On the assignment of responsibilities for the conduct of personnel records management. The order on the assignment of personnel duties is a sample. Order on assigning the duties of the chief accountant to the accountant

The order to impose duties on an employee has recently become a common thing in almost any enterprise. It is not difficult to draw up such a document. You just need to strictly observe a certain sequence of actions and not violate the Labor Code.

Reasons for issuing the order

There are situations when one of the employees is absent from the workplace for one reason or another. But the enterprise should not for this time change the usual rhythm of work or stop at all. The way out of this situation would be an order to assign the duties of this employee to someone else. But before that, the employer must decide by whom and in what way these duties will be performed. There are three completely different options:

  1. You can temporarily transfer one of your colleagues to the position of an absent employee.
  2. Assign his duties to another employee, and he must also do his job.
  3. Invite an outside person. He will temporarily replace the main employee.

The choice should be made by the management of the enterprise, and only after that draw up an order on the assignment of duties. Only two factors can influence the decision-making: labor resources (availability of employees who can perform additional functions) and material capabilities (make partial or full payment).

Step-by-step instruction

There are several reasons why the employer decides that a certain range of responsibilities will be performed by another employee in the future:

  1. The main employee is absent at the moment for a good reason (vacation, business trip, etc.).
  2. It is necessary to perform duties corresponding to the position (profession), which is not in the staffing table.
  3. The employee combines work in different professions.

In each of these cases, the following actions should be performed in turn:

  1. The head of the department must draw up a memo addressed to the director of the enterprise, which sets out in detail the reasons that prompted him to make the appropriate decision.
  2. Coordinate the issue with the management.
  3. Obtain written consent from the employee.
  4. The personnel service issues a corresponding order assigning duties to specific employee.

To resolve such an issue without creating conflicts, you must follow a strict sequence of these actions.

Necessary measure

Quite often, a different kind of situation develops at enterprises. For example, in the staffing table of the company there is no one or another unit (or the staff is very small), and the duties that correspond to this specialty must be fulfilled. What should be done in this case? How to legitimize the situation? This issue can be easily resolved. It is only necessary to have at hand a sample order for the assignment of duties. It is composed, in principle, in an arbitrary way. The title of the order already indicates the position whose duties will need to be performed. Next comes the ascertaining part, which explains the main reason. After that, the administrative part sets out the essence of the issue. For example:



samara city

On assigning the duties of a mechanic

Due to the absence of the position of chief mechanic in the staffing table of the enterprise

I order:

  1. Assign the duties of the chief mechanic to the chief engineer A.V. Timofeev.
  2. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Director of LLC "Veter" Karpov I. I.

I have read the order:

Chief engineer __________ Timofeev A.V.

Date Signature

If a certain surcharge is established for the performance of duties, then this fact is reflected in the order as a separate paragraph.

Obligations of the cashier

If the staff does not have a cashier unit, then the order may look like this. But there are often situations when vacant position available, but the management is in no hurry to take on it individual worker... In this case, a slightly different order is drawn up to assign the duties of the cashier to another specialist (accountant). In fact, this will be a combination of professions (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), therefore the sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. The employer offers in writing specific specialist additionally perform the work of the cashier and receive written consent from him.
  2. A corresponding order is issued indicating the amount of payment.
  3. An additional agreement is being drawn up to the previously concluded labor contract (to the agreement).
  4. The employee gets acquainted with the job description of the cashier and concludes an agreement on full liability.

It is worth remembering that the duties of a cashier can in no case be performed by a chief accountant, since the "Regulation on chief accountants" does not allow these specialists to combine duties related to personal responsibility for cash and the material assets available at the enterprise.

Someone else's work for a while

If one of the employees is absent from the workplace for some time, then his duties for this period are assigned to another member of the team. This is usually due to illness, vacation, or a business trip. There are two possible solutions to this issue:

  1. Temporary transfer to a substituted position. The salary is set for the employee new profession with the preservation of all surcharges (with the exception of personal allowances). As a result, the amount should in no case be lower than it average salary by former place work.
  2. Temporary performance of duties along with the performance of their main job. In this case, the amount of payment is determined as a percentage of the salary for the new specialty.

In both the first and second cases, an order on the temporary assignment of duties (or transfer) must be drawn up, which specifies in detail the following information: the period of performing additional duties, the payment that is due for this work, and the reason for the absence of the main employee.

In every organization, there are situations when it is necessary to replace a temporarily absent employee - vacation, illness, business trip. In this case, an order is issued to impose duties on another employee who will perform the work of a colleague during his absence.

