How to find out the contacts of the winners: step by step instructions. Winners and participants of tenders. Customer database Analysts, marketers, call centers

What database of counterparties is needed?

There are many sources of information on the market that supply databases of tender winners. At the same time, we understand that among them there are many companies of "gaskets" that do not carry out their activities for their intended purpose. It is impossible to sell your goods and services to such "gaskets". Of course, you can have a common database of counterparties as a kind of analytics and statistics on companies in the Russian Federation as a whole. But still, for sales, you need the right customer base, you see ... real customers, working in all respects.

Why do experienced companies choose a database of bidders and winners to sell their goods, works and services?

Logically: a company that participates and wins tenders is a working company, not an empty one. Working company always ready to interact with other contractors. It all depends on your ability and skills to present and sell your product.

Who needs a database of tender winners? Why not better base tender winners?

Most often, the database of tender winners is used by Agents, Banks and Customers. Second tier go construction companies, cleaning companies, private security companies and other organizations that are engaged in cold calling their potential clients.

Why us?

First: We are professionally engaged in the automation of the agency business. The largest number of agents of our country has gathered on the site platform. More than 10 banks also work on our platform, which have sales departments for bank guarantees. We are trusted! State patent No. 2018612872 dated March 01, 2018 Trademark No. 715218 dated June 07, 2019

Second: We regularly clean the database of tender winners from garbage, which means that using our database of participants and winners for cold calling, the probability of getting through to the client is the highest in the database market! It's no secret that procurement participants most often indicate inaccurate phone numbers, so that after the victory, when the protocol is published, agents from all over the country do not start calling them. That is why, when the protocol of the winner appears in our database, it is immediately supplemented with relevant contacts from other alternative sources, such as: the Federal Tax Service, AZIPI, FEDRESOURCE (bankruptcy reports), Commercial Procurement(,, etc., USREO, Sites for the sale of property, Sources foreign trade(REC and PVI).

Third: We have 10 years of experience in the Russian tender market and have the most complete database of tender winners, which is updated every second. Just register and download a fresh database every day for free.

Client base

How to form current customer base? This question is essential for every company.

Manual search for potential customers in company directories has low relevance, as well as extremely low potential interest in a product or service. In addition, this method is extremely labor intensive.

Buying a ready-made customer base in MS EXCEL, collected automatically from sites and directories, is also not the best a good option. The relevance and interest of customers in this database is even lower.

For some companies, the best option would be to purchase a database of tender winners. This option has 100% relevance and high potential customer interest.

Service Tender Media sends out daily database of tender winners for the past 24 hours to your email in MS Excel format.

The mailing list contains detailed information about the winners of state and commercial tenders under the laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ, such as: company name, E-mail, phone numbers, etc. It also contains information about the won tender. For information, you can.

Depending on the tariff, it is possible to configure the distribution parameters for the following categories:

winners of all tenders

industry bidding winners(e.g. winners of construction tenders)

winners of tenders in a certain region


How it works

- You register on our website, it's convenient and free.

— Our specialists contact you and set up the distribution parameters: regions, keywords.

- After paying the tariff, we connect you to the Newsletter.

— Every day you receive by E-mail the database of tender winners announced over the past day (based on the protocols of tenders according to FZ-44 and FZ-223).

— You get the list of winners as an attached Excel file.

Who can benefit from the winners and bidders

Banks financial companies providing bank guarantee and tender credit services.

In order to conclude a state contract, in most cases, the winning companies need to make a security deposit. In some cases, this is a significant amount that will be frozen until the end of the contract. It is also necessary to purchase materials and services for the execution of the contract. Therefore, the winners of tenders are potential customers of services: bank guarantee and credit.

Subcontractor companies

The winners of the tenders, for the execution of the contract, will require material suppliers, as well as the services of subcontractors. This is especially true for the winners of construction tenders. Having contacts of these organizations, you can offer them your services or goods.

