Marvin Himeier. The last American hero. Me Introduction Cement Plant Mountain Park Inc

Marvin Himeier (October 28, 1951 - June 4, 2004) - American welder, owner of the workshop for the repair of silencers in Granby, Colorado. Microscopic town, 2,200 inhabitants. Its own land plot Under the workshop and the store, he officially bought out pretty decent grandmas at the auction (something about $ 15,000, for this he sold his stake in the Big Car Service in Denver).
Also, as a hobby, he built a snowmobile and winter ride on them in the vicinity of Granbi Newlyweds. As on a limousine. He even had a relevant license (never suspected that such an activity could be licensed at all). In my opinion, the uncle was pretty good-natured and highly cool. However, "While Many People Described Heemeyer AS A LIKEABLE GUY, OTHERS SAID HE WAS NOT SOMEONE TO CROSS." He served in its time in the Air Force, the airfield technician, and since then stably worked in engineering and technical part. He lived to fifty-two years old, not married (some kind of sad love story he had sharply in his time).

The fifty-year-old welder Himeier managed to live in Grabbles for several years, soaking car silencers. His little workshop closely adjacent to the cement plant Mountain Park.. To the dissatisfaction of Himeier and other neighboring the plant, Mountain Park decided to expand, forcing them to sell their land plots.

Sooner or later, all neighbors of the plant gave up, but not Himeyer. His land fabricants could not buy, although they tried to do it with all the truth and untrue. In general, desperate to culturally solve the issue, the peasant began to train. Since all the lands around the workshop have already intimidated the plant, he was blocked all communications and access to the house. Marvin decided to pave a different way, and even bought for this written off the Bulldozer "Komatsu D355A-3" restoring the engine on it in his workshop.
The city administration refused to resolve the gasket new expensive. In the bank, they came with a mortgage loan and threatened to take away the house.

Himeyer tried to restore justice, submitting to the court to Mountain Park, but lost a litigation.

Several times hit the tax on taxes with retail, Fire inspection, SanEpidnadzor, the latter discharged a fine for $ 2500 for the enchanting "Junk Cars on the Property and Not Being Hokeed Up to The Sewer Line" (in general in his workshop "was a reservoir that does not meet sanitary standards.") Speech, remind , went about the car repair shop. Marvin could not connect to the sewage, since the land, according to which the ditch should, also belonged to the plant and the plant did not hurry to give it such permission. Marvin paid. Having attached to the receipt when sending a brief note - "panties". After some time, his father died (31-Mar-2004), Marvin went to bury him and while he was away, he was turned off the light, water and sealed the workshop. After that, he closed in the workshop. Almost no one seen him.

For about two months, the creation of an armored bulldozer took about two months, according to one reports, and about one and a half years, according to others .. she crossed it by twelve-million steel sheets, laid by a centimeter cement layer. Equipped with telecarators with an image output to monitors inside the cab. Supplied the camera with cleaning lenses in case of blinding their dust and garbage. Prudant Marvin stocking with food, water, ammunition and gas mask. (Two "Ruger-223" and one "Remington-306" with cartridges.) With remote control Looked on the chassis armored box, locked yourself inside. In order to lower this shell on the bulldozer cabin, the chemicaler used the homemade crane. "Omitting it, Himeier understood that after that he was not to get out of the car," police experts said. And at 14:30 left the garage.

It looked like this:

Answered fire Himeyer led from two semi-automatic rifles of the twenty-third and one semi-automatic rifle of the fifty-caliber through specially done in the brain armor to the left, on the right and front, respectively. However, according to experts, he did everything so that none of the people would suffer, shooting more to intimidate and not allowing the police to knock the nose because of their cars. None of the police received neither scratching.

To begin with, he drove through the territory of the plant, thoroughly carrying the plant of plant management, production workshops and in general everything to the last shed. Then moved around the town. Removed facades from houses of members of the city council. Six the bank building, who tried to press him through the early return of the mortgage loan. Destroyed the building of the gas company "Ixel Energy", who abandoned after the fine to refill its kitchen gas cylinders, the city hall building, the office of the city council, fireguard, commodity warehouse, several residential buildings belonging to the mayor of the city. Before the heap, the editorial office of the local newspaper and a public library, in short, demolished everything that had at least some attitude to local authorities, including their private houses. And showed good awareness of who belongs to.

Himayer tried to stop. Select a local sheriff with helpers. Let me remind you, the bulldozer was equipped with centimeter spaced armor. The local police used revolvers-nine and shotgun. With understandable result. With zero. Anxiety was raised by a local SWAT detachment. Then forest mergery. SWAT has grenades, haunts assault rifles. Some kind of dashing sergeant jumped off the roof on the hood of the bulldozer and tried to reset the light grenade into the exhaust pipe. It is difficult to say what he wanted to reach - Sukin Son Himayer, as it turned out, told the lattice there, so the only thing that lost the bulldozer is actually the pipes. Sergeant, it is clear, also stayed alive. Driver's tear did not take - monitors were visible in gas mask.

Himayer was actively shot through the agrasounds cut in armor. No one from his fire suffered. Because he shot significantly above his heads. Simply put, in the sky. However, the police approached him were no longer solved. In total, considering the rangers of them by that time about 40 people gathered. The bulldozer took more than 200 hits from all - from service revolvers to M-16 and grenades. He was trying to stop the hefty scraper. "Komatsu d355a" without of great difficulty Stuffed the scraper as a back in the store facade and left there. The car dashed by explosives on the path of Himayer also did not give the desired result. The only achievement became the radiator with a ricochet - however, as the experience of career works shows, such bulldozers do not immediately pay attention to even the complete refusal of the cooling system.

Everything that was able to actually make a police really - it is to evacuate 1.5 thousand inhabitants and block all the roads, including the leading federal highway No. 40 leading to Denver (the overlap of the federal highway has been particularly shocked).

Before Kuchi Marvin decided to break the small-pool shop "Gambles". In my opinion, there was no longer enough there to demolish, there was still a station for refueling a liquefied gas, but her explosion would have been driving half the town without disassembling where the house is the mayor, and where - the garbered.

The bulldozer became the stitching ruins of the GMBLS department store. In a suddenly, a deadly dead silence, fiercely whistled from the punched radiator pair, piled roof chips, it was stuck and stuck.

At first, the police were afraid to approach the bulldozer of Himeier for a long time, and then they did a hole for a long time in armor, trying to get the welder from his caterpillar fortress (three plastic charges of the desired effect were not given). Foured the last traps, which Marvin could arrange for them. When the armor was finally punched by autogen, he was already half as dead. The last cartridge Marvin left for himself. He was not going to be alive in their paws of their enemies.

As the governor of Colorado was met, "the city looks as if a tornado swept through him." The city was indeed caused damage to $ 5,000,000, the plant is $ 2,000,000. With the scale of the town, it meant almost complete destruction. The plant did not recover from the attack and sold the territory along with the ruins.

The bulldozer wanted to put on a pedestal and to make a landmark, but most insisted on his mirror. The inhabitants of the town causes this case, as it is easy to guess, exclusively mixed emotions.

Then there was a consequence. It turned out that "Himeier's creation was so reliably that not only the explosion of the grenade could withstand, but not a very powerful artillery shell: it was completely covered with armored plates, each of which consisted of two shears half of the pulp (about 1.3 cm) became bonded with a cement cushion. "

"Nice it was a guy," they remember people who knew Himeyer closely.

- "did not follow him out of himself." "If he was your friend - it was best friend. Well, if the enemy is the most dangerous, "Mervin's comrades say.

This act caused admiration for many people in the United States and around the world. Marvina Himeier began to call the "last American hero." Now this case is estimated as a natural anti-globalist action.


Marvin Himeier - the last hero of America

This story is with a sad end. The inconspicuous town of Granby, Colorado, became known as the last refinement of the last American hero - Marvina Himeier (October 28, 1951 - June 4, 2004).

In general, a 52-year-old Welder Marvin Himeyer lived on Genby, receded by car silencers and did not touch anyone. As long as the local cement plant Mountain Park decided to expand. The small workshop of Marvin is closely adjacent to the cement plant, which began to force Himeyer and other neighbors to sell their land plots.

People are small and weak, and the corporations are big and strong, so soon in an unequal struggle, all neighbors of the plant surrendered and gave him their land plots. But not Himeyer. He officially bought his plot under the workshop and the store for several years ago for pretty decent money. To do this, he sold his stake in the Big Car Service in Denver and therefore was not going to part with his legal property. His land fabricants could not buy, although they tried to do it with all the truth and untrue.

Desperate to resolve the question of Fully, Marvina began to train. Since all lands around the workshop of Himeier have already intimidated the plant, he was blocked by all communications and an entrance to the house. Marvin decided to pave a different way, and even bought a Komatsu D355A-3 bulldozer for this, restoring the engine in his workshop on it.

The city administration refused to resolve the laying of a new road. In the bank, they came with a mortgage loan and threatened to take away the house. Himeyer tried to restore justice, submitting to the court to Mountain Park, but lost a litigation.

Several times there was a tax on retail trade, the fire inspection and SanEpidnadzor, which was discharged at $ 2500 for the fact that in his workshop "was a reservoir that does not meet sanitary standards." Connect to sewage to merge the sewage from the reservoir, Marvin could not, since the land, according to the channel, also belonged to the plant, and the plant was not going to give him such permission. Marvin paid a fine by attaching to the receipt when sending a brief note: "Briefs".

After some time, his father died (March 31, 2004). Marvin went to bury him, and while he was departing, he was turned off the light, water and sealed the workshop. After that, he closed in a workshop for several months and nobody saw him practically.

All this time, Himeyer, disappointed in the praised American justice, completed the creation of Retribution Weapons - Armored Bulldozer. Its komatsu, he was cut by 12-millimeter steel sheets laid by a centimeter cement layer. Equipped with telecarators with an image output to monitors inside the cab. Supplied the camera with cleaning lenses in case of blinding their dust and garbage. Prudant Marvin stocking with food, water, gas mask and armament (Barrett M82 rifle, RUGER AC556 carbine, Magnum revolver with cartridges). With the remote control, it lowered the armor box on the chassis, locked itself inside. In order to lower this armor shell on the cabin of the bulldozer, the chemicaler used the homemade crane. "Omitting it, Himeyer understood that after that he was no longer able to get out of the car," the police experts said.

Marvin composed a list of objectives - objects belonging to those whom he considered to revenge. To begin with, he drove through the territory of the plant, thoroughly carrying the plant of plant management, production workshops, and in general, everything is up to the last shed. Then moved around the town. Removed facades from houses of members of the city council. Six the bank building, who tried to put pressure on him through the early return of the mortgage loan. Destroyed the building of the gas company, who abandoned after the fine to refuel its kitchen gas cylinders, the city hall building, the offices of the city council, fire department, the commodity warehouse, several residential buildings belonging to the mayor of the city. He drew the editorial office of a local newspaper and a public library. In short, Marvin demolished everything that had at least some attitude towards local authorities, including their private houses. Moreover, I showed a good awareness of who belongs to. Houses of other residents of the town of Marvin did not touch.

Of course, Himeyer tried to stop. Select a local sheriff with helpers. Then the local police, using revolvers and shotguns. Anxiety was raised by a local SWAT detachment. Then forest mergery. SWAT had grenades, haunts assault rifles. Some kind of dashing sergeant jumped off the roof on the hood of the bulldozer and tried to reset the light grenade into the exhaust pipe, but Sukin Son Himeier, as it turned out, told the lattice there, so the only thing that lost the bulldozer is actually the pipe. The driver's tear gases did not take - monitors were visible in gas mask. All attempts to stop the bulldozer were in vain.

Himeyer was actively shot through the agrasounds cut in armor. No man suffered from his fire, because he shot significantly above his heads, simply speaking, in the sky, because he did not want innocent victims, but just wished to bust the security forces so that they did not interfere with him. He succeeded: the police came to approach him no longer solved. In total, considering the rangers, about 40 people were gathered by that time. The bulldozer took more than 200 hits from everything that was in polismen - from service revolvers to M-16 and grenades. He was also tried to stop the hefty scrapper (earthmoving machine). However, Komatsu without much difficulty stuffed the scraper in the store facade. The car is stuffed with explosives on the path of Himeier also did not give the desired result. The only achievement of police officers in attempts to counteract Marvin was punishable by the Ricatics of the Bulldozer - however, as the experience of career works shows, such bulldozers do not immediately pay attention to even a complete refusal of the cooling system.

Everything that was able to actually make the police - it is to evacuate 1.5 thousand inhabitants and block all the roads, including the leading federal highway number 40 (the overlap of the federal highway has particularly shocked).

Before Kuchi Marvin decided to break the small-pool shop Gambles. The bulldozer moved the ruins of the department store and stopped. In suddenly grinding silence, violently whistled from a punishable radiator pairs. The bulldozer poured roof chips, it is stuck and sting.

At first, the police were afraid to approach the bulldozer of Himeier for a long time, and then they did a hole for a long time in armor, trying to get the welder from his caterpillar fortress (three plastic charges of the desired effect were not given). Foured the last traps, which Marvin could arrange for them. When the armor finally broke through autogen, Marvin was already dead. The last cartridge Marvin left for himself. He was not going to be alive in their paws of their enemies.

The consequences of the war Marvin accurately described the Governor of Colorado: "The city looks as if a tornado swept through him." The city was indeed caused damage by $ 5,000,000, the plant is $ 2,000,000. With a small scale of the town, this meant almost complete destruction. The plant did not recover from the attack and sold the territory along with the ruins.

Then there was a consequence. It turned out that the creation of Himeyer was so reliably that he could withstand not only the explosion of a grenade, but also an artillery projectile. At first, the bulldozer wanted to put on a pedestal and make a local attraction, but most insisted on his smelter.

In humans, this case causes exclusively mixed emotions. On the one hand, antisocial actions aimed at destruction usually cause condemnation. But on the other hand, the degree of Himeier caused approval from many US residents and around the world. Marvina Himeyer began to call the "last American hero", who had a challenge of social injustice, which dries young people in their unequal struggle with large corporations and the state car. Many consider the act of Marvina Himeyer worthy of admiration, because he fairly fought for his rights: only the property of his offenders was injured in his little war and not one person did not die.

There was such a man with a capital letter, named Marvin John Himeyer.

He worked as a welder, revenge the car silencers in the town of Granbi, Colorado. Microscopic town, 2,200 inhabitants. The workshop there he had, with the store. As I understood, a land plot under this workshop, he officially bought out pretty decent grandmas at the auction (something about $ 15,000, for this he sold his stake in the Big Car Service in Denver).
Also, as a hobby, he built a snowmobile and winter ride on them in the vicinity of Granbi Newlyweds. As on a limousine. He even had a relevant license (never suspected that such an activity could be licensed at all). In my opinion, the uncle was pretty good-natured and highly cool. However, "While Many People Described Heemeyer As A LIKEABLE GUY, OTHERS SAID HE WAS NOT SOMEONE TO CROSS." I served at one time in the Air Force, the airfield technician, and since then stably worked in the engineering and technical part. I lived to fifty two years, I am not married (some kind of sad love story in his time it has grown).

The fifty-year-old welder Himeier managed to live in Grabbles for several years, soaking car silencers. His little workshop closely adjacent to the Mountain Park cement plant. To the dissatisfaction of Himeier and other neighboring the plant, Mountain Park decided to expand, forcing them to sell their land plots.

Sooner or later, all neighbors of the plant gave up, but not Himeyer.

His land fabricants could not buy, although they tried to do it with all the truth and untrue. In general, desperate to culturally solve the issue, the peasant began to train. Since all the lands around the workshop have already intimidated the plant, he was blocked all communications and access to the house. Marvin decided to pave a different way, and even bought for this Komatsu D355A-3 bulldozer to restore the engine in his workshop on it.

The city administration refused to resolve the laying of a new road. In the bank, they came with a mortgage loan and threatened to take away the house.

Himeyer tried to restore justice, submitting to the court to Mountain Park, but lost a litigation.

The tax on taxes from retail trade, fire inspection, SanEpidnadzor, Fire inspection, SanEpidnadzor, the latter was discharged at $ 2500 for the enchanting "Junk Cars on the Property and Not Being Hokeed Up to The Sewer Line" (in general in his workshop "was the reservoir, not Responsible to sanitary standards. ") Speech, I will remind you about the car repair shop. Marvin could not connect to the sewage, since the land, according to which the ditch should, also belonged to the plant and the plant did not hurry to give it such permission. Marvin paid. Having attached to the receipt when sending a brief note - "panties". After some time, his father died (31-Mar-2004), Marvin went to bury him and while he was away, he was turned off the light, water and sealed the workshop. After that, he closed in the workshop. Almost no one seen him.

For about two months, the creation of an armored bulldozer took about two months, according to one reports, and about one and a half years, according to others .. she crossed it by twelve-million steel sheets, laid by a centimeter cement layer. Equipped with telecarators with an image output to monitors inside the cab. Supplied the camera with cleaning lenses in case of blinding their dust and garbage. Prudant Marvin stocking with food, water, ammunition and gas mask. (Two "Ruger-223" and one "Remington-306" with cartridges.) With the help of remote control, lowered an armor box on the chassis, locked yourself inside. In order to lower this shell on the bulldozer cabin, the chemicaler used the homemade crane. "Omitting it, Himeier understood that after that he was not to get out of the car," police experts said. And at 14:30 left the garage.

Marvin made a list of goals in advance. All who considered it necessary to revenge.
"Sometimes, as it expressed himself in the notes, Reasonable Men Must Do Unreasonable Things."
To begin with, he drove through the territory of the plant, thoroughly carrying the plant of plant management, production workshops and in general everything to the last shed.

Then moved around the town. Removed facades from houses of members of the city council. Six the bank building, who tried to press him through the early return of the mortgage loan. He destroyed the building of the gas company Ixel Energy, who abandoned after the fine to refuel its kitchen gas cylinders, the city hall building, the office of the city council, fire protection, commodity warehouse, several residential buildings belonging to the mayor of the city. Before the heap, the editorial office of a local newspaper and a public library, shorter, demolished everything that had at least some attitude to local authorities, including their private houses. And showed good awareness of who belongs to.

Himeyer tried to stop. Select a local sheriff with helpers. Let me remind you, the bulldozer was equipped with centimeter spaced armor. The local police used revolvers-nine and shotgun. With understandable result. With zero. Anxiety was raised by a local SWAT detachment. Then forest mergery. SWAT has grenades, haunts assault rifles. Some kind of dashing sergeant jumped off the roof on the hood of the bulldozer and tried to reset the light grenade into the exhaust pipe. It is difficult to say what he wanted to achieve - Sukin Son Himeyer, as it turned out, told the lattice there, so the only thing that was lost as a result of the bulldozer is actually the pipes. Sergeant, it is clear, also stayed alive. Driver's tear did not take - monitors were visible in gas mask.

Himeyer was actively shot through the agrasounds cut in armor. No one from his fire suffered. Because he shot significantly above his heads. Simply put, in the sky. However, the police approached him were no longer solved. In total, considering the rangers of them by that time about 40 people gathered. The bulldozer took more than 200 hits from all - from service revolvers to M-16 and grenades. He was trying to stop the hefty scraper. "Komatsu D355a" without much difficulty woven the scraper as a back in the facade of the store and left there. The car is stuffed with explosives on the path of Himeier also did not give the desired result. The only achievement became the radiator with a ricochet - however, as the experience of career works shows, such bulldozers do not immediately pay attention to even the complete refusal of the cooling system.

Everything that was able to actually make a police really - it is to evacuate 1.5 thousand inhabitants and block all the roads, including the leading federal highway No. 40 leading to Denver (the overlap of the federal highway has been particularly shocked).

"Himeier War" ended at 16:23.

Before Kuchi Marvin decided to break the small-pool shop Gambles. In my opinion, there was no longer enough there to demolish, there was still a station for refueling a liquefied gas, but her explosion would have been driving half the town without disassembling where the house is the mayor, and where - the garbered.

The bulldozer became the location of the ruins of the GMBLS department store. In a suddenly, a deadly dead silence, fiercely whistled from the punched radiator pair, piled roof chips, it was stuck and stuck.

At first, the police were afraid to approach the bulldozer of Himeier for a long time, and then they did a hole for a long time in armor, trying to get the welder from his caterpillar fortress (three plastic charges of the desired effect were not given). Foured the last traps, which Marvin could arrange for them. When the armor was finally punched by autogen, he was already half as dead. The last cartridge Marvin left for himself. He was not going to be alive in their paws of their enemies. Himeyer was not from those who give up!

As the governor of Colorado was met, "the city looks as if a tornado swept through him." The city was indeed caused damage to $ 5,000,000, the plant is $ 2,000,000. With the scale of the town, it meant almost complete destruction. The plant did not recover from the attack and sold the territory along with the ruins.

Bulldozer some cleverings wanted to put on a pedestal and make a landmark, but most insisted on his smelter. The inhabitants of the town causes this case, as it is easy to guess, exclusively mixed emotions.

Then there was a consequence. It turned out that "the creation of Himeier was so reliably that not only the explosion of the pomegranate could withstand, but not a very powerful artillery shell: it was completely covered with armored plates, each of which consisted of two shears Haldhalimova (about 1.3 cm) became bonded with a cement cushion. " He was called killdozer

"Nice it was a guy," they remember people who knew Himeyer closely.

"It was not necessary to withdraw him from myself." "If he was your friend, it was the best friend. Well, if the enemy is the most dangerous, "Marvin's comrades say.

This act caused admiration for many people in the United States and around the world. Marvina Himeier began to call the "last American hero." Now this case is estimated as a natural anti-globalist action.
Marvin John Himeier

Democracy is the biggest and most resistant myth of our time. Sometimes people appear that this myth, their lives and history, dispel. Usually, to show the "democracy of all democracies", remember about America. Well, I already wrote about one American case today. But I have long wanted to write about the story of a simple working guy Marvina Himeier, which has proven that one person can make thousands of people think to think about the price of their own life.

Marvin Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 - June 4, 2004) - American welder, owner of the workshop for the repair of silencers in Granby, Colorado. Microscopic town, 2,200 inhabitants. He officially bought his land under the workshop and the store for pretty decent grandmas at the auction (something about $ 15,000, for this he sold his stake in the Big Car Service in Denver).

Granbi, Colorado

Also, as a hobby, he built a snowmobile and winter ride on them in the vicinity of Granbi Newlyweds. As on a limousine. He even had a relevant license (never suspected that such an activity could be licensed at all). In my opinion, the uncle was pretty good-natured and highly cool. However, "While Many People Described Heemeyer AS A LIKEABLE GUY, OTHERS SAID HE WAS NOT SOMEONE TO CROSS." He served in its time in the Air Force, the airfield technician, and since then stably worked in engineering and technical part. He lived to fifty-two years old, not married (some kind of sad love story he had sharply in his time).

The fifty-year-old welder Himeier managed to live in Grabbles for several years, soaking car silencers. His little workshop closely adjacent to the Mountain Park cement plant. To the dissatisfaction of Himeier and other neighboring the plant, Mountain Park decided to expand, forcing them to sell their land plots.

Sooner or later, all neighbors of the plant gave up, but not Himeyer. His land fabricants could not buy, although they tried to do it with all the truth and untrue. In general, desperate to culturally solve the issue, the peasant began to train. Since all the lands around the workshop have already intimidated the plant, he was blocked all communications and access to the house. Marvin decided to pave a different way, and even bought for this written off the Bulldozer "Komatsu D355A-3" restoring the engine on it in his workshop.

The bulldozer of this brand was Marvin

The city administration refused to resolve the laying of a new road. In the bank, they came with a mortgage loan and threatened to take away the house.

Himeyer tried to restore justice, submitting to the court to Mountain Park, but lost a litigation.

Tax tax on retail taxes, fire inspection, SanEpidnadzor, the latter discharged a fine for $ 2500 for the enchanting "Junk Cars on the Property and Not Being Hokeed Up to The Sewer Line" (in general in his workshop "was a reservoir, not Responsible to sanitary standards. ") Speech, I will remind you about the car repair shop. Marvin could not connect to the sewage, since the land, according to which the ditch should, also belonged to the plant and the plant did not hurry to give it such permission. Marvin paid. Having attached to the receipt when sending a brief note - "panties". After some time, his father died (31-Mar-2004), Marvin went to bury him and while he was away, he was turned off the light, water and sealed the workshop. After that, he closed in the workshop. Almost no one seen him.

Finally, June 4, 2004, Himayer took a concrete revenge. For all.

For about two months, the creation of an armored bulldozer took about two months, according to one reports, and about one and a half years, according to others .. she crossed it by twelve-million steel sheets, laid by a centimeter cement layer. Equipped with telecarators with an image output to monitors inside the cab. Supplied the camera with cleaning lenses in case of blinding their dust and garbage. Prudant Marvin stocking with food, water, ammunition and gas mask. (Two "Ruger-223" and one "remigraton-306" with cartridges.) With the help of remote control, lowered an armor box on the chassis, locked yourself inside. In order to lower this shell on the bulldozer cabin, the chemicaler used the homemade crane. "Omitting it, Himeier understood that after that he was not to get out of the car," police experts said. And at 14:30 left the garage.

It looked like this:

Marvin made a list of goals in advance. All who considered it necessary to revenge.
"Sometimes, as he expressed himself in the notes, Reasonable Men Must Do Unreasonable Things."

Answered fire Himeyer led from two semi-automatic rifles of the twenty-third and one semi-automatic rifle of the fifty-caliber through specially done in the brain armor to the left, on the right and front, respectively. However, according to experts, he did everything so that none of the people would suffer, shooting more to intimidate and not allowing the police to knock the nose because of their cars. None of the police received neither scratching.

The pursuit

The pursuit

Parking Sheriff

Ruins of the administration of the cement plant Mountain Park Inc.

To begin with, he drove through the territory of the plant, thoroughly carrying the plant of plant management, production workshops and in general everything to the last shed. Then moved around the town. Removed facades from houses of members of the city council. Six the bank building, who tried to press him through the early return of the mortgage loan. He destroyed the building of the gas company "Ikel Energy", refused after the fine to refuel its kitchen gas cylinders, the building of the city hall, the office of the city council, fire protection, commodity warehouse, several residential buildings belonging to the mayor of the city. Before the heap, the editorial office of a local newspaper and a public library, shorter, demolished everything that had at least some attitude to local authorities, including their private houses. And showed good awareness of who belongs to.

Cement factory Mountain Park Inc.

Municipal building serving the hall and library

Liberty Bank

Himayer tried to stop. Select a local sheriff with helpers. Let me remind you, the bulldozer was equipped with centimeter spaced armor. The local police used revolvers-nine and shotgun. With understandable result. With zero. Anxiety was raised by a local SWAT detachment. Then forest mergery. SWAT has grenades, haunts assault rifles. Some kind of dashing sergeant jumped off the roof on the hood of the bulldozer and tried to reset the light grenade into the exhaust pipe. It is difficult to say what he wanted to reach - Sukin Son Himayer, as it turned out, told the lattice there, so the only thing that lost the bulldozer is actually the pipes. Sergeant, it is clear, also stayed alive. Driver's tear did not take - monitors were visible in gas mask.

Himayer was actively shot through the agrasounds cut in armor. No one from his fire suffered. Because he shot significantly above his heads. Simply put, in the sky. However, the police approached him were no longer solved. In total, considering the rangers of them by that time about 40 people gathered. The bulldozer took more than 200 hits from all - from service revolvers to M-16 and grenades. He was trying to stop the hefty scraper. "Komatsu D355A" without much difficulty stuffed the scraper back into the facade of the store and left there. The car dashed by explosives on the path of Himayer also did not give the desired result. The only achievement became the radiator with a ricochet - however, as the experience of career works shows, such bulldozers do not immediately pay attention to even the complete refusal of the cooling system.

Everything that was able to actually make a police really - it is to evacuate 1.5 thousand inhabitants and block all the roads, including the leading federal highway No. 40 leading to Denver (the overlap of the federal highway has been particularly shocked).

Speed \u200b\u200bhighway number 40.

"War Himayer" ended at 16:23.

Before Kuchi Marvin decided to break the small-pool shop "Gambles". In my opinion, there was no longer enough there to demolish, there was still a station for refueling a liquefied gas, but her explosion would have been driving half the town without disassembling where the house is the mayor, and where - the garbered.

The bulldozer became the stitching ruins of the GMBLS department store. In a suddenly, a deadly dead silence, fiercely whistled from the punched radiator pair, piled roof chips, it was stuck and stuck.

At first, the police were afraid to approach the bulldozer of Himeier for a long time, and then they did a hole for a long time in armor, trying to get the welder from his caterpillar fortress (three plastic charges of the desired effect were not given). Foured the last traps, which Marvin could arrange for them. When the armor was finally punched by autogen, he was already half as dead. The last cartridge Marvin left for himself. He was not going to be alive in their paws of their enemies.

Himayer was not one of those who give up!

As the governor of Colorado was met, "the city looks as if a tornado swept through him." The city was indeed caused damage to $ 5,000,000, the plant is $ 2,000,000. With the scale of the town, it meant almost complete destruction. The plant did not recover from the attack and sold the territory along with the ruins.

Map of destruction

He was called "Killdozer"

Bulldozer some cleverings wanted to put on a pedestal and make a landmark, but most insisted on his smelter. The inhabitants of the town causes this case, as it is easy to guess, exclusively mixed emotions.

Then there was a consequence. It turned out that "Himeier's creation was so reliably that not only the explosion of the grenade could withstand, but not a very powerful artillery shell: it was completely covered with armored plates, each of which consisted of two shears half of the pulp (about 1.3 cm) became bonded with a cement cushion. "

"Nice it was a guy," they remember people who knew Himeyer closely.

- "did not follow him out of himself." "If he was your friend, it was the best friend. Well, if the enemy is the most dangerous, "Mervin's comrades say.

This act caused admiration for many people in the United States and around the world. Marvina Himeier began to call the "last American hero." Now this case is estimated as a natural anti-globalist action.

This is how Marwine Himeier's campaign looked:


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