Qlik seventh year in a row became the leader of the quadrant Gartner Bi. Gartner estimates, Information Builders continues to keep the position of the market leader of the business intelligence platforms

Tools of business intelligence are one more (along with corporate content management, ECM) an applied IT direction that enjoys the constant interest of all IT market participants - customers, suppliers, researchers. The reasons can be confidently to say, the dynamic development of this segment is quite obvious - the use of computing technology is increasingly shifting from solving the tasks of automating the operating activities of enterprises towards the deep processing of accumulated data for planning the development of companies and support decision-making.

At the beginning of the year, Gartner has released its next annual "magical" quadrant report on the topic of business analysts (Fig. 1) and asked for its customers-readers and independent observers a small riddle, adding to the name of the study to the traditional words of Business Intelligence and Analytics (" Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms "). For the Russian audience, such an expansion of the name creates some problems, since the term BI has long been translated into Russian as a "business analyst" and what to do with the second "analyst" - not very clear. We will still adhere to the traditional name - Bi, or business analyst

Here it is possible to recall that the topic of determining the circle of BI tasks, structures and the names of the direction as such as actively discussed in 2006-2008, during the period of radical rearrangement of forces in this market as a result of the exit here on the first roles of megavendors largely due to the buying of leading specialized specialized Bi developers. The objective basis of these terminological discussions was then the presence of a large number of products with a wide range of possibilities and, more importantly, strategies for action in this market. In short, it was the moment of reforming the direction. Of course, some terminological chaos was aggravated by subjective factors - the desire of leading experts to show their own identification (for example, IDC used the term Analytics term, and Forrester - Business Performance). But already in 2008, when all major bi-purchases were made and market passions have lowered, the term Bi again became generally accepted.

The authors of the current study Gartner explain the appearance of Analytics additives growing weighing the analytical component in the products of this market, but what exactly this growth is expressed and what is understood under the "analytical component" - is not very clear. Like five years ago (immediately after the completion of the restructuring of the BI-market), experts identify three groups of functional Bi-directions - information delivery, integration and analysis. But if in 2008 there were 12 basic functions, now they are numbered 15, i.e. three new categories were added. In the "Integration" group, as it was, there are directions of Bi infrastructure, metadata management, development tools and cooperation. In the "delivery of information" to reporting, instrument panels, unregulated requests and integration with MS Office add-oriented BI-products and mobile BIs. In the "Analysis" group, in addition to OLAP, interactive visualization, predicted modeling / extracting data and cards of indicators now, there is still a direct modeling (prescriptive modeling) and optimization.

Market situation

According to Gartner, the BI-platform market will remain one of the fastest growing segments of the software market as a whole, for the period up to 2016, the company's analysts predict its annual growth at the level of 7%. At the same time, Gartner notes that the BI direction, although it is a very mature market and has been located for many years in the list of the most important priorities for IT directors, still remains not demanded by customers. And this is the other way that each company has a whole range of various subject areas, where Bi funds would be very useful: this is the management of personnel, and marketing, and a different kind of social questions, and much more. The visual analyst is already effectively used, the truth is mostly large organizations, for traditional areas as finance and sales, but the use of funds of forecasting is not so great. As for medium-sized enterprises, many of them did not start serious work with a business analytics.

However, the catalyst of interest in the BI on the part of the customers can now become a markedly manifest trend on the use of the Data-As-A-service model, which can simplify the storage and use of large amounts of data for a wide range of companies, including medium and small. Today, one of the main obstacles to customers on a wide use of Bi is a fairly high price threshold of entry, the high cost of even the product with minimal parameters (both by the volume of the functional received and by the number of client licenses). The emergence of specialized BI services and subscription models on them allows companies to begin more active work with business analytics with a significant reduction in initial costs, and then increase their investment in this direction as the real effect is obtained.

Competitive atmosphere

The current group of world BI-market leaders was formed in 2006-2008. As a result of the acquisition of IT giants of a number of specialized players at that time (Oracle bought Hyperion, SAP - Business Complets, IBM - Cognos). If you look at the alignment of forces on the beginning of 2009 (Fig. 2), we will see the three specialized players as part of the leaders of three specialized players (IBM, Microsoft and Oracle) as part of the leaders of three specialized players (IBM, Microsoft and Oracle) ERP giant SAP, while in terms general strategy Development ahead was SAS, and in terms of sales - IBM.

Now, four years later, the situation looks different: in the quadrant of leaders it became quite close - Tableau Software, Qliktech and Tibco Spotfire added to the 2009 seven. And in general, in the field of view Gartner now falls noticeably more BI suppliers and are located in two opposite corners of the quadrant - in the group of leaders and in the group of niche players. Curious moment: the leading segment is replenished with specialized developers, new member participants from the number of IT giants (and as possible new players for another two or three years ago, HP and Google were mentioned) no, there were no large acquisitions on the market.

SAS lost its championship according to the criterion of "fullness of vision" (two years ago it seemed that the company could leave the leading group at all, but then she added in his affairs), here IBM came out at first, followed by SAP. But according to the "presence in the market" in front of Microsoft, which was able to sharply accelerate in this direction compared to last year (Fig. 3). It is worth recalling that in the era of "major transactions" at the Microsoft BI Market announced its ambitious plans in the field of business intelligence, starting the promotion of its new product of PerformancePoint Server. But then the Corporation realized that he had somewhat overestimated their forces on creating business efficiency management tools, and decided to attend this market as part of their traditional competence, making a bet on Bi-Trident - SQL Server, Excel and SharePoint.

Separately, it is worth noting that a year ago in the composition of Bi-quadrant appeared russian company "Prognoz" (Prognoz). At the end of 2012, she was able to noticeably strengthen their positions and, although it was still in the segment of niche players, judging by the dynamics of development, it has all the chances this year to move into applicants. Pay attention to the fact that in his presentation of market participants Gartner led short story "Forecast" (which is usually not done in the report), indicating its exact location - Russia, Perm.

It is also curious to also note that the "forecast" goes to the world arena exactly through russian market (Unlike other world-class developers, which are originally focused on foreign customers, and only then begin to master local expanses). Gartner in his commentary emphasizes that the "forecast" will have to do a lot to take noticeable positions in Western Europe and the United States.

In general, among the main events of 2012, the BI-Market Gartner marks the following points:

  • Microstrategy was able to significantly improve his Visual Insight product;
  • SAP announced the release of Visual Intelligence;
  • SAS introduced at the Visual Analytics market;
  • Microsoft has strengthened its PowerPivot using Power View;
  • Oracle acquired ENDECA company;
  • Actuate bought Quiterian.

Analysis of these market events shows that most of them are related to the development of the "Data investigation" direction (Data Discovery), which is today one of the main vectors of the BI market. It is connected using such new technological capabilities as using embedded data warehouses and multilayer computing architecture (in particular, data storage in RAM and performing processing on table columns), an in-depth data analysis, as well as data integration on the principles of friendly orientation on business users.

How do developers make cars safer? They relate to them as a "flock of fish." SAFE SWARM technology, recently represented by Honda, is a connection between cars to transfer information to each other. For example, an accident alerts can be transferred to mile back, which allows cars to act together and reasonably to avoid accidents and reduce traffic.

The evolution of "smart" things, for example, car "flocks", is one of 10 strategic trends, which will affect a large number of industries and has a huge potential.

"The ongoing evolution of digital business creates new digital models for closer interaction between physical and digital worlds for employees, partners and customers," said David Sirley in Orlando, and Gartner Fellow, Vice President and Gartner Felow in the Gartner 2017 / ITXpo. " Digital technologies will be implemented1 in all aspects of business in the future. "

"Smart" Digital Network is the main trend of digitalization of society.

Gartner calls us overweight people, devices, content and smart digital network services. It is saturated with digital models, business platforms and a rich set of "smart" service.

"Smart" - AI, which seeps in almost all technologies with a certain, well-oriented focus, allows you to create more dynamic, flexible and potentially autonomous systems.

