Industrial marketing is a special approach to solving marketing problems. Industrial marketing: theory and practice Industrial marketing lectures

The concept, goals and objectives of production marketing

Marketing in industrial or manufacturing plants is very different from marketing in the consumer market (retail and service industries). The difference is associated with the specifics of products for industrial and technical purposes, which are used for the further production of finished products (products) for the end consumer.

The role of marketing in industrial enterprises is growing. This is due to the fact that when assessing production capabilities, it is considered rational to identify the optimal range of products, taking into account the load of production capacities. The planned assortment structure is compared with a structure that corresponds to the market situation regarding the forecast for a specific time period. Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that the company has high production capabilities.

Marketing research carried out production organizations, allow you to analyze the break-even point and identify the margin of financial strength. The results of the assessment show the feasibility of producing a particular product, economic justification marketing activities. Therefore, we can say that the importance of marketing in an industrial enterprise is quite high.

Definition 1

Production marketing is a process in which the production potential of a company is positively and profitably correlated with the needs and requirements of consumers.

The main task of production marketing is to increase the volume of production. To increase demand, strategies are being developed to modernize production in order to increase the output of goods at the lowest cost. As a result, it is established low price that attracts buyers.

Remark 1

The main goal of production marketing: improving production - increasing the volume of products - increasing sales - increasing profits.

Production marketing objectives:

  • identifying needs and meeting them in the best way;
  • assortment optimization taking into account production technologies and consumer characteristics;
  • identifying the relationship between old and new products;
  • faster time for a new product to enter the market;
  • withdrawal from production of goods with low demand.

Functions and principles of production marketing

The basic functions of production marketing do not differ from those of other types of marketing activities. They include:

  1. analytic function ( marketing research market, consumers, competition, products, prices, macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise);
  2. production function (organization of production, availability of technologies, material and technical equipment production process, quality and competitiveness of finished goods);
  3. sales function (product distribution system, service, demand generation and sales promotion, product and price policy of an industrial enterprise);
  4. control function (monitoring and making changes in the company's activities in accordance with market changes and the planning system at the enterprise);
  5. management function (strategic and operational planning, forecasting, information security, management decision-making, communication system, etc.).

Production marketing principles:

  • maximum adaptation of production to market requirements;
  • mutual choice and trust;
  • individual approach;
  • consumer understanding;
  • fight for the client;
  • long term relationship.

The implementation of the first principle is that the activity manufacturing enterprise is based on knowledge of the specifics of demand and its possible changes in the future. There is a functional relationship between production and market requirements, which forces companies to produce products in the quantities required by consumers.

Companies look for their potential customers, offer their products and form mutually beneficial relationships. And consumers are in active search a reliable supplier who will satisfy all requests as efficiently as possible. The relationship between manufacturing enterprises and their customers is built on mutual trust, agreements on payment and supply, honesty in doing business, and future prospects of the relationship.

If companies strive to establish long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with their customers, they try to individually approach each order. This concerns the terms of payment, customer service and the adaptation of products to customer requirements.

The principle of understanding the consumer is based on taking into account the needs and dynamics of the market conditions. The business is not only about making a profit, but also about taking into account the needs of the customers.

The fight for its client is carried out by any available, but conscientious methods. To take a place in the mind of the client is the main goal of the enterprise.

Establishing a long-term relationship between a manufacturing company and consumers is a long-term process, but as a result, the organization gains a circle of loyal customers, which allows it to minimize risks and costs.

Manufacturing enterprise marketing complex

Remark 2

Unlike individual consumers, the clients of a manufacturing enterprise are strongly dependent on the state of the external environment (economics, politics, social factors). They purchase products that must meet current and future market and economic conditions.

Companies that pay significant attention to marketing activities themselves form the market for their products, and do not satisfy the needs of one-time consumers. To do this, develop effective marketing strategies for the four elements of the marketing mix. Competent use of the marketing mix components allows you to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of industrial consumers:

  • product policy (active participation of customers in the process of creating products);
  • pricing policy (setting prices based on costs + profits, competitive materials and according to the price list);
  • sales policy (a small number of points; direct contact with the consumer or through intermediaries);
  • promotion policy (main communication channels: advertising, personal sales, exhibitions, sales promotion).

Today there are more than 100 marketing concepts in the world. The most used and adapted to modern economic conditions formulation of marketing was developed by F. Kotler and reads: "Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting needs and demands through exchange."

Experts have a double meaning in the term “marketing”: it is one of the management functions and an integral concept of management in the conditions of market relations.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, scientific research, logistics, etc.

As a management concept (business philosophy), marketing requires a company to view consumption as a “democratic” process in which consumers have the right to “vote” for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company and allows it to optimally meet the needs of the consumer.