Brokers, sales departments of any company

What is the price?

All tender winners (Broker tariff) from 15,000 rubles

Winners of tenders in a specific industry (Subcontractor tariff) from 8,100 rubles

Procurement protocols are a mandatory document for all types of tenders. For each stage electronic auction a separate protocol is drawn up. You will find more information about the types of protocols, as well as samples of protocols under 44-FZ, in the article.

Procurement protocols

To ensure maximum transparency of all tender procedures conducted under 44-FZ, the law undertakes to carefully document all actions taken by the parties. For these purposes, detailed protocols are drawn up. This rule also applies to such a supplier selection method as an electronic auction.

Auction protocols 44-FZ are compiled by the customer and placed in the public domain in the Unified Information System (EIS). Consider all types.

Electronic auction protocols

An electronic auction refers to procedures that take place in several stages. Therefore, each stage must be confirmed by the appropriate paper. There are several types.

Auction protocols according to 44-FZ:

  • ✔ Application review protocol;
  • ✔ Protocol of the auction;
  • ✔ Protocol of the results of the auction.

In the application review protocol the procedure for reviewing the first parts should be reflected. Contact information is hidden to maintain confidentiality. the serial numbers of participants and information on admission or non-admission to the next stage are indicated.

Auction Protocol compiled and published within half an hour after the end of the auction. The document is formed by the forces of the electronic platform (often automatically). It contains the address trading platform, date of beginning and end of trading, NMTsK, as well as information on the submitted offers (auction steps).

If the contractor does not want to sign the document, then his refusal must be recorded in the protocol for recognizing the electronic auction participant as evading (in accordance with the requirements of Article 37 of Law 44-FZ).

Protocol of disagreements on the electronic auction 44-F issued in the event that already after the deadline for filing applications, discrepancies were found between terms of reference and draft contract. It allows you to continue working with the tender without closing it and is sent from the winner of the tender to the customer. The customer can agree with the comments or reject them. Download an example of a protocol of disagreements under 44-FZ »

The document must be sent within 13 days from the date of signing the final protocol for the auction. While the dispute protocol is being considered, the contract security is not posted, so many suppliers use this procedure to add time for themselves to find funds for posting the security.

Drawing up a protocol is a mandatory procedure for each stage of the auction. They are designed to reflect all actions taken by the parties and protect the principles of openness and fair competition in public procurement.

Attached files

  • Protocol for consideration of applications for participation in the auction in electronic form - sample.doc
  • Protocol for consideration of applications for participation in the auction in electronic form - template.doc

The winning bidder is a bidder who was recognized as the winner by the customer within the framework of the provision of the procurement documentation under 44-FZ or 223-FZ. Who can benefit from information about them? Firstly, for service providers of B2B businesses, such data will help to find potential buyers of their services. Second, banks, bankers to buy their financial products. Thirdly, to suppliers and contractors who cannot participate in such purchases on their own. Also, such databases may be of interest to various analytical and marketing agencies for the preparation of specialized reports and references.

Bid winner data is very useful, especially for a B2B business. It helps to track the activity of the client, his volume of work in the market public services, find the right client for yourself. It gives you the opportunity to analyze the market and calculate your potential competitors.

Search in the EIS

All customers conducting purchases under 44-FZ and 223-FZ are required to post data about the winner in the Unified Information System. So, in the final protocol you can find the following data:

  • Name;
  • mailing address;

Also, each customer maintains a register of contracts, in which information about suppliers is provided much more widely:

  • Name;
  • mailing address;
  • contact number;
  • Email ( Email);
  • FULL NAME. manager (a person authorized to sign the contract) or individual entrepreneur.

How to search for the data of the winner of the procedure under 44-FZ

Step 1. In the UIS, go to the "Information on contracts and agreements" section.

Step 2. Select "Register of contracts concluded by customers".

Step 3. If you want to find the details of the winner of a specific purchase, simply enter its individual code (IKZ) in the search field.

For a more complex search, it is required to collect a dossier on all winning bids of a particular customer for a period. Then go to the search for the specified parameters by clicking on "Advanced search".

Step 4. Now for each result you need to do the following. Go to the Contract Card section.

Step 5. At the very bottom of the next page, find the details of the suppliers.

How to search for supplier data according to 223-FZ

Step 1. In the UIS, in the section "Information on contracts and agreements", select the item "Register of contracts concluded as a result of procurement".

Step 2. A specific lot can be found by the contract number. Or go to "Advanced Search" to form a complex query.

Step 3. Click on "Details" to go to the details of the purchase.

Step 4. In the next window, go to the Supplier Information section.

Since December 2017, it has become optional to enter data on the winner of the purchase under 223-FZ. Therefore, these data may not be in the EIS.

How to search using special services

There are resources in Runet that give access to information about legal entities and individuals, including their victories in tender sales. Here you can get the following data:

  • find out official data about the company or entrepreneur;
  • trace significant facts that affect financial risks selected counterparties;
  • receive information about the planned liquidation, reorganization of the company, including through migration to another region;
  • learn about the debts and pledged property of the counterparty, its participation in litigation, procurement, contracts, registered trademarks and much more;
  • identify affiliation (relationships) between organizations and individuals;
  • estimate financial position companies;
  • protect yourself from transactions with fictitious companies (one-day firms).

This data will be enough to get in touch with the client and decide on further cooperation.

The winner wants to challenge the actions of the customer when concluding the contract

1. Based on the results of the electronic procedure, a contract is concluded with the winner of the electronic procedure, and in the cases provided for by this Federal Law, with another participant in this procedure, whose application for participation in this procedure is recognized as meeting the requirements established by the documentation and (or) the notice of procurement.

2. Within five days from the date of placement in the unified information system specified in part 12 of article 54.7, part 8 of article 69, part 8 of article 82.4, part 23 of article 83.1 of this federal law protocols the customer places in a single information system and on electronic platform using a single information system without his signature, a draft contract, which is drawn up by including, using a unified information system, in the draft contract attached to the documentation or notice of procurement, the price of the contract (with the exception of part 2.1 of this article) proposed by the procurement participant with whom the contract is concluded, or proposals for the price for the right to conclude a contract in the case provided for by Part 23 of Article 68 of this Federal Law, as well as the inclusion of information submitted in accordance with this Federal Law about the product (trademark and (or) specific indicators of the product, country of origin of the product), information provided for in clause 2 of part 4 of article 54.4, paragraph 7 of part 9 of article 83.1 of this Federal Law, specified in the application, the final proposal of the participant in the electronic procedure.

2.1. In the case provided for by Part 24 of Article 22 of this Federal Law, using a unified information system in the field of procurement, the draft contract includes the maximum value of the contract price, the price of a unit of goods, work, services. At the same time, the price of a unit of goods, work, services is determined by reducing the initial price of such units specified in the notice of procurement, in proportion to the reduction in the initial sum of prices of units of goods, work, services proposed by the procurement participant with whom the contract is concluded.

3. Within five days from the date of placement by the customer in the unified information system of the draft contract, the winner of the electronic procedure signs an enhanced electronic signature the specified draft contract, places on the electronic site a signed draft contract and a document confirming the provision of a security for the performance of the contract, if this requirement is established in the notice and (or) procurement documentation, or places a protocol of disagreements provided for in part 4 of this article. If during an open tender in electronic form, a tender with limited participation in electronic form, a two-stage tender in electronic form or an electronic auction, the price of the contract, the sum of prices for units of goods, work, services are reduced by twenty-five percent or more from the initial (maximum ) the price of the contract, the initial sum of prices for units of goods, work, services, the winner of the relevant electronic procedure simultaneously provides a security for the performance of the contract in accordance with Part 1 of Article 37 of this Federal Law or a security for the performance of the contract in the amount provided for by the documentation on the relevant electronic procedure, and information, provided for by Part 2 of Article 37 of this Federal Law, as well as justification of the price of the contract, the sum of prices for units of goods, work, services in accordance with Part 9 of Article 37 of this Federal Law when concluding a contract for the supply of goods necessary for normal life support (about allowances, funds for an ambulance, including specialized ambulance, medical care in an emergency or urgent form, medicines, fuel).

(see text in previous edition)

4. Within five days from the date of placement by the customer in the unified information system of the draft contract, the winner of the electronic procedure with whom the contract is concluded, in case of disagreement on the draft contract posted in accordance with Part 2 of this Article, shall place on the electronic site a protocol of disagreements signed an enhanced electronic signature of a person entitled to act on behalf of the winner of the electronic procedure. The specified protocol can be posted on the electronic site in relation to the relevant contract no more than once. At the same time, the winner of the electronic procedure, with whom the contract is concluded, indicates in the protocol of disagreements comments on the provisions of the draft contract that do not correspond to the documentation and (or) the notice of procurement and its application for participation in the electronic procedure, indicating the relevant provisions of these documents.

5. Within three working days from the date of placement by the winner of the electronic procedure on the electronic site in accordance with part 4 of this article of the protocol of disagreements, the customer reviews the protocol of disagreements and, without his signature, places the finalized draft contract in the unified information system and on the electronic site using the unified information system or re-posts in a single information system and on an electronic site a draft contract indicating in separate document reasons for refusal to take into account, in full or in part, the comments of the winner of the electronic procedure contained in the protocol of disagreements. At the same time, the placement in the unified information system and on the electronic site by the customer of the draft contract indicating in a separate document the reasons for refusing to take into account the comments of the winner in full or in part contained in the protocol of disagreements is allowed provided that such a winner posted the protocol of disagreements on the electronic site in accordance with Part 4 of this articles.

6. Within three working days from the date of placement by the customer in the unified information system and on the electronic site of the documents provided for in paragraph 5 of this article, the winner of the electronic procedure places on the electronic site a draft contract signed by an enhanced electronic signature of a person entitled to act on behalf of such a winner , as well as a document and (or) information in accordance with part 3 of this article, confirming the provision of a security for the performance of the contract and signed with an enhanced electronic signature of the specified person.

7. Within three working days from the date of placement on the electronic site of the draft contract, signed with an enhanced electronic signature of the person entitled to act on behalf of the winner of the electronic procedure, and the provision by such a winner of the notice of the procurement, the documentation on the procurement of the contract performance security, which meets the requirements to place in a unified information system and on an electronic platform using a unified information system a contract signed by an enhanced electronic signature of a person entitled to act on behalf of the customer.

8. From the moment of placement in the unified information system of the contract provided for by paragraph 7 of this article and signed by the customer, it is considered concluded.

9. The contract can be concluded not earlier than ten days from the date of placement in the unified information system of the protocols specified in part 12 of article 54.7, part 8 of article 69 of this Federal Law, part 13 of this article, and in the case of determining the supplier (contractor, performer) by conducting a request for quotations in electronic form or a request for proposals in electronic form no earlier than seven days from the date of placement in the unified information system of the protocols specified in Part 8 of Article 82.4, Part 23 of Article 83.1 of this Federal Law.

10. The contract is concluded on the terms specified in the documentation and (or) the notice of procurement, the application of the winner of the electronic procedure, at the price proposed by the winner, or at the price per unit of goods, work, services, calculated in accordance with part 2.1 of this article, and the maximum value of the contract price.

(see text in previous edition)

11. Blocking of funds on the special account of the winner in order to secure an application for participation in an open competition in electronic form, a competition with limited participation in electronic form, a two-stage competition in electronic form, an electronic auction shall be terminated within the time limits established by Part 8 of Article 44 of this Federal Law .

12. In the case provided for by Part 23 of Article 68 of this Federal Law, the contract is concluded only after depositing to the account, on which, in accordance with the law Russian Federation transactions with funds received by the customer, the participant of the electronic auction with which the contract is concluded, cash in the amount of the price offered by this participant for the right to conclude the contract, as well as the provision of security for the performance of the contract, are taken into account.

13. The winner of the electronic procedure (with the exception of the winner provided for in part 14 of this article) is recognized by the customer as evading the conclusion of the contract if, within the time limits provided for in this article, he did not send the customer a draft contract signed by a person entitled to act on behalf of such a winner , or did not send the protocol of disagreements provided for by Part 4 of this Article, or did not comply with the requirements provided for by Article 37 of this Federal Law (in the event of a decrease in the price of the contract during an electronic auction or tender, the sum of the prices of units of goods, work, services by twenty-five percent and more than the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the initial sum of prices for units of goods, work, services). At the same time, the customer, no later than one working day following the day of recognizing the winner of the electronic procedure as evading the conclusion of the contract, draws up and places in the unified information system and on the electronic site using the unified information system a protocol on recognizing such a winner as evading the conclusion of the contract, containing information on the place and time of its preparation, about the winner recognized as having evaded the conclusion of the contract, about the fact that is the basis for such recognition, as well as the details of the documents confirming this fact.

(see text in previous edition)

14. If the winner of the electronic procedure is found to have evaded the conclusion of a contract, the customer has the right to conclude a contract with a participant in such a procedure, whose application has been assigned the second number. This participant is recognized as the winner of such a procedure, and the terms of execution of this contract proposed by this participant are included in the draft contract attached to the documentation and (or) the notice of purchase by the customer. The draft contract must be sent by the customer to this participant within a period not exceeding five days from the date of recognition of the winner of such a procedure as evading the conclusion of the contract. In this case, the customer has the right to apply to the court with a claim for compensation for losses caused by evading the conclusion of the contract in the part not covered by the amount of the security of the application for participation in the electronic procedure.

15. The participant of the electronic procedure, recognized as the winner of the electronic procedure in accordance with part 14 of this article, has the right to sign a draft contract or place the protocol of disagreements provided for by part 4 of this article in the manner and within the time limits provided for by this article, or refuse to conclude a contract. Simultaneously with the signed contract, this winner is obliged to provide security for the performance of the contract, if the establishment of the requirement for security for the performance of the contract is provided for by the notice and (or) procurement documentation, and in the case provided for by Part 23 of Article 68 of this Federal Law, he is also obliged to deposit to the account on which in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, transactions with funds received by the customer are taken into account, cash in the amount of the price offered by this winner for the right to conclude a contract. This winner is considered to have evaded the conclusion of the contract in case of failure to comply with the requirements of Part 6 of this Article and (or) failure to provide security for the performance of the contract or failure to fulfill the requirement provided for in Article 37 of this Federal Law, in case of signing a draft contract in accordance with Part 3 of this Article. Such a winner is recognized as refusing to conclude a contract if, within the period provided for in paragraph 3 of this article, he did not sign the draft contract or did not send a protocol of disagreements. The electronic procedure is recognized as not having taken place if this winner is found to have evaded the conclusion of the contract or refused to conclude the contract.

16. If available accepted by the court or an arbitration court of judicial acts or the occurrence of force majeure circumstances preventing the signing of a contract by one of the parties within the time limits established by this article, this party is obliged to notify the other party of the existence of these judicial acts or these circumstances within one day. At the same time, the period established by this article shall be suspended for the period of execution of these judicial acts or the period of validity of these circumstances, but not more than thirty days. In case of cancellation, modification or execution of these judicial acts or termination of these circumstances, the relevant party is obliged to notify the other party of this no later than the day following the day of cancellation, modification or execution of these judicial acts or the termination of these circumstances.


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