Foreign experience of management documentation support. On modern problems of documentary support of management in the Russian Federation. Organizational structure of the preschool educational institution

1. Automation of the office work system (on the example of a specific organization).

2. Analysis of the documentation and information support of the organization's management and the development of proposals for its improvement (for a specific example).

3. Analysis of documenting the main activities of the organization and the direction of its improvement (for example, organizations of any organizational and legal form).

4. Analysis of foreign standards governing the organization and processes of document management (in general, using the example of a specific country, or using the example of a specific foreign standard or a group of standards of a specific country).

5. Analysis of selection criteria and assessment of modern automated systems DOW (you can use a specific example).

6. Analysis of international standards in the field of document management (it is possible in general for the systems of international standardization ISO, IEC, etc., as an example of a specific international standard or a group of international standards).

7. Analysis of regulatory requirements for the documentation of the passage of the state civil service Russian Federation.

8. Analysis of regulatory requirements for the organization and documentation of the passage of the state civil service of the subject of the federation (subject of choice).

9. Organization analysis documentation support activities of a commercial structure and its improvement (on the example of a specific commercial structure).

10. Analysis of the formulation of documentation support for the activities of an institution, organization and directions for its improvement (on the example of a specific state institution, organization).

11. Analysis of the market for automated preschool educational institutions (in Russia or abroad).

12. Analysis of modern software tools used in the process of creating and managing documents.

13. Internal regulation of the organization of office work in a particular organization.

14. Documentation issues public service Russian Cossacks in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

15. Questions of documenting the activities of the state apparatus in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

16. Issues of documenting the activities of bodies local government in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

17. Issues of documentation and work with documents in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

18. Issues of documentation and work with documents in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on the state civil service.

19. Questions of documentation and work with documents in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on state military service.

20. Questions of documentation and work with documents in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on the state law enforcement service.

21. Issues of documenting creation and activities joint stock companies in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

22. Questions of the organization of work with documents in the state apparatus in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

23. Questions of organizing work with documents in local government bodies in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

24. Documentation support of activities public associations(for a specific example).

25. Documentation support of the certification procedure for a civil servant of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Federation - in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity.

26. Documentation support of management in the bodies state power and management (on the example of a specific organization).

27. Documentation support management activities in the conditions of use automated technology(on the example of a specific organization).

28. Documenting the activities of the personnel department and the direction of its improvement (on the example of a specific organization).

29. Documenting the passage of public service (on the example of a specific government agency).

30. Legislative and regulation office-work processes (in different historical periods).

31. Legislative and normative regulation of documenting personnel activities.

32. Legislative regulation of document management in Western Europe and the USA (optional).

33. The origin, formation and development of the examination of the value of documents in office work.

34. Foreign experience in automating the management of documented information.

35. Institute of the presidency of the Russian Federation (subject of the federation) and information and documentation support of its activities.

36. Institute of the secretariat in the state apparatus of Russia in the 18th - 19th centuries.

37. Institute of secretaries in the state apparatus of Russia XX - early XXI centuries.

38. Use of new information technologies in information and documentation support of management (for a specific example).

39. Research into the creation of "automated", "paperless" office (for domestic and foreign publications).

40. Research of organizational and legal aspects of using electronic documents in management.

41. Research of technological aspects of using electronic documents in management.

42. Personnel service of a state body and documenting the passage of the state civil (law enforcement, military) service of the Russian Federation - in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

43. International standardization in the field of document management (history of the issue, current state of affairs, evolution of the process).

44. International standardization of information processes.

45. The place and role of classifiers of technical, economic and social information in the documentation of management (it is possible to use the example of an organization).

46. ​​Methodology for choosing automated preschool education systems for the organization (for a specific example).

47. Methodology information management as a tool for building an organization's information and documentation system.

48. Regulatory and documentary support for the organization and passage of the state civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

49. Regulatory and documentary support for the passage of public service in the Russian Empire, the Russian Federation (or another country of your choice) - in accordance with regulatory legal acts.

50. Regulatory and documentary support for the passage of the state civil service (on the example of a specific state body).

51. Regulatory and documentary support for the passage of federal military service (on the example of a specific state body).

52. Regulatory and documentary support for the passage of the federal law enforcement service (on the example of a specific state body).

53. Organizational, legal and documentary support for the management of a state institution (for a specific example).

54. Organizational, legal and documentary support for the management of a state body (for a specific example).

55. Organizational, legal and documentary support for the management of a municipal body (for a specific example).

56. Organization of the state civil service and HR administration in the federal government agency or a state body of a constituent entity of the federation (using the example of a specific state body).

57. Organization of documentation support for the activities of the personnel service and the direction of its improvement (on the example of a specific organization).

58. Organization of information and documentation support for the activities of the head on the basis of the use of automated technologies.

59. Organization of representative (legislative) power in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and information and documentation support of its activities (according to regulatory legal acts).

60. Organization of work of the office of a state institution in the Soviet period of national history.

61. Organization of the work of the office of the state institution of Russia XVIII - XIX centuries.

62. Organization of the work of the office of the state institution of Russia at the turn of XX - XXI centuries.

63. Organization of document management abroad (by periods, by countries, etc.).

64. Organization of document management abroad (country of choice).

65. Organization of document management based on information technology (on the example of a specific country, or communities of countries - European Union, CIS, etc.).

66. Reflection of issues of documentation support of management in periodicals.

67. Building a modern infrastructure of the organization (on the example of a specific organization).

68. Government of the Russian Federation (subject of the federation) and information and documentation support of its activities.

69. Problems of automation of documentation processes in domestic and foreign literature.

70. Problems of improving the state apparatus of the Russian Federation and its documentation support.

71. Systems Development electronic document management organizations (for a specific example).

72. The role of information management in the implementation of the concept of "Electronic government".

73. Improvement of documentation and information support for management in the context of the use of modern computer technology(for a specific example).

74. Improvement of documentation support for management with the use of new information technologies (on the example of a specific organization).

75. Comparative analysis automated preschool educational systems.

76. Formation and development of the documentation system (optional).

Keywords: Office work, Personnel management, Government and municipal government, Basics of certification and standardization.

The object of the research is the analysis of the conditions "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management". The subject of the research is the consideration of individual questions formulated as tasks this study.

The aim of the research is to study the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" from the point of view of the latest domestic and foreign research on similar issues.

In the process of work, a theoretical and methodological analysis of the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" was carried out, including theoretical aspects studying the phenomenon "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management", studied the nature of the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management".

Further, a study of the relevance of "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management" in modern conditions was carried out with the involvement of statistical data and scientific publications of recent years.

As a result of the study, specific ways of solving the problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" were identified and quantitatively substantiated, including some possibilities for solving the problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" and trends in the development of the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" were identified.

Degree of implementation - proposals and specific activities have been tested in the activities of the organization, which served as the basis for educational practice.

The proposed measures, with some specification, can be used in the work of personnel services of Russian enterprises.

The implementation of the proposed measures allows for a more accurate understanding of the nature and topical problems "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management."

Review of sources on the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management"

In the list of references used in the preparation of this work, 36 bibliographic sources are presented. Let's characterize some of them:

The designated problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" is considered by M. Yu. Rogozhin in the book "", published in 2009 and containing 384 pages. From the description of the book, it can be concluded that

Also, the problems of regulation of modern issues on the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" concerns M. Yu. Rogozhin in the monograph "Documentation support for management". This book was published by the publishing house "Prospect" in 2009, contains 0 pages.

A universal educational and practical guide provides answers to all key questions of the effective organization of documentation support for the management (DOW) of the activities of an enterprise (organization, institution). The material of the manual is presented in a comprehensive manner, based on legislation and regulations on preschool educational institutions. The main place in the manual is devoted to the consideration of the issues of document management (document management) and documentation of activities, including the preschool educational institution service, personnel service and the accounting department of the enterprise. For heads of enterprises, their deputies for management, employees of preschool educational institutions, personnel services and accounting, as well as students in the specialty 350800 "Document management and documentation support of management."

A number of topical problems were touched upon in the book "Documentation support of management". R. Ye. Bulat determined the relevance and novelty of this topic in his research, published in 2012 in the publishing house "Business-Press". The description of the book reads as follows.

The content of the training manual corresponds to the curriculum for the discipline "Office work in personnel service"included in the block of special disciplines of the specialty 080505.65" Personnel management ", as well as the curriculum for the discipline" Documentation support of personnel management ", included in the basic part of the professional cycle of the approximate basic educational program higher vocational education in the direction of training "Personnel Management" - 080400, developed by the UMO of Russian universities for education in the field of management. Regulatory requirements presented in the publication (including those that entered into force in 2012) and guidelines to the documentation of management activities and the implementation of a systematic approach to the documentation of management modern organization will be useful for both students, graduate students and teachers, and practitioners in the field of documenting management activities.

In addition, when studying the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management", such periodic sources were used as:

  1. Foreign experience legal regulation public services. A.F. Vasilyeva, "Journal Russian law", No. 12, December 2007.
  2. Alternative resolution of commercial disputes. Foreign experience. D. Stoletova, "Personnel officer. Personnel management", No. 10, October 2007.
  3. The problem of competitiveness in personnel management of an organization. V. Shapovalov, "Human Resource Management", No. 18, September 2007.
  4. 1C: Enterprise 8 - experience in organizing the transition. "BUKH.1S", No. 9, September 2007.
  5. The collection business continues to gain strength and experience. I.E. Smirnov, "Management in a Credit Organization", No. 5, September-October 2007.

Sample introduction

The presented work is devoted to the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

The problem of this study has relevance in the modern world. This is evidenced by the frequent study of the issues raised.

The topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" is studied at the junction of several interrelated disciplines. For state of the art science is characterized by a transition to a global consideration of the problems of the subject "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management."

A lot of works are devoted to research questions. Basically, the material presented in the educational literature is of a general nature, and in numerous monographs on this topic, narrower issues of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" are considered. However, it is required to take into account modern conditions in the study of the problems of the designated topic.

The high importance and insufficient practical elaboration of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" determine the undoubted novelty of this study.

Further attention to the issue of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" is necessary in order to more deeply and reasonably resolve the particular topical problems of the subject of this study.

The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" in modern science on the other hand, its insufficient development. Consideration of issues related to this topic is of both theoretical and practical significance.

The results can be used to develop a methodology for the analysis "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management."

The theoretical significance of studying the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" is that the problematic chosen for consideration is at the junction of several scientific disciplines at once.

The object of this research is to analyze the conditions "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

In this case, the subject of the study is the consideration of individual issues formulated as the objectives of this study.

The aim of the research is to study the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" from the point of view of the latest domestic and foreign research on similar issues.

  1. To study theoretical aspects and to reveal the nature of "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management".
  2. To tell about the urgency of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" in modern conditions.
  3. To outline the possibilities of solving the subject "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management".
  4. Outline the development trends of the subject "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management".

The work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, a main part consisting of 3 chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic choice, sets the goal and objectives of the research, describes the research methods and sources of information.

Chapter one reveals general issues, reveals the historical aspects of the problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management." The basic concepts are determined, the relevance of the sounding of the questions "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management" is determined.

The second chapter deals in more detail with the content and modern problems "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

Chapter three is of a practical nature and on the basis of individual data an analysis of the current state is made, as well as an analysis of the prospects and development trends "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

According to the results of the study, a number of problems related to the topic under consideration were revealed, and conclusions were drawn about the need for further study / improvement of the state of the issue.

Thus, the urgency of this problem determined the choice of the topic of the work "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management", the range of issues and the logical scheme of its construction.

Theoretical and methodological framework the study was carried out by legislative acts, regulations on the topic of work.

The sources of information for writing a work on the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" were basic educational literature, fundamental theoretical works of the largest thinkers in the area under consideration, the results of practical research by prominent domestic and foreign authors, articles and reviews in specialized and periodicals dedicated to the subject " Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management ", reference books, other relevant sources of information.

Lecture 1. Modern technology and organization of office work. Assessment of the current state of documentation support for management (DOU).

The course "Organization and technology of management documentation support" consists of two sections: "History of the organization of office work in Russia" and "Modern organization and technology of management documentation support".

The purpose of the course is to give students an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the formation and development of national office work systems in different historical periods and to familiarize them with the theory and practice of organizing modern documentation support based on scientifically grounded principles and methods for its improvement.

Objectives of the course:

    to highlight the place of documentary support of management in management processes;

    to acquaint with the history of the development of the system of state office work;

    to form students' rational approaches to solving the problems of organizing work with documents in the institution;

    to acquaint students with the modern typical structures of preschool educational institutions;

Documentation is the basis of management technology

Office work-branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents..

Initially, the term appeared in oral speech (presumably in the 17th century) and meant the process of solving (producing) a case: “to do business” - to solve an issue. In the course of the decision, it became necessary to consolidate the result, for example, the agreement reached. For this, documents have been created since ancient times, since the spoken word is short-lived, it can be forgotten, distorted during transmission or not so understood. Already in the XVI century. the word is used a business as a collection of documents related to any case, issue. For the first time in this concept, the word "business" was recorded in documents in 1584.

Modern office work includes:

    ensuring the timely and correct creation of documents (documentation);

    organization of work with documents (receipt, transfer, processing, accounting, registration, control, storage, systematization, preparation of documents for filing, destruction).

In parallel with the term "office work" In recent decades, the term has been used management documentation(DOE). Its appearance is associated with the introduction of computer systems into management and their organizational, software and information support to approximate the terminology used in computer programs and literature. Currently, the terms "office work" and "management documentation" are synonymous and are used to refer to the same activity.

Management documentation (DOU) is a type of organization management, which includes fixing, transferring and storing information about the state of the organization and control actions to change its state. The preschool educational institution includes the following main processes:

    fixing control actions or data on the state of affairs of the Organization on official media, i.e. " documenting"or" production of documents ";

    timely provision of information in an official manner, i.e. transfer of documents or " document flow";

    prompt and long-term storage of documents, i.e. "archival storage".

Management documentation is a branch of activity, the main purpose of which is to provide management with information about the state of affairs in the Organization for making informed management decisions and monitoring their implementation.

Documenting Is the process of creating and formatting a document. The state standard defines documentation as "recording information on various media according to established rules."

Today, a preschool educational institution serves both as a tool for effective management and as the most important communication tool in relations between government agencies and the population of the country, civil society structures, and business. In our opinion, in the course of the reform at the national level, it is necessary to establish uniform principles for the unification and standardization of services and technologies of preschool educational institutions, as well as documentation - for better interaction between government bodies. State regulation in the field of documentary support is of particular importance in connection with the use of electronic documents and electronic communications. The growth in the amount of information and documentation in government bodies puts forward the need for constant monitoring and management of these processes by the state.

Domestic traditions, world experience, recommendations of the International Council of Archives clearly indicate the need for state regulation of document management, as well as a reasonable reduction in the volume of document circulation in the country.

The state archival service has traditionally been involved in streamlining management documentation in Russia.

For example, the last Regulations on the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated 28.12.98 No. 1562 included the following task: “development and improvement, together with federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of archiving and record keeping, including the state record keeping system and unified systems documentation ”.

The new management body - the Federal Archival Agency (see the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 290), in accordance with the decisions on the administrative reform, is not endowed with the functions of document management. It has only the function of coordinating approximate nomenclatures of cases, instructions for the office work of federal executive bodies, as well as lists of documents generated in the course of the activities of federal bodies of state power and organizations subordinate to them, indicating the terms of their storage. As you can see, even a very abstract task of “development” of office work has dropped out of the Regulations. This situation introduces uncertainty in the prospects for further improvement of preschool educational institutions at the state level. However, in all developed countries in one form or another, the functions of document management are assigned to the relevant state bodies, and this practice justifies itself.

Russia should pay attention to experience foreign countries... Indeed, today, after the implementation of administrative transformations, the state function of document management (DOU) for the first time in the last three centuries has dropped out of the field of vision of the state. The archival agency cannot perform coordinating, control, supervisory functions in the field of preschool educational institutions. No other government agency has been assigned this task. Of course, this situation will negatively affect the state of the country's preschool educational institution.

In the current conditions, important work on the draft federal law “On documentary support for management activities”, the development of which has been carried out over the past years, is hampered. Reforming state structures necessitates a large-scale revision of the accumulated legal and methodological base of preschool educational institutions.

It is required, in particular, a revision of the standards for documentation support operating at the interstate, state and intersectoral levels of government, taking into account the ongoing work under the federal target program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)", a number of international agreements and standards in areas information exchange... At the same time, it is necessary to stop the uncontrolled growth of the volume of document circulation.

The volume of documentation generated in the activities of government bodies is approximately 250 billion sheets of documents annually. At the same time, sample examinations of the apparatus government controlled it was found that an increase in the volume of documentation by 8-15% is observed annually.

It should be especially noted the increased level of computerization of government bodies - this is an additional factor that affects the state of preschool educational institutions.

The estimate of the direct costs of documenting management actions shows significant fluctuations in the amounts depending on the sphere and level of government bodies.

The cost of documenting and processing documents per document is on average about 50 rubles. In this regard, the reduction of the species composition of documents by unification and standardization by 10% makes it possible to count on obtaining a direct economic effect by reducing the cost of documenting and processing documents. The savings amount to about 12.5 billion rubles.

The regulation of the functions of government bodies and the procedures for their documentation support allows, by reducing the time spent on documenting and processing documents (on average, from 15–20 minutes to 3-4 minutes), to save up to 40–50% of the total time spent on documentation processes. This, in turn, will make it possible to obtain a direct economic effect in the amount of at least 2.5–3.0 billion rubles.

Currently, the Russian economy is shifting from a predominantly raw material towards the expansion of production of high-tech science-intensive products that use the highest scientific and technological achievements and the country's intellectual potential. In accordance with the previously adopted decisions of the Security Council (SB) under the President of the Russian Federation, the main attention should be paid to ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products, especially in the foreign market. This requires documentation and information support of products in accordance with international standards at all stages of the life cycle, which is fixed in the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ.

Commission on information security In March 2003, the Security Council of the Russian Federation, drawing attention to the problem of electronic document circulation, decided on the need to create a set of normative legal acts in this area.

    the establishment of uniform unified rules and methods of preschool educational institutions in state structures, regardless of their departmental subordination;

    monitoring and control over the observance of the rules and norms of interdepartmental workflow, over the processes of document formation and the volume of workflow;

    scientific and methodological work in the field of documentation support and the introduction of the most rational methods of working with documents in governing bodies and government organizations;

    centralized development of standard regulations for solving managerial problems of state organizations;

    ensuring the safety of documents in government bodies, the formation of documentary funds as information resources of organizations, setting the storage periods for documents, as well as compliance with legislatively established provisions on access to documents of government bodies and organizations;

    examination of software and other information tools used in government bodies and state organizations for electronic documentary communications;

    professional training and advanced training of specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions.

The implementation of these tasks, which form the basis of document management, will increase the level of quality and professionalism in the socio-economic sphere of Russia and obtain, through improving the activities of the management apparatus, a total direct economic effect in the amount of 13.75-14.25 billion rubles. And the effect, which is much greater than the direct one, is an indirect economic effect, which is reflected in the growth of the gross national product and the competitiveness of Russian producers.

Of course, to solve the above tasks, a special state body is needed at the level federal service... An archival management body with appropriate powers is best suited for this purpose.

Office work today is defined by the standard as a "branch of activity" that provides documentation and organization of work with documents "2, ie the whole process from the moment of creating a document to its destruction or transfer to storage in the archive."

The term appears initially in oral speech (presumably in the 17th century) and means the decision process itself (the production of the case - "to do business" (to solve the issue). Since in the course of solving any issue documents arose in order to consolidate the agreement reached, the decision made (for an oral word is short-lived, it can be forgotten, distorted during transmission or not so understood already in the 16th century. 1584 g.

In parallel with the term "office work" in recent decades, the term "management documentation support" has been used. The appearance of this term is associated with the introduction of computer systems v management, their organizational, program and information security. To approximate the terminology used in computer programs and literature in the field of office work, the term "management support documentation" began to be used similarly, which is essentially synonymous with the term "office work". For example, in the titles of the normative documents "State system of documentation support of management" and "Typical instructions for office work in the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation."

A broader term used today - information and documentation support of management, includes, in addition to traditional work with documents and information services, the creation, maintenance and work with databases.

Both the process of creating documents and the organization of work with them have always been regulated by special legislative and regulatory and regulatory and methodological acts. In the pre-revolutionary period, the largest legislative acts that determined the organization of office work were the "General Regulations" approved by Peter I on February 28, 1720 4, "The Establishment for Governance of the Province" in 1775 by Catherine II, "The General Establishment of Ministries" in 1811. These acts established the basic principles of working with documents that are in force today (for example, mandatory registration of documents, registration, control, formation of cases, creation of an institution's archive, etc.).

Regulatory and methodological acts for office work:

The state system of documentary support is managedand I.Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation services. - M.,1991.

At present, in accordance with the federal target program, the development of a new version of the GSSOU is being completed - a system of regulations that determine the basic rules for working with documents in organizations. The system is focused on commercial structures as well. It will consist of two parts: normative and methodological. In the normative part, as in the document existing today, the main tasks and functions, the legal regulation of the activities of the document support service in the organization, its approximate structure are determined; the procedure for the preparation and execution of documents; all stages of working with them: delivery, passage, processing, accounting, registration, control of execution, information and reference work, operational storage of documents, search for documents and information; protection of information retrieval systems; preparation of documents for the archive; the procedure for the examination of the value of documents; organization of storage of documents.

The main difference new system lies in the fact that it will be a single complex of automated documentation based on modern text editors, automated workflow (including email), databases and automated storage and use of documents (including automated nomenclatures of cases, inventories of cases, etc.) 9.

Typical instructions for the office work of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation. - M., .2005.

New edition of the Instruction. It includes both the general procedure for the preparation and execution of documents, and the peculiarities of the preparation of certain types of documents: orders, instructions, instructions, minutes. It describes the procedure for registering documents, building search systems for reference work, organizing control over the execution of documents, the procedure for drawing up and working with the nomenclature of cases, forming cases, conducting an examination of the value of documents, processing cases, compiling inventories, prompt storage of cases and transferring them to archival storage. The appendix contains the forms of the nomenclature of cases, the act on the allocation of documents for destruction, inventories, etc. As can be seen from the brief listing of the contents of the instruction, it reflects almost all issues of organizing office work. Although it is intended primarily for ministries and departments, it can be used and will find a lot of useful for themselves office management services of organizations of any form of ownership. It can be used as a basis for the development of instructions for the office work of a particular organization.

Basic rules for the work of departmental archives. - M., 1988.

The rules can be roughly divided into two parts. The first (sections 2-4) covers in detail the office-work issues:

    requirements for nomenclatures of cases, their types, the procedure for their preparation, filling, maintenance;

    the procedure for the formation of cases in office work;

    organization and procedure for the examination of the value of documents in office work;

    the procedure for the selection of documents for destruction; 4 preparation of cases for transfer to the archive: registration of cases (numbering, filing, additional registration of the cover, etc.), compilation of inventories, transfer to the archive.

In another part of the rules (section 5-14), the work with documents in the archive is disclosed in detail.

For commercial organizations that do not transfer documents for state storage, but keep them at home, the rules are an irreplaceable aid in organizing their archive.

List of documents indicating storage periods (Typical><ми ведомственный) 10 .

    Model regulation on the conduct of office work on proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

This act describes the fundamental provisions for organizing work with this category of documents: registration features, deadlines for execution, maintaining a reference file, forming cases, retention periods for cases, maintaining analytical information on appeals. The methodology set forth in the Regulations can be used to organize work with any documents of individuals.

Lecture 2. Organization of the preschool educational institution. Tasks and functions of the preschool educational institution.

    Organizational forms of documentation support (office work).

    DOE service: purpose and place in the structure of the organization

    Typical structures of preschool educational institutions in organizations of various levels of management.

    Functions of employees of the preschool educational institution

    Work rationing of workers

    The official and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution.

    Regulation of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

1. Documentation support as a management function is present in any organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, the nature and content of activities, competence and other factors. By definition, enshrined in GOST R 51141-98, management documentation is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

The document is the main way of fixing and transferring managerial and other information in the management system, and the quality of the decisions made and, consequently, the effectiveness of the institution's activities largely depends on how effectively the work with documents is organized. That is why in any organization it is extremely important to pay special attention to the organization of the office work service and to achieve the most rational organization of work with documents.

For this, first of all, it is necessary to resolve the following issues at the organizational level:

    Choosing the optimal organizational form of office work;

    Development of the organizational and functional structure of the office work service and the choice of its specific name;

    Delineation of functions, duties, rights and responsibilities between individual structural divisions of the office work and employees and their consolidation in the relevant organizational and legal documents;

    Labor rationing of employees of the office work service;

    Determination of the numerical and official composition of the office work service;

    Choosing the optimal technology for working with documents and fixing it in the Office work instructions;

    Rational organization of workplaces and the creation of favorable working conditions;

    Improving the qualifications of employees and the culture of working with documents.

The first question - the choice of the optimal organizational form of office work - is decided at the initial stage of organizing the office work. When solving this issue, one should proceed from the fact that historically there have been three main forms of organization of office work: centralized, decentralized and mixed.

The centralized form involves the implementation of all operations for processing documents (from receiving documents and registering them to sending documents, forming cases and storing them) in one unit - the office work service.

The decentralized form of organization of office work involves the creation of an independent office management service in each structural unit and is currently rarely used. The decentralized form of office work is used only in geographically dispersed organizations, as well as in individual divisions working with specific documentation.

with documents of limited access, which must be separated from documents of open office work.

A mixed form of organization of office work involves the implementation of some office operations in the office work service, others in departments. As a rule, the clerical service takes upon itself the receipt and sending of documents, their registration, the organization of document flow, control of the execution of documents, while the creation and execution of documents, their systematization, the formation of cases and storage are carried out in structural divisions. In addition, with a mixed form of office work, the same technological operation (for example, registration of incoming and outgoing documents) can be carried out in the office work service and in structural divisions, depending on the category of documents. Documents addressed to the management are registered in the office work service, addressed to structural divisions in the corresponding divisions.

Most organizations use a mixed form of organization of office work, less often - a centralized form, although, of course, the latter has a number of advantages. The centralized form of organization of office work allows you to concentrate all technical operations for processing documents in one department, leaving other structural departments to creative work with documents, it makes it possible to form a single database of all documents received and created in the organization, thus providing a more reliable search documents and, accordingly, reference work on documents. The centralized form relieves structural units from the need to form executed documents into cases and store them, since this work is carried out by the office management service. In addition, the centralized form makes it possible to more efficiently and comprehensively use office equipment and computer equipment to perform office operations for processing documents.

Naturally, with a centralized form, the office management service performs a much larger amount of work than with a mixed form, and this, naturally, requires a larger staff of workers, and since all cases are processed, formed and stored in the office management service, then, accordingly, a larger number of special official premises intended for processing documents, forming and storing the current archive of the organization. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the introduction of modern computer technologies, in particular, network technologies for processing documents, allows you to create a single database of documents of the organization and, in a mixed form, office work.

The chosen form of organization of office work largely determines the technology of working with documents, which is fixed in the instructions for office work.

2. It is important to emphasize that in modern conditions, when the work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the office work are not limited only to the organization of the institution's workflow, records of documents, control of their execution and storage of documents. The office management service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information technologies for working with documents, in providing access to information and protecting information, in improving work with documents.

Office work service - case management, office, general department, secretariat, office work department - an independent structural unit of an organization, institution, enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the organization) that performs the function of documentary support for management activities (DOW) and is directly subordinate to the head of the organization. The specific name of the office work service is chosen depending on the type of organization, its organizational structure, place in the hierarchy of governing bodies, scope of activities and other features. In small organizations, office functions are typically performed by a single clerk.

3. The choice of a specific name for the office work is carried out simultaneously with the development of the organizational and functional structure of the service. The State System for Management Documentation (GSDOU) contains recommendations for choosing the most appropriate name of the service and its structure.

Depending on the status of the organization, its goals, tasks, the number of structural units and officials, the preschool educational institution service has various names of organizational forms, structure, and official composition.

For preschool educational institutions, organizations create:

    business management;


    Common department;

    preschool educational institution or preschool educational institution department.

In federal executive bodies (ministries, departments), this is the management of affairs, which, as a rule, has a complex structure. It includes: the secretariat, the inspection under the minister, the secretariat of the collegium, the office.

Secretariat consists of the reception of the minister, the secretariat of the minister, the reception and the secretariats of the deputy ministers. The secretariat prepares documents for the report and organizes work with documents sent to the management.

Inspection under the minister controls the execution of government documents, administrative documents of the authorities, orders of the minister.

Secretariat the collegium is responsible for the technical and documentary support of the collegium meetings.

Chancery consists of structural divisions.

They include: expedition, bureau of government correspondence, bureau of accounting and registration of documents, control group, typewriting bureau or computer center for processing documents, copying and duplicating bureau, teletype, central archive.

At various enterprises - state, non-state, research, design, engineering, higher educational institutions - a department for documentation support or an office is created. They may have structural divisions (sector, group), or the conduct of a specific area of ​​work may be entrusted to specific performers (performer).

In the office or department of the preschool educational institution, divisions are created that carry out accounting and registration of documents, control, improvement, work with documents and the introduction of technical means, consideration of citizens' appeals. They may include a secretariat, an expedition, a typewritten bureau, a copying bureau, an archive.

In the executive bodies of power, local government create a general department. The structure of the general department includes divisions the same as the office. However, its structure necessarily contains such subdivisions as protocol department, group of letters, reception. In the protocol department, draft documents are prepared on behalf of the management, documents prepared in structural divisions are analyzed, its employees are preparing meetings of the management body. The group (bureau, department) carries out work with citizens' appeals. The reception room accepts citizens who apply with proposals, applications, complaints of a personal nature.

A positive fact should be considered the inclusion in the structure of the preschool educational institution of a unit that is engaged in improving the forms and methods of working with documents. This unit can be called the department for improving work with documents and implementation of technical means or a group (sector, bureau) for improving work with documents.

In the office and in the general department (department of the preschool educational institution), as well as as an independent unit, a secretariat can be created, which includes all the secretaries of the leaders of the organization.

The main condition for the creation of this service, regardless of its name, which must be strictly observed, is as follows: "Documentation support of management in organizations, institutions and enterprises is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization."

In ministries and departments - business management. The management of affairs, as a rule, includes: secretariat (reception, secretariat of the minister, secretariats of deputy ministers, secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau), inspection under the minister (head of department), chancellery (bureau of government correspondence, bureau of accounting and registration, expedition, typewritten bureau, copying and duplicating bureau, teletype, etc.), department of letters (complaints), department of improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means, central archive);

At enterprises (associations), in research, design, design organizations and computing centers, higher educational institutions and other organizations - from cases of documentation support of management or office. In their composition, as a rule, it includes: subdivisions for accounting and registration of documents, control of execution, improvement of work with documents and the introduction of technical means, consideration of citizens' appeals, a secretariat, an expedition, a typewriter bureau, a copying bureau, an archive;

In the executive authorities (administrations, city halls, prefectures, etc.) and the management apparatus of public organizations - Common department. The general department includes: a secretariat, an office, a control group, a protocol group, a group for improving work with documents, a group of letters (complaints), a typewritten bureau, a copying bureau, an archive;

In organizations that do not have a clerical service in the structure, its functions are performed by executive secretary, in structural divisions - division secretary or another specially designated person.

4. The office work service solves two main sets of tasks:

Providing a unified procedure for documenting management activities and organizing work with documents;

Improvement of forms and methods of working with documents.

The tasks facing the office work determine its functions. Ensuring a unified procedure for documenting management activities is solved by performing the following functions:

    development and design of letterheads, ensuring their production;

    ensuring the production of documents, copying and duplication of documents;

    control over the quality of preparation and execution of documents, compliance with the established procedure for approval and certification of documents.

The task of organizing work with documents is solved by performing the following functions:

    establishment of a unified procedure for the passage of documents (document flow of the institution);

    forwarding processing of incoming and outgoing documents;

    registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the organization;

    control over the execution of documents;

    systematization of documents, ensuring their storage and subsequent use in management activities;

    organization of work with citizens' appeals;

    ensuring the protection of documentary information.

The task of improving the forms and methods of working with documents includes:

    development and processing of normative, instructive, methodological documents for office work (instructions for office work, nomenclature of cases, etc.);

    methodological guidance and control over the observance of the established rules for working with documents in the structural divisions of the organization;

    professional development of employees of the institution, their advice on the issues of working with documents;

    Streamlining the documents of the institution, carrying out work on the unification of documents, developing the Timesheet and Album of forms of documents used in the activities of the organization;

    Development and implementation of new forms and methods of working with documents, improving the document flow of the institution, increasing executive discipline when working with documents;

    setting tasks for the development or improvement of automated information technologies used when working with documents.

5. Labor standards are developed on the basis of research and are intended for repeated use in determining specific labor costs.

According to their purpose, the materials used to rate the labor of employees are divided into:

    time standards- regulated time expenditures for the performance of a unit of a standardized type of work or its element in certain organizational and technical conditions;

    headcount standards- the regulated number of employees of the professional and qualification structure, necessary for the high-quality performance of a particular function in certain organizational and technical conditions;

    work centralization standards- the regulated ratio of the number of employees of the administrative apparatus to the total number of employees of the enterprise by management functions or by the enterprise as a whole;

    controllability standards- standards for the number of subordinate (or served) workers;

service standards- the regulated number of managed (or serviced) employees (subdivisions), which, under certain organizational and technical conditions, must be managed (or serviced) by one employee;

standards for the ratio of the number of different categories of employees- a regulated value that ensures the best use of standardized workers in accordance with the level of their qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions;

standardized tasks- the scope of work established on the basis of time standards that must be performed by performers for a certain calendar period of time in compliance with the established requirements for the quality of labor results.

According to the scope of application, labor standards are divided into intersectoral, sectoral and local (applied at a separate enterprise). Inter-sectoral standards are intended for the regulation of labor of workers of the same professions or specialties engaged in the implementation of homogeneous technological processes at various enterprises. These standards are developed for the most typical technological processes for the same types of work with standard working conditions and therefore are unified.

For example, for the rationing of the work of clerical personnel, Intersectoral consolidated norms of time for work on documentation support of management have been developed and are applied (M., 1995).

Enlarged time standards are designed to perform a complex of technologically and organizationally related labor techniques (operations).

The enlarged standards for the performance of individual operations are calculated using the formula:

The standards are based on labor standards that determine the amount and structure of labor time expenditures and are the benchmark against which the actual time spent is compared in order to establish their rationality. When labor rationing is applied:

    time norms;

    production rates;

    service standards;

    population norms;

    controllability standards;

    standardized tasks.

If the time standards are intended primarily to determine the rate of time to complete a unit of work, then the service standards, the number are intended, respectively, to calculate the rates of service and the total number of workers performing a certain amount of work during the year.

When compiling time standards, the time norms for individual repetitive operations (work) are first calculated, then the labor intensity of all works is determined - as the sum of the products of the labor intensity of performing individual works by their number. After that, the number of employees is determined.

Lecture 3. The official and technical staff of the preschool educational institution. Functional responsibilities of employees of the preschool educational institution. The regulatory framework governing the organization and technology of information and documentation support of the institution's activities.

Regulatory and methodological base of documentary support of management (DOU) - a set of laws, regulatory legal acts, methodological documents, state standards regulating the technology of creation, processing, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the organization, as well as the activities of the office work: its structure, functions, staffing, technical support and some other aspects.

Regulatory and methodological documents for preschool educational institutions are developed by various government and administrative bodies in accordance with their competence.

The regulatory and methodological base of the preschool educational institution includes:

Legal acts issued by the highest bodies of state power and administration;

Legal acts issued by federal executive bodies: ministries, committees, departments of both industry-wide and departmental character;

Legal acts issued by the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their territorial entities, regulating the issues of office work;

Legal acts of a normative and instructive nature, as well as methodological documents on the documentation of management, issued by the management of enterprises and organizations.

Regardless of the specific name of the office work service and its structure, the legal basis for its activities is the provision on the service and the provisions on its structural parts, as well as job descriptions of employees, which are mandatory for each organization. These documents consolidate the delineation of functions, duties, rights and responsibilities between individual structural units of the office and employees.

Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution- a legal act that defines the organizational and legal position of a unit in the structure of an institution, its tasks, functions, rights, responsibility, as well as relationships with other units and institutions.

Job description- a legal act that defines the organizational and legal position of the employee in the structure of the institution and unit. his functional duties, rights, responsibilities and relationships with other employees and departments.

The regulations on the office work service and the regulations on its structural parts, if any, are developed by its head with the involvement of qualified specialists who are well aware of both the work of the unit and the organization as a whole, and are approved by the head.

One of the functions of the clerical service is the choice of the optimal technology for working with documents and fixing it in the clerical instructions. Instruction for office work- a legal act establishing the technology for creating or receiving documents, their processing, storage and use in the activities of the organization. Instruction for office work establishes uniform rules for documenting activities, organizing document flow, maintaining records, registering, monitoring the execution of documents and their storage. The instruction is approved by the head of the organization and is mandatory for all employees.

The purpose of the instruction is to improve work with documents, reduce the number and improve the quality of document preparation, streamline document flow and optimize managerial work.

Instruction for office work is developed on the basis of the provisions of the State system of documentation support for management, state standards for documents. Ministries and departments develop instructions for office work based on the Model Instruction for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies. the instructions consistently reflected all the stages of working with documents from their creation or receipt to execution, sending and / or delivery, to the archive.

The instruction should include sections: general provisions; documentation of activities (requirements for forms, registration of details of documents, registration of certain types of documents); organization of document flow (processing of incoming and outgoing documents, registration of documents. control of execution of documents); organization of storage of documents (drawing up a nomenclature of cases, formation and execution of cases, transfer of cases to archival storage). In addition, it is advisable to include in the instruction sections related to the production of documents using computer technology; storage, accounting and use of forms, seals, stamps: use of facsimile equipment and e-mail; photocopying and duplication of documents and some others. Depending on the specifics of the institution's activities, its structure, the procedure for passing documents, the presence of separate areas of work, the technical means used, and other factors. Instruction for office work can be supplemented by other sections, for example: documenting the work of a collegial body (collegium, board of directors, academic council, etc.); registration of letters sent abroad, etc.

The regulations of the instruction are supplemented by appendices (samples of letterhead ; main types of documents; classifiers, registration forms, etc.).

The regulatory and methodological documents governing preschool educational institutions include:

List of documents with storage periods (standard and departmental).

Typical lists developed by archival institutions establish the retention periods for documentation typical for most institutions, organizations, and enterprises. On the basis of standard lists, departmental lists are developed, including the most complete and systematic listing of the documentation of organizations and enterprises of their system.

Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution are developed on the basis of typical ones, which contain the maximum set of functions. When developing individual regulations, the composition of the tasks and functions of the service is specified, depending on the real conditions of its activities. For example, the functions of forecasting the development of documentation support, unification of documents, methodological guidance for setting up office work in structural divisions, etc. can be added to standard technological functions. for other structural divisions.

The position form and the structure of the text are unified in the USORD.

If the subdivision does not have an internal structure in the form of sectors, departments, groups, bureaus, etc., the "Structure" section is not included in the provision. If the department has an internal structure, an independent regulation is developed for each structural unit.

The first paragraph "General provisions" establishes the exact name of the preschool educational institution, its place in the organizational structure of the organization, the degree of independence of the service. Consider two formulations of this clause:

    "The office is an independent structural unit of the JSC and reports directly to the general director."

    "The office is part of the general department of the joint-stock company and is subordinate to its chief."

In the first case, the independence of the office is secured, in the second - its auxiliary value.

Further, the Regulations indicate the name of the position of the head of the service - head, bequest, manager; the procedure for appointment and dismissal from office, requirements for his qualifications and length of service.

The next point is a list of the main legal, directive, regulatory and instructive documents that the preschool educational institution is guided by in its work. First, legislative and national, normative-methodological and normative-technical documents are listed, then - internal organizational and administrative documents.

If the office has its own seal (seals), the Regulations give its descriptions, conditions of storage and use.

The section "Main tasks" is intended to formulate the goals facing the unit, in other words, the problems that the unit must solve.

The section "Functions" lists the types of work or activities performed by the department based on the tasks it faces.

To implement the functions assigned to it, the office work is endowed with a certain set of rights, and for non-fulfillment functions bears the responsibility specified in the regulation.

The section "Rights" lists the actions that the unit, represented by its head, must carry out in order to fulfill the functions assigned to it. When drawing up this section, you must follow the same rules as when drawing up the corresponding section of the job description (see below), but in relation to the unit.

The section "Responsibility" establishes the types of responsibility that the head of the department can bear in the event that the department does not fulfill its functions. The Office of Records Management is responsible for violation of the established procedure for working with documents in the institution, loss or damage to documents, for non-observance of the secrecy or confidentiality regime in working with documents, for failure to comply with the instructions and instructions of the management.

In the process of performing the functions assigned to the office work service, it interacts with the management of the institution, all functional units and support services and individual employees, the office management service of the parent organization, archival authorities, research or other institutions on the organization and improvement of work with documents. The section "Relationships" regulates the information and documentary links of the unit; basic documents created or received by him; it is indicated with which departments and organizations the interaction is carried out, what information the department receives and presents, the frequency and timing of submission to which order and by whom disagreements arising in the work of the department are considered.

Similarly, provisions on structural divisions of the office management service: regulations on the secretariat, regulations on the protocol bureau, regulations on the archive, etc.

Along with the regulation on the office work service and the provisions on its individual structural units for each employee of the office work, job descriptions are developed. Job descriptions regulate the organizational and legal status of employees and provide conditions for effective work. They make it possible to objectively assess the activities of employees and are the normative basis for applying administrative measures to employees. Job descriptions make it possible to implement the basic principle of the rational organization of labor - the principle of division and cooperation of labor.

To draw up a high-quality job description, it is necessary to carefully and deeply analyze the types of work performed by an employee holding a certain position, in other words, to compose a description of the position or workplace. A detailed description of the work performed allows you to formulate a set of requirements for a specific position or workplace, requirements for the knowledge that an employee must have, his skills, experience, etc.

When developing job descriptions for office workers, one should be guided by the "Tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees" (approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor. executive authorities "(letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 13, 1996 No. 482-BK), if the office workers are classified as civil servants. Tariff and qualification characteristics are also published almost annually in the form of a Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (Moscow: Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2001).

The tariff and qualification characteristics cover the main categories of management workers - managers, specialists, technical executors and establish the range of job responsibilities, qualifications and education requirements, and the availability of special knowledge and skills.

The approximate structure of the text of the job description for employees of the office work service is given in the SSSOU: general provisions, employee functions; job responsibilities; employee rights; relationships (connections by position); employee responsibility, performance evaluation.

In the case of subordination of the office management service to the head of the institution, the job descriptions of its employees are approved by the head of the institution or the deputy head of personnel. If the office work is subordinate to one of the deputies

Lecture 4. General principles and methodological foundations of the organization of document flow. Information and documentation support, being the most important service management function, needs a careful, well-thought-out organization.

The speed of obtaining the information necessary for making a decision depends on the clarity and efficiency of processing and movement of the document. Late processing of documents, especially financial ones, can lead to negative economic consequences. Therefore, the rational organization of document flow, the speed and clarity of processing and transfer of documents for execution is always given great attention.

"The movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are created or received until the completion of execution or sending" 1 is called document flow.

All documentation of the institution is divided into three document flows

    incoming (incoming) documents;

    outgoing (sent) documents;

    internal documents.

Each of the document flows has its own peculiarity in terms of quantity, processing and movement.

The number of documents of all flows per year will be the volume of the institution's workflow. The size of the workflow is needed to calculate the required number of office personnel for calculating the effectiveness of the use of means of mechanization and office automation. In general, it shows the workload of the entire management apparatus, since all his employees have to deal with documents.

In the technological chain of processing and movement of documents, the following stages can be distinguished:

    reception and primary processing of documents;

    preliminary consideration and distribution of documents;


    control over execution;

    information and reference work;

    execution of documents and sending.

M.M. Larin

Project management documentation (domestic and foreign experience)

Key words: project, management documentation, project management, unified documentation system.

The modernization path of development, which our country has embarked on in response to the global challenges of the global financial and economic crisis, requires the early introduction of advanced technology, modern technologies and management methods in all spheres of society and the state. Program-targeted methods of managing socio-economic systems, which have long become a daily practice in developed countries, are already being used in Russia: in large national projects, federal target programs, in the transition to target planning and budgeting based on the final result. It is enough to look at the country's budget to make sure that it contains special articles on government financing of a number of federal targeted programs. In essence, these are groups of projects coordinated using the named methods. In the future, it is project management that will play a leading role in modernization, which can be represented as a set of large, large-scale and small projects being implemented aimed at further developing and improving equipment and technologies, increasing competitiveness in the global market environment, and improving the quality of life.

Foreign scientists interpret the concept of "project" as a set of various types of activity, united by a number of common features. So, any of them is aimed at achieving specific goals and specific results; characterized by the coordinated execution of numerous, interrelated actions; limited in time, that is, it has a beginning and an end. In contrast to the production system, the project involves a one-time activity until the end result is obtained, increasingly becoming the main form of the organization's activity. In other words, a project is work that must be done to achieve a unique, predetermined result within a set timeframe and budget1.

The life cycle of a project (the time interval between its appearance and completion) is the initial one for its financing, which, in turn, serves as the basis for dividing the work into pre-investment, investment and operational phases (stages). In reality, this process is more complex and multi-stage. Its first stage (conceptual) includes setting goals, analyzing investment opportunities, feasibility studies (feasibility studies) and project planning; the second stage is the development of the project, during which the structure of work and performers are determined, the work schedules are lined up, the project budget and design estimates are developed, negotiations are carried out and contracts are concluded with contractors and suppliers; the third stage is the implementation of the project, when work is carried out to implement it (construction, marketing, personnel training, etc.); the fourth stage (completion of the project) usually consists of acceptance tests, trial operation and commissioning of the project; the fifth stage (operational) includes acceptance, start-up, equipment replacement, expansion, modernization, innovation.

At the same time, each stage of project management corresponds to a certain set of documents that provide legal, organizational, financial, social, personnel and other information and documentation support for events. However, the system of its documentation support, despite the rather widespread use in Russia and abroad of the project method of performing various tasks both in the public sector and in the business environment, has not yet been developed, the necessary and sufficient composition of documents capable of ensuring rational execution has not been determined. individual management functions within the project.

Understanding the urgent need to solve this problem, we will try in this article to present the species composition of the documentation for the relevant stages of project management and outline the prospects for improving document management in the process of project activities. To achieve this goal, the current regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (federal laws and government decrees2, standards and rules3), domestic4 and foreign5 literature, mainly American and English specialists from various project management organizations, as well as the practice of project management in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Affairs in the process of fulfilling the tasks of federal target programs.

The composition of the documents created and used at the first stage of project formation is established only for federal target programs. This is a necessary and sufficient set of documents that determine the conceptual essence of project proposals during the ongoing tenders, established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs."

The situation is different with innovative (initiative) projects, the documentation of which at this stage of management is still being discussed by specialists. Some highlight such documents as the project assignment (name, goal, tasks, organization, approval of the project with the signatures of its main participants), agreement on the goal, objectives and expected results6, while others justify the need to create more documents, naming among them a plan, schedule project, product description. So, K. Heldman (USA) attaches great importance to the development of the project charter, considering it as the basis for planning, execution and control of work. In her opinion, it should give a general idea of ​​the project, its goals and results, contain a package of additional documents, an estimate of resources and costs, and, if necessary, a study of possibilities. The charter should also document the roles and responsibilities of the manager, staff, project sponsor, and executive managers. At the same time, K. Heldman admits that if a project is implemented under a contract, then it can act as a charter. Of course, Heldman constantly emphasizes the importance of developing documents related to the project budget7.

It was at the conceptual stage, according to A.D. Orr (Great Britain), it is necessary to create an economic model - one of the key components of the initial stage of the implementation of any complex project, which can be represented by a business plan8. Domestic experts refer to this stage as such documents as strategic investment and business plans, feasibility study and project assignment9.

The composition of the documentation for the second stage, associated with the development of the project, is just as strictly dictated by the terms of its implementation. So, the legal relations and financial obligations of the participants in the state project are reflected in several

organizational and legal documents. The relationship between the customer and the prime contractor is regulated by a government contract, to which the terms of reference (technical requirements), work program and timetable are attached. In turn, the relationship between the prime contractor and co-contractors is regulated by an agreement between the parties; an additional agreement, including a schedule and terms of reference; cost estimates. In the contract, as the main legal document, its subject is determined; the cost (contractual price) of work and the procedure for settlements between the parties; terms and procedure for the execution of works; rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties; intellectual property rights to the results of work; work acceptance procedure; special conditions and force majeure; confidentiality conditions; organizational matters; legal addresses; Bank details; signatures of the parties. An estimate of costs and terms of reference are attached to the contract.

The terms of reference (TOR) is the most complex of the applications and includes such sections as general information (the name of the customer's and the contractor's organizations, the grounds for the work, the start and end dates of work, the procedure for making changes to the TK); purpose and main tasks of the work; requirements for its implementation and content; initial data, procedure and stages; requirements for the presentation of results; the procedure for their acceptance. The contract may be accompanied by a schedule for the submission of design materials to the customer.

Unfortunately, there is no such certainty with regard to initiative projects, and various approaches prevail in defining the set of documents that are formed in the course of their implementation.

For example, D. Diprose (USA) refers to this documentary complex as the project plan, which includes the planned results of the work, specific tasks and their distribution among the performers, schedules, estimates; a communication plan (reports on the implementation of tasks by each member of the team, methods of obtaining and providing information for project participants) and a budget (calculating the project estimate, costing) 10, and A.D. Orr details their content. So, in his opinion, the general plan gives a complete picture of project activities, establishes the procedure for performing work, collecting information to form an economic model, reveals the main goal of the project and its tasks, key aspects (time frame, volume, quality) and risks. A.D. Orr considers the preparation of the project budget to be the next action after the development of the general plan and highlights here such a document as the work distribution plan, on which all activities for the implementation of the project are based. Existing plans are broken down into manageable areas, work packages, and task groups using a Gantt chart11. Following this, a project schedule is drawn up (structural diagram, sequence and interdependence of work, risk reduction), and after its approval - a plan containing a general description of the project, control scheme and management mechanisms, organization and structure of the project, its expected life cycle, based on

Coursework: Management Documentation System


The entire management process is permeated with information, which is the basis for decision-making, and is built on operational work with the documents in which it is recorded. Therefore, information and documentation support of management (office work) of any firm, institution, organization, enterprise is considered today as the most important service management function. Its rational organization determines the speed and optimality of the choice of the solution, bringing it to the performer, timely control over the execution and, ultimately, the achievement of economic effect in the activities of the firm, organization, enterprise.

Since office maintenance has its own specific tasks, it should be carried out by an independent structural unit, an organizationally separate service. Today this service has various names: management of affairs, management of information and documentation support, office management, management of documentation support, general department, office, secretariat, etc. Hereinafter, we will collectively call it the preschool educational institution service or the office management service. In small institutions, firms where the volume of processed documents is small and the creation of a special structural unit is impractical, all the work performed by the office management service is entrusted to the secretary-assistant (secretary).

The office work service as an independent structural unit is headed by the head, who in turn reports directly to the head of the organization.

State regulation of office work is provided by the Federal Archival Agency, which provides cross-sectoral organizational and methodological guidance and control over the organization of documents in the office work of federal government bodies, coordinates the development of the state office work system and unified documentation systems.

Chapter 1. The structure of the preschool educational institution

1. Organizational structure of the preschool educational institution

When creating a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to solve the following issues:

· Selection of the optimal organizational form of office work;

· Development of the organizational and functional structure of the office work service and the choice of its specific name;

· Delineation of functions, duties, rights and responsibilities between individual structural divisions of the office work and employees and their consolidation in the relevant organizational and legal documents;

· Rationing of labor of office workers;

· Determination of the numerical and official composition of the office work service;

· Selection of the optimal technology for working with documents and fixing it in the instructions for office work;

· Rational organization of workplaces and the creation of favorable working conditions;

· Professional development of employees and culture of work with documents.

The organizational form of office work usually depends on the scale of the institution, the territorial location of its structures and can be centralized, decentralized and mixed.

The centralized form is the execution of all technological operations for working with documents by one specialized structural unit (office, general department) or the secretary of the company. In this case, the full cycle of technological operations for processing documents from the moment they are received or created and until they are sent to the archive is carried out in one place: receiving and processing incoming documents, registering them, monitoring execution, reference and information work, drawing up and maintaining a nomenclature of cases, systematization and storage of documents, sending documents, processing documents for transfer to the archive of the organization.

The advantages of a centralized form of organizing office work include the ability to form a single database for all documents entering the organization and created in it, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of document search and, consequently, to optimize reference work on documents. It is advisable to use a centralized form of organization of office work if the organization has a linear-functional organizational structure.

Full centralized processing of documents can be carried out only in small organizations, the volume of document circulation in which does not exceed about 10 thousand documents per year.

The decentralized form of organizing documentary services involves the creation in each structural unit of the organization of its own preschool educational institution. Such a service, regardless of the central office management service, performs all the work with documents: it registers, systematizes and stores the documents of this structural unit. This form is used in organizations whose apparatus is geographically dispersed. It is recommended to be used in organizations, documenting the activities of which requires particularly careful protection of information. In a decentralized form, structural divisions receive correspondence in sealed envelopes, print them, register and perform all actions for processing incoming, outgoing and internal documentation, ending all actions with the preparation and transfer of documents to the organization's archive.

The most common form of organizing work with documents is mixed. In this case, part of the operations (for example, receiving and processing incoming and outgoing documents, their registration, control over the deadlines, production, replication, archival storage) is performed by the central office management service, and in structural divisions operations are performed to create (print) documents, organize them , storage of cases, their processing before submitting them to the archive.

A variant of the mixed form is such an organization of work with documents, in which the same technological operation (for example, registration of documents or control over their execution) is carried out for some arrays of documents centrally (in the preschool educational institution), and for others - decentralized (in structural divisions ). Most often, internal documents are registered in structural divisions - at the place of their creation. For example, in the accounting department - accounting documents, in the personnel department - documents on personnel, etc.

The form of organization of office work is chosen taking into account the size of the institution, the volume of workflow, the composition of structural units. In small institutions (when documentation is carried out directly in departments), as well as in territorially disunited (located, for example, in various districts of a large city), a centralized form is chosen. Most institutions and organizations use a mixed form of organization of office work.

The most rational form of organization of individual office work processes and operations is centralization, since it allows:

Reduce the cost of office work;

To improve the organization of work of office personnel and, in particular, to introduce its regulation;

Provide specialization and interchangeability of workers;

Use progressive and efficient technical means;

Ensure the unity of organizational and methodological leadership.

In modern conditions, it is possible to completely centralize office work only in relatively small institutions. In large institutions, one should strive for the expedient centralization of individual office work functions, such as receiving and sending documents, registering and monitoring the execution of documents, stenography and printing of documents, their reproduction, and methodological management of office work.

In small institutions that do not have general departments, office work departments, office work is carried out by the secretary-assistant of the head.

In each specific organization, the choice of one or another organizational form of work with documents is carried out by its leadership and the preschool educational institution itself. The selected form of work with documents is fixed in the instructions for office work.

2. The name of the preschool educational institution

Speaking about the name of the preschool educational institution, it should be noted that today this service may have different names, for example, the case management, the office management department, the department of documentation support of the management, the general department, the office, etc. The specific name of the preschool educational institution is not of fundamental importance, however, when choosing it, it is advisable to take into account the following factors:

- subdivision structure (whether or not it has an internal structure, if it does, is it complex or not);

- requirements for the name (it is desirable that the name be simple, easy to remember and pronounced);

- office-work traditions existing in the organization.

For example, in the State System of Management Documentation it is recommended to use the following names:

In ministries and departments - management of affairs, which, as a rule, includes:

- secretariat (reception, secretariat of the minister, secretariats of deputy ministers, secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau), - inspection under the minister (head of department),

- office (government correspondence bureau, accounting and registration bureau, expedition, copying and duplicating bureau, etc.),

- department of letters (complaints),

- department of improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means,

- central archive;

At state enterprises (associations), in research, design, design organizations and computing centers, higher educational institutions and other organizations - the department of documentation support of the administration or the office, which, as a rule, includes:

- subdivisions for accounting and registration, control, improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means, consideration of letters (complaints),

- secretariat,

- expedition,

- copying bureau, archive.

3. Purpose, tasks, functions of the preschool educational institution

The main purpose of the office work, regardless of its name, is the organization, leadership, coordination, control and implementation of work on documentation support. The fulfillment of this goal involves the solution of the following tasks:

- improvement of forms and methods of working with documents;

- ensuring a uniform procedure for documenting;

- ensuring a uniform procedure for working with documents;

- control over the execution of documents;

- storage of documents;

- unification of document forms;

- reduction of document flow if possible;

- methodological work to improve the documentation support in the organization;

- the introduction of advanced technologies based on the use of computing and organizational technology.

The structure of the standard functions of the preschool educational institution includes different types of work, which can be divided into technological, organizational, control and methodological.

Technological functions include:

- implementation of the initial (expeditionary) processing of incoming documents;

- registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;

- conducting information and reference work on the documents of the organization;

- typewritten production of documents (typing on a computer);

- copying, duplication and operational reproduction of documents;

- development and design of document forms;

- preparation of documents for shipment.

Among the organizational functions of the preschool educational institution are:

- preparation for the report to the management of incoming documents;

- organization of timely consideration of documents by the management of the organization;

- regulation of the course of execution of documents, passage and execution of documents within a specified period;

- organization of storage of documents in structural divisions;

- organization of the archive in accordance with the rules, instructions and methodological recommendations of the Federal Archives;

- advanced training of employees of office management and archives;

- organization of workplaces for office workers, working conditions for office workers;

- organization of office work at the request of citizens;

- development (together with the relevant structural divisions of the organization) measures to improve the forms and methods of working with documents.

Control functions include:

- control over the correctness of execution of documents submitted for signature to the management (i.e., sent and internal documents);

- control over the deadlines for the execution of documents;

- control over the correctness of registration and formation in the structural divisions of the organization of cases to be submitted to the archive;

- organization of control over work with documents in structural divisions;

- generalization of information on the progress and results of the execution of documents, systematic informing of the management on these issues;

- ensuring the storage of cases and the operational use of documentary information.

Methodological functions performed by the preschool educational institution include:

- development of a nomenclature of the organization's affairs, instructions for office work, a sheet of forms of documents and other local regulatory documents that secure the organization's office work system;

- carrying out an examination of the scientific and practical value of documents;

- holding meetings and consulting on issues related to the competence of the office management service.

4. Organizational structure of the preschool educational institution

An important issue when setting up office work in an organization is to determine the structure of the management documentation service, its official and numerical strength.

The structure in the system of governing bodies is considered, firstly, as a stable connection, that is, the interaction of control elements, and secondly, as a scheme for the distribution of the total volume of functions of a governing body between structural divisions and a diagram of their interaction.

The structure of the office work should determine the optimal composition of its internal divisions, their interaction, the nature of subordination.

The structure of a preschool educational institution in a modern organization depends on the volume of workflow, as well as on the technology of working with documents and can be represented by the following departments:

- secretariat,

- expedition (receiving, sending correspondence),

- subdivision (department, group) for registration and accounting of documents,

- subdivision (department, group) for the control of execution of documents,

- subdivision (department, group) for work with citizens' appeals,

- subdivision (department, group) for the production of documents,

- department of improvement of office work,

- copying and duplicating bureau,

- protocol group,

- the editorial group,

In a large organization with a large volume of workflow, all of the above divisions that are part of the preschool educational institution may exist. In organizations of a smaller scale and not with such a large volume of workflow, it is possible to combine several functions in one division or, instead of structural divisions, perform the corresponding work by individual employees. In a small firm, all work with documents is usually carried out by one secretary.

The method of establishing the organizational structure of a preschool educational institution, depending on the volume of document circulation, was formulated for the first time in the Unified State System of Records Management (Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 1974). According to this method, all organizations, depending on the volume of workflow, are divided into four categories:

So, according to the above classification, it was found that if the volume of an institution's workflow is more than 10 thousand documents per year, then for the effective organization of work with documents, it is necessary to create a record keeping service (or a preschool educational institution) as a separate subdivision. Despite the fact that this method of establishing the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution was proposed more than 30 years ago, in general it is still applicable today. For example, Bobyleva M.P. in his book "Effective workflow: from traditional to electronic" proposes the following development of the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution, depending on the volume of workflow (see Appendix 1).

The functions of structural divisions are presented in Appendix 2.

5. The official and size of the preschool educational institution

The job structure of the preschool educational institution includes three categories of workers:

- leaders;

- specialists;

- technical performers.

Job titles and qualification requirements for employees of each category are established in the Qualification Handbook of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees. Job titles, their codes, wage grades are established in the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR - approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 dated 21.08.1998).

The Qualification Handbook emphasizes that the assignment of employees to a certain category is carried out depending on the nature of the predominantly performed work that constitutes the content of the employee's labor (organizational and administrative, analytical and constructive, information and technical).

- manager;

- head of the office;

- head of the general department;

- Head of the Protocol Department;

- head of the secretariat;

- head of the expedition;

- Head of the document preparation center;

- Head of copying and duplicating bureau;

- Head of the typing bureau.

Their functions include planning and distribution of work, selection and placement of personnel, coordination of the activities of the service as a whole and its structural divisions, control over the performance of work.

- document specialist;

- assistant manager;

- inspector for control over the execution of orders;

- editor;

- archaeographer;

- inspector;

- the secretary of the board;

- proofreader.

The functions of specialists are to perform technical and operational tasks, creative operations to analyze and generalize information, develop a regulatory and methodological framework for office work, and prepare draft documents.

- forwarder;

- clerk;

- stenographer;

- technical secretary;

- Courier;

- operator of organizational technology;

- archivist;

- secretary-typist;

- secretary-stenographer;

- head Secretary.

The task of technical performers is the transfer, fixation, accounting, delivery and storage of documents.

It is possible to add the title “senior” to the position, provided that the employee, along with fulfilling the duties stipulated for the position held, manages the performers subordinate to him.

The indication in the title of the position "leading" is established in the case when the employee is assigned the functions of a manager and a responsible executor in one of the directions of the organization's activities or the responsibility for coordination and methodological guidance of groups of executors.

The distribution of responsibilities between deputy managers is carried out on the basis of internal organizational and administrative documents, for example, an order. The compliance of the actually performed duties and qualifications of employees with the requirements of job characteristics is determined by the certification commission of the organization.

For the effective organization of the work of the office work and the management apparatus in general, it is also of great importance to determine the optimal number of office personnel, which primarily depends on the volume of work performed by this department and the technology adopted (the level of automation and mechanization of work with documents).

To determine the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution, normative documents on labor and labor organization are used. The rationing of work of office workers, including the calculation of their number of staff, is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

1. Interindustry consolidated norms of time for work on documentation support of management. M., 1995.

2. Standards of time for work to improve the documentation support for the management of ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations. M, 1992.

3. Norms of time for work on automated archival technology and documentation of management bodies. M., 1993.

4. Norms of time for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies. M., 2002.

As a rule, determining the size of a unit is not the responsibility of the preschool educational institution itself - this work is carried out by labor and wages departments or economic divisions, but if necessary, such calculations can be carried out by employees of the preschool educational institution. The above-mentioned normative documents on labor contain guidelines for the application of these documents in practice.

Chapter 2. Normative base of office work

The activity of any organization is accompanied by the creation of documents; execution of business documents in accordance with the current rules protects the interests of the organization, increases the efficiency of managerial work.

The regulatory framework for office work is a set of laws and regulations governing the technology for creating, processing, storing and using documents in the current activities of an organization and includes:

Legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of information and documentation;

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulating the issues of documentary support at the federal level;

Legal acts of federal executive bodies (ministries, committees, services, agencies, etc.) of both industry-wide and departmental character;

Legal acts of the bodies of representative and executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their territorial entities, regulating the issues of office work;

Legal acts of a normative and instructive nature on the office work of institutions, organizations and enterprises;

State standards for documentation;

Unified documentation systems;

All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

State system of documentation support for management. Basic requirements for documents and documentation services (GSDOU);

Normative documents on the organization of managerial labor and labor protection;

Normative documents on the organization of archival storage of documents.

The regulatory framework of office work can be conditionally divided into two parts: information documentation support management

1. the regulatory framework that ensures the technological process of office work;

2. the regulatory framework that ensures the organization of work of office workers.

The first part of the regulatory framework is conventionally divided into several groups.

The first group - federal normative acts of indirect action, to one degree or another affecting the organization and technology of documenting management activities and organizing work with documents. Among them are the Civil Code, the Code of Administrative Offenses, and the Labor Code. For records management and office work, the section of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" is very important, which establishes the legal regime for documenting information. According to the Law, documenting information is a prerequisite for its inclusion in information resources. The law establishes the procedure for documenting information and names the state authorities that are obliged to ensure this procedure. According to the Law, this task is assigned to the state authorities responsible for: organization of office work, standardization of documents, security of the Russian Federation.

The second group of normative acts is departmental legal acts on office work, which are of an interdepartmental nature. These include: State system of documentation support for management (M., 1991); Typical instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (Moscow, 2001); state standards for documentation (GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork"); all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information; rules for drawing up regulations of the Bank of Russia (instructions, regulations, instructions) established by order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1997 No. 02-395 "On the Regulation of the Bank of Russia" On the procedure for the preparation and entry into force of regulations of the Bank of Russia ", as well as a number of regulations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Goskomstat of Russia, Rosarkhiv, etc.

The third group of normative acts is various standard and approximate instructions for the office work of the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and instructions of specific organizations.

The general trend of strengthening the legal support for the life of the Russian state requires a solution to the issue of eliminating the legislative gap (the absence of a clear legal norm on this issue) in the field of document management regulation. It is necessary to develop a federal law "On documentation support for management activities."

Proposals for the development of a law "On documentary support of management activities" are caused by the fact that in modern management and its information support, the volume of documentation continues to grow, there are unjustified parallel "paper" and "electronic" systems of documenting and workflow, there is a variety of software, technological and technical incompatible means, there is no effective system for monitoring the movement and execution of documents.

At present, VNIIDAD, together with a number of departments, has prepared a draft law "On documentation of management activities".

The list of Federal laws, Orders, state standards, regulatory and methodological documents used to improve the documentation of management is indicated in Appendix 3.

The management documentation system includes three interrelated components: the preparation of management documents, the technology of working with documents, the systematization of documents during the calendar year and the organization of their archival storage. When solving each of these problems, practitioners should be guided by the current regulatory and methodological documents in the field of office work, approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and the Federal Archival Service of Russia.

In accordance with the Basic Provisions of the State Archive Service of the Russian Federation, on 07/06/92, the Standard Instruction for Office Work in Ministries and Departments of the Russian Federation21 was approved, establishing a unified procedure for organizing office work in federal executive bodies in order to ensure the timely implementation of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and improvement of documentation support for the activities of structural divisions of ministries, departments and territorial bodies of federal executive power. The procedure for drawing up and approving the nomenclature of the organization's affairs, conducting an examination of the value of documents, registering cases and transferring them to archival storage is set out in the Basic rules for the work of departmental archives.

An important task in organizing a preschool educational institution is the development of regulations on the preschool educational institution service and job descriptions of employees. This task is solved by the head of the preschool educational institution itself or with the involvement of qualified specialists. The regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution and the job descriptions of its employees constitute a set of organizational and legal documentation, the development of which completes the organizational stage of creating this service. The regulation on the structural unit of the department is developed by the head of this unit together with the head of the department, and approved by the head of the department, the manager of affairs or the head of another unit, which includes the department of records management.

Unit Regulations - a document defining the organizational and legal position of a unit in the structure of an institution.

The state system of documentation support for management contains an approximate provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, but it is currently possible to apply it in practice only taking into account the changes that have occurred in the management system and which are reflected in modern legislation.

The text of the provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, in accordance with the State Educational Institution of Education, should contain the following sections:

1. General Provisions.

2. The goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution.

3. Functions of the preschool educational institution.

4. The rights and responsibilities of the preschool educational institution.

5. The relationship of the preschool educational institution with other structural units.

The organizational stage of creating a preschool educational institution ends with the development of job descriptions. It should be borne in mind that the job description is developed for a specific position, and if there are several identical positions in the unit, but the employees occupying them perform different duties, a separate job description should be developed for each set of job responsibilities. The assignment of a certain set of job duties to the position should be reflected in the title of the document, for example: job description of a specialist in accounting and registration of documents, job description of a specialist in document control, job description of a specialist in working with citizens' appeals, etc.

The manual consists of the following sections:

- the general part (the main tasks of the employee are established, the procedure for filling a position, professional requirements for the employee, the person to whom the employee is directly subordinate, the main documents and materials that the employee must be guided by in his activities);

- the functions of the employee (the subject of conduct or the area of ​​work assigned to the employee, the list of types of work that make up the implementation of the assigned functions are determined);

- the duties of the employee (the duties related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information are indicated, implying the mandatory use of certain forms and methods of work, requiring compliance with the deadlines for performing specific actions, determining the order of execution of orders, ethical standards that must be observed in the team);

- the rights of the employee (the rights of the employee to implement the functions entrusted to him are determined);

–Relationships (the subdivisions and employees from whom the performer receives and to whom the information is transmitted, the timing of the transfer, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are agreed, etc.)

- evaluation of work (the criteria are listed that allow you to assess the degree to which the employee fulfills his functions and duties, the use of rights, etc., the main criteria are the quality of work and the timeliness of its implementation)

The job description is signed by the head of the office and approved by the head or deputy in charge of the office.

Legislative acts and normative and methodological documents on the conduct of office work should be taken into account by specialists of organizations and enterprises of all organizational and legal forms.


In many organizations, the preschool educational institution service is not an independent unit, but is part of the administrative and economic service, personnel management service or accounting. However, the organization of work with documents is a completely independent type of activity, which has nothing to do with economic support or accounting.

Since the preschool educational institution actually manages the documentation and documentary flows of the entire organization, it should be an independent unit, albeit with a small staff size (it can be 2-3 people). In this case, the service of the preschool educational institution should report directly to the head of the organization or his deputy.

In clause 5.1 of the fifth section of the State system of management documentation, approved by the board of the USSR Glavarchive on April 27, 1988, the following provision is fixed: "Management documentation in an organization is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization."

Such a place of service for a preschool educational institution in the structure of the organization can be explained by the following reasons:

1. Representing an independent structural unit and directly subordinate to the leadership of the organization, the preschool educational institution service will have more competence. And this, in turn, will allow organizing more efficient work with documents.

2. The specialists and the head of the preschool educational institution have to work directly with the management of the organization: resolve issues of consideration of incoming documents, control the execution of documents, summarize the results of control over the execution of documents and report them to the management of the organization, conduct information and reference work on documents, etc.

References and sources

1. Andreeva V.I. Office work - 8th ed., Publishing house Intel-Sintez, 2001. - 192 p.

2. Berezina N.M. Modern office work / L. Lysenko, E.P. Vorontsov. - Publishing house Peter, 208. - 224 p.

3. Bobyleva M.P. Effective document flow: from traditional to electronic, MPEI Publishing House, 2004. - 172 p.

4. Kameneva E.M. Service of the preschool educational institution: name, structure and determination of the headcount / Office work and workflow at the enterprise. - 2006. - No. 7 //

5. Kirsanova M.V. Modern office work, Publishing house Infra-M, 2008. - 312 p.

6. Udovik A. V. Organization of work of the management documentation service //

7. Yankovaya V.F. Organization of the document support service / Secretary-assistant - 2005. - No. 1 //


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