Four September Masha and Bear. "Masha and the Bear meet friends." Entertainment for the Day of Knowledge. "Harmful Tips from Masha"

Svetlana Bogatyreva
"Masha and the Bear meet friends." Entertainment for the Day of Knowledge

Music sounds.

Leading: Hello, adults! Hello children!

We are very happy today meeting!

Learn hurries the most distinct people.

Motherland on our day knowledge goes.

Reb 1 red day in the calendar! Holiday knowledge in September.

This holiday is all important! This holiday of all children!

Reb 2 This day, we have the whole country everywhere.

This day is the best - good day of the calendar!

Reb 3 Let's start our holiday soon,

With a smile and joy singing and playing!

Leading: Let's greet each other with applause!

This summer is over, you hurry to the garden,

What is the holiday today, tell me?

Lead: Right! Day knowledge!

And it is from this day that the new school year begins.

You have become an adult, stronger, smarter and go to the older and preparatory GroupAnd this means that in kindergarten you are the most important - our assistants!

And now I suggest looking at you,

how you all grew up, tanned, looked!

Girls go to the music around the hall, then boys.

Head: Dear Guys! Our president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and our government in front of you put a complex task: grow educated, talented, sports, active.

And I am sure that you will handle this task! True guys?

Talents and stars in our garden do not find us! We have anyone to be proud!

You, our favorite children, bright, interesting, creative, intellectual, inquisitive, friendly, sports!

You are a young generation!

You are our hope and support!

You are our stars of hope!

Span. dance "We are small stars"

Child: 1 kindergarten "Ship" every sign

Music pours out loudly from its windows.

Music pours river, clean, beautiful,

And the guys grow in it - smart, happy!

Child: 2 kindergarten, kindergarten,

New meeting with us happy!

There will be no affairs,

Enough exactly for the whole year!

Child: 3 Let us feel sorry for a little bit -

We will not be sad.

Hello, K. knowledge road!

Hello, September holiday!

Child: 4 I came! Here friends!

Together we are one family!

Take your favorite garden

The best feedback!

Span. song "A true friend"

Span. Horticulture "Wyry Circle"

Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Guys, where can I take books?

Children: In library!

Leading: That's right, guys, books live in the library.

and you will take books. What books do you like more?

Children: Fairy tales!

Leading: Love fairy tales, guys? Tell me the deposit!

1. Who lived in Teremka?

2. What was the name of three piglets?

3. Who called a bug in a fairy tale "Repka"?

4. Name the most famous doctor?

5. Why did the boy ran away all things in the house?

6. It was similar to the ball a little

And rolled along the tracks.

Retired from all. In addition to the "redhead", so laughter! (Kolobok)

7. Blasting is enchanted, Ivan Charming,

Green girlfriend, Tsarevna - (Frog) .

9. And the road is far away, and the basket is not easy.

I would sit on the pencil, eat a pate.

("Masha and the Bear".)

Music sounds, runs out Masha.

Masha. Oh, children! Hello!

Have you been invited to the holiday? (Children answer.) Let's get acquainted!

Call me just Masha. What is your name?

I do not hear louder. (All children simultaneously call their names.)

Do you like shouting? (Children in the Choir answer.)

And who loves to sing and dance? And the fairy tales listen and play?

So what do you live? And here you will come here? (Children answer.)

Leading: Masha, we are today meet me After summer holidays,

Today everyone begins a new school year!

Masha: Eeeee! What is this? For a teddy go? Okay!

It is necessary to call him and invite for the holiday!

In! Phone! What a well done I am! Good Masha! Pi-Pi.

(Dials a cell phone number that hangs on her neck.)

Hello! Bear! It's me! Didn't you find out that if I?

Come to us to play, sing songs and dance!

Will be fun now! Many here friends from us!

Masha: I have never been to kindergarten. Tell me what you do here?

Children tell.

Music sounds, Misha is included.

Masha. Misha, how interesting here! Children told me than in kindergarten do.

Misha: Hello guys! And I also went to kindergarten, only in the forest kindergarten for animals!

And tell me, just honestly, who of you is afraid of Ukolov?

Children, but you can ask you questions, and you answer the choir, words "Useful" or "Harmful":

In the morning do charging (useful)

Do not wash your hands before eating (harmful)

Rinse your eyes in the morning ... (useful)

Brush your teeth (useful)

Look near TV (harmful)

Walk on the street (useful)

Drink only Gazirovka (harmful)

There are fruits and vegetables (useful)

There are chips (harmful)

Do physical education (useful) .

Misha. It is necessary to tempt, you need to do sports.

Only that healthy, strong, never eats pills,

It does not happen that cold, who is very friendly with sports!

And why do you need charging?

Children. (together) This is not a riddle at all -

So that develop And all day not to get tired!

And let's all together do a dance charging!

Span. Dance charging.

Misha. Friends, Have you rested well in the summer?

Tell us how you rested, what did you do?

Guys share impressions.

Did anyone go to the forest in the berries? Responses of children.

But now we will check how you quickly know how to assemble berries!

Attraction game "Collect the berries in the basket".

2 Teams, 2 Baskets, Colored Balls

Masha: And I also know very interesting game. Want to teach? Look!

Who scatters toys faster!

Scatters toys around the hall.

Masha. Great, right?

Leading. No, not healthy! Our children are better to collect them!

Attraction "Who will quickly collect toys"

Masha and Misha: Well done!

Misha: MashaAnd you often come to the guys in kindergarten, they will teach you to clean up!

Misha: Children, do you know what children do in school? (Suggestive questions.) (Children's responses.)

Leading: Misha, and guys from the group "Sunflowers" and "Capital" A year later, they will go to school.

Look at how they grown and walked over the summer.

Misha: I'll look at them now! (Children get up). Can I ask you a few questions?

1. Now what time of year? (Fall)

2. List all the autumn months? (September, October., Nov.)

3. Now what time of day? (morning day)

4. What other parts of the day do you know? (morning afternoon Evening Night)

5. Today Thursday, and tomorrow? (Friday)

6. Call the days of the week, starting from Monday.

7. How many fingers on the right hand?

8. How many eyes from the traffic light?

9. How many ears have two mice?

10. How many tails have two cats?

Misha: Smart guys! I see that they will certainly take them all to school!

Span. Cheerful dance shown.

Masha: (laughs.) We have fun nicely, I became friends even more.

Bucked, played, all around friends of Steel.

We wish you a day knowledge, fulfillment of desires!

Masha and Misha: Guys, we have a gift for you, a magic bell.

Want everyone to know everything? Want to knowing to receive?

Then soon friendsForward! Calling you K. knowledge call! (Call to the bell.)

Head: Every day, without late we are waiting for you, cute creating!

Come to kindergarten, here everyone will be happy!

(referring to teachers)

How quickly flashed summer! The autumn is replaced again!

Day knowledge! Means this that we are working with you!

What is waiting for us new things, ideas, plans, bastards!

Victories are waiting and waiting for good luck, and there can be no other way!

Leading: Guys, I once again congratulate all of you and all our teachers kindergarten Happy holiday! The first of September "Hooray!"

Children and adults: HOORAY!

Misha: Thank you, children, for the holiday! Be always so funny, clever, skillful!

We congratulate everyone today and of course we treat. (Treat children with candy.)

Scenario on September 1, "Hello, School!"

Song sounds "Caught happy summer»

Lead 1. Good morning, dear guys, dear teachers, educators, guests! Today is the day of the start of classes, new good meetings with the world of knowledge.

Lead 2. Good morning to all who came here for the first time and those who lived a few interesting and useful years in this school.

Lead 1. September came, the summer ended,

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks came.

Children, parents, teachers!

Happy holiday you congratulate you, friends!

Lead 2. A couple of minutes - and the first call

You will call again on the lesson.

School doors will open open,

Tomorrow the training days will begin.

Well, today - a festive hour!

Together: Happy holiday we congratulate all of you!

Lead 1. Day unusual today in the world

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened the doors for everyone.

And do not be sad girls, boys,

On games, check and fabulous books

In school life, the magic does not end,

Tale and continues here.

Lead 2. Where are smaller from you?

Let him come here now

The very first, first class!

Lead 1. Attention, school! We invite to the line of first-graders.

Sounds Song "First Cold"

Lead 1. . The pedagogical and student team of the October Correctional School - boarding school to the beginning of the new 2015-2016 school year is ready.

Lead 1. Let fanno sounds, but depends on us

All Russia. Love for her mutual.

And not just a melody is born now -

Power and pride of the Russian hymn!

The anthem of Russia and the Hymn of RME sounds.

The solemn ruler dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

Lead 2. September came long awaited.
For schoolchildren especially welcome.
After all, the school opens the doors again,
With love and special trust.
Holidays end, the days rested a lot
Friends are again found at the school threshold.

Lead 1. To the one who is happy for the school.
Cares at night and day -
Director of our school
We are happy to give the word.

The word is provided to the director of the School of Valiyeva Irina Vasilyevna.

Lead 2. We have a lot of guests today
Open all here road
Honorary guest in a hurry now,
Congratulate with the holiday of all of you.

The word is provided to guests ... ..

Song sounds about traces from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear". There is a breathtaking and agitated bear in his hands.

Bear: UV! Ditched! Hello guys! Oh, how much you are! And everything on my Masha is similar! Masha! Masha! Where are you?! I sat your quantity! Forgot, as always! Well, come out that you are hiding!?

Masha: Oh, Misha! You are my satisfy me! Thank you, thank you! (Thank you, almost knocking it off from the legs) And I was looking for him, I was looking for, I thought where he escaped from me?

Bear: How are you, so little yes fidget, will you learn? You can't sit in a moment you can't sleep! I feel sorry for you! Let's go from here, huh?

Masha: What are you, Misha! I'm already adult! Although fidget, but I will definitely try and I will, I will definitely have one bobbies my beloved getting!

Bear (laughs): Oh, dying, Masha, mocked ... Two ... Favorite ... oh can't! I also know ... not two, but these, like them ... I remembered the tops!

Masha: Well, let! Well, let! Think, I confused ... the guys, too, probably, do not know everything yet, so they came to learn!

Bear: Yes, well ... What are their eyes smart ... already know a lot, not what you are! ... And let's check now ... (Looks like a piece of riddles, reads.)

You are colored pencil
All pictures are coloring.
To correct them later
Very useful ... (eraser)

I'll make the whole world ready -
House, car, two cats.
I am the Lord -
I have…. (plasticine)

I'm big, I am a student!
In the wreck of me ... (diary)
I am ready for training starts,
Soon I sit down for ... (desk)

Bear: See which they are smart!

Masha: And I know, I know such a difficult game that they will definitely not cope!(They play the game "Collect a briefcase").

If I name the subject you need to go to school, you clap into your hands. If this item is not needed at school, keep your feet!

Tutorials and books,
Toy mouse
Farrow clockwork,
Plasticine color,
Tassels and paints,
New Year's masks
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks
Schedule, diary.
Summary to school student!

Bear: Well ... you see what smart, yes attentive!

Masha: OK OK! And I will be like this! You will see!

Bear: Well, okay ... I am now calm ... After all, there will be such guys next to you too! True guys? Do you help you Mashenka?

Sounds a melody from a cartoon. Bear and Masha leave.

Lead 1. Academic year opening

Let our school bell right,

Bell tall ringing

All those who came to the first lesson.

Lead 2. For the time study, the rate of defense!

There are a lot of clear roads ahead!

So links are fun for happy children,

Our silver, school bell!

Lead 1. The right to file the first call to the new 2015- 2016 academic year is provided by studying grade 9 ....... And learning class 1 ...... ..

Lead 2. Sorry ends the holiday is beautiful!

But sounds and worries the call.

And opened doors and classes.

The first lesson begins!

Lead 1. Successes to all in the new school year, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable minutes of school life!

Song sounds "There will be the first call"

Scene for younger schoolchildren on the day of knowledge: "Masha and the Bear" play school.

(Masha lies in bed and sleeps. Bear comes out.)

Bear: Masha, Masha! Aaaaa, here you are where, everyone is sleeping. And, well, let's get up Rather, you are late for school.

