Entertainment for a corporate party in nature in the summer is cool. Interesting games and competitions in nature for adults. Truth or Duty

I must say right away that this collection of ideas is constantly updated. As soon as I meet interesting offer from event organizers or a description of a bright summer corporate party on behalf of eyewitnesses, I immediately enter it here.

I hope that I will be able to save your time and help you quickly choose the right option to adequately celebrate the "Company's Birthday", a professional holiday, just pamper the team "for Good work» in the off-season.

How and where to celebrate a summer corporate party


option 1

Complete unity with nature. Glades, logs, stumps. Folding brazier, shish kebab, disposable tableware. And that's the beauty 🙂

option 2

A wonderful place in nature, which someone has already noticed before you. Beautiful gazebos with tables and benches, a large stable barbecue, a supply of firewood, modern facilities protecting against insects. Most often, such places are located near lakes and reservoirs.

It should be noted that for both options you can easily find quite a lot of people who want to cook barbecue for you professionally. They will come to your glade, marinate the meat, serve it in the best possible way :-).

A picnic in nature involves only casual communication with a hearty snack, there are no other entertainments.

Art parties where they paint pictures to the music in the Disco style with a glass of wine

I tried to capture the essence of such an event in the title. This is not just a master class where each participant will paint a positive picture. The organizers tried to combine creativity with a full palette vivid emotions. It's fun, educational and very unique.

You can spend such a holiday in a tent, outdoor cafe, restaurant, bar. More about . Choose from 150 paintings or submit your own!

Drawing skills are not needed, you take the finished masterpiece home.

Summer concert and disco

We rent a summer playground and celebrate the day of the company in the fresh air. It can be a tent or an awning in a beautiful corner of nature, a summer cafe with a stage, or even a roof on a high-rise building. The event differs from a picnic by the opportunity to wear an evening dress and heels. There will be a good floor, beautiful tables and chairs with covers.

The scope of the entertainment program is limited only by your imagination and budget, as such summer playgrounds, as a rule, have excellent lighting and sound equipment (or the possibility of using it), a wonderful restaurant with a varied menu, a stage and a place for dancing.

We eat and talk, watch shows, participate in competitions and dance. Great holiday!

Culinary duel

Exciting, fun and delicious. professional chef will be on every team. He will not let you die of hunger, even if no one in your team knows how to cook. At a summer corporate party, you want to taste delicious grilled meat and vegetables, so choose "barbecue" master classes.

Part of the time is spent on cooking, communication and elements of the culinary show from the organizers, then everything cooked can be eaten. Among the cooks there are charming jokers who will bombard you with tales, anecdotes and comic toasts on any topic.

Sports and fitness program

Such an event is well held at the recreation center with all the amenities, so you can safely make a program for two days off. Even near Moscow you can find sites with real sea sand.

Many companies welcome the invitation of "second halves" and children. Naturally, in this case, you will need a child sports holiday. For this, there are trampolines, labyrinths, mini-autodromes and other attractions).

A sports summer corporate party takes place in the form of an all-around olympiad between teams or individual participants or in the form of competitions in any sport:

  • football
  • volleyball
  • basketball
  • arm wrestling
  • badminton
  • table tennis
  • golf
  • billiards

But MOST of all, I like the organization of a turnkey corporate bike tour through the parks and squares of Moscow or the nearest suburbs. Here .

The Last Hero or Fort Boyard

I didn’t know how to name the event more correctly, since this is also a corporate party with a sports bias, but such sports do not exist. You need to overcome insidious obstacles, follow the rope course, hang over the abyss and follow commands blindfolded. As a rule, competitions are selected for people with different physical training, you should not worry: it will be interesting for everyone.


A fun paint shooting game in special costumes and masks. I already, there are a lot of offers from the organizers of such a summer corporate party in nature.

Equestrian club with cowboys and indians

Stories about such holidays are always accompanied by an abundance of exclamations and delights. in equestrian clubs office workers waiting with interesting programs, bright costumes and a delicious dinner. I recommend not to spare money for good photographer because your shots of cowboys with guns and Indians with bows and arrows will blow social networks. BUT! There are also horses...

Theme parties

To be honest, such parties are no different from winter ones. Costumes, entourage, entertainment, food and wine are chosen for one theme (here I have listed a lot). The main thing is to choose the right site. SUMMER.

For example, "Star Factory" on a rented ship ... There will be no extra listeners, you can safely enjoy the work of talented people from your team.

Or shooting a feature film with the distribution of roles, rehearsals, makeup, takes, a premiere with a red carpet.


A relatively new game that is incredibly quickly gaining popularity. An exciting historical, detective or fantasy story, in which roles are assigned to all employees of the company.

It is convenient that the script can be adapted for any number of employees. The price depends on the venue and scenery, the number of professional actors involved in your quest, and the cost of renting costumes.

You can conduct a quest in the ruins of medieval castles, Mosfilm scenery, in the forest, in a mansion or just in a clearing near your office.

There are many enthusiastic comments, but only active employees like the game. If you just want to stand on the sidelines and wash the bones of your colleagues, nothing will work.

With the organizers, you can clarify where the adventurers will have lunch or dinner. .

Excursion with a master class

Highly interesting idea for a summer corporate party!

  • Firstly, this is a trip to an attractive place in your city, a neighboring town or even another country;
  • Secondly, a lot of informative information with sightseeing of the city;
  • Thirdly, these are the practical skills that you will receive during the master classes;

Creative classes can be arranged at any site - in a tent, a summer cafe, in a gazebo at a recreation center.

What are the visiting master classes:

  • or other drinks (directly at the manufacturer at a party or in a thematic institution)
  • (painting of objects in the traditions of the chosen area, making clay toys, glass beads and so on)
  • (loud and cheerful)
  • culinary master classes (national cuisine)
  • most popular this summer

No doubt, now you have ideas for discussion!
As always, I offer my disinterested help, I will advise you on interesting options for organizing a summer corporate party. Call!

Here comes the hot summer. Have you been waiting for it? Of course we were waiting! And now that summer has arrived, it's time to go to nature for a vacation. The scenario of a summer corporate party in nature will help you have a corporate party in a fun and organized way. For your holiday, we have come up with contests that will complement the holiday and all employees will want to repeat it again.

And so, before you start a corporate party, you need to choose a place. And when you have found a suitable place, you can equip it a little. How and what to do is up to you. After all, only you see this place. We will immediately offer small mini-contests. You need to take matches, salt and paper with you and find three secluded places for them. And hide salt, matches and paper in them. You also need to draw three different cards that lead to hidden "treasures".
When you arrive the next day with all your colleagues, you will find that you have no matches, no salt, no paper! What to do? And here's what to do:
Divide all colleagues into three teams and give each team cards. They must find these "treasures"! When the treasures are found, you can begin to disassemble the bags and arrange a holiday.

And as soon as you sat down at the table, then immediately the first competition. All employees must wear face masks. And try to make it so. So that they do not see their masks, but only see everyone else through them. When the masks are on, each employee can ask the rest only one question about his mask and get answers to it. If no one guessed their mask from the first question, then the second questions are asked. And so on until all the masks are guessed. See below for examples of such funny corporate party masks:

Well, it's time to play some contests.

And we will tell you which contests you can still play.
The first competition is related to skiing! Yes, do not be surprised, it is with skis. You need special skis that will run on grass. The essence of the game is simple:
It is necessary to divide employees into teams. Each team has its own captain - he stands first and has skis on his feet. The rest of the team is behind him. They all hold on to each other. It will not work to take a step with skis, since everyone is on skis. Therefore, before taking a step, the captain warns: raise your right leg! And everyone raises their right foot. Then the right ski is free and you can lift it and take a step with it. Then the captain commands: raise your left leg! When everyone raised their left leg, you can step on the left track. And so on until the very end. The more harmoniously the captain will work, the more chances for the overall success of the team.
See below a photo from this contest:

Did you like the first competition? Move on!
And then we have again team competition. Only those who are not afraid to get wet will take part in it! The teams line up. Team players stand facing each other's backs. Each of them has a plastic cup in his hand. And the last member of the team has a liter can. The first participant draws water into his glass and, raising his hand up, pours water behind his back. And there stands the second member of the team, who must “catch” this water in his glass. When he "caught" her, he does the same further. And so on until the water reaches the last participant. He pours water into a jar. After the first one again picks up a glass and everything repeats again. And so it plays until then. Until one of the teams fills the entire jar. She wins the competition.
The advantage of this contest is that the participants will enjoy the game, get a lot of laughter and positive, and most importantly, they will refresh themselves, because the water will constantly spill!
See photo for an example of how to play this game:

For the next competition, you need bars or branches. With their help, you make the track. Lay one beam on the ground. Where it ends, put the second, only at an angle of 90 degrees. And so on, until you get a winding path of bars. Then again, you need to divide everyone into teams. The first team stands on the first bar. They have to embrace in order to be one. On command, the team must start moving forward to the finish line. If someone from the team fell to the ground, then this is plus one second. Once the team has reached the finish line, time stops. If there is a penalty, then it is added to the team. After all teams have covered the distance, the team that took the least time to overcome it wins!

Summer is the time of holidays, and no one wants to work in a stuffy office. A corporate party in nature will help you relax, unwind, chat in an informal setting. How to hold a corporate party in nature in a fun and useful way? The easiest way is to order the organization of the event to special agencies. However, if you are reading this article, then you intend to manage on your own. First of all, it is necessary to assemble the organizing committee and distribute responsibilities:

  • who is responsible for collecting the money;
  • who buys products;
  • who will cook;
  • who will deal with transport issues;
  • who organizes the cultural program.

A summer corporate party is not only eating barbecue. As a rule, a picnic lasts all daylight hours, and there is more than enough time for fun contests and competitions. In addition to football, badminton and volleyball (do not forget the appropriate equipment!), where “boys against girls” or department to department will play, you can organize a whole quest in the forest with treasure hunts and Cossack robbers. But it’s better to talk about everything in order, and it is necessary to start preparing a cultural program from the scenario of a corporate party in nature.

Summer corporate party script

Arrival and accommodation

The traditional competition for the best find is held immediately upon arrival at the site. What interesting things can be found in the forest:

  • a bouquet of flowers - beautiful;
  • a thick log for a fire is a valuable thing;
  • berries - delicious;
  • cones - for memory;
  • comfortable stick - confidently go through life.

When all the trophies are collected, the winner is announced with the main prize, symbolic souvenirs for the 2nd and 3rd places, and all other participants - pre-prepared chips-medals, which are taken into account when summing up the holiday.


The presenter dedicates the competition to his native company and invites his colleagues to compose an ode or a toast in honor of the native team and enterprise. Throughout the holiday, all comers read their odes and make toasts, receiving medals for them. The best authors are chosen by the audience at the end of the competition. They are awarded prizes.

Find the treasure

After familiarizing yourself with the territory, you can arrange a search for prizes. You can bury the treasure in the ground or hide it on the territory - in the car, in some things. On colored cardboard, they draw a map-scheme of the glade indicating the place where the treasure is hidden. The map must be cut into 10-12 parts and distributed in a clearing, moreover, it is not necessary to hide them. It is enough to attach to a tree branch or participant's clothing. One part is received by treasure hunters with the task of collecting the entire map. When all (or most) of the puzzle pieces have been completed, everyone goes to look for the prize. The more effort spent on the search, the more expensive the victory will be. The finder takes the treasure, the rest of the participants - medals.

Crocodile game

For the Limpopo River, you will need two ropes of 3 - 4 m each. They are stretched on the ground in parallel, at a distance of 1.5 m - 2 m from each other. The most nimble, preferably a man, is assigned a crocodile, all other participants are researchers. Brave scientists cross the river, trying not to fall into the mouth of a crocodile. If the crocodile hooked the researcher, he automatically replenishes the team of crocodiles and joins the hunt for "researchers". All crocodiles hold hands and do not come out of the river. The last "explorer" not caught by the crocodiles wins. He receives a prize, the rest of the participants receive medals.

Competition "Kangaroo racing"

For entertainment, the same two ropes and balloons are used according to the number of participants. One rope marks the starting line, the other - the finish line. Participants line up at the start with balls sandwiched between their knees. At the command of the leading kangaroo, they begin to jump with balls to the finish line. If the ball falls, the participant stops, picks up the ball, pinches it with his knees and jumps on, if it bursts, the kangaroo is out of the game. The winner and the prize is the one who first makes a circle, returning again to the starting position safe and sound, the rest are awarded medals.

Buffet break

The host of the corporate party in nature announces a break and makes a toast: There are 4 degrees of intoxication, each of which is named after some animal that a person in this state resembles:

  1. degree - the level of a peacock, because a person is also arrogant at first, like this important bird;
  2. degree - the level of a monkey - a person is relaxed, joking and playing tricks - life is good!
  3. degree and all the following - ferocious lion and pig levels are anything but attractive.

So let's drink, but in order to reach the second stage as quickly as possible, and always stay there!

Kebab Quiz

At the "table" you can hold a quiz that warms up your appetite. The most erudite participant will receive a prize, the rest of the respondents will receive medals.

Sample Quiz Questions

  1. For which countries is barbecue the national dish? (Caucasus)
  2. An indispensable condition for preparing a delicious barbecue (friendly company).
  3. The most serious threat associated with shish kebab ("I'll make shish kebab out of you").
  4. From which movie is this phrase: "Skewer does not tolerate women's hands."
  5. Name a country walk on the weekend, where barbecue is often made (Picnic).
  6. Is shish kebab considered the first or second course? (the only one).
  7. Which kebab ends faster - on long skewers or short ones? (Delicious).
  8. Where did one of the heroes of "Operation Y" eat barbecue?
  9. What meat is best for barbecue? (Fresh, not thawed pork neck or lamb loin).
  10. What drink goes best with barbecue? (Dry red wine).

The second part of the competition program

Competition "Pantomime"

Team game. First you need to decide on the concepts that will be guessed. These can be individual words, fairy tales, phrases from songs, names and images of famous people, idioms. See photos of the cooperative in nature and get inspired by new ideas.

As a kind of pantomime, you can play a game like a damaged telephone. The participants line up in a column, the last player turns his back to everyone and the leader approaches him. He shows him and the audience a card with a written word or phrase. The first participant, seeing the inscription, nods and turns to his neighbor, clapping him on the shoulder. Without words, he explains the information from the card to him. When the game reaches the last participant, the host starts the poll from the end. As a result, he shows everyone the correct answer and gives out medals for participation.

The Tale of the Three Little Pigs

Host: “After such a tough competition for the mind, let's show that not only the smart ones have gathered here. But also creative people. For the performance of the same name, it is necessary to select actors for the roles of three pigs. A performance for adults, but first - an anecdote: Once upon a time there were three pigs - Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif. But there was also a fourth in our fairy tale, who was not afraid of anyone, did not hide from the wolf and did not build houses. He walked through the forest and sent everyone. And his name was Nah-Nah. In today's performance, Naf-Naf will be an intellectual, Nuf-Nuf will be an athlete, and Nif-Nif will be a musically gifted person.

Casting participants are divided into three people for each role. For the role of Nuf-Nuf, they choose the applicant who will jump the farthest or who will be able to jump the rope the longest. For the role of Nif-Nif, the participants compete in playing the song “We are not afraid of grey Wolf". For candidates for the role of Naf-Naf, you need to come up with some kind of question (rather complicated) and answer options. Here are examples of such questions:

What does the French culinary term "grill" mean?

  • burn;
  • fry;
  • bake.

In the Agatha Christie series, Hercule Poirot will express about a certain dish: “How can I eat them if they are of such different sizes ?!”. What is it:

  • about quails;
  • about barbecues;
  • about eggs.

Competition "Eloquence"

A break is announced for new toasts and after a pause for a buffet table, the competition program continues again. At the table, you can hold a competition "Eloquence". The presenter announces the topic, for example, “a corporate party in nature is ...” and everyone in turn supplements with different concepts: a corporate party in nature - in the summer, with barbecue, a trip to nature. For each new answer - a medal, and a prize is given to the last participant who added an unnamed definition of a corporate party.

"Accurate shooter"

For the competition, you need to collect more cones. Divide the participants into teams, mark two goals with ropes. Each shooter is given three cones. They take turns trying to hit the target. For an accurate hit, the player receives a medal. The winning team receives souvenirs - prizes of the same type.

"Lame Pirate"

There are two pairs of players. Each pair is tied with a rope on one leg (left for one and right for the other). The distance that lame pirates must go is determined. The pair that hobbles first receives prizes, the rest receive medals.

"Bring it to me"

All volunteers are divided into three teams with the same number of participants. The captains are given lists of things that the team must collect and bring in 5 minutes. Here is an example list:

  • 10 kopecks;
  • comb;
  • stone;
  • trouser belt;
  • something wet;
  • any yellow thing;
  • what can be written;
  • flower;
  • tree bark;
  • knife.

The team that has collected the list faster or more accurately receives prizes of one type, the rest of the participants receive medals.

Competition "How we held a corporate party"

All those present are divided into several teams. The host announces the task: write a story "How we spent a corporate party in nature." But the description should be concise, schematic, without epithets. Then the teams take turns calling each other words - adjectives that must be inserted into their text. The team with the most witty story wins. Prizes are awarded to the winners, medals to the rest.

The general results of the program of competitions of the cooperative in nature are summed up. Three participants with the maximum number of medals receive prizes for the first, second and third places, respectively.

You can time the corporate party with the presentation of letters, thanks, as well as gifts to those colleagues who were responsible for shish kebabs, fish baked in coals, turkey fried on a spit.

And in various corporate contests.

At the beginning of the evening, it is necessary to greet everyone, joke, talk, cheer up the participants, offer entertainment that will unite and amuse the team.

For example:
Entertainment "I have ...". Participants stand in a circle, the leader says, “I have hands,” and each participant takes a nearby neighbor by the hand and makes a circle to the music. Then the leader says “My ears are eating”, the participant takes the neighbor by the ear, and the circle moves until it makes a full turn. So the facilitator lists different parts of the body, the participants take each other and move in a circle, without breaking away from the part of the body being held and sing "I have ...".

The number of listings of body parts is limited by the host's imagination and the degree of looseness of the participants, you can limit yourself to arms, legs, ears, or you can put into play such body parts as the waist, nose, chest, buttocks.

Competition "Best dance couple".
It is held when the audience is already warmed up and relaxed enough, a couple is selected that danced best to the music and saved the ball. Balloons are required for the performance, they are tied to the legs of the partners, it is necessary during the dance to pop the balls of the partners of other participants with your feet and at the same time try to make sure that the ball of your own partner does not burst. The pair with the longest ball wins.

For special interest and fun, it is necessary to give the task to the participants to follow the music and dance according to it, for this a selection of music of the most different rhythm and direction is made.

Ice dance
Couples stand on a newspaper, it is necessary to dance carefully so as not to step over the edges of the newspaper. At the leader's signal, the newspaper folds in half, and the couples continue to dance. The music also varies in rhythm and direction. Couples that have gone beyond the newspaper are eliminated from the competition, whoever remains is the winner.

Most original dance
Participants dance to music that is constantly changing, their dance must match the music and at the same time be original and beautiful, the audience evaluates, the winner is selected by the number of applause, and the prize is awarded.

Auction "Pig in a Poke"
The auction in such scenarios of corporate holidays is held "in the dark". The host does not show the lots, it is better to pack them in paper or put them in a large box so that there is no idea what is up for auction. Participants trade according to the description, which should be prepared by the leader. For special interest in the competition, ordinary things are taken and funny, humorous descriptions are invented for them. The auction is held for money and therefore the cost of the lots is purely symbolic, the one who named the largest amount takes the lot, the presenter unfolds it to satisfy the curiosity of everyone around. To stir up interest, you can take simple and valuable things, and offer them in turn.

Examples of descriptions for lots for the scenario:
It's something big and sticky (most people think it's Scotch, but it's a lollipop or lollipop).
It is small, but in a minute, if you make an effort, it can become big. ( Balloon).
Cold, green and long (bottle of champagne)
Essential attribute of civilized life (toilet paper roll)
Simulator, for those who need to train facial expressions (lemon).
Attribute of a business person (notebook)
A gift from Africa (banana, coconut, pineapple).

Scenario elements corporate holiday dance direction:
In order for the dances not to be simple and monotonous, it is necessary to introduce elements of the game and amuse the participants.

funny snake
All participants take each other, organizing a long snake, the “head” of the snake, the participant who is in front begins to twist the snake in a spiral. The result is a cheerful round dance twisted with rings, it is impossible to get out of it, it is necessary to unravel all the rings.

A matchbox is tied to the participant's waist, the dance is accompanied by cheerful fast music, the participants must step on each other's boxes and tear them off, at the same time not letting their box be torn off, the one who keeps the boxes the longest and wins this competition.

"Natural selection".
All participants dance in a circle, while passing some object (an apple, an orange, a ball), the music suddenly stops and the one who has the object in his hands leaves the circle. The dance continues until the minimum number of participants remains, who are declared winners.
Initially, it is desirable to involve all participants in this entertainment, and make long pauses, then shorten the pauses.

The train is a bit like a cheerful snake, the participants stand one after another and dance, organizing a train.

A participant is selected who shows the movements, and the rest repeat after them, he dances in the center of the circle, then he selects any other participant and the circle and changes places with him, and so on, the participants change each other, while showing dance movements.

"Choose me"
Participants dance in a circle, several people dance in the center, they take turns changing with participants from the circle.

From time to time it is necessary to take breaks and arrange games and entertainment. To somehow indicate these pauses, the host can say loudly “Stop, music” and the participants will be ready for games and entertainment.

Corporate scenario: competitions “On the verge”

When the evening is already coming to an end and the audience is already sufficiently warmed up and liberated, you can spend some entertainment "on the verge". This is fun and interesting, but then you need to make sure that there are no offended and do not cause negative emotions among the participants. The incentive prize in such competitions must be original and significant.

Extra clothes.
The most daring participants are called to the stage, who show their desire. A chair is placed in front of each, to the music, each contestant in turn puts an extra item on the chair, these can be items from pockets, personal items, jewelry. The participant who cannot put anything is out of the game, the winner is the one who lasts the longest.

The host calls those who wish to participate in the competition, all of them must bring him the items indicated to him, whoever does the task best of all, is declared the winner.

The mood in this competition is set by the presenter, who evaluates the general mood and behavior of the participants. The list of named items can be banal “bring a candy, a flower” or it can be spicy “Bring a black handbag, shirt, item with the letter “says any letter”. The contestants persuade the rest to part with the subject in order to win.

Men's competition for accuracy.
Men are given a bottle of water and a glass. A man must hold a bottle between his legs and fill a glass standing on the floor; you cannot help with your hands. Whoever does it the most accurately wins.

The participants are divided into teams, each participant is given a coin, the leader sets the line of fire and puts glass or metal cans on it, so that the sound of a falling coin would be heard. The team members stand one after another and, in turn, to the music, run to the container, sandwiched between their knees with a coin, the task of the participants is to lower the coin into the jar using only their legs, without touching them with their hands. The team that manages to drop the most coins in the shortest amount of time is declared the winner.

At the end of the evening, it is necessary to take stock and award the most active participants with titles and medals.

Examples of award nominations:
The most original dancer.
The fastest dancer
The most original dance.
The most plastic dance.
The most incendiary dance.
The best dancer of the evening.
The most resourceful dancer.

Scenarios of corporate holidays - Recommendations.
The script is full of all sorts of contests, but it’s not worth holding everything, you need to choose a few of the most acceptable ones. A corporate party should add enthusiasm, fun and not lead to fatigue, so you should not overload the entertainment program. Needs to be monitored general mood and the behavior of the participants and hold competitions and entertainment when people get tired of dancing.

Often, in order to get to know each other better or just to celebrate some event, employees of a particular company arrange joint activities called today by a foreign term. But few people are interested in sitting in a stuffy office, especially if the weather is good, so many prefer to hold a corporate party in nature.

Celebration organization

The best events are those that are well organized. Therefore, if there is no opportunity or desire to contact a special company that specializes in holding holidays, you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to choose an initiative group of 2-3 most active employees. The Action Team will do the following:

  1. Counts the exact number of participants in the event.
  2. He will choose a suitable place: he will have to go there in advance to make sure that the place is really suitable in all respects. It should be large, safe, easily accessible.
  3. Will think over the menu (usually in nature, most people prefer to make barbecue)
  4. Calculates how much money will be needed for the event: you need to take into account not only the cost of treats, but also the prizes for, as well as the road (if you get far).
  5. Develop a script for the event.

When everything is ready, all that remains is to set a date that will suit all employees. Usually, a corporate party is arranged on a day off so that no one is in a hurry and can devote time to colleagues.

Quest in nature

Of course, you can just go out of town for barbecue, taking with you a tape recorder for dancing or a guitar for joint performance of songs. But it is best to prepare games in which all employees can participate.

When a corporate party is held in nature in the summer, most people prefer to arrange a quest. Today, the quest is a fashionable and beloved entertainment by many. Its essence lies in the fact that one or more teams work together to solve riddles or complete tasks in order to eventually reach the cherished goal. Such entertainment must have a leader.

  1. In a clearing (or in a forest), a chest is hidden in advance, in which the prize is placed. The chest must be locked, and the key must be hidden somewhere else (for example, in a hollow tree or buried in a marked place).
  2. Participants are divided into 2 (or more) teams, each of which must come up with a name and motto. The number of participants can be any, optimally - 4-6 people: so everyone will be involved.
  3. The host shows the chest to the teams and says that the key is hidden somewhere nearby. To find him, you need to complete some tasks.
  4. The result of a correctly completed task should indicate the next test.
  5. The first team to reach the key wins the prize. As a prize, it is best to take something purely symbolic - for example, a bottle of wine that you can immediately drink with colleagues, or a box of chocolates. And if the authorities give the go-ahead, then the prize can be one day off for each team member.

All tasks that players will perform should be aimed at team building. The best challenges are those where people can't handle it alone. For example:

  • get a sign from the tree (you need to attach it higher so that you can get there only by sitting on the shoulders of a friend), where the next task will be written;
  • holding hands, pass the hoops in a circle without disengaging the hands, for this the hoops must be worn obliquely on the body (only one hand is threaded);
  • solve the rebus, where the next test or the direction in which to move will be encrypted.

Tests should be of a very different nature: for strength, for dexterity, for ingenuity, for erudition, etc., because everyone is strong in something of their own - it is necessary that all employees prove themselves.

Contests for corporate events in nature

Whatever ideas of a corporate party in nature are used, short competitions cannot be dispensed with. The space makes it possible to carry out fairly large-scale tests.

Relay race

As a rule, the relay race is held among teams, but each nevertheless performs its task. Examples:

  • each participant must run the distance wearing buckets on their feet (or one bucket per foot);
  • players pass the relay, stepping only on paper plates, of which there are only two, and they must be moved;
  • at the end of the distance, a person sits who needs to bandage his leg or arm, next to him is a packed bandage: the first participant must tear the package, the second must unwind the bandage, the third must wrap the “wounded” place as carefully as possible, the fourth must tie, etc.

There are many obstacles for the relay race. It depends on the imagination of the organizers and on the availability of props.

Accurate shooter

Players chaotically with different speed moving across the clearing with buckets in their hands. One person stands in the center, holding sheets of paper in his hands. Task: get a crumpled paper sheet into a bucket. To make the task not seem so easy, you can perform it for a while.

Winter Games

Some people think that holding a corporate party in nature in winter is not the best idea. Others fundamentally disagree with them, because there are many entertainments that are available only in winter.


Just building a snowman is a simple matter. It is better to complicate the task by asking the participants to observe some theme in their “sculpture”. For example, blind a builder (if the event is held Building company) or a programmer at work.

Also, among the employees, you can choose "models" who will pose for the snowman, taking a funny pose.

drag and drop

A simple Russian game - tug of war - can become a difficult and at the same time very funny competitionif it is held in winter. To do this, the site must be cleared in advance and, possibly, slightly watered to make it slippery. Participants don't have to talk about it.

Players must complete the task in teams of 3-5 people, so not only their strength will be tested, but also their ability to maintain balance.

Find treasure

In a limited space (it is best to enclose it with a rope stretched over sticks), a treasure is buried in the snow. If it is necessary that the competition be difficult, the object must be white. At the command of the leader, the players must look for a treasure in the snow. Whoever finds it first takes it as a prize.

When developing a scenario for a corporate party in nature, all safety measures must be observed. And just in case, take a first aid kit with you, where there will be hydrogen peroxide, a bandage, brilliant green or iodine, cotton wool, ammonia and a band-aid.

It is imperative to warn all employees traveling to nature so that they dress appropriately - comfortable tracksuits and sneakers. In winter, you can even take spare clothes in case the main set gets wet.

Ordinary office life in large companies is predictable and monotonous: as a rule, employees sit in separate rooms, all communication takes place through electronic means communication, employees build their activities in accordance with the internal standards of the company. The only time you can relax and chat with colleagues is during lunch breaks. And, of course, corporate events.

Corporate holidays: how it all began

Any manager is well aware that the effectiveness of the team's work largely depends on the psychological situation in the team and fair compensation for the results achieved. Moreover, this compensation should be not only material, but also moral. The fastest way to rally the team, reveal new facets of employees, increase loyalty to the company and relieve colleagues emotionally is to hold an offsite corporate party.

This ingenious marketing technique was invented by American top managers of insurance companies after the Second World War. They noticed that the performance of employees directly depends on their loyalty to the company-employer and devotion to it. After small spontaneous “parties”, sales figures for services skyrocketed each time. If there were no “shocks” for a long time, or the competitive factor disappeared, the team gradually began to slow down. Moreover, no financial vicissitudes of the difficult post-war period played any role.

Slowly, far-sighted managers began to plan in advance such informal meetings of workers and even pay for this fun. They understood that every dollar spent on entertainment would eventually bring even more profit.

Since then the world office workers began to pay close attention to managed recreation in the circle of colleagues. This is how the traditions of celebrating the company's birthday, launching new projects or, conversely, summing up the results, Christmas parties, holidays in honor of International Women's Day, and so on, appeared. Today it is customary to combine entertainment with training and team building. Most often, the manager delights his employees with corporate events in nature: in the summer there is not much work, so scenarios can be unusual and accessible.

About some nuances of corporate events

It should be noted right away that the scope of events, the time of holding and the program directly depend on the allocated budget. As a rule, the scope of funding is negotiated initially, so even if a great script is written, but the costs exceed the agreed amount, management rarely agrees to revise it upwards. Some savings without compromising the event itself are always welcome.

The best time for the event is Friday and Saturday. Summer corporate parties in nature are also very popular, they are easy to sketch, and then they are less expensive.

Any corporate events, including offsite ones, are the first item that is cut down in times of financial difficulties in the company. Therefore, when an opportunity arises to have a great time with colleagues, it should be used to the maximum.

How to create a corporate outdoor recreation scenario?

In order for a corporate field trip to meet the tasks set, an adaptive scenario is written.

The first stage in planning is filling out a brief (a questionnaire in which all the most significant details of the event are noted). It is very important that this is done by the leader who oversees the event, or by an employee who is entrusted with an “honorable mission”. This does not take much time, but such a document immediately creates the outline of a corporate party. The following points are summarized here:

  • information occasion (project launch, training, company birthday, team building, New Year, etc.),
  • event format (party, gala dinner, outdoor recreation, trip abroad),
  • budget,
  • number of persons,
  • duration,
  • event curator (preferably one if the project is outsourced to an event agency),
  • other wishes.

Now it's up to the script. Some mistakenly think that it is enough to enter some games and words of the presenters into the scenario of holding a corporate party in nature, and this will be "more than" for a great holiday.

The reality is this: a script can take up several dozen pages, where the event will be scheduled by the minute, starting from the meeting place on the eve of the corporate party and ending with the last minute when the participants are taken home.

So, point number one is the choice of the venue for the event. In the warm season, country boarding houses, recreation centers with separate houses and a landscaped area and a restaurant are very popular. It is desirable that there is access to the water: it can be either a river or the sea, or an ordinary pool or lake. The location is selected based on two factors:

  • comfortable accommodation for all participants;
  • the possibilities of the site itself (for example, if a team building is held, it is important that there are a sufficient number of trees around or, conversely, a cleared meadow).

By the way, it is accommodation and meals that take from one third to half of the budget, so you need to book a venue as early as possible. If a corporate event is held for all employees, renting the entire base may be a good solution. The price may include partial meals (breakfasts), equipment rental (for example, fishing rods, ATVs, barbecues), a conference room with equipment and Additional services(for example, sauna or spa treatments), etc. A full package of services will definitely cost less than each separately, since it will immediately bring profit to the site. At the same time, you can negotiate discounts on accommodation or any other concessions from the location.

For management, as a rule, suites are provided, for ordinary employees accommodation for 2-3 people is possible.

A very important point is the transfer of participants to the venue of the corporate party. Group delivery will help to properly set up the participants before arriving at the place and open them emotionally. Communication with each other in a relaxed atmosphere in anticipation of adventure and some detachment from everyday bustle immediately cheer up. In addition, you do not need to think about how to get back.

If any thematic training or official speech is planned, it is best to conduct them in the morning. A working atmosphere can be created in a well-equipped conference room or an impromptu classroom, such as on the lawn or by the pool. This part of the event should not take more than an hour and a half. If we are talking about some kind of intensive, you need to think about breaks or changing activities from passive to active team work. The second half of the day can be devoted to active entertainment, team building, or vice versa, to give each participant a couple of hours to relax.

The scenario of a corporate party in nature, especially thematic, provides that the host takes on the main role, especially during competitions. It is worth noting that the leader and manager of the entire project are not the same person. The first is responsible for excitement and high spirits, and the second oversees all the technical issues. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice a few dishes on the evening menu, and invite a professional actor or showman with free money. Such people feel the mood of the group well, at the right time they easily extinguish conflicts and have an accumulated arsenal of non-standard thematic competitions. They also bring the necessary props.

Never neglect such an issue as the musical accompaniment of a party. good equipment and sounding music will create the right atmosphere. Ideally - .

An exemplary scenario for an offsite corporate party

It is assumed that a corporate party in nature is held for 20 people in a country club. Two days pass.

The theme is "Forward to the Past".

The dress code is sporty, comfortable, for the evening - cocktail dresses for women and jackets without a tie for men.

According to the scenario, the meeting is at 9.30 near the metro station.

9.30-10.30 - Transfer by bus to the site.

10.30-11.30 - Check-in, dressing and lunch, at this time the hosts of the main part also arrive.

11.30-15.30 - Active thematic games in an open area in the forest.

Game-quest "Find the treasure chest."

Legend. There is an old map that leads to some old treasure chest. The problem is that there is also a duplicate of this card. Since it is very ancient, its parts, as well as the double, are buried in different parts of the forest within a radius of 500 meters. The host tells a story about treasures and divides the guests into teams. Each found piece of the map indicates what task must be completed in order to understand where the next piece is located. As soon as all the tasks are completed and the map is collected, it will become clear where the treasure is hidden.

  • Light a fire without matches, using only handy tools.
  • Build a hut 1 m high at the exact location.
  • Build an impromptu crossing over a stormy river.
  • Gather a basket of berries for lunch.
  • Find the squirrel's nest and a part of the map will be hidden there.
  • Solve the puzzle of ancient signs.
  • If a double part comes across, it must be exchanged for the one you need from the other team (bargain, steal, sell - buy).

In the treasure chest there are personalized envelopes with a cash prize from the company's management.

15.30-16.00 - Return to the territory.

16.00-17.00 - Lunch.

17.00-20.00 - Sauna and swimming pool.

20.00-21.00 - Rest and dressing for dinner.

21.00-24.00 - Dinner.

The next day:

10.00 - 11.30 - Late breakfast. Speech by the head of the company, presentation of the results of work for reporting period. Plans for the next period.

11.30-12.00 - Packing, boarding the bus.

12.00-13.00 – Transfer to the city.

In addition to the scenario of the corporate holiday of the company "X" in nature, checklists are attached:

  • detailed menu for each meal,
  • props,
  • list of phone numbers of key contractors,
  • list of phone numbers of all participants of the corporate party.

Corporate events in nature in the summer and competitions are almost everything you need for a successful and memorable event. Summer and fun will be the main companions of the guests in maintaining an excellent mood throughout the celebration, and even after it, in the memories of employees in the middle of everyday work.

Competition "Rope"

Have you already tried barbecue and are you ready for serious physical achievements? Then this is the contest for you! The leader must prepare the ball (or something that can replace it) and the rope. Two players stand opposite each other and pull the rope at shoulder level. The rest of the players line up in single file. The essence of the game is to pass under a stretched rope, holding the ball between the knees. Leaning forward is not allowed (only backward). The one who did not keep his ball is out of the game. Naturally, with each new circle, the rope is lowered lower and lower: you are not looking for easy ways, are you? Believe me, the winner who did not drop the ball to the last one really deserves a prize as the most dexterous and flexible member of your team!

Competition "Cross the Swamp"

Guests are divided into two teams. A special playing field is cleared for the game: a platform 2-3 meters wide and 3-4 meters long. This will be our "swamp". Each team gets two "bumps" (small cardboard circles that can fit one person's feet). Moving the "hummocks", you need to cross the swamp and not go astray. The team that crosses the swamp faster than their opponents will receive a prize!

Contest "Collect the rain"

Have you ever taken part in catching raindrops? If not, then with this competition you will have such an opportunity. The host stands in the center of an impromptu circle and sprinkles water around him from a bottle - “rain”. The task of the players is to catch as many “rain” drops as possible with plastic cups. And try not to get wet: the rain is very insidious!

Competition "Potato"

Divide the participants into teams of 4-6 people and offer them a simple but fun contest: collect a bucket of potatoes. Naturally, this important matter must be approached creatively, namely, put an empty bucket, move a few meters away and try to fill it, throwing potatoes from this distance. So, which team will be the most labeled?

Competition "Three legs"

The guests are divided into pairs, and then in each pair the left leg of one player is tied to the right leg of the other. Voila! Now we have strange three-legged creatures whose task is to cover a given distance faster than rivals. Be careful: for some reason, walking on three legs is much more difficult than on the usual two!

Corporate events are an integral part organizational culture, one of the important elements non-material motivation employees. The best time for a group trip to nature is August-September. The holiday season is coming to an end, many employees have already had time to rest and have returned to the office, and before new year holidays still far. Competitions for corporate events in nature should be active, fun, interesting, so that people can relieve stress, relax, and tune in to productive work.

Advantages of a corporate party in nature:

  • helps to unite the team;
  • office workers will fully rest from the gray everyday life;
  • a great opportunity to chat in an informal setting and have fun.

Corporate in nature is divided into two parts: a banquet part (picnic) and entertainment, which includes contests, competitions, games. The place for a picnic must be chosen picturesque and equipped, so that employees have the opportunity to comfortably relax in the company of colleagues.

Competitive competitions and games are necessarily included in the program of any corporate holiday. Employees, spending 8-9 hours in a stuffy office, begin to be burdened by a monotonous environment, so outdoor activities are usually perceived with a bang.

Guess the celebrity

The essence of the competition: employees are divided into two teams. The personalities to be guessed must be written down on sheets of paper and placed in a hat / bag. When one team draws a piece of paper, it must clearly describe the celebrity to the opponents without saying the name aloud. Whoever guesses more times wins.

congratulatory word

Competition for the best toast or best congratulations firms. The contestants read poetry, make speeches, the winner is chosen by voting and he receives a valuable prize as a reward.

Truth or Duty

Participants sit in a circle, the bottle is spinning. The one she points to must choose one of the options: "duty" - to fulfill the desire of a group of comrades, or "truth" - to answer the most uncomfortable and unusual questions of colleagues.

Answer the question

The contestants sit in a circle, the host stands in the center and asks questions that need to be answered in 2-3 seconds. The participant who answers the most questions correctly wins.

  • how old are you?
  • the name of the President of the United States?
  • What day is today?
  • what color is the grass?
  • what letter comes after J?

Broken phone

A little childish, but fun and exciting competition. Everyone sits down in a row, the first participant thinks of a phrase (preferably complex) and whispers it as quickly as possible to the next, then along the chain. When the phrase passes through the ears of all the contestants, the presenter announces the hidden phrase, the last participant announces the phrase that has reached him.

Active contests

tug of war

Participants are divided into two groups and stand at different ends of the rope, under which marks should be made: left, right end, middle. At the signal of the leader of the group, they begin to pull the rope, each in its own direction. The team whose members manage to pull the rope towards themselves wins.

Back to back

3-4 pairs of participants are selected, stand with their backs to a friend, hold hands. When the leader gives the command, the players must run to the mark, then return back. You can't get off your partner's back. Despite the apparent ease of the task, it is quite difficult to complete it: one participant will pull the other towards himself, the second will back away, trying to synchronize the steps.

balloon fight

Each participant is tied a balloon to the ankle. After the “start” signal, the players should try to pierce the balls of their colleagues and save their own. Participants with burst balloons are eliminated from the game. The last remaining player is declared the winner.

Jokes at a corporate party

The main rule of a corporate party is that employees should not be bored. When they get tired of participating in contests and playing games, you can defuse the atmosphere with the help of unusual jokes. They should not be vulgar or ambiguous if there are ladies in the team. The key to success is funny props and creative ideas.

"Pregnancy test"

Only men participate. Under the shirt / t-shirt everyone puts a balloon (stomach). Their task is to collect matches scattered on the grass. The "belly" in the process must be protected (so as not to burst). It is forbidden to squat, only bends. Whoever did it faster, he passed the “pregnancy test”.

Gather the rain

The host stands in the center and sprinkles water from a bottle in different directions, the participants must catch as many “rain” drops as possible in cups. Whoever succeeded, he won.

playful hands

Men play, several couples. They stand with their backs to each other, pick up sticks painted with red paint at the ends. Each is given an emery cloth. The goal of the players is to sand the paint off the stick. Positivity and laughter guaranteed!

Corporate party ideas in nature

Competitions for corporate parties in nature will defuse the situation, help employees relax, warm up, strengthen relationships, and gain strength for a new work week. Funny contests and games can be photographed so that the next day at the office you can laugh at funny and unusual pictures.


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