The purpose of professional training. Training of professional personnel at domestic enterprises. Types of staff training

Hello! In this article we will talk about staff development.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a qualification and why improve it;
  2. What methods of this exist;
  3. How is the promotion process going?

Any self-respecting company that is engaged in any kind of activity, among the main issues, always considers staff development. In order not to lose its position in the market, the company needs highly qualified personnel.

That is what today's conversation will be about.

Types of employee training

  • Staff development;
  • Retraining;
  • Training.

Goals and objectives of staff development

Before, you need to ask the question: why? So, what are the goals of professional development?

  • Equip employees with new knowledge and skills. This will allow them not only to express fresh ideas, but also to cope with various difficulties in their work;
  • Staff motivation. When an employee receives knowledge at the expense of the organization, he feels that the management cares about him. Therefore, a person has a desire to increase labor productivity;
  • Reduced staff turnover. Professional development is considered effective way combat this phenomenon. This principle applies even when even bonuses do not help.
  • Introduction of new technologies. Now is the time for computers and high speeds. There is no getting away from this, we need to develop, modernize production. And only a team of true professionals can cope with this.
  • Education of own personnel. This is the production strategy of some companies. They prefer to train their employees than to hire a large number of people from the outside.

Who to train

It is clear that it is unrealistic to improve the qualifications of all specialists at the same time. It turns out that it is necessary to single out those who are among the first to improve their level of professionalism.

In addition, there is a risk that time and money will be spent on learning what the employee already knows and can do. And even worse, when the employer pays for the training of an employee, and after a while he leaves for another job.

That is why managers prefer to train employees who will bring maximum value to the organization or enterprise, or employees who hold important positions.

The rest of the employees are trained at the expense of the company in only two ways:

  • If learning is an important part of the work process (for example, in medical companies);
  • If you need to create a new production or change the profile of the old .

The problem is that the management of a young company cannot always determine what the potential of employees is. In this case, you can consult with specialists involved in staff training. You can also conduct a survey of employees, and then analyze the information received.

With the help of a survey, you can determine not only the psychological type of an employee, but also how much he corresponds to the position, what is the level of his professionalism, and so on.

Differences between advanced training and professional training

Often people think that these two concepts are one and the same. This is not so, the difference between them is serious. What it is, let's see further.

No. p / p Type of training essence Timing
1 Training It is carried out in order to improve knowledge in the profession, skills and abilities 72 - 100 acad. hours
2 Staff retraining Allows you to acquire new skills or profession 500 - 1000 acad. hours

Both of these processes are aimed at improving and developing staff. But in the first case, the specialty remains the same, only knowledge and skills are improved, and in the second case, there is the possibility of obtaining a new profession.

Forms of advanced training

The improvement of the qualifications of the organization's personnel occurs through the use of various forms. These forms differ from each other according to various criteria: the level of connection with practical activities, organization of the process, target groups.

  • Depending on who is conducting the promotion program, it is divided into external training(outside the company) and intracompany(within the company). In-house training has its advantages: reducing costs for the company, the ability to control the process, the development of corporate spirit, and so on;
  • With a break from workplace and without it. Experts recommend combining these 2 forms;
  • By degree of organization: self-training and organized;
  • Depending on the target groups: advanced training of management personnel, general promotion, as well as open (which can be used even by family members of employees).

Staff development methods

The method of advanced training depends on the form in which the training will be conducted. If within the company, then the documents, equipment and materials that the employee usually uses in his work will be used.

Workplace learning methods

  • briefing. It is used when you need to acquire skills in a new workplace;
  • Project group. A group is formed that collectively works on one project. At the same time, management skills, problem solving collectively are improved;
  • coaching. When using this method, the trainer and trainees interact and also establish communication between the participants in the production process;
  • rotation. The employee is transferred within the company to another department. A very popular technique at present.
  • Mentoring. When experience is purposefully transferred, employee training by example. More experienced employee transfers his knowledge to those who are less experienced;
  • Tutoring is a type of mentoring. A discussion is held, during which the student demonstrates the acquired knowledge;
  • Strotelling young employees are taught the rules of work, using the history of the organization;
  • Shading– the essence of the method is that the process of work is being monitored, which allows you to find out which sides in prof. employee training weak and draw up a training plan to remove them.

Methods of external professional development

  • Conferences, meetings, symposia. An active teaching methodology that stimulates the development of communication skills, develops logical thinking, and teaches the specifics of public speaking;
  • Lectures. The most traditional technique. The materials here are assimilated passively and this method is not considered optimal now, it is supplemented by others.
  • training. During the training process, the trainer gives certain instructions and checks how well the knowledge has been mastered over a certain period of time.
  • Interactive courses. Knowledge is obtained, consolidated and tested with the help of a training program;
  • Selfeducation. The easiest option, but at the same time requiring self-discipline and responsibility. This method is now being developed through the introduction of various training programs and distance learning;
  • case study this method allows solving real production problems. It is mainly suitable for senior executives and management personnel.
  • business game- the essence of the method lies in the fact that the problem is solved not by one person, but by a group of students;
  • Basket - method based on imitation of situations encountered in the process of work.

The choice of teaching methods depends on many factors: the characteristics of the students, the company's capabilities (including financial ones), the qualifications of teachers and the goals of the process. If the method is chosen incorrectly, the effectiveness of training will simply be reduced to zero.

Staff development courses

This training event is usually held in a designated area. They are organized in such a way that nothing distracts the listeners from the process and does not interfere with the perception of information.

A big plus when taking such courses is that as soon as the training is completed, not only your skills will increase, it will be documented.

The choice of a suitable training center should be carried out based on the following indicators:

  • Reviews of those who have already been trained;
  • Composition of teachers;
  • How long has the center been operating?
  • Course cost.

It is no coincidence that the cost was at the last place in the list. The high price of taking courses does not guarantee that they will be useful to the listener. There are cases when the courses are expensive, but bring little practical benefit.

In such courses, classes are held in small groups, consisting of 5 to 30 people maximum. Private lessons can also be held. Build training in continuing education programs designed to increase and expand the range of knowledge and skills, and those that a person already has.

Conventionally, training in the courses is divided into several groups:

  • Comprehensive training;
  • Self-learning;
  • Combined learning.

Each of these groups has its pros and cons, but the important thing is that these groups do not exclude each other, but complement and improve.

When employees take advanced training courses, both parties win here: both the employee and the employer. The employee, having completed the courses, can count on an increase in salary, on career and improving their knowledge. The employer will receive competent employees who can understand all the intricacies of the work process, increase the level of competitiveness of their company.

How professional development happens: the main stages of the process

This process is divided into several important steps. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Stage 1. Calculation of the need for advanced training.

First you need to determine what is the need for staff training in specific company. It is defined at several levels.

At the level of the entire company as a whole, this need will depend on the following points:

  • Are there any plans to upgrade equipment?
  • Will new technologies be introduced into production;
  • Is it planned to release a new type of product;
  • By how much is it planned to increase the number of jobs.

Speaking of level structural divisions companies, then it is necessary to carry out advanced training if:

  • Workers often violate production technology;
  • There are work-related injuries;
  • The number of marriages has increased significantly.

As for individual employees, it also depends on several factors:

  • To what extent the employee himself is ready and wants to improve his professional level;
  • What are the results of certification;
  • How much a person wants to move up the career ladder.

After analyzing all these nuances, the company's management decides to improve the skills of its employees.

The next step will be the choice of training methods.

Step 2. Choice of method.

When training is planned for employees, it is necessary to determine by what methods it will take place. We have already talked about the most common methods earlier, we will not repeat ourselves. We only note that Russian companies more and more mentoring methods are being introduced.

Stage 3. Development of the budget.

Once the need for training has been analyzed, a budget is drawn up. It must be documented.

In this case, the cost items will be: tuition fees, payment for the services of the training center, and so on.

Distance courses are the least expensive option for a company.

Step 4. Choosing a teacher.

Before choosing a coach, you need to familiarize yourself with the experience of his work. It is also worth studying the documents that will confirm his qualifications and level of education.

In addition, do not neglect the reviews of other people. Who will tell about the teacher better than those who were his students?

Stage 5. The process of developing a training program.

If the training process is planned to be carried out within the company, it is necessary to develop and approve a training program. To do this, it is recommended to use the advice of outside specialists, since the necessary professionals are not always in the company itself.

If you plan to use the services of the Training Center, ready-made programs will be offered, you just have to choose the right one.

Stage 6. The process of implementing the chosen methodology.

Depending on which method of advanced training was chosen, a decision is made on its implementation.

There are several ways to implement:

  • Organize advanced training in the organization itself with the help of its specialists;
  • Conduct staff training at the training center;
  • Conduct training in the company's office, involving a coach from outside.

We note right away that the first option is the most difficult to implement. Significant savings here will not work, but to invest money, and not get the expected result - there is an opportunity. Therefore, before making such a decision, you need to weigh everything carefully.

Stage 7. Analysis of advanced training.

After the training is completed, you need to check the level of knowledge of those employees who were trained. Let's talk about how to do it right.

It is necessary to create a qualification commission, set a date for its meeting and notify interested parties. On the appointed day, the commission checks the knowledge gained by the employee.

If he answers the questions of the commission confidently, demonstrates the knowledge gained during the course, the commission makes a decision on the recognition of the learning outcomes.

Where to send an employee for advanced training

Educational institutions engaged in advanced training are the following:

  • Institutes (regional, sectoral, and so on);
  • Academies (except those where they receive higher education);
  • Schools and advanced training centers.

According to the conditions for staff development, all educational institutions must have the appropriate license.

But this requirement does not apply to:

  • One-time seminars, internships and lectures, after attending which no documents are issued;
  • If the employee was trained by a specialist who has the necessary documentation.

An example of staff development.

A large training center for advanced training operates in the Euroset company. It conducts training and retraining of employees in order to increase sales volumes so that employees meet the changing working conditions.

If an employee is promoted in another region

If the training takes place in another area, then the employee's trip must be issued in the form of a business trip.

In this situation, the following series of documents must be drawn up:

  • An order with the signature of the head that the employee has been sent on a business trip;
  • Service assignment;
  • Travel certificate;
  • Job report form.

All documentation must be drawn up on approved standard forms.

Documents confirming the completion of training

The documents issued by the educational institution confirm:

  • The fact that the employee has been trained and, based on its results, has received a certain qualification;
  • The fact that an employee is assigned a certain category, class or category.

Based on the requirements of the law, educational institutions can issue the following documents to their students:

  • Certificate of advanced training, if the training lasted more than one hundred hours;
  • Certificate if the employee participated in a seminar, or completed a short-term training;
  • Diploma, if the employee has been trained for more than a thousand hours.

The act of providing services

After the end of the learning process, the educational institution must provide the customer company. It fixes the duration of the training period, the name of the program and the cost of training.

Registration of training by the employer

The employee's training course must be documented. How to do it right, let's talk now.

First, you need to accept from the employee an application for re-examination of his professional level based on the documents he received.

As soon as the application is received, a qualification commission is created and the knowledge of the employee is checked. After the conclusion issued by the commission, an order is issued to increase the category of a particular employee. After reviewing the order, the employee puts his signature.

Within 7 days the employee personnel service makes a record of the assignment of a rank or category in work book worker. At the same time, they refer to the supporting document received during the training.

A photocopy of the certificate or certificate is also made, certified and stored in the employee's personal file.

In the next part of our material, it is worth mentioning the retraining of specialists. We have already discussed the similarities and differences between retraining and advanced training, and now we will consider aspects of this process in more detail.

The retraining process: why is it needed and how does it happen

The essence of this process is the same as that of any other type of training.

The principles of organizing the process are as follows:

  • The process must be organized clearly, without failures;
  • Employees should be focused on getting a good learning outcome;
  • Training should be conducted systematically, the relationship between theory and practice should be observed.

The general scheme of the organization of the whole process is as follows:

  • The purpose of the retraining is determined;
  • Forecasting the result (for example, reduce manufacturing defects by half);
  • Development of a personnel retraining program;
  • Development of a list of teachers (if different disciplines are studied);
  • We determine in what form the acquired knowledge will be controlled.

Many employers today are of the opinion that retraining for new position An already proven employee is more profitable than hiring a new specialist. This principle often applies to large companies that new vacancies offer primarily to current employees.

When retraining is completed, a person in general can radically change his activity. For example, he was a teacher of drawing, and became a psychologist. Upon completion of retraining, a person will receive a diploma equal to a document on a second higher education.


Advanced training and retraining are types of personnel training. Still the first one is more popular. We tried to reveal the subtleties of this process as much as possible in this article.

I would also like to add: you need to do your own professional development, improve qualifications, if possible. This allows not only to improve in the profession, but also to plan your future.

Personnel training and advanced training of personnel allows the company to provide production processes with professional personnel that meet the highest requirements of the labor market and maintain a high level of competitiveness.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • What types of vocational training should be used depending on the goals that the personnel department of the enterprise faces;
  • How are the rights of the employer to train personnel in the system regulated? labor law;
  • What internal documents regulate the process of obtaining additional professional education;
  • What is contained in the provision on advanced training, training and retraining of personnel.

Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel: types and goals

An analysis of existing regulatory documents and legislative acts allows us to distinguish four types of vocational training in the framework of training and retraining of personnel, these are:

  • professional education;
  • professional retraining;
  • training;
  • learning a new profession.

