A presentation on my impressions of the practice. Creative report on teaching practice. Presentation software

Students of our group had practical training (from 1 to 28 September) in two schools with in-depth study of the Spanish language: school No. 205 and No. 43. We conducted lessons in both elementary and high school.

Objectives of the practice: consolidation of the knowledge gained in the disciplines already passed, related to teaching activities; gaining experience in working with children under the guidance of a teacher at school;

During the practice, the following tasks were solved: consolidation and deepening of methodological knowledge, their application; formation and development of professional skills and abilities; development of professional personal properties and qualities (the ability to show restraint; tact; humane attitude; culture of communication, etc.); fostering sustainable interest, love for the profession; developing a creative and research approach to professional activity;

Academic work For all the time of practice, we actively helped teachers in their difficult work. During the practice, we conducted 20 substitution lessons. In our lessons, we actively applied the obtained theoretical knowledge in practice, tried to diversify the lessons, make them interesting and effective. For this we have resorted to the following actions ...

To increase the motivation for learning Spanish, we conducted the following extracurricular activitieslike: Quiz - Lecture about the Spanish holidays - lesson-talk about music Latin America -

After completing an internship at school, we gained experience in teaching in educational institution... This was facilitated by the knowledge gained at the University. For the passage of teaching practice were organized the necessary conditions... During the practice, we learned to draw up a work plan for the upcoming lesson, rationally allocate time, use techniques for changing types of activities during the lesson in order to keep the attention of students, reduce their fatigue, and communicate with the audience.

History: School No. 17 was opened in 1920 as primary School and was located in a one-story wooden building on the street. Petrovsky, 13. In 1941 it was reorganized into a seven-year and was located in a two-story wooden building at st. Ostrovsky, 1. In 1995, the school received the status of a secondary school. - The new school building was commissioned in 2002. it was built according to a standard design, it has central heating, fluorescent lighting, cold and hot water supply, sewerage system, an assembly hall, equipped classrooms for all subjects of the curriculum. The library has in its collection 17.674 copies of books, including 9962 textbooks, 7712 fiction.

Slide 3: School Director

In October 2011, Lena Petrovna Afonskaya, Excellent Worker of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), teacher-methodologist of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Honorary Worker was appointed director of the school general education RF, holder of the President's Grant "The best teacher-researcher", Winner of the professional prize "Crystal Globe"

Slide 4: Teaching staff

In 2016-2017 academic year 79 employees work in the school, administration - 9, accountants - 2, teachers - 61, UVP - 6, specialists - 3 In addition, 4 part-time workers, 13 - technical workers, 3 teachers sit on childcare, 1 teacher on long leave total: 79 workers (12 men and 67 women). Age of teaching staff: up to 25 years old - 5 people (7.1%); 25-35 years old - 16 people (19.4%); 35-50 years old - 29 people (38.8%); over 50 years -29 people (34.7%). Pensioners 32 people.

Slide 5: Teachers of English

Shagdar Aitalina Nikolaevna Teacher of English language Higher education, Irkutsk 1998. ABC 0639259 (in English and French) Stepanova Maria Nikolaevna Teacher of English. Language Higher YSU, 2004 VSB 0328449 (taught in Russian, lit., foreign philologist (in English) Ekaterina Dmitrievna Pshennikova (Ex. Sample RS (Y), 1999, Honorary Worker Obr. RF, 2009, "Methodist of Yakutia", 2015) Academic English Higher, YSU, 1976 P 450279 (learned English) Okhlopkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna Teacher of English language SGPA, 2008 Teacher of English Eremeeva Angelika Anatolyevna Teacher of English Higher, Mirninsky Polytechnic Institute, 2011 Alekseeva Avgustina Stepanovna Teacher of English language Higher, FGBOU VPO “Ross.gos. Univer. tourism and service "branch of Moscow, 2012, special in service and tourism, NEFU, retraining, teacher of foreign languages, 2016. Yakovleva Varvara Vasilievna Deputy Director for BP English Teacher Higher, NEFU, 2011, BCA 0630293 (Japanese)

