Modern marketing concept. Modern Marketing Concept Modern Marketing Concept Article


The Russian economy of construction, industrial market organizations is a contradictory and complex process. Economic reform is a decisive condition for the renewal and transformation of industrial relations in our country. Going through all the old views in the process social development... Cardinal changes in the development of the country's economy and in the system of the economic mechanism.

The policy functioning in the development of the national economy before the economic reform did not arouse much interest in the study of the forms, methods of production, economic and commercial activities used in world economic processes.

Methods and principles, as well as forms of marketing, play a very important role in economic processes. In situations of strengthening market self-supporting relations and the independence of enterprises, organizations and companies, the preference for expedient forms and their development is directly called upon to contribute to an increase in economic efficiency and environment and social and ecological security of the teams.

Marketing in solving these problems should be considered as an effective concept of production and quality activities, and as a management function, and as an economic process.

Market research of its products and provision of resources, changing needs of consumers, study of new types of products, technologies and equipment, organization of production and forms of management, price and product service policy.

The approach in marketing for the formation of goals in the economy, production activity sets before the manufacturer, at the beginning of this activity, the initial questions:

question: for whom to produce products?

question: what consumer properties should the product have?

the question is: how much of a given product needs to be produced?

question: when will the consumer need such products?

question: at what prices can it be sold?

Productive application of the marketing approach in industrial, economic, commercial and sales activities an enterprise depends on how quickly and flexibly it reacts to the slightest changes in the market, responds to new needs of consumers by mastering technologies and new products. Its ability to adjust to the uncertainty of consumer demand development. To create an appropriate economic and legal environment that would ensure a genuine economic independence of the company in any relationship on the market.

The purpose of this term paper- to study the features of modern marketing concepts. In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

· study the theoretical aspects of marketing;

· explore existing marketing concepts;

· analyze content marketing planning;

As a theoretical basis for writing this course work, the works of foreign and domestic scientists were used, both in the field of marketing and marketing communications, and in the field of product promotion: P. Drucker, F. Kotler, K. Howard, S. Lavrov, J. Lamben, G.L. Bagiev, M.V. Gundarin, F.N. Gurov, E.V. Popov, S.N. Romanenko and others.

concept marketing social international

1. Theoretical aspects of marketing

1.1 The essence and principles of marketing

Marketing is the result of many years of evolution of managers' beliefs on tasks and goals, methods of forming trade and industry. Scientific and technological progress has shown great importance in the development of the marketing concept, providing a wide variety of goods, significant rates of their renewal, and effective production management.

Marketing translated from English means "action in the market" or activity in the field of sales markets. In the modern sense, marketing is an entrepreneurial activity associated with the promotion of services and goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. Marketing as the basis of a market economy is a "philosophy" of production, entirely dependent on the conditions and requirements of the market, which are in constant dynamics of development under the influence of a wide range of economic, political, social factors and scientific and technical. In his book, the American economist Philip Kotler, "Fundamentals of Marketing," defines marketing: "Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange." This definition is accompanied by the most important marketing motto: "Find a need and satisfy it", which formulates the main goal of marketing efforts. Marketing as an economic category has a very capacious content: to improve its assortment and product, research buyers, competition and competitors, ensure pricing policy, generate demand, stimulate sales and advertising, organize and technical service, increase the range of recommended services, optimize product distribution channels, and sales organization.

The development of production management in the formation of marketing, in its development there were several stages. The changes that took place in society became a reflection of political, social and economic changes. In countries in which the stage of formation and development of marketing took place, such a development trend has developed, in which the emphasis was on the consumer or consumer groups, on meeting his or their needs and needs, and not on production.

The methodological method of marketing helps to research and analyze market activities for industrial enterprises and allows you to completely subordinate the work of all structures of the enterprise to the constantly changing conditions and requirements of the market. From R&D to sales and service. At the enterprise, marketing consists of a system of judgments, practical actions related to the study and study of consumer needs, production and exchange potentials for their provision with the least use of all types of resources while achieving the greatest consumer effect. Unification into a single technological process some elements of entrepreneurial, production and economic, marketing and financial activities- the main task of marketing. The use of marketing helps an enterprise to solve specific problems in each enterprise in a position to solve specific problems in each market with maximum efficiency. Practical opportunity for the manufacturer to control its production and sales, scientific and technical plans in accordance with modifications market conditions, to maneuver the economic resources at his disposal in order to provide the necessary strategy in solving tactical and strategic tasks. Observing all these conditions, marketing becomes an original type of management, the basis for operational and long-term planning of technological, production, investment, scientific, technical, financial and sales activities of the enterprise, and marketing management becomes the main element of the enterprise management system.

The essence of marketing says that only that which will find a real sale should be produced, and not try to impose on the buyer a product that is “inconsistent” with the market in advance.

The basic principles arising from the essence of marketing include:

· well-established production and sale of goods must meet the needs of buyers, as well as the market situation and the company's capabilities;

· absolute satisfaction of the needs of customers and compliance with all modern standards of artistic and technical level;

· mandatory availability of a product on the market at the time of the greatest and most effective demand and sale of this product;

· constant updating of all manufactured or sold products;

· cohesion of strategies and tactical approach to rapidly respond to the slightest changes in consumer demand.

To establish certain current and long-term strategic goals, the possibilities of achieving them, the true sources of resources of economic activity, as well as the ability to determine the quality of products and the desired range, the best structure for production, the most profitable profit for production or a company, for this purpose the marketing activities of a production or company are directed ...

The most important methods marketing activities in production are as follows:

) in relation to the enterprise, it is important to analyze the external environment, which enters not only the market, but also social, political, cultural and other conditions. The entire analysis identifies factors that contribute to commercial success or hinder it, as a result of this analysis, the necessary data bank is created to assess the environment and its potentials;

) consumer analysis or analysis of real and potential consumers is very important. The study of this analysis includes the study of the economic, demographic, social, geographic and other characteristics of people, about the purchasing power, as well as their needs and wants and the purchasing power by them of both ours and competing goods;

) the following analysis is aimed at studying and planning the existence of goods in the future or developing concepts for creating new goods or modernizing old ones, including the range of these goods and parametric series, as well as packaging and more. Goods that have outlived themselves and do not bring estimated profit are removed from production and the market. Plan product distribution and sales, create, if necessary, appropriate own sales networks with stores and warehouses or agent networks;

) provide and generate demand and sales promotion (FOSSTIS) by the method of combinations of non-commercial prestigious events, advertising, personal sale and various types of material incentives addressed to buyers, agents and sellers directly;

) provide a pricing policy that includes planning the system itself and the price level for all supplied products and defining technologies as applied to prices, discounts and credits. Compliance with the social and technical standards of the region where the products are sold. Compliance with the norms of moral and ethical rules is an indispensable level of the consumer value of the product;

) marketing management as a system consisting of planning and implementation, control of the marketing program and the personal responsibilities of all participants involved in the work of the enterprise, as well as assessing the risk and profit, and, of course, the effectiveness of marketing decisions.

1.2 Functions and purposes of marketing

Marketing touches a lot of people in all sorts of different ways, this inevitably causes controversy. Not everyone is satisfied with the activities of modern marketing, accusing him of destroying the environment, intensified by the attack of stupid advertising, in the formation of unnecessary needs, in the development of a sense of gluttony and other faults in young people. The rest angrily intercede for marketing.

What is the main idea and purpose in the marketing system? Four alternative answers are suggested:

Analytical function.

Product and production function.

Sales function.

Management, communication and control function.

The first goal is to maximize consumption or maximize profits. All commercial organizations have a similar goal. The idea of ​​this goal is to increase the consumption of goods as much as possible in all possible ways, which would lead to an expansion of production, and as a result, to an increase in profits. For this, the consumer is convinced that "The more consumption, the better the result."

The second goal is not much different from the third and fourth goals. It consists of taking care of consumers. Increased customer satisfaction with the purchased product. Consumers, having received great satisfaction from the purchase, will come for this product more than once and will probably buy it in larger quantities, and they can also advertise it to their relatives and friends, thereby bringing considerable benefits to manufacturers.

There is also a third goal in marketing, which provides maximum and varied choices for consumers. One side of this goal helps to fully satisfy the needs of buyers in choosing a quality product, and the other side warns that an increase in production may not lead to an increase in demand, and the price of the product will increase due to significant costs. A rise in the price of a product will create anger among consumers. It turns out a kind of closed circuit. This goal is only suitable for those companies that are convinced that all of their products will be in maximum demand.

An increase in the standard of living, as many believe, is the most important thing in life. This is what we will consider the fourth goal, and it consists of three principles. In my opinion, the first principle of improving or improving the standard of living includes improving the quality and increasing the quantity and expanding the range, as well as the acceptable price of goods. Increasing the positive impact of marketing on the physical and environmental, cultural and spiritual environment is all the second principle. In this case, the purpose of the firm should determine the formation of the improvement of the environment and general cultural values. It's fair to say that measuring quality of life is difficult, as is the pleasure of buying a great product.

For excellent and productive work, any firm must set these four goals of maximization before itself, although this does not always work, as a result of this, a new name for the goal has appeared - alternative.

The analytical function is also present in the analysis of marketing and it consists of research :) markets:

It is very important for any manufacturer to choose a more priority and suitable one from a huge mass of markets. The choice of a sales market is influenced by many factors: the import-export policy of countries, the geographical location and volume of market consumption, competition - the countries of the producer and consumers, as well as the constancy of the economy of these countries, forecasting the development of the market. The volumes of market consumption are also very significant, since it is invariably better when the sale of goods on the market is maximum. The presence of a huge number of competitors in the market creates a very competitive struggle. The strongest competitor with extensive experience wins. Import-export policy has a significant impact on the sale of goods of the producing country and consumer countries, because the size of customs duties and customs legislation is of great importance.) Market consumers:

All markets are saturated with a considerable number of buyers, and they differ from each other according to different criteria. The analytic function will help us here too. Here's the salvation - segmentation. Market segmentation that allows you to divide all consumers into groups according to needs and place of residence, age and gender, and more. Manufacturers focus on one or more groups of consumers found and orient their production to them.) Goods:

First, before presenting its products to the market, the manufacturer carefully studies the commodity structure of the market. It is formed from the names of goods - analogues and goods - substitutes offered in this market by competitors, services of competitors, their quality and their technical level, special requirements for the goods.

The production function of marketing consists of:

a) creating a competitive quality product in a market environment. Production of products organized in such a way that the manufactured product is a product that satisfies buyers and their needs for technical specifications and quality, which determine the competitiveness of a product. Even during development, the product must be formed as a universal product for the specified market segments.) Creation of a material and technical supply base.

The task of this base is the supply of materials and raw materials, various components from the found channels at fixed prices and without interruptions. A properly built system of material and technical supply excludes failures in this chain.

The sales function consists of:) organizing a system for delivering products to the consumer.

This function consists of a system of measures that stand between the production and sale of goods. A systematic approach to product delivery should be flexible and streamlined, primarily for food products, since most of them are quickly perishable products. The manufacturer needs to take into account the costs in a certain amount for the delivery of goods to the consumer, which include packaging, transportation and storage of products.) service or service maintenance organization, consists in a set of services for the sale and movement of goods. This function is in addition to the first subfunction of the sales function. Service offerings for an organization is a stable delivery of products to a customer using a variety of services. The management function is based on planning and controlling the production of goods. Perfectly planned activities, supported by calculations and research, analysis and forecasts for the development of this type of production, allows the possibility of being confident in a positive result. At the same time, the degree of risk is reduced.

There are three types of planning:

) long-term or strategic:

Long-term planning is used to determine the scenario, the development of the company as a whole for 10 - 20 years.

) medium-term:

Medium-term plans are developed for the implementation of specific projects, drawn up mainly for 3-5 years.

) short-term (operational):

Short-term planning is used to organize production for a year, to solve specific tasks and to analyze financial results.

Management function, which consists of a subfunction of monitoring feedback between actual results and planned ones, for which all kinds of reports on the work of the enterprise and their comparative analysis are used. Monitoring helps to detect not only strengths production, but also weak and identify errors, prevent shortcomings and deviations, and find new solutions and opportunities.

2. Evolution of marketing concepts

Marketing is not an independent scientific direction. The article is devoted to the study of marketing theory, in which the principles and methods of many socio-economic sciences, primarily economics, sociology and psychology, have found their own expression.

The article examines the scientific foundations, the history of the formation and evolution of the development of the basic concepts of marketing XX and XI centuries The characteristic features of the main marketing concepts are investigated: improvement of production, goods, sales. The modern directions of marketing development are analyzed. The paper attempts to provide a meaningful classification of the main types and types of marketing. New forms of marketing theory and practice are considered, reflecting modern tendencies development of a competitive market economy in Russia.


Scientific foundations of marketing theory. The economic foundations of marketing. The psychological foundations of marketing. Sociological foundations of marketing. Historical marketing concepts. Marketing classification. Types, types and forms of modern marketing.

Scientific foundations, evolution and classification of marketing.

This article is a continuation scientific research the phenomenon of marketing as a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs of individuals and organizations through exchange.

It was previously noted that marketing in the strict sense is not an independent science, but it isthe field of application of discoveries made in other sciences and, above all, in economics, psychology and sociology.

This article is devoted to the study of the scientific foundations of the formation and development of marketing theory.

For a more complete understanding of the principles of marketing as a mental reflection of the development of market relations in the economy and business, it is necessary to analyze its evolution and the scientific foundations of its existence.

1. The economic foundations of marketing.

The economy is called upon to solve the main problem: how, with limited resources, to satisfy the constantly growing needs of members of society?

The economic model of marketing is based on the assumption that the buyer is rational and consistent in his actions and actions.

Marketing is based on the basic principles of macroeconomic and microeconomic theory.

The main factors of the economic model of marketing are: the buyer's income level, product price, operating costs, etc.

The study of the fundamental provisions of marketing is based on such economic phenomena as exchange, profit maximization, utility, specialization, rational behavior, economic person.

The theoretical unity of economics and marketing lies in the fact that both of these areas of research use quantitative research methods.

The concepts of demand, supply and price elasticity are borrowed from economic theory, which have a significant impact on the marketing decision on prices.

Marketing develops and exists mainly in conditions of monopolistic competition, where the market structure is characterized by the presence of a large number of small suppliers and non-standard products.

The economic theory of monopolistic competition provides a deeper understanding of the key marketing concepts of segmentation and positioning.

Borrowing and using a number of concepts of economic science in marketing does not mean simply copying them.

For marketing research, the central object of attention is the consumer, consumer behavior.

The attention of economists to the problems of promoting goods is becoming more and more important when analyzing the transaction costs incurred by enterprises by developing innovative processes.

Unlike economists, in pricing, marketing is focused not on the costs of the enterprise, but on demand, the price perception of goods by consumers.

Price sensitivity of buyers in marketing is considered as the degree of influence of intangible factors on buyers (image, reputation, product brand, etc.)

The information allows you to determine the nature of the "market orientation" adopted by the organization.

Drucker's idea of ​​"entrepreneurialjudo ", as a concept of strategic management, presupposesintensive collection and processing of information.

Economists usually have all the inside information they need in order to effective use resources.

Marketing specialists, on the other hand, have to obtain information using various kinds of research, since they are most interested in external information about the market.

V economics the phenomenon of information asymmetry in the market is known, which has important consequences for marketing.

Due to the action of this phenomenon, consumers, as a rule, consider those goods that are more expensive to be of high quality.

Due to the lack of completeness of information for various categories (segments) of buyers, it is possible to set a higher price for the product than it can actually cost.

In economic science, issues of increasing the shareholder value of an enterprise are being actively developed. .

The task of the marketing strategy as a whole at the enterprise is to increase the value of the company for its shareholders, which is achieved by increasing the sum of all expected cash flows adjusted for the interest rate, known as the cost of capital.

The volume of cash flows is determined by the growth and operating profits obtained during the execution of the strategy, as well as the level of investment. The speed, stability and predictability of flows depend on the company's ability to satisfy its customers and achieve a high level of their retention.

Achieving growth and profitability goals depends on the company's marketing strategy. The company's long-term growth and profitability strategies are based on the development of attractive target markets and the development of sustainable differentiation..

Economics is not the only theoretical basis on which the marketer seeks solutions to problems that arise in a competitive market.

3. Sociological foundations of marketing.

We can conditionally say that the marketing of the industrial development of society has a purely economic content, and in the era of post-industrial development - psychological and sociological.

In traditional (industrial) societies, the shortage of goods and services dictates the same level and structure of consumption for different representatives (individual consumers) of society, classes, social groups.

In a society with an abundance of products and services (post-industrial development societies), consumer choice (demand) has a decisive influence on the development of production and the quality of products, competition in various production and consumer markets.

The sociological model of marketing is based on the assumption that the main role in buying behavior is played by the social (public) environment in which a person carries out his behavior and to which he would like to belong.

The main factors of this model include: cultures and subcultures, social classes, reference groups, family, social roles and statuses.

Culture studies the "life path" of the whole society. In the focus of her attention are rituals, customs, norms, values, a person's use of belief systems, symbols.

Until now, orthodox philosophers and sociologists tend to consider the culture of mass consumption as purposeful manipulation that violates the consumer's sovereignty of the individual.

In marketing, the culture of mass consumption is viewed from theoretical positions (post-industrialism, postmodernism), according to which, in developed societies, consumption is supported and encouraged in order to stimulate the production of various goods and services, and the entrepreneurial activity of people.

In these conditions, consumption is the basis of the status differentiation of all social groups.

Table 1. Postmodern conditions and their main themes.

It should be borne in mind that marketing in one culture is significantly different from marketing in another culture (subculture).

Knowledge of culture is used by marketers to characterize and select markets in order to create adequate marketing strategies.

The microenvironment of an individual is his reference environment: family, relatives, friends, work colleagues, opinion leaders, etc. Members of reference groups tend to unify their lifestyle, including the purchase of goods.

The family is the most important economic organization in society. It is in the family that the main roles that are performed by family members begin to form.

Numerous studies indicate the decisive role of the husband - the head of the family when choosing a car, the wife - when choosing household appliances, clothes, and dishes.

A person's consumer behavior is influenced by social status, the various roles that she performs in her professional activities, in her family and in everyday life.

Products or trade marks, brands can be symbols of the status of a consumer seeking to separate, “build” himself from others.

The growing social differentiation in society is accompanied by the growth of prestigious or conspicuous consumption on the part of its wealthy part.

Things in the most tyrannical way create categories of individuals ("status groups") - they guard the order of social meaning.

Luxurious cars, villas, yachts are a vivid example of demonstrating a more successful financial situation of a person who, thus, “broadcasts” his status as an owner.

An important role is played by the influence of opinion leaders on the purchasing behavior of a person. Being under the “gun” of an informal group, a person seeks to imitate the leader of the group, as well as to overthrow him from the pedestal.

The position that an individual occupies in society, his reputation and image, his moral and ethical principles and other sociological factors can have a decisive influence on his consumer preferences and needs.

Within the framework of the sociological model of marketing, purchases are mainly made not because needs really exist, but because they confirm the social status and position of a person in society.

A special place in marketing has received such concepts as: "networks" and "system of connections", which in sociology are used to describe the systems of relations between the subjects of roles.

In marketing, the network approach is widely used to explain the system of relationships between an enterprise and its counterparties and partners, which is called partnership marketing.

Determining the reasons why enterprises or end consumers prefer to purchase certain products in specific markets from different manufacturers (brand owners) is carried out through various research methods and tools that are used in sociology.

Methods of collecting information in marketing practice are diverse. Researchers use more than 20 methods and techniques to collect market information.

Exchange processes in the market of a material nature are increasingly being replaced by non-material factors.

As the seller's market transforms into a buyer's market, social factors of consumer behavior are increasingly replacing economic factors.

2. Psychological foundations of marketing.

The psychological model of marketing is based on the assumption that buying behavior depends on such factors as: personality type, self-esteem, life experience, motivation system, attitudes and beliefs.

Psychology studies the behavior of individuals. Consumer behavior research is 80% devoted to individual shoppers who shop in the consumer market.

Behavioral analysis and the theory of behaviorism had the greatest influence on the development of marketing theory.

The desire to satisfy their ever-growing needs in various ways is an integral property of human nature. This conclusion forms the basis for the emergence and change of consumer behavior styles.

The theoretical provisions of behaviorism and non-behaviorism, the psychological theories of Z. Freud, A. Maslow, F. Herzberg help marketers to better understand the nature of the purchasing behavior of various categories of people, the influence of gender, age and other individual characteristics on their behavior.

The choice of goods and services by consumers is influenced by psychological factors, among which an important place is occupied by: motivation, perception, assimilation, persuasion and attitudes.

The acceptance by marketing specialists of one or another theoretical model of motivation leads to completely different conclusions regarding consumer research and the search for an effective communication strategy.

For example, according to the theory of Z. Freud, to explain the choice of goods or services by the buyer by the method of a questionnaire survey has no basis or meaning.

It is argued that people are not aware of their motives and cannot adequately explain their behavior. To find out the truth, it is necessary to conduct several individual in-depth interviews, organize focus groups in order to get closer to understanding the real motives of the consumer's choice of a particular product or service.

F. Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation asserts that a person makes his choice due to internal satisfaction, and refuses due to dissatisfaction.

For marketing, this simple takeaway is essential in finding a reason for positioning. brand and choosing a product branding strategy.

In accordance with the theory of the hierarchy of needs of A. Maslow, people acquire goods in accordance with the degree of significance of the influence of various needs on them.

According to the psychological theory of motivation widespread in marketing, which helps to better understand the characteristics of people's purchasing behavior, the so-called "pyramid of needs" by A. Maslow is used.

Fig 5. Hierarchy of needs A. Maslow

A. Maslow's theory asserts: it doesn't really matter how a Russian or a European quenches his thirst, hunger or his striving for a career. In any case, a person strives with limited means and conditions for greater consumer diversity.

Psychological science claims that the formation of demand in the market is of a socio-psychological nature.

Marketers use a rich arsenal of applied psychology methods and tools.

Finding out the effectiveness of informational influence on consumers' purchasing decisions, marketing specialists use in their market research such psychological methods as: testing, experiment, observation, etc.

Psychological science deepens the concepts and tools of marketing specialists in the study of the characteristics of purchasing behavior in a changing world of things.

2. The main historical stages of the evolution of marketing concepts.

1. The first stage in the evolution of marketing (1860-1950). This long historical stage, in turn, is subdivided into three successive periods.

Period 1860-1920 characterized by the processes of improving production, the main goal of which was to increase the volume and range of products.

Period 1920-1930 differs in that the producers, as the production volumes and the range of products increased, were forced to focus on the problem of improving the manufactured goods, by increasing their quality and improving the corresponding range.

Product improvement concept. This is the concept of marketing management, in a situation where consumers give preference to products that are commercially available, in demand and affordable. In this case, the goal of the company is to improve the production of these goods and reduce costs.

The focus on product improvement finds its expression in the form of answers to the following questions:

What's on sale? (main characteristics of the product),

Who is it for sale? (target consumer group),

How is it sold? (pricing policy, forecast for the level of sales).

This concept is based on the fact that each product has a quality and price, and therefore needs its own marketing program that reflects its specifics.

Period 1930-1960 characterized by the fact that the dominant program of their activities entrepreneurs consider an increase in financial costs to stimulate the sale of their products to the consumer.

In the 40s and 50s, with the development of commodity markets and saturation with consumer goods, it began to take shape the concept of improving the marketing of goods.

The concept of improving sales (sales) is based on the understanding of management, according to which consumers by their very nature will never voluntarily buy all the products manufactured by the enterprise, therefore it must pursue an aggressive sales policy and intensively promote its products to the market.

This concept is a broad sales promotion system that includes integrated technology marketing communications ( ATL, BTL, PR).

The concept of improving the marketing of goods and services is also referred to as the concept of intensifying commercial efforts.

The first stage in the evolution of marketing is marked by the creation of a consumer market - a market where supply (goods and services) exceeds demand.

2. The second stage of the evolution of marketing (1950-1970).

During this period, three basic concepts are formed that are fundamental for the organization of marketing activities: functional, institutional and product approaches.

The institutional approach focuses the entrepreneur's attention on the retail end consumer. Retail and its efficient organization becomes the main concern of marketing (merchandising).

The product-based approach to marketing is based on a careful study of consumer preferences. This is the time of the beginning of marketing research of the market and on the basis of their results, work is being built to improve and modify goods.

The second stage in the evolution of marketing is the beginning of the formation consumer marketing concept. The main thesis of this concept is that the consumer buys not the product itself, but the properties of this product, its consumer utility.

In the 50s and 60s, marketing began to be seen as a broader process than in-house planning.

Marketing is gradually becoming a "business philosophy". Major corporations have adopted marketing concepts. During this period, marketing departments began to be created at enterprises.

During this period, an awareness of the specific functions of the sales and marketing department comes.

Fig 6. Concept of intensification of commercial efforts

In the early 60s, the concept of managing the marketing of an enterprise business, based on meeting the needs and demands of consumers, was developed.

This concept uses a market approach to business based on the priority of the consumer as the main agent of market relations, his needs, interests and demands.

Crown market approach to business based on marketing in the 60s became marketing mix concept proposed by E.J. McCarthy in 1960.

In the McCarthy 4 "R" typology, there are four classes of management controls, starting with the initial "R": Product, Price, Place and Promotion (Product, Price, Place and Promotion).

This marketing concept contributed to the formation, and then, the development of various technologies and marketing management tools in enterprises, organizations: market segmentation and positioning of goods and services.

The consumer concept of marketing management formed the basis for the formation of the concept and branding strategies.

Marketing is becoming more and more systematic in the management of companies in a competitive market. The link between producer and consumer is provided by micromarketing.

Marketing as a system of ensuring interaction at the community level in order to meet needs end consumers viewed as macromarketing.

The transition from studying the problems of behavior in the company's market to the level of social system served as the basis for the development of new approaches to marketing activities, called holistic marketing, social and ethical marketing, consumerism, strategic planning.

The 1950s and 60s were the heyday of mass marketing.

3. The third stage in the evolution of marketing (1970-1990).

At this stage, marketing becomes one of the main elements of corporate strategic management, aimed at adapting the enterprise to the external economic and political environment.

At this stage, widespread strategic marketing concept , which foresees as a priority the needs of buyers and at the same time the presence of competition, in contrast to the concept of marketing, focused on consumers.

70-90s - the time of differentiated marketing. This stage of market segmentation.

By the end of the 1980s, marketing began to take on new features. At this stage transactional marketing is increasingly transforming into relationship marketing, partnerships.

In the 70-80s, large enterprises and companies began to pay more and more attention to the social responsibility of their business before society and the state.

At this time, it develops social ethical concept of marketing or socially responsible marketing , where the company's goal is to establish the needs, needs and interests of target markets and their satisfaction in more effective ways than competitors, while maintaining and increasing the welfare of both consumers and society as a whole.

4. The fourth stage in the evolution of marketing 1991 to the present.

In the 90s, the concept of partnership, or relationship marketing, was developed. It is a system of views on marketing management with the aim of forming long-term loyalty of potential consumers based on close interaction in the process of creating value and obtaining on this basis consumer benefits and profits for enterprises.

Strengthening customer relationships ensures the use of new technologies - CRM - systems.

The modern paradigm of market-oriented marketing requires constant ingenuity from management.

The winners are those companies that invest in the technological improvement of their products, reducing running costs and increasing the shareholder value of companies.

Modern management in the field of marketing is characterized not only by an increase in sales and market share, but by the creation of unique goods and services, attention to innovative programs.

One of the stable trends in modern marketing is its adaptation to the new information environment.

In the field of sales, relying on information technology and the Internet, managers are developing new technologies for developing interactive relationships with suppliers and intermediaries.

In the context of market saturation with goods and services, competitive struggle in several consumer markets, management is increasingly concerned with developing niche markets.

3. Classification of marketing: types, forms and types.

The varieties, forms and types of marketing are associated with its objects in relation to which the necessary efforts are made.

Let's consider the main types, forms and types of marketing.

Depending on the type of market coverage strategy, the company faces a choice of one of three types of marketing:

Undifferentiated Marketing. In this case, the company does not pay attention to the differences between market segments, but focuses on their general characteristics and approaches the entire market as a whole, with the same product for all buyers.

This type of marketing is also called mass marketing, in which a manufacturer targets a wide range of consumers and uses one basic marketing mix for a standard product.

Differentiated Marketing ... In this case, the organization or enterprise also addresses the entire market, but with special offer, a program and a specially developed marketing complex for each of its segments.

For example, a car manufacturer Volvo and Lada states that it produces passenger cars for each segment of the base market, thereby setting up pricing, distribution and communications policies for each consumer segment it serves.

In the field of distribution of goods, the so-called multi-channel type of marketing is used, in which the company creates two or more distribution channels to serve one or more market segments. For example, sales building materials directly construction organizations and, for the same distribution, through wholesalers and retailers.

Marketers divide consumers into similar groups according to geographic (place of purchase), demographic (age, income, occupation), and psychographic (purchase motive, lifestyle) criteria for purchasing a product, its price, distribution system, and corresponding purchase incentives.

Concentrated marketing is one of the strategies of enterprise marketing, in which it seeks to cover the largest part of one or more submarkets. This strategy is most often used when the resources of the enterprise are limited.

Compared to mass marketing, this type of marketing is accompanied by a high degree of risk, since a stronger competitor may decide to expand in this market segment. Distribution acquires individualized approach to marketing based on the idea that there should be a different approach to different buyers, i.e. each client should be selected an individual approach that best reflects the needs of this client.

The effective use of these three types of marketing depends on a thorough understanding of the needs of the actual and potential customers of the underlying market and the resources of the enterprise itself.

Enlightened Marketing - it is a kind of marketing philosophy, which is that the marketing of the enterprise should support the optimal functioning of the sales system in the long term.

There are five principles of enlightened marketing:

Consumer orientation;


Increasing the value of the product;

Awareness of the mission of the organization;

Adherence to the concept of social and ethical marketing.

The most popular marketing model and concept is marketing management.

Marketing management (marketing-management) is the activity of marketing managers to identify target markets, study the needs of consumers in these markets, develop products, set prices for them, choose the organization of distribution channels, ways to promote products through exchange that meets the needs of interested groups.

Marketing management in practice is used in organizations and enterprises, as one of the management functions.

The main directions of his activity are revealed by the American marketing model 4 "R", including the first letters of English terms: 1. product; 2. promotion; 3. price (price); 4. place (place).

The potential profitability of these marketing factors of a company and their relevance to the market is usually assessed by marketing research.

For the service sector, an extended marketing complex - mix "7P" , where, in addition to the managed elements of the 4P marketing complex: 1. product, 2. promotion, 3. price, 4. place, factors such as: 5. personnel ( personnel, 6.process, 7.physical surround.

Consumer behavior researchers use marketing - consumer mix "4C" - (4cs).

The potential profitability of these marketing factors of the company and their relevance to the market are also evaluated by the results of marketing research.

Depending on the nature of the demand in the market, the following types of marketing are distinguished:

- conversion - a type of marketing practice in conditions of negative demand, when a significant part of the market does not accept the product and is even ready to pay a certain price for refusing to use it.

The task of marketing is to change this situation using a set of marketing tools: changing a product or its properties, price correction, more effective promotion programs;

- stimulating - marketing activities aimed at creating additional incentives for buying, in addition to the need or desire to purchase a product. For example, offering gifts to customers;

- remarketing used in the event of a drop in demand. The strategy of this type of marketing is an attempt to restore demand by penetrating new markets, changing the properties of goods, focused on new needs of buyers;

- supporting used in conditions of high-grade demand, when the organization is satisfied with the volume of sales. The task of supportive marketing is to maintain the existing level of demand, taking into account the measurement of the system of consumer preferences and increased competition;

- demarketing - used in conditions of excessive demand. In this case, use different ways and methods to reduce demand.

synchromarketing used in conditions of fluctuating demand to stabilize sales. Sales fluctuate on a seasonal, daily or hourly basis.

The challenge for marketing is to find ways to smooth out fluctuations in the distribution of demand over time or through flexible prices;

counter-marketing NSit is used in case of irrational demand, which poses a threat to the well-being of society as a whole or the safety of its individual individuals (alcohol, tobacco, weapons).

developing marketing associated with the formation of demand.

In this case, the task is to turn potential demand into real demand, to deliver or create such a product.

Depending on the purpose of the exchange, the results of a particular field of activity, commercial and non-commercial marketing are distinguished:

- commercial used in organizations with a primary goal of making a profit.

Everyday goods (toothpaste, bread, milk, mineral water, etc.);

durable goods (cars, computers, mobile phones);

consumer services (repairs, insurance);

industrial goods (engines, machinery equipment, pipes, parts and spare parts, raw materials and materials, information, etc.);

- non-profit - is used in the public interest and for purposes, as opposed to marketing, seeking to make a profit.

Used in education, healthcare, other social areas and humanitarian projects.

Depending on the scale of the use of their tools, marketing is considered as:

micromarketing is a marketing activity undertaken from the standpoint of taking into account the interests of only an individual firm.

macromarketing - marketing activities aimed at broad masses of consumers without taking into account the specific geographic, demographic and psychographic characteristics of various market segments;

megamarketing, which characterizes marketing activities of a global nature, where, in addition to the traditional elements of the marketing complex, power and public relations are used.

These marketing tools make it possible to overcome the influence of external forces - the government, the media, various groups and some components of the marketing environment of the company that are not subject to the control of traditional marketing.

According to the scope of application, they distinguish consumer, industrial and service marketing.

Consumer marketing is used where the parties to the exchange, on the one hand, are represented by companies, and on the other, by customers, (consumer marketing, b2 c ). It aims to implement a company's customer engagement efforts.

From the point of view of a consumer goods manufacturer, the following types of consumer marketing exist:

consumer marketing (dominant pull-marketing). This is classic branded marketing, where the focus is on the consumer or user of the product.

Marketing specialists operating in retail have to pay attention to meeting the needs of both end consumers and intermediate links. The specificity of this type of marketing lies in its special attention to personnel management;

vertical marketing is a product distribution system made up of a manufacturer, wholesalers and a number of retailers under a single management.

One of the links in this chain dominates as the owner (usually the manufacturer), the rest of the links work as distributors and dealers, receiving the necessary privileges from the owner.

Industrial marketing (industrial marketing, b2 b ) is used in the context of interaction between an enterprise and consumer organizations (business, professional), where enterprises purchase goods for their further production and use within these enterprises or for resale to other consumers.

Service Marketing is a type of marketing that is carried out as a related activity in conjunction with the marketing of consumer goods and capital goods.

Marketing of services more and more acquires its differences from marketing of goods as the intangible properties of services grow.

Services include all economic benefits that cannot be attributed to agriculture or industrial production.

The specificity of services: their process nature, intangibility, impossibility of storage and transportation, is reflected in the marketing system used by service enterprises.

The service sector is showing strong growth. Its share in the economy is constantly increasing. On average, about 70% of the GDP of developed countries is produced in the service sector, the growth rate of this sector (16% per year) is much higher than the growth rate of the trade sector (only 7% per year).

Network marketing became widespread in Russia in the 90s.

It is also called multi-level marketing, which is all about building a network of buyers and sellers.

Distributors of the manufacturer, having sold a certain product, ask the buyer for a certain fee to find new buyers, who, in turn, ask to find new buyers.

Pioneering or innovative marketing aims at the organization's constant search for goods in demand, concentrating its efforts on improving its marketing.

Innovative marketing is aimed at finding projects, ideas, areas of promising research and their results,

assessment of the market and investment attractiveness of projects related to the introduction of technological innovations, the commercialization of technologies, the introduction of new products to the market.

On a territorial basis, national (regional, local) and international marketing (foreign economic, global, world) are distinguished:

regional marketing is carried out within a certain region of the country, and the local activity is aimed at a local audience living in the immediate vicinity of the manufacturer of the goods, for example, in the same city or area. This type of marketing is carried out in the domestic market;

international marketing - this is the activity of an enterprise in foreign markets, where an analysis of more complex objects that are not available in the domestic market is required (customs, exchange rates, politics and culture of other countries). This type of marketing is carried out in the external market.

It differs from the domestic market in terms of sales, business customs, national traditions, currency, peculiarities of the socio-cultural environment. Typically, a company moves its trading practices across national borders with minimal changes to its components.

In case of making a decision to establish itself in the foreign market, the company resorts to international marketing.

A kind of international marketing is e export marketing, which is associated with attempts to sell products in another country.

Depending on the type and focus of the activity an individual or organizations or distinguish between marketing: organizations; individual, marketing of places, ideas, innovative, social marketing:

marketing organization aimed at the implementation of the organization itself, an enterprise or a separate business.

individual marketing (egomarketing) or personal marketing is aimed at creating, supporting or changing the position of a particular person, group of people or society towards him.

marketing places includes activities aimed at forming, supporting or changing the position of people, organizations to specific geographic regions and localities.

These activities are usually aimed at increasing the value of places, with the aim of attracting tourists, new residents, wealthy companies and even investments. This marketing option is also called marketing of holiday destinations .

Such activities are carried out by travel agencies, airlines, oil companies, hotels and hotels, government agencies;

marketing ideas. We can say that any marketing comes down to marketing ideas.

This includes: the fight against the use of alcohol and smoking, drugs and other social ailments. These are campaigns in support of culture, protection of monuments, animals, education, orphans, donation, the environment, etc.

social marketing

Idea marketing is closely related to social marketing , which aims to develop and implement programs to promote social projects and ideas, motives or practices aimed at a specific target group.

Depending on the field of commercial activity, business, they are distinguished: financial, banking, real estate, housing, sports, etc.:

- financial marketing or marketing of financial services. The clients of this marketing include banks, Insurance companies, pension funds, exchanges, etc. financial institutions or financial business institutions;

Banking marketing aims at identifying existing and potential markets for banking services; selection of specific markets and identification of the needs of consumers of the bank's services; establishment of long- and short-term relationships in relation to the bank's clients; introduction of new types of products and services in the practice of the bank, corresponding to market demands.

To study the markets of banking services and their potential consumers, banks use traditional methods of industrial marketing;

- sports marketing - marketing of goods, carried out through sponsorship of sports competitions, sports teams, equipment for sports competitions, as well as the purchase and sale of players and entire teams.

Aspects ecological marketing include the development of environmentally friendly products, recyclable and biodegradable packaging, energy-saving technologies, packaging that uses recycled paper, the development of phosphate-free detergents, reusable waste containers and bottles that use less plastic.

In the 21st century, many management decisions in business, they are accepted on the basis of the use of modern information technologies, which promptly and quickly allow solving research and organizational problems in marketing.

Along with the improvement of traditional forms of marketing, so-called virtual marketing is gaining momentum.

Virtual Marketing - is a system of knowledge about the supply of goods on the market based on information technology integrating marketing activities in the internal and external environment enterprises.

Virtual marketing has a number of advantages over traditional marketing that provide:

Significantly reduce the time spent looking for partners, making deals, developing new products and new marketing technologies;

Reduce the asymmetry of information, which allows you to reduce information transaction costs;

Decrease transaction costs allows you to reduce the risks associated with uncertainty;

Reduce the time for the development and implementation of new products, promptly optimize the pricing policy, significantly reduce the number of intermediaries, sales and promotion costs, etc.

Virtual marketing ignores spatial localization, binding to a territory, a specific market.

Direct marketing type is an interactive marketing system that allows the consumer to obtain information, purchase a product without intermediaries through the media, or do both at the same time, carried out via the Internet or interactive television.

Use strategy brings good efficiency integrated direct marketing (integrated direct marketing), implemented using various marketing means in several stages in order to improve consumer response to the product offer and increase profits.

The main direct marketing channels are: personal selling, direct mail, directory, database, telemarketing, mobile commerce, and email marketing:

email marketing (e-marketing) products using electronic means definitions of the consumer market;

database marketing is the collection, storage, analysis and use of all available data about a current or potential consumer using a computer.

The seller expects to predict future consumer behavior based on an analysis of the characteristics of consumers and their past actions.

A popular type of business that is gaining strength is becoming event marketing (events marketing).

The main task of which is to promote the goods of the company and its brands by associating the company with any event.

This also includes:

- marketing of a single event - a situation when sponsorship or any other funds are invested in ensuring that as many people as possible attend this or that event;

- charity-based marketing (cause-related marketing) marketing activities that associate the sale of a company's products with its funding of charitable or social events.

Among the new types of marketing that have been developed in Russia, one should name:

- guerrilla marketing (pm) (guerrilla marketing) the use of non-standard techniques and unusual methods of product promotion. Rather, it is individual marketing, the success of which depends on the specific talent and ingenuity of the marketer. This is the author's improvisation in marketing.

Guerrilla marketing implies a rejection of common truths, non-standard moves, novelty of solutions, as well as high results with existing limited financial resources and staffing problems. Here, in the absence of serious financial capacity especially valuable is the original creative ability of the human brain, which allows minimum costs to achieve large and significant for the company results of implementation of the final product in the masses;

The spread of viral marketing is facilitated by the growing popularity of all kinds of online communities, blog hosting and social networks (,,,, etc.).

Statistics show that every fourth - fifth person, who received a message that seemed interesting to him, sends or gives a link to it to his friend. Many large companies and corporations are trying to actively use viral marketing to promote their products on the modern market. Among them are such industry giants as Mercedes, Volvo, Nissan, Adobe, Microsoft, IBM, American Express and many others;

-booze - marketing(rumored marketing) is like viral marketing. The basis of this type of marketing is rumors transmitted from person to person;

- lateral marketing (lateral marketing) from lateral - side, to the side - non-standard approach in marketing, the opposite of vertical marketing based on the theory of segmentation and positioning. It is a technology for developing new products, new ideas, not “within a certain market,” but outside it;

- convergent marketing - a combination of several communication channels to convey a message about the organization.

For example, the use of television, radio, press, Internet, direct marketing and other possible channels for a marketing campaign.

expomarketing - a method of strengthening the brand, attracting consumers and, as a result, increasing profits through large-scale presentations, exhibitions, fairs.

Types, types and forms of marketing are constantly and actively changing and developing, acquiring new features and characteristics. This is due to the growing diversity of the development of market relations in the new economy.

Feedback marketing, cyber marketing, virtual, mobile, oral communication marketing, neurolinguistic, customized and other types of marketing are developing as responses to the demands of the modern information economy.

Modern institutional forms of marketing are embodied in the form of consulting, analytical and research activities, communication and educational activities.

Marketing is closely related to art. In this respect, it is entirely dependent on the creativity, intelligence and cultural maturity of the managers who are involved in marketing business or who are marketing to organizations.

It can be argued that the penetration and consolidation of marketing in organizations ( different forms property and spheres of activity) to a decisive extent depends on the competence and professional maturity of marketing specialists, their ability to convey to shareholders and top management the advantages of marketing orientation of a business in a competitive market.

The professional activity of a marketer is perceived and evaluated in society ambiguously, not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

They try to present marketing as manipulation of consumer behavior of a person and restricting the freedom of his choice of goods and services.

The purpose of marketing, as one of the types of human activity, is aimed at meeting the diverse needs of a person living in modern world market variety of goods and services.

The concept of socially responsible marketing is spreading all over the world and in Russia, which is intended to replace the traditional concept of marketing in order to rationalize consumption and environmental protection of society from undesirable production processes.

Responsible Marketing Concept proclaims the organization's task to identify the needs, requirements and interests of target markets and to satisfy consumers in more effective ways than competitors, while maintaining or enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

Started in the 30s, received its institutional development in the 60s. XX century in the United States, the consumer protection movement, receives support in the Russian Federation.

This public reaction to the actions of producers and sellers of goods and services has been consolidated in consumerism.

The ethical side of marketing practice is reflected in the international code ICC / ESOMAR /, which is adopted by the leading sociological and marketing companies in Russia.

Marketing has an enviable future.

A young specialist who has chosen marketing as his professional activity will have an exciting journey into the diverse world of the market, competition, consumer choice, personal and professional growth.

Macroeconomics studies the functioning of the country's economy as a whole (including the industry), such general processes and phenomena as: inflation, unemployment, budget deficit, the economic growth, government regulation, etc. Macroeconomics operates with such concepts as GDP, GNP, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, balance of payments, money, goods and labor markets using aggregate indicators.
Microeconomics studies the behavior of economic agents in the course of their production, distribution, consumption and exchange activities. The subject of her research is the following problems: the consumer or why agents choose exactly certain sets of goods (as a rule, for final consumption); producer: how and why agents-producers choose exactly such sets of factors of production and output structure; general equilibrium: how and why prices for goods and services are formed, how exchange takes place under various assumptions; asymmetries of information: how and why the mismatch of information sets of economic agents can lead to economic inefficiency; externalities: how and why the ability to indirectly influence the decisions of other agents by one's choice can lead to economic inefficiency; public goods: how and why the existence of certain types of economic goods can lead to economic inefficiency.

Recently, the American version of economic theory - economics - has become increasingly popular among market researchers. See Mankiw N.G. Principles of Economics. SPb .: Peter, 2003

Shevchenko D. A. Economic foundations of marketing theory // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities, 2007. - No. 12. - P. 146-175.

In microeconomics, consumer choice is determined by the law of diminishing marginal utility. Indifference curves - solve the problem of choice. The concept of indifference presupposes the existence of alternative meansdeductions (lost profits). An individual acquiring anygoods, refuses the goods that would be available to him ifacquiring another product. At the same time, he finds himself in a state of indifferenceonly if the opportunity costs associated withthe choice of any product set, do not exceed the totalthe usefulness of the other option. See more in the book: E.M. Mayburd. An introduction to the history of economic thought. - M .: Delo, 2000

Drucker P.F. Management tasks in the XXI century. M .: Publishing house "Williams", 2002, p. 27.

Kachalov I. Sales planning with an accuracy of 90% and higher. - SPb: Peter, 2008

Marketers use this fact when organizing and branding events.

Doyle P. Value-Based Marketing. SPb .: Peter, 2001

Ibid, p. 246

Doyle P. Marketing management and strategies. SPb .: Peter, 2003, p. 102

Gelbraith J.K. New industrial society. Favorites. M .: Eksmo, 2008, p. 31

Marks K. Capital. M .: TsSE, 2001.Vol. 1. Book 1.

P. Sorokin. Man, civilization, society. M .: Plitizdat, 1992. Galbraith J. New Industrial Society. M .: Eksmo, 2008. Toffler A. The third wave. M .: AST, 1999. J. Baudrillard System of things. M .: Rudomino, 1999.

Yu.M. Reznik The multifaceted image of a person: prerequisites for constructing a configurative model (essays). Questions of social theory: Scientific almanac. 2010. Volume IV. A man in search of identity. M .: Association "Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory", 2010, p.18-62

J. Dewey considered impulses and habits as fundamental human nature, which are comprehended by him in the learning process. A. Etzioni believes that a person is faced with an eternal choice of pleasure or duty, between the pursuit of personal pleasure or moral duty. Skitovski T. argues that one should distinguish two different states in consumption: comfort - a statistical state, the degree of closeness to arousal to the optimum, and pleasure - a dynamic state, like movement in relation to the optimum.

Fromm E. To have or to be? M .: Progress, 1990. Toshchenko Zh.T. A paradoxical person. M .: UNITY-DANA, 2008

Lyotard J. State of Postmodernity. SPb .: Aleteya, 1998. Foksol G., Goldsmith R., Brown S. Psychology of consumers in marketing. SPb .: Peter, 2001.

Foxol G., Goldsmith R., Brown S. Consumer Psychology in Marketing. SPb: Peter, 2001, p. 43

Reznik Yu. M. Introduction to social theory: Social systemology. M .: Nauka, 2003 Kagan M.S., Solonin Yu.N. Culturology. Publishing house Higher education", 2009

Angel D. Consumer behavior. Textbook. St. Petersburg: Peter Com, 1999

Blackwell D., Miniard P., Angel J. Consumer Behavior. SPb .: Peter, 2002

Doroshev V.I. Introduction to Marketing Theory. M.: INFRA-M, 2001, p. 146-147

Baudrillard The system of things. - M., 2001. p. 207

Turner J. The structure of sociological theory. M .: Progress, 1985

Veblen T. Theory of the leisure class. Moscow: Progress, 1984

The theory of purchasing behavior proposed by T. Veblen shows that most consumer solutions can be explained in terms of social impact and interaction rather than in terms of economic benefits and costs.

Collins R. Sociology of Philosophy. Siberian chronograph. Novosibirsk, 2002

The purpose sociological research public opinion, marketing research - consumer preferences of buyers. Sociological and marketing research on the ways and methods of collecting information are the same. In applied sociology, more attention is paid to field research, questionnaires (quantitative methods), in marketing - qualitative methods collection of information (focus group, individual interviews, observation).

Churchill G.A. Marketing research... - SPb .: Peter, 2001, p. 54. Malhotra N.K. Marketing research. A Practical Guide, 3rd Edition. M .: Williams Publishing House ", 2002, p. 76.

Baudrillard The system of things. - M., 2001.S. 173.

Having delimited itself from the surrounding world, N. Luhmann notes, society is able to operate in a closed way and, since communication is the only truly social operation, then operational isolation expressed in the fact that one communication is connected to another communication.

Federal Agency for Education

Novosibirsk State University economics and Management

Department of Service and Organization of Commercial Activities


Academic discipline: marketing

Novosibirsk 2009


Marketing is more than just promoting products and services to the market. Getting the buyer to buy what the company has to offer is a marketing challenge. With the help of marketing, the company is forced to do what the consumer needs. Marketing is a two-way process, which is based on the relationship between production forces and the consumer.

Marketing is the process of planning and managing the development of products and services, pricing, promotion of goods to the consumer and sales, so that the variety of goods achieved in this way leads to the satisfaction of the needs of both individuals and organizations. The modern marketing concept is that all types of enterprise activities are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production towards meeting those needs. The marketing system makes the production of goods functionally dependent on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and quantity required by the consumer.

The emergence of marketing as a specific economic system, a method for solving production and market problems is something other than a response of an economic unit, to such processes as the complication of the problem of production and sale of goods due to the rapid expansion of their assortment, rapid renewal, and an unprecedented increase in production capabilities. , frequent shifts in the nature and structure of market demand, its market fluctuations, increasing competition in the market.

1. Marketing as a business philosophy

Marketing is the result of many years of evolution of managers' views on the goals, objectives and methods of development of industry and trade. Scientific and technological progress had a great influence on the formation of the marketing concept, which provided a wide variety of goods, high rates of their renewal, efficient management production.

In the context of the formation of marketing, production management has gone through several stages in its development. They became a reflection of the social, economic and political changes taking place in a particular society, and, despite the fact that each country wrote its pages in the history of the formation and development of marketing, a general development trend was formed, which was expressed in the shift of emphasis from the production of goods for the consumer generally to better meet the needs and requirements of specific consumers or their groups.

Historically, the first was the so-called production improvement concept based on the assertion that consumers will be sympathetic to products that are widely available in the market and are affordable.

The solution to such a problem requires:

· Continuous improvement of technology and organization of production;

· Focusing efforts on the production of the maximum volume of goods in order to obtain economies of scale of production and, consequently, to reduce the cost and price of products;

This approach is fully justified when demand significantly exceeds supply, or when the unit cost is high enough and it is necessary to reduce it by organizing mass production.

A diagram of the organization of the firm's activities in the context of the application of the concept of production improvement is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 - Outline of a production improvement concept

In world economic history, the classic example of the development and implementation of such a concept is the automobile company Ford. The essence of the problem that G. Ford I set out to solve was to improve the production of the model T car in such a way that, by reducing its cost, make the car available to the general consumer, which wave met the needs of the era of rapid development of American society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As a result, G. Ford I not only made the car a mass means of transportation, and not a luxury item, which it used to be, but also created the consumer market by increasing wages their workers, bringing it to five dollars a day, which is 2.5 times higher than the level at other enterprises in America.

The stage of production orientation can be limited by the following time frame - the end of the 19th century - the 20s of the 20th century. The main problem of manufacturers was the desire to sell to the consumer in any way (without studying his needs) produced goods, in which he - the consumer was often not interested. In fact, the fate of the products outside the gates of the enterprise, the heads of the enterprises, as a rule, did not care. This approach was largely characteristic of the command-and-control production management system.

Almost simultaneously with the concept of production improvement, product improvement concept. It proceeds from the assertion that consumers will give preference to products that are of the highest quality and have the best performance and performance.

Consequently, the firm should focus its efforts on improving the product, while providing prices that are reasonable and affordable for the bulk of consumers.

However, the passion for modernizing your own products does not have to be absolute. It is necessary to monitor the new developments of competitors and, most importantly, the emergence of substitute products that can negate the efforts of the company to improve its products. There is a term marketing myopia, first introduced into scientific circulation by T. Levitt (Harvard graduate School business). The reason for this was the analysis of the reasons for the collapse of the railway companies in the United States, whose owners overlooked the emergence and development of competing modes of transport - automobile and aviation in the first place.

The concept of product improvement is characterized by:

· Concentration of efforts on the production of high quality goods or services and trying to win buyers by offering the best products in their product group;

· Focusing on functional features, quality, novelty and reputation of the best product, in conditions where price is not a decisive factor for the buyer;

The concept is used in the case of a wide distribution of a product in its product group, as well as when, in an attempt to achieve high quality, the manufacturer has chosen a "quality niche" for the product (a small part of the market);

It is not applicable:

· In the absence of a generally accepted definition of "highest" quality;

· When some buyers prefer simple, cheap products to more complex and expensive;

· In the case of the interchangeability of different types of products or their use for the same purpose (due to the difference in price, the buyer may prefer a bookcase made of chipboard veneered to a bookcase made of natural wood).

A diagram of the organization of the firm's activities in the context of the application of the concept of product improvement is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2 - Outline of product improvement concept

It became a natural result of the development of the first two concepts, which, paying maximum attention to increasing production and improving the product, sooner or later, but necessarily leads to an exacerbation of sales problems. The economic crisis of 1929-1932 showed that one must be able not only to manufacture products, but also to sell them. The crisis not only proved the futility of the initial interpretation (the first classical definition) of marketing in the context of a higher level of development of the world economy, but also led to the fact that marketing gradually became an integral part of management activities aimed at developing and promoting products to consumers, creating favorable conditions for purchasing goods.

This approach lasted until about the mid 50s - early 60s.

Business Intensification Concept for the first time went beyond the boundaries of the company in search of means and methods to increase sales of products. Under this concept, consumers will not purchase an organization in sufficient quantities unless it makes significant marketing and promotional efforts.

The real concept:

focuses on overcoming the reluctance of buyers and "selling" the product to them;

focuses on sales of products, rather than on customer satisfaction;

prices and incentives are often used to achieve target sales;

It is a difficult, labor-intensive process that is effective when more consumer-oriented marketing methods have failed or when price is the only difference between different products.

The concept of intensified business is not appropriate when there are long-term customer relationships and repeat sales goals, or when a customer-centered approach is available.

A diagram of the organization of the firm's activities in the context of the application of the concept of intensification of commercial efforts is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3 - Outline of the concept of intensification of commercial efforts

By this time, in the leading industrial developed countries a new system of regulation of production and marketing processes was created, due to a significant increase in the production of goods, the volume of which exceeded real demand... Various methods of influencing buyers were used in order to "force" them to make a purchase.

However, in the face of increasing competition, commercial success was achieved by those entrepreneurs who attracted buyers not only to one-time purchases, but also focused them on long-term contacts with their company. This could be done only in the case of a sufficiently good study of needs and demand, the use of advertising, sales promotion, etc. As a result, in the theory of marketing, an emphasis was placed on a specific consumer with his real needs and requirements and was formulated as such marketing concept .

In accordance with this concept, the key to achieving the goals of the organization is to identify the needs and requirements of target markets and meet them in ways more efficient than competitors.

In this regard, the entire activity of the enterprise should be based on constant accounting of the state of the market, accurate knowledge of the needs and requirements of buyers, their assessment, and anticipation of possible changes in the future. The slogan of this approach to entrepreneurial activity may be an expression. Love the customer, not the product.

The company achieves advantages:

· Concentration of efforts on determining the needs and desires of buyers;

· Providing consumers with those products and services that they need and the likelihood of buying which is quite high;

· Focusing efforts on defining segments (constituent parts) of the general market and concentrating its attention on one or several of them, which, in the opinion of the organization, are preferable and for which there is a possibility of their effective use;

· Coordination of production and sales functions (for example, product development, advertising, recruiting sales personnel, sales promotion, market research, pricing, etc.);

· Encouraging the sales function by producing goods that are highly likely to be purchased in the target market;

The likelihood of this concept often becomes apparent with declining sales, slowing growth, changing distribution patterns, heightening competition, and / or uncontrolled marketing costs and uncontrolled marketing practices. Profit making is not seen as an end goal, but instead focuses on better customer satisfaction, from which the organization will profit.

The marketing orientation phase lasted until the late 70s.

A diagram of the organization of the firm's activities in the context of the application of the concept of marketing itself is shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4 - Scheme of the concept of marketing itself

At the same time, entrepreneurs not only adapted to the requirements of the market, but also themselves formed the needs of the consumer. Examples of this can be the popularity of small-sized TVs, personal computers, retail outlets fast food, car vacuum cleaners, detergents, sports shoes, etc. World famous companies IBM, Proctor & Gzmbp, Adidas, Sony, McDonald's and others are actively using this concept in their activities.

Thus, on the one hand, enterprises are oriented towards the market, on the other hand, they themselves influence it, strive to master and manage it. Consequently, the concept of marketing is based on the idea of ​​achieving the goals set for the enterprise through the fullest satisfaction of the needs of consumers and their formation, harmonization of relations between the manufacturer and the consumer with the priority of the interests of the latter.

The problems of environmental protection, the energy crisis of the second half of the 70s radically influenced the socio-ethical and, as a consequence, the managerial attitudes of managers. The period starting from the 80s of the XX century is associated with an orientation towards social and ethical marketing, which is aimed not only at identifying the needs, requirements and interests of target markets, their satisfaction in more effective and more productive ways than competitors, but also taking into account the requirement to preserve and / or strengthen the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

The gradual increase in the production of economical small cars with catalysts, electric vehicles, the production of environmentally friendly food are all evidence of the vitality of the ideas of social and ethical marketing.

The episode with Coca-Cola, one of the leading soft drink producers in the world, has already become a classic. The group for the protection of consumer interests and environmentalists, in particular, was charged with the low nutritional value of the drink, as well as the fact that the sugar and phosphoric acid contained in it destroy teeth, and caffeine causes cramps, insomnia, and gastrointestinal upset. In addition, the non-negotiable tableware used results in a huge waste of resources, and some formulation components (brominated vegetable oil, saccharin) are banned by the US Quality Control Agency. food products, medicines and cosmetics The company was forced to respond to the charges and one of the measures taken was to change the composition of the components in the Coca-Cola drink.

A diagram of the organization of the firm's activities in the context of the application of the concept of social and ethical marketing is shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5 - Diagram of the concept of social and ethical marketing

The essence of marketing is especially clearly manifested when comparing it with the concept of intensifying commercial efforts. Tab. 1.

Table 1 - Pre-marketing and marketing concepts of the organization of entrepreneurship (on the example of the concept of intensification of commercial efforts and the concept of marketing)

2. Task

In relation to the consumer market, three marketing strategies are known: undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated marketing. Make a comparative analysis of the advertising costs of each of these strategies.

Undifferentiated Marketing. This strategy focuses the firm on a common interest in the needs of customers, rather than differences in motivation and attitudes of buyers towards the product and the buying process. By designing products and marketing programs that satisfy the average mass of buyers, the firm achieves its goal by finding a line of compromise. Standardization and mass production of goods are the main success factors for firms that adhere to this strategy. The strategy of undifferentiated marketing provides, in general, fairly low costs of production and sales of products. However, as H. Meffert notes, "this strategy basically does not correspond to the marketing strategy, since it contradicts the principles of modern marketing." Cost savings in manufacturing are quickly offset by disproportionately high marketing costs and lower prices. The use of such a strategy is impractical, especially for enterprises of the same industry, since in this case the emergence of fierce competition in large market segments and the complete weakening of small profitable segments is real.

The modern marketing concept considers two types of strategies: differentiated and concentrated marketing.

Strategy concentrated marketing requires an enterprise to focus on one or more, but necessarily profitable, market segments. The firm concentrates one or several products on these segments and accompanies them with targeted marketing programs. In terms of its content, this strategy corresponds to the concept of a market niche, i.e. work in such a segment of the market for which the product of this company and its delivery capabilities are most suitable.

Enterprises using this strategy are forced to pay more attention to the reputation, prestige of their product, to conduct modern analysis selected segments and monitor the dynamics of the market share that they have, as well as to ensure that new competitors do not appear in this market segment. On the one hand, thanks to the policy of specialization of production, sales and marketing, a company in the conditions of this strategy can provide itself with significant savings in financial and material resources. On the other hand, one should bear in mind the possibility of a high risk from activities in one segment, and to reduce it, it is necessary to diversify its activities and cover different market segments.

Strategy differentiated Marketing requires a firm to organize its activities in several segments with specially designed products and marketing programs. This strategy is in line with the basic principle of marketing, as it focuses on buyers and marketing programs that match their motives and perceptions. This strategy most fully reflects the situation in the buyer's market, therefore, as a rule, it provides a higher sales volume and a lower level of risk compared to a concentrated marketing strategy. A differentiated marketing strategy requires high investment, production and management costs therefore it is generally feasible for large enterprises.

3. Test

1. Which of the factors is the most important when making a marketing decision in the case of a social marketing concept:

d) public interest

2. What type of marketing is associated with the sale of goods or services within one country?

b) internal;

3. The specific need presented in the market; the need provided by money is the demand.

4. Assign numbers to establish the correct sequence.

Marketing functions are implemented in the following sequence:

1- analytical function;

3- sales function;

4- control and monitoring function;

2- production function.

5. Insert the word you think is the correct answer.

A type of marketing, the task of which is to restore demand through penetration into new markets, changes in the properties of goods, focused on new customer needs, is remarketing.

6. To what sign of segmentation is segmentation by income level?

B) demographic segmentation;

7. What element of market identification of a product is defined as a registered and legally protected mark or part of it?

A) trade mark;

8. What type of intermediaries gets from the manufacturer the right to trade their products for a specified period and in a specified location?

B) distributor;

9. Insert the word that you think is the correct answer.

Short-term incentive measures that promote the sale or marketing of a product are incentives marketing and sales .

10. Insert the word that you think is the correct answer.

The concept of system management, management of an organization or a separate functional process to ensure successful long-term business communications is _________________.


1. Andreeva O.D. Business technology: marketing. - M .: INFRA-M, 1997.

2. Bagiev G., Tarasevich V., Ann H. Marketing: Textbook for universities. - M .: JSC "Publishing house" Economics "", 2005.

3. Morozov Yu.V. Fundamentals of Marketing. - M .: Chronograph, 1997.

4. Krylov I.V. Marketing. - M .: Center, 1998.

Marketing management is based on a number of conceptual approaches. Marketing concepts are the starting points that characterize the active orientation of the market activity of an enterprise at various stages of its development.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of an enterprise (scientific and technical, production, sales, etc.) are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the tasks of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production towards meeting those needs. Marketing means developing, producing and marketing what there is really consumer demand for. When implementing the marketing concept, the emphasis on making economic decisions is shifted from the production units of the enterprise to the units that feel the pulse of the market. The marketing service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for the market, but also for the production, scientific, technical and financial policy of the enterprise. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and the business environment, the question of the need, prospects, profitability of the production of a particular product is resolved.

The concept of improving production is based on the fact that they will be sympathetic to products that are widespread and affordable. Consequently, the organization must focus on improving production, increasing its economic efficiency, reducing the price of products and distribution systems. The leading means of achieving the goal were to increase the scale of production and reduce the cost of production. Henry Ford, for example, sought to perfect the production of the Model T so that the cost of the car would go down and it would be available to as many consumers as possible. Ford joked that he could offer customers any color, as long as it was black. This concept in practice still flourishes in the field of budgetary, social services, moving to a place where there was no marketing at all - in the sphere of non-profit relations. Negative features and consequences of using this concept are indifference to the needs of consumers, depersonalization of consumers, goods, firms.

The concept of product improvement is based on the opinion that some consumers are interested in products that meet the highest quality and have the best performance. The main object of attention was the product, according to the principle: the main thing is a mousetrap (and not the problem of getting rid of mice). Marketing efforts focused on improving the quality of goods, with the modernization of manufactured goods being declared the leading means of achieving the goal. The sphere of existence of marketing has shifted somewhat to a place where it was no longer a purely production, but an entirely technocratic approach that dominated. The negative features and consequences of the implementation of such a strategy can be considered marketing myopia, overlooking the problems and needs of the client, design possibilities, packaging, prices. For example, Coca-Cola, by focusing entirely on its soft drinks, overlooked the rise in popularity of coffee shops and bars that sell fresh juices. those markets that ultimately encroach on the "soda" market. The managers of these organizations too often look in the mirror instead of looking out the window. Many managers various companies believe that product orientation provides continuous technology innovation, because it is technological excellence that lies at the heart of business success.

The concept of intensification of business efforts argues that consumers will not buy enough of the firm's products if it does not make significant sales and promotion efforts. The most worthy end goal of a firm and its marketing is to make a profit through increased sales. The main focus is on the selling process. The main content of marketing is taking care of the seller's needs in converting his product into cash. Leading means to an end are sales efforts and sales incentives, “hard” sales to get people to buy immediately, on the spot. Most often, this concept is applied to the so-called passive demand goods, those that the buyer hardly thinks about buying (for example, an encyclopedia or insurance). According to this concept, consumers must be persuaded to make a purchase, and therefore each company must have at its disposal an arsenal of tools for marketing and promoting goods and stimulating purchases.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts is also practiced in the non-commercial sphere. A political party, for example, vigorously "sells" its candidate to voters as the professional who is the best in coping with existing problems. Many companies resort to the concept of intensifying business efforts during periods of overproduction. Their goal is to sell what they have, not produce what is required in the market. Naturally, marketing based on an aggressive selling strategy carries a lot of risk. It focuses solely on the act of selling itself, rather than building long-term, profitable customer relationships. It assumes that buyers who agree to purchase a product will be happy with it. Most studies show that a customer will not buy again an item they are not satisfied with. To make matters worse, a satisfied customer shares an average of three people they know with a product they liked, while an unsatisfied customer shares his disappointment with an average of ten.

The concept of pure marketing requires a consumer orientation: to produce only what can be realized. A company's achievement of its goals depends on identifying the needs and demands of target markets, as well as on better customer satisfaction than competing companies. Oddly enough, but this approach has only recently begun to be used in entrepreneurial practice.

Many thriving and well-known companies operate on the concept of pure marketing. For example, such as Procter & Gamble, Marriott, Nordstrom, McDonald's.

McDonald's Corporation, a network of enterprises Catering where hamburger is the main course, is a true marketing professional. With 18,000 branches in 90 countries, with a total of $ 23 billion in sales per year, McDonald's opens a new restaurant every three hours around the world. Marketing: McDonald's knows how to serve customers and how to respond to changing consumer needs. Ray Kroca, a 52-year-old milkshake maker, is reflected in the McDonald's motto, QSC & V. Quality, service, cleanliness and value. they quickly get tasty food, which they eat right there or take away with them in pretty packaging. McDonald's premises do not have jukeboxes or payphones, so teenagers do not hang out there. There are also no cigarette vending machines or newspaper stands. McDonald's are family-run restaurants and are especially popular with children. In addition to this effort, every McDonald's restaurant takes part in various social events.

The concept of general marketing, which turns into the concept of marketing mix, the achievement of the ultimate goal - making a profit - is directly linked to the main condition: effective satisfaction of consumers' needs. The main content of marketing activities is to take care of satisfying the needs of the consumer through the product and a number of factors associated with the creation, supply and consumption of this product. Means of achieving the goal - integrated marketing efforts (marketing mix). This type of marketing still dominates in such areas where there is work with mass-market goods produced by large companies.

The concept of strategic marketing focuses marketing efforts on a long-term perspective and, in essence, is a constant and systematic analysis of market needs, leading to the development of effective products intended for specific groups of buyers and possessing special properties that distinguish them from competing products and thus create sustainable competitiveness for the manufacturer. advantage.

The concept of socially ethical marketing provides for meeting healthy and reasonable needs, protecting the environment, enhancing the role of public interests, maintaining a balance of interests along the entire technological chain from use natural resources before the consumption of the final product. The campaign first identifies the needs and interests of the target markets, and then provides consumers with higher customer value in ways that support (or even improve) the well-being of the client and society. The concept of socially ethical marketing is the most advanced of all the previous ones.

This concept is based on three fundamental ideas:

satisfying the healthy and reasonable needs of consumers;

achieving the main goal of manufacturers, taking into account the interests of society as a whole;

ensuring environmental protection.

As an example, the Coca-Cola Company is a corporation that makes soft drinks that consumers love and has won everyone's trust. However, some consumer groups and members of the environmental society have expressed concern that the company's drinks are low in nutritional value, can damage teeth, contain caffeine, and the cans and glass bottles in which these drinks are sold pose an environmental problem. ...

These kinds of complaints led the company to embrace the concept of socially ethical marketing. This concept encourages marketers to strike a balance between three marketing objectives: campaign revenue, consumer needs, and community interest. Previously, most companies made marketing decisions based mainly on the company's immediate profits. Gradually, however, the campaigns began to recognize the importance of long-term customer satisfaction, and thus moved on to the concept of marketing. Today, more and more campaigns think about the public interest when making marketing decisions.

The concept of holistic (holistic) marketing is based on the planning, development and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities, taking into account their breadth and interdependence.

Holistic marketing recognizes that everything is important in the marketing business and that, often, an extended, integrated approach is needed.

The concept of holistic marketing includes four categories of marketing: internal, integrated, socially responsible and relationship marketing. Holistic marketing delivers results, not the illusion of understanding and control.

Thus, holistic marketing is an approach that attempts to recognize and balance the different competencies and complexities of marketing activities.

On the communication spectrum, holistic marketing is at the highest levels. Holistic marketing does not limit the content of communications, either to individual details and characteristics of a product or service, or even to any set of ideas. The entire world in which the business lives, including the personalities of managers and employees, becomes the content of communications. Holistic marketing communicates this world to customers in its complexity, richness and diversity. On the other hand, in holistic marketing, we turn our communications not to individual human needs or even to some generalized values, but to the single personality of the client in its complexity, wealth and individuality. We do not try to look for points of control over the consumer, we do not seek to find his "button", but we create conditions for cooperation and co-creation with him.

Holistic marketing is, first of all, a special, holistic way of thinking, and not a set of certain recipes and technologies. Any business can take advantage of its powerful and so far little explored potential, but for this you need to learn to act without trying to understand and control everything around. It's not easy, but don't be intimidated.

It is important to emphasize that marketing specialists choose the most appropriate approach for the organization, based on the specifics of the proposed product, market characteristics, consumers, etc. ...


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