In accordance with Art. 21 of the Federal Law of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on April 24, 2008), each of these types of professional training is used to achieve different goals, but they all do not imply an increase in the educational level and do not replace training in the relevant vocational schools. Vocational education or training involves an accelerated course in obtaining certain skills necessary to perform a particular type of work or several types of work. professional retraining are carried out on the basis of already existing professional education using specially designed training programs aimed at:

  • Improving and increasing the level of knowledge to perform tasks within the new species professional activity;
  • Acquisition of additional qualifications.

The goals that are achieved with the help are updating the previously obtained practical and theoretical knowledge, bringing them into line modern standards. Obtaining a second new profession is possible only for those workers whose professions are workers.

The definitions for these types of training and retraining are contained in clause 14 of the Model Regulations on Continuous Professional and Economic Training of National Economy Personnel, approved. Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the State Education of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 15, 1988 N 369 / 92-14-147 / 20 / 18-22. This document is applied only to the extent that does not contradict the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes it may happen that you invest more in one employee in whom you see growth potential. In one of the materials electronic journal"HR Director" we told,.

The rights and obligations of the employer for the training and retraining of personnel

Personnel training and staff development are part of the system of labor law relations and, although they are directly related to them, they are separate category legal relations and are drawn up by a separate agreement between the employee and the employer. At the same time, training and retraining is not considered as a direct obligation of the employee, but only as an auxiliary tool that can be used to improve the quality of his work within the framework of the duties assigned to him.

In Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is assigned the right to vocational training, retraining and advanced training, including training in new professions. But the content of this article does not allow us to unequivocally state that the employee has the right to demand that the employer send him to training or advanced training courses. The decision on how much the training and advanced training of personnel is due to production needs is made by the employer, taking into account both the needs and financial opportunities. This right of the employer is enshrined in Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, a particular employee should consider the right to train personnel in production as a potentially available opportunity, without making any claims to the employer.

The rights and obligations of the employer for the training and retraining of personnel, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can only be implemented by concluding a bilateral agreement, the other side of which is the employee. According to the law, the consent of both parties is required for the conclusion of such a document. Therefore, when one of them - the employer - does not give such consent, the contract is simply impossible to draw up. That is, the employee has the right to apply to the employer with a request for professional retraining or advanced training, but the employer also has the right to refuse him this.

It should be noted that there are some categories of workers and professions for which professional retraining is prerequisite for execution job duties. Such employees, for example, include doctors and pharmacists, scientific and pedagogical personnel, transport workers, who at certain intervals must confirm their professional suitability certificates and certificates that are issued after completing the course.

Personnel training and advanced training of personnel at the enterprise

In the event that training, retraining and advanced training of personnel is not mandatory and the decision on this is made by the employer, the enterprise must draw up a package of documents regulating the procedure for professional training and advanced training of personnel. The conditions and procedure for training should be established by a collective agreement, an additional agreement to it, or be spelled out in the text of the concluded agreements. employment contracts, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The enterprise also needs to develop and approve a local regulatory act - the Regulation on advanced training, training and retraining of personnel, draw up a personnel training plan, which should indicate the reasons and goals of training. If the training will be external, you must choose educational institution certified and suitable educational program and conclude an agreement with him for the provision paid services. In this case, the customer is the employer. With employees who will be sent for training, you should also conclude an agreement or draw up supplementary agreement to an employment contract.

How to draw up a provision on advanced training, training and retraining of personnel

In this local normative act, which is an application to collective agreement, it will be necessary to determine how many employees will be sent to training annually and how it will be financed. The regulation should contain a list of types of vocational training and those thematic areas in which training will be provided at the expense of the enterprise, as well as those categories of employees who can improve their professional level by own initiative and at your own expense.

The Regulations should include sections such as:

  • general provisions and scope;
  • types and goals of training;
  • organization of vocational training, retraining and advanced training;
  • the procedure for the formation and work of the qualification commission;
  • the procedure for the preparation and execution of a student agreement;
  • final provisions.

To avoid disagreement with the document, you can include a section that will give an explanation of the abbreviations and a glossary of the terms used. As annexes to the Regulations, it is necessary to draw up a list of professions and specialties that will need to be trained, as well as provide forms of such documents as:

  • student agreement;
  • A memo on the need to obtain additional professional education;
  • Production characteristics of the employee sent for training;
  • Evaluation paper;
  • Diary of an internship or industrial training;
  • Outfit-task for practical work.

The training of professional workers at domestic enterprises is one of the important tasks of vocational education. The process of training workers directly at enterprises has always remained one of the important stages of education, training and retraining of personnel, but recently its significance and role have changed.

In the USSR, there was a wide network of training workers directly at enterprises. Thus, according to data for 1979, about 6 million people were trained in production every year for new professions, and more than 20 million workers improved their skills. At the same time, there was a network of mentors - experienced workers teaching newcomers directly at the workplace.

Currently, there are two trends in the field of professional training:

1. There is development and transformation educational institutions and centers for professional training of workers.

2. The volume of training of workers directly at the production site is reduced, the possibilities of the production itself in the organization of vocational training are not used, the institute of mentoring is not used.

Already today, in reforming vocational education, it is necessary to take into account the following main trends:

Ø under conditions market economy a person acts as an active subject in the labor market, freely disposes of his main capital - qualifications. Today, for a significant part of the working-age population of Russia, it is extremely difficult to overcome the psychological barrier of transition from the position of a hired state worker to the position of an active subject of the labor market - that you need to look for enough high paying job that you can work in several places at the same time, etc.

Ø In a market economy, due to the extremely high mobility of its conjuncture, each person has to not only change jobs often, but also, on average, change their profession 5-6 times during their working life. This requires, firstly, to break the psychological stereotype that has developed in us, when a good worker was considered a person who had worked at the same workplace for decades. Secondly, under these conditions, young people should receive such professional education which will allow her to relatively easily master new professions in the future, figuratively speaking, vocational education should become convertible.

Main Feature modern production is changing its technological base and transfer of control and management functions of a person technical means. This process leads to continuous modification of the equipment used, frequent changes in the mechanisms used, and as a result, to the need for constant professional development and retraining of workers.

The purpose of training professional workers in domestic enterprises is to provide enterprises skilled workforce taking into account what is happening in society scientific, technical, technological and socio-economic changes.

There are the following principles training of professional workers at domestic enterprises:

Ø The integrity of the system of vocational education and the continuity of its various types and forms;

Ø The advanced nature of training based on the forecast of scientific and technological development and the conditions for the development of a particular enterprise or sector of the national economy;

Ø Flexibility of various forms of vocational education, the possibility of their use at individual stages of education;

Ø Professional and social stimulation of employee training;

Ø Building a system of vocational education, taking into account the specific capabilities of the enterprise, the socio-economic conditions of its functioning.

The normative document for organizing the training of professional workers at domestic enterprises is the Standard Regulations on Continuous Professional and Economic Training of Personnel. In the standard position:

Ø The order and functions of managing continuous learning at various levels have been determined;

Ø Forms and types of training have been established to ensure its continuity for specialists and workers;

Ø The role and importance of the educational and material base in ensuring continuous education are indicated;

Ø The sources of financing the costs of personnel training are indicated.

The training of professional workers at domestic enterprises provides for the following types and forms of education:

Ø Training of new workers from among those who do not have professions.

Ø Retraining in order to master new professions as a result of the introduction new technology and for those wishing to change careers.

Ø Training of employees in second professions in order to expand their professional profile and effective work.

Ø Raising the qualifications of employees in order to deepen their professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Ø Raising the qualifications of employees in order to study new machinery, equipment, materials, technological processes, new methods of management, new forms of labor organization.

In Russia, it is used in production three main types vocational training:

Training of new workers of a certain qualification from among those newly hired by the enterprise;

Professional development of employees:

Retraining and training for new professions.

1. Training of new employees at the enterprise is a form of vocational training for people who previously had no profession. Such training is carried out in professions, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. Training of employees is carried out according to the course (from 10 to 30 people), group (training is carried out by an instructor who is not released from his direct duties) and individual forms of training. The following levels of vocational training are distinguished:

Ø 1st stage of training - employees must master the production skills necessary to perform work at the required pace, in compliance with technological requirements and established technology, comply with work volume standards, apply rational labor practices and workplace organization;

Ø 2nd stage of training - employees must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a deep understanding of the essence of the technological process being performed. Here, the employee masters a wide range of professional and technical knowledge, independently makes decisions about the impact on the course of the technological process and ensures its success:

Ø 3rd stage of training - there is an increase in the qualifications of employees, both previously trained at the enterprise and newly recruited. Employees at this stage of training prepare for a variety of professional activities, master the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform work, and expand knowledge in related specialties.

After completing the third stage of training, the employee acquires knowledge in a particular system, so he knows how to use it better, penetrates deeper into the understanding of the essence production process. He freely operates with concepts, analyzes the facts, independently gives an explanation to them.

2. Professional development of employees is a form of vocational training aimed at the consistent improvement of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the existing profession. To improve the skills of employees, enterprises organize:

· production and economic courses - are created to improve the skills, deepen and expand the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees in their profession to a level that meets the requirements of production. Successful completion of courses is necessary condition to give employees a higher qualification category;

· targeted courses - are created to study new equipment, products, materials, technological processes, mechanization and automation tools used in production, rules and requirements for their safe operation;

· schools for the study of techniques and methods of work - are created for the purpose of mass mastering the techniques and methods of work of highly qualified workers who have achieved significant success in their field.

3. Retraining and training for new professions for employees of the enterprise- this is the vocational training of a new profession for workers who already have a profession. Retraining is organized for the training of employees who are released for any reason at the enterprise, as well as those who have expressed a desire to change their profession. Retraining and training for new professions of employees of the enterprise ends with the passing of qualification exams.

The main goal of any training, including staff training, is to gain knowledge.

The objectives of vocational training should be:

    concrete and specific;

    focusing on obtaining practical skills;

    measurable (measurable).

Training can be focused on business results and employees. The high efficiency of training, aimed primarily at the result of work, is achieved mainly by transferring to the employee the knowledge and skills necessary directly for work. Training aimed at developing and motivating employees usually does not produce quick business results. Such training is rather an investment in employees. In practice, learning objectives are based on a combination of these two basic factors. The main goals and their characteristics are presented in Table 1.2

Table 1.2

Learning objectives.

Target characteristic

Provide employees with the knowledge and skills they need to work effectively

An employee must have at least the necessary skills to perform his job. For a meaningful, flexible, and, if necessary, creative approach, a person needs appropriate knowledge.

Most people working in organizations have basic education, more often related to the profile of activity, and often not related. But the presence of even a very good specialized education does not guarantee a lifetime successful work specialist in this professional area. An employee who does not receive regular training "gets old", but not in terms of age, but in terms of his ability to successfully perform his duties.

The aging of knowledge and skills is a natural and fairly fast process.

It is generally accepted that higher professional education retains its relevance for work for 5 years. In any case, even a qualified and experienced worker admitted to a new organization needs training in order to familiarize himself with the features of the products or services offered by the company and with his place in business processes.

Maintain the professional level of staff and acquaint them with modern technological advances, changes in the socio-economic situation and legal conditions

This is the most understandable, pragmatic and relatively easy to achieve learning goal. Traditionally, the term “training” is used to refer to it. With the implementation of measures to achieve this goal, they usually begin to build a personnel training system in those organizations where this system does not exist.

However, there are some "pitfalls" here as well. The purpose of training is achieved only when training is strictly tied to the workplace and the realities of the activities of a particular organization.

To maintain and improve the managerial qualifications of managers, their regular management training should be organized. By the way, in this case it makes sense to understand the development of technology as new management technologies that appear in other companies or described in the literature, as well as changes in corporate governance: restructuring, implementation project management and others.

Thus, the employee must regularly update knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the work performed and its changes.

Prepare employees for their possible replacement of colleagues during vacation, illness, business trips and in case of dismissal

If we calculate the time of absence of each employee at work for quite good reasons, then it will average from 8 to 10% of the annual volume of working time. This means that every tenth to twelfth employee is absent from work every day. The work of absent employees is inevitably done by those who remain, and if they are not trained in this in advance, it will be done poorly or not done at all. Often, in practice, one has to deal with the uneven workload of individual employees and entire departments, when it is necessary to connect employees of related professions to “overloaded” areas.

It is worth noting the situation of dismissal or relocation of employees. Here, too, there is a need for at least temporary substitution retired employee. Of course, unlike vacation, it is far from always possible to foresee the dismissal or relocation of personnel in advance. But after all, the same people who leave every year on vacation, during which they again need to be replaced, are fired!

Therefore, for the successful operation of the organization, a certain part of the employees must be trained in skills that allow them to replace absent colleagues.

Prepare employees for relocation or promotion

Among the mass of employees of any company there is a certain percentage of people with high potential for growth. These people are the "golden fund" of the organization and ensure its successful progressive development.

However, promising employees have a negative property from the point of view of the organization: they are more active, mobile and can change jobs at any time, having received an interesting offer. It is possible to use the potential of such employees most effectively and prevent their departure only if they are promoted in a timely manner. career ladder or at least expand their duties and powers, giving more interesting work, raising salaries. If all this is not done, promising employees will not stay in the organization, and their efficiency will quickly decrease.

However, before promoting employees, they must be trained. After all, just performing duties in their place, they cannot master the skills necessary for work in a new position. The peculiarity of this group is that usually highly qualified specialists are appointed as managers. But after the appointment, their job responsibilities change dramatically: they need, first of all, management skills, including leadership of people.

The organization must carry out scheduled work to train prospective employees in order to prepare them for possible promotion.

Create and maintain a sense of ownership among staff organization activities to acquaint employees with


structure, services, technology of activity

A communication process that is limited to providing information about the duties directly performed and does not provide any information about the quality of work and general directions and company goals, has a negative impact on the efficiency of the employees of the enterprise. Correctly constructed transmission of information about the meaning of the performed employee work, its ideological connection with common goals organization and quality of work of employees will bring significant benefits to the company.

Actual messages about the life of the company can be transmitted during scheduled seminars for specialists and managers. To this end, the programs of seminars include meetings, conversations with top managers of the company.

So, any employee needs not only the relevant knowledge and skills, but also the constant receipt of information from the management for a better understanding of the processes taking place in the company.

Maintain a positive work attitude among employees

The very fact of training an employee, which is carried out in an organization, as a rule, helps to improve his mood and increase motivation in relation to work. This approach means that the company cares about its staff and looks forward to long-term cooperation with them. If the training is accompanied by a meeting with the company's leaders, and during it coffee breaks, lunches are arranged, other signs of attention to the trained employees are shown, i.e., there is an opportunity for informal communication, this positive effect is even more tangible, the effectiveness of training increases.

Thus, for successful work in the organization, training must be carried out with the active interest of the management, in good conditions and in its implementation, direct or indirect participation of the company's managers is desirable.

Learning objectives determined by the current legislation

current Labor Code The Russian Federation and other federal laws provide for mandatory training of a number of categories of workers in the rules of safety and labor protection. Corresponding sub-legislative departmental normative documents have also been issued, for violation of which the heads and responsible employees of any organization may be subject to material and other sanctions.

Assessment of learning outcomes:

The learning outcomes are influenced by the direct participation of the manager in the entire cycle of the systematic learning model discussed above, starting with the definition of goals, drawing up curricula and monitoring the progress of training. However, in addition to this, another aspect is important: opportunities should be created for the practical application of the skills and knowledge acquired in the learning process. When checking learning outcomes, it is necessary to make sure that everyone who has completed a course of study has the conditions for applying the knowledge gained in the performance of daily duties.

What the employee has learned will only be useful when it is transferred from the classroom to the workplace. It may happen that, having returned to his workplace, full of enthusiasm, he will not meet with support and will not be able to take advantage of the feedback. After some time, the social environment will force him to return to the way he acted before. Thus, everything valuable that training has given is lost, and in the worst case, all motivating factors in the need for training are rejected.

Learning assessment takes us back to the beginning of the learning cycle. With the help of such information, we are able to improve the curricula, making them more relevant to the set goals, to focus on the further training needs of specific employees.

A full evaluation of training should help answer questions related to the calculation of the effectiveness of training funds spent. This is the most difficult level of evaluation of investments and their payback. It should be carried out not only at the level of one employee, but also at the level of department and organization - by specialists of personnel and accounting services.

Staff training cannot be an end in itself for an organization. This is understandable. Money is spent on training, often quite substantial. Few people will agree to spend money without expecting a proper return from it, just because they consider staff training to be a good thing.

Training is the most important link in the personnel management system and should be inextricably linked with the processes of organizational development, with the work to achieve the strategic goals of the organization, ensuring the maximum readiness of people working in the organization to solve the problems they face.

On the other hand, training itself creates the prerequisites for solving new and more complex tasks due to the fact that the staff masters new approaches to work, new knowledge and skills.

Already at the stage of selecting new employees, the organization identifies employees who need training and receives the information necessary to clarify the content of the relevant training programs. Often, when conducting an interview or testing, not only strengths are revealed, but also weak sides newcomers. This allows, already at the first stage of the stay of new employees in the organization, to outline the priority steps for training or improving their skills.

Of great importance here is also the readiness of a person to acquire new knowledge, his attitude towards development. The ability to learn, to assimilate new knowledge and acquire new skills is one of the most important criteria in the search and selection of new employees. It is no coincidence that in recent years many organizations have attached great importance looking for people who not only meet the requirements of the organization, but are able and willing to learn.

Often, for new hires, training follows immediately after a selection process that identifies the training needs of new hires. At the same time, incoming training is closely intertwined with the process of their adaptation to work in the organization.

For cadre workers, training is often preceded by an annual performance appraisal (attestation). The performance appraisal process clarifies the needs of employees for training to bring their level of qualification into line with the requirements and standards established in the organization. At the same time, employees with a certain lack of professional training can be identified who can improve their performance as a result of training, as well as those employees whose potential allows them to be promoted to the reserve for promotion, which also requires appropriate developmental training.

Employees of the enterprise should see the prospect of their work at the enterprise, and on the other hand, the enterprise is also interested in developing its employees and increasing the return on them. Training planning for prospective employees is a separate area implemented within the framework of in-company personnel training.

Responsibility for learning. Responsibility for staff training is usually shared between HR specialists (psychologists, training department employees) and managers at different levels. At the same time, if managers are responsible for determining the need for training, for sending employees of their department for training and for the demand for training results, then specialists from personnel services (training departments) are mainly responsible for preparing and implementing training programs for different categories of personnel. At the same time, it should be remembered that managers are faced with the task of not only determining the training needs of their subordinates and evaluating learning outcomes. Often managers act as mentors, training their subordinates in the course of daily working contacts with them.

Depending on the size of the organization, work in the field of personnel training can be built in different ways.

In smaller firms, work on training and development of personnel can be performed within the framework of a traditional human resources department. In this case, personnel training is carried out exclusively by external organizations specializing in the training of various categories of employees.

Work on training and advanced training of the organization's personnel is built in accordance with the approved regulation, which indicates the main areas of training and the procedure for training and advanced training.

The way the company approaches the issue of the status of the training department and its position in the structure of the organization clearly shows what place is given to personnel training in it. It is often enough just to look at the diagram representing the structure of the organization to understand the place of learning in the system of priorities of the top management. Quite often, the department responsible for personnel training is equated with auxiliary production and has a low status in comparison with production departments. More often this department is part of the personnel service (personnel department). The authority of the leader who heads the training department, as a rule, is inferior to the authority of those leaders with whom he needs to interact in the course of his work.

Tasks to be solved when building a system of in-house training. Among the tasks solved by managers and specialists of training departments, when developing an in-house training system, the following can be distinguished:





Strategic tasks. The head of the training department, together with the higher management, formulates overall plan activities in the field of training and advanced training of personnel. The answers to the following questions may be helpful here.

What is our organization striving to achieve in the near and long term?

What requirements for the successful achievement of these goals must meet the qualifications of the employees of our organization? What knowledge, skills and abilities do our employees lack?

What should be done to bring the level of staff training in line with the tasks that the organization will have to solve in the very near future?

Research tasks. The collection of information before, during and after the training of various categories of personnel, its analysis and generalization of the results obtained are the tasks that must be solved first of all when determining the needs of the organization's employees for training and when developing the structure and content of training programs. Particularly difficult research tasks are associated with the preparation of training programs for managers. The training is designed to show students new approaches to solving managerial problems, to form such attitudes in relation to productivity, labor quality and personnel, and such a system of priorities that will maximize the growth of work efficiency, both for individual employees and for the entire organization and its divisions. To this end, when developing training programs, it is especially important to pay attention to the study of attitudes and behavioral models that determine approaches to the work of managers at different levels.

Methodical tasks. Another task solved in the organization of training is the selection of training methods and the development of programs for advanced training and development of personnel. First of all, these should be such methods and forms of training that could best help the organization achieve its goals (improving the quality of goods and services, reducing production costs, creating a new organizational culture, increasing the return on each employee, etc.). ).

The main difficulty in solving methodological problems is to choose the best teaching methods and / or determine their correct ratio (combination) for each category of students. Modern trends in the organization of personnel training consist in reducing the time of purely lecture presentation of material and the increasing use of active learning methods (business games, group discussions, analysis of the experience of domestic and Western companies, etc.). In addition, more and more attention is paid to the practical development of the studied material and the consolidation of the practical skills of students.

The scope of duties of specialists involved in the work of personnel training usually includes the solution of the following methodological tasks:

    determination and coordination with the administration of the enterprise of forms (with or without interruption from production, at the workplace) and methods of training; development of training programs or selection from programs offered training centers; the choice of the organization to which the training will be entrusted;

    selection and training (possibly with the involvement of third-party organizations) of their own teachers; assessment of the effectiveness of training.

organizational tasks. It is impossible to start building an in-house training system if the training and development needs of the organization's employees are not previously determined. Not only representatives of the personnel service, but managers of all levels should participate in solving this problem.

Personnel training should be based on a clear distribution of responsibilities, a clear system of planning and control. Organizational tasks include such routine tasks as the appointment of those responsible for conducting training, the preparation of relevant orders and instructions, the recruitment of training groups and attendance control, the selection of teachers, the preparation of premises in which training will take place, the solution of technical equipment for training and other auxiliary issues. .

The company almost always has persons (or divisions) that solve a wide range of organizational issues related to staff training. These questions do not inherently require special knowledge, but the success of the entire study often depends on the quality of their solution. The effectiveness of training can be greatly reduced by such “little things” as stuffiness in the room, the absence of felt-tip pens, chalk, or extraneous sounds outside the door that constantly distract listeners.

An important area of ​​work is documentation and reporting on training and advanced training.

The determining condition for the economic health of an organization is its ability to adapt to changing conditions of internal and external environment. Therefore, despite the rather difficult financial situation of most Russian organizations, the costs associated with staff training are beginning to be considered as a priority and necessary. More and more organizations conduct large-scale training of personnel and managers of different levels, realizing that only trained, highly qualified and highly motivated personnel will be a decisive factor in the development of the enterprise and victory over competitors.

The increasing role of training in the processes of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise and organizational development is due to the following three factors:

    Personnel training is the most important means of achieving the strategic goals of the organization.

    Training is the most important means of adding value human resources organizations.

    Without timely staff training, organizational change becomes very difficult or impossible.

Let's consider these factors in more detail.

1. Training as a means of achieving the strategic goals of the organization. Success in achieving the most important strategic goals of the organization depends largely on the extent to which personnel are aware of strategic goals and how motivated and prepared he is to work towards achieving them. The need for rapid organizational change and change in management principles in the face of increasing competition- all this implies an increase in the productivity of personnel, an increase in the quality of goods, an improvement in customer service, a creative and innovative attitude to business. Personnel training is only among the priority areas of personnel management when top management realizes that the implementation of market strategies requires a higher level of professional training for all categories of employees.

The training of employees of the organization is different from school training. At school, children can study better or worse, they can hate school, they can skip classes - to the detriment only for themselves. The school does not suffer from this. The training of the personnel of the organization has an impact on the performance of the entire organization. Just as it is impossible to talk about the improvement of the skill of individual players of a football team if the team does not improve its results, so it is absurd to talk about the benefits of staff training if it does not lead to better performance of the company as a whole.

The logic of business development inexorably requires a closer link between the processes of personnel training and the processes of organizational development. Indeed, over the past 2-3 years, we have seen a change in the attitude of the top management of many companies towards employee training. Increasingly, training is beginning to be seen as a tool to support corporate strategy.

Effective work of the company in the conditions of ever-increasing competition is impossible without improving the efficiency of work at all levels of the organization. The main obstacles to achieving better performance are not only the lack of staff training, but also the old ways of working at different levels of the organization. These obstacles can only be overcome if the development and implementation of new policy in the field of in-company training, which includes various forms of training and training programs for all categories of employees.

2. Training as a means of increasing the value of the organization's human resources. Some organizations do not pay due attention to the training of their staff, because they do not consider this item of expenditure as necessary, believing that training can be easily dispensed with if, say, they hire specialists who already have the necessary qualifications. However, sooner or later, the management of any organization inevitably has to face the fact that if you do not invest money in raising the level of knowledge and in developing the professional skills of your employees, then the return on the organization's human resources becomes less and less every year.

Any person understands that if he wants to get a good harvest, then for this you must first prepare the land, plant seeds, then water, weed, loosen, fertilize the soil. And the more effort is invested, the greater the yield can be expected.

Smart organizations operate in the same way as forward-thinking parents. When preparing a child for a prestigious university or university, and spending a lot of money on tutors, parents understand that this is not money thrown away, but money invested in education. As Benjamin Franklin said, “If you pour the contents of a wallet into your head, no one will take it from you.” The cost of training will pay off when their child gets a job, having received a good specialty and having a high level of general training that is attractive to employers. Graduates of prestigious universities are happy to be hired by large companies with high salaries.

If the company prefers to hire already “ready-made” specialists, believing that in this way it saves time and financial resources on training its personnel, then it is overlooked that, in addition to providing employees with the necessary knowledge and developing their skills required for work, training is designed to convey learners important information about the organization, to contribute to the formation of "correct" attitudes to work, to strengthen the desired patterns of behavior and increase the degree of commitment of the staff to their organization.

To continue the analogy with the harvest, the strategy of acquiring ready-made specialists can be equated with buying products in a store or market. We do not waste time and energy on growing our crops, but at the same time we understand that (1) it is more expensive to buy ready-made than to grow it ourselves, and (2) the quality does not always meet our expectations. Often the “bought” employee does not fit into the team and does not meet the requirements of the management.

3. Staff training is the most important tool through which management gets the opportunity to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of organizational culture.

In a rapidly changing market situation, more than ever, bright talents and fresh ideas are needed to ensure a high level of competitiveness. Organizations that are willing to invest in training their employees can expect that employees who improve their skills will be able to solve more complex problems more easily and quickly, will be more persistent in seeking and often finding the best answers to emerging questions, and will be able to cope with difficulties in work, they will have a higher level of commitment to their enterprise, a higher willingness to work for it with full dedication.

Modern approaches to the management of organizations are based on the fact that the staff is considered as a key factor determining the efficiency of the use of all other resources. As the experience of the most successful domestic and foreign companies shows, investments in personnel, creating conditions for the growth of employees and increasing their professional potential give a 2-3 times higher return than funds aimed at solving purely production problems.

A serious problem for many organizations is the retention of employees who have received training. By investing money in staff training, the organization thereby increases the value of its most important capital - people. But at the same time, some organizations are faced with the fact that, having spent a lot of money on training, after some time they may miss a significant part of the trained workers - they are outbid by other more “smart” organizations. By saving on staff training, these companies are willing to pay higher salaries, provide a wider range of benefits, Better conditions jobs or great opportunities for professional growth and advancement of employees. It turns out that we are preparing personnel for others, say the leaders who are faced with this problem, and throwing money away. We invest in training, and our employees are outbid by other organizations. However, most often it is not competitors who poach trained personnel, but themselves to blame for the fact that the results of training were not in demand, for the fact that trained personnel were not rewarded for achieving a higher level of qualification.

Unfortunately, the practice is widespread in the work of many organizations when employees are sent for training or advanced training, without making any efforts to ensure that their work after graduation becomes more meaningful, more responsible, so that the level of remuneration of their labor increases, open new prospects for career growth, career advancement, or the scope of their work responsibilities has expanded. This reduces not only the return that the organization can get from its staff as a result of training, but also the motivation of employees to learn.

In order to reduce the risk of losing employees who study or improve their skills at the expense of the organization, many companies develop and implement a system of legal, organizational and moral and psychological measures aimed at securing and retaining this category of employees in the company. The development and implementation of special programs that provide employees with greater opportunities for career development after completing the training, and the demand for the acquired knowledge and skills are measures that help to consolidate trained personnel in the organization.

In the West, it has long been understood that staff training is one of the main factors that allows you to win in tough competition. How did the Americans react to the fact that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite? First of all, they increased appropriations for the needs of education.

Nowadays, large Western corporations spend from 2 to 5% of their annual budget on the training and development of employees. In US industry, for example, training costs more than $200 billion a year; and IBM alone was spending more than $1.5 billion a year on education back in 1990. In Canada (which is not one of the leaders in this field), the cost of training and development per employee is on average more than $500 per year.

In the 1990s in Russia, the number of enterprises with sufficient financial resources to train and improve the skills of their employees dropped sharply. But it is no longer possible to work for a long time on the resource that was laid back in the 70-80s in our time. The transition to work in market conditions and the increase in competition in the foreign and domestic markets, the emergence of new technologies, the reorganization of production and the change of generations required the solution of the whole range of issues related to the improvement of the qualification level of employees. This implies not only the use of old, tested, well-proven approaches in the past, but also the increasing use of new methods, programs and teaching strategies.

Training as a means of facilitating organizational change. Seven decades of a planned economy have created a situation in Russia where practically all managers, specialists and ordinary workers need to be taught the basics of a market economy. Previously, all decisions about what products to produce, in what volumes, where to sell and at what price, were taken by the State Planning Commission, but now all enterprises are faced with the need to make these decisions on their own.

The market today knows no pity. He does not care about the highest quality of work of this or that category of workers or the highest productivity of a single stamping or any other shop. The market requires the entire company to operate efficiently. The market dictates the need to meet the constantly changing needs of consumers in a timely and qualitative manner.

Considering the process of organizational change, experts often point out that a significant obstacle in their path is often not the lack of necessary resources or the intrigues of competitors, but the resistance of their own staff. Resistance can be caused by a number of reasons, among which the most common are the following:

    lack of staff knowledge and skills required in the new conditions;

    distrust of leadership;

    the old system of values ​​and priorities that determines the behavior of employees;

    fear of the new, lack of confidence in own forces; to misunderstanding of the purposes and ways of implementation of changes;

    lack of interest in change.

Even a cursory glance at the above list of possible reasons for the resistance of personnel to the process of organizational change shows that without appropriate training of personnel it is difficult to count on interested support for changes from employees. Well-organized, thoughtful and timely training can overcome the forces of inhibition and ensure the success of the changes.

Successful achievement of learning goals involves not only the creation of favorable conditions for students, not only the correct definition of the content of education and the choice of means that will best solve these problems, but also the fullest possible use of the most important principles that ensure the high efficiency of educational activities. Among the most important principles, the implementation of which ensures the success of training, we can first of all single out the following:

    providing trainees with full and timely feedback on the effectiveness of their training;

    practical development of acquired knowledge and skills;

    transfer of acquired knowledge and skills to working conditions;

    demand for learning outcomes;

    formation and maintenance of high motivation for learning;

    taking into account the initial level of knowledge of students.

The system of training and advanced training of company employees will be effective only if it is closely connected with the most important areas of work for personnel management, the labor incentive system (remuneration, bonuses, benefits, moral incentives, etc.), work with a reserve for managerial positions, personnel development programs, etc.

Unfortunately, today the situation when the organization does not pay enough attention to identifying the training needs of various categories of employees is quite typical. This is not because it is considered unnecessary, but simply due to the fact that we have long been accustomed to assessing the need for training by eye. In addition, specialists involved in the organization of personnel training often do not know the methods and procedures for the effective implementation of such work. Employees of the organization in these conditions are forced to make up for the lack of knowledge and skills needed for work.

The benefits received by the organization as a result of staff training are expressed as follows.

1. Training of employees allows the organization to more successfully solve problems associated with new areas of activity and maintain the necessary level of competitiveness (improving the quality and productivity (efficiency) of staff work, reducing costs and reducing costs, reducing injuries, etc.).

2. Increasing the commitment of the staff to their organization, reducing staff turnover.

3. Increasing the ability of staff to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions and market requirements. Thus, the organization increases the value of the human resources at its disposal.

4. Training allows you to maintain and disseminate among employees the core values ​​and priorities of the organizational culture, promote new approaches and norms of behavior designed to support the organizational strategy.

is a purposeful, organized, planned and systematic process of mastering knowledge, skills and ways of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists and leaders.

Under favorable circumstances, staff training has an important dual function of making the best use of the worker and motivating him.

Importance continuing education confirm the following key factors:

  • The introduction of new equipment, technology, the production of modern goods, the growth of communication capabilities;
  • The world is turning into a market with a high level of competition between countries. Countries with modern system engineering labor and continuing education programs are leading the way in this competition;
  • Continuous and rapid changes in technology and informatics require continuous staff training;
  • It is more efficient and cost-effective for a firm to increase the value of existing employees through continuous training than to attract new employees.

Learning objectives from the point of view of the employer and the specialist himself are significantly different.

The purpose of training from the point of view of the employer:
  • organization and formation of management personnel;
  • mastering the ability to identify, understand and solve problems;
  • personnel reproduction;
  • staff integration;
  • flexible staff formation;
  • adaptation;
  • introduction of innovations.
Goals of continuing education from the position of an employee:
  • maintaining at an appropriate level and improving professional qualifications;
  • acquisition of professional knowledge outside the sphere of professional activity;
  • acquisition of professional knowledge about suppliers and consumers of products, banks and other organizations that affect the work of the company;
  • development of abilities in the field of planning and organization of production.

Assessment of training needs

Planning training programs- an integral part of overall planning, along with the calculation of staffing requirements, drawing up recruitment plans,.

Types of staff training

Differ three types of training: training, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Staff training– systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas human activity who own a set of special knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of communication.

Staff development— training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion.

Staff retraining- training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication in connection with mastering new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

Patriotic and overseas experience worked out three concepts for training qualified personnel:

  1. The concept of specialized training, focused on today or the near future and relevant to the relevant workplace. Such training is effective for a relatively short period of time, but from the point of view of the employee, it contributes to the retention of the workplace, and also strengthens self-esteem.
  2. The concept of multidisciplinary learning is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases the intra-production and non-production mobility of the worker. However, the latter circumstance represents a known risk for the organization where the employee works, since he has a choice and is therefore less tied to the appropriate workplace.
  3. The concept of personality-centered learning, aims to develop human qualities inherent in nature or acquired in practical activities. This concept applies, first of all, to people who have a tendency to scientific research and having the talent of a leader, teacher, etc.
The subject of training are:
  • knowledge- obtaining theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge necessary for the employee to perform his duties at the workplace;
  • skills- the ability to perform the duties assigned to the employee at a particular workplace;
  • skills- a high degree of ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, skills suggest such a measure of mastering the work when conscious self-control is developed;
  • ways of communication(behavior), the form of life of the individual - a set of actions and deeds of the individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, the development of the nature of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, social relations, communication skills.

Types and methods of personnel training

How training will take place - on the job or on the job - is determined mainly by what training methods will be used.

On-the-job training carried out in the usual working environment: the trainee uses real work tools, equipment, documentation or materials that he will use after the completion of the course. At the same time, the trained worker is considered as a partially productive worker.

Off-the-job training takes place outside the workplace, usually using specially simplified training tools and equipment. A trained worker is not considered a productive unit from the moment the training begins, his work begins with the implementation of exercises. Training with a break from the main work can be carried out in industrial premises employer company, in a training center attended by employees of several various companies, or in college.

Methods for training personnel in the workplace

Teaching methods

Directed Experience Gaining

Systematic planning of on-the-job training, the basis of planning is individual plan vocational training, which sets out the learning objectives

Production briefing

General information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with the new working environment

Job change (rotation)

Gaining knowledge and gaining experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace. As a result, for a certain period of time, an idea is created about the versatility of activities and production tasks (special programs for the young generation of specialists)

Use of employees as assistants, trainees

Training and familiarization of the employee with the problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks while at the same time taking on a certain share of responsibility


Collaboration between mentor and learner, where the mentor provides continuous, unbiased feedback and periodically reviews the level of performance of the mentees. The application of the method is effective in cases where something goes wrong or someone does something wrong and there is a need to correct this state of affairs. The method can be practiced as a systematic

Preparation in


Cooperation carried out for educational purposes in project teams created in the enterprise to develop large, time-limited tasks

Some forms of training are only possible on the job, such as rotation of operations, coaching (tutoring), and training in types of work that are rarely required during the production process, and therefore there is no need to specifically teach skills to perform them off-the-job. On the contrary, theoretical training can hardly be effectively carried out in a production environment; the student must attend college, and this is training with a separation from the main place of work.

Professional learning outside the workplace are intended primarily for obtaining theoretical knowledge and for teaching the ability to behave in accordance with the requirements of the production environment.

Methods for training personnel outside the workplace

Teaching methods

Characteristic features of the method


Passive teaching method, used to present theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical experience

Programmed training courses

More active method training, effective for obtaining theoretical knowledge

Conferences, seminars, round tables, excursions, discussions, meetings with management

Active learning method, participation in discussions develops logical thinking and develops ways of behavior in various situations

The method of training management personnel based on the independent solution of specific problems from industrial practice

Modeling organizational problem, which must be solved by the participants (listeners) of the group. Allows you to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, provides for information processing, constructive-critical thinking, development of creativity in decision-making processes

business games

Learning how to behave in various production situations, when negotiating, and role holders must develop alternative points of view

Daily training in which one instructs or coaches the other in the basics of his activities through intensive teaching, demonstration and practical work in order to improve the efficiency of activities


The simplest type of training, which does not require either an instructor, or a special room, or a certain time: the student studies there, when and in the way that is convenient for him, but this requires the consciousness and desire of the student himself to acquire new knowledge

Solution Methods production and economic problems with models

Modeling of processes occurring at competing enterprises. Students distribute among themselves the roles of fictitious organizations competing with each other. With the help of input data, trainees should make appropriate decisions for several stages of the production of products or services (production, marketing, financing, personnel issues, etc.)

Quality circle "instead of studying", working group

Young professionals develop specific solutions to the problems of managing the organization, united in working groups. The proposals developed in the working groups are transferred to the management of the organization, which considers the proposals, makes decisions on them and informs working group on acceptance or rejection of its proposals

In addition to on-the-job and off-the-job training, a combination of both is possible. These forms of education include:

  • experiential or experiential learning - learning through independent work, but in some logical order;
  • demonstration and practice under guidance- the trainer shows the trainee how to do it, then the trainer gives the employee the opportunity to do it himself, but under his guidance;
  • programmed learning- a book or machine that "leads" the reader and periodically tests his knowledge by asking questions;
  • computer-assisted learning- actually programmed learning by interacting with a computer, using the Internet;
  • action learning- learning by doing, for example, participating with others in the development of a project or group task, or working as a "second team" of another unit.

The training of qualified personnel is effective if the costs associated with it are lower than the costs to the organization of increasing labor productivity due to other factors or the costs associated with recruiting errors. work force. Since the definition of results achieved through the training of qualified personnel is fraught with certain difficulties, there is economic efficiency learning in the form of cost savings that can be accurately calculated. The training of qualified personnel affects important factors social efficiency. Raise professional excellence positively affects the guarantee of job retention, promotion opportunities, expansion of the external labor market, the size of the organization's income, self-esteem and opportunities for self-realization.

Assessment of staff training

By calculating the costs of training and comparing them with the financial benefits to the company from the work of a trained employee, testing the effectiveness of training can be extended to its evaluation. At the same time, the simplicity and accuracy of the assessment vary greatly:

  • the cost of on-the-job training is much easier to estimate than the cost of on-the-job training;
  • the financial benefits of training are much easier to calculate when it comes to physical rather than mental labor;
  • it is fairly easy to estimate the costs of inadequate training, such as the cost of scrap, damaged raw materials, customer complaints, overtime to correct errors;
  • the benefits of learning go beyond mere performance improvement;

Significant difficulties can arise when trying to evaluate these benefits in financial terms.


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