Scenario on Masquerade Ball for high school students. Scenario Ball Masquerade for the New Year. Baba Yaga

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario New Year's holiday For 9, 10, 11 classes.

Scenario of New Year's score, carnival for high school students

Preparation plan.

In the center of the hall, install the New Year tree.

Light the candles and turn on the low music to create an appropriate atmosphere.

Location gym balloons, garlands, "rain", posters.

Prepare comic drawings reflecting the main school events of the outgoing year.

Take care of small but pleasant surprises to each New Year's Bala.

On the balls, it is customary in advance to announce the program: the sequence of dances, as well as other entertainment.

They are announced by the Bala manager. The program can be framed in the form of posters raised in different places hall. In addition, each of the invited receives an invitation card on which the overall order of the ball is written.

Music sounds. The lead comes on the scene.

Leading(He is the head of the ball). We invite you to the ball! To the real New Year's carnival!

(Song "Carnival" sounds, music to words can be selected anyone. In advance, the in advance of a few people who prepared several people sing.)

Hurry up on the carnival!

Masks will hide our faces

Costume ball

Night-Queen will give us!

Knight, Fairy and Pirate ...

Feathers, silk, colored beads.

Choose yourself outfit!

Choose anyone to taste!


Carnival! Carnival! - Recklessness Equipment!

Carnival! Carnival! - Many noise and fun!

Have fun until late night! From late morning to morning!

Every happiness in life wants and, of course,


Carnival will cheer

In the whirlwind of music is cool,

Here is a fearless captain

With the duke cheerful friends!

Rain rains from confetti,

Jokes, laughter and clownades ...

Better not to find a place

And do not look for it!


Ringing guitar, glitter eyes,

In the dance are twirled with you,

In the sea of \u200b\u200bpaints and lights

Plunge with your head.

Stars are circling rounds,

There is a crystal ringing,

Magic will occur

This night carnival.



New Year's ball open for you.

First dance - Slow Waltz!

(Waltz sounds, the presenter shows dance movements, everyone is dancing.)

Leading. Well, the beginning is put. Next dance - Polonaise!

(Everyone dance polonais. If the Bala's guests can truly dance, then the dance part of the ball can include Mazurka, Polka, Kadril, Gallop, etc.)

Leading. Dear guests! I hope none of you on this evening will refuse to me in a completely innocent request - let's play! And let's start with the fact that we organize two teams. One of them is ladies, the other is Cavalers.

(Under the music of Bala participants are divided into two teams.)

Leading. Attention! Competition! It is known that in all centuries, men devoted poems with their beloved. Let Cavalers try to compose at least a few rows, preferably rhymed, in honor of their beautiful ladies.

(Players compete in the poetic competition.)

Leading. Friends! And now I want to offer you some fun dance competitions!

Contests on the New Year's Ball

"Dancing on ice"

Each couple dancing on the expanded newspaper. From time to time, the presenter gives a signal to which the contestants must fold the newspaper twice. Then the dance continues.

If any of the partners come down from the newspaper, the couple drops out of the competition. The last steam remaining in the game is defeated.

"Dancing for the disposal"

In the center of the free platform, allotted for dancing, in a circle, backs to each other, put a large number of chairs.

The game participants should be one more than chairs. For example, if there are 11 people in the competition, 11 people participate in the competition.

Dance melody sounds, and all participants in the competition begin to dance. Music is unexpectedly breaking. Dancers are in a hurry to take free chairs, but it does not manage to everyone. And this is natural, because chairs per unit less than the number of dancers. A participant of the game remaining without a place leaves out of the struggle. Then one chair is cleaned, and the game continues ...

In the end, the moment comes when only one person remains on the site. He is the winner of the game, he is awarded a prize.

Leading. What a New Year's Ball without a lottery! So we have prepared for you, ladies and gentlemen, comic and, most importantly, is a win-win lottery!

(It is necessary to think over and cook prizes for all guests. Each prize has a number. The numbers are written on a sheet of paper, which is then folded with the tube and fold into the lottery drum. All guests take turns get "lottery tickets." The leading presents gifts, whose numbers correspond to A specific ticket number.)