Digital - the interpenetration of the virtual and real world allows you to create the effect of digital presence in the associated environment

Network - interconnection (mixing) of people, business, devices, content and services

Anyway, all the trends for 2018 are suited:

Trend number 1: AI

Companies that are already starting to use AI to improve the effectiveness of decision-making, creating new business models and ecosystems, as well as to study their customers, will be owned by all markets by 2025.

Given the constant growth of requests for AI, it is obvious that interest is growing. A recent study of Gartner has shown that 59% of organizations still collect information to develop their strategies of AI, while the rest have already achieved progress and introduce pilot versions. (From myself I will add statistics - in the UK, the demand for AI experts exceeds their presence 2 times. And this is just the beginning. Who is related to IT - re-refill, and in the coming years you are provided with the most interesting work)

Although the use of AI is a big advantage, to say that we are on the threshold for the creation of a global AI, which will completely replace a person, until it is necessary. Narrow specialized AI, which are focused on a specific task (for example, a game, understanding of the language or driving a vehicle in a controlled environment) is where we are today. "The business should focus on the technologies of the narrow AI and leave the global AI researchers and science writers," says Sirley.

Trend number 2: "Smart" applications and analytics

Over the next few years in each application, a program or service will be used at a particular level. AI will be implemented and will imperceptibly work in most applications that you already use and at the same time a huge number of completely new applications will be created. "Ask your suppliers of software and digital services, as they plan to use AI in new versions of software, ask whether the extended analyst will be" smart "processes and advanced interaction with the user. And after the answer, think, perhaps you should change the supplier to not lose, "says Sirley.

Smart applications also create a new intellectual interlayer between people and systems and have the potential for transformation as structures of the work itself and the workplace. Such examples are already there are virtual assistants and advisers for both customers and for the internal needs of the business of the companies themselves.

"Explore and implement" smart "applications to support human activity, and not just as a way to replace people," says Sirley.

Extended analytics is a growing strategic sphere that uses machine learning to automate data preparation, search for information and sharing information for a wide range of businesses, personnel and scientists.

Trend number 3: "Smart" things

"Smart" things use AI and machine learning for more intelligent interaction with people and environmental. Some "smart" things will not exist without AI, others - already exist, and the AI \u200b\u200bmakes them "smart" (for example, cameras). These things act semi-autonomously or autonomously in an uncontrolled medium. For example, a robot vacuum cleaner or autonomous agricultural machinery. As II and machine learning, "smart" things will increasingly appear in various fields, from intellectual medical equipment to autonomous robots crop collectors for farms.

As "smart" things will be distributed, expect to move from autonomous things to the roi of "smart" things. In this model, several devices will work together, independently or under human control. (I already wrote about this example in the article about the swarms of drones)

Trend number 4: Digital twins

Digital double is a representation of the object or system of the real world in the world digital. In the context of IoT, digital twins are associated with the objects of the real world. (For example, a refrigerator connected to the network) By 2020, digital twins will exist for 21 billion devices.

Outside IOT grows the number of digital twins is not just "things". "Over time, digital representations of almost all aspects of our world will be dynamically connected with their real prototypes. Almost the limitless possibility of modeling and any situations will appear, "says Sirley. For example, future digital twins of people will contain all biometric and medical data, and digital twins for entire cities will allow any simulation.

Trend number 5: Cloud technologies in edged computing

Boundary (or edge) calculations allow you to process the data closer to the place where they are created, and not send them along long routes to the data center or clouds.

The implementation of these calculations closer to the network border allows organizations to analyze important data in almost real time - the need of organizations in many industries, including production, health, telecommunications and finance.

Although it is believed that cloud and boundary calculations are competing approaches, it is a fundamental misunderstanding of concepts. Just the best solution today looks like a greater or less association of these two models to improve the efficiency of their collaboration, ─ edge calculations, where the most essential parameter is the time, and cloud computing, which are characterized by high security and the ability to process large amounts of information.

