Agp driver from direct employers. Training for aerial platforms and aerial platforms. During work, the tower operator must

To control specialized equipment requires the knowledge and skills of machinists. Technique can be very different, so the profession has many subcategories. One of them is an aerial platform and aerial platform operator. From this article you will learn the details of this profession.

Description of the profession

Operators of aerial platforms and aerial platforms help to carry out the following work:

  • Repair and adjustment of billboards.
  • Repair of electrical networks.
  • Tree pruning, etc.

They are able to lift workers to a height of up to 55 meters along with the necessary tools.

Only persons over 18 years of age with the necessary training are allowed to operate the aerial platform and aerial platform. Professionals must also medical checkup, safety briefing. Subsequently, these activities will be planned.

Responsibilities of a forklift operator

The duties of the driver of special equipment include managing it according to its intended purpose, he must also follow the route and know what types of work are to be done at the facility.

The worker must regularly check the serviceability of the mechanisms of the aerial platform and aerial platform: fasteners, ropes, hydraulic drive and others.

The driver is constantly working with documentation, for example, filling out a waybill and checking the identity of workers.

The duties of the employee include checking the territory- no one should be on it during the execution of work. He must also make sure that the mass of workers does not exceed the maximum allowable limit.

The driver must fix the position of the transport before starting work, and he also does not have the right to leave the control cabin during the work, since he must monitor the situation of the workers in the aerial platform: whether they follow safety precautions when performing work at height.

He must know the system of special signals and signs for communicating with workers in the cradle, methods of first aid.

Where can I learn the profession of an aerial platform and aerial platform operator

You can learn how to become an aerial platform and aerial platform operator at specialized colleges and technical schools, where they take after the 9th or 11th grade of the school.

In addition, training of specialists can take place on the basis of educational centers. Usually the course includes theoretical lectures, to which, if necessary, practical exercises are added.

With any choice of the option of obtaining the necessary specialty, the future driver receives knowledge on the basics of hydraulics, the principles of operation of lifts. He is also required to be instructed on safety rules and proper operation of equipment. After completing the training and passing the certification, young specialists receive a certificate of an aerial platform and aerial platform operator with an indication of the level of qualification.

Since the work requires not only theoretical skills, but also practice, a novice worker at first works under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

It is worth noting that the category determines the type of equipment that the driver can operate. In this regard, the worker is allowed to have several certificates for different types machines. Thus, a specialist can take advanced training or retraining courses in order to master the management of new equipment.

Occupation ranks of an aerial platform and aerial platform operator

There are four skill levels in the profession of an aerial platform and aerial platform operator: fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh. Their difference from each other lies in the height to which the machine can raise the cradle. Otherwise, the workers do the same work.

Correspondence of the discharge and the maximum lifting height:

  • 4th category- 15 meters.
  • 5th category- 25 meters.
  • 6th category- 35 meters.
  • 7th category- over 35 meters.

Personal qualities of an aerial platform and aerial platform operator

To work with special equipment, the driver must develop certain skills:

  • attentiveness;
  • observation;
  • a responsibility;
  • caution;
  • sociability;
  • stress tolerance.

Since work at height is potentially hazardous to health, the driver must be prepared for emergencies. He should not succumb to panic, act quickly and clearly, and also coordinate the actions of others.

Salary level of the profession aerial platform and hydraulic lift operator

Work schedule, qualifications and region of work affect the salary of a specialist.

According to the services for finding employees, a specialist can count on the following salary:

  • Minimum- 29 thousand rubles.
  • Maximum- from 105 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of an aerial platform and aerial platform operator


  • demand in the labor market;
  • high monthly income;


  • high responsibility;
  • difficult working conditions.

Profession code - 13507

Who is the course for?

The program is intended for employees under the age of 18 with and without a specialized education. Persons with category B and C licenses are allowed to operate the aerial platform. Before starting training, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Aerial platform - a special device based on truck- constantly used in construction work, repair, restoration, maintenance of the facility, for the repair of power lines, bridges and much more. The aerial platform is controlled by an aerial platform operator who has sufficient skills and knowledge for this. What is this profession?

How to become an aerial platform operator and what are his responsibilities?

An aerial platform driver is a person working on a very specialized machine, therefore, first of all, the driver is required to understand the structure of the machine, its design features, and knowledge of the rules for operating the car. It is also very important to know and follow the safety rules when working with an aerial platform.

The aerial platform allows you to lift workers to the required height, along with the tools and materials they need, which will even allow you to perform tasks such as maintenance or repair of power lines, repair and decoration of facades, maintenance of the green zone of the city, and much more. Wherever a person needs to be lifted to a height, an aerial platform is used, and in a modern city, many jobs require lifting to a considerable height.

What should an aerial platform operator know and do?

He is allowed to work only after passing special training, internship and certification. The forklift operator must:

  • understand the device of the car he uses;
  • understand the device and know the rules for operating aerial platforms as a structure;
  • maintain technical documentation;
  • monitor the condition of the car, keep it in good condition, check its condition before each trip;
  • understand the nature and cause of malfunctions, be able to carry out repairs on their own;
  • have hand tools in good condition in case of emergency repairs;
  • have at their disposal, as well as be able to use the first fire extinguishing means;
  • know and comply with all safety regulations and rules;
  • adhere to the work algorithm;
  • follow the rules traffic;
  • ensure the work process for employees in accordance with all safety standards for labor protection.

Why start training as an aerial platform operator or improve your skills?

  • The profession of an aerial platform operator is always in demand in any city or settlement, since certain works at height (whether it be maintenance of green areas or providing access in case of fire) are carried out regularly.
  • An experienced driver will always be provided with a decent salary.
  • Fast learning specialties.

Distance learning allows you to conveniently and just as effectively as full-time, get all the knowledge and skills necessary for the specialty.

  • You can always plan your own study time, while not wasting your personal hours on trips around the city.
  • The course of knowledge is provided in the same volume as in non-distance learning.
  • All of our specialists undergo certification, after which a certificate of a specialist is issued.

You can get acquainted with the list of documents required for filing an application on our website! To sign up for distance learning Simple: just fill out and submit the form. Our managers will answer any of your questions: you can get advice by phone or through the feedback form.


The course was developed taking into account the following regulatory and technical documentation:

  • Unified Tariff-Qualification Reference Book of Works and Occupations of Workers. Issue 03;
  • Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 N 37 “On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision”;
  • Rules for the design and safe operation of lifts (towers) PB 10-611-03.

Type of training:

  • Primary education for the 2nd category.
  • Primary education for the 3rd category.
  • For rank 4.
  • For rank 5.
  • For rank 6.
  • For rank 7.
  • For rank 8.

Course format:

  • Remote.

During the course, the following questions are studied:

  • Hydraulic equipment.
  • The device, repair and operation of towers and elevators.
  • Practical techniques for controlling towers and lifts.
  • Information about electrical engineering and mechanics.
  • Labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

Qualifying Exam:

The knowledge gained during the course for the profession "Aerial platform and hydraulic lift operator" is checked by the examination committee of the "SpetsProf" educational center.

The program of courses for the profession "Aerial platform and hydraulic lift operator»

The course includes 72 hours:

  • 36 hours theoretical course;
  • 36 hours of practice at the workplace.

Required documents

  • Copy of the passport.
  • Copy work book(in the presence of).
  • Copy of diploma (if available).
  • Medical certificate.
  • Rights category B and C.

Based on the results of testing the acquired knowledge, the following is issued:

  • Certificates for certified employees.
  • Minutes of the commission with a list of certified employees.

The certificate is valid for 1 year

Refresher training must be completed at least once a year.

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This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of January 8, 2003 N 2 “On the set of rules “Labor safety in construction. Industry sample instructions on labor protection”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 1999 N 1362 “On approval of the list of professions of primary vocational education”, of the All-Russian classifier classes OK 010-93 (OKZ) (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 N 298) and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1.1. The aerial platform driver belongs to the category of workers and directly reports to [title of the position of the head].

1.2. A person with an initial professional education, driver's license and [insert length of service].

1.3. The aerial platform driver is accepted and dismissed from work by order [the position of the head of the organization, enterprise].

1.4. The driver of the aerial platform must know: - the device, the rules for the operation of the aerial platform; - purpose, characteristics, types of tools, devices and materials used; - causes of technical malfunctions and accidents, measures for their prevention and elimination; – rules for maintaining primary technical documentation, its forms; – repair rules; – safety and labor protection requirements; - safe working methods, basic means and measures for preventing and extinguishing fires, as well as measures for preventing other dangerous situations in the workplace; - methods of providing first aid to victims of accidents; - ways to prevent the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

2. Job responsibilities of the employee

The following job responsibilities are assigned to the aerial platform operator:

2.1. Use of machines and mechanisms in the process of operation for their intended purpose, in accordance with the instructions manufacturers.

2.2. Maintaining order at the workplace, clearing debris, snow, ice, preventing violations of the rules for storing materials and structures;

2.3. Attentiveness during work and prevention of violations of labor safety requirements. Before starting work, the aerial platform operator must:

2.4. Put on overalls and safety shoes.

2.5. Present to the manager a certificate for the right to operate the lift and get a waybill.

2.6. Specify the route of movement and the nature of the work performed at the facility.

2.7. Get a note in the waybill about checking the technical condition of the lift. After receiving the task to perform the work, the aerial platform operator must:

2.8. Before leaving the site, check the serviceability of the structures and mechanisms of the crane, including:

  • inspect the mechanisms and brakes of the lift, their fastening, as well as the running gear;
  • check the presence and serviceability of the mechanism guards;
  • check the lubrication of gears, bearings and ropes, as well as the condition of lubricators and glands;
  • inspect in accessible places the metal structures and joints of the boom knees, as well as the structures and welded joints running frame and turning part;
  • inspect the condition of the ropes and their fastening on the drum;
  • check the serviceability of additional supports, the switch of elastic suspensions and the stabilizer;
  • check the presence and serviceability of safety devices and devices on the crane (limit switches, lift inclination indicator, load limiter, etc.);
  • inspect the electrical installations and the hydraulic drive system of the lift.

2.9. Upon arrival at the facility, the driver is obliged to present to the work manager a certificate of verification of safe working methods, inspect the installation site and the operating area of ​​the lift and make sure that the terrain slope, soil strength, building proximity dimensions, as well as power lines comply with the requirements specified in the instructions for its operation. .

2.10. Together with the slinger, check the compliance of removable load-handling devices with the mass and nature of the load, their serviceability and the presence of stamps or tags on them indicating the load capacity, test date and number.

2.11. After starting the engine, the lift operator is obliged to carry out a control check of the machine’s serviceability, including:

  • check the operation of the brakes and clutch;
  • check the serviceability of lighting devices and sound signals;
  • check the serviceability of the lifting mechanisms of the cradle and the installation of outriggers.

2.12. Drivers are obliged not to start work in case of the following violations of safety requirements:

  • in case of malfunctions or defects specified in the instructions of manufacturers, in which their operation is not allowed;
  • defects in load-handling devices or their inconsistency with the nature of the work performed;
  • non-compliance of the characteristics of the lift in terms of carrying capacity and lifting height with the conditions of work;
  • the presence of people, machines or equipment in the work area;
  • with a slope of the terrain exceeding that specified in the passport of manufacturers. Detected violations of labor safety requirements must be eliminated on your own, and if it is impossible to do this, the concrete workers are obliged to immediately inform the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes, as well as the person responsible for the safe operation of the crane.

During work, the tower operator must:

2.13. Before starting work, check the availability of certificates for the right to carry out work from workers in the cradle and slingers.

2.14. Before starting the movement of the aerial platform, make sure that there are no unauthorized persons in the working area, and that the workers in the aerial platform have fixed the halyards of the safety belts to the aerial platform fence.

2.15. During operation, the driver must:

  • make sure that the mass of people, tools and materials in the cradle does not exceed the carrying capacity provided for by the lift passport;
  • to prevent the performance of work that causes horizontal loads on the cradle (when pulling a cable or wire, pulling up a load);
  • make sure that the distance between the turning part of the lift and the dimensions of buildings, stacks of goods and machines is at least 1 m.

2.16. Before starting to lift people, the lift operator must:

  • make sure that the slope of the site at the place of work does not exceed the limit angle specified in the passport, and the soil will not give subsidence;
  • brake the car with a hand brake and install the lift on the outriggers;
  • check the fastening of loads and the fastening of safety belts for persons in the aerial platform;
  • establish the procedure for exchanging signals with workers in the aerial platform;
  • determine, together with the work manager, the boundaries of the danger zone below under the cradle.

2.17. While the workers are in the cradle, the aerial platform operator must be in the control cabin and make sure that the workers in the cradle are attached with a belt to the cradle railing, do not bend over them and do not stand on the railing of the fence. Lifting, stopping and lowering of the cradle the operator of the lift is obliged to produce only at the signal of the workers in them. Rising to a height close to the limit, the lift operator must perform at a reduced speed.

Before the lift is transported, the driver must:

2.18. bring it all working equipment transport position and lock it.

2.19. Familiarize yourself with the route, the state of the road, the requirements for passing through artificial structures.

2.20. Make sure that there are no people in the cradle or on the lift structures.

2.21. When transporting the lift under its own power on public roads, the driver must comply with the rules of the road.

2.22. When installing and moving the lift near excavations (pits and trenches), the driver must observe the approach distance from the bottom of the excavation slope to the nearest lift support.

2.23. The operator of the lift is obliged to install and work in the security zone of the existing overhead power line under the direct supervision of the engineering and technical workers responsible for the safe performance of work, with the written permission of the organizations - owners of the lines and a work permit that determines safe working conditions.

Upon completion of work, the forklift driver must:

2.24. Park the car, apply the parking brake and turn off the engine.

2.25. Tidy up the control cabin and close it.

2.26. Inspect the condition of the mechanisms and structures of the lift.

2.27. Pass the waybill, inform the manager and the person supervising his technical condition and make an entry in the logbook.

In the event of an emergency, the aerial platform operator must:

2.28. If there are signs of a malfunction of the engine, hydraulic system or lifting mechanism, work must be suspended and measures taken to eliminate the malfunctions. If it is impossible to promptly eliminate the malfunction, the presence of people in the cradle at a height is not allowed, it is necessary to take measures to lower it.

3. Worker's rights

The truck driver has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.3. For the provision by the employer free of charge of cotton overalls, rubber boots, leather boots, combined mittens, leather boots, suits with insulating lining and felt boots for the winter period.

3.4. Payment of additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an accident at work and occupational disease.

3.5. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

3.6. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc. necessary to fulfill their official duties.

3.7. Other rights provided by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the employee

The forklift operator is responsible for:

4.1. For failure or improper performance their duties under this job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Supervisor structural unit[initials, surname] [signature] [day, month, year] Approved by: Head of the Legal Department [initials, surname] [signature] [day, month, year] I am familiar with the instruction: [initials, surname] [signature] [date, month year]

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