No. 1 - By ticket, the Georgian tea fell to you. (Pack tea.)

№ 2 - so that the face and hands were clean,

Get a piece of scented soap. (Soap.)

The tasks of the organizing committee include:

  • definition of the form, order and timing of the event;
  • organization of the creative group on the preparation of the event scenario;
  • organization of general views artistic amateur students;
  • timely informing students, teachers and employees about the timing and venue of the event;
  • registration of reporting documentation after the event;
  • encouraging the creative activity of students of gymnasium.

Waltz sounds and words against the background of the music "Christmas ball" from k / f

New Year's ball - what a miracle!
Let's hurry on the ball.
Sit in Sani and I wonder
On a funny carnival.
Getting closer than a mig welcome meeting,
Our magic hall shines,
Beautiful hall and candles, candles:
We start the New Year's Ball!

Enters the lead.

Leading 1:

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!
Let me welcome today
On the evening of all the New Year.
We wish you under New Year
Fun ringing like ice
Smiles bright like amber,
Health like frost in January.
Let this year happy star
Will enter the family friendly.
With the old year hastily
Let the adversity go all!

Lead 2:

Welcome, we waited for you
Still a little bit - and waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flash, candles are backed up -
You are waiting for the magical New Year evening!

B.1: On the noblen guests, shining, as in the sky stars! Applause we meet arrivals on the ball. His Majesty? Polonais!

Music "Polonaise" sounds, participants enter the hall

B.1: New Year is a holiday that promises a miracle. When he passes, we are waiting for new accomplishments, surprises, miracles: After all, only on New Year's Eve, the pumpkin can turn into a chic carriage, a nasty duckling - in a beautiful swan, the Nutcracker is in a charming prince, and Cinderella to a fabulous stranger: indeed, the new year Without surprises, not new year! Remember, as soon as the clock is trying twelve times - a miracle will happen!?

The coveted hour came,
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the violin sounds be blocked,
Let smiles be glowing!
Friends Dance, please, laugh!
Fill the hall!
We are waltz open the ball!

B.3: The grace and smoothness of the dance pair movements, dazzling shine and luxury costumes, fascinating the sounds of melodies, which for several centuries touches the strings of human souls - all these distinguishing features of the Waltz. Dance, which makes time stop your run and fully enjoy eternal art.

The first dance compartment: "Figure Waltz", sounds music "ISHTAR - THE GROVE OF EUCALYPTUS1.MP3"

Two dance participants come out of the circle and read lines:

Give me a smile in memory -
In the rhythm of the Waltz will be spinning the world.
I in your eyes glitter notice,
And already in my arms.
Dissolving, play patterns,
And enthusiastic eyes
Different eyes
Do not hear about the conversations -
Everyone looks at us in the hall.
Give me a smile in memory
In the rhythm of the Waltz, the world is spinning -
Dance is joying the hall fills
Nobody will forget this moment.
Restored the latest tacts,
Flew unnoticed bow
And the eyes are all shine - beautiful,
And you would still live this dream.

B.1: Happy New Year, friends, congratulations.

Let our carnival pleases you.

I want to be ringing, happy
Everywhere heard laughter of the defensive.
To girls were beautiful,
To young people were wise.

B.1: Pop number from Bala participants. Executed in french

Laura-Fabiani-Zhetem sounds ( .mp3

B.1: Our New Year's Ball is a holiday of summing up for the year, this year we managed to pass the final exams and make our truly adult choices, choosing a profile 10 class.

B.2: The organizer of the New Year's Bala wedrais Lyudmila Nikolaevna is invited to provide experiences and thanksgiving letters for special merit.

Words of gratitude, the presentation of the most active and diplomas about the passage of the dance course.

B.1: The dance of Para de Gras is announced. Russian paired ballroom dance with calm, elegant movements, for which the alternation of soft steps with squats and fixed poses (created in Russia at the end of the XIX century). And the "foreign" titles are explained by the fact that in the XIX century, French terminology in dance culture was as traditional and generally accepted as Latin in medicine and Italian in music.

Second dance compartment: "Pa-de Graz", music sounds

B.1: Two participants (boy and girl) are read (music. Myaal Tariverdieva, verses of Alexander Kochetkov) - Ballad about the smoked car (do not part with loved ones) from the movie "Irony of Fate or with Light Steam".

Ballad of a punched car

How hurts, honey, as strange,
Ringed in the ground, wearing branches, -
How hurts, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound
Swells clean tears,
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound -
Sweep the flame resin.
- While alive, I will be with you -
The soul and blood are nepolacomes -
While alive, I will be with you -
Love and death always together.
You will carry with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, Favorite, -
You will carry with you everywhere
Native land, cute house.
- But if I have nothing to hide
From pity insecite
But if I have nothing to hide
From the cold and darkness?
- The parting will be a meeting,
Do not forget me, loved,
For the breakdown there will be a meeting,
Return both - I and you.
- But if I have a lack of danger -
Short light of the beam day, -
But if I am noticeless
For the star belt, in the Milky Smoke?
- I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the paths of the earth
I will pray for you
So that you returned to be unharmed.

He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a punched car
He is a half-chip, hasty,

Suddenly bent a terrible roll,
When the composition is on a slippery slope
From the rail wheel tearned.
Inhuman force
In one davilena of all Calace,
Inhuman power
The earthly dropped from the ground.
And no one has not protected
In the distance promised meeting,
And no one has not protected
Hand calling away.

Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Greate all blood in them, -

And every time forever, say goodbye!
And every time forever, say goodbye!
When you go for a moment!

A. Kochetkov

B.2: Well, where are guests expensive, you are not bored on our ball? ...

B.1: What are you, Anton, we have so interesting here, all such good, polite and beautiful.

B.2: But after all, on the ball, and everywhere, it should be - every person must be polite, kind, honest, should behave with dignity.

B.1: Of course, and "beautiful" I said about our girls.

B.2: Well done, I think so too. And you know, although we have all the beauties today, according to the tradition of the ball, you need to choose the most beautiful, graceful, elegant Queen Bala. Also on our ball will take place the choice of the best dance pair of the exit 2012.

B.1: And today, throughout the ball, the competent jury will appreciate the couples, which included:

  • deputy Director
  • music teacher
  • representative of the parental community

B.2: And whatever the solution, we believe that today all-all girls are worthy of the title "Queen of Bala"!

Loona sounds - Hijo de la Luna (Vienna Waltz)

B.1: Well, a sufficient time passed, the jury summed up and I invite to the microphone of the deputy director for educational work.

Announcement and rewarding Queen Bala.

Koroli-Nochnoy-Verony-Padegras sounds

Today dancing is how not to be?
Dance more, not by normal
Today everyone should be
In excellent dance form.

B.2: Do you know the dance similar to the name of the European country?

B.1: Sambo?

B.1: Rumba?

Q.1: Cha C-cha?

B.2: Yes, there is no polka! Dancing polka!

All dance polka!

B.1: Declares the polka-triple game dance. Polka, truly, can be called an international dance. This cheerful and mischievous dance is dancing throughout Europe. And each nationality, mastering the Azas of Czech dance, introduced its national traits and flavor.

Fourth dance compartment: Troika-Polka. Music sounds - Irish Polka

Well, here is the end of our New Year's ball.
The clock is knocked out, leaves old year,
Enters his last page.
Let the best that was, will not leave
And the worst does not dare to return!
Let this year in which you enter
Happy Year Your life will enter.
And all the good, what you dream now,
Let it come true and let it happen.
We wish you under the New Year
Pleasant festive troubles
So that the tables were sitting,
So that they danced, sang songs.
To the New Year this feast
Brought health, happiness, peace!

The most timid and not bold
In the whole world, the dance is white,
But let today on the ball
No sadness in the corner.
Let the eyes shine brighter stars and lights,
Invite, girls, on dance guys.

Music Vienna Waltz - Whitney Houston.mp3

Well, here are friends, it's time to train
With the January wind flew to us.
And again we say "Goodbye"
With your good and great friends.

And at this hour a password
All expensive and sweet, you, friends
We say: "To the new date,
To new meetings. We wish you happiness! "

B.1: We thank you for this wonderful holiday and invite everyone to the Final Slow Dance Bala.