Industrial marketing is the sale of goods and services to industrial, institutional and government clients.

Industrial clients are manufacturing and processing organizations as well as distributors who buy and resell products to other industrial and institutional clients.

Institutional clients include health care, education, and government agencies (such as prisons).

Government clients include many institutions in municipal level, county, state, regional, and national levels.

Consumer marketing, as opposed to industrial marketing, is about sales individuals, families and households buying goods and services for their own consumption. A distinctive feature of industrial, institutional and government clients is that they use the purchased goods and services to produce their own goods and services.

There are three unique characteristics of industrial marketing:

1) the complexity of the product. The main obstacle to developing a true marketing orientation for an industrial firm remains its focus on product, engineering, manufacturing, and the technical side of things.

2) a high degree of interdependence between the buyer and the seller. The buyer is highly dependent on the supplier:

From guarantees for the supply of raw materials, parts or assemblies;

From the continuity of supply;

On the efficiency of order processing, delivery and, as a rule, the possibility of extending the terms of the loan, etc.

3) the complexity of the procurement process. The complexity of the procurement decision-making process is a consequence of factors such as the large number of participants and the significance of the amount of money involved in the transaction. The challenge is that aligning a company's marketing strategy with buying behavior is much more difficult than in consumer marketing. This happens, as a rule, due to the fact that in industrial marketing the interval between the marketing event and the manifestation of customer response is extremely long.

The successful operation of an industrial enterprise on the market is impossible without clearly defined goals and objectives. Let's list the main goals of industrial marketing:

Maximum satisfaction of consumer needs;

Achieving superiority over competitors;

Conquering the market and increasing its share in it.

The main tasks of industrial marketing include:

Identifying unmet needs in the market and meeting them in the best possible way;

Optimization of the assortment of manufactured goods, taking into account their consumer characteristics and features of production technology;

Acceleration of the rate of renewal of products both in general and for individual types, taking into account the life cycle;

Determination of the relationship between new and old products;

Entering the market with fundamentally new products;

Analysis and timing of such an exit;

Termination of production of goods that are losing market positions.

All these tasks are solved taking into account the requirements of the market, the behavior of competitors and potential consumers.

Need is a feeling of lack of something. A person in need will try to drown it out or find a way to satisfy it. The needs of people are complex and varied.

A need is a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the economic, social, cultural, national and other characteristics of a person. The needs of people are limitless and depend on many factors, primarily on the level of economic development.

A product is anything that can satisfy the needs and wants of people.

Demand is a need, supported by a person's purchasing power, effective demand.

A deal is a commercial exchange of value between two parties.

Market - a set of relationships between manufacturers and existing and potential buyers of a product.

Thus, industrial marketing is working with the market and the market for the sake of making exchanges, the purpose of which is to satisfy human needs and requirements.

The main thing in the marketing activities of an industrial enterprise is to develop such technologies and produce only those goods that are needed by the market today, and, more importantly, they will be needed tomorrow, so there is no need to try to sell what is produced and does not meet the requirements of the market and potential buyers.

Three basic principles of industrial marketing:

1. Understanding the consumer. The principle is based on consideration of needs and dynamics market conditions... Any business is impossible if the firm's activities are focused only on profit, and not on understanding the consumer and his needs.

2. Struggle for the consumer. The principle is implemented by influencing the market and the consumer by all available means ( product quality, advertising, service, price). The bottom line: the struggle for a place in the mind of the consumer, and not for the sale of goods, therefore high-quality goods and services are just means to achieve the goal and are not the goal itself.

3. Maximum adaptation of production to market requirements. The implementation of the principle is that the activities of the company are always based on knowledge of the characteristics of consumer demand and its possible changes in the future. It makes the production of goods and services functionally dependent on market demands and requires the production of goods in the assortment and volume required by consumers.

The main functions of industrial marketing:

Analytical - the study of the market, competitors, consumers, goods, prices, communications, analysis of the macro- and microenvironment of the company;

Production - organization of production of new goods, technologies, material and technical supply, quality management and competitiveness of finished products;

Sales - the organization of the system of commodity circulation, service, the system for generating demand and stimulating sales, pursuing a targeted product and pricing policy;

Control - the organization of control and adjustment of the firm's activities in accordance with planning and changes in the market;

Management - forecasting, strategic and operational planning, information support of marketing management, motivation and stimulation of personnel, delegation of power and responsibility, management decision-making, organization of the communication system at the enterprise.

To determine the subject and object of industrial marketing, it is necessary to consider all existing classifications of marketing into industrial and consumer.