Trend number 6: Dialogue platforms

The dialogue platforms are designed to simplify mutual understanding between a person and a computer. Already, the systems are able to give as simple answers (what is the weather?), So make more complex actions (Book a table in the Italian restaurant on Parker Boulevard for 18 o'clock). These platforms will continue to develop to even more complex. Well, for example, they will be able to collect oral testimony from the witnesses of crime and make a photorobot. The main problem with which the dialogue platforms are being faced is that users must speak in a very structured form. The developers are now working on this problem.

Trend number 7: Presence effect

Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality Change How People perceive and interact with the digital world. In combination with dialog platforms, a fundamental shift will arise in how the user interacts with invisible and exciting experience. These are very impressive emotions and application providers and software, as well as the development platforms will greatly compete with each other for emotions of consumers.

Over the next five years, the focus will be on mixed reality, which becomes an exciting opportunity, where the user interacts with digital, and with real objects, while maintaining the presence in the physical world. Given the widespread of mobile devices, the release of Apple Arkit and iPhone X, Tango and Arcore from Google, as well as the presence of cross-platform solutions for developing AR software, such as Wikitude, we expect the battle on this field in 2018 it will be very hot.

Trend number 8: blockchain

This section did not translate. The blockchain has been soldered. The only thing that I will say from myself - in 2018, 2 wave of ICO is expected, but much better projects, and not the fraudulent shit, which in High ICO flooded the whole of 2017.

Trend number 9: Event thinking. Event-Driven.

Efim Natis - Researcher Gartner:

"Today you can not get into the digital business, just visiting the conference, reading the books and realizing some aspects. The only option to build a successful IT business is to understand that you are now dynamically thinking in real time. You are always ready, always keep your hand on the pulse and always learn. This is the essence of events thinking. "

Also for business it becomes vital to track business events that should lead to certain actions in the "Online" mode. SAME important business Events are those that affect several parties (several business directions, several partners, etc.)

With the advent of AI, IoT and other business events can be found faster and analyzed in more detail. Companies must accept "eventful thinking" as part of a digital business strategy. By 2020, real-time event awareness will be the necessary characteristic for 80% of digital business solutions, and 80% of new business ecosystems will require support for streaming events.

Trend number 10: continuous adaptive risk and trust

In a complex digital world, where the digital environment is rapidly changing, a standard approach to safety - black-white / allow-to-ban no longer works efficiently.

A new approach to security - Carta (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment). It is to continuously evaluate the risks and the degree of confidence, adapting to the situation. Moreover, it concerns all business participants: from the company's developers to its partners. In practice, this means in the first place to use data analytics.

The Carta approach implies the need for constant monitoring of everyone, including reputational, risks arising from the ecosystem, and the ability to adapt to the situation.

At the stage of planning Gartner recommends accurately count the risks that the company can afford from the point of view information security. For example, how much time the system may not be available without prejudice to reputation and without significant losses. In some cases it will be two hours, in others - critical may be three minutes. Mathematical modeling and predictive analytics help explain these risks in terms of understandable business.

Carta Principles Suppliers must fulfill five requirements: to provide open APIs and full access to data without additional payment, maintain modern IT practices, such as containers and clouds, as well as many detection methods, provide the opportunity to apply adaptive policies, for example, to change Security settings depending on the context.

One new practical tools that corresponds to the Carta principles is the so-called microsemmentation. This approach is gaining popularity and is actively discussed by the last couple of years. The idea is to break the information corporate system into separate sites and put protection on each of them.

Irina Menshikova

An analytical company Gartner was the next schedule of technologies - Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, which demonstrates which technologies found their application and continued the development, what increased attention are experiencing and which only originate

Gartner's advanced technology cycle in 2017 focused on three megatrends: widespread artificial intelligence (AI), transparent immersion experiments and digital platforms. Architects of companies and technological leaders in the field of technological innovation should explore and develop these three directions to understand exactly how these technologies can affect their business in the future.

"Companies will continue to face rapidly developing technologies that will have a serious impact on the interaction of management with employees, clients and partners, says Mike Jay Walker's head. - Our curve in 2017 shows three main technological trends that allow you to get a fundamental and new experience with unsurpassed intelligence and offer platform companies that encourage them closer to get acquainted with new business ecosystems and become in the next 5-10 years competitive. "

And the schedule just demonstrates technologies that can potentially provide various companies High competitive advantage.

