Redemption of musical instruments. Purchase of musical instruments. Return musical instruments to a thrift store

Music is an integral part of every person's life. Families keep a guitar at home for emotional gatherings with friends, buy a piano or violin for additional education growing children. For the sake of the child's all-round development, parents choose a course in a specialized school that requires the purchase of equipment of various kinds: brass, keyboard, string, you can even master the button accordion. Talented active teenagers become members of groups, and parents spend money on buying a guitar, drum kit, synthesizer, microphones, and acoustic systems. Hobbies pass, the equipment gathers dust, fails. Wait to throw away your favorite equipment or give it to a random buyer for a pittance: our thrift store buys used musical instruments on convenient terms.

How to sell a musical instrument profitably and urgently

If you have already been looking for a solvent buyer, then you probably know how difficult it is to get a good price for the sale of faulty, used, rare items. Why delve into the specifics of self-seeking a client? An ad can hang for months on the Internet sites, and you will not receive an adequate offer by spending on promotion cash or priceless time. Implementing an old unit, like a gramophone or record player, speakers, tape recorder, is no less tedious. The conditions for buying up pawnshops leave much to be desired. Pawnshops are more willing to buy fur coats, gold, household electrical appliances in order to make money faster from resale. The assortment is very limited, so do not waste time on calling such organizations.

We suggest you return your musical instrument to a modern thrift store. The advantages of contacting us:

  • Preliminary remote evaluation according to your description, product photos;
  • A professional appraiser is always ready to visit the client's address;
  • The services are free: check-out, pick-up, cost calculation, diagnostics;
  • Bring it yourself - we will buy it on the same day.

The cost is based on the results of the analysis of offers of a similar product on the market, the condition of the equipment / product, configuration, functionality, service life, the ability to disassemble for parts. Prepare detailed information for the most correct assessment, bring the model into a conditioned form.

The secondary market for musical instruments, and in particular guitars and electric guitars, is rather narrow and specific, and therefore you can spend months looking for a buyer for the instrument you want to sell. And during this time, you will surely come across potential buyers who will offer to sell them your guitar for mere pennies. Our company is professionally engaged in the urgent purchase of musical instruments. We are ready to redeem a guitar or an electric guitar on the same day. The tool will be appreciated by a specialist and we are sure that you will get a decent and adequate price for it.

We buy guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars from the following manufacturers: Warwick, Mesa, LTD, Markbas, Ibanez, Framus, Gibson, Ampeg, ESP, Marshall, Yamaha, Fender, Music Man, Aguilar. We also buy guitars and guitar equipment from other manufacturers. Please contact us and we will definitely agree.

When buying an electric guitar or guitar, many factors are taken into account - the manufacturer, model, safety of the instrument. It is important to have a document confirming the purchase. Please contact us and we will urgently redeem a guitar or an electric guitar at the address: Kaluga, st. Berendyakovskaya, 24

Even now, in the era of digital audio triumph, many people continue to listen to music on records. There are many reasons for this: a kind of retro aesthetics, trademark rustle and crackle, nostalgia ...

Of particular interest is the technique for playing records - gramophones and gramophones. The Artpriced company carries out the purchase of old gramophones by good prices... We provide free appraisal services. The visit of a specialist to your address is possible.

What is a gramophone and a gramophone

The first gramophone was created at the end of the 19th century. The design gradually improved, and by the beginning of the 20th century there were famous American models with great sound. In the USSR, such equipment began to be produced in 1907.

What is the difference between a gramophone and a gramophone? The gramophone was invented by the Pathé brothers. Sound recording in it is carried out in a deep way. A sapphire needle is used for reproduction, which moves from the center to the edge. Records from a gramophone are incompatible with gramophones, and vice versa.

There are also so-called "Soviet gramophones". They are almost indistinguishable from gramophones - only the size is smaller, there is a carrying handle, and the horn is built into the body.

Do you have an antique gramophone or gramophone? Artpriced specialists will carefully examine its condition and give the highest possible price. We carry out the purchase of antique gramophones in the regions of Russia. The appraisal and sale process is carried out in a short time. We guarantee really favorable conditions.

Even the highest quality and most modern musical equipment will sooner or later become outdated, fail and lose its former relevance. If you decide to buy new tools, but there is not enough money for them, we recommend starting a mutually beneficial cooperation with our pawnshop "site".

At any time that is most convenient for you, call the staff of our center and notify the manager of your desire to order the purchase of musical instruments for a certain date. Our thrift store is largest enterprise not only in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region, which redeems expensive musical, as well as sound and light equipment with instant cash settlement.

Already today in the pawnshop "site" it is possible to hand over and sell at a high price a branded work, used, as well as new musical equipment and instruments at a high price. For quality instruments, namely acoustic guitars, including classical guitars, dreadnoughts, electric guitars from Stratocaster, Les Paul, as well as drum kits, you will receive up to 80 percent of market value products.

Redemption of muses instruments

Exact sum monetary compensation depends on a significant number of factors, namely the type of tools, manufacturer, year of manufacture, model, power, as well as the degree of wear. We have a free evaluation of the tool for sale. Just bring it to our pawnshop and you can count on the payment of money within a couple of tens of minutes.

Company employees provide only quality services on the purchase of muses of instruments (old used), because we value the accumulated reputation and will never lose it. At the moment, tens of thousands of clients are actively cooperating with our company and enjoy certain additional preferences.

Return musical instruments to a thrift store

If you have any questions, it is as easy as shelling pears to get professional advice in the field of buying and selling musical instruments in Moscow. Contact us at any time by phone or e-mail with representatives of the pawnshop "site" and they will be happy to provide any information related to the procedure for the provision of services. Do not look for alternative offers in Avito and the Iz Ruk v Ruki newspaper, because our terms of cooperation are distinguished by the maximum benefit!

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  7. Consent is valid upon achievement of the processing goals or in case of loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
  8. Consent can be withdrawn by me at any time on the basis of my written statement.
  • The final purchase price of the goods may change during its detailed examination, we do not make an accurate estimate by phone or other types of remote communication. Keep this in mind.
  • Dear customers, some categories of buying goods require a significant reduction in value to increase liquidity.
  • Please note that the application may not be called to attention without giving a reason.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use obscene language in text dialogues, e-mail and calls. Such requests will be ignored and added to the black list.
  • Reply to the application only in work time and only if we are interested in the redemption, there is no need to re-send the application!


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