of certificates of conformity and conformity marks of the system.

Certification body

The cost of the QMS certification process will be about 100 thousand rubles.

3.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of a quality management system in LLC "Novus L"

In ISO 9000: 2006, the term “effectiveness” is defined as the degree to which planned results are achieved, and “effectiveness” is defined as the ratio between the results achieved and the resources expended. Essentially, performance refers to the achievement of the organization's objectives, i.e. it reflects the degree to which a project has been implemented, and rather efficiency refers to the assessment of the use of company resources during the implementation of the project.

Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the QMS can be:

Increase in sales;

Increasing labor productivity;

Decrease in the level of marriage;

Obtaining certificates of conformity;

Increased customer satisfaction;

Increasing the level of competitiveness of products;

Fewer consumer complaints.

The development and implementation of a quality management system based on the ISO 9000 standard refers to organizational and economic innovations. Besides economic effect from the creation and functioning of the quality system, structural and market effects arise, which are extremely important, although they are extremely difficult to assess in monetary terms.

The results of the structural effect at OOO Novus L:

Clear, clear enterprise strategy;

A clear distribution of responsibility and sequence of actions;

Process control at all stages life cycle products.

Market effect results in OOO Novus L:

Creation of a high level of quality system;

Winning the trust of new buyers;

The effectiveness of the implementation of the quality system is understood as the ratio of the costs of its creation and the results. In this case, by results we mean a reduction in quality costs.

The cost of quality before the development and implementation of the quality management system at the enterprise amounted to 2,002.56 thousand rubles, which is 18.23% of all material costs... After the creation and implementation of the quality management system at Novus L, it is assumed that the cost of quality will decrease and amount to 5.47% of the proceeds - this is 1,775.9 thousand rubles. That is, after the implementation of the quality management system, they decreased by 12.76%.

Changes in the structure and size of quality costs are presented in detail in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4

The structure and change in quality costs in Novus L LLC after the implementation of the QMS

Effect = Costs before - Costs after

Effect = 2,022,560.00 - 1,775,900.00 = 246,660 rubles

Let's calculate how the profit of OOO Novus L changed after the implementation of the quality management system.

P to = 32 467 000 - 27 272 280 = 5 194 720 rubles

P after = 32,467,000 - 23,863,245 = 8,603,755 rubles

Consequently, after the implementation of the quality management system at the enterprise, the profit increased by 3,409,035 rubles.

Calculations for the development and implementation of the QMS at Novus L LLC were presented in clause 3.2. the third chapter of the term paper (as well as in Appendix 6 to the term paper), and amounted to approximately 178 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate how much the project will pay off 3 409 035/178 000 = 19.15, i.e. the project will pay off in 20 days.

Thus, according to the calculations presented, it is clear that the project is profitable, quickly recouped, which means it is realistic for implementation.


1. Until the end of the 1980s, the study of the concept of "quality management" was only about "product quality management". In a modern developed society, such a narrow concept of quality has been replaced by the concept of total quality management - Total Quality Management ( TQM ) .

2. Quality management should be carried out on the basis of scientifically based principles: general, system-wide and ad hoc... For effective implementation principles systemic quality management must be carried out the main and special functions management.

3. The functioning of the quality management system according to ISO 9000: 2000 standards is based on a process approach, i.e. the execution of each work is considered as a set of interrelated, continuously performed actions that transform the inputs of resources, information, etc. to the appropriate outputs, results.

4. The development and implementation of the QMS was considered on the example of the company "Novus L" LLC. During the analysis, significant shortcomings in the organization of quality control in this company were identified: lack of QMS; high cost of quality control measures; decrease in the quality of products; an increase in the number of rejects and cases of complaints, which jeopardized the entire production process and the development of the entire enterprise.

Quality Manual (Appendix 5);

Responsibility distribution matrix in the quality management system of Novus L LLC;

Quality plan for the development and implementation of the QMS at NovusL LLC (Appendix 6)

7. For each stage, the approximate cost value was calculated, which in the end amounted to about 178 thousand rubles.

8. In clause 3.3. of the third chapter of the course work, by calculation, the profitability and payback of the project for the implementation of a quality management system in Novus L LLC were proved.

9. Finally, summary conclusions on the work done.


1. Alekseeva, EV Certification of quality systems at food industry enterprises / EV Alekseeva // Food industry. 2007. No. 3.P. 64.

2. Versan V.G. Quality management integration, certification. New opportunities and ways of development. // Certification. - 1994.- No. 3.-p.3. http://audiotag.info/index.php

3. Gissin, V.I. Product quality management: textbook. allowance / V.I. Gissin. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002 .-- 146 p.

4. Ilyenkova, S. D. Quality Management: Textbook / S. D. Ilyenkova, N. D. Ilyenkova, V. S. Mkhitaryan and others - M .: UNITI-DAMA, 2003. - 334 p.

5. ISO 9000-2001. Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary. M .: Publishing house of standards 2001. - 25p.

6. Quality is the strategy of the XXI century: Materials of the VII International scientific-practical conference. - Tomsk, 2002 .-- 164 p.

7. Korneeva, TV Explanatory dictionary on metrology, measuring technology and quality management. / TV Korneeva; Ed. Yu.S. Veniaminova, M.F. Yudina. - M.: Rus.yaz., 1990 .-- 464 p.

8. Methods for implementing the process approach. - M., 2002 .-- 48 p.

9. Metrology, standardization and certification / A.D. Nikiforov, T.A. Bakiev - M .: INFRA-M, 2008 - 422 p.

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11. Nikitin V.A. Quality management based on ISO 9000: 2000 standards, St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002, 272 p. silt

12. Ogvozdin, V. Yu. Quality Management / V. Yu. Ogvozdin. - M .: "Business and Service", 2007. - 160s.

13. Okrepilov, V. V. Quality Management: Textbook / V. V. Okrepilov. - M .: JSC "Economics" Publishing House, 2008. - 639s.

14. Panov A.N. How to win competitive struggle: Harmonic quality system is the basis of effective management. - M., 2003 .-- 272 p.

15. Salimova, T.A. Quality management history: uch. manual / T.A. Salimova, N. Zh. Vitolkin. - M .: Kno Rus, 2005 .-- 250 p.

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18.http: //www.rusnauka.com/25_DN_2008/Economics/28689.doc.htm Bezrukikh Y.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences Levshina V.V. // From quality management to quality management.



Management structure of Novus L LLC



Indicator name Unit of measure

The value of the indicator for the last three years (2007-2009)

by quarter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. The volume of manufactured products in physical terms thousand tons
2. The volume of products produced in value terms thousand roubles. 4500 3560 3194 3512 4397 8334 8467 8722 8332 7582 7580 8973
3. Volume of products sold thousand roubles. 4500 3560 3194 3512 4397 8334 8467 8722 8332 7582 7580 8973
4. Balance currency million rubles 25 25 23 24 23 23 21 19 19 17 17 16
5. Fixed assets million rubles 11 10 11 11 11 11 10 11 10 10 10 9
6. Average headcount working, total: Human 79 78 78 103 139 162 175 176 176 175 175 174
7. Incl. management personnel Human 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
8. Engineer Human 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
9. Workers and employees Human 68 66 66 91 127 150 163 164 164 163 163 162




Quality policy

The quality policy of Novus L LLC is to:

Design, manufacture products and provide services of such quality and such price that meet both the initial and current needs and expectations of customers and consumers;

Deliver on time products that meet the requirements of customers and consumers, including safety, environmental friendliness, appropriate taste characteristics, and at an acceptable market price;

Establish and maintain a reputation as a supplier of high quality drinking water at competitive prices in the domestic, regional and national markets.

The implementation of such a policy implies that all employees of the company understand the requirements and expectations of customers and consumers in relation to the products supplied and the services performed. At the same time, all requirements for products and services (targeted water supply, etc.) will be constantly assessed and restructured in order to meet the expectations of customers and consumers. All work of the company's employees must be performed flawlessly in accordance with the specified requirements.

General Director of Novus L LLC VM Lomov

Deputy General Director for Quality Grinevetskiy S.V.


General structure of the "Quality Manual" LLC "Novus L"

Title page.


1. General information about the company.

2. Instructions to the user.

3. Scope and scope.

4. Quality management system.

5. Management responsibility.

6. Resource management.

7. Processes of the product life cycle.

8. Measurement, analysis and improvement.

9. Confidentiality.

Appendix A. Organizational structure of enterprise management.

Appendix B. Organizational structure of quality service management.

Appendix B. Functional diagram of quality management system management.

Appendix D. List of processes and sub-processes of the QMS.

Appendix D. Album of maps of processes and algorithms of processes and / or subprocesses.

Appendix E. List of documented procedures and other QMS documents.

Appendix G. List of special processes.

Record sheet of periodic checks of the document.

Document change record sheet.

A sheet of familiarization of the personnel of the unit with the document.


Event Executor Period of execution Cost, thousand rubles Result
1 Preparatory activities
1.1 Development of an order to start a project for the implementation of QMS at the enterprise Director of Novus L LLC 2 weeks - Project start order
1.2 Creation of a working group, appointment of a person responsible for quality Director of Novus L LLC 3 days - Working group for the creation and implementation of the QMS
1.3 Conclusion of an agreement with a consulting organization for the development and implementation of the QMS Director of Novus L LLC 3 days - A team of consultants for the creation and implementation of the QMS
1.4 Conducting practical seminars for the management and personnel of Novus L LLC to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 Consulting group 7 days 8 Trained personnel of the company in the field of quality
2 Development of the QMS at Novus L LLC
2.1 Comprehensive analysis of quality management 2 weeks 15


organization of work on quality management

2.2 Description of business processes, drawing up organizational and technological schemes Consulting group, working group 1.5 weeks 10 Organizational and technological schemes
2.3 Development of regulatory documents for the QMS Consulting group, working group 2 months 25 QMS standard documents package
3. QMS implementation at Novus L LLC
3.1 QMS testing and internal audit Consulting group, working group periodically 20 Debugged QMS
3.2 Obtaining a certificate Director of LLC "Novus L", working group 1-4 months 100 Quality certificate
Total: 178

Quality plan for the development and implementation of QMS at Novus L LLC

The documented process describes the process of studying sales markets, analyzing the demand and desires of the Consumer, in order to optimally adapt the organization's products to the market, followed by capturing the maximum part of the industry segment.

Strategic planning

The documented process covers Director General, the top management of the organization. It is used to carry out comprehensive planning in order to accomplish the mission and achieve the set goals.

QMS management process

The documented process applies to the entire quality management system of the organization, regulates the development, documentation, implementation and maintenance, improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system that meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (MS ISO 9001: 2000), consumers and the organization's own requirements. Download the documented process "QMS management process"

Organizational development

A documented process regulates the development process of the organization, from the adoption of development strategy plans (in some cases, decisions of senior management) to the implementation of specific decisions for all structural divisions of the organization. Aims at building an effective system

Personnel Satisfaction Assessment

The documented process applies to all departments of the organization, without exception. The process is monitored in order to assess the satisfaction of personnel and conduct a systematic analysis of ongoing changes in the world of work, social and labor relations in

Customer Satisfaction Assessment

A documented process establishes a unified procedure and organization for collecting the necessary information to analyze (assess) the degree of customer satisfaction with the organization's products and services. Process boundaries: from data acquisition to marketing research, polls

Continuous improvement of the quality management system

The documented process applies to the entire quality management system of the organization (top management, QMS processes, departments). The process is controlled to initiate continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the processes and the quality management system for

Putting products into production

The requirements of this documented process must be fulfilled in all departments that carry out the preparation and development of production. The purpose of putting products into production is: ensuring the readiness of production for the manufacture and release of a newly developed


The documented process determines a unified procedure for the procurement of components, materials and semi-finished products, their storage, production support and product warranty service. The purpose of the process is the timely provision of production with purchased products,

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Vologda State Technical University

Department of Management

Discipline "Quality Management"

Signed for defense ______________ Accepted ____________

/ date / / date /

Defense will take place on ______________ Assessment _____________

/ date / / date /

Signatures of members of the commission

/ place, time / _______________________


Supervisor _______________


Norm control ________________





Code: 0607302610

Executor: Kruglova E.A.

Group: ZEGU - 51

D / address: Vologda region,

Vytegra, st. Volodarsky, 42 a, apt. 7

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………

The essence of quality management ………………………………………… ..

Basic concepts in the field of quality …………………………………….

Principles and functions of quality management …………………………… ..

Development of quality systems ………………………………………………… ..

The essence of the process approach to quality management ……………… ..

Product quality and safety management at enterprises

Food Industry………………………………………………...

Analysis of the organization of work on quality management in OOO Novus L ...

General characteristics of Novus L LLC ………………………………… ..

Analysis of the existing organization of work on quality management in Novus L LLC ……………………………………………………………

The main activities for the development of a quality management system

at Novus L LLC based on ISO 9000 ………………. …………………

The main stages of creating a QMS at the enterprise …………………………

Implementation of the quality management system at Novus L LLC ………… ..

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of a quality management system

at Novus L LLC ……………………………………………………… ..


List of used literature ………………………………………………

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………… ...


The 21st century is destined to be a century of high quality in all its manifestations - the quality of labor, products and services, the quality of the environment, i.e. implement the modern paradigm of civilized development. This work is devoted to quality, since it is it that is the main condition for strengthening the national economy. The experience of the advanced countries of the world is convincing of this. Quality is a political, moral and economic category.

The tool for successfully solving the quality problem at the level of enterprises and organizations is the introduction of quality systems that meet the ISO 9000 series standards. A certificate confirming this compliance is an extremely necessary condition for the competitiveness of products in market conditions.

Today in the country there is already a common interest of the leaders of the country and regions, manufacturers and suppliers of products, the population in improving the quality of products and services, as well as the quality of life. More and more Russian enterprises are striving to obtain a certificate for the quality system, since without this, long-term business success is impossible. The concept of "quality" applies to all types of activities: the conquest of sales markets on the basis of mutually beneficial partnership with regular customers; development of new sales markets by supplying competitive products.

The relevance of the topic of the course work determines that product quality is one of the most important criteria for the functioning of an enterprise in a saturated market and prevailing non-price competition. An increase in the technical level and quality of products determines the pace of scientific and technological progress and the growth of production efficiency in general, has a significant impact on the intensification of the economy, the competitiveness of domestic goods and the living standard of the country's population.

The purpose of the course work- study of the process of product quality management and development of a quality management system in OOO Novus L.

Object research is the Limited Liability Company "Novus L". Subject research is the process of product quality management in OOO Novus L.

To achieve this goal, the following are determined tasks:

    to provide a general description of OOO Novus L;

    analyze the main indicators of the enterprise, characterizing the effectiveness of its activities;

    analyze the existing organization of quality control at Novus L LLC

    consider the stages of creating a quality management system;

    consider in detail the stages of creating a QMS at Novus L LLC

    to draw a conclusion about the expediency / inexpediency of the implementation of the QMS in LLC "Novus L".

When performing the work, the following were used methods: description; material analysis; synthesis of information; comparison.

The course work consists of an introduction, a main part consisting of three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

In the first chapter the theoretical foundations of quality are considered: basic concepts, history of development of quality systems, etc .;

In the second chapter an analysis of the organization of work on quality management in OOO Novus L was carried out;

In the third chapter the main measures for the development and implementation of a quality management system at Novus L LLC based on the ISO 9000 standard are considered, and the effectiveness of these measures is calculated.

The methodological and theoretical basis of this work is the materials of textbooks, guidelines, legislative sources and periodicals, documentation of the company "Novus L."


To obtain a certificate of the implemented quality management system for participation in tenders and competitions, the company often contacts a consulting firm, pays for the order, and the firm draws up Required documents, issues a certificate. The company presents the certificate to the customer and continues to work as it did before, without changing anything in its activities. This has very little to do with the quality system.

Life cycle in detail

An organization that makes a strategic decision to follow the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 should take into account the following main points and document them.
  • Everything that happens in the organization in the course of its activities should follow the provisions of GOST R ISO 9001, which should be specifically spelled out in the "Quality Manual", in instructions and regulations describing the design (production) processes. So, internal documents should reflect changes in the size, structure of the organization, changes in the goals of production of goods and services, changing production processes.
  • The requirements for the quality management system established in GOST R ISO 9001 are additional to the requirements for manufactured products. (This is very important since the customer's requirements are the main focus.)
  • An organization's quality management system can be used internally and externally. For example, certification bodies can use the system to assess whether a company is capable of meeting customer and regulatory requirements.
The main provisions of the above standards are listed in the titles of the sections of these standards. The main thing is the concept of the product life cycle (including software, automated systems), on the basis of which the entire detailing of the process within the framework of the work on the project is built.

To compare and analyze a large number of standards and regulations, consider the diagram below (Figure 1). It is an attempt to classify the different life cycle (Life Cycle) formulations in relation to software development and automated systems.

Figure 1. Stages of the life cycle in the development of automated systems in the interpretation of various existing standards. The picture is clickable.

The top two rows represent a list of life cycle stages within the new GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (first row) and GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (second row). Despite some differences in wording, the life cycle stages in these standards are almost identical.

Differences between the standards are manifested only in detailed explanations for each stage of the cycle. Note that the new standard introduced the concept of "Organization Context". Its meaning is to study how the external or internal environment affects the prospects of the enterprise. GOST R ISO 9001-2015 in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 requires identifying external and internal factors and the associated risks and opportunities. Thus, the meaning of in-depth analysis or study of the "context" is to collect and analyze data about external environment and the current state of the business, about the key factors of success (what determines victory and loss), about the state of the market sector, its structure, dynamics, etc. To decipher this concept and concretize activities in accordance with this requirement, you need to carefully analyze all possible risks arising in the process. More details about the concept of "context" can be found in the article by R. Ibragimov.

The third row of the diagram shows the stages of the life cycle in software development in the interpretation of GOST 12207, which was created specifically for software development processes. There are also no fundamental differences in the interpretation of the life cycle in comparison with the previous standards.

GOST 12207 is indeed a rather strict standard. Fulfilling all its requirements in software development is not an easy task. But it is important for us to note that a daunting number of quality management system standards and requirements in them boil down to careful documentation of the entire design, development and maintenance process.

Let's look at the fourth row of the diagram. Here are presented the life cycle processes in the interpretation of GOST 34 series, published back in 1990. This series of standards was developed so specifically and carefully that it has been used with little or no change to this day. Many customers, when formulating documentation requirements for automated systems refer mainly to the GOSTs of this particular series. Since the stages of the life cycle in the interpretations of ISO 9001, GOST 12207 and GOST 34 series coincide, this means that, by fulfilling the requirements of the last of the listed GOSTs, that is, by presenting the listed documents to the customer, we automatically work in accordance with the ISO 9001 quality system.

The last row in the diagram is an approximate list of documents that are necessary for organizing a quality system in a company.

I really hope that the above diagram has greatly simplified your life. Since you now have a complete list of stages in the life cycle, there is a list of work that must be performed at each stage, and a list of documents that must complete each stage. Of course, this list, at the request of the customer, can be corrected in the direction of reducing or adding new documents that are not specified in GOST. But this is the right of the customer, and the contractor is obliged to follow his recommendations.

Unfortunately, this is not all. So far we have dealt only with the production component, that is, with the process of software or AS development.

Business processes are the backbone

The following processes remained behind the scenes: contract work, organization and management of the project, and quality assurance itself. This is also an independent organizational process. Describe these processes in text format- a thankless job, all the descriptions are already in numerous manuals. Therefore, we will try to display the listed business processes in the form of another diagram (Figure 2).

Each of these processes (vertically) is marked in the figure with its own color. The positions completing individual stages or the entire process as a whole are highlighted separately. Intermediate process steps or documents remained colorless. All processes are running in parallel. They are inseparable, which is indicated by the connection arrows between the individual elements.

In the diagram, I tried to display a certain generalized version of the process. In each specific case, of course, there may be nuances and differences.

The contractor, using the above scheme, needs to analyze his specific business processes and identify those elements that require regulation. For example, the products of any IT company are obviously tested. Is there a regulation in your company that stipulates what are critical bugs and what are non-critical bugs, and in what time frame should they be eliminated? Surely, there are certain instructions in this regard. The approved regulation for this position is the quality management system. Moreover, testing affects both the production area and administration, since the management must track the timely correction of errors.

Having done similar work in all processes, you can prove to the customer what "SMKashnye" and "ISOshnye" you are. It will be even better if the company from the very beginning of the next project draws up a similar scheme for its specific conditions and uses it in its work and for control.

Figure 2. Business processes in the development of automated systems: documenting the quality system. The picture is clickable.

Moving towards the goal

So, here are the steps you need to take to implement (and not just formalize) a quality management system in an organization.

1. Create subdivision, group or appoint an individual performer to deal with QMS issues.

2. Develop and design Quality program, including the "Quality Manual" for the organization (department, group of developers of a specific project). The program and the Guide should contain the sections listed in GOST R ISO 9001-2015, and the decoding of these sections. They must declare the organization's readiness to meet the requirements of the standard in the specific conditions of that organization or within the framework of a project.

3. Regulate the development and creation of software or automated systems... To do this, you need to draw up organizational standards (or instructions), in which all actions related to the design, development, testing and implementation of the project, organization and management of the project, quality assurance and contract work are prescribed.

4. Regulate reporting and liability executors and leadership for each stage of the project life cycle.

5. Submit a package of developed documents to a licensed consulting firm, to inspect documentation and issue an opinion on the conformity of work on the QMS within the framework of GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Correct comments and get a certificate.

6. Continue project work strictly following the developed regulatory documents.

We have not yet touched upon the issues of the annual confirmation of ISO certification, external audit confirming the work on the QMS. Unfortunately, the result of mastering a quality management system is rarely monetary. As a rule, it manifests itself in the stability of the work of the team, the reliability of the results obtained. And this work is worth it.


1. GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Quality management systems. Requirements. - M .: Standartinform, 2016.
2. GOST R ISO 9001-2001. Quality management systems. Requirements. - M., Standartinform, 2001.
3. Ibragimov R., ISO 9001: 2015 and practical analysis of the "context" and building strategies. - Management, No. 2 (34), 2015. - S. 13-18.
4.GOST R ISO IEC 12207 Information technology... Software life cycle processes. - M .: Gosstandart of Russia, 1999.
5. Information technology. A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. - M .: Publishing house of standards, 1991.
6. Gludkin OP, Gorbunov NM and others. Total quality management. Textbook for universities. Ed. O. P. Gludkina. - M .: Hot line- Telecom, 2001 .-- 600 p.
7. Kruglov M.G. Innovative project... Quality and performance management. - M .: RANEPA, 2011 .-- 350 p.

You will need

  • - "Quality Policy";
  • - "Quality quide";
  • - "System-wide documented procedures";
  • - a program corresponding to the "Quality Policy";
  • - regulations governing business processes in the company;
  • - trained and trained personnel.


The quality management system is an indicator of a company's reliability and its ability to manufacture products in accordance with customer requirements. The purpose of the system implementation is to exclude possible mistakes in the work of personnel, the consequence of which can be a marriage. The procedure for implementing a quality management system is very versatile and multi-stage and requires a long time (up to 1.5 years) to be implemented.

The implementation of a quality management system begins with a decision by the management about the advisability of initiating this process. At the level of senior management, goals for building the system are developed, as well as specific tactical steps to achieve them. All this must be documented in the form of orders and strategic documents. One of the most important is the "Quality Policy", which in an accessible and concise form should contain the key principles on which the quality system will be based. They must align with the company's priorities and be based on its values.

The next step is to convey the decision to create the system to the staff, as well as justify the importance of this procedure for them. All employees, under the direction of a responsible person in the company, should study management theory as well as the basic ISO standards. The competence of the staff, its necessary knowledge and experience within the framework of the quality management system is given special attention.

Next, you need to match current position affairs in the company and requirements for ISO standards. This can be done by interviewing and questioning company employees. The result should be a report that provides guidance on how the specific requirements of the standard are being implemented and what needs to be done. The report should pay special attention to the current state of affairs: the main and auxiliary processes of the company, the most critical business processes, the presence of relevant regulations, as well as the distribution of responsibility and authority among individuals and departments. The result of the implementation of the quality management system should be the elimination of contradictions between the current and required state of affairs.

Implementation of a quality management system is impossible without drawing up a project program. It should contain a description of the stages of the procedure, a list of those responsible for each stage, as well as the distribution of the budget. The latter consists of the costs of paying for the services of external consultants, the cost of training personnel, as well as the price that will have to be paid for diverting management from the main work. The program concludes with criteria by which management will determine whether they have achieved their goals (eg scrap rate, customer satisfaction rate, return rate).

The ISO system standards require that all business processes of a company be documented. Initially, on the basis of the "Quality Policy", a "Quality Manual" is prepared. This document contains a description of areas of responsibility, requirements for the quality department, an algorithm for document flow, procedures for receiving and processing complaints. Another group of documents is called "System-wide documented procedures". According to the standard, 6 key procedures should be regulated. This is the management of documents, data, audit, marriage, measures, correcting inconsistencies and preventing the emergence of inconsistencies. Finally, the following group of documents should describe the rules for the effective planning and implementation of processes to manage them.

After all business processes have been normalized, it is necessary to begin trial operation of the system. Processes can be started gradually, for example, by starting a trial operation in the purchasing department, then moving on to the sales department. Trial operation should be accompanied by internal audit management systems to identify strengths and weaknesses. The audit should compare quantitative quality indicators and the ideal parameters to strive for. All deviations must be recorded and corrected according to the results of the work of the employees.

The final stage is the certification of the QMS. To do this, you need to submit an application to the certification body, attach to it all the prepared regulatory documentation, a diagram of the company's organizational structure and a list of it key clients... After an examination of the submitted documents and a check of the quality system directly at the enterprise, the certification center draws up a protocol, which reflects all the inconsistencies. Based on its results, the company must, within a limited time frame, eliminate all comments and provide the results of the adjustments. If the discrepancies are corrected, the company is given a certificate. It takes about a month to complete it.

After the company will pass certification, work on improving the quality management system should not stop. Moreover, the certification body must periodically re-audits. Their goal is to confirm that the company is continually improving own system management.


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