How to arrange

Very often, the registration of the duties of an absent employee is carried out according to the rules of Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In this case:

  • additional work is performed during working hours;
  • drawn up by an additional agreement to labor contract;
  • the surcharge is determined by agreement;
  • an entry is not made in the work book.

It is not lawful to issue an order and demand additional work, especially without payment. In this case, both the term and the amount of additional work must be agreed with the employee. But the employee has the right to refuse early at any time, giving three days' notice. Also, the employer can cancel the order. A mandatory requirement is the employee's consent. The article provides a sample order for the assignment of duties, which must also be drawn up.

Sample order for assignment of duties

And since situations with the absence of one of the employees necessarily happen, the procedure for replacing duties in some cases can be immediately indicated in the job description. In this case, the employee will be immediately notified of the need to replace a specific employee; the range of duties that will need to be performed in his absence can be determined in advance.

This option practically does not require additional administrative and organizational changes from the head, because the employee does someone else's work together with his own, tightening the schedule and setting priorities. But depending on the workload of the employee, the scope of the transferred duties, the period of absence (for example, more than a year, if it is maternity leave) you can use other options - internal combination or temporary transfer.

Part-time job or transfer

Internal combination governed by the provisions of Ch. 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and can also be drawn up in the case when an employee needs to perform other people's duties in addition to his main job.

What are the features? It is necessary to conclude a separate employment contract, which will indicate all the conditions. And the work will be paid based on the position being replaced in proportion to the time, volume or other conditions specified in the contract. The fundamental difference from the above option is that the work will be performed in excess of the main time, but no more than 4 hours a day, that is, this option will be convenient if the functions can be clearly delineated, and the employee, having finished his main job, starts the work of the absent employee. However, the employer will need to keep track of working hours or other necessary indicators and, if the employee wishes, make an entry in the work book.

Temporary transfer regulated by Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the most cardinal option in this situation. The employee will perform only the work of the absent employee, that is, this is possible in the case when the work of the absent employee cannot be combined with the main job, when the main work can be transferred to another employee, or the termination of this work will cause less damage to the employer than the failure to perform the work of the absent employee ... And in the event that the absence of an employee takes place obviously on long term, - a long business trip, parental leave and other reasons.

Such a transfer is drawn up as an additional agreement to the employment contract, payment is made in accordance with the salary relying on new position... In this case, for early termination temporary transfer agreement of the parties is necessary, it cannot be canceled unilaterally.

Common to all cases of registration of replacement is the need for the consent of the employee, determining the amount of work and the amount of remuneration for performing additional duties.

In the article, we will tell you how the secretary will lay the foundation for the future HR department and archive of documents on personnel, how to formalize his responsibilities for maintaining hR administration and comply with the required minimum of labor laws.


According to the first part of Art. 60.2 Labor Code RF, it is possible to impose additional duties on an employee that are not provided for by an employment contract only for additional payment.

You can't just "make" the secretary happy with new responsibilities. Their assignment is formalized by order. Moreover, we recommend preparing two orders. In the first (organizational), it is necessary to appoint an employee responsible for maintaining personnel records management (Example 1).

In the second (in terms of personnel) - to assign duties, prescribe the amount of payment and give the employee's consent (Example 2). These orders contain personal data, but the "weight categories" of personal information in them are disproportionate: the fact that an employee is engaged in personnel records management is not a secret (it is unlikely that it can be hidden from others), but the amount of his remuneration is classified personal information that outsiders you don't need to know. Both orders are issued on the same day.


There are documents that every organization must have - any check will ask for them first. If the secretary is now responsible for personnel records management, then this mandatory recruitment will have to as soon as possible... Here is a list of these documents in the form of a table with explanations. We will not number the documents - the degree of their obligation is the same and is the highest.

This list is not exhaustive. So, if the main activity of the organization is production, then, most likely, it will be necessary to develop a shift schedule, approve production standards, a list of positions and professions with harmful conditions labor, work in which gives the right to additional leave, and that's not all. Only the development of these documents should no longer be a secretary with the responsibilities of a personnel officer assigned to him, but a whole team, which includes a labor economist and a labor protection specialist.

Can the secretary develop all the listed LNAs independently? Probably yes. But it is better not alone, but in tandem with the chief accountant or the head of the organization. First of all, this applies to those LNA that establish the procedure for remuneration of workers.


The employer is obliged to ensure the safety of personal information of employees in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ. It is not enough to approve the provision on personal data.

Additionally required:

Written permissions of employees to process their personal data;

Written obligations of employees processing personal data of colleagues about their non-disclosure;

Special mode for storing documents containing personal data.

If you strictly follow the letter of the law, then first the employee must give permission to process his own personal data, and only then the application for employment. This is a voluntary matter, but in practice it is impossible to apply for a job without permission. Therefore, such permission is given by all employees of the organization, without exception. There is no established form for it, but you can use the one in Example 3.

Personal information of colleagues, as a rule, is processed by the secretary responsible for HR administration and the chief accountant. It is they who must give an obligation not to disclose information about employees (Example 4).


The main document, which reflects management decisions the head of the personnel, - order. Orders formalize receptions and dismissals, vacations and promotions, assignment of duties and directions on business trips, etc. Therefore, personnel orders are given a central place in the personnel department and in the archive.

The most common types of orders for personnel have ready-made forms that the personnel officer can only fill out:

Order on hiring an employee (unified form No. T-1 *);

On the transfer of an employee to another job (form No. T-5 *);

On granting leave to an employee (form No. T-6 *);

On termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) (form No. T-8 *);

On the direction of the employee on a business trip (form No. T-9 *);

On employee incentives (form No. T-11 *).

Most of the personnel officers in Russia use unified forms: personnel officers themselves, employees and (importantly) inspectors from the state labor inspectorate (GIT) are used to them. The decision to use unified forms of documents must be recorded in the order (Example 5).

Developing your own forms of documents can be compared to the invention of the wheel. But if there is a desire, then the developed forms should contain no less information than those approved by the State Statistics Committee.

Unified order forms are more than enough for the HR secretary to formalize standard personnel actions. But there are other orders for personnel: they are drawn up in the form of orders for the main activity and do not have any unified form. For example, an order on the assignment of responsibilities for the conduct of personnel records management (see Example 2). And there may also be an order to change the name, establish an allowance, revoke or postpone vacation. These documents, drawn up in the form of an order for the main activity, remain orders for personnel: they contain personal data and are stored within the time limits established for orders for personnel.

Storing orders for personnel... Orders for personnel from the first day of the organization's existence should be separated from orders for core activities. This is due, firstly, to different storage periods. According to paragraph "a" of Art. 19 List of typical management archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, local authorities and organizations, indicating the storage periods (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, as amended on February 16, 2016; hereinafter - the List 2010) orders for core activities are stored permanently. Orders for personnel - 5 years (clause "b" (2) of the 2010 List) or 50 years (clause 2 of article 22.1 Federal law dated 22.10.2004 No. 125-FZ "On archival affairs in Russian Federation", As amended by from 06/18/2017; hereinafter - Federal Law No. 125-FZ).

Secondly, when the organization is liquidated, orders on personnel will be transferred to state custody. The likelihood that the orders for the main activity will interest the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation is very small, so they will most likely be destroyed.

The nuances of forming cases... Orders for personnel are formed into cases during the calendar year. There should be at least two cases: the first - with a shelf life of 5, the second - 50 years. In the future, when there are more orders for personnel, the number of cases will also increase. For example, separate cases will be formed: "Orders for the provision of annual paid leave", "Orders for the admission, dismissal, transfer of employees", "Orders for the provision of parental leave," etc. However, in the first years of the organization's work, the assortment of order topics is usually not too diverse, so two things can be done:

Case 1 - orders for the provision of annual paid holidays, student leaves, about disciplinary action, about short-term business trips (storage period - 5 years);

Case 2 - orders for admission, transfer, dismissal, bonuses, parental leave, unpaid leave (storage period - 50 years).


Employment contracts of employees, their personal cards and work books are the desk documents of the personnel officer. We did not talk about them in the section "Mandatory documents on personnel", because they are not local regulations, and documents that relate to each employee personally. All of them are required:

Labor contract - in accordance with Art. 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Employment record book - in accordance with the Rules for maintaining work books;

Personal employee card - the need for its maintenance is indicated by clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining work books.

Personal card (unified form No. T-2) is entered simultaneously with the employee's admission to the organization. It contains the employee's personal data, all information about his movements in the organization, holidays, awards, etc.

The employment contract, personal card and work book are valid documents for the entire period of the employee's work in the organization. If an employee has been working in an organization for 20 years, his employment contract, work book and personal card for 20 years are transitional matters. They are closed by office work only after the employee is fired.

While these three documents are valid, they are at the personnel officer and are stored as it should be for documents containing personal data (more on this below).

