public catering today. Summary: Essence, functions and tasks of public catering. Types of catering

Scientific and technological progress in public catering is a complex dynamically developing process. It is associated with the formation of new knowledge and ideas, the technological development of scientific technologies and the results of scientific research. Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Sciences Russian Federation conducts the development of new types of raw materials, semi-finished products, additives, food products, is engaged in the selection of new forms of organization of production in order to ensure high-tech, modern production.

Cooking has been accessible to mankind since time immemorial, and the development of professional cooking is associated with the emergence of out-of-home catering establishments (taverns, taverns, etc.). It was in taverns and restaurants that professional cooking was developed, which was based on folk cuisine, which differs in different areas. Specialists Catering use national traditions and customs, reflect them in the range of dishes, cooking methods, design and table setting, creatively develop and improve established traditions in relation to modern conditions, the level of development of technology and technology, new types of food raw materials and features of mass production of culinary products.

A great influence on the acceleration of food production was the emergence of industrial production sugar, the development of industrial animal husbandry, crop production, etc. However, as long as the processing of grown agricultural products was artisanal, food production remained artisanal.

During the Great Patriotic War, a significant part of enterprises in all industries was destroyed, and after the war, restoration went hand in hand with their reconstruction. At the same time, the organization of catering for workers began to be more widely introduced at the factories.

Public catering was in demand. Many new, equipped with advanced technology, canteens, buffets were organized.

In modern society, new types of food raw materials required the introduction of new methods of its processing, new culinary recipes based on a scientific approach to cooking technology. As a result, fast-frozen and canned raw materials, processed on modern machines with sophisticated mechanical, thermal and refrigeration equipment, have become more widely used at large public catering enterprises.

In addition, now public catering in Russia is faced with the urgent task of improving the quality, expanding the range of prepared dishes, and increasing the production of semi-finished products. high degree readiness, development and implementation of resource- and energy-saving technologies, improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions of production, safety measures, consistent reduction in the use of manual and heavy physical labor, both in the main and in auxiliary operations. Attention is drawn to the organization of flexible, fairly quickly reconfigured operations, the creation and implementation of completely new dishes that meet the requirements of a balanced diet.

The production of food and culinary products is controlled by supervisory authorities, which ensures their safe consumption. All food produced must be safe.

In industrial developed countries the quality and safety of food products is monitored by the HACCP system, often referred to as HACCP - "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points", i.e. "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points".

The HACCP voluntary certification system also operates in Russia on the basis of the state standard GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Food quality management based on the HACCP principles. General requirements».

GOST R ISO 22000 harmonized with the international standard ISO 22000 “Food Safety Management Systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food chain". GOST R 51705.1-2001 and GOST R ISO 22000 allow the development of the HACCP system according to the most appropriate corporate option on the ground without deviating from the requirements of international management system standards and observing the international level.

These tasks are equally faced by canteens, cafes, restaurants. In particular, catering enterprises should carry out technical re-equipment based on equipping workshops with the latest equipment that ensures the complex processing of products and raw materials, increasing the range of dishes produced, including such products as seafood in the assortment, enriching dishes with essential microelements, improving the quality of products and services provided, ensuring worthy presentation domestic enterprises in the line of international cooperation.

Social economic importance public catering in Russia in recent years has been increasing. The current state of public catering is significantly different from previous years of the Soviet era. The opening of borders and the desire of the Russian Federation to join the WTO made it possible to significantly update the equipment fleet with samples of machines and mechanisms from countries with an established and developed power structure. Especially manifested in the fast food system.

Forms of customer service in catering establishments are constantly being improved and developed, flexibly adjusting depending on the types of catering facilities and their location. The types of services provided to consumers by public catering organizations are constantly increasing.

One of the main tasks at present is the purposeful creation of a civilized market for culinary products in a network of public catering establishments that meet the needs of specific groups of the population:

People of different age groups;

People with different business, creative and other orientations;

People who are on vacation, both in the urban environment and outside the city;

People who are members of tourist groups;

Basic knowledge of classification and consumer properties products of public catering enterprises, the ability to tactfully and competently assist the consumer in choosing dishes and drinks, to ensure the conditions necessary to maintain the quality of products in the process of delivering ordered dishes to the visitor, as well as the ability to fulfill the order quickly, efficiently and aesthetically, are necessary for the proper organization of customer service .

Quality service is impossible without the knowledge of the staff, depending on the assigned duties, the basics of professional ethics and etiquette, production program, which includes the calculation of the number of visitors, the calculation of the number of dishes for the current period, the development of the menu and its correct presentation, the development of a schedule for preparing dishes by the hour, in order to exclude the storage and heating of dishes, scheduling the work of cooking teams, etc. Compliance with security rules labor and safety measures when working with mechanisms and tools, is also included in the activities for the organization of public catering.

An increase in production volumes entails a change in economic indicators.

Trade turnover.

The turnover and production of products in public catering is the main point in the organization of work. This is a quantitative indicator that characterizes the volume of sales, which expresses the economic relations arising from the sale of own products, purchased goods, and the provision of catering services. At the same time, the turnover has its own distinctive features associated with the presence of close interaction between the processes of production, sale and consumption of products.

The turnover of a public catering enterprise consists of two main parts: the sale of products of its own production and the sale of purchased goods. The sum of the turnover from the sale of products of own production and the turnover from the sale of purchased goods forms the total turnover of public catering, that is, gross. Gross turnover characterizes the full volume of production and trading activities of a public catering enterprise. In relation to it, other indicators are planned and taken into account: production and distribution costs, labor costs, profits, etc. The turnover is planned and taken into account in retail prices, including the catering margin.

The role and importance of trade as economic indicator are as follows:

Turnover is a volumetric indicator characterizing the scale of the catering enterprise;

According to the share of the turnover of the catering enterprise, one can judge the share of the enterprise in the market;

Trade turnover per capita characterizes one of the aspects of the living standard of the population;

In relation to the turnover, indicators are taken into account, analyzed and planned that evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise (turnover, profitability, cost levels, etc.).

Public catering, along with retail trade, fulfills the main socio-economic task of the development of our society - the satisfaction of the material and cultural standard of living of the population. This problem is solved, first of all, by developing retail trade.

Organization of workplaces.

The next point can be considered the organization of jobs, labor discipline, payment and stimulation of labor. The issues of labor organization are closely related to wages and management of the economy. To successfully solve the tasks at hand, it is necessary to apply forms of remuneration that increase the material interest of each employee in achieving the best results of the work of the entire team, stimulating the growth of labor productivity and improving the quality of products.

The concept of remuneration at public catering enterprises is determined by the contractual system of relations between the employer and the staff and the tariff system of payment, the presence of additional payments and allowances. Both individual and piecework wage rates are encouraged. Separately and individually, wages and material incentives are set for executives.

The formation of the structure of remuneration and its form is especially influenced by labor productivity with a reduction in time standards. Reduction of time standards is possible through the use of various devices that reduce the complexity of the process, the use of the experience of the most qualified and responsible workers.

The ratio of productivity indices, number of employees, average wages, profits, clean production, capital-labor ratio and other indicators regulate the structure of wages.

Implementation of the plan for the turnover and the dynamics of the main indicators of production and economic activity catering establishments depend on three groups of factors:

1) from the availability of commodity resources, the correctness of their distribution and use;

2) on the availability of labor resources, the efficiency of the use of working time, the labor productivity of public catering workers;

3) on the state, development and use of the material and technical base of the catering enterprise.

The main factor successful development turnover and release of own products - security and rational use of commodity resources.

Since the turnover is planned, recorded and analyzed in sales prices, all other indicators are included in the product balance in a similar assessment. Data on the food balance is studied in general for the catering enterprise, since there is no necessary information for compiling it in terms of assortment.

The second factor in the successful development of trade turnover and the production of own products is the availability of labor resources; the correctness of the establishment of the working regime; efficient use of working time; growth in labor productivity.

The level of labor productivity is influenced by changes in the structure of the network, since the output per employee is much higher in specialized catering enterprises, culinary shops, etc.

The influence of this factor on the level of labor productivity of workers in the organization of public catering can be measured by calculating the output per employee with and without taking into account changes in the structure of the network and comparing the obtained indicators.

Labor productivity of production workers can also be studied in terms of the number of products produced per worker (in dishes, in conventional dishes, kilograms, pieces, etc.). The output of auxiliary workers can be determined in physical units: bread cutters - in the amount of sliced ​​bread, rooters - in the amount of processed vegetables and potatoes, loaders - in the amount of processed cargo, etc.

The improvement of working conditions has a great influence on the increase in labor productivity. So, when installing improved ventilation, labor productivity increases by 5-10%, proper lighting of the premises - by 5-15%, and even by painting the walls and other surrounding objects in the workplace in specially selected colors - by 2-4%.

All this should be studied and taken into account when identifying and calculating the reserves for increasing the productivity of workers in public catering. Reserves must be substantiated by appropriate economic and technical calculations, data from the experience of other enterprises in the industry. Particular attention is paid to the identification and mobilization of predictive (prospective) reserves for increasing the productivity of workers, which are real and purposeful.

The state and use of the material and technical base of public catering have a great influence on the development of trade and the production of own products.

In public catering, the efficiency of the use of production capacities largely depends on bandwidth dining room and its use. The throughput of the dining hall depends on the number of seats in the hall, its working hours and the average duration of customer service. To assess the effectiveness of the use of the dining hall, the coefficients are determined: the use of its throughput (the ratio of the actual number of consumers served per working day to the maximum possible), the turnover of places (dividing the number of consumers served per working day by the number of seats in the dining room) and the use of places (the ratio of the number of consumers at the tables to the total number of seats in the dining room). The latter coefficient is calculated to assess the use of seats in certain hours of the dining room.

The normal time for eating is 15-20 minutes, the optimal time for moving to the dining room and waiting in line is 10 minutes. According to the established standards, the duration of vacation lunches in canteens and buffets at industrial enterprises should not exceed 10 minutes, and at industrial enterprises with a continuous technological cycle - no more than 5 minutes. Therefore, if the consumer spends more than the above time, then his service is considered inefficient and it is necessary to eliminate the causes that generate unproductive waste of consumer time.

Studies show that open-type catering establishments located in the central part of the city and on transport routes should work at least in two shifts. The lengthening of the time of their work gives a significant increase in the turnover and the output of their own products. However, before extending the operating time of the enterprise, it is necessary to check the chronometric observations of the flows of consumers and determine the revenue in individual hours, which will make it possible to economically justify the change in the time of their work.

The analysis ends with the development of measures to implement the identified reserves to improve the efficiency of the use of the material and technical base of catering enterprises, and primarily through the introduction into practice of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Thus, the installation of mechanized high-performance lines for distributing complex meals can increase labor productivity by 2.5-3 times and significantly reduce the time spent on lunch. Due to this factor, the turnover of dining room places increases by 20-30% and the duration of time for serving consumers and eating is reduced by 30-40%. At the same time, the productivity of workers and other consumers is increasing. The use of high-frequency devices for cooking compared to conventional electric stoves allows not only to speed up the cooking time, but also reduces energy consumption by 50-70%. In the process of calculating reserves for increasing the efficiency of using the material and technical base of public catering, economic and technical calculations are made.

In a market economy, the basis economic development businesses generate profits. Profit indicators are becoming the most important for assessing the production and financial activities of enterprises as independent producers. Profit is the main indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise, the source of its life. Profit growth creates a basis for self-financing of the enterprise, the implementation of expanded reproduction and the satisfaction of social and material needs labor collective. At the expense of profit, the obligations of the enterprise to the budget, banks and other organizations are fulfilled. Several profit indicators are calculated.

The final financial result of the enterprise is the balance sheet profit (loss). Balance sheet profit is the sum of profit from the sale of products (works, services), profit (or loss) from other sales, income and expenses from non-sales operations. The calculation of the balance sheet profit can be presented as follows:


where PB - balance sheet profit (loss);

PR - profit (or loss) from the sale of products (works, services);

PP - the same from other implementation;

PVN - income and expenses for non-realization operations.

Profit from the sale of products (works, services) is, as a rule, the largest part of the entire balance sheet profit of the enterprise. It is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products at the wholesale prices of the enterprise (excluding VAT) and its full cost. If the cost of production exceeds its cost in wholesale prices, then the result of the production activity of the enterprise will be a loss. The calculation of profit from the sale of products can be represented as a formula

PR \u003d VD-Z pr - VAT,

where VD - gross income (revenue) from the sale of products (works, services) in current wholesale prices;

Z pr - the cost of production and sales of products (full cost of production);

VAT - value added tax.

Completion is found in gross income production cycle enterprises, the return of funds advanced for production into cash and the beginning of their new turnover. Gross income also characterizes financial results enterprise activities. On the manufacturing enterprises revenue consists of the amounts received as payment for products, works, services to the enterprise's accounts in banking institutions or directly to the enterprise's cash desk. Trade and public catering enterprises determine gross income from the sale of goods as the difference between the sale and purchase value of goods sold.

Production costs (W pr) products sold(works, services) include full actual cost sold products (works, services), i.e. the cost of raw materials, labor costs for production workers, as well as overhead costs associated with the management and maintenance of production: for the maintenance of management personnel, rent, electricity, maintenance and current repairs. Subtracting all these expenses from the proceeds from sales, we get profit from the sale of products (works, services), i.e. profit from production activities.

Profit (loss) from other sales is the balance of profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services) of ancillary, auxiliary and service industries, not included in the volume of sales of the main marketable products. It also reflects the financial results of the sale of surplus and unused material assets. They are defined as the difference between the sale (market) price of the property and the initial or residual value of the property, adjusted for the inflation index.

Incomes (expenses) from non-sales operations combine various receipts, expenses and losses not related to the sale of products.

Depending on what indicators are used in the calculations, there are several indicators of profitability. Their numerator is usually one of three values: profit from sales (PR), balance sheet profit (BOP) or net profit (NP). The denominator is one of the following indicators: production costs of sold products, production assets, gross income, equity, etc.

Specifically, the following indicators are calculated in this way.

The profitability of production is the ratio of book profit to the average cost production assets:

where - the average cost of production assets (fixed and working capital).

The indicator characterizes the amount of profit per one ruble of the cost of production assets.

Profitability of the main activity - the ratio of profit from sales to the costs of production of sold products (works, services):

This indicator allows you to judge what profit each ruble of production costs gives.

Profitability of products - the ratio of profit from the sale of products to the proceeds from the sale as a whole (RP):

The value of R pr shows how much profit each ruble of the cost of goods sold gives.

The profitability of individual products is the ratio of profit from the sale of a particular type of product to the proceeds from its sale:

In countries with market economy to characterize the profitability of investments in activities of a particular type, profitability is calculated equity(R s.c.) and return on fixed (advanced) capital (R s.c.):

where - the average annual cost of investments in assets (determined according to the annual balance sheet of the enterprise);

The average annual cost of equity capital (also determined according to the annual balance sheet of the enterprise).

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1. The value of public catering……………………………………. 5
1.2. The essence and main functions of public catering…………... 10
1.3. Stages of development of public catering…………………………….. 13
2.1. Evolution, main development trends and features of the formation of the Russian catering market………………

2.2. Classification and standardization of enterprises

2.3. franchising, how new concept development of the sphere


CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………. 32
BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………. 34


Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats depends on his health, mood, and ability to work. Therefore, human nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter. The French physiologist Brmat-Savarin owns the expression: "The animal is saturated, the person eats, the smart person knows how to eat." “Knowing how to eat” has nothing to do with satisfying hunger. The ability to eat implies reasonable, moderate and timely nutrition, that is, a culture of nutrition. And this very difficult science-culture of nutrition needs to be learned, learned from a young age, while a person has not yet acquired diseases from immoderate nutrition. So the kitchen is a very serious matter and requires a respectful attitude.

In the Leningrad Regional Commercial Lyceum, in addition to other specialties, a course in cooking and technology for the preparation and production of products is taught. In the cooking course, future chefs and technologists will learn the art of cooking. Why food is needed, everyone knows, no matter how hard he does. Food is the fuel on which the body works, and anyone, especially a young person, should know about this fuel and be able to use it correctly. The great secrets of cooking will be revealed to those who want to learn how to cook according to all the rules.

In past centuries, the Russian people were distinguished by good health. Our national cuisine played an important role in this. Due to its uniqueness and originality, it has long become popular in the world. What did they eat and drink themselves, and the guests were regaled by our ancestors heroes?

Snacks are one of the features of Russian cuisine, which is distinguished in this way by cold and hot snack dishes, especially fish, which there is no foreign aquatic cuisine. Appetizers can be salads, vinaigrettes, pates, aspic dishes, jellies, boiled and fried meat, fish, poultry, game with spicy seasonings and sauces, all kinds of pickles and marinades, and other culinary products.

Food products and ready-made culinary products, if improperly processed, violated shelf life, can serve as an environment for the development of microorganisms, and therefore it is necessary to strictly observe the established sanitary rules when preparing, storing and selling ready-made food. During the culinary processing of products, complex physical and chemical processes take place in them, without knowledge of which it is impossible to choose rational processing modes, reduce the loss of nutrients, aromatic, flavoring substances and improve the quality of food. A catering technologist must have a good knowledge of physics and the entire cycle of chemical disciplines. Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. In this regard, the technologist must know the equipment of catering establishments and other technical disciplines. Equally important for a technologist is knowledge of the economics of catering. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity, improve the culture of service without knowing the basics of organizing public catering.

This term paper is to examine and study the state of catering.

Consider the essence and significance of public catering;

Consider the main functions of a public catering enterprise;

Describe the activities of public catering enterprises.


1.1. The Importance of Catering

Catering plays an ever-increasing role in life modern society. This is ensured, first of all, by the change in food processing technologies, the development of communications, the means of delivering products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes.

In international documents, the term "public catering" is characterized by various definitions, such as "methods of preparing a large amount of food, performed without prior agreement with the consumer", or as any "types of food organized outside the home". All over the world, catering establishments are owned by either the public or the private sector. The public catering sector includes catering establishments for children, preschoolers, schoolchildren, military personnel, persons in detention, the elderly and those under treatment in a hospital, as well as canteens for people employed in the public sector. The private sector can also include many of the businesses listed above, as well as restaurants and other types of outlets that generate income. This sector also includes businesses that produce ready-to-eat food sold through any of the above channels.

Due to the rapid development in recent years of the catering network, some information areas in this service sector have not received due attention and data on the state of this group of facilities are quite heterogeneous, sometimes contradictory. At the same time, public catering is one of the most important factors that give an integral assessment of the socio-economic level of society and an understanding of its state is necessary for the formation of long-term plans for both representatives of the industry and organizations supervising the objects of this industry.

The system of organized (public) catering in Russia has a long tradition. Until the end of the eighties of the last century, the public catering system in Russia was a very homogeneous mass of enterprises providing, as a rule, socially oriented services. These were primarily canteen enterprises, as well as schools, medical, sanatorium and children's institutions. In the planned economy of the Soviet period open businesses(cafes, restaurants, canteens, dumplings, etc.) were also largely socially oriented in nature and only in a small part were cultural and entertainment establishments. Single catering points were considered as enterprises with "haute cuisine" (for example, the Parus and Rossiya restaurants in Samara). The public catering system of the Soviet period also included various "exotic" food points associated with the management system - for example, "field camps". The quick service system consisted of bars and coffee shops with a very narrow range of products on offer. The structure and placement of catering points was determined by the SNiP system, which formed almost everything: where to place the point, how many rooms and their area, types and types of equipment. Widespread standard projects, which greatly simplified the solution of issues of design and construction of catering enterprises.

A certain specificity of the Soviet public catering system was the one-time service of significant masses of the population in industry and agriculture. At the same time, food was provided at reduced prices or free of charge. negative moment In this system, there was a forced limitation in the choice of dishes. At the same time, the undoubted positive aspect of the existing system was the possibility of the existence of specialized preventive and dietary nutrition in the form of separate halls or tables on the basis of canteens. At that time, public catering enterprises were actively engaged in the exit (export) sale of finished products, which also created certain epidemiological problems.

With the beginning of economic reforms in the USSR, public catering was one of the platforms where both new economic mechanisms were worked out and new relations between private entrepreneurs and state structures were formed. Co-op cafes in the late eighties were beacons for the development of private enterprise. However, by 1990, most of this market still belonged to the state. However, over the past decade, this ratio has undergone a significant adjustment. The turnover of public catering in the state and municipal sectors is just over 10%. Public catering plays an ever-increasing role in the life of modern society. This is ensured, first of all, by the change in food processing technologies, the development of communications, the means of delivering products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes.

Food is a form of consumption. As society develops, food becomes more and more of a socially organized nature, i.e. catering is developing. Public catering is a type of activity associated with the production, processing, sale and organization of food consumption and the provision of services to the population. The social and economic significance of public catering is expressed in creating conditions for increasing productivity and improving the organization of labor by providing full-fledged hot meals at the place of work and study of the population; in ensuring the economy of social labor and funds; in creating the prerequisites for increasing the free time of members of society, especially women. It should be noted the differences between the concepts of "public catering" and "public catering industry". The catering sector includes all organizational forms mass catering (in orphanages, preschool institutions, hospitals, catering establishments various forms property, etc.), whose tasks are to restore and maintain the health of people at the proper level. Public catering can also be seen as an industry whose main purpose is to provide services to the population in the form of public catering in exchange for their monetary income. The public catering industry is characterized by a common material and technical base, trade, technological and organizational and economic structures. According to experts, about 69% of food is prepared at home, and about 31% at catering establishments.

The catering industry is characterized by a combination of three functions: the production of prepared food; its implementation; organization of consumption. The initial function is production, the labor costs of which make up 70-90% of all labor costs in the industry. During the production process in catering establishments, a new product is created. Own public catering products are sold with new consumer properties and additional cost. Food is a form of consumption. In terms of the combination of functions, catering enterprises differ from all industries, in particular, from trade and Food Industry. Food industry enterprises produce food products, however, as a rule, they can be used after additional technological processing. Public catering products are not subject to long-term storage and transportation, which requires the organization of its consumption on the spot. But in recent years, catering enterprises have begun to actively engage in the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, and other types of products and sell them to the retail network in the order of wholesale.

The most common catering establishments are restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, snack bars. They can work on raw materials or semi-finished products, be in the management system of structural education or be independent with any form of ownership. Enterprises of this type are subject to fairly specific and stringent requirements. They concern appearance enterprises, the design of halls and premises for consumers, the presence of a stage and a dance floor, a banquet hall or offices, microclimate, furniture, tableware and cutlery, table linen, menus and assortment of own products and purchased goods, customer service methods, clothing and footwear, musical service. A characteristic feature of the appearance of a public catering establishment is a signboard. It should contain the following information: type of enterprise, class, form of organization of its activities, company name, location of the owner (address legal entity), information about the mode of operation and the services provided. For restaurants and bars, the design of the sign must be accompanied by elements of illuminated advertising; for cafes, canteens and eateries - the usual. Particular attention at catering establishments is paid to the trading floor, i.e. a specially equipped room designed for the sale and organization of consumption of finished culinary products. Customer service in the halls of catering establishments can be carried out in two ways: service by a waiter, bartender, bartender, seller or self-service. For the release of food by any of these methods, special distributions are organized. Distribution is a specially equipped room, part of the hall or production premises of the enterprise, intended for the acquisition and distribution of finished culinary products and confectionery products to consumers and waiters. Customer service in restaurants, bars and cafes is carried out by waiters, bartenders, head waiters with special education, in the trading floors of enterprises or at bar counters (bar). Canteens and eateries use a self-service method through distribution lines and counters. Restaurants, cafes, bars combine the production, sale and organization of consumption of products with the organization of recreation and entertainment for consumers. Clothing and footwear for service personnel of restaurants and bars must be uniform with the emblem of the enterprise. In cafes, canteens and snack bars - special sanitary clothing.

1.2. Essence and main functions of public catering

Public catering is a branch of the national economy that has been, is and will be the most market-oriented field of activity.

At catering establishments in our time, new modern technologies are being introduced that contribute to improving the quality of culinary products.

To achieve the goals set, the enterprise must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all the technical, administrative and human factors that affect product quality and safety.

Improving the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of intensification of production common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with lowest cost material and labor resources.

The main functions of catering include:

food production;

selling dishes;

organization of consumption.

Usually, the implementation of any main function is accompanied by the implementation of several other functions of an auxiliary nature. Thus, the general technological process for the production of dishes at catering establishments consists of separate processes - the receipt of products, their storage, the culinary processing of raw materials and the manufacture of semi-finished products, as well as the heat treatment of dishes. In addition, a number of auxiliary operations necessary for the production of ready meals are included in the overall process. This includes washing dishes and containers, processing containers, removing food waste, as well as engineering devices - supply and exhaust ventilation, heating, power supply, etc.

Public catering, one of the first branches of the national economy, embarked on the rails of transformation, taking the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period onto market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed.

Today, there are practically no such types of enterprises as public canteens with the provision of dietary, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, as well as specialized enterprises accessible to the low-income population.

To date, the following forms of catering can be distinguished:

A restaurant is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of complex dishes, mainly on individual orders. The restaurant combines a high level of service with the organization of recreation for visitors. Come here to celebrate an anniversary significant event in the life of a team, to hold a wedding celebration, a business or official meeting, just to relax in the circle of close people. To welcome, quickly and tasty feed people, to create all the conditions for them to have a good rest - this is the task of restaurant workers.

Depending on the level of service and the degree of equipment, as well as the size of the margins, enterprises of this type are divided into restaurants of the highest and first category.

Restaurants, cafes, bars are distinguished by the highest level of customer service, the complexity of the range of prepared and sold products, as well as a high class of architectural and artistic design of the premises and perfect technical equipment.

The first category includes catering establishments with a smaller volume of services, but service in which is also carried out by waiters. Performances of musical groups are organized in the restaurants of the first category.

Fast food establishments, which include: bistros, snack bars, “fastfood”. In our rapidly developing world, "fast food" is considered the most progressive form of catering, which translates from English as "fast food". A few years ago, the first “fast food” establishments appeared in Russia - the McDonald’s cafe. Today, such catering points are very popular, as the modern pace of life does not allow spending a lot of time for lunch.

A bar is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a small assortment of dishes. There is a grill bar, a sushi bar. The difference between these bars in a different menu. The sushi bar serves Japanese cuisine. The grill bar mainly offers grilled dishes, also in the grill bar you can eat delicious food, listen to good music, or watch your favorite movie.

Cafe is a public catering establishment that offers a pleasant rest and appreciation of the variety of dishes and desserts, as well as getting a pleasant impression of hospitality, impeccable and fast service. Magnificent interior, background music create a cozy atmosphere for a pleasant stay.

Confectionery cafes, coffee houses - catering establishments where you can taste and appreciate the taste of coffee from different continents and enjoy dessert;

Canteen - a public catering facility designed to serve the population at lunchtime.

1.3. Stages of development of public catering

The first canteens arose at the Putilov factory in Petrograd, and then in Moscow and other cities. In conditions of acute food shortages and economic disruption during the civil war and foreign intervention, public canteens played an important role in providing food to the population.

During the NEP period, public canteens were transferred to the jurisdiction of consumer cooperatives and transferred to economic accounting. By the beginning of 1921, over 8 million people ate in them.

Until the thirties, the industry did not receive proper development, since the country's attention was directed to industrialization and the organization of the collective farm economy.

Having created the material base for the development of public catering in the country, on August 19, 1931, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution “On measures to improve public catering”, in which he noted the importance of public catering and provided for a number of measures aimed at improving the quality and expanding the range of dishes, improving sanitary conditions and strengthening the material and technical base of enterprises, to increase the interest of workers in the results of their work. The first culinary schools, technical schools, and institutes were put into operation. Commercial engineering factories produced the first domestic equipment. To improve the supply of raw materials, public catering enterprises received the right to procure agricultural products and organize subsidiary plots. The rejection of finished products and culinary products was introduced.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. the public catering system contributed to a more even distribution of food among the population, depending on the quality and quantity of their labor, helped to provide additional food for workers in the leading sectors of the economy, and primarily the defense industry.

In the post-war years, the network of public catering enterprises expanded at a significant pace and by 1955 reached 118 thousand units (in 1940 there were 87.6 thousand enterprises); the assortment of dishes has increased and the provision of enterprises with technological and refrigeration equipment has improved, the culture of serving the population has improved.

On February 20, 1959, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the further development and improvement of public catering", which provided for the transition of the industry to industrial rails in connection with the transition of canteens, restaurants, cafes and eateries to work with semi-finished products. It was planned to organize the production of semi-finished products at large kitchen factories, procurement factories, as well as at enterprises of the meat and dairy, fish and food industries. The centralized production of semi-finished products makes it possible to more rationally organize their production, increase the productivity of cooks, create production lines, make better use of production space and waste, and reduce cooking costs.

After the September (1965) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, public catering enterprises began to gradually switch to a new planning system based on three or two indicators - trade with the allocation of turnover for the sale of their own products and profits, or only for the sale of their own products and profits. Particular attention was paid to the quality of dishes and forms of public service.

Public catering, which has become an important branch of the national economy, is closely connected with the development of the entire economy of the socialist state and with the solution of major social problems. In 1977, the turnover of public catering amounted to 21.1 billion rubles, 2333 thousand people were employed in the industry, 97 million people used the services of enterprises every day. Many new enterprises have been opened, and workers', school and student meals have been especially strengthened and improved. Progressive forms of service (set meals, food delivery to workplaces, a subscription system, mechanized lines for distributing set meals, etc.) have been introduced and widely approved, and the nutrition of people working in the evening and night shifts has improved.

By 1980, the turnover of public catering reached the volume of 24.4 billion rubles, which was 25% higher than in 1975. The output of own production increased by 27%.

The industry has increased the production of quick frozen meals. In this regard, electrophysical methods of processing food products are introduced, devices for periodic and continuous action with infrared and microwave heating are created and produced.

Automated washing departments are being created, including a number of specialized machines and vehicles. Particular attention was paid to rational nutrition, to the introduction of complex meals compiled on a scientific basis. Diet plans have been developed for various professional groups depending on the nature of work, taking into account energy costs and physiological needs for basic nutrients (for example, in a research institute for public catering using a computer).

Branch management is carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR, the Ministries of Trade of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the Department of Trade and Public Catering of the Executive Committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies.

In cities with a wide network of public catering establishments, there are trusts of canteens, cafes, and restaurants. In small towns, the management of the public catering system and trade is combined into trade. Ministries and departments develop and implement measures to develop, locate and specialize a network of enterprises, introduce progressive forms of service, improve the culture of production and the quality of dishes, train personnel, monitor compliance by enterprises with sanitary rules, prices and margins, standing scales, and so on.

At the end of the 1980s, many public catering enterprises began to work on the basis of cost accounting, i.e. have their own balance. Many cooperative catering establishments were opened, although most of them continued to remain part of state trade associations. They supplied enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products and items of material and technical relations, directed the work of all enterprises to fulfill the instructions of higher levels, engaged in the selection and training of personnel, set the working hours of enterprises, introduced new technology and progressive forms of service, new technology, organized repair of equipment and laundry.

Planned in 1986 The main directions of economic and social development In our country, considerable attention was paid to the improvement of the public catering system. Further complex automation processes of cooking and serving the population, the introduction of large procurement enterprises and the centralized supply of enterprises with semi-finished products, the introduction of new progressive technologies.

However, the change of planned relations in the economy to market ones in the early 1990s determined a sharp turn in the development of public catering enterprises. It has taken the path of creating small, compact, self-sustaining enterprises with a high level of service and quality of cooking, i.e. The priority was not quantity, but quality.

Of course, large catering establishments still exist today. But the level of their equipment, the quality of food preparation, and the culture of service are entering into increasingly fierce competition with the McDonald's that have appeared in our country, various cafes, snack bars, and other enterprises opened by foreign firms.

Creation in Russia of public catering enterprises with high quality of prepared products, level of service, most convenient for visitors is one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.


Starting to analyze the development of public catering in Russia, we, first of all, should dwell on the ancestor of modern cafes, bistros, bars - the tavern-tavern, as the only, and, moreover, quite original, ancient Slavic drinking establishment. The origin of the word tavern (originally - kormocha) is interpreted differently. Some of the researchers of antiquity, going back to ancient times, are looking for the root of this word in Persian, Zend, Arabic and Turkish, while others, on the contrary, stop only in Slavic, arguing that the name of the tavern is nothing more than the word "fodder". The latter interpretation is considered by many to be more plausible, if only because it comes closest to the immediate tasks of the tavern, which consisted mainly in feeding and watering the people who visited it. Whatever the origin of this word, the tavern is still a primordially Slavic institution. This is a historical fact against which there are no objections.

Serving the entire Slavic land, the tavern, depending on the time and place of its location, carried not only public, but also national duties. True, at the beginning of its existence and before the onset of the 12th century, when it was still everywhere only a free tavern, its duties were less complicated.

The free inn sometimes served as a platform for the people, with which public figures of that time discussed various matters and events. But, with the loss of its "freedom", the tavern is, if not completely, then almost, government agency. So, for example, among the Western Slavs, in one place it plays the role of an official government point, where bailiffs announce government decrees, courts hold court and sort out cases between visiting strangers, in another it appears as a central financial institution, in a third it replaces the town hall and the living room yard.

As for ancient Russia, the free tavern was considered the most fundamental institution in it. Where she appeared, there was a crowd, and extensive trade, and vigorous activity. Kyiv is the cradle of the tavern. Novgorod, Pskov and Smolensk are the main centers of its location. Here the need for social life was in full swing, while in Suzdal, Vladimir and Moscow, where there was still no tavern, even the slightest movement was imperceptible. But over time, the tavern also captured North-Eastern Russia, immediately raising its interest in public life.

Since 1150, from a free tavern, it becomes a princely or communal-city tavern, then a government tavern, and then it already passes into the hereditary property of tenants. The last dependence greatly changes its original appearance and, little by little, it loses its original meaning.

It is interesting that already the first attempt to tax the free tavern trade caused the appearance of the so-called secret tavern. With the introduction of a widespread increased tax, secret taverns began to develop with extraordinary speed and by the end of the 14th century covered all the princely possessions. The face of the inn has changed dramatically, its tasks have become different... All the good that has long been associated with this word has disappeared without a trace. The title of a tavern keeper turned from a high, honorary into a low, shameful one. The secret tavern, in pursuit of quick profits, began to solder and corrupt the people. Often serving as a collection of unkind people, it, in addition to the damage caused to the government, was dangerous for civilians. Secret innkeepers were severely persecuted, terrible punishments were imposed on them, they were excommunicated from the church, but nothing helped. Only by the end of the 14th century, when the secret taverns partly completely disappeared, and partly migrated to places that were more deaf and remote from shopping centers.

The government tavern in the 15th century, no longer caring about maintaining its original purpose - first of all to feed, and then to water the people, turned all its attention exclusively to the sale of drinks, as the most profitable article. In turn, the people, encouraged to drink, ceased to reckon with time, and with the place, and with the amount of wine they consume. In a word, general drunkenness began around the state tavern. The tavern, as if anticipating the imminent appearance of the all-powerful tavern, prepared the proper ground for him.

These are the origins of public catering (and drinking) in Russia.

Until the 11th century, as many experts note, cooking in Russia was a purely family affair. Although there is an opinion that the first professional chefs appeared at the princely courts already in the 10th century, and then - in the monastic refectories.

National Russian cuisine obeyed more custom than art. The dishes were simple and monotonous. Although the table was rich, many of the dishes were similar to each other. Everywhere, starting from the royal choir and ending with the last peasant's hut, the table was divided into lean and modest. Distinguished dishes according to the products from which they were prepared - mealy, dairy, meat, fish, vegetable. The first place in Russian cuisine has always been occupied by pies. They were spun (from leavened dough, sometimes from unleavened) and hearth (always from leavened dough). In the early days, the filling was made from lamb, beef, and hare. On fast fish days - from whitefish, smelt, sterlet, sturgeon and other chordate fish, and on fast non-fish days - from mushrooms, poppy, peas, cabbage and turnips. On fasting days, they baked pies in vegetable oil - hemp, flaxseed, poppy or walnut.

Caviar in those days was considered a common dish. However, fresh granular caviar from sturgeon and white salmon was a luxury item. Commoners ate pressed, bagged and crumpled caviar.

Vegetable dishes have always been popular in Russia, but they were especially preferred during fasting. They ate sauerkraut, beets with vegetable oil and vinegar, pies with peas, buckwheat and oatmeal, onions, oatmeal jelly, pancakes with honey, boiled and fried mushrooms, poppy milk cottage cheese, horseradish and radish.

A real revolution in our kitchen was made by the appearance of a new hearth - a stove, under Peter the Great. Together with it, we also had new dishes that could not be made in a Russian oven - steak, langet, fish fried in dough. From France and Holland, many sauces, clear broths, complex sweet dishes, as well as products that were unusual at that time passed into Russian cuisine: potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower. And, of course, taverns and restaurants played an indisputable role in the development of Russian national cuisine, in which in the 19th century, on the basis of our folk traditions and dishes - borscht, cabbage soup, fish soup, pies, pies, cereals, casseroles, a domestic culinary school was formed.

In Soviet times, public catering did not differ in variety, with rare exceptions. Public catering as a branch of the national economy was represented by such types of enterprises as canteens, snack bars, restaurants, cafes, etc. Most canteens offered visitors a very modest and most often tasteless menu. Traditionally, these were cabbage soup, porridge, fried fish, compote, pies. Things were somewhat better in departmental public catering establishments, where high-quality products were used for cooking.

G.E. Chernov identifies three main factors that determined the structure of public catering in a centrally controlled economy:

· Firstly, this is the place of the industry in statistical accounting;

· Secondly, this is the type of service provided by various public catering enterprises to the population;

It must be said that until the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century, the question of the place of public catering in the system of the national economy was not raised at all in the scientific literature. The authors, as a rule, identified three main functions of public catering: production, sale and consumption of prepared food and services.

In social terms, the work of workers in the catering industry has always been the least paid.

In general, it can be stated that the attitude towards the industry was unconstructive. Probably, this circumstance served as a condition for the formation of sprouts of an entrepreneurial culture at catering enterprises in our country.

Privatization, which began in 1992, including public catering enterprises, reached its maximum in 1993, and gradually its pace began to decline. In 1988, more than 80% of public catering establishments were already in non-state ownership. It should be noted that St. Petersburg became the leader in privatization. Already by 1993, 77% of the retail turnover, which includes public catering, was accounted for by the private sector.

In the modern scientific interpretation, catering is usually attributed to the tertiary sector, that is, to the sector that is engaged in the production of services, and, on the other hand, catering services focused on meeting basic needs. end consumer, should be attributed to the branches of the social sphere.

The reforms have made great changes in the appearance of public catering. Today, for the most part, catering establishments bear a clear imprint of American uniformity, this especially applies to the tourist and excursion complex.

Classification and standardization of public catering establishments is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated April 5, 1995 N 198 adopted and put into effect. 3. This standard establishes the classification of public catering establishments, general requirements for public catering establishments of various types and classes. The provisions of the standard apply to public catering establishments of various organizational - legal forms. This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 12.1.004-91 SSBT Fire safety. General requirements; GOST R 50647-94 Catering. Terms and Definitions; SNiP 2.08.02-89 Public buildings and structures; SNiP 11-4-79 Natural and artificial lighting; SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 Sanitary rules. Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products; SanPiN 42-123-5777-91 Sanitary rules for catering establishments, including confectionery shops and enterprises producing soft ice cream; MBT 5061-89 Medico-biological requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and products, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on 01.08.89. 3.

According to the standard, catering establishment- an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption (GOST R 50647).

Type of catering establishment- type of enterprise characteristic features services, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers.

Catering class- a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Restaurant- a public catering establishment with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine - vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with the organization of recreation.

Bar- a catering company with a bar that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods.

Cafe- an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.

Canteen- a public catering enterprise or serving a certain contingent of consumers that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

diner- a public catering enterprise with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers. Classification of catering establishments.

The standard provides for the following types of catering establishments: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account: - the range of products sold, their diversity and complexity of manufacture; - technical equipment (material base, engineering - technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.); - service methods; - personnel qualification; - quality of service (comfort, ethics of communication, aesthetics, etc.); - the range of services provided to consumers.

According to the level of service and the range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes - luxury, highest and first, which must meet the following requirements: dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars; - "highest" - the originality of the interior, the choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, gourmet custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails - for bars; - "first" - harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of branded dishes and products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, incl. custom and branded - for bars.

Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Restaurants are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold - fish, beer; with national cuisine or cuisine foreign countries; - by location - a restaurant at a hotel, railway station, in a recreation area, a car - a restaurant, etc.

Bars are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail - bar, grill - bar; - on the specifics of customer service - video bar, variety show - bar, etc.

Cafes are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold - cafe - ice cream, cafe - confectionery, cafe - dairy; - according to the contingent of consumers - cafes for youth, children, etc.

Canteens are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold - general and dietary; - on the served contingent of consumers - school, student, etc.; - by location - public, at the place of study, work.

Eateries are divided: - by the range of products sold - general and specialized (sausage, dumplings, pancake, patty, donut, barbecue, tea, pizzeria, hamburger, etc.).

Restaurants, cafes and bars combine the production, sale and organization of consumption of products with the organization of recreation and entertainment for consumers. General requirements for catering establishments.

At public catering enterprises of any type and class, the safety of life and health of consumers and the safety of their property must be ensured, subject to the "Rules for the production and sale of public catering products", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.04.93 N 332, sanitary and technological norms and rules, as well as fire and electrical safety requirements.

Public catering establishments of any type should have convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, the necessary reference and information signs. The territory adjacent to the enterprise should have artificial lighting in the evening.

On the territory adjacent to the enterprise and accessible to consumers, it is not allowed: - Carrying out loading and unloading operations; - storage of containers; - placement of containers with garbage; - incineration of garbage, empty containers, waste. Sites with waste bins should be at least 20 m away from the windows and doors of the premises of the enterprise.

The enterprise should provide emergency exits, stairs, instructions on actions in emergency, warning system and fire protection equipment.

Enterprises of all types and classes must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including: hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, radio and telephone communications. The entrance to the enterprise must ensure the simultaneous movement of two counter flows of consumers to the entrance and exit.

The enterprise must have a sign indicating its type, class, forms of organization of its activities, company name, legal entity (location of the owner), information about the mode of operation, about the services provided.

2.3. Franchising as a new concept for the development of the sphere

The traditional way of developing "fast food" enterprises around the world is franchising - the sale of a license to reproduce a product or service under a certain brand. However, Russian legislation today does not stimulate the development of enterprises based on franchising. According to the legislative acts regulating franchising, the company granting the right to use its brand and technology is liable for violations that the company using the brand allows. But the enterprise-owner of the brand and technology and the enterprise-user are two different structures, with different owners. According to restaurateurs, this hinders the spread of technology: companies have been looking for partners for a long time, the reliability of which they would not doubt. In addition, at the expiration of the contract (and this period is usually 5-10 years), it should be renewed on the same conditions that were previously provided. In our country, where the economic situation is changing very quickly, this is a very big risk for both sides.

Reflecting on the prospects of the restaurant industry in the regions, you come to the conclusion that, first of all, it is necessary to conceptually solve the issue of how to make this industry accessible and attractive for mass consumption, while maintaining profitability and growth potential for an individual enterprise.

The overdue qualitative leap in the field of catering, it seems, is to pool resources and create production and marketing technologies that drastically reduce prices due to sales volumes. The time has come for a multitude of popular food concepts with single centers for the organization of new commercial enterprises and the subsequent centralized marketing of basic products and equipment. Group investment in democratic-style chain establishments is extremely promising due to obvious demand and very limited supply. This situation is illustrated by the development of cinemas, clubs and disparate "satellite cafes" in any public gathering place. For network projects, one thing is missing - open-minded professional investors who are not afraid of their potential partners and are ready to share with them in order to earn more together.

Regional Information Centers (RICs) are called upon to play an important role in the dissemination of modern catering technologies.

What is RIC? First of all, these are distributors of products, materials and equipment, as well as developers of concepts, management technologies (for example, business plans for potential investors) and personnel placement. Providing information to associate members of the RIC serves one purpose - the sale of catering technologies in a package with business management technology and staff training.

RIC can have any structure, subject to conflict-free coordination of local market participants and large metropolitan suppliers, as well as targeted sales support technological equipment, design projects, food and beverages, and everything that helps set up a new restaurant, including information and training.

Of course, all this is very similar to franchising. However, the idea of ​​franchising in Russia can also be implemented from such a side as the sale of licenses under well-drafted franchising contracts based on civil law and remedies for infringed copyrights, and from the sale of turnkey restaurant projects to investors in commercial real estate. In this case, it is formed open system sales of concepts with a "load" from suppliers represented by the RIC. Thus, for the provision of uniform information resources for the selection of concept blanks and business plans, long-term supply contracts will follow with special offers and discounts from specific vendors that can provide "brand quality" and support for start-ups.

A useful element in the integration of restaurateur investors into regional information centers should be interactive databases and data banks between RICs of different regions, designed both to expand the sphere of influence of leading suppliers and to advertise progressive chain establishments within well-established marketing groups such as Best Eastern.

It is in this system that unified technological and service standards are formed, ensuring an unhindered “flow” of worthy restaurant concepts and corresponding warehouse stocks across regions. It is in this environment that restaurant chains are organized (mainly popular concepts and fast food), as well as related specialized industries, for example, pastry kitchens, bakeries, beer production, forgotten “house kitchens” and cookery, sausage production. Centralized “deliveries” of restaurant concepts supported by food and equipment suppliers create a unique breeding ground for investors in small and family businesses and stimulate the implementation of bank loans and loans secured by both real estate and RIC business communities.

The next step is the creation of production and distribution centers, where all the preparatory work with products would be carried out.

Classic fast food is food that is prepared and served quickly, and is inexpensive. However, in order to ensure that these conditions are met while ensuring quality, the technological concept of the enterprise is necessary.

For fast and high-quality service, the cooking technology must be clearly developed. As a rule, fast food uses semi-finished products. Therefore, the offered range of dishes is not very diverse. In "fast food" establishments, visitors usually do not linger, spending about 20 minutes on food. Recently, however, the emphasis has shifted from "fast food" to "quick service". To attract visitors, the interiors of new fast food restaurants are being made more modern and beautiful, instead of plastic disposable tableware many restaurateurs began to use ceramic, introduce new types of services for customers - holding children's holidays, birthdays and other events.

The advertising policy of such firms is aimed at promoting restaurants as places for children and families. At the same time, fast foods retain the old concept of establishments with fast service and cheap food. The first fast foods were focused on employees with limited lunch breaks and opened in the city center, where company offices are concentrated. Today, fast food chains are revising their development strategy, increasingly focusing on young people, students, start-up entrepreneurs, and visitors with children. There has been a tendency to locate new fast food restaurants in shopping centers in residential areas where many young people and families with children live. Youth and children are attracted by the noisy, cheerful and democratic atmosphere. It is for this reason that fast food enterprises are increasingly paying attention to special youth and children's programs.

Of particular importance is the quality of the original products: it must meet the requirements of the standard. Poor quality products lead to disruption of the technological process. Quality products are expensive. This circumstance does not allow chains to compete on prices with “street fast food”, but fast food restaurants sell not just food, but also comfort, coziness, safety, assortment and guaranteed quality, a high level of service and sanitary conditions, accessibility. Together with fast service, reasonable prices and a democratic atmosphere, this is what determines modern concept Catering.


Public catering is one of the main branches of economic activity of consumer cooperatives. Its production trade and organizational functions include: preparation of lunch and other products; sales of products of own production and so-called purchased goods (i.e. not subjected to culinary processing); organization of consumption.

Nutrition is a vital necessity for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups of the country's population.

Currently, activities in the field of mass catering are beginning, though slowly, to gain momentum. The first surge has already passed: many restaurants and cafes that opened at the beginning of the perestroika process closed due to unprofitability and lack of competitiveness. However, gradually the process began. At the moment, large cities of Russia are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing rapidly. The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

Every year, mass food penetrates more and more into the life of the broad masses of the population, contributes to the solution of many socio-economic problems; helps to better use the country's food resources, provides the population with quality nutrition in a timely manner, which is crucial for maintaining health, increasing labor productivity, and improving the quality of education; allows you to use your free time more efficiently, which today is an important factor for the population; releases from the household an additional number of workers and employees, etc.

The network of catering enterprises used by the population is represented by various types: canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars, etc. The need for various types is determined by: the diversity of the population's demand for different kinds meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, intermediate meals, business lunches); the specifics of serving people both during short lunch breaks and during rest; the need to serve the adult population and children who are healthy and in need of medical nutrition.


1. Efimova O. P. Economics of hotels and restaurants: Proc. allowance / O. P. Efimova, N. A. Efimova; ed. N. I. Kabushkina. - M .: New knowledge, 2004. - 392 p. - (Economic Education).

3. Lukhovskaya O. K., Zdor V. N. The concept of development travel company(economic and marketing aspect): Workshop on the section of the discipline "Marketing of the socio-cultural sphere and tourism" / GOU VPO RGTEU. - Ivanovo, 2005. - 128s.

4. Kozlova A. V. Standardization, metrology, certification in public catering: Textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. Education. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy"; Mastery, 2002. - 160p.

5. Pikalev A. V., Maevskaya A. P. How to increase the income of a restaurant, bar, cafe. - M .: Soviet sport, 2001. - 168s.

6. Panova L. A. Organization of production at a public catering enterprise (in exam questions and answers): Uch. allowance - 2nd ed. - M .: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2005. - 320s.

7. Kabushkin N. I. Management of hotels and restaurants: Textbook / N. I. Kabushkin, G. A. Bondarenko - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Minsk: New knowledge, 2002. - 386s. - (Economic Education)

8. Radchenko L. A. Organization of production at a public catering enterprise: Textbook. Ed. 4th, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: Publishing house "Phoenix", 2005. - 352 p. (Series "SPO")

9. Kucher L. S., Shkuratova L. M., Efimov S. L., Golubeva T. N. Restaurant business in Russia: technology of success. - M.: Rkonsult, 2002. - 468 p., ill.

10. Kalashnikov A. Yu. Cafes, bars and restaurants: Organization, practice and service technique. - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2004. - 384 p.

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The development of public catering in modern conditions

The main direction of the state and regional policy in the conditions of market relations in the field of public catering is currently the priority development of a public network of public catering enterprises focused on various consumer groups. From the point of view of the public catering enterprises themselves, there is a need to increase profitability and reduce costs. That is why the relevance of the chosen topic is obvious.

At the moment, the city of Chelyabinsk is experiencing a real boom: the number of hotels, canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing. The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

A promising direction for the development of public catering in the city is:

1) a publicly accessible network of public catering establishments oriented to various consumer groups, including a fast food chain - this is facilitated by the construction of shopping centers and shopping and entertainment complexes;

2) development of a network of socially oriented enterprises that provide food for workers, employees, students, schoolchildren, children in preschool institutions;

3) massive development of a public catering network in areas of integrated shopping and hotel services, along highways, on filling stations, railway stations;

4) the growth of catering turnover is determined by the development open network catering establishments (restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, eateries). At the same time, public catering enterprises of a social orientation remain: canteens for low-income citizens, food units of schools, hospitals and kindergartens, etc.

Currently, public catering is developing in various directions. A large number of restaurants with national cuisine appear, new types of catering establishments appear (pubs, sushi bars), nowadays catering establishments are equipped with automated systems account management, new professions appear (sommelier, hostess) and, in the end, modern enterprise public catering becomes a place of pleasant pastime.

Therefore, the topic thesis was chosen to prepare dishes of Russian cuisine with the organization of a banquet-tea service in a public dining room, because The level of income of the population of our city is different. And Russian cuisine is traditional for our country and the city, so it will be a success with the townspeople. Although the country is multinational, there are more Russians.

Based on the theme of the thesis, its purpose will be to study the features of organizing the work of a public canteen with Russian cuisine, the technology of organizing and holding a banquet at this enterprise.

In accordance with the purpose of the thesis, the following tasks will be solved:

1) study the history of Russian cuisine;

2) to study the requirements for the production premises of a public canteen and the organization of workplaces;

3) consider the rules for serving visitors in the dining room;

5) calculate dishes for a tea banquet;

6) make work schedules production workers and waiters;

7) develop the production program of the enterprise and accept the order;

8) break the dishes according to the assortment;

11) describe the main stages of preparing the enterprise for holding a tea banquet;

Features of national Russian cuisine

The first meager information about Russian cuisine is contained in the chronicles - the most ancient written sources of the X-XV centuries. Old Russian cuisine began to take shape in the 9th century and reached its peak by the 15th century. Naturally, the natural and geographical conditions had the greatest influence on the formation of Russian cuisine in the first place. The abundance of rivers, lakes, forests contributed to the appearance in Russian cuisine of a large number of dishes from fish, game, mushrooms, wild berries. It is rightly believed that by sowing the field, growing and harvesting bread, a person first acquired his homeland. From time immemorial, the Russians have grown rye, oats, wheat, barley, millet, and buckwheat on their lands. Cereal porridges were cooked from them: oatmeal, buckwheat, spelled, rye. Kasha was and remains a Russian national dish. It accompanies a person throughout life: young children are fed with semolina porridge cooked in milk, adults love buckwheat porridge.

Since time immemorial, unleavened and sour dough has been known in Russia. Carols, juicy, later noodles, dumplings, dumplings were made from simple unleavened dough. Black rye bread was baked from sour yeast dough, without which the Russian table is unthinkable to this day.

By the 10th century, wheat flour appeared, and the range of baked goods increased dramatically, loaves, kalachi, carpets, pies, pancakes, pancakes and other pastries appeared.

Russian oatmeal, rye, wheat jelly should also be attributed to the oldest dishes. They are at least 1000 years old.

The story of how jelly saved the city is recorded in the chronicle known as the Tale of Bygone Years. This is what the chronicler Nestor told. In our time, cereal kissels are almost forgotten. They were replaced by berry jelly on starch, which appeared almost 900 years later than cereals.

By the 10th century, turnips, cabbage, radishes, peas, and cucumbers were already common in Russia. They were eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked, salted, pickled. Potatoes became widespread in Russia only in the 18th century, and tomatoes in the 19th. Until the beginning of the 19th century, there were almost no salads in Russian cuisine. The first salads were made from one vegetable, so they were called: cabbage, cucumber or potato salad. Later, the recipe for salads became more complicated, they began to be made from different vegetables, meat and fish were added, and new names appeared: “Spring”, “Health”. Liquid hot dishes, they were then called brew, or bread, appeared in Russia also in the ancient period: first, soup, cabbage soup, stews, talkers, later borscht, pickles, then saltwort.

Of the drinks, kvass, honey, all kinds of decoctions from forest herbs, as well as sbitni were common. Spices, and, moreover, in large quantities, have been used in Russia since the 11th century. Russian and foreign merchants brought cloves, cinnamon, saffron, black pepper, and olive oil.

Tea first appeared in Russia in the 17th century. As for alcoholic drinks, in Ancient Russia they drank low-alcohol drinks - fermented honey and fermented berry juices.

Vodka was first brought to Russia in the 15th century, but then, it was banned for import and reappeared under Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century.

The originality of the dishes of Russian national cuisine was determined not only by the set of products from which the food was prepared, but also by the peculiarities of their preparation in the Russian oven. Initially, Russian stoves were made without a chimney and were heated "in a black way".

Later, stoves with pipes appeared, and then stoves began to be added to the stoves and ovens were built in. Food was cooked in the Russian stove, bread was baked, kvass and beer were brewed, edible stocks were dried on the stove. The stove heated the dwelling, old people and children slept on the stove.

The food cooked in the Russian oven had excellent taste. This was facilitated by the shape of the dishes, the temperature regime and uniform heating from all sides.

In the Russian stove, food was cooked in clay pots and cast iron. Both had a narrow neck, a small bottom and large convex sides. The narrow neck reduced evaporation and contact with air, thereby contributing to a better preservation of vitamins, nutrients and aromatics. Food in the Russian oven was cooked almost without boiling due to the fact that the temperature in the oven gradually decreased, because the oven was first heated and then cooked in it. Thus, the food in the Russian oven was more steamed or, as they said before, languished.

The Russian stove, having served faithfully for at least 3,000 years, is now completely gone from urban life and is gradually leaving rural homes. It was replaced by gas and electric stoves, electric grills, microwaves. Dishes cooked in the oven in ceramic dishes under a dough lid retain to a large extent the taste and aroma of old Russian cuisine. In ancient times, the cuisine of the upper class was not much different from the cuisine of the common people. By the 17th century, the food of the royal family, as well as the privileged classes, became more and more sophisticated, differing not only in quantity, but also in the composition and method of serving dishes. It should be noted, however, that this applied primarily to the festive, front table. During the days of fasting, the royal cuisine still retained its common features.

It should be noted that over the centuries, along with original dishes, a lot was borrowed from neighbors.

The adoption of Christianity had a great influence on the entire Russian life, including Russian cuisine. With the spread of Christianity in Russia, there was a sharp division of the Russian table into fasting and non-fasting, that is, modest. Fasting from 196 to 212 days led to a wide variety of flour, vegetable, mushroom and fish dishes. During fasts it was forbidden to have too much fun, eat meat and dairy food, eggs and sugar, and during strict fasts it was forbidden to eat fish. The Old Russian skormny table was distinguished by the preparation of dishes from a whole carcass of a bird or animal, or a large piece of meat.

The turbulent events of the 20th century, which led to the migration of the population, the development and widespread introduction of the mass media, the emergence of a public catering system with unified "Collections of Recipes" to a large extent smoothed out regional features, but to a certain extent enriched the national Russian cuisine. Russian cuisine has come a long way of its development. On this path there were periods of formation, improvement and prosperity, but there were also periods of decline, there were bright original finds, successful borrowings, but also offensive losses.


1.1 Characteristics of the public dining room No. 1

Open-type canteen No. 1 is located in the Metallurgical District of the city of Chelyabinsk along Rumyantseva Street, 45. It is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the serviced contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists), as well as the creation conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise. The public canteen No. 1 works to provide mass-demand products to the general population of the area and visitors. The dining room uses a self-service method for consumers with subsequent payment.

The dining room is decorated in Russian style. The dining room menu has an original design and is easily accessible. The dining room is equipped with dining furniture (tables and stools) with a coating that allows them to be processed using detergents and disinfectants. The dining room is provided with a sufficient number of tableware and cutlery (based on at least two sets per person). seat). We use porcelain and glassware (plates, cups, glasses) that meet the safety requirements for materials in contact with food. Cutlery made from of stainless steel.

1.2 Organization of production of the enterprise

The essence of the organization of production in the dining room No. 1 is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of cooking. In accordance with the technological process of production, production units are organized that form its production infrastructure.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is understood as the composition of its production units: sites, departments, workshops, industries, forms of their construction, placement, production relations.

By production structure public canteen No. 1 refers to an enterprise with a full production cycle, working on raw materials. Therefore, a workshop structure of the enterprise is organized in canteen No. 1.

Canteen shops are divided into cold, hot, meat and fish. There are several groups of premises:

1) Warehouse group - designed for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and unrefrigerated storerooms with appropriate storage conditions.

2) Production group - designed for the processing of products, raw materials, semi-finished products and the release of finished products; The production group includes the main workshops: meat and fish, cold, hot.

The meat and fish shop is designed for processing raw materials and manufacturing semi-finished products (blank);

Hot shop - produces finished products, first and second courses, side dishes, sauces, drinks;

Cold shop - produces finished products, cold dishes and snacks, salads, drinks;

Also, the production facilities include: washing kitchen and tableware, a service room, a production manager's room.

3) Trading group - is intended for the sale of finished products and the organization of its consumption. The retail space ensures quick release of products and the creation of the necessary amenities for visitors at the maximum throughput of the enterprise. The trading group includes: trading floor, wardrobe, toilet rooms.

4) Administrative and household group - designed to create normal working and recreational conditions for employees of the enterprise: the director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms.

The director's office is located on the same floor as trading floor. The room has a connection with production facilities, telephone.

The production manager's room is located near the kitchen block. There is a telephone, a desk, chairs. The chef's room is located in the kitchen itself and is isolated by glass walls. This makes it possible to observe and control the work of all production personnel.

Sanitary facilities for personnel are used during the preparation of personnel for work and at the end of work. Wardrobes for storage work clothes separated from wardrobes for storing home clothes.

1.3 Requirements for industrial premises of the canteen and organization of workplaces

Industrial premises dining room have a height of at least 3.5 meters. To paint the walls, glue coloring of light colors was used. The panels are lined with 1.7 meters light ceramic tiles, which are easily sanitized, the ceilings are whitewashed, the floors are covered with Metlakh tiles.

Important role lighting plays a role in the organization of workplaces. Therefore, in dining room No. 1, both natural and artificial lighting were used.

The air temperature in the production premises does not exceed 16 - 180 C in the blank rooms, and in the hot shop 22 - 250 C. The production premises are provided with powerful supply and exhaust ventilation. The kitchen and washing room are especially ventilated. Industrial premises are provided with cold and hot water, sewerage. Water is connected to bathtubs, sinks, as well as stoves, boilers and other equipment.

The workplace of an employee is a part of the area of ​​​​the workshop, on which the equipment, inventory, tools necessary for the employee to perform certain operations of the technological process are concentrated. Public canteen #1 is dominated by multi-purpose workspaces where an employee performs several heterogeneous operations.

Dishes and utensils are selected in accordance with the norms of equipment and capacity of the enterprise. The dining room is provided with porcelain and high-quality tableware, cutlery in the amount necessary for organizing customer service. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for inventory, utensils, tools are defined by SanPiN, according to which utensils, utensils and tools are made of materials that are harmless and safe for human health and the environment.

1.4 Public canteen retail space

The trading premises of the public dining room No. 1 include: a trading floor with a distribution line. The group of retail premises also includes a cash desk, a bread slicer, utility rooms - washing tableware.

Visitors to the public dining room No. 1 have the opportunity to take off their clothes, wash their hands, and fix their hair. Therefore, in the dining room there is a wardrobe, a toilet. There are mirrors in the lobby and toilets.

The dining room closet is located at the entrance. The number of places in the wardrobe corresponds to the number of places in the dining hall during the period of the greatest influx of visitors. The wardrobe is equipped with metal double-sided sectional hangers with sliding arms, they are the most hygienic and convenient for work. The distance between hangers is at least 70 cm. Hanger hooks are located at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor. Bags, briefcases are placed in lockers. When receiving things from visitors, the cloakroom attendant immediately hands them tokens and only then hangs up the clothes. When a visitor leaves the dining room, the coat is served first, then the headdress.

The toilet is located next to the wardrobe. High demands are placed on their sanitary condition: impeccable cleanliness, good ventilation, bright lighting. The toilet is supplied with hot and cold water, provided with toilet soap, drying electric towels and mirrors.

The trading floor of the dining room is the main room where visitors are served. The hall is also designed in the Russian style, there are both decorative elements and fresh flowers, which give a more relaxed and pleasant feeling to the visitor to dine or just relax.

1.5 Preparing to serve visitors in the dining room

The purpose of preparing the trading floor of the dining room for serving visitors is to create ideal cleanliness, comfort, and a clear organization of service in it.

Preparation for service consists of daily cleaning of retail premises, arrangement of furniture, receipt of dishes, cutlery, table linen and table setting. Cleaning in retail premises is carried out in the morning and ends 1-2 hours before the opening of the enterprise.

When cleaning the premises, adhere to the established sanitary rules. Room cleaning: daily during the day, general 2 times a month. Wash furniture, refrigerators, windows, shop windows. Cleaning is carried out in a certain sequence depending on the type of cleaning. First sweep and then wipe the dust when wet cleaning, and vice versa when dry cleaning. For cleaning use washing vacuum cleaners, scoops, buckets, brooms. Lighting fixtures - chandeliers, table lamps - require special care. Dust is carefully removed from them, burnt out light bulbs are replaced. The room must be well ventilated.

Particular attention is paid to the care of ornamental plants that adorn the modern trading floor: they are carefully watered, and their yellow leaves are cut.

Cleaning is completed, the production manager inspects the trading floor in the dining room and gives further instructions on the arrangement of tables. During the day, if necessary, cleaning is carried out (current - with a scoop and a broom).

Tables are placed in a checkerboard pattern, forming groups-zones from them, separated from one another by main aisles at least 2 m wide and auxiliary aisles 1.5-1.2 m wide. Each table is placed at such a distance from the neighboring ones that would provide free passage visitors to it when the hall is fully loaded. Tables are not covered with tablecloths.

After arranging the furniture, the foreman receives the necessary utensils, cutlery, trays against receipt and puts spoons and forks in the hall on utility tables. When pre-serving, salt, pepper, a vase with flowers are placed on the tables at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge. Napkins are a must for table setting. In most canteen No. 1, paper napkins are used when setting tables and serving visitors, but linen napkins are also allowed.

The folded table napkin is placed on the table to be used by the diners and to decorate the table setting. There are many different forms of folding napkins. But it should be remembered that the less hands touch the napkin, the more hygienic it is.

1.6 Serving visitors in the dining room

In the public dining room No. 1, visitors are served independently. When entering the dining room, visitors first go to the cloakroom, take off their outerwear, those who wish can wash their hands and put themselves in order.

The self-service method consists of two stages: the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption.

Careful preparation of the distribution room for work, the release of finished products and settlements with visitors are carried out by the attendants: cooks-distributors and cashiers.

In the process of self-service, visitors are given the opportunity to independently take cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks, confectionery and other products, and cutlery at the dispensing (showcase). Hot dishes are portioned by distributors just before the holiday.

Customers place the selected dishes on trays, move them to the settlement site along the distribution line, and after settlement they are transferred to the dining tables.

After eating, visitors take dirty dishes to the washing tableware on their own.

1.7 Banquet service

In the public dining room No. 1, a tea banquet is organized, and mainly for women. Banquet tea is held in the afternoon from 16:00 to 18:00. The banquet lasts no more than 2 hours.

Round four-seater tables and chairs are placed in the center of the banquet hall, and one auxiliary table for waitresses is also placed along the wall. Use round colored tablecloths.

When serving tea tables, dessert plates and cutlery are used, followed by glasses for Madeira with a capacity of 75 g, behind glasses - fruit cutlery. Next to the dessert plates - dessert spoons, fork or spoon (depending on the dessert dish). Napkins are placed on dessert plates. Fruit plates are placed in stacks of 4-6 pieces, near the fruit bowls on both sides of it.

The tea banquet menu consists of flour confectionery products (cakes, pastries, sweet pies, biscuits), chocolates, sugar, cream. The banquet menu also includes a sweet dish - jelly, ice cream.

Guests are greeted by the hostess of the banquet. She invites them to the table, the waitresses help them sit down, paying the most attention to the older women. After making sure that all the participants of the banquet are comfortably seated, the waitresses offer them sweet dishes and wines. Sweet dishes are served in bowls, which they set on the auxiliary table on front plates covered with paper napkins. This is where teaspoons come in. Serving a dish to each guest on the right right hand. You can place dummy plates on the table, and place bowls from the tray in front of each guest on the right. Then hot drinks and confectionery are prepared for serving.

After that, the used dishes are removed and clean dessert plates and cutlery are placed in front of each guest. Tea is served with hot cream, milk and lemon on the table.

Tea is served in topping teapots, along with tea cups, saucers, teaspoons, and placed on the edge of the tea table or separately on a side table.

Hot drinks in cups and saucers are placed on the table to the right of the dessert plates. When serving hot drinks, spoons are placed on a saucer in front of the cup with the handle to the right, and the handle of the cup is turned to the left side of the guest.

Tea is poured by the waitress or the hostess of the celebration, but the waitress still serves.

If during a banquet tea is served from a samovar, then the hostess of the banquet pours tea and offers it to guests. The waitress in this case helps the hostess in serving tea to the guests, and also brings clean cups and a teapot with tea leaves. At the request of the hostess, the waitress can pour tea from the samovar and offer it to guests.

After the hot drinks are served, the waitresses offer cabernets and liqueurs to the guests. All these drinks at a tea banquet are usually served not in bottles, but in carafes.


2.1 Development of the production program, acceptance of the order

The production program of the enterprise is the range and quantity of prepared dishes per day, which are sold through the trading floor.

The development of the production program of the enterprise is carried out in the following order:

1) Determination of the capacity of the trading floor, the number of consumers

2) Drawing up the menu of the settlement day for the trading floor, for the staff.

3) Calculation of the total number of dishes by groups in the assortment, assortment and quantity of purchased products.

The development of the production program in the public canteen No. 1 is carried out on the basis of the existing normative documents, an approximate range of products, Specifications, technical instructions, for semi-finished products and confectionery. When determining the number of consumers according to the schedule for loading the hall, the main data are the operating mode of the halls of the enterprise; duration of food intake by one consumer; loading halls in%; by the numbers of their work.

Development of the production program of the workshop.

Number of consumers:

where Nch is the total number of consumers, hour;

P - hall capacity;

tsch - turnover of seats in the hall for an hour;

Acceptance of an order for serving a banquet in the public dining room No. 1 is accepted by the director, head of production. When placing an order, the date of the celebration service, the number of participants, the start and end time of the service, the approximate menu and the preliminary cost of the order are agreed with the customer. The banquet menu is compiled at the request of customers, depending on the capabilities of the enterprise. After agreeing on the menu, the customer pays 50% of the cost of the order, the cashier issues an incoming cash order and a receipt for it, which is handed to the customer. The order is registered in a special Order Book.

In the future, no later than two days before the start of the celebration, the production manager draws up an Order-invoice with the customer.

The order-invoice is issued in five copies, approved by the head of the enterprise and transferred to the cashier. The cashier accepts an additional payment for the order from the customer, certifies the Order-invoice with his signature and stamps “paid”. The first copy of the Order-invoice is transferred to the customer, the second remains with the cashier, then it is transferred to the accounting department, and the third and fourth, fifth are sent, respectively, to the foreman of the waiters.

2.2 Calculation of the breakdown of dishes by assortment

The breakdown of dishes by assortment in a public canteen is made in accordance with the standards given for the total number of cold, first, second, sweet dishes, as well as for each coefficient separately. Before making a menu plan, you need to refer to the assortment of dishes and drinks of this enterprise. To break down the dishes by assortment, you need approximate food consumption rates for 1 person, for a public canteen No. 1. The data in the table “Approximate assortment of dishes and drinks” are also taken into account when compiling the assortment.

The total number of dishes planned for release is determined by the formula:

where n is the number of dishes sold per day;

N is the number of consumers served;

m - coefficient of consumption of dishes by one consumer at catering establishments of various types.

2.3 Menu plan, banquet menu of public canteen No. 1

In the public dining room No. 1, a production program for the day is drawn up, based on the plan for the turnover for the day.

Operational planning of production work includes several stages. Milestone operational planning is to plan the menu.

The menu plan is drawn up by the head of the dining room, on the eve of the planned day and approved by the director of the enterprise. It contains the name, numbers of recipes and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand. The main factors that must be taken into account when compiling the menu include: an approximate range of products recommended for the production of a public canteen, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

An approximate range of dishes is a certain number of cold appetizers, hot appetizers, first and second courses, drinks typical for production in the public canteen No. 1. When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in pantries and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in terms of types of raw materials and methods of heat treatment, the qualification composition of workers, production capacity and equipment of its trade and technological equipment, as well as the labor intensity of dishes, that is, the time spent on preparing a unit of production, are also taken into account. . The menu plan is approved, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are available throughout the entire trading day of the enterprise.

Menu with a free choice of dishes. The menu is a list of snacks, dishes, drinks, flour confectionery products available for sale on a given day, indicating the output and price. The menu must be signed by the director, head of production and a calculator, in the public canteen a menu with a free choice of dishes is used. It represents a list of dishes recorded in a certain order, indicating the output of dishes, garnish and main product, price.

Calculation of the number of dishes: the total number of dishes is broken down into separate groups and the distribution of dishes within the group.

Branded snacks, dishes and drinks are divided into main groups when broken down. Calculation and number of places in public catering establishments. Standards for calculating the network of catering establishments.

The calculation of the required number of places at catering establishments located in a residential area is made according to the formula:

where Nzh.z. - the number of people living in the area, people;

pH. - norm of places per 1000 inhabitants.

Rzh.z. == 5784 (4)

The banquet menu is compiled taking into account the nature of the banquet and the time of the event. It differs from all other types of menus in that the customer takes an active part in its preparation.

Along with the menu in the dining room for a banquet, a wine list is compiled. The content of the wine list is directly related to the banquet held in the public dining room No. 1.

2.4 Calculation of the number of production workers and waiters

The number of cooks in the hot and cold shops in the public canteen No. 1 N, people, is calculated using time standards, according to the formula:

where n is the number of dishes (products); dishes made per day in hot or cold shops, pieces, kg, dishes;

t - the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of the product, s .;

T - duration of the working day, h;

l - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity l = 1.14.

where K is the coefficient of labor input.

100 - the norm of time required for the preparation of a product, the labor intensity factor of which is 1, s.

The norm of time is the time required to perform a certain operation or manufacture a unit of production under certain organizational and technical conditions.

The coefficient of labor intensity is the ratio of the actual costs of working time for the preparation of a particular dish to the time required to prepare the dish, taken as a unit of labor intensity.

Having calculated the number of production workers in the hot and cold shops of the public canteen No. 1, we determine total number production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days N2, are calculated by the formula:

where a is a coefficient that takes into account weekends and holidays. We take into account the fact that the working hours of the public dining room No. 1 are 7 days a week.

Waiter calculation: the service of the tea banquet is entrusted to waitresses to create a relaxed atmosphere. Let's take two waitresses for this banquet, to serve 15 guests.

2.5 Schedules for the work of production workers and waiters of the public canteen No. 1

Properly developed and observed in the public dining room No. 1, the regime of work and rest ensures an increase in the productivity of workers, an improvement in the quality of products significantly reduces occupational injuries, and reduces the incidence of illness, improves the culture of production. Physiologically, it has been established that with an 11-hour working day, a lunch break should be set 3-4 hours after the start of work. The mode of work and rest, previously developed at the enterprise, provides an increase in labor productivity, improves the quality of products, and reduces industrial injuries. In order to establish the order of work in the public canteen No. 1, a schedule for going to work was drawn up. There are daily, monthly, and yearly charts. The daily charts reflect the duration of the working day, its beginning and end, the time and duration of the lunch break. Monthly schedules indicate the total number of hours per month, the alternation of working days and rest days.

According to labor law work week last 40 hours. Public canteen #1 uses a line chart. With this schedule, 1 brigade is organized, with one composition. They work 7 hours a day. 20 minutes, five days a week with two days off. The advantage of the schedule is that the composition of the team is constant throughout the day, which increases the responsibility of workers for the fulfillment of the production task.

The mode of work of waiters is established taking into account the production and trading activities of the public canteen No. 1.

Self-service is used in the public dining room No. 1, but during banquets, waiters are allocated from among the employees of the enterprise.

2.6 Calculation and selection of mechanical equipment, heating, refrigeration, auxiliary

Mechanical equipment in hot and cold shops are used to perform various operations- this is rubbing, cutting. The determining parameters in the calculation and selection of equipment are: the amount of product processed per shift, the productivity of the machine.

Calculation and selection of mechanical equipment

where, Q - the number of products processed per shift, kg;

Ty - the conditional time of the machine.

The conditional operating time of the machine ty, hours, is determined by the formula:

where T is the duration of the workshop, h;

nv - conditional coefficient of utilization of mechanical equipment;

Based on the production calculation, according to the current reference books, a wiping machine is selected that has a capacity close to the required one.

After that, the actual time of the machine tf h is determined, and the coefficient of its use: nf according to the formulas:

where, Q - the number of products processed per shift, in kg;

G is the capacity of the adopted wiping machine, kg/h;

T is the duration of the workshop, hours.

Calculation and selection of thermal equipment

The calculation of the required volume of cooking equipment in the public dining room No. 1 is carried out taking into account the timing of the sale of dishes, it includes determining the volume of the number of boilers for cooking soups, sauces, second hot dishes, side dishes, sweet dishes, hot drinks. The number of servings sold for the billing period is set according to the dish sales table. The number of servings that is prepared for the batch is taken according to the cooking schedule. For dishes that are cooked several times a day, the volume of boilers is calculated first for the hours of maximum sale.

Calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking broths in the public canteen No. 1, VK, dm3, is carried out according to the formula:

where Q, - the amount of the main product for cooking broth, kg;

W - water rate per 1 kg of the main product, dm3;

Q 2 - the number of vegetables for cooking broth, kg;

k is the filling factor of the boiler.

First, calculate how much of each type of broth you need to cook V, dm3, according to the formula:

where, n is the number of soups that are prepared for this broth;

q is the norm of broth for one serving of soup, dm3.

We determine how much broth needs to be prepared: where, n is the number of soups that are prepared from this broth; q is the norm of broth for 1 serving of soup, dm3.

Calculation of the volume of dishes for cooking side dishes and second courses

The estimated volume for cooking second hot dishes and side dishes is determined by the formula:

where, Vpr is the volume occupied by the product, dm3. ;

1.15 - coefficient taking into account the excess volume of liquid,

The result is:

1) Stove-mounted boiler made of extruded aluminum 40l

stainless steel boiler 50l

stainless steel saucepan 6l

4) aluminum cylindrical pan 10l

5) aluminum cylindrical saucepan 8l

6) aluminum cylindrical saucepan 10l

Determination of the boiler utilization factor. The boiler utilization factor nf is determined by the formula:

Calculation of frying pans for piece products

The calculation of frying pans and deep fryers is carried out according to the area of ​​​​the bowl and its capacity. The basis for their calculation is the number of products or products sold in fried or stewed form.

For frying piece products, the floor area of ​​the frying pan bowl F, m2, is calculated by the formula:

where n is the number of products roasted during the estimated period, pieces;

f is the area occupied by a unit of products, m2;

c - turnover of the area under the pan for the maximum hour of the billing period, which is calculated by the formula:

where T is the duration of the billing period, minutes T = 60;

t is the duration of the heat treatment cycle, minutes.

The total floor area of ​​the bowl Ftot, m2, is calculated by the formula:

where 1.1 is a coefficient that does not take into account the tightness of the products.

Calculation of the frying surface of the stove

The size of the required frying surface of the stove for the public dining room No. 1 depends on the type of enterprise, the working hours of the dining halls and the degree of equipment of the hot shop with other types of heating equipment. Plates are selected for the maximum hour of loading, taking into account the required area of ​​​​the frying surface. The total area of ​​the frying surface of the plate, necessary for the preparation of products per hour maximum, is calculated by the formula:

where, Fp - calculated frying surface of the plate m3;

1.3 - coefficient that takes into account the tightness of the dishes;

n - the number of dishes needed to prepare dishes of a certain type for the billing period;

f - area occupied by dishes on the frying surface of the stove, m2;

t - duration of heat treatment of products, min.

Calculation and selection of refrigeration equipment

The selection of refrigeration equipment is carried out based on the required capacity, which is usually calculated by the mass or volume of products to be stored simultaneously during the billing period.

The calculation of the cabinet capacity E., kg, or V, dm3, is carried out according to the formula:

where Q - the number of products to be stored in the cabinet for the billing period, kg;

c - coefficient taking into account the mass of dishes, 0.7-0.8.

Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment

The calculation of production tables is carried out according to the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop and the norm of the length of the workplace per employee.

The total length of the tables L, m, is determined by the formula:

where N is the number of cooks, persons;

I - the length of the workplace per 1 employee, m.

For the public dining room No. 1, in the hot shop:

in the cold shop:

The number of tables n is determined by the formula:

where L is the total length of jobs;

Lst - length of accepted standard production tables, m.

For a tea banquet, we choose round four-seater tables. Since there are 15 guests, it is necessary to take 4 such tables, one auxiliary table for waitresses. Round tables dimensions: diameter - 950 mm, height - 750 mm, auxiliary tables dimensions: width - 600 mm, height - 740 mm.

Round tablecloths are used. Their size is calculated: the diameter of the table plus the slopes of the ends, 60 cm.

900+60+60=1020 mm.

The number of napkins for guests is calculated:

The number of napkins for waitresses is calculated according to the standards - three pieces per waiter:

The number of handbrakes is calculated according to the standards - four pieces per waiter:

The number of towels is calculated according to the standards - two pieces per waiter:

2.7 Calculation of the area of ​​the enterprise and workshops

The area of ​​industrial premises is calculated by the formula:

where S total. - total area of ​​the shop, m;

S floor - useful area of ​​the shop, occupied by the equipment, m;

Ksp. - area utilization factor, 0.3-0.5.

Calculation of the area of ​​hot and cold shops in the public canteen No. 1

Calculation of the hot shop area:

Stot. = 18 / 0.3 = 60 m.

Calculation of the cold shop area:

Stot. = 5.7 / 0.3 = 19.5 m.


3.1 Standardization of catering products

Standardization of public catering products - activities to establish norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure: the safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property; technical and information compatibility, as well as interchangeability of products; quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, engineering and technology.

For a public catering enterprise, the “Procedure for the development, review and approval of enterprise standards (STP)” and the Interim procedure for the development and approval of technical and technological maps for dishes and culinary products were approved. (Letter of the Department for Regulation and Coordination of Internal Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1997 No. 23-310 “On Regulatory Documentation”.).

The procedure for the development, review and approval of STP standards was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on 07/06/1997.

Enterprise standards are developed for culinary products prepared using non-traditional methods of cold and heat processing of food products, as well as new technical and technological processes. The construction, presentation and design of enterprise standards must comply with GOST 1.5-92. Draft standards of the enterprise are coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological service, on the territory of which the developer is located.

The head of the enterprise approves the standard of the enterprise. The validity period of the STP is determined by the enterprise approving the standard.

The technological process for the preparation of culinary products, contained in the standards of enterprises, must ensure compliance with the indicators and safety requirements established by the current regulatory state acts.

Enterprise standards should not violate the mandatory requirements of state standards. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the standards of business entities with the obligatory requirement of state standards is borne by the business entities that approved them.

Changes in the standards of enterprises are developed in case of replacement, exclusion and introduction of additional requirements for the mode of preparation of products or the trade and technological process for the provision of public catering services.

The enterprise standard contains sections in the following order:

1) product name (trade-technological process), scope;

2) a list of raw materials used for the manufacture of a dish (product);

3) requirements for the quality of raw materials;

4) norms for laying raw materials in gross and net weight, output of semi-finished products and finished products;

5) the technological process of product preparation and trade services;

6) requirements for execution, submission, sale and storage;

7) transportation;

8) packaging and labeling;

9) quality and safety indicators;

10) test methods;

11) environmental protection requirements;

12) informational data on nutritional and energy value.

Technical committee for standardization "Services of trade and public catering" (TC 347) -- public association interested organizations, enterprises, representatives of subjects of the federation and municipalities- created in accordance with Order No. 426/467 dated 10/13/1999 (no longer valid). The current order No. 3069 dated 08.11.2007.

In accordance with the order, the secretariat of TK 347 maintains the department for standardization and certification of services of JSC VNIIS.

The chairman of the TC is CEO JSC "VNIIS" V.G. Versan. Responsible Secretary - Leading Researcher of the Department of Standardization and Certification of Services E.V. Kamenetskaya.

As part of TC 347, 2 subcommittees are organized: SC 1 "Public catering services" and SC 2 "Trade services". TC 347 developed and approved the standards.

3.2 Processes that shape the quality of catering products

Diffusion. Washing, soaking, boiling, and bubbling products come into contact with water and solubles can be extracted from them. This process is called diffusion, and obeys Fix's law. According to this law, the diffusion rate depends on the surface area of ​​the product. The larger it is, the faster diffusion occurs.

Osmosis. Osmosis is called diffusion, where the movement of solvent molecules occurs in the presence of a semi-permeable partition. This partition in plant and animal cells is the membrane.

Swelling. Some dried jellies are able to swell - absorb liquid, while their volume increases significantly. Swelling must be distinguished from liquid absorption by powdery or porous bodies without volume expansion, although the two processes often occur simultaneously.

Swelling is either the purpose of processing (soaking dried mushrooms, vegetables, cereals, legumes, gelatin), or accompanies other processing methods (cooking cereals, pasta and other products).

Adhesion (from lat. as Shaezu) - adhesion of the surface of two dissimilar bodies. In culinary practice, the phenomenon of adhesion manifests itself when frying meat and fish semi-finished products, that is, when frying, they stick to the frying surface, which is highly undesirable.

3.3 Primary processing of products

Russian kitchen canteen industrial

Food processing at catering establishments is carried out in accordance with GOST R 50647-94.

Primary processing of vegetables consists of successive technological operations: sorting, washing, cleaning and cutting.

Potato. During primary processing, potatoes are first sorted, then peeled in batch or continuous potato peelers. After that, the vegetables are thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Roots. Root crops are usually sorted by hand; use them depending on the shape and brightness of the color for various purposes.

Beets, turnips, small and medium-sized, and even short carrots are peeled in potato peelers, and then cleaned with a groove knife, then washed thoroughly.

Cabbage. When processing white cabbage, the upper contaminated leaves are removed, then the cabbage is washed. The stalk is cut out after cutting the head of cabbage into four parts.

Onion. When processing onions, the bottom is cut off, the onion is cleaned of dry scales and cut into rings, half rings, slices, cubes.

Cucumbers. Wash the vegetables, cut off the stems and thin layer skins. In greenhouse and early garden cucumbers, the stalk and skin around it are removed.

Tomatoes. Tomatoes are washed, sorted and cut out dense pulp along with the stalk.

Processing of fruits and berries: consists of: sorting, washing, cleaning and cutting. When sorting, foreign impurities, rotten and beaten specimens are removed, fruits and berries are distributed by size and quality. Fruits and berries are washed by hand in order to remove earth and sand residues from their surface. Cleaning and cutting of fruits and berries is done manually.

GOST 1368-91: Fish of all types of processing. Length and weight. This International Standard specifies the subdivision of fish of all treatments according to length or weight.

Fish processing. Mechanical culinary processing of fish includes the following operations: cleaning from scales, removing the head, fins, humerus, gutting, washing, cutting and cutting semi-finished products.

Fish are scaled manually or with mechanical scrapers. The cleaned fish is washed. After cleaning from the scales, the fins are removed from the fish (starting from the dorsal). The clipped fin is pressed with a knife and, holding the fish by the tail, is taken to the side, while the fin is easily removed. The head is removed along the contour of the gill covers. After the fish is gutted: without cutting the abdomen, but removing the insides along with the head; cutting the abdomen from the head to the anus. The entrails are removed carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. The inner cavity is cleaned from a dark film. After gutting, the carcasses are thoroughly washed with cold water, dried on grates for 20-30 minutes.

GOST 18157-88. Products of slaughter. This standard applies to boneless beef cuts and bones intended for sale in trade, public catering networks.

Primary processing of meat consists of the following processes; thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, deboning, cleaning, sorting, making semi-finished products.

Carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters of meat are thawed in a chamber at a temperature of 0 to 6-8 ° C for 1-3 days or at 20-25 ° C for 12-24 hours. To avoid loss of nutrients, meat is not thawed in water. After thawing, the brand is cut off, the meat is washed with water (20-30 ° C) using brushes, rinsed with cold water (12-15 ° C) and dried in air or with cloth napkins.

Processing of beef: The half carcass of beef is divided along the contour of the last rib into forequarters and hindquarters. As a result of the cut and deboning of the forequarter of the carcass, the following are obtained: shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts of the shoulder blade), neck part, thick edge, hem, brisket, subscapular part. The hindquarter is divided into tenderloin, thin edge, hem, flank, inside, top, side and outside of the hind leg. Parts of the pulp are cleaned from films and tendons, as a result of which large-sized semi-finished products are obtained: tenderloin, thick and thin edges, parts of the hind leg (upper, inner, lateral, outer), brisket, hem, shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts), subscapular part and cutlet meat (neck, flank, stripping).

Pork processing: a half-carcass of pork along the contour of the hind leg between the sacral and lumbar vertebrae is divided across into two parts: front and back. After chopping, they get: a shoulder blade, a neck part, a loin, a breast, a ham. The resulting lashes are rolled (the meat is separated from the bones), cleaned from films and tendons, and large-sized semi-finished products are isolated: shoulder blade, ham (weighing up to 5 kg), neck pulp, loin (with rib bones), brisket (with rib bones), cutlet meat. The amount of waste during processing during the processing of pork is 13. The remaining food waste in the form of tendons, vertebral, rib and pelvic bones, tubular bones of the limbs is used to prepare broths. The best are tubular bones. Before heat treatment, the cleaned bones are cut, and the heads of the tubular ones are sawn off.


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According to GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and Definitions, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated February 21, 1994 ode No. 35 and put into effect on July 1, 1994 (hereinafter GOST R 50647-94), a public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption.

Public catering is a branch of the national economy that produces, sells ready-made food and serves consumers. In Russia, the public catering network includes: factories - kitchens, blanks, canteens, house kitchens, restaurants, tea houses, a restaurant, snack bars, buffets. Some of them serve consumers at the place of work and study; in many cases, these enterprises provide meals on preferential terms (factories, factories, educational establishments) public catering plays an essential role in the organization of therapeutic nutrition.

From century to century, the system of public catering has been improved. About the old stove in the corner of the hut - to the latest technologies for the production of products of our own production. From cooks and cooks to top-class specialists, masters respected all over the world, this path has been taken by the public catering system of our city. These professions are always needed, at all times, in all eras. Therefore, if we talk about the future of public catering, we can say with confidence that public catering has been, is and will be. There is no such sphere of human activity, wherever there are questions about the organization of his nutrition. The task of catering workers is to ensure that any meal - be it a banquet or just breakfast, lunch, dinner - is organized at the highest level using high technologies, quality products, with the participation of qualified catering specialists.

Public catering enterprises are included in state trade organizations or consumer cooperatives. From the first days of Soviet power, the state paid great attention to the development of public catering. Many restaurants and taverns have been converted into public canteens to feed workers and their families. V. I. Lenin pointed out that with an exemplary organization of work, public canteens save human labor and products, create convenience for consumers, free up a woman to participate in social production provide conditions for its comprehensive development.

In recent years, a network of seasonal enterprises has been successfully developing: summer restaurants, summer halls. It is these enterprises that allow not only to more fully meet the needs of the population in catering services, but at the same time are a place for leisure activities.

For many decades, erroneous or superficial, simplified rules and methods, standards and technical conditions dominated in public catering, which gradually became a mandatory norm and thus prevented the condition and preservation of the classical rules of culinary art created over the centuries. Now people have become interested in various cuisines of the world, in the intricacies of preparing certain dishes, many restaurants, restaurants and various catering outlets are opening, in which masters of the art of cooking can offer you national dishes of different peoples, explain the rules for their reception, and the environment will “transfer” you to one or another point on the earth.


1.1 Characteristics of Cafe Texas

A cafe is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of complex dishes, mainly on individual orders. The cafe combines a high level of service with the organization of recreation for visitors. The cafe organizes services for congresses, conferences, official parties, receptions, family celebrations, banquets, and theme parties.

The catering system is a combination of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of catering products.

A public catering establishment is understood as a place for the provision of services intended for the production of public catering products, flour confectionery and bakery products, as well as their sale and organization of consumption.

Depending on various factors, all catering establishments are divided into types and classes.

The type of enterprise is determined by the characteristic features of the service, the range of products sold, and the range of services provided to visitors.

The class of an enterprise depends on the set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, which characterizes the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service.

The rules for the provision of public catering services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036, define the following types of public catering establishments: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. The same rules establish a special class for bars and restaurants (luxury, superior, first).

The most respectable among the types of public catering enterprises is a restaurant, which is understood as an enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with recreation.

A bar is a small catering enterprise with a bar counter in terms of size and sales volume, selling mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, and purchased goods.

The most common type of enterprise is a cafe. A cafe is an enterprise for organizing public catering and recreation for consumers with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. However, just like a restaurant, a cafe sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks (including alcohol) and tobacco products.

LLC "Texas" is a limited liability company.

Cafe "Texas" is located at Kopeyskoye highway 37, Chelyabinsk.

Cafe Texas is a first class cafe. The cafe has 30 seats. Presents meals to consumers. Opening hours from 10:00-22:00. Seven days a week.

During the working day, the cafe fulfills the orders of visitors according to the menu. If the necessary products are available in the cafe, by order of visitors, a dish can be prepared that is not listed on the menu, but according to the layouts of existing collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

Customer service is carried out by waiters.

Payment methods for meals with customers: cash payment and payment by credit card system.

The contingent of the enterprise is people of average income.

When decorating the premises of the Texas cafe, visitors can prepare a dish that is not listed on the menu, but according to the layouts of existing collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

Mandatory requirements:

standard signboard;

decoration of the hall and premises using decorative elements that create a unity of style;

a ventilation system that provides acceptable temperature and humidity parameters;

standard furniture, corresponding to the interior of the premises;

tables with polyester coating;

metal utensils and cutlery made of stainless steel;

semi-porcelain, earthenware dishes;

sorted glassware without a pattern;

· linen napkins for individual use;

· Menu and price list with the logo of the enterprise in the national and Russian languages, typewritten or otherwise;

· a varied assortment of dishes, products and drinks, incl. branded, custom-made and taking into account specialization;

Service by waiters, bartenders, maitre d's or self-service;

The cafe also provides specialty fish dishes. From time immemorial, fish has been the culinary basis of the Russian national table. It occupied a central place on our table from the time Rus itself arose, until the 19th century. However, the thousand-year domination of fish in the Russian national menu in the 20th century came to an end. And now, hardly any of the young people of 25-30 years old can say that they love fish dishes, or remember if they ate fish two or three weeks ago.

Such a radical change in the national composition of dishes and with it national tastes, of course, could not happen instantly, there were various reasons for this, which go far beyond the culinary problems discussed here. And yet in short: three factors played a decisive role in this. Firstly, two world wars, which destroyed many of the foundations of the former patriarchal way of life, mixed up the multi-million masses of the population, and influenced the emergence of new tastes and inclinations. Secondly, the industrial, scientific and technological revolution, the transformation of the country's nature and the rapid numerical growth of the population, which changed the usual proportions between the country's fish resources AND the mass of consumers, not in favor of these resources. Thirdly, a sharp reduction in the share of traditional Russian freshwater fish and the emergence of sea fish, new in quality, culinary properties and taste, to which the older generations, who loved the fish table, could not immediately adapt, and the younger generations, who did not know the traditional fish table, did not have the habit due to the established stable taste for meat food.

All this, taken together, created a significant break in the history of the Russian fish table, and since this break has spread to almost two or three generations, then negative consequences it was aggravated by a break in culinary practice, in the ability to cook fish. And when the turn came to a new fish raw material, to sea fish, there were not enough personnel who could cook it as well as freshwater fish. There was a loss of culinary skills in this area, which influenced the fact that fish as a food product was for some time discredited and began to be regarded as a secondary product.

Thus, purely culinary unskilledness acquired the role of an important factor that, along with objective conditions, influenced the change in the composition of the Russian modern table, the change in the culinary inclinations of our contemporaries.
However, the question arises: how could it happen that in a country with such an ancient adherence to the fish table, with so many fish dishes on the national menu, such changes in tastes and culinary skills occurred in a relatively short historical period?

There can be only one answer to this question: the principles of culinary processing of freshwater and sea fish are far from being the same. Our culinary corps consisted, and to this day consists almost entirely of culinary practitioners. Among them there are quite a few masters of both high and highest qualifications, but as practitioners they apply their skills in a purely concrete way. It is this mechanical transfer of freshwater fish processing techniques to marine fish that has caused the greatest damage to fish cooking in recent decades. That is why in this chapter we will first of all talk not about certain fish dishes, but about the most important and basic.

1. What is the difference between the culinary processing of fish and the processing of meat, so that the methods of processing meat are not thoughtlessly transferred to the processing of fish.

What is the difference between the processing of freshwater fish and the processing of marine fish, so that the old, good, proven techniques on freshwater fish are not transferred to the processing of marine fish.

Consequently, long-term cooking of freshwater fish in the past was not caused by a culinary necessity, but pursued purely hygienic purposes. Meanwhile, this worsened the quality of the dish, but not so much that it was tasteless. That is why these rules have been preserved for centuries. Do they need to be changed and can they now be neglected?

Tenderness and "wateriness" fish meat also dictate the need to use a low temperature during heat treatment, and for this it is necessary to boil (cook) the fish not under the lid, but open or fry not completely covered. To preserve the natural taste of fish, it is better to boil it, rather than fry it (except for herring and mackerel) with the addition of salt, spices, wine, while saturating the broth with starchy substances, for example, concentrated potato broth.

It is quite clear that even more than meat, batters and test coatings are applicable to fish. That is why French cuisine has long used batters for fish ("Pike perch Orly"), and boiled fish was poured abundantly with sauces ("Pike perch in Polish", "Pike perch in white sauce"). These techniques are caused by the properties and characteristics of fish raw materials and should be recognized as classic.
Unlike meat, fish, at least some freshwater species, are excellent for roasting whole, in scales, without any gutting, only generously sprinkled with salt on top of the scales. In such a shell, the fish can be kept in the oven for 20-30 minutes on each side. Large-scaled, flat fish - breams, breams are best for baking. The least suitable for baking is sea fish, if it is not just caught. Finally, unlike meat, fish is not suitable for stewing - both increased pressure and prolonged cooking have a bad effect on it.
And the last - the fish does not need to be soaked.

As for chopping fish, turning it into minced meat, there are rules here too. Of course, you can turn fish into minced meat, like meat, using a meat grinder. But this will lead to a sharp deterioration in the quality of the product, affect its taste, smell, even change color (minced fish has a dirty gray tint).
Russian, and after it, international culinary arts have developed a different technique for fish - teak called filleting. In order to remove bones and cut the fish into portions convenient for eating, the axial bone, large rib bones are taken out, small bones that are noticeable during filleting are removed.

The fillet can be chopped, but in such a way that the pieces that make it up are equal and warm up quickly and, most importantly, at the same time. Grinding is done with an ordinary knife, manually. Then all these pieces of fish fillet are mixed with chopped onion, parsley, dill, and a beaten egg (if desired) and formed into a briquette, which is breaded with flour and tied with gauze or calico. The fillet boiled in this form is a monolithic, beautiful white boiled fish meat with a pleasant aroma of fish and spices.
Telny processing can be made with any kind of fish - river and sea. This once again suggests that this processing method is specific for fish raw materials. The main difference between sea fish and river fish is that not all of its parts are edible or can be used as food material. In freshwater fish, almost everything is edible, with the exception of the entrails. And Russian culinary practitioners are so accustomed to this that they could not literally understand that in some types of sea fish it is necessary to remove almost half (or even more) of its mass before starting cooking. In freshwater fish, especially in small ones - crucians, perches, ruffs, rudd - the head is never removed. They have it very small, but it has delicious cartilaginous parts, valued for making a rich fragrant fish soup with them, that they give juice when fried, and in combination with sour cream - a good gravy. All this has long prompted Russian culinary specialists to preserve fish heads and, having removed only the gills, subject the whole fish to heat treatment. At the same time, a purely aesthetic feeling also played a role, the desire to make the dish beautiful. In some fish species, such as red fish and pike perch, the head was separated specifically for use in the ear or in other fish soups (soups with head). Even in some pies they put fish with their heads. In a word, the use of fish heads for culinary purposes was one of the firm rules of Russian fish cooking, and master practitioners could not refuse it when sea fish entered the kitchen.
However, in marine fish, the head and the entire front of the body are the largest, heaviest in mass and largest in volume part of the fish, as a rule, inedible, bad-smelling, containing harmful substances. This part, together with the entrails and fins, must be removed so that the juice from it and the bile do not fall on the rest of the fish. Only in this case, the cutting of sea fish can be recognized as correct.
From time immemorial, not only fish meat, but also scales have been used in Russian, Finnish, Karelian culinary. The scales of small partial fish did not serve as an obstacle to the preparation of fish soup from them or during frying, and even more so during drying. Large scales of carp, carp, asp were specially collected for the manufacture of fish glue, karluk, with which many dishes were gelled and ennobled. Scales were considered a valuable product that had to be preserved, not removed. Only the French culinary school introduced at the very end of the 19th century the mandatory cleaning of fish from scales and filleting, mainly for the convenience of cooking on the stove and portioning of dishes. However, the taste of Russian fish dishes deteriorated as a result of this innovation, but fish dishes prepared by languishing in the oven, during which the scales bloomed without a trace, were preferred by connoisseurs to any other. Russian chefs washed off only the mucus from the scales and were so accustomed to "respect the scales and skin" that they were doubtful about the new rule about the indispensable removal of all skin with a subcutaneous fat layer from sea fish, in which iodine-metal compounds are concentrated in the skin.
Yes, before heat treatment in marine fish, you need to remove the head, abdominal cavity with entrails, axial bone, skin, and all fins. This means in practice the removal of up to 40-50% of the mass of raw materials. And since such a rule was not enshrined in Russian fish cuisine, sea fish was cooked for a long time with all the inedible parts, which spoiled the dish as a whole.
Another significant violation of the rules for the preparation of marine fish was its defrosting (soaking and defrosting). The food product was essentially rendered useless, because when defrosted, fish juice (lymph, plasma) flowed out even without cutting the fish in a natural way (through the throat and anus) and was finally eliminated if defrosting was accompanied by soaking.

How could such unreasonable rules have arisen and spread? Just like the preservation of head and skin based on the experience of culinary practitioners in the era of dominance of freshwater fish. In the 19th century, some types of sea fish, outwardly similar to river fish, began to enter the Russian table - cod and saffron cod. Cod came from Holland in carcasses, half-cut, with skin, in barrels and was heavily salted with Spanish salt, the peculiarity of which was that it did not eat into the muscle tissue of the fish, but settled on the skin, wrapping each carcass like a shell that protected the fish from the penetration of microbes , from oxidation.
Naturally, such cod, which was called "labardan", had to be washed off excess salt before cooking, but not soaked. However, the habit of not washing, wiping, but simply placing the carcass in a pot of water for a while, so that it "itself" gets rid of excess salt, created a wrong idea among illiterate cooks about the "soaking" of labardan.

As for the saffron cod, it came from the Arkhangelsk region, mainly from the Mezen, in a frozen form and was transported to Moscow and St. Petersburg only in frosts, in winter, along the sledge track.
I must say that the Mezen saffron cod is a small fish 18-22 long, 2-2.5 cm thick, which freezes as quickly as it thaws. Designed exclusively for frying, it had to be thawed, because the breadcrumbs of that time could not hold on to frozen fish. Usually such thawing happened naturally: while the fish was brought from the market to the kitchen and while it was waiting for its turn. Moreover, after thawing, the navaga was wiped dry so that moisture would not get into the pan with oil and it would not hiss and splatter. It never occurred to anyone to wet the saffron cod for thawing.

1.2 Organization of production of the enterprise

The essence of the organization of production in the cafe "Texas" is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of cooking.

In this cafe, in accordance with the technological process of production, production units are organized that form its production infrastructure.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is understood as the composition of its production units: sites, departments, workshops, industries, forms of their construction, placement, production relations.

According to the production structure, the Texas cafe can be attributed to an enterprise with a full production cycle, working on raw materials. Distinguish enterprises with workshop and non-shop structure.

The shop structure is organized at enterprises operating on raw materials, with a large volume of production. Workshops are divided into procurement, pre-preparation, specialized.

The composition of the cafe premises and the requirements for them are determined by the relevant SNiP. There are several groups of premises:

1) warehouse group - designed for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and unrefrigerated storerooms with appropriate storage conditions;

2) production group - designed for the processing of products, raw materials, semi-finished products and the release of finished products; the production group includes the main procurement and pre-preparation shops, specialized and auxiliary ones;

3) trade group - intended for the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption;

4) administrative - domestic group - designed to create normal working conditions and recreation for employees of the enterprise: the director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms.

All groups of rooms are interconnected.

The following requirements for the layout of the premises have been developed:

1) all groups of premises should be located in the course of the technological process: at first, warehouses, administrative and technical premises should be conveniently interconnected with them;

2) the mutual arrangement of the main groups of premises should provide the shortest connections between them without crossing the flows of visitors and service personnel, clean and used dishes, semi-finished raw materials and waste;

3) one should strive for a compact structure of the building, providing for the possibility of redevelopment of premises in connection with a change in production technology;

4) the layout of all groups of premises must meet the requirements of SNiP, sanitary and fire regulations;

5) all production and storage facilities must be impassable;

6) entrances to production and amenity premises - from the side of the utility yard, and to retail premises - from the street; they must be isolated from the entrance to the living quarters;

7) the layout of retail premises is carried out in the direction of movement of visitors; provides for the possibility of reducing their movement and ensuring the evacuation of people in case of fire.

The rights and obligations of the enterprise administration are determined by special instructions and internal regulations.

The director is responsible for the organization of all trade and production activities of the enterprise. He carries out economic and financial activities, controls the culture of serving visitors in the trading floors of the cafe, the quality of products, the state of accounting, control and safety of material assets, the selection and placement of personnel, compliance with labor laws, orders and instructions from higher organizations.

In this regard, the director has the right to dispose of material and monetary resources, acquire property and inventory, conclude contracts and agreements, relocate, dismiss, encourage employees, and impose disciplinary sanctions.

The director must ensure the implementation of a clear supply of the enterprise with raw materials, products, semi-finished products, items of material and technical equipment, create the necessary conditions for the preservation of inventory items, control the work of all participants in the enterprise, as well as compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, safety precautions.

The deputy director has the same rights as the head of the enterprise, and bears the same responsibility for resolving those issues and for those areas of production that are entrusted to him by the director.

The head of production is fully responsible for the production activities of the enterprise, under whose leadership the control over compliance with recipes of dishes, the technology of their manufacture, verification of finished products, timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, and inventory is carried out.

The production manager must draw up a menu daily, taking into account the available products and the assortment minimum, ensure that the rules of sanitation and hygiene, labor protection and safety are observed at the production site, and provide timely reports on the use of inventory items.

The production manager has the right to: require employees to strictly comply with the rules for the technology of preparing culinary products and sanitary rules, arrange employees in accordance with production requirements and their qualifications, and, if necessary, move workers within production.

The maitre d' oversees all the work of waiters, bartenders, porters, cloakroom attendants, hall and toilet cleaners.

The head waiter is obliged to: supervise the staff in compliance with the rules of serving visitors to the restaurant, internal regulations, personal hygiene, wearing uniforms.

The head waiter, together with the service buffet employees, establishes the procedure for receiving, exchanging and handing over dishes and other serving items by the waiters, and ensures the preparation of the hall for the opening of the restaurant.

During the day, the head waiter should be in the hall, monitor the maintenance of cleanliness and order and the correct table setting.

1.3 Requirements for the production premises of the cafe and the organization of workplaces

The production premises of the cafe must have a height of at least 3 - 3.5 meters. To paint the walls, glue coloring of light colors is used. The panels are faced with light ceramic tiles 1.7 meters long, which are easily sanitized. Ceilings must be whitewashed.

For flooring, metlakh tiles, relin, phenolite and other waterproof materials that are easy to clean are used.

Lighting plays an important role in the organization of workplaces. In natural light, workers can be removed from the windows no more than 8 meters. With artificial lighting, a uniform distribution of the light flux is necessary to illuminate the workplace.

For creating necessary conditions the labor of workers, the air temperature in the production premises is of no small importance, which should not exceed 16 - 18 0 C in the blank rooms, and in the hot shop 22 - 25 0 C.

Production facilities must be provided with powerful supply and exhaust ventilation. The kitchen, washing, cold shop should be especially ventilated. So, in the kitchen, ventilation hoods that remove heat and fumes during cooking should be located above the heat source - stoves, ovens and stationary electric frying pans.

Today, the catering industry in Russia is a huge number of enterprises with different levels of service, product quality, and a variety of equipment used. Public catering is now a very, very developing area. food industry. Not only the number of catering establishments themselves is growing, but their range is noticeably expanding.

At present, a strict classification of establishments has not been developed in the Russian public catering market. In world practice, there are many principles for classifying restaurants: by assortment, by staff qualifications, by target audience, by price level. In Russia, the simplest classification by type is most common: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. At the same time, clear requirements for a particular type of catering establishments in Russia have not yet been developed. Therefore, usually the specialization of a catering establishment is determined based on its own positioning.

In recent years catering business began to attract more and more investors from various business areas. This is primarily due to attractiveness. this market in the context of the country's economic growth and the well-being of the population, as well as with the possibility of obtaining stable profits throughout the entire existence of the restaurant with its competent management (catering is one of the most liquid sectors of the economy).

At the same time, the restaurant business is fraught with many dangers for potential investors. In Russia, there is no serious market experience in the restaurant industry and long-term traditions. In addition, there is no well-established methodological base that helps to conduct business. Another difficulty is that for many investors, the restaurant is seen as a "toy" that should bring in money, but not require much attention. A review of the public catering market allows us to conclude that most public catering establishments make their thematic focus dependent on the type of cuisine: hunting, sports, home, etc. An enterprise without a clearly visible theme risks going unnoticed against the backdrop of a variety of competitors. The main mistake of investors who came to restaurant market from other areas of business - a bet on the cuisine that is known and understood. However, this is not enough. Many investors underestimate the complexity of the catering market. In order for a restaurant to start making a profit, it is necessary to build a competent marketing policy aimed at attracting and retaining the target audience. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the population in advance about the opening of the institution, and then maintain a constant interest in it, both attracting new visitors and forming the loyalty of old ones. If we are talking about a fundamentally new specialization of the restaurant (especially with exotic cuisine), it is imperative to adapt the cuisine for Russian consumers, taking into account their tastes while maintaining the constant availability of products available for cooking. As soon as the fashion for a restaurant with an unusual cuisine passes (it takes about a year in the absence of powerful advertising), either a period of stability sets in, provided that the proposed cuisine is accepted, or the restaurant is forced to look for new directions in the menu and tastes in order to remain attractive.

There are currently not enough restaurants in the market for middle-class customers. Now this niche is developing due to the opening of democratic establishments - cafes, coffee houses and fast food restaurants. Japanese sushi bars occupy a significant share among the opening restaurants. That is why the market is gradually shifting investment activity from the niche of expensive restaurants to the segment of medium-sized restaurants and cafes. price category as well as fast foods.

For catering establishments great importance has a so-called "anchor", which ensures a constant flow of customers, since the main competition among restaurateurs is for a location that is in this business one of the key competitive advantages.

Restaurants tend to open in pre-existing premises, mostly in basements and basements of residential buildings, although high-end establishments tend to avoid such locations. There is a fairly high demand for premises in non-residential buildings, since the placement of catering enterprises in them is associated with fewer difficulties, there is no danger of a conflict with residents. The shortage is also aggravated by the fact that many technical requirements are imposed on the premises for such establishments.

The success of the restaurant depends to a large extent on the director (manager), on his ability to manage personnel, negotiate with suppliers, the ability to plan costs and make the right decision on the strategic management of the restaurant in time, and the personal qualities of the head restaurateur also play a significant role. Some restaurant owners lose a profitable restaurant, only because they could not properly assess their director, establish human relations with him, show their interest in the success of “their restaurant director”. Moreover, the duties of the director of a large restaurant and the director of a small cafeteria differ little.

During the difficult economic situation in the country, perhaps the only industry that will not be greatly affected by the crisis is the catering industry.

The basis for the successful operation of a catering enterprise in a difficult economic situation is the reduction of raw material waste, losses during transportation and storage, and a well-planned work shop space that allows chefs to do more work. The basis of this task is to create conditions for healthy work.

Proper preparation of delicious food requires quite a lot of time and therefore a long stay in the kitchen. Therefore, the kitchen area should be bright, clean, pleasant and well ventilated to ensure healthy working conditions.

Kitchen work must be organized in such a way that it can be done in the shortest possible time, while expending little energy.

The second, important factor that increases the productivity of the working staff is the competent planning of the tasks of the enterprise and providing it with the necessary equipment and inventory necessary to solve the task.

Modern heating and refrigeration equipment, machines for processing and slicing vegetables, processing meat and fish, machines for washing dishes can not only make life easier for staff, but also reduce the cost of the enterprise to pay for consumed electricity and water.

It is also important to equip the enterprise with good and practical inventory and comfortable furniture.

Kitchen furniture should be smooth and closed, painted with oil paint; Such furniture is less dusty and easier to clean. In a small room, it is advantageous to use wall cabinets or closed shelves. Work tables should be made in such a way that, if necessary, it is possible to expand the surface of the workplace.

It should be emphasized that for the successful operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to have a clear plan for the development of the enterprise, a developed work plan for the enterprise, which prescribes the procedure for the operation of the enterprise on one cycle of raw materials (for one time period), where all the work of the EPP is scheduled in detail, taking into account 5-10 % reserve of raw materials, in case of force majeure. Strict adherence to this plan will reduce the consumption of raw materials and resources of the enterprise. In order to pull the planning of work, the company needs an intelligent production manager.

From this we conclude that intelligent and well-educated people are needed for competent management of production. To train production managers, it is necessary to increase the level of teaching in specialized educational institutions.

Despite the above, in Russia there is no serious market experience in the restaurant industry and long-term traditions. In addition, there is no well-established methodological base that helps to conduct business. And she is necessary.

Now let's talk about something without which no catering business can function normally - about customers.

Each enterprise needs a so-called “anchor” that ensures a constant flow of customers, since the main competition among enterprises is for location, which is one of the key competitive advantages in this business.

In order to cover a wide range of clientele, it is necessary to create enterprises, the menu of which includes dishes of various composition and price.

For example, in our country there is a shortage of catering establishments with an average cost of a complex lunch of 150-300 rubles. This niche is mainly occupied by fast food enterprises and low-class canteens. Basically, such enterprises are located in areas adjacent to railway stations and metro stations, although they are also needed in the city center.

In general, a large number of businessmen who want to open a POP open it in the city center, or in crowded places, which is basically correct. But in connection with this, there is a bias in the number of enterprises in the center, with the almost complete absence of these public catering enterprises in residential areas.

At the same time, when creating an enterprise in a residential area, it is necessary to conduct a study of the preferences of its residents, because these areas are currently quite specific in terms of preferences. So far, there has been no clear structuring of preferences. Some residential areas have one specificity: residents prefer conceptual establishments, others become adherents of cafes and fast foods in shopping centers, retail parks and malls. It is very difficult to form uniform flows in sleeping areas, so you need to adapt to them. In addition, in residential areas, there will be an increase in the need for "cafes near the house", focused on the formation of groups of regular visitors.

Therefore, it is easier to create enterprises in the center - there are many people with the same preferences and it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

A review of the catering market allows us to conclude that most catering establishments make their thematic focus dependent on the type of cuisine. An enterprise without a clearly traceable theme risks going unnoticed against the backdrop of a variety of competitors. The main mistake of investors who came to the restaurant market from other business areas is to bet on the cuisine that they know and understand. However, this is not enough.

But there are only a few such enterprises, since they are closed for obvious reasons (lack of customers, lack of income).

Thus, summarizing the situation in the catering market, we can say with confidence that development is proceeding at a high pace, the market is not yet saturated and there is still enough space for a large number of players, but success in competition largely depends on the location, pricing policy, concept and highly qualified restaurant.


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