Speech therapy examination of the oral speech of the preschooler. Diagnostic examination of the speech of the child of preschool age. Presentation Speech Speech Children of Preschool

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Systemic organization of speech activity is a specific human function that has arisen in the process of evolution. Allocate communicative, regulating and programming speech functions. Works A.R. Luria was shown that with various brain lesions on the localization of brain lesions, the complex structure of speech activity is disturbed, the nature of violations depends on the affected structure of the brain. The verbal activity was represented as a relationship of speech perception centers (Vernika) and its reproduction (Brock) and localized in the right hand in the left hemisphere.

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For the understanding of the meaning of words and holistic speech statements (semantic analysis) correspond to the deep departments of the left temporal share responsible for the lubber memory, and the rear basis of thessociative regions, where the elements of the speech structure are integrated into the semantic scheme. Programming of actions are associated with frontal departments. active search information, analysis of the most essential elements of the content of complex deployed statements. Various heights of the left hemisphere hemisphere, which perceive and distinguish the elementary codes of words - the phonemes, without which the understanding of the exact meaning of words is impossible.

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Calling objects and oral speech oral speech Comes with the participation of the lower departments of the premotor region of the left hemisphere, where the center of the brocade is localized. Violations in this area lead to a jam on a syllable, permutation of letters, repeated repetition of previous articulation. For the name of the subject requires the transcoding of a visual image into its sound equivalent.

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The issuing of the subject is associated with the thickest brain departments. An important condition for the adequate name of the subject is the preservation of the speech structure of the word. The need for the only correct name of the subject requires braking of all side alternatives, which includes a frontal boron that controls the entire activating brain system, as well as a speech initiative.

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The rhythm of speech and intonation An additional engine area, located the Kepende from the central (Roland) groove, as part of the frontal fraction, is responsible for the speech and intonation rhythm, the grammar order of words, the use of unions, pronoun with verbs both in the pronounted and audible speech. The limbic system (Papez's circle) is associated with voice reactions, makes an emotional component into the sound speech.

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The right hemisphere is responsible for the nonlineuistic components of speech - intonation, the parameters of the main tone (height, volume), emotional color. For a visual-spatial analysis of verbal material. For the interaction of the frontal and occipital region, the involvement of a visual projection zone associated with visual presentation of letters.

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The age stages of the development of speech from the moment of birth, the child perceives the phonemes (tones, sound clicks). The first sounds published by the child - the bustle - do not bear the language specificity. In the first year of life, the bastard is bottled in children developing in different language mediums based on the formation of sensory systems, especially visual, is formed by a new (nominative) function of speech - the child associates objects and their names.

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The development of the speech function for the development of the communicative function of speech is the most important importance of speech contact. Higher brain departments are responsible for arbitrary regulation of activities, the formation of the regulatory and programming function of speech. Holistic verbal activity, abstract logical and graphic forms (reading and writing) are developing for a long time, the whole period of school training.

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Systemic analysis of speech disorders The electoral violations of the speech functional system are developed in connection with the organic lesions of the brain of a focal nature on the basis of injuries, inflammatory and vascular diseases, etc. and are always accompanied by functional neurodynamic disorders in adjacent or even sufficiently distant defeat structures. Functional violations of speech are associated with pathological changes in the flow of basic nerve processes (excitation and braking) and especially with violations of their mobility.

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In some cases, these disorders are a consequence of temporary braking of individual links of the speech functional system and are easily fixed as incorrect speech skills. In other cases, speech disorders can only be determined only by functional disorders, an example of which many cases of stuttering, an accelerated tempo of speech, incorrect sound impact, violations of voice can serve.

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Stuttering - a violation of speech, in which its smooth flow is interrupted by the repetition of individual sounds, syllables or delay in their pronunciation due to clonic (ticks) or tonic (increasing tone) cramps of speech muscles. For smooth pronunciation of phrases, it is necessary to clear coordination of breathing control, sound-proof and articulation. This coordination is carried out at the brain barrel level.

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Age features of breathing breathing in children frequent and superficial. The respiratory volume and the designer of the preschooler is 3-5 times less than in an adult, and in the younger school age 2 times less. The frequency of respiration in children is increased. With mental and physical exertion, emotional outbreaks, the increase in T DCHDD is extremely easy to grow. Mods over preschool and younger school age is gradually growing. This indicator due to the high respiratory rate in children does not lag behind adult values.

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In adolescents (medium, senior school age) with age, respiratory reactions to the load are elevated. The respiratory volume increases, the depth of breathing and decreases ChDD. Chdd at 12 years 19-23 per minute, 14 years - 16-20 per minute at 10 years 4 l / min, 14 years 5 l / min respiratory functions are hampered during puberty. Chest growth delay in significant body pulling makes breathing. There is neulty respiration, the process of expanding airways is not completed.

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Perception Article Purpose: Determine the perception of the articulating form and possession of articulating devices. Methods: The child is offered to look carefully as an adult, clearly articulating, sings vowels of the first row (a, o, y, s, e), then, silently articulating, proposes to guess - what kind of sound he "sings." Rating: 5 sounds - 10B for each incorrectly guessing sound - minus 1 b, for each unclearly articulated sound - minus 1 b

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Hearing perception. The game "What sings?" Objective: Determine the level of auditory perception Methods: Adult will forgive the child to listen carefully, as "sing" objects, and knocks for everyone with a wand. Then the child is offered to turn away and guess in the knock - what item "sings" material: 5 items of different quality (glass, wooden, metal, plastic, paper), metal wand. Evaluation: For each guessing item, we put "+". Cheerless and low-contact children can only show the subject. For children, over 5 years old, complication is possible when the objects close to sound are taken.

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Speech-spatial perception Purpose: Determine the ability of a child to navigate in space, reveal an understanding of the prepositions Methods: Adult offers a child to decompose the toys (or cards): on a chair, under the chair, to the right of the chair, to the left of the chair, in front of the chair, behind the chair. Then the child is offered to collect toys, while he must tell where he took each of them. For 3 years: on, under, nearby, about, for, in. For 4 years and older: on, under the left, right, before, behind. Material: Chair, toys or cards. Evaluation: All items arranged correctly and correctly said, where they lie - 12 B (6 Ballov - for the way as decomposed, 6 points - for the proper use of proposed-case structures). For each incorrect answer - minus 1b.

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Hearing Purpose Purpose: Determine the level of auditory methods: Adult offers a child game: "Catch the cat": "I will call words, and you have to slam your hands if you hear the word" cat ". A number of words, among which there is a test word "cat" and provocative word "KIT", "CAT", pronounced in a single pace, with one intonation. Proposed Word Sets: - Elephant, Dog, Cat, Dress, Whale, Forest, Cloud, Cat, Hare, Cat, Umbrella, Leg, Cat, Wind, Cat; - Chair, nose, cat, window, whale, side, fox, cat, lamp, cat, frame, hat, cat, fur coat, cat. Evaluation: As a result, the number is taken into account correctly "caught" cats + 3b and mistakenly "caught" provocative words - minus 3b.

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Summary Memory Objective: Study of the level of visual memory, dictionary, generalizations, sound readings, etc. Methods: The child has pictures by number of children. Then an adult cleans them and asks the child to call the memorized. Material: Sets of cards with object images - 30 pieces: - Transport (aircraft, steamer, light machine, train, trolleybus); - clothes (dress, fur coat, skirt, jacket, pants); - Toys (Yula, Pyramid, Doll, Horse , ball); - furniture (armchair, wardrobe, table, sofa, chair); - animals (hare, horse, hedgehog, squirrel, dog). Evaluation: Each collected group is estimated. 3B - the child highlights a group by a significant feature and calls it. 2B - the child highlights a group of significant sign, but does not call it. 1B - the child is highlighting a group of insignificant sign. 0 b - does not fulfill the task. Maximum number -15 points.

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"Sequential pictures" Goal: Determine the level of development of analysis, elements of logical thinking and ability to draw up a story on pictures. Methodology: The child is presented a series of pictures, respectively, age. The task is formulated: "All pictures are interconnected. Split them so that it can be seen where the beginning, and where is the end. Invent a story on them. Material: sets of pictures selected in the plot. 4 years - 3 pictures, 4-5 years old - 4 pictures, 5-6 years old - 4 pictures, 6-7 years old - 5 pictures. Evaluation: For each correctly located picture + 1b. Correctly selected words to describe the picture + 1b. Sostors' simple sentences + 1b. Sostoring a connected story + 1b. Powers - 0 points.

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Study of shallow motility hands. Purpose: Determine the level of development of small motility, auditory attention. Methodology: an adult reads a baby's child, accompanying his hands, and asks to repeat it: "At the bunny (raise" ears "- right hand Up From the elbow, the index and the middle fingers are raised, the rest are in the fit) of the bunny (raise the "ears" - the left hand up from the elbow, the index and the middle fingers are raised, the rest are in fastened). At the goat (raise the "horns" - right up from the elbow, the index finger and the little finger raised, the rest are fitted) the goat (raise the "horns" - the left up from the elbow, the index finger and the little finger raised, the rest are fit). " Let's say a re-show. Evaluation: Maximum score - 5 b. Possible mistakes - Minus 1b per each: the child performs a task with visual control; The child helps the other hand; The child does not help his hands, but the movements are not accurate, badly remembered; The presence of synchronization of movements (makes movements simultaneously with two hands); Permits the wrong pronunciation ("At the goats of the goat", "Bunny bunny").

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Identification of the dictionary nouns: to identify the level of development of an active and passive domestic dictionary, an understanding of the significance of diminity suffixes, the extension of concepts. Methodology: The child has sets of cards with the image: - two identical on functions, but different items in the magnitude; - two equally called, but multifunctional items; - items that are marked with the words rarely found in the child's dictionary; - items that allow them to call their components; - Two different items that perform the same function. To check the active dictionary, the child is asked to call the depicted objects. In case of great difficulties, a passive dictionary is checked. To do this, the adult calls the items not on pairs, but in random order and asks to show pictures with their image. On errors, the child's attention is not fixed.

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Identification of the dictionary nouns (continued) Approximate sets: 1. Pillow - pad; Dining table - writing desk; Bench, kettle spout; Sofa - chair; 2. Chair - chair; Cooking cabinet - Bookcase; Pillowcase, chair seat; Glass - Cup Evaluation: Possible errors: - misunderstanding the values \u200b\u200bof the diminity suffix; - misunderstanding the values \u200b\u200bof the adjective; Small volume of the dictionary; - availability of expansion of concepts. For each error - minus 1b. If you refuse +0 points.

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Glagov Dictionary Purpose: to identify the level of development of the active and passive domestic dictionary of verbs, understanding words denoting the action. Methods: 1 Option: The child is suggested to say, "What can Mom know how to do? (5-10 words) or "What can you do?" During difficulties, 2 leading questions are possible (and in the evening? On weekends? For a walk?) 2 Option: in difficulty and at low-contact children. The pictures on which the actions are depicted are used to call these actions. 3Wariant: pictures with the image of items; 4 Option: pictures with a picture of actions; Evaluation: For each correct word + 1b.

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Word formation Purpose: Detection of word formation skill on the example of adjectives. Methodology: The child is invited to say - which juice is obtained from this fruit or vegetable. In case of difficulty, the adult offers a sample: grapes - grape. Complication - what juice is obtained from two fruits or vegetables, sample: apple-grape. Material: pictures with image of fruits and vegetables or their dummy (apple, orange, pear, garlic, beets, carrots, cucumber. Evaluation: If the child copes with the task itself + 1b, for each error - minus 1 b. Articulation Motorika I level articulating stacks erased. The vowels sound like "medium" vowel. II Level - Clearly distinguished Articulus The child reproduces according to the sample. III level - the child reproduces all articulation stacked, but confuses close artikulus. IV Level - Difficulties when performing exercises to replace articulating styles. The visual-spatial perception of the I level does not remember the values \u200b\u200bof the predictions, does not fulfill or erroneously performs verbal instructions. II level knows 1-2 pretext, the rest confuses. III level confuses more complex prepositions (to the left of the right, between). IV level - confused if there are 2 prepositions (get up before that, behind that)

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Spectatic attention of the game "Do as I", "If you like you, do this" 1 stage - work on a large motility 2 stage - work on the articulation motor I level, the child does not fulfill the II level the child is late when changing movement and only sound signals - Cotton, Clicks) III Level 1. Exercises for large motility mainly are obtained 2. Articulation injections The child differentiates with errors IV level 1. Large motor skills - close to normal 2. In the articulating devices makes errors when differentiating articulantly close sounds Hearing memory I level - the child does not know the poems. Two-point poem The child repeats after 3-5 presentations. II Level - The child is announced a poem after 2-3 repetitions. III Level - the child repeats, but some words fall out. IV level - remembers quickly, but there may be minor errors, including grammatical nature.

Svetlana Panishhina
Presentation "Survey of the grammatical system of speech"

Dear, respected speech therapists! If survey of speech Child You use albums with a visual material on O. B. Inshakova, then you can use my presentations. They correspond to albums, but facilitate work, since no paper mediathat upload the table.

