The first and last flight "Hercules. The largest seaplane in the world. The only flight of dreams way to aviation

Hughes H-4 Hercules (eng. Hughes H-4 Hercules) - a vehicle wooden flying boat developed by the American firm Hughes Aircraft. Under the leadership of Howard Hughes. This 136-ton aircraft originally indicated as NK-1. and received an unofficial nickname SPRUCE GOOSE. (Amer. "Schegol", "Pijon"), was the biggest ever-built flying boat, and the swing of his wing and today remains a record - 98 meters. It was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers with full gear.

At the beginning of World War II, the US government allocated $ 13 million for the manufacture of a prototype of a flying vessel, but it was not ready for the end of the host of hostilities, which is explained by the lack of aluminum, as well as the stubbornness of Hughes, who wants to create an impeccable car. Plane Hercules.The Goovard Hughes himself made his first and only flight only on November 2, 1947, when it rose into the air to the height of 21 meters and covered approximately two kilometers to a straight line over the Harbor Los Angeles. After long-term storage, the aircraft was sent to the Long Beach Museum, California. Currently is the exhibit of the museum Evergreen International Aviation. in McMinnville, Oregon.where he was transported in 1993. But let's be about everything in order ...

In the initial period of the war, the allies did not immediately realize, which danger is German submarines. The experience of the First World War was safely forgotten, which caused simply catastrophic losses in the shopping fleet. If in 1939-1940 The number of ships ached by the Germans did not go beyond the scope of acceptable rules, then in 1941-1942. Krigsmarine staged a real terror in the Atlantic. The situation was able to stabilize only by the end of 1942, and then, by the global increase in flotilla ships of the cover. Nevertheless, the threat from the submarine was not eliminated. In such a situation, a completely predictable option was found - loads can be moved not only on water, but in the air. The main problem consisted only that none of the parties at that time had an aircraft with sufficient lifting capacity.

The author of the initial plan of this project was Henry J. Kaiser, a steelmaking magnate, the owner of the shipyards, who have produced the "Liberty" series during World War II. Constructed and built plane firm Hughes Aircraft: Billionaire Howard Hughes with his team.

An order for the construction of a multi-window wooden amphibian aircraft with a wing spoke was almost a hundred meters from the American government in 1942. The goal was stated: to build a ship for cargo-massage transportation in such a way as to spend as fewer strategic raw materials as possible. That is: to make the plane was not from the metal, but from the tree. The aircraft was intended for transporting goods and troops to the help of a warring Europe: a traditional waterway during a certain period of operation of hostilities turned out to be inaccessible due to its powerful development in the enemy side of submarines.

Working documentation was developed quickly enough, which cannot be said about the pace of the aircraft. Based in 1943, construction was fully completed in mid-1947. It was influenced by several reasons, ranging from the completion of the war (and as a result - the lack of interest in further work on NK-1. From the military) and ending with various legal proceedings against Hughes.

Throughout the implementation of the project, they were disputes about the volume of financing, and a unambiguous opinion about the need for such a project in principle did not work out. One of the dissatisfied project of American senators called the future aircraft "Flying Forest Warehouse". However, the most famous nickname - "spruce goose."

The official name of the aircraft was originally HK-1 (comes from the names Hughes. and Kaiser.). After the Kaiser refused the project in 1944, Hughes renamed the plane in H-4., and after the first flight changed on-board number from NX37602. on the N37602..

This huge flying boat consists of a housing free-free wing and eight radial engines (brand engines PRATT & WHITNEY, 3000 hp everyone). It has vertical and tail plumage, fixed wing floats. The whole design consisted of glued wood (despite the nickname, there was not spruce, but birch).

The physical parameters of the amphibian aircraft were as follows:
length - more than 66 meters
height - 24 meters
wingspan - 98 meters
weight - 136 tons
maximum weight of cargo - 59 tons
maximum number of passengers - 700 people

Flight characteristics (Supplementary):
maximum speed - 378 km / h
cruising speed - 282 km / h
flight range - 5634 km
flight height - 7165 m

With all its unprecedented sizes, the crew was required to manage this aircraft only 3 people.
The housing of the aircraft was divided into two compartments: the flight deck for the placement of people and a large cargo compartment. Screw staircases are installed for communication between compartments. Below the cargo compartment was located fuel tanks separated by waterproof bulkheads.

