The purpose of training personnel training. Preparation of professional personnel in domestic enterprises. Types of staff training

Hello! In this article, we will tell about improving personnel qualifications.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a qualification and why increase it;
  2. What methods of this exist;
  3. How is the increase procedure.

Any self-respecting company that is engaged in any activity, among the main issues is always considering the advanced training of personnel. In order not to lose its position in the market, the company needs highly qualified personnel.

This is what today's conversation will go.

Types of training staff

  • Professional development staff;
  • Retraining;
  • Training.

Objectives and tasks of advanced staff qualifications

Before you need to ask a question: why? So, what objects of advanced training may be?

  • Arm employees with new knowledge and skills. This will allow them not to just express fresh ideas, but also to cope with various difficulties in the work;
  • Personal motivation. When the employee receives knowledge at the expense of an organization, he feels that the management takes care of him. Therefore, a person appears a desire to increase productivity;
  • Reduced staff flow rate. Advanced training is considered an effective way to combat this phenomenon. This principle acts even in the case when even bonuses do not help.
  • The introduction of new technologies. Now the time of computers and high speeds. From this you can not get anywhere, you need to develop, modernize production. And only a team of real professionals will cope with this.
  • Education of own personnel. This is a production strategy of some companies. They prefer to train their employees than to host a large number of people from.

Who teach

It is clear that at the same time increase the qualifications of all specialists unrealist. It turns out, you need to highlight those who are among the first should increase their level of professionalism.

In addition, there is a risk that time and financial resources will be spent on learning what the employee knows and knows how. And worse, when the employer pays employee training, and he takes another place of work after a while.

That is why the leaders prefer to train employees who bring the organization or enterprise to the maximum benefit, or employees who occupy important posts.

The rest of the employees are trained at the expense of the company only in two versions:

  • If learning is an important component of the work process (for example, in medical companies);
  • If you need to create a new production or change the profile of the old .

The problem is that the leadership of a young company can not always determine what the potential of employees. In this case, you can consult from personnel training professionals. You can also conduct employees survey, and then analyze the information received.

With the help of the questionnaire, it is possible to determine not only the psychological type of employee, but also as far as it corresponds to the position, what is the level of his professionalism and so on.

Differences of professional training

Often, people believe that these two concepts are the same. This is not the case, the difference between them is serious. What she lies, look further.

No. p / p Type of learning Essence Timing
1 Training It is carried out to improve knowledge in profession, skills and skills 72 - 100 Acad. watch
2 Retraining staff Allows you to purchase new skills or profession. 500 - 1000 Acad. watch

Both of these processes are aimed at improving and developing personnel. But in the first case, the specialty remains the same, only knowledge and skills will be improved, and with the second version there is an opportunity to receive a new profession.

Forms of advanced training

Improving the qualifications of staff personnel occurs by using various shapes. These forms differ from each other, according to various criteria: in terms of communication with practical activities, the organization of the process, on targeted groups.

  • Depending on who the enhancement program is held, it is divided into external training(outside the company) and interfir (within the company). In intra-profit learning has its advantages: a decrease in costs for the company, the ability to control the process, the development of the corporate spirit, and so on;
  • With a separation from the workplace and without it.Experts recommend combining 2 of these forms;
  • According to the degree of organization:self-improvement of qualifications and organized;
  • Depending on the target groups:improving the qualifications of management personnel, the overall increase, as well as open (even even family members of employees can take advantage of).

Personnel training methods

Methods of advanced training depends on what form training will be conducted. If within the company, then documents, equipment and materials that employee usually use in their work will be used.

Workplace Training Methods

  • Instrupture. It is used in the case when you need to purchase skills at a new workplace;
  • Project group. A group is compiled, which is collectively working on one project. At the same time, management skills are improved, collectively solving problems;
  • Coching. When using this method, the coach and trainees interact, and also establish the relationship between the participants of the production process;
  • Rotation. The employee is transferred within the company to another department. Very popular currently popular technique.
  • Mentrancy. When the experience is purposefully transferred, employee training on a personal example. More an experienced employee transmits his knowledge to someone who is less experienced;
  • Tutorsti - Type of mentoring. A discussion is underway, in the process of which the student demonstrates the knowledge gained;
  • Strnotewing young employees teach the rules of work using the history of the organization;
  • Shading - The essence of the method is that the process of work is monitored, which allows you to find out what parties in prof. The preparation of the employee is weak and make a plan for improving the qualifications to remove them.

External advanced training methods

  • Conferences, meetings, symposia. Active learning technique that stimulates the development of communicative skills, develops logical thinking, teaches the specifics of public speeches;
  • Lectures. The most traditional methodology. Materials here are assisted passively and this method is now not considered optimal, complement it by others.
  • Training. In the process of learning, the coach gives certain instructions and checks how much knowledge is learned for a certain period of time.
  • Interactive courses. Knowledge is obtained, secured and test using a training program;
  • Selfeducation. The easiest option, but at the same time requiring self-discipline and responsibility. This method is now developing through the introduction of various training programs and distance learning;
  • Case Stadi.this method allows you to solve real problems of production. It is mainly suitable for leaders of top link and management personnel.
  • Business game - the essence of the method is that there is not one person solves the problem, but a group of students;
  • Basket - Methodit is based on the simulation of situations occurring during the work.

The choice of learning methods depends on many factors: characteristics of listeners, company capabilities (including financial), on the qualifications of teachers and process objectives. If the method is selected erroneously, the learning efficiency is simply reduced to zero.

Personnel Qualification Courses

This learning event is usually carried out in a specially intended place. They organize them so that the listeners are not distracted from the process and prevente the perception of information.

The big plus when passing such courses is that as soon as the training is completed, not only your skill will increase, it will be confirmed documented.

The choice of a suitable training center should be carried out by relying on the following indicators:

  • Reviews of those who have already passed training;
  • The composition of teachers;
  • How long the Center operates;
  • Cost of courses.

It was not by chance that the cost was in the last place in the list. The high cost of passing courses does not ensure that they will be useful to the listener. There are cases when there are expensive courses, and practical benefits bring a minimum.

At such courses, classes are held in small groups, which contains a maximum of 5 to 30 people. Individual classes can also be held. Laying training for advanced training programs designed to increase and expand the circle of knowledge and skills, with those who already have a person.

Conditionally training in courses is divided into several groups:

  • Comprehensive learning;
  • Self-study;
  • Combined learning.

Each of these groups has its pros and cons, but it is important that these groups do not exclude each other, but complement and improve.

When employees are undergoing training courses, both sides are won here: and the worker himself, and the employer. An employee, passing courses, can count on an increase in salary, for career growth and increasing the level of their knowledge. The employer will receive competent employees who may understand all the intricacies of the workflow, raise the level of competitiveness of their company.

How to improve development: the main stages of the process

This process is divided into several important steps. We analyze them in more detail.

Step 1. Calculation of need to improve the qualifications.

First you need to determine what the need for training personnel in specific company. It is determined on several levels.

At the level of the company as a whole, this need will depend on the following moments:

  • Is it planned to upgrade the equipment;
  • Will new technologies introduced into production;
  • Whether the release of new type products is planned;
  • As far as it is planned to increase the number of jobs.

If we talk about level structural units Companies, it is necessary to conduct advanced training if:

  • Employees often violate production technology;
  • There are production injuries;
  • Significantly increased marriage.

As for individual employees, it all depends here from several factors:

  • As far as the employee itself is ready and wants to raise his professional level;
  • What are the results of certification;
  • As far as a person wants to advance through the career ladder.

After analyzing all these nuances, the management of the company decides to improve the qualifications of its employees.

The next step will be the choice of advanced training methods.

Stage 2. Selection of the method.

When employees are planned, it is necessary to determine with which methods it will occur. We have already spoken about the most common techniques earlier, we will not repeat. We only note that Russian companies increasingly implement mentoring techniques.

Stage 3. Budget Development.

As soon as the need for advanced training will be analyzed, constitute a budget. It is necessarily fixed documented.

In this case, expenses will be: expenses for paying training, payment of the training center services and so on.

The least expensive option for the company are distance courses.

Step 4. Choosing a teacher.

Before choosing a coach, you need to get acquainted with your experience. It is also worth explosion of documents that will confirm its qualifications and level of education.

In addition, you should not neglect the reviews of other people. Who will tell about the teacher better than those who were his student?

Stage 5. The process of developing a training program.

If the learning process is planned to be carried out within the company, it is necessary to develop and approve the advanced training program. To do this, it is recommended to take advice from experts from the part, since not always the necessary professionals are located in the company itself.

If you plan to resort to the training center services, ready-made programs will be offered, you will only have to choose the appropriate one.

Step 6. The process of implementing the selected technique.

Depending on which method of advanced training has been selected, make a decision on its implementation.

Methods of implementation are several:

  • Organize advanced training in the organization itself forces of its specialists;
  • Conduct training personnel in the training center;
  • Conduct training in the office of the company, attracting coach from the side.

We note immediately, which is the most difficult to implement the first option. There will be no significant savings here, but to invest money, and the expected result is not obtained - the possibility exists. Therefore, before you make such a solution, you need to weigh everything carefully.

Step 7. Analysis of advanced training.

After learning is over, you need to check the level of knowledge of those employees who have been trained. How to do it correctly.

It is necessary to create a qualifying commission, assign the date of its meeting and notify the interested parties. On the scheduled day, the Commission checks the knowledge gained by the employee.

If he answers the Commission's questions confidently, demonstrates knowledge gained during courses, the Commission decides on the recognition of learning outcomes.

Where to send an employee to improve the qualifications

The educational institutions engaged in advanced training are the following:

  • Institutions (regional, sectoral and so on);
  • Academies (except those where higher education are obtained);
  • Schools and training centers.

According to the conditions for advanced staff training, all educational institutions must have a relevant license.

But this requirement does not apply to:

  • Unite seminars, internships and lectures, after visiting which no documents are issued;
  • If an employee has studied at a specialist who has the necessary documentation.

An example of advanced staff qualifications.

A large training center for advanced training is valid at Euroset. Here are tuition and retraining of employees in order to increase sales in order for employees to match the changing working conditions.

If the employee passes an increase in another region

If learning passes in another area, the employee's trip should be issued as a business trip.

In this situation, the following series of documentation should be issued:

  • Order with the signature of the head that the employee is sent to a business trip;
  • Officer task;
  • Certificate of a business trip;
  • The report form on the execution of the service job.

All documentation should be framed on approved typical blanks.

Documents confirming the passage of training

Documents issued by the educational institution confirm:

  • The fact that the employee has been trained and its results received a certain qualifications;
  • The fact that the employee is assigned a certain discharge, class or category.

Based on the requirements of legislation, educational institutions can issue the following documents to their listeners.:

  • Certificate of advanced training, if training lasted more than one hundred hours;
  • Certificate if the employee participated in the seminar, or has passed short-term training;
  • Diploma, if the employee was trained, the duration of which was more than a thousand hours.

The act of providing services

After graduating from the learning process, the educational institution should provide the customer company. It records the duration of the training period, the name of the program and the cost of learning.

Registration of training by the employer

Passing an employee of advanced training should be issued documented. How to do it right, let's talk now.

First you need to take from an employee a statement about re-evaluating its professional level on the basis of the documents received by him.

As soon as the application is received, create a qualifying commission and check the knowledge of the employee. After the conclusion made by the Commission, an order is published on increasing the category of a specific employee. After reading the order, the employee puts his signature.

Within 7 days employee personnel service introduces a record about the assignment of the discharge or category in labor book worker. At the same time, refer to a confirmation document received during the passage.

A photocopy of testimony or certificate is also made, it is wiring and stored in the employee's personal case.

In the next part of our material it is worth mentioning and retraining of specialists. We have already discussed the similarity and differences of retraining from advanced training, and now we will consider aspects of this process.

Retraining process: Why is needed and how is happening

The essence of this process is the same as in any other type of training.

The principles of the process of the process are as follows:

  • The process should be organized clearly, without failures;
  • Employees should be aimed at obtaining a good learning outcome;
  • Training should be conducted systemically, the relationship between theory and practice should be observed.

The general scheme of the organization of the whole process is as follows:

  • The purpose of retraining is determined;
  • Forecasting results (for example, reduce production marriage half);
  • Development of a personnel retraining program;
  • Development of a list of teachers (if it is studied different disciplines);
  • Determine what form the knowledge gained will be monitored.

Many employers today adhere to the opinions that new post Already a proven employee is more profitable than to take a new specialist. This principle is often valid in large companies that new vacancies offer first-all employees.

When retraining is passed, a person in the root can change its activities. For example, he was a drawing teacher, and became a psychologist. At the end of the retraining, a person will receive a diploma equal to the document on the second higher education.


Advanced training and retraining are the types of personnel training. More popular is still the first. We tried the subtleties of this process as much as possible in this article.

I would also like to add: you need to deal with your professional development, improve the qualifications, if there is such an opportunity. This allows not easy to be improved in the profession, but also plan your future.

Training and staff training allows the company to provide manufacturing processes by professional personnel that meet the highest requirements of the labor market and maintain a high level of competitiveness.

The article discusses the following questions:

  • What types of vocational training should be used depending on the purposes that facing the personnel service of the enterprise;
  • How the employer's rights to train personnel in the labor law system are regulated;
  • What domestic documents regulate the process of obtaining additional vocational education;
  • What is contained in the Regulations on the advanced training, training and retraining of personnel.

Preparation, retraining and advanced training: species and objectives

An analysis of existing regulatory documents and legislative acts allows you to allocate four types of vocational training in the framework of training and retraining staff, this is:

  • professional education;
  • professional retraining;
  • training;
  • training a new profession.

In accordance with Art. 21 of the Federal Law of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (as amended dated 04.24.2008) Each of these types of training is used to achieve different purposes, but they all do not imply an increase in the educational level and are not replaced by training In relevant professional educational institutions. Vocational training or preparation implies an accelerated course of obtaining certain skills necessary to perform some particular type of work or several types of work. Professional retraining are carried out on the basis of already available vocational education using specially designed training programs aimed at:

  • Improving and improving the level of knowledge to fulfill the tasks in the framework of a new type of professional activity;
  • Obtaining additional qualifying skills.

The objectives that are achieved with the help are updating the previously obtained practical and theoretical knowledge, bringing them into compliance with modern standards. Obtaining the second new profession is possible only for those employees whose professions relate to workers.

The definitions for these types of training and retraining contains a paragraph 14 of the Model Regulations on the continuous professional and economic training of the personnel of the national economy. By the decision of the USSR State District Committee, USSR State Education, the CPSC Secretariat of 06/15/1988 N 369 / 92-14-147 / 20/18-22. This document is applied only in the part that does not contradict the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes it can happen that you are putting more in one employee, in which you see the potential of growth. In one of the materials e-magazine "Personnel Director" We told.

Rights and obligations of the employer for training and retraining

Training and staff training are part of the labor law relationship system and, although they are directly related to them, but are separate category legal relations and are issued by a separate agreement between the employee and the employer. At the same time, training and retraining is not considered as the direct responsibility of the employee, but only as an auxiliary instrument, with the help of which you can improve the quality of its work within the framework of their official duties.

In art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the employee is enshrined the right to vocational training, retraining and advanced training, including training new professions. But the content of this article does not understand it unambiguously assert that the employee has the right to demand from the employer to the training or advanced training courses. The decision on how the production need is due to training and staff training is due to the employer, taking into account both needs and financial opportunities. This is the right to the employer is enshrined in Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the right to training personnel in production A specific employee should be considered as a potentially available opportunity, without preventing the claim to the employer.

The rights and obligations of the employer for the preparation and retraining of personnel, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can only be implemented by concluding a bilateral agreement, the second party of which is a worker. According to the law, to conclude such a document, the consent of both parties. Therefore, when one of them is an employer - does not give such consent, the contract is simply impossible to be issued. That is, the employee has the right to appeal to the employer with a request for professional retraining or advanced training, but also an employer has the right to refuse him.

It should be noted that there are some categories of workers and professions for which professional retraining is mandatory condition To execute labor duties. Such employees, for example, include physicians and pharmacists, scientific and pedaging staff, transport workers who, after certain intervals, must confirm their professional suitability of certificates and certificates that are issued after the course of training.

Training and advanced staff training at the enterprise

In the event that the preparation of retraining and advanced training of personnel is not a mandatory and decisions about this is adopted by the employer, the company needs to issue a package of documents regulating the procedure for training and advanced staff training. Terms and procedures should be established by a collective agreement, an additional agreement to it or be spelled out in the text of the concluded labor contracts, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 196 TK RF.

The company also needs to develop and approve a local regulatory act - a provision on advanced training, preparation and retraining of personnel, to draw up a personnel training plan, which should indicate the causes and objectives of vocational training. If learning is external, you need to choose educational institutionhaving a certificate and appropriate educational programand conclude a contract with him to paid services. The customer in this case acts the employer. With employees who will be aimed at learning should also conclude an agreement or arrange supplementary agreement To the employment contract.

How to make a provision for advanced training, training and retraining

In this locally regulatory actwhich is an application to collective TreatyIt will be necessary to determine how many employees will be sent annually for training and what will be the procedure for its financing. The position should be given a list of types of vocational training and those thematic areas for which training will be carried out at the expense of the enterprise, as well as those categories of employees who can increase their professional level own initiative And at your own expense.

To position should include sections such as:

  • general provisions and scope;
  • types and objectives of training;
  • organization of training, retraining and advanced training;
  • the procedure for the formation and work of the qualification commission;
  • the procedure for compiling and designing a student agreement;
  • final provisions.

In order to avoid disagreements with a document, you can enable the section in which the abbreviations will be given and the glossary of the terms used. As an application to the Regulations, it is necessary to place a list of professions and specialties, which will need to be trained, as well as bring the forms of such documents as:

  • Student agreement;
  • Office note about the need to obtain additional vocational education;
  • Production characteristics of an employee sent to training;
  • Evaluation paper;
  • Diary of internships or production learning;
  • The task is to carry out practical work.

Preparation of professionals in domestic enterprises is one of the important tasks of vocational education. The process of training workers directly in enterprises has always remained one of the important stages of training, training and retraining of personnel, but recently its meaning and role has changed.

In the USSR, there was a broad network of training workers directly at enterprises. So, according to data in 1979, about 6 million people were trained annually at work, and more than 20 million workers increased their qualifications. At the same time there was a network of mentors - experienced workers, training newcomers, directly in the workplaces.

The present time is characterized by the presence of two trends in the field of training professional personnel:

1. Development and conversion educational institutions and vocational training centers.

2. The volume of preparation of workers directly in production is reduced, the possibility of production itself in the organization of vocational training is not used by the Institute of Mentoring.

Already today in reforming vocational education it is necessary to take into account the following main trends:

Ø in conditions market economy A person acts as an active subject in the labor market, freely disposed of its main capital - qualifications. Today, for a significant part of the working-age population of Russia, it is extremely difficult to overcome the psychological barrier of the transition from the position of the hired state employee to the position of an active subject of the labor market - what to look for enough high paying jobthat you can simultaneously work in several places, etc.

Ø In the conditions of a market economy, by virtue of extremely high mobility of its conjuncture, each person has to not only change the place of work, but on average throughout labor life 5-6 times to change the profession. First, it requires, first, to break the psychological stereotype that has developed, when a person was considered a good worker, who worked on one workplace for decades. Secondly, in these conditions, young people should receive such professional educationwhich will allow it relatively easy to develop new professions in the future, figuratively speaking, vocational education should become convertible.

The main feature modern production is an changes in its technological base and the transfer of control and managing functions of a person Technical means. This process leads to a continuous modification of the equipment used, frequent change of mechanisms used, and as a result, to the need to continuous advanced training and retraining of workers.

The purpose of preparation Professional workers in domestic enterprises are providing enterprises qualified personnel of workers Considering what is happening in society scientific and technical, technological and socio-economic changes.

Allocate the following principles Training of professionals in domestic enterprises:

Ø integrity of the vocational education system and the continuity of its various types and forms;

Ø an advanced nature of training based on the forecast of scientific and technical development and the conditions for the development of a particular enterprise or the industry of the national economy;

Ø Flexibility of various forms of vocational education, the possibility of their use in certain stages of education;

Ø Professional and social stimulation of employee training;

Ø Building a professional education system, taking into account the specific possibilities of the enterprise, the socio-economic conditions for its functioning.

The regulatory document of the organization of training workers-professionals in domestic enterprises is a typical provision on continuous professional and economic training. In a typical position:

Ø defined the procedure and functions of controlling continuous training of various levels;

Ø installed forms and types of training that ensure its continuity for specialists and workers;

Ø indicate the role and importance of the material base in ensuring continuing education;

Ø indicate sources of financing for training costs.

Preparation of professionals in domestic enterprises provides for the following types and forms of training:

Ø Preparation of new workers from among no professions.

Ø Retraining to master new professions as a result of implementation new technique And for those who wish to change the profession.

Ø Employee training with the second profession to expand the professional profile and efficient work.

Ø Improving employee qualifications in order to deepen professional knowledge, skills and skills.

Ø Improving the qualifications of workers in order to study new equipment, equipment, materials, technological processes, new methods of management, new forms of labor organization.

In Russia, production is used three main types Vocational training:

Preparation of new employees of a certain qualifications from among the newly enrolled in the enterprise;

Improving employee qualifications:

Retraining and learning new professions.

1. Preparation of new employees in the enterprise - This is a form of professional training of persons who have not previously had profession. Such training is carried out by profession, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. The training of workers is carried out in the course (from 10 to 30 people), group (training carries out an instructor, not exempt from its direct duties) and individual forms of training. Allocate the following professional training steps:

Ø 1st learning stage -employees must master the production skills necessary to perform work in the required pace, with the compliance with the technological requirements and the installed technology, to fulfill the work standards, apply rational labor techniques and organization of the workplace;

Ø 2nd Learning Stage -employees must master the knowledge and skills necessary for a deep idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the technological process being performed. Here, the worker seizes a wide range of vocational knowledge, independently makes decisions on the impact on the process of the technological process and ensure its success:

Ø 3rd learning stage -there is an increase in the qualifications of employees, both studied earlier in the enterprise and adopted again. Employees at this study level are prepared for diverse professional activities, master in perfect knowledge, skills and skills necessary to fulfill work, expand knowledge on related specialties.

After the end of the teaching stage, the employee acquires knowledge in a certain system, so he knows how they are better to use, penetrates deeper into understanding of the essence manufacturing process. He freely operates with the concepts, analyzes the facts, independently gives an explanation to them.

2. Improving employee qualificationsit is a form of vocational training, aimed at consistently improving professional knowledge, skills and skills on the existing profession. Enterprises to improve the qualifications of employees are organized:

· production and economic courses - Created to improve the qualifications, deepening and expanding knowledge, skills and skills of employees according to their profession to the level corresponding to the requirements of production. Successful completion of courses is prerequisite To assign higher employees qualification discharge;

· target courses - are created to study new equipment, products, materials, technological processes, means of mechanization and automation used in the production, rules and requirements of their safe operation;

· schools on the study of techniques and methods of labor - Created for the purpose of mass development of techniques and methods of highly qualified workers who have achieved significant success in their field.

3. Retraining and learning new professions of employees of the enterprise - This is a professional training of a new profession of workers who already have a profession. Retraining is organized for the training of workers released for any reason in the enterprise, as well as the disintegration of the desire to change the profession. Retraining and training new professions of employees of the enterprise ends withdrawing qualifying exams.

The main purpose of any learning, including staff training, is to gain knowledge.

Vocational learning goals should be:

    specific and specific;

    orient to obtain practical skills;

    evaluation (measurable).

Training can be sent to business results and employees. The high efficiency of learning, aimed primarily on the result of the work, is achieved mainly due to the transfer of the employee of knowledge and skills necessary directly to work. Training aimed at developing and motivating employees usually does not give quick business results. Such training is, rather, investments in employees. In practice, the goal of learning is based on the combination of the two specified basic factors. The main objectives and their characteristics are presented in Table 1.2

Table 1.2.

Training goals.

Characteristic of the goal

Provide employees with knowledge and skills necessary for efficient work

An employee must have to fulfill its work at least the necessary skills. For meaningful, flexible, and, if necessary, the creative approach, the person needs and the corresponding knowledge.

Most of the people working in organizations have basic education, more often - associated with the profile of activities, and not often associated. But the presence of even very good profile education does not guarantee life successful work specialist in this professional field. An employee who does not pass regular training, "olde", but not in the sense of age, but in terms of its ability to successfully fulfill his duties.

The aging of knowledge and skills is the process of natural and rather fast.

It is believed that higher vocational education retains its relevance for work for 5 years. In any case, even a qualified and experienced worker adopted in a new organization needs training to familiarize himself with the features of the products or services offered by the company and with its own place in business processes.

Support professional staff and acquaint it with modern technology achievements, changes in the socio-economic situation and legal conditions.

This is the most understandable, pragmatic and relatively easy to achieve the goal of learning. Traditionally, the term "advanced training" is used for its designation. With the implementation of measures to achieve this goal, the personnel training system is usually beginning to build in those organizations where this system is absent.

However, here there are "pitfalls". The purpose of learning is achieved only if training is strictly tied to the workplace and the realities of the specific organization.

To maintain and enhance the management qualifications of managers, their regular management should be organized. By the way, under the development of technology, in this case it makes sense to understand both new management technologies that appear in other companies or described in the literature and changes in corporate governance: restructuring, implementation project management other.

Thus, the employee must regularly update knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the work being performed and its changes.

Prepare employees to replace them with colleagues for the time of vacation, disease, business trips and in case of dismissal

If you count the time of the absence of each employee at work on quite good reasons, it will be on average from 8 to 10% of the annual volume of working time. This means that every day is missing every tenth - the twelfth employee. The work of missing employees inevitably perform the remaining, and if they do not teach them in advance, it will be done badly or not done at all. Often, in practice, it is necessary to deal with uneven loading of individual workers and entire units when you have to connect to the "overwhelmed" directions of employees of related professions.

It is worth noting the situation of dismissal or movement of employees. There is also a need for at least in the temporary replacement of a retired employee. Of course, in contrast to vacation, dismissal or movement of personnel to provide in advance is far from always. But after all, the same people are fired, which every year go on vacation, during which they again need to be replaced!

Consequently, for the successful work of the organization, a certain part of employees should be trained in skills, allowing to replace missing colleagues.

Prepare employees to travel or promotion

Among the mass of employees of any company there is a certain percentage of people with high growth potential. These people are the "Gold Fund" of the Organization and provide its successful progressive development.

However, promising employees have a property negative from the point of view of the organization: they are more active, mobile and at any time can change the work, receiving an interesting offer. Most effectively use the potential of such employees and to prevent their departure is possible only if you promote them at a service staircase or at least expand their responsibilities and authority, giving more interesting work, increasing the salary. If we all do not do, promising employees do not delay in the organization, and the effectiveness of their labor will quickly decrease.

However, before promoting employees, they must be trained. After all, simply fulfilling the duties in its place, they cannot master the skills necessary for work in a new position. The peculiarity of this group is that usually managers are appointed highly qualified specialists. But after the appointment, their official duties change dramatically: they need primarily management skills, including manuals.

In the organization should be conducted planned work For training promising employees in order to prepare them for possible promotion.

Create and maintain a sense of involvement in the organization of the organization, to acquaint employees with


structure, services, technology activities

The process of communications, which is limited to providing information on directly performed duties and does not make any information about the quality of work and general directions and company purposeshas a negative impact on the effectiveness of employees of the enterprise. Properly constructed information about the meaning of the executed employee of work, its ideological connection with common goals Organizations and quality of labor workers will bring substantial benefits.

Actual reporting on the life of the company can be transmitted during planned seminars for specialists and managers. For this purpose, seminars include meetings, conversations with the highest leaders of the company.

So, any employee needs not only the relevant knowledge and skills, but also ongoing information from management for a better understanding of the processes occurring in the company.

Maintain a positive attitude to work in the staff

The fact of the employee's training itself, which is carried out in the organization, as a rule, helps to improve its mood and increase motivation in relation to work. This approach means that the company takes care of its personnel and hopes for long-term cooperation with them. If the training is accompanied by a meeting with the heads of the company, and during its coffee pauses, lunches are arranged, other signs of attention to trainee staff are manifested, that is, the possibility of informal communication appears, this positive effect is even more tangible, learning efficiency increases.

Thus, for successful work in the organization, training should be carried out in the active interest of management, in good conditions and in its conduct it is desirable direct or indirect participation of company managers.

Learning objectives defined by applicable law

Suitable Labor Code The Russian Federation and other federal laws provide for the mandatory training of a number of categories of workers in safety and labor safety regulations. The relevant sub-banner departmental regulatory documents were issued, for whose violation of managers and responsible employees of any organization can be subjected to material and other sanctions.

Evaluation of learning outcomes:

The results of the study affect the direct participation of the manager in the entire cycle of the systematic training model considered above, starting with the definition of objectives, drawing up curriculum and controlling the course of learning. However, in addition, another aspect is important: opportunities must be created for the practical application of skills and knowledge gained in the learning process. When checking the learning outcomes, it is necessary to make sure that everyone who has passed the training course has been created for the use of knowledge gained when performing daily duties.

What the worker learned, only then will benefit when it is transferred from the school audience to the workplace. It may happen that, returning to his workplace, full of enthusiasm, he will not meet support and will not be able to take advantage of the feedback. After some time, the social environment will make him return to how he acted before. Thus, all valuable is lost, which gave training, and in the worst case, all motivating factors are rejected into learning needs.

Evaluation of training Returns us back to the beginning of the training cycle. With the help of such information, we have the opportunity to improve curricula by making them more relevant goals, concentrate on further needs to teach specific employees.

A complete learning assessment should help answer questions related to the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the learning funds. This is the most difficult level of assessment of investments and their payback. It should be held not only at the level of one employee, but also at the level of the department and organization - specialists of personnel and accounting services.

Personnel training can not be an end to the organization. This is understandable. Money is spent on training, often very significant. Few people agree to spend money, not expecting this due diligence, only because it considers staff training is good.

Training is the most important link of the personnel management system and should be inextricably linked with the processes of organizational development, with work to achieve the strategic objectives of the Organization, ensuring the maximum readiness of people working in the organization, to solve the tasks facing them.

On the other hand, training itself creates prerequisites for solving new and more complex tasks due to the fact that personnel mastering new approaches in work, new knowledge and skills.

Already at the stage of selection of new employees, the organization identifies workers who need learning, and receives information necessary to clarify the content of the relevant curricula. Often, during interviews or testing, not only strong, but also weaknesses of beginners are detected. This allows at the first stage of the stay of new employees in the organization to outline the priority steps to teach or increase their qualifications.

Of great importance here also has the readiness of a person to obtain new knowledge, its attitude to development. The ability to learn, to the assimilation of new knowledge and mastering new skills is one of the most important criteria in the search and selection of new employees. It is not by chance that recently, many organizations have great importance to finding such people who not only meet the requirements of the organization, but they can, and want to learn.

Often, for new employees, training should be immediately followed by the selection procedure, during which the need for new employees is revealed. At the same time, entrance training is closely intertwined with the process of adapting them to work in the organization.

For personnel learning workers, the annual assessment of the working indicators is often preceded (certification). In the process of evaluating the working indicators, the need for employees in training is specified to bring in accordance with the level of their qualifications established in the organization of requirements and standards. At the same time, workers who have a certain lack of vocational training, which can improve their production indicators as a result of training, as well as those workers whose potential allows them to put them in a reserve for promotion, which also requires relevant educational training.

Employees of the enterprise should see the prospect of their work at the enterprise, and on the other hand, and the enterprise is interested in developing their employees and raising the return on them. Training planning for promising workers is a separate direction implemented in the framework of intra-profit staff training.

Responsibility for learning. Responsibility for staff training is usually divided between personnel personnel specialists (psychologists, employees of training departments) and managers of different levels. At the same time, if the leaders are responsible for determining the need for training, to train employees of their division and demand for learning outcomes, specialists of personnel services (training departments) are mainly responsible for the preparation and implementation of training programs for different personnel categories. It should be remembered that the leaders are the tasks of not only the definition of the need to train their subordinate and evaluating learning outcomes. Often, executives act as mentors, conducting training their subordinates in the process of daily work contacts with them.

Depending on the size of the organization, work in the field of personnel training can be built in different ways.

In small firms, work on training and development of personnel can be carried out in the framework of the traditional personnel department. In this case, personnel training is implemented exclusively by the forces of external organizations specializing in the training of various categories of workers.

Work on training and advanced staff training is based in accordance with the approved provision, which indicates the main directions of training and the procedure for training and advanced training.

The way the company comes to the question of the status of the training department and its provision in the structure of the organization, clearly shows what place in it is given to training personnel. Often, it happens just just look at the scheme representing the structure of the organization to understand the place of learning in the priority system of senior management. Frequently often a department responsible for training personnel is equal to the auxiliary production and has a low status in comparison with production units. More often, this department is part of the personnel service (personnel department). The authority of the head, heading the training department, as a rule, is inferior to the authority of those managers with whom he needs to interact in the process of its work.

Tasks solved when building an intra-profit training system. Among the tasks decided by the heads and specialists of the training departments, in the development of an intra-profit training system, the following can be distinguished:





Strategic tasks. Head of the Training Department together with higher management formulates overall plan Activities in the field of training and advanced staff skills. Useful here will be answers to the following questions.

What does our organization seek to achieve in the near and long-term perspective?

What are the requirements for successful achieving these goals should the qualifications of employees of our organization? What knowledge, skills and skills are missing our employees?

What should be taken to bring in line with the level of staff training by the tasks that will have to solve organizations in the sooner time?

Research tasks. Collection of information before, during and after training of various categories of personnel, its analysis and generalization of the results obtained are the tasks that need to be solved first in order to determine the needs of employees of the organization in training and in the development of the structure and content of curricula. Especially complex research tasks are related to the training of training programs for managers. Training is designed to show the listeners new approaches to the decision of management tasks, form such installations in relation to productivity, labor quality and staff and such a system of priorities that will maximally contribute to the increase in the efficiency of work, both individual workers and the whole organization, and its divisions. To do this, when developing training programs, it is especially important to pay attention to the study of installations and behavioral models, which determine approaches to the work of managers of different levels.

Methodical tasks. Another task solved in the organization of training is the selection of training methods and development programs for advanced training and personnel development. First of all, it must be such methods and forms of learning, which most of the organization could mostly help in achieving it in front of it (improving the quality of goods and services, reducing the cost of products, the formation of a new organizational culture, an increase in return from each employee, etc. ).

The main complexity in solving methodological tasks is to select the optimal learning methods and / or determine their correct ratio (combination) for each category of listeners. Modern trends in the organization of staff training consist in reducing the time of pure lecture presentation of the material and more widely use of active learning methods (business games, group discussions, analysis of the work experience of domestic and western companies, etc.). In addition, more and more attention is given to practical development of the material being studied and the consolidation of practical skills of listeners.

The responsibilities of personnel training professionals involved in the work of personnel training are usually among the following methodological tasks:

    definition and coordination with the administration of the enterprise forms (with a separation or without separation from production, in the workplace) and methods of training; Development of training programs or a choice of programs offered training centers; The choice of the organization that will be entrusted with training;

    selection and preparation (possibly with the involvement of third-party organizations) of own teachers; Evaluation of learning efficiency.

Organizational tasks. It is impossible to proceed to the construction of an intra-profit training system, if the needs of the organization's employees in training and development are not pre-identified. Not only representatives of personnel service should participate in solving this task, but leaders of all levels.

Personnel training should rely on a clear distribution of responsibility, a clear planning and control system. Organizational tasks include such routine challenges, as appointing responsible for conducting training, preparation of relevant orders and orders, the acquisition of training groups and attendance control, selection of teachers, preparing the premises in which training will be trained, resolving technical equipment issues and other auxiliary issues .

The company almost always has persons (or divisions), decisive a wide range of organizational issues related to staff training. These questions are in their essence do not require special knowledge, but the success of their decision often depends on the success of their decision. The effectiveness of learning can greatly decrease from such "small things" as a stroke of the room, the absence of markers, chalk or constantly distracting listeners outside the door outside the door.

An important direction of the work is to conduct documentation and reporting on training and advanced training.

The decisive condition for the economic health of the organization is its ability to adapt to changing conditions internal and external environment. Therefore, despite the rather complicated financial position of the majority of Russian organizations, the costs associated with personnel training begin to be considered as priority and necessary. More and more organizations conduct large-scale training personnel and managers of different levels, realizing that only trained, highly qualified and highly motivated personnel will be a decisive factor in the development of the enterprise and victory over competitors.

Increasing the role of training in the processes of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and organizational development is due to the following three factors:

    Personnel training is the most important means of achieving the strategic objectives of the organization.

    Training is the most important means of increasing value human resources Organizations.

    Without timely personnel training, organizational changes is greatly hampered or becomes impossible.

Consider these factors in more detail.

1. As a means of achieving the strategic objectives of the organization. Success on the way of achieving the most important strategic objectives of the organization depends largely on the extent to the staff aware of the strategic goals and how interested it is and is prepared for work to achieve them. The need for quick organizational changes and shifts of management principles under rise competitive struggle - All this involves an increase in the productivity of personnel, improving the quality of goods, improving consumer service, creative and innovative attitude to business. Personnel training is only then among the priority directions of personnel management, when the top management is aware that the implementation of market strategies requires a higher level of professional training of all categories of workers.

Training of employees of the organization is different from school learning. In school, children can learn better or worse, they can hate school, can walk lessons - with damage only for themselves. The school does not suffer from this. The training of the organization's staff has an impact on the results of the activities of the whole organization. As it is impossible to talk about the growth of the skill of individual players of the football team, if the team does not improve their results, so absurdly talking about the benefits of personnel training, if it does not lead to the improvement of the company's work as a whole.

The logic of business development inexorably requires more closely linking staff training and organizational development processes. And indeed, the last 2-3 years we see the change in the attitude of the top management of many companies to the training of workers. Increasingly, training begins to be treated as a tool for supporting a corporate strategy.

The effective work of the company in the conditions of constantly increasing competition is impossible without improving the efficiency of work at all levels of the organization. The main obstacles that hinder the achievement of higher working results are not only an insufficient level of training personnel, but also the old approaches to work at different levels of the organization. These obstacles can be overcome only subject to the development and practical implementation. new politics in the field of intra-profit training, including a variety of forms of training and training programs for all categories of workers.

2. Training as a means of increasing the value of human resources organization. Some organizations do not pay due attention to the training of their staff, since they do not consider this article of expenses as necessary, considering that without learning you can easily do, if you, let's say, to host specialists who already have the necessary qualifications. However, sooner or later, the leadership of any organization inevitably have to face the fact that if not to invest in increasing the level of knowledge and in the development of professional skills of their employees, then the return from human resources is becoming less and less.

Anyone is understandable that if he wants to get a good harvest, then for this you need to first prepare the earth, plant seeds, then water, pour weeds, loosen, fertilize the soil. And the more power invested, the more yields can be calculated.

"Smart" organizations apply in the same way as far-sighted parents. Preparing a child in a prestigious university or university, and spending big money on tutors, parents understand that these are not thrown into the wind money, but the money invested in training. As Benjamin Franklin said, "If you pour yourself a wallet to my head, no one will no longer select it with you." Training costs will pay off when their child will get a job, having received a good specialty and having a high level of general training, attractive to employers. Graduates of prestigious universities with pleasure take to work in large companies, with a high explosion.

If the company prefers to hire already "ready-made" specialists, considering that in this way the time saves and financial funds on training their staff, it is overlooked that in addition to providing employees with the necessary knowledge and development, their skills required to work are designed to convey Educational important information about the organization, contribute to the formation of "correct" facilities for labor, strengthening the desired behavior samples and an increase in the degree of personnel commitment to its organization.

If you continue an analogy with a harvest, then the acquisition strategy of ready-made specialists can be equated to buying products in the store or on the market. We do not spend time and strength to grow your crop, but at the same time we understand that (1) buying more expensive than growing yourself, and (2) quality does not always meet our expectations. Frequently "bought" employee does not fit into the team and does not meet the requirements of the leadership.

3. Staffing is an essential tool by which management gets the opportunity to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of organizational culture.

In the conditions of rapid changes in the market situation, more than ever, we need bright talents and fresh ideas that can provide a high level of competitiveness. Organizations, ready to invest money in the training of their employees, can expect that employees who have raised their professional training will be able to easily and faster to solve more complex tasks, will be more persistent to search and more often to find the best answers to emerging issues, to deal faster with difficulties in Work, they will have higher levels of commitment to their enterprise, the higher readiness to work on it with the full recycling of forces.

Modern approaches to the management of organizations are based on the fact that the staff is considered as a key factor that determines the efficiency of using all other resources. As the experience of the most successful domestic and foreign companies, investments in personnel, the creation of conditions for the growth of workers and increase their professional potential give 2-3 times higher returns than funds aimed at solving purely industrial problems.

A serious problem for many organizations is the retention of employees who have been trained. Investing money in staff training, thereby organizing the cost of the most important capital - people. But at the same time, some organizations face that by spending big money for training, after some time they may not be credited to a significant part of trained workers - they are overpowering other more "rapid" organizations. Save on training personnel, these companies are ready to pay higher salary, provide a wider set of benefits, the best working conditions or great opportunities for professional growth and promotion of workers. It turns out that we are preparing frames for others, they say managers who have encountered this problem, and throw money to the wind. We invest in learning, and our employees are overpaying other organizations. However, it is most often necessary to blame not competitors, traveling trained personnel, but themselves for the fact that the results of training were not in demand, for the fact that the trained staff was not encouraged for achieving a higher level of qualifications.

Unfortunately, this practice has received widespread in the work of many organizations, when employees are sent to training or advanced training, without making any effort so that their work after passing to study has become more substantive, more responsible to increase the level of payment of their labor, opened New perspectives of career growth, promotion on the service staircase or expanded the scope of their working responsibility. This reduces not only the return, which the organization can get from his staff as a result of training, but also the motivation of employees to learning.

In order to reduce the risk of loss of workers who study either their qualifications at the expense of an organization, many companies develop and implement a system of legal, organizational and moral and psychological measures aimed at consolidating and retention in the company of this category of employees. Development and implementation of special programs providing employees more wide opportunities for the development of career after passing training, and the demand for knowledge gained and skills are measures that help to consolidate in the organization trained personnel.

In the West, it has long been understood that staff training is one of the main factors that make it possible to win a tough competitive struggle. How did the Americans react to the fact that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite? First of all, they increased allocations for the needs of education.

Nowadays, large Western corporations spend from 2 to 5% of their annual budget for training and development of employees. In the US industry, for example, training costs amount to more than $ 200 billion per year; And only IBM in 1990 spent more than $ 1.5 billion a year for training. In Canada (not related to the number of leaders in this area), the costs of training and the development of one employee on average amount to more than 500 dollars a year.

In the 1990s, in Russia, the number of enterprises with sufficient financial opportunities for training and improve the qualifications of their employees has declined sharply. But for a long time to work on that resource, which was laid back in the 70s and 1980, it is no longer possible in our time. The transition to work in market conditions and an increase in the competitive struggle in the external and domestic market, the emergence of new technologies, the reorganization of production and generations change demanded the solution of the entire complex of issues related to the advanced level of employees. This implies not only the use of old, tested, well-proven themselves in the past approaches, but more and more wider use of new methods, programs and learning strategies.

Training as a means of facilitating organizational changes. Seven decades of the planned economy created such a situation in Russia, when almost all leaders, specialists and ordinary workers should be taught by the basics of a market economy. First, all the decisions on which products are made, in what volumes, where to sell and at what price, we were taken by Mamurn, now all enterprises are set before the need to take these decisions on their own.

The market today does not know pity. He has no business to the highest quality of the work of a category of workers or the highest performance of a separate stamping or any other workshop. The market requires that the whole company worked efficiently. The market dictates the need to satisfy constantly changing requests for consumers in a timely manner and efficiently.

Considering the process of organizational changes, experts often indicate that the essential obstacle to their paths is often not the lack of necessary resources or competitions of competitors, and the resistance of their own personnel. Resistance can be caused by a number of reasons, among which the most common are the following:

    lack of personnel knowledge and skills necessary in new conditions;

    lack of management;

    the old system of values \u200b\u200band priorities determining the behavior of employees;

    straight before new, insecurity; to misunderstanding goals and ways to implement changes;

    definitive interest in changes.

Even a quick look at the above list of possible causes of personnel resistance to the procedure of organizational change shows that without conducting relevant personnel training, it is difficult to count on interested support for changes from employees. Well-organized, carefully thought out and on time, training can overcome braking force and ensure the success of the changes.

Successful achievement of learning objectives implies not only the creation of favorable conditions for students, not only the correct definition of the content of learning and the choice of funds that will best solve these tasks, but also the most complete use of the most important principles that ensure high efficiency of educational activities. Among the most important principles, the implementation of which ensures the success of training, you can first allocate the following:

    providing listeners full and timely feedback on the effectiveness of their learning;

    practical testing of the knowledge and skills obtained;

    transfer of acquired knowledge and skills in working conditions;

    the demand for learning outcomes;

    formation and maintenance of high motivation for learning;

    accounting for the initial level of knowledge of students.

The training system and advanced training of employees of the company will be effective only if it is closely related to the most important areas of work on the personnel management system of labor incentive system (wage, premiums, benefits, moral incentives, etc.), work with a reserve for senior positions, staff development programs, etc.

Unfortunately, today the situation is when the organization does not pay sufficient attention to identifying the need to train various categories of workers, is quite typical. This happens not because it is considered unnecessary, but simply due to the fact that it has long been accustomed to assessing the need for eye teaching. In addition, experts involved in organizing staff training often do not have methods and procedures to effectively perform such work. Employees of the organization under these conditions are forced to replenish the lack of knowledge and skills necessary for work.

The benefits obtained by the organization as a result of training personnel are expressed as follows.

1. Employee training allows the organization to more successfully solve problems related to new activities, and maintain the necessary level of competitiveness (improvement of quality and performance (efficiency) of personnel, reduction of costs and cost reduction, decrease in injuries, etc.).

2. Enhance the commitment of personnel of its organization, reducing the flow of personnel.

3. Increased personnel ability to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions and market requirements. Thus, the organization increases the value of human resources at its disposal.

4. Training allows you to maintain and distribute the basic values \u200b\u200band priorities of organizational culture among employees, promote new approaches and norms of behavior designed to support the organizational strategy.

- This is a targeted, organized, systematic and systematically implemented by the process of mastering knowledge, skills, skills and ways to communicate under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists and managers.

With favorable circumstances, personnel training performs an important double function of the best use of the employee and its motivation.

Importance Continuing education Confirm the following key factors:

  • Introduction of new equipment, technology, production of modern goods, the growth of communication capabilities;
  • The world turns into a market with a high level of competition between countries. Countries having modern system engineering labor and continuing education program are leading in the context of this competition;
  • Continuous and rapid changes in technology and computer science require continuous personnel training;
  • For the company, more efficiently and economically increasing the recoil from already working employees based on their continuous training than attracting new employees.

Objectives of training From the point of view of the employer and the expert himself differ significantly.

The purpose of learning from the point of view of the employer:
  • organization and formation of management personnel;
  • mastering the ability to determine, understand and solve problems;
  • reproduction of personnel;
  • integration of personnel;
  • flexible staff formation;
  • adaptation;
  • implementing innovations.
Terms of continuing education from the position of the employee:
  • maintaining at the appropriate level and increase professional qualifications;
  • acquisition of professional knowledge beyond the sphere of professional activity;
  • acquisition of professional knowledge about suppliers and consumers of products, banks and other organizations affecting the work of the company;
  • development of abilities in planning and organization of production.

Estimation Assessment

Planning training programs - Composite part of general planning Along with the calculation of the need for personnel, drawing up set plans,.

Types of staff training

Differ Three types of learning: Preparation, advanced training and retraining staff.

Preparation of personnel - systematic and organized training and production of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity owning a set of special knowledge, skills, skills and ways to communicate.

Professional training - Training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills, skills and communication methods due to the growth of the requirements for the profession or increase in position.

Retraining staff - training for personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills, skills and communication methods due to mastering new profession or changed requirements for the content and results of labor.

Domestic and foreign experience has developed three concepts of training qualified personnel:

  1. Concept of specialized learningcurrently oriented or near future and relevant to the relevant workplace. Such training is effectively a relatively short period of time, but from the point of view of the employee contributes to the preservation of the workplace, and also strengthens the feeling of self-esteem.
  2. Concept of multidisciplinary learning It is effective from an economic point of view, as it enhances the intra-industrial and non-productive mobility of the employee. However, the last circumstance is a well-known risk to an organization where an employee works, since it has the ability to choose and therefore less attached to the appropriate workplace.
  3. Person-oriented Training ConceptIt intends to develop human qualities laid by nature or acquired in practical activity. This concept refers, first of all, to people who have a tendency to scientific research and possessing the talent of the head, teacher, etc.
The subject of training are:
  • knowledge - obtaining theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge required by the employee to fulfill their duties in the workplace;
  • skills - the ability to fulfill the duties assigned to the employee at a particular workplace;
  • skills - a high degree of ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice, the skills suggest such a measure of work development, when a conscious self-control is produced;
  • methods of communication (behavior), the form of personality vital activity is a set of actions and actions of an individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, the development of the nature of the behavior corresponding to the requirements for the workplace, social relations, society.

Personal training methods and methods

How will the training be happening - in the workplace or with a separation from work - is determined mainly to which learning methods will be used.

Training without separation from production carried out in normal working atmosphere: The learner uses real working tools, equipment, documentation or materials that it will use and after completing the course. At the same time, the student worker is considered as a partially productive worker.

Training with a separation from production is carried out outside the workplace, As a rule, using specially simplified learning tools and equipment. The educational worker is not considered a productive unit since the start of learning, its work begins with exercise. Training with a separation from the main work can be carried out in production rooms employed companies, in the training center, which is visited by employees of several of various companies, or in college.

Personnel training methods

Teaching methods

Directed acquisition of experience

Systematic planning of training in the workplace, the basis of planning is an individual plan of vocational training, which sets out the objectives of the training

Production instruction

General information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with a new work environment

Change of the workplace (rotation)

Receiving knowledge and acquisition of experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace. As a result of this, for a certain period of time, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe multifaceted activity and production tasks (special programs of the younger generation of specialists)

Use of workers as assistants, interns

Training and familiarization of the employee with problems of the highest and qualitatively different order of tasks while making a certain share of liability


Cooperation of the mentor and studying when the mentor provides continuous, impartial feedback and periodically checks the level of execution of the instructed. The use of the method is effective in cases where something goes wrong or someone incorrectly does something and there is a need to correct this position of things. The method can be practiced as a systematic

Preparation B.


Cooperation made for training purposes in project groups created at the enterprise to develop large, limited tasks

Some forms of training are possible only in the workplace, for example, the rotation of operations, stocking (tutoring) and teaching such types of work that is rarely required during the production process, and therefore there is no need to specially teach their execution skills with a separation from production. On the contrary, the theoretical preparation is unlikely to be effectively implemented in production conditions; The student should visit the college, and this is already learning with a margin from the main place of work.

Professional methods Training outside the workplace Designed primarily to obtain theoretical knowledge and to teach the ability to behave in accordance with the requirements of the production situation.

Personnel training methods outside the workplace

Teaching methods

Characteristic features of the method

Reading lectures

Passive learning method is used to present theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical experience

Programmed training courses

A more active learning method is effective to obtain theoretical knowledge.

Conferences, seminars, round-table conversations, excursions, discussions, meetings with management

Active learning method, participation in discussions develops logical thinking and produces behavioral methods in various situations

Method of teaching management personnel based on independent solving specific tasks from industrial practice

Modeling organizational problemwhich participants (listeners) of the Group should be resolved. Allows you to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, provides for processing information, constructive critical thinking, the development of creativity in decision-making processes

Business games

Training in the manner to behave in various production situations, when negotiating, and role holders should produce alternative points of view

Daily training, during which one instructs or trains another regarding the foundations of its activities through intensive learning, demonstration and practical work In order to improve performance


The simplest type of training, for which neither instructor or special premises or a certain time is required: the student is learning there, then and so, as it is convenient for him, but for this you need consciousness and the desire of the learning learning to absorb new knowledge

Methods of solution production and economic problems using models

Modeling processes occurring in competing enterprises. Listeners distribute among themselves the role of competing fictitious organizations. Using the source data, listeners should take appropriate solutions for several stages of production or services (production, sales, financing, personnel issues, etc.)

Quality Circle "Instead of Study", Working Group

Young professionals develop specific solutions for the management of the organization, uniting in working groups. The proposals developed in working groups are transferred to the management of the organization, which considers proposals, makes decisions on them and informs working Group On the adoption or rejection of its proposals

In addition to learning in the workplace and outside it, a combination of the other method is possible. Such training forms includes:

  • experienced or empirical training - training through independent work, but in some logical order;
  • demonstration and practice under the guidance - The training shows an intern, how to do, then the training makes it possible to make it the worker himself, but under his leadership;
  • programmable learning - a book or a car that "leads" the reader and periodically checks his knowledge of the formulation of issues;
  • training using a computer - Actually programmable training by interacting with the computer, using the Internet;
  • training action - Training in the course of action, for example, participation together with others in the development of a project or group task, or the work "in the second part of the other unit.

Training of qualified personnel is effective if the cost-related costs will be under the future below the cost of organizing labor productivity at the expense of other factors or costs associated with the hiring of labor. Since the definition of the results achieved by learning qualified personnel is associated with certain difficulties, there is an economic efficiency of learning in the form of reduced costs that are amenable to accurate calculation. Training qualified personnel affects important factors social efficiency. Raising professional skills It is positively reflected in guarantees to preserve the workplace, on the possibilities of raising in office, on the expansion of the external labor market, at the magnitude of the income of the organization, on the feeling of self-esteem and the possibilities of self-realization.

Assessment of staff training

By calculating the costs of training and comparison with their financial benefits for the company from the work of the trained employee, the verification of learning efficiency can be expanded before its assessment. At the same time, simplicity and accuracy of the assessment vary greatly:

  • costs for training with a separation from the main work is much easier to appreciate than the cost of training without separation from production;
  • the financial benefits of learning is much easier to calculate if it comes to physical, and not about mental labor;
  • it is enough to appreciate the costs of inadequate training, for example, the cost of marriage, spoiled source materials, customer complaints, overtime work to correct errors;
  • the benefits of training goes beyond the simpleness of improving the efficiency of work;

Significant difficulties may arise when trying to estimate these benefits in financial indicators.


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