Slide 6: Plan Grid

09/13/18 09/14/18 09/20/18 27/09/18 09/28/18 8c 8c 8c 8c 8c Introducing the teacher, observing the lesson and the class Observing the lesson and the class Extracurricular event about my internship in China Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous Lesson a game of repetition of the present tense

Slide 7

Textbook English language grade 8 Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, V. Evans (2012)

Slide 8: Outline of 2 credit lessons

lesson outline 1. docx lesson outline 2. docx

Slide 9: Extracurricular Activity

Since my class was weak in English and few people were interested in learning a foreign language, I decided to show the children a presentation about my study internship in China at an extracurricular event. Thus, I wanted to give them an incentive to study foreign language and study well, and also show by example that their efforts will not be wasted. I think I managed to motivate them, judging by their excited eyes and the questions at the end of my speech. As I watched the class in the early days of practice in English lessons, I realized that the class was lacking in motivation. And after the extra-curricular activity, when I was already conducting the lessons myself, the class participated actively and with enthusiasm in the lesson process.


Slide 10: Self-analysis of pedagogical practice

In my opinion, this pedagogical practice has consolidated my initial teaching skills. Compared to the first active practice in the third year, great progress is expressed. This manifests itself both in my speech (less excitement and more self-confidence) and in my teaching knowledge (teaching methods, etc.). During the practice, there were no significant problems, except for timing. At the beginning it was difficult to find a middle ground (at first I finished the lesson too early, then did not have time to teach the lesson with the prepared material), but I quickly got used to it. In general, this happens in every practice. I would like to note that in general education schools, not all children are inclined to learn, and even more motivated to learn a foreign language, and in modern world without it, and nowhere. And I believe that if the teacher approaches his work with enthusiasm, then the children will become interested in the subject and its study.

IV course

- to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students at the university and
teach to apply this knowledge in practice in teaching and educational work with
- equip students with the ability to observe and analyze teaching and educational
work at school;
- to teach to plan all teaching and educational work at school;
- to teach students to conduct work on the study of the personality of individual students and
cool teams;
- to prepare students for conducting lessons of various types using
varied methods
and technical meansproviding a solution
educational and educational tasks;
- to teach students to conduct extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities;
- to teach students to perform the functions of a class teacher, to work with
groups of schoolchildren, to carry out individual educational work with
- develop students' interest in research work;
- to instill in students the skills of an attentive attitude to protecting the health of schoolchildren.

1) familiarization with the school, conversations with the director of the school, his deputy,
organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
2) study of the class in which the student will undergo pedagogical
practice, familiarization with the work of teachers and class teachers;
3) familiarization with school documentation (class magazine, personal
cases and medical records of students);
4) attendance at lessons of all teachers in the assigned class;
5) attending lessons of teachers in their specialty in other classes and
participation in their analysis;
6) visit extracurricular activities and participation in their analysis;
7) preparing and conducting lessons of various types using
various methods and technical means of teaching;
8) the use of various forms of organizing training sessions;
9) organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the classroom plan
head for this academic quarter: conducting interviews, classroom
meetings, excursions, discussion of a movie, work with class members;

10) leadership of the subject circle at school, participation in the organization
a thematic event in their specialty;
11) carrying out individual educational work with students;
12) conducting extracurricular activities on the subject;
13) performing all the functions of a teacher and class teacher in that class,
to which the student is attached;
14) study and analysis of the work experience of the teacher and his comrades;
15) based on their lessons, the lessons of trainees and teachers, do
conclusions about the level of their organization and ways of improvement;
16) work with the class asset, assistance in work planning, preparation and
holding events;
17) participation in general school educational activities;
18) completing an assignment in psychology: studying the classroom and
the student's personality through psychological and pedagogical diagnostics;
drawing up
psychological and pedagogical
team of students;
19) completing an assignment in computer science.

- a detailed summary of one credit lesson in mathematics
visual aids and handouts prepared for it;
-methodical analysis of a mathematics lesson;
-report on the work done in any form.

Approximate diagram of a pedagogical diary

Student _______________________ course __________________ faculty
(Full Name)
Pedagogical practice is conducted in _______ class high school
No. _______ of the city _______________ in the 2007/08 academic year.
Practice group leader ____________________________________
Methodist in Mathematics ____________________________________________
Informatics Methodist ___________________________________________
Psychology Methodist ____________________________________________
Head teacher ___________________________________________________
Deputy Director for teaching and educational work _______________
Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities _______________________
Mathematic teacher _______________________________________________
IT-teacher _____________________________________________
Classroom teacher ____________________________________________
School address _____________________________________________________

List of class students
Progress in the II quarter
Item No.
Surname, name,
Russian. lang.
Bel. lang.

in circles,
Community commissions
Schedule of lessons in the attached class
Item No.
Math teacher lesson schedule
Item No.
Student lesson schedule
Item No.

Student lesson schedule

the date
Lesson type
Lesson topic
Student credit schedule

the date
Lesson topic
Call schedule
1st lesson
2nd lesson
Seating students in the classroom
3rd lesson
4th lesson
5th lesson
6th lesson
1st row
(surname, name)

2nd row
(surname, name)
3rd row
(surname, name)

An approximate scheme of an individual student plan

Approximate scheme individual plan trainee
I approve
Practice group leader
"_____" ___________ 2011
The plan of educational work for the period of teaching practice
from "___ 28 __" __ February 2011 to "_23 ____" __ April __________ 2011
student _______________ course of the Faculty of Mathematics, BSPUim. M.Tanka
(Full Name)
in ______________________ class ___________________________________ school
(number, name, school address)
The content of the work
Mark about
1. Getting to know the school and class in the first week of practice
2. Teaching and educational work on the subject
3. Working as a homeroom teacher
4. Methodical work
Trainee's signature

Work plan of the class teacher in the assigned class for the period of practice

Next are the student's daily records of his
work during practice:
a) getting to know the school, observing the class,
individual students in class, change, during
time of extracurricular activities, at home;
b) conversations with students, parents, teachers;
c) analysis of lessons and extracurricular activities conducted
teacher, class teacher, trainees,
analysis of lessons and extracurricular activities,
conducted by a trainee.
For everyday recordings, it is advisable to divide
each sheet of the notebook into two parts. In the first part
reflect the progress of a lesson or extracurricular activity,
everyday educational and organizational
work with students. In the second part, write
comments during the lesson or extracurricular activity,
ongoing daily work.

Sample form of records

the date
Topic, purpose and course of the lesson
or extracurricular
student work

Sample report layout

Report on teaching practice
5th year student of the Faculty of Mathematics
(Full Name)
Pedagogical practice was held at school number ___ of the city of Minsk
in the period from February 28, 2011 to April 23, 2011.
1. Implementation of the plan of teaching practice. What deviations from it took place, what was not fulfilled, why, what
done outside of the plan.
2. The number of lessons conducted, including lessons of assimilation of new knowledge, lessons of consolidation of knowledge,
combined lessons, excursions. What type of lessons caused the greatest difficulty.
3. Extracurricular activities carried out on the subject: circle classes, thematic evening, quiz, etc. Their brief
4. What is the main educational task solved during the period of practice. Extracurricular educational
activities (theme, content, educational effectiveness).
5. Individual work with students. Its results.
6. Assessment of personal skills and abilities acquired by the end of teaching practice. How much does the trainee handle
the following activities:
A) Drawing up a lesson outline;
B) Selection of literature necessary for the lesson, visual aids;
C) Rational selection of methods and techniques of teaching in the classroom;
D) Keeping a current record of knowledge;
E) Checking homework;
F) Solving problems and performing other exercises in the subject;
G) Review and evaluation of written works;
H) Maintaining the attention of students in the lesson and enhancing their activities;
I) The ability to put forward before the students a goal, a perspective of a collective cause,
based on current
educational tasks;
K) The ability to determine, in accordance with the goal, the means and methods of its
L) Ability to rely on the initiative and independence of students;
7. Comments and suggestions for practice. Signature.

- the development of the speech of schoolchildren, its enrichment with mathematical terms,
formulations of theorems, laws;
- development of memory;
- development of thinking (in particular, logical thinking, reasoning skills,
argue their judgments, prove);
- development math skills schoolchildren;
- development of the spatial imagination of students;
- the formation of skills to apply the knowledge gained to real things (such
the formulation is possible when included in the lesson tasks with practical and
professionally significant content);
- stimulating interest in the school mathematics course (solution
the set task involves the use of teaching methods such as
cognitive game, entertainment situation, analysis of life situations,
encouragement; preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons; implementation
the principle of historicism in the content of mathematical material; creature
situations of academic success; use of technical means).

- the formation of a culture of oral and written speech of students;
- equipping students with the skills and abilities of the culture of educational work,
rational use of time, scientific organization of the lesson and
extracurricular activities (this task is solved in a complex, in addition, each
of the listed aspects may be the task of a specific math lesson);
- development of the aesthetic views of students;
- the formation of discipline in schoolchildren, exactingness to
yourself, a responsible attitude to learning;
- orientation of students to the organization of self-education based on
common human values, national culture and traditions (task
it is advisable to concretize for the system of lessons, guided by
the content of the material, the needs and characteristics of schoolchildren,
implementation of the potentials inherent in the very process of organizing educational -
educational activities of schoolchildren and the teacher's capabilities).

1. Read the section of the curriculum to be studied.
2. Study in depth the material of this section, topics, focusing on its
educational, developmental and educational value.
3. Formulate the purpose of the lesson in terms of what you would like to achieve at
4. Mentally imagine the team of the class, specific students. Try
make the content of the material accessible, stimulating interest in the subject.
5. Outline the path to solving the formulated tasks. Choose teaching methods.
6. Do not forget about the developmental and educational aspects of tasks in the process of everything
lesson. Consider methods of controlling your activities for this.
7. Measure the chosen methods, techniques with their capabilities.
8. Think over the structure and make an outline - lesson outline.
9. Repeat to yourself and out loud the content of the material, the elements of the plan.
10. Prepare visual and tutorials... Check the serviceability of the TCO.
11. Set yourself up to have a joyful lesson, making sure the children are willing to leave.
from the lesson with the acquired knowledge and desires to come to the next lesson.
12. After the lesson, analyze its effectiveness: what was possible
to complete, what failed and why, what changes are desirable to introduce, what
tasks to be solved in the next lesson from the standpoint of efficiency
lesson learned?

Geometry, grade 9
Topic: "Area of \u200b\u200ba triangle"
Lesson objectives: to continue working on the formation of mathematical concepts, the development of speech
logical thinking of students, the formation of a culture of educational work.
Equipment: drawing tools, crayons, overhead projector.
Area of \u200b\u200ba triangle
Cl. R.
Item 124, problems 15, 16.
Repeat item 57 (theorem

Lesson structure:
Organizational moment (1 min).
Checking homework and reinforcing the passed (15 min).
Explanation of the new material (12 min).
Fastening (15 min).
Summing up the lesson and homework (2 minutes).
Lesson content:
Organizational moment.
"Hello, sit down, get ready for a frontal survey."
2. Checking homework and consolidating the passed.
“Give answers to the following questions: (questions are reproduced on a screen with
using the overhead projector)
What is called the area of \u200b\u200ba simple figure?
What are the formulas by which the area of \u200b\u200ba parallelogram is determined?
How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba rhombus? "
(Students answer questions).
“For today's lesson, you had an interesting homework assignment involving
derivation of the formula for the area of \u200b\u200ba rhombus as half of the product of its diagonals.
I ask you to suggest your conclusion of the formula ... "
(Individual survey at the blackboard.)

"While the derivation of the formula is being prepared, we will solve the problems orally, the text of which is presented on the screen."
Objective 1.
ABCD - parallelogram, AB \u003d 4cm, BC \u003d 6cm, h \u003d 5cm.
To find:
The teacher starts working with the text of the problem next plan: gets the answers suggested
students (they may give the wrong answer, not paying attention to the fact that VM is not equal to 5 cm.)
To lead the children to the correct solution, the teacher asks the question: “How many solutions does this
task? "," Can VM be 5 cm? "
Students are encouraged to justify their answers.
Proposed answer: The problem has one solution, since the VM<ВА. (Если к прямой из одной точки
a perpendicular and an oblique are drawn, then any oblique is greater than the perpendicular.)
SABCD \u003d DC * BK \u003d 20 (cm2).
The text of the problem is shown 2.
Objective 2.
ABCD - parallelogram, angle A is 600,
AM is the bisector of angle A,
VM \u003d 3cm, MS \u003d 9cm.
Find: SABCD.
Students solve the problem orally. If difficulties arise, it is advisable to formulate
the following questions (in order to develop thinking and speech):
"What elements of a parallelogram do you know, what can you find?"

The following student's answer is assumed: in the parallelogram ABCD angle A is known, it is easy to find
side BC, equal to BM + MS: BC \u003d 12cm. Since opposite sides in a parallelogram are equal, then
AD \u003d BC \u003d 12cm. The AB side can be found from the ABM triangle, in which the ABM angle is 1200, since in
parallelogram, the sum of the angles adjacent to one side is 1800, and the angle A is 600. Angle BAM
equals 300, since AM is the bisector of angle A. Then the angle ABM is 300 and the triangle ABM
isosceles. Hence, AB \u003d 3cm. Then
SABCD \u003d AB * ADsinА \u003d 3 * 12sin600 \u003d 18 3
Task 3.
One of the corners of the rhombus is 600. The smaller diagonal is a. Find the area of \u200b\u200ba rhombus.
(Students decide on their own, after which they check the answers. If the problem has caused difficulty, then
the solution is analyzed.)
"Now let's look at the derivation of the formula for the area of \u200b\u200ba rhombus as half the product of diagonals."
1st method.
Let's complete triangle DCB to a parallelogram.
Triangle DBC \u003d DBA \u003d CKB on three sides. Then
SDBKC \u003d DB * CO \u003d DB * 1/2 * CA \u003d 1 / 2DB * CA.
SDCBA \u003d 1 / 2d1d2.
"Who solved the problem in a different way?"
2nd method.
Let's complete triangle DOA to a rectangle.
SABCD \u003d 4 * SAOD \u003d 1 / 2d1d2.
3. Explanation of the new material.
"Open your notebooks, write down the date,
BD perpendicular to AC,
BD \u003d h, AC \u003d b.
Find: SABC.
triangle. ”Draw

"What is the formula for calculating SABC?" Who guessed?
“Prove that SABC \u003d 1 / 2AC * BD.
Evidence. Let's finish the ABC triangle to the ABKS parallelogram. Triangles ABC and SCB are equal
(according to the third criterion.) SABC \u003d 1 / 2SABKC \u003d 1 / 2b * h.
We have proved the theorem that the area of \u200b\u200ba triangle is half the product of the side
triangle to the height, lowered to this side. "
(Students repeat the wording.)
“Prove another theorem about calculating the area of \u200b\u200ba triangle.
The area of \u200b\u200ba triangle is half the product of any two sides by the sine of the angle between them:
SABC \u003d 1 / 2absinQ.
How many cases do you need to consider to prove the theorem?
What can be the angle Q? (Three possible cases are considered below.) "
4. Securing new material.
"We solve problems using these formulas."
Task 1. Draw an arbitrary triangle. Draw a straight line through vertex B so that it
split the triangle into two equal triangles.
Objective 2.
Given a parallelogram. Draw its diagonals and compare the areas of the resulting triangles.
Problem number 17 (from a school textbook.)
Given: Triangle ABC, AB \u003d AC, AC \u003d 120m, AB \u003d 100m.
Find: Area of \u200b\u200btriangle ABC.
5. Summing up the lesson, homework and assessment of knowledge.
“So, today in the lesson we have consolidated such mathematical concepts as area and equal area
figures, repeated the area formulas, derived a new formula for the area of \u200b\u200ba rhombus, for the area
Homework: p. 124, problems 15, 16. Repeat p. 57 (Thales's theorem).
Grades for the lesson ... "
The teacher comments on the grades and puts them in the journal.
“The lesson is over. Goodbye!"

Algebra, grade 8
Topic: "Factoring using the formula (a b) a 2ab b"
Tasks: to generalize and systematize the students' knowledge on the application of the formula;
develop skills of independent work; continue work on
the formation of a culture of oral and written speech of schoolchildren.
Lesson type: a lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge, abilities and skills of students.
Equipment: record player, board, textbook "Algebra - 7" / Under. Ed.
S. A. Telyakovsky. - M .: Education, 1989.
Board decoration:
(a + b) 2 \u003d a2 + 2ab + b2.
(a-b) 2 \u003d a2-2ab + b2.
(y-4) 2 \u003d y2-8y + 16
Factoring with
using the formula (a b) a 2ab b
Cl. R.
P.31, 32
№908, 879, 1035
(a b) a 2ab b

Lesson structure:
1) Organizational moment (1 min)
2) Setting the goal of the lesson (2 min)
3) Actualization of basic knowledge (8 min)
4) Exercises for the practical use of formulas (20
(a min)
b) a 2ab b
5) Summing up the work in the lesson (2 min)
6) Independent work (10 min)
7) Assignment at home (2 min)

Structural elements of the lesson
Organizing time
Lesson goal setting
Updating the reference
Hello guys!
Sit down.
Today in the lesson we will remember everything
what do we know about the abbreviated formulas
multiplication, consolidate skills and
skills in applying these formulas
when solving examples. At the end
lesson, you write a small
independent work.
Frontal poll.
1) What are the abbreviated formulas
do you know multiplication?
2) Why
we apply these
3) What is the square of the sum of two
4) What is the square of the difference of two
5) What kind of polynomials are we
can factor with
using the abbreviated formulas
Write down
polynomials on the board.
Listen carefully.
The students answer.
1) Formulas for the square of the sum and
the difference between the two expressions.
2) To square the sum
and the difference of two expressions, for
3) Orally pronounced:
(a + b) 2 \u003d a2 + 2ab + b2.
4) Orally pronounced:
(a-b) 2 \u003d a2-2ab + b2.
5) Goes to the board and writes down
a2 + 2ab + b2,
a2-2ab + b2.

reinforcement of skills to apply
the square of the difference between the two expressions:
standard view
(y-4) 2 \u003d
(7x + a) 2 \u003d
(3a + 4) 2 \u003d
(2x-b) 2 \u003d
B) Factor out:
25x2-10xy + y2 \u003d
c2 + 4cb + 4b2 \u003d
4x2 + 12x + 9 \u003d
1-u2-2y \u003d
4. Practical exercises
abbreviated multiplication.
No. 1. Calculate (without using
a) 1012 \u003d
b) 5012 \u003d
Conditions a), b) are written on the board before
Are presented
consistently orally
The teacher controls the frontal
Performs oral
exercise, mentally checks
its willingness to justify
actions performed. On call
teacher gives reasoning out loud.
(y-4) 2 \u003d y2-8y + 16
(7x + a) 2 \u003d 49x2 + 14ax + a2
(3a + 4) 2 \u003d 9a2 + 24a + 16
(2x-b) 2 \u003d 4x2-4xb + b2.
25x2-10xy + y2 \u003d (5x-y) 2
c2 + 4cb + 4b2 \u003d (c + 2b) 2
4x2 + 12x + 9 \u003d (2x + 3) 2
1-u2-2y \u003d (catch)
Creates a problematic situation in
students to the solution: “Try
apply abbreviated formulas
multiplication. To do this, imagine
number 101 as a sum or
differences of some numbers, but
such that it would be convenient later
calculate their squares and doubled
composition. "
a) 1012 \u003d (100 + 1) 2 \u003d 1002 + 2 * 100 * 1 + 12 \u003d
= 10000+200+1=10201;
b) 5012 \u003d (500 + 1) 2 \u003d 5002 + 2 * 500 * 1 + 12 \u003d

c) 992 \u003d
# 2. Solve the equations:
If necessary, he explains: “For
solutions to the equation transform
(simplify) the left and right sides ”.
a) 12- (4-x) 2 \u003d x (3-x)
b) (2-x) 2-x (x + 1.5) \u003d 4
5. Summing up.
(verification character).
Requirements for assignments for 1 and 2
options are the same.
What kind
do we know multiplication?
But this is our acquaintance with
the multiplication does not end. On
let's get to know some more of
Now, to check how you are
learned these formulas, we will write
Includes a player.
c) 992 \u003d (100-1) 2 \u003d 1002-2 * 100 * 1 + 12 \u003d
= 10000-200+1=9801;
Carries out actions in steps,
speaking the “rules” out loud.
a) 12- (4-x) 2 \u003d x (3-x)
12- (16-8x + x2) \u003d 3x-x2
8x-x2 + x2-3x \u003d 16-12
5x \u003d 4
x \u003d 0.8;
b) (2-x) -x (x + 1.5) \u003d 4
4-4x + x2-x2-1.5x \u003d 4
-5.5x \u003d 4-4
-5.5x \u003d 0
x \u003d 0;
the square of the difference between the two expressions.

Option 1
Represent as a polynomial
standard view:
(2x + y) 2 \u003d 4x2 + 4xy + y2;
(2a-7b2) 2 \u003d 4a2-28ab + 49b4.
Find the unknown term:
25x2 + 9y2- *, * \u003d 30xy.
36x2 + 36xy + *, * \u003d 9y2.
49x2-14xy + y2 \u003d (7x-y) 2.
Option 2
(3a + b) \u003d 9a + 6ab + b2;
(3x2-5y) 2 \u003d 9x4-30x2y + 25y2;
49a2-28ax + *, * \u003d 4x2;
9x2 + 25y2- *, * \u003d 30xy;
A2-10ab + 25b2 \u003d (a-5b) 2;
P. 31, 32
№ 908, 879, 1035.
Moving around the classroom
checks correctness
answers and grades.
Write math
dictation. Reads assignments
an announcer whose voice
recorded on tape.
In pupils' notebooks
At the end of the dictation
invites students
some of the answers
Dictates homework.

Pedagogical practice Psychology - pedagogical practice of first-year students The purpose of the practice: Students' awareness of the social significance of the teacher's activities and its influence on the formation of the student's personality. Practice objectives: Familiarization with the pedagogical process of various types of schools in the city of Petropavlovsk and the region. Mastering the basics of educational and research methods used to study schoolchildren (observation, conversation, questioning, etc.). Participation in teaching and educational work in the classroom.

Pedagogical practice Teaching and educational practice of second-year students Purpose of the practice: Observing the integral pedagogical process in the classroom, mastering the skills of its diagnosis and analysis Practice objectives: Studying and understanding the state of the pedagogical process in the classroom Participation in the current educational work of the class.

Pedagogical practice Educational and industrial pedagogical practice of third-year students The purpose of the practice: Checking the quality of assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge, evaluating the results of pedagogical practice to adjust the subsequent professional training of students. Practice objectives: Formation of systemic management of an integral pedagogical process Formation of professional and pedagogical skills of a subject teacher.

Pedagogical practice State pedagogical practice of fourth-year students The purpose of the practice: Preparing students for the holistic performance of the functions of a subject teacher and a classroom teacher. Practice objectives: Development of professional and pedagogical skills. Formation of a creative research approach to pedagogical activity Development of self-awareness and self-assessment of readiness to manage the pedagogical process, personal qualities

Staffing of practices: Department The number of teaching staff, providing practices) Prof .... Assoc.Prof. Cand. Sci. teacher teacher Assist Total pedagogical educational production 112 undergraduate

Form of holding the initial and final conferences: The head of the practice conducts an orientation conference, where he acquaints students with the purpose and objectives, the basis for the practice, the recommended literature, the procedure for preparing and submitting the report. Before starting the practice, the head of the practice and the engineer on safety of the university introduces the rights and obligations of the trainees, safety precautions. For a successful, high-quality practice, students are provided with educational and methodological material, direction, program and practice diary. Installation conferences are held on the first day of practice with the participation of the head of the Department of Geography and Ecology, heads of the practice of the EMC and the department, students undergoing practice.

Final conferences on internships are held the next week after internships are completed. Since the training field practices end in August, the final conferences on them are held at the beginning of the next academic year. An internship program is drawn up and approved, which is drawn up in the form of a booklet. Program booklets and invitations are distributed to students, practice leaders, methodologists, as well as junior students who are going to undergo this type of practice in the next academic year. Final conferences are held in the form of scientific conferences, where each group presents the studied material in the form of a scientific report, message or presentation. The presented material is discussed by the conference participants. An exhibition of reports, field diaries, photographs, newspapers is held.

Setting conferences on pedagogical practices are held in a traditional manner. Students get acquainted with the distribution of schools and methodologists in subjects and pedagogy. The senior methodologist introduces the purpose, objectives and content of practices, with the preparation of reporting documentation. Students are given creative teaching methodology assignments that they must complete in their schools. At the final conference, group reports of students on the schools in which they had internships are heard. Students make a report on the performance of creative assignments. Exhibitions of teaching materials created by students during practice are organized.

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Presentation on the topic: Teaching practice

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1 week Acquaintance with the specifics of the educational institution Study of the class. Drawing up a preliminary psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class Acquaintance with the system of work of subject teachers. Drawing up lesson plans for the subject Acquaintance with the plans of the school, the class teacher. Planning educational work with the class Acquaintance and start of work with the course "Pedagogical practice 4 courses" Pedagogical practice

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Pedagogical practice 2-6 weeks Performing the main activities of a subject teacher, class teacher in accordance with the practice program Working with materials, completing assignments within the course "Pedagogical practice 4 courses" Consulting, communication with practice leaders, methodologists, classmates using e-mail and other means of communication 7 week Completion of practice, reflection Preparation for the final conference on pedagogical practice (creative task)

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The purpose and objectives of the practice in pedagogy PURPOSE: to work out a systematic approach in the design and conduct of extracurricular educational work with the class. Objectives: Familiarization with the current state, innovations of the school pedagogical system. Ensuring the relationship of psychological, pedagogical, special and professional skills, students' skills: Ability to use diagnostic techniques (conversation, observation, questionnaire, testing, etc.) to study interpersonal relationships and individual characteristics of students; Ability to set, formulate and implement educational tasks in working with children; Ability to communicate, establish a style of relationship with fellow students, teachers and students based on mutual understanding, respect and trust and responsibility; Ability to analyze the information received with a forecast for development and correction; the ability to carry out adequate introspection and self-assessment.

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Practice content Selection of pedagogical situations and their solutions during the period of pedagogical practice Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class, analysis of educational work Planning educational work in the class Conducting a key (backbone) extracurricular activity Implementation of a social project, social action within the community school (as a backbone educational event) Reflection on practice results

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Weeks Objectives 1 1. "Business card of the school" (mission, innovations) 2. Acquaintance and diagnosis of students and class staff. Identifying the level of discipline in the classroom / school. 3. Analysis of the educational process in the classroom. Methods: observation, conversation with the class teacher, study of documentation (journal, diaries, etc.), etc. 2 1. Drawing up a preliminary description of the class 2. Planning (together with the class teacher) educational work with the class for the period of practice 3. Planning implementation of a key educational event - a social project, a social action within the community school 3-4 1. Selection of pedagogical situations and their solutions / portrait of a master teacher 2. Justification and organization of a key (backbone) educational event 5-6 1. Analysis of educational activities 2. Summing up the practice and reflection. Practice content

Slide No. 8

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Report on pedagogy "Business card of the school" (mission, innovative activity of the school) Selection of pedagogical situations and their solutions during the period of pedagogical practice or "Teacher close-up. Master Teacher Presentation "; Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class (see method. Recommendations); The plan of educational work with the class for the period of teaching practice (see method. Recommendations); Plan (booklet) for the implementation of a social project, social action within the community school; Report on the justification and implementation of a systemic extracurricular activity (see method. Recommendations); Practice results and reflection.

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