The classic approach

Figure 1 shows a classic approach containing such a criterion used to differentiate marketing into industrial and consumer, as a type of product. In accordance with this criterion, marketing is divided into three main areas - marketing of products for industrial purposes (industrial marketing), marketing of goods popular consumption(consumer marketing) and service marketing.

This approach is based on the fundamental differences between industrial and technical products (PPTN) and consumer goods (consumer goods), as well as services. So, PPTN is purchased in large quantities for industrial consumption and participates in the production and technological process, which necessitates the assessment of quality and its compliance with the requirements. Its cost is included in the cost price finished products, which means it requires more careful calculations before making a purchase. In addition, several people are involved in making a purchase decision, including executives. In the production of PPTN, the manufacturer focuses on a specific end user. This necessitates the establishment of direct direct relationships with the buyer of products, which are carried out through pre-orders or pre-agreed deliveries. So, PPTN is sold on average by 70% to the end consumer. The growth in direct sales of PPTN is due to an increase in the technical level and complexity of products put on the market, in particular machinery and equipment, an increase in the share of unique equipment, equipment of complete enterprises, large ships, aircraft of the latest designs, etc. This makes it necessary to establish direct contacts between the seller and the buyer, which begin long before the start of the production of the product, namely at the stage of its conception, design and development of technical and economic parameters in order to take into account the buyer's requirements.

Rice. 1. Classification of marketing depending on the type of product

Rice. 2. Classification of marketing by stages of reproduction

Consumer goods are purchased for personal use in limited quantities, they do not participate in the production process and are not included in the cost of finished products. The decision to purchase consumer goods is usually made alone.

Marketing of services is allocated in a separate direction, since services have their own essential features, which predetermine their consideration separately from PPTN and consumer goods. With all its diversity, all services have 4 main characteristics that distinguish them from goods:

Services are elusive, intangible and intangible;

The process of production and consumption of services is inseparable;

Services are heterogeneous, that is, they can change the quality;

Services are incapable of storage and quickly deteriorate.

This approach is traditional or classic.

Separation of marketing by stages of reproduction

A slightly different view of the classification of marketing into industrial and consumer is presented in Fig. 2. The main criterion for dividing here is the presence of production, that is, the process of creating a product from its conception and design to manufacturing. In this case, the type of product does not matter. This view is based on the fact that the marketing process at industrial enterprises is practically the same, it goes through the same stages: market research, product conception and design, product production and commercialization process, mass production, establishment of a sales and after-sales service system and feedback from by the consumer. In this case, the type of goods produced does not matter.

The manufacturer will produce exactly as many goods as ordered, the order book is formed in advance. The manufacturer tries to sell all its products in large batches as possible to large buyers - wholesale or end. For this, there are special systems of large wholesale discounts. For almost all enterprises, the Poreto rule is true, that 80% of manufactured products are shipped by 20% of buyers, that is, 80% of products are sold in large wholesale. With the transfer of goods from manufacturer to intermediary, industrial marketing moves into wholesale marketing.

Wholesale trade is the next link after the production and distribution process and aims to break down the volumes offered for purchase into smaller ones. Trade does not have the ability to change the quality of a product, since it does not produce it. The workers in the sphere of circulation can only offer the buyer services related to packaging of goods, delivery and other types of after-sales services. The purpose of marketing in the field of circulation is to bring the goods of the required quality obtained in the production process to the intermediate wholesale buyer and supply him additional services to facilitate the process of transportation and consumption.

At the last stage - the sale of goods to the final retail consumer - the principles and methods of consumer marketing are used. Thus, this classification distinguishes marketing according to the stages of the reproduction cycle: production - circulation - consumption.

Division of marketing depending on the type of buyer (purpose of purchase)

The marketing concept puts the buyer in the spotlight for the seller (manufacturer). Marketing involves studying the needs and requirements of the buyer in order to take them into account in the production of goods. The ultimate goal marketing is to meet customer needs and preferences.

Given this theoretical premise, it can be stated that all buyers are divided into wholesale and retail. More precisely, it can be formulated that buyers can be people (as retail consumers) and firms (as wholesale consumers of the main product range and individual consumers of unique products - a turbine, motor ship, unique equipment, etc.). Thus, we can distinguish another classification of marketing into industrial and consumer, depending on the type of buyer (purpose of purchase) (Fig. 3). Accordingly, if the purchaser is retail and the purpose of the purchase is personal consumption, then consumer marketing takes place. If the buyer is wholesale and the purpose of the purchase is production consumption or resale, then industrial marketing takes place. The type of goods also does not matter, since firms can be buyers of both PPTN and consumer goods in bulk. Retail Buyers they can also purchase both consumer goods and PPTN for personal use (for example, gasoline). In addition, consumer goods in the period after their production and before the time of their consumption go through the same channels of market movement as PPTN. Enterprises that produce consumer goods sell them in bulk either through their intermediaries (distributors, dealers, trade agents, wholesalers), or by direct delivery. The same thing happens with PPTN. During the period of time when both types of goods are in the market distribution channels, they are the object of industrial marketing relations, and their movement is carried out within the industrial market, since the purpose of their purchase is further resale or industrial use.