"Survey of grammatical Speech".

Understanding facing speech:

Task 1. Perform instructions from one task.

Close book

Get the handle

Perform instructions from two tasks.

Get a handle and put it on a notebook

Put a ruler on the notebook.

Task 2. Understanding predictions. Show where: The cat goes to the house;

cat in the house; cat in front of the house; cat behind the house; Cat on the roof; The cat gets out of the pipe; Cat under the porch.

Task 3. Understanding proposals with causal relationships.

Petya hit Vasya.

Who hurt?

I went to the movies, after I did lessons.

Volodya broke the pencil, who gave him Olya.

What was before?

Understanding the number of nouns in the proposal.

Publications on the topic:

The use of ICT in the formation of the grammatical system of the speech of children of senior preschool age with a violation of speech Relevance to form the speech of children in preschool years - one of the main tasks of upbringing, as mastering the native language is cramped.

Development of grammatical system of speech of senior preschool children In preschool age, there is a significant change in speech, which is due to different reasons. First of all, this is the yield of a child beyond.

Formation of grammatical system of speech in children by means of theatrical activity One of the most important problems in the speech therapy is the development of speech. This is due to the fact that it plays a huge role in human life. Good.

Formation of grammatical system of speech from senior preschoolers "Consultation for parents" Formation of grammatical system of speech from senior preschoolers Consultation for parents. Preschool age is the most sensitive.

The development of the grammatical system of speech is one of the most important tasks in the work of the speech therapist. The game as a presenter type of activity of the preschooler helps.

Games for the development of grammatical system of speech Task number 1. Dama Yera Siem, Valya, Natasha, Kostya, Natasha, Natasha, Natasha, Natasha, Kostya, Natasha, Natasha, Natasha, Natasha, Natasha, Valya, Natasha.

Features of the formation of the grammatical system of speech in children with a general underdevelopment of speech Introduction: The child's assimilation of the grammatical system of speech is a complex, multi-level process that is associated with the work of the cerebral cortex.

Using didactic games and exercises for the development of the lexico-grammatical system of speech Taking into account the constant increase in the number of preschoolers with the general underdevelopment of speech, the problem of formation of lexico-grammatical funds.

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Drawing up phrases according to pictures with the image of simple actions. When showing each picture, the instruction is set: say that it is drawn here? If there is no phrase response, the second question is set: what does? Evaluation. 5B.-If the phrase is grammatically constructed, adequately in the meaning of the content of the picture, fully and accurately displays its content. 4B.-adequate phrase is not informative; There are errors in the use of word forms; the connection between words in the proposal is broken; violated the normative order of words; Long pause with the search for the desired word. 3B.-combination of the above deficiencies of informativeness and lexico-grammatical structuring of the phrase. 2B.-Adequate phrase-statement is drawn up with the help of an additional question; Not all tasks are made. 1B. - There is no adequate phrase response with the help of an additional question; The compilation of the phrase is replaced by the transfer of depicted items.

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Drawing up phrases-statements on the 3rd subject pictures. The child calls pictures, then makes a sentence so that it has been said about all 3 subjects. If the child is a sentence, taking into account only 1-2 pictures, the task is repeated indicating the missed picture. Evaluation. 5b.-phrase is compiled taking into account the content of all pictures, is a rather informative statement, adequate in meaning. 4B. - There are separate shortcomings. The phrase itself is adequate in meaning and corresponds to the likely subject situation. 3b. The phrase is based on the content of only 2 pictures, with the help of the child is adequate to the content of the statement. 2B.-Child was not able to make a phrase using 3-pictures, despite the assistance rendered. There is a mistake in the language registration of the statement. 1b. The child correctly called the items, but did not make a phrase.

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Retelling. The text reads twice. Before releasing, it is possible to install on the retelling. Read more than 3-4 questions on the content of the text. Evaluation. 4B. - retelling is compiled independently; The text content is fully transmitted, the connectivity and sequence of presentation is observed. A variety of linguistic means are used in accordance with the text of the work. When converting, the grammatical norms of the native language are mainly observed. 3b. The retelling is compiled with some help (prompting, stimulating questions); the text content is fully transmitted. There are separate violations of the coherent reproduction of the text, the absence of artistic and stylistic elements; Single violations of the proposal structure. 2B. - Repeated leading questions are used). The problem is significantly violated. There are passages of text parts, semantic errors. The sequence of presentation is broken. The poverty and monotony of consumed linguistic means 1b.-retelling is compiled leading issues. Passing of certain points of action or a whole fragment, repeated violations of connected reproduction of text, single semantic inconsistencies are noted.

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Butterfly. There was spring. Brightly shone sunshine. Flowers grew in the meadow. Yellow butterfly flew over them. Suddenly flew a large black bird. She saw the butterfly and wanted to eat her. The butterfly was frightened and sat on a yellow flower. The flying around the bird, flew, but did not see the butterfly. So flew away from anything.

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Story on a series of plot pictures. The child must decompose the pictures in the desired sequence. Evaluation. 4B.-independently compiled a connected story, quite fully and adequately displays the pictured plot. The sequence in the transmission of events and the connection between episode fragments is observed. The story is built in accordance with the TC grammatical norms of the language (taking into account the age of children). 3b. The story is made up with some help (stimulating questions, instructions on the picture; the content of the pictures is quite fully reflected (there are passes of certain points of action, in general, non-timbble semantic conformity of the story). Non-expressed violations of the tension of the narrative are noted; single errors in the construction of phrases. 2b "The story is drawn up with the help of leading questions. The narrative connection is violated. Signs of significant moments of action and whole fragments are noted, which violates the meaning compliance with the story of the picture with the plot. There are semantic errors. The story is replaced by the listing of the actions presented in the pictures. 1b.-story compiled with Products6 entering questions and guidance on the appropriate picture / specific part. Violated the tension of the story. There are skips of certain points of action, individual semantic inconsistencies.

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Story from personal experience. The child is invited to make a story to his close topic. A plan is given from several tasks issues. Evaluation. 4b. The story contains enough informative answers to all questions. All his fragments represent connected explorations. The use of lexico-grammatical means corresponds to age. 3b. The story is compiled in accordance with the problematic task. Most of the fragments represent connected statements. Separate morphological syntactic disorders are noted (errors in the construction of phrases, in the use of verb forms, etc.) 2B. - There are no one or two fragments of the story. Its most of it is a simple listing of objects and the informativeness of the story is insufficient. In most parts of the fragments, the connectedness of the statement is broken. Disorders of the structure of phrases and other adgrammatyisms are noted. 1B. - The story reflects all questions of the task. Its individual fragments are a simple listed of objects and actions (without detail); there is extreme poverty of the content; violation of speech connectedness; Rough lexico-grammatical disadvantages that make perception of the story.

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Story description. The child should be able to describe his toys, objects, graphic images based on their visual perception. Evaluation. 4B. - The story contains all the main signs of the subject, is given an indication of its functions or destination. The logical sequence is observed in the description of the signs of objects, the semantic and syntactic relations between the fragments of the story. A variety of verbal characteristics of the subject are used. 3B.-story description is quite informative, it is characterized by a logical completion, it reflects most of the main properties and quality of the subject. There are isolated cases of violation of the logical sequence in the description of the signs of objects, the meaningful incompleteness of one or two microthele, certain flaws in the lexic and grammatical design of the statement. 2B.-Story is compiled by leading issues, not enough informative - there are no significant signs of the subject in it (2-3). It is noted: the unequivocality of a number of microthem, return to previously said; The display of signs of the subject in most of the story is disordered. Revealed notable lexical difficulties, shortcomings in grammatical design of proposals. 1b. The story is drawn up with the help of an increase in 6th leading issues, instructions on the items of the subject. The description of the subject does not displays many of its essential properties, features. The logically determined sequence is not marked: a simple listing of individual features and item parts is disordered. Expressed lexico-grammatical disorders are detected. The child is not able to make a story-description independently.

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A story on the topic or continuation of the story at this beginning. The child shows a picture depicting the climax of the story of the story. After parsing the content of the picture, an unfinished story is read twice and it is proposed to come up with a continuation. Evaluation. 4B.-story is compiled independently, it complies with the content of the proposed topic (this beginning), brought to a logical completion, is given an explanation of the events. Connectivity and sequence is observed, the creative task is solved in creating a sufficiently detailed plot and adequate images. Language clearance, mainly corresponds to grammatical standards. 3b. The story is compiled independently or with a small help, in general, corresponds to the created creative task. Non-terrible disorders of connectedness, passages of plot moments that do not violate the general logic of the narration are noted. There are some linguistic difficulties in the implementation of the plan. 2B.-story is compiled when using repeated leading issues. There are separate semantic inconsistencies, insufficient informativeness, no explanation transferred eventsthat reduces the communicative integrity of the message. There are lexical and syntactic difficulties. The connection of the presentation is violated. 1B.-story is compiled entirely on leading issues; It is extremely poor in content, schematic; Continued in accordance with the idea, but not completed. The tension of the narrative is sharply violated, coarse semantic errors are allowed. Violated sequence of presentation. Pronounced agrammatism, impercepting the perception of the story.

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Vasi and Kati had a cat. Spring cat disappeared, and children could not find it. Once they played and heard over her head meow. Vasya shouted Kate: - found a cat and kittens! Go here rather. There were five kittens. When they grabbed. Children chose one kitten gray with white legs. They fed him, played with him and put to sleep with them. Once the children went to play on the road and took a kitten with them. They were distracted, and the kitten played one. Suddenly they heard that someone screams loudly: "Back, back!"; "And they saw that the hunter jumps, and a kitten saw ahead of his two dogs and want to grab it.

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Drawing up a story on a given topic. The child offers pictures depicting several items. The exposition of the story based on the pictures is preliminary.

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Sections: Work with preschoolers

The technique is intended to identify the peculiarities of the speech development of children of preschool age. This technique Adapted for the survey of five-year-old children. Developed a protocol for surveying the speech of children (Appendix 1). The proposed technique is aimed at identifying the actual level of the child's speech development, so most tasks do not provide assistance. The exception is the samples in which help, as practice shows, is really effective. So, for example, when examining word-forming processes, stimulating assistance ( "Incorrectly, think more ..) It often leads to the actualization of the correct form of the word.

The maximum number of points accrued for the successful implementation of all test methods for five-year-old children is 282 points.

When processing the data obtained, the absolute value is translated into percentage expression. If the above numbers (respectively, this age) is taken for 100%, then the percentage of successful implementation of the technique by each subject can be calculated, multiplies the total score for the entire test for 100 and dividing the result obtained by 282. Thus, the percentage of the performance of the technique is calculated then with One of the four success levels Detected as a result of experimental work T.A.Photek.

IV - 100 - 80% speech development corresponds to the norm

III - 79.9 - 65% SPR, ONR

II - 64.9 - 50% SRR, ONR, TNR

I - 49.9% and below TNR; Pathology of speech, aggravated by intellectual violations.

In order to get an individual speech profile, it is necessary to calculate the success of the execution of each series of techniques in percentage terms (multiplying the number of points accrued for the entire series and share the result obtained to the maximum possible score for this series). In the first series, it is advisable to consider the percentage of success for each task separately (Appendix 2) in the same way. Then, using the obtained values, you should draw the speech profile (Appendix 3), postponing the success of the tasks of the technique in percent, and on the abscissa axis - task names along the abscissa axis:

1 - Articulation Motoric

2 - Soundless

3 - Phonematics Perception

4 - syllable word structure

5 - Language Analysis Skills and Synthesis (for 5-6 Summer Children) PhondeMectic Analysis Skills (for 4-year-old children)

6 - Dictionary and word-forming processes (for 5-6 year old children) Active dictionary (for 4-year-old children)

7 - Grammar

8 - understanding of logic-grammatical relations (for 6 year old children)

9 - connected speech

After receiving such a profile, it is possible to immediately identify both the most non-deformed and the most prosperous components of the child's speech system and, based on this, develop a correctional program.

Methods of examination of oral speech five year old children

The technique used speech samples proposed by R.I. Lalae, T.B. Filich, G.V. Chirkina, S.G. Shevchenko, A.P. Nechaev, S.E. Bolshakova, N.V. Serebryakova, L.S. Solomacha, I.S. Krivovyan. To assess the success of the tasks, a score system developed by L.I. Transfer, T.A. Photoek.

The technique includes five episodes that combine a certain number of speech samples. Each trial is assessed separately, then the amount of points is calculated for all tasks, behind the series, and then from the total estimates for each of the five episodes, a common score is calculated for the implementation of all methods of the technique.

For each series, and in some series and for each group of samples, our own evaluation criteria have been developed. General rule When evaluating the tasks of all series is to account for the degree of success of the implementation using four gradations, which makes it possible to obtain a more differentiated result.

For Series I (except sound-proof, sound identification), II; III; IY - 1; 0.5; 0.25; 0 points.

For identification of sounds - 5,3,1.0 points

For sound reading - 3; 1.5; one; 0 points.

For the Y - 5 series; 2.5; one; 0 points.

In different tasks, these gradations reflect the clarity and correctness of the execution, the nature and severity of the allowed errors, and the use of assistance.

If necessary, clarify the state of any part side of the speech Each of the series of the technique can be used independently

The maximum number of points accrued for successful implementation All samples of this technique, equal to 282 points.

Series I - Study Sensomotor Speech Level - Includes four groups of tasks.

First group The samples are aimed at studying the state of the articulation motility by performing 10 movements and chains of movements on the show of the speech therapist.

Instruction: "Look, as I do, and repeat the movement behind me."

In order to assess the performance of articulation movements, you need to ask the child to hold the speech organs in the desired position 3-5 seconds, the last three exercises must be 4-5 times

Evaluation:1 point is the correct implementation of movement with the exact correspondence of all the characteristics of the presented; 0.5 points - slow and tense execution; 0.25 points - execution with errors - long searching for postures, incomplete movement, deviations in configuration, synctanesis, hypercines; 0 points - non-fulfillment of motion. The maximum number of points for all task is 10 points.

Second group The tasks are aimed at studying sound-proof through the reflected progress of specially selected words.

In order to save time, phrases and texts with checked sounds at this stage are not presented, because The ability to clarify the pronunciation of sound in different positions and with different degrees of self-independence of the speech will be introduced during further surveys. The final evaluation evaluation is made on the basis of the entire survey, which makes it possible to check the pronunciation of various sounds in different speech situations.

Instruction: "Repeat the words for me."

Evaluation:it is proposed to conditionally divide all sounds for five groups:

The first four are the most frequent impaired violations

(1 group - whistling S, s, s, s, c;2 group - hissing sh, w, h, etc.

3 โ€“ L, l; 4 โ€“ R, Rye) and the 5 group - the remaining sounds whose defects are found much less frequent (rear sounds G, k, x, and their soft options, sound J., cases of softening defects, softening and extremely rare violations of vowel sounds.

3 points - the impeccable pronunciation of all the sounds of the group in any speech situations; 1.5 points - one or more group sounds are isolated and reflected correctly pronounced, but sometimes subjected to substitutions or distortions in self-speech, i.e. not automated sufficiently; 1 score - only one group sound is distorted or replaced or replaced, for example, as it often happens, solid sound R, While the soft option is pronounced correctly; 0 points - distortions or replacements in all speech situations are exposed to all or more groups of the group (for example, all whistling sounds are pronounced, or sounds S, s, c, and smilingsaved). Points accrued for each of the five groups are summarized. The maximum number of points for all task is 15 points.

Third group It is aimed at studying the state of the phonematics: in it, 26 samples, providing for identification of vowel sound among a number of vowel sounds, distinguishing sounds on opposition (ringing-deafness, softness-hardness, sonores, hissing-whistling), repetition of a series of syllables (1, 10, 15, respectively).

a) identification of vowel sound among a number of vowels

Instruction: "Raise your hand when you hear - ABOUT-ยป


b) determination of the ability to differentiate opposition sounds

Instruction: "Show picture".

Evaluation: 1 score - the correct answer from the first attempt; 0.5 points - the correct answer from the second attempt; 0.25 points - the correct answer from the third attempt; 0 points - an incorrect answer from the third attempt. The maximum number of points for all task is 10 points.

c) Repetition of a series of syllables consists of 15 samples, which are chains of syllables with phonetically similar sounds.

Instruction:"Listen carefully and repeat me as accurate as possible."

PREVENTION - Playback - presentation - playback.
Initially, the first member of the pair (Ba-PA) is presented, then the second (Pa-Ba). Sample reproduction as a whole is evaluated (Ba-Pa-Pa-Ba). The syllables are presented before the first playback, the exact repetition should not be achieved, because The task of the survey is the measurement of the actual level of development of speech.

Evaluation: 1 point - accurate and correct reproduction at the pace of presentation; 0.5 points - the first member is reproduced correctly, the second is likened to the first (Ba-PA-BA); 0.25 points - inaccurate playback of both members of the pair with the permutation of syllables, their replacement, pass;

0 - score points from execution, the full inability to reproduce the sample. The maximum number of points for all task is 15 points.

Fourth group The samples are aimed at studying the formation of the sound-syllable word structure and includes 15 words with a gradual complication of the syllated structure.

Instruction: "Repeat after me".

Words are presented before the first playback.

Evaluation: 1 score - proper and accurate playback in the pace of presentation; 0.5 points - slow motion reproduction;

0.25 points - distortion of the sound-syllated structure of the word (skipping and permutation of sounds and syllables inside the word); 0 points - reproduction.

The maximum number of points for all task is 15 points.

Maximum score for all 1seria - 70 points .

Series II - Study of language analysis and synthesis skills - Includes two groups of tasks (definition of the first vowel sound in the word, selection of the specified sound from words).

First group Consists of five samples.

Instruction: "Name, what is the first sound you hear in the word ...?"

Evaluation:5 points - the correct answer from the first attempt; 3 points - the correct answer, but slowness and uncertainty are noticeable; 1 score - one correctly guessing sound; 0 - Failure to execute.

The maximum number is 5 points.

Second group It consists of ten samples that detect the extent to which the child highlights the sound from the word.


"Do you hear the sound of a motor rRRRin words?"

"Did you hear a pile of cows mmmm in words?"

The child is offered three attempts with stimulating assistance: "Think still."

Evaluation: 1 score - the correct answer from the first attempt; 0.5 points - the correct answer from the second attempt; 0.25 points - the correct answer from the third attempt; 0 points - an incorrect answer from the third attempt.

Maximum number of points for the task -10 points.

Maximum number of points for all II series - 15 points.

Series III - examination of the dictionary and word formation skills - consists of three tasks groups.

First group Includes 45 samples for testing an active substantive dictionary; showing and climbing the parts of the subject; Caption of generalizing concepts: toys, dishes, clothing, animals, birds, furniture, vegetables, fruits; The names of the cub, the names of occupations (8,14,88,8,7, respectively).

Second group Includes 22 samples for checking the dictionary (color, shape, object quality) - 12, 5, 5, respectively.

Third group Includes 25 samples on checking the verb dictionary (actions for pictures, "Who is moving?"; "Who screams?") - 10, 5, 10, respectively.

Subject Dictionary:


"Answer to the question" is used for the 1st, 5th sample groups.

"Show and call parts. What is it?" Used for the 2nd group of samples.

"How all these items can be called in one word" - for the 3rd group of samples.

"Name the cubs at ..." - for the 4th group of samples.

Dictionary of signs:


"Name what color paint" - for the 1st group of samples

"Name which subject in form" is for the 2nd group of words.

"Answer to the question" - for the 3rd group of words

Glazl dictionary:


"Name what makes?" - for the 1st group of samples.

"Answer how moving ...?" - For the 2nd group of samples.

"Answer, how shouts ...?" - For the 3rd group of samples.

Evaluation:1 point - the correct answer; 0.5 points - the correct answer after stimulating care: "Think still"; 0.25 points - inaccurate consumption of words based on lexical paraphanizes - the sound intimacy of words, replacing the name of the subject internally similar, similar to its meaningful, situational connection with each other, notation instead of the subject of the whole situation; 0 points - non-fulfillment.

Maximum number of points for the execution of the first task group -

45 points, the second - 22 points, the third group - 25 points.

Maximum number of points III series - 92 points

Series IV - a study of grammatical system - consists of five groups of tasks.

First group It is aimed at studying the state of wordinity: in it 45 samples, providing for the formation of a form of a nominative case, a multiple pledge case; Forms of a dutiful case of a single and plural; shapes of a vinitive case of a single and multiple number; Forms of the Certificate case of the only number of nouns name; Education of a decrease in the name of the noun (10,10.4, 4,4,4,6, 4.5, respectively)

Instruction: "I will talk about one thing, and you about a lot. One - table, and if there are many of them - tables ... "- for the 1st group of samples.

"What happened?" - For the 2nd group of samples.

"Tell me who you give food?" - For the 3rd, 4th sample groups.

"Who do you see in the picture?" - For the 5th, 6th sample groups.

"What are you going to chop firewood, sweep the floor, sew, draw?" - For the 7th group of samples.

"Nazis affectionate items that I will show. Big - hand, and small - this is a handle "- for the 8th group of words.

Second group Includes 3 samples to harmonize the noun and adjective male and female genus the sole number.

Instruction: "Name what object is in color."

Third group Includes 8 samples to match the noun with numeral.

Instruction: "Let's consider: one (one) ..., two (two) ..., five ..." "

Evaluation 1,2,3, assignments of tasks:1 point - the correct answer; 0.5 points - self-correction or correct answer after stimulating help "is not true, think more"; 0.25 points - an incorrectly formed form; 0 points - non-fulfillment.

Fourth group Includes 10 samples for the use of proposed-case-based designs and is associated with the need to insert the missing preposition into the proposal.

Instruction: "Now I will name the proposal in which the word is missing, try to find it and insert."

Due to the difficulty of this task, two types of assistance are used:

1 - stimulating assistance ("incorrectly, think more") and 2 - in the form of a question to the missed pretext ("Pouring tea where?")

Evaluation: 1 point - the correct answer; 0.5 points - the correct answer after stimulating assistance; 0.25 points correct answer after the help of the second type; 0 points - ineffective use of help like the first and second species.

Fifth group the tasks involves repetition of proposals of various grammatical complexity. According to psycholinguists, the ability to repetition is an indicator of the overall level of language competence. Children are able to reproduce the suggestions of the level of grammatical complexity they have mastered in their own speech. The success of these tasks also affects the volume of verbal material and the quality of the lubricane memory of the child.

The offer is repeated until its first reproduction of it (1-2 times).

Instruction: "Listen to the offer and try to repeat it as accurate as possible."

Evaluation:1 point - proper and accurate playback; 0.5 points - skipping individual words without distorting the meaning and structure of the sentence; 0.25 points - passing parts of the sentence, the distortion of the meaning and structure of the sentence, the proposal is not completed; 0 points - reproduction.

In total, the task is 9 samples.

The maximum score for each group of tasks coincides with the number of samples in it, and in all IV Equal series 75 points.

Series V - Study of the formation of a coherent speech

Children are offered two tasks: drawing up a story on a series of plot pictures and retelling.

In order to take into account both the semoley side and the quality of the vocabulary-grammatical registration of a coherent statement, the tasks are estimated at the three criteria proposed by R.I. Lalaeva, which are somewhat modified.

1. Drawing up a story on a series of plot pictures (three pictures)

"Cat and mouse"

Instruction: "Look at these pictures, try to decompose them in order and come up with a story."


1) Criteria of semantic integrity: 5 points - the story corresponds to the situation has all the semantic links located in the correct sequence; 2.5 points - a minor reduction of the situation is allowed, improper reproduction of causal relationships, or the absence of linking links; 1 score - the loss of semantic links, a significant distortion of meaning, or the story is not completed; 0 points - no write-off situation.

5 points - the story is decorated grammatically with the adequate use of lexical means; 2.5 points - the story does not contain adgrammaties, but there are stereotype of grammatical registration of statements, single cases of finding words, individual, or inaccurate wording; 1 score - there are agrammatimisms, distant verbal replacements, inadequate use of lexical means; 0 points - the story is not decorated.

5 points - independently decomposed pictures and a story was drawn up; 2.5 points - pictures are decomposed with stimulating help, the story is compiled independently; 1 point - laying pictures and drawing up a story on leading issues; 0 points - failure to fulfill the task even in the presence of help.

2. Retelling of the listened text.

Retelling requires a sufficient formation level of lubber memory, and such characteristics like logicality, the ability to convey caused and investigative relationships are based on mental activities.

The story is presented for no more than two times.

Instruction: "Now I will tell you a small story, listen to her carefully, remember and get ready for me to tell her"

Children went walking into the forest. Under the bush, they saw hedgehog. The children wanted to take the hedgehog, and he curled the glomerulum. Katya carefully took the hedgehog. The guys brought him home and gave milk.


1) Criterion of semantic integrity: 5 points - all the main semantic links are reproduced; 2.5 points - semantic links are reproduced with minor abbreviations; 1 score - incomplete retelling, there are significant reductions, or distortion of meaning, or inclusion of outsiders; 0 points - non-fulfillment;

2) Criterion of lexico-grammar design:5 points - retelling is compiled without violations of lexical and grammatical norms; 2.5 points - retelling does not contain adgrammaties, but there are stereotype of statements, words searching, separate close verbal replacements; 1 score - Agrammatyisms, repeats, inadequate use of words are noted; 0 points - retelling is not available.

3) Performance Independence Criteria: 5 points - independent retelling after the first presentation; 2.5 points - retelling after minimum help (1-2 question) or after re-reading; 1 point - retelling on issues; 0 points - retelling even on issues are not available.

These are the most complex test methods, so the execution of each of them is estimated at 15 points, which in the amount of series V. make up 30 points.

1. Volkova G.A. Methods of examination of violations of speech in children. - S.-Petersburg, 1993.

2. Children's orphans: counseling and diagnosis of development / edited by E.A. Strebel. - M.: Polygraph Service, 1998.

3. Diagnosis of speech violations in children and the organization of speech therapy work in the pre-school educational institution: Sat. Methodical recommendations. - SPb.: Childhood - Press, 2000.

4. Correctional pedagogical work in preschool institutions for children with a violation of speech / edited by Yu.F. Garbushi. - M.: ChP Sekchev V.Yu., 1999.

5. Levchenko I.Yu. Pathopsychology: theory and practice. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

7. Guidelines Department of Pre-school education of the USSR State Education to the instructions on the reception of children and the acquisition of groups in preschool institutions for children with violations of speech. / Bulletin of the State Committee of the USSR Folk education โ„–2, 1989.

8. Trubnikova N.M. Structure and content of the speech card: educational and methodological manual / Ural. State Ped. un-t. Ekaterinburg, 1998.

9. Phileeva T.B., Chirkin G.V. Preparing for the school of children with a general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten. - M., 1991.

10. TA Test methodology for diagnosing the oral speech of junior schoolchildren. - M.: Arcta, 2000.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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Album examination of the oral and written speech of children of younger school age. (3-4 classes) Presentation prepared teacher-speech therapist Ilyina Ekaterina Fedorovna Express diagnostics (according to T.A.Photek)

2 Slide

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3 Slide

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4 Slide

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The state of oral praxis instruction: do the way I say. If the child does not perform the movement according to the instructions, then the sample is proposed (showing) instructions: repeat the movement behind me. Lips: Static: "Smile"; "Fence"; "Dudge". (Hold the articulation bodies in these positions to 10). Dynamic: 1. Alternately: "Hippo" - "Dudochka" - "Smile"; For language: Static: Dynamic: "Shovel"; 1. "The blade" is "needle"; "Needle"; 2. "Swing"; "Cup"; 3. "Hasiki"; "Fungus"; 4. Purgerate (fuck) by the language "Horce" "Delicious jam". For a soft nose: a ripple pronouncement of sound "A" on a hard attack of voice with a wide open mouth.

5 Slide

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6 Slide

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Instruction: Repeat words, suggestions for me. S, smiling, s, sk, braid, bus umbrella, goat grid, darkened, goose strawberries, monkey 1. WHO WHO OUTS, 5. Zhoy - Zaikina Mistress, near the Wing - Sheep. 6.Spets in the pelvis at Zoya Zayka. 2. The Siene makes a riddle. 3. Cyan knows a fairy tale about the gray goat. 4. In the neighbors played music. C Heron, Ring, Cucumber. 1.Liscean is heated in the sun. 2. Sign, starling, chicken - birds. W, w Schuba, bump, shower beetle, hedgehog 1. There is a mouse, a big beetle. 2.U Masha live cats and hedgehog. 3. With a bookcase of many books.

7 Slide

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Chianle teapot, barrel, key brush, box, tick 1. Sugar, flying butterflies 2. I clean things a brush. 3. Cooker sharpens knives. Choy 1.The biscuit biscuit. 2. Just need louder. 3. How to make a swing. R, Rye, l, arm, harp, tiger onions, wolf, table turnip, flu, lantern Ribbon, Wallet, Salt Royal, Leopard, Camel, Gloor, Marmalad 1.Byat in the summer go to the camp. 2.You flew by helicopter. 3. Marina scored raspberries. L - in 1. Claw the bow on the shelf.

8 Slide

Slide description:

Instructions: Call pictures, repeat the suggestions for me. Ya Apple, T-shirt, Tam Yula, leaves 1.Mai - Warm Spring Month. 2. Coil with husky goes along the taiga. J - 1.Maya and Lyalya walk in the forest. 2.Ul, tulips fields from watering. 3. Echitraged Hedgehog - Events sewed a spiny jacket, all in needles, without a buckle. The hedgehog will drink on the needle, the pear is every fruit that he will find a tree under a tree, and with a gift rich hurry to her hedge. [I]

9 Slide

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10 Slide

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1. Differentiation of sounds - In the syllables, the instruction: Repeat the chains of the syllables behind me. BA-PA-BA CO-ZO-TSU-TA-CA-TA-TA-TA-SA-CA-CACHA-CHAA KA-GA-KA SU-SU-Zhu Sch-Che - in the phrase Instructions: Fix a bug in the sentence. Water was stored in the kidney. A thick car grew in the meadow. Football players scored count. Dog gnawed guests. - In words, the instruction: Repeat the chains of words behind me. Vetage - Mesh - Babe Squirrel - Beam - Butterfly Bread - Daddy - Slipper - Cap Instructions: Lidosh, when you hear the word, which is different from the first: Boxes - Kolobok - Boxes Cool - Cloth - Cheekka Dawn - Flower - Flowering Sound [J ]: Apple, T-shirt, Skirt, Dress, Trolleybus, Leaves

11 Slide

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2. Phondematic analysis of words (serial, quantitative, positional) Instruction: Answer my questions. How many sounds in the word "grandmother" ("friendship", "forceps")? How many vowels? How many consonants? Call them in order. What is the sound before the sound [sh]? What is the sound after the sound [sh]? 3. PhondeMectic synthesis words Instructions: Make a word from called sounds. [A bag]; [t] - [p] - [o] - [p] - [k] - [a]; [cheesecake]; [cactus]; [l] - [s] - [z] - [n *] - [s] - [k]; [s] - [t] - [p] - [o] - [th] - [k] - [A]

12 Slide

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How many words in the sentence? The day was warm. Near the house grew high birch. What is the second word in this sentence? 4. Language Analysis Skills Instructions: Answer my questions. How many syllables in the word? Pencil House What third syllable in the word "car"? Instruction: Answer my questions.

13 Slide

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2. Phondematic analysis (serial, quantitative, positional) Instruction: Answer my questions. How many sounds in the word "grandmother" ("friendship", "forceps")? How many vowels? How many consonants? Call them in order. What is the sound before the sound [sh]? What is the sound after the sound [sh]? 3. PhondeMectic synthesis words Instructions: Make a word from called sounds. [A bag]; [t] - [p] - [o] - [p] - [k] - [a]; [cheesecake]; [cactus]; [l] - [s] - [z] - [n *] - [s] - [k]; [s] - [t] - [p] - [o] - [y] - [k] - [a] Examination of the formation of the sound-syllated structure of the word series number 2

14 Slide

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Instruction: Repeat words for me. Sidewalk Camera Excavator Cellist Adverter Militization Thermometer Librarian Poehood Equilibrist Instruction: Repeat Offers for me. 1. The adjustor manages the movement at the intersection. 2. Trainer training animals. 3. Excursion conducts a tour. 4. The cellist lays the tool into the case. 5. A photographer camera with flash

15 Slide

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16 Slide

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Check the overall level of language competence. Instructions: Repeat a sentence for me as accurately as possible. Anya shot a book with shelves. Squirrel jumped from branches on a branch. From the sea buckthorn branches sat down the leaves. The bear found a deep hole and made himself a burgrel. After the summer, autumn comes and every day becomes colder. 2. Support suggestions from words in the initial form. Instructions: I will say the words, and you make an offer of them. Draw, pencil, girl. C, trees, fall, autumn, leaves. Old, lay, grandmother, kid, in, stroller. Petya, buy, ball, red, mom 3. Verification of proposals. Instruction: I will read suggestions if you notice a mistake, fix it. Mom is pleased to buy. Sparrow wears feed on its nest. All old people will once be young. 1. Direct the number of sounds in words. Survey material: Cat, pike, chair, notes, lemon, crocodile.

17 Slide

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4. Treat of prepositions in the sentence instruction: I will read suggestions, and you insert the desired preposition. Lena pours tea ... cups. The seagull flies ... water. The chick fell ... nests. Puppy hid ... porch. The dog sits ... Cone. 5. Supply of nouns multiple numbers in the nominative and parental case. Instruction: Change words on the sample: House, and if there is a lot of it - at home, but no, what? - houses. Pencil - forgetcoming - Bee - Bucket - Pen - Ear - 2. Determine the sequence of sounds in words. Sliver material: pike, hat, wardrobe, plate, tangle, samovar.

18 Slide

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19 Slide

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Nominative dictionary. The level of generalization. Instruction: Name in one word. Panamka, Cap, Take, Shawl, Hat - Wrap, Rope, Skiing, Skates, Sledge - Tape recorder, TV, Iron, Refrigerator, Hairdryer - Pharmacist, Postman, Librarian, Stolar, Watchmaker - Instructions: Write baby animals Instructions: Name in a decreasing The form of items, sorough, I will list 1. The name of the young animals have a goat from a dog in a wolf in a duck from a duck in a fox in a cow in a lion with a sheep 2. Summary of the young animals have a goat in a dog in a wolf in a duck from a duck from a pig Foxes have a cow in a lion in a sheep 3. Education of nouns in a decreasing form table snow chair tree house sparrow

20 Slide

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Instructions: If the subject is made of paper - it is paper, and if ... 4 b) the formation of high-quality adjective instructions: the fox for cunning is called a cunning, a ... Wolf for greeding - a hare for a cowardly bear for the silicon for courage- 3 a) education relative adjectives from a noun straw hat jams of apples kissel from cranberry jam from plum hill from ice jam from strawberry carrot salad jam from blueberries jam from cherry leaf oak mushroom soup bump spruce 4a) education relative adjectives from noun straw hat jam from Apples Keelle from Cranberry Jam from Plum Gorka Ice Jam from strawberry carrot salad Jam from blueberries Jam from cherry leaf Oak mushroom soup The bump fired instruction: if the heat, then the day is hot, and if ... frost rain sun wind snow cold

21 Slides

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4 c) Education of the attracted adjective instructions: if the dog's dog's dog, then the fox have a cat in a whisk of a wolf at a lion near the hare eagle the beak bird hunter gun

22 Slide

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23 Slide

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a) Draw a circle under the cross b) Cross - under the circle 2. Instruction: Tell me that it is true: spring is in the summer or summer - in front of the spring? Tree above the bush. The bush is higher than a tree. The day was hot, because the guys went to swim. The guys went swimming, because the day was hot. 3 Instructions: Answer to question Vanya above Petit. Who less growth? Kolya photographed Petya. Who is in the photo? The hunter runs behind the dog. Who is ahead? Dad read the newspaper after she had breakfast. What did Dad did first? The circle was stood in front of a plate, and a glass - in front of a mug. What stood in the middle? Instruction: Mark what I will ask.

24 Slide

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25 Slide

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Drawing up a story on a series of plot pictures of retelling of the listened text. Galka and pigeons. Galka asshel, that pigeons are well fed. She smalked in white and flew into the pigeon. Pigeons did not know her and accepted. But Galka could not stand and screamed. My babies understood everything and kicked it out. Then she returned to her, but they were also not recognized and kicked out. Examination of reading skills to track the dynamics of the reading process at the beginning and end of the school year is given the same text, but made in different fonts.

26 Slide

Slide description:

Grade 3 dictation. At the beginning of the year. Friends. Yura Schukin and Alyosha Morozov - big friends. They live in the village of Ilyinki. Wide fields spread around the circle. Under the mountain Richushwa Klyazma. In the summer, the guys worked in the field. They walked on a weeping bed. Then they fled to the near forests. There are many mushrooms and berries. Boys know mushroom places. (46 words). At the end of the year. Summer rain. Stood hot day. Suddenly pulled the breeze. Brew blue cloud. She closed the sun. I went rain. The sun illuminated the surroundings. Raindrops hit the grass and colors. They hung on leaves and blades. In each rain played a sunbeam. Rain stopped. Take a look at the sky! Who built a beautiful bridge from the village to Zarechnaya Lugoch? From the ground there is light parks. The air fills the smell of wildflowers. (64 words). Independent letter. Story on the series of scene paintings. (4) Survey of letters skills

27 Slide

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Examination of the skills of writing 4 class dictation. At the beginning of the year. Geese fly. It's time for goodbye. Migratory birds Revented in warm edges. The leader has criticized the collection. Geese gathered in a bunch and sank. The leader slowly straightened the wings and rose sharply into the air. Tabun took off for the leader. The strongest goose flew ahead. It cut the air with wings. Following the old geese. The youth was at the end of the flock. In a tett of kilometers, the leader is tired. He fell below, missed the flock forward. Place the leader took another strong goose. (68 words). At the end of the year. Coloring animals. Animals protect color. In winter, hare-white instead of brown became white. Katit on the snow track lump. Does not see him in a white fox field. Ryabik whole row. On the back of the strip. He pressed against the land. Do not notice in foliage. Long strips are drawn on tigrine skins. In summer, you will not see a predator in the cane. Sea skate is difficult to see the grass among the grass. He changes color. Lighting the sun ray with sea grass - the rustling will green. Sun will go beyond the horizon. Water in the sea will darken. And rustling darkened. Caps for the Travinku. Waves swing him back and forward. (86 words) An independent letter. Story on a series of scene paintings. (4)

28 Slide

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29 Slide

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Call pictures app1 [s] for sound [s]: Dog, mustache, nose, bag, bus, snowman.

30 Slide


Perhaps it will be useful to read: