The profession of interaction with people. Working with the elderly

Of course, the ability to communicate is important in almost every profession. Simply because it is simply impossible to carry out work without interacting with other people - colleagues, partners, customers. However, there are professional areas, work in which will allow a communicative employee not only to feel comfortable, but also to use their potential to the maximum.

1. Call center operator, telemarketer

An experienced professional may refuse this job. But for young and sociable people, this is a great opportunity to show their friendliness and sociability and to properly train their resistance to stress. It should be borne in mind that working as a telemarketer provides an amazing opportunity to learn how to work with objections and literally "sell snow".

2. Services technical support, reference

This is an opportunity to be that friendly voice answering our calls to support and information services. To work in this position, you may also need special knowledge, for example, in the field of Internet networking. This work trains remarkable patience. We advise you to refuse such a vacancy if you cannot explain to your grandmother how to use the Internet.

3. Event manager, organizer of holidays and events

A "holiday man" should be able to communicate a lot - with clients, with suppliers of goods and services, with platforms and others. This work also comes in handy personal charm and presentable appearance... Such work is perfect not just for sociable people, but for those who like to be in the center of events.

4. Guide

A profession that is based on speech. The guide should know the route well, understand which group should tell a joke and which should not, be able to manage a group of people who see it for the first time. This profession requires, in addition to a strong voice and desire to communicate, high erudition and leadership qualities.

5. Journalist

Yes, today there are very successful bloggers who only need one gadget with Internet access to run a popular column. But this is typical for narrow-topic blogs and the ability to express only your opinion and expertise. In the work of a journalist, a lot of time is devoted to communication. The journalist must be able to quickly win over people, navigate the situation and ask the right questions, while remaining delicate.

6. HR specialist, recruiter

This job requires vocational education... But you can still get a junior position if you have increased sociability and a desire to help people. In these professions, literally everything is connected with people. Work will require the ability to find them in people. strengths and talents, it is good to distinguish between the human qualities of candidates and employees, and also to communicate not the best news.

These professions require good intuition and understanding of human nature. In addition, the ability to convince - clients, management, performers. Indeed, in the field of marketing and advertising, your decision can often be protected only through personal charm and persuasiveness.

8. Purchasing managers

These are professionals who only do what they constantly negotiate with suppliers. They must be able to find the best deal and seek discounts and special conditions for your company.

9. Sales consultants

This job requires the ability to control not only the voice, but also the facial expression. The more charming the consultant, the easier it will be for the client to communicate with him, which increases the likelihood of a sale. It is worth noting that for this work you will have to learn everything, in general, everything about those goods that are to be sold.

10. Sales manager

One of the most interesting professions for outgoing people. After all, there is really a lot of communication in it in the most diverse forms - negotiations by phone or in person, business correspondence, brainstorming sessions with colleagues, discussion of tasks with performers and production. Success in this work will also require energy, ambition, stress resistance and openness to new things.

The way we relate to each other is largely a result of how we feel about each other. Most people build neutral relationships, some are openly antagonistic, but one way or another, the bulk of people are indifferent to you.

Even worse! People with a difficult character do not care about you at all. They only care about themselves. By and large, they are all self-centered. That is why they are "difficult".

What can be done here? The answer is cruel: practically nothing. It is unlikely that you will be able to change them. Why waste energy? There is a much easier way out. Remember one simple axiom: "Difficult people are predictable people."

Since difficult people are difficult in themselves and communication with them is usually difficult for everyone, a certain behavioral algorithm is quite clearly traced in their behavior. If you follow along, you can track these behaviors in order to prepare yourself to work with them. It becomes possible to build plans taking into account the characteristics of these people. They stay true to their habits, and all you have to do is skillfully maneuver them.

This does not mean that you become a soft-hearted opponent or a weak-willed opponent. This means that you will be guided more by the mind than by the emotions. The trick is to determine in advance what you want to get out of this contact, make an appropriate plan and stick to it.

If you know that this person is a bore and a big fan of small details, give him these details. "I've included all the reference material I could think of in the report, including our script spreadsheets. Let me know if you need anything else."

If your other interlocutor likes brevity - skip any introductions and go to the point: "I know that you are very busy, and therefore I'll get straight to the point. What do you think about the next phase of development?"

Tell narcissists how wonderful they are. "Jane, I know that you are an expert in a related field, so I have summarized the details here and made a couple of recommendations. But I can hope that you will suggest any alternative directions, if in your opinion, they turn out to be better?"