Ubiquitous artificial intellect

Consider the possible impact on our lives of autonomous vehicles equipped with artificial intelligence. They can reduce the number of accidents, improve road traffic And even slow down the progress of urbanization, as people will effectively spend time on the road and do not have the need to live in close proximity to cities centers. "When autonomous vehicles combine such newest technologiesAs AI and Io, with such economic trends like a sheering economy, business projects are beginning to appear in the world who are really capable of changing the market, "says Walker. Uber is a bright example of how the company can drastically change the industry in which private cars prevail, and turn transport to another service for society.

The media told so much about the autonomous vehicles that expectations relating to this advanced technology were very inflated. However, given the fact that AI is incredibly important for further technological development, the number of developments in the field of machine reading algorithms has increased markedly. Although further achievements in the field of perception, visualization and mapping - as well as AI and computer technologies - help this technology to develop, in fact, the complexity of the entire system and its high cost put us before a number of problems.

"AI technologies in the next ten years will be the most crushing due to their radical computing power, an almost infinite number of data and unprecedented advantages in deep neural networks," said Walker. "This will allow organizations working with AI technologies to use data to adapt new possible situations and solve problems with which no one has come across."

In addition, in the field artificial Intelligence Machine reading is one of the main technological concepts - has great potential for various companies: from supply networks to pharmacological studies. Already soon, traditional software engineering will cease to cope with the processing of a steadily growing amount of available data. And the machine reading after a series of observations allows you to extract certain knowledge and identify patterns.

Transparent immersion experiments

This year, at the Facebook F8 conference, the company introduced Camera Effects Platform, which demonstrates the relationship between augmented reality (AR) and social networks. This caused an outbreak of the discussion of AR capabilities in the world of consumption. However, the technology that unites virtual tricks and items from the real world could have a great potential for the entire industry. For example, instead of looking at a paper or electronic circuit of anything, you can use AR, which is able to impose this scheme to a specific object. Companies should be implemented in their business AR-strategy with specific goals and tasks for testing and receiving control indicators.

Transparent immimissive technologies provide transparency between people, companies and things. Since the technology is developing to become more adaptive, contextual and mobile, it will also be more focused on a person. So, in addition to the AR itself, companies should think about digital workplaces connected homes, virtual reality and 4D printing.

Digital platforms

Since bitcoins and etherium (platform for creating decentralized online services based on the blockchain) are constantly flashing in the news, it seems that the appearance of the blockchard is not far off. However, most initiatives in this area are still in the initial stages. Enterprises still decide how they are focused on this technology, but fears regarding its viability cause the absence of proven use and volatility of Bitcoin. However, Gartner is confident that in the long run, this technology will lead to the reform of the entire industry.

Of the two types of blockchas, public-affordable registries and public-controlled registries - enterprises should choose the second. Public-controlled registers have access control tools that are fully regulated by the rules, but they are still open to the community. In the case of commercial transactions, companies should take advantage of publicly affordable registries - such as Bitcoin - which allow unknown or unconfirmed users to access the registry.

As the digital business continues further from too slow processes and is increasingly referring to interconnected ecosystems, the fragmented technologies infrastructure itself turns into an ecosystem supported by platforms. In the industry should think about how to create business model based on platforms, and what technologies need to support this step.

Other technologies in this area include 5G, digital twins, IOT platforms and quantum calculations.

Information Builders continues to keep the leader's position in the magic quadrant Gartner in 2012.

New York, February 9, 2012 - companiesInformationBuilders, independent developer and provider of solutions for business analytics (BI ) Reports that, according to the analytical company Gartner, it is still in the "Leaders" segment of the magic quadrantGartner. with your popular productWebFocus..

Platform WebFocus. from InformationBuilders provides users with access to data and analytical capabilities through information panels, mobile analytics capabilities andaD HOC. Reports. Thanks to the intuitive design of the platform, even technically not savvy direct users will work at the same level of advanced reports as their colleagues fromIT. -Epars. This solution is increasingly used by INFORMATION BUILDERS customers in order to expand access to analytical data outside the organization, allowing these companies to ray loyalty and the level of their customer satisfaction by providing access to these end users. One of the advantages of the platformWebFocus. - advanced level of mobile analytics. Users can work with reports on any devices (smartphones, tablets) and anywhere.WebFocus. Ideally integrate with another solutionInformationBuilders - platform for managing dataiway.. Product iway. Allows you to work with large data volumes in real time, is responsible for data profiling, data quality management.

Reported in the reportGartner. "To significant market growthBI -Platform 2011 The increase in the increase in demand from a wide range of users: ordinary employees, business analysts, company managers, IT professionals. Each new type of user and their specific requirements affected existingBI -Platforms and caused certain changes in the reporting and analytics systems that were previously used. "

"Business Analytics is increasingly recognized by operating managers, external users and other interested parties, not limited toIT. departments of companies, "said Gerald Cohen, president and chief executive Director CompaniesInformationBuilders. "Given the large-scale distribution of business intelligence and recognition of its importance for companies, we are even more pleasant to be among the leaders of this market.Gartner. . We are confident that this fair assessment is based on the main distinguishing features.WebFocus.: intuitiveness, flexibility and ability to provide a deep detailed analysis for each user regardless of their level of technical education. "

You can download the full report of the companyGartner. "Magic quadrant on the market of business analytics platforms" by filling out the questionnaire.

About the company InformationBuilders.

InformationBuildersdevelops and supplies software and services that help employees of leading companies from business, the public sector and education worldwide to promptly make important decisions and rationalize business processes. The company's products are introduced in tens of thousands of companies, helping millions of users. PlatformWebFocus. Allows you to work with scalable applications, analytics and client portals of a new generation. Integration solutioniWaySoftware.gives companies the opportunity to use all the information resources of the internal andb 2 B. Processes due to the growing availability and integrity of information, regardless of the complexity of the environment. Spacer apartment

2016-08-08T09: 22: 34 + 00: 00

The Gartner portal analysts rated modern innovations and clarified what technologies at the peak of development, which will be in demand in the very near future, and which are gradually going to "no".

The vision of trends they reflected graphically with the help of a kind of maturity cycle (Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2015).

At the peak of development - Internet of things (Internet of Things, IoT) and an autonomous controlled car (Autonomous Vehicles). According to Gartner estimates by 2018, there will be about 6 billion connected to the global network of devices. But the big data (Big Data), as the leading trend of the last few years, has lost its priority value. This is due to the fact that many today's technologies, "contacting" with large data become everyday life.

In addition, in terms of investment and the world scientific researchAt the peak of development are: ADVANCED ANALYTICS WITH SELF-SERVICE DELIVERY), quick translation in ON-line mode from one language to another (Speech-to-speech translation), machine learning (Machine Learning). Gartner experts expect a non-unhadeable future to keep data storage and parallel access to them (NOSQL Database), information preliminary information streaming systems (Marshalling) and data intelligent data analysis (Business Intelligence and Data Mining), which today come to the new Technological level of development.

Regarding the prospects, Gartner analysts identified 10 technological trends

Trend number 1. Network devices (The Device Mesh)

Network device terminals that are connected in a single information space Gadgets used by man such as smartphones, consumer and home electronic devices, mobile personal computers, built-in car devices, transport infrastructure and environmental sensors. Connected, for example, via GPS or GLONASS in the Internet of Things (IoT).

Through a unified network, end users receive operational access to applications and useful information. To interact through a network with other people, social communities and groups, government agencies, use in work.

Trend number 2. Interface for Single Interaction (Ambient User Experience)

By 2018, work is predicted through the network not only individual mobile devices, but also plants, and industries. Ability to create general rules and maintain a single interface of interaction will be an important factor Differentiation of software providers and enterprises.

Trend number 3. Materials for 3-dimensional printing (3D Printing Materials)

The development of 3D printing technologies has first led to an increase in quantity, and then to improving the quality and to reduce the cost of the materials used for this purpose. Including nickel alloys, carbon fiber, glass, electrically conductive inks, pharmaceutical and biological materials. Therefore, further growing user demand will contribute to the emergence of new and new materials.

So soon 3D printers will find practical application in new areas, such as aerospace industry, medicine, automotive, energy and military-industrial complex. It is predicted that in the period up to 2019, the average annual increase in the supply of 3D printers for enterprises will be 64%.


Existing computing systems handle data in the form of numbers, text, audio or video. The emergence of new types transmitted and received data, such as sensory and contextual information, will lead to new data processing methods and to unite new sources.

Today, such sources of information are isolated from each other, do not differ from the full view of the data, sometimes not available for general interaction. New technological advances based on the methods of semantic analysis and the construction of graph databases, along with other new methods of analyzing and classifying data, will help streamline the chaoticness of "information about everything" or, the so-called information universe.

Trend number 5. Extended Machine Learning (Advanced Machine Learning)

Advanced machine learning and deep neural networks (Deep Neural Nets - DNS) will be the next step of classical calculations and information management. Consequently, the basis for creating systems that can autonomously learn to perceive the world, i.e. Work independently, without direct human participation. The rapid growth of data sources and the complexity of the information being treated will make the classification and analysis and analysis of the classification and analysis of the classification and analysis. Therefore, DNS will allow you to automate such tasks and solve problems associated with an increasing volume of information complex for information processing.

Trend number 6. Autonomous Agents and Things (Autonomous Agents and Things)

Machine training will lead to the emergence of the spectrum of smart cars and related things, including robots, autonomous vehicles, virtual personal assistants (assistants) and smart (smart) advisers consultants who will act in autonomous (or at least semi-autonomous) mode. In the near future, progress will be progress in developing software for such smart machines. And not the last role will play a convenient, simple and understandable user interface. The predecessors of autonomous agents today can be considered Google Now, Microsoft Cortana and Apple Siri. Thus, according to Gartner estimates by 2020, autonomous software agents that do not need personal control of a person will participate in 5% of economic transactions, and 40% of interactions with mobile devices are carried out through "smart" assistants.

Trend number 7. Adaptive Security Architecture (Adaptive Security Architecture)

Supports for circular defense and the use of security policies are no longer sufficient condition. Especially for organizations using cloud services or services, open interfaces for their customers and partners. IT managers will have to continue to focus on identifying external threatsBut besides current security measures, it is necessary to refer to more complex adaptive methods, including the analysis of user behavior, network communities and use them in practice. According to Gartner estimates by 2020, 95% of security issues will be caused by customer actions, and not service providers and services.

Trend number 8. Improved System architecture (Advanced System Architecture)

Digital networks of devices and smart machines constantly nominate the requirements for the intensification of the created computing architectures in order to make their interaction viable and profitable for organizations. As a result of such studies and developments, effective neurorphic architectures will appear. They will be based on programmable valve matrices (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - FPGA) and graphics accelerators (Graphics Processing Unit - GPU), which will work at speeds of large than teraflops, and with high energy efficiency.

Trend number 9. Network applications and service architecture (Mesh App and Service Architecture)

Monolithic linear application development (for example, three-level architecture) will yield to a more flexible architecture of applications based on software and configurable services. This approach will lead to an increase in the performance of a web scale, flexibility and will contribute to the speed of operation. For example, a micro-service architecture will appear with a new sample to build distributed applications, supporting flexible data delivery and providing deployment scalability, both on local corporate computers and in the cloud.

Trend number 10. Internet of Things Platforms Platforms (Internet of Things Platforms)

Platforms for the Internet of things today complement network applications and service architecture. Therefore, management, security, integration with other technologies and standards for the Internet of things form a basic set of opportunities for building and managing such platforms. Nevertheless, it is expected that the first standard for the IoT platform may appear no earlier than 2018. That is why for 2016, Gartner researchers determine the Internet of things, including the development of relevant platforms, as one of the most important technological trends.

The review is prepared by:


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