Out Vedas

1-y. Host: Good evening friends! Good evening!

Happy New Year!

2-y. Host: Happy New Year! These magic words raise the mood,

eyes light up with joyful fire. Persons glow a smile and we are from pure

hearts say: "Happy New Year"

Ved.1 Rubbed leaves The latter is removed from the wall calendar. Waiting for congratulations on the door of January long ago.

Veda1 Year was joined by a white bird day after day, after year. And the chimes there, in the capital, again trying 12 times.

Veda.2Pow the frost is more fun of playing, let him frost your cheeks happy new year you congratulate you all, with the year of joy, happiness, love!

Vedus.2: To be a cheerful carnival invite everyone to the ball.

Veda1-J.: Friends Dance, Sing, Laugh!

Fill the hall!

We are waltz open the ball! (Waltz sounds)

Out of B. Ya.

Baba Yag. (Runs out in the headphones, dancing, sits the song)

(Run to the music of a kimor. Dancing) Kikimor: Great, Yaga, I'm not late? Baba Yag.: And will you be late? The most first to the table is the belt. Kikimor: And I disciplined! Baba Yag.: Well, yes, well, yes, we know, what are you disciplined ... The first passed, the first killed, so that the dishes do not wash. (From behind the Kulis, the airplane flies). Baba Yag.: Wait, Emesese pod. Kikimor: Well, well, well, read, read, I am a passion like other people love letters!

(looks in the letter) Baba Yag.: Yes, as a letter, how letter, swamp you are illiterate. Ento Eseseska! From Leshego.

(reads) Si-Co-RA bu-do. Levy. Game buses! (Rubs hands, at this time another SMS) arrives

Ishsho alone! (Is reading)

Pea-du-small. Levy. Kimair. And what is the Ento he, eh? Will not come, or what? Baba Yag. And who is to know more than. Kikimor: Unstable some. (Again the SMS airplane arrives) Baba Yag. Well, ... well, ... (reads) "Pea-du-du-small again. Will." Ugh you, then I will, then I will be ... Lesha

Les: And I really played you? Kikimor: And I was already upset, I thought again with a yaga together to meet the new year .. Les: And I'm a tunic like a tunic! Now the threesome will be a holiday to fervent!

Baba Yaga. Why threesome?

As a lot of people in the hall,

The glorious holiday is here.

The vevigram was sent to us

What are we really waiting for us

Kimikora: We know the secret, how fun to live:

Les: Sing, dance, nothing to get rich!

Bab. Yag.. and LesheDance ("Chastushki)

Kimikora: New Year! New Year!

Behind the window - New Year!

With Christmas tree and gifts

New Year is coming.

Bab. Yag.! What are you in kindergarten Came new year to lead? You look at the public, you need to repeat somehow! This is not children! Look at the boots, 42-44 size, already a beard shave, heels 8-10 centimeters, and makeup - download!

Kimikora: Oh! Oh! Not children, so who? So we came to you?

Bab. Yag.: To school.

Kimikora: And who learns in schools? Well?

Bab. Yag. Pupils!

Kimikora Again, you are all clever, not children, not children! (in the hall)

Friends, I want to Santa Claus cheerful

Came to us with gifts

And Snow Maiden-Beauty

He brought to us for the holiday.

I want it true? (refers to the audience)

Bab. Yag.: Right, what new year without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?!

Leading. Hello, our fabulous friends!

And now let's call Santa Claus. Remember how we will do it? Top, clamp, laugh. So, started.

Father Frost enters

Santa Claus

D. Moroz: Good evening, good people!

I welcome everyone, friends!

I see, here I am very happy

And I see smiles.

I love who cheerful

I'm a grandfather Frost!

If someone's nose hung,

Let him raise her nose!

I wish you success

Happiness, joy and laughter!

Happy new year to you, friends! And where is my Snow Maiden? It's time to start the holiday, get gifts, and it is not yet.

Baba Yaga: I came my starry hour! (whisper)

Or maybe we will go?

(Baba Yaga with Santa Claus sing song dialogue)

Baba Yaga: I waited for you, so waited

You were the dream of my crystal.

I treat you, hijacking

So what is the crime?