The strategy is simple. You will not change a difficult person if you yourself show "difficulty" in communication. They are indifferent to you, they are attentive only to themselves. By determining what you need from contact, and preparing to maneuver, be hypocritical, give way, change - call it what you want - you will eventually come to victory. That is, you will get what you wanted.

It’s so simple, in fact, that you might even be struck by the thought that it would be good if everyone were “difficult” people, because “difficult” are the easiest to manage.

There are 9 basic personality types that are classified as "difficult." Here are their short review enough to become an expert in this matter.

Enemy - "Heavy Tank"

The term "Heavy Tank" exactly conveys what such a hostile person is doing. Tanks usually go straight to the attack. They behave abusively, harshly, unexpectedly and intimidatingly and destroy everything in their path. They attack the demeanor of people, their personal qualities. Tanks usually achieve short-term goals, but they pay for this with the loss of friends and damaged relationships.
Tanks have a strong need to prove to themselves and others the correctness of their view of the world. Above all, they put aggressiveness and confidence. The main belief of a tanka is: "If I can convince you to become weak and insecure, then in the eyes of others I will become strong and confident."

An approach:

Let him talk and get a little tired.
- Seize the initiative with anyone possible way.
- Catch his attention by calling him by name or by standing up or sitting down emphatically.
- Try to seat him too.
- Maintain eye contact.
- Don't argue with him.
- Be friendly.

Aggressive - "Sniper"

Snipers are completely different from "heavy tanks", but just as terrible. They prefer a stealthy approach. Hiding behind the breastwork of friendliness, they shoot arrows at nearby targets; resort to indirect hints; use not quite humorous attempts to tease and release not the most innocent ridicule and taunts. Snipers use tensions in the collective to create their own hideout from which they can strike at the objects of their anger and envy.
They accompany their verbal attacks with friendly gestures, because of the retaliatory strike against them, they may look, not as a defense, but as an act of aggression, as if you are attacking groundlessly.

An approach:

Expose them, take them out from behind the breastwork. Don't let social convention stop you.
- Do not focus on his point of view, involve everyone in the discussion.
- If you find yourself witnessing a conflict situation with the participation of the Sniper, do not take part in it, but manage to insist that the conflict in your presence be ended.
- Offer him an alternative to direct struggle.

Irreconcilable "Grenade Launcher"

It is characterized by barely controlled bouts of aggression, fueled by rage. These outbreaks can happen during a conversation or discussion that starts out quite amiably. They usually occur when the grenade launcher feels a physical or psychological threat. A typical response from a grenade launcher to a threatening remark is anger followed by accusations.

An approach:

Give it time to run out.
- If he doesn't stop, interrupt his flash with some neutral phrase (Stop! Stop!)
- Show that you are serious about his words.
- If possible, take a break and talk with him alone on abstract topics.

Eternal "Complainer"

He moans bitterly and makes a fuss about everything, but he never takes real action to fix something. A complainer is a person who finds defects in everything. Sometimes they have justified claims, but very rarely do they want to really settle the problem.
Complainers perceive themselves as people who have no power, but are able to give prescriptions for what should be done, as well as people who are perfect by nature. This confidence leads to the fact that they turn really useful attempts to solve the problem into the presentation of claims and complaints.

An approach:

Listen to his claims, even if you feel guilty and lose your patience.
- Make it clear that you understand the essence of his claims by responding with the wording of his statements in other words.
- Do not agree with his speculations, but also do not enter into an argument, since this will end with an exchange of arguments of the "accusation-justification" type - and so on ad infinitum.
- Establish and publicize the facts without providing any comments.
- Switch the conversation to a specific solution to the problem.
- If all else fails, ask him: "Well, how do you think this discussion should end?"

Uncommunicative "Buka"

Silent people who are reluctant to maintain a conversation, when faced with any undesirable situation, become silent. Ask them what they think at this moment and get an indistinct grumble in response. In fact, the Buki use silence as a defensive weapon, trying not to give themselves away and thereby avoid reproaches. On the other hand, silence can become a weapon of aggression and offensive, a way to hurt you, deprive you of access to yourself. Sometimes silence masks fear, gloomy anger, it can also mean a vicious refusal to cooperate.

Individuals of this type are incredibly difficult to work with because of the communication barrier that they erect. These people are reluctant to talk openly, their speech is interspersed with long pauses. As a result, communication can break down and the interaction can be unproductive.

An approach:

Instead of trying to guess the essence of his silence, talk to him.
- Ask questions that do not allow monosyllabic answers.
- Ask suggestive questions helping the interlocutor.
- Do not fill pauses with your comments, wait for a response without irritation.
- If you do not receive a response, comment on what is happening. End with a multiple-answer question. Wait a little and do this again.
- Take it easy on the lines like "I don't know" and "Can I go?"
- If the interlocutor has opened up, do not miss remarks that are supposedly irrelevant, grab the thread, and you can reveal an important problem.

Super-pliable "Plasticine"

Such a person behaves rationally, logically, sincerely with you, is ready to support you, but far from always fulfills the promise. Such people want to be friends with everyone, love attention. But their friendliness has a downside. They tend to carry you away with deceptive hints and references to the problem they are working with, readily agree with your plans for completing the task, and then let you down without completing anything.

This type of "difficult people" is especially problematic, because at first they tame you to the idea that they completely agree with your plans, and then they let you down.

An approach:

Find out and identify the reasons that prevent him from doing the job.
- Let him know that you value him as a person, ask about his family, hobbies, interests.
- Ask him to tell you about things that might interfere with your good relationship.
- Listen to his jokes. There may be a hint in the witticisms and barbs.

Denier "Nihilist"

A person with a negative attitude towards others acts on the collective like corrosion and can deprive people of any incentive to robot. A denier is a person who, when working as a team, disagrees with any general suggestions, but is also the first voice in the chorus of critics of overall success. Sometimes this criticism is perceived as constructive, although in reality it is more likely to destroy the progress made by the joint efforts.

Although these people are embittered with life for being unfair to them, they can take with deep interest and seriousness in any task assigned to them. However, they will be of use only if they are directly in charge of the process, since they believe that no one can cope with this better than themselves.

An approach:

Be alert that he can instill in you and your team members a sense of deep desperation at work.
- Speak with optimism about past successes in solving similar problems.
- Do not try to break his pessimism.
- Do not offer your own solutions until the problem has been thoroughly analyzed.
- Be the first to raise the issue of the negative aspects of this or that solution to the problem.
- Publicize your intentions without evasion or evasion.

Tedious "Know-it-all"

Know-it-alls have an overwhelming need for all their intellectual abilities to be recognized. They are boring, boring, tiresome in communication. Know-it-alls provoke irritation, resentment, anger, sometimes even aggressiveness in others.

Know-it-alls are very complex people. They can be bully; they can be quite convincing; besides, they are so sure that they are right that it is useless to argue with them. They love to talk to you like an adult to a child, and this is terribly annoying!

Know-it-all problems stem from the fact that they need others to treat them as meaningful and respected people. Usually people get frustrated after working with a know-it-all. This usually leads to tension in the working relationship.

An approach:

Make sure that you are well prepared for the discussion, carefully review the relevant materials and verify their accuracy.
- Avoid dogmatic statements.
- If you disagree with his arguments, and want to disagree with him, do it in the form of questions.
- Give him the opportunity to save face.
- If possible, talk to him in private, without strangers.

Indecisive "Clam"

In the soul of an indecisive person sits, striving for perfection and trying to break through. The trouble is, he doesn't succeed. There are two types of indecisive ones: one wants everything to be done according to his understanding and nothing else; the second deliberately prolongs the discussion, offering more and more new points of view, confusing and annoying the participants in the process. Indecisive ones, as a rule, can hardly convey their thoughts, desires, opinions to others. The most that they can - is to distance themselves, because they are not able to survive the stress. To cope with stress, he begins to stall for time by letting down his colleagues. They stop work without considering alternative ways of doing it.

An approach:

Help him talk about conflicts and obstacles preventing him from making a decision.
- Listen to phrases that are not directly related to the topic - this can lead you to the essence of the problem.
- Offer your plan, help in making a decision.
- When a solution is found, show your support.
- Follow phased implementation tasks.
- Watch for signs of anger and attempts to withdraw from the conversation.
Used materials from the book by Roy Liley "How to work with difficult people".

Can be classified according to various criteria, distinguish humanitarian and technical specialties, creative professions and workers. Professions are divided according to the type of activity: transformative, exploratory and gnostic. One of the most popular classifications of the profession remains the classification of Klimov E.A. on the subject of labor. He distinguishes 5 types: "human-wildlife" (for example: microbiologist, agronomist, livestock technician), human-technician (engineer, technologist, packer on the conveyor), "human-sign system" (accountant, programmer, translator), "human -artistic image "(actor, artist, seamstress, pastry chef) and" man-man ". We will talk about this type of profession further.

"Man-man" - these are professions related to people, with direct communication. Moreover, the professions themselves can be very different. Examples of human-to-human professions: doctor, educator, hairdresser, waiter, consultant, massage therapist, investigator, receptionist, politician, operator call center and many others. What unites them is that they are all aimed at a person, at changes in him, at meeting his needs. A feature of professions related to communication with people is that the ability to communicate is not the only requirement for employees, the first requirement is that they must own the subject of their work: knowledge in medicine, journalism, pedagogy, etc. In such areas, women very often work, by nature are more talkative, patient and tactful.

Personal qualities and work with people

It is not easy to succeed in this field for a person who does not like to communicate and has difficulty getting in touch with new people. But in addition to sociability, the ability to understand the difficulties of another, empathy and sympathy, people of these professions will need emotional stability, self-control, endurance, the ability to convince and argue their position. Such work seems easy at first glance, because it is not physical, but its representatives will confirm that work associated with daily communication is a lot of emotional stress and hard work. When choosing a job in such an area, you need to take into account the specifics of the communication itself. One of the most difficult professions is considered, whose duties include daily contacts with new people, potential clients, the so-called "cold" method, when customers still need to be interested. This work is associated with a constant exit from the comfort zone and is not suitable for everyone. Also particularly stressful is the job of a claims specialist who meets with customers who are dissatisfied with the company's products / services.

Introverts, people who do not like contact with strangers, are not advised to choose a job related to communication. "Uncommunicative" are considered specialties in production, work related to personal creativity: a writer and professions from the category of "man-sign system": accountant, auditor. Of course, everything is relative and all people, one way or another, have to interact in the process of work, as labor market experts say, good communication skills and self-presentation skills will not harm any professional, but on the contrary, they will most likely have a beneficial effect on his career growth and income level ...

Perspectives of professions related to communication

To date, professions related to communication with people remain, and this trend will continue. This is due to the fact that our economy is slowly, but still moving towards the post-industrial model. It is characterized by a decrease in the share of production in the total mass of the gross national product, due to the use of modern technologies and improving labor efficiency. Accordingly, the share of services in it is increasing. And services are nothing more than the interaction of people aimed at satisfying any need of the consumer. So the professions related to communication with people can be called the professions of the future. According to experts, the education sector will receive great development, since it will take even more time to train specialists, training will develop throughout professional life and retraining. Also in the future, specialists in the field of recreation, entertainment and medicine will be in demand.

If you are an introvert, then you probably imagine your dream job in a completely different way than most in your environment. Why the majority? Because there are only a third of people like you in society, according to American psychologists Kroeger and Tusen in their book On the Type of Personality. What is the best job for you? We asked an expert in the field HR.

Valentina Pakuleva, customer service specialist from a recruiting agency


There is a strong opinion that introverts, due to their closeness, focus on studying their inner world, as well as a low level of sociability, tend to choose certain types of professions, and also cannot be successful in those professional areas that require overcoming character introversion.

What types of activities can be considered the most comfortable for an introvert? Definitely those that minimize the need for interaction (face-to-face or telephone) with strangers or strangers. Crossing the threshold of a new office, getting used to the company's staff, creating a familiar daily routine for yourself, albeit with deadlines and rush jobs, but not requiring interaction with strangers, is one of the most acceptable options. Introverts change jobs less often, because it is quite difficult to independently initiate a change in the usual rhythm of life.

We have compiled a list best works in which an introvert can express himself without the need for active interaction with the outside world:

1. Work from home... This includes absolutely any direction professional activity, the main thing is that a person who is accustomed to reducing communication with others to a minimum can communicate with these others, but in a familiar and comfortable environment for himself. As they say, houses and walls help. You can communicate with clients or customers by e-mail or as a last resort by phone. However, the usual home environment in this case minimizes the stress factor. Another thing is that not all people (regardless of their personality type) have the level of self-organization necessary for working at home.

2.Copywriting, rewriting, blogging, writing... Introverts are creative people. Each person has a need for self-expression, a desire to be heard, but introverts often find it easier to convey their thoughts to writing than when communicating with the audience "live".

3.Working with databases... There are a number of organizations where great attention is paid to filling in internal databases and updating the information contained in them. The work is mechanical and requires high concentration attention, but minimizes the need to interact with external sources of information.

4.Analytics... In fact, in any field of activity, an important block is occupied by analytics - marketing, sales, finance, logistics. If you are interested in a specific professional field, you can delve into the analytics of this unit - work on fundamental tasks for the analysis of external and internal factors and indicators, as well as the development of strategies for bringing the direction to a qualitatively new level. The work is algorithmized, but not devoid of a creative component.

5. Accounting... It is considered one of the most standardized professions. Key actions are driven by accounting and are clearly regulated by law. It should be noted that, at the same time, work in the field of accounting is, in principle, associated with a high level of stress, in addition, there are a number of areas that require constant involvement in interaction with external counterparties and services (suppliers, contractors, banks, tax, audit companies).

6.IT... Perhaps everyone is familiar with jokes about IT specialists living in their own world and communicating with others in the language of numbers and codes. All this forms a certain idea of ​​the profession as a whole. For an introvert, IT specializations can be an excellent professional way out, and most importantly, interesting, as well as highly paid. It should also be noted here that the IT sphere is very versatile: there is a support service for external and internal users (especially the first line of support), system administrators, external consultants who are in constant and often emergency interaction with the customer.

7.Laboratory... A concept that is also associated with various fields of activity - a research laboratory can be at some scientific unit, or it can be located in a medical institution. In any case, the flow of information from the outside world comes in the form of data or materials that need to be studied.

8. Scientific activity ... In general, the point is quite similar to the previous one, but it can be associated with a large external interaction (for example, sociological or psychological research).

9.Technological specializations. Chemists-technologists, process engineers, technical specialists... These are people involved in the development of new recipes, quality control of incoming raw materials, possessing the methodology for processing products, analyzing the results, the causes of rejects. In some cases, such activity is associated with communication with suppliers or customers, requires product presentations, but for the most part, the work involves the algorithmization of the creative process within the manufacturing enterprise.

10.Art. As mentioned earlier, creative activity for an introvert is a way of self-expression and communication with the outside world, so any creative endeavor, if desired, can be developed into a profession.

One way or another, introversion is not a diagnosis or an indicator. Yes, a person who is not inclined to regular active communication will find it difficult to work at the reception, in the customer or customer support service, make “cold calls” and sell products or services. But “difficult” does not mean “impossible”! Do not push yourself into a box, because there are many positive examples of introverts who have built careers in the field of law, HR, sales, PR and marketing. The main thing is interest in a certain field of activity and the ability to work on oneself, to engage in self-development.

After all, introverts are not people who cannot build communication, introverts are people who can do without it.

You don't have to love people who have become successful in this life. In fact, there are many highly paid professions that do not require any interaction with other people. If you are an introvert and do not like to be in contact with a large group of individuals, if you think that joint work is a nightmare, then you definitely need to think about getting carried away by one of these professions. The possibilities are endless! You can work on your laptop as a blogger or writer, do math research, or do something else interesting like working with chemicals or staring at the sky. Here are some interesting careers that are sure to make an introvert a happy and successful person.

Graphic Designer

You can go a long way if you do graphic design, well it is in terms of salary and career growth... And you don't even have to sit in the office all day! You will need a more or less powerful laptop, a sharp and fresh look at details, basic knowledge of special software which is used in graphic design(like Photoshop or InDesign) and a lot of free time. This is a job that is usually done in silence and alone, and all your assignments can be received and sent to the customer via Skype. This is a real paradise for people haters!

Social media manager

We all know that communicating with people live and online are not the same thing. Communicate in real life much scarier than the internet! And if you have accounts on Instagram, Facebook and other interesting social media platforms, then you should definitely try working as a manager. social networks... You will need a gadget (laptop, smartphone), good internet connection. It will be much easier to communicate with people via the Internet, and the salary is decent too! Think about it!


If you don't like people, how are you going to work with plants? After all, they need care, attention, but they are certainly less chatty, and some of them are quite beautiful (magnolias, roses, orchids). You will learn how to study many plants in the laboratory, classify all their parts and explore all their possibilities. Plants are used in a wide variety of fields, so you will always have interesting research. Who knows, maybe you will find a wonderful plant that heals all diseases? You will also be able to visit many forests and reserves.


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