Masha: And that is September 1! So rather, it's time to dress, Misha is more likely to bring me a bows (Misha tows Masha Bates). And where is my briefcase? AAAA, here you are where, but let's go to me. (Masha rushing takes his briefcase in the hugs shoves a notebook there). Everything is ready! Misha is more likely to take my briefcase and ran to school. Just do not be late!

Masha: Wow, how many children here are, so (approaches first graders). Hello, Masha is called me, we will be friends. I will now study with you in the classroom. Well, what will we stand here for a long time? I want to learn; I want to learn!

Misha: Masha, Masha Wait, goes a solemn ruler. Now, when they give the first call, then you will go to the lesson. Hello dear first-graders guys, and you want to study at school? (All respond to "yes"). And let's check as much as you are all prepared for school. I will make you riddles, and you answer the answer. So, let's begin.

Masha: (Quietly whispering a bear) Misha, will you tell me to tell me?

Bear: Masha is not the fuck. Let's like everything.

1. What a day today,
All the kids stood in a row
Near the school threshold
All kids are waiting with anxiety,
First school call.
What is this day?

2. I take him for his handle,
And with him rather to school I run.


3. I will bring the letters in it,
And for it will all praise me.


4. I will draw them a master,
I take with you to school,
Here is this color ...


5. For the first time suddenly opened the door of the school,
Let out new new news.


6. I'm in the portfolio everything is lying,
But about how you learn, I will tell everyone.


7. In this room,
All overdue,
And honors, and two,
Here marks received.

8. He sings ringing songs,
From the lesson, and back to the lesson.

9. If all of you will know
Then the teacher will put you


Misha: Yes, the guys are ready for school,
All of you are just well done,
So wish you all the good way!

Masha: Misha, will you meet me from school? And you will do the lessons, help?

Bear: Will.

Masha: Hooray! I'll come back to wait. (Masha runs away).

Bear: Masha, wait you where?

(Masha is coming in a minute, in her hand, her bell).

Masha: Well, what guys are ready to go to the lesson? (Begins to call the bell).

All here is the first school of our call!

(Scene is completed).

Scenario solemn rulers "Knowledge Day 2014"

Location:parade porch of the school

Participants: Students 1-11 classes, teachers, parents

The date of the:09/01/2014

Start of the line: 10.00 hours

Background, children with blue balls, on which white pigeons are glued, line up on the steps of the porch, voice behind the scenes:

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We received inheritance we planet.
We are presented to us this world
And the earth is amazing this!

We must take care of the good world,
Sparkling on the sunny dawn!
Over us wind wings straightened,
For the future of the world we are responsible!

Will not be ashes and ash
All the fact that the beauty of the earth is called!
Let it be a peaceful sky above the earth,
Let it forever childhood a ringing laughs!

(Konstantin Sbryaev)

The phonogram of the song "Sky" (children with balls sing)

(Music and words Anna Petryseva)
1. You are infinite, blue sky, joy hiding or sad ...
And proudly fly away and boldly birds in your bright distance.
And for the distance, behind the cloud, it timidly hiding rainbow edges.

Chorus: Sky, Sky, Sky - Dreams Cradle. Sky, Sky, Sky - Stars Watercolor.
Heaven, sky, sky - an open door to the sun. Heaven, sky ...

2. Quietly pays the sky with rains if the guns are heard.
Let it be a peaceful sky above us, we are against evil, against the war!
Let the clouds float the ships on the waves of blue silence.

Sky from explosions - Black sky. I do not want to see him like that!
Let me be necessary, wherever I was, there will always be a blue sky!
Chorus: (let go balls into the sky)

Sound fanfares, leading leading.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends!

September came long awaited, for schoolchildren especially welcome,
After all, the school reappears the doors with love and a special trust.
Holidays end, the days rested a lot
Friends are again found at the school threshold.

Lot summer days Merry spent we spent without worries.

Hello, autumn! Hello, school!
Ahead of the school year!

Like Delician, kids! Both girls and boys!

We now consider you. And we all learn about you.

In school, we do not find us now! Primary classes guys are you here? (Here!)

Figy-graders, are you here? (Here!) So we will be friends!

Six school students, are you with us? (With you!) Semiments always,

New meeting Rada, yes? (Yes!)

And the eighth with the tenth that they swept? Did you pay off from studying?

This, brothers, not trouble! Do we want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)

The class is ninth not easy, it is almost prom.

Well, give us an answer: there will be a lot of bobs? (Not!)

Well, of course, the graduation 11 "a" class, we greet you!

Here and all the teachers are yours best friends.

Hey, let's, guys, crokering them all "Hurray!" (Hooray!)

And again on the native school Yard Our big friendly family gathered.

Everyone gathered, Sun will be warmed, for some reason for some reason, for some reason ... No, first-graders here and look forward to when they are brought to the ruler. After all, they are the most important characters Holiday. It is for them that the first school bell sound in their life. For your friendly applause, I invite the main perpetrators of the celebration - our first-graders!

Exit first-graders to the music

1 "A" class, clasterukoditel - _____________________________________

1 "B" class, cl.Rukovitel - _____________________________________

1 "in" class, cl.Rukovitel - _____________________________________

Leading:The solemn ruler dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open!

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

Leading:Dear first graders! Dear dads and moms of first-graders!

You will learn in our school - at school, where the traditions of strong knowledge, high sports achievements, at school, where everyone can become a star. Bright, sparkling and never swelling on a huge life skill. And our talents develop only thanks to the help of the pedagogical team, leads who skilled organizer, an experienced teacher, director of school __________________________________.

Exit director

Leading: We have a lot of guests today

Open all the road here.

Honorary Guest is in a hurry now

Congratulate with the holiday of all of you.

The word is provided ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Output guests

Leading: Today is the first number, September in the calendar,
And the sun shines at least that, and hot in the yard.
Today in schools lashes the door open in the morning.
Caught summer. The school again steps the defortion!

Dance "When my friends with me"

Leading: At the solemn rule of first-graders in a row stand.

That misfortune, because of the bouquets only nose sticks out.

You came to our first class - we all glad to see you.

Lucky teachers that kids came to us.

Look in these individuals - how can you not fall in love with them?

Yes, in their hands they have flowers ... White shirts,

Suits are new, bows, it is first-grades.

Smile, stand, and in all eyes look.

Tell us now, are all ready in the first class?

Did not forget to put in the portfolio of notebooks, handles and pencils? And the smile slipped for your first teacher? Maybe the poems learned? Then I ask you to the microphone.

Transfer nice to us the Word of our kids.

Exit first graders

1. Here, finally, we are on the school porch, smiles immediately shone.
All adults congratulate us, they call students.
The hearts of our hear knock. Native school, hello friend!

2. We, going for this holiday, know: this is our holiday!

After all, today the first-grader is the most important character.

3. Everyone around was so glad - now I am in school!

And from joy jumped even the prices of flowers!

4. How many joyful, funny people everywhere, see!
Personally, the school director smiled at three times!

5. I will tell you a secret: there are many schools in Reftinsky,

But I am glad that I came to this school!

6. I also gathered to school, picked up everything out!

Only, it can be seen, I tried in vain: in fashion form, they say!

7. We must now learn, do not yaw and not lazy,
On "Four" and "Five" in the lessons to answer.

8. It is necessary that the school knows, knew our names -

He will drive them into history with the classroom!

9. Very worried, we tried to like it,
After all, she is our second home, let the order be in it!

10. So the school, do not worry, we, your students!
Knowledge for us will be
All: Hello, school days!

The song of first graders

Leading: Today is a holiday not only in children, but also their parents. After all, they are also worried too, ahead of the hard school way. The word is provided to parents of first-graders _____________________________________________________________________

Exit and greetings of parents 1 class

Leading:Holiday Amazing, Smiles and Flowers
Gifts, congratulations, hopes and dreams!
The school takes a new first class.
In honor of the holiday, it rattles salute now!
(Music sounds, high school students carry clappers, together with first grades clap)
Leading: Let this festive salute and this sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, gifts, will be remembered for a long time as successful start On the way of Knowledge. Good all health and excellent success in school!

Under the music of first-graders occupy their places on the line


Leading: Among us there are those for whom this day is not the beginning, not a continuation of the long school way, but the finish line. The last time today is present on the lineup eleventh grade. They go to the last school start, open the last page of the school chronicle. Graduation classes are always pride and hope of school.

Exit graduates

Grade 11 speech

1. The class of our in school is the smartest, the top stains enough,
We will certainly say - This is our 11 "A"! (chorus)
2. Our class at school is the most noisy that the head is spinning
We will say honestly - honestly This is our 11 "A"! (chorus)
3. Our class at school is active, and in business it is always
We will tell you frankly This is our 11 "A"! (chorus)
4. Class Our at school is the most friendly, just do not break water
We will say you, no doubt This is our 11 "A"! (chorus)
5. And what kind of fun is the most? Smile will not get off his face
Those who are louder to exclaim everyone This is our 11 "A"! (chorus)
Phonogram A. Buynov "Let"
That has come the school year is our last. And today we are in a school.
All that we need to learn with you. After a year exams surrender.
Someone hides behind the stone wall, someone was late for the ruler.
And we hurry friends here for knowledge. And we sing today today
Let, again sadness comes to me, in the heart sorrow knocks, let him
I smile to all adversity, and sang again:
"On! Nara-Na-na-na-on-on, Nara-Na-na-na-on-on,
Nara-Na-na-na-on-on, Nara-Na-na-on-on-on "...
Someone will say that we are all lazy, we often be sad in lessons,
What we can still show you, we will give good exams.
Someone will say, it will be very difficult for us, and the future is predicted to us ...
But we are sure everyone will succeed, and we only sing one thing ...

1 Each day in school adds new knowledge, every day the great discoveries are waiting for us, new hopes and ideas are born.

2. And all this happens because they lead us to the country of knowledge the most kind and fair, the most knowledgeable and creative teachers.

3. And today, in this solemn and joyful day, we address them the words of congratulations.

4. Native our teachers! You congratulate you from the soul,

You opened us the roads to the famous and big.

5. You wise, kind, brave, patient and modest.

Just this schoolboy each - you always need everyone!

6. Happy new year to you by educational, with the first of September!

Know that your work is diligently not in vain!

7. And, of course, always next to us are the most expensive and relatives - our parents.

8. My parents send a word congratulations.

Happy holiday you, with the first day of tracing!

I know for the school year

Together we all overpower adversity.

9. Dear first graders! We appeal to you!

We are on the finish, and you are still at the start, and before you fabulous flight.
Without doubt, and confidently take off, there is a teacher, which will correct and understand.
10 . Believe him, he won't say bad. Errors will correct, teach everything.
The road to success will correctly indicate, you just trust, relatives, to him.

11. Friends with each other, dream together,
And be prepared for those who are weak.
And in difficult times of friends do not throw, learn from childhood heroes to be.
12. Dear kids! We want to give you memorable gifts. Let them remind you of this unique day, about the first call, about meeting with the teacher, and those who gave them to you.

11-graders handed first graders presents

Leading: Dear graduates! From their parents you got the greatest and invaluable gift - life. They fought and grown you, do not spare forces, nor love. And today they are overwhelmed by feelings of joy and pride for you!

The word for congratulations and accommodations is provided to parents 11 "a" class ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Speech by parents

Melody sounds, machine output

Masha (sings): So we became for the year older - 2 times. A very good-good day ... also came to learn? (refers to children). So so, and where will I sit? I have no parties. M-and-sheet, M-and-scaling!

Melody sounds, bear outlet, takes out the desk

Masha: Put! (considers the desk). Wow! So-so! And what should I write? Bear! Bear!

Bear brings a handle

Masha: Now, now another thing! So, Bear, I'm ready, let's learn! And then the change will be, ne-re-i-on! (runs around the desk, sits down). Well, when, when the bell is squeezed! I so want to learn!

Leading: So, stopped! Indeed, to start a lesson, you need to get the call! Dear friends! The most important point comes, the honorable right to file the first call in this academic year is provided _____________________________________________________________________

Children rise to the scene, Bear makes a bell

Leading: Let the first ring the call for Masha, Oli, Lena ...

Let us invite us to school all, in the native walls.