Santa Claus: They don't dream of me, I'm too, too,

And we can not do anything.

After all, we do not love each other,

And between us, and between us is a white blizzard.

Baba Yaga: Well, why-U-uh?

Santa Claus: Because it is impossible, because it is impossible

Because it is impossible to be beautiful in the world.

Baba Yaga: Well, hell with you!

Santa Claus: Stop you mock! So it's hard for me!

Kikimor: U-U-U, some nervous! Well, nothing, nothing. (Seats him at the table)

You are our snowball, we are snowflakes (on the motive "my bunny)

You are our ice glad, and we are ice

You are our skis, and we stick.

You are our slide, and we are pits.

You are our Christmas tree, we are toys.

You are fitting, we crackers.

Your grief is ours too,

You do not be sad, we will help ... You are our frost!

Chorus: Listen to us, Santa Claus,

And do not hang a red nose

And do not hang, and do not hang a red nose!

You will find the Snow Maiden, happiness again you will find and bring a magic holiday to people!

Santa Claus: Where will I find her?

Baba Yaga and Kimo: Where where, in the beauty salon, of course.

Santa Claus. Then then you have to wait ... Let's spend musical competition « guess the melody».

Song number _____________________________________________

All sing and we sing ... Song Baba Yaga and Kimikors (on the melody of the song

"Girls are worth")Today is a holiday, the holiday of all

Today there will be dancing. And they will not invite us again, they say that we are terrible.

Girls stand, stand in the head of the handkerchief in the hands of the tricky, oh, what a pity that such girls,

Well, very well, completely without guys

In the forest, all the importance is full of terribly

And we remain alone

Such here are beautiful

D.M.And where is the Snow Maiden?

B I. Looks in the mirror, look, see grandpa

Snow Maiden: (to the music of the song "Wonderful neighbor)

Snow today is white-white,

From him around light,

Fur coat new one

In the winter fur coat it is warm for me.

Gather for a winter holiday:

There will be games, it will be laugh

There will be fairy tales, there will be dancing

Holiday joyful for everyone!

D.M. Wow, lean! Furious!

Well, I call the Snow Maid! We will have fun. (calls by phone).

Lead 1. « Carpet plane "! (2 heel) trouble, Grandfather Frost! Bed! In your snow kingdom, something happened to the Snow Maiden. And you must save it, and you can only fly to her on the carpet of the plane. And the carpet is the plane with us - the newspaper. After getting on it, you should fly as soon as possible to the edge of the scene, but at the same time, as little as possible to exist the newspaper. So started (_____________)

Snow Maiden:

I am grateful to you for your nobility, a young man. It's nice that there are beautiful impulses in your soul.

How many persons around acquaintances,

How many friends are here!

Good to me here like at home

Among the Christmas trees of gray!

My friends gathered all friends.

On New Year's winter hour.

For a whole year we have not met

I missed you without you.

Hello, grandfather! Hello, guests!

D.M.Hello, granddaughter, we were completely waited.

Song Tell me, Snow Maiden, where was it?

Tell me, sweet how are you?

I hurried to you, my grandfather Frost!

I brought a kind well done for the holiday.

Santa Claus we. came from a good fairy tale

Start games, dances

Become a dance.

Together meet the feast of the Christmas tree

The long-awaited new year


D.M..- And what should I dance? Kimikora- And at least I would have danced . (laughs) Santa Claus Frost gets up and begins to dance ... Who will help me old?

Dance "Magic Ribbon". (Under Lambad who more people are accommodated to the ribbon)

After the dance pause on the stage, Lesus and Kimikora appear.


So, I saw you flirted with the human young.


And what not? We are on the holiday!


This compromises us, do not you understand. And then look, Princess! I'll tell you, you will tell you your amurids on the side quickly pounds.

Kimikora (offended).

Well, speak. I will still dance with them.

They sing on the motive from the "Bremen Musicians".


Ah, Kimor, well, you are stupid!

How much are you gell!

Throw giggle - I'm not joking at all!


Bo-do de -haw what a ho-chu!


Moan moaning from you school our whole (Shows on the hall).

Throw you, Milk, your disgrace,

And I'm not a slaughter on you!


Bo-do de -haw what a ho-chu!


Here, goal, what do amurikov mean!

So that I have not seen in the woods of the troubons,

And I do not care for everyone!


I'm from les-sa U-BE-GU!

B. Ya.

(offended): And I already came up with the game. So, the deft and courageous invite you to participate! Competition "Kings of the dance floor"

Santa Claus: (Falling on the chair) I'm tired, Snow Maiden! Oh, tired! Where I was not today! (Unfolds a sheet of paper) on the southern pole was ... here was, in the North Pole.

Snowy. Rest, grandfather. We were pleased with unusual guests.

Ved.1: Cheerful Hall glitters Today, sparkling plenty of lights on a noisy holiday New Year's call is friendly guests

Veda. New Year - he is near, close, laughter and songs there and here. And Bengal's lights splashes will be burned, bloom!


DMAlready trembling new year

At our threshold!

Outside the snow window goes

And spinning strictly!


Kikimor: All dance yes song ... I invite you to my contest "Feed partner"

(Competition with an apple -4Hell.2 Parana. 2 girls.)

IN 1. With the upcoming New Year to you! Year of dog !

Changes the face of generations,

And everyone is its share.

Twelve animal creations

They consider us a joy being.

AT 2. We are ready to bite with faith,

Any living animal

So that we were earthly happiness

On the lunar calendar.

Symbol output of the year:

I fled to you here between galaxies and stars

And with his hope and faith brought

In the fact that life on Earth will be better and more painted!

What are the descendants of O.

In the fact that happiness will enter the ground in every house,

In the fact that the world and peace come together!

Let there always be a holiday, smiles and laughter!

Happy new year to you all! -2RAZ

D.M.Yes, you are handsome, young! How do you please us? What to surprise?

Dog: I have a magic chest. I suggest to start playing the game "Guess what it is?

Well, now my magic predictions on the new 2018 year.

D.M..: Happy New Year, friends, congratulations.

Let our carnival pleases you.

Snow.: I want to be ringing, happy

Everywhere heard laughter of the defensive.

To girls were beautiful,

To young people were wise.

D.M..: Have fun, friends,

We can not be sad on the Christmas tree.

Stand all closer.

Music, play more fun.


IN 1The stool holds a package with a prize. Around chair - participants of the competition. The host reads the poem "times, two, three!". Those who tried to grab the prize inadequately drop out of the competition. I'll tell you the story of a half dozen times. Only I will say the word "three" - the prize immediately take it! Once the pike we caught, it was rushed, and inside the fish, they were alone and not alone, but two. Dreams of a boy hardened to become an Olympic champion, look at the start not the fuck, and wait for the team once, two, seven. When you want to remember the poems, they are not a zubu until late at night, but about themselves to repeate them, the other, and better five! Recently, the train at the station I had to wait for three hours. But what are you a prize, friends, did not take when it was possible to take? number_______________________________________________________________________

Song DM Isnegurki

Lead 1. Created:


Snow Maiden: Grandfather, is it time to congratulate everyone? Santa Claus: Time, granddaughter, it's time! Happy New Year! Snow Maiden:The earth is circling, another round is another, and here, without delays, exactly on time, the new year comes! Leading

Try the watches twelve times, silent arrows circle. And this long-awaited hour will appear around Santa Claus:

Smiles of loved ones and friends, glasses will ring, and the Christmas tree with hundreds will decorate his outfit!

Baba Yaga. With a second of January first, under the snow round dance, the new giving hopes, will break the new year!

Snow Maiden

We want to wish you good luck in everything,

To the fairy tale you believed at night and day,

And so that all your family has fun,

So that friends came to you in the New Year.

Gifts are more, happy laughter,

In all endeavors - only success!


Now, when twelve beats,

New Year comes to us

With good greetings

With nice mood.

Away, adversity and misfortune!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Les: Health, joy and happiness

We wish you in the New Year!


So that not anxiety, do not mis

Did not silent at the gate.

So that the sun is affectionately shone,

All the heart is waiting for,

And just that it was gone

All your life, like this year!

Santa Claus: Dear friends! The people say:

"The best song that is not yet sung. The best city that is not yet built best yearwhich still does not live! " So let the new 2018 bring us 365 sunny days, the abundance of good meetings and smiles. Let your dreams and plans come true! (Fight of the Kurats)

Together: Happy New Year! - Happy New Year! - Happy New Year! -

Song Happy New Year Mom ...


It hangs at all in vain

This sheet of calendar.

Let fill the old and small

That evening carnival!

On the lattice of the wardrobe attached the evening program. Wishes are decorated on contours of balls, clappers, snowflakes.

On the mirror - the contour of the carnival costume, it is stuck with colored paper. In such a mirror you can see yourself in a carnival costume.

Hanging poster:

Wear your masks.

Start friendly dancing,

To all go to the fun

New Year's carnival.

Reprises and wishes:

1. Face without a smile - Error

Long live laughter and smile!

2. Let there be a common zador

Everywhere is always a lie.

To the youth won the dispute

With sadness, laziness, boredom!

3. Who loves songs, games, jokes

Riddles, Dance, Supports

And who on the dances rushed to the New Year's ball!

4. Your mask will like it

Come bolder, beauty!

Young man, did you think?

Well, take a lady

What? Coat!

5. Who loses time, makes a mistake.

There will be no regret who will hurry.

Together with the ticket - present a smile.

Welcome - the path is open.

Before entering the hall - pointer:

Right to go - you will get to the snowy hall

Go left - you will find dancing.

Directly go - you will find fun.

Leading invite guests to undress, the New Year's emblems are awarded, in the center of which the one. He will need guys to participate in New Year's post. Before the start of the dance program - mass contests.

2. Contests:

1. Competition "Sherlock Holmes".

The guys are offered a photograph of a little girl (boy). For this photo, find a ball on the ball already an adult girl (young man). Winners get tokens.

2. Competition "Musical Puzzle"

So that the song is a call and cheerful

You could read one verse,

Do you read one verse

And three others, as you can see.

The guys are hearding cards, which are written on one line of famous songs. The one who has one line must find the guys who have cards with the other three sizes. Four who gathered the first and preserving the leading entire verse receives tokens.

3. "Old gramophone"

Here the guys can just sit and listen to old music.

4. New Year's postman.

Guests can send a greeting card, a telegram, a letter to any of the guests present on the ball (by its emblem number).

5. Lottery.

Hurry up as soon as possible to play the lottery,

Because in the lottery you can experience happiness.

6. Competition "Do you know?"

One half of the proverb is written on the cards. It is necessary to find the second half.

7. Competition "What would this mean?"

Come up with an original answer to incomprehensible drawing.

3. Sounds music from the movie "Carnival Night" and Vekh is invited to go to the hall.

It comes the hour-door manifest!

Come, friends, come!

Happy New Year to you, with new happiness!

New things to you and new discoveries!

Let your laughter be poured like the sea is immeasurable.

Let the songs and jokes there will be no end,

And let these open doors like these open doors.

Today your hearts will open.

My friends! The joyful hour is nearing

We invite you in the hall solemnly you.

Now the New Year's ball will start!

4. All go to the hall. The program leads two leading.

1-y. Host: Good evening friends! Good evening!

Happy New Year!

2-y. Host: Happy New Year! These magic words raise the mood,

eyes light up with joyful fire. Persons glow a smile and we are pure

hearts say: "Happy New Year"

1-y.: Friends Dance, Sing, Laugh!

Fill the hall!

We are waltz open the ball! (Waltz sounds).

2-y.: New Year is the most best holiday. Holiday wonders, magic, fairy tales.

Fairy tales, they awaken the love of everything good, kind and hostility to everything

cunning and evil.

(The light goes out and against the background of the music "Hello Guest Winter" includes Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The light is lit).

D.M..: Happy New Year, friends, congratulations.

Let our carnival pleases you.

Snow.: I want to be ringing, happy

Everywhere heard laughter of the defensive.

To girls were beautiful,

To young people were wise.

D.M..: Have fun, friends,

We can not be sad on the Christmas tree.

Stand all closer.

Music, play more fun.

We invite everyone to the traditional dance around the Christmas tree.

(Everyone is leading the dance and sing "a Christmas tree was born in the forest").

Snow.: We invite "Polka - congratulations" to the dance.

(Polka music. Dance with D.M. Around the Christmas tree 16 Podkokov. At the expense of 1-2 cotton left, at the expense of 3-4 cotton to the right. Go to the Christmas tree and say; "Oh, what a Christmas tree!". Standing at the Christmas tree at the expense 1-2 Cotton to the left, at the expense of 3-4 cotton to the right. Go from the Christmas tree and say "beautiful Christmas tree". To the Christmas tree 4 steps and they say "Happy New Year to congratulations!" From the Christmas tree 4 steps and they say "and we want success! "

1-y.: Today dancing is how not to be?

Dance more, not by normal

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

(Dancing modern rhythms (3 dance)).

2-y.: The most timid and not brave

In the whole world, the dance is white,

But let today on the ball

No sadness in the corner.

Let the eyes shine brighter stars and lights,

Invite, girls, on dance guys. (White Tango).

(While the guys dance, a barrel is turned out on stage, a hammer is taken out.)

1st: Attention attention!

The competition "Knowledge on the barrel" is held.

(The winners of the competition get tokens).

Dance melodies sound. During the dances, games are held: "They don't dance in a hat" - on the head of the girl and the young men of the hat. They break any pair by passing the hat to them. Who with the end of the music remains a hat, he performs a game assignment (and a girl and a young man).

During the modern dance, the leads take out a lot of balls and explain that the dance will continue until all the balls are in the air. Once the ball, at least one, touches the floor, the dance is over.

The lottery is carried out by series:

1. Series "Frosty" - (the main prize is a toy Santa Claus, the rest - snowflakes), 10 tickets.

2. The series "This is necessary for everyone" (the main prize is a door handle, the rest of the nails, buttons, etc.) - 10 tickets.

3. Series "Golden Childhood" (the main prize - chocolate candy., the rest is colored polka dot) - 10 tickets.

4. A series of "pleasant appetite" (the main prize is a children's spoon, the rest - napkins) - 10 tickets.

5. The series "Surprise" is a cake to all 10.

Surprises contest:

a) Guess the weight of the cake

b) guess the filling of the cake

c) Guess the amount of candies in a vase

d) how many pages in the book

e) guess the weight of the package

e) on what page tab.

Games are held during dancing:

1. Dance with the prize.

In the hand of the girl a prize. She is invited two young men. With one, she goes to dance, the second passes the prize. He is invited two girls. From one he goes to dance, the other gives the prize. Etc. The prize goes to the one who remained a prize after the end of music.

2. Fleet chooses a pair.

In the hands of D.M. Ribbons. He pushes them into the fist. Guys take any end of the tape. D.M. Letters ribbons and guys dance that pair, who has one tape.

1-y.: Well, here are friends, it's time to pass

With the January wind flew to us.

And we say again "Goodbye"

With your good and great friends.

D.M..: And at this hour

All expensive and sweet, you, friends

We say: "To the new dating,

To new meetings. We wish you happiness! "

Questions to the contest "Knowledge on the barrel"

1. How many twice two will be? (four).

2. How much will it be three times? (nine)

3. Name the highest grass. (bamboo).

4. What kind of house in our village is at the intersection of medians and parallels? (any).

5. How many nails are needed for a well savvy horse? (Do not need. She is hoored).

6. Where does the Siberian cats come from (from South Asia).

7. In what work on the hero three times make an attempt and only for the fourth time he dies? (Kolobok).

8. What is common between Leonardo da Vinci's paintings? (Pictures are written on linen canvases).

9. Like the surname of the hero of the story of Chekhov "Horsepit" (oats).

10. When did Santa Claus be born? (over 2000 years ago)

11. Why do Christmas tree put in the New Year? (fir-symbol of eternal life).

12. Residents of which country are eaten with each clock strike on one bodies of grapes (in Cuba).

13. In which country was the tradition of throwing out old furniture in the new year? (Italy).

14. In what country at midnight for 3 minutes all the lights come out and the time of New Year's kisses occurs? (Bulgaria).

15. Name the bird that does not carry the eggs, and the one of them is hatching? (cock).

On won tokens you can "buy" sweets in the New Year cafe.


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