Flying boat Hughes and Kaiser had to become the largest of ever built aircraft (in fact, it was seven times more than any aircraft built before him) and became the most amazing airframe of all time. To bring the construction to the end allowed only the courage and dedication of Howard Hughes and his small team of like-minded people, in spite of them not refused to work and still sending "Hercules" to his only historical flight.

At some point, the contradictions between project leaders, Hughes and Kaiser were rigorously designated: Henry Kaiser offered to limit the 70-ton apparatus to meet the finished product on time and provide the customer; However, Hughes insisted on a larger - 200-ton aircraft, which required much of the large investments of time and money. Henry Kaiser refused to further participate in the project, and Howard Hughes was increasingly fond of the idea, making all the new proposals and improvements, which even more tightened the end of construction.

In 1942, this was an urgent, priority order for the US government. By 1944, priorities changed: due to changes in the situation on world fronts, the state of the state was missing. The government expects to cancel the construction contract. But Hughes's motivation by that time had already ceased to be rational: Rather, he was covered by the idea of \u200b\u200bconstructing an air cargo ship, superioring the most bold human fantasies.

Holding the entire global project in consciousness, Hughes did not miss the most imperceptible details: nothing but his personal eccentricity could not be able to explain the need for hours to sit for discussion of the dashboard design. Being a perfectionist by nature, he still could not decide to recognize the work perfect until finally such numerous delays did not attract the attention of the Senate: a committee was created to verify current work.

The construction of the aircraft was completed only in 1947: from the state budget of the United States to the project went a huge amount of $ 22 million. But this is not limited to this: due to insufficient financing, Howard Hughes spent on the project its own 18 million.

On November 2, 1947, "Hercules" was launched on the water and Howard Hughes and his small crew launched engines in test mode. Making several passes on the water, in front of the excited spectators, mostly journalists who observed the movements of the vessel, "Hercules" broke away from the surface of the Harbor Los Angeles, going to his first and last, unnecessary flight. Hughes himself was behind the steering wheel.

At a low height, just over 20 meters, the plane passed about two kilometers at a speed of about 120 km / h and made an ideal landing. This trial launch, perfect by Howard Hughes, despite the official ban to raise "Hercules" into the air, was designed to fight the critics of the project and prove that the most huge plane in the history of mankind is still able to fly. Many to this day consider this flight one of the greatest moments in the history of aviation.

Having completed its historical flight, "Spruce Goose" returned to his hangar - a gigantic, especially for him built the room - to never take off. At the request of Hughes, to his very death in 1976, the state of the aircraft was constantly maintained in full "combat readiness", including the engines were launched monthly.

Over the past 50 years, the aircraft has become one of America's favorite artifacts, going due to its actual uselessness from the world of military industry in the category of cultural objects. Today, his story is perceived as an example of unprecedented determination and self-sacrifice. Hughes H-4 Hercules He became one of the symbols of the twentieth century.

Although in fact, "Hercules" Howard Hughes was not so useless. This plane, with all the imperfection, was ahead of his time for decades, became one of the steps of the technical revolution not only in aviation, but also in engineering in general. He demonstrated the potential capabilities of artificial aircraft, in many respects, forming a modern understanding of the sale of flights.

After long-term storage based on the Aeroclub in Southern California, next door to the ocean liner served Queen Mary, in 1992 the plane was translated into Evergreen Aviation Museum. - Museum of the educational center in Oregon. To this day, he remains the largest from the man built by a person who rose into the air.

The most interesting thing is that his prototype has seen many of you. Of course, provided that you watched the film "Aviator", with Leonardo Dicaprio ( Leonardo dicaprio.).

Creator Hughes H-4 Hercules, named Howard Hughes ( Howard Hughes.) who led his own company Hughes Aircraft, became a prototype for the main character of the picture, Aviator.

There are aircraft in the world longer, there is a lifting line, but the first flight in 1947 "Hercules" still is unsurpassed in the wings' scope (97.5 m), and in height until the tip of Kiel was able to compare only the newest A-380-800.

Hughes H-4 Hercules (eng. Hughes H-4 Hercules) - A transport wooden flying boat developed by the American company Hughes Aircraft under the leadership of Howard Hughes. This 136-ton aircraft, originally indicated as NK-1 and received an unofficial nickname Spruce Goose (Amer. "Schegol", "Pijon"), was the biggest ever-built flying boat, and the swing of his wing and today remains a record - 98 meters. It was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers with full gear.

At the beginning of World War II, the US government allocated $ 13 million for the manufacture of a prototype of a flying vessel, but it was not ready for the end of the host of hostilities, which is explained by the lack of aluminum, as well as the stubbornness of Hughes, who wants to create an impeccable car. The Hercules plane, piloted by Howard Hughes himself, made its first and only flight only on November 2, 1947, when it rose into the air to the height of 21 meters and covered approximately two kilometers to a straight line of Los Angeles Harbor. After long-term storage, the aircraft was sent to the Long Beach Museum, California. Currently is the exhibit of the Evergreen International Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon, where he was transported in 1993. But let's be about everything in order ...
The original is taken by W. masterok. In the largest seaplane in the world. The only flight of dreams. Lutchy traffic!

In the initial period of the war, the allies did not immediately realize, which danger is German submarines. The experience of the First World War was safely forgotten, which caused simply catastrophic losses in the shopping fleet. If in 1939-1940 The number of ships ached by the Germans did not go beyond the scope of acceptable rules, then in 1941-1942. Krigsmarine staged a real terror in the Atlantic. The situation was able to stabilize only by the end of 1942, and then, by the global increase in flotilla ships of the cover. Nevertheless, the threat from the submarine was not eliminated. In such a situation, a completely predictable option was found - loads can be moved not only on water, but in the air. The main problem consisted only that none of the parties at that time had an aircraft with sufficient lifting capacity.

The author of the initial plan of this project was Henry J. Kaiser, a steelmaking magnate, the owner of the shipyards, who have produced the "Liberty" series during World War II. Constructed and built plane company Hughes Aircraft: Billionaire Howard Hughes with his team.

An order for the construction of a multi-window wooden amphibian aircraft with a wing spoke was almost a hundred meters from the American government in 1942. The goal was stated: to build a ship for cargo-massage transportation in such a way as to spend as fewer strategic raw materials as possible. That is: to make the plane was not from the metal, but from the tree. The aircraft was intended for transporting goods and troops to the help of a warring Europe: a traditional waterway during a certain period of operation of hostilities turned out to be inaccessible due to its powerful development in the enemy side of submarines.

Working documentation was developed quickly enough, which cannot be said about the pace of the aircraft. Based in 1943, construction was fully completed in mid-1947. This was influenced by several reasons, ranging from the completion of the war (and as a result - the lack of interest in further work on the NK-1 by the military) and ending with various trials against Hughes.

Throughout the implementation of the project, they were disputes about the volume of financing, and a unambiguous opinion about the need for such a project in principle did not work out. One of the dissatisfied project of American senators called the future aircraft "Flying Forest Warehouse". However, the most famous nickname - "spruce goose."

The official name of the aircraft was originally HK-1 (derived from the surnames Hughes and Kaiser). After the Kaiser refused the project in 1944, Hughes renamed the aircraft in the H-4, and after the first flight changed the side number with the NX37602 on the N37602.

This huge flying boat consists of a housing free-free wing and eight radial engines (PRATT & WHITNEY Motors, 3000 hp each). It has vertical and tail plumage, fixed wing floats. The whole design consisted of glued wood (despite the nickname, there was not spruce, but birch).

The physical parameters of the amphibian aircraft were as follows:
length - more than 66 meters
height - 24 meters
wingspan - 98 meters
weight - 136 tons
maximum weight of cargo - 59 tons
maximum number of passengers - 700 people

Flight characteristics (presumptuous):
maximum speed - 378 km / h
cruising speed - 282 km / h
flight range - 5634 km
flight height - 7165 m

With all its unprecedented sizes, the crew was required to manage this aircraft only 3 people.
The housing of the aircraft was divided into two compartments: the flight deck for the placement of people and a large cargo compartment. Screw staircases are installed for communication between compartments. Below the cargo compartment was located fuel tanks separated by waterproof bulkheads.

Flying boat Hughes and Kaiser had to become the largest of ever built aircraft (in fact, it was seven times more than any aircraft built before him) and became the most amazing airframe of all time. To bring the construction to the end allowed only the courage and dedication of Howard Hughes and his small team of like-minded people, in spite of them not refused to work and still sending "Hercules" to his only historical flight.

At some point, the contradictions between project leaders, Hughes and Kaiser were rigorously designated: Henry Kaiser offered to limit the 70-ton apparatus to meet the finished product on time and provide the customer; However, Hughes insisted on a larger - 200-ton aircraft, which required much of the large investments of time and money. Henry Kaiser refused to further participate in the project, and Howard Hughes was increasingly fond of the idea, making all the new proposals and improvements, which even more tightened the end of construction.

In 1942, this was an urgent, priority order for the US government. By 1944, priorities changed: due to changes in the situation on world fronts, the state of the state was missing. The government expects to cancel the construction contract. But Hughes's motivation by that time had already ceased to be rational: Rather, he was covered by the idea of \u200b\u200bconstructing an air cargo ship, superioring the most bold human fantasies.

Holding the entire global project in consciousness, Hughes did not miss the most imperceptible details: nothing but his personal eccentricity could not be able to explain the need for hours to sit for discussion of the dashboard design. Being a perfectionist by nature, he still could not decide to recognize the work perfect until finally such numerous delays did not attract the attention of the Senate: a committee was created to verify current work.

The construction of the aircraft was completed only in 1947: from the state budget of the United States to the project went a huge amount of $ 22 million. But this is not limited to this: due to insufficient financing, Howard Hughes spent on the project its own 18 million.

On November 2, 1947, "Hercules" was launched on the water and Howard Hughes and his small crew launched engines in test mode. Making several passes on the water, in front of the excited spectators, mostly journalists who observed the movements of the vessel, "Hercules" broke away from the surface of the Harbor Los Angeles, going to his first and last, unnecessary flight. Hughes himself was behind the steering wheel.

At a low height, just over 20 meters, the plane passed about two kilometers at a speed of about 120 km / h and made an ideal landing. This trial launch, perfect by Howard Hughes, despite the official ban to raise "Hercules" into the air, was designed to fight the critics of the project and prove that the most huge plane in the history of mankind is still able to fly. Many to this day consider this flight one of the greatest moments in the history of aviation.

Having completed its historical flight, "Spruce Goose" returned to his hangar - a gigantic, especially for him built the room - to never take off. At the request of Hughes, to his very death in 1976, the state of the aircraft was constantly maintained in full "combat readiness", including the engines were launched monthly.

Over the past 50 years, the aircraft has become one of America's favorite artifacts, going due to its actual uselessness from the world of military industry in the category of cultural objects. Today, his story is perceived as an example of unprecedented determination and self-sacrifice. Hughes H-4 Hercules became one of the symbols of the twentieth century.

Although in fact, "Hercules" Howard Hughes was not so useless. This plane, with all the imperfection, was ahead of his time for decades, became one of the steps of the technical revolution not only in aviation, but also in engineering in general. He demonstrated the potential capabilities of artificial aircraft, in many respects forming a modern understanding of the sale of flights.

After a long-term storage based on the Aeroclub in Southern California, next door to the Queen Mary's ocean liner, in 1992, the plane was transferred to Evergreen Aviation Museum - the Museum of the Educational Center in Oregon. To this day, he remains the largest from the man built by a person who rose into the air.

The most interesting thing is that his prototype has seen many of you. Of course, provided that you watched the film "Aviator", with Leonardo Dicaprio.

The creator of Hughes H-4 Hercules, named Howard Hughes (Howard Hughes), who led by Hughes Aircraft, became a prototype for the chief hero of the Avtortor's painting.

In the world there are aircraft longer, there is a lifting line, but the first flight in 1947 "Hercules" is still unsurpassed by wings (97.5 m), and only the newest A-380- were able to be compared to the tip of the kille 800.

In 2004, the famous director Martin Scorsese took off the famous film Aviator. The film received 5 Oscars, stood up the wave of interest in one of the most extraordinary personalities in American history - the billionaire Howard Hughes.

Howard Robard Hughes Jr. was born on December 24, 1905. At the age of 18 he inherited from his father a company for the production of drilling equipment. During the oil boom, in America, the company quickly rose to the top lines of profitability.

Young Howard, who did not even have completed secondary education, was a versatile development. The circle of his interests was extensive, and the irrepressible energy and vanity made him strive to be the first to be first. Producer, engineer, entrepreneur, director, one of the pioneers of aviation, Hughes Jr. Everywhere wanted to achieve unprecedented success.

Path to aviation.

In 1930, the filming of the film "Hell Angels" began. The film was about the legendary pilots of the First World War. Howard Hughes became a director and an independent ribbon producer. At the shooting, he seriously fucked by aviation, learned to piloting and set forth the goal of becoming the best pilot in the world. Justice should be noted, Hughes became a first-class pilot, and subsequently established several world records and participated in the testing of many aircraft, including its own structures.

With the beginning of World War II, in the United States, they realized that it was the need for urgent translation of the industry for military products. A heavy blow to Pearl-Harbor, systematic attacks of German submarines, led the military to the thoughts about the need to create a flying lifting boat. Taking advantage of its influence in power, and enormous opportunities, the aircraft designer and the owner of the film companies, Howard Hughes, together with the industrialist and the owner of the shipbuilding company Henry John Kaiser, received a contract for $ 13 million from the US Military Ministry.

Initially, a giant flying boat project received names HK-1but when Henry Kaiser left the project, the project now began to be called H-4.(It was the fourth aircraft of Hughes's own development). And since the aircraft was almost completely wooden, a supreme nickname SpruceGoose- "Spruce Goose".

Despite the fact that, by the 40s, most aircraft were already built of duralumin, many constructions were still completely wooden. For example, the English aircraft "Mosquito", or the Soviet fighter Lagg-3.

But to build such a giant aircraft from a tree and plywood on a furniture factory, it was impossible, the film signal built a special hangar, and decided to apply the already well-known technology for the hot molding of a wooden veneer. This technology has been used since the 30s. And Hughes has already built airplanes with such molding.

The technology was simple and technological. Matrix was manufactured from polished steel. Then it was stacked by a package of berethous veneer layers with phenol glue. At a temperature of 150 degrees, polymerization of glue occurred under pressure in the autoclave. It turned out excellent stamping, light, waterproof, suitable for machining.

The same technology was used in the USSR, and called Bakelitip Plywood.

The eccentricity of the billionaire, the desire to be the first to be the first to achieve perfection, and led to the appearance of this wooden monster.

The wingspan of the boat was unheard of - 97.71 meters. This record does not break to this day.

  • Length - 66.65 meters.
  • Height 24.16 meters.
  • The cargo compartment had a volume of 4,700 cubic meters.
  • Running weight 180000 kg. Of these, 60000 payloads.
  • 750 soldiers in full combat equipment could fit in the cargo compartment.

The flying boat could "live" in the air for almost a day, and fly 5000 km. On the Upper Point, 8 engines were installed. The plane and in our time, surprises by the Museum's visitors in Oregon, where it is stored since 1993.

The first and last flight of the "Wooden Miracle".

A huge crowd gathered in Los Angeles Harbor on November 2, 1947 when the plane rolled out from the hangar.

The free life of Hughes, in which there was a lot of places for flights, filming movies and love novels, broke down all the terms under contracts with the military. The terms of the contract also changed constantly, unusual sizes, the uniqueness of technology ... Perfectionism and mental disruptions of his creator, became another reason that the aircraft was released only in 1947.

The boat has long and sacrificed in the harbor. Finally, she broke up and rose to a height of about 20 meters. Flying about 2 kilometers, the boat completed its first and last in the flight history.

Flight to the museum

More flying boat H-4 Herculesit has never been raised into the air. Although Howard himself contained an aircraft in full readiness until the end of his days. Personnel from 300 people followed the condition of the car up to the 50s. In a constant inspection, technicians included checks of all systems and "Race" engines. Later, up to 50 people decreased, but even then the cost of the content of the giant accounted for $ 1 million annually.

Howard Hughes died on April 5, 1976. His brawl of his businessman who put a plane for viewing since 1983.

Now "Goose" is the property of Disney, it is worth viewing in the city of Macquinville.

The aircraft built by 90% of the birch veneer in 1947 is still one of the biggest aircraft of the world.

HUGHES H-4 characteristics.

Modification H-4.
Wing span, m 97.54
Airplane length, m 66.45
Aircraft height, m 24.08
Wing Square, m2 1061.88
empty aircraft
Maximum take-off 136078
Fuel, L. 52996
engine's type 8 PD PRATT WHITNEY R4360-4A
Power, hp 8 x 3000.
Maximum speed, km / h 351
Cruising speed, km / h 282
Practical range, km 5633
Practical ceiling, m 7165
Crew, people 5
Maximum up to 59000 kg of commercial cargo

Hughes H-4 Hercules (eng. Hughes H-4 Hercules) - A transport wooden flying boat developed by the American company Hughes Aircraft under the leadership of Howard Hughes. This 136-ton aircraft, originally indicated as NK-1 and received an unofficial nickname Spruce Goose (Amer. "Schegol", "Pijon"), was the biggest ever-built flying boat, and the swing of his wing and today remains a record - 98 meters. It was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers with full gear.

At the beginning of World War II, the US government allocated $ 13 million for the manufacture of a prototype of a flying vessel, but it was not ready for the end of the host of hostilities, which is explained by the lack of aluminum, as well as the stubbornness of Hughes, who wants to create an impeccable car. The Hercules plane, piloted by Howard Hughes himself, made its first and only flight only on November 2, 1947, when it rose into the air to the height of 21 meters and covered approximately two kilometers to a straight line of Los Angeles Harbor. After long-term storage, the aircraft was sent to the Long Beach Museum, California. Currently is the exhibit of the Evergreen International Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon, where he was transported in 1993. But let's be about everything in order ...

In the initial period of the war, the allies did not immediately realize, which danger is German submarines. The experience of the First World War was safely forgotten, which caused simply catastrophic losses in the shopping fleet. If in 1939-1940 The number of ships ached by the Germans did not go beyond the scope of acceptable rules, then in 1941-1942. Krigsmarine staged a real terror in the Atlantic. The situation was able to stabilize only by the end of 1942, and then, by the global increase in flotilla ships of the cover. Nevertheless, the threat from the submarine was not eliminated. In such a situation, a completely predictable option was found - loads can be moved not only on water, but in the air. The main problem consisted only that none of the parties at that time had an aircraft with sufficient lifting capacity.

The author of the initial plan of this project was Henry J. Kaiser, a steelmaking magnate, the owner of the shipyards, who have produced the "Liberty" series during World War II. Constructed and built plane company Hughes Aircraft: Billionaire Howard Hughes with his team.

An order for the construction of a multi-window wooden amphibian aircraft with a wing spoke was almost a hundred meters from the American government in 1942. The goal was stated: to build a ship for cargo-massage transportation in such a way as to spend as fewer strategic raw materials as possible. That is: to make the plane was not from the metal, but from the tree. The aircraft was intended for transporting goods and troops to the help of a warring Europe: a traditional waterway during a certain period of operation of hostilities turned out to be inaccessible due to its powerful development in the enemy side of submarines.

Working documentation was developed quickly enough, which cannot be said about the pace of the aircraft. Based in 1943, construction was fully completed in mid-1947. This was influenced by several reasons, ranging from the completion of the war (and as a result - the lack of interest in further work on the NK-1 by the military) and ending with various trials against Hughes.

Throughout the implementation of the project, they were disputes about the volume of financing, and a unambiguous opinion about the need for such a project in principle did not work out. One of the dissatisfied project of American senators called the future aircraft "Flying Forest Warehouse". However, the most famous nickname - "spruce goose."

The official name of the aircraft was originally HK-1 (derived from the surnames Hughes and Kaiser). After the Kaiser refused the project in 1944, Hughes renamed the aircraft in the H-4, and after the first flight changed the side number with the NX37602 on the N37602.

This huge flying boat consists of a housing free-free wing and eight radial engines (PRATT & WHITNEY Motors, 3000 hp each). It has vertical and tail plumage, fixed wing floats. The whole design consisted of glued wood (despite the nickname, there was not spruce, but birch).

The physical parameters of the amphibian aircraft were as follows:
length - more than 66 meters
height - 24 meters
wingspan - 98 meters
weight - 136 tons
maximum weight of cargo - 59 tons
maximum number of passengers - 700 people

Flight characteristics (presumptuous):
maximum speed - 378 km / h
cruising speed - 282 km / h
flight range - 5634 km
flight height - 7165 m

With all its unprecedented sizes, the crew was required to manage this aircraft only 3 people.
The housing of the aircraft was divided into two compartments: the flight deck for the placement of people and a large cargo compartment. Screw staircases are installed for communication between compartments. Below the cargo compartment was located fuel tanks separated by waterproof bulkheads.

Flying boat Hughes and Kaiser had to become the largest of ever built aircraft (in fact, it was seven times more than any aircraft built before him) and became the most amazing airframe of all time. To bring the construction to the end allowed only the courage and dedication of Howard Hughes and his small team of like-minded people, in spite of them not refused to work and still sending "Hercules" to his only historical flight.

At some point, the contradictions between project leaders, Hughes and Kaiser were rigorously designated: Henry Kaiser offered to limit the 70-ton apparatus to meet the finished product on time and provide the customer; However, Hughes insisted on a larger - 200-ton aircraft, which required much of the large investments of time and money. Henry Kaiser refused to further participate in the project, and Howard Hughes was increasingly fond of the idea, making all the new proposals and improvements, which even more tightened the end of construction.

In 1942, this was an urgent, priority order for the US government. By 1944, priorities changed: due to changes in the situation on world fronts, the state of the state was missing. The government expects to cancel the construction contract. But Hughes's motivation by that time had already ceased to be rational: Rather, he was covered by the idea of \u200b\u200bconstructing an air cargo ship, superioring the most bold human fantasies.

Holding the entire global project in consciousness, Hughes did not miss the most imperceptible details: nothing but his personal eccentricity could not be able to explain the need for hours to sit for discussion of the dashboard design. Being a perfectionist by nature, he still could not decide to recognize the work perfect until finally such numerous delays did not attract the attention of the Senate: a committee was created to verify current work.

The construction of the aircraft was completed only in 1947: from the state budget of the United States to the project went a huge amount of $ 22 million. But this is not limited to this: due to insufficient financing, Howard Hughes spent on the project its own 18 million.

On November 2, 1947, "Hercules" was launched on the water and Howard Hughes and his small crew launched engines in test mode. Making several passes on the water, in front of the excited spectators, mostly journalists who observed the movements of the vessel, "Hercules" broke away from the surface of the Harbor Los Angeles, going to his first and last, unnecessary flight. Hughes himself was behind the steering wheel.

At a low height, just over 20 meters, the plane passed about two kilometers at a speed of about 120 km / h and made an ideal landing. This trial launch, perfect by Howard Hughes, despite the official ban to raise "Hercules" into the air, was designed to fight the critics of the project and prove that the most huge plane in the history of mankind is still able to fly. Many to this day consider this flight one of the greatest moments in the history of aviation.

Having completed its historical flight, "Spruce Goose" returned to his hangar - a gigantic, especially for him built the room - to never take off. At the request of Hughes, to his very death in 1976, the state of the aircraft was constantly maintained in full "combat readiness", including the engines were launched monthly.

Over the past 50 years, the aircraft has become one of America's favorite artifacts, going due to its actual uselessness from the world of military industry in the category of cultural objects. Today, his story is perceived as an example of unprecedented determination and self-sacrifice. Hughes H-4 Hercules became one of the symbols of the twentieth century.

Although in fact, "Hercules" Howard Hughes was not so useless. This plane, with all the imperfection, was ahead of his time for decades, became one of the steps of the technical revolution not only in aviation, but also in engineering in general. He demonstrated the potential capabilities of artificial aircraft, in many respects forming a modern understanding of the sale of flights.

After a long-term storage based on the Aeroclub in Southern California, next door to the Queen Mary's ocean liner, in 1992, the plane was transferred to Evergreen Aviation Museum - the Museum of the Educational Center in Oregon. To this day, he remains the largest from the man built by a person who rose into the air.

The most interesting thing is that his prototype has seen many of you. Of course, provided that you watched the film "Aviator", with Leonardo Dicaprio.

The creator of Hughes H-4 Hercules, named Howard Hughes (Howard Hughes), who led by Hughes Aircraft, became a prototype for the chief hero of the Avtortor's painting.

In the world there are aircraft longer, there is a lifting line, but the first flight in 1947 "Hercules" is still unsurpassed by wings (97.5 m), and only the newest A-380- were able to be compared to the tip of the kille 800.

Wooden plane - this is some of the house from the bar


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