Children call in the bell, then pass his bear.

Leading: Well, friends, time does not wait - I will soon go for study, full forward!

It's time, guys, open the whole world as a new notebook.

The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is declared closed!
The right to be the first to enter your favorite school is provided to students of 1 and 11th grades led by their class teachers.

Happy All academic year!

Scenario of the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Author: Troschenkova Olga Nikolaevna.
Place of work: MBOU Kryzhinskaya Oosh Bryansk region Zhukovsky district

Purpose: Creating a positive, festive attitude of students before the new school year.
LEADING: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!
Good - not only because of clear weather, and above all because of the good that it carries us. After all, today - the day of the beginning of study, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge, who are ready to open up the teacher.
Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and those who lived as many interesting and useful years in our school. Good to all guests and participants of our holiday!
LEADING: Like Delician, kids!
Both girls and boys!
We now consider you.
And we all learn about you.
Primary classes guys are you here? (Here!)
LEADING: Six hundred students, are you here? (Here!)
Semisclasses, are you with us? (With you!)
So we will be friends!
And the eighth, what did you get sick?
Did you pay off from studying?
This, brothers, not trouble!
Do we want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)
Class 9 not easy
He is almost prom.
Well, give us the answer:
There will be a lot of two? (Not!)

Lead 2. Summer flew over the path, the distance was twisted with the songs of the link.
And tonight in the invisible autumn quietly in my city entered.
And around suddenly everything was transformed, everything got dressed in a festive outfit,
Leaves from birchings in gilding, Usinok flames burn

Lead 1. And today we have a holiday again -
Training school year began.
And in a hurry in the morning today
The most important of our villages.

Leading 2.. School ruler dedicated Day Knowledge, declare open!
Sounds anthem of Russia
Sounds Anthem Bryansk region

LEADING: The situation is not Nova
And understandable completely
If I took the director,
All in full silence.

Lead 1:The word for congratulations is provided to the school director.

1owed: We are glad to be friends,
And on the holiday - guests!
With the words of congratulations to you __________________________________ Specialist of the Committee on Education

2 Ved.: And the third party is parents
And with a wave of you look
As if they saw for the first time
Having matured their guys.
Word you, dear parents! (Congratulations from parents)

(Suddenly, music from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear" sounds. From the rows of first-graders, Masha is pierced with bags and portfolios.

Masha. Wheel! Persay! Let us get crash in the end!
Dunno comes to leading, puts portfolios and bags on asphalt, wipes forehead with a sleeve
Masha(referring to the lead). I am not late? Hello! Three days was going to be at all. Now full order! Now, so to speak, armed up to the teeth, and you think, easy? Knowledge, they are how much weigh! But I firmly decided to become smart.
Misha appears from the rows of students

Misha Mash! Here you are where ... (translates the spirit.) I barely caught up! (Addresses to the audience.) Sredny! And sorry that I interfere, I understand, today is such a big holiday ...
Masha Very big! Just huge! I go to school! (Puts all the portfolios on the asphalt again.)
Misha. Yah?
Masha.For sure! See how many collected? (Shows portfolios and bags.)
MishaWhat collected?
Masha Well, things are different ... for study. And books ... You know that I found at home - I brought everything!
Misha Everything?
Masha. Everything!
Misha Well, why do you need a book "for those who knit"?
MashaKnits what?
Misha. Well, things are all sorts - socks, mittens, blouses ...
Masha A-ah! You are welcome! I think that knitting today we will not pass.
gives a book. Misha looks into the portfolio and pulls out an iron from there.
Misha And why do you need?
MashaIt's just an iron! It is necessary to go to school neatly dressed. So I grabbed the iron. And also, if you hurt with whom you can attach the bruise. Like this.
shows. Misha opens the next bag and pulls a broom from there.
Misha. Well, this is why?
Masha And this came to me, I advised me, said that if they were squeezed out of school, then at least my broom will be lost - it will not be so hurt!
Misha Yes, the good sense of humor has a good friend. But all this you do not need!
Masha really all do not need?
Misha And you ask the guys! Today, first-graders also gathered to school. They will tell you that you need to take to school with him.
Lead 1.. Dear guys - first-graders! FROM today's day You make the first steps to become whom you dreamed of - teachers, builders, lawyers, doctors! There are many roads in life, but they all start with the school desk and from the honorary title of the student!
Speech of first graders
Congratulations of the first teacher, parents
Lead 1.And now the guys your senior comrades read you
1. Meet you school,
How and we met us
And I will be your native threshold.
You are also aware of
That the threshold began
All knowledge and vital roads.

2. The desired hour came,
You are enrolled in grade 1,
You're toddler listen to us
We will give you an order.

3. Tell everyone about school
Honor school values.

4. content things in order
Books, recipes, notebooks.

5 Neat, polite be,
Do not forget about culture.

6. You need to know for you perfectly:
It's not decent to fight school
7. Laskov Be always polite -
More like good songs.

8. To be always healthy.
Eating porridge, kefir and pilaf.

9. Chmit teachers like mom
And absorb the program.

10. School rate is not so complicated
Contact us we will help.

11. If you do the order -
In the second prepare class.

MishaWell, I understood now that you need a real schoolchild?
Masha. I understood! It turns out, in vain I lost three days, going ...
Misha But now I am smarter! On errors, too, learn. And let's congratulate the guys with the holiday.
MashaBut as?
Misha. Verse! But congratulations not only first-graders, but also all schoolchildren and teachers.
Masha Again outside the windows September
And school as big ship,
Ready in swimming go -
Again the year training begins!
Misha. Wins, opening wonderful,
The events of bright, fascinating
Purchase of knowledge conquer
And on the "excellent" course to keep!

Lead 2. Thank you for these congratulations! Well, we continue our holiday.
Lead 2. First-graders today crossed the school threshold, which will be home for them for the first time, and for others, for 9-graders, this year will be the last year of study in it. The word is provided with grade 9.
Summer holidays flew
Ruthlessly leaving us.
On the sidewalk of the autumn,
We step in the last class.

On the beloved school courtyard
We are standing as Walking,
And the call rang - I did not save me.
soon school life Welcome
and seriously on school stairs
On the first day of September, step in the class.

As we recently were careless,
Not guessing what will happen so!
our school days Not eternal
How do we return them back
Smiling to his classmates,
Will not forget your first call
Let both fun first graders
Childhood we do not return back.

Vedas 1..
Now you are called "high school students"
And with respect, look at you.
Now you tell "nine-graders",
You have more responsibility than nine times.
For junior you example Become,
Assistants for teachers.
With hope, faith and love
Learn more fun!
Veda 2.As a soldier, there is no oath, and there is no high school student without an oath.

We are ninety-graders of the Kryzhskaya Oosh, entering the ranks of high school students, in the face of those present to the Kly!
Klya mock and multiply worthy school traditions!
Becoming for the lessons, call friends - suddenly they have already done everything!
Even with the internet, we will keep your own opinion.
KLAY !!!
Do not joke with teachers! Both teachers and the results of jokes can be unpredictable.
KLAY !!!
Bringing the furniture and equipment entrusted to us, remember that all this will still serve our children!
Do not make teachers on your shoulders, beating in the dining room.
KLAY !!!
If you swim on the exam, then swim proudly, do not strengthen the flow of tears streams!
And if we forget what we were when they came to the ninth grade, let the harsh car bend us!
KLAY !!!
KLAY !!!
KLAY !!!

From the face of graduates, we would like to make you a gift. Last year, they began to nibble a piece of granite. They gnaw him, gnawed, and what remains - to exhaust you (make a piece). In addition, we hand you see the diplomas of high school students and wish that all you have thought come true!

Lead 1. Friends, again a holiday in the school yard!
Let the first call be silent in September!
Friends, again a holiday, we have a knowledge day!
Zarn, call, in good way, in good time!

Lead 2. The right to give the first call is given a class student 9_______________________________ and student 1___ class ____________________________!
Lead 1...The sulling line dedicated to the "Holiday Knowledge" is declared closed!

Lead 2. The right to make a circle of honor and first to enter the school is provided to our first-graders.

Lead 1.. Just everyone in the new academic year!


Perhaps it will be useful to read: