Miss autumn business card. The script of the autumn contest "Miss" Autumn charm. Presentation of Daria Milk Eater

Bylinkina Svetlana
Scenario autumn competition"Miss Autumn Charm"

Miss Contest Scenario« AUTUMN CHARM»

Romantic music sounds. (The presenters come out.)

1 VED: The dew is sparkling, the clouds are melting,

A new day usually comes

And the universe glows while

The woman's light is splashed across the universe.

Ah, women, and beauty, and celebration,

And the heroines of youthful dreams!

From birth to daughters of beautiful spring

Hope, Faith and Love!

2 VED: Attention attention! Tune everything in a festive mood.

We start our Miss contest« AUTUMN CHARM»

We are glad to welcome you to this wonderful competition.

1 VED: Oh, how many beauties

Gathered today!

There is a western taste

And the manner of the east

Beautiful ladies of Shakespeare and Blok,

Madonnas, ballerinas, Stranger portraits ...

Where is the ideal? Yes, there is no standard!

2 VED: It's time to meet the contenders for the title Miss« Autumn charm» and we invite you to scene first participant:

Music sounds, participants come out

1 VED: On scene sweet participant under number 1 is invited ___

2 VED: On stage I invite the contestant under number 2, this is a charming ___

1 VED: In a hurry to us contestant number 3, this is incendiary ___

2 VED: Meet contestant number 4 is unpredictable ___

1 VED: Give a standing ovation to participant number 5 - it's elegant ___

2 VED: We are happy to invite the participant number 6 - it's stylish ___

1 VED: And this applause is given to the participant at number 7 - this is a charming ___

2 VED: We greet our lovely participants with friendly applause.

We ask you to sit down at the tables. We begin.

1 VED: Now, we present our highly respected jury, which will evaluate our contestants.

Today's jury are included:

2 VED: Today, surprises await not only our participants, but also the audience. Therefore, we urge you to be careful!

1 VED: Competition 1. "Hello, it's me!"

A greeting starts a day or conversation. Greeting is a custom that has found widespread in our daily life.

"Hello, it's me"- this is the name of our first contest, in which girls are given the right to tell about themselves. And we give the floor to our members. (by lot).

I'm glad to take part

In our cool competition.

I need to say about myself

And in detail, moreover.

I'm nine years old. I am Tatyana,

V …. I'm already attending class

From ratings constantly

I only wear fives.

I'm always active at school

I do not know how to lose heart

Cheerful and positive

I love to dance.

I want to become a veterinarian

I love horses.

With a gift for dancing here

Many children were gathered.

May our good the competition serves,

And passes without hindrance.

Let the participants make friends

And will delight us all.

I want to tell you,

that Tanya is calling me,

I'm a funny girl

and walk with girlfriends. here I am standing in front of you

I greet you all, friends! My name is Victoria.

I'm thirteen years old

There are no harmful habits yet.

I have average grades,

But I can do a lot:

Dance, cook, embroider,

Cut, weave and paint.

I like to laugh and joke

Well, to be friends with boys.

My character is not at all evil,

But he can be changeable

AND autumn reminds me.

Although on autumn I look like,

I still prefer spring

And for no reason a friend, friend

For the sake of self-interest I will not betray

What else can I say about myself?

I love to meet with my friends

WITH good people communicate

I love to have fun with friends.

I dream to be happy in life

And I wish the same to you all! A I'm in a hurry to tell the contestants,

We are certainly not enemies with you,

This evening you must,

be beautiful and smart.

To joke, to joke and to dance,

Don't let all viewers get bored.

I greet you all today

And I'll tell you a little about myself.

My name is Anastasia.

In July I turned…. years.

I love needlework very much:

Knit, weave, embroider beautifully,

I also love to sing and dance.

I do well with my studies.

I have many friends

But I don’t let them down!

I dream to visit France in Paris,

Where the Eiffel Tower conquers the skies

But this is later, but for now.

I want to wish everyone good luck

After all, we need it today!

1 VED: Yes, there is something divine, unearthly in the appearance of our participants. This eyes. These smiles. And no matter what business they undertake, everything is excellent for them. The woman is the keeper of the home. This is inherent in her by nature. If women can do anything, then the best thing for them, it turns out, is to be women and mothers.

Musical pause song "Mama" Dayana

2 VED: Now, I ask all participants to go to scene, for the next competition.

1 VED: Competition 2. "Cover Model".

Each of the girls dreams of getting on the cover of a famous magazine. Today you are given such an opportunity. Now you will choose the title of one of the magazines. Various items are offered on the table to help you create your image. You are given one minute for you to select items to create your image and present it to everyone in the audience.

Until the girls get ready, girls junior group read a poem about mom.

Morning begins, mom wakes up

And with my mother's smile, the morning fills.

With warm palms, mom will warm you,

With kind words, sadness-sorrow will dispel.

Why so often, harm kicks in us?

"I do not want and I will not!"- it is called.

We know, Mommy, you're always right.

AND "forgive me please"- words sound again.

Like the sun in the sky, like foliage in the garden,

Like living water, mom is important to us!

2 VED: And we are glad to see the beautiful images of the girls from the cover.

(Contestants represent the image from the cover of the magazine).

Jury word

1 VED: Leading: When completing the next task, girls need to be smart, resourceful, quick-witted and quickly give answers to unusual questions.


What is a woman's name that consists of two letters repeating twice. (ANNA).

It takes 1 hour to cook 1 kg of meat. How many hours will it take to cook 2 kg of such meat? (ALSO 1 HOUR).

What mathematicians, drummers and hunters can't do without? (WITHOUT SHOT).

- Think: what belongs to you, but others use it more than you do? (NAME).

5 knots were tied on the rope. How many parts have the knots split the rope into? (IN 6 PARTS).

Under what bush did the hare sit in the rain? (UNDER WET).

Candy lay in a pile. Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter took one piece of candy, and this pile was gone. How many sweets are in a pile. (3 CANDIES).

How can water be carried in the sieve? (TO FREEZE).

Where can you not find dry stone? (IN WATER).

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (WHEN THE DOOR IS OPEN).

The thermometer shows 3 degrees C of frost. How many degrees will two such thermometers show? (ALSO 3 DEGREES).

There were three glasses of cherries on the table. Kostya ate the berries from one glass. How many glasses are left? (3 GLASSES).

Boil 1 egg for 4 minutes. How many minutes do 6 eggs boil? (ALSO 4 MINUTES).

2 VED: Eastern wisdom says that a loving man is a well-fed man. However, the main secret of food lies not at all in its composition and quality, but in the methods of preparation, in the feelings experienced when serving it. Everyone knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The task of our participants is to show off their culinary skills in preparing and serving dishes.

And as you probably guessed, our next 4 contest"Specialty of the house"

Contestants present their dish to the jury.

2 VED: For the first time when competition« Miss Seven» the audience jury works. Each of you has the right to cast your vote for only one participant competition... The participant with the most votes wins the People's Choice Award. You can cast your vote using the number indicating the participant's number that you received at the entrance to the hall.


Our participants took 5 pictures in advance at their request. Now they will present them to the jury members. The originality and creativity of our girls is evaluated.

Attention to the screen:

Participant number 1 ...

Yes! Our contestants are talented... Every minute it seems to me more and more that the jury will not be able to name the winner.

In the meantime, our participants are preparing, girls are giving their musical gift to all viewers - contestants.

2 VED: Dance competition

1 VED: Well, now the time has come to name the owner of the main title of today competition... The floor is given to our jury. (The jury announces the results competition, the winner is also awarded in nominations.)

The jury awards titles to the participants

« Miss Charm» , « Miss Smile» , « Miss Grace» , « Miss Originality» « Miss Resourcefulness» , « Miss Grace» ,

We have reasons for all the participants

Record in the beauty register.

After all, as long as there are men,

Every girl has a sparkle!

Intrigue of today competition will be the score of the audience vote. And now we call No. contestants- Winners of the audience vote. She becomes - _participant under the number of F.I.

(Awarding of the winner).

Presentation, fanfare sounds, presenters come out.

V. Good evening!

V. Good evening everyone!
V Gentlemen, we welcome you to our autumn school hall!
V. Wonderful autumn music makes this beautiful come true autumn tale

V. Autumn comes in its turn
In it every month, without a doubt,
We are given what we are waiting for the whole year,
A wonderful holiday - an autumn day!

V Autumn is a red-haired beauty
Everyone, of course, really likes
In front of her the rains are crying
The winds bow their heads.

V And she's so proud
So wonderful and beautiful.
Surprising by the fall of leaves
He showered everyone with gold!
(children run out doing the autumn fireworks from the leaves) (music)

V Hello, friends! A year has passed, and we again meet with you our dear sorceress autumn. It is she who gives us bright colors of trees and gray rainy days, she only occasionally pleases us with the sun's rays, but most importantly - autumn again gathers all of us within the walls of our native school.

V. Outside the window, autumn is damp and cold, but in our hall it is warm, cozy and light from your smiles and good mood. (Fanfare).

V And we start our competition program for the title "Miss Autumn - 2016"
V. The competition will not be easy, but each of the participants is determined to conquer it honorary title

V. To achieve the honorary title -
Miss Autumn 2016
It takes a lot of effort:
Be smarter than everyone and, of course, more beautiful,
Softness, grace, tact to show
Well, fall in love with all the boys.

V. It is worth giving the girls a standing ovation
And, of course, change the scenery.
How long will the stage be empty?
Let her beauty fill!

Veda 1 To your applause, we invite the participants to the stage.

Music is playing. The participants take the stage. The presenters represent them.

Olesya Sycheva 10a class, Polina Pomykanova 9 "a" class, Maria Tesova, 10a class, Ekaterina Laponkina 9bkl, Tatyana Osadchaya 10a, Alina Gavrichkova, 9a class

(music of the release "The Most, The Most")

Vedas: Dear girls, may each of you today be accompanied by good luck, success, inspiration and the warmest support from the fans.

V... And now we will greet our contestants with thunderous applause and conduct them preparing for the first competition " Business card»

(music of the release "The Most, the Most")

Veda Today our highly respected jury of 6 applicants will choose 1 for the title "Miss Autumn 2016", for the rest of the girls we have prepared wonderful nominations

Veda And for others there will be other titles

Our jury will tell you about this at the end.

The jury is great, the jury is power

Not everyone can judge fairly!

Veda So meet the jury at last

Maybe we will not present them in rhyme,

But respected and loved, of course.

Loud applause, friends, and for them!

V So, let me introduce our honest and impartial judges

    A graduate of the school, a constant sponsor of our competition "Miss Autumn" for 5 years and our dance group "Girls", general manager the network computer shops"Mobile" Alexander Timoshenko

    School graduates, athletes, Komsomol members, activists and just beauties Ekaterina Shcherbakova and ___________________________

    Teacher of English language Oksana Alexandrovna Pogrebnova

    Head of the school theater group "Lightning" Nina Alexandrovna Molchanova


Our first competition is "Presentation, business card".

There are three things in the world that people have always loved, but which they could never fully comprehend - painting, music and female nature. Therefore, first of all, we invite our participants to tell a little about themselves, to introduce themselves.

And according to the draw, I am the first to invite to the stage the participant number 1 Olesya (after the participant's performance)

V. For the jury, I would like to clarify that according to the terms of this competition, "Presentation, business card" of the participant must be a photo session in which they must tell about themselves. Time for this competition is given no more than 3 and a half minutes. For exceeding the time of the competition, points are deducted. The maximum score for this competition is 5 points.

V... The first participant with her business card

V. We invite the participant under number 2 Polina

V. Visiting card of the next participant # 3 Maria

V. We invite # 4 Ekaterina, # 5 Tatiana, and the last participant Alina

V. So we got to know all the participants of our competition, we learned a lot about them interesting.

V... Dear jury, I repeat once again that the maximum score for the competition is 5 points, while you evaluate it for you performed by _____________________________________ the song _____________________________ sounds

V... We ask the jury to announce the marks for the first competition "Presentation, business card"
V. Thanks to the jury, and we pass to the second competition

V. What do you think makes a person beautiful?

V. Jewelers will say - jewelry, hairdressers - hairstyle, and tailors are sure - a suit. No wonder the art of a fashion designer is compared to the work of an artist.

V. Our next contest "Autumn Still Life" is a competition for the best autumn outfit, common topic for them it is autumn. Girls should not only demonstrate an autumn-themed outfit, but also talk about it. Time to protect the suit is 1 min.

V. We meet our contestants in the best outfits from the best couturiers in the world.
(music "She's Back" models)

V. And now we will ask our contestants to tell us about their outfits. Olesya you are the first, please…. (performance of the participants)

V. The jury evaluates the competition according to the 5th system. Evaluates not only the outfit of the participant, its protection, but also the girls' ability to stay on stage.

V. While the jury sums up the results for the second competition, we move on to the next

V.. As you have already noticed, our girls are not only beautiful, they are also erudite, resourceful and very intelligent.

V. Therefore, we named the next competition “Erudite - Assorted”

V. We will offer each participant a few questions.

V. Which ones?

V. These are the ones. Pasha, answer me, please ... ... or something like that.

1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

2. He sees himself and does not hear, he walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

6. They ask and wait for me, but I will come and hide (Rain).

8. There is a hat, but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).

for each correct answer, the participant receives 0, 2 points, so the participants are ready, then we start

V... Questions to 1 participant: V. Questions to 2 participants

V... Questions to 3 participants V. Questions 4 to the participant

V... Questions 5 to the participant V. Questions 6 to the participant

V. Thanks to our participants, the jury sums up the results for the 3rd competition, and we smoothly move on to the next competition, I will talk about it later, and now I will ask the girls to come up to me and take assignments (girls are given tasks)

V. While the girls are preparing for you, performed by Arina Kovtunova and Ksenia Ryzhikova, the dance "Eastern Tale" (dance)

V. Thanks to Arina and Ksenia for such a beautiful and bright dance, this applause for you and we give the floor to the jury for the last competitions. I would like to hear the overall score.

V. Thank you, and we continue. Autumn is one of the favorite seasons of many people. Poets, writers and musicians dedicated their poems in autumn. Autumn was the most favorite time of the year for Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It was in the fall that his best works were written.

V... It's time to see how artistic our contestants are.

V. We invite you all, dear friends, to Theater of Autumn Miniatures.

Leading: The competition will consist of several parts.

The first part is to show with facial expressions and gestures certain actions human

The jury must guess what the contestant is showing, and the second must depict the gait

The girls are ready, please, Olesya will be the first to show her acting skills

we meet ... ...

V. Thanks to the participants, the Jury evaluates the competition on a 5-point system

V You should always say beautiful words about women. This is a worthy continuation of our classic traditions. If you follow them, then a woman is always either Vasilisa the Wise or Elena the Beautiful, she is both “My Fair Lady” and “The Sleeping Beauty” Olya Darling in other words: every woman is a fairy tale or a movie.

V To what extent our contestants are familiar with the classics of cinema and music, we will now check and begin our competition - "Autumn Song Bouquet".

V We meet our beautiful ladies on the stage to your incessant applause. ( Girls going out to the music "The most, the most")

V. Our contest "Autumn Song Bouquet" is similar to the wonderful game "Guess the melody". Since 2016 has been declared the Year of Cinema in Russia, the participants will take turns offered excerpts of melodies or songs from the famous Soviet and Russian films that make up the "Golden Fund" of our cinematography.

V. A participant just needs to name a song or a movie. If she does not guess, then the move passes to another participant, and the continuation of this melody is played. And the jury calculates the correct answers of each participant. For each correct answer, the participant receives 0.2 points.

V. See how it should look like the first melody sounds, in the audience answer what kind of movie it is, or what kind of song it is

V. Everything is clear to the participants, then we start, the melody for Olesya sounds

(The melodies sound. The guides follow the sequence of the participants' answers)

V. Thanks to our participants, they did a great job!

B. While the jury is summing up the results, and our girls are preparing for the final competition, for you performed by ______________________________, the song ____________________ sounds

V. we are moving on to the final contest "Autumn Fantasy"

V. Autumn is a generous time! She brings us many gifts in her basket. But you still need to be able to prepare these delicious gifts. Our participants coped with the task. And right now we are ready to present our culinary masterpieces to you, what we have done, we will now see and the jury will definitely try

V. The participant will be the first to demonstrate her dish and share her recipe under # 1 Olesya

the participant continues under №2 Polina Maria, Ekaterina, Tatiana and Alina

V. The jury evaluates the aesthetic appearance, taste of the dish, and its originality. The maximum score is 5 points, I will ask Sveta and Yulia to lead the jury to the meeting room to sum up the results,

V. and for you the oriental dance "In the rhythms of the east" performed by Ekaterina Polukhina. We meet.

Q. Thank you, Katya, this thunderous applause for you.

Looking at all the girls, women in our hall I just want to say

V Ah women, all our glory

You obey yourself ...

Oh delicious right

Captivate us and drive us crazy.

V. They shine a clear sun for us all our lives,

And as the enthusiastic poet said,

Without women, is it really possible to live in the world?

You can't live without women, no!

V We invite our contestants to the stage to sum up the results and award the winner. Here they are, our magnificent participants in all the radiance of their beauty. - Of course, it will be difficult for the jury to choose the queen of the holiday, because each one shone today, was the most charming and artistic.

V Once again I want to remind you of the names of our beauties ... (participants final exit, song "Heroine")

I will ask the girls to complete the circle of honor again

V But a competition is a competition and we invite the chairman of the jury to the stage to announce the final points.

The points are announced on an increasing basis so that the last winner will be named, the award is held, it is good if a wreath of flowers or leaves is put on her or something related to autumn / spring is given.

Lead 2

We congratulate our winner and wish all the contestants:

May all sorrows subside in the light of days,

May all women's dreams come true

I wish you always illuminate

Make way for life with the light of beauty!

All the best, see you soon!

Voiceover text (against the background of music):
The golden foliage swirled
In pinkish water on a pond
Only a light flock of butterflies
With a sinking flies to the star
I'm in love tonight tonight
I invite you all to dance
Let it spin like autumn leaves
The never aging waltz

Host 1: We are together again. Good evening!
Host 2: It's time to open the season!
Host 3: Today is my first evening
Host 4: We dedicate to you, friends!
1.Autumn us to his ball
Today I invited
So that no one is late
Autumn asked

2. And here you are,
The hall is sparkling
Faces are warmed by the warmth.
It's time to open our ball
And spin in the dance.

3. Let the weather rage -
Why should we lose heart!
And at a time like this
You can dance.

4. Outside the window, rain and wind -
We don't care about anything
Let's dance we bask
And we'll sing along to the song.

1: Kaleidoscope of Autumn Encounters,
Poems, smiles, songs
We have prepared for you here
On this wonderful evening!

2: I love this time of year
Festival of gold and crimson.
Blue aching freedom
The clarity of the inevitable end.

3: Golden-haired autumn at the gate
Opens his ball royally,
Become an invited guest on it
Everyone once dreamed.

4. Weave gold dyes into braids
And climb on her pedestal ...
Become a wonderful hero of all fairy tales,
Everyone once dreamed.
Words about autumn
1 presenter. Autumn… Golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, striking, to blurry transparent halftones.
2 leading. But it’s true, look around, take a closer look: foliage sparkles with forged gold, multicolored lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries froze on the trees with scarlet drops, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of stars scattered over it.
3 leading. Sad October holds out its visiting card, where the lines of the genius Russian poet are written in colorless ink of mists:
October has already come - the grove is shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
4 leading. Outside the windows now autumn ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the time of harvest, this is preparation for a long and cold winter ... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming!
1.I follow my gaze
Foliage on the last flight.
We pass by the garden next to it,
And only the wind sings.
2. In the fall, often dreams
Happy day in silence.
Autumn my firebird
You give me a smile
1st competition "Visiting card"
1 presenter. They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, brings unique beauty into our life!
2 leading. Since autumn is a wonderful and mysterious time of the year, we decided to hold today's autumn ball in the form of a competition called "Miss Autumn 20 ..". It will be attended by 6 girls who were chosen by the class to participate in the competition. The competition will not be easy, but each of the participants is determined to win this honorary title of "Miss Autumn 20 .."
1. What kind of red girls?
What hurts them, what attracts?
What is their secret? Who's in your heart?
Who is Miss Autumn in a hurry to become?

Host 2: Meet smart, beautiful, charming and resourceful members (members come out to music)

Music at the exit of the participants
1. Introduce yourself, please? When is your birthday? What do you like to receive as a gift?
2. Introduce yourself, please. Tell me, what flower could you compare yourself with? Do you have a lot of friends?
3. Introduce yourself, please. How much time do you spend in preparation for school? Who came to cheer for you today?
4. Introduce yourself, please. How do you like to relax? What could you wish your rivals?
5. Introduce yourself, please. Do you like to be in the spotlight? What are you feeling now, what are you hoping for?
6. Introduce yourself, please. Tell us what do you like to do in your free time?

Thank you very much. We have learned a lot about you
Host: today's competition is attended by:
Participant number 1 - ____________________
Participant number 2 - ____________________
Participant number 3 - _____________________
Participant number 4 - _____________________
Participant number 5 - _____________________
Participant number 6 - _____________________
Host: Today, at our autumn ball, representatives of the six classes, teachers, guests and our distinguished jury, which will determine the best of the best. The jury consists of: greet them with applause
3 leading. And now we are starting the competition program.
Host: Although we are all familiar with our participants, but, I think, not enough. We bring to your attention the first contest, which is called "Business card" or "Tell me about yourself", but not only the participants, but their support group will talk. The following are invited to the stage:
Participant No. 1 - Davydova Natalia (ditties)
Participant number 2 - Didyk Alina (song "What is Autumn")
Participant number 3 - Yudina Svetlana (ditties)
Participant No. 4 - Tsukanova Irina ()
Participant number 5 - Marina Evtushenko ()
Participant number 6 - Elena Shekhovtsova ()

While the jury is evaluating the competition, we invite you to watch the musical number
The word of the jury: Well, it is clear that the girls really put in a lot of effort, but I will ask the jury to reflect this in numbers.

2nd competition "Say the name of the author"
1. And yet, we cannot do without the theme of thoughtfulness, sadness, sadness at the autumn ball. In the fall, everything in nature freezes, and the dashing summer prowess is replaced by a sedate autumnal calmness. But this only happens with nature. On the other hand, autumn has a tremendous effect on a person.
2. The riot of colors of fading nature awakens creativity, prompts it more and more new poetic lines, continuing the seemingly familiar, once said lines associated with the coquette in the fall.
1.A lot has been said and sung about autumn. We live in the poetic lines of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Tyutchev, Bunin ...
2. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote: "The days of late autumn are usually scolded, but she is dear to me, dear reader!"
1. Now we are going to hold a “Say the name of the author” contest. Girls are invited to the stage.
Music on the way out
2. For each participant, we have prepared an excerpt from a poem by a Russian poet. We read, and you name the author:

1. Autumn took a walk in wet valleys, (Shekhovtsova L.)
Has laid bare the graveyards of the earth
But dense rowan trees in the passing villages
Red will glow from afar.
(A. Blok "Autumn Will").
2. Autumn day descends slowly, (Evtushenko M.)
A yellow leaf spins slowly
And the day is transparent Fresh, and the air is clear -
The soul cannot escape invisible decay.
(A. Blok "Slow succession ...").
3. Already autumn with a cold hand (Tsukanova I.)
The heads of birches and lindens are bared.
She rustles in the deserted oak forests;
There is a yellow leaf spinning day and night ...
(A. Pushkin "Autumn morning").
4. There is in the lightness of autumn evenings (Yudina S.)
Sweet, mysterious charm:
Ominous shine and variegation of trees,
A languid light rustle of crimson leaves.
(FI Tyutchev "Autumn Evening").
5. The sheets trembled, flying around, (Didyk A.)
The clouds of the sky covered the beauty
From the field, a storm rushed in evil
Tears, and dashes, and howls in the forest.
(AA Fet "The sheets trembled ...").

6. Autumn. Our entire poor garden is sprinkled, (Davydova N.)
Yellow leaves fly in the wind;
Only in the distance they flaunt there, at the bottom of the valleys,
The brushes are bright red wilting mountain ash.
(AK Tolstoy "Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling").
1. Thank you, dear participants. You have demonstrated a brilliant knowledge of the poetic lines of the great masters of the word.
2. All the girls correctly named the authors of the poems. Let's ask the jury to rate this competition. The girls go down to the hall
I now give the floor to our distinguished jury
3rd competition "My hobby"
1. Together with the sun in a bright chariot
Along the native sunny land
A golden-haired girl rushes,
What is called Golden Autumn.
2.Let us ask autumn
About everything that is not said aloud -
And the light will tear a tear from my eyes,
In a smile flashes.
1.Look like in our fall
And everything is simple, and fabulous,
Like a leaf blessing us
Clings to our palms.
2. Autumn has entered the edge of the year -
A red fox with a soft gait.
Let the sun shine boringly from the firmament.
But groves and forests shine.
At such a time, wise nature
He reveals miracles to us on weekdays.
1. Yes, today many miracles have really opened up for us. And we bring to your attention one more miracle - the contest "My Hobby". Each of the participants will present to your attention, dear spectators and members of the jury, their hobby. It will be a song or a dance. We announce the beginning of the final competition. On stage - participants:
Participant number 1 - Davydova Natalia (song)
Participant number 2 - Didyk Alina (song "Duet")
Participant number 3 - Yudina Svetlana (dance)
Participant No. 4 - Tsukanova Irina (dance)
Participant number 5 - Marina Evtushenko (song "Autumn")
Participant number 6 - Elena Shekhovtsova (song)
2. While the jury is summing up the results, your attention is given a scene performed by 11 a class.
Number (class 11a scene)
1. And now the floor is given to the jury to sum up the results.

4th competition "Autumn suit"
1. Ah! October in a gilded camisole
Gives us magical landscapes.
And the virgins sigh subtly,
Grandmothers even sigh.
2. Here is an artist so an artist!
All forests are gilded.
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been laundered.

3. There is nothing more beautiful than Russian autumn,
When November is sunny and quiet.
Long ago the starlings abandoned their homes,
And somewhere they remember them with sadness.

4. Autumn passes quietly on the ground,
Leaves are spinning like memories.
Like sparks in a cooling ash
The stars are twinkling. Their shimmer is dull.
1 presenter. Hello! This is France! Bonjour, bonjour! Guys, quieter, Pierre Cardin is calling. Yes, what you say is very, very happy.
2 leading. What happened? Which Paris? What is Cardan?
3 leading. Yes, not Cardan, but Carderon. Paris? Probably French?
1 presenter. Eh you, darkness. Yes, not Carderon and not Cardan. Pierre Cardin is a French fashion designer.
2 leading. And why did he call?
1 presenter. And he not only called, but also brought his latest autumn collection. Now he will be with us. We ask the jury to be attentive and evaluate the autumn collection from the famous couturier. (Cardin enters)
PC. Bonjour, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce your latest models.
1 host: The next competition is "Autumn Suit". On stage - participants
Music at the exit of the participants
2 leading. Thank you, Cardin, you have a very interesting, extraordinary collection. Tell me, where can you buy your clothing models?
PC. Thanks for the question. He's just right. I will soon open my salon in your city on a school street called "France". Come back next fall.
3 leading. Dear Cardin, we look forward to the opening of the salon with great impatience. And now, stay a guest at our celebration - you and your assistants. Thanks for your show.
Host: While the jury is summing up the results, we have a musical pause
Number 1
Number 2
Moderator: The word for summing up the results of the competition is provided by the jury
1. Our autumn, however, is golden.
How else will I call it?
Leaves, little by little flying,
The grass is covered with gold.

2. How much sadness, how much light!
How piercing the roar of the birds!
Leaves are yellow with black branches
They quietly fall on the asphalt.
1 melts in the last haze
Autumn days sunset.
With the last flock of birds
Our old garden fell asleep.
2.Only rowan berries
Are burning in my window
Like beads, what a beloved
He gave it to me as a keepsake.
Young man: Autumn is different: funny and sad,
Girl: Sunny and cloudy.
Young man: But we all love her very much
Girl: For generosity,
Young man: For beauty,
Girl: For rare but nice warm days.
Young man: The leaves of the fall leaves turn purple,
The forests are full of colors.
There is no time more elegant than leaf fall!
Yellow magic time!
(Slow music sounds)
1 presenter. 2 leading. Autumn has fully come into its own today and we celebrated its arrival. We thank this autumn that she gathered us all for this autumn holiday... Ahead is winter, spring, summer ... And then autumn again. How many more will there be in our life! We hope that golden lights will light up for all of us in our school more than once. Autumn ball... Until next time!
2 presenter: - So our holiday has come to an end.
And let the wind rage outside the window, rain rustle, we hope that, despite the sadness of parting, all of you good mood, because today you have joined the beautiful, and you still have many amazing holidays ahead.

Presentation of the contestants: "Miss and Mr." Autumn ".

Presentation of Anastasia Kovalenko.

Nastya is a diligent girl.

Very, very obligatory.

She smiles like the sun

And she does everything very well.

Nastya is engaged in origami,

And also adds kirikami.

Started sewing Stuffed Toys -

And this is very difficult, it is easier to bake cheesecakes.

Nastenka reads great poetry,
Responsibly carries out various orders.

We wish Nastya success and good luck,

And the performance will be worthy and not otherwise.

Let the jury treat her favorably

After all, Nastenka is quite worthy of this.

Presentation by Darya Grankina.

Meet our Dasha.

There is no more beautiful in the whole world.

Dasha is a reliable girl

Smart, friendly, serious.

She has a lot to learn

She is a capable and talented student.

Dasha dances, reads poetry wonderfully

And every friend of her knows about it.

She is a skilled craftswoman

And you can be convinced of this today.

We wish Dasha to perform well,

After all, this is in many ways a familiar thing for her.

We all believe in you, Dasha,

You are our prima today.

Presentation of Olga Kolesnikova.

I, Olga Kolesnikova,

And I'm in the fourth school.

I'm already going to the third grade,

I'm friends with origami.

I sew and soft toys

Like all my girlfriends.

To speak with poetry.

I love various contests,

I do the tasks perfectly.
I hope the jury treats me carefully

And I will definitely try to perform well.

Presentation by Levchenko to Victoria.

We present Vika Levchenko.

And we are all responsible for it.

Vika, the kindest girl in the world

And she does everything deftly.

Vika knits, sews, and sings.

In general, she lives interestingly.

Vika always performs well,

Everyone in our class knows about this.

Vika, we wish you victory.

Be successful in this difficult struggle.

Vika, Victoria means victory!

Go to her fearlessly, freely and boldly.

Representation of the Black Constantine.

This is Kostya, Konstantin.

Kostya is a citizen of Rila.

He's the only one -

Nice, sweet, groovy.

In the fourth grade, a student

And I got used to difficulties for a long time.

He loves to solve different problems,

Well, and read the poem, even more so.

We are rooting for Kostya,

And we really believe in him.

Success always awaits Kostya.

This is true. Yes Yes Yes.

Kostya is a very reliable friend.

You can go hiking with him.

We are with you today, Kostya.

Well, wait for a visit in the evening.

Presentation of Daria Milk Eater

We present to you Dasha Molokoedova.

And we wish her success today.

After all, Dasha is tactful, smart and kind,

She is very friendly with a needle and thread.

The origami technique is subject to her,

And pleases us with her poems.

And with mathematics Daria, for you,

Dasha loves to grow flowers.

Native nature she adores

He often walks through the forest with a basket.

We think the jury will turn to Dasha,

Fortune will smile at her today.

The friend is worthy of high praise.

To tell a secret - she is ideal!

Anna Akhmerova

While on maternity leave, I have not lost interest in our wonderful website, in your interesting publications and new ideas!

Third daughter! At the age of "over 30" the taste of "motherhood" is felt a little differently. I look at the baby with different eyes. In general, I am not overjoyed and I am not overjoyed) But in spite of maternity leave, the activity of the older daughters supports me in a creative tone.

My post is a report from school competition"Miss Autumn", where my eldest daughter Angelina took part.

Perhaps the poems written by me for the stage of the competition - "Visiting card" will be useful to you.

Competition business card

Behind the summer heat, behind the July sun,

Over the poplar fluff, over the heat

Open your window to the breeze

You open the door of the beautiful Autumn.


Who said that Autumn is a sad time?

Who said Autumn is a boring person?

Lady Autumn herself has come to visit you,

Please do not judge me harshly!

I'll tell you straight - it's not easy with me:

I will not warm up with the sun like my sister-Spring.

I will not decorate the windows with a white border,

How could frosty Mother Winter.

But sometimes mom's character will break through

Covering villages and cities with snow.

Is it a beast ... Is it a man ... It won't be easy,

If Winter woke up in Autumn.

I am a little capricious and fickle -

A True Lady should be like that!

Then I cry outside the window early in the morning,

And by lunchtime, tears on the glass like a river.

Opens the umbrella

Maybe i'm not crying (playfully)! Playing with the breeze

I run at night on the eaves of the roofs.

And lying in bed, silently, without blinking,

To the sound of my heels, you do not sleep all night.

Puts open umbrella on the floor

All autumn sadness - it will rain

All my worries are in the morning dew ...

My laughter will echo with a bright leaf fall,

And then I will appear in all my glory!

Takes off the shawl

At her cousin, at her girly Summer

I learned to warm the earth with the sun!

And the chilled forest, already dressed in gold,

Will begin to remember Summer with longing.

You know, poets, all without exception,

And also couples in love on earth

Get hope, faith, inspiration

In the bright tints of Autumn, in me!

Autumn is elegant, Autumn is noble!

In the fall, the soul is waiting for important changes ...

Fall in love with Autumn! And she might

All the warmth and tenderness will give you in return!

Performs the song "Autumn"

1 K. Autumn - leaves fall,

Up and down the wind whirls them.

Autumn, who is behind this,

This is a Miracle in response!


2 K. Autumn is a red flame,

Leaves fly up and down

Autumn, let this flame

It does not fade for a long time.

Thank you for reading to the end)

It was nice to meet you, who have already become my family, the Maamites!


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