The concepts of calculation and number can be described by a relation. The concept of a number. Types of numbers. See what "computable function" is in other dictionaries

"Modeling of 3-d nanocircuitry" - Transition circuitry for 3-d VLSI has been developed. Synthesis equation. An example of FIE design. Present and future of circuitry. Graph models of integral elements can be trees, or they can contain cycles. Synthesis equation RS-flip-flop in transient circuitry. Past and present of circuitry.

"Technologies and methods of teaching" - Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results). Innovative methods can be implemented in both traditional and remote technology learning. New role teacher. Innovative methods and technologies of teaching. Innovative technologies- sets of methods and tools that support the implementation stages of innovation.

"Modeling a nightgown" - Model No. 2. Crossword. Modeling nightgown. Model No. 1. Modeling Neckline Turning Flounce. Sketches of nightgowns. When modeling a product, the artist must take into account: Presentation. Fashion designer. Model No. 6. Model number 3. Changing the details of the product drawing in accordance with the selected style is called modeling.

"Modeling projects" - IPMA today includes 34 countries, including Russia, which is represented by the national project management association SOVNET. Diversity is already inherent in the definition, but all variants contain common feature- The project involves the definition of a goal. Modeling in spreadsheets. Grade 10. Graphics editor; Grade 9 Project "Modeling parquet".

"Stages of modeling" - IV stage Analysis of modeling results. Stage 1 setting the task. The purpose of the simulation. information model. Computer experiment. Formulation of the problem. Model development. Modeling and formalization. Stages of modeling. The main stages of modeling. Description of the task. Conducting an experiment. Stage III Computer experiment.

"Computer Information Modeling" - computer model. Static. The object of modeling can be any object or phenomenon. Everything information models can be created with a computer. Model of an atom created on a computer. Physics - models of physical phenomena. Graphic drawing diagram drawing scheme. Information modeling in computer science.

Number is an abstraction used to quantify objects. Numbers arose in primitive society in connection with the need for people to count objects. Over time, with the development of science, the number has become the most important mathematical concept.

To solve problems and prove various theorems, you need to understand what types of numbers are. The main types of numbers include: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers.

Integers- these are the numbers obtained with the natural counting of objects, or rather, with their numbering ("first", "second", "third" ...). The set of natural numbers is denoted by the Latin letter N (can be remembered based on the English word natural). It can be said that N ={1,2,3,....}

Whole numbers are numbers from the set (0, 1, -1, 2, -2, ....). This set consists of three parts - natural numbers, negative integers (the opposite of natural numbers) and the number 0 (zero). Integers are denoted by a Latin letter Z . It can be said that Z ={1,2,3,....}.

Rational numbers are numbers that can be represented as a fraction, where m is an integer and n is a natural number. The Latin letter is used to denote rational numbers Q . All natural and integer numbers are rational.

Real (real) numbers is a number that is used to measure continuous quantities. The set of real numbers is denoted by the Latin letter R. Real numbers include rational numbers and irrational numbers. Irrational numbers are numbers that result from doing various operations with rational numbers (for example, extracting a root, calculating logarithms), but they are not rational.

1. Number systems.

A number system is a way of naming and writing numbers. Depending on the method of representing numbers, it is divided into positional-decimal and non-positional-Roman.

The PC uses 2, 8 and 16 number systems.

Differences: the number entry in the 16th number system is much shorter compared to the other entry, i.e. requires less bit depth.

In a positional number system, each digit retains its constant value, regardless of its position in the number. In the positional number system, each digit determines not only its value, but depends on the position it occupies in the number. Each number system is characterized by a base. The base is the number of different digits that are used to write numbers in a given number system. The base shows how many times the value of the same digit changes when moving to an adjacent position. The computer uses a 2-number system. The base of the system can be any number. Arithmetic operations on numbers in any position are performed according to the rules similar to the 10th number system. For the 2 number system, binary arithmetic is used, which is implemented in a computer to perform arithmetic calculations.

Binary addition:0+0=1;0+1=1;1+0=1;1+1=10



The computer widely uses the 8th number system and the 16th number system. They are used to shorten binary numbers.

2. The concept of a set.

The concept of "multiple" is fundamental concept mathematics and has no definition. The nature of the generation of any set is diverse, in particular, the surrounding objects, wildlife, etc.

Definition 1: The objects from which the set is formed are called elements of this set. To designate a set, capital letters of the Latin alphabet are used: for example, X, Y, Z, and in curly brackets, separated by commas, its elements are written in lowercase letters, for example: (x, y, z).

An example of the designation of a set and its elements:

X = (x 1 , x 2 ,…, x n ) is a set consisting of n elements. If an element x belongs to the set X, then one should write: xОX, otherwise the element x does not belong to the set X, which is written: xПX. The elements of an abstract set can be, for example, numbers, functions, letters, shapes, and so on. In mathematics, in any section, the concept of a set is used. In particular, some concrete sets of real numbers can be given. The set of real numbers x satisfying the inequalities:

a ≤ x ≤ b is called segment and is denoted by ;

a ≤ x< b или а < x ≤ b называется half-segment and is denoted: ;

· but< x < b называется interval and denoted by (a,b).

Definition 2: A set that has a finite number of elements is called finite. Example. X \u003d (x 1, x 2, x 3).

Definition 3: The set is called endless if it has an infinite number of elements. For example, the set of all real numbers is infinite. Recording example. X \u003d (x 1, x 2, ...).

Definition 4: A set in which there is no element is called the empty set and is denoted by the symbol Æ.

A characteristic of a set is the concept of cardinality. Power is the number of its elements. The set Y=(y 1 , y 2 ,...) has the same cardinality as the set X=(x 1 , x 2 ,...) if there is a one-to-one correspondence y= f(x) between the elements of these sets. Such sets have the same cardinality or are equivalent in cardinality. The empty set has zero cardinality.

3. Methods for specifying sets.

It is considered that the set is defined by its elements, i.e. set is given, if any object can be said whether it belongs to this set or not. You can define a set in the following ways:

1) If a set is finite, then it can be specified by listing all its elements. So, if the set BUT consists of elements 2, 5, 7, 12 , then they write A = (2, 5, 7, 12). Number of elements of the set BUT equals 4 , write n(A) = 4.

But if the set is infinite, then its elements cannot be enumerated. It is difficult to define a set by enumeration and a finite set with a large number of elements. In such cases, a different way of specifying the set is used.

2) A set can be defined by specifying a characteristic property of its elements. characteristic property- this is a property that every element belonging to the set has, and not a single element that does not belong to it has. Consider, for example, a set X of two-digit numbers: the property that each element of this set has is "to be a two-digit number." This characteristic property makes it possible to decide whether an object belongs to the set X or not. For example, the number 45 is contained in this set, because it is two-valued, and the number 4 does not belong to the set X, because it is one-to-one and not two-valued. It happens that one and the same set can be specified by specifying different characteristic properties of its elements. For example, a set of squares can be defined as a set of rectangles with equal sides and as a set of rhombuses with a right angle.

In cases where the characteristic property of the elements of the set can be represented in symbolic form, a corresponding notation is possible. If the set IN consists of all natural numbers less than 10, they write B = (x N| x<10}.

The second method is more general and allows you to specify both finite and infinite sets.

4. Numerical sets.

Numeric - a set whose elements are numbers. Numerical sets are given on the real number axis R. On this axis, choose the scale and indicate the origin and direction. The most common number sets:

- set of natural numbers;

- set of integers;

- set of rational or fractional numbers;

· is the set of real numbers.

5. Power of the set. Give examples of finite and infinite sets.

Sets are called equivalent, if there is a one-to-one or one-to-one correspondence between them, that is, such a pairwise correspondence. when each element of one set is associated with a single element of another set and vice versa, while different elements of one set are associated with various elements of another.

For example, let's take a group of students of thirty people and issue exam tickets, one ticket to each student from a stack containing thirty tickets, such a pairwise correspondence of 30 students and 30 tickets will be one-to-one.

Two sets that are equivalent to the same third set are equivalent. If the sets M and N are equivalent, then the sets of all subsets of each of these sets M and N are also equivalent.

A subset of a given set is such a set, each element of which is an element of this set. So the set of cars and the set of trucks will be subsets of the set of cars.

The power of the set of real numbers is called the power of the continuum and is denoted by the letter "aleph" א . The smallest infinite region is the cardinality of the set of natural numbers. The power of the set of all natural numbers is usually denoted (aleph-zero).

Powers are often called cardinal numbers. This concept was introduced by the German mathematician G. Kantor. If sets are denoted by symbolic letters M, N, then cardinal numbers are denoted by m, n. G. Kantor proved that the set of all subsets of a given set M has a cardinality greater than the set M itself.

A set that is equivalent to the set of all natural numbers is called a countable set.

6. Subsets of the specified set.

If we select several elements from our set and group them separately, then this will be a subset of our set. There are many combinations from which a subset can be obtained, the number of combinations only depends on the number of elements in the original set.

Let us have two sets A and B. If each element of set B is an element of set A, then set B is called a subset of A. Denoted: B ⊂ A. Example.

How many subsets of the set A=1;2;3.

Solution. Subsets consisting of the elements of our set. Then we have 4 options for the number of elements in the subset:

The subset may consist of 1 element, 2, 3 elements and may be empty. Let's write down our elements sequentially.

Subset of 1 element: 1,2,3

A subset of 2 elements: 1,2,1,3,2,3.

Subset of 3 elements:1;2;3

Let's not forget that the empty set is also a subset of our set. Then we get that we have 3+3+1+1=8 subsets.

7. Operations on sets.

Certain operations can be performed on sets, similar in some respects to operations on real numbers in algebra. Therefore, we can talk about the algebra of sets.

Association(connection) of sets BUT And IN is called a set (symbolically it is denoted by ), consisting of all those elements that belong to at least one of the sets BUT or IN. In the form of X union of sets is written as

The entry reads: "Unification BUT And IN" or " BUT combined with IN».

Operations on sets are graphically depicted using Euler circles (sometimes the term "Venn-Euler diagrams" is used). If all elements of the set BUT will be centered within the circle BUT, and the elements of the set IN- within a circle IN, then the union operation using Euler circles can be represented in the following form

Example 1. Union of the set BUT= (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) even digits and set IN= (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) odd digits is the set = = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) of all decimal digits.

8. Graphic representation of sets. Euler-Venn diagrams.

Euler-Venn diagrams are geometric representations of sets. The construction of the diagram consists in the image of a large rectangle representing the universal set U, and inside it - circles (or some other closed figures) representing sets. The figures must intersect in the most general case required in the problem and must be labeled accordingly. Points lying inside different areas of the diagram can be considered as elements of the corresponding sets. With the diagram built, it is possible to shade certain areas to indicate newly formed sets.

Set operations are considered to obtain new sets from existing ones.

Definition. Association sets A and B is called a set consisting of all those elements that belong to at least one of the sets A, B (Fig. 1):

Definition. crossing sets A and B is a set consisting of all those and only those elements that belong simultaneously to both set A and set B (Fig. 2):

Definition. difference sets A and B is the set of all those and only those elements of A that are not contained in B (Fig. 3):

Definition. Symmetric difference sets A and B is the set of elements of these sets that belong either only to the set A, or only to the set B (Fig. 4):

Cartesian (or direct) product of setsA And B such a resulting set of pairs of the form ( x,y) constructed in such a way that the first element from the set A, and the second element of the pair is from the set B. Common notation:

A× B={(x,y)|xA,yB}

The products of three or more sets can be constructed as follows:

A× B× C={(x,y,z)|xA,yB,zC}

Products of the form A× A,A× A× A,A× A× A× A etc. It is customary to write in the form of a degree: A 2 ,A 3 ,A 4 (the base of the degree is a multiplier, the indicator is the number of products). They read such an entry as “Cartesian square” (cube, etc.). There are other reading options for the main sets. For example, R n it is customary to read as "er ennoe".


Consider several properties of the Cartesian product:

1. If A,B are finite sets, then A× B- final. And vice versa, if one of the multiplier sets is infinite, then the result of their product is an infinite set.

2. The number of elements in the Cartesian product is equal to the product of the numbers of elements of the multiplier sets (if they are finite, of course): | A× B|=|A|⋅|B| .

3. A np ≠(A n) p- in the first case, it is advisable to consider the result of the Cartesian product as a matrix of dimensions 1× np, in the second - as a matrix of sizes n× p .

4. The commutative law is not fulfilled, because the pairs of elements of the result of the Cartesian product are ordered: A× BB× A .

5. The association law is not fulfilled: ( A× BCA×( B× C) .

6. There is distributivity with respect to basic operations on sets: ( ABC=(A× C)∗(B× C),∗∈{∩,∪,∖}

10. The concept of an utterance. Elementary and compound statements.

statement is a statement or declarative sentence that can be said to be true (T-1) or false (L-0), but not both at the same time.

For example, "It's raining today", "Ivanov completed laboratory work No. 2 in physics."

If we have several initial statements, then from them using logical unions or particles we can form new statements whose truth value depends only on the truth values ​​of the original statements and on the specific conjunctions and particles that participate in the construction of the new statement. The words and expressions "and", "or", "not", "if...then", "therefore", "if and only then" are examples of such conjunctions. The original statements are called simple , and new statements constructed from them with the help of certain logical unions - constituent . Of course, the word "simple" has nothing to do with the essence or structure of the original statements, which themselves can be quite complex. In this context, the word "simple" is synonymous with the word "original". The important thing is that the truth values ​​of simple propositions are supposed to be known or given; in any case, they are not discussed in any way.

Although a statement like "Today is not Thursday" is not made up of two different simple statements, for uniformity of construction it is also treated as a compound one, since its truth value is determined by the truth value of another statement "Today is Thursday"

Example 2 The following statements are treated as compound statements:

I read Moskovsky Komsomolets and I read Kommersant.

If he said it, then it's true.

The sun is not a star.

If it is sunny and the temperature exceeds 25 0 , I will arrive by train or car

Simple utterances included in compound utterances can themselves be completely arbitrary. In particular, they can themselves be composite. The basic types of compound statements described below are defined independently of the simple statements that form them.

11. Operations on statements.

1. negation operation.

The negation of the statement BUT ( reads "not BUT"," it is not true that BUT"), which is true when BUT false and false when BUT- true.

Negative statements BUT And called opposite.

2. conjunction operation.

conjunction statements BUT And IN is called a statement A B(read " BUT And IN”), the true meanings of which are determined if and only if both statements BUT And IN true.

The conjunction of propositions is called the logical product and is often denoted AB.

Let the statement BUT– “in March, the air temperature from 0 С to + 7 C» and saying IN- "It's raining in Vitebsk." Then A B will be as follows: “in March, the air temperature from 0 С to + 7 C and it's raining in Vitebsk." This conjunction will be true if there are statements BUT And IN true. If it turns out that the temperature was less 0 С or there was no rain in Vitebsk, then A B will be false.

3 . disjunction operation.

disjunction statements BUT And IN is called a statement A B (BUT or IN), which is true if and only if at least one of the statements is true and false - when both statements are false.

The disjunction of propositions is also called the logical sum A+B.

The statement " 4<5 or 4=5 ' is true. Since the statement " 4<5 " is true, and the statement " 4=5 ' is false, then A B is a true statement 4 5 ».

4 . implication operation.

implication statements BUT And IN is called a statement A B("if BUT, then IN", "from BUT should IN”), whose value is false if and only if BUT true, and IN false.

In the implication A B statement BUT called foundation, or sending, and the statement INconsequence, or conclusion.

12. Tables of the truth of statements.

A truth table is a table that establishes a correspondence between all possible sets of logical variables included in a logical function and the values ​​of the function.

Truth tables are used for:

Computing the truth of complex statements;

Establishing the equivalence of statements;

Definitions of tautologies.

§ The creation of computer viruses is criminal offense.

§ The most important regulatory legal act in the field of information security in Russia is The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

§ The main state body of the Russian Federation that controls activities in the field of information security is State Duma Committee on Security.

§ Among the logos of software products, the logo of the anti-virus program is (drawn as an insect)

§ A characteristic feature of Dr. Web is an opportunity installation on an infected machine.

§ The world's first virus outbreak was caused by malware Brain.

§ Possible punishment under article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs that did not entail serious consequences - restriction of freedom for a period of up to 4 (or 7) years.

§ Malicious program "Trojan horse" penetrates the computer under the guise of another program (known and harmless) and at the same time has hidden destructive functions.

§ The very first graphical information models include: rock paintings

§ To study the planet Earth, you can create: more than three models

§ A visual means of representing the composition and structure of a system is called: count

§ Documents that are an information model of government management include: the Constitution of the Russian Federation

§ In relation to the whole - part there are no concepts: media - hard drive

§ The ordering of information according to a certain attribute is called: systematization

§ Of the models below, the verbal one is: job applicant resume

§ Animation of the movement of the Earth around the Sun on a computer is a __model: dynamic

§ In a relationship an object - model concepts are: clothing sketch

§ The concept of "furniture" and "table" can be described by the relationship: general-private

§ In relation to the model-subject there are no concepts: script-film

§ The concepts of "calculation" and "number" can be described by the relation: process-result

§ The system usually consists of: multiple objects

§ The material model is: toy car

§ The weekly temperature chart is a graphical model: informational

§ The model of an absolutely elastic collision of two bodies, written in the form of formulas, is: sign mathematical

§ Conducting research on a real object with subsequent processing of the results of the experiment is a simulation : natural

§ Electrical circuit diagram is __ information model: graphic

§ The search for the optimal path from the input data to the result is used in the model: " labyrinth search"

§ Models, which are a collection of useful and necessary information about an object, are called: informational

§ A sign or value that characterizes any property of an object and can take on different values ​​is called __models: parameter

§ The adequacy of theoretical models to the laws of the real world is checked using: experiences and experiments

§ Combining parts of the system into a single whole in the process of modeling is called __ systems: aggregation

§ The development of any science as a whole can be interpreted in a very general, but quite reasonable sense, as __ modeling: theoretical

§ Evaluation of the functional completeness, accuracy and reliability of the predictive model, when verification of adequacy for some reason is impossible, is called __ of the model: verification

§ The process of presenting information about the modeling object in any chosen form is called: formalization

§ The correct order of the stages of mathematical modeling of the process is as follows: determining the goals of modeling - building a mathematical model - conducting a study - analyzing the result

§ The modeling process includes __ , the subject and the object of modeling: model

§ The property of the model displays only the essential aspects of the object: simplicity

§ The result of the formalization process is __ model: mathematical

§ In the process of modeling, the formation of an idea of ​​the components of the original object is carried out at the stage: model development

§ The decomposition of the whole into parts (structural division) in the process of modeling is called __ of the system: decomposition

§ The term "communication channel" in computer science means: a telephone, telegraph, or satellite communication line and hardware used to transmit information

§ An event occurred - the fox took the trail of the hare. Then the statement is true that: the organ that perceives the information signal is the nose

§ Deliberate distortion of information will affect the property __ of information: credibility

§ Entropy in information theory is: a measure of the uncertainty of the state of the system

§ If the message carries 1 bit of information, then it reduces the uncertainty of knowledge: 2 times

§ The discrete property of the algorithm means that: the algorithm is divided into a number of separate complete commands, each of which must be executed before the executor proceeds to the execution of the next

§ When solving a problem on a computer at the stage of program debugging, the following is not performed: writing an algorithm in a programming language

§ The founder of domestic computer technology is: Lebedev

§ The first adding machine, which performed 4 arithmetic operations, was designed in the 17th century: Leibniz

§ A decisive contribution to the possibility of formal transformations of logical expressions was made by: boule

§ The idea of ​​programmatic control of computing processes was first formulated by: babbage

§ The first programmer of the world is: lovelace

§ The first means of transmitting information over long distances is considered to be: mail

§ The very first instruments used for counting by an ancient person were: fingers

§ In 1896, __ founds a company for the production of tabulation machines, which in 1924, after a series of mergers and renamings, turned into the famous company INM: Herman Hollerith

§ The stage of solving a problem on a computer, which includes choosing a programming language, clarifying ways to organize data, writing an algorithm in the chosen programming language, is called: programming

§ Solving problems on computers consists of a number of stages. After the stage "setting the problem" follows the stage : task analysis and modeling

§ The most effective means of data control in the network are: passwords, ID cards and keys

§ In the "man - TV" system, the information carrier is: sound and light waves

§ In the "radio tower-radio receiver" system, the information carrier is: electromagnetic waves

§ 2 friends are talking on the phone. In this case, the source of information, the receiver of information and the communication channel are, respectively, : a person speaking, a person listening, a set of technical devices that provide communication

§ The pragmatic aspect is a characteristic of information in terms of its: utility

§ Peripheral devices perform the function ... a) computer operation control according to a given program b) input-output information c) online storage of information d) processing data entered into the computer.
Correct answer: b.

§ Flash drives use ____________ memory.
Correct Answer: semiconductor

§ The main parameters of laser printers include: a) carriage width, maximum print speed b) data buffer, noise level c) resolution, print buffer d) performance, paper format.
Correct answer: in

§ Parameters such as pixel response time and viewing angle are typical for the following devices: a) LCD monitor b) TFT monitor c) plotter d) scanner.
Correct answer: a, b.

§ The integrated Microsoft Office package includes: a) an application for working with business graphics b) a database management system c) a vector graphics editor d) a raster graphics editor.
Correct answer: a, b.

§ The characteristics of the quality of information include: A) completeness, B) cyclicality, C) expressiveness, D) reliability, E) relevance, E) focus
Correct answer: A, D, D

§ The “missing semicolon” ​​error can be detected at the stage of semantic analysis / code optimization / parsing / lexical analysis.
Lexical analysis is parsing a program into a sequence of strings (tokens) that are convenient from the compiler's point of view. Syntactic analysis is the process of comparing a linear sequence of lexemes in a language with its formal grammar. Semantic analysis is an analysis of the internal model (database) of a set of named objects with which the program works, with a description of their properties, characteristics and relationships. In other words, it is a semantic analysis. The code optimizer does not search for errors at all. Correct Answer: parsing.

§ What type of variable is written in the program as 1.00E02?

§ The logic programming language is Prolog/LISP/Basic/ADA.
Logic programming is a programming paradigm based on automatic theorem proving. Logic programming is based on the theory and apparatus of mathematical logic using the mathematical principles of resolutions. The most famous logic programming language is Prolog.

§ The concept of "class hierarchy" is inherent in the methodology of dynamic/heuristic/object-oriented/structured programming.
Class hierarchy in computer science means the classification of object types, considering objects as implementations of classes (a class is like a blueprint, and an object is something that is built on top of this blueprint) and linking different classes with relationships like “inherits”, “extends”. Correct answer: object-oriented programming.

§ With a structural approach to programming, the following concepts can be used: a) alternative choice, b) cycle, c) subprogram, d) inheritance.
Structured programming is a software development methodology based on the representation of a program in the form of a hierarchical block structure. In accordance with it 1) any program is a structure built from three types of basic structures: sequential execution, branching, loop; 2) repeating fragments are made in the form of subroutines; 3) the development of the program is carried out step by step. Therefore, the correct answers are: a, b, c.

§ When designing software, the following approaches are used: a) from top to bottom, b) from bottom to top, c) from left to right, d) from right to left.
Answers a and b are correct. Honestly, I don’t have a strict justification, but, as I understand it, first you need to reduce the problem to specific tasks (analysis), come up with their solution and implement them from small to large (synthesis).

§ The description of a cycle with a precondition is the expression: a) while the condition is true, execute the operator; b) if the condition is true, execute the statement, otherwise stop; c) execute the statement while the condition is false; d) execute the statement a given number of times.
The correct answer is a.

§ Algorithm writing tools are NOT: flowcharts, programming languages, translators, pseudocodes.
Translators. They only translate the program from one language to another. For example, from a programming language to machine code.

§ The representation of the relational data model in the DBMS is implemented in the form ...
...tables. The relational model is focused on organizing data in the form of two-dimensional tables. Each relational table is a two-dimensional array and has the following properties: each table element is one data element, all cells in a table column are homogeneous, that is, all elements in a column have the same type (numeric, character, etc.), each column has unique name, there are no identical rows in the table, the order of rows and columns can be arbitrary.

§ In vector graphics editors you can use perspective/orthogonal/polygon/virtual projections.
Perspective and orthogonal.

§ The cell of the spreadsheet contains the number 1.1E+11. What does it look like in decimal?

§ Text in an MS Word document between two ¶ characters.

§ The system recognizes the file format by its...

§ To end or start processes and get an idea of ​​the current system load, use the program ...
...Task Manager.

§ Data output devices: a) CD-ROM drive, b) hard drive, c) monitor, d) scanner, e) laser printer.
Correct answer: in and d.

§ A device that stores data only when the computer's power is on.

§ The number of bits processed by the processor at the same time.
Bit depth.

§ Point out true statements.
1. The emergence of the second generation of computers was due to the transition from vacuum tubes to transistors.
2. There was no control device in the first generation computers.
3. There was no RAM in the first generation computers.
4. Machines of the third generation are a family of machines with a single architecture, that is, software compatible.
5. A computer with an Intel Pentium III processor belongs to the fourth generation of computers.

True statements: 1, 4, 5. For those interested, I recommend a wonderful blog dedicated to computer literacy.

§ The least significant digit of the binary notation of a number that is a multiple of 2 is ...
0 ! The binary notation of a number consists of zeros and ones, which are factors before powers of two. For example, the binary number 1101 in decimal notation is 13(1 2 3 + 1 2 2 +0 2 1 +1 2 0). The least significant digit is the 0 or 1 at the very right place in the notation, in our case the multiplier before 2 0 . For a number to be even (a multiple of 2), this multiplier must be 0.

§ Arrange logical operations - disjunction, inversion, conjunction - by priority.
Inversion (logical negation), conjunction (logical multiplication), disjunction (logical addition).

§ The amount of information that a message contains, which reduces the uncertainty of knowledge by 2 times, is called ...
As a unit of the amount of information, such an amount of information is taken that contains a message that reduces the uncertainty of knowledge by half. This unit is called bit.

§ A set of formulas that reflect certain properties of an object/original or its behavior is called a physical/statistical/mathematical/dynamic model.
This is a mathematical model.

§ The FTP protocol is intended for
a) file transfer
b) downloading messages from newsgroups
c) web browsing
d) chatting.

The correct answer is a.

§ As a result of executing a fragment of the algorithm
input X,A,B,C
output Y

when you enter X,A,B,C values ​​equal to 5,2,467.0 respectively, the Y value will be...


§ Program fragment
nc for i from 1 to 10
input a
output S

1) tenth of the last number out of 10 entered from the keyboard
2) the sum of 10 numbers entered from the keyboard
3) the remainder of the division by 10 of a given number
4) the average of 10 numbers entered from the keyboard.

Let's deal with the notation first. The := operator means assigning a value to a variable. nts and kts - the beginning and end of the cycle, in our case from 1 to 10. This means that the actions between nts and kts are repeated 10 times. enter - enter the value of the variable from the keyboard.
It turns out that at first we start a variable with a value of 0. Then we enter numbers from the keyboard 10 times and sum them up. The result is divided by 10. This is the average. The correct answer is 4.

§ The Bat program allows you to... download Web pages/download and edit e-mail/archive e-mail/transfer files via FTP.
Correct answer: upload and edit email.

§ Network worms are ... programs that modify files on disks and spread within a computer / program that do not modify files on disks, but spread over a computer network, penetrate the computer operating system, find the addresses of other computers or users and send at these addresses their copies/programs distributed only by e-mail/malicious programs, the action of which is to create failures when the computer is powered from the electrical network.
The category of network worms includes malicious programs whose main goal is to spread as widely as possible. The mechanism of their distribution is generally constructed as follows: 1) a network worm enters a computer (via an email attachment, an Internet link, a file-sharing network, etc.) 2) a copy (s) of the worm is created and launched 3) copies tend to go to the following devices (computers) on the Internet, local network.
The correct answer, as often happens, is the longest - programs that do not modify files on disks, but spread over a computer network, penetrate the computer's operating system, find the addresses of other computers or users, and send their copies to these addresses.

§ Compared to other types of cables, fiber optic...
a) has the lowest cost
b) has a high speed of information transfer
c) has no radiation
d) not affected by electromagnetic fields
e) allows wireless data transmission.

Correct answers: b, c, d.

§ An object of object-oriented programming is 1) a set of state variables and associated methods (operations); 2) a group of data and methods (functions) for working with these data; 3) a function or procedure that performs certain actions; 4) the characteristic assigned to the element of the class
The correct answer is 1.

§ For object-oriented programming technology, the statement is true that 1) classes form a hierarchy on the principles of inheritance; 2) procedures that implement some algorithms are used as the main elements of the program; 3) the behavior of objects of the same class is very different; 4) the external description of the class (interface) reflects the structure of the object
The correct answer is 1.

§ For object-oriented programming technology, the statement is true that 1) classes and objects are used as the main elements of the program; 2) the internal description of the class (implementation) describes the abstraction of the behavior of all objects of this class, but hides the behavior of the object; 3) procedures that implement some algorithms are used as the main elements of the program; 4) the external description of the class (interface) reflects the structure of the object
The correct answer is 1.

§ One of the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming "encapsulation" means 1) combining data and algorithms for processing this data into a single whole; 2) the property of different objects to perform the same action in different ways; 3) the ability of an object to retain the properties and methods of the parent class; 4) the conclusion in a separate module of all procedures for working with the object
The correct answer is 1.

§ For object-oriented programming technology, the statement is true that inheritance is 1) the ability of an object to preserve the properties and methods of the parent class; 2) hiding information and combining data and methods within an object; 3) the ability to set different actions in the hierarchy of objects in a method with the same name; 4) conclusion in a separate module of procedures for working with an object
The correct answer is 1.

§ In object-oriented programming, a user-defined data type that has internal data and methods for working with them in the form of procedures or functions is called 1) a class; 2) attribute; 3) field; 4) property
The correct answer is 1.

§ Viruses can be: a) bootable, b) mutants, c) invisible, d) defective, e) logical.
The correct answer is a, c, d.

§ Software tools for protecting information in a computer network are: 1) Firewall, 2) Antivirus, 3) Sniffer, 4) Backup.
The correct answer is 1, 2.

§ An electronic digital signature establishes _____ information. 1) consistency 2) authenticity 3) volume 4) inconsistency
The correct answer is 2.

§ An electronic digital signature of a document allows you to resolve the issue of ____ document(s). 1) mode of access to 2) value 3) authenticity 4) secrecy
The correct answer is 3.

§ A compressed source image is commonly used... 1) as a key for encrypting text 2) for creating a digital signature 3) as a public key in symmetric algorithms 4) as a result of encrypting text to send it over an insecure channel
The correct answer is 2.

§ Network worms are... 1) Programs that do not modify files on disks, but spread over a computer network, penetrate the operating system of a computer, find the addresses of other computers or users and send their copies to these addresses 2) Malicious programs whose action is to create power failures from the mains 3) Programs that are distributed only by e-mail 4) Programs that modify files on disks and are distributed within the computer
The correct answer is 1.

§ The authenticity of the document can be verified... 1) by the author's secret key 2) by verifying the image of the handwritten signature 3) by his electronic signature 4) by his own secret key
The correct answer is 3.

§ To destroy (“bite out”) the virus after its recognition, ... 1) phage programs 2) auditor programs 3) filter programs 4) vaccine programs
The correct answer is 1.

§ You need to send an e-mail to a remote destination. In this case, the recipient must know that this is exactly the same message. To do this, you need to ... 1) use a digital signature 2) close the message with a password 3) send the message over a secret communication channel 4) archive the message
The correct answer is 1.

§ Malicious program ________________ penetrates the computer under the guise of another program (known and harmless) and at the same time has hidden destructive functions. 1) "Trojan horse" 2) stealth virus 3) macro virus 4) "computer worm"
The correct answer is 1.

§ The essence of information compromise 1) making changes to the database, as a result of which the user is deprived of access to information 2) unauthorized access to the transmitted information through communication channels and the destruction of the content of transmitted messages 3) making unauthorized changes to the database, as a result of which the consumer is forced to either refuse it, or make additional efforts to detect changes and restore the true information
The correct answer is 3.

§ Main threats to information availability 1) unintentional user errors 2) malicious data modification 3) hacker attack 4) software and hardware failure 5) destruction or damage to premises 6) data interception
The correct answers are 1,4,5.

§ The concept of a system of protection against information weapons should not include ... 1) signs signaling a possible attack 2) procedures for assessing the level and characteristics of an attack against the national infrastructure as a whole and individual users 3) means of launching a counterattack using information weapons 4) mechanisms for protecting users from various types and levels of threats to the national information infrastructure
The correct answer is 3.

§ Information leakage refers to... 1) unauthorized process of transferring information from a source to an attacker 2) the process of destroying information 3) unintentional loss of information carrier 4) the process of disclosing secret information
The correct answer is 1.

§ There are a number of precautions to be taken when setting an electronic password, such as 1) use jargon words, as they are more difficult for a cracker to guess 2) be sure to write down the password so that you do not forget it and keep it in a safe place 3) change the password if you for some reason told it to your relatives 4) use one and the same password for different purposes, for example, to access both the mailbox and the secure disk, so as not to get confused
The correct answer is 3.

§ The most effective way to protect the local computer from unauthorized access when it is turned on is... 1) using firmware protection 2) setting a password on the BIOS 3) using the latest operating system 4) setting a password on the operating system
The correct answer is 1.

§ The most effective means of controlling data on the network are... 1) archiving systems 2) antivirus software 3) RAID drives 4) passwords, ID cards and keys
The correct answer is 4.

§ Internet proxy server 1) used for the exchange of electronic signatures between network subscribers 2) allows you to encrypt electronic information 3) provides the user with a secure communication channel 4) provides anonymization of access to various resources
The correct answer is 4.

§ Automatic encryption-decryption of information when writing to media is provided by the file system ... 1) DFS 2) FAT-64 3) NTFS 4) FAT-32
The correct answer is 3.

§ The Trojan is... 1) a program whose malicious action is expressed in deleting and / or modifying system files of a computer 2) a program that infects a computer regardless of the user's actions 3) a program that penetrates a user's computer via the Internet 4) a malicious program that does not reproduce itself, but impersonates itself for something useful, thereby trying to encourage the user to rewrite and install the program on their computer on their own
The correct answer is 4.

§ Causes of data errors: 1) measurement error 2) error when recording measurement results in an intermediate document 3) incorrect interpretation of data 4) errors in transferring data from an intermediate document to a computer 5) use of unacceptable methods of data analysis 6) unrecoverable causes of a natural nature 7) deliberate distortion of data 8) errors in the identification of an object or subject of economic activity
The correct answers are 1,2,4,7,8.

§ The threat of remote administration in a computer network is understood as a threat ... 1) unauthorized control of a remote computer 2) introduction of aggressive code within active objects of Web pages 3) interception or data substitution along transport routes 4) invasion of privacy 5) invasion of privacy 6) delivery of inappropriate content
The correct answer is 1.

§ Security Services: 1) Identification and authentication 2) Encryption 3) Password inversion 4) Integrity control 5) Collision management 6) Shielding 7) Secure recovery 8) Write caching
The correct answers are 1,2,4,6,7.

§ The fundamental difference between firewalls (ME) and intrusion detection systems (ISS): 1) DOs were designed for active or passive protection, and IDSs for active or passive detection 2) DOs were designed for active or passive detection, and IDSs for active or passive protection 3) DOs only work at the network layer, and IDSs - also on the physical
The correct answer is 1.

§ Information security of an automated system is the state of an automated system in which, ... 1) on the one hand, it is able to withstand the effects of external and internal information threats, and on the other hand, its presence and operation does not create information threats to the elements of the system itself and external environment 2) on the one hand, is able to withstand the impact of external and internal information threats, and on the other hand, the costs of its operation are lower than the expected damage from the leakage of protected information 3) is able to withstand only information threats, both external and internal 4) is capable of resist only external information threats
The correct answer is 1.

§ In accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, information protection is the adoption of legal, organizational and technical measures aimed at ... 1) ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to such information 2) the implementation of the right to access information 3) compliance with international law in the field of information security 4) identifying violators and bringing them to justice 5) maintaining the confidentiality of restricted information 6) developing methods and improving information security tools
The correct answers are 1,2,5.

§ Type of threat of an action aimed at unauthorized use of information resources, without affecting its functioning - ... threat 1) active 2) passive 3) secret 4) indifferent
The correct answer is 2.

§ File system object protection tools are based on… 1) defining user rights for operations with files and directories 2) setting attributes of files and directories independent of user rights
The correct answer is 1.

§ Elements of the copyright mark: 1) letters C in a circle or parentheses 2) letters P in a circle or parentheses 3) title (name) of the right holder 4) name of the protected object 5) year of the first release of the program
The correct answers are 1,3,5.

§ A document that defined the most important security services and proposed a method for classifying information systems according to security requirements 1) X.800 recommendations 2) orange book 3) law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" 4) GOST 153.84 T
The correct answer is 2.

§ Sections of modern cryptography: 1) symmetric cryptosystems 2) public key cryptosystems 3) cryptosystems with duplication of protection 4) data transfer control
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ Information constituting a state secret cannot be classified ... 1) “for official use” 2) “secret” 3) “top secret” 4) “of special importance”
The correct answer is 1.

§ The most effective tool to protect against network attacks 1) using firewalls (firewall) 2) using anti-virus programs 3) visiting only "reliable" Internet sites 4) using only certified browser programs when accessing the Internet
The correct answer is 1.

§ It does not apply to forms of information protection ... 1) analytical 2) legal 3) organizational and technical 4) insurance
Correct answers - 1.4.

§ According to the principles of operation, computer equipment is divided into ... 1) digital 2) analog 3) combined 4) electronic 5) tube 6) transistor 7) microprocessor 8) specialized 9) universal
The correct answer is 1, 2, 3.

§ Information on magnetic disks is written ... 1) along concentric tracks and sectors 2) in special magnetic windows 3) along index holes 4) in disk registers
The correct answer is 1.

The correct answer is 1.

§ The multimedia computer must include ... 1) CD-ROM drive 2) projection panel 3) modem 4) network card
The correct answer is 1.

§ Parameters such as resolution and performance are typical for... 1) flatbed scanners 2) laser printers 3) touch screens 4) TFT monitors
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ Printing devices use the ________ color representation model 1) CMYK 2) JPEG 3) BMP 4) PSD
The correct answer is 1.

§ The main parameters of flatbed scanners are... 1) resolution 2) dynamic range 3) number of nozzles 4) data buffer size
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ In the ASCII code table, the international standard refers to... 1) first 128 2) first 64 3) last 128 4) all 256
The correct answer is 1.

§ You need to send an e-mail to a remote destination. In this case, the recipient must know that this is exactly the same message. To do this, you need to... 1) use a digital signature 2) send a message over a secret communication channel 3) archive the message 4) close the message with a parfield
The correct answer is 1.

§ The standard code for the exchange of information is the code ... 1) ASCII 2) ACCESS 3) ANSI 4) BIOS
The correct answer is 1.

§ In the code table __________, 65536 different characters can be encoded. 1) Unicode 2) KOI-8R 3) ASCII 4) CP-1251
The correct answer is 1.

§ Cyrillic encodings: 1) KOI-8R 2) CP-1251 3) RADIX-50 4) ISO 8859-5
Correct answers are 1, 2, 4.

§ In order to establish an exchange of electronic messages that have a digital signature, it is necessary to transfer to the recipient of the messages ... 1) the public encryption key 2) the private encryption key 3) the type of your digital signature 4) the encryption algorithm you use
The correct answer is 1.

§ For 5 letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are given: a - 000, b - 110, c - 01, d - 001, e - 10. Then the binary string 1100000100110 encodes a set of letters: 1) bacde 2) baade 3) badde 4) bacdb
The correct answer is 1.

The correct answer is 1.

§ There are two rectangular seating areas in the auditorium: one is 6 by 12 and the other is 8 by 4. The minimum number of bits required to encode each seat in an automated system is ... 1) 7 2) 2 3) 104 4) 128
The correct answer is 1.

§ 28 triggers can store ___ bytes of information 1) 3,5 2) 28 3) 7 4) 2,5
The correct answer is 1.

§ If the average reading speed is 160 words per minute (one word - an average of 6 characters), then in four hours of continuous reading you can read _______ KB of text (accept a one-byte character code) 1) 225 2) 255 3) 256 4) 4096
The correct answer is 1.

§ To memorize 8 bytes of information, you need ___ trigger(s) 1) 64 2) 8 3) 1 4) 16
The correct answer is 1.

§ The maximum number of book pages (32 lines of 64 characters, 1 character takes 8 bits), which fits in a 640 KB file, is ... 1) 320 2) 640 3) 540 4) 12801
The correct answer is 1.

§ There are two rectangular seating areas in the auditorium: one is 6 by 12 and the other is 8 by 4. The minimum number of bits required to encode each seat in an automated system is: 1) 7 2) 2 3) 104 4) 128
The correct answer is 1.

§ The code table СР-1251 (Windows Cyrillic) is used. A file in plain text format, if the text has 200 pages, 32 lines per page, and an average of 48 characters per line, will take __________ kilobyte(s) 1) 300 2) 307.2 3) 384 4) 2400
The correct answer is 1.

§ A 2 33 bit message contains ______ gigabyte(s) of information. 1) 1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 33
The correct answer is 1.

§ A 50-character message was written in 8-bit Windows-1251 encoding. After pasting into a text editor, the message was recoded into 16-bit Unicode code. The amount of memory occupied by the message has increased by... 1) 50 bytes 2) 100 bits 3) 400 bytes 4) 50 bits
The correct answer is 1.

§ Morse code allows you to encode characters for radio communications by specifying combinations of dots and dashes. Using Morse code with a length of at least three and no more than four signals (dots and dashes), it is possible to encode _______ different character(s) 1) 24 2) 12 3) 128 4) 64
The correct answer is 1.

§ The quality of the sound digitized by the sound card is determined by parameters such as... 1) sample rate 2) encoding depth 3) audio level 4) audio duration
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ The analog audio signal was sampled first using 65536 signal strength levels (audio CD sound quality) and then using 256 signal strength levels (radio broadcast sound quality). Information volumes of codes will differ by ____ times (s). 1) 2 2) 8 3) 16 4) 256
The correct answer is 1.

§ In the sound creation mode, the sound card uses methods ... 1) frequency modulation 2) wave tables 3) logic synthesis 4) pulse modulation
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ In the base ____ number system, the decimal number 26 is written as 101. 1) 5 2) 2 3) 8 4) 16
The correct answer is 1.

§ The value of the sum 7779 16 +887 16 in hexadecimal is equal to... 1) 8000 16 2) 8FFF 16 3) 7FFF 16 4) 7000 16
The correct answer is 1.

§ The value of the sum 100 2 +11 8 +10 16 in the decimal number system is ... 1) 29 2) 121 3) 28 4) 111
The correct answer is 1.

§ The decimal number 63389 10 corresponds to the hexadecimal number... 1) F79D 2) 1397 16 3) 13970 16 4) ED7F
The correct answer is 1.

§ The difference of hexadecimal numbers 7777 16 -887 16 is... 1) 6EF0 16 2) 6890 16 3) 6458 16 4) 6DB0 16
The correct answer is 1.

§ The value of the sum of numbers 1110101 2 +1011011 2 in octal is equal to 1) 320 2) 2110 3) 298 4) 318
The correct answer is 1.

§ The degree of conformity of the model to the real phenomenon (object, process), for the description of which it is built, is called ___________ of the model. 1) adequacy 2) stability 3) flexibility 4) identity
The correct answer is 1.

§ 1) layout of the university building 2) formula for solving quadratic equations 3) electric circuit diagram 4) map of the area
The correct answer is 1.

§ The system usually consists of... 1) several objects 2) one object 3) independent objects 4) object and model
The correct answer is 1.

§ The material model is... 1) airplane layout 2) map 3) drawing 4) diagram
The correct answer is 1.

§ A visual means of representing the composition and structure of a system is called ... 1) column 2) table 3) text 4) formula
The correct answer is 1.

§ The genealogical tree of the family is ____________ information model. 1) hierarchical 2) tabular 3) network 4) verbal
The correct answer is 1.

§ Conducting research on a real object with subsequent processing of the results of the experiment is _____________ modeling. 1) natural 2) simulation 3) evolutionary 4) mathematical
The correct answer is 1.

§ Visual, easy-to-manage representation of spatial data is one of the main tasks of __________ modeling. 1) geoinformation 2) logical 3) physical 4) simulation
The correct answer is 1.

§ Genetic algorithms and genetic programming are _____________ modeling tools. 1) evolutionary 2) natural 3) simulation 4) physical
The correct answer is 1.

§ The iconic model is... 1) pie chart 2) anatomical model 3) building model 4) ship scale model
The correct answer is 1.

§ Of the proposed requirements for all models, the _________________ of the model is not common. 1) static 2) flexibility 3) completeness 4) adequacy
The correct answer is 1.

§ The electrical circuit diagram is a _____________ information model. 1) graphic 2) tabular 3) hierarchical 4) verbal
The correct answer is 1.

§ To forecast the economic development of the region, it is used (-s) ... 1) simulation modeling 2) full-scale modeling 3) fuzzy logic algorithms 4) full enumeration of possible solutions
The correct answer is 1.

§ A network information model can be represented by (-o) ... 1) regional computer network 2) computer file system 3) periodic table of chemical elements 4) computer technical description
The correct answer is 1.

§ The correct order of the stages of mathematical modeling of the process is as follows: 1) defining the goals of modeling - building a mathematical model - conducting a study - analyzing the result 2) building a mathematical model - determining the goals of modeling - conducting a study - analyzing the result 3) determining the goals of modeling - building a mathematical model - analyzing the result - conducting a study 4) determining the goals of modeling – conducting a study – building a mathematical model – analyzing the result
The correct answer is 1.

§ Models, which are a collection of useful and necessary information about an object, are called ... 1) informational 2) material 3) subject 4) dynamic
The correct answer is 1.

§ The basis for the classification of models into material and informational is ... 1) presentation method 2) area of ​​use 3) area of ​​knowledge 4) time factor
The correct answer is 1.

§ The model is the substitution of the studied object by another object that reflects ... 1) essential aspects of a given object 2) all aspects of a given object 3) always the appearance of an object 4) non-essential aspects of a given object
The correct answer is 1.

§ The search for the optimal path from input to result is used in the model... 1) "maze search" 2) "black box" 3) "material point" 4) "structure of the human brain"
The correct answer is 1.

§ Artificial intelligence is a scientific direction associated with machine modeling of human intellectual functions, which is based on the provisions of science ... 1) cybernetics 2) computer science 3) mathematics 4) logic
The correct answer is 1.

§ The result of the formalization process is ___________ model. 1) mathematical 2) descriptive 3) strategic 4) subject
The correct answer is 1.

§ The model of an absolutely elastic collision of two bodies, written in the form of formulas, is ... 1) sign mathematical 2) formal logical 3) structural information 4) descriptive information
The correct answer is 1.

§ General properties of all models: 1) dynamism 2) finiteness 3) adequacy 4) informativeness
Correct answers are 2, 3, 4.

§ Written or oral representation of an information model by means of spoken language is called a _______________ model. 1) verbal 2) simple 3) linguistic 4) logical
The correct answer is 1.

§ Earthquake computer simulation allows... 1) determine the strength of buildings in order to ensure the safety of people 2) conduct a field study of the processes occurring in nature during an earthquake 3) obtain the full cost of damage as a result of a possible earthquake 4) take measures to prevent an earthquake
The correct answer is 1.

§ In the process of modeling, the formation of an idea of ​​the components of the original object is carried out at the stage ... 1) model development 2) problem statement 3) computer experiment 4) analysis of simulation results
The correct answer is 1.

§ A simplified representation of a real object is called... 1) model 2) original 3) prototype 4) system
The correct answer is 1.

§ Hovering over a menu item with a small black arrow pointing to the right...

§ 1) expands the submenu 2) expands the application 3) expands the dialog box for entering additional information 4) opens the My Documents folder
The correct answer is 1.

§ Dedicated part Taskbars called...

§ 1) notification area 2) quick launch bar 3) toolbar 4) status bar
The correct answer is 1.

§ There is no _______________ menu in this window.

§ 1) contextual 2) system 3) pictographic 4) horizontal
The correct answer is 1.

§ Some menu items on the right are marked with an ellipsis. Selecting this item...

§ 1) opens a dialog box for entering additional information 2) opens a submenu 3) launches the program for execution 4) opens an application
The correct answer is 1.

§ In the figure below,...

§ 1) changing the order of the slides in the presentation 2) assigning transition effects from slide to slide 3) copying a slide 4) inserting an autoshape on a slide
The correct answer is 1.

§ 1) apply one of the standard design themes to the presentation 2) select a slide layout layout 3) select a presentation template 4) set up a transition from slide to slide
The correct answer is 1.

§ The slide sorter mode is designed to...

§ 1) adjusting the logical sequence of the slides 2) viewing the slides in full screen mode 3) viewing the structure of the presentation 4) adjusting the animation
The correct answer is 1.

§ If you release the left mouse button in the situation shown in the figure, then...

§ 1) Slide3 and Slide4 will swap places 2) a copy of Slide3 will be added 3) an empty slide without a name will be added 4) Slide4 will be deleted
The correct answer is 1.

§ For this slide, the statement is true that ...

§ 1) a gradient fill was applied to the background of the slide 2) a texture fill was applied to the background of the slide 3) there are no non-standard characters on the slide 4) there is no header or footer on the slide
The correct answer is 1.

§ Using the command Insert - Symbol on the next slide

§ In the above window, the user selects...

§ 1) transition effect when changing slides 2) transition sound when changing slides 3) transition speed when changing slides 4) presentation template
The correct answer is 1.

§ Using the window shown in the figure, you can ...

§ 1) set up a transition from slide to slide 2) apply one of the standard design themes to the presentation 3) select a presentation template 4) set up animation of slide objects
The correct answer is 1.

§ Presentation outline mode allows you to...

§ 1) enter new text on a slide or edit existing 2) assign transition effects from slide to slide 3) change the color scheme of the slide 4) change the overall design of the presentation
The correct answer is 1.

§ The extension of the file name created in the Paint graphics editor is ... 1) .bmp 2) .cdr 3) .ppt 4) .psd
The correct answer is 1.

§ On the local disk H: the following sequence of actions has been performed: 1) create folder A; 2) open folder A; 3) create folder 1; 4) close folder A; 5) create folder B; 6) create a folder 2. Draw the folder structure created as a result of these steps.
Correct answer

§ The teacher worked in the folder D:\Materials for classes\Group 11\Laboratory work. Then he moved up a level in the folder tree, went down to the Lectures folder and deleted the Introduction file from it. The full name of the file deleted by the teacher will be... 1) D:\Lesson Materials\Group 11\Lectures\Introduction 2) D:\Lesson Materials\Group 11\Introduction 3) D:\Lesson Materials\Lectures \Introduction4) D:\Introduction\Materials for classes\Group 11\Lectures
The correct answer is 1. Decision. The teacher worked in the Labs folder, which is nested in the Group 11 folder. Therefore, moving to a higher level, the teacher got into the Group 11 folder, from which he went down to the Lectures folder and deleted the Introduction file from the Lectures folder. Thus, the full name of the deleted Introduction file will be: D:\Lesson Materials\Group 11\Lectures\Introduction

§ On some hard disk, the cluster size is 512 bytes. This disk contains four files of 100, 200, 1000 and 2500 bytes. To store all four files, you need ___________ cluster(s). 1) 9 2) 7 3) 8 4) 7.5
The correct answer is 1.

§ A common feature is a group of file name extensions: 1) .bmp, .jpeg, .cdr, .png 2) .txt, .doc, .rtf, .bat 3) .zip, .com, .ppt, .mp3 4) .bmp, .jpeg, .mpeg, .wav
The correct answer is 1.

§ The filename newgames666.exe does not match the filename mask... 1) *game?.*x? 2) *g?me*.?x? 3) *game*.?x* 4) *g?me*.*x*
The correct answer is 1.

§ The file name must not be a sequence of characters... 1) Laboratory work: information coding.doc 2) Laboratory work. Information-coding.doc 3) Lab_work_information_coding.doc 4) Lab-work-information-coding-.doc
The correct answer is 1.

The correct answer is 1.

§ Some folder contains files:

§ The names of all these files satisfy the mask: 1) p*a_??.c* 2) p*a_??.c?? 3) p?a_??.c* 4) p*a_?.c*
The correct answer is 1.

§ The user, moving from one folder to another, sequentially visited the ACADEMY, COURSE, GROUP, E:\, PROFESSOR, LECTIONS folders. With each move, the user either descended to a level below, or rose to a level above. The full name of the folder the user started moving from will be... 1) E:\GROUP\COURSE\ACADEMY 2) E:\PROFESSOR\LECTIONS\ACADEMY 3) E:\ACADEMY\COURSE\GROUP 4) E:\ACADEMY
The correct answer is 1.

§ A folder holds a list of files, initially sorted by date:

§ Files are sorted by name in ascending order. The last file on the list is... 1) 6A.doc 2) 2B.doc 3) 10B.doc 4) 11A.doc
The correct answer is 1.

§ On some hard disk, the cluster size is 4096 bytes. This disk contains four files with sizes of 500, 10000, 8000 and 5000 bytes. You need _________ cluster(s) to store all four files. 1) 8 2) 6 3) 7 4) 5.75
The correct answer is 1.

§ Parameters such as pixel response time and viewing angle are typical for the following devices: 1) LCD monitor 2) TFT monitor 3) plotter 4) scanner
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ ____________ images are scaled without loss of quality. 1) vector 2) any 3) black and white 4) raster
The correct answer is 1.

§ To enter bitmap (raster) images, you cannot use ... 1) mouse 2) keyboard 3) graphics tablet 4) scanner
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ The "staircase" effect appears when the ___________ image is enlarged. 1) raster 2) vector 3) any 4) fractal
The correct answer is 1.

§ The complementary color to the red + green color combination of the RGB model is... 1) yellow 2) brown 3) purple 4) khaki
The correct answer is 1.

§ On the monitor screen, any color is represented as the intensity of the glow (brightness) of the three basic colors: red, green and blue, each of which can take a value from "no glow" to "maximum glow". In the corresponding RGB color model, there are _____ possible states for each color. 1) 256 3) 255 3) 3072 4) 16 million
The correct answer is 1.

§ Graphic files that allow you to store animated images have the extension ... 1) .gif 2) .tiff 3) .jpeg 4) .png
The correct answer is 1.

§ To display bitmap (raster) images created by the user, you cannot use ... 1) touch screen 2) graphics tablet 3) printer 4) plotter
The correct answers are 1, 2.

§ To draw a circle in the Paint editor, select the element "_______" and hold down the "Shift" key during construction. 1) Ellipse 2) Rounded Rectangle 3) Circle 4) Oval
The correct answer is 1.

§ To draw a diagonal line (at an angle of 45 degrees) in the Paint editor, hold down the "_______" key while drawing. 1) Shift 2) Ctrl 3) Tab 4) Alt
The correct answer is 1.

§ Text wrapping is selected for the graphic object in the given text fragment...

§ 1) along the contour 2) around the frame 3) in the text 4) above and below
The correct answer is 1.

§ A fragment of a spreadsheet is given in the formula display mode and in the value display mode:

§ The value in cell B3 is... 1) 15 2) 17 3) 28 4) 24
The correct answer is 1.

§ The table shows the data on the number of winners of the Olympiad in Informatics (I), Mathematics (M) and Physics (P) in three cities of Russia:

§ In column E, the number of winners for each city is calculated, and in line 5, the number of winners for each subject. Diagram

§ built by... 1) row 5 2) column E 3) cells B3, C3, D3 4) range B2:B4
The correct answer is 1.

§ A fragment of a spreadsheet is given. For this table fragment, the statement is true that the cell ...

§ 1) C4 entered the formula =MIN(A2;A3;C2) 2) D1 entered the formula =MAX(A1:C1) 3) B4 entered the formula =SUM(B1:B3)*5 4) D4 entered the formula =AVERAGE(A1 ;B2;C3)
The correct answer is 1.

§ You can automate the input operation in related tables ...

§ 1) substitution list 2) template 3) valid value condition 4) default value
The correct answer is 1.

§ Given a fragment of a spreadsheet:

§ The number of records that meet the conditions of the next custom autofilter,

§ equals...

§ 1) 4 2) 7 3) 3 4) 0
The correct answer is 1.

§ A fragment of a spreadsheet is given.

§ Number of records that match the autofilter condition

§ equals... 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 0
The correct answer is 1.

§ A fragment of a spreadsheet in formula display mode looks like this:

§ The formula from cell A1 is copied to cell B3. The formula will appear in cell B3... 1) 2 * $B$4 - $C3 2) 4 * $B$6 - $C3 3) 2 * $C$4 - $D1 4) 2 * $C$6 - $D3
The correct answer is 1.

§ information about Landau L. will begin with a cell 1) A7 2) A6 3) A8 4) A10
The correct answer is 1.

§ Given a fragment of a spreadsheet

§ Number of records matching advanced filter conditions

§ equals... 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 3
The correct answer is 1.

§ After doing the calculations... 1) the values ​​in cells B6 and C5 are equal 2) the values ​​in cell B6 are greater than the value in cell C5 3) the values ​​in cell B6 are less than the value in cell C5 4) an error message will appear in cell B6
The correct answer is 1.

§ When copying the contents of cell A2 to cells B2 and A3, formulas appeared in them

§ Cell A2 contains the formula... 1) =$A1+B1 2) $A1+B1 3) = $A$1+B1 4) = $A1+$B1
The correct answer is 1.

§ Given a fragment of a spreadsheet

§ After sorting by conditions

§ in cell A9 there will be a surname ... 1) Berg P. 2) Landau L. 3) Becker G. 4) Bekeshi D.
The correct answer is 1.

§ The diagram shows the number of winners of the Olympiad in Informatics (I), Mathematics (M) and Physics (P) in three cities of Russia:

§ A diagram that correctly reflects the ratio of winners from all cities in each subject is ...
Correct answer -

§ Given a fragment of a spreadsheet in formula display mode:

§ After doing the calculations, the value in cell C6 will be... 1) 87 2) 27 3) 45 4) 25
The correct answer is 1.

§ Given a fragment of a spreadsheet in formula display mode:

§ A formula from cell B2 has been copied to cell B3. After that, the spreadsheet fragment in the value display mode took the form:

§ The value in cell B1 is... 1) 11 2) 22 3) 14 4) 7
The correct answer is 1.

§ Given a fragment of a spreadsheet and a chart:

§ The range of cells, according to the values ​​of which the chart was built: 1) A3:C3 2) C1:C3 3) A1:C3 4) A1:C1
The correct answer is 1.

§ Teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science take part in the teleconference. Teachers have different levels of qualification: no category (BC), II, I, or the highest (VC) category. Diagram 1 shows the number of teachers with different skill levels, and Diagram 2 shows the distribution of teachers by subject.

§ From the analysis of both diagrams, the statement follows that all teachers ... 1) Category I can be teachers of mathematics 2) Category I can be teachers of physics 3) Informatics can have the highest category 4) Mathematicians can have II category
The correct answer is 1.

§ In the MS Word text editor, a text fragment

converted to a table using ";" as separator. The third column of the resulting table looks like...

Correct answer -

The calculation of the values ​​of which can be carried out using a predetermined efficient procedure, or algorithm. A characteristic feature of computational processes is that the calculation of the desired values ​​of the problems occurs sequentially from the given initial values ​​according to certain, predetermined, rules and instructions. Based on numerous examples of computational processes in mathematics, an intuitive concept of a computational procedure has taken shape. In connection with the general program of substantiation of mathematics in the 20th century. the task arose of creating not an intuitive, but an exact concept of an algorithm. A rigorous definition of VF, effective procedures, and algorithms was given in various forms by D. Hilbert, K. Godel, A. Church, S. Kleene ), E. Post (E. Post), A. Turing (A. Turing) and A. A. Markov.

The general idea of ​​various approaches to the creation of rigorous mathematical definitions of the concepts under consideration is as follows: a detailed analysis of already known or conceivable computational processes is carried out, the essential features of these processes are identified, suitable mathematical. analogues of these processes and their features.

The implementation of various aspects of this idea is ambiguous and leads to different variants of mathematical. algorithm concepts. The main mathematical models of the concept of an algorithm are Turing machines, partially recursive functions, normal Markov algorithms, etc.

Turing machines. The algorithms used in mathematics are like a machine that works in separate cycles and gives the answer after the end of the cycles. A. Turing and E. Post described the concepts abstract computers, on which it is possible to simulate computational processes. Turing machine (sometimes they say Turing - Post) M consists of:

finite alphabet where arbitrary characters; finite ordered sequences of symbols of the alphabet called. words in the alphabet; with the help of words in the alphabet, the initial data of the problem, intermediate calculations and the answers received are encoded;

a finite list of elementary states in which the machine M can be; at the same time, it is considered the initial state, in which M is located when it starts work, and - the final state: if M comes to the state , then it stops its work;

a program made up of separate commands having one of the following types: where is one of the movement symbols L, P or S.

The configuration of the machine M at a given time is encoded by a word of the form where A u IN - some words in the alphabet (instead of the empty word Apishut a 0). The configuration of the machine M at the next moment of time (after performing one cycle of work) is also encoded by a word, which depends on the command:

if D = L, then the word is obtained

if D = C, then the word is obtained

if D = P and B \u003d a p B", then you get the word

if D = P and IN - empty word, then the word is obtained Aa k a 0 qlB.

The operation of the machine M can be described as follows: encode the initial data using some initial configuration (here ); according to the program of the machine M, the following configuration is obtained, etc., if at any time a configuration containing the final state is obtained, then stop working; the final one is decoded in response; if the machine never stops, then consider the answer in the problem to be indeterminate.

Any computing machine that can be reduced to the operation of a suitable Turing machine is efficient in an intuitive sense. The reversal of the previous statement is called Turing's theorem: any efficient computational procedure can be implemented on a corresponding machine. M. This thesis cannot be proven, since it combines two concepts - strict mathematical. the notion of a Turing machine and the vague, intuitive notion of an efficient procedure. If we simulate on Turing machines the calculation of the values ​​of a function, the domain of definition, and the values ​​of which are sets of natural numbers, then we arrive at the concept of a computable (on Turing machines) function. see also Turing machine.

Partially recursive functions. All known examples of algorithms can be reduced to the question of calculating the values ​​of an appropriate function. Considering this feature of the algorithms as the main one, A. Church, K. Gödel and S. Kleene singled out a wide range of functions called partially recursive. Let be F- the class of partial functions whose domains and values ​​are sets of natural numbers. On the set F, the following operations are defined:

superposition of functions: if then they say that the function

obtained from by superposition; m-operator: let's say that the function is obtained from and using , and write down

if and are defined n are not equal to each other at , and

It is clear that if these operations are applied to functions whose value we can calculate, then there are algorithms that calculate the values ​​of the functions and The following functions are considered the simplest: and

There are easy algorithms that calculate the values ​​of the simplest functions.

Function f called. partially recursive if it can be obtained in a finite number of steps from the simplest ones with the help of superposition and the -operator. Everywhere defined called. general recursive. The value of any partially recursive function can be computed efficiently in an intuitive sense. Reversal of this statement. called Church's thesis: any function whose value can be computed efficiently is partially recursive. Thus, according to Church's thesis, computable functions are partially recursive functions.

Normal Markov algorithms. Every concrete one deals with a certain alphabet, and a concrete problem is reduced to processing the words of a given alphabet according to certain predetermined rules. This approach to the theory of algorithms was developed by A. A. Markov, who proposed the concept of a normal algorithm as a mathematical method. models of the concept of a computational procedure.

A normal algorithm j consists of some alphabet and a finite ordered list of rules of the form , where are some words in the alphabet . Part of the rules is highlighted and called final. The rule is applied to the word Р as follows: the word Р is represented in the form , where and are words in the alphabet , possibly empty, and from all such representations, the one in which the word Q has the smallest length is chosen; then the result of applying this rule to the word Rnaz. word Qbr. The normal algorithm is applied to the word R in the following way: apply to the word R the first rule of those that can be applied to R, get the word ; apply to the first rule of those that can be applied to, get a word, etc. The result is a word that breaks off after applying some final rule.

Encoding information in an appropriate way, you can use normal algorithms to solve a variety of algorithmic problems. tasks. Any computational procedure modeled using the normal algorithm is efficient in an intuitive sense.

The reversal of this statement is called Markov's thesis: any efficient computational procedure can be modeled using a suitable normal algorithm. If we model with the help of normal algorithms the calculation of the values ​​of functions from the class F, then one comes to another concept of a computable function. Other refinements of the concept of algorithms have also been proposed (cf. Algorithm, as well as Normal algorithm).

The following result on the equivalence of different concepts of the concept of an algorithm is proved: the classes of functions computable on Turing machines, partially recursive functions computable using normal Markov algorithms (similar classes of functions for other concepts of the concept of an algorithm) coincide. In the opinion of most modern mathematicians, this class of functions is adequate to the class of intuitive V. f. and identified with it. Such an identification makes it possible to make algorithmic problems mathematical.

Lit.: Maltsev A. I., Algorithms and recursive functions, M., 1965; Rogers X., Theory of recursive functions and effective computability, trans. from English, M., 1972; Touring A. M., Proc. London Math. Soc., 1937, v. 42, no. 2, p. 230-65; Kleene S. K., Introduction to Metamathematics, trans. from English, M., 1957; Markov A. A., Theory of Algorithms, M., 1954 ("Tr. Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR", vol. 42).

I. A. Lavrov, A. D. Taimanov.

Mathematical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. I. M. Vinogradov. 1977-1985.

See what "COMPUTING FUNCTION" is in other dictionaries:

    One of the basic concepts of the theory of algorithms. See algorithm. Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 x t. M .: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960 1970 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    computable function- - Topics information security EN computable function ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    One of the basic concepts of the theory of algorithms. A function f is called computable if there is an Algorithm that converts any object x for which the function f is defined into an object f (x) and is not applicable to any x for which f is not ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    Partial recursive function, one of the mathematical. refinements of the intuitive concept of a computable function, defined as follows. Functions defined on natural numbers and with natural values ​​are considered. Mathematical Encyclopedia

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