Organization Leadership Presentation. Presentation on social studies "the leader and his qualities" Download presentation on the topic leader

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What is a leader? LEADER (English Teacheg - leader, leader) - the most authoritative member of the group A leader is considered the person who has the greatest authority and recognition in his group, who is able to lead other people. The leader is not appointed, he is nominated himself due to his personal qualities. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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E. Bogardus At the beginning of the 20th century, the American sociologist E. Bogardus listed dozens of qualities that a leader should have - a sense of humor, tact, the ability to foresee, the ability to attract attention, the ability to please people, the willingness to take responsibility, etc. He believed that qualities such as intelligence, energy, character are the first to make a person a leader. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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R. Stogdill in 1948, summarizing the data of many studies, has already named 124 leadership traits. He tried to prove that a leader should be more intelligent than the people around him. However, he was objected: they say, in business, superior intelligence is not at all an obligatory factor of success. Other traits, such as purposefulness, play a significant role. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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According to the English writer S. Northcote Parkinson, there are six basic elements of leadership that can be acquired or developed through study and practice. imagination knowledge determination rigidity attraction talent Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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Leadership Styles Leadership styles are a set of techniques and methods of solving management problems characteristic of a leader, that is, it is a system of constantly applied leadership methods. Authoritarian, democratic and liberal. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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Leadership test in Russian folk tales(Test author: Anastasia Vikhotskaya) 1. You were born as a three-headed Serpent Gorynych. Probably better: a) Turn out to be an average head. At least some kind of individuality! b) My hut is on the edge, I do not know anything ... That is, it makes no difference to be left or right. The main thing is not to be deprived during lunch. c) Right head - she's always right! By definition. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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2. Under the compulsion of your father and in view of your own awkwardness, you shot towards the swamp and found a frog princess as your bride. Well. a) Everything is in our hands! And plastic surgeons. b) Father knows better. He has already married once. If he tells me, I'll marry a frog. c) Love works wonders! You look, and the frog will bloom like a scarlet flower ... Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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3. You were sent there - I don't know where. And they told me to bring that - I don't know what. You: a) No, orders, of course, must be followed. But the goals must be clearly defined and the direction set correctly! b) The bosses know better. Once sent, we must go. We'll figure it out on the way. c) Maybe you should change your job? Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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4. Having, on occasion, the feather of the Firebird, you: a) Sell more expensive! b) I will use it as a lighting device in the hut. c) The thing, of course, is beautiful. But impractical. I will leave it as a keepsake for posterity. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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5. Having met a hut on chicken legs in a dense forest, you: a) I will boldly command: - Stand at attention! Alignment in the middle! b) I'd better go around, out of harm's way ... c) I will sketch out a sketch of such an original architectural structure. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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6. Having received the running boots for temporary use, you: a) I will save such a valuable thing. Wouldn't stop. b) I'll hand them over to the royal treasury and get a bonus! c) I use the great opportunity to travel for free to overseas countries! .. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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7. Having a wide choice Vehicle, You: a) I'll take a flying carpet. Persian is desirable. Both prestigious and fast! b) The self-propelled oven is somehow more reliable. And it warms the sides ... c) Running boots are so similar to ordinary ones. Modestly and tastefully. Next question 8 is male, and 9 is female. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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8. Having met Vasilisa the Wise on the path of life, you: a) I will seriously think about marriage. And about the marriage contract. b) Is Vasilisa the Beautiful, by any chance, your sister? No, you say ... Well, I'm sorry. c) I'm getting married! And there - come what may ... Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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9. The Tsar-Father insists on marriage. And he offers a choice of two candidates: Ivan Tsarevich and the Knight Ruslan. Sighing furtively, you: a) I will choose the prince. And inheritance, and genetics, and the title ... Three in one. A win-win. b) One is rich, the other is handsome ... c) I only love Alyoshenka, the son of a fisherman! I will run away from the royal chorus with him. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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10. After much deliberation at the crossroads, you: a) Still, I will go straight. I'm late, as luck would have it. Perhaps we will break through. b) Somewhere in my pocket a penny was lying around ... Heads, tails, of course. And it can become an edge. Well, fate - smile! c) I will turn, perhaps, back. You can find other ways too. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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11. Having discovered that your hen has begun to lay golden eggs, you: a) I will put this case on stream. Jewelry poultry farm - our scope! b) Well, now you don't have to work at all! Lie on the stove and eat stuffed pikes! c) I will kiss her on the beak. Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

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Leadership from the English. leader - leading] - the relationship of dominance and subordination, influence and following in the system of interpersonal relations in the group. In the course of the study of leadership, various leadership styles have been identified, and a number of theories of the origin of leadership have been developed. The latter can be conditionally subdivided into four main directions.

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Leadership problems are studied by various sciences. Psychology and psychiatry investigate the personality traits of a leader. Sociology examines L. from the point of view social system... Social psychology studies L. as a process of interaction between social and psychological factors, explores its mechanisms, develops methods of selection, training and promotion to leadership positions, depending on the nature of the group and organization.

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FUNCTIONS OF A LEADER Organizing a group to achieve common goals, common tasks, joint activities; Development and maintenance of group norms, rules of behavior, models, standards through condemnation, praise, ridicule;

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External representation function; Taking responsibility for the group. There is acceptance of responsibility for overall results, and the highest function is acceptance of responsibility for negative results; Psychotherapeutic maintenance of a favorable climate in the group. These are functions for creating psychological comfort for group members.

Who is a leader? LEADER (English leader - leader, leader) - the most authoritative member of the group Leader A leader is considered the person who has the greatest authority and recognition in his group, able to lead other people. The leader is not appointed, he is nominated himself due to his personal qualities. Leader

American sociologist Emory Stephen Bogardus at the beginning of the 20th century listed the qualities that a leader should have: a sense of humor, tact, ability to foresee, the ability to attract attention, the ability to please people, the willingness to take responsibility, etc. He believed that qualities such as intelligence, energy, character are the first to make a person a leader. His compatriot R. Stogdill of many studies, called trying to prove that a leader is more intelligent than those around him in 1948, summarizing the data already 124 leadership traits. He must have great people of his.

The list of traits necessary for a leader was constantly expanding, but the correct explanation for this phenomenon was found. Some people still think that leadership is a quality that is either from birth, or not at all. But this is not so, because the art of being a leader can be learned. Of course, learning the secrets of mastery does not mean that we will become leaders like Napoleon, Caesar ... Having studied them, we will learn how to act effectively and make the right decisions.

Imagination If you need to create, build, move or organize something, a person must clearly imagine what will happen in the end. This requires the ability to imagine the non-existent. This idea, a mental picture, consists of real things, somewhere we have seen, but changed and adapted in a new way.

Talent It is necessary to accurately distinguish between talent and ability. Capable person- is someone who relatively easily does what others find difficult. It could be playing the cello, horseback riding, or soccer. But in order to rise above ability, organizing the work of others, be it conducting an orchestra, commanding troops in battle, you need talent. A talented person keeps the situation under control.

Determination This is more than just a strong desire to succeed. Determination has three components. First, the leader knows that the assigned task is within human limits. Second, he believes that whatever needs to be done will be done. Third, he must convey his conviction to others. His calm confidence will give strength to the rest of the team.

Rigidity Probably, few are ready to accept it today, but experience shows that you can achieve success only if you are ruthless to ill-wishers, idlers and lazy people. There are leaders who are both loved and respected, but that does not mean, but that does not mean that they have never been tough.

Attraction The leader should be the magnet, the central figure to which everyone else is drawn. The more often you are in sight, the greater the force of attraction. Of course in large company being in the public eye is quite difficult, but there they constantly talk about the leader in his absence. He must become a legend, a hero of stories, real or fictional. He does not surround himself with admirers, seeking fame and attention, because the leader already has them. He does not need to demonstrate his worth. It is obvious.

1. Leadership and authority

Leadership is the ability to influence individuals and
groups of people to encourage them to work to achieve
goals. There are many means by which
you can influence others and lead people to
The leader is the person who guides and
coordinating the activities of performers who in
without fail must obey him and within the framework,
certain powers, to carry out all of it
requirements. The leader himself can take on
functions of the performer only in order to understand
the specifics of the problem.
Leader can successfully manage performers
only if they submit to his authority.


ability and ability to exercise their
will, to have a decisive influence on
behavior of other people with the help of any
relations between social units when
behavior of one or more units
(the responsible unit depends on some
circumstances from the behavior of other units
(controlling units),
potential ability that has
group or individual to influence
to another,
ability of one individual or group
exercise your will through fear, or
denying the usual rewards, or
form of punishment and despite the inevitable

Basis for the classification of power

coercion (power of force, violence),
resource ownership
legitimacy (official power,
enshrined in laws, regulations and
expert knowledge (expert authority),
charisma (reference power).

Properties of power
Social character
manifests itself in the fact that power is not personal
property or attribute of some person, but there is only
how is the relationship between people
is expressed in unevenness, asymmetry of influence and
orientation from the head to the subordinate
assumes that power in the organization is built on the basis of goals
organization, its management and personnel
Potential character
influence of power resources
means that submission occurs without the use of means
impact, but with the threat or expectation of their use
Belief of subordinates in
leadership ability
influence them
without this faith, the leader, even if there is
impact, will not be able to achieve sustainable subordination
Possibility of resistance
or insubordination
arises from the limited power in the organization
The causal nature of power
expressed in the fact that the power of one person is the cause
behavior of another person, which, in turn, is
consequence of the imperious influence of the first
Partial, limited
imperious determination
employee behavior
means that power does not extend to privacy and
freedom of staff, and employees always have the opportunity
quit the organization if they are not satisfied with the authorities

The basic law of the balance of power

The scale of manageability is
quantity determining quantity
people, works or departments,
united by a single leadership.
For top management, the number
direct reports of one
the leader should be selected by
"To the law 7 plus or minus 2", that is, not less than 5
and no more than 9 people (on average 7).

The organization
can have
narrow and


It is “a process of social influence in which
the leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates
in activities to achieve organizational
goals ".
Or “the process of influencing a group
activity aimed at achieving
goals ".

Various definitions.

Yu.V. Kuznetsov and V.I. Podlesnykh:
- the ability to influence people to encourage them to work for
achievements of goals.
V.R. Vesnin:
- the mechanism of the individual's influence on group activity in
conditions of conscious acceptance and support of his actions with
side of the group.
O. Vikhansky and A. Naumov:
- type of management impact based on the most
an effective combination of sources of power and
aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals.

Differences between a manager and a leader (according to O. Vikhansky and A. Naumov)

1 the innovator
2. Inspires, encourages
3. Follows instructions from others
on the
basis of purpose
on the
on visions
5) people-oriented
7.Supports movement
7.Gives impetus to movement
8.Makes decisions
8. Implements solutions
9.Does it right
9.Does what needs to be done
10 is respected
10 uses love

Leadership and leadership

Effective managers drive excellence
in the current setting
Create a sense of contentment
Implement reorganization programs
Foster loyalty, prepare workers for
today's trials
Putting things on the right track
Interested in performance
Maintain normal order
Focus on systems
Rely on control
Organize and recruit staff
Emphasize the importance of tactics, structure, systems
See the short term
Asking the questions "how?" and when?"
Accept the status quo
Focused on the present
Summing up
Develop in detail the order, phasing
actions and timing
Strive for predictability and order
Avoid risks
Encourage staff to comply with accepted
They use formal, due to the official
position influence (superior to subordinate)
Demand submission from others
They act within the framework of the rules adopted in the organization,
regulations, rules, regulations, strategies,
They have a specific position.
Effective leaders differ in their ability
create a new environment in the organization
Create a feeling of dissatisfaction
Determine the direction of change
Foster passionate dedication and desire
make the most of the opportunities,
resulting from change
Do the right thing
Interested in efficiency
Develop the organization
Focus on people and structure
Rely on trust
Unite people working on a common
Emphasize the importance of philosophy,
fundamental values, common goals
See the long term
Asking the questions "what?" And How?"
Challenge the status quo
Focused on the future
Looking ahead, beyond the horizon
Develop concepts and strategies for their
Strive for change
Take risks
Inspire people to make a difference
Use personal influence
Encourage others to follow you
Operate outside the boundaries of the organization
strategies, procedures
Take the lead

Leadership and Leadership: An American Approach.

G. Ford: Leaders are specially selected productive
workers who, after 5-10 ordinary workers, are put on
conveyor to maintain an ultra-high pace of work.
F. Fiedler: a leader is “an individual in a group before whom
task to lead and coordinate group activities or
one who, in the absence of an appointed leader, bears the main
responsibility for the performance of his work.
R. Stogdill - the process of influencing group activity,
which is aimed at achieving goals.
is the ability to make people do what they do not want, not
while causing hatred to yourself,
nor the work they do.


this is a habitual demeanor
leader in relation to
subordinates to render to them
influence and encourage them to achieve
goals of the organization.

Leadership theories (approaches to the classification of leadership styles)

Kurt Lewin's classification
Situational leadership theories
Modern approaches to leadership.

Research by Kurt Lewin

Behavior is habitual demeanor
behavior of the leader in relation to
subordinates to influence them
and encourage them to achieve their goals.
1. Authoritarian
2. Democratic
3. Liberal

D. McGregor, Theory X - The Autocratic Leader's Idea of ​​Workers

1.People initially do not like to work and when
any opportunity is avoided work.
2. People have no ambition, and they try
get rid of responsibility, preferring
to be led.
3. Most of all, people want security.
4. To get people to work, it is necessary
use coercion, control and threat

D. McGregor, Theory Y - The Democratic Leader's Worker View

Labor is natural for a person. If the conditions
favorable, people will not only accept
responsibility, but also will strive for it.
If people are committed to organizational goals,
they will use self-government and control.
Involvement is a function of reward,
associated with the achievement of the goal.
Ability for creative problem solving
occurs often, and the intellectual potential
the average person is only partially used.

Authoritarian style,

considered universal. He
is based on giving back to subordinates in
order form of orders without
any explanation of their connection with the general
goals and objectives of the activity

Character traits:

centralization of all power in the hands of the leader and
making them sole decisions that
subsequently imposed on performers;
distancing him from subordinates and dominating
official relations between them;
return to executors in an order
orders without explaining their connection with general
the goals and objectives of the organization;
extensive use of administration,

Democratic style

A true democratic leader tries
make the duties of subordinates more
attractive, avoids imposing his will on them,
involves in decision making, provides freedom
formulate your own goals based on goals
Principle-dominated organizations
democratic leadership characterized by
a high degree of decentralization of powers,
active participation of employees in decision-making,
the creation of such conditions under which the fulfillment
official duties are for them
attractive, and success rewards.

Liberal style

Its essence is that the leader puts
before the performers a problem, creates
necessary organizational conditions
for their work, defines its rules,
sets the boundaries of the solution, and he departs
into the background, leaving behind
functions of a consultant, arbitrator,
an expert evaluating the received

Behavioral Leadership Styles (Ohio State University School)

on the result
interpersonal relationships
The leader is focused on
the expectations of the group members rather than
on assignment.
The leader provides
fulfillment of goals and takes
active participation in the destinies of members
The leader distances himself from the group
and is removed from
responsibility for the result.
The leader is focused on
completing the task,
ignores personal
expectations of group members.

The influence of the leadership style on the group

Task orientation leads to group
Relationship orientation leads to
satisfaction of subordinates.

University of Michigan Research

Signs of Leadership Effectiveness
Productivity per man-hour
Membership satisfaction
Staff turnover, absenteeism and complaint rates
Losses from marriage
Motivating employees and managers

Leadership styles

Leadership styles
Leader focused on
Leader focused on

Situational leadership theories

Robert Blake and Joan Mowton's managerial grid;
Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Behavior Scale;
F. Fiedler's Theory of Effective Leadership;
Mitchell and House's path-to-target model;
The Leadership Model of Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard;
Vroom-Jetton-Yago decision-making theory.

Management Lattice R. Blake and D. Moughton

Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Scale

The bottom line is that the leader
adopts that style
behavior that is adequate to his
views on their role in the process and on
emerging situation.

The leader chooses one of seven possible
patterns of behavior depending on their views on
sources of power, relationships with followers and
"Democrat", for example, believes that power is given to him
followers whom he leads that people are prone to
self-government subject to correct
"Autocrat" believes that power is given by his position
in the group (organization) from above that people internally
lazy, selfish and dangerous to rely on. Between
these extremes, there are five more intermediate
styles of behavior. The choice of one of them is due to
a change in the situation and a change in relations with

1 - the leader gives the collective freedom to accept
decisions, but he himself only approves them
2 - the leader delegates to the groups the right to receive
decisions on certain issues
3 - puts forward problems, asks for suggestions and
makes decisions himself
4 - proposes solutions himself and considers them possible
change taking into account the opinion and initiative of the team
5 - puts forward ideas and invites you to discuss them,
makes decisions himself
6 - makes decisions himself and convinces
followers in the correctness of their decisions
7 - he makes decisions himself and brings them to

The Effective Leadership Model of Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard

The model is built on the conformity of a certain
leader's style of behavior readiness of subordinates
perform the task.
Leadership effectiveness is achieved through
the leader's flexibility in choosing a model of behavior and

Maturity of workers:
31 - able to work to an insignificant degree, willing
work rarely;
32 - able to work to some extent, sometimes willing
33 - able to work sufficiently, to work
desire often;
34 - able to work to a large extent, usually
willing to work.

Leadership styles that are effective in a specific situation

In accordance with recognized criteria (focusing on
task or relationship):
S1 Directive (telling) - directing, leading,
manager, indicating, setting the rules and regulations. Style
effective only with a low degree of readiness of subordinates, or
in the face of time pressure, or crisis.
S2 Selling - explaining, clarifying and
detailing, convincing. Style is effective at medium
the degree of readiness of subordinates.
S3 participating style - encouraging,
hopeful, cooperative, committed. Style is effective
at an average or approaching high degree of readiness
S4 Delegating style - observer, tracker,
performing. Style is effective with a high degree of readiness

F. Fiedler's model

Three situational variables:
the relationship between the leader and team members;
structure of the task or the degree of coordination of work;
official powers.
All rejecting
All host

Leader styles

Leader styles
focused on

Path-goal theory (T.R. Mitchell and R. House)

th on
Situational factors
faith in
tendency to obey
good job leads to
Organizational factors:
content and structure
formal system
group culture
efforts made
will result
for the results
will follow

Modern approaches to understanding leadership

Based on the assumption about
the presence of qualities of leaders,
encouraging staff to work better
his usual level.
"Excess activity".

Charismatic leadership concepts

Evolution of Charisma Concept (Lei Konger)
First stage
the leader assesses the situation, adapts and formulates
those representations that must be realized
Second phase
the leader coordinates his ideas with the followers,
using any means necessary
Stage Three
building trust and consistency; at this stage
the main ones are the unexpectedness of actions, risk and
Practical skills
a charismatic leader serves as a role model
and a "motivator" for others

Charismatic leadership is more effective in groups

with semi-structured tasks,
weak functional
division of labor,
lack of clear implementation strategies
organizational tasks.

Factor Analytical Leadership Theory

The individual qualities of a leader and characteristic of him
behavioral traits associated with the achievement of certain
goals can vary significantly.
As a result of the interaction of the individual qualities of a leader and
the tasks before him, the style of his behavior is developed,
constituting it "second nature".
Leader's style and goal orientation bear an imprint
certain social conditions.

Interactive leadership concept

This approach to the study of leadership is associated with
manifestations of the peculiarities of the female style
The purpose of this approach is to prove that the pursuit of
achieving organizational goals expands
the ability of staff to achieve personal

Transformative leadership concept

Transformative leadership involves internal
remuneration of employees.
Factors for describing transformative leaders (M. Bassa)
Personalization of attention
Conditional remuneration
Management in exceptional cases
Stimulating reflection

Service (conciliation) management concept

The goal of service management is to increase motivation
personnel to work and achieve the goals of the organization.
The core principle of service leadership is
Leaders of this type operate at two levels:
- serve to achieve the goals and needs of their
- implementation of the goals and objectives of the organization as a whole.
The service leader relies on employee rewards and
in exceptional cases - for management.

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Presentation slides

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Leadership in the organization

Prepared by: Fox Irina Denis Trofimov

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A leader is a person for whom all other members of the group recognize the right to make the most responsible decisions that affect their interests and determine the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group.

Key qualities for understanding leadership: - Perspective. - Persuasiveness. - Passion. They "infect" others with their enthusiasm. - Perseverance. - Patience.

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There are other classifications of leadership, depending on the type of leader. Types (roles) of a leader: 1. leader-organizer (performs the function of group integration); leader-initiator (dominates in solving new problems, puts forward ideas); 2. leader-generator of emotional mood (dominates in the formation of the mood of the group); 3. erudite leader (distinguished by the vastness of knowledge); the standard leader (is the center of emotional attraction, corresponds to the role of the "star", serves as a model, ideal); 4. leader-master, skilled worker (specialist in some kind of activity). In terms of content, there are: 1. Leaders-inspirers who develop and propose a program of behavior; 2. leaders-executors, organizers of the implementation of an already set program; 3. leaders who are both inspirers and organizers.

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Distinguish by style: Authoritarian. monopoly power. individually determines and formulates goals and ways to achieve them. communication between group members is kept to a minimum. the main weapon - "iron exactingness", the threat of punishment, a sense of fear .. the psychological climate in the group is characterized by a lack of goodwill and mutual respect between the leader and his followers. Democratic. such leaders initiate the maximum participation of everyone in the activities of the group, create an atmosphere of cooperation. information is not monopolized by the leader. The passive tries to evade responsibility, shifting it onto subordinates. The leader avoids conflicts with people and is removed from the analysis of conflict cases.

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Company's mission. We have a positive view on the prospects for the Russian stock market. The level of ambition of our Elemte team is high. Our plans are to take a leading position in the investment market together with our partners. We have chosen the right mission, which is expressed in the fact that our company, our team are professional financial consultants providing information and consulting support to private investors. We may seem too ambitious, but based on the latest results of our work, we are sure: Elemte is moving towards becoming a professional participant No. 1 of the stock market in Privolzhskoe federal district and in our republic. And our federal partners are helping us in this!

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Let's highlight the main qualities that Elem considers necessary for a leader: 1. a strong desire for responsibility and completion of the case; 2. energy and perseverance in achieving goals, riskiness and originality in solving problems; 3. initiative; 4. self-confidence; 5. the ability to influence the behavior of others, to structure social relationships; 6. desire to take on all the consequences of actions and decisions; 7. the ability to resist frustration and group breakdown. The “leaders” of this company are dominated by task orientation, they pay less attention to relationships.

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Let us single out a number of the following principles of effective team functioning, used in Elemme: 1. Identification of personal and group goals and interests by team members, mutual responsibility for the actions of each of them. At the same time, a synergistic effect arises, in which the physical and intellectual efforts of one Elemme employee are multiplied by the efforts of others, and a close-knit team is able to solve problems that are beyond the strength of an ordinary working group specialists. The division of labor in a team is carried out depending on the prevailing conditions of activity: in each problem situation, it is entrusted to perform work operations to the one who is able to do it in the best way. Having a team helps to simplify the linear-functional hierarchy and make the structure of the organization more dynamic. 2. The congruence of the structures of the team of the company "Elemte", in which the canonical organizational structure management coincides with the informal structure of business interpersonal relations. In practice, this principle is difficult to implement, so they try to ensure that the team leader is also its informal leader. Optimal size team, providing the rate of control. Traditionally, the norm of manageability is the presence of five to eight subordinates in a team - such an optimal number of team members ensures higher efficiency in decision-making and interaction than a team that is too small or too large in size.

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Leadership is not management. Management focuses on getting people to do the right thing, and leadership on getting people to do the right thing.

the leader mainly regulates interpersonal relations in the group, while the leader regulates the official relations of the group as some social organization; leadership can be stated in a microenvironment (which is a small group), leadership is an element of the macroenvironment, i.e. it is connected with the entire system public relations; leadership emerges spontaneously; the leader of a real social group is either appointed or elected, but one way or another this process is not spontaneous, but, on the contrary, purposeful, carried out under the control of elements of the social structure;

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the phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the nomination of a leader depends to a large extent on the mood of the group, while leadership is a more stable phenomenon; leadership of subordinates, in contrast to leadership, has a much more definite system of sanctions, which are not in the hands of the leader; the decision-making process by the leader (and in general in the leadership system) is more complex and mediated by many circumstances and considerations, not necessarily related to the interests of this group, while the leader makes decisions regarding group activities; the leader's sphere of activity is mainly a small group, where he is a leader, the leader's sphere of activity is wider, since he "represents" small group in a wider social system.

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The external and internal conditions of leadership are gradually changing, determining new needs for the appropriate leadership qualities. Factors in the evolution of the qualities of a leader can be considered: change in external conditions; the emergence of new problems; internal changes in the organization; changes in individual and group expectations and interests in the organization; changing the expectations and interests of the leader himself.

  • The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, as well as choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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