Marketing is basically about working with the consumer. Methods of working with retail and wholesale consumers naturally fundamentally differ from each other. For example, a wholesale buyer, regardless of what product he takes - consumer goods or PPTN - behaves differently than a retail one. There are different rules of conduct and purchase motivation than on consumer markets... Obviously, the pricing policy, communications and marketing strategy will also be different. It is these fundamental differences that the proposed classification aims to identify and generalize.

Figure 3 shows a diagram of the classification of marketing depending on the type of customer. The industrial marketing system includes relations between all companies in the market (industrial and trading companies, construction and transport organizations, banking and insurance institutions, public and private firms of any profile), as well as relations between firms and individuals (agents, dealers, brokers, etc.), if the purpose of establishing relations is the wholesale purchase of goods (including cases with unique equipment purchased singly) for the purpose of further sale or for production use.

Consumer marketing encompasses the relationship of sellers with specific private consumers making a purchase for personal consumption, that is, the relationship of retail. In this situation, sellers can be any firms and individuals trading in retail.

Concluding the consideration of existing approaches to the classification of marketing into industrial and consumer, it is important to note that all the proposed approaches have their advantages and disadvantages and have a right to exist. Further consideration of the essence and content of industrial marketing will be based on the third approach, which proposes to differentiate marketing depending on the focus on firms and retail consumers.

In connection with the above, the subject of industrial marketing is a set of relationships between market actors arising from their business activity- sales and purchase relations, technical and economic cooperation, financial relations, technological relations, business negotiations, competitive relations, etc. The object of industrial marketing is the industrial market.

The industrial market will be understood as consisting of the PPTN market, the consumer goods market sold in bulk, and the industrial services market (Fig. 4). The industrial market covers the entire range of relationships between business entities, carried out within the boundaries of a particular locality or industry.

Rice. 3. The structure of the industrial market

In the context of industrial marketing, understood as marketing focused on firms, marketing PPTN is of greatest interest, as the most complex and unexplored. Therefore, the author of this work, when considering industrial marketing, will try to use as much material as possible on the marketing of PPTN.

The means of production passing through the sphere of exchange and circulation, as well as objects that represent social value in the non-production sphere, are called products for production and technical purposes.

The PPTN nomenclature numbers thousands different types and varieties. Therefore, a methodological study of PPTN is possible only under the condition of systematization and grouping by separate divisions, that is, the classification of these products.

The main classification features of PPTN are: origin (products of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, oil refining, etc.); participation in the production process (raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel and electricity, etc.); purpose (fluxes, diesel fuel, coolants, welding electrodes, etc.). In addition, PPTN is classified by physical condition: shape, size and other characteristics. In our country, an all-union classifier of industrial and agricultural products (OKP) has been developed, which is an integral part of the Unified system of classification and coding of technical and economic information. PPTN is characterized by properties that appear during its manufacture and use, and also determine its use value. The properties of finished products, their reliability and durability during operation, as well as their behavior during transportation and storage, depend on the initial properties of raw materials and materials. Knowledge of the indicators of basic properties allows for the interchangeability of materials.

Rice. 4. Typology of products for industrial and technical purposes

Raw materials and supplies

Raw materials are primary goods for industry. They are processed, which facilitates their use and transportation, or brings them in accordance with GOSTs.

Commodities include timber, various ores (black and non-ferrous metals), chemical raw materials - acids, soda products, mineral fertilizers, gases (hydrogen, chlorine), industrial fuel - coke, coal, natural gas, oil, textile fibers (cotton, flax, hemp, jute, kenaf, catonin, wool, silk), vegetable and animal raw materials (fur raw materials, bristles, vegetable and animal oils), the main agricultural products are sugar beets, wheat, rye, barley, oats, fish.

Commodities are supplied by agriculture and fisheries, forestry and mining industry... The mining industry is engaged in the primary processing of raw materials (alumina - aluminum), and sometimes brings it to the state of a semi-finished product (cast iron - channel).

Commodities are usually 80% sold to the end consumer and controlled by large industrial corporations, and only 20% by free market... When sold on a free market (exchange), they are classified according to accepted standards, expressed descriptively or in the form of specifications. Most firms that act as sellers or buyers in the free market for commodities do not have a well-organized supply and distribution service, do not act regularly, and have to rely on the services of stock brokers and agents.

So, the world centers of grain trading are the exchanges in Chicago, Vannipeg (Canada), Buenos Aires, London, Liverpool, Rotterdam and Antwerp.

Materials are divided into basic and auxiliary. The main materials are fully involved in the production process and many of them are completely included in the finished product, and some influence the production process by their presence (catalysts). The main materials include: timber (wood, props, pulpwood, lumber, sleepers, sleepers, plywood), building materials (cement, crushed stone, lime, polymer resins, bitumen, graphite, concrete, gypsum, sand, clay, asbestos), cable products , electrical insulating materials, abrasive materials, textiles (yarn, threads, fabrics), chemical products (plastics, glass), etc.

Since the main materials are completely included in the finished product, when purchasing them for the buyer very important factor will be their cost.

There are also strict GOST standards for materials, which are mandatory.

Auxiliary materials are not included in the finished product, they are used in the entire production process, facilitating or facilitating the operation of the equipment ( production cycle). These include: fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants), paints, varnishes, soaps and detergents, cleaning materials, stationery, various operating materials. In accounting, they are classified as low-value and high-wear items (MBI). These goods must be sold very widely, so their distribution system is similar to that of consumer goods.

Raw materials and materials are used for the production of finished products and are products of the mining, metallurgical, chemical industries, building materials and other sectors of the national economy. The quality of finished products is influenced by the composition and properties of raw materials and materials. For example, the content of sulfur in iron ore reduces the technological properties of steel, causes brittleness and red brittleness, and phosphorus increases hardness and reduces toughness. Knowledge of the quality indicators of raw materials and materials allows to ensure the release of products with desired properties, expand the raw material base through the use of new, more advanced types of raw materials and materials, and improve the quality of finished products.

Semi-finished products

The second stage of processing raw materials and materials, following the primary. Semi-finished products include rolled products, sheet metal, profile metals, channel bars, pipes, forgings, stampings, wire and wire products, basic chemical semi-finished products (ethylene, flor), plastics, etc.


Due to the specialization of enterprises and the impossibility of carrying out all stages from the extraction of raw materials to the creation of a finished product within one enterprise, there is a chain of companies that jointly carry out this process. As we approach the operations that complete the manufacture of the final product, the production process is increasingly becoming an assembly of finished components and assemblies purchased from various suppliers. It should be noted that at present, large transnational corporations can control almost the entire process by implementing a policy of repurchasing enterprises supplying basic materials and components. However, even they are forced to purchase thousands of components from many suppliers. The most striking example is provided by car companies. JSC "Ufa Engine-Building Production Association", which produces engines for the "Moskvich-41" car, has 80 suppliers of engine units.

In an effort to get away from such a strong dependence on suppliers, enterprises are trying to produce the maximum number of components on their own. Over the past 3 years, the same UMPO JSC has switched to independent production of 30 types of components for the Moskvich automobile.

The cost of components is higher than the cost of raw materials and materials, therefore they are purchased directly from the manufacturer, and at the conclusion of the contract Special attention the buyer pays attention to the quality and reliability of delivery (timing and compliance with inventory standards). The lack of a stock of components, as well as their accumulation, is inappropriate for a manufacturer incurring losses or expenses for maintaining the stock.

Japanese corporations use supply chain, in which control over the stock rate in the buyer's warehouse is carried out by the supplier.

Complementary details

These include various bolts, nuts, screws, clips, bearings, etc.


The equipment is divided into basic (heavy) and auxiliary (light). The purchase of equipment is viewed as an investment that becomes part of the fixed capital. The main equipment includes: press-forging, metal-cutting machines, compressors, fans, electric motors, transformers, welding equipment, equipment for various industries (food, textile, footwear, etc.), etc.

The main equipment, in turn, can be universal, that is, suitable for performing not one, but several different operations, capable of manufacturing products from raw materials and blanks that are completely different in properties. The versatile equipment can be used in many industries or many enterprises in the industry. Specialized equipment is designed for the manufacture of only one specific type of product from specific raw materials and semi-finished products. Such equipment is usually simpler in design than universal equipment, and, of course, cheaper, although it allows the manufacture of specific products at a higher quality level.

The equipment is characterized by production capacity (performance), service life (moral and physical wear resistance), reliability (trouble-free service), warranty service life, maintainability (labor-intensiveness of repairs), completeness of its delivery, etc. Important for assessing the quality of equipment are its ergonomic characteristics - ease of maintenance, safety and adaptability to human interaction, including general aesthetic design (design).

All these and many other points will affect the cost of equipment and the demand for it.

Universal machines last much longer than specialized ones. Since the versatile equipment can be used by a variety of industries and businesses, there is no need for labor-intensive research on the production needs of their next generation, which is typical for specialized machines. The process of negotiations and decision-making on the purchase of universal (standard) equipment is less time-consuming and does not require large amounts of preliminary technical and economic analysis. Such equipment is usually offered by many (several) companies and when choosing a partner, all other things being equal, the price (payment terms) will play the most important role. Manufacturers of such equipment, due to its high cost, must provide the client with options for a possible purchase - credit, deferral, placement valuable papers, leasing, etc.

The demand for specialized equipment is often limited and the number of sellers is also small. This circumstance forces the seller and the customer to close cooperation and interaction. The special requirements that the customer makes for such equipment are high performance indicators and efficiency of use, since high rates of scientific and technological progress lead to rapid obsolescence of equipment and technology, which means that the amortization period for specialized equipment should be minimal.

Ancillary equipment supports the main production process. These can be small commercial machine tools, electrical apparatus, lighting equipment, control and measuring equipment that is used at different stages of the production process. This equipment is even more standardized than universal, in the sense of its application in many sectors of the national economy. In this regard, the demand for equipment is of a wider geographical character and requires the creation of a wide regional sales network with a large number of sales offices.

The cost of auxiliary equipment is significantly lower than the main one, therefore it does not require large expenses for the process of making a decision to purchase, and also costs less close contacts between the selling and buying company.

Speaking about the supply of equipment, one cannot ignore such a form of supply as the supply of complete equipment. The customer wants not only to purchase equipment in parts from different suppliers, but wants to conclude an agreement with the general contractor for the supply of the entire set of equipment, as well as its installation, commissioning and commissioning, as well as for maintenance during operation. In this case, the consumer himself determines the scope of supply, properties and quality of future products, and the timing of its manufacture. When supplying complete equipment, the future buyer himself often participates in determining the specific technical and economic indicators of the purchased equipment. Therefore, the scope of supply for complete equipment, as a rule, includes the design of this equipment (preparation of technical documentation), the supply of the equipment itself and the provision of technical services in connection with the installation, commissioning and commissioning of equipment. The supply of complete and other complex equipment presupposes the establishment of a long-term relationship between the seller and the buyer on the basis of an agreement concluded between them, which is in the nature of a one-time agreement with a long delivery time. This method provides for the payment by the buyer of a certain part of the order value before the start of production of the product, that is, making a certain advance payment. This advance payment acts, on the one hand, as a form of lending to the supplier, and, on the other hand, serves as a means of securing the obligations assumed by the buyer for the placed order. The buyer can pay with the supplier not only in cash, but also in commodity. The contract for the supply of complete equipment may firmly stipulate the share of products produced in the constructed plant, which will be sent to the supplier (usually in the amount of 20-40%).

An important feature of direct ties in the supply of complete equipment is that these ties are not limited only to the relationship between the manufacturer and the buyer of the equipment. They entail the establishment of a whole system of relationships between specialized firms involved in the assembly of such a delivery, that is, sub-suppliers. At the same time, the general contractor organizes the delivery package and is responsible to the buyer for its timeliness and quality. On the other hand, he maintains direct contacts with sub-suppliers, placing orders with them and monitoring the timeliness of their fulfillment, as well as compliance with the requirements of the specifications.

Capital construction objects

Capital construction objects are buildings and structures. Unlike scattered goods, capital construction objects (OCS) are, first of all, an organized, interconnected system of means of production, the main characteristic of which is production technology. For example, Finnish construction company"Scania" proposes the construction of hangars to accommodate grocery stores such as supermarkets. In this case, the construction is carried out on a turnkey basis, which means basic work (foundation), the construction of the hangar itself, the supply of all communications, wall insulation, cable wiring, etc. For this reason, the implementation of the ACS is the sale of a complex product, or a technological complex as a whole. The successful implementation of the OCS is determined mainly by such a factor as the availability of a set of technical solutions providing the customer with economic advantages during the operation of the constructed facility. Technology is the dominant criterion in marketing.

Industrial services

Industrial services include engineering, maintenance and repairs, pre-sales and after-sales services, rental, and minor cutting, sorting, etc.

The nature of the work of the "engineering" type is quite diverse and can be divided into economic and consulting work related to engineering and technical consulting on the development of plans for the economic development of regions and industries and the design of industrial and other facilities, as well as into engineering and construction work covering the sphere implementation of the developed plans and projects, namely: construction of an object, supply of equipment, its installation and commissioning, training of the necessary personnel. That is, the duties of general designers or general suppliers, which are performed by industrial associations.

Although "engineering" has practically become an integral part of the supply of complete equipment, in many cases it acts as an independent object of various transactions. Thus, V / O "Vneshtekhnika" on commercial terms provides assistance in the conduct of joint design and engineering work by Russian and foreign scientific and industrial organizations and the implementation of these works on request, as well as dispatches, at the request of foreign organizations and firms, specialists in all fields of science and technology and education for scientific and technical consultations and other types of technical assistance and accepts foreign specialists in Russia for industrial and technical training.

Pre-sale and after-sale (warranty and post-warranty) maintenance, which also includes the supply of spare parts, which largely contributes to solving the problems of increasing the competitiveness of machines and equipment, predetermines to a large extent an increase in production efficiency.

Maintenance is a complex of technical services related to the sale and use of machinery, equipment and other industrial products and ensuring their constant readiness for highly efficient operation, ensuring the optimal and cost-effective use of the purchased machinery and equipment by the buyer.

The development of pre-sale service is associated with the expansion of the network of showrooms and the organization of the demonstration of machinery and equipment in action. Pre-sale service is associated with the preparation of goods for sale, giving the presentation of machines and equipment after transportation to the destination, unpacking the goods, removing anti-corrosion and other coatings, installation, commissioning, adjustment of machinery and equipment, demonstrating them in action and training personnel.

Selling a new type of aircraft or helicopter, V / O "Aviaexport" assists in the training of foreign flight and ground personnel. Carries out highly qualified training of this personnel management educational institutions Ministry of Civil Aviation.

In ensuring a high level of maintenance, an important place is occupied by the issues of individualization of the forms of its implementation for each type of machinery and equipment, taking into account the specific conditions of its operation. At the same time, factors such as the characteristics of machines and equipment, the nature and characteristics of operating conditions, climatic conditions are taken into account (in the tropics, equipment fails 2-3 times more often than in ordinary climatic conditions), the degree of equipment mobility, the volume of customer requirements for the maintenance of products, the level of qualifications and technical culture of the personnel, the seasonality of equipment use, the rapid pace of scientific and technological progress, etc. So, when selling cars, technical service is carried out mainly through a network of stationary points Maintenance When selling tractors, more emphasis falls on the creation of mobile mobile repair and maintenance workshops.

Equipment rental is one of the types of commodity credit, as well as the provision of services to the consumer. Renting allows the consumer to get the necessary equipment for use without large upfront costs of funds, before paying their full cost, as well as to avoid maintenance and repair costs, which are usually borne by the lessor, and in the context of growing rates of obsolescence, to carry out timely replacement rented products for new ones, objectively increasing their utilization rate.

On the terms of the lease agreement, the consumer as a tenant receives the goods for rent: for exclusive use for a specified period for a certain fee, and the ownership of it remains with the lessor.

There are three types of equipment lease: renting (short-term lease with a lease period of up to 1 year), highing (medium-term lease, involving the leasing of goods for a period of 1 to 2-3 years), leasing (long-term lease over 3 years ).

For a period of up to 3 years, serial types of cars are leased: automobiles, tractors, railway cars, computer technology and others. In this case, the lease operation is a kind of sale of services, in particular, services for the provision of equipment for temporary use. Such a lease is often used as a trial purchase for a preliminary check of the technical and economic indicators of equipment directly in the field.

On terms long term lease supplied mainly to industrial technological equipment, including complete, machine tools, production units, etc. In this case, the leased equipment cannot be repeatedly the subject of lease agreements, since the lease term is set on the basis of its normal effective service life.

The demand for PPTN is of a derivative (secondary) nature. It is derivative (secondary) because it does not arise by itself, but due to the demand for consumer goods and services, for the manufacture or provision of which PPTN is required. For example, a favorable market environment for equipment for the construction of cottages (mini-factories) is associated with the presence of demand for country cottages. Another example is the demand for automatic plasma welding machines for aluminum is a reflection of the demand for aluminum pleasure boats. Therefore, in the practice of foreign manufacturers, finished products made with this equipment are often advertised, although the manufacturer does not produce these products themselves. Such advertising supports the demand for this equipment and is ultimately beneficial.

In general, it can be stated that the demand for PPTN depends on the general rhythm of business life (the state of the country's economy) and the level of inventories of products, raw materials and materials.

The demand for goods used for repair and maintenance depends to a large extent on the state of the economy in the local market - recession or recovery. Usually the demand for these products is more stable.

The demand for materials and components is determined by the possible demand for the goods in the production of which they are involved.

The demand for raw materials depends on the dynamics of the development of the main industries. So, the real decline in demand for coal (Table 1) was caused primarily by a sharp drop in production in Russia in the first half of the 90s and, in part, by the desire of economic entities to more rational use of this rapidly growing resource. With the stabilization of industrial output, the consumption of coal in the Russian Federation will also increase. A real reduction in the share of coal in the country's energy balance is possible only in the event of a structural restructuring of the economy, aimed either at reducing energy consumption per unit of production, or at displacing coal by other energy sources. Both of these areas are associated with the need for huge capital investments, which cannot be expected in the near future. In addition, the consumption of coal per capita in countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany is 6.22 tons, in Poland - 5.84 tons, the USA and South Africa - 3.48 tons, and in Russia only 2.54 tons. This fact also allows us to conclude that the demand for coal will grow along with the rise in domestic production.

Table 1. Coal production in Russia

Industrial marketing is marketing focused on interaction with companies that purchase goods and services for the needs of production in order to produce goods and services. Industrial marketing - marketing of products for industrial and technical purposes. Among the purchasing organizations, the behavior of which is studied in industrial marketing: organizations that change the functions of the goods, the purpose of the goods, carrying out its completion, processing, or consumption for the needs of their own production. Industrial marketing tasks: development of business areas that provide long-term competitive advantages of the enterprise; development of industrial policy, development and implementation of strategic marketing objectives; increasing the efficiency of market interaction of an industrial enterprise; reducing risks when choosing partners, suppliers of components and services; attraction of additional investments for the development of production; implementation of a marketing approach to management activities; Aspects of market relations considered by industrial marketing: "manufacturing business as a commodity": increasing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise, reallocating resources in favor of individual production programs, marketing support for priority industries; "product of production as a commodity" - strategic development product offer, a marketing complex for promoting products to the market; "potential of an enterprise as a product", creating an image of an enterprise, promoting an enterprise on the b2b market, venture marketing, increasing the attractiveness of an enterprise for qualified personnel, etc. Industrial marketing strategy. Industrial marketing strategy development begins with the study of an industrial buyer (real or potential) and his specific needs in the field of the company's activities, determining the development opportunities, urgency and sequence of events in accordance with the available resources. Further, this is the formulation of the concept of enterprise marketing, taking into account the existing priorities and the development of a strategic marketing project for the enterprise. Industrial marketing strategy involves: focusing on relationships with each individual buyer, developing long-term relationships with industrial buyers through the development and implementation of individual marketing strategies for each specific client, including the main components of marketing activities: product (assortment) policy; sales and service policy; price policy; communication strategy. The difference between industrial marketing and marketing of the consumer goods market is that industrial marketing involves spending more time and effort not on communications, but on product management, on "production factors". This is especially evident in those markets where the products are standardized, do not have clear differences from competitors' products.

- This is the promotion to the market of products that are used in their production by industrial enterprises. These products include raw materials, materials, components.

The most important feature of industrial marketing is the idea of ​​the country's economy as a union of three large economic blocks of sectors of the national economy: extractive industries, manufacturing and consuming (using) industries. The main flow of goods goes from extractive industries through manufacturing to consuming (using) industries, corporations and associations. Some of the goods go in the opposite direction (capital property and equipment, auxiliary materials), i.e. from manufacturing to extractive industries, although their volume is small compared to the mass of goods going from manufacturing to end users (individuals and households who buy goods for personal needs), government agencies, institutional market representatives, industrial commercial consumers, and exporters.

Therefore, industrial marketing can be qualified as business relationship in the field of the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes, aimed at promoting these goods (business services) from enterprises that produce them to those organizations and firms that acquire them for subsequent use in the production of a certain product or for resale without change.

Industrial marketing concept

The essence of industrial marketing is to create consumer value for customers for goods and services that are aimed at meeting the needs of organizations and achieving their goals. The industrial marketing concept has three main components:

Marketing activities should start and be based on the initial needs of the client organization:
- customer orientation should pass through all functional divisions of the enterprise, including research and development, engineering, production, sales of finished products, finance;
- customer satisfaction of the organization should be considered as a means to achieve long-term goals to increase the profitability of the enterprise-manufacturer of goods for industrial and technical purposes.

In traditional marketing, where the final product or service is purchased directly natural person, it is possible to track the ratio of demand and production of goods. In industrial marketing, this is much more difficult to do, because in the role of the manufacturer and in the role of the buyer is an enterprise or an organization represented by legal entity, therefore, the promotion of an industrial brand has its own characteristics.

In industrial marketing, the consumer has a high level of competence, because is well versed in the commercial and technological spheres, knows the market conditions, offers of alternative suppliers and their competitive advantages.

Features of product sales

When promoting an industrial brand, the following features of product marketing should be considered:
- large volumes of purchases;
- more technically complex products;
- higher risk of the buyer;
- longer purchase time;
- more complex purchasing decision-making process;
- professionalism of buyers;
- a closer relationship between buyer and seller; derived demand and mutual influence.


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