Employment contracts and personal cards closed by office work are sent for storage to the archive by personnel. Labor books are returned to employees upon dismissal. Of course, there are exceptions when, for various reasons, a resigned employee did not take his work book - this happens from time to time. It should be remembered that a work book is a document to be returned, and an employee (or his relatives) can theoretically request it throughout the entire storage period of this document, and the period is 50 years (clause 2 of article 22.1 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ) ... Therefore, forgotten work books are by no means stitched together.

The nuances of forming cases... Employment contracts and personal cards in the archive form cases that are called “Employment contracts of dismissed workers” and “Personal cards of dismissed workers”. These cases are formed in volumes in the same way: first by the years of dismissal, and then alphabetically by the names of former employees.


In accordance with Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ, the organization is obliged to keep documents on personnel. While the secretary only additionally fulfills the duties of a personnel officer, of course, he will not be able to fully maintain an archive of personnel. Subsequently, when the organization grows to the personnel department, specialists will take care of this. But until then, the secretary will have to comply with the mandatory minimum requirements:

Provide a special storage mode for documents on personnel completed in office work (this is the basis of the future archive);

Form cases by years in accordance with the storage periods;

Draw up annual sections of the inventories of cases by personnel.

  • We observe a special document storage regimethat contain personal data. A special regime means the exclusion of access to them by unauthorized persons. If every meter of office space is worth its weight in gold, and the archive itself is still small, an ordinary metal cabinet, locked with a key, can take over the storage functions. This piece of furniture is inexpensive, takes up little space, and copes with its tasks perfectly. It should also store current personnel documents, including work books, since this is a document of strict reporting (clause 42 of the Rules for maintaining work books). There should be several keys to the cabinet: one for the secretary, the other, for example, for the chief accountant.
  • We form cases by years... We spoke above about the formation of cases by years in accordance with the storage periods. In the same way, cases are formed with orders for personnel and documents of dismissed employees (employment contracts and personal cards).
  • We draw up an inventory of cases for personnel... As for the inventory of cases by personnel, it is obliged to keep it by clause 4.12 of the Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other documents in state authorities, local governments and organizations (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia from 31.03.2015 No. 526). They also offer the form of this document (Appendix No. 15) (Example 6). The rules for filling out an inventory of cases for personnel are available as described in paragraphs. 8.1-8.4 section 8 "Compilation and execution of the inventory" Methodical recommendations "Ordering management documents permanent storage and personnel "2. Let's summarize them briefly:

The annual section of the inventory for the past year is compiled annually;

All annual sections of the inventory make up one inventory of cases for personnel;

The numbering of cases in the inventory is continuous and goes through all annual sections from record No. 1 to entry No. 9999 (if the annual section for 2015 ended at No. 13, then the annual section of the inventory for 2016 starts from No. 14);

Each storage unit is entered into the inventory under its own serial number; storage unit - 1 volume; the volume should contain no more than 250 sheets of documents;

Each annual section of the list of cases is approved by the CEO.

If the volumes of the documentation to be filled out are impressive or they have increased and the existing staff cannot cope with it, then an order is required to appoint a person responsible for office work. A sample and form of this paper is attached.


In most cases, small organizations the secretary is in charge of office work. But sometimes the organization does not have a secretary at all, but a person is needed who would draw up documents that are fundamentally important for the company, or there is a secretary, but he cannot cope with the volume of documentation that must be filled out, issued, sent, etc.

Any employee of the organization can be appointed responsible, at the discretion of the head.

Combination and surcharge

If such an order is a way to increase the salary of an employee for an increased number of duties, then it would be a violation to indicate a specific amount in the order.

In order to legally correctly issue such an allowance for an increase in the work performed, you need to sign two documents: an order for appointment plus an order for establishing a personal allowance (refers to the category of documents on personnel).

The order should not indicate the amount of the premium, since this will constitute the disclosure of personal data (and in most cases the employee does not write consent to this when applying for a job). This is why a second document is required. After all, the order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work is held as an order for the main activity, and his data is available to everyone.

Change of employee

There are situations when an order requires changes to it. For example, an existing specialist leaves, goes for a promotion, etc. And another person comes in his place. The newcomer should be brought up to date on his duties, issue a document on the order correction, and get the signature of a “fresh” employee. So the order will be legally binding.

Timely correction of this kind of document is a decrease in the likelihood for a manager to receive a warning or to be brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.

Components of the order

The document does not have a unified form, but it must necessarily mention:

  • Organization name, details.
  • Date of signing.
  • City.
  • For what purpose is the order issued. Free wording is implied. In the sample, it sounds like "workflow optimization". This phrase is the most common and logical in this situation.
  • From what date the employee begins to perform these duties. It is understood that these are additional responsibilities and the burden on the assigned employee increases.
  • What responsibilities are assigned.
  • Who will perform these duties in the temporary absence of the appointed one. If there is no such employee, then they simply write that the manager will sign the corresponding instruction.
  • If there is a surcharge for duties, the manager refers to the internal work schedule organizations. It is undesirable to indicate the amount in the text.
  • Who has control over the implementation of the paragraphs of the document.

The paper is completed by the signatures of the appointed head of the organization. And we also need "autographs" of all those mentioned in the order on the appointment of the person responsible for office work.

List of responsibilities

Most the best waywhen the organization has job description for this position. In the order, it is enough to give a link to this paper, and in the instruction itself - to prescribe all the responsibilities that the appointed employee takes on. But if there is none, then you can list these responsibilities directly in the order (fortunately, it implies a free form of presentation).

Note! Another option to enumerate the employee's responsibilities is to accept the clerical instructions, which describe the employee's functionality.

Use cases

In large organizations, there is also a separate order for the appointment of a person responsible for personnel records management. This is due to the fact that the staff there is larger, therefore, the amount of documentation to be filled out on personnel. Each organization has the right to independently determine the name and number of positions. It should also be borne in mind that the appointment of a person responsible for office work will be relevant in organizations with several branches. It is a mistake to believe that if there is a secretariat in the parent organization structural units there is no need to worry about keeping all kinds of papers.

In order to fix at the legal level the responsibility for maintaining various kinds of documents in the responsibilities of the head of a particular unit, there is an order to appoint a person responsible for office work, a sample of which is available for download at the top of the page.

Legal aspects

Initially, the manager is responsible for document flow and office work. And the appointed employee is responsible only for the process of its conduct. That is, aspects such as staff, pay, the number of office management services are determined entirely by the head. The subordinate only conducts, maintains the efficiency of the workflow system.

In 2016, article 15.11 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation was amended. It says that the punishment for incorrect storage of documents (and this is part of the paperwork) will befall the responsible person in the form of a fine, and in case of repeated violations - disqualification. There is the phrase "official". It can be both a leader and an employee of his organization.

If the manager signed an order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work and the document is legally binding, then the appointed person is responsible for all violations that may be revealed during inspections.

Companies grow and develop as a living organism, within which various changes take place. Employees of various levels may be sick, move to another region, or be in the status of a vacationer, business trip.

The reasons for employee absenteeism can be different - household or production... At this time, production should not get up, an urgent replacement is needed and an order indicating that during the absence of an official, employee or worker, another person will perform his duties.

Labor legislation, its current provisions and acts regulate internal or external movements of personnel both in private enterprises and in state-owned enterprises.

Every possible case is provided in certain legislative document, with a clear indication of how the manager should act in relation to his staff.

Different time periods can affect the production course of events in an organization in different ways, and management must decide how to most effectively replace an employee.

This helps following instructions:

  1. Art. 60.2 The Labor Code of the Russian Federation speaks of the possibility of combining professions with an increase in the volume of work performed. If the main specialist is absent, his colleague can perform the functions necessary for the enterprise together with his main job, without leaving it.
  2. There is a production need when you need to keep a place for a certain employee if he is forced not to attend work. Long-term performance of duties at another production site allows the bosses to use Article 72.2 for a temporary perturbation between positions, for example, to move one for a year to work out the measures necessary for the enterprise, and instead put a competent specialist.
  3. The procedure for imposing certain job responsibilities, combination of professions and payment for additional functions are established in article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Personnel transfers with the obligations of one of the employees to perform the work of the other are carried out after the order of the superior person and full agreement between the persons involved in the procedure.

Reasons for publishing

Labor law clearly deciphers the concept of additional obligations. First of all, this is a separate salary for the assigned functions that are not provided for in the employment contract, in addition to the main job. For such assignments, they attract persons without special restrictions.

The manager independently decides which factors are important, whom to assign to perform actions from the circle of his subordinates, relying on:

  • workload;
  • experience;
  • professional quality;
  • education.

The main condition for performing additional work is written approval of production points between the parties. Documentary registration is consent from the worker and an order from the employer.

Causesthat encourage the employer to take various legal measures:

  • employee is absent for legal grounds, but temporarily cannot perform work, because he is sick or is on vacation, and then the process is distributed among his colleagues or assigned to one of them;
  • the production procedure is feasible by a certain specialist, but the position is not provided for by the state (if there is a professional with such skills on this enterprise, his profession can be combined with the main one);
  • it is allowed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to increase the amount of work for a person who is able to perform, in addition to his duties, others according to his specialty (an example is the reduction of one workplace and the imposition of additional operations on another qualified employee).

For such decisions, the obligations assumed by the employee to fulfill them during the main working hours with an additional payment can serve. The calculation is made based on the salary or tariff rate and proportionality of service performance as a percentage.

Step-by-step instruction

Whatever the reason why the manager is forced to start personnel changes, for him she is always important and necessary for effective work enterprises. Good leadership requires compliance legal regulations and exceptions in the company of conflict situations.

Therefore, you need to follow in strict sequence, applying following points in action:

  • a memo is drawn up from the chief of a lower status to a superior in position, stating the reasons that prompted to take certain measures with the reshuffle of personnel;
  • enlist the approval of the issue with the management of the company;
  • take a written decision of the employee to take on additional obligations;
  • create and transmit to personnel service order about the changes that have taken place.

It should be taken into account if the employee has changed labor functions, you need to create additional agreement with the designation:

  • terms of presence in this position;
  • performing certain actions;
  • amount of payment;
  • conditions for temporary production for the period of validity of the order.

The order is drawn up on a general basis with the assignment of a serial number, fixing it in a special book and sending copies to the personnel and accounting department. The employee is also obliged to sign the newly created document, by this he proves that he was timely aware of the changes that took place and totally agree with them.

Forced measure within the framework of one position and temporary

The interests of women are protected by the state. They retain their jobs during their pregnancy and parental leave, which is regulated. The duration of each individual example may differ from others, and mothers may not always be able to plan ahead for the duration of their care.

The manager can appoint another person to her position under a fixed-term employment contract after he creates an order for maternity leave. In this case, you can use the qualifications of an employee of the enterprise or accept it from a specialist.

Consider all the nuances in the course of changes, since it is necessary to agree on the procedure for performing functions, additional payments and the fact that the employee can take her place at any time convenient for her.

For this there is fixed-term contract , it indicates that it is valid only for the period of a certain vacation and absence from the institution of the employee due to pregnancy.

The dismissal of a newly hired replacement employee occurs the day before the employee leaves work without prior three daily warnings required in other labor cases.

Quite simply the issue is resolved during development staffing table , if there are no jobs, but you need to do some work. For example, a small business cannot keep separate units in the accounting department, and sometimes the chief accountant and the cashier are one person.

The scope of work allows one to perform all professional functions per shift, and the boss is forced to justify the use of such a measure in a specific production moment by order.

Order has no clear form, his entrepreneur draws up arbitrarily with an indication of the reason that influenced the use of combining several duties in one position.

Compilation nuances and sample

Each firm uses their forms of ordering... Legislation does not have strict restrictions on this; they are drawn up on letterhead or carried out on the basis of general personnel samples.

Regular cap, laid down for all documents, includes the name of the enterprise with its code digital designation TIN, contact information. After the designation of the document with the word "Order", there is a description of duties with a date and a serial number, the reason for issuing such a document is stated.

Then comes the entry:

  • the name of the employee and the necessary list of work that he will perform with the definition of a deadline, if possible;
  • volumes of duties performed;
  • payment methods;
  • the supervisory authority over the fulfillment of the conditions under this document.

You will need to indicate what has appeared basis for appointment, the content of the supplementary agreement will serve as an appendix.

Combination and combination

The Labor Code regulates the processes in companies that carry out internal HR professional part-time jobs. In this case, the employee will have to do, in addition to his work, a list of responsibilities of another person determined by the manager.

For the legal use of this provision, you need to draw up separate contract and in it indicate all the main points of participation in production processes... The management is obliged to take everything into account and make payment.

The peculiarity of this action is that the employee should not stay longer than 4 hours and work after the end of the main job. Unlike the combination of positions, the employee performs his functions within the working day.

Features for the director

There comes a time when the leader himself is absent. If the company has a practice of performing duties during such a period as a deputy director, then in addition to the order, it will come in handy notarized power of attorneyto not stop financial activities organizations.

Feature of all provisions this direction in the fact that the employee can refuse to perform additional loads, and the management has no right to punish him for this or dismiss him for disobedience.


It might be helpful to read: