Spring thunderstorm. Spring thunderstorm Approximate plan for testing and control works

Theme: N.I. Sladkov "Spring din"

L.A. Efrosinina Literary reading in 2nd grade

The purpose of the lesson: systematization of children's knowledge about native nature based on the story of N. Sladkov "Spring tumult"

Lesson Objectives:

    educational: to expand and accumulate the reading experience of students through the study of the work of N. Sladkov;

    developing: increase cognitive activity; to contribute to the formation of a culture of speech, enrichment of the vocabulary of students, to motivate independent search activities;

    educational: to cultivate love for native nature, the desire to protect it.

Forms of organizing educational activities: individual, group, steam room, frontal.

Equipment: a computer, multimedia projector, screen, multimedia presentation, sheets with blank covers, explanatory dictionary, words on cards with a list of feelings (pleasure, admiration, joy, anxiety, despondency, inspiration, pride, responsibility, sadness)

During the classes.

Teacher activity

Student activities

    Organizing time. Introduction to the topic.

Slide 2

- Today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the amazing work of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov and with the diversity of Russian nature.

2. Verification homework and repetition of what has been learned

At home, you had to repeat the works of N.I. Sladkov. Your task is to learn the works by excerpt.

The student reads an excerpt from the work.

Slide 3

“I just cheated you on the first of April! I am spring, not winter! Now I will stop the snowfall, I will drive the frosts away. Then I'll take on the snow, be patient! " (N. Sladkov "April Jokes")

Slide 4

“Here's my advice, snow. Tay quickly, flow into streams and rivers and swim to warm seaside resorts to relax and gain strength. " (N. Sladkov "Snow and Wind")

Slide 5

“Suddenly, a small gray bird - a lark - flew up from one of these hillocks, flew up but did not rush into the distance, not at all.” (G. Skrebitsky "Lark").

Well done guys, did a great job at home. You were attentive and were able to identify the work of G.A. Skrebitsky. Now work in pairs and find among the cover models the model that will suit all the excerpts from the works of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov that you have read.

The guys are working with blank cover models and looking for the right cover model.

Let's check if you have coped with this task.

Children name their answer options.

After that, the correct answer is displayed on the screen.

Slide 6

Well done. And who can prove why he chose this particular cover?

All excerpts were from N.I. Sladkov, so I chose the circle. The circle is green. Because all these tales are about nature.

Thanks for the correct reasoning. Before we move on to acquaintance with the new work of Nikolai Sladkov, I want to ask you a question, the answer to which we will find out at the end of the lesson. Will the chosen cover model fit the new piece?

    Working with a new piece.

Preparing for reading.

Slide 7

Mikhail Ivanovich Prishvin wrote: “By the nature of his talent, Nikolai Ivanovich was an observer, a“ photographer ”. And his stories often resemble instant shots, but not frozen, but vivid, voluminous, filled with smells and sounds. If you wish, you can enter them, calmly look around and ... see what once amazed the author, and now surprises, delights and amazes all of us.

Open your textbooks to the page ... Read the name of the author and the title of the work.

N.I. Sladkov

"Spring din"

What do you think, judging by the title, what is this piece about?

About the spring forest, about the sounds of nature in the spring; about how the forest forest makes noise.

Primary perception of the text.

Now close your eyes. When I read, try to imagine yourself in the place of the writer and see nature through his eyes.

Children listen to the teacher reading.

- How does Sladkov see Russian nature?

4. Vocabulary work.

- What unfamiliar words did you find in the text?

- Who can explain?

(Students explain the meaning of the words they read, then read the explanation of the incomprehensible words in the textbook on page 124)

How do you understand the word "din"?

When everyone is noisy; noisy and you can't make out anything in this noise. They read in a textbook or look for an explanation in an explanatory dictionary.

Look at the screen and listen to the forest din.

Slide 8

When you click the mouse, a sound appears.

What do you think the combination of the words "steamy thicket" means?

Explain to me the lexical meaning of each word separately.

The thicket is an impenetrable forest, from the word “thicket”. And the "steam room" - when it's hot, stuffy.

Take a look at the next slide.

Slide 9

Now read the exact definition of the words in the textbook.

Children are reading.

5. Independent work with the text. Working on the way of reading "to yourself"

Read to yourself.

Children read the work of N.I. Sladkov "Spring tumult"

6. Physical education. "Walk in the spring forest".

Hands raised and shook.

These are trees in the forest.

Hands bent, hands shook.

The wind drops dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave

These are birds flying to us.

We will also show you how they sit down.

The wings folded back.

7. Work on the work.

What happened in the forest?

Spring has come, the forest has come to life, forest sounds have sounded, it has become noisy.

What has changed after the rain?

The air in the forest became cleaner, even dry leaves revived, animals rejoice.

Find in the text and read out the answer to the questions:

- What drops are jumping on birches?

- How is the brook mumbling?

Children read from the text.

Slide 10

Verification from the slide. Viewing pictures, listening to sounds.

What sounds do animals and birds make in spring?

Find and read sentences.

Children read.

Self-completion of task number 1 on page 74 in workbook on literary reading. Mutual verification.

Guys. Listen to the sounds of the forest and try to determine who is making those sounds.

Listening to the sounds of the forest, viewing a series of pictures.

Slides 11 - 17

What have you heard? Tell us.

The murmur of a brook, the singing of birds, the noise of the wind, the chirping of grasshoppers, crickets, the rustle of foliage, the sound of a woodpecker.

What feelings can one experience being in such a forest.

You can experience joy, inspiration, pride in our nature, responsibility, pleasure, etc.

How, in your opinion, should we relate to nature so that we would like to come to the forest again and again?

Nature must be protected and protected.

8. Generalization of knowledge.

Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov has very good words: "The forest is not a school, but teaches!"

How do you understand these words?

The forest teaches us a respectful attitude not only to nature, but also to animals, to those who have been tamed; the forest also teaches us to cleanliness and order.

Thanks guys. Let me remind you that we should have received an answer to the question that sounded before acquaintance with the story of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov "Spring tumult". Who remembers this question?

Will the chosen cover model fit the new piece?

Right. Who will answer?

This option will not work, because we had a cover model for fairy tales, and we read the story. Therefore, the cover model should have a green rectangle.

Children check the answer

with slide 18

9. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Slide 19

What work did you get acquainted with?

- What have you learned new?

I want to end the lesson with the words of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov: "Nature has a goal - to make people happy." Those who today in the lesson felt at least a little happier, smile at each other.

Nature has many unexplored miracles, you just need to be able to find and see them, and in this we are helped by works

N. Sladkova.

If you are interested in the work of N.I. Sladkov, I suggest you read other interesting books by taking them from the library.

Slide 20

10. Homework.

Divide the text into two parts (before and after the thunderstorm).

Prepare an expressive reading of one part of the story.

Who wants to prepare a retelling of the story for the next lesson

N.I. Sladkov "Spring tumult"

Cover models.

Lesson 125. P. Dudochkin "Why is it good in the world", E. Shim "Anthill"

Goals: Formation of the skill of working with text. Be able to analyze and compare. Understand the meaning of the work. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

Reading the description of the meadow from the story "Golden Meadow" by M. Prishvin.

II. Acquaintance with new material

Let's continue our conversation about birds. Listen to the tale of P. Dudochkin "Why is it so good in the world."

So why is it good in the world?

What characters did we meet in the fairy tale?

Skvorushka, Sun, Rain, Woodpecker, Worm.

What good are the heroes doing?

(Five students describe the actions of one of the heroes of the tale).

How do you imagine Skvorushka?

(Students' independent reasoning).

Read the fourth part of the tale by roles. Pay attention to the punctuation marks.

III. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary reading": p. 73 No. 1.

About how good it is in the world. Everyone is busy with their own business and benefits.

RT "Literary reading": p. 73 No. 2.

RT "Literary reading": p. 73 No. 3.

(Independent work).

IV. Acquaintance with new material

Why is the ant called the most powerful insect?

He is able to carry weights several times his own weight.

Find an expression in a fairy tale that is often found in Russian folk tales.

Name the fairy tales.

"The Frog Princess", "Fire, Water and copper pipes"," Barbarian-beauty - a long braid ".

V. Practical tasks.


RT "Literary reading": p. 74 No. 2.

"Back to the forest, in front of the sun."

RT "Literary reading": p. 74 No. 3.

Vi. Homework. 1. Prepare a retelling of one of the parts of the tale by P. Dudochkin "Why is it so good in the world." 2. RT "Literary reading": p. 73 No. 4.

Lesson 126. I. Sladkov "Spring tumult", A. Barto "Sparrow"

Goals: Formation of the skill of working with text. Be able to analyze. Understand the meaning of the work. Express an emotional attitude towards the characters. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Checking the assignment completed in the RT.

Retelling of P. Dudochkin's fairy tale "Why is it so good in the world."

In the last lesson, we talked about the benefits of Skvorushka, Sun, Rain, Woodpecker, Worm and Ants.

Now let's listen to their din.

Read the story of N. Sladkov "Spring Uproar".

Check out the definitions of new words.

What sounds do animals and birds make in spring? Read the action words.

How do last year's leaves rejoice in spring? Read it.

What event is described in the story?

Divide the text in two.

Before the thunderstorm and after.

And here is another breaker of winter silence - a sparrow. Read how he rejoices in spring - A. Barto "Sparrow".

What mood does this poem evoke in you?

Cheerful, cheerful.

What's in the illustration on tutorial page 125?

This illustration fully depicts the poem.

What poems by A. Barto are you already familiar with?

"Toys", "April", "Katya", ...

III. Practical tasks.

N. Sweet "Spring din"

RT "Literary reading": p. 74 No. 1.

(Independent work).

RT "Literary reading": p. 75 No. 2.

Noisy, sonorous, joyful.

RT "Literary reading": p. 75 No. 3.

Mischievous raindrops; trembling with fear; jump into a puddle.

A. Barto "Sparrow"

RT "Literary reading": p. 75 № 1.

"Jumping and spinning."

IV. Homework.

1. Prepare an expressive reading of one of the parts of the story.

2. Memorize A. Barto's poem "Sparrow".

3. Come up with riddles about the sparrow.

4. Finish reading the Russian folk tale "Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful" (Reader, Part 2, pp. 41 - 52).

Lesson 127. R. Sef "Miracle", Russian folk tale"Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful"

Goals: Formation of the skill of working with text. Be able to analyze. Understand the meaning of the work. Express an emotional attitude towards the characters. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Reading riddles invented at home.

Expressive reading of N. Sladkov's story "Spring tumult". Reading the poem by A. Barto "Sparrow" by heart.

II. Acquaintance with new material._

Question Answer

What is a miracle? Have you ever met a miracle?

(Students' independent reflections).

Let's read the poem about the miracle in the Reader (Part 1) on page 28.

A young birch tree.

What word is repeated several times in a poem?

And here's a fairy tale about a miracle! At home you read it yourself - "Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful."

What Russian folk tales did this fairy tale remind you of?

"Turnip", "Mill-spit-nitsa", "Goby - a tar barrel".

How are they similar?

How many sayings are there in this tale?

Why does the tale have such a name?

(Students' independent reasoning).

III. Homework. 1. To memorize the poem by R. Sef "Miracle".

Lessons 128. M. Prishvin "Guys and Ducklings"

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Reading by heart the poem "Miracle" by R. Sef.

II. Acquaintance with new material - We are already familiar with the works of M. Prishvin. What is he writing about? / About wildlife.

What stories of M. Prishvin are you familiar with. / "Old mushroom", "Golden meadow", "Zhurka", "Mink and Zhul-ka", "Hedgehog", "Autumn morning", "Forest drops", "Trees in the forest su ”,“ Unseen mushrooms ”.

Read the following work and see how sometimes a person is imperfect and how cruel he is to to the living world - "Guys and ducklings."

How do you feel about the actions of children? / (Independent reasoning denia of students). _

Read the passage that matches the illustration on page 128.

What was the mother duck like? Podgo Tell a story about her. __

111. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary

Condemned, scolded.

RT "Literary

(Independent work).

RT "Literary 77 No. 3.

IV. Homework. 1 RT "Literary reading": p. 77 No. 4.

Lesson 129. B. Zakhoder "Bird School"

Goals: Formation of the skill of monologue speech. Formation of the skill of working with text. Be able to analyze. Understand the meaning of the work. Express an emotional attitude towards the characters. Acquaintance with a new work.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Checking the assignment completed in the RT. Retelling of M. Prishvin's story "Guys and Ducklings".

II. Acquaintance with new material.

Did you know that animals and birds have the same schools as humans? The elders teach the younger generation.

Listen to the poem "Bird School" by Boris Zakhoder.

Well, does the chick lesson schedule look like yours? What subjects do chicks study?

Calligraphy, reading, science, singing.

Consider the illustrations for the poem. Read the words that apply to them.

Work with text.


III. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary reading": p. 78 №2.

(Independent work).

IV. Homework. Prepare an express reading of the verse Boris Zakhodera "Bird School".

Lesson130. K. Ushinsky "Morning Rays"

Objectives: Formation of skills in working with text. Be able to analyze. Understand the meaning of the work. Express an emotional attitude towards the characters. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Expressive Thu verse Boris Zakhodera "Bird School".

II. Acquaintance with new material.

What works of K. Ushinsky did we get acquainted with earlier?

"Vaska the Cat", "Lisa Patri-keevna", "Dodger Cat", "Frost is Not Scary", "Playing Dogs".

How can you characterize all the stories of K. Ushinsky?


Read the story "Morning Rays" by K. Ushinsky.

Here, as in M. Prishvin, man is opposed to nature. Everyone - birds, animals, and insects - reacted to the red sun, only a man hid from it. Everyone got down to business, and the lazy man "turned over on the other side and fell asleep again."

Speaks affectionately about her.

How does he speak about a person?

With annoyance.

Read the Lark Song expressively.

What are the others doing? Tell us.

Do you think Morning Rays is a story or a fairy tale? Explain your answer.

(Students' independent reasoning).

The story, everything described happens in reality.

III. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary reading": p. 78 № 1.

(Independent work).

RT "Literary reading": p. 79 No. 2.

RT "Literary reading": p. 79 No. 3.

(Independent work).

RT "Literary reading": p. 79 No. 4.

IV. Homework. 1. Memorize the passage you like best.

Lesson 130. Nenets folk tale. "Polar bear and brown bear", Agnia Barto "Spring, spring on the street ..."

Goals: Formation of the skill of working with text. Acquaintance with a new work. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Checking d \ h. Reading an excerpt from K. Ushinsky's story "Morning Rays" by heart.

What work have you read at home on your own? What is it about?

II. Acquaintance with new material.

Spring is in full swing! See how joyfully Agnia Barto describes spring. Read an excerpt from the poem "Spring, spring on the street ...".

Joyful, cheerful, cheerful.

What mood does poetry make you feel?

Look at the illustration, read the words that best match it.

Moscow: noisy, cheerful, springtime.

Foliage: not yet dusty, green.

III. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary reading": p. 80 №2.

Spring, spring on the street, Spring days!

RT "Literary reading": pp. 80 -81 №3.

Are filled up.

IV. Homework. 1. Learn the poem "Spring, spring on the street ..." by heart.

3. Prepare for the test work on the section "Spring, spring is red ...".

Lesson 132. Test yourself. Verification work under the section "Spring, spring red ..."

Goals: Secure the resulting material. Identify residual knowledge of the section.

During the classes

I. Review of the knowledge gained. The conversation is conducted on the questions presented in the textbook on pages 135 - 136. The teacher can also add their own assignments at their discretion.

II. Test work (written). Questions for the written test are given in the RT "Literary reading, Part 2" on pages 81-82.

When completing assignments, you can use the textbook and reader.

III. Homework. Read on your own the story of V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".

Lesson 133. V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower", Russian folk tale "Khavroshechka"

Goals: Formation of the skill of working with text. Acquaintance with a new work. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

Homework check.

What work have you read at home on your own?

"Flower-seven-color" V. Kataev.

Does this work look like a fairy tale?

What miracles are happening here?

Each of the torn off petals fulfills the girl's wish.

P. Acquaintance with new material.

Now we will talk about fairy tales. There are many of them, and they are different: literary and folk, scary and not very, about animals, about folk life and magic ... You cannot list everything.

We will talk with you about fairy tales. Fairy tales are full of miracles and transformations. Every fairy tale is a new miracle! Magic fairy tales help us to believe in happiness, good, teach us to fight against evil.

The first of these tales in our textbook is "Khavroshechka". Let's read it.

You will find an explanation of the incomprehensible words on the tutorial page 144.

As a rule, fairy tales begin from the beginning - the words before the beginning of the fairy tale itself.

Read the beginning of this tale.

(First paragraph).

How did Kroshechka-Khavroshechka live in a strange family?

She was “stuck with work”, “it's hard for her to live and live”.

Who helped the orphan girl?

In fairy tales, someone always helps a good hero. He is called a magic helper. This is the cow here.

How is this described?


How do you imagine the master's daughters?

(Students' independent reasoning).

How can you describe the character of Kro-shechka-Khavroshechka?

Gentle, kind, affectionate, helpful.

What miracles happen in a fairy tale?

1. The cowshed helps to fulfill the instructions of the owners.

2. An apple tree has grown from the bones of a cow.

3. The branches of the apple tree themselves stretch to Kroshechka-Khavroshechka, and from the evil sisters they rise higher.

Remember the beginning. What kind of people can be attributed to the hostess and her daughters. "Explain why.

(Students' independent reasoning).

III. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary reading": p. 83 No. 1.

(Independent work).

RT "Literary reading": p. 83 №2.

RT "Literary reading": p. 83 №3.

RT "Literary reading": p. 83 №4.

Live without grief.

IV. Homework. 1. RT "Literary reading": p. 84 No. 5.

2. Read "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" by A.S. Pushkin.

3. RT "Literary reading": pp. 88 -89 № 1 - 4.

Lesson 134. AS Pushkin "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Goals: Formation of new knowledge. Formation of the skill of working with text. Acquaintance with a new work. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Checking the assignments completed in the RT.

II. Formation of new knowledge.

What work of A.S. Have we already met Pushkin?

"The Tale of Tsar Salta-not ...", the poem "Already the sky breathed in autumn ...".

Listen to The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

Look at the detailed "vocabulary" presented in the tutorial on pages 154 - 155. Check it out.

What kind of fairy tale is it: folk or literary? Why?

What "great miracle" does the old man tell the old woman? Read it.

Meeting with a goldfish.

Tell us how you imagine the old man and the old woman.

We fill in the table in the RT (RT "Literary reading": p. 86 No. 2).

(Students' independent reasoning).

Why didn't the fish fulfill the old man's last request?

The old woman wanted to take her place.

Read emphatically how the sea changes.

Along the way, we write it down in the RT (RT “Literary reading”: p. 86, No. 3).

Match words to the illustrations in the textbook.

Explain the expression "stay at the bottom of the trough."

To be left with nothing.

III. Homework. 1. Memorize the first part of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

2. Read the Indian folk tale yourself " gold fish».

Compare it with the tale of A.S. Pushkin.

Lesson 135. Indian Folk Tale "Goldfish", Charles Perrault "Puss in Boots"

Goals: Formation of the skill of working with text. Be able to analyze and compare. Understand the meaning of the work. Express an emotional attitude towards the characters. Formation of the skill of monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Reading the first part of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by heart.

Comparative characteristics of fairy tales

The name of the tale

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

"Gold fish"

A.S. Pushkin

Indian folk tale

The origin of the tale



Old man with old woman

Gold fish

Home, food, clothing

Make an old man a headman in the district, the house is twice as large, five servants, ten teams of buffaloes, barns full of rice, gold ornaments and gold

The old woman wants to be a pillar noblewoman

Make an old man a king over all the earth

The old woman wants to be a free queen

The old woman wants to be the mistress of the sea

It all came back home

II. Formation of new knowledge.

Now listen to the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by the French writer Charles Perrault.

Consider the illustrations for the fairy tale. Match them with words from the text.

How do you imagine the owner of the cat?

(Students' independent reasoning).

What was the cat like?

Dexterous, resourceful, quick-witted.

III. Practical tasks.

RT "Literary reading": p. 90 № 1.

The eldest got a mill, the middle got a donkey, and the youngest got a cat.

RT "Literary reading": p. 90 №2.

King, mowers, reapers, cannibal.

RT "Literary reading": p. 90 №3.

Everything goes according to plan.

IV. Homework 1. RT "Literary reading": p. 90 № 4. Solve the crossword puzzle.

2. Read the fairy tales presented on page 167 of the textbook on your own.

3. Prepare for your mastery lesson.

Lesson 136. Test yourself. Test work on the passed material

Goals: Check the degree of assimilation of the material.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Checking the completed task in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Homeland, native nature. Poets of the Russian Diaspora ...

  • Program

    L.P. Kezina Compiled by E.S. Savinov Approximate basic educational program educational ... Works by Russian composers about Homeland... Sacred music in creativity ... by students of all health groups (on lessons physical education, in sections, etc. ...

  • You can very easily draw in your imagination a picture of a rainy May day, if you read the verse "Spring Thunderstorm" by Tyutchev Fyodor Ivanovich. The poet wrote this work in 1828, when he was in Germany, and then, in 1854, corrected it. The main attention in the poem is paid to an ordinary natural phenomenon - a thunderstorm, but the author managed to reproduce all its details so accurately and expressively that until now this poem is admired by readers.

    Spring was the poet's favorite season. She symbolized for him the beginning of a new life, the awakening of nature. Comparing each season with a period of human life, Tyutchev perceived spring as youth. He describes natural phenomena using human traits. Tyutchev's thunder frolics and plays like a child, he calls his peals young, and a thundercloud laughs, spilling water on the ground. Spring Thunder is like a young man who takes his first steps in an adult independent life. He is also cheerful and carefree, and his life flies like a stormy stream, without knowing obstacles. Despite the cheerful mood, there is a slight sadness in the poem. The poet seems to regret those times when he himself was young and carefree.

    The last quatrain of the poem draws the reader to ancient Greek mythology. The poet draws an invisible line connecting the usual phenomenon of nature with the divine principle. From the point of view of philosophy, Tyutchev emphasizes that in this world everything repeats itself, and as the spring thunder thundered hundreds of years ago, it will thunder in the same way hundreds of years after us. To conduct a literature lesson in the classroom, you can download here the text of Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm" in full. You can also learn this piece by heart online.

    Spring, spring red ...

    Answers to pp. 74 - 75

    Nikolay Sladkov
    Spring din

    A cheerful May thunder burst out - untied tongues for all living things. Streams of sounds rushed and flooded the forest. May thundered in the forest!
    Everything that can sound sounded.
    Gloomy silent owls mutter. Cowardly hares cry fearlessly and loudly.
    The forest of screams, whistles, knocks and songs is full. Some songs flew into the forest with migratory birds from distant countries. Others were born here, in the forest. The songs met after a long parting and ring with joy from dawn to dawn.
    And in the heated steamy thicket, where the brook mutters angrily, where golden willows looked into the water, where bird cherry threw white quivering bridges from shore to shore, the first mosquito squeaked. And the white bells of the first lilies of the valley sounded barely audible ...
    For a long time a thunderstorm has flashed, but mischievous raindrops are jumping from leaf to leaf on the birches, as from step to step. They hang on the tip, trembling with fear, and, flashing desperately, jump into a puddle.
    And in the puddles, frogs toss and turn and blissfully ur-r-r-chat.
    Even the dry twisted leaves that had overwintered on the ground came to life: now they scurry and rustle on the ground like mice, now they fly up like herds of fast birds.
    Sounds from all sides: from the fields and forests, from the sky, from the water, from the ground.
    Spring din is thundering!

    1. Who sings their spring song like? Find the answers in the text. Indicate ⇒

    owls mutter
    Creek mumbles
    mosquito squeaks
    lilies of the valley sound
    frogs rumbling
    hares shout

    leaves rustle

    2. What month is May? Mark the answer with + or write your own.

    + noisy + glad
    quiet + voiced

    3 ∗. Read the description of raindrops. What words do they say about drops as living things? Emphasize.

    For a long time a thunderstorm has flashed, but mischievous raindrops are jumping from leaf to leaf on the birches, as from step to step. They hang on the tip, trembling with fear, and, flashing desperately, jump into a puddle.


    It might be helpful to read: