How can you make money on maternity leave. What mom can really do and earn extra money on maternity leave to make money. Growing and selling flowers

They say that difficulties unite. If so, then the creation of a mega-powerful community of "maternity" mothers is not far off. Dozens of problems, hundreds of doubts, thousands of everyday difficulties, from the curious to those ready to plunge novice parents into the abyss of despair. And one of them is the lack of money.

And this is understandable. No matter how "tasty" a woman's salary is, after a year and a half, only a "tail" remains from it. How to live on 50 rubles a month is a rhetorical question. And the idea itself is from the realm of fantasy. Some believe in little green men.

Business on the Internet - real, profitable, promising

But if little green men can only be seen in movies, then successful mothers- not uncommon at all. Most often these are women who, on maternity leave, felt an urgent need for self-realization. Some began to sew, knit, embroider, others remained in a professional rut and moved their work from the office home, while others focused on a new experience - raising children. In any case, a mother can make money on almost any topic, having a computer and access and the Internet.

Method one. "Classic" info-business

In a nutshell, information business is the packaging and sale of information. If mom knows or is able to do something that others do not know or do not know, she can sell this information. It plays into the hands here, firstly, that information is constantly outdated. If in the 50s parents read about Dr. Spock, today millions of mothers around the world wear slings, promote natural closeness with their child and trust their intuition more.

Secondly, the audience is constantly being updated. At some point, when we have a certain set of knowledge, it seems to us that what we have learned earlier is simple and self-evident. And complex and incomprehensible things that we do not yet know. A couple of years pass, and everything difficult for us becomes simple. And these "obvious" things are not understood by someone else.

Thirdly, modern man suffocates from the abundance of information. Finding a solution is not a problem. The problem is to get out of dozens, if not hundreds of solutions, exactly "our own". Therefore, the step-by-step schemes "5 ways to decipher the husband's notebook" or "7 exercises to maintain universal peace of mind while smearing semolina on your evening dress" are gaining more and more popularity.

To start an info business, you do not need much money or special skills. How to create a mini-site in an evening, how to "catch up" the flow of visitors, how to organize your mailing list - there is a dime a dozen of free information from the info-business guru.

Method two. Work blog

A work blog is as different from a regular blog as a car is from a walking bike. With the help of the first they achieve the goal, with the help of the second they get pleasure. The goal of a work blog is not to "monetize" with banner ads and contextual ads. They are already inundated with many blogs. When you hear about "gigantic" income on five-cent clicks, it seems that rare visitors, deafened by the flicker, in search of a way out, begin to poke wherever they go.

For those who plan to sell anything on the Internet (goods, services or themselves as a brand), a work blog is ideal. It is used as a platform for businesses, small or large, by many companies, both Russian and Western. A work blog is identical in structure to a corporate website, and in dealing with clients is close to a traditional blog. Most importantly, the investment in its creation is limited by the cost of the domain and hosting. There is more than enough information on how to create your blog on the Internet for free or for free. Choose - I don't want to.

Method three. Electronic books

Anyone can write a book. If he writes well, he does it himself. If he speaks well, he dictates to a dictaphone and gives it to the transcript for 200-250 rubles per hour recording.

Fortunately, gone are the days when the number of books published by one author was strictly limited. Today you can publish at least every month. Through a publishing house or samizdat - this is your choice. If there is no desire to get involved with contracts and calculate royalties, then electronic format books are available to absolutely anyone.

Moms often choose the spelling e-book probably also because they feel a "kindred spirit" in her. Like a woman who juggles two dozen "urgent" and "extremely important" things during the day, a book can perform not one, but several functions at once. Make a profit, attract customers, replace a salesperson and gain expert status.

Method four. Online store

Unlike opening a real store, for which you need to find premises, invest in decoration, purchase goods, hire sellers, train them and start going at least six months later, you can open your online store in a couple of evenings. No loans, no fabulous spending and sitting with a cup of tea in the kitchen.

If a company opens an online store, for example, as a supplement to a real point of sale, it invests in professional development, scripts and support. Such a site costs from 30,000 rubles. This scares off many mothers-needlewomen, who have more than enough energy for production, but they simply do not know how to sell. An online store can be rented, even with the preservation of your domain name without any "tails" and extensions. Or install a special plugin on the same WordPress blog. It will make it possible not only to accept payments without opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but also fully automates work with clients.

The fifth method. Conducting webinars and master classes

"Live" information always costs more. But in order to convey your unique knowledge to buyers or clients, there is no need to hand over the child to the dad who was stunned by the scale of responsibility and take a ticket to Uryupinsk. Webcam and microphone - and the whole planet is in touch with you.

You can recruit participants for an Internet seminar (webinar) even in LiveJournal, even in a blog, even among mothers in the playground. The Internet is getting faster, children go to bed later, and knees shake less and less with each new session.

Sixth method. Coaching

In a nutshell, coaching is about helping you achieve your goals. For example, someone wants to climb Everest. And something stops him year after year. Either there are external reasons, then it seems that I do not want to. And then again, as it rolls ... It annoys him to wander back and forth, like a pendulum, and he comes to the coach. So, they say, and so, and I want to Everest, and I do not want to.

And the coach opens it like a tin can. Analyzes goals, investigates reasons, motivates and helps to overcome obstacles. And he asks, asks, asks, asks questions. The more questions you have, the more answers you have never thought of before. A coach is a coach who makes an athlete achieve the best results.

Any woman is, to one degree or another, a coach. Just like a coach, she cannot walk the path for her child, but she can help him do it himself.

Method seven. Consulting

Consulting is an opportunity to show your professional quality with a much greater return than at work. Unlike a coach, a consultant helps the client not to achieve the goal on his own, but does the work for him or with him. The consultant solves a specific problem and gets paid for a specific solution.

All of these seven methods are nothing more than "modules". Taking one thing as a basis, it is easy to supplement it with two or three more options from the list.

Only a few months, and yesterday's inexperienced mommy answered the sympathetic question "How are you with your money? Probably tight?" can proudly answer: "Everything is fine! I work for myself!"

After all, the last large financial income for the mother was only before going on maternity leave, and after that she has to rely only on childcare benefits. In light of the fact that most employers still issue wages in envelopes, it is most often small. Therefore, you need to activate your efforts to find an occupation that can provide financial benefits.

In addition to income, it can also bring significant moral benefits. With the birth of a child, some women become locked in their maternal responsibilities and subsequently lose their social attractiveness. And work on maternity leave will allow you to always keep your finger on the pulse and not go like a snail into the shell of an exceptional household.

We offer a young mother 15 ways to find additional income during maternity leave:

1. With a good knowledge of a foreign language, you can provide tutoring services. This is a highly demanded service. If you do not want to study on-site with students, you can use the capabilities of the Skype program. True, it is better to do this when there is an assistant nearby who can take care of the child during the lesson. The average cost of an academic hour is 350-400 rubles.

2. Knowledge of a foreign language allows you to work at home and as a translator. This is a well-paid job and it is in demand by both students and people alike. different professions: notaries, pr-managers, publicists.

3. Crafts can also be a good source of income. Most often, on the eve of childbirth, young mothers learn to knit or improve their skills. Offer your services for knitting booties, hats, scarves, and if the level is high, you can knit larger and more complex things. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to buy a knitted item in a store, designer knitted items are always in price.

4. You can hone your sewing skills and offer your services in this direction. Start simple - diapers, crib bumpers.

5. On social networks, many students are looking for those who will undertake the writing of term papers or theses. If the topic is close or there is an opportunity to study it in a relatively short period of time, you can earn at least 10 thousand rubles in about a week.

6. Skills of a copywriter will help in the preparation of content for various Internet resources. The main thing is that the subject should be interesting to the author.

7. Many companies are looking for telecom operators on the phone. In order not to become a victim of scammers who will not pay for the work already done, a young mother needs to look for vacancies from well-known and large employers. Possible salary - from 20 thousand rubles.

8. Good knowledge of the Russian language allows you to apply for a vacancy of a remote proofreader in a publishing house or on an Internet site.

9. Hobbies such as beading, origami, creating soft toys and other crafts can even grow from work during maternity leave into a small own business.

10. Almost every recruiting portal offers a mystery shopper vacancy. It is interesting and does not require any special knowledge Job. It is only required to visit certain places named by the customer: shops, cafes, medical institutions, etc., to record dialogues with the service personnel on a dictaphone, and then draw up a report on what they saw. For visiting one object Mystery shopper can earn from 500 rubles.

11. Paid surveys are also popular among young mothers. You need to watch a film or several commercials, then express your opinion about it in writing and receive a fee in the amount of 300-700 rubles.

12. With sociability and activity, a young mother can unite like-minded people for joint purchases on the Internet and, as an ideological inspirer and organizer, receive a reward in the form of a small commission for each order.

13. If conditions previous work allow you to perform your professional duties at home. This will allow not to lose qualifications, time useful for future promotion, and receive the same salary as before childbirth. However, not all employers agree to this. Here, a lot depends on how much you valuable employee for the bosses.

14. High speed print will make money by decrypting audio recordings of customers.

15. Skills of a web designer will help to find clients who cannot independently make site layouts, advertising modules, blanks for printing products, etc.

As you can see, a young mother who is in maternity leave, there are many opportunities for receiving wages. The main thing is desire, correct distribution of time and personal responsibilities. As soon as these components are met, there will immediately be free time. Raise your favorite babies, but at the same time remain in demand professionally. After all, this means a lot for a young mother.

Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

I am glad to welcome you to my blog again. It's not for me to talk about how much money is spent on a child. You yourself know this very well. Are you aware that sitting at home you can receive a salary? Surely you've heard, but today let's talk in more detail about how to make money for mom on maternity leave?

Each mom has her own reasons why she does not sit quietly in maternity leave... Consider the popular ones:

  1. Have stable income- a vital necessity. The family simply does not have money or it is not enough for a normal existence. In this case, working from home is not just an additional income, but the main source of income.
  2. Need a small change for pocket money... We all soberly assess our financial position... But it happens, suddenly, my mother wanted new shoes, and it is difficult to carve out money for them from the general budget.
  3. Desire for self-realization... Sometimes, in a series of endlessly similar days, the mother begins to lose her “I”, she completely dissolves in the child, in his needs. It is not right. And some women, starting to earn, in this way, raise their own self-esteem.
  4. Have young mom a lot of energy and she directs it in the right direction... This is the most the best way of all. In this case, your favorite work, which does not take much time and also brings a penny.

What point would you consider yourself to?

When work is fun

Do you have a hobby? In this case, you can combine the pleasant and the useful, because now hand-made products are very popular. Exclusive goods to order. If you have this gift, you have golden hands and great patience, then this type of income is for you. Popular destinations:

  1. Weaving with beads.
  2. Production of photo albums on an individual order.
  3. Sewing soft / educational toys for children.
  4. Decoupage.
  5. Portrait from photo (if you have artistic talent).
  6. Making festive paraphernalia.

If you are a great cook, you can bake custom-made cakes and cookies. By the way, I'm just buying cakes from such a mom. She manages to work with two children and bakes great. Some of my acquaintances have left their permanent jobs, and they earn by baking for their own pleasure.
I was selling natural soap when I was making soap. You can sell through social networks, instagram, a fair of craftsmen, forums. But then I was carried away by blogging, more on that below.

We earn with the help of our profession

Real income is possible if you connect your professional skills and abilities. Always in demand:

  • translators of texts;
  • proofreaders;
  • accountant services;
  • legal advice;
  • tutor;
  • designer;
  • professional studio or outdoor photo sessions.
  • speech therapist / deaf teacher / psychologist.

The work can be done at home and sent to the boss by email. Advisory activities can also be conducted online via the Internet, by phone or by inviting clients to your home. But this is possible sooner when the baby is already visiting Kindergarten.

We master new

Decree is a good time for moms to learn new things. One often hears a popular question: "What should a mother do while on maternity leave in order to earn money?"

After completing certain courses, you will be able to provide some services, inviting clients to your home or traveling if necessary.

Simple professions that can be mastered:

  • Web Designer;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser;
  • design and correction of nails;
  • various types of hair removal (why not);
  • masseur (if you have medical education);
  • stylist;
  • florist

Decide what is right for you? And go for it!

I recommend the online course by Maxim Soldatkin, who teaches not only web design, but also how to communicate with the customer, how to present your work and a lot of other useful information. Web Design Course

Babysitting service

If you have a pedagogical education, you can easily find a common language with children - open your mini-kindergarten. This is a great option for a single mom or a large family. In the second case, a woman can officially receive a salary and work experience by registering a kindergarten at home, even if she will only raise her children.

Some parents choose not to hire a nanny. After all, it is much better when a child is in the company of peers, children of the same age, and has the opportunity to communicate with them, to be friends. And an experienced mother will always be there, without interrupting her usual affairs.

To realize this idea, you must have a fairly spacious apartment and the ability to deal with several children at once. And finding clients is not difficult: walking on the playground with a child or in a clinic.

Salary from the main place of work

Did you know that you can receive childcare benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old and a salary at the same time? If you go to the 0.75% rate for your main job, you retain the right to receive the full amount that is paid to women on parental leave. This is an advantageous offer for doctors, teachers, for those who work part-time.

You can arrange with your employer that you will do most of the work from home, remotely. This is possible if you are an accountant or translator by profession.

Pay attention to the offers on the Internet, some companies offer vacancies specifically for "maternity" mothers. Draw up according to TKRF. It is important not to fall for the bait of scammers, but more on that later.

Popular online offers

How can you make money online? This is where you should get some ideas. I'll tell you more about the most popular ones:

Attention! The blog and YouTube channel does not immediately bring money, according to statistics, income comes in a year, nevertheless, this is an excellent income that can exceed your salary by former job... Moreover, this income does not require constant work, only during the first year. Then 1-2 hours a day will be enough.

I go to blogging school. How to blog correctly so that people can find and read it, how to optimize, where to start, how to make money on a blog? Now they give me everything in a chewed and expanded form at the school of bloggers, so I just take this information and practically implement it. And I don’t think as before, having read a bunch of articles on blogging and promotion about where to start, who is right, why everyone says different things. This is what the bloggers school is good for, that you don't have to look for anything else, waste time processing information, you just take it and do it. School of bloggers

I chose blogging for myself. Although other types of earnings on the Internet also bring decent income. You just need to decide what your soul is for, or try everything, choose what works best.

The training from Flaimama helped me to believe in myself. Having studied all the training blocks, I created my own successful project online. I learned how to properly allocate time. Working without interruption from motherhood is real! You can take courses and do women's day-to-day work. Combine study, work and household chores. how to raise CHILDREN and BUSINESS at the same time!

In the countryside

Do you have your own plot, courtyard? Seasonal vegetables and fruits can be sold profitably. This is not a stable income, but in the summer it is quite possible to raise a decent amount.

You can sell homemade goat or cow milk, poultry / rabbit / large cattle... Grow and sell seedlings, seedlings in season.


In the first place are sites that sell various tools for making certain products, for example, soap. They promise to buy back everything that you make in good faith. But the company disappears, and the goods will remain unclaimed. Ignore advertising offers and promises to get 100/200/300% profit, the so-called financial pyramids are not a thing of the past.

Will not generate income:

  • online casino;
  • Online Games;
  • sports betting;
  • Forex.

But you should give the position to marketers. They know how to promise. Do not believe the sweet words and assurances that in six months your whole family will move to live in the Maldives. To get good money, you need to work long, hard and fruitfully.

Think again

Any job is hard work. If your baby is not yet a year old, it may be worth leaving the venture with additional earnings? The time that you usually devote to your child or yourself will start to go to work. At first, the return will be small and the question may often arise: "Is it necessary?" Extra stress, less sleep. Are you ready to handle double the load? Good luck then!

All good thoughts, but I have to go. See you.


Hello! Today we'll talk about work for mothers on maternity leave. I am a mother of a two-year-old baby, but already six months after his appearance, I began to think about a part-time job. I have tried many options and I know which work is real and which is not. In this article, I will talk about how to make money on maternity leave for moms like me.

Today you will find out:

  1. How much can you earn on maternity leave.
  2. who are caring for the baby.
  3. All the pros and cons of working on maternity leave.

Why should women work on maternity leave?

This question plagues many men and women. There may be several answers depending on the life situation.

We will now consider them:

  1. Women are trying to find a part-time job or vacancies during maternity leave due to the banal lack of money. During this period, the mother does not go to her main job, therefore she does not receive stable earnings... And the money that dad brings is not always enough. Along with this, the child grows up and it is necessary to spend more and more on him. Money... That's when mothers start looking for a part-time job.
  2. Some women, having no financial difficulties, do not want to focus only on the child. They do an excellent job with the duties of a mother, but it is vital for them to develop, learn something new, and communicate with people. That is why they delve deeper into the study of something new, discover talents in themselves and earn on little "female joys".
  3. And someone is dissatisfied with their main job and is actively looking for new job, which will later become the main one.

Personally, I wanted to develop, to do something, to be able to earn money. My husband still does not understand why I need it, but he supports all my endeavors.

Each mom has her own story. Someone wants to achieve independence, someone is ashamed to ask for money for cosmetics, etc. If you are reading this article, you probably decided to earn extra money sitting on maternity leave.

Remember the main thing! Working on maternity leave is neither shameful nor shameful. Show others that you are capable of a lot and that powerful potential is hidden in you!

Earnings on maternity leave - what to do?

And this question is asked by absolutely all mothers who decide to earn extra money during the decree period. There are many options for working from home.

Before proceeding to the description of ways to earn money, I suggest you answer the following questions:

  • What can you do? Maternity work for moms can be related to hobbies, talents, or skills. Perhaps you are a first-class specialist in some field, and you will be able to work by profession from home. Assess your abilities adequately and decide what you would like to do.
  • How much free time do you have? Each child is different and requires special approach... Sometimes the first 6 months are the quietest for the mother (the baby sleeps and eats). For other parents, the situation can be drastically different. I felt minimal freedom when the baby was 6-8 months old.

Before starting your job search, determine for yourself how much time you can devote to work. This is the period when the child is sleeping or other family members are busy with him.

  • Are you ready to learn? If you think that your professional skills will help you make good money, then do just that (for example, if you are an excellent lawyer, you can give advice online, by phone, at home). If you do not have the skills that will help you earn, then tune in to learning.
  • How much do you want to earn? Depending on the availability of free time and the desire to conquer the peaks, you can find a job that will bring an excellent income. Remember that a simple job never makes a lot of money.

Business ideas for mothers on maternity leave

All ways of making money can be divided into several groups:

  1. Work in the specialty at home;
  2. Work related to hobbies and interests;

Any job may or may not bring income. It all depends on how correctly you choose your occupation.

Now, let's take a closer look at each of these categories.

Work in the specialty at home

In this group, I included all types of work (or rather, services) that a mother can do at home.

Makeup artist, hairdresser, manicure master

At home, you can organize a mini-version of a beauty salon. Just to get started, you will have to take the appropriate courses. It's great if you were doing this kind of work before decree. In this case, you already have the necessary professional skills and a set of tools. It remains to find clients. This can be done by placing an ad on the Internet, offering your services to familiar friends and relatives.

Do not expect that there will be a lot of people who want to use your services at once. But over time, word of mouth will spread, your clientele will expand and your income will increase.

The main problem of such a part-time job is its seasonality, the availability of a large set of materials and professional skills.


If women know how to do manicure, pedicure and make-up on their own, then the massage should be done by a professional. If you have a medical education and in an educational institution they taught you the basics of massage, then you can open at home massage parlor... You can also sign up for express courses and master this skill.

In order to massage you only need massage oil and talcum powder. Sessions can be held at home, or go to the client's house (if there is someone to leave the child with).

Your income will depend on the number of clients and the procedures performed. The course is 10 massages. So consider how much you can earn on just one client.

I graduated from massage courses even before pregnancy. Making the procedures to my acquaintances, I “recaptured” the money for training in 2 weeks. Now acquaintances sometimes come to me and ask for a massage for an appropriate fee. I agree, I turn on cartoons for the child, and I myself earn money.


Some mothers are faced with such a problem that they sometimes need to leave and leave the child for someone. It's about a few hours. Professional nannies do not want to take on such work, because they are looking for clients for the whole day.

If there are mothers around you who want to hire a nanny, offer your services. They will probably agree, because you are also a mom and you know how to deal with children. And it will be more interesting for several toddlers to walk together than alone.

Mini garden or early development lessons

If you are very fond of children (not only your own, but also of others), feel the potential of a teacher in yourself and have a large living space, then you can try to open a mini-garden.

A small number of children of the same age group can be invited there. You set the time of their stay yourself. For example, if you do not have 4 baby cots, and you do not plan to purchase them, then you can set a condition that parents must pick up the babies before 13.00.

This is a more ambitious nanny idea, but it can also bring in several times more income.

In addition, you can try to conduct educational lessons for children. This will take a maximum of 1 hour and there can be up to 7 children in a group. You will need to learn as many rhymes as possible and look at examples of educational games. You won't need a lot of inventory. In most Early Childhood Development Centers, 70% of the teaching material is homemade. In such a business, the main desire is to work and love children.


Recently, outsourcing has become very popular.

Outsourcing this is when a company shifts part of its direct responsibilities to another company or individual.

To make it clearer, let's look at an example.... Mom was a good accountant before the decree. She has many friends of entrepreneurs who, due to lack of relevant knowledge, are unable to keep accounts and draw up reports. Then they turn to this mother for help, who, sitting at home, will manage the accounting affairs of a friend's company.

Such a side job does not require any investment. It's enough to be a good specialist in a specific area.

Fashion designer, seamstress

Do you know how and love to sew? If your answer is yes, then you can make money on your skill. Offer your services to neighbors, friends, acquaintances. Do not be afraid that there will be no clients. Every person periodically buys jeans, pants that need to be hemmed, and all things, sooner or later, require repair. Or maybe the neighbor loves exclusive things and will ask you to sew a skirt or jacket.


If you know foreign languages, or play on musical instruments then you can start tutoring. Great if you've ever taught children or adults before. But even if you do not have a pedagogical education, but you are able to convey information intelligibly and clearly, you can try yourself in this area.

Lessons can be taught at home. If this is not possible, then all that remains is to visit clients or conduct online lessons. When caring for a small child, it will be difficult for you to get out of the house, and teaching using a webcam will be much easier.

Writing term papers, tests and theses

Modern students very often resort to the help of people who write essays, term papers, control papers and even theses for them. If you possess necessary knowledge and skills, then you can offer your services to students.

I also wrote term papers and test papers, but that was before my baby arrived. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to do this on maternity leave.


If you love spending time in the kitchen and you don't get bored of the stove, then you can try cooking for other people. We do not urge you to fry pies and go to sell them.

A year ago I started making confectionery to order. To be honest, until that time I had never baked cakes, but I decided to give it a try. For myself, I realized that the main thing is to learn how to bake a biscuit and make several types of creams. Covering and decorating cakes with mastic (it is very easy to do). I found clients through social media. networks.

I set a small price, so there were orders. Had to buy some confectionery equipment. I just lacked professional skills. To finish culinary courses, I did not have the time and special desire.

Now I bake only for friends, because I have found a more suitable type of income. But many of my friends went further, trained to be confectioners and earn decent money on what they love.

If you're afraid of baking cakes, try starting with cupcakes, gingerbread, or some pastry. Candy bars have become very popular lately. This is a collection of a large number of sweet confectionery

Just be prepared that before your hobby begins to generate income, you will spend money on tools, materials and products.

Some enterprising moms start a culinary business in their kitchens. It is associated with the production of open cakes called quiche. This is a distant semblance of pizza. Such products are also ordered by office workers for lunch and noisy companies "under beer".

It doesn't matter what exactly you cook, the main thing is that you like it and make a profit.

Breeding indoor plants

If you are very fond of indoor plants, but there is nowhere to put them, try to sell them. Don't know to whom and what to sell? I will tell you about a small business on the maternity leave of my friend.

She is a big lover of violets. There are countless varieties and varieties of this plant. A friend collects whole collections at home, designs shelving. In order for you to understand how many of them there are, I will say that she waters them every other day and this procedure takes 1.5 hours.

It is a rather moody plant, but easy to breed. It is enough to break off one leaf and put it in water, and after it takes root, transplant it into the ground. There are entire social groups. networks where these plants are sold. Leaves without roots are sold cheaper, and plants already transplanted into the ground are more expensive. A friend of mine sold plants via the Internet and at her main job among female employees (before the decree).

Violet lovers are constantly updating their stocks, so they are in active search new species. As you can see, flowers can delight not only the eye, but also the wallet.

Earnings on maternity leave for a hobby

Photographer, videographer

Sometimes, on maternity leave, mothers discover new talents in themselves. For example, when photographing their children, they understand that they get very beautiful pictures. If you add good equipment and the ability to work in Photoshop to this talent, then you can turn out to be a good photographer.

If possible, be sure to sign up for photography courses and learn how to work in graphic editors. My neighbor did just that, and then she went to schools, kindergartens and offered her services (made graduation albums).


Hand-made are hand-made products, i.e. handmade. This direction is at the peak of popularity, because most people like exclusive things. If you like to create something, create with your own hands, we recommend turning your hobby into a tool for making money.

There are a lot of hand-made directions. I will tell you about the most popular and most profitable ones.

Making decorative candles

Even if you've never tried decorative candles, you can learn it. It is not difficult, but it will take some effort. First you need to find and read detailed instructions to make them, buy materials (they are not very expensive) and start experimenting.

The main thing is that your imagination works well for you, because you have to create, mixing aromas (candles can be scented), colors, and select the design of each product. Success depends on this.

Soap making

This type of earnings is similar to the previous one. The only difference is in materials and tools. Here you will have to spend a little more, since the materials for making soap are more expensive than simple wax, which is necessary for making candles.

Do not be afraid that no one will buy your creation. If you correctly conduct advertising campaign on the Internet (in particular, in social networks), then you can count on a regular flow of customers.


Embroidery is a very abstract concept. Needlewomen know that pictures, icons, tablecloths and even clothes can be embroidered. This uses various materials(ribbons, threads, beads, etc.) and different techniques are used.

If you enjoy embroidering and are good at it, I suggest using your hobby to make a profit. For example, if you embroider paintings with a cross or ribbons, try selling them at exhibitions, online, or to your friends. At first, you can give your masterpieces to friends, and do not hesitate to tell that, if necessary, you carry out any orders.

My distant relative embroiders icons with beads and successfully sells them. Named icons are especially popular.

Making decorative ornaments

Surely you often see little girls in playgrounds with multi-colored elastic bands, hair clips, which are decorated with ribbons. But these are homemade products of some craftswoman. Why don't you try it too?

There is a lot of visual information on the Internet on how to make hoops, hairpins and other jewelry. And in the store you can buy all the necessary material.

In parallel, you can start making jewelry. To do this, you need to determine the direction. Perhaps you will specialize in natural stone jewelry, or maybe give preference to polymer clay products.

Remember that women at all times loved to adorn themselves with beads, earrings, bracelets, etc. Therefore, the demand for such products will be constant.

Knitting to order

If you are an excellent knit and have plenty of time for your hobby, you can start making custom knits. Great if you knit and crochet. These knitting techniques allow you to create completely different masterpieces.

Sewing soft toys

Women of all ages love Stuffed Toys... Teddy bears are out of fashion, and factory toys are no longer a surprise. If you know how to sew and feel the potential of a designer or fashion designer, then you can start by sewing just soft toys.

Create a series of unique toys and sell them at fairs and sales. Perhaps they will bring you the fame and recognition of millions of people.

Making money trees or beads (souvenirs)

Majority office workers likes to keep all sorts of knickknacks (figurines, beadwork, etc.) on his desktops.

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to make all kinds of souvenirs. Trees made of natural stone, beads or coins are very popular. They are made quite simply, and they do not take a lot of materials to make.

Several years ago I got carried away with making beaded trees. This is a very interesting activity. Weaving is soothing and relaxing. Implemented finished goods through souvenir shops.

Making wedding paraphernalia

Any wedding involves a large number of wedding attributes. These are festive boutonnieres, and beautifully decorated glasses of newlyweds and chests for money. If this activity is close to your liking, then start creating.

Implement already finished products can be done via the Internet or with the help of wedding salons. You can also make similar products to order. So you will definitely not "burn out".

My mother made a lot of beautiful things for my wedding, posted them on the Internet, after which there were several brides who asked to do something similar for them.

Hand-made assumes the presence of certain skills, wild imagination and love for their work. If you have chosen one of these types of earnings, remember that it requires a certain amount of money to buy materials. Do not buy too much of it, see if your small business will generate income.

Internet browsing

Don't you believe that you can make real money online? Now I will prove the opposite to you. On the Internet, millions of people earn every day without investment, including mothers on maternity leave. Of course, there is a high probability of getting caught by scammers. But I will only talk about the real proven methods of earning.

Copywriting (writing articles to order)

Everyone at school wrote essays or presentations. For some, they turned out better, and for others, worse. Regardless, any mom can try.

When you go to any site, you see the printed information. But these texts are written by someone. It is unlikely that this is the owner of the resource itself. Most likely, he used the services of a copywriter who paid well.

There are specialized sites (exchanges) that help customers find performers and vice versa. To get started, you need to register on such an exchange and view job offers.

In the first months, you will not receive sky-high fees. At this time, you build your reputation and improve your professionalism. With every article you write, you can raise the cost of your services.

Do not be afraid that you will not succeed. Perhaps the potential of a great writer is hidden in you, and you do not know about it.

At the moment, I make money by writing articles. I discovered my abilities by chance. I just read about such work, registered on the exchange, took an easy order and fulfilled it. My first customer was satisfied and it inspired me. To be honest, at school I did not know how to write essays, and my mother wrote essays for me.

I don’t know where I later learned this, but now it’s enough, and my mother, when she also tried it (on my advice), but gave up this venture after the second order.


Absolutely all mothers use a lot of cosmetics, hygiene products, etc. when caring for a child.

There are several resources that pay money for the reviews left. Moreover, you can describe not only food or hygiene products, but also share your impression of shopping centers, shops, exhibitions, etc. For example, every mother has a story to tell about the hospital where her baby was born, about which diapers are better, or describe the advantages and disadvantages of your stroller.

Do not expect millions of dollars in earnings, but there should be enough for cosmetics.

I worked at the Otzovik website. They pay for a review from a few kopecks to 10 rubles. In addition to the text, you must attach a photo (but this is optional). The more useful information you post and the more photos you attach, the higher the price per review. I have not received more than 6 rubles per review.

Earnings on sales

Most of the purchases of modern people are carried out using the Internet. Someone buys batches of clothing, and then sells it, and someone acts as an intermediary. There are several ways to sell and each of them has its own characteristics.

Joint purchases

On joint shopping sites, orders are collected for the size of some thing (all sizes one by one, for example, room slippers from 36 to 41 sizes). When there are interested parties for the entire batch, the goods are purchased on the wholesale website and sent to customers.

If you are an administrator, then it is you who will have to find people, collect money from them, place and receive an order, send it to customers. For this, you can receive 10-15% of each unit sold.

But remember this is pretty hard work... You will often need to go to the post office to receive / send orders.

I tried to become a JV administrator, but after seeing the amount of work, I gave up this venture.


There are people who sell products, while they do not even see it in the eye. This is the so-called mediation or. The scheme is simple. or a group in social network where you advertise products wholesale supplier... At the same time, you set the price of the product higher (the difference will be your earnings). If people are interested in something, they order it for you and pay in full. After that, you place an order with the supplier and ask to send the order directly to the client.

Such a business is built on the trust of all parties. Often people are afraid to make an advance payment and bypass such sites.

I spent several months creating and filling the albums with goods (I specialized in women's clothing), looking for buyers. I made a small markup in order to gain the trust of customers. Frankly, I earned a maximum of 500 rubles for all the time. All due to the fact that many are afraid to pay for the purchase without seeing the product.


If you don’t have any ability and don’t know what to do, you can try to make money on surveys. There are many sites that offer an answer to certain tests, for which they promise to pay well.

You only need to register and wait until you are given a task. The downside of such earnings is its irregularity. Even if you really need money, you will not get anything until you are surveyed.

I have registered on 5 sites. And the first survey was sent to me only after 2 weeks. At that time, I had already found an alternative way of earning money, so I never took part in any survey. They are sent to me by email. mail so far.


There are sites on the network that offer money for the fact that you will go to certain sites, follow the links. This type of income is called surfing.

Before starting work, you must understand that simple work will not bring a lot of income, and it can take a lot of time.

Your own blog or website

In order to get the maximum income on the network, you need either a website. It will have to be constantly updated, filled with useful and the necessary information... This can be a resource where mothers will share their parenting experience, ask each other questions, get advice, etc.

In order to make it easier for you to determine which way of earning money for mothers on maternity leave is right for you, I propose to consider the following table.

Profession / occupation Difficulty degree Initial investment Income level
Hairdresser / Makeup Artist average Yes average
Masseur average No high
Chef high Yes high
Mini-garden manager high Yes high
Nanny average No average
Tutor high No average
Performer of term papers high No high
Outsourcing high No high
Fashion designer, seamstress average Yes average
Florist low Yes short
Photographer average Yes high
Handmade master: soap low Yes average
candles low Yes average
embroidery low Yes average
Stuffed Toys average Yes average
decorations low Yes average
knitting average Yes average
wedding paraphernalia low Yes average
Copywriter average No average
Writing reviews low No short
Organizer of joint purchases average No short
Dropshipping low No short
Polls low No short
Surfing the net low No short
Earn money on your own website or blog high Yes high
Bank implementation. products average No average
Site administrator average No average
Programmer high No high
Advertising agent high No average
Earnings on YouTube low No average

How not to get caught by scammers

In any job, there is a risk of being deceived. But those who decide to make money using the Internet need to be more careful. It is on the network that the maximum number of scammers is collected.

In order not to become their victim, adhere to the following rules:

  • Never pay anyone under any circumstances. Swindlers are very inventive, and their proposals do not seem unrealistic. For example, you decide by reprinting handwritten materials. You may be asked to contribute a certain amount in order for you to gain access to their assignments. I once fell for such a scam, though I paid only 100 rubles. After payment, no one contacted me;
  • Do not, under any circumstances, send copies of your documents;
  • Do not accept "business offers" that are linked to your bank accounts;
  • Do not see grandiose projects where they promise quick and big returns (money pyramids);
  • Be careful with. You will first be told that no investment is required from you, and then it turns out that in order to receive a salary, you need to buy or distribute products for several thousand rubles;
  • Reject suggestions where you are offered to grow flowers or mushrooms using high-performance hydroponics.

In order not to feel like a driven horse and to have time for everything, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Plan your day. Determine the time intervals when you will be working;
  • Work out a convenient schedule for yourself;
  • Tune in to a working mood in advance;
  • Observe your sleep schedule;
  • Do not blame your family and friends for your tiredness. Nobody forced you to work;
  • Distribute household chores among all family members;
  • Ask grandparents to sit with your child more often.

All the advantages and disadvantages of working at home for mothers on maternity leave


  1. You plan the day yourself;
  2. You do not have a strict boss (apart from a baby);
  3. You don't need to adjust to the team;
  4. You do not spend money on travel, dinners in a cafe, etc .;
  5. You get material independence;
  6. Develop, learn, improve as a person.


  • Life will turn into chaos if you do not learn how to properly plan your day ();
  • There is a high probability of losing control over your figure, since the refrigerator is always nearby;
  • There is a big risk of being deceived by scammers.
  • Conclusion

    Some people find it unacceptable to work on maternity leave. Personally, I believe that this is a period when a woman should not stop being a part of society. V modern world there are a lot of activities that even the busiest mothers can do.

    Nevertheless, work should not distract you from the most important thing - the child! If you do decide to start earning money, then learn to combine work, childcare and caring for your husband. If you succeed, then you will be a beautiful, happy